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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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English Lexicology Test Book. Ïðàêòè÷åñêèé êóðñ àíãëèéñêîé ëåêñèêîëîãèè. ×àñòü I
English Lexicology Test Book. Ïðàêòè÷åñêèé êóðñ àíãëèéñêîé ëåêñèêîëîãèè. ×àñòü I

Àâòîð: Ë. È. Øâûäêàÿ

Öåíà: 550 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-9765-2027-1



Àâòîð: Carla Cassidy

Test Subject: Jared Maddox Ability: Mental telepathy Weakness: Willa Tyler, the only person he was able to communicate with while in a coma. From the moment he came out of a coma, Jared Maddox knew his whereabouts had been compromised and that only one person could help him escape: trauma nurse Willa Tyler.Although he was reluctant to put Willa's life in danger, she refused to abandon him, insisting she help him reconnect with his mysterious past. . . and his identical twin. Using the abilities some saw as a gift, Jared sensed the moment they closed in on the truth. And the moment he started considering a future with the strong and beautiful woman who'd faithfully stood by his side. But was her healing touch enough to weather what they uncovered deep in the mountains?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472058515


Enredado Con La Ladrona
Enredado Con La Ladrona

Àâòîð: Kate Rudolph

Se supon?a que ser?a un trabajo sencillo. Entrar, robar la gema y salir. Pero todo se fue al infierno y ahora Mel est? sin su pago y en la mira de un le?n alfa enojado. A Luke no le va nada mejor. Su hermana est? en problemas, la Esmeralda Escarlata ha desaparecido y Mel est? de regreso, dispuesta a enfrentarse a ?l de nuevo. Pero para curar a su hermana, Luke har? lo impensable. Le pedir? a Mel su ayuda para salvar la vida de Cassie. Y pronto, la atracci?n se eleva entre ellos, enredando sus vidas m?s de lo que jam?s estuvieron dispuestos. “Robo al Alfa” es una serie de tres partes protagonizada por Mel, una extraordinaria ladrona y mujer leopardo, y Luke Torres, un hombre le?n alfa. Acomp??elos mientras realizan atracos, luchan contra vampiros, se encuentran con brujas, aprenden a confiar y se enamoran.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835426691


Enrique IX
Enrique IX

Àâòîð: Charley Brindley

La reina de Inglaterra tiene 93 a?os. El proceso de elevar al trono a un nuevo monarca ya se est? organizando. Su hijo, el pr?ncipe Carlos, es el heredero natural. Sin embargo, alguien est? intentando alterar la l?nea sucesoria. Hay m?s de 140 personas en la l?nea esperando ser monarcas. Si el pr?ncipe Carlos, por alguna raz?n, es incapaz de acceder al trono, entonces el siguiente en la l?nea, el pr?ncipe Guillermo, se har? rey. Si ?l tampoco puede, el pr?ncipe Jorge ser? el siguiente en la l?nea, y as? contin?a bajando la lista. Se est?n llevando a cabo retorcidos planes. La se?ora Pion Ciana Victoria Lancaster, conocida entre sus amigos como Ciana, es la n?mero treinta y siete. Guillermo Jorge Tindall Mountbatten es el n?mero treinta y ocho en la lista de la familia real. Ataviado con un disfraz y bajo el nombre de Escipi?n, Guillermo Mountbatten se encuentra accidentalmente con Ciana en un pub londinense. Tiempo atr?s, un general dijo la famosa frase “Ning?n plan de batalla sobrevive al contacto con el enemigo”. Eso es justo lo que ocurri? cuando Ciana y Escipi?n se encontraron.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835412472


Ensenyar pensament cr?tic
Ensenyar pensament cr?tic

Àâòîð: bell hooks

La recerca del pensament lliure ?s una activitat constant. A Ensenyar pensament cr?tic, hooks considera l'aprenentatge com el primer espai per defensar la diversitat, la igualtat i, en definitiva, la democr?cia.
Si l'ensenyament ?s l'espai on desenvolupar el pensament cr?tic, i l'aprenentatge ?s una activitat que dura tota una vida, aquest llibre aborda alguns dels problemes m?s urgents que hem d'afrontar avui en dia dintre i fora de l'aula. Ensenyar pensament cr?tic ?s un llibre imprescindible per a qualsevol persona que vegi l'educaci? com a pr?ctica de la llibertat.
A m?s de ser un manual per trobar eines atrevides amb qu? enfocar l'ensenyament, tamb? prova de capgirar-ho tot, fins i tot a nosaltres mateixos. Hooks q?estiona com hem apr?s fins ara, q?estiona els referents i q?estiona el complex equilibri que ens permet ensenyar, valorar i aprendre a partir d'obres escrites per autors racistes i sexistes, entre d'altres.
Amb aquesta obra intel·lectual, provocadora i alegre l'autora celebra i reivindica el poder del pensament cr?tic. Sens dubte, proposa un canvi de paradigma en l'educaci?, l'aprenentatge i la transformaci? social.

Ñåðèÿ: Ciclog?nesi

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Þëèÿ Òàðõîâà

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417925789


Enslaved By The Desert Trader
Enslaved By The Desert Trader

Àâòîð: Greta Gilbert

Passion hotter than the Egyptian sun…In the Great Pyramid of King Khufu, resourceful Kiya works tirelessly, disguised as a boy. But then, fearsome raiders arrive and, running for her life, she is captured by a hardened desert trader…When he realises what a beauty he has enslaved, Tahar knows he could – and should – sell her for a handsome price. But Kiya is not easily tamed. And when a wild heat explodes between them which shatters all thoughts of resistance, Tahar must find a way to keep her as his own!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474042529


Enthralled by Moretti
Enthralled by Moretti

Àâòîð: Êýòòè Óèëüÿìñ

‘You win, Alessandro.’Defeat leaves a bitter taste in lawyer Chase Evans’s mouth. She’s worked hard to put the mistakes of her past behind her, but it’s not in billionaire CEO Alessandro Moretti’s nature to forgive…or forget. And in this latest deal he holds all the cards.Despite her lies, Alessandro wants the elusive Chase in his bed now more than ever – and he’s not above blackmail to get her there. But his punishing regime of red-hot revenge backfires as his increasing desire for Chase threatens his legendary self-control, and still Chase and her secrets seem just out of his reach…‘I can’t stop thinking about the hero, he’s enchanting! Wonderful writing.’ – Suni, 39, WirralDiscover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/cathywilliams

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472042279


Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions
Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions

Àâòîð: Êåëëè Àðìñòðîíã

A collection of fourteen original teen paranormal short stories from some of today’s bestselling YA talent, united with the common theme of road trips, and edited by bestselling authors Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong.Contributors include:Melissa MarrKelley ArmstrongClaudia GrayKami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (NYT Bestselling authors of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, Little, Brown)Rachel Caine (NYT bestselling author of Morganville Vampire series, Penguin)Carrie Ryan (NYT Bestselling author of THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH, Delacourt)Jessica Verday (NYT bestselling author of THE HAUNTED and THE HOLLOW, S&S)Rachel Vincent (bestselling adult mass market author and Harlequin YA author)Jennifer Lynn Barnes (RAISED BY WOLVES, Egmont)Jerri Smith-Ready (bestselling adult mass market author w/ YA debut, SHADE, S&S)Sarah Rees Brennan (THE DEMON’S LEXICON, THE DEMON’S CONVENANT, S&S)Kimberley Derting (debut: THE BODY FINDER, 2010 HCCB)Jackson Pearce (SISTERS RED–Little Brown, AS YOU WISH–HCCB)Ally Condie (debut: MATCHED, 11/2010 Dutton)

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007442478



Àâòîð: Diego Maenza

ENtidades es una selecci?n de los 5 mejores relatos de ENGENDROS y de los 5 mejores cuentos de IDENTIDADES. Est? formado por las siguientes historias: Historia familiar, El sapo que fue poeta, La caverna, El hombre ante el espejo, Madrugada, Enso?aci?n, Los monstruos interiores (o f?bula en un acto), Caminata nocturna, El avaro, y Hormigas. ”Diego Maenza escribe desde la certeza. Seres y situaciones que nos refieren a engendros ubicados en esos senderos retorcidos de la imaginaci?n y de la realidad. Estos relatos son tremendamente profundos por los toques filos?ficos, sorprendentes por la tem?tica e inesperados por los finales”. (Carlos Ramos, escritor mexicano) ”Sus cuentos transmiten ideas metaf?sicas, juegan con el tiempo y el espacio; tratan de hacer trascendente lo m?nimo, la misma nada. Nos deslocalizan, nos ponen en territorios distintos, nos proponen miradas de seres solitarios o de seres humanos que deben enfrentar destinos, aunque sus misiones no sean las heroicas, sino tan solo rozar con los aires m?s oscuros que pueden romper con cualquier esp?ritu”. (Iv?n Rodrigo Mendiz?bal, escritor y cr?tico ecuatoriano)

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835416982



Àâòîð: Diego Maenza

ENtit? ? una selezione dei 5 migliori racconti di ENigmi e delle 5 migliori storie di IdenTIT?. ? formato dai seguenti racconti: Storia di famiglia, Il rospo che era un poeta, La caverna, L'uomo davanti allo specchio, Alba, Sogno, I mostri interiori (o favola in un atto), Passeggiata notturna, L'avaroFormiche “Diego Maenza scrive con certezza. Esseri e situazioni che ci rimandano a mostri situati su quei sentieri contorti dell'immaginazione e della realt?. Queste storie sono tremendamente profonde per le sfumature filosofiche, sorprendenti per l'argomento e inopinate per i finali”. (Carlos Ramos, scrittore messicano) “I suoi racconti trasmettono idee metafisiche, giocano con il tempo e lo spazio; cercano di rendere trascendente il minimo, lo stesso niente. Ci traslano, ci collocano in territori diversi, ci offrono gli sguardi di esseri solitari o di esseri umani che devono affrontare il fato, anche se le loro missioni non sono eroiche, ma sfiorano solo i lati pi? oscuri che possono separarsi da qualsiasi spirito”. (Iv?n Rodrigo Mendiz?bal, scrittore e critico ecuadoriano)

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835416920



Àâòîð: Diego Maenza

ENtities is a selection of the five best short stories from BegottEN and the five best stories from IdenTITIES. It includes the following: Family History, The Toad Who Was a Poet, The Cave, The Man in the Mirror, Dawn, The Dream, Inner Monsters (or Fable in One Act), The Night Walk, The Avaricious Man, Ants. “Diego Maenza writes with certainty. Beings and situations that refer us to monsters located in those twisted paths of imagination and reality. These stories are tremendously deep because of the philosophical touches, surprising because of the subject matter and unexpected because of the endings”. (Carlos Ramos, Mexican writer) “His stories convey metaphysical ideas, they play with time and space; they try to make the minimum transcendent, the same nothing. They relocate us, they put us in different territories, they offer us the glances of lonely beings or human beings who must face destinies, even if their missions are not heroic, but only brush against a darkness that can break any spirit ”. (Iv?n Rodrigo Mendiz?bal, Ecuadorian writer and critic)

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835416968


Entra?ner La Motivation
Entra?ner La Motivation

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Voil? le nouvel argument de notre parcours et je crois qu’il est tr?s important. J’ai l’envie – alors je le fais ? Il est toujours comme ?a ? Entre le vouloir et le faire il y a une grande mer…qu’est-ce qu’il signifie ? Qu’il n’est pas facile de r?aliser ce que nous voulons. Ils disent que les parois de l’enfer sont b?ties avec la volont? jamais r?alis?e…je le voudrais et comment ! je l’aimerais ! il serait beau ! MAIS NOUS ENTRONS ICI DANS LE MONDE DES REVES. Malheureusement il manque la concr?tude et la motivation. Et ? la fin POUR OBTENIR CE QUE JE DESIRE IL N’EST PAS SUFFISANT DE DESIRER SEULEMENT! Il n’est pas suffisant de rester dans le monde des r?ves! LA MOTIVATION!!! 1 Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est-ce qu’elle nous donne? A quoi nous sert-elle ? Le mot motivation est compos? par deux mots : 1. Motif – C’est-?-dire cela qui nous pousse ? faire ou ? ne faire pas quelque chose, cause, raison, 2. action – le fait d’agir, d’op?rer. Le mot motivation d?rive d’un mot latine movere – qu’il signifie mettre en mouvement, pousser. Avant de commencer une action je dois avoir un motif concret qui me pousse ? faire ou ? ne faire pas quelque chose. Maintenant les comptes math?matiques. Motif + action = motivation. Les psychologues indiquent trois ?l?ments de la motivation: 1. La direction – qu’est-ce que je d?sire de r?aliser, o? je veux arriver. 2. L’effort – mon engagement pour la r?aliser. 3. La constance- le temps que j’utilise pour la r?aliser, je ne l?che pas jusqu’? ce que je n’atteint pas l’objectif.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873042679



Àâòîð: Kylie Brant

Sam Tremaine could charm the thorns off roses, and Juliette Morris both wanted and hated him. The CIA agent had learned her secret identity–and had used it to gain her help to catch an international criminal. Even worse, she was falling for this man of honor who had every reason to despise her.He'd thought her a liar and a heartbreaker. But in Juliette, Sam discovered a woman whose loyalty and warmth shook him to the core. Hiding his growing feelings would take every covert skill he possessed, but Juliette's future depended on her never learning she'd stolen his heart….

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076717



Àâòîð: Amanda Robson

‘Compulsive reading’ JANE CORRY‘Full of tension’ KAREN HAMILTONShe wants your life – and she’ll do anything to get it…Erica has always wanted to be exactly like her neighbour, Faye: beautiful, thin, and a mother. But Faye’s life isn’t as perfect as it seems – she has a terrible secret, and slowly but surely, it is threatening to destroy her and everything she holds dear.When Faye’s daughter Tamsin goes missing after school, the police turn to Erica. But is Erica the only one who has been enviously watching Faye? Or is there another threat hiding in the shadows…?An unsettling, claustrophobic thriller about jealousy, greed and desire from Sunday Times bestseller Amanda Robson.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008291884



Àâòîð: Samuel Butler

Servet edinmek i?in ?lkesini terk eden bir gezgin, bu ama?larla yola ?ıktığı bir gezinin sonucunda kendisini sıra dışı bir ?lkede bulur. Muhteşem arazisi, olağan?st? yakışıklı ve yapılı erkekleri, ayrı bir g?zelliği olan kadınlarıyla insan soyu i?in g?r?n?ş olarak ?deta ideal bir ?lkedir burası. G?r?n?şte kusursuz olan bu ?lkenin ?det ve g?renekleri ise olağanın olduk?a dışındadır. Burada hastalık, bir su?; yoksulluk ve talihsizlik, cezalandırılması gerekli bir durum; saat d?hil t?m makineler ise kullanımı yasak bir şeydir. Bu y?n?yle, yazarının Erewhon adını verdiği bu yer, bir tezatın; dıştan ideal bir medeniyetin, i?ten ise medeniyetin gereklerinden uzak bir yapının h?k?m s?rd?ğ? bir ?lkedir. “Erewhon”, bilim kurgu edebiyatının ilk ?rnekleri arasında yer almakla beraber yazarının bir “yanlış anlama” olarak belirtmesine rağmen kimi b?l?mlerde Charles Darwin’in evrim kuramını hicveden bir eserdir. Bununla beraber hem ?topya hem de distopya ?zelliği g?stermesi, ilerleyen zamanlarda makinelerin insanlar ?zerinde egemen konuma geleceklerini ilk defa s?z konusu etmesi, ayrıca yazarının normal hayatında da b?y?k nefret duyduğu Viktorya D?neminin su?, ceza ve din y?n?nden eleştirisini i?inde taşımasıyla kayda değer bir zenginliğe sahiptir.

Öåíà: 180.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-99846-4-3


Erewhon’a kinci Ziyaret
Erewhon’a İkinci Ziyaret

Àâòîð: Samuel Butler

Bir devam romanı olan Erewhon’a İkinci Ziyaret, Erewhon’u servet edinebilmek i?in yaptığı bir gezide tesad?fen bulan Bay Higgs’in, bu sefer sırf merakından ?t?r? bu ?lkeye yaptığı ikinci ziyareti anlatır. İlk anından itibaren tehlikeli olmaya başlayan bu ziyarette Bay Higgs, ?lkeyi olduk?a değişmiş bulur. Bu değişimin fitilini ateşleyen şey ise onun Arowhena ile beraber ?lkeden ka?ışının olağan?st? bir mucize olarak değerlendirilmesi ve bunun sonucunda da yeni bir dinin filizlenmeye başlamış olmasıdır. Bu dinin tanrısı ise Bay Higgs’ten başkası değildir. Fakat Erewhon ?yle bir yerdir ki burada Tanrı tehdit edilecek, hapse atılacak, yalan s?ylemeye zorlanacak ve en sonunda da ?lkeyi terk etmek zorunda bırakılacaktır…

Öåíà: 188.41 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-99846-2-9


Eros im Mailverkehr
Eros im Mailverkehr

Àâòîð: Mark Ammern

Die Briefe sind an f?nf verschiedene Personen gerichtet. Das gemeinsame Thema Eros wird gleich im ersten Abschnitt in einer provozierenden Weise verarbeitet: Absender und Empf?nger sind Figuren. Die untereinander gew?hrten Spielr?ume variieren. Gepr?gt sind die Beziehungen aber durch kommunikative St?rungen und skurriles Verhalten, beruhen auf markanten Divergenzen, die bis in die Sprachauffassungen und das Sprachverhalten hineinreichen, ein Verstehen kaum mehr erlauben.
Verfasser ist ‚Per‘, ein T?nzer, der auch ein kleines Theater betreibt. R?ckmeldungen auf seine Briefe sind, falls solche intendiert waren oder erfolgten, nur indirekt ?bermittelt. Im Anfang, gegen?ber einer Assistenz?rztin, die eine Kontaktanzeige geschaltet hatte, bricht dem T?nzer ein Konflikt zwischen seinem ‚imagin?ren‘ Ich und der eigenen ‚realen‘ Figur auf, doch nicht als gemeinhin innerers Dilemma, jedoch auch nicht als soziales. Fragen nach Erotik entstehen brieflich in dieser labilen Situation und finden, durch alle Kapitel hindurch, letztlich ‚nur‘ k?nstlerische Antworten.
Der Briefband ist erstmals im Jahr 2000 unter dem Titel „Per“ im Druck erschienen. Zwei Abschnitte waren zuvor in der Zeitschrift „ExKurs“ver?ffentlicht worden: „Irritationen“ in Ausgabe 1/97, „Die Tortur“ in 11/99. Die Textgestalt wurde vom Autor f?r die aktuelle Produktion neu durchgesehen, unter Ber?cksichtigung der neueren Rechtschreibreformen. Ammern folgt in der ‚K?nstlerprosa‘ ?brigens einer Nebenfigur aus: „Die Crux des T?nzers“.
Als Hintergrund: Die in Platons Gastmahl (203 c/d) wiedergegebene Ansicht von Diotima ?ber Eros: “Zuerst ist er immer arm und bei weitem nicht fein und sch?n, wie die meisten glauben, vielmehr rauh, unansehnlich und unbedeckt schl?ft er vor den T?ren und auf den Stra?en im Freien und ist der Natur seiner Mutter gem?? immer der D?rftigkeit Genosse. Und nach seinem Vater wiederum stellt er dem Guten und Sch?nen nach, ist tapfer, keck und r?stig, ein gewaltiger J?ger, allezeit irgendwelche R?nke schmiedend, nach Einsicht strebend, sinnreich, sein ganzes Leben lang philosophierend, ein arger Zauberer, Giftmischer und Sophist.”

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783929899047


Erotik f?r s Ohr, Episode 1: Mein Hausm?dchen in Latex
Erotik f?r's Ohr, Episode 1: Mein Hausm?dchen in Latex

Àâòîð: Meike de Long

Lisa, das Dienstm?dchen von Max, findet beim aufr?umen einen Karton. Neugierig ?ffnet sie diesen und findet sexy Latexkleidung. Beim ersten tragen gehen mit ihr die Gef?hle durch, das hatte sich Max so vorgestellt. Was die Beiden noch so erleben h?rt Ihr in dieser erotischen Geschichte.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: C. M. Diletto

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260507136787


Escada De Cristal
Escada De Cristal

Àâòîð: Alessandra Grosso

Apenas os sonhadores movem montanhas. Bem vindo ? minha hist?ria. Este livro ? uma mera cole??o de pesadelos, sem qualquer pretens?o a n?o ser para deix?-lo entrar nas intrincadas dobras de minha mente. Acho que todo mundo j? teve pesadelos na vida, dormindo ou acordado; Posso dizer que sou um impressionante especialista e em terrores adormecidos. Pesadelos de olhos fechados s?o minha maldi??o pessoal: eu os tenho desde crian?a e nunca consegui explicar o porqu?. Minha inf?ncia sempre esteve relacionada ao medo de que algo catastr?fico estivesse para acontecer, seja para mim ou para as pessoas que eu amava. Bem vindo ? minha hist?ria. Este livro ? uma mera cole??o de pesadelos, sem qualquer pretens?o a n?o ser para deix?-lo entrar nas intrincadas dobras de minha mente. Acho que todo mundo j? teve pesadelos na vida, dormindo ou acordado; Posso dizer que sou um impressionante especialista e em terrores adormecidos. Pesadelos de olhos fechados s?o minha maldi??o pessoal: eu os tenho desde crian?a e nunca consegui explicar o porqu?. Minha inf?ncia sempre esteve relacionada ao medo de que algo catastr?fico estivesse para acontecer, seja para mim ou para as pessoas que eu amava. Eu geralmente sentia algo semelhante a uma respira??o fria em meu pesco?o que fazia meus cabelos ficarem em p?; aquela m?o gelada e viscosa tocando suas costas que o deixa assustado, horrorizado. De vez em quando, minha vis?o escurecia completamente e, para me sentir mais ? vontade, eu tinha que ir e me deitar na cama. No entanto, mesmo entrando em meu quarto, eu temia o que encontraria quando finalmente fechasse os olhos. As coisas n?o melhoraram nada na minha adolesc?ncia: logo depois de um sonho, sempre acordava suando, tremendo. De manh?, ent?o, obviamente, eu teria que encarar a vida novamente como todo mundo, embora ainda duvidasse do meu futuro. Mas sempre que eu tinha escolhas pessoais a fazer que os pesadelos pioravam. Naqueles momentos, minha vida se tornava um inferno facilmente; eu me fechei totalmente e sempre me perguntei o que havia conquistado at? agora e o que queria da minha vida em seguida. Com o tempo, comecei a escrever meus sonhos, junto com meus desejos, a fim de analis?-los e ver se um dia se realizaram. Isso me ajudou a lan?ar alguma luz sobre essas quest?es mais de uma vez. Ent?o pensei comigo mesmo que contaria tudo sobre meus terrores, embelezando cada um e incluindo-os em uma cole??o de todas as emo??es arrepiantes que j? experimentei. Pe?o desculpas por este presente frio da minha parte, mas minha mente tamb?m ? um lugar frio e bagun?ado. ? a mente de uma mulher, de uma lutadora que enfrentou o mal abertamente e optou por falar sobre ele. Embora minhas palavras possam ?s vezes ferir as almas mais suscet?veis, n?o pretendo reivindicar uma posi??o moral elevada sobre quaisquer um de voc?s. Todos tem sua pr?pria vis?o de mundo; sentimos e moldamos tudo de acordo com o que nos cerca. E depois de todas as prova??es que suportei ao longo da vida, agora me esfor?o para usar meu olhar interior para criar uma vis?o mais frut?fera do futuro. Gostaria de ver um futuro cheio de sonhos, estudos, viagens: os sonhos s?o basicamente desejos que o nosso cora??o faz. Quanto aos pesadelos, por?m… Pesadelos de olhos fechados sempre foram minha especialidade, e h? v?rias raz?es por tr?s desse fen?meno, mas a principal provavelmente ? que eu sou uma pessoa tolerante, mas emocional e sens?vel; ao longo de minha vida, experimentei, de fato, tanto espinhos em meu lado quanto muitos dias de chuva. Mas sempre busquei a luz e acho que a melhor maneira de ilustrar essa parte de mim ? por meio do meu poema favorito: M?e para filho, de Langston Hughes.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835425311


Escada E Cristal
Escada E Cristal

Àâòîð: Alessandra Grosso

Bem-vindos. Esta ? uma simples colec??o de pesadelos, n?o tem grandes pretens?es se n?o vos deixar entrar nas partes ?ntimas da minha mente. Creio que todos n?s tivemos alguns pesadelos, seja de olhos abertos como de olhos fechados; pois bem, eu sou uma super especialista de pesadelos a olhos fechados. Os pesadelos a olhos fechados s?o a minha maldi??o pessoal: os tenho desde sempre, desde crian?a e nunca percebi o motivo. A minha inf?ncia esteve sempre ligada ao medo que alguma coisa catastr?fica estivesse para acontecer, a mim ou ? pessoas que amava. Tinha muitas vezes sensa??es tipo aquele ar frio que te provoca um calafrio atr?s do pesco?o, aquela m?o viscosa e g?lida que te toca no ombro e te deixa estremecer, assombrado; muitas vezes via tudo negro e em seguida devia ir dormir. Mal entrava no quartinho ficava com medo daquilo que seria fechando os olhos. Durante a adolesc?ncia as coisas n?o melhoraram: sonhava e despertava tr?mula e suada. INTRODU??O Bem-vindos. Esta ? uma simples colec??o de pesadelos, n?o tem grandes pretens?es se n?o vos deixar entrar nas partes ?ntimas da minha mente. Creio que todos n?s tivemos alguns pesadelos, seja de olhos abertos como de olhos fechados; pois bem, eu sou uma super especialista de pesadelos a olhos fechados. Os pesadelos a olhos fechados s?o a minha maldi??o pessoal: os tenho desde sempre, desde crian?a e nunca percebi o motivo. A minha inf?ncia esteve sempre ligada ao medo que alguma coisa catastr?fica estivesse para acontecer, a mim ou ? pessoas que amava. Tinha muitas vezes sensa??es tipo aquele ar frio que te provoca um calafrio atr?s do pesco?o, aquela m?o viscosa e g?lida que te toca no ombro e te deixa estremecer, assombrado; muitas vezes via tudo negro e em seguida devia ir dormir. Mal entrava no quartinho ficava com medo daquilo que seria fechando os olhos. Durante a adolesc?ncia as coisas n?o melhoraram: sonhava e despertava tr?mula e suada. Depois duma noite assim devia como todos enfrentar a vida, mas estava cheia de d?vidas sobre o futuro, todas as vezes que tinha uma escolha por fazer os pesadelos pioravam. A minha vida tornava-se um inferno, fechava-me em mim e questionava-me sempre em que ponto estivesse, onde estivesse e onde quisesse ir. Com o tempo aprendi a escrever os meus sonhos para procurar perceb?-los, enquanto numa outra folha escrevo os meus desejos para ver se realizavam-se. Esta ?ltima ideia ajudou-me mais de uma ocasi?o a trazer a luz, mas agora voltemos aos pesadelos. Pensei que contar-vos todos os meus pesadelos romanceando-os e ligando-os um atr?s do outro para presentear-vos com a colec??o de todos os arrepios que congelam e que experimentei. Desculpem pelo g?lido presente, mas a minha mente ? um lugar frio e desorganizado. ? a mente de uma mulher, de uma combatente que enfrentou o mal a peito descoberto e que decidiu falar. As minhas palavras podem de vez em quando ferir as almas mais suscept?veis, mas n?o sou nem me sinto de forma alguma melhor que ningu?m de voc?s. Voc?s v?em o mundo atrav?s dos vossos filtros e a vossa sensibilidade; eu pelo contr?rio uso a minha. Procuro usar o terceiro olho para criar uma vis?o dum futuro mais f?rtil e prof?cuo, depois de todas as aventuras que passei na vida. Procuro ver um futuro repleto de sonhos, de estudos e de viagens… lembro-vos que os sonhos s?o desejos; agora voltemos aos pesadelos. Pois que os pesadelos a olhos fechados s?o a minha especialidade desde sempre, os motivos deste fen?meno s?o m?ltiplos… e talvez o mais importante ? isto: tenho paci?ncia mas tamb?m sou uma pessoa emotiva e sens?vel; no decurso da vida tive tantos estilha?os nos p?s e os meus per?odos obscuros. Contudo, procurei sempre a luz para ilustrar esta parte da minha vida, e agora hei-de vos p?r a par da minha poesia preferida: A escada de Cristal. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409748


Escapade Meurtriere
Escapade Meurtriere

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

« Un chef-d’œuvre de suspens et de myst?re ! L'auteur a fait un travail exceptionnel pour d?velopper les personnages, avec un c?t? psychologique si bien utilis? que nous avons l'impression d'?tre dans leurs t?tes, vivant leurs peurs et se r?jouissant pour leurs succ?s. L'intrigue est men?e avec intelligence et vous divertira jusqu'? la fin. Remplis de rebondissements, ce livre vous tiendra en haleine jusqu'? la derni?re page. »–Critique litt?raire et cin?matographique, Roberto Mattos (? propos de Sans Laisser de Traces).ESCAPADE MEURTRIERE (Les Origines de Riley Paige – Tome 4) est le livre N°4 de la nouvelle s?rie de thrillers psychologiques de l'auteur ? succ?s N°1 Blake Pierce, dont le best-seller gratuit Sans Laisser de Traces (Tome 1) a re?u plus de 1 000 critiques cinq ?toiles.Alors qu’un tueur en s?rie, soup?onn? d'utiliser un camping-car, pi?ge et tue des femmes ? travers le pays, le FBI, embarrass?, doit enfreindre le protocole et se tourner vers sa brillante recrue de 22 ans, Riley Paige.Riley a r?ussi ? obtenir son dipl?me de l’Acad?mie du FBI, et est d?termin?e ? r?ussir en tant qu’agent du FBI. Mais lorsqu'on lui assigne son premier cas officiel avec son nouveau partenaire, Jake, elle se demande si elle est de taille pour cette t?che.Riley et Jake, immerg?s dans la culture du camping-car et dans les profondeurs de l’esprit d’un tueur, r?alisent rapidement que rien n’est ce qu’il para?t ?tre. Il y a un psychopathe en libert?, qui a toujours un coup d’avance sur eux, et que rien ne pourra arr?ter jusqu'? ce qu'il ait tu? autant de victimes qu'il peut en trouver.Avec son propre avenir en jeu, Riley n’a pas d’autre choix que de d?couvrir si son esprit brillant est ? la hauteur de celui du tueur.Un thriller rempli d'action avec un suspens palpitant, ESCAPADE MEURTRIERE est le 4e Tome d'une nouvelle s?rie captivante qui vous donnera envie de tourner les pages jusqu'au bout de la nuit. Il ram?ne les lecteurs 20 ans en arri?re, au commencement de la carri?re de Riley, et il vient compl?ter parfaitement la s?rie SANS LAISSER DE TRACES (Une Enqu?te de Riley Paige), qui comprend 14 livres.Le Tome 5 de la s?rie LES ORIGINES DE RILEY PAIGE sera bient?t disponible.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094310107


Escape from Cabriz
Escape from Cabriz

Àâòîð: Linda Miller Lael

On the eve of her wedding to the Crown Prince of Cabriz, Kristin Meyers is having more than prewedding jitters–her childhood friend Jascha has become a cold, distant stranger.And when his palace comes under attack from angry rebels, Kristin is caught in the cross fire. Then Zach Harmon arrives and everything changes. The ex-secret service agent and Kristin had been lovers–until circumstances tore them apart.Now Zach might be able to get her out of Cabriz alive, but who will save her heart from being broken by Zach one more time?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472012692


Escape Plans (Unabridged)
Escape Plans (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Teri Vlassopoulos

My father drowned in the Aegean Sea, fifty nautical miles northeast of the port of Piraeus. When it happened, my mother and I were at home in Toronto. It was early evening in Greece, afternoon for us, and I was at school when she found out. Niko Kiriakos, tentative heir to the ailing Calypso Shipping fleet, always suspected he was cursed. Following his sudden disappearance, his wife, Anna, and daughter, Zoe, are left adrift. Unmoored, they begin to test the boundaries of their lives, struggling with issues of loyalty, identity and what it means to be a family. Spanning years and tracing a route from Niagara Falls to Greece, Escape Plans is an unblinking look at the ties that bind us together and the things that pull us apart. Bespeak Audio Editions brings Canadian voices to the world with audiobook editions of some of the country's greatest works of literature, performed by Canadian actors.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Amanda Barker

Öåíà: 2267.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781773055466


Eski Adam ve Di er ?yk?ler
Eski Adam ve Diğer ?yk?ler

Àâòîð: Elabbas Bağırov

Öåíà: 57.21 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6853-22-5


Eski Mektuplar
Eski Mektuplar

Àâòîð: Àõìåò Ìèäõàò

Toplum i?in sanat, anlayışını benimseyen ve pek ?ok t?rde eser veren Ahmet Mithat Efendi, "Eski Mektuplar"da zamanının i?erisinden, yani Tanzimat D?nemi’nden bir hanenin keder ve acılara s?r?klenip dağılışını, bedbaht h?llerinin bir evrakı olan mektuplarla hik?ye etmiştir. Kuvvetli bir aşka mazhar olan Meliha ve Kenan’ın bu hazin ?yk?s?, yakarışlarının k?ğıda d?k?l?p de bir?ok mektuptan v?cuda gelen bu romana konu olması m?ellifin de dediği gibi okuyucu ?zerinde teess?re sebep olacaktır. “Ey aşk, bildiğin gibi yak yık derunumu. Bir kimsesiz bel?zedenin han?manıdır!”

Öåíà: 180.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-87-7


Eskimo masallar
Eskimo masalları

Àâòîð: Knud Rasmussen

Kendisi de Eskimo k?kenli olan k?şif Knud Rasmussen tarafından derlenen bu 51 masala, Eskimo halkı tarafından yapılmış ?izimler eşlik ediyor. Bu kitapta ruh u?uşu yapan kudretli b?y?c?ler, bu b?y?c?lerin d?şmanlarından intikam almak i?in yaptığı tupilak denen yaratıklar, her şeyi bilen yardımcı ruhlar ve g?l canavarları gibi pek ?ok Eskimo fig?r?yle tanışacaksınız. Ge?mişle geleceği birbirine bağlayan bu masallar, masal seven herkesin kitaplığında bulunmalı.

Öåíà: 127.25 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-605-7605-88-7


Espiritus rebeldes (Completo)
Espiritus rebeldes (Completo)

Àâòîð: Gibran Khalil Gibran

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Luis Marquez

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 4066004645643


Esrar- Cinayat
Esrar-ı Cinayat

Àâòîð: Àõìåò Ìèäõàò

T?rk edebiyatının ilk polisiye romanını kaleme alan Ahmet Mithat Efendi, "Esrar-ı Cinayat"ta İstanbul Boğazı’nın Karadeniz ?ıkışında bulunan ve ?reke Taşı olarak adlandırılan k???k bir adacık ?zerinde işlenmiş olan bir cinayeti anlatmaktadır. Savcı Osman Sabri bu konuyu araştırmaya başlar ve cinayetin arka planında gelişen olaylar, bir gazetecinin de yardımcı olmasıyla ilgin? bir h?l alır. "Nefsim hakkındaki bu adaletimden dolayı husule gelen mutluluğumu size hakkıyla anlatmak i?in şunu derim ki: D?nyada intikam lezzeti kadar b?y?k hi?bir tat tanıyamıyorum."

Öåíà: 241.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-86-0


Ess?ncias Da Sabedoria
Ess?ncias Da Sabedoria

Àâòîð: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

“Ess?ncias da sabedoria ? uma colet?nea de textos curtos colaborando para o desenvolvimento duma consci?ncia mais culta .Atrav?s de exemplos e aconselhamento,mostra quais s?o os requisitos principais para alcan?ar dignidade e honradez num mundo onde cada vez predomina a maldade.Veiam pois deleitar-se nestas mensagens e consequentemente aprender um pouco mais da personalidade dum bom homem.Eu desejo a todos uma boa leitura!”

Öåíà: 235.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873047919


Est?s En Mis Manos
Est?s En Mis Manos

Àâòîð: Victory Storm

Cuando Kendra tom? la decisi?n de acercarse a Aleks?i con artima?as era consciente de los riesgos que corr?a, ya que aquel hombre era despiadado y no conoc?a el perd?n, y adem?s era lo bastante poderoso como para hacerle pagar con creces cualquier error que cometiera. Un solo paso en falso y perd?a la posibilidad de obtener la informaci?n que buscaba. Pasaron varios meses desde su primer encuentro cuando de repente todo da un vuelco tras una traici?n que pone a Kendra en peligro y revela todas sus mentiras. Llega el momento de pasar cuentas y Aleks?i est? dispuesto a destruirla. Pero cuando la tiene en sus manos, descubre que ha olvidado su pasado, un pasado que esconde secretos que necesita conocer. Tendr? que escoger entre su venganza o mantener a esa mujer peligrosa a su lado, atada en corto, hasta que recupere la memoria.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419174


Estates Large and Small (Unabridged)
Estates Large and Small (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Ray Robertson

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ray Robertson

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781771965408


Esthetic Implant Restoration in the Edentulous Maxilla
Esthetic Implant Restoration in the Edentulous Maxilla

Àâòîð: Karim Dada

The simplified clinical protocols described in this book represent a revolution in the esthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla that updates the knowledge base and corrects outdated principles deeply rooted in the profession. The treatment strategy is prosthetically driven and tailored to address the anatomical realities of any clinical situation. The authors emphasize use of a comprehensive esthetic analysis and the careful management of the essential preparatory phases, and they outline the esthetic design principles and clinical methodology for different treatment options. They also discuss indications for immediate loading, delivery of a fixed prosthesis shortly after the surgery, flapless surgery, and the all-on-four treatment concept, all of which can be used to limit postoperative difficulties for the patient. By tailoring the prosthetic management to the clinical situation and simplifying the surgical and prosthetic protocols, the authors of this book have developed predictable esthetic treatment strategies that will be applicable to the largest number of patients and the largest number of clinicians.

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780867156867


Ethan s Temptress Bride
Ethan's Temptress Bride

Àâòîð: Michelle Reid

Tempted to make her his bride?Millionaire Ethan Hayes considered Eve to be a spoilt little rich girl hell-bent on bringing men to their knees. But when she was senselessly attacked, Ethan offered to pose as her fianc? to calm her elderly Greek grandfather's fears.Suddenly Ethan was with Eve 24/7, and it was all he could do to prevent himself from giving in to temptation. Because, at the end of the coming fortnight, their mock engagement would be over. Then, surely, Ethan would be forgotten as Eve continued on her wicked, teasing way…?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408967782



Àâòîð: Íàòèã Ðàñóëçàäå

×åëîâåê â îäíî÷àñüå áðîñàåò âñå, ñâîþ ïðåæíþþ æèçíü è îòïðàâëÿåòñÿ íà ïîåçäå, ñàì íå çíàÿ, êóäà, âûõîäèò íà ïåðâîé ïîíðàâèâøåéñÿ ñòàíöèè è… îêàçûâàåòñÿ íà îòîðâàííîì îò ìèðà îñòðîâêå – çàáðîøåííîé ñòàíöèè ïîñðåäè îãðîìíîé, êàê îêåàí ñòåïè ñî ñòðàííûìè, ïîëóñóìàñøåäøèìè îáèòàòåëÿìè. Îí ñ ïåðâîãî æå äíÿ ñòðåìèòñÿ ïîêèíóòü ñòàíöèþ, íî ýòî íå òàê ïðîñòî, ïîåçäà çäåñü íå îñòàíàâëèâàþòñÿ; íåñêîëüêî áåçóñïåøíûõ ïîïûòîê óáåæàòü ñòàâÿò åãî â íåëîâêîå ïîëîæåíèå ñðåäè æèòåëåé ñòàíöèè; íàêîíåö, åìó óäàåòñÿ âûáðàòüñÿ è îí ïî øïàëàì èäåò âäîëü ðåëüñîâ, øàãàåò íåñêîëüêî äíåé, âûáèâàåòñÿ èç ñèë è óæå â áåññîçíàòåëüíîì ñîñòîÿíèè âäðóã âèäèò, ÷òî ðåëüñû, êîòîðûå äîëæíû áûëè âûâåñòè åãî â áîëüøîé ìèð, òàê íåîñòîðîæíî ïîêèíóòûé èì, óõîäÿò â çåìëþ.

Öåíà: 200 ðóá.



Àâòîð: LS Morgan

Satış rekorları kıran bir kitap LS Morgan'dan kısa bir hik?ye Bizi derin duygulara ve b?y?k sorgulamalara sevk eden ilgi ?ekici ve dramatik bir hik?ye. 8 yaşındaki bir kızın acısını, kaybını ve duygularını i?imizde yaşıyor ve ge?mişine doğru bir yolculuğa ?ıkıp acılı ama aynı zamanda sevgi dolu anılarının yaşandığı yere gidiyoruz: evine.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419693


Even in the Darkness
Even in the Darkness

Àâòîð: Shirlee McCoy

Alone in a country she didn't know well, chased by men who were willing to kill to get what they wanted, Lakeview veterinarian Tori Riley would do anything to keep the daughter she gave up for adoption safe – even depend on a man who might not be telling her the truth.Called out of early retirement for one final job, former DEA agent Noah Stone didn't trust Tori's motives – what kind of vet gets herself tangled up with drug lords?But there was no time for questions, for every second brought an unscrupulous enemy closer to Tori's daughter….

Öåíà: 451.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408966037


Every Move You Make
Every Move You Make

Àâòîð: Tori Carrington

Businessman turned P.I. Zach Letterman doesn't expect his first case to be easy.But he never dreamed the real challenge would be keeping his hands off his sexy new partner, Mariah Clayborn. The seasoned P.I. says she'll take Zach under her wing, promising to show him the ins and outs of the detective business. Only, Zach has no idea what else Mariah intends to show him….After losing three boyfriends to marriage–one week after they dumped her–Mariah Clayborn knows she has to change her image. The new Mariah is going to be seductive, irresistible…addictive, even. And gorgeous Zach Letterman is just the man to get her there. Her plan? To offer her investigative expertise in exchange for some lessons in lust. Little does she guess she'll end up the one addicted….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472028624


Every Waking Moment
Every Waking Moment

Àâòîð: Brenda Novak

Emma Wright has finally escaped the dangerous man who's controlled her every move for the past six years. Taking her five-year-old son, she has fled across the country–seeking freedom, safety and a fresh start. But Max's father isn't giving them up so easily.Preston Holman understands the lengths a parent will go for his child. He's given up everything to pursue the man he believes killed his son.When Preston meets Emma, he wants nothing to do with her or the boy who reminds him so much of his own child. Yet he can't abandon them–and as he's drawn into the danger that surrounds them, Preston begins to wonder if he's finally found something to live for beyond revenge.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472053831


Everybody s Hero
Everybody's Hero

Àâòîð: Karen Templeton

He could handle raising his orphaned little brother. He could handle his demanding career.But what Joe Salazar couldn't handle was this quirky little town where people actually cared. People like Taylor McIntyre. She had worked wonders with his heartbroken little brother, but she scared the hell out of Joe. Because no kindergarten teacher he'd ever met before could make him hot with desire just by looking at him. Could make him want things he had no business wanting–not when the only way Joe knew how to live was by putting duty before desire….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076724


Everything and Nothing
Everything and Nothing

Àâòîð: Araminta Hall

A gripping psychological suspense read.Cupboards were sticky from spilt jam and honey, and the oven smoked when you turned it on because of the fat that had built up over the years. Agatha would never, ever let her future home end up like this. She would never leave it every day like Ruth did. She would never put her trust in strangers.Ruth and Christian are – just – holding their marriage together, after Christian's disastrous affair a year ago. But chaos beckons, and when the family are suddenly left without any childcare, Agatha comes into their lives to solve all their problems. But Agatha is not as perfect as she seems and her love for the children masks a deeper secret.Everything and Nothing is a stunningly assured debut, superbly evoking an atmosphere of inexorable and sinister menace that builds to a mesmerising climax in a story that is, at its heart, about thwarted and damaged love.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007413966


Everything but a Husband
Everything but a Husband

Àâòîð: Karen Templeton

At thirty-one, widow Galen Granata was a veteran of such an unhappy marriage that she had never dared to long for what every woman dreamed of. Like a man to love… and children. So she' d built a wall around herself that no one had even tried to penetrate.Until Del Farentino. And then Galen found herself face-to-face with the enormously attractive widower– and his deaf little girl. Wendy might not be able to talk in the conventional way, but she– and her sexy single father– were speaking to Galen in a way that no one else ever had. Could she find the courage to accept everything they offered?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076731


Everything Happens for a Reason
Everything Happens for a Reason

Àâòîð: Kavita Daswani

A witty, wry look at contemporary marriage and relationships, from the author of For Matrimonial Purposes.Priya, growing up in a comfortable home in Delhi, is the youngest of four sisters, but the first for whom a marriage has been arranged – the other sisters all seem to have had a variety of reasons against husbands. Priya moves to Los Angeles where her new family have been established for some twenty years and while no woman in her family has ever had a job, she decides that in America, she should find one. And that's when the trouble begins…Her charm and dignity, as well as her discretion and sympathetic ways, raise her from receptionist to key interviewer on a glitzy media magazine in a short time. She knows that while a little job is OK with her in-laws, a career, western clothes and interviewing male stars in hotel rooms would be absolutely forbidden. So her double life – American career woman versus traditional Hindu wife – begins, and her longing for a different relationship with her husband grows.Funny and serious, full of rich comments on the pleasures and absurdities of life-styles in East and West, Everything Happens for a Reason is a charming contemporary novel, from a wonderful and unique author.

Öåíà: 213.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007387892


Everything We Ever Wanted
Everything We Ever Wanted

Àâòîð: Sara Shepard

How do you choose between your family and your history? Emotional and compelling storytelling from Sara Shepard, author of All the Things We Didn’t Say.A late-night phone call on a Sunday evening rarely brings good news. So when Sylvie, a recently-widowed mother of two, receives a call from the head teacher of the school she's on the board of, she knows it won't be something she wants to hear. The school was founded by her grandfather, and she's inherited everything he strived to build up – a reputation, a heritage, the school and the grand old family house. And with this inheritance comes responsibility.So when her son Scott is whispered to be involved in a scandal that led to the death of one of the boys he coaches at the school, it throws the family into chaos: Sylvie has to decide between her loyalty to the school that has been part of her family legacy for years and her son who she feels wants nothing to do with her. She starts spying on the dead boy's father, making an unlikely connection.Sara Shepard's compelling new novel tells how hard it can be to really, truly connect to people, how making quick, easy judgments can come back to haunt you, and how the life you always planned for – and always dreamed of – often doesn't always turn out the way you imagined at all…

Öåíà: 906.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007328840


Evil Under the Sun
Evil Under the Sun

Àâòîð: Àãàòà Êðèñòè

Agatha Christie’s exotic seaside mystery thriller, reissued with a striking cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.It was not unusual to find the beautiful bronzed body of the sun-loving Arlena Stuart stretched out on a beach, face down. Only, on this occasion, there was no sun… she had been strangled.Ever since Arlena’s arrival at the resort, Hercule Poirot had detected sexual tension in the seaside air. But could this apparent ‘crime of passion’ have been something more evil and premeditated altogether?

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007422333


Exhumation Du Roi Fae
Exhumation Du Roi Fae

Àâòîð: Brenda Trim

Bienvenue ? l’Acad?mie Bramble’s Edge. Une universit? o? les Fae perfectionnent leur ma?trise des ?l?ments. Exactement ce dont un ?tre puissant a besoin, nest-ce pas? Le probl?me ? Je ne fais pas partie de ces ?tres puissants. Alors, quand mon heure est venue de rentrer ? l’Acad?mie, j’ai essay? d’?chapper aux collecteurs, j’atterris, impuissant, au milieu de la cour, les ailes bris?es. J’?prouvai imm?diatement une attirance ind?sirable pour Maurelle, la femelle sexy, mais elle repr?sentait un fardeau trop lourd pour mes ?paules. Ma m?re m’avait bien fait comprendre que je devais garder la t?te basse et passer mes trois ann?es ici sans attirer l’attention. Malheureusement, un simple sourire de Maurelle suffisait ? me faire oublier mon nom. Et, pour aggraver la situation, le destin n'a cess? de nous r?unir. Bienvenue ? l’Acad?mie Bramble’s Edge, l’universit? o? les Fae perfectionnent leur ma?trise des ?l?ments. N’importe quel ?tre puissant aurait certainement r?v? d’une telle ?ducation, non? Le probl?me? Je ne fais pas partie de ces ?tres puissants. Alors, quand mon heure est venue de rentrer ? l’Acad?mie, j’ai essay? d’?chapper aux collecteurs. Impuissant, j’atterris au milieu de la cour, les ailes bris?es. Par la suite, je n’ai pas tard? ? ?prouver une attirance ind?sirable pour Maurelle. Cette femelle sexy repr?sentait un fardeau trop lourd pour mes ?paules. Ma m?re m’avait fortement conseill? de garder la t?te basse et de ne pas attirer l’attention pendant mes trois ann?es ici. Malheureusement, un simple sourire de Maurelle suffisait ? me faire oublier mon nom. Et, pour aggraver la situation, le destin ne cessait de nous r?unir, mais pas pour des moments sensuels comme je l’aurais esp?r?! Non! Nous allions d?couvrir un complot pour empoisonner les ?tudiants, ainsi que l’existence d’un groupe secret d’assassins au service de la directrice. Quel genre d’?cole forme des tueurs au sang-froid sur son campus et fomente des complots mortels? Avec un groupe de Fae meurtriers dans les parages, j’aurais d? rester dans ma chambre et me contenter d’?tudier comme tout le monde. Mais je n’?tais pas comme les autres ?l?ves ? l’acad?mie. Je refusais que mon peuple se laisse manipuler et se trouve priv? de sa magie ?l?mentaire. La vraie raison de ma r?bellion se r?v?la. J’?tais l’h?ritier du tr?ne Fae! La seule personne susceptible de changer la vie de mon esp?ce. Rien de tel pour compliquer davantage ma situation d?j? pr?caire. Les dangers augmentaient et je voulais revendiquer mon tr?ne, mais ma prise de pouvoir aurait des retomb?es qui frapperaient d’innombrables victimes et je me sentais incapable de vivre avec cette id?e.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835426806


Exit Lines
Exit Lines

Àâòîð: Reginald Hill

Another excellent Dalziel and Pascoe story from the master of the British crime novelThree old men die on a stormy November night: one by deliberate violence, one in a road accident and one by an unknown cause.Inspector Pascoe is called in to investigate the first death, but when the dying words of the accident victim suggest that a drunken Superintendent Dalziel had been behind the wheel, the integrity of the entire Mid-Yorkshire constabulary is called into question.Helped by the bright but wayward DC Seymour, hindered by ‘Maggie’s Moron’, the half-witted Constable Hector, Peter Pascoe enters the twilight and vulnerable world of the senior citizen – to discover that the beckoning darkness at the end of the tunnel holds few comforts.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007374007


Exit Strategy
Exit Strategy

Àâòîð: Kate Donovan

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472091918


Expecting His Love-Child
Expecting His Love-Child

Àâòîð: Carol Marinelli

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408931103


Explosive Engagement
Explosive Engagement

Àâòîð: Lisa Childs

GETTING MARRIED MAY BE MORE DIFFICULT THAN COMPLETING HIS MISSION. Nothing has fazed Logan Payne in his entire career as a bodyguard. That is, until he's tasked with protecting his biggest enemy. Stacy Kozminski isn't too thrilled about having to work with Logan either, but when attempts are made on her life, she knows he is her only hope if she wants to survive.Soon, a target is placed on both their backs, and they have no choice but to stage an engagement to protect one another. Logan won't let Stacy out of his sight. But is it because he doesn't want to fail his assignment…or because he's come to care for the gutsy and gorgeous woman–the only woman who's ever gone toe-to-toe with him?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472050304



Àâòîð: Katherine Garbera

A little danger couldn't keep hotshot reporter Tory Patton from the story of a lifetime. Plus, an exclusive with the navy SEAL Tom King held hostage in war-torn Central America would put her in the big leagues.But an assassination attempt on the wounded soldier suddenly turned Tory's interview into a rescue mission. With the help of a mysterious operative who seemed to shadow her every move, Tory summoned her well-trained survival skills to get them to safety. But would she live long enough to discover more about her sexy guardian angel, and expose a shocking scandal that could implicate everyone from the top levels of the White House to the very people she trusted most?ATHENA FORCE: They were the best, the brightest, the strongest–women who shared a bond like no other….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472091925


Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures

Àâòîð: Brenda Harlen

Colin McIver is back in town, and the only person who isn't thrilled by the return of the hometown hero is his ex-wife, Nikki Gordon. She just wants to know when he's leaving. Because Colin always leaves. And this time, she hopes he'll be gone before he can discover the secret she's kept hidden for five long years…their daughter, Carly!A murderous stalker is after Colin, who is seeking only solitude and anonymity. Learning about his little girl only makes him more determined to stay and win Nikki's trust again. But when danger strikes too close to home, Colin has to risk everything he holds dear to protect his family. Will his attempt cost him the woman and child he loves–forever?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076755


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