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Business Math For Dummies
Business Math For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mary Jane Sterling

Now, it is easier than ever before to understand complex mathematical concepts and formulas and how they relate to real-world business situations. All you have to do it apply the handy information you will find in Business Math For Dummies. Featuring practical practice problems to help you expand your skills, this book covers topics like using percents to calculate increases and decreases, applying basic algebra to solve proportions, and working with basic statistics to analyze raw data. Find solutions for finance and payroll applications, including reading financial statements, calculating wages and commissions, and strategic salary planning. Navigate fractions, decimals, and percents in business and real estate transactions, and take fancy math skills to work. You’ll be able to read graphs and tables and apply statistics and data analysis. You’ll discover ways you can use math in finance and payroll investments, banking and payroll, goods and services, and business facilities and operations. You’ll learn how to calculate discounts and markup, use loans and credit, and understand the ins and outs of math for business facilities and operations. You’ll be the company math whiz in no time at all! Find out how to: Read graphs and tables Invest in the future Use loans and credit Navigate bank accounts, insurance, budgets, and payroll Calculate discounts and markup Measure properties and handle mortgages and loans Manage rental and commercial properties Complete with lists of ten math shortcuts to do in meetings and drive your coworkers nuts and ten tips for reading annual reports, Business MathFor Dummies is your one-stop guide to solving math problems in business situations.

Öåíà: 2429.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470397398


Business Risk Management
Business Risk Management

Àâòîð: Edward J. Anderson

A comprehensive and accessible introduction to modern quantitative risk management. The business world is rife with risk and uncertainty, and risk management is a vitally important topic for managers. The best way to achieve a clear understanding of risk is to use quantitative tools and probability models. Written for students, this book has a quantitative emphasis but is accessible to those without a strong mathematical background. Business Risk Management: Models and Analysis Discusses novel modern approaches to risk management Introduces advanced topics in an accessible manner Includes motivating worked examples and exercises (including selected solutions) Is written with the student in mind, and does not assume advanced mathematics Is suitable for self-study by the manager who wishes to better understand this important field. Aimed at postgraduate students, this book is also suitable for senior undergraduates, MBA students, and all those who have a general interest in business risk.

Öåíà: 7090.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118749418


Business Survey Methods
Business Survey Methods

Àâòîð: Anders Christianson

Consists of invited papers, from internationally recognized researchers, chosen for their quality as well as their overall unity. Describes current methods along with innovative research and presents new technologies for solving problems unique to establishment surveys. Stages of the survey process are addressed in the first five parts with cross-cutting topics in the last section.

Öåíà: 18668.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118150535


Buy Now
Buy Now

Àâòîð: Lloyd Edge

Turn your property dreams into reality What's stopping you from buying property? Is it the changing markets? The needless jargon? The rising costs? Buying property doesn't have to be difficult; you just need to step up on that ladder. In Buy Now, you'll get the simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand advice to help you not only enter the property market, but to launch and grow your own portfolio. With bestselling author and award-winning buyer's agent Lloyd Edge by your side, you have everything you need to stop dreaming, step up, and grab that property ladder with both hands. In the book, you’ll find newcomer-friendly advice designed to walk you through how anyone can budget and save for a deposit, understand the market, and secure a mortgage. The author breaks down the jargon and tells you what you need to know in straightforward and easy-to-understand language, offering tips and strategies for those setting out on their property investing journey. You'll also find: Step-by-step guidance on creating a financial plan for your property hunt, finding your dream home or investment property, renovating, equity creation, and upsizing How-to guides, case studies, and interactive exercises that help you build the skills you'll need to conquer property investment Your ticket to going from no knowledge or experience in real estate to property master Nobody ever got what they wanted by waiting. Take the first step toward financial freedom through property with practical advice from one of Australia's leading buyer's agents.

Öåíà: 1736.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780730395249


Buy Now
Buy Now

Àâòîð: Lloyd Edge

Öåíà: 1736.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780730395256


C -Die vielen Leben des Kohlenstoffs
C -Die vielen Leben des Kohlenstoffs

Àâòîð: Dag Olav Hessen

"C – Die vielen Leben des Kohlenstoffs" erz?hlt die Geschichte des fragilen Gleichgewichts – zwischen Photosynthese und Zellatmung, zwischen Aufbau und Verbrennung, zwischen Leben und Tod – und davon wie dieses durch das Einwirken des Menschen unwiderruflich gest?rt wurde. Kohlenstoff ist das Schl?sselelement des Lebens, der Grundbaustein der Zellen in unserem K?rper und in allem bekannten Leben auf der Erde. Angesichts der Krise des Klimawandels ist es jetzt wichtiger als je zuvor, dieses wichtige chemische Element und seinen Lebenszyklus zu verstehen. Dag Olav Hessen nimmt den Leser in fesselnder Prosa mit auf eine Reise von Atom zu Planet.

Öåíà: 2070.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783952440193


C# - Easy Programmieren
C# - Easy Programmieren

Àâòîð: Sven Heinrich

Das eBook «C# – Easy Programmieren» hat eine «Step by Step – Anleitung» f?r ein komplettes «2D-Spiel». Lerne wie Du mit einem Button den Spieler von Plattform zu Plattform springen l?sst. Die Einbindung eines EventHandler und Animationen von Spieler und Men?.
In insgesamt 24 Schritten wird Dir die Entwicklung des Spiels erkl?rt. Du lernst Grundlagen im Programmieren in der Programmiersprache C# (C-Sharp) und den Umgang mit Unity 3D.
Lerne unter anderem –Das Anlegen von Animationen –Die Schwerkraft-Einstellung in Unity 3D –Die Steuerung des Spielers per Button –Einen Lerp-Befehl –Den Umgang mit dem EventHandler
Am Ende hast Du ein funktionsf?higes Spiel, dass darauf wartet von Dir weiterentwickelt zu werden.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752909746



Àâòîð: Peter Pohmann

Öåíà: 2465.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868027747


C?mo leer la piel
C?mo leer la piel

Àâòîð: Jairo Victoria Chaparro

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588843377


C?mo llegar a ser un aprendiz estrat?gico de C?lculo Diferencial?
C?mo llegar a ser un aprendiz estrat?gico de C?lculo Diferencial?

Àâòîð: Jhobana Herrera D?az

Öåíà: 837.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587646276


C?mo mantener la pasi?n en la pareja
C?mo mantener la pasi?n en la pareja

Àâòîð: Alexia Costa

La p?cima del amor eterno e inmodificable es un sue?o de los hombres que, por supuesto, nunca form? parte de la realidad. Es decir, que cada uno debe trabajar de manera ardua, aguzar su ingenio y fortalecer sus ganas de mejorar y de avanzar en el v?nculo, con el fin de lograr que su amor sea «para toda la vida»… o, por lo menos, que dure toda la vida que tenga ese v?nculo amoroso. La pasi?n constituye un aditamento imprescindible de la pareja, y con frecuencia se debilita antes que el amor propiamente dicho, entonces, se transforma en una raz?n valedera para que dos personas decidan separarse. Por eso, es importante protegerla y revitalizarla, pues es el combustible esencial para que la uni?n funcione y no tenga fecha de vencimiento. Ser apasionados no s?lo implica dejar la cama en llamas, tambi?n significa abordar con entusiasmo y energ?a las actividades que involucran a la pareja y que la renuevan en forma constante. Una comida deliciosa, un paseo original, una charla profunda y, por supuesto, tambi?n un encuentro sexual planeado e intenso son ?nicamente algunas de las iniciativas que avivan el fuego de la pasi?n y no dejan que se apague. No es preciso gastar dinero, no se trata de ideas dif?ciles de concretar ni de tareas que insuman mucho tiempo; en la mayor?a de los casos, son iniciativas comunes, pero que se realizan con una «inspiraci?n» distinta, por as? decirlo. No es lo mismo cocinar algo rico sin el objetivo de seducir al otro, que hacerlo con el firme prop?sito de subyugar al amante. Ese es el esp?ritu de este libro: transformar la vida cotidiana de la pareja en una experiencia enriquecedora y divertida que combata el aburrimiento y encuentre, en el momento menos esperado, un motivo para revivir la pasi?n y disfrutar de la intimidad de a dos. Aqu? encontrar?s explicaciones, consejos, ejercicios, ideas y secretos para practicar con tu pareja e incentivar ese amor, que es fuerte pero est? dormido. A cualquier edad, y en cualquier fase amorosa, es posible sufrir la falta de voltaje pasional, pero tambi?n en todos los casos se pueden revertir estas circunstancias. S?lo hace falta tener ganas y apostar por el amor.
Aclaraciones preliminares Este libro no pretende ser inocente ni desconocer que, en los tiempos actuales, los modos del amor han cambiado. Quiz?, ya no es tan frecuente que una persona conozca al que cree que es su amor, se case con ?l, forme una familia y viva toda la vida con la misma persona. Las relaciones humanas y, en especial, las que se vinculan con el enamoramiento, presentan una complejidad tal que alguien que vive el inicio de su amor en la madurez atravesar? de todos modos las mismas fases que un veintea?ero. Es posible ingresar a la adultez y seguir manteniendo una relaci?n casi adolescente, con reticencia al compromiso y conductas inmaduras incre?bles.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789874725677


C?mo ves? La qu?mica en tu vida
C?mo ves? La qu?mica en tu vida

Àâòîð: Benjam?n Ruiz Loyola

Öåíà: 245.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786073016025


C?ndido Bareiro
C?ndido Bareiro

Àâòîð: Luis Ver?n

Este libro es la biograf?a de uno de los primeros diplom?ticos paraguayos formados en Europa, que al final del conflicto una pol?mica porque se entreg? a los aliados.
Luis Ver?n presenta los diversos aspectos de la vida de C?ndido Bareiro, buscando dar luz sobre su personalidad y activa labor pol?tica en los primeros a?os de la posguerra.

Ñåðèÿ: Protagonistas de la Guerra Guasu

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789992521519


Cadenas de suministro agroalimentarias
Cadenas de suministro agroalimentarias

Àâòîð: Yahir Romero Romero

Nos centramos en comprender el concepto de cadena de suministro agroalimentaria, concibi?ndola como funciones de colaboraci?n interdependientes, por las partes interesadas, para agregar o aportar valor a un producto espec?fico que despu?s se distribuyen, comercializan y llevan al consumidor final. La suma de todos los esfuerzos, colaboraci?n, en los eslabones de producci?n, que aportan valor al producto a partir de alg?n cambio, valor, ser? lo que llamaremos cadena de suministro agroalimentaria. De ese modo, seg?n el sistema de producci?n, hay quienes aportan elementos base que inician con el proceso de producci?n, transformaci?n del producto, distribuci?n / comercializaci?n hasta llegar al consumidor final. La cadena de suministro agroalimentario se determina por tres factores: el entorno alimentario y el comportamiento de los consumidores, as? como el acceso y disposici?n de alimentos sanos. En el ?mbito cient?fico, los problemas que aquejan las cadenas de suministro se han abordado de manera extensa; desde el dise?o, gesti?n, optimizaci?n y redise?o. Las cadenas m?s estudiadas son principalmente las cadenas de suministro globales y las de alto super?vit. En contraste, las cadenas de suministro de productos agroalimentarios son temas poco abordados, principalmente aquellas que tienen como elementos a micro, peque?os y/o medianos productores. As?, se analizan las problem?ticas que afectan a las cadenas de suministro de productos agroalimentarios y de las formas, perspectivas y t?cnicas, que los investigadores han utilizado o desarrollado para abordar dichas problem?ticas. Se revisa tambi?n las problem?ticas actuales del sector agr?cola en M?xico, observando a las familias que constituyen la agricultura rural. Las formas en que participan son muy amplias pues se pueden involucrar en actividades de siembra, mantenimiento y/o cosecha apoyando a sus padres, ingresar como peones a compa??as agr?colas formales o combinar ambas opciones seg?n sea la ?poca. En ese tenor, los efectos de la pandemia por Covid-19 est?n afectando la normalidad de la vida y, por lo tanto, de los procesos de producci?n, pues al restringir actividades para evitar una propagaci?n mayor propici? desabasto de algunos productos de la canasta b?sica. Consideramos que la pol?tica p?blica retome perspectivas integradoras y sistem?ticas de los problemas agroalimentarios. Estamos convencidos de que los aspectos t?cnicos y cient?ficos ofrecidos en el presente documento constituyen insumos s?lidos para orientar decisiones de para lograr un mejor crecimiento en cada eslab?n de producci?n.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ïîæèëîé Êñåíîìîðô

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786077116233


Caja de herramientas del sector minero: formas de legislar
Caja de herramientas del sector minero: formas de legislar

Àâòîð: Andr?s G?mez-Rey

Ñåðèÿ: Gesti?n ambiental

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587840834


Calculus Essentials For Dummies
Calculus Essentials For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mark Ryan

Many colleges and universities require students to take at least one math course, and Calculus I is often the chosen option. Calculus Essentials For Dummies provides explanations of key concepts for students who may have taken calculus in high school and want to review the most important concepts as they gear up for a faster-paced college course. Free of review and ramp-up material, Calculus Essentials For Dummies sticks to the point with content focused on key topics only. It provides discrete explanations of critical concepts taught in a typical two-semester high school calculus class or a college level Calculus I course, from limits and differentiation to integration and infinite series. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical calculus concepts as they help high school students with homework assignments, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just need a refresher of the core concepts. The Essentials For Dummies Series Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials For Dummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing to study new material, or who just need a refresher can have a concise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entire course by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. From algebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authors focus on the skills students most need to succeed in a subject.

Öåíà: 916.87 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470642672


Calculus II For Dummies
Calculus II For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mark Zegarelli

An easy-to-understand primer on advanced calculus topics Calculus II is a prerequisite for many popular college majors, including pre-med, engineering, and physics. Calculus II For Dummies offers expert instruction, advice, and tips to help second semester calculus students get a handle on the subject and ace their exams. It covers intermediate calculus topics in plain English, featuring in-depth coverage of integration, including substitution, integration techniques and when to use them, approximate integration, and improper integrals. This hands-on guide also covers sequences and series, with introductions to multivariable calculus, differential equations, and numerical analysis. Best of all, it includes practical exercises designed to simplify and enhance understanding of this complex subject. Introduction to integration Indefinite integrals Intermediate Integration topics Infinite series Advanced topics Practice exercises Confounded by curves? Perplexed by polynomials? This plain-English guide to Calculus II will set you straight!

Öåíà: 1840.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118204245


Calculus Workbook For Dummies
Calculus Workbook For Dummies

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The easy way to conquer calculus Calculus is hard—no doubt about it—and students often need help understanding or retaining the key concepts covered in class. Calculus Workbook For Dummies serves up the concept review and practice problems with an easy-to-follow, practical approach. Plus, you’ll get free access to a quiz for every chapter online. With a wide variety of problems on everything covered in calculus class, you’ll find multiple examples of limits, vectors, continuity, differentiation, integration, curve-sketching, conic sections, natural logarithms, and infinite series. Plus, you’ll get hundreds of practice opportunities with detailed solutions that will help you master the math that is critical for scoring your highest in calculus. Review key concepts Take hundreds of practice problems Get access to free chapter quizzes online Use as a classroom supplement or with a tutor Get ready to quickly and easily increase your confidence and improve your skills in calculus.

Öåíà: 2208.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119357490


Calculus: 1,001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Calculus: 1,001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Àâòîð: Patrick Jones

Practice makes perfect—and helps deepen your understanding of calculus 1001 Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies takes you beyond the instruction and guidance offered in Calculus For Dummies, giving you 1001 opportunities to practice solving problems from the major topics in your calculus course. Plus, an online component provides you with a collection of calculus problems presented in multiple-choice format to further help you test your skills as you go. Gives you a chance to practice and reinforce the skills you learn in your calculus course Helps you refine your understanding of calculus Practice problems with answer explanations that detail every step of every problem The practice problems in 1001 Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies range in areas of difficulty and style, providing you with the practice help you need to score high at exam time.

Öåíà: 2116.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118496701


Cambio conceptual y representacional en el aprendizaje y la ense?anza de la ciencia
Cambio conceptual y representacional en el aprendizaje y la ense?anza de la ciencia

Àâòîð: Varios

Ñåðèÿ: Aprendizaje

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491141273


Caminhando sobre as brasas
Caminhando sobre as brasas

Àâòîð: Alexandre de Deus Monteiro

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788468683096


Canciones de lejos
Canciones de lejos

Àâòîð: David Ponce

Chile y M?xico son dos naciones separadas por hemisferios y miles de kil?metros de distancia, sin embargo, se encuentran enlazadas por un c?mulo de experiencias, manifestaciones y expresiones a lo largo de m?s de dos siglos, y es en la m?sica donde este v?nculo se materializa. Esta obra revela algunas de las claves de esta alianza fraterna entre la naci?n del norte y la del sur: del bolero al rock, de la canci?n rom?ntica a la vanguardia y de la ranchera al pop. Nombres insignes y diversos como Sonia la ?nica, Caf? Tacvba, Pedro Infante o Mon Laferte (por mencionar algunos) son revisados a trav?s de cr?nicas period?sticas, ensayos y testimonios que muestran el valioso intercambio cultural de ambos pa?ses.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786075712376



Àâòîð: Michael Knodt

Cannabisgenie?er der neuesten Generation lieben das Dabben. Dabei meint Dabbing das Verdampfen von hochkonzentrierten Cannabis-Extrakten vom Typus des Butane Honey Oils, kurz BHO. BHO-Extrakte werden mithilfe von L?sungsmitteln aus Cannabis gewonnen und stellen den aktuellen State of the Art der Potenzierung von Cannabis dar.
Cannabis-Experte Michael Knodt erkl?rt in diesem praktischen Ratgeber, wie die verschiedenen Cannabis-Extrakte hergestellt werden, welche Vorteile sie bieten, aber auch, welche Gefahren mit der Zubereitung und dem Gebrauch solch starker Konzentrate einhergehen k?nnen. Das Buch erl?utert die Unterschiede zwischen den mittlerweile zahlreichen Formen von Cannabiskonzentraten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Extraktion von BHO und Co.

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783037886120


Capitalismo, crisis y anarquismo en la novela de cr?menes del siglo XXI en Espa?a
Capitalismo, crisis y anarquismo en la novela de cr?menes del siglo XXI en Espa?a

Àâòîð: Gustavo Forero Quintero

Surgida de la crisis econ?mica y los movimientos sociales del siglo XXI, la novela de cr?menes espa?ola socava la presunta contundencia del capitalismo como discurso totalizante. Con base en la teor?a de la anomia positiva y la lucha de clases, Gustavo Forero Quintero verifica esta premisa en las novelas Black, black, black de Marta Sanz, Ajuste de cuentas de Benjam?n Prado, Con todo el odio de nuestro coraz?n de Fernando C?mara, El hombre que mat? a Durruti de Pedro de Paz, P?lvora negra de Roberto Montero Gonz?lez, La tiran?a del esp?ritu: o Las cinco muertes del bar?n airado de Jorge Navarro P?rez y Cabaret Pompeya de Andreu Mart?n. La acci?n de «seres inofensivos» con que el autor explica la primera novela, la ?tica del escritor de la segunda o la «furia de los decentes» con que se comprende la tercera se suman a la evaluaci?n cr?tica del homenaje a Buenaventura Durruti y del perfil literario del anarquista Mateo Morral de Montero, as? como del ascenso de un grupo social en la obra de Navarro y la vigencia del anarquismo en la contemporaneidad reflejada en la novela de Mart?n. Capitalismo, crisis y anarquismo en la novela de cr?menes del siglo XXI en Espa?a es producto de la tercera etapa del proyecto de investigaci?n «La anomia en la novela de cr?menes» financiado por la Universidad de Antioquia. La primera se dedic? a Colombia (2012) y la segunda, a Am?rica Latina (2017). Para el autor, la ausencia de normas o su falta de aplicaci?n describe buena parte de los sistemas occidentales y el hecho se recrea significativamente en la novela de cr?menes de los ?ltimos a?os.

Ñåðèÿ: Espacios

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789586656320


Captain Phil Harris
Captain Phil Harris

Àâòîð: Steve Springer

Ñåðèÿ: Campfire

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783940138743


Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Provides an accessible foundation to Bayesian analysis using real world models This book aims to present an introduction to Bayesian modelling and computation, by considering real case studies drawn from diverse fields spanning ecology, health, genetics and finance. Each chapter comprises a description of the problem, the corresponding model, the computational method, results and inferences as well as the issues that arise in the implementation of these approaches. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis: Illustrates how to do Bayesian analysis in a clear and concise manner using real-world problems. Each chapter focuses on a real-world problem and describes the way in which the problem may be analysed using Bayesian methods. Features approaches that can be used in a wide area of application, such as, health, the environment, genetics, information science, medicine, biology, industry and remote sensing. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis is aimed at statisticians, researchers and practitioners who have some expertise in statistical modelling and analysis, and some understanding of the basics of Bayesian statistics, but little experience in its application. Graduate students of statistics and biostatistics will also find this book beneficial.

Öåíà: 9031.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118394496


Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance
Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance

Àâòîð: D. N. Prabhakar Murthy

Introducing a groundbreaking companion book to a bestselling reliability text Reliability is one of the most important characteristics defining the quality of a product or system, both for the manufacturer and the purchaser. One achieves high reliability through careful monitoring of design, materials and other input, production, quality assurance efforts, ongoing maintenance, and a variety of related decisions and activities. All of these factors must be considered in determining the costs of production, purchase, and ownership of a product. Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance serves as a valuable addition to the current literature on the subject of reliability by bridging the gap between theory and application. Conceived during the preparation of the editors' earlier work, Reliability: Modeling, Prediction, and Optimization (Wiley, 2000), this new volume features twenty-six actual case studies written by top experts in their fields, each illustrating exactly how reliability models are applied. A valuable companion book to Reliability: Modeling, Prediction, and Optimization, or any other textbook on the subject, the book features: Case studies from fields such as aerospace, automotive, mining, electronics, power plants, dikes, computer software, weapons, photocopiers, industrial furnaces, granite building cladding, chemistry, and aircraft engines A logical organization according to the life cycle of a product or system A unified format of discussion enhanced by tools, techniques, and models for drawing one's own conclusions Pertinent exercises for reinforcement of ideas Of equal value to both students of reliability theory as well as professionals in industry, Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance should be required reading for anyone seeking to understand how reliability and maintenance issues can be addressed and resolved in the real world.

Öåíà: 20877.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471458739


Categorical Data Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Amstat News asked three review editors to rate their top five favorite books in the September 2003 issue. Categorical Data Analysis was among those chosen. A valuable new edition of a standard reference «A 'must-have' book for anyone expecting to do research and/or applications in categorical data analysis.» –Statistics in Medicine on Categorical Data Analysis, First Edition The use of statistical methods for categorical data has increased dramatically, particularly for applications in the biomedical and social sciences. Responding to new developments in the field as well as to the needs of a new generation of professionals and students, this new edition of the classic Categorical Data Analysis offers a comprehensive introduction to the most important methods for categorical data analysis. Designed for statisticians and biostatisticians as well as scientists and graduate students practicing statistics, Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition summarizes the latest methods for univariate and correlated multivariate categorical responses. Readers will find a unified generalized linear models approach that connects logistic regression and Poisson and negative binomial regression for discrete data with normal regression for continuous data. Adding to the value in the new edition is coverage of: Three new chapters on methods for repeated measurement and other forms of clustered categorical data, including marginal models and associated generalized estimating equations (GEE) methods, and mixed models with random effects Stronger emphasis on logistic regression modeling of binary and multicategory data An appendix showing the use of SAS for conducting nearly all analyses in the book Prescriptions for how ordinal variables should be treated differently than nominal variables Discussion of exact small-sample procedures More than 100 analyses of real data sets to illustrate application of the methods, and more than 600 exercises An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.

Öåíà: 18778.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471458760


Catholic Theology
Catholic Theology

Àâòîð: James J. Buckley

Introduction to Catholic Theology is an accessible but in-depth examination of the ways in which Catholic theology is rooted in and informs Catholic practice. Weaves together discussion of the Bible, historical texts, reflections by important theologians, and contemporary debates for a nuanced look at belief and practice within the Catholic faith Provides an overview of all major theological areas, including scriptural, historical, philosophical, systematic, liturgical, and moral theology Appropriate for students at all levels, assuming no prior knowledge yet providing enough insight and substance to interest those more familiar with the topic Written in a dynamic, engaging style by two professors with more than 50 years of classroom experience between them

Öåíà: 3669.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118527993


Causal Inference in Statistics
Causal Inference in Statistics

Àâòîð: Judea Pearl

Many of the concepts and terminology surrounding modern causal inference can be quite intimidating to the novice. Judea Pearl presents a book ideal for beginners in statistics, providing a comprehensive introduction to the field of causality. Examples from classical statistics are presented throughout to demonstrate the need for causality in resolving decision-making dilemmas posed by data. Causal methods are also compared to traditional statistical methods, whilst questions are provided at the end of each section to aid student learning.

Öåíà: 4379.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119186854


Causality in a Social World. Moderation, Mediation and Spill-over
Causality in a Social World. Moderation, Mediation and Spill-over

Àâòîð: Guanglei Hong

Causality in a Social World introduces innovative new statistical research and strategies for investigating moderated intervention effects, mediated intervention effects, and spill-over effects using experimental or quasi-experimental data. The book uses potential outcomes to define causal effects, explains and evaluates identification assumptions using application examples, and compares innovative statistical strategies with conventional analysis methods. Whilst highlighting the crucial role of good research design and the evaluation of assumptions required for identifying causal effects in the context of each application, the author demonstrates that improved statistical procedures will greatly enhance the empirical study of causal relationship theory. Applications focus on interventions designed to improve outcomes for participants who are embedded in social settings, including families, classrooms, schools, neighbourhoods, and workplaces.

Öåíà: 9941.81 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119030645


Cellular Domains
Cellular Domains

Àâòîð: Ivan Nabi R

Cellular domains play vital roles in a wide range of cellular functions. Defining cellular domains and understanding the molecular basis of their formation is essential to the study of cell functionality. This authoritative reference provides the most comprehensive analysis available on cellular domains, with emphasis on the definition and molecular composition of the domain as well as the functional implications of domain organization.

Öåíà: 17116.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118015735


Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving
Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 12713.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119692638


Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications IV
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications IV

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A collection of 14 papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 26-31, 2014. This issue includes papers presented in Symposia 6 – Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy Generation, Conversion, and Rechargeable Energy Storage and Symposium 13 – Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Sustainable Nuclear Energy and Fusion Energy.

Öåíà: 16323.72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119040347


Certificaci?n energ?tica en edificios existentes
Certificaci?n energ?tica en edificios existentes

Àâòîð: Sergi P?rez Cobos

Con la aparici?n del esperado Real Decreto 235/2013, por el que se aprueba el proceso b?sico para la certificaci?n de la eficiencia energ?tica de los edificios, en el que se aprueba que cuando se construyan, vendan o alquilen edificios o unidades de ?stos, deber?n disponer de certificado de eficiencia energ?tica. El principal escollo para la certificaci?n energ?tica de un edificio existente es la determinaci?n del comportamiento de su envolvente t?rmica, ya que en la mayor?a de casos no se dispone de documentaci?n que acredite la composici?n de esta envolvente (si tiene c?mara de aire, aislamiento t?rmico, etc?) Este manual tiene como objetivo, aportar herramientas para ayudar a deducir el comportamiento t?rmico de la piel del edificio a trav?s de la identificaci?n de los sistemas constructivos que la componen, y de esta manera facilitar el desarrollo, no s?lo de la certificaci?n energ?tica en edificios existentes, sino tambi?n otras tareas como las auditor?as energ?ticas de edificios. Sergi P?rez Cobos es arquitecto y arquitecto t?cnico por la UPC. Amplia experiencia en ejecuci?n de obra. Recientemente ha fundado GreenStorm donde realiza trabajos de consultor?a en eficiencia energ?tica y implementaci?n de energ?as renovables en edificios nuevos y existentes, y coordina contenidos para cursos y postgrados de eficiencia energ?tica.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788426720634


Checklist de Genios
Checklist de Genios

Àâòîð: Äèí Êèò Ñàéìîíòîí

"Aunque la palabra genio a menudo se usa en la cultura popular y en los medios de comunicaci?n, se usa con mayor frecuencia en completa ignorancia de la extensa investigaci?n cient?fica sobre ese mismo tema. Estas investigaciones comenzaron hace m?s de 150 a?os y contin?an hasta nuestros d?as. Por supuesto, estos resultados de investigaci?n no son accesibles para los lectores comunes. La mayor?a de los resultados est?n enterrados en revistas t?cnicas llenas de estad?sticas esot?ricas y matem?ticas. Por esto, los descubrimientos centrales deben extraerse y comunicarse a un p?blico m?s amplio de alguna manera. Ese es uno de los principales objetivos de este libro."

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561429147


Chemical Ecology
Chemical Ecology

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The book features comparative perspectives on the field of chemical ecology, present and future, offered by scientists from a wide variety of disciplines. The scientists contributing to this book –biologists, ecologists, biochemists, chemists, biostatisticians – are interested in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and work on life forms ranging from micro-organisms to mammals, including humans, living in areas from the tropics to polar regions. Here, they cross their analyses of the present state of chemical ecology and its perspectives for the future. Those presented here include complex, multispecies communities and cover a wide range both of organisms and of the types of molecules that mediate the interactions between them. Up to now, no book has presented a solid scientific treatment of a wide range of examples. This book illustrates a diverse panel of the most advanced aspects of this rapidly expanding field.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119329824


Chemical Process Technology
Chemical Process Technology

Àâòîð: Jacob A. Moulijn

With a focus on actual industrial processes, e.g. the production of light alkenes, synthesis gas, fine chemicals, polyethene, it encourages the reader to think “out of the box” and invent and develop novel unit operations and processes. Reflecting today’s emphasis on sustainability, this edition contains new coverage of biomass as an alternative to fossil fuels, and process intensification. The second edition includes: New chapters on Process Intensification and Processes for the Conversion of Biomass Updated and expanded chapters throughout with 35% new material overall Text boxes containing case studies and examples from various different industries, e.g. synthesis loop designs, Sasol I Plant, Kaminsky catalysts, production of Ibuprofen, click chemistry, ammonia synthesis, fluid catalytic cracking Questions throughout to stimulate debate and keep students awake! Richly illustrated chapters with improved figures and flow diagrams Chemical Process Technology, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction, linking the fundamental theory and concepts to the applied nature of the subject. It will be invaluable to students of chemical engineering, biotechnology and industrial chemistry, as well as practising chemical engineers. From reviews of the first edition: “The authors have blended process technology, chemistry and thermodynamics in an elegant manner… Overall this is a welcome addition to books on chemical technology.” – The Chemist “Impressively wide-ranging and comprehensive… an excellent textbook for students, with a combination of fundamental knowledge and technology.” – Chemistry in Britain (now Chemistry World)

Öåíà: 6392.18 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118570746


Chemical Risk Assessment
Chemical Risk Assessment

Àâòîð: Peter Fisk

This book is an essential guide and support to understanding of the science and policy, procedure and practice that underpins the REACH risk assessments required for the use and placing on the market of chemicals in the European Union. A clear understanding of information provision and how this affects the assessment of chemical safety is fundamentally important to the success of policy on chemicals and ultimately to the sustainability of the chemicals industry. Within the book, the scientific processes that underpin the policy are explained in a practical way. Importantly, it includes coverage of techniques to help solve the problems of using potentially risky and hazardous chemicals through the use of less hazardous alternatives and ‘green chemistry’, and also the analysis of the risks of the use of the most hazardous substances against the social and economic benefits of use. Chemical Risk Assessment: A Manual for REACH covers the following main themes: i) Assessment of chemical risk; ii) Risk management; iii) Hazard reduction, substitution and green chemistry; iv) Risk versus benefit – socio-economic analysis. The book acts as a practical guide and overview to chemicals risk assessment and risk management (in the EU context), as well as a support text for planning for the challenges of the future, which will see ever-increasing pressure to withdraw hazardous substances from the EU (and global) market, balanced against opportunities for innovation in the development of less hazardous chemicals.

Öåíà: 9339.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118683132


Chemistry For Dummies
Chemistry For Dummies

Àâòîð: John T. Moore

Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293460) was previously published as Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118007303). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. See how chemistry works in everything from soaps to medicines to petroleum We're all natural born chemists. Every time we cook, clean, take a shower, drive a car, use a solvent (such as nail polish remover), or perform any of the countless everyday activities that involve complex chemical reactions we're doing chemistry! So why do so many of us desperately resist learning chemistry when we're young? Now there's a fun, easy way to learn basic chemistry. Whether you're studying chemistry in school and you're looking for a little help making sense of what's being taught in class, or you're just into learning new things, Chemistry For Dummies gets you rolling with all the basics of matter and energy, atoms and molecules, acids and bases, and much more! Tracks a typical chemistry course, giving you step-by-step lessons you can easily grasp Packed with basic chemistry principles and time-saving tips from chemistry professors Real-world examples provide everyday context for complicated topics Full of modern, relevant examples and updated to mirror current teaching methods and classroom protocols, Chemistry For Dummies puts you on the fast-track to mastering the basics of chemistry.

Öåíà: 1840.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119297277


Chi-squared Goodness-of-fit Tests for Censored Data
Chi-squared Goodness-of-fit Tests for Censored Data

Àâòîð: Mikhail S. Nikulin

This book is devoted to the problems of construction and application of chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests for complete and censored data. Classical chi-squared tests assume that unknown distribution parameters are estimated using grouped data, but in practice this assumption is often forgotten. In this book, we consider modified chi-squared tests, which do not suffer from such a drawback. The authors provide examples of chi-squared tests for various distributions widely used in practice, and also consider chi-squared tests for the parametric proportional hazards model and accelerated failure time model, which are widely used in reliability and survival analysis. Particular attention is paid to the choice of grouping intervals and simulations. This book covers recent innovations in the field as well as important results previously only published in Russian. Chi-squared tests are compared with other goodness-of-fit tests (such as the Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling and Zhang tests) in terms of power when testing close competing hypotheses.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119427612


Chile necesita un nuevo modelo forestal
Chile necesita un nuevo modelo forestal

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

El actual modelo forestal instaurado desde comienzos de la dictadura, cuyas externalidades negativas en el ?mbito social y del medio ambiente vienen generando estragos en el sector forestal, ya no da para m?s. Es por ello que la Agrupaci?n de Ingenieros Forestales por el Bosque Nativo (AIFBN) hacen aqu? una propuesta para un nuevo modelo que permita enfrentar la p?rdida de biodiversidad, el avance de la desertificaci?n y los desaf?os que nos presenta el cambio clim?tico, bajo una racionalidad centrada en los habitantes, los territorios y el ecosistema. La Agrupaci?n de Ingenieros Forestales por el Bosque Nativo (AIFBN), con mucha convicci?n y s?lidos argumentos, plantea que el debate en torno al cambio de paradigma del sector forestal es urgente y necesario frente a desaf?os complejos, como la adaptaci?n y mitigaci?n del cambio clim?tico, la preservaci?n del medio ambiente y el avance de la desertificaci?n.

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789560012708



Àâòîð: Alister E. McGrath

Now available in a fully-revised and updated new edition, this popular textbook by one of the world?s leading theologians offers a lively, jargon-free introduction to Christianity. Features a wealth of new material on global Christianity, American Christianity, the Orthodox Church, current theological debates, and Christianity in relation to other world religions Includes enhanced and expanded student-friendly features, including numerous illustrations, suggestions for further reading, a glossary of Christian terms, and brief readings from primary Christian sources Written in an accessible and engaging style that assumes no prior knowledge of Christian beliefs or practices, making it an invaluable resource for beginners to the subject as well as those looking for a refresher Incorporates coverage of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and Pentecostalism A glossary, related websites, and other resources from Dr. McGrath are available online at www.alistermcgrathwiley.com

Öåíà: 3906.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118465639


Ciencia de datos
Ciencia de datos

Àâòîð: Áðåíäàí Òèðíè

"El crecimiento en el uso de la ciencia de datos en nuestras sociedades est? impulsado por la aparici?n del big data y las redes sociales, la aceleraci?n de la potencia inform?tica, la reducci?n masiva en el costo de la memoria de la computadora y el desarrollo de m?todos m?s potentes para el an?lisis y modelado de datos, como el aprendizaje profundo. Todos estos factores juntos hacen que nunca haya sido tan f?cil para las organizaciones recopilar, almacenar y procesar datos. Al mismo tiempo, estas innovaciones t?cnicas y la aplicaci?n m?s amplia de la ciencia de datos hacen que los desaf?os ?ticos relacionados con el uso de datos y la privacidad individual nunca han sido tan apremiantes."

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561427594


Ciencia, ficci?n y tronos
Ciencia, ficci?n y tronos

Àâòîð: Lucas Ballar

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789874116291


Ciencias del Mar
Ciencias del Mar

Àâòîð: Nestor Hernando Campos

En las ?ltimas cuatro d?cadas, las ciencias del mar han tenido un papel sobresaliente en la formaci?n e investigaci?n de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. El seminario de las ciencias del mar es un evento de intercambio de conocimiento entre profesores y disc?pulos que adelantan investigaciones en el campo marino. En este libro se re?nen varios de los trabajos presentados en la quinta versi?n del mismo, y abarcan diferente de ramas de la ciencia del mar, pasando por lo f?sico, lo biol?gico y lo sociocultural con este nuevo volumen se contribuye en la divulgaci?n del conocimiento que se genera en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, estimulando tanto a docentes como estudiantes acomodes probando las ciencias del mar.

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587839111


Cincuenta a?os
Cincuenta a?os

Àâòîð: Mar?a Gracia Gonz?lez Olmo

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788468544380


Ciudadan?as conectadas. Sociedades en conflicto
Ciudadan?as conectadas. Sociedades en conflicto

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Ñåðèÿ: Textos de Ciencias Humanas

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587840643


Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics
Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics

Àâòîð: Prakash Gorroochurn

"There is nothing like it on the market…no others are as encyclopedic…the writing is exemplary: simple, direct, and competent." —George W. Cobb, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics, Mount Holyoke College Written in a direct and clear manner, Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times presents a comprehensive guide to the history of mathematical statistics and details the major results and crucial developments over a 200-year period. Presented in chronological order, the book features an account of the classical and modern works that are essential to understanding the applications of mathematical statistics. Divided into three parts, the book begins with extensive coverage of the probabilistic works of Laplace, who laid much of the foundations of later developments in statistical theory. Subsequently, the second part introduces 20th century statistical developments including work from Karl Pearson, Student, Fisher, and Neyman. Lastly, the author addresses post-Fisherian developments. Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times also features: A detailed account of Galton's discovery of regression and correlation as well as the subsequent development of Karl Pearson's X2 and Student's t A comprehensive treatment of the permeating influence of Fisher in all aspects of modern statistics beginning with his work in 1912 Significant coverage of Neyman–Pearson theory, which includes a discussion of the differences to Fisher’s works Discussions on key historical developments as well as the various disagreements, contrasting information, and alternative theories in the history of modern mathematical statistics in an effort to provide a thorough historical treatment Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics: From Laplace to More Recent Times is an excellent reference for academicians with a mathematical background who are teaching or studying the history or philosophical controversies of mathematics and statistics. The book is also a useful guide for readers with a general interest in statistical inference.

Öåíà: 14216.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119127932


Classical Algebra
Classical Algebra

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

This insightful book combines the history, pedagogy, and popularization of algebra to present a unified discussion of the subject. Classical Algebra provides a complete and contemporary perspective on classical polynomial algebra through the exploration of how it was developed and how it exists today. With a focus on prominent areas such as the numerical solutions of equations, the systematic study of equations, and Galois theory, this book facilitates a thorough understanding of algebra and illustrates how the concepts of modern algebra originally developed from classical algebraic precursors. This book successfully ties together the disconnect between classical and modern algebraand provides readers with answers to many fascinating questions that typically go unexamined, including: What is algebra about? How did it arise? What uses does it have? How did it develop? What problems and issues have occurred in its history? How were these problems and issues resolved? The author answers these questions and more, shedding light on a rich history of the subject—from ancient and medieval times to the present. Structured as eleven «lessons» that are intended to give the reader further insight on classical algebra, each chapter contains thought-provoking problems and stimulating questions, for which complete answers are provided in an appendix. Complemented with a mixture of historical remarks and analyses of polynomial equations throughout, Classical Algebra: Its Nature, Origins, and Uses is an excellent book for mathematics courses at the undergraduate level. It also serves as a valuable resource to anyone with a general interest in mathematics.

Öåíà: 8947.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470277973


Classical and Modern Approaches in the Theory of Mechanisms
Classical and Modern Approaches in the Theory of Mechanisms

Àâòîð: Nicolae-Doru Stanescu

Classical and Modern Approaches in the Theory of Mechanisms is a study of mechanisms in the broadest sense, covering the theoretical background of mechanisms, their structures and components, the planar and spatial analysis of mechanisms, motion transmission, and technical approaches to kinematics, mechanical systems, and machine dynamics. In addition to classical approaches, the book presents two new methods: the analytic-assisted method using Turbo Pascal calculation programs, and the graphic-assisted method, outlining the steps required for the development of graphic constructions using AutoCAD; the applications of these methods are illustrated with examples. Aimed at students of mechanical engineering, and engineers designing and developing mechanisms in their own fields, this book provides a useful overview of classical theories, and modern approaches to the practical and creative application of mechanisms, in seeking solutions to increasingly complex problems.

Öåíà: 12180.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119221722


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