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Handbuch Umwandlungsrecht
Handbuch Umwandlungsrecht

Àâòîð: Andreas K?hn

Die vorliegende Neuauflage bietet dem im Umwandlungsrecht t?tigen Notar und Rechtsanwalt ein wertvolles Arbeitsmittel f?r seine Beratungspraxis. Die Bedeutung von Umwandlungsf?llen hat im Notariat stark zugenommen. Insbesondere im Bereich von Umstrukturierungsma?nahmen in Konzernen oder Unternehmensgruppen hat sich das Umwandlungsrecht als wichtiges Gestaltungsinstrument durchgesetzt. Das Handbuch behandelt in der Praxis h?ufig auftretende spezielle Fragestellungen, die f?r den Praktiker ohne Zuhilfenahme von Gro?kommentaren nur sehr zeitaufwendig zu l?sen sind und bietet ihm kompetente und schnelle L?sungsans?tze. Zu den grenz?berschreitenden Vorg?ngen wurde in der Neuauflage ein neues Kapitel mit Musterl?sungen aufgenommen. Die Auswahl erfolgte aus einer jahrelangen Praxis im Bereich des Umwandlungsrechts mit einem sehr erweiterten Autorenteam in der Neuauflage. Hierbei wurde ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Verzahnungen des Umwandlungsrechtes mit anderen Rechtsgebieten gelegt. So enth?lt das Handbuch auch die wichtigsten Hinweise u.a. zum UmwStG und dem GrEStG. Die dargestellten L?sungsans?tze enthalten komplette Musterl?sungen mit Formulierungsvorschl?gen.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Þðèé Êðàñèêîâ

Öåíà: 8285.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783811448056


Handsome As Sin
Handsome As Sin

Àâòîð: Kelsey Roberts

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472064790


Hangat (Buku 4 Perjanjian Darah)
Hangat (Buku 4 Perjanjian Darah)

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Damon tinggal bersama adik beradiknya untuk satu sebab… gadis yang menikamnya dan membiarkannya mati juga tinggal di situ dan di bawah perlindungan langsuir. Bila dia menyelamatkan nyawa Alicia, banyak kali sehingga tidak terkira olehnya, Damon berpendapat seseorang perlu mengawalnya, sebelum kucing betina kecil itu dapat bebaskan dirinya, apabila dia terbunuh. Sifat cemburu menjadi permainan bahaya bila Alicia menjadi hangat dan mula menarik lebih dari raksaksa-raksaksa. Alicia Wilder bosan dipagari dari dunia oleh abang-abangnya yang terlalu melindunginya. Mahu menunjukkan dia berupaya melawan dalam peperangan langsuir yang mencederakannya, digigit, dicium, ditembak, dan yang peliknya, tinggal bersama tiga langsuir yang tampan, seorang darinya yang mencetuskan peperangan langsuir itu sendiri. Bila dia mula hangat untuk berubah, Alicia sedar jaring keselamatannya mungkin memerangkapnya. Damon tinggal bersama adik beradiknya untuk satu sebab… gadis yang menikamnya dan membiarkannya mati juga tinggal di situ dan di bawah perlindungan langsuir. Bila dia menyelamatkan nyawa Alicia, banyak kali sehingga tidak terkira olehnya, Damon berpendapat seseorang perlu mengawalnya, sebelum kucing betina kecil itu dapat bebaskan dirinya, apabila dia terbunuh. Sifat cemburu menjadi permainan bahaya bila Alicia menjadi hangat dan mula menarik lebih dari raksaksa-raksaksa.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835427674


Hans im Gl?ck oder Die Reise in den Westen
Hans im Gl?ck oder Die Reise in den Westen

Àâòîð: Christoph Kleemann

»Krebs!« Als der ehemalige Pfarrer Hans-Georg Weber, der eine Landesstelle zur Erforschung der Opposition in der DDR leitet, gegen Ende seines Berufslebens diese Diagnose erh?lt, entscheidet er sich statt f?r Operation und Chemo f?r eine alternative Therapie. In der kleinen Privatklinik in Vierwalden wird seine Erkrankung als ganzheitliche St?rung erkannt und biologisch behandelt. Als er beginnt, sich seiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte zu stellen, geraten Glaube und Theologie, Selbstbild und Anspruch, Anerzogenes und Charakterbedingtes in einen reinigenden Strudel, aus dem er gest?rkt und hoffnungsvoll hervorgeht. Viele Reisen haben ihn schon in den »Westen« gef?hrt. Nun wird es eine Pilgerreise sein, eine Reise zu den Wurzeln, eine Reise zu sich selbst, bei der er das, was krank macht, hinter sich zu bringen sucht. Er beginnt sein Leben neu zu ordnen. Und erh?lt eine neue Chance.

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954625109


Haradans n z, m?sy? Abel?
Haradansınız, m?sy? Abel?

Àâòîð: H?seyn Abbaszadə

Azərbaycanın Xalq Yazı?ısı, Azərbaycan D?vlət m?kafatı laureatı H?seyn Abbaszadənin “Haradansınız, m?sy? Abel?” romanı İkinci D?nya M?haribəsində almanlara əsir d?şən, amma m?c?zə nəticəsində sağ qalan və anlaşılmazlıq ?z?ndən vətənə qayıda bilməyib, Fransada qalmağa məcbur olan Əbil Xeybərovun acınacaqlı hekayəsindən bəhs edir. “Haradansınız, m?sy? Abel?” romanı 2018-ci ildə Fransada fransızca nəşr olunub və tezliklə ən ?ox oxunanlar siyahısında yer alıb. Kitab ilk dəfə olaraq latın qrafikası ilə Azərbaycan oxucusuna təqdim edilir.

Ñåðèÿ: Milli ədəbiyyat

Öåíà: 123.42 ðóá.


Hard Core Law
Hard Core Law

Àâòîð: Angi Morgan

HE’D BREAK THE LAW TO GET HIS KIDS BACKThe twins were all Josh Parker had in this world. So when they were kidnapped, he couldn’t rely on his Texas Rangers star to get them back safely. Or involve Tracey Cassidy, the only person he trusted to care for his children. A family of criminals were asking him to break the law if he ever wanted to see his children again. But when Tracey caught wind of his plan, she knew no matter how big Josh’s heart was, he had a future with his twins to look forward to. They needed their father. And this was one burden he wouldn’t have to shoulder alone.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474039741


Hard Ride to Dry Gulch
Hard Ride to Dry Gulch

Àâòîð: Joanna Wayne

A DEDICATED DETECTIVE RISKS HIS LIFE TO SAVE A WOMAN AND HER SON IN THIS SPELLBINDING BIG "D" DADS: THE DALTONS NOVEL BY JOANNA WAYNE. A haunting beauty with mesmerizing brown eyes is in desperate need of Dallas homicide detective Travis Dalton's help. Faith Ashburn's troubled teenage son is missing…and may be hiding secrets that could get him–and his mother–killed.Faith will do whatever it takes to find her boy, even if it means turning to the rugged detective, a man shadowed by his own painful past. When the search reveals a shocking connection to the dangerous criminal Travis has sworn to bring down, Faith has to trust him with her life. And when passion flares, she has to trust him with something she vowed never again to give: her heart.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472050328


Hard Rustler
Hard Rustler

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

A COWBOY MUST FACE HIS PASTSupermodel Annie Clementine is back in Whitehorse, Montana. And there’s nothing cowboy Dawson Rogers wants more than to see his ex-lover gone. He’ll even risk his heart again so Annie can leave, but nothing is quite that simple…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474079242


Hard To Handle
Hard To Handle

Àâòîð: Kylie Brant

She had secrets in her eyes and lies on her lips, and Detective Gabe Connally knew that Meghan Patterson would give him more than a few sleepless nights. Still, with her young nephew a valuable witness, Gabe had to pursue Meghan. And even without the case, it would be impossible to forget the vulnerable woman trying to protect her family….While Meghan admired Gabe's persistence, she dared not let him get close enough to realize her nephew–her only remaining family–was psychic. Yet her own burning desire made it impossible to resist Gabe's persuasive ways….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076892


Hard to Love
Hard to Love

Àâòîð: Êåíäàëë Ðàéàí

From the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of FILTHY BEAUTIFUL LIESCade's always taken risks…Cade takes cares of his sick younger sister by doing what he does best – cage fighting and starring in adult movies. But when his latest gig finds him admitted to the ER, he can't get the pretty little nurse who treated him out of his head, even though he knows she's so far out of his league it should be illegal.Alexa's always played it safe…Tired of being pigeonholed as the sweet, innocent one, hardworking nursing student Alexa has been looking for ways to break out of her Goody Two-Shoes image. When her friend suggests the outlandish idea of losing her virginity to the sexy and sure-to-be-skilled porn star, Alexa is mortified. Because Lord help her, she might just be falling for a porn star…

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008134037


Hard-Headed Texan
Hard-Headed Texan

Àâòîð: Candace Camp

Okay, maybe Antonia Campbell hadn't exactly found heaven in Angel Eye, Texas. But even if she did get mysterious midnight phone calls and her only bed warmer was a cat named Mitzi, her life as a country vet was a lot better than what she'd left behind: a stifling Virginia upbringing and an abusive ex-husband.Then a call to Daniel Sutton's ranch changedeverything. Sparks flew the minute they met, and in his arms she felt petite, protected and every inch a woman. But Daniel's heart might not be as free as it first seemed, and her mysterious caller appeared to have ideas of his own for her future. Was everything about to fall apart just when heaven had seemed within reach?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472075833


Harlequin’s Lane: An Agatha Christie Short Story
Harlequin’s Lane: An Agatha Christie Short Story

Àâòîð: Àãàòà Êðèñòè

A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.When two Russian dancers are injured in a car crash on the way to a performance at a masquerade, substitutes are quickly found so that the show can continue. But there is mysterious work at play that could put anyone in real danger…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007560332


Harm’s Reach
Harm’s Reach

Àâòîð: Alex Barclay

FBI Agent Ren Bryce finds herself entangled in two seemingly unrelated mysteries. But the past has a way of echoing down the years and finding its way into the present.In the end, the truth will find you…When Special Agent Ren Bryce discovers the body of a young woman in an abandoned car, solving the case becomes personal. But the more she uncovers about the victim’s last movements, the more questions are raised.Why was Laura Flynn driving towards a ranch for troubled teens in the middle of Colorado when her employers thought she was hundreds of miles away? And what did she know about a case from fifty years ago, which her death dramatically reopens?As Ren and cold-case investigator Janine Hooks slowly weave the threads together, a picture emerges of a privileged family determined to hide some very dark secrets – whatever the cost.

Öåíà: 549.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007594757


Harry and Hope
Harry and Hope

Àâòîð: Sarah Lean

Some friendships are meant to be… A story about family, friendship and belonging, from bestselling author, Sarah Lean.Hope lives with her artist mum in the Pyrenees. It’s always been just the two of them… until Frank – a free-spirited traveller – arrives with his donkey, Harry.Hope and Frank form a close bond, so it’s hard for both of them when Frank decides it’s time to move on. Hope questions what she is to Frank. He’s not her dad, but he was more than just her mum’s boyfriend. Except, there’s no name for that kind of pair…Hope promises to look after Harry and, slowly, another special pair is made – one that makes Hope realise that some friendships become part of you and, even when someone is far away, they are always near to your heart.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007512256


Hart s Last Stand
Hart's Last Stand

Àâòîð: Cheryl Biggs

His elite Cobra Corps unit demanded discipline, honor, truth. Yet one look at Suzanne Cassidy on the windswept tarmac, and Hart Branson felt his military training failing him. For he' d never had control where Suzanne was concerned, falling for her when she' d been the wife of another man– a buddy in whose death she might be implicated… .Suzanne sought his help in proving her innocence– and protecting her life. Though his heart knew she was beyond reproach, his mind could not dismiss the mounting evidence. Nor could he dismiss the blazing desire between them. To stand up for Suzanne would mean jeopardizing everything. Yet something told him this gutsy lady was worth the risk… .

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076922


Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon

Àâòîð: Ðîáèí Êàðð

Rising sous-chef Kelly Matlock's sudden collapse at work is a wake-up call.Disillusioned and burned out, she's retreated to her sister Jillian's house in Virgin River to rest and reevaluate. Puttering in Jill's garden and cooking with her heirloom vegetables is wonderful, but Virgin River is a far cry from San Francisco. Kelly's starting to feel a little too unmotivated. . . until she meets Lief Holbrook.The handsome widower looks more like a lumberjack than a sophisticated screenwriter—a combination Kelly finds irresistible. But less appealing is Lief's rebellious stepdaughter, Courtney. She's the reason they moved from L. A. , but Courtney's finding plenty of trouble even in Virgin River.Kelly's never fallen for a guy with such serious baggage, but some things are worth fighting for. Besides, a bratty teenager can't be any worse than a histrionic chef. . . right?

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408935804


Harvest Moon: A Tangled Web / Cast in Moonlight / Retribution
Harvest Moon: A Tangled Web / Cast in Moonlight / Retribution

Àâòîð: Michelle Sagara

A Tangled Web by Mercedes LackeyKidnapping Persephone should have been easy. But in the Five Hundred Kingdoms, nothing's ever simple–and the wrong goddess is stolen by mistake, leaving Prince Leopold without his new bride. At least until he braves the realm of the dead to get her back…Cast in Moonlight by Michelle SagaraBarely a teenager, Kaylin Neya is a thief, fugitive and attempted assassin. She also has a smart mouth, sharp wits and mysterious markings on her skin. All of which make her perfect bait for a child prostitution sting in the city of Elantra–if she survives her first meeting with the Hawks! Retribution by Cameron Haley In the underworld, there are tricks to killing. Like executing rivals at crossroads so ghosts won't follow you home. But sometimes retribution is hard to avoid–and now a supernatural hit man has a contract on Domino Riley's life. Luckily she knows a thing or two about death…

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408976296


Hasan Mellah yahut S r ?inde Esrar
Hasan Mellah yahut Sır İ?inde Esrar

Àâòîð: Àõìåò Ìèäõàò

Alexander Dumas’ın ?nl? romanı "Monte Kristo Kontu"nun T?rkiye’deki ilk basımı, T?rk okuyucusu tarafından b?y?k rağbet g?r?r. Bunun ?zerine Ahmet Mithat, bu romanı ?rnek alarak Hasan Mellah’ı yayımlamaya başlar. Hasan Mellah da b?y?k bir ilgiyle karşılanır. ?yle ki eser tamamlandığında roman kahramanlarının akıbetini merak eden okuyucuların ısrarları ?zere Ahmet Mithat romanına bir ek yazar. Ahmet Mithat’ın ilk romanı olma ?zelliğini taşıyan bu eser ilk olarak korsanların elinde esir olarak karşımıza ?ıkan Hasan Mellah’ın t?rl? ?l?mlerden kurtuluş maceralarına yer veriyor. "Allah bize bu ?ocukları ni?in veriyor biliyor musun? ?mr?m?z?n ge?mekte ve ?l?m?n yaklaşmakta olduğunu bize ispat i?in veriyor. Eğer bize kalacak olursa biz gen?liğimizin ge?tiğine, kart ve ihtiyar olduğumuza ve gebermek zamanı yaklaştığına mutlaka inanamayacağız. Lakin boyumuzla beraber evladımız yetiştik?e evvela kendimizi ?ocukluktan koparıp o saadeti evladımıza mecburen terk ediyoruz. Sonra onları gen? ve civan olmuş g?r?nce ister istemez kartlığımızı teslim edeceğiz. Nihayet onları kart g?r?nce kendimizi ihtiyar bularak, onların ihtiyarlığını d?ş?n?nce bizim i?in mezardan başka bir yer kalmadığını m?şahede edeceğiz. Ama diyeceksin ki a devletlu, b?yle doğurtup, yaşatıp, b?y?t?p de sonra gebertmekte ne mana vardır. Hazır bir kere yarattıktan sonra devam edip gitsene! İşte dindar olan b?yle dememelidir. ??nk? bu s?z bizim bencilliğimizden kaynaklanıyor. ?ocukluktan al da en ihtiyarlığa ve torunluktan al da en ağa babalığa varıncaya kadar insanın her ?ağı, ayrı birer saadettir. Bu saadete herkes nail olmak ister."

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-75-4



Àâòîð: Gena Showalter

After Moonrise, the elite detective agency, crosses into the dark side, but it can be dangerous when the living communicate with the dead… Curtis Raef can channel the most violent of emotions. His power has solved hundreds of police investigations. But his gift comes with a curse… cynical, hard and alone, he’s burning out fast.Then Lauren Wilcox arrives with a haunting case: her murdered twin sister is communing with Lauren’s spirit. Raef’s the only one who can help. But which twin does he want to save?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472008657


Haunted Britain and Ireland: Over 100 of the Scariest Places to Visit in the UK and Ireland
Haunted Britain and Ireland: Over 100 of the Scariest Places to Visit in the UK and Ireland

Àâòîð: Derek Acorah

Take a spooky journey round the British Isles with the UK’s best known psychic Derek Acorah. Derek presents a fascinating guide to 100 ‘haunted’ sites throughout Britain and Ireland, including his incredible ghostly encounters, what you can expect to find at each location, as well as detailed information on opening hours and access.Find out just how haunted Britain and Ireland are in Derek Acorah’s fascinating guide to over 100 spooky sites. Derek shares fantasic strories of epic battles, lost lovers, murder, suicide and other ghostly goings-on at locations far and wide.Discover why the ghost of a Victorian actor haunts the Adelphi Theatre in London, what many tragedies haunt the Snickleway Inn of York, and why a mysterious ghostly monk has been sighted in the Tyneside Cinema.This ghostly guide has a map with each section and spooky sites helpfully ordered by county or geographical area. Entries range from haunted castles and manors to shopping centres, hotels, beaches and even bowling alleys. An ideal travelling companion, each section offers helpful information on opening hours and access.Perfect for a family holiday, you can design your break to take in pubs with poltergeists, eerie stately homes or haunted abbeys!

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007279845


Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK s no. 1 psychic
Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic

Àâòîð: Derek Acorah

For the first time, the UK's number one TV psychic shares some of his most personal stories and terrifying encounters with the spirit world, and what it’s really like to be ‘possessed’.The star of LIVINGtv's ‘Most Haunted’ and 'Ghost Towns' goes on a new journey that will chill you to the bone.Derek takes us with him into the darkest places of the spirit world where he confronts people taken over by demonic entities, the spirits of ancient Egyptians whose malevolent presence reaches beyond the tomb, those evil ghosts with unfinished business who are terrorising the living, and the dead who are determined to come back from the other side, and take Derek with them if they can…If you thought you'd already seen Derek's most terrifying battles with the dark side – think again.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007283927


Hava Paras
Hava Parası

Àâòîð: Ìåìäóõ Øåâêåò Ýñåíäàë

Kimi kısa kimi uzun kimisi de daha tamamlanmamış hissi veren 25 hik?yenin yer aldığı Hava Parası, Memduh Şevket Esendal’ın ne kadar usta bir hik?yeci olduğunu g?stermesi bakımından ?ok ?arpıcı bir eser. Zengin fakir, esnaf, iş?i, memur, her tabakadan insanların yer aldığı hik?yelerde, kimseye ders vermeden, ahlak?ılık yapmadan, kahramanlarına son derece nesnel yaklaşmayı başarmış bir kalem Memduh Şevket. Bunun yanında, t?m eserlerinde varlık bulan, ?ok?a titizlendiği aşik?r olan tertemiz bir T?rk?eyle de hi? zorlamadan, kendine has ?slubunu okuyucuya yansıtıyor.

Öåíà: 210.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6862-47-0


Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Àâòîð: Sally Bee

You can indulge without guilt! Enjoy delicious desserts, perfect pastries, cookies and cakes, breads and bakes as part of a healthy lifestyle. Who says you can’t have it all?The third title from Sally Bee.Busy mum, home cook and heart-attack survivor Sally Bee knows better than anyone how to incorporate healthy eating into a busy lifestyle with her gorgeous, flavoursome and balanced recipes. In her new book, Have Your Cake and Eat it Too, Sally turns her attention to the sweet things in life to show that you don’t have to give up your favourite treats to maintain a healthy lifestyle or slimmer waistline. In fact, Sally claims that depriving yourself of these little pleasures makes it harder to stick to a nutritious and balanced diet long term.Sally shows how to make your favourite treats a little less naughty with healthier versions of much loved puddings, bakes, cakes and desserts. You can rest assured that they won’t be as sinful as they taste; a sensible attitude and a bit of creative cooking is all that’s needed to spoil yourself the healthier way.Sally also shares her helpful tips, advice and experience to show you how to enjoy little luxuries sensibly. She also reveals some of her culinary secrets and how to make compensations for 'naughty' ingredients by adding more of the good stuff.At the age of 36 Sally Bee suffered three major heart attacks in a single week. Sally defied all odds and, 5 years on, is glowing with health. She is the ultimate endorsement for living a sustainable healthy life, and is living proof that her recipes work.Recipes Include…Hot Choccy Souffl?Raspberry MuffinsLow-fat Zesty Lemon ButtercreamPineapple, Raspberry and Amaretti ParfaitsChocolate Vanilla MoussePeach and Strawberry SorbetSoda BreadSpicy Apple MuffinsAlmond and Hazelnut GateauGooey Chocolate Orange CookiesCaramelised ApplesAlmond MacaroonsOatmeal Fruit BreadChocolate Pistachio BiscuitsPassionate Pear Crumble

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007420162


Hayat m z n K Aylar
Hayatımızın Kış Ayları

Àâòîð: Yakup İsmail

Öåíà: 80.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6981-54-6


Hayattan Sayfalar
Hayattan Sayfalar

Àâòîð: H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar

Kadının cesedi ?zerine atılan toprak yığını, geride kalanlara bir ?mr? h?lasa ediyordu. İşte neticenin neticesi son buydu. Hayatın bundan başka bir ?ıkış kapısı yoktu.İnsan bu d?nyaya nasıl dil bilmez, tecr?besiz, hatırasız, ?ıplak geliyorsa bir ?m?rl?k ?ekişme ile ?ok defa kazan? şeklinde ?teki insan kardeşlerinden ?alıp ?ırptığı malları ve fikir kazan?larını burada bırakarak yine ?yle ?ıplak, dilsiz, fikirsiz gidiyordu. Edebiyatımızda doğalcılığın ve ger?ek?iliğin en ?nemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar, sanatı, halkı y?celtmek i?in bir ara? olarak g?rm?ş bu nedenle ?zerine gitmediği, eleştirip alay etmediği hi?bir toplumsal kurum bırakmamış, sanat yaşamı boyunca hep aklın ve mantığın yanında olmuş, eserleriyle toplumun ?ağdaşlaşması yolunda yobazlığa, gericiliğe, bağnazlığa, s?m?r?c?l?ğe karşı savaşmıştır; bunu yaparken mizah ?gesini ustaca kullanmış, İstanbul’un kenar semtlerinde, mezarlıklarında, ?ingene mahallelerinde, k?şklerinde, Şirket-i Hayriye vapurlarında, gazinolarında, sayfiyelerinde dolaşmış, okurlarını da dolaştırmıştır. Eserlerinde yapmacıksız bir yerlilik vardır; konak hanımefendisinden g?ndelik?iye, mirasyedilerden i? g?veyilere, dilencilerden dadılara, kalfalara, ?ingenelerden Rumlara, Ermenilere, Yahudilere kadar kimi ve neyi konu almışsa onu yerli renkleriyle betimlemesini bilmiştir.

Öåíà: 73 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-74-7


Hayma Ana
Hayma Ana

Àâòîð: Oğulmaya Saparova

Öåíà: 80.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6853-13-3


Hayvan ?iftli i
Hayvan ?iftliği

Àâòîð: Äæîðäæ Îðóýëë

B?y?k Lider’in ?ğretilerini fikre d?n?şt?rerek zulme ve baskıya boyun eğmeyen hayvanlar esas d?şmanları “İnsan”a başkaldırarak ?iftliği ele ge?irir ve t?m hayvanların eşitliğini savunan Animalizm fikri doğrultusunda ilkeleri olan “Yedi Emir” ile kendilerine bir d?zen kurarlar. Başta Napolyon olmak ?zere başkaca domuzlar bir s?re sonra y?netimde s?z sahibi olmaya başlar ve “Yedi Emir” yavaş yavaş t?rl? kurnazlıklarla diğer hayvanların zihinlerinde oyunlar oynanarak değiştirilir; y?netim artık totaliter bir rejime d?n?şmektedir… Domuzlardan mı yoksa insanlardan mı korkulacağı kestirilememektedir… George Orwell, 1945 yılında kaleme aldığı “Hayvan ?iftliği” eserini fabl tarzında yazmıştır. Bir sistem eleştirisi ve d?nyaca ?nl? klasikler arasında ses getiren ?nemli bir romandır. “Benjamin, bir an i?in dahi olsa kuralını bozdu ve duvarda yazılanları okudu. Tek bir emir dışında hi?bir şey yazmıyordu: T?M HAYVANLAR EŞİTTİR AMA BAZI HAYVANLAR DİĞERLERİNDEN DAHA EŞİTTİR.”

Öåíà: 115.41 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-15-0


Hazan B?lb?l?
Hazan B?lb?l?

Àâòîð: H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar

"Şahendeciğim, g?nl?m? bug?n sana tamamıyla a?mak ihtiyacındayım. Ben bu d?nyada ?ok şey g?rm?ş, muhabbet tufanları i?inde bocalamış, ?ok tecr?beler ge?irmiş bir yaşlı adamım, işte itiraf ediyorum. Aramızdaki yaş farkını d?ş?nmeyerek sevda hodbinliği ile sevgini dileniyorum. Sen bu l?tfunla beni gen?leştirecek, yaşatacak, bahtiyar edeceksin. Yılların y?k? beni ?ld?rm?şt?, sen diriltiyorsun. Canlandırmak kuvveti Allah’a mahsustur fakat sen g?zelliğinin harikası, gen?liğinin feyziyle bu mucizeyi g?sterdin. Şimdi benim yerime ayaklarına kapanan yirmi yaşında ateşli bir gen?, taze bir ?şık olsaydı, onun yalvarmalarında, ?p?şlerinde bu minnetli s?zlere karşı zafer kazanmış bir hak isteme g?r?lecekti. Sana sahip olmakla sevgisinin şiddeti hafifleyecekti. Ben ise sana her dokunuşumda daha ziyade alevleniyorum. Bu aşkına d?şk?n kimseyi biraz da sen sev. Bir dost diye sev, koca diye sev, bir baba diye sev… Sev de nasıl seversen sev…" Edebiyatımızda doğalcılığın ve ger?ek?iliğin en ?nemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar, sanatı, halkı y?celtmek i?in bir ara? olarak g?rm?ş bu nedenle ?zerine gitmediği, eleştirip alay etmediği hi?bir toplumsal kurum bırakmamış, sanat yaşamı boyunca hep aklın ve mantığın yanında olmuş, eserleriyle toplumun ?ağdaşlaşması yolunda yobazlığa, gericiliğe, bağnazlığa, s?m?r?c?l?ğe karşı savaşmıştır; bunu yaparken mizah ?gesini ustaca kullanmış, İstanbul’un kenar semtlerinde, mezarlıklarında, ?ingene mahallelerinde, k?şklerinde, Şirket-i Hayriye vapurlarında, gazinolarında, sayfiyelerinde dolaşmış, okurlarını da dolaştırmıştır. Eserlerinde yapmacıksız bir yerlilik vardır; konak hanımefendisinden g?ndelik?iye, mirasyedilerden i? g?veyilere, dilencilerden dadılara, kalfalara, ?ingenelerden Rumlara, Ermenilere, Yahudilere kadar kimi ve neyi konu almışsa onu yerli renkleriyle betimlemesini bilmiştir.

Öåíà: 137.12 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-73-0


Hazardous Holiday
Hazardous Holiday

Àâòîð: Liz Johnson

PROTECTING HIS FAMILYJust in time for the holidays, navy SEAL Zach McCloud returns home from deployment—and discovers someone wants his family dead. When he married his cousin’s struggling widow, he vowed to help her and her seriously ill son, and now he’ll risk everything to protect them. Even if their arrangement is only temporary. Kristi's certain an unhappy client from the law firm where she works is determined to hunt her down. But when a sniper bullet wildly misses its target, they begin to question whether it’s really her someone wants dead. Working together, can they figure out why they’ve been attacked…and keep little Cody from the nefarious forces dead set on making this Christmas their last?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474065016


He Will Find You: A nail-biting and emotional psychological suspense for 2018
He Will Find You: A nail-biting and emotional psychological suspense for 2018

Àâòîð: Diane Jeffrey

‘A tense, gripping domestic noir that shows just how fast the dream of a new life can turn into your worst nightmare’T.M. LoganNo matter where you hide…Kaitlyn Best is stuck in a rut. So when she discovers she's pregnant after a one-night-stand with Alex, her school crush, she throws caution to the wind and accepts his offer to make a new life together in the depths of the Lake District, far from her home… and her demons.He will find you.But Alex is not what he seems. And when Kaitlyn's world begins to crumble before her eyes, she realises she barely knows the man she has agreed to spend the rest of her life with.Since Alex won't tell her his secrets, Kaitlyn vows to find them out for herself. But when she uncovers the truth, she realises she has made a terrible mistake…Following her 2017 bestselling psychological thriller Those Who Lie, Diane Jeffrey is back with another chilling story of domestic suspense, perfect for fans of BA Paris and Sandie Jones.Praise for He Will Find You‘Tense and compelling, a genuinely thrilling read’Elizabeth Haynes‘Brimming with tension, riddled with doubt and suspicion, insidious and compelling with a terrifying ending that had me catching my breath’Sue Fortin‘A tense, gripping domestic noir that shows just how fast the dream of a new life can turn into your worst nightmare’T.M. Logan

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008297602


Healing The Md s Heart: Healing the MD s Heart
Healing The Md's Heart: Healing the MD's Heart

Àâòîð: Carrie Weaver

Healing the MD’s Heart Nicole FosterWithout Dr Lia, Duran wouldn’t have known where to start when it came to saving his sick little boy. Soon, he’d found a new lease of life for his son. Now it was time to find forever in Lia’s arms…Welcome Home, Daddy Carrie Weaver Annie forgot her rules for one night with soldier Drew. The next thing she knows, she’s a new mum…and her baby’s daddy is missing, presumed dead. But two years on, Drew is alive and about to discover he’s a father. Can Annie learn to trust her heart and her son to a man who risks his life every day?

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408920367


Heart of a Hero
Heart of a Hero

Àâòîð: Marie Ferrarella

HER BABY HAD BEEN KIDNAPPEDFormer Las Vegas showgirl Dakota Armstrong was desperate when her son was stolen from her. He'd been taken by one of the most dangerous men in Nevada, and she had little hope of recovering him by herself. When handsome and charming Russell Andreini of ChildFinders, Inc., promised to find the boy, Dakota insisted on helping him. But while they fought to save her son, she found herself fighting a different battle–against a powerful attraction she was not ready for.Russell was determined to show Dakota that he could protect her son–and her. And to convince her that she needn't fear the passion that sizzled between them. He would willingly risk his life; could she find the courage to risk her heart?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076939


Heart Of A Hunter
Heart Of A Hunter

Àâòîð: Sylvie Kurtz

THE HUNTER BECOMES PREY…U.S. Marshal Sebastian Falconer was a workaholic, dedicated to catching dangerous fugitives. But when his wife became the victim of a vengeful escaped felon who had vowed to destroy Sebastian, he knew he could no longer protect his beloved Olivia from the dark side of his job.Olivia's amnesia made her wary of the raven-haired man who called himself her husband. Was she attracted to the handsome stranger because of a need for security or a true calling of her heart? She joined in the search for her attacker, proving she wasn't as fragile as Sebastian had once thought. But could they find a way to rekindle their lost love in the face of danger?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033611


Heart Of A Lawman
Heart Of A Lawman

Àâòîð: Patricia Rosemoor

The Quarrels boys are back in town to save the family homestead and make peace with each other. But will a hidden danger threaten all they hold dear?A WOMAN WORTH FIGHTING FORA shattering tragedy sent Bart Quarrels back to his ailing father's bedside. But being home brought little peace to the lawman, for there was something wrong at the family ranch–something the beautiful new horse wrangler wasn't telling him…Josie's past was a mystery, even to her. All she knew was that someone was after her–someone on the ranch. But Josie's missing memory didn't prevent her from falling hard for Bart, a man who made her feel safe. Protected. Cherished. Would Bart be able to protect her from the past that haunted her dreams–and threatened her future with him?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474022729


Heart of a Thief
Heart of a Thief

Àâòîð: Gail Barrett

She'd loved him–and he'd betrayed her Or so Sofia Mikhelson believed.So why was security specialist Luke Moreno back, entrusted with protecting a priceless necklace–and glowering at her as if she'd betrayed him? Then shots rang out–and suddenly Sofia and Luke had to rely on each other.With bodies around them, the necklace missing and all suspicion pointed their way, Sofia had to face facts. Five years ago, she hadn't believed in Luke's innocence. Now he was the only one she could trust. What had she done?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408961704


Heart Of Texas
Heart Of Texas

Àâòîð: Mary Baxter Lynn

Cozying up to the enemy makes sense. – Clark Garrison, urban cowboy and ruthless capitalist Clark Garrison had his reasons for returning to River Oaks and wasn't about to let anyone stand in his way – especially not Dr. Sara Wilson. Hell, she was just as beautiful and infuriating as he remembered, and clearly she still considered him the same swaggering bad boy she'd known years ago.Though he wanted to lure the lovely doctor to his bed, she was unquestionably off-limits. After all, it wouldn't be long before she discovered that the reason he was back had everything to do with her…Some men are made for lovin' – and you'll love our MAN OF THE MONTH!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408992739


Heart of the Night
Heart of the Night

Àâòîð: Lenora Worth

Secret agent Eli Trudeau grieved the loss of his wife and baby.Then he discovers his son is alive–and living with an adoptive mother, Gena Malone. Despite the secrets and lies, Eli can't deny the truth: Gena loves the boy. Yet Eli grew up without a father and won't do that to his own child.When someone dangerous comes after them, Eli takes Gena and his son deep into hiding. As he grows closer to them, he discovers that he's more than just a maverick operative. After his dark, troubled past, he's finally found faith and family. And he'll do anything to protect both.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408966501


Heartbreak Hero
Heartbreak Hero

Àâòîð: Frances Housden

HE LOOKED BIG, BAD AND DANGEROUS TO KNOWBut Ngaire Two Feathers McKay had little to lose to a heartbreaker like Kel. Couldn't she allow herself today – in his arms, his bed – when she might not have tomorrow? He'd known her for trouble the first time he saw her.What he hadn't known was how hard it would be to lie to this woman, to keep his cover…to not protect her with his life as danger threatened hers. He had to remember she was a Hapkido master, capable of defending herself, and he had a job to do – one that didn't involve falling for his target.

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946442



Àâòîð: Claudia Dey

A missing mother. An isolated community. Three storytellers you will never forget.For fans of The Water Cure and The Girls‘A dark star of a book’ LAUREN GROFF‘I loved its every page’ SHEILA HETIOn yet another freezing day, mother Billie Jean walks out of the house barefoot and drives off never to be heard of again.But no one arrives and no one leaves The Territory, a community cut off from the rest of Canada, a place warped by its own strange ways and stuck in the 1980s. Here they live off their own rules.Three glittering and wild characters hold the pieces of the puzzle of this small community that once welcomed this lost woman, only to break her.Welcome to the strange magic of Heartbreaker.‘Behold the virtuosity of Heartbreaker! Claudia Dey has a perfect ear and the sharpest eye. Her portrait of Pony Darlene Fontaine, and the strange world she inhabits, is devastating, unsparing and unforgettable’ MIRIAM TOEWS, author of All My Puny Sorrows‘Beautiful… A perfect balancing act of dark and light’CLAIRE CAMERON author of The Bear‘Heartbreaker makes high and hilarious art from the emotional pop-rocks and glittery junk of a certain way of being young. And vulnerable. Also, it has one of the most awesome dogs in literature. A thrillingly fun and original novel’ RIVKA GALCHEN author of American Innovations

Öåíà: 1153.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008295097



Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia’s life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters. Alicia Wilder is tired of being shielded from the world by her over protective brothers. Trying to prove she can handle the vampire war gets her mauled, bit, kissed, shot at, and oddly enough, living with three very sexy vampires, one of which started the vampire war in the first place. When she finds herself going into shifter heat, Alicia realizes her safety net may be her undoing. Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia’s life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters.

Ñåðèÿ: Blood Bound Book

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873041436


Heathcliff Is Not My Name: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff
Heathcliff Is Not My Name: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff

Àâòîð: Michael Stewart

A story from Michael Stewart to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love.Enter Heathcliff’s mind as he reflects on what tore his heart apart ten years earlier.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008303273


Heaven s Touch
Heaven's Touch

Àâòîð: Jillian Hart

Special forces soldier Ben McKaslin returned home with a bum leg, a bad attitude and his career in tatters. Then, in one defining moment, an emergency had him leaping instinctively to the rescue–and locking eyes with the captivating woman he'd left behind. Could this have been God's plan all along?After her own crushing setback, Cadence Chapman had learned to embrace life to the fullest. But she'd also learned how to safeguard her heart. Yet as sparks reignited between her and Ben while he rehabilitated, she realized she still loved him to the depths of her soul. Dare she pin all her dreams on this embittered military man who had no idea how blessed he truly was?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472079589


Hedge Fund Wives
Hedge Fund Wives

Àâòîð: Tatiana Boncompagni

The fall from the top can be a long one…Eager to play the part of dutiful wife, down-to-earth Marcy Ermerson agrees to relocate from Chicago to New York City when her husband is offered a big-time job managing a hedge fund. Leaving behind her own dreams, Marcy forgoes finding a new job in favour of trying to start a family. Besides, as she soon discovers, hedge fund wives don't work, they play. Hard.…Although at first it's fun to shop and party, Marcy quickly realizes that to find her feet in this new world of excess and superficiality she needs true friends. Only problem is behind every smile lurks a stab in the back.But it's not until her suddenly social climbing husband abruptly leaves her for his thinner, blonder mistress, that Marcy decides it's time to stand on her own two feet and fight for the things that are far more important than money.In the throes of the credit crunch, this tantalising tale is perfect for fans of Sex and the City and The Devil Wears Prada who still want a bit of bling for their buck.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007338252


Heiligdom (Door Bloed Gebonden Boek 9)
Heiligdom (Door Bloed Gebonden Boek 9)

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835401575



Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

„Ein Meisterwerk der Spannung! Blake Pierce ist es auf hervorragende Weise gelungen, Charaktere mit einer psychologischen Seite zu entwickeln, die so gut beschrieben sind, dass wir uns in ihren K?pfen f?hlen, ihren ?ngsten folgen und ihren Erfolg bejubeln. Voller Wendungen wird Sie dieses Buch bis zur letzten Seite wachhalten.“ – Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (zu Verschwunden) HEIMKEHR (Ein Chloe Fine Psycho-Thriller) ist Buch #5 einer neuen spannenden Buchreihe des Bestsellerautors Blake Pierce, dessen #1 Bestseller VERSCHWUNDEN (ein kostenloser Download) ?ber 1.000 F?nf-Sterne-Bewertungen erhalten hat. Als zwei Ehem?nner, die beste Freunde waren, tot in einem wohlhabenden Vorstadtviertel aufgefunden werden, wird FBI ViCAP Spezialagentin Chloe Fine, 27, darauf angesetzt, die L?gen dieser Kleinstadt zu entlarven und den M?rder zu finden. Chloe wird hinter die perfekte Fassade dieser Stadt schauen m?ssen, um an ihrem ?u?eren Erscheinungsbild vorbeizusehen und die Wahrheit dar?ber herauszufinden, wer diese M?nner waren und wer sie m?glicherweise tot sehen wollte. Und an einem Ort, der von seiner Exklusivit?t lebt, wird dies nicht einfach sein. Welche Geheimnisse versuchten die Ehem?nner zu verbergen?Als emotionaler psychologischer Thriller mit vielschichtigen Charakteren, kleinst?dtischem Flair und atemberaubender Spannung, ist HEIMKEHR Buch #5 in einer fesselnden neuen Serie, die Sie bis tief in die Nacht hinein an die Seiten fesseln wird. Buch #6 der Chloe Fine Thriller Serie wird in K?rze erh?ltlich sein.

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305998


Heiress Recon
Heiress Recon

Àâòîð: Carla Cassidy

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472058171


Heiress s Pregnancy Scandal
Heiress's Pregnancy Scandal

Àâòîð: Julia James

Their passion is blazing… And leads to scandalous consequences! While on a business trip, dutiful heiress Francesca Ristori is stunned to be swept away with her desire for Italian tycoon Nic Falcone! Nic is unlike any man she’s ever met before and his searing touch thrills and excites her beyond words. But Francesca believes it can only be temporary—she must return to her aristocratic life. Until she learns she’s pregnant with the billionaire’s baby…!

Öåíà: 414.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087483


Hekay l r

Àâòîð: Î. Ãåíðè

D?nya ş?hrətli Amerika yazı?ısı yazdığı əsərlərini O. Henri təxəll?s? ilə ?ap etdirmişdir. Əsl adı Uiliam Sidney Porter (William Sydney Porter) olan yazı?ı d?nyada qısa hekayə yazan yazı?ıların ən məşhur isimlərindən biri kimi tanınır. O. Henrinin zarafatcıl və canlı ?slubda qələmə aldığı əsərlərinə insan k?tlələri heyran olmuş və bu, ona b?y?k uğur gətirmişdir. Yazı?ı həyatının son səkkiz ilində 200-dən ?ox hekayə yazmışdır. Ustalıqla qurduğu və insanı həyəcanlandıran s?jeti, incə yumoru və adamın ?z?nə sanki şillə vururmuş kimi sona ?atan g?zlənilməz sonluqlarla bitən hekayələri, qısa novella sahəsində O. Henriyə xas bir «tərz» meydana gətirmiş və bu ?oxlarına ilham mənbəyi olmuşdur. Lakin O. Henrinin kasıb?ılıqla ke?ən həyatı he? də hekayələri kimi xoşbəxt sonluqla bitməmişdir. D?nya ş?hrətli yazı?ı cavanlıqda hətta həbsxanaya d?şm?şd?r. O, yaxşı qazanmağına baxmayaraq, ?oxlu i?ir, b?t?n qazandıqlarını g?yə sovururdu. He? də təsad?fi deyil ki, o ?ld?y? zaman cibindən cəmic?mlətanı 23 sent ?ıxmışdır. Həmin zaman onun cəmi 48 yaşı olub. Əminik ki, bu kitab həyatın qədrini bilənlər ???n daha maraqlı olacaq.

Öåíà: 152 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8202-3-2


Hekay ti – M?sy? Jordan
Hekayəti – M?sy? Jordan

Àâòîð: Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh

“A Story about The Botanist-Doctor Monsieur Jordan and the Famous Sorcerer Dervish Mastali Shah” is a satirical comedy created by the great Azerbaijani playwright, poet and philosopher M. F. Akhundzadeh. The comedy was written on the basis of real facts. In 1840-ies the French scientist Aleksis Jordan came to explore the Karabakh flora. He also had close contact with the local people. Aleksis Jordan was very pleased with the humanist and hospitable attitude of Azerbaijani people towards him. When he left Azerbaijan he said that he would always remember Karabakh and Azerbaijani people who did their best and served him sincerely. In the image of Monsieur Jordan M.F.Akhundzadeh describes him as a progressive scientist – the representative of the developed French bourgeois society contradicting dervish Mastali Shah who as a swindler and cunning man deceiving and robbing the illiterate people.

Öåíà: 121 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8450-2-2


Hell Or High Water
Hell Or High Water

Àâòîð: Anne Mather

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472097620



Àâòîð: Ed Macy

May 2006. Pilot Ed Macy arrives in Afghanistan with a contingent of the Apache AH Mk1. It’s the first operational tour for the deadly machines and confidence in the cripplingly expensive attack helicopter is low. It doesn’t help that for their first month ‘in action’, Ed and his mates see little more than the back-end of a Chinook.But when the men of 3 Para get pinned down during Op Mutay, reservations about the fearsome new attack helicopters are thrown out the window. In the blistering firefight that follows, Ed unleashes the first ever Hellfire missile in combat and what had been rumoured as a ?4.2 billion mistake quickly becomes the British Army’s greatest asset, as the awe-inspiring Apache is dramatically redirected to fight the enemy head-on.As a young paratrooper, Ed’s dreams of fighting on the front line rested with the SAS rather than the Army Air Corps, but a brutal accident abuptly ended any chance of SAS selection. Learning to pilot and fight in an attack helicopter was Ed’s route back. In ‘Hellfire’ Ed describes the amount of determination and rule-bending it took to make it as one of the best.In this gripping account of war on the ground and in the skies above the dusty wastes of Helmand, Ed recounts the intense months that followed Op Mutay: the steep learning curve, the relentless missions, the evolving enemy and the changing Rules of Engagement.Ed will need every ounce of willpower and skill to succeed over the long, hot Helmand summer, as he and his colleagues find themselves on trial for their lives and for the reputation of a machine on which the British government had staked a fortune. The crucible of fire that awaited them would cement the fate of man and machine forever.

Öåíà: 906.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007342921


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