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Poemas de autoayuda
Poemas de autoayuda

Àâòîð: Juan Cameron

Los textos reunidos en Poemas de Autoayuda, de Juan Cameron, han sido escritos durante los ?ltimos tres a?os, como una revisi?n de estos tiempos inmersos en el oc?ano de un lenguaje contaminado por el uso del poder y el deterioro de lo cotidiano. Entre las ruinas de un mundo que se desmorona el poeta escribe y registra su entorno, el paso del tiempo y del amor, el fracaso de la civilizaci?n.Se trata de un sujeto fuera de la manada quien intenta, sin embargo, en benecio propio y de los dem?s, dar cuenta de estos quiebres para, a partir de all?, recomponer el dolor causado por un medio que asxia y anula. La poes?a, en tanto conciencia del lenguaje y ecaz m?todo de lectura, est? destinada a la salvaci?n del individuo.Existen estrateg?as, marcas, signos que se dislocan, suma de interrogantes hacia la anatom?a de una sociadad desquiciada por la ansiedad y la insastifaccci?n, pero adem?s hacia el centro de lo humano, lo que hace de Poemas de Autoayuda un libro imprescindible para estos tiempos de pandemia.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789563175752


Poemas qu?micos
Poemas qu?micos

Àâòîð: Mario Markus Kapl?n

Un poema para cada elemento, como si fuese un poema para cada amor, as? recorre Markus la tabla peri?dica. Los elementos qu?micos descubiertos son algunas de las respuestas maravillosas que nos conforman el cuerpo, que nos llenan el esp?ritu de una plenitud duradera e irrepetible.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789560012722


Poemas y cosas
Poemas y cosas

Àâòîð: Bernardo Esnal

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417467784


Poes?a eras t?
Poes?a eras t?

Àâòîð: Francisco Hinojosa

Alguna vez tuve una empresa (yo era el jefe y ten?a un solo empleado) dedicada ?nicamente a publicar una revista literaria. Una de las cosas que hac?a con frecuencia era llenar cartas poder. En ese entonces sal?a a comparlas a la papeler?a, hasta que un d?a se me ocurri? capturarla en mi computadora y, cuando fuera necesario, imprimirla. Hacia fines del 2007, en un momento de ocio, rele? ese documento que casi todos firmamos sin entender cabalmente los t?rminos legales que contiene («excepciones dilatorias y perentorias», «almonedas», «asuntos interlocutorios y definitivos», etc.) y decid? componer un «poema» de «amor» con esas palabras como un juego solitario sin fines de publicaci?n.En junio de 2008 me invitaron a un encuentro de escritores en San Luis Potos?. Para concluirlo nos pidieron a los participantes leer algo de nuestra obra. Cada quien contar?a m?ximo con tres minutos. Por supuesto los poetas ten?an de d?nde elegir. Un escritor de minificci?n podr?a haber le?do su obra completa, pero a los narradores nos dejaban indefensos. Entonces me acord? que el «poema» titulado «Carta poder» lo ten?a en mi camputadora. Lo transcrib? en una hoja membretada del hotel y lo le?. A algunos colegas les gust? el juego e incluso hubo quien me pidi? que le regalara el manuscrito. Ya de regreso en la Ciudad de M?xico, me pregunt?: «?y qui?n ella, la destinataria?» De esa pregunta naci? Poes?a eras t?.–Franciso Hinojosa.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786078667734


Pol?tica exterior, hegemon?a y estados peque?os
Pol?tica exterior, hegemon?a y estados peque?os

Àâòîð: Carlos Murillo Zamora

La vinculaci?n entre pol?tica exterior, hegemon?a y Estados peque?os, utilizando un estudio de caso para contrastar la conducta de tres pa?ses centroamericanos, con la influencia de Estados Unidos como potencia hegem?nica, y la de tres pa?ses b?lticos, bajo la hegemon?a de Rusia, lleva al autor por tres caminos que tradicionalmente las investigaciones sobre las relaciones internacionales han recorrido en forma separada. Carlos Murillo demuestra que el an?lisis de la pol?tica exterior no se limita al estudio comparativo, sino que profundiza en las percepciones y las auto im?genes de los Estados, aportando algunos elementos desde una perspectiva renovada. En esta obra Murillo organiza una defensa a favor del «an?lisis de pol?tica exterior» como un ?rea tem?tica. Que tal defensa sea necesaria puede ser sorprendente. ?No es el estudio de la pol?tica exterior lo que los acad?micos de relaciones internacionales han estado haciendo todo el tiempo?, ?no estamos fustigando lo obvio? Como Carlos Murillo lo demuestra, desafortunadamente no. El autor rescata la visi?n gramsciana sobre la hegemon?a, para diferenciarla del imperialismo y mostrar c?mo los Estados peque?os interact?an con las potencias hegem?nicas aprovechando los espacios de maniobra disponibles en los foros internacionales, como la Asamblea General de la Organizaci?n de las Naciones Unidas.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786074505276


Pol?ticas del medio ambiente en Am?rica Latina y el Caribe
Pol?ticas del medio ambiente en Am?rica Latina y el Caribe

Àâòîð: Gavin O'Toole

Este volumen comienza por examinar la historia de la ecolog?a de Latinoam?rica y el Caribe y su impacto en el desarrollo pol?tico. Contin?a por explorar la idea de la naturaleza en la historia –una variable clave en el c?mo las sociedades humanas interact?an con el medio ambiente– as? como las actitudes hacia la producci?n y el consumo. Despu?s hace una visi?n general de los temas principales en el estudio de las pol?ticas ambientales: instituciones, pol?tica p?blica, partidos y movimientos sociales e ideas pol?ticas. Tambi?n pone al lector al corriente al identificar los principales retos ambientales que la regi?n enfrenta en este momento, desde la contaminaci?n de la tierra, el aire y el agua hasta la p?rdida de la biodiversidad por el cambio clim?tico. Dichos retos est?n ?ntimamente relacionados a los legados de los diferentes patrones de desarrollo en Latinoam?rica y el Caribe y los cap?tulos finales de este primer volumen se enfocan a la econom?a pol?tica del medio ambiente, delineando como los modelos cambiantes de desarrollo han transformado al paisaje natural en respuesta a las demandas del Mercado mundial. Concluye con una exploraci?n de c?mo los creadores de pol?ticas en Am?rica Latina y el Caribe est?n respondiendo a los retos del desarrollo sostenible y del cambio clim?tico.

Öåíà: 640.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786073011075


Poland in the Modern World. Beyond Martyrdom
Poland in the Modern World. Beyond Martyrdom

Àâòîð: Brian Porter-Szucs

Poland in the Modern World presents a history of the country from the late nineteenth century to the present, incorporating new perspectives from social and cultural history and positioning it in a broad global context Challenges traditional accounts Poland that tend to focus on national, political history, emphasizing the country's 'exceptionalism'. Presents a lively, multi-dimensional story, balancing coverage of high politics with discussion of social, cultural and economic changes, and their effects on individuals’ daily lives. Explores both the regional diversity within Poland and the country’s place within Europe and the wider world. Provides a new interpretive framework for understanding key historical events in Poland’s modern history, including the experiences of World War II and the postwar communist era.

Öåíà: 11709.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118598191


Political Science For Dummies
Political Science For Dummies

Àâòîð: Marcus A. Stadelmann, PhD

Expand your political science knowledge with a book that explains concepts in a way anyone can understand!   The global political climate is dynamic, at times even volatile. To understand this evolving landscape, it’s important to learn more about how countries are governed. Political Science For Dummies explores the questions that political scientists examine, such as how our leaders make decisions, who shapes political policy, and why countries go to war. The book is the perfect course supplement for students taking college-level, introductory political science courses. Political Science For Dummies is a guide that makes political science concepts easier to grasp. Get a better understanding of political ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, and behavior Explore topics such as class, government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war Learn the specialized vocabulary within the field of political science Help prepare for a range of careers, from policy analyst to legislative assistant Political science crosses into many other areas of study, such as sociology, economics, history, anthropology, international relations, law, statistics, and public policy. Those who want to understand the implications of changing political economies or how governing bodies work can look to Political Science For Dummies. It’s the book thatcuts through the jargon as it focuses on issues that interest readers.

Öåíà: 1943.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119674771


Polypropylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites
Polypropylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites

Àâòîð: Matheus Poletto

This book discusses new developments in an up-to-date, coherent and objective set of chapters by eminent researchers in the area of polypropylene-based biocomposites and bionanocomposites. It covers, biomaterials such as cellulose, chitin, starch, soy protein, hemicelluloses, polylactic acid and polyhydroxyalkanoates. Other important topics such as hybrid biocomposites and bionanocomposites of polypropylene, biodegradation study of polypropylene-based biocomposites and bionanocomposites, polypropylene-based bionanocomposites for packaging applications, polypropylene-based carbon nanomaterials reinforced nanocomposites, degradation and flame retardency of polypropylene-based composites and nanocomposites, are covered as well.

Öåíà: 17950.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119283614



Àâòîð: Andreas Schnabel

Ñåðèÿ: Mallorca Krimi

Öåíà: 837.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783863586256


Por qu? las mujeres salvar?n el planeta
Por qu? las mujeres salvar?n el planeta

Àâòîð: Varias Autoras

Ñåðèÿ: Ciclog?nesis

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416689989


Por una Europa austroh?ngara
Por una Europa austroh?ngara

Àâòîð: Alfonso Lombana S?nchez

El Imperio austroh?ngaro sigue despertando pasiones. Seguimos leyendo a sus autores, escuchando su m?sica y disfrutando con ?l d?a a d?a, ?podemos tambi?n seguir aprendiendo de ?l? ?Desde luego que podemos! Precisamente con esta intenci?n nace la serie «Austriahungr?a». Este primer volumen introduce sucintamente las l?neas del proyecto y lanza algunos de los temas de los que se ocupar?n los siguientes n?meros.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783745005318



Àâòîð: Werner Spiegel

Kurze erotische Sexgeschichten. Prickelnd, hei?, lustig, stimmulierend, sexy und auch ernst. Lust und Leidenschaft. Hardcore oder romantisch. Lesbisch oder schwul. Alt oder Jung. Schwanger oder Alleinstehend. Pr?de oder geil. Mit der Nachbarin oder mit dem Chef.

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742748461


Porous Media Transport Phenomena
Porous Media Transport Phenomena

Àâòîð: Faruk Civan

The book that makes transport in porous media accessible to students and researchers alike Porous Media Transport Phenomena covers the general theories behind flow and transport in porous media—a solid permeated by a network of pores filled with fluid—which encompasses rocks, biological tissues, ceramics, and much more. Designed for use in graduate courses in various disciplines involving fluids in porous materials, and as a reference for practitioners in the field, the text includes exercises and practical applications while avoiding the complex math found in other books, allowing the reader to focus on the central elements of the topic. Covering general porous media applications, including the effects of temperature and particle migration, and placing an emphasis on energy resource development, the book provides an overview of mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations, and their applications in engineered and natural porous media for general applications. Offering a multidisciplinary approach to transport in porous media, material is presented in a uniform format with consistent SI units. An indispensable resource on an extremely wide and varied topic drawn from numerous engineering fields, Porous Media Transport Phenomena includes a solutions manual for all exercises found in the book, additional questions for study purposes, and PowerPoint slides that follow the order of the text.

Öåíà: 16017.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118086438


Posacuerdo, paz y pedagog?a
Posacuerdo, paz y pedagog?a

Àâòîð: N?stor Maldonado G?mez

En la era del posacuerdo es necesario conocer y reconocer el car?cter transformador de la educaci?n a trav?s de las vivencias, las voces y los actores de distintas latitudes, con el ?nimo de restablecer las relaciones rotas por causa de la violencia hist?rica y so?ar con territorios urbanos pac?ficos. En esta obra se analizan experiencias internacionales en pol?ticas y programas educativos en escenarios de conflicto y posconflicto. Adem?s, se describen iniciativas de pedagog?a para la paz gestadas por comunidades urbanas organizadas en Colombia, al tiempo que se destaca la mirada y el papel de los servidores p?blicos, a quienes se les brindan herramientas pedag?gicas ?tiles para su desempe?o. Este libro ofrece opciones para planear la C?tedra de la Paz en el ?mbito nacional mediante un lenguaje cotidiano, lo cual supone el reto de sintetizar largas discusiones te?ricas y epistemol?gicas, y acercarse a nuevos saberes. Por ello, se propone como una ventana de oportunidades para construir diferentes formas de entender, juzgar y reparar el da?o en la sociedad colombiana.

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587822496


Posicionado y control de la estructura en bancada. TMVL0309
Posicionado y control de la estructura en bancada. TMVL0309

Àâòîð: Maria del Carme Ramos Artiga

Adquisici?n y/o actualizaci?n de conocimientos para el mantenimiento de las estructuras de carrocer?as, bastidores o cabinas de veh?culos. Conocer la metodolog?a y herramientas actuales en la reparaci?n de elementos fijos y estructurales del veh?culo. En particular, descripci?n, tipos y metodolog?a del trabajo en bancada. La bancada constituye un equipo imprescindible en los talleres dedicados a las reparaciones estructurales de veh?culos. An?lisis de los elementos que constituyen los diferentes tipos de bancadas, relacion?ndolos con la funci?n que realizan. Descripci?n del posicionado del veh?culo en bancada determinando los puntos de anclaje. Metodolog?a del proceso de control y medici?n de la estructura del veh?culo para valorar la necesidad de su reparaci?n. Documentaci?n t?cnica de las estructuras del veh?culo. Descripci?n del trabajo de reparaci?n de la carrocer?a en bancada. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de mantenimiento de estructuras de carrocer?a de veh?culos.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415792314


Positiv f?hren f?r Dummies
Positiv f?hren f?r Dummies

Àâòîð: Christian Thiele

Öåíà: 1609.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527812370


Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals
Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals

Àâòîð: Sharon K. Anderson

Develop a practical and comprehensive view of professional ethics In the newly updated Second Edition of Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals: A Proactive Approach, distinguished psychologists Drs. Sharon K. Anderson and Mitchell M Handelsman deliver an insightful guide for mental health professionals and trainees to stregthen and/or develop their professional and ethical identities. Utilizing the same informal and inviting tone of the first edition, Anderson and Handelsman share the literature and provide positive discussions, exercises, case scenarios, and writing assignments, to help you explore and develop your ethical core. You'll also develop your self-reflective skills to learn how to make excellent ethical choices regarding psychotherapy and couseling. This edition of the book also offers: An introduction of the idea of «tripping points», or predictable pitfalls, when making ethical choices. Discussions of nonrational factors in ethical decision-making, including biases, heuristics, and emotional influences. A renewed focus on ethical acculturation, which emphasizes the importance of your own background in the development of your ethical identity. Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students studying psychotherapy and mental health counseling, Positive Ethics for Mental Health Professionals , will also earn a place in the libraries of mental health practitioners seeking a primer on the complicated ethical issues that inevitably arise in their practices- and how to prepare for them and navigate them.

Öåíà: 5054.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119628729


Positive Impulse f?r den Tag und das Leben
Positive Impulse f?r den Tag und das Leben

Àâòîð: Ulrich Kern

Die wohltuenden Impulse in diesem eBook erinnern Sie sich wieder daran, dass Sie ein wertvoller und liebenswerter Mensch sind, der Wertsch?tzung und Anerkennung verdient. Mit kleinen wertvollen Tipps finden Sie wieder zur?ck in ihre Mitte, k?nnen sich selbst so annehmen und akzeptieren wie Sie sind und sich frei entfalten um ein gl?ckliches und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu f?hren. Im Anhang finden Sie eine kleine Auswahl an Entspannungs?bungen. Diese ?bungen sind sowohl f?r Erwachsene als auch f?r Kinder geeignet und helfen auch beim Abbau von Lampenfieber.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783753182452


Post-Modern Algebra
Post-Modern Algebra

Àâòîð: Jonathan Smith D.H

Advanced algebra in the service of contemporary mathematical research– a unique introduction. This volume takes an altogether new approach to advanced algebra. Its intriguing title, inspired by the term postmodernism, denotes a departure from van der Waerden's Modern Algebra–a book that has dominated the field for nearly seventy years. Post-Modern Algebra offers a truly up-to-date alternative to the standard approach, explaining topics from an applications-based perspective rather than by abstract principles alone. The book broadens the field of study to include algebraic structures and methods used in current and emerging mathematical research, and describes the powerful yet subtle techniques of universal algebra and category theory. Classical algebraic areas of groups, rings, fields, and vector spaces are bolstered by such topics as ordered sets, monoids, monoid actions, quasigroups, loops, lattices, Boolean algebras, categories, and Heyting algebras. The text features: * A clear and concise treatment at an introductory level, tested in university courses. * A wealth of exercises illustrating concepts and their practical application. * Effective techniques for solving research problems in the real world. * Flexibility of presentation, making it easy to tailor material to specific needs. * Help with elementary proofs and algebraic notations for students of varying abilities. Post-Modern Algebra is an excellent primary or supplementary text for graduate-level algebra courses. It is also an extremely useful resource for professionals and researchers in many areas who must tackle abstract, linear, or universal algebra in the course of their work.

Öåíà: 21871.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118030837


Power System Dynamics and Stability
Power System Dynamics and Stability

Àâòîð: Joe H. Chow

Classic power system dynamics text now with phasor measurement and simulation toolbox This new edition addresses the needs of dynamic modeling and simulation relevant to power system planning, design, and operation, including a systematic derivation of synchronous machine dynamic models together with speed and voltage control subsystems. Reduced-order modeling based on integral manifolds is used as a firm basis for understanding the derivations and limitations of lower-order dynamic models. Following these developments, multi-machine model interconnected through the transmission network is formulated and simulated using numerical simulation methods. Energy function methods are discussed for direct evaluation of stability. Small-signal analysis is used for determining the electromechanical modes and mode-shapes, and for power system stabilizer design. Time-synchronized high-sampling-rate phasor measurement units (PMUs) to monitor power system disturbances have been implemented throughout North America and many other countries. In this second edition, new chapters on synchrophasor measurement and using the Power System Toolbox for dynamic simulation have been added. These new materials will reinforce power system dynamic aspects treated more analytically in the earlier chapters. Key features: Systematic derivation of synchronous machine dynamic models and simplification. Energy function methods with an emphasis on the potential energy boundary surface and the controlling unstable equilibrium point approaches. Phasor computation and synchrophasor data applications. Book companion website for instructors featuring solutions and PowerPoint files. Website for students featuring MATLABTM files. Power System Dynamics and Stability, 2nd Edition, with Synchrophasor Measurement and Power System Toolbox combines theoretical as well as practical information for use as a text for formal instruction or for reference by working engineers.

Öåíà: 13962.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119355793


PowerPoint 2010 Praxisbuch
PowerPoint 2010 Praxisbuch

Àâòîð: Maria Hoeren

Ñåðèÿ: Office

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645220163


Practical Algebra
Practical Algebra

Àâòîð: Steve Slavin

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119715412


Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting
Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting

Àâòîð: Fridman Vladimir

Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting covers the essentials of echocardiography in the acute setting, from ultrasound basics to descriptions of all pertinent echocardiographic views to clear stepwise advice on basic calculations and normal/abnormal ranges. This compact new reference: • Provides step-by-step guidance to acquiring the correct views and making the necessary calculations to accurately diagnose cardiac conditions commonly encountered in urgent settings. • Presents information organized by complaint/initial presentation so that readers can work from this first knowledge of the patient through the steps required to pinpoint a diagnosis. • Covers echo basics, from sound wave characteristics/properties to common device settings to basic ultrasound formulas. • Includes diagnostic algorithms fitted to address the differential diagnosis in the most commonly-encountered clinical scenarios. Designed and written by frontline clinicians with extensive experience treating patients, Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting is the perfect pocket-sized guide for residents in cardiology, emergency medicine, and hospital medicine; trainees in echocardiography; medical students on cardiology or emergency medicine rotations; technicians, nurses, attending physicians – anyone who practices in the urgent setting and who needs reliable guidance on echocardiographic views, data and normal/abnormal ranges to aid rapid diagnosis and decision-making at the point of care.

Öåíà: 8389.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118613405


Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys
Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys

Àâòîð: Risto Lehtonen

Large surveys are becoming increasingly available for public use, and researchers are often faced with the need to analyse complex survey data to address key scientific issues. For proper analysis it is also important to be aware of the different aspects of the design of complex surveys. Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys features intermediate and advanced statistical techniques for use in designing and analysing complex surveys. This extensively updated edition features much new material, and detailed practical exercises with links to a Web site, helping instructors and enabling use for distance learning. * Provides a comprehensive introduction to sampling and estimation in descriptive surveys, including design effect statistic and use of auxiliary data. * Includes detailed coverage of complex survey analysis, including design-based ANOVA and logistic regression with GEE estimation. * Contains much new material, including handling of non-sampling errors, and model-assisted estimation for domains. * Features detailed real-li fe case studies, such as multilevel modeling in a multinational educational survey. * Supported by a Web site containing software codes, real data sets, computerized exercises with solutions, and online training materials. Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys provides a useful practical resource for researchers and practitioners working in the planning, implementation or analysis of complex surveys and opinion polls, including business, educational, health, social, and socio-economic surveys and official statistics. In addition, the book is well suited for use on intermediate and advanced courses in survey sampling.

Öåíà: 17232.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470091630


Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice
Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice

Àâòîð: David Prydie

Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice provides a concise and accessible introduction to physiotherapy that demonstrates its benefits to both veterinary patients and practitioners. One of the fastest growing specialties in veterinary medicine, this book will help you to successfully introduce physiotherapy into your practice improving rehabilitation and recovery of dogs and cats. Key features: Covers an array of different treatments and techniques, such as manual therapies, therapeutic exercise, electrotherapy, and hydrotherapy Includes practical advice on selecting equipment, examinations, treatment protocols, and charging Offers strategies for introducing physiotherapy into the practice schedule, including space and staffing requirements Companion website provides over 50 printable client education handouts for download

Öåíà: 6149.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118661529


Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care: Mentorship, Facilitation and Supervision
Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care: Mentorship, Facilitation and Supervision

Àâòîð: Scott Ian

Work-based learning facilitation, mentoring and coaching are all integral to the healthcare professions. Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care promotes effective professional learning in the workplace and helps healthcare professionals to develop, enhance, reflect on and change their practice and perceptions of mentoring, facilitating, and supervision. Aimed at the health and social care practitioner who is involved in facilitating learning, teaching and assessing learners in practice, this essential, comprehensive text explores several key themes, including: – The nature of facilitating (coaching, supervision, mentoring) within professional contexts – Learning in communities of practice – Becoming an effective facilitator/mentor – Understand and supporting work-based learning – Managing the unusual, such as failing learners or those with special needs – Giving and documenting feedback – Managing workloads in busy environments – Professional development issues Special features: A clear, accessible guide for new and experienced practice educators/facilitators alike A comprehensive, applied text for practitioners of all levels of experience in facilitation and supervision Written by authors with extensive experience in the field Uniquely focuses on the professional development of the mentor/facilitator themselves Provides case studies throughout showing illustrating common issues and how to engage in formal theories of professional practice Multiprofessional focus – aimed at all health and social care practitioners

Öåíà: 5080.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118488201


Practitioner s Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice
Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice

Àâòîð: Bellamy Jennifer

Praise for the previous edition «An extraordinary and important book. Its approach to evidence-based practice (EBP) is very sound, realistic, and generous to the complexities of everyday practice. Reading and using this book is a must.» —Haluk Soydan, PhD, School of Social Work, University of Southern California «This book has the potential to change practice in the helping professions. Rather than focusing on how to conduct research, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice instead shows readers how to understand the literature.... [The] generous use of humor and the inclusion of simple, practice-relevant examples make this book a pleasure to read.» —Aron Shlonsky, PhD, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto «I particularly like the integration of research methods and EBP; this is the book's major innovation in my mind as it allows readers to see the connections between research and practice. [The book] also succeeds by taking very complex EBP principles and explaining them in practical terms.» —Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver Hands-on guidance for research-informed practice and practice-informed research Now in a second edition, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice offers a clinician-oriented approach to appraising and using research as part of the EBP process. This accessible guide presents essential and practical guidance on how to integrate research appraisal into EBP endeavors to determine which interventions, policies, and assessment tools are supported by the best evidence. It introduces: Increased attention to macro-level EBP questions and studies New discussion on defining EBP, including the addition of a transdisciplinary model of EBP More detailed guidance on EBP question formulation and conducting Internet searches, including the PICO framework New content on multivariate designs, including propensity score matching, and on mixed-model and mixed-methods studies

Öåíà: 9389.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118225325


Praxisbuch Labview
Praxisbuch Labview

Àâòîð: Friedrich Plotzeneder

Ñåðèÿ: Programmieren

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645270380


Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies
Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mark Zegarelli

Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies (9781119590866) was previously published as Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies (9780470618387). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Many students worry about starting algebra. Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies provides an overview of critical pre-algebra concepts to help new algebra students (and their parents) take the next step without fear. Free of ramp-up material, Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies contains content focused on key topics only. It provides discrete explanations of critical concepts taught in a typical pre-algebra course, from fractions, decimals, and percents to scientific notation and simple variable equations. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical pre-algebra concepts as they help students with homework assignments, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just need to a refresher of the core concepts. The Essentials For Dummies Series Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials For Dummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing to study new material, or who just need a refresher can have a concise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entire course by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. From algebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authors focus on the skills students most need to succeed in a subject.

Öåíà: 848.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119591009


Pre-Calculus For Dummies
Pre-Calculus For Dummies

Àâòîð: Yang Kuang

The fun and easy way to learn pre-calculus Getting ready for calculus but still feel a bit confused? Have no fear. Pre-Calculus For Dummies is an un-intimidating, hands-on guide that walks you through all the essential topics, from absolute value and quadratic equations to logarithms and exponential functions to trig identities and matrix operations. With this guide's help you'll quickly and painlessly get a handle on all of the concepts – not just the number crunching – and understand how to perform all pre-calc tasks, from graphing to tackling proofs. You'll also get a new appreciation for how these concepts are used in the real world, and find out that getting a decent grade in pre-calc isn't as impossible as you thought. Updated with fresh example equations and detailed explanations Tracks to a typical pre-calculus class Serves as an excellent supplement to classroom learning If «the fun and easy way to learn pre-calc» seems like a contradiction, get ready for a wealth of surprises in Pre-Calculus For Dummies!

Öåíà: 1840.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118226476


Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies
Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mary Jane Sterling

Get a handle on pre-calculus in a pinch! If you’re tackling pre-calculus and want to up your chances of doing your very best, this hands-on workbook is just what you need to grasp and retain the concepts that will help you succeed. Inside, you’ll get basic content review for every concept, paired with examples and plenty of practice problems, ample workspace, step-by-step solutions, and thorough explanations for each and every problem. In Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies , you’ll also get free access to a quiz for every chapter online! With all of the lessons and practice offered, you’ll memorize the most frequently used formulas, see how to avoid common mistakes, understand tricky trig proofs, and get the inside scoop on key concepts such as quadratic equations. Get ample review before jumping into a calculus course Supplement your classroom work with easy-to-follow guidance Make complex formulas and concepts more approachable Be prepared to further your mathematics studies Whether you’re enrolled in a pre-calculus class or you’re looking for a refresher as you prepare for a calculus course, this is the perfect study companion to make it easier.

Öåíà: 1795.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119508816


Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Àâòîð: Mary Jane Sterling

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119883630


Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Àâòîð: Mary Jane Sterling

Practice your way to a better grade in pre-calc Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems from all the major topics in Pre-Calculus—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will turn you into a pre-calc problem-solving machine, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Pre-Calculus topics covered in school classes Read through detailed explanations of the answers to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as for parents and tutors looking to help supplement Pre-Calculus instruction. Pre-Calculus: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883623) was previously published as 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118853320). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119883647


Prefab Architecture. A Guide to Modular Design and Construction
Prefab Architecture. A Guide to Modular Design and Construction

Àâòîð: Timberlake James

Prefab Architecture . . . is beyond theory, and beyond most of what we think we know about pods, containers, mods, and joints. This book is more than 'Prefabrication 101.' It is the Joy of Cooking writ large for the architecture and construction industries. —From the Foreword by James Timberlake, FAIA THE DEFINITIVE REFERENCE ON PREFAB ARCHITECTURE FOR ARCHITECTS AND CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS Written for architects and related design and construction professionals, Prefab Architecture is a guide to off-site construction, presenting the opportunities and challenges associated with designing and building with components, panels, and modules. It presents the drawbacks of building in situ (on-site) and demonstrates why prefabrication is the smarter choice for better integration of products and processes, more efficient delivery, and realizing more value in project life cycles. In addition, Prefab Architecture provides: A selected history of prefabrication from the Industrial Revolution to current computer numerical control, and a theory of production from integrated processes to lean manufacturing Coverage on the tradeoffs of off-site fabrication including scope, schedule, and cost with the associated principles of labor, risk, and quality Up-to-date products featuring examples of prefabricated structure, enclosure, service, and nterior building systems Documentation on the constraints and execution of manufacturing, factory production, transportation, and assembly Dozens of recent examples of prefab projects by contemporary architects and fabricators including KieranTimberlake, SHoP Architects, Office dA, Michelle Kaufmann, and many others In Prefab Architecture, the fresh approaches toward creating buildings that accurately convey ature and expanded green building methodologies make this book an important voice for adopting change in a construction industry entrenched in traditions of the past.

Öåíà: 9389.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470880432


Preparaci?n de equipos y medios de aplicaci?n de barnices y lacas en elementos de carpinter?a y mueble. MAMD0109
Preparaci?n de equipos y medios de aplicaci?n de barnices y lacas en elementos de carpinter?a y mueble. MAMD0109

Àâòîð: Alfonso Roncal Los Arcos

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788483648285


Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de elementos singulares de piedra natural. IEXD0409
Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de elementos singulares de piedra natural. IEXD0409

Àâòîð: Ra?l Canedo Aceituno

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416067985


Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de fachadas transventiladas. IEXD0409
Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de fachadas transventiladas. IEXD0409

Àâòîð: Antonio Jes?s P?rez Garc?a

Describir el proceso de colocaci?n de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o, identificando tipolog?as y describiendo materiales, m?todos de trabajo y riesgos, y relacion?ndolos con el proceso global de una obra de construcci?n. Interpretar informaci?n gr?fica y escrita relativa a la colocaci?n de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o. Seleccionar y preparar las m?quinas, herramientas, ?tiles y equipos de protecci?n individual y colectiva, as? como los medios auxiliares, observando las condiciones de seguridad establecidas, alcanzando el rendimiento indicado y realizando las operaciones de mantenimiento y fin de jornada. Replantear los diversos elementos y conjuntos de piedra natural, as? como las zonas en que se van a colocar, siguiendo la geometr?a indicada en plano y los m?rgenes de tolerancia establecidos. Ebook ajustado al Certificado de Profesionalidad de colocaci?n de piedra natural.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416067251


Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de obras de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o. IEXD0409
Preparaci?n de los trabajos y replanteo de obras de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o. IEXD0409

Àâòîð: Francisco Javier M?rquez Villar

Describir el proceso de colocaci?n de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o, identificando tipolog?as y describiendo materiales, m?todos de trabajo y riesgos, y relacion?ndolos con el proceso global de una obra de construcci?n. Interpretar informaci?n gr?fica y escrita relativa a la colocaci?n de mamposter?a, siller?a y perpia?o. Seleccionar y preparar las m?quinas, herramientas, ?tiles y equipos de protecci?n individual y colectiva, as? como los medios auxiliares, observando las condiciones de seguridad establecidas, alcanzando el rendimiento indicado y realizando las operaciones de mantenimiento y fin de jornada. Replantear los diversos elementos y conjuntos de piedra natural, as? como las zonas en que se van a colocar, siguiendo la geometr?a indicada en plano y los m?rgenes de tolerancia establecidos. Ebook ajustado al Certificado de Profesionalidad de colocaci?n de piedra natural.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416067244


Preparaci?n de soportes para la aplicaci?n de productos de acabado. MAMR0208
Preparaci?n de soportes para la aplicaci?n de productos de acabado. MAMR0208

Àâòîð: Francisco Carlos Ortega Palao

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491984580


Preparaci?n del medio de cultivo. AGAO0208
Preparaci?n del medio de cultivo. AGAO0208

Àâòîð: lvaro Avenza ?lvarez

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491981541


Preparaci?n del terreno para la instalaci?n de infraestructuras y plantaci?n de frutales. AGAF0108
Preparaci?n del terreno para la instalaci?n de infraestructuras y plantaci?n de frutales. AGAF0108

Àâòîð: Jos? Manuel Salazar Navarro

Especificar las labores necesarias para la ejecuci?n de mejoras e instalaci?n de infraestructuras sencillas en funci?n de las condiciones del entorno de la plantaci?n e identificar y realizar las mismas en un caso pr?ctico, aplicando las medidas de prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y normativa medioambiental. Explicar las labores necesarias de preparaci?n del terreno para proporcionar las condiciones ?ptimas de implantaci?n del cultivo, realizando las mismas en un caso pr?ctico teniendo en cuenta las medidas de prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y normativa medioambiental. Describir las t?cnicas y m?todos de plantaci?n de frutales y realizar las labores/operaciones necesarias en un caso pr?ctico seg?n especificaciones y medios t?cnicos prescritos, aplicando las medidas de prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y normativa medioambiental. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Fruticultura.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416067497


Presencias del otro
Presencias del otro

Àâòîð: Eric Landowski

Este libro se centra en el estudio de la pr?ctica semi?tica «en situaci?n» que consiste en determinar el sentido que atribuimos a la presencia del otro, cuando se haya ante nosotros, a nuestro lado o en nosotros mismos, y del cual depende la forma de nuestra propia «identidad»; analiza las condiciones de su emergencia en el marco de interacciones precisas y de contextos sociales diversificados.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789972453731


Prevenci?n de riesgos laborales en construcci?n. EOCB0108
Prevenci?n de riesgos laborales en construcci?n. EOCB0108

Àâòîð: Ricardo Quintanilla Pi?a

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491984016


Prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y medioambientales en el mecanizado por arranque de viruta. FMEH0109
Prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y medioambientales en el mecanizado por arranque de viruta. FMEH0109

Àâòîð: Bernab? Jim?nez Padilla

Analizar las medidas de prevenci?n y de seguridad respecto a las actuaciones de la manipulaci?n de las instalaciones y equipos, contenidas en los planes de seguridad de las empresas del sector. Aplicar el plan de seguridad analizando las medidas de prevenci?n, seguridad y protecci?n medioambiental de la empresa. Analizar las medidas preventivas que se deben adoptar para la prevenci?n de los riesgos y aplicaci?n de normas medioambientales en la ejecuci?n de las operaciones en las m?quinas empleadas en el mecanizado por arranque de viruta. Ebook ajustado al Certificado de Profesionalidad de Mecanizado por arranque de viruta.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415942368


Pricing Communication Networks
Pricing Communication Networks

Àâòîð: Costas Courcoubetis

Traditionally engineers devised communication services without reference to how they should be priced. In today's environment pricing is a very complex subject and in practice depends on many parameters of the actual market – including amount of traffic, architecture of the network, technology, and cost. The challenge is to provide a generic service model which accurately captures aspects such as quality and performance, and can be used to derive optimal pricing strategies. Recent technology advances, combined with the deregulation of the telecommunication market and the proliferation of the internet, have created a highly competitive environment for communication service prividers. Pricing is no longer as simple as picking an appropriate model for a particular contract. There is a real need for a book that explains the provision of new services, the relation between pricing and resource allocation in networks; and the emergence of the internet and how to price it. Pricing Communication Networks provides a framework of mathematical models for pricing these multidimensional contracts, and includes background in network services and contracts, network techonology, basic economics, and pricing strategy. It can be used by economists to fill in the gaps in their knowledge of network services and technology, and for engineers and operational researchers to gain the background in economics required to price communication services effectively. * Provides a broad overview of network services and contracts * Includes a primer on modern network technology and the economic concepts relevant to pricing and competition * Includes discussion of mathematical models of traffic flow to help describe network capability and derive pricing strategies * Includes coverage of specialist topics, such as regulation, multicasting, and auctions * Illustrated throughout by detailed real examples * Suitable for anyone with an understanding of basic calculus and probability Primarily aimed at graduate students, researchers and practitioners from electrical engineering, computer science, economics and operations research Pricing Communication Networks will also appeal to telecomms engineers working in industry.

Öåíà: 22423.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470864241



Àâòîð: Jorg Juretzka

Ñåðèÿ: Ein Kristof-Kryszinski-Roman

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783867895057


Primes of the Form x2+ny2. Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication
Primes of the Form x2+ny2. Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication

Àâòîð: David Cox A

An exciting approach to the history and mathematics of number theory “. . . the author’s style is totally lucid and very easy to read . . .the result is indeed a wonderful story.” —Mathematical Reviews Written in a unique and accessible style for readers of varied mathematical backgrounds, the Second Edition of Primes of the Form p = x2+ ny2 details the history behind how Pierre de Fermat’s work ultimately gave birth to quadratic reciprocity and the genus theory of quadratic forms. The book also illustrates how results of Euler and Gauss can be fully understood only in the context of class field theory, and in addition, explores a selection of the magnificent formulas of complex multiplication. Primes of the Form p = x2 + ny2, Second Edition focuses on addressing the question of when a prime p is of the form x2 + ny2, which serves as the basis for further discussion of various mathematical topics. This updated edition has several new notable features, including: • A well-motivated introduction to the classical formulation of class field theory • Illustrations of explicit numerical examples to demonstrate the power of basic theorems in various situations • An elementary treatment of quadratic forms and genus theory • Simultaneous treatment of elementary and advanced aspects of number theory • New coverage of the Shimura reciprocity law and a selection of recent work in an updated bibliography Primes of the Form p = x2 + ny2, Second Edition is both a useful reference for number theory theorists and an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in number and Galois theory.

Öåíà: 6738.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118400753


Principi della conoscenza dell interno e dell esterno
Principi della conoscenza dell'interno e dell'esterno

Àâòîð: Domenico Petrilli

Approcci alla psicologia da un punto filosofico secondo una descrizione che abbraccia la fisica, ovvero l'essere organo e il partire da un organo della conoscenza secondo una analisi anche quantica del funzionamento cerebrale, ovvero in quanto implicita al testo e non esplicitata

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783969872772


Principios Te?rico-Pr?cticos de Ergonom?a para el Dise?o y Evaluaci?n de Herramientas, Puestos de Trabajo y M?quinas
Principios Te?rico-Pr?cticos de Ergonom?a para el Dise?o y Evaluaci?n de Herramientas, Puestos de Trabajo y M?quinas

Àâòîð: Yolanda Torres P?rez

Ñåðèÿ: Acad?mica

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789586605977


Principles of Mathematics
Principles of Mathematics

Àâòîð: Vladimir Lepetic

Presents a uniquely balanced approach that bridges introductory and advanced topics in modern mathematics An accessible treatment of the fundamentals of modern mathematics, Principles of Mathematics: A Primer provides a unique approach to introductory andadvanced mathematical topics. The book features six main subjects, whichcan be studied independently or in conjunction with each other including: settheory; mathematical logic; proof theory; group theory; theory of functions; andlinear algebra. The author begins with comprehensive coverage of the necessary building blocks in mathematics and emphasizes the need to think abstractly and develop an appreciation for mathematical thinking. Maintaining a useful balance of introductory coverage and mathematical rigor, Principles of Mathematics: A Primer features: Detailed explanations of important theorems and their applications Hundreds of completely solved problems throughout each chapter Numerous exercises at the end of each chapter to encourage further exploration Discussions of interesting and provocative issues that spark readers’ curiosity and facilitate a better understanding and appreciation of the field of mathematics Principles of Mathematics: A Primer is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate courses in the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic as well as for graduate-level courses related to physics, engineering, and computer science. The book is also a useful reference for readers interested in pursuing careers in mathematics and the sciences. Vladimir Lepetic, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at DePaul University. His research interests include mathematical physics, set theory, foundations of mathematics, and the philosophy of mathematics.

Öåíà: 14264.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119131656


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