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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

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DODO, Folge 3: DODOS Geheimnis
DODO, Folge 3: DODOS Geheimnis

Àâòîð: Ivar Leon Menger

"Dodos Geheimnis" ist der dritte Teil der neuen spannenden Fantasy-Sci-Fi-M?rchen-H?rspiel-Serie f?r Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Das Abenteuer von DODO und Strom-Tom geht weiter auf der Suche nach dem geheimnisvollen rot-gelb gestreiften L?ffel: ?berall Soldaten! DODO und Strom-Tom wurden mit der seltsamen V2-Box gefangen genommen. Wo werden die beiden jetzt nur hingebracht? Was hat der Chef mit ihnen vor? Kann DODO noch rechtzeitig fliehen, bevor… DODO ist DIE neue H?rspielserie f?r Kinder und Erwachsene im Stil von «Per Anhalter durch die Galaxies» (von Douglas Adams), mit den besten deutschen Synchronstimmen von John Cusack, Scarlett Johansson, Cate Blanchet, Jim Carrey und Snoop Doog. Der H?rer begibt sich auf eine musikalische Reise im Stil von Michael Mann's MIAMI VICE und vermischt die unterschiedlichsten Musikgenres miteinander: Reggae, Pop, Punk, World, Klassik und Original Score.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Andreas Fr?hlich

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783947966271


DOG Is GOD Spelt Backwards: Bonnie
DOG Is GOD Spelt Backwards: Bonnie

Àâòîð: Isabel George

An inspiring and heart-warming short story of canine devotion and bravery.When Corporal Jenny Chester was matched with Arms and Explosives search dog Bonnie it felt like the best Christmas present ever.Friends from day one, partners beyond doubt, through service in Bosnia and Iraq they shared food on the run, sleeping in bags in the cold and shade of the same tree. A bond made in wartime that created a partnership for life.Extracted from the bestselling title The Dog That Saved My Life.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007478835


Dokonal? ?sm v
Dokonal? ?směv

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

V DOKONAL?M ?SMĚVU (knize č. 4) je krimin?ln? profiluj?c? psycholožce, Jessie Huntov?, 29, čerstv? absolventce Akademie FBI, přidělen nov? znepokojiv? př?pad: někdo zavraždil ženu po třic?tce, kter? využ?vala služeb webov? seznamky k af?rk?m s ženat?mi muži. Sbl?žila se snad s někter?m z ženat?ch mužů př?liš? Stala se obět? vyd?r?n?? Pron?sledoval ji někdo? Nebo se jednalo o mnohem podlejš? motiv? Seznam podezřel?ch zavede Jessie do z?možn?ch, vyumělkovan?ch čtvrt? a za z?voj zd?nlivě dokonal?ch životů, jež jsou ve skutečnosti do hloubi duše prohnil?. Brzy si uvědom?, že vrah se mus? skr?vat za jedn?m z těch falešn?ch, nacvičen?ch ?směvů. Jessie nezb?v?, než se ponořit do psych?zy hledan?ho zločince a pokusit se ho dopadnout, zat?mco se s ?sil?m snaž? udržet pohromadě svou vlastn? křehkou psychiku—jej? otec je přitom st?le na svobodě a nezastav? se před nič?m, dokud ji nezabije. Rychle ub?haj?c? psychologick? thriller s nezapomenuteln?mi postavami a nap?nav?m př?během, DOKONAL? ?SMĚV je čtvrtou knihou v nov? strhuj?c? s?rii, kter? V?s přinut? ot?čet str?nky pozdě do noci. Kniha č. 5 v s?rii o Jessie Huntov? bude k dispozici již brzy.

Ñåðèÿ: Psychologick? thriller o Jessie Huntov?

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094306292


Dokonal? blok
Dokonal? blok

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

V DOKONAL?M BLOKU (knize č.2), novopečen? forenzn? psycholožka, Jessie Huntov?, 29, sb?r? kusy sv?ho rozbit?ho života a opoušt? předměst?, aby začala nov? život v centru Los Angeles. Když ale někdo zavražd? bohat?ho prominenta, Jessie, kter? je př?pad přidělen, se ocitne zp?tky ve světě naoko perfektn?ho předměst?, kde mus? mezi falešn?mi fas?dami norm?lnosti a sociopatick?ch žen dohonit pomaten?ho vraha. Jessie, šťastn?, že je opět v centru LA, si je jist?, že jej? př?městsk? nočn? můra je nyn? z?ležitost? minulosti. Připraven? hodit sv? nevydařen? manželstv? za hlavu, si najde pr?ci na m?stn?m policejn?m oddělen? a sv? přijet? na Akademii FBI prozat?m odkl?d?. Na zač?tek kari?ry dostane přidělen? jednoduch? př?pad—vraždu v bohat? čtvrti. Jej? nadř?zen? ovšem nevěd?, že je na př?padu v?c, než kdo tuš?. Nic ji nemůže připravit na jej? prvn? př?pad, při němž bude donucena nahl?dnout do mysl? bohat?ch, předměstsk?ch p?rů, o kter?ch si myslela, že je zanechala daleko za sebou. Za jejich vyleštěn?mi rodinn?mi fotografiemi a pěstěn?mi živ?mi ploty si Jessie uvědomuje, že dokonalost nen? t?m, č?m se jev?. Rychle ub?haj?c? psychologick? thriller s nezapomenuteln?mi postavami a nap?nav?m př?během, DOKONAL? BLOK, je druhou knihou v nov? s?rii, kter? v?s přinut? ot?čet str?nky pozdě do noci. Kniha č. 3 v s?rii o Jessie Huntov?—DOKONAL? DŮM—je nyn? tak? k dispozici k předobjedn?n?.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094303970


Dokonal? D m
Dokonal? Dům

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

V DOKONAL?M DOMĚ (knize č. 3) se krimin?ln? profiluj?c? psycholožka Jessie Huntov?, 29, čerstv? absolventka Akademie FBI vrac?, jen aby zjistila, že ji pron?sleduje jej? vražedn? otec a ona je uv?zl? v nebezpečn? hře na kočku a myš. Při tom všem mus? nav?c z?vodit s časem, aby zastavila ř?děn? vraha v nov?m př?padu, kter? ji zavede hluboko do předměst?—a až na sam? pokraj jej? psychiky. Jessie si uvědomuje, že kl?č k přežit? najde, jen pokud rozlušt? svou minulost—minulost, s kterou nechtěla m?t už nikdy nic společn?ho.Rychle ub?haj?c? psychologick? thriller s nezapomenuteln?mi postavami a nap?nav?m př?během, DOKONAL? DŮM je třet? knihou v nov? strhuj?c? s?rii, kter? v?s přinut? ot?čet str?nky pozdě do noci.Kniha č. 4 v s?rii o Jessie Huntov? bude k dispozici již brzy.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094304250


Doktor Baqqenin hvalat
Doktor Baqqenin əhvalatı

Àâòîð: Èäà Éåññåí

M?asir Danimarka yazı?ısı İda Yessen ədəbi sahədəki ilk addımlarını 1989-cu ildə Under sten ( Daşın altında) adı altında ?ap etdirdiyi qısa hekayələrlə atmışdır. Həmin vaxtdan bəri yazı?ı saysız romanlar, hekayələr və uşaq kitabları yazıb ?ap etdirmişdir. O, m?asir Danimarka ədəbiyyatında psixoloji realizmin banisi hesab edilir. Əsərləri bir ne?ə dilə tərc?mə olunan yazı?ı əsasən cəmiyyətimizdə baş verənləri bədii dildə qələmə aldığı ???n ?ox sevilir. İda Yessen Danimarka milli akademiyasının ?zv? olmaqla bərabər bədii tərc?mə ilə də məşğuldur.

Öåíà: 225.93 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9953-8067-1-1


Doktor Mar? n d?rd o lu
Doktor Mar?ın d?rd oğlu

Àâòîð: Áðèæèòò Îáåð

G?ndəlik tutan bir qatil… Bu g?ndəliyi təsad?fən ələ ke?irən xidmət?i… G?ndəliyin m?əllifi h?rmətli bir ailənin 18 yaşlı d?rd?zlərindən biridir. Xidmət?i isə oğurluq etdiyi ???n axtarışda olan və saxta adla h?rmətli ailədə xidmət?ilik edən 31 yaşlı qadındır. Xidmət?i nə edəcəyini bilmir. Bir tərəfdən qatili tapmağa ?alışsa da, digər tərəfdən də qa?ıb uzaqlaşmağa, g?rd?klərini gizlətməyə ?alışır. Hadisələr Qatilin və Cenninin g?ndəlikləri əsasında inkişaf edir. Qətllər bir-birini əvəz etdikcə, Cenni qatilinin g?ndəliyini oxumağa davam edir.

Öåíà: 164.22 ðóá.



Àâòîð: Àãèëü Àááà́ñ

Öåíà: 52.28 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6853-30-0



Àâòîð: Fromentin Eug?ne

19. y?zyılın belki de son romantik romanı olan bu eserde, kimi ?zellikleriyle Goethe’nin gen? Werther’ine benzeyen bir karakterin hayatındaki ?alkantılar, romantik duygulanımlar Eug?ne Fromentin’in etkileyici diliyle anlatılır. Tıpkı Werther gibi imk?nsız bir aşka tutulan Dominique’i de bekleyen t?rl? acılar, ızdıraplar vardır. T?m bunlar y?z?nden bir ?l?me, bir intihara s?r?klenmez ama ge?mişinin defterinde yazılı olanlar, bir ?m?r boyu peşini bırakmayacaktır… O zaman m?thiş bir vicdan azabı i?inde kaldım. Haykırırcasına “Ben kalpsiz ve şerefsiz bir sefilim!” dedim. “Kendimi kurtarmanın yolunu bulamadım. Siz bana geldiğiniz h?lde ben sizi kaybediyorum Madeleine, artık size ihtiyacım kalmadı. Artık yardımınızı istemiyorum, hi?bir şey istemiyorum… Bana bu kadar pahalıya mal olan bir yardımı istemiyorum. Ve bu kadar ağır ?dediğim bir dostluğu -ki sizi ?ld?recektir- istemiyorum. Ben azap i?inde olayım yahut olmayayım, bana ait bir mesele, derdimin ?aresi gene benden gelecek. ?ektiklerim yalnız beni alakadar edecek ve nasıl biterse bitsin ucu kimseye dokunmayacaktır.”

Öåíà: 142.05 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-11-2


Don Joaquin s Pride
Don Joaquin's Pride

Àâòîð: Ëèíí Ãðýõåì

From punishment to proposal!Joaquin Del Castillo is as proud as his Latino heritage, and he instantly acts to right the wrong done to his elderly, loyal employee. He plans to lure Lucy Paez – the viper that owes money to his employee – to Guatemala, and here she will stay until she repays her debt!But something about Joaquin's captive doesn’t quite add up. On the surface, Lucy appears to be a glamorous gold digger, but underneath she is deliciously innocent and soon his contempt for her is rivalled only by his blazing desire.But Joaquin's pride has unleashed consequences he never expected; marriage to secure his legacy!

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408996294


Don Quixote, Vol. 1 (Unabridged)
Don Quixote, Vol. 1 (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Ìèãåëü äå Ñåðâàíòåñ Ñààâåäðà

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Peter Silverleaf

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783991174509


Don t Cry for Me
Don't Cry for Me

Àâòîð: Øàðîí Ñàëà

A soldier's homecoming. Mariah Conrad has come home. Badly wounded on active duty in Afghanistan and finally released Stateside, she has no family to call on and nowhere to go—until Quinn Walker arrives at her bedside. Quinn…her brother-in-arms, ex-lover and now maybe her future. Quinn brings Mariah to his log cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky to rest and recuperate both physically and emotionally.While she's incredibly grateful, Mariah is also confused and frustrated. She's always stood on her own two feet, but now even that can literally be torture. She's having flashbacks and blackouts, hearing helicopter noises in the night. She wants to push Quinn away—and hold him closer than ever. But will she get the chance?Those helicopters are more than just post-traumatic stress; they're real—and dangerous. Bad things are happening on the mountain. Suddenly there's a battle to be fought on the home front, and no guarantee of survival.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472000651


Don t You Cry: A gripping suspense full of secrets
Don't You Cry: A gripping suspense full of secrets

Àâòîð: Mary Kubica

No matter how far and how fast you run, the past will always catch up with you.In downtown Chicago, a young woman named Esther Vaughan disappears from her apartment without a trace. A haunting letter addressed to “My Dearest” is the only clue, leaving her friend and roommate Quinn to wonder, who is Esther really? And where did she go? Meanwhile, in a small lake town an hour outside of the city, a mysterious woman, Pearl, appears in the quiet coffee shop where eighteen-year-old Alex Gallo works as a dish washer. He is immediately drawn to her, but what starts as an innocent crush quickly spirals into something deeper and darker.As Quinn searches for answers about Esther and Alex is drawn further under Pearl’s spell, Mary Kubica takes readers on a taut and twisted thrill ride that builds to a stunning conclusion and shows that no matter how fast and far we run, the past always catches up.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474048743


Don t You Forget About Me
Don't You Forget About Me

Àâòîð: Liz Tipping

‘Liz Tipping is a total hidden gem! Her writing is giddy, feel-good and totally entertaining. Don't You Forget About Me is a nostalgic, hilarious must-read. I loved it.’– Kirsty GreenwoodWhat if you could change the girl you were at school?Cara loves to lose herself in the magical world of films. But the Molly Ringwald classics she watches on repeat just keep reminding her of the high school regrets she can’t seem to shake.While stars on screen are immortalised in celluloid (or Blu-Ray, now that she thinks about it), Cara needs to take charge of her own destiny before life passes her by in a blur of John Hughes re-runs.Determined to right past wrongs at her high school reunion, will Cara finally achieve her Pretty in Pink moment? Or will the elusive happy ending she’s chasing have been right in front of her all along?Perfect for fans of Hannah Doyle and Anna Bell, Don’t You Forget About Me is a hilarious and heartwarming story of self-discovery and true love.

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474049559


Donde Habitan Los ?ngeles
Donde Habitan Los ?ngeles

Àâòîð: Emmanuelle Rain

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835401490


Don’t Look Back
Don’t Look Back

Àâòîð: Laura Lippman

Eliza Benedict’s past returns to haunt her when the serial killer she escaped from as a young girl walks back into her life. The nail-shredding novel from New York Times bestseller, Laura Lippman.25 years ago, he stole her innocence. Now he wants to get in touch.Eliza Benedict cherishes her quiet existence with her successful husband and children in the leafy suburbs of suburban Washington. But her tranquillity is shattered when she receives a letter from the last person she ever expects – or wants – to hear from: Walter Bowman.In the summer of 1985 when she was fifteen-years-old, Eliza was kidnapped by serial killer Walter Bowman, who targeted young girls like Eliza in a sexually motivated killing spree. Now facing lethal injection on death row, Walter is keen to make contact with Eliza, seemingly motivated by a desire to atone for his sins before he finally meets his maker.Carefully, with some reluctance, she lets Walter enter her life, first by letter, then in person. Walter is keen to convince Eliza that he has changed but it becomes clear that Walter has more of an agenda than he first revealed. Cunning and manipulative, Walter is never more dangerous than when he can't get what he wants, and he wants something very badly. Disturbingly, he seems to have an ally working in the outside, one who seems to know everything about Eliza's life – including where she lives.As Walter once again manages to exert his malign influence, Eliza must draw on all of her reserves of wisdom and strength as the battle of predator and prey once more plays out and she must face the past head on if she is to survive.A taut and mesmerizing novel by the highly-acclaimed author of Life Sentences and Every Secret Thing.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007432486


Don’t Say a Word: A gripping psychological thriller from the author of The Good Mother
Don’t Say a Word: A gripping psychological thriller from the author of The Good Mother

Àâòîð: A. Bird L

’A fast-paced, gripping thriller.’ B A Paris, bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown'Intense and brilliantly uncomfortable reading' Lisa Hall, bestselling author of Between You and Me A happy child.Every parent knows the world can be scary. Lawyer Jen Sutton knows it better than most. And she’ll go to any length to protect her son from what – and who – lies outside their front door.A loving mother.Some might say she’s being overprotective. But isn’t it a mother’s duty to protect her child from harm?A family built on a lie.Jen has kept her secrets safe. Until the postcard arrives, signed by the one person she hoped would never catch up with her… and her new case begins to feel a little too close to home.One thing is clear: Jen has been found. Now, she faces a choice. Run, and lose everything? Or fight – and risk her son discovering the truth.Don’t Say a Word is the electrifying new psychological thriller from A.L. Bird – perfect for fans of C.L. Taylor and Sue Fortin.‘An absolutely jaw dropper and a must read for all.’ – Karen Whittard, Netgalley reviewer‘Readers hear claim that, “This book will leaving you guessing until the end.” I am glad to say that, for once, the claim is true.’ – M Scott, Netgalley reviewer‘Kept me up all night.‘ – Kathleen Johnson, Netgalley reviewer‘The psychological tension ramps up to a plot twist that took me completely by surprise.’ – Avonna Kershey, Netgalley reviewer‘Wow! A well deserved 5 stars, one of the best pyschological fiction books of this year so far!’ – Julia Beales, Netgalley reviewer‘One you get towards the end you better hope you’re not needed for anything because you will find yourself glued until the last word.’ – Tara Sheehan, Netgalley reviewer‘Impossible to put down.’ – Linda Strong, Netgalley reviewer‘A pacy, action-packed, brilliantly plotted psychological thriller with one hell of a showdown. I absolutely loved it!’ – Diane Jeffrey, author of Those Who Lie

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474069342


Don’t Tell Teacher: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist, from the #1 bestselling author
Don’t Tell Teacher: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist, from the #1 bestselling author

Àâòîð: Suzy Quinn K

School should have been the safest place…For Lizzie Riley, switching her six-year-old son Tom to the local academy school marks a fresh start, post-divorce. With its excellent reputation, Lizzie knows it’ll be a safe space away from home.But there's something strange happening at school. Parents are forbidden from entering the grounds, and there are bars across the classroom windows.Why is Tom coming home exhausted, unable to remember his day? What are the strange marks on his arm? And why do the children seem afraid to talk?Lizzie is descending into every parent’s worst nightmare: her little boy is in danger. But will she be able to protect him before it’s too late?***If you loved Behind Closed Doors, Sometimes I Lie and The Couple Next Door, you won’t be able to put down the chilling new psychological thriller from Suzy K Quinn. Don’t Tell Teacher will have you hooked from the very first page!

Öåíà: 1103.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008323165


Don’t Turn Around: A heart-stopping gripping domestic suspense
Don’t Turn Around: A heart-stopping gripping domestic suspense

Àâòîð: Amanda Brooke

She died.You’re next.Now he’s coming for youTen years ago, Jen’s cousin Meg killed herself after failing to escape an abusive relationship.Now, Meg’s ex is back and Jen’s domestic abuse helpline has started getting frightening calls from a girl who knows things about Meg – details that only the dead girl or the man who hurt her could have known…As Jen starts to uncover the past, someone is determined to stop her. Can she save this young woman from Meg’s fate? Or is history about to repeat itself?

Öåíà: 1324.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008219192


Don’t You Cry: The gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of In a Cottage in a Wood
Don’t You Cry: The gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of In a Cottage in a Wood

Àâòîð: Cass Green

One stolen baby. Two desperate strangers. One night of terror.The USA Today and Sunday Times top ten bestselling author returns with a dark and twisty psychological thriller.She saved your life.When Nina almost dies during a disastrous blind date, her life is saved by a waitress called Angel. But later that evening, Nina is surprised by a knock on the door. It’s Angel – and she’s pointing a gun at her.Now she’ll make you pay.Minutes later, Angel’s younger brother Lucas turns up, covered in blood shielding a stolen newborn baby in his arms. Nina is about to endure the longest night of her life – a night that will be filled with terror and lead her to take risks she would never have believed herself capable of…

Öåíà: 1324.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008287221


Dood en een hond
Dood en een hond

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

DOOD EN EEN HOND (EEN LACEY DOYLE COZY MYSTERY – BOEK 2) is het tweede boek in een aantrekkelijke, nieuwe cozy mystery-serie van Fiona Grace. Lacey Doyle, negenendertig jaar en pas gescheiden, heeft een drastische verandering in haar leven gemaakt: ze heeft het snelle leven van New York City de rug toegekeerd en is in de schilderachtige Engelse kustplaats Wilfordshire neergestreken. De lente zit weer in de lucht. Met het moordmysterie van vorige maand achter de rug, een nieuwe beste vriend in de vorm van haar Engelse herdershond en een ontluikende relatie met de banketbakker aan de overkant van de straat, lijkt het alsof alles eindelijk op zijn plek valt. Lacey is zo enthousiast over haar eerste grote veiling, vooral wanneer er een waardevol, mysterieus voorwerp in haar catalogus terechtkomt. Het lijkt allemaal zonder problemen te verlopen, totdat twee mysterieuze bieders van buiten de stad aankomen en een van hen de dood vindt. Het kleine stadje is in rep en roer, en de reputatie van haar bedrijf staat op het spel. Kunnen Lacey en haar trouwe hond de misdaad oplossen en haar naam in ere herstellen? Boek 3 in de serie, MISDAAD IN HET CAF?, is ook vooruit te bestellen!

Ñåðèÿ: Een Lacey Doyle Cozy Mystery

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094306346



Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A MEESTERWERK VAN THRILLER EN MYSTERIE. Blake Pierce heeft op een fantastische manier personages ontwikkeld die een psychologische kant hebben die zo wel beschreven is dat het lijkt alsof we in hun hoofd zitten, hun angsten volgen en hun successen toejuichen. Dit boek zit boordevol onverwachte wendingen en houdt je tot de laatste bladzijde wakker.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg) DOODSGEZICHT is boek #1 in een nieuwe FBI thriller-reeks door USA Today bestseller-auteur Blake Pierce, wiens #1 bestseller EENS WEG (Boek #1) (een gratis download) meer dan 1.000 vijfsterrenreviews heeft gekregen. FBI Special Agent Zoe Prime heeft een zeldzame aandoening die haar ook een uniek talent geeft – ze ziet de wereld door de lens van getallen. De getallen kwellen haar, maken het haar moeilijk andere mensen te begrijpen, en hebben hun weerslag op haar mislukte romantische leven – maar tegelijkertijd laten ze haar patronen zien die geen enkele andere FBI-agent kan zien. Beschaamd houdt Zoe haar aandoening angstvallig geheim, bang dat haar collega’s erachter zullen komen. Maar wanneer een seriemoordenaar in het Midwesten toeslaat, vrouwen wurgt op afgelegen plekken, en op het eerste oog met volstrekte willekeur, staat Zoe voor het eerst in haar loopbaan voor een volledig raadsel. Is er een patroon? Kan het zijn dat er helemaal geen patroon is? Of is deze dader even geobsedeerd door nummers als zij? In een zenuwslopende race tegen de klok moet Zoe in de duivelse huid kruipen van een dader die steeds een stap verder dan zij lijkt te zijn, en hem tegenhouden voor hij zijn volgende slachtoffer maakt. Tegelijkertijd worstelt ze met haar eigen demonen, die uiteindelijk een grotere bedreiging kunnen vormen. DOODSGEZICHT, een thriller boordevol actie en spanning, is boek #1 in een meeslepende nieuwe reeks die je tot diep in de nacht blijft lezen. Boek #2 en #3 in de reeks —MOORDGEZICHT en ANGSTGEZICHT – kunnen eveneens voorbesteld worden.

Ñåðèÿ: Een Zoe Prime Mysterie

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9781094306636


Doodswens (Door Bloed Gebonden Boek 12)
Doodswens (Door Bloed Gebonden Boek 12)

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Ren dacht dat hij een kleine dief had betrapt, maar ontdekte dat verborgen onder lagen jongenskleren en vuil de meest begeerlijke verleidster was die hij ooit had gezien. Ren realiseert zich dat ze gebrandmerkt is met het merkteken van een demon en een doodswens leek te hebben. Ren besluit snel dat de enige manier om haar in leven te houden is door haar niet uit het oog te verliezen. Als de demonen su?cidaal genoeg waren om te denken dat ze haar van hem zouden wegnemen, zou hij hun hun eigen doodswens geven. In aanraking komen met de ondergrondse diefstalring die door demonen wordt gerund, was gemakkelijk geweest … het aan hen ontsnappen was waar Lacey problemen mee had toen ze besloten haar te vermoorden. Als haar partner sterft om haar een voorsprong te geven, laat ze zijn offer niet verloren gaan en rent ze alsof er een horde demonen achter haar aan zit … wat ze ook deden. Hoe moest ze weten dat haar ontsnappingsroute haar rechtstreeks naar het midden van een demonenoorlog zou leiden en in de armen van een sexy vreemdeling die sterker was dan haar ergste nachtmerrie? Ren dacht dat hij een kleine dief had betrapt, maar ontdekte dat verborgen onder lagen jongenskleren en vuil de meest begeerlijke verleidster was die hij ooit had gezien. Ren realiseert zich dat ze gebrandmerkt is met het merkteken van een demon en een doodswens leek te hebben. Ren besluit snel dat de enige manier om haar in leven te houden is door haar niet uit het oog te verliezen. Als de demonen su?cidaal genoeg waren om te denken dat ze haar van hem zouden afpakken, zou hij hun hun eigen doodswens geven.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835415268


Dopo La Caduta
Dopo La Caduta

Àâòîð: L. G. Castillo

Finalmente riunita all’amore della sua vita, Naomi pensava di possedere l’amore eterno e la felicit?. Malgrado la presenza del ribelle Lash al suo fianco, si accorge che la vita da arcangelo non ? semplice. Quando i segreti del passato vengono finalmente rivelati, si accendono gli animi, i fratelli si scagliano uno contro l’altro, e Naomi e Lash affrontano la pi? grande minaccia alla propria relazione: la scelta fra l’amore, la famiglia, e il dovere. Riuscir? questa famiglia di angeli spezzati a perdonare gli errori del passato o continuer? a portarsi le spine nel cuore, disgregando la sua unione?

Ñåðèÿ: Angelo Spezzato

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873048619


Dorian Gray’in Portresi
Dorian Gray’in Portresi

Àâòîð: Îñêàð Óàéëüä

Olduk?a sevimli ve yakışıklı olan Dorian Gray, bu ?zellikleriyle ona tapınma derecesinde hayranlık besleyen ressam arkadaşının ilgisini ?eker. Tanrı’nın bu bağışları ile ressamın sanat kabiliyeti bir araya gelince de muhteşem bir şaheser ?ıkar ortaya. İşte Dorian Gray’in Portresi!.. Bir mucize olur ve portre, Dorian Gary’e ebed? bir gen?lik aşılar. Fakat bu mucize b?y?k bir vicdani hesaplaşmayı da beraberinde getirecektir… “Dorian Gray’in Portresi” Oscar Wilde’ın tek romanıdır. Wilde bir mektubunda karakterlerin kendisini yansıttığını belirtmiştir: “Basil Hallward kendi hakkımda d?ş?nd?klerim: Lord Henry d?nyanın hakkımda d?ş?nd?kleri: Dorian -belki başka yaşlarda- olmak istediğim…” "Dorian kafasını sallayıp g?l?mserken 'Bu dediklerini yaşadım.' dedi. 'Şimdi ?ok mutluyum. Mesela vicdanın ne demek olduğunu biliyorum artık. Bana tarif ettiğin gibi bir şey değilmiş. İ?imizdeki en kutsal şeymiş. Onu k???msememelisin Harry; en azından bundan sonra benim yanımda bunu yapma. İyi bir insan olmak istiyorum. Ruhumun ?irkinleşmesi fikrine dayanamıyorum.' "

Öåíà: 66.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-00-6



Àâòîð: Eva Forte

Dos vidas que se cruzan cada ma?ana en el bar. Dos miradas que dicen mucho m?s que las palabras y que inician al tiempo una ”no relaci?n” hecha de juegos y seducciones, m?s all? de las formas habituales de cortejo. Dos protagonistas que nos har?n entrar en sus vidas a trav?s del pasado y de los cinco sentidos en el presente.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873048602


Dossier Zero
Dossier Zero

Àâòîð: Äæåê Ìàðñ

“Non dormirai finch? non avrai finito di leggere AGENTE ZERO. I personaggi, magistralmente sviluppati e molto divertenti, sono il punto di forza di questo lavoro superbo. La descrizione delle scene d'azione ci trasporta nella loro realt?; sembrer? di essere seduti in un cinema 3D dotato dei migliori simulatori di realt? virtuale (sarebbe un incredibile film di Hollywood). Non vedo l'ora che venga pubblicato il seguito".–Roberto Mattos, recensore di Film e LibriIn DOSSIER ZERO (Libro n. 5), la memoria dell'agente Zero finalmente ritorna, e con essa, vengono alla luce rivelazioni scioccanti sulla trama segreta della CIA per scatenare una guerra e per togliergli la vita. Espulso dall'agenzia e in fuga, riuscir? a fermarli in tempo?Quando un incidente nello Stretto di Hormuz minaccia di far scoppiare una guerra mondiale, la memoria dell'Agente Zero ritorna e, con essa, la possibilit? di scoprire cosa ha causato la sua perdita di memoria. Disconosciuto dalla CIA e con al suo fianco pochi amici, Zero dovr? cercare di fermare la CIA e di proteggere la sua famiglia, che viene presa di mira.Eppure, mentre scava pi? in profondit?, viene a galla un altro complotto, ancora pi? nefasto, che lo porter? a non fidarsi di nessuno e a rischiare tutto per salvare il paese che ama.DOSSIER ZERO (Libro #5) ? un thriller di spionaggio che ti terr? attaccato alla trama fino a notte fonda. Il libro n. 6 della serie AGENTE ZERO ? ora disponibile."Un fantastico thriller".–Midwest Book Review «Uno dei migliori thriller che ho letto quest'anno».– Recensioni di Libri e Film? disponibile anche la serie LUKE STONE THRILLER di Jack Mars (7 libri), che inizia con A OGNI COSTO (Libro #1), un download gratuito con oltre 800 recensioni a cinque stelle!

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305059


Double Deception
Double Deception

Àâòîð: Terri Reed

Her faith had always been strong enough to see her through tragedy–until Kate Wheeler's world turned deadly.Her husband had been murdered, and the discovery of his double life sent her on the run…into the protective custody of Sheriff Brody McClain. Brody vowed to help Kate uncover the truth about her husband's death.As Kate and Brody tried to outwit her enemies on a cross-country chase, the couple found themselves drawn to each other by more than mere circumstance. But the unmasking of the criminal mastermind might just be the thing that destroys Kate's trust–and faith–forever.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408967478


Double Entry
Double Entry

Àâòîð: Margaret McKinlay

John Leith is an easy-going Edinburgh accountant, a widower with a young son, and a long-standing relationship with an attractive woman which neither wants to turn into marriage.Suddenly his life is disturbed when he is attacked in his office, his flat searched and vandalised, and his sister’s home broken into. John can discern no reason for the incidents but as the violence against him steps up he begins to feel like a tethered goat and is drawn willy-nilly into the activities of his uncle’s detective agency, which seems to offer his best hope of protection, to say nothing of discovering what lies behind these unprovoked attacks.But when his unknown enemies turn their attention to those who matter most to him, John Leith discovers that he too can use violence when necessary, and Margaret McKinlay’s first novel reaches a shattering climax as the identity of the villains and their true motive are finally unmasked.

Öåíà: 1103.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008252731


Double Men: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him
Double Men: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him

Àâòîð: Namwali Serpell

A short story by Namwali Serpell from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘Double Men’, a secret liaison during a Zambian bonding ceremony has repercussions for two old female friends.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, the full collection, Reader I Married Him, brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Bront?’s game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008173500


Double Take
Double Take

Àâòîð: Leigh Riker

THE WOMAN WHO'D LEFT THE PARTY WEARING CAMERON'S CLOTHES WAS NOW VERY DEAD!Cameron McKenzie had traded places with her celebrity boss as a favor–and it just might have saved her own life. But the last thing she wanted was to be back in the Witness Protection Program, back under U.S. Marshal J. C. Ransom's watchful gaze.When he looked at her it was all heat and anger. And stark, raw desire. Talk about danger! But without J.C.'s protection Cameron knew it would only be a matter of time until the killer caught up with her. And she'd rather lose her heart to a U.S. Marshal than her life to a dangerous predator.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033406


Double-Edged Detective
Double-Edged Detective

Àâòîð: Mallory Kane

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472058560


Down to the Wire
Down to the Wire

Àâòîð: Laura Scott

LAWMAN TO THE RESCUEWho placed the bomb under schoolteacher Tess Collins's classroom desk–and why? There's only one man who can save Tess–SWAT cop Declan Shaw. Her survival depends on him defusing the bomb and protecting her from an unknown enemy. He can't afford to be distracted by the alluring beauty who was his onetime high school crush. But keeping her safe soon becomes more than just a job for the highly trained explosives expert. And it'll take all his professional skills to catch the madman targeting Tess before it's too late.SWAT: TOP COPS–Love in the line of duty

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472073655


Dr. Bodyguard
Dr. Bodyguard

Àâòîð: Jessica Andersen

PROTECTOR…LOVERShe'd been a prodigy since birth, a woman for whom no puzzle was unsolvable. But when she was attacked in her very own research lab, brilliant, reserved Dr. Genie «Genius» Watson quickly discovered that this time she didn't have all the answers. Only Dr. Nick Wellington, once considered more foe than friend, could help unlock the memories her brain refused to reveal. Like a sexy, gallant knight, he'd come to her rescue, insisted on protecting her from a madman hell–bent on revenge–and determined to break through her icy veneer. But with time running out and a killer closing in, would Genie surrender to the ache in her heart that only her Dr. Bodyguard could cure?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033413


Dr. Dad
Dr. Dad

Àâòîð: Julianna Morris

REMEDY: WIFE?A baby was just not what the doctor ordered. But somehow Dr. Noah Bradley was sharing his home with his precocious orphaned niece and an ever-increasing menagerie of pets. He figured daddyhood was the hardest task he'd ever undertaken. And then beautiful Starr Granger walked into his life.This can't-commit bachelor didn't know what his niece's godmother muddled more–his home or his heart. Playing house with Starr was getting way too personal for this doctor's comfort. Noah thought he was immune to this irrepressibly flamboyant female's intoxicating charm, but she set his head spinning and he felt a painful ache whenever she wasn't around. Was Starr just what the doctor needed?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472069627


Drachenhexer - Glutschwingen, Band 1 (ungek?rzt)
Drachenhexer - Glutschwingen, Band 1 (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Anna Kleve

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Holly Loose

Öåíà: 1474.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 4066004514529



Àâòîð: Áðýì Ñòîêåð

A companion edition of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire novel, to be published alongside the official sequel by his great grand nephew, Dacre Stoker."I am here to do Your bidding, Master. I am Your slave…"This dark, brooding and powerfully atmospheric novel by Bram Stoker is a classic of gothic literature, casting light on the darkness of the human psyche, and exploiting our deepest fears.When newly qualified solicitor Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help a new client purchase a residence in London, he is unaware that he will be lucky to escape with his life. Harker's fateful visit to Count Dracula's castle begins a series of disturbing events, as the malevolence he discovers there reaches across continents and oceans to twist and abuse his loved ones at home in England.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007355396


Dracula: The Un-Dead
Dracula: The Un-Dead

Àâòîð: Ian Holt

The official sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel Dracula, written by his direct descendent and endorsed by the Stoker familyThe story begins in 1912, twenty-five years after the events described in the original novel. Dr. Jack Seward, now a disgraced morphine addict, hunts vampires across Europe with the help of a mysterious benefactor. Meanwhile, Quincey Harker, the grown son of Jonathan and Mina, leaves law school to pursue a career in stage at London's famous Lyceum Theatre.The production of Dracula at the Lyceum, directed and produced by Bram Stoker, has recently lost its star. Luckily, Quincey knows how to contact the famed Hungarian actor Basarab, who agrees to take the lead role.Quincey soon discovers that the play features his parents and their former friends as characters, and seems to reveal much about the terrible secrets he's always suspected them of harbouring. But, before he can confront them, Jonathan Harker is found murdered.The writers were able to access Bram Stoker's hand-written notes and have included in their story characters and plot threads that had been excised by the publisher from the original printing over a century ago.Dracula is one of the most recognized fictional characters in the world, having spawned dozens of multi-media spin-offs. The Un-Dead is the first Dracula story to enjoy the full support of the Stoker estate since the original 1931 movie starring Bela Lugosi.

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007342945


Dragon Justice
Dragon Justice

Àâòîð: Laura Anne Gilman

We knew the job was impossible when we took it…In my time with PUPI, formally known as Private, Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations, I’ve seen a lot. Learned a lot. And not all of it’s been good. But what we do – making people accountable for crimes committed with magic – is important work. Still. Even I need to take a break every now and again. Or so I’ve just been told (ordered).So hey, vacation. Maybe I’ll finally figure out what’s going on with the “special bond” between me and the bossman, Benjamin Venec. Venec seems to like that idea – he’s invited me down to join him on a jaunt to Philly. But no sooner do I arrive in the City of Brotherly Love than we’re called in to look at a dead body. And that’s when life gets really complicated…."Layers of mystery, science, politics, romance, and old-fashioned investigative work mixed with high-tech spellcraft." —Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Pack of Lies

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472015365



Àâòîð: Barbara Hambly

The thundering conclusion to Barbara Hambly’s landmark quartet, The Winterlands, Dragonstar is a riot of magic, demons and dragons that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Condemned to die for consorting with demons, dragonslayer Lord John Aversin sits in a dank prison cell and calculates the odds of escape, all the while smelling the smoke of the executioners’ pyres. Far away in Winterlands, Jenny Waynest pays a heavy price for turning away from dragonkind and choosing to be human. She mourns the loss of her husband, Lord John even as she turns to face the dangers that engulf her family. But it is the season of the Dragon Star, and hope shines brightest in the dark. As a pitched battle between demons and humanity rages, Jenny and John will be given one last chance to understand all that has happened to them and why, who their true enemies and allies are, and most of all, who they were always meant to be. The thundering conclusion to Barbara Hambly’s landmark quartet, The Winterlands, Dragonstar is a riot of magic, demons and dragons that will stay with you long after you turn the final page.

Öåíà: 991.72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008374259


Dream Baby
Dream Baby

Àâòîð: Ann Evans

By the Year 2000: BABY!What have you resolved to do by the year 2000?Millenium Baby!When a friend–pregnant and desperate–suggests that Nora Holloway adpot the baby, it looks as if Nora's dream of celebrating the millenium with a family of her own may come true.Then the baby's uncle shows up with a plan that doesn't include Nora. Jake Burdette's guilt over his brother's death won't allow him to break his promise to look after the child. He won't allow a stranger to adopt his nephew.But the more he learns about Nora, the less of a stranger she becomes….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472063649


Drifting South
Drifting South

Àâòîð: Charles Davis

Shady is the town where I grew up in every way a young man could, where I saw every kind of good and bad there is to see.Everybody found their true nature in Shady. In a single day, Benjamin Purdue lost his family, his love, his freedom and even his name for reasons he’s never known. Now Ben, the boy he used to be, is dead. And Henry Cole, the man he’s become, is no one he would ever want to know.With only a few dollars in his pocket, Henry journeys back to the dangerous town where it all began. The only place he’s ever called home. As he drifts southward, he gets closer to the beautiful woman whose visit to Shady all those years ago ended in a killing. A woman who holds the keys to his past…and his future.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408910894


Driving Her Wild
Driving Her Wild

Àâòîð: Meg Maguire

Winning is good. Succumbing is even better…EvasionRecently-retired pro MMA fighter Steph Healy is through having rough-‘n’-tumble romps with sexy blue-collar dudes.Unfortunately, Wilinski Gym has hired an electrician with a body built to make a gal weep.And avoiding some full-body contact is taking all of Steph’s self-control.GrappleCarpenter-turned-electrician Patrick Doherty is damn good with his hands.Sure, he’s not what Steph is looking for—yet.But he’s about prove that she has seriously underestimated her opponent…SubmissionThe moment Patrick has her deliciously pinned, Steph knows she’s in deep, deep trouble.Because this seemingly mild carpenter has the mastery to give her exactly what she needs… and this is one takedown she’s willing to take lying down!

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408997130


Driving Home For Christmas
Driving Home For Christmas

Àâòîð: A. Michael L

Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlaneMegan McAllister is home for Christmas…whether she likes it or not!Christmas is about family…and for Megan family means two people: herself, and her daughter Skye. It doesn’t mean her parents who, ten years ago, saw her pregnancy as anything but a miracle. And it definitely doesn’t include her irresistible ex-boyfriend Lucas Bright.So ‘Driving Home for Christmas’ has never been top of Megan’s festive playlist. But for Skye, she knows she needs to spend the holiday season with the people she’s left behind. She can do this. Even if the thought of meeting Lucas under the mistletoe still has her feeling like she’s drunk one-too-many Snowballs!But somewhere between the hanging of stockings and the crackle of wrapping paper, Christmas starts to sparkle. And Megan begins to wonder if family could be bigger than her and Skye after all…Pop the buck’s fizz, stoke the fire and prepare to giggle the festive season away with AL Michael!Praise for A.L. Michael‘I know it’s a good book when I shut the kindle cover and sigh with contentment. The Last Word totally did it for me.’ – 4* from Angela (Goodreads)‘This is a funny, funny book.’ 5* to The Last Word from Rosee (Amazon)‘Fresh, fast and…had that magical romance feeling and a bit of hotness that you just can’t help but love. Absolutely brilliant!’ 5* to The Last Word from The Book Geek Wears Pajamas‘I LOVED THIS. I laughed, I cried, I fell in love. All of the emotions were felt in the reading of this book and it is definitely one of the best Christmas releases that I’ve read this year.’ 5* to Driving Home for Christmas from Erin’s Choice‘I laughed, I cried and I was left with that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you read something wonderful.’ 5* to Driving Home for Christmas from That Thing She Reads

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472096517


Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! plus Collins GEM Calorie Counter Set
Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! plus Collins GEM Calorie Counter Set

Àâòîð: Joanna Hall

The kick-start fat loss programme from the UK’s leading Diet and Movement Specialist, Joanna Hall, plus the UK’s biggest-selling calorie counter, now available for the first time in a single volume to help you shift those Christmas pounds!Everyone has those times when they want to lose their love handles quickly – to get back in their jeans, lose weight put on over Christmas, or look fantastic for a special occasion or a holiday. Joanna Hall shows you how to achieve this with her Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! tried and tested programme:• A 14 day ‘Get a Grip’ plan• A great ‘maintenance’ system: how to keep your body trim in the long term using a simple points system, so you can eat the foods you want while following Joanna’s no carbs after 5pm rule• ‘Damage Limitation’ tips: how to minimize the harm when away on business trips, cooking for a family, entertaining or eating out.With over 700,000 copies sold, Collins Gem Calorie Counter is the UK’s top-selling calorie counter. The perfect companion when you’re following a calorie-controlled diet. This improved edition takes in new areas: Kids’ food, Fast Food and Family Favourites.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007577392


Du Chaud Dans La Ville - Nouvelle
Du Chaud Dans La Ville - Nouvelle

Àâòîð: T. M. Bilderback

Sur la piste d'un horrible tueur, un d?tective se laisse distraire par une jeune et belle femme Plusieurs meurtres horribles ont eu lieu dans le Bohemian Village, la partie artistique de la ville. Chaque victime ?tait un homme, et avait ?t? aper?ue pour la derni?re fois en train de danser dans diff?rentes bo?tes de nuit du Village. Les d?tectives John Yates et James William ‘’Jim Bill’’ Coleman sont charg?s de surveiller l'une de ces bo?tes de nuit ? la recherche de l’auteur des meurtres de ‘’Dance Murders’’. Mais la situation se complique lorsque le d?tective Coleman devient obs?d? par une tr?s belle fille qu'il voit dans la bo?te de nuit. Personne ne sait qui elle est. Personne ne sait d'o? elle vient. Tous les hommes la d?vorent des yeux et veulent la ramener chez eux. Cette fille va-t-elle faire manquer au d?tective Coleman la chance d'attraper le tueur ? D?couvrez-le dans cette histoire inhabituelle de T. M. Bilderback, inspir?e de la chanson ? succ?s de Nick Gilder, Hot Child In The City !

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835410836


Dublin Palms
Dublin Palms

Àâòîð: Hugo Hamilton

Dublin Palms is a moving examination of fatherhood and families across the world, a story of emigrants and strangers and people returning.The seafront was full of memory, full of sand and sex and shivering and wet bathing costumes pooled on the ground. Everything was familiar, the hedges with purple flowers, the granite pier, the lighthouse…You can be bullied by things you love.Sean has returned to Dublin from Berlin. He feels a constant dislocation, never quite arriving in his place of birth. Everything comes to him in a confusion of three languages.Irish: the ghost language, the one his father spoke, the one added to road signs, the one in which they sing the old songs of leaving. German: his mother’s tongue, with its distance and its dark history. And English: the language of the street, the language his father barred from the home, the language he now lives in with his partner Helen and their two children.In this spectacular novel from the author of The Speckled People, Sean attempts to build his own version of home, one that is made of stories and memory, one that is under constant threat of falling apart.

Öåíà: 1667.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008128104


Due Dopo Mezzanotte
Due Dopo Mezzanotte

Àâòîð: Richard Squeal

Due emozionanti thriller erotici, per ravvivare la tua serata. RAPITO: Uno studente di medicina viene prelevato da un furgone pieno di bellissime aliene che, come scopre presto, hanno otto organi di quasi tutto. Deve fuggire o essere portato via in una galassia lontana per servire un intero pianeta di insaziabili extraterrestri? TACCHI A SPILLO: Uno sceneggiatore televisivo ? triste quando scopre che sua moglie ? un'infedele che ha una relazione con il suo amico, come rivelano le sue telecamere nascoste. Decide di vendicarsi in modo molto bizzarro.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419891


Due. Dispari
Due. Dispari

Àâòîð: Federico Montuschi

Costarica, primavera 2015, molti temporali. Musica rock di sottofondo. Uno strano suicidio di un parroco di provincia. Non convinti dalla frettolosa indagine delle autorit? locali, l'ispettore Castillo, ex commissario di polizia che balbetta nei giorni piovosi, e lo Slavo, suo giovane aiutante dal passato oscuro, investigano sul caso. Le tracce raccolte si intrecciano con le disavventure universitarie della figlia prediletta dell’ispettore, con la violenza subita da una ragazza nel corso di una strana festa e con la comparsa di un enigmatico agente italiano legato ai servizi segreti. Il tutto senza un apparente punto di convergenza. Solo uno sgangherato viaggio permetter? di riordinare i pezzi della vicenda, dimostrando a pi? riprese che da analoghi punti di partenza si possono scatenare percorsi di vita diversi, convergenti o divergenti, univoci o binari. E anche il Due, in queste situazioni, pu? diventare Dispari. Costarica, primavera 2015, molti temporali. Musica rock di sottofondo. Uno strano suicidio di un parroco di provincia. Non convinti dalla frettolosa indagine delle autorit? locali, l'ispettore Castillo, ex commissario di polizia che balbetta nei giorni piovosi, e lo Slavo, suo giovane aiutante dal passato oscuro, investigano sul caso. Le tracce raccolte si intrecciano con le disavventure universitarie della figlia prediletta dell’ispettore, con la violenza subita da una ragazza nel corso di una strana festa e con la comparsa di un enigmatico agente italiano legato ai servizi segreti. Il tutto senza un apparente punto di convergenza. Solo uno sgangherato viaggio permetter? di riordinare i pezzi della vicenda, dimostrando a pi? riprese che da analoghi punti di partenza si possono scatenare percorsi di vita diversi, convergenti o divergenti, univoci o binari. E anche il Due, in queste situazioni, pu? diventare Dispari.

Öåíà: 650.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873045977


Duelling Fire
Duelling Fire

Àâòîð: Anne Mather

Mills & Boon are excited to present The Anne Mather Collection – the complete works by this classic author made available to download for the very first time! These books span six decades of a phenomenal writing career, and every story is available to read unedited and untouched from their original release.In danger of getting burnt?When Sara is left alone in the world after her father’s death, she is glad to accept her ‘aunt’ Harriet’s invitation to become her companion. But when she arrives, she realises it may not be the ideal solution – especially when she meets the enigmatic Jude. Just who is he, and what is his relationship to her aunt? One moment they are close, the next, Jude is just as contemptuous of Harriet as everyone else.So why does Sara begin to feel more and more attracted to Jude? Sara knows it wouldn’t be wise to get too close – but she is finding his flickering flame more and more impossible to resist…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472097552


Dunkles Blut - Their Stories, Band 5 (ungek?rzt)
Dunkles Blut - Their Stories, Band 5 (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Xenia Jungwirth

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Josepha Walter

Öåíà: 784.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 4251703569721


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