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O Cora??o Do Tempo
O Cora??o Do Tempo

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Cuidado com o que voc? quer. Para salvar todos, um desejo foi feito, somente atrasando a guerra em vez de termina-la. A batalha entre o bem e o mal tinha chegado ao fim… mas tinha mesmo? Mil anos separavam a jovem sacerdotisa de seus cinco guardi?es, irm?os que tinham jurado protege-la. Apenas um deles tinha conservado a mem?ria intata, esperando o momento em que Hyakuhei, o pr?prio cora??o do dem?nio, surgiria para tentar roubar a raz?o mesma de sua exist?ncia. A sacerdotisa repentinamente se viu no meio de uma guerra antiga, n?o s? entre o bem e o mal, mas tamb?m entre os irm?os.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988711


O Duque De Lady Pear
O Duque De Lady Pear

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Com o Natal chegando, Lady Pearyn recebe presentes de um admirador secreto e come?a a acreditar que talvez devesse dar aten??o a este novo cavalheiro, porque seu Duque certamente n?o a quer. Lady Pearyn Treedale est? noiva de Cameron Spencer, o Duque de Partridgdon, desde os oito anos de idade. Uma pr?tica arcaica, mas uma situa??o que ela passou a gostar. Em sua introdu??o formal ? sociedade, ela n?o era como as outras debutantes. Enquanto todos procuravam maridos, ela fez amigos, teve conversas estimulantes e fez o que lhe agradasse. Seu noivo teve a boa gra?a de estar ausente a maior parte de sua vida. Pois, certo dia, o Duque saiu em sua turn? mundial e decidiu nunca mais voltar para a Inglaterra, permitindo a Lady Pear uma liberdade que a maioria das mulheres nunca experimentou. Agora, aos vinte e cinco anos, Lady Pear se pergunta se talvez ela tenha entendido tudo errado. Ela tem amigos, mas n?o tem um amor e nem fam?lia. Com o Natal chegando, Lady Pearyn recebe presentes de um admirador secreto e come?a a acreditar que talvez devesse dar aten??o a este novo cavalheiro, porque seu Duque certamente n?o a quer.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835415961


O Homem ? Beira-Mar
O Homem ? Beira-Mar

Àâòîð: Jack Benton

Um mist?rio ambientado na costa de Lancashire no noroeste da Inglaterra. John ”Slim” Hardy, alco?latra e soldado desonrado que virou um detetive atrapalhado, ? contratado para investigar Ted Douglas, um banc?rio de investimentos que foge do trabalho toda sexta para visitar uma enseada desolada na costa de Lancashire. L?, ele anda at? a praia, abre um velho livro, e come?a a ler em voz alta. Sua esposa acha que ele est? tendo um caso. Slim acha que ele ? louco. A verdade ? mais incr?vel do que ambos podem imaginar. O Homem ? Beira Mar ? o sensacional primeiro romance de Jack Benton, uma hist?ria cl?ssica de amor, trai??o, assassinato e intriga.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835417194


O Lumin ?n Inima Tenebrelor
O Lumină ?n Inima Tenebrelor

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873046042


O Metro Do Amor T?xico - Romance
O Metro Do Amor T?xico - Romance

Àâòîð: Guido Pagliarino

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893986106


O Misterioso Tesouro De Roma
O Misterioso Tesouro De Roma

Àâòîð: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Se tivessem me contado, n?o teria acreditado. Quem diria, que uma viagem a trabalho poderia se transformar na minha maior aventura, e que gra?as a ela, pude salvar a vida da pessoa que tempos depois seria minha esposa por trinta felizes anos? Minha mem?ria ?s vezes me engana, e ? dif?cil me lembrar de lugares ou datas, portanto vou relatar os fatos da forma mais leg?tima poss?vel para que esse texto me sirva como um di?rio. Na minha vida, como presumo que na de todos, tive muitos momentos bons e felizes e tamb?m momentos dif?ceis e tristes, mas nenhum t?o relevante como o que me aconteceu naquela semana que tanto marcou minha maneira de pensar, e meu futuro.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409045


O Pr?dio Perfeito
O Pr?dio Perfeito

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

Em O PR?DIO PERFEITO (livro #2), a estreante especialista em perfis criminosos, Jessie Hunt, de 29 anos, pega nos destro?os de sua vida arruinada e deixa os sub?rbios para come?ar uma nova vida no centro de Los Angeles. Mas quando uma socialite rica ? assassinada, Jessie, encarregada do caso, se v? de volta ao mundo das perfeitas paisagens dos sub?rbios, ca?ando um assassino demente no meio das falsas fachadas da normalidade e mulheres sociopatas.Jessie, prosperando novamente no centro de Los Angeles, tem a certeza de que est? ultrapassando seu pesadelo suburbano. Pronta para colocar seu casamento fracassado para tr?s, ela consegue um emprego no departamento de pol?cia local, adiando sua entrada na Academia do FBI.? atribu?do a Jessie um inequ?voco assassinato em um bairro rico, um caso simples para iniciar sua carreira. Mas seus chefes n?o imaginam que este caso ? mais complexo do que se suspeitava. Nada pode preparar Jessie para o primeiro caso, que a vai obrigar a investigar as mentes dos casais ricos e suburbanos que ela pensava ter deixado para tr?s. Por tr?s de suas fotos de fam?lia polida e sebes bem cuidadas, Jessie percebe que a perfei??o n?o ? o que parece.Um thriller psicol?gico em ritmo acelerado com personagens inesquec?veis e suspense de cortar a respira??o, O PR?DIO PERFEITO ? o livro # 2 de uma nova s?rie fascinante que vai fazer voc? ler pela noite dentro.Livro #3 na s?rie Jessie Hunt—A CASA PERFEITA—est? tamb?m agora dispon?vel para pr?-encomenda.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094303925


O Segredo De Ser Feliz
O Segredo De Ser Feliz

Àâòîð: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

“O segredo de ser feliz” traz as linhas mestras referentes a v?rias profiss?es.Nelas,o leitor vai deparar-se com os pr?s e contras de cada eixo profissional facilitando a compreens?o por meio de exemplos.Mais do que um manual,ele ? um guia de identifica??o profissional muito ?til especialmente para os estudantes,estudiosos em geral ou aqueles que queiram tentar mudar seu perfil procurando uma nova op??o do mercado de trabalho.Eu desejo a todos uma boa leitura!”

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873047896


O Segredo Do Relojoeiro
O Segredo Do Relojoeiro

Àâòîð: Jack Benton

O segundo mist?rio emocionante da s?rie de mist?rios Slim Hardy. Um rel?gio enterrado ? a chave para um mist?rio de d?cadas atr?s. De f?rias para fugir dos pesadelos de seu ?ltimo caso, o ex-soldado e agora detetive particular John ”Slim” Hardy encontra algo enterrado no mato em Bodmin Moor. Incompleto e danificado pela ?gua, mas ainda funcionando, o velho rel?gio fornece uma pista vital para um caso de pessoa desaparecida. Quando Slim come?a a fazer perguntas na pequena vila de Penleven, ele encontra um mundo de mentiras, rumores, e segredos, alguns dos quais os residentes preferem manter enterrados. Vinte e tr?s anos atr?s, um relojoeiro recluso deixou sua oficina e andou at? Bodmin Moor, levando consigo seu ?ltimo rel?gio incompleto. Ele desapareceu. Slim est? determinado a descobrir o porqu?. O segredo do relojoeiro ? a assombrosa continua??o do romance de estr?ia de Jack Benton, ”O Homem ? Beira Mar”.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423287


O Treinamento Da Motiva??o
O Treinamento Da Motiva??o

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Eis o novo tema do nosso percurso e a mim parece muito importante. Tenho vontade – ent?o fa?o? ? sempre assim? Do querer ao fazer h? um grande oceano… O que significa? Que n?o ? assim f?cil realizar aquilo que queremos. Dizem que as paredes do inferno s?o constru?dos pela boa vontade nunca realizada.. queria! gostaria! seria bom! MAS AQUI ACABA-SE NO MUNDO DOS SONHOS. Infelizmente, falta a concreticidade e a motiva??o. E no final, PARA TER AQUILO QUE DESEJO, N?O BASTA S? DESEJAR! N?o basta ficar no mundo dos sonhos! A MOTIVA??O!!! 1 O que ?? O que nos d?? Para que nos serve? A palavra motiva??o ? formada por duas palavras: 1. motivo – O que leva a fazer ou a n?o fazer algo, causa, motivo, 2. a??o – O fato de agir, operar. A palavra motiva??o deriva da palavra latina 'mover' – que significa colocar em movimento, levar. Antes de come?ar uma a??o, devo ter um motivo concreto que me leva a fazer ou n?o alguma coisa. Agora, as contas matem?tica. motivo + a??o = motiva??o. Os psic?logos indicam tr?s elementos da motiva??o: 1. a dire??o – que desejo realizar, onde quero chegar. 2. o esfor?o – o empenho que dedico para realiz?-la. 3. a const?ncia – o tempo que dedico para realiz?-la, n?o largo at? n?o conseguir.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873041184


O tar qush nolasi
O‘tar qush nolasi

Àâòîð: Êîëëåêòèâ àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 75.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9943-20-619-9


O tmishdan ertaklar
O‘tmishdan ertaklar

Àâòîð: Abdulla Qahhor

Öåíà: 189.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9943-26-092-4


Oath Bound
Oath Bound

Àâòîð: Rachel Vincent

Even the most powerful supernatural family can unravel… Sera Brandt, the secret daughter of the head of an infamous paranormal crime family, has hidden her past, her potential and especially her powers. But when a tragedy strikes, Sera needs justice. And the only way to get it is to reveal her heritage—including a rare and dangerous magical skill—and take the reins of the powerful Tower Syndicate.Kristopher Daniels has fought the Syndicate to protect his sisters, but he’d never realised just how close to the new heir he needed to get. His new bond with Sera could be the key to defeating them once and for all. Or, with a target on their backs, it could be Kristopher and Sera’s ultimate downfall.

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472010261


Obsession: The bestselling psychological thriller with a shocking ending
Obsession: The bestselling psychological thriller with a shocking ending

Àâòîð: Amanda Robson

One evening, a wife asks her husband a question: who else would you go for, if you could?It is a simple question – a little game – that will destroy her life.Carly and Rob are a perfect couple. They share happy lives with their children and their close friends Craig and Jenny. They’re lucky. But beneath the surface, no relationship is simple: can another woman’s husband and another man’s wife ever just be good friends?Little by little, Carly’s question sends her life spiralling out of control, as she begins to doubt everything she thought was true. Who can she trust? The man she has promised to stick by forever, or the best friend she has known for years? And is Carly being entirely honest with either of them?Obsession is a dark, twisting thriller about how quickly our lives can fall apart when we act on our desires.Perfect for fans of B A Paris and Paula Hawkins.‘This is one highly addictive novel!” WENDY WALKER, AUTHOR OF ALL IS NOT FORGOTTEN"A compelling page-turner on the dark underbelly of marriage, friendship & lust. (If you're considering an affair, you might want a rethink)." FIONA CUMMINS, AUTHOR OF RATTLE

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008212223


Ocaktaki A ustos B?ce i
Ocaktaki Ağustos B?ceği

Àâòîð: ×àðëüç Äèêêåíñ

Ocaktaki Ağustos B?ceği, Charles Dickens’ın 1845’te yazdığı Noel romanlarından ???nc?s?d?r. Eser başta tiyatro olmak ?zere bir?ok kez filme, radyoya ve operaya uyarlandı. Bir Ulak olan John Peerybingle, gen? karısı Dot, erkek bebekleri ve dadıları Tilly Slowboy ile birlikte yaşamaktadır. Bir g?n gizemli bir yabancı ziyaretlerine gelir ve birka? g?nl?ğ?ne Peerybingle’ın evinde kalır. Daha sonra olaylar cimriliği ile nam salmış Bay Tackleton, fakir bir oyuncak?ı olan Caleb Plummer ve kızı Bertha ile oğlu Edward etrafında gelişir. Bu kalp ona karşı ?ylesine sevgi doluydu ki onun pek ?ok sevgi dolu ?zelliğinden ileri gelen anılarla o kadar derinden birbirine bağlanmış ve kenetlenmişti ki… Dot bu kalbi baş tacı etmiş, nazik?e ve yakinen ilgilenmişti onunla. O kalp d?r?stl?k ve doğruluk bakımından o kadar eşi benzeri bulunmaz bir kalpti, yanlışla karşılaşınca o kadar zayıf kalıyordu ki başta ne tutku ne de intikam d?ş?nemedi zira kalbinde yeri olan tek şey hayran olduğunun par?alanmış g?r?nt?s?yd?.

Öåíà: 81.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-25-9


ocuk Kalbi
ocuk Kalbi

Àâòîð: Edmondo de Amicis

“?ocuk Kalbi” ?ocuk edebiyatının en ?nemli klasiklerinden biridir. T?m d?nyada ?ocukların b?y?k bir ilgiyle okudukları bu romanla sizler de tanışabilirsiniz. Bu eser, aile ve memleket sevgisini, arkadaşlığı, d?r?stl?ğ?, haksızlıklara karşı direnmeyi telkin ediyor ve ele aldığı olayları ?ocuk kalbinin sevgi ve merhamet s?zgecinden ge?iriyor. Bu değerli eseri, T?rk?eye yapılan ilk terc?mesiyle sizlere sunuyoruz. İbrahim Al?ettin G?vsa’nın bu terc?mesi, ?ocuklarımızın kelime dağarcığını geliştirecek ve onları yeni kelimeler ?ğrenmeye teşvik edecek bir niteliğe sahip. Ayrıca kitabın sonuna eklediğimiz k???k alıştırmalarla “?ocuk Kalbi” artık ?ok daha eğitici ve eğlenceli…

Öåíà: 66.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-99850-9-1



Àâòîð: Àëåêñàíäð Áåëÿåâ

Öåíà: 189.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9943-00-828-1


Odd Man Out
Odd Man Out

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

Would She Stand By Her Man…or Suspect him of Murder?Ever since J. D. Garrison had broken her adolescent heart when he'd skipped town years ago, the radio and the supermarket tabloids had been Denver McCallahan's only link to the man who'd become country music's «brightest star.» That is, until her uncle Max got murdered….Suddenly J.D. was waltzing back into her life…sweeping her off her feet and warning her not to trust his best friend, Pete, the one man who'd helped dry her teenage tears.The two men Denver loved most were now accusing each other of murder! One had stood by her…the other had broken her heart. Would Denver choose the right man?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472064851


Odd Thomas Series Books 1-5
Odd Thomas Series Books 1-5

Àâòîð: Dean Koontz

Small-town guy meets big-time evil. Five Odd Thomas novels from master storyteller and international bestseller, Dean Koontz.Odd by name, a hero by nature…ODD THOMAS: Odd Thomas is a fry-cook who can communicate with the dead. And when something evil comes to Pico Mundo, the desert town Odd calls home, Odd is the only one who can prevent a devastating whirlwind of violence and murder.FOREVER ODD: Odd Thomas has lost the love of his life, Stormy Llewellyn, but he has no time to grieve before he is called upon to use his unique talents in the search for a missing friend. And what he discovers is far worse than a dead body…BROTHER ODD: Odd Thomas is looking for peace in a remote monastery in the High Sierra. But even in the silence of the mountains, danger follows him, and Odd will come face to face with an enemy that eclipses any he has met before…ODD HOURS: When intuition leads Odd to the quaint town of Magic Beach on the California coast, he takes a job as cook for a once-famous Hollywood actor. Disturbing dreams haunt his sleep, however, and nothing can prepare him for the nightmare that lies ahead.ODD APOCALYPSE: Just off California’s Pacific Coast Highway stands Roseland: a mansion, protected by high walls. Odd finds refuge there, with the mysterious Annamaria. But the house contains terrible and bloody secrets, and is haunted by lingering spirits. Roseland has welcomed them in, but will it ever let them leave?

Öåíà: 3380.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007518746


Odenwald - HeimatMomente
Odenwald - HeimatMomente

Àâòîð: Cornelia Lohs

Liegt der Ursprung des Frankenstein-Monsters tats?chlich auf einer Burg im Odenwald? In welcher winzigen H?hle hauste einst ein Eremit? Wer macht so guten Whiskey wie die Iren und die Schotten und sahnt damit einen internationalen Preis nach dem anderen ab? „Halt die Klappe!“ – woher kommt diese Redewendung? Welche Auswirkungen hatte es, als im 14. Jahrhundert ein Priester versehentlich einen geweihten Kelch umstie?? Was, Heppenheim war schon mehrmals internationale Filmkulisse? Und Hollywoodstar Cary Grant drehte tats?chlich mal im Odenw?lder Neckartal? Was hat es mit dem ?ber 400 Jahre alten Galgen auf sich, der unter Denkmalschutz steht? In welcher Grube findet man unz?hlige Fossilien? Der Odenwald steckt voller ?berraschungen! Begeben Sie sich hinein in die Mikroabenteuer und entdecken Sie die ?berreste einer r?mischen Villa, mystische Burgen, eine Basilika aus der Karolingerzeit, einzigartige Museen, lernen Sie den Odenw?lder Mozart kennen und begeben Sie sich auf die Spuren eines der bekanntesten deutschen Architekten der Nachkriegsmoderne.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783968551272


Of Men And Angels
Of Men And Angels

Àâòîð: Victoria Bylin

JAKE MALONE HAD NOTHING MUCH TO BELIEVE IN–UNTIL HE HEARD AN ANGEL SINGING IN THE DESERT.…Under the blazing Colorado sun a miracle happened. Soulless Jake Malone began to care about Alexandra Merritt, an indomitable, heaven-sent beauty, and the small, squalling life she'd helped bring into this world. But could she help Jake forgive himself his past so that they could have a future?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474017008


Off With His Head
Off With His Head

Àâòîð: Ngaio Marsh

Pagan revelry and morris dancing in the middle of a very cold winter set the scene for one of Ngaio Marsh’s most fascinating murder mysteries.When the pesky Anna B?nz arrives at Mardian to investigate the rare survival of folk-dancing still practised there, she quickly antagonizes the villagers. But Mrs B?nz is not the only source of friction – two of the other enthusiasts are also spoiling for a fight.When the sword dancers’ traditional mock beheading of the Winter Solstice becomes horribly real, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn finds himself faced with a case of great complexity and of gruesome proportions…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007344727


Ohle und der Brunnen der sieben Schl?ssel: Die Abenteuer der Koboldbande (Band 8)
Ohle und der Brunnen der sieben Schl?ssel: Die Abenteuer der Koboldbande (Band 8)

Àâòîð: Jork Steffen Negelen

Ein einsamer Mann l?uft mit einem Handschuh durch den verschneiten Wald. Im Handschuh wohnt die Seele eines Elfen. Der Mann findet seine fr?heren Herren wieder und der Elf bekommt seinen K?rper zur?ck. Doch das ist nur der Anfang. Dem schwarzen Prinzen D?monicon gelingt die R?ckkehr zur Insel Selan. Er f?hrt ein gewaltiges Heer von Halbriesen und Schattenalp in den Krieg. Den Tempel der sieben S?hne des Sch?pfers kann er sofort erobern und es sieht bald so aus, als k?nnte niemand die schwarze Seite der Magie stoppen. Mit dem Gift der schwarzen F?rstin Monga will D?monicon jeden Feind in einen Wehralp verwandeln. Werden die Bestien der Nacht siegen, oder wird das Licht der Sonne sie vernichten? Der achte und damit letzte Teil der Koboldsaga erz?hlt mit dramatischer Spannung, was sich in der Welt der Kobolde und der Drachen ereignet hat. Viel Spa? beim Lesen w?nscht Euch Jork Steffen Negelen!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961451654



Àâòîð: Äæàí Àìàíèè

A fairy tale of a gifted Kazakhstani writer, Jan Amany, tells a story of one aul: its fables, legends, beliefs, and miraculous events that happened to its people and now are passed over from one generation to the next. The author was inspired by Okzhetpes – a Tazy breed dog. Amany conveys her admiration towards this noble breed through the protagonists of her stories – Doszhan-ata and his grandson Bakhytbek.

Öåíà: 145 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2019
ISBN: 978-601-7588-37-3


Olan i di
Olan işdi

Àâòîð: Âàñèëèé Áåëîâ

Tanınmış rus yazı?ısı Vasili Belovun “Olan işdi” romanı “kənd nəsri”nin cizgilərini m?əyyənləşdirən ən istiqamətverici əsərlərdəndir. Bu ədəbiyyat n?munəsi m?asir kəndlilərin şəxsi həyatına, maddi və mənəvi d?nyalarına, qadın-ananın taleyinə, kənd məişət nizamının perspektivlərinə, adət və ənənələrə qarşısıalınmaz maraqdır.

Öåíà: 218.97 ðóá.


Old Man on a Bike
Old Man on a Bike

Àâòîð: Simon Gandolfi

A Septuagenarian OdysseySimon Gandolfi has never been one to grow old gracefully and following two heart attacks he decides not to rest up, as many might, but to ride the length of Hispanic America on a 125cc motorbike. And why not?His wife may have plenty of reasons why not, but used to the intrepid septuagenarian's determination to complete any plan he comes up with, she shrugs her shoulders and waves him goodbye.At 73 years old, Simon Gandolfi sets off from Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico to embark on a five and a half month journey culminating at 'the end of the world', Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego. For Simon this is a journey of discovery. Leaving behind the safety and sanctuary of friends and family, he is truly alone but along the way he meets and talks with rich and poor, old and young, officials and professionals, agricultural and industrial workers. This expertly written travelogue reveals not only the stories of those he meets, and his own, but also that of Latin America, its attitudes to itself, to the USA and the UK in the aftermath of the Iraq war and the realities of the poverty and endemic corruption throughout much of this continent.But whilst guide books often warn of thieves, corrupt police and border officials, Gandolfi writes of the incredible kindness and generosity he encounters, of hope and joy, understanding and new friendships, and ultimately, an old man's refusal to surrender to his years.'The journey begins tomorrow at 8 a.m with a flight from the UK to Boston. I fly Aer Lingus and have bought and will wear a green shirt and a Clancy Brothers Arran sweater in hope of an upgrade. I will be away from home for many months and I have a long long way to ride. Am I nervous? Yes. Scared? A little.'Simon Gandolfi, 18 April 2006Outrageously irresponsible and undeniably liberating, Gandolfi's travels will fire the imaginations of every traveller, young or old.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007557790



Àâòîð: Àëåêñàíäð Êóïðèí

Olesya, Aleksandr Kuprin’in ustaca kaleme aldığı doludizgin bir aşk hik?yesidir. Eserin başkahramanı Olesya, b?y?kannesiyle ormanda yaşayan medeniyet g?rmemiş ama temiz kalpli ve iyi niyetli bir gen? kızdır. Olesya’nın ayrıca geleceği g?rme ve b?y?c?l?k gibi aileden yadig?r olduğunu s?ylediği ?zel yetenekleri de vardır. Sevgili Olesya ?mr?nde tek bir kez ?şık olur. Fakat bu aşkın neticesini, ?zel b?y?c?l?k yetenekleri sayesinde g?r?p başına gelecek felaketlerden ?t?r? b?y?k bir korkuya kapılır. Yine de aşkını yaşamaktan kendini alıkoyamaz ve atıldığı bu aşk macerasında ?ok g?zel şeyler yaşayacağı gibi ?ok k?t? durumlarla da karşılaşır… Olduk?a zor bir durumdayım. Ona o kadar alışmıştım ki bu alışkanlık kılcal damarlarıma kadar işlemişti. Olesya’yı her g?n g?rmek, onun o tatlı sesini ve şen şakrak g?l?ş?n? duymak, nazik hoş okşamalarını hissetmek benim i?in artık mutat ve mutlak bir gereklilik h?line gelmişti. Bazı uğursuzlukların birbirimizle buluşmamızı engellediği ?ok nadir g?nlerde ise kendimi kaybolmuş, hayattaki en değerli şeyim elimden alınmış gibi hissediyordum. Olesya dışındaki her t?rl? meşguliyet benim i?in gereksiz ve sıkıcı olmuştu. T?m varlığımla kendimi ormana atmak, bir an ?nce Olesya’nın alıştığım tatlı, aydınlık ve sıcak y?z?n? g?rmek istiyordum.

Öåíà: 81.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-31-0


Oliver Twist`in Maceralar
Oliver Twist`in Maceraları

Àâòîð: ×àðëüç Äèêêåíñ

Oliver Twist babasını hi? tanımadı, annesini ise d?nyaya g?zlerini a?tığında kaybetti. Artık t?m kimsesiz ?ocuklar gibi bir yoksullarevinde yaşayacaktı. Katı, soğuk, şefkatsiz bu kuruma ve aynı niteliklere sahip y?neticilerine, en başından beri alışamamıştı. Bu y?zden kendisine diğer kimsesiz ?ocuklardan ayrı bir kader ?izerek tek başına Londra’ya gitmek i?in yola ?ıktı. Ancak Londra da g?ler y?zle karşılamadı kendisini. Bir su? şebekesinin kancasına takılmıştı. Artık daha zor şartlar altındaydı. Yine de bir şey b?t?n zorluklarda imdadına yetişiyordu: T?m yaşadıklarına rağmen kirlenmemiş saf ve temiz kalbi… Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”i daha 26 yaşındayken yazdı. Bu eserinde, aşağı sınıf halkı, Londra’nın gizli kapaklı işlerini, adaletin nasıl işlediğini, ismi sıcak i?i soğuk kurumların i?y?z?n? ustalıkla resmetti. Bu ger?ek?iliği sayesinde de roman, d?neminin en ?ok okunan kitapları arasına girdi, sonrasında defalarca filme alındı ve g?n?m?ze kadar canlılığını kaybetmedi. "Heyhat! Tabiatın yarattığı y?zlerin ka?ı, g?zlerimize hoş gelen ?izgilerini saklar ki! Acılar, kaygılar, d?nya gaileleri kalpleri değiştirdiği gibi y?zleri de değiştirir. Bu ihtiraslar, uykuya dalınca, ancak y?zlere ve kalplere artık tesir edemeyecek duruma gelince, ?z?nt?l? bulutlar dağılır, g?ky?z?n? parlak bırakır. ?l?lerin y?zleri, o kaskatı hareketsiz duruşların¬da bile, nicedir unutulan o ?ocukluk ifadesine b?r?n?r ve ilk hayata d?ner. ?yle sakin, ?yle durgun olurlar ki yeniden onları mesut ?ocukluk ?ağında tanıyanlar, dehşet i?inde tabutun başına diz ??k?p yery?z?ne inmiş melek sanırlar."

Öåíà: 157.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-605-121-913-4


Oltin yurakli Avtobola
Oltin yurakli Avtobola

Àâòîð: Anvar Obidjon

Talonchilar to‘dasining boshlig‘i Bekxo‘ja mashhur ixtirochi olim Kamtariyga qasdlashib qolib, uning kishi larga ko‘makdosh bo‘lishi uchun yaratgan “Avtobola” deb atalmish robotini o‘g‘irlab ketadi va undan o‘zining qora niyatlari yo‘lida foydalana boshlaydi. Avtobola birda juda-juda kulgili, birda o‘quvchini qattiq hayajonlantiruvchi voqealarni boshdan kechiradi. Orada, Bekxo‘janing asrandi o‘g‘li bilan do‘stlashib qoladi va ikkalasi birgalashib, yovuzlikka qarshi isyon ko‘tarishadi. O‘zbekiston xalq shoiri Anvar Obidjonning bu qissasi yosh kitobxonlar orasida dovrug‘ qozona borib, keyinchalik mazkur kitob asosida sahna asari yaratildi, kinofilm suratga olindi.

Öåíà: 189.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9943-26-985-9


Om hon s?g
Om hon s?g

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“ETT M?STERVERK BLAND RYSARE OCH DECKARE. Blake Pierce har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med att utveckla karakt?rer med en psykologisk sida s? v?l beskriven att vi befinner oss inuti deras sinnen; vi f?ljer deras r?dslor och hejar p? deras framg?ng. En bok full av v?ndningar som kommer att h?lla dig vaken till den allra sista sidan.”—Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (om boken Borta) OM HON S?G (en Kate Wise deckare) ?r bok #2 i en ny deckarserie av den b?sts?ljande f?rfattaren Blake Pierce, vars #1 hit BORTA (Bok #1) har tagit emot ?ver 1000 femstj?rniga recensioner.N?r ett par hittas m?rdade utan n?gon misst?nkt kallas den 55-?riga, ensamst?ende Kate Wise ur sin pensionering efter en 30-?rig karri?r inom FBI —och ur sitt stillsamma f?rsamh?llesliv—f?r att ?terigen jobba hos byr?n. Kates kvickhet och o?vertr?ffade f?rm?ga att s?tta sig in i en seriem?rdares tankar ?r alldeles f?r oumb?rlig f?r att FBI ska kn?cka detta chockerande fall utan henne. Varf?r hittades tv? par, 80 kilometer ifr?n varandra, m?rdade p? exakt samma vis? Vad kan de m?jligtvis ha gemensamt?Svaret, inser Kate, ?r br?ttom att hitta; hon ?r s?ker p? att m?rdaren t?nker sl? till igen.Men under den d?dliga katt-och-mus-leken som f?ljer, hamnar Kate bland de m?rka vr?rna i m?rdarens sjuka sinne och riskerar att finna sig sj?lv en sekund f?r sent.En h?ndelserik och sp?nningsfylld rysare; OM HON S?G ?r bok #2 i en f?ngslande ny romanserie som du inte kommer att kunna l?gga ner.Bok #3 av KATE WISE DECKARSERIEN finns nu ocks? tillg?nglig att f?rbest?lla

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094304526


Om hon visste
Om hon visste

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“ETT M?STERVERK BLAND RYSARE OCH DECKARE. Blake Pierce har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med att utveckla karakt?rer med en psykologisk sida s? v?l beskriven att vi befinner oss inuti deras sinnen; vi f?ljer deras r?dslor och hejar p? deras framg?ng. En bok full av v?ndningar som kommer att h?lla dig vaken till den allra sista sidan.”—Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (om boken Borta) OM HON VISSTE (En Kate Wise deckare) ?r den f?rsta boken i en ny deckarserie av den b?sts?ljande f?rfattaren Blake Pierce, vars #1 hit BORTA (Bok #1) (gratis nedladdning) har tagit emot ?ver 1000 femstj?rniga recensioner.55-?riga, ensamst?ende och nyligen pensionerade FBI-agenten Kate Wise blir driven ut ur sitt tysta f?rortsliv n?r hennes v?ninnas dotter m?rdas under ett inbrott och hon b?nfalls att hj?lpa.Kate trodde sig ha l?mnat FBI bakom sig efter 30 ?r som toppagent, respekterad f?r sitt skarpa sinne, sina tuffa kampf?rdigheter och sin otvivelaktiga f?rm?ga att jaga ikapp seriem?rdare. Trots detta blir Kate—som k?nt sig uttr?kad av den lugna staden hon bor i och finner sig vid livets skiljev?g—tillkallad av en v?n hon inte kan avvisa.Kate hamnar p? jaktens frontlinjer, hack i h?l med en m?rdare som l?mnar fler och fler kroppar efter sig—som alla visar sig vara hemmafruar med perfekta ?ktenskap—och det blir mer uppenbart hur g?rningsmannen pl?gar just denna stillsamma stad. Hon gr?ver upp hemligheter fr?n sina grannar som hon ?nskat att hon aldrig beh?vt, uppt?cker att allt inte ?r s? pittoreskt som det verkar bland kvarterets exemplariska gator och medborgare. En stad vildvuxen av aff?rer och l?gner som Kate tvingas sila igenom om hon ska lyckas stoppa m?rdaren innan han sl?r till igen.Men denna m?rdare ?r steget f?re—och det kanske slutar med att det ?r Kate som ?r i fara.En bok packad med action och sp?nning som f?r hj?rtat att sl? allt snabbare; OM HON VISSTE ?r den f?rsta boken i den nya serien som h?ller dig vaken hela natten.Bok #2 i deckarserien om KATE WISE finns tillg?nglig att f?rbest?lla!

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094304373


Ombra Di Morte
Ombra Di Morte

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Nel bel mezzo della guerra tra demoni nulla pu? essere dato per scontato, poich? essa invia nel destino di chi ? coinvolto una forma di caos pi? pericolosa e seducente. Un uomo scopre che gli sconosciuti possono scontrarsi nell’oscurit? in un momento di passione accecante, per poi venire separati dalla gelida mano del destino, senza neanche un nome da cercare. Un altro uomo scoprir? che quando l’Ombra della Morte diventa una persecuzione, il pi? ammaliante dei nemici pu? rapidamente diventare il suo alleato pi? forte… anche se contro la sua volont?. Pu? il cuore di un’anima gemella impedire ai due uomini che la amano di uccidersi a vicenda?

Ñåðèÿ: Legami Di Sangue

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873045403


On Be Ya nda Bir Kaptan
On Beş Yaşında Bir Kaptan

Àâòîð: Æþëü Âåðí

Dick Sand daha on beş yaşında bir ?ocuktu. Fakat hayat onu erken pişirmişti. Bu yaşında gemilerde mi?oluk yapıyor ve yeri geldiğinde en ?nemli kararlara katılıyor, sorumluluk alıyordu. Bir g?n olaylar ?yle bir gelişti ki Dick Sand velinimeti Bay Weldon’ın Pilgrim adlı gemisinin kaptanlığını ?zerine almak zorunda kaldı. Belki bu onun i?in bir şey değildi ama bu sorumluluğun yanı sıra Bayan Weldon’ın ve biricik oğlunun hayatları da kendisine emanetti. Buna bir de ?lene kadar peşlerini bırakmayan bir gizli d?şmanın sinsi planları eklenince Dick Sand, kendisini hi? istemeyeceği bir maceranın i?inde buldu. Bilim-kurgu kitaplarıyla olduğu kadar macera-gezi romanlarıyla da tanınan ?nl? yazar Jules Verne’in ailesi denizci bir soydan geliyordu. Jules Verne de tam bir deniz tutkunuydu; ?yle ki gemilerde tayfalık yapmak i?in evden ka?tı ve yakalanarak ailesine teslim edildi. Onun bu deniz tutkusu eserlerine de yansıdı ve kitaplarında, denizlere ve deniz yolculuklarına ?nemli bir yer verdi. “K?le ticareti” ifadesi hi?bir lisanda yer almaması gereken bir ifade. Bazı Avrupa ?lkelerine uzun s?re b?y?k kazan?lar sağlayan bu korkun? ticaret, birka? yıldır g?r?n?şte yasaklanmıştı. Fakat ?zellikle Orta Afrika ?lkelerinde b?y?k ?l??de h?l? devam ediyordu. Dahası, 19. y?zyılda, Hristiyan olduğu iddiasında olan bazı devletler bu ticaretin ortadan kaldırılmasını ?ng?ren belgeye imza atmamıştı bile…

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-42-6


On bir gec
On bir gecə

Àâòîð: Rasim Qaraca

İlk sevgi haqqında 10 hekayə. Qarabağ m?haribəsi veteranı Kamil Dadaşovun g?ndəlikləri əsasında 2013-c? ildə qələmə alınıb. Vətən yolunda canını vermiş b?t?n oğul və qızlarımızın xatirəsinə həsr olunur.

Öåíà: 185.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9953-8068-2-2


On Fire
On Fire

Àâòîð: Jan Hambright

WHERE THERE'S SMOKE…Arson investigator Kade Decker had his hands full with four suspicious fires and no leads. Complicating matters was crime-scene psychologist Savannah Dawson's appearance at each investigation–and the red-hot attraction that raged between them.THERE'S SMOLDERING FIREAnd when it became clear that the same person responsible for setting the terrifying blazes had begun to target Savannah, honor demanded Kade offer his protection. But as danger around them fueled their desire, a burning question remained: Would the combustible passion between them be extinguished by the madman on their trail?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472034014


On Her Terms
On Her Terms

Àâòîð: Cathryn Fox

The hottest man I've ever hated… The hottest sex I've ever had! As a lawyer who picks up the pieces of broken relationships, my number one dating rule is: no emotions. Until I come face-to-face with Luca Marino at a wedding. The aristocratic Italian sex-god humiliated me years ago—and doesn’t recognize me after my transformation from the shy, overweight girl I once was. Now’s my chance for deliciously hot payback, but it means breaking my golden rule…

Öåíà: 414.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474086967


On His Knees
On His Knees

Àâòîð: Cathryn Fox

He’s out to expose her… But he’s baring it all! Gorgeous Summer Love is after Tate Carson's grandfather’s billions. And New York lawyer Tate will stop at nothing to prove she’s a fraud. Not even following her to glamorous St Moritz. But he never imagined falling under her sexy spell… And now, from his luxury chalet and her penthouse suite to the slopes of the snow-encrusted Swiss Alps, she’s exposing his every carnal desire—and maybe even his heart…

Öåíà: 414.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474086868


On Sins and Virtues
On Sins and Virtues

Àâòîð: Ëþáîìèð Ãóçàð

His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar (1933-2017) is a great sage and spiritual leader who lived and worked in keeping with the teachings of the Scriptures, a man with a great heart, with great love for life and people, with a desire to know others. The numerous trials and tribulations that fell to his lot not only failed to break him, but, on the contrary, strengthened his spirit and faith. The book is a talk about human virtues and sins. It gives the reader an opportunity to look at routine situations from a new perspective, to rethink their relationships with others and get a deeper insight into the foundations of spiritual life. This is a real guide to the numerous occasions when we face a moral dilemma. In an easy and accessible manner the author shares his vision of the traits inherent in an individual person as well as society as a whole. He shows how we can get rid of our blemishes and how we can develop the best in our souls that God has bestowed upon each of us. The book is illustrated by drawings selected by the jury of the Competition for the best children's illustration to Lubomyr Husar s book «On Sins and Virtues».

Öåíà: 349 ðóá.


On the Scent: A laugh out loud pet detective rom com!
On the Scent: A laugh out loud pet detective rom com!

Àâòîð: Angela Campbell

The USA TODAY bestseller‘Campbell has a snarky sense of humor’ USA Today’s Happy Ever AfterPerfect for fans of Sookie Stackhouse & Stephanie Plum!Hannah Dawson has a big problem: she’s just become the unexpected owner of a snarky cat, a loveable but not-so-bright dog… and their $10 million fortune!Which would be awesome if it hadn’t made her the target of every wacko in the metro Atlanta area. Now Hannah and her famous pets need protecting and there’s only one man who can help them…Enter Zachary Collins: ex-TV star of ‘The Psychic Detective’ and street-wise private investigator – all 6 foot blue-eyed gorgeousness!Only Zach’s got secrets of his own – not least that he finds his new client irresistibly hot. The more time he spends keeping Hannah out of harm’s way, the more he’s tempted to give in to the attraction… even if it means breaking all his own rules.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007543052


On the Shores of the Mediterranean
On the Shores of the Mediterranean

Àâòîð: Eric Newby

With his trademark charm and sharp wit, Newby leaves no stone unturned in his quest for wonderfully detailed and quirky knowledge to share with his reader. Insightful, hilarious and sheer fun, this is an adventure not to be missed, by Britain's best-loved travel guide, and father of the genre.'Why don't you start in Naples and go clockwise round the Mediterranean instead of dashing off in all directions like a lunatic?' Fortunately, Eric Newby followed his wife Wanda's advice, and so begins the wonderfully madcap adventure, ‘On the Shores of the Mediterranean’.Beginning during the Newbys' wine harvest in Tuscany, the adventurous but disaster-prone pair follow a path using every form of transportation conceivable (public bus, taxi, foot, bike, boat), from Naples to Venice, along the Adriatic to Greece, Turkey, Jerusalem and North Africa, from sipping wildly extravagant cocktails in San Marco to being cordially invited to Libya by Colonel Gaddafi.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007508198


On Thin Ice
On Thin Ice

Àâòîð: Debra Brown Lee

The Alaskan tundra – a land whose pristine beauty was overshadowed by the darkness of winter, the danger of corruption.Her career hung in the balance, her life was on the line, and, after one reckless moment in a stranger's embrace, Lauren Fotheringay's heart was, too . He was a tribal cop working undercover as an oil rig roughneck to catch a corporate thief and win back his FBI job. But Seth Adams hadn't counted on murder. Hadn't been prepared to fall for his prime suspect.Instinct, however, told him the beautiful geologist was innocent, a mere pawn in a deadly plan. And as the danger around them escalated, the passion between them intensified as they raced against time to survive.

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946411


On Time: Finding Your Pace in a World Addicted to Fast
On Time: Finding Your Pace in a World Addicted to Fast

Àâòîð: Catherine Blyth

Why has time sped up? Why is there never enough? How can you make it yours again? On Time reveals why time sped up, why there never seems to be enough, and how to make it yours again. We have more time than ever: each of us can expect a thousand months on this planet, if we’re lucky. Yet we feel time poor. This is because our world is addicted to fast and we have become its servant. Instead of grasping the liberating potential of technology, many of us are stuck in a doomed race to outpace hurry. Catherine Blyth combines cutting-edge research in neuroscience and psychology with stories ranging from Leonardo da Vince to Anna Wintour, Kant, and Keith Richards, to reveal timeless truths about humanity’s finest invention and how it shapes our lives. Angry, witty and enlightening, On Time is a handbook for navigating a fast-forward world that asks the questions productivity guides ignore such as why time speeds up when you long for it to slow down, how to reset your body clock, and what hours suit which activities best. So stop clock-watching and quit chasing white rabbits. Rediscover how time can be your servant.

Öåíà: 1070.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008189990


On Wings Of Deliverance
On Wings Of Deliverance

Àâòîð: Elizabeth White

To make up for her sordid teen years, Bernadette Malone has spent her adult life in service to God. But her past has finally caught up with her: three young women–friends from her former life–had taken the truth about that past to their premature graves, and Bernadette was next on the hit list. Border patrol agent Owen Carmichael knew all about the dark side of life.And he couldn't turn down his friend when she came to him for help. Owen would protect Bernadette with his life. But her powerful enemy was prepared to kill again to prevent the revelation of his scandalous actions.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408966051


On, Off
On, Off

Àâòîð: Êîëèí Ìàêêàëîó

The captivating novel from the international bestselling author of ‘The Thorn Birds’.Innocence is no protection…In Holloman, Connecticut, someone is preying on the innocent. At a prestigious research centre fondly known by its staff as the 'Hug', parts of a mutilated body are found. Lieutenant Carmine Delmonico of the Holloman Police learns that a string of horrifying murders – each with the same modus operandi as the one at the Hug – have been commited throughout the state. When another body is found, the medical staff become prime suspects.With the powers that be in turmoil and every member of staff hiding something, Delmonico must delve into the lives of each and every Hug employee. This is the case of his career and he is determined to solve it. But how, when he is hunting a monster who leaves no clues and is always two steps ahead?

Öåíà: 990.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007405671


Once a Father
Once a Father

Àâòîð: Marie Ferrarella

When a bomb ripped through the Lone Star Country Club, all of Mission Creek, Texas, was shaken. Who was responsible? Was it the Mercados, Mission Creek's answer to the mob? The Carsons or the Wainwrights, two of the club's founding families? Or an even more sinister force?Only a young boy rescued from the burning wreckage knows the truth. But the culprits want him eliminated–fast! Little Jake's savior, firefighter Adam Collins, and his doctor, Tracy Walker, have taken the orphaned boy into their lives, creating an instant family. But while Adam and Tracy fight their attraction for each other, can they keep Jake out of harm's way?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077578


Once A Liar
Once A Liar

Àâòîð: A.F. Brady

The next gripping thriller from AF Brady…Peter Caine, a cutthroat Manhattan defense attorney, worked ruthlessly to become the best at his job. On the surface, he is charming and handsome, but inside he is cold and heartless. He fights without remorse to acquit murderers, pedophiles and rapists.When Charlie Doyle, the daughter of the Manhattan DA—and Peter’s former lover—is murdered, Peter’s world is quickly sent into a tailspin. He becomes the prime suspect as the DA, a professional enemy of Peter’s, embarks on a witch hunt to avenge his daughter’s death, stopping at nothing to ensure Peter is found guilty of the murder.In the challenge of his career and his life, Peter races against the clock to prove his innocence. As the evidence mounts against him, he’s forced to begin unraveling his own dark web of lies and confront the sins of his past. But the truth of who killed Charlie Doyle is more twisted and sinister than anyone could have imagined…

Ñåðèÿ: HQ Fiction eBook

Öåíà: 690.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474083119


Once Buried
Once Buried

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE BURIED is book #11 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews! A serial killer is killing victims with rapid speed, and in each crime scene, he leaves an unusual signature: an hourglass. Its sand is designed to fall for 24 hours—and when its empty, a new victim appears. Amidst intense media pressure, and in a frantic race against time, FBI Special Agent Riley Paige is summoned, with her new partner, to crack the case. Still reeling from the fallout with Shane, trying to sort out her family life, and to help Bill get back on his feet, Riley’s plate is already full. And as she enters the darkest canals of this twisted killer’s mind, this just may be the case that sets her over the edge. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE BURIED is book #11 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #12 in the Riley Paige series will be available soon.

Ñåðèÿ: A Riley Paige Mystery

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jane McDowell

Öåíà: 718.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640299702


Once Cold
Once Cold

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE COLD is book #8 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 900 five star reviews! There is one cold case that has plagued Special Agent Riley Paige for her entire career, dwelling at the corners of her consciousness, forcing her to return to it again and again. The only case she has never solved, she has finally put it out of her mind. Until she gets a call from the murdered victim’s mother. It spurs Riley to face the case once again, and to not give up until she has found answers. Yet Riley barely has time to catch her breath when she receives a lead for another cold case, one which, if possible, strikes an even deeper note within her. It is a lead that promises to solve the case of her own mother’s killer. And it comes from Shane Hatcher. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE COLD is book #8 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #9 in the Riley Paige series will be available soon.

Ñåðèÿ: A Riley Paige Mystery

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Elaine Wise

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640295261


Once Forsaken
Once Forsaken

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE FORSAKEN is book #7 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 700 five star reviews! When Special Agent Riley Paige finally decides to take a well-needed rest from the FBI, a request for help comes from the most unlikely source: her own daughter. April’s best friend is devastated by the death of her sister, a freshman at Georgetown. Worse, she is convinced that the suicide was staged, and that her sister was murdered at the hands of a serial killer. Riley reluctantly looks into the case, only to discover that two other freshman girls at Georgetown recently killed themselves in the same grotesque way—by hanging. As she realizes foul play may be afoot, she brings in the FBI. The case takes Riley deep into the privileged campus of one of the world’s most esteemed universities, into the unsettling world of the wealthy and driven families that pushed their children to succeed. In time she discovers that this case is far more twisted than it seems—and that she just may be up against the most psychotic killer of her career. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE FORSAKEN is book #7 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #8 in the Riley Paige series is also available!

Ñåðèÿ: A Riley Paige Mystery

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Elaine Wise

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640295254


Once Hunted
Once Hunted

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE HUNTED is book #5 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 600 five star reviews! A prison break from a maximum security prison. Frantic calls from the FBI. Special Agent Riley Paige’s worst nightmare has come true: a serial killer she put away years ago is loose. And his main target is her. Riley is used to being the one hunting, but for the first time, she finds herself—and her family—to be the ones being hunted. As the killer stalks her, he also begins a new rampage of kills, and Riley must stop him before it is too late—for the other victims, and for herself. But this is no ordinary killer. He is too smart, and their game of cat-and-mouse too twisted, and he somehow manages to elude her and always stay one step ahead. Desperate to stop him, Riley realizes there is only one way: she must delve back into the past, into this killer’s twisted mind, his old cases, and re-learn what drives him. The only way to stop him, she realizes, is to face the darkness she thought she had left behind. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE HUNTED is book #5 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #6 in the Riley Paige series is also available!

Ñåðèÿ: A Riley Paige Mystery

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Elaine Wise

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640295230


Once Lured
Once Lured

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE LURED is book #4 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download, with over 500 five star reviews! Women are turning up dead on a lone stretch of highway in Delaware. Some go missing for an inexplicable length of time, while others are turning up dead, their bodies left out for display in bizarre and mysterious ways. When a pattern is discovered, it becomes clear to the FBI that a twisted serial killer is on the hunt—luring girls in devious schemes—and that he won’t stop killing, ever. The FBI, desperate to crack the case, urges Special Agent Riley Paige to take it on. But the brilliant Riley, still reeling from past cases, has finally found peace in her home life, and is determined to help her daughter April get back on her feet. Yet when the murders become too disturbing, too urgent—and when her former partner Bill implores her—Riley finally realizes she can’t say no. Riley’s hunt leads her deep into the unsettling world of hitchhikers, of drifters, of women that no one else cares for. When she discovers that several women are being kept alive and that there is still time to save them, she realizes she will stop at nothing, obsessing over the case and driving herself to the brink. Yet Riley realizes her own life is falling apart, and her own fragile psyche can barely handle the strain. In a frantic race against time, she will have to plunge deep into the killer’s mind to save these women—and to save herself—from collapse. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE LURED is book #4 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #5 in the Riley Paige series is also available!

Ñåðèÿ: A Riley Paige Mystery

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Elaine Wise

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640295223


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