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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

Gu?aBurros Big data
Gu?aBurros Big data

Àâòîð: Pilar Garc?a

Los avances tecnol?gicos est?n teniendo ya una gran influencia en nuestra forma de vivir y de afrontar el mundo. Estos cambios pueden ayudar a solucionar grandes y eternos problemas de la humanidad como la pobreza y la enfermedad. Somos optimistas, pero no ingenuos. El ser humano de esta ?poca debe ser consciente y exigir que los avances tecnol?gicos beneficien a toda la sociedad.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418429866


Gu?aBurros Desarrollo sostenible
Gu?aBurros Desarrollo sostenible

Àâòîð: Mar?a Cano

Sinopsis El objetivo de este libro es ofrecer una visi?n objetiva de la situaci?n insostenible a la que hemos llegado dando a conocer al lector las causas que la han provocado y ofrecer una mirada hacia el futuro analizando algunos de los cambios que pueden implementar tanto las empresas como los consumidores para conseguir un desarrollo econ?mico que no da?e el medio ambiente Somos perfectamente conscientes de que es necesario un cambio ?sabemos en qu? consiste el cambio?

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418429965


Gu?aBurros SEO
Gu?aBurros SEO

Àâòîð: Ruben Garcia

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418121487


Gu?aBurros: Ciberseguridad
Gu?aBurros: Ciberseguridad

Àâòîð: M?nica Valle

Ñåðèÿ: Gu?aBurros

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417681487


Gu?aBurros: Redes Locales
Gu?aBurros: Redes Locales

Àâòîð: David Murciego Vilches

Ñåðèÿ: Gu?aBurros

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417681494


Guide to Audit Data Analytics
Guide to Audit Data Analytics

Àâòîð: AICPA

Designed to facilitate the use of audit data analytics (ADAs) in the financial statement audit, this title was developed by leading experts across the profession and academia. The guide defines audit data analytics as “the science and art of discovering and analyzing patterns, identifying anomalies, and extracting other useful information in data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit through analysis, modeling, and visualization for planning or performing the audit.” Simply put, ADAs can be used to perform a variety of procedures to gather audit evidence. Each chapter focuses on an audit area and includes step-by-step guidance illustrating how ADAs can be used throughout the financial statement audit. Suggested considerations for assessing the reliability of data are also included in a separate appendix.

Öåíà: 12795.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119499725


Guide to the LEED AP Building Design and Construction (BD&C) Exam
Guide to the LEED AP Building Design and Construction (BD&C) Exam

Àâòîð: Michelle Cottrell

Ideal for architects, engineers, or contractors seeking the LEED Building Design & Construction (BD&C) credential, the book is a clearly organized study guide that includes sample quizzes throughout at the end of each section. Authored by an expert who teaches seminars on LEED BD&C to professionals, this LEED exam prep book stands out from its competitors in its engaging and stimulating approach. Material includes include drawings, charts, and diagrams to help the reader visually understand the concepts.

Öåíà: 8284.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470933978


Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft Windows
Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft Windows

Àâòîð: Kunio Takezawa

Introduces the graphical capabilities of R to readers new to the software Due to its flexibility and availability, R has become the computing software of choice for statistical computing and generating graphics across various fields of research. Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft® Windows offers a unique presentation of R, guiding new users through its many benefits, including the creation of high-quality graphics. Beginning with getting the program up and running, this book takes readers step by step through the process of creating histograms, boxplots, strip charts, time series graphs, steam-and-leaf displays, scatterplot matrices, and map graphs. In addition, the book presents: Tips for establishing, saving, and printing graphs along with essential base-package plotting functions Interactive R programs for carrying out common tasks such as inputting values, moving data on a natural spline, adjusting three-dimensional graphs, and understanding simple and local linear regression Various external packages for R that help to create more complex graphics like rimage, gplots, ggplot2, tripack, rworldmap, and plotrix packages Throughout the book, concise explanations of key concepts of R graphics assist readers in carrying out the presented procedures, and any coverage of functions is clearly written out and displayed in the text as demos. The discussed techniques are accompanied by a wealth of screenshots and graphics with related R code available on the book's FTP site, and numerous exercises allow readers to test their understanding of the presented material. Guidebook to R Graphics Using Microsoft® Windows is a valuable resource for researchers in the fields of statistics, public health, business, and the life and social sciences who use or would like to learn how to use R to create visual representations of data. The book can also be used as a supplement for courses on statistical analysis at the upper-undergraduate level.

Öåíà: 9389.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118270134


Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards
Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards

Àâòîð: CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

This guide provides an overview of methods for estimating the characteristics of vapor cloud explosions, flash fires, and boiling-liquid-expanding-vapor explosions (BLEVEs) for practicing engineers. It has been updated to include advanced modeling technology, especially with respect to vapor cloud modeling and the use of computational fluid dynamics. The text also reviews past experimental and theoretical research and methods to estimate consequences. Heavily illustrated with photos, charts, tables, and diagrams, this manual is an essential tool for safety, insurance, regulatory, and engineering students and professionals.

Öåíà: 16901.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470640432


Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards
Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards

Àâòîð: CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

This guide provides an overview of methods for estimating the characteristics of vapor cloud explosions, flash fires, and boiling-liquid-expanding-vapor explosions (BLEVEs) for practicing engineers. It has been updated to include advanced modeling technology, especially with respect to vapor cloud modeling and the use of computational fluid dynamics. The text also reviews past experimental and theoretical research and methods to estimate consequences. Heavily illustrated with photos, charts, tables, and diagrams, this manual is an essential tool for safety, insurance, regulatory, and engineering students and professionals.

Öåíà: 16901.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470640432


Guidelines Piso-Certification
Guidelines Piso-Certification

Àâòîð: Ernest Anye Fongwa

The implementation of an integrated management system provides strength and potential to drive companies towards sustainability. Piso-Certification of an integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as big companies, institutions and land users for recognition of continuous improvement processes promotes a combined system of environmental, quality, energy, occupational health and safety management system.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742718815


Guitar For Dummies
Guitar For Dummies

Àâòîð: Jon Chappell

Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition (9781119293354) was previously published as Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition (9781119151432). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. The bestselling guide now updated with video demonstrations and audio tracks online The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in the world, which is why it's so appealing to musicians. Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition gives you everything a beginning or intermediate acoustic or electric guitarist needs: from buying a guitar to tuning it, playing it, and caring for it. Fully revised and updated, with online video and audio clips that help you learn and play along, you'll explore everything from simple chords and melodies to more challenging exercises that are designed to satisfy players of all levels. Additionally, new players can dive into the basics of guitar and accessory selection. Whether you prefer the cool sounds of the acoustic or the edgier tones of the electric, your guitar will get a lot of use as you play your way through the lessons presented in this integral book. But your journey doesn't stop at the last page! With an updated multimedia component, you have access to more than 80 online videos and 35 audio tracks that help build your talent. Play along with online videos and audio tracks to develop and reinforce your new skills Tune your guitar, change strings, and make simple repairs to keep your instrument in working order Choose the right guitar and equipment for your needs Explore numerous musical styles, including rock, blues, jazz, and country Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition guides you in the development of your strumming talent—and who knows where that can take you!

Öåíà: 2300.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119296546


GWT Best Practices II
GWT Best Practices II

Àâòîð: Frank Wisniewski

Ñåðèÿ: Shortcuts

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868025026


Hacia la creaci?n de empresa a partir del proyecto de dise?o industrial
Hacia la creaci?n de empresa a partir del proyecto de dise?o industrial

Àâòîð: Cecilia Ram?rez Le?n

Este libro brinda un referente de aplicaci?n de la sistematizaci?n como forma de investigaci?n, para el caso, orientada a la b?squeda de la pertinencia educativa. El enfoque cualitativo y el alcance descriptivo del estudio, con base en el m?todo inductivo, aplicaron t?cnicas como la revisi?n documental, la entrevista semiestructurada y la valoraci?n de experiencias.

Ñåðèÿ: Colecci?n Investigaci?n

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789586603973


Hackear al hacker
Hackear al hacker

Àâòîð: Roger A. Grimes

Cada d?a, los hackers de sombrero blanco se encuentran con los de sombrero negro en el ciberespacio, batallando por el control de la tecnolog?a que impulsa nuestro mundo. Los hackers ?ticos -de sombrero blanco- se encuentran entre los expertos en tecnolog?a m?s brillantes e ingeniosos, quienes constantemente desarrollan nuevas formas de mantenerse un paso por delante de aquellos que quieren secuestrar nuestros datos y sistemas en beneficio personal. En este libro, conocer?s a algunos de los h?roes olvidados que nos protegen a todos del Lado Oscuro. Descubrir?s por qu? raz?n eligieron este campo, las ?reas en las que sobresalen y sus logros m?s importantes. Tambi?n encontrar?s un breve resumen de los diferentes tipos de ciberataques contra los que han luchado. Si el mundo del hackeo ?tico te intriga, aqu? puedes empezar a explorarlo. Vas a conocer a: – Bruce Schneier, experto en ciberseguridad l?der de Estados Unidos – Kevin Mitnick, maestro de la ingenier?a social – Dr. Dorothy E. Denning, especialista en detecci?n de intrusiones – Mark Russinovich, Director de tecnolog?a (CTO) de Azure Cloud – Dr. Charlie Miller, l?der en impedir el hackeo de coches . . . y muchos m?s

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788426727411


Hacking For Dummies
Hacking For Dummies

Àâòîð: Kevin Beaver

Learn to hack your own system to protect against malicious attacks from outside Is hacking something left up to the bad guys? Certainly not! Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition is a fully updated resource that guides you in hacking your system to better protect your network against malicious attacks. This revised text helps you recognize any vulnerabilities that are lurking in your system, allowing you to fix them before someone else finds them. Penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, security best practices, and other aspects of ethical hacking are covered in this book, including Windows 10 hacks, Linux hacks, web application hacks, database hacks, VoIP hacks, and mobile computing hacks. Additionally, you have access to free testing tools and an appendix detailing valuable tools and resources. Ethical hacking entails thinking like the bad guys to identify any vulnerabilities that they might find in your system—and fixing them before they do. Also called penetration testing, ethical hacking is essential to keeping your system, and all of its data, secure. Understanding how to perform effective ethical hacking can improve the safety of your network. Defend your system—and all of the data it holds—against the latest Windows 10 and Linux hacks Develop an effective ethical hacking plan that keeps your system safe Protect your web applications, databases, laptops, and smartphones by going beyond simple hacking strategies Leverage the latest testing tools and techniques when using ethical hacking to keep your system secure Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition is a fully updated resource that guides you in hacking your own system to protect it—and it will become your go-to reference when ethical hacking is on your to-do list.

Öåíà: 2760.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119154709


Hagamos de esto una supernova
Hagamos de esto una supernova

Àâòîð: Mar?a Victoria Mart?n S?nchez

Una parte de m? y de cada una de las personas que he conocido est?n en este libro; de hecho, t? podr?as formar parte de ?l sin darte cuenta. Lo ?nico que tienes que hacer es acomodarte y disfrutar de ?l:No sigamos alargando esto y ven. Encontr?monos en medio del universo que creamos, ese universo que espera con ansias la llegada de una nueva supernova que lleve nuestros nombres.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417845025


Halliday Physik
Halliday Physik

Àâòîð: Robert Resnick

Noch mehr moderne Physik, noch bessere Didaktik, noch mehr Beispiele und noch mehr Aufgaben: das bietet der neue «Halliday», der ideale Begleiter furs Physikstudium und zur Prufungsvorbereitung! * deckt den gesamten Stoff der einfuhrenden Experimentalphysik-Vorlesungen fur Hauptfachstudierende ab * mehrere Kapitel zur besseren Verstandlichkeit komplett umgeschrieben, etwa zum Gau?'schen Satz und zum elektrischen Potential * umfangreichere Quantenmechanik-Kapitel behandeln die Schrodinger-Gleichung bis hin zur Reflexion von Materiewellen an Potentialstufen und der Schwarzkorperstrahlung Fur die dritte Auflage wurden die Kapitel uberarbeitet und didaktisch neu strukturiert: * modular organisierte Lerninhalte * Lernziele, Schlusselideen und physikalische Motivation zum Einstieg * Zusammenfassung der Lerninhalte am Kapitelende Unterstutzt das selbststandige Lernen: * rund 300 im Text durchgerechnete Beispiele * 250 Verstandnis-Checks und 650 Fragen mit Antworten und Ergebnissen im Lehrbuch * mehr als 2500 Aufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrads mit ausfuhrlichen Losungen im Arbeitsbuch – separat und im Set mit dem Lehrbuch erhaltlich Aus den Rezensionen der Vorauflagen: «Halliday Physik ist ein Klassiker.» Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zabel, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum «Das didaktische Konzept des Halliday ist in seiner Form einzigartig.» Prof. Dr. Matthias Weidemuller, Universitat Heidelberg «Der Stoff ist in uberdurchschnittlich gelungener Weise didaktisch aufbereitet… stellt eine Bereicherung des Literaturspektrums dar…» Prof. Dr. Fedor Mitschke, Universitat Rostock Zusatzmaterial fur Dozenten erhaltlich unter www.wiley-vch.de/textbooks Der Ubersetzungsherausgeber Stephan W. Koch lehrt Physik in Marburg und ist haufig als Gastwissenschaftler an der Universitat von Arizona, Tucson/USA. Er hat in Frankfurt Physik studiert, 1979 promoviert und sich, nach Forschungsaufenthalten bei den IBM Research Labs, 1983 habilitiert. Anschlie?end ging er in die USA, wo er ab 1989 Full Professor an der University of Arizona in Tucson war. 1993 folgte er einem Ruf an die Uni Marburg, blieb aber bis heute Adjunct Professor in Arizona. 1997 erhielt Herr Koch den Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1999 den Max-Planck-Forschungspreis der Humboldt Stiftung und Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Seit mehreren Jahren ist er als Herausgeber und Berater fur Fachzeitschriften aktiv.

Öåíà: 8025.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527812592


Hamburg einst und jetzt
Hamburg einst und jetzt

Àâòîð: J?rgen Ruszkowski

Von 1954 bis 1959 lebte der Herausgeber dieses Buches als junger Mann in Hamburg, dann wieder ab 1970. Er lernte die vielen Vorteile dieser Stadt kennen und lieben. Ein Besucher ?u?erte seine Bewunderung ?ber das viele Gr?n, von dem diese Metropole gepr?gt ist. Die Wege zur Ost- und Nordseek?ste, in die Heide und weitere Erholungslandschaften sind kurz. Aber auch die City, in der er 27 Jahre direkt neben dem Michel wohnte und wirkte, bietet mit Hafenrand, Wallanlagen und Alster attraktive Naherholungsziele. Am Krayenkamp wohnte er 27 Jahre lang im Seemannsheim, das er leitete und dort mit vielen Fahrensleuten aus aller Welt unter einem Dach lebte. Dadurch hatte er auch einen besonderen Bezug zum Hafen und den weltweiten Beziehungen dieser pulsierenden Stadt. Mit vielen Fotos erz?hlt er in diesem Buch ?ber Hamburg, wie es einst war und sich heute darbietet. – Rezension zur maritimen gelben Reihe: Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von der «Gelben Buchreihe». Die B?nde rei?en einen einfach mit und vermitteln einem das Gef?hl, mitten in den Besatzungen der Schiffe zu sein. Inzwischen habe ich ca. 20 B?nde erworben und freue mich immer wieder, wenn ein neues Buch erscheint. oder: S?mtliche von J?rgen Ruszkowski aus Hamburg herausgegebene B?cher sind absolute Highlights der Seefahrts-Literatur. Dieser Band macht da keine Ausnahme. Sehr interessante und abwechselungsreiche Themen aus verschiedenen Zeitepochen, die mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt haben! Man kann nur staunen, was der Mann in seinem Ruhestand schon ver?ffentlich hat. Alle Achtung!

Ñåðèÿ: maritime gelbe Buchreihe

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742746962



Àâòîð: Óèëüÿì Øåêñïèð

"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599 and 1602. Set in Denmark, the play depicts Prince Hamlet and his revenge against his uncle, Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet's father in order to seize his throne and marry Hamlet's mother. Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature, with a story capable of «„seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others“».It was one of Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879. It has inspired many other writers—from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Charles Dickens to James Joyce and Iris Murdoch—and has been described as «„the world's most filmed story after Cinderella“». Among the most significant works William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Orpheus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Troilus and Cressida, The Tempest, Venus and Adonis, Antony and Cleopatra, Measure for Measure, The Winter's Tale and many more."

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Mark Bowen

Öåíà: 99 ðóá.


Handb?chlein der stoischen Moral
Handb?chlein der stoischen Moral

Àâòîð: Epiktet

Ñåðèÿ: Philosophie-Digital

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961180332


Handbook of Engineering and Specialty Thermoplastics, Volume 2. Water Soluble Polymers
Handbook of Engineering and Specialty Thermoplastics, Volume 2. Water Soluble Polymers

Àâòîð: Johannes Fink Karl

This book focuses on common types of polymers belonging to the class of water soluble polymers. It covers a wide range of applications: food, cosmetic, medical, lithography and ink jet printing, agricultural, wastewater cleaning, and oilfield. The text is arranged according to the chemical constitution of polymers and reviews the developments that have taken place in the last decade. Each chapter follows the same template. A brief introduction to the polymer type is given and previous monographs and reviews dealing with the topic are listed for quick reference. The text continues with monomers, polymerization, fabrication techniques, properties, applications, as well as safety issues. Providing a rather encyclopedic approach to water soluble polymers, the Handbook of Engineering and Specialty Thermoplastics: Presents a listing of suppliers and commercial grades Reviews current patent literature, essential for the engineer developing new products Contains an extensive tradenames index with information that is fairly unique Concludes with an index of acronyms and a general index The Handbook of Engineering and Specialty Thermoplastics: Water Soluble Polymers provides a comprehensive reference for chemical engineers and offers advanced students a textbook for use in courses on chemically biased plastics technology and polymer science.

Öåíà: 23965.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118087725


Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing
Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Fruits are botanically diverse, perishable, seasonal and predominantly regional in production. They come in many varieties, shapes and size, colors, flavors and textures and are an important part of a healthy diet and the global economy. Besides vitamins, minerals, fibers and other nutrients, fruits contain phenolic compounds that have pharmacological potential. Consumed as a part of a regular diet, these naturally occurring plant constituents are believed to provide a wide range of physiological benefits through their antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing distils the latest developments and research efforts in this field that are aimed at improving production methods, post-harvest storage and processing, safety, quality and developing new processes and products. This revised and updated second edition expands and improves upon the coverage of the original book. Some highlights include chapters on the physiology and classification of fruits, horticultural biochemistry, microbiology and food safety (including HACCP, safety and the regulation of fruits in the global market), sensory and flavor characteristics, nutrition, naturally present bioactive phenolics, postharvest physiology, storage, transportation and packaging, processing and preservation technologies. Information on the major fruits includes tropical and super fruits, frozen fruits, canned fruit, jelly, jam and preserves, fruit juices, dried fruits and wines. The 35 chapters are organized into five parts: Part I: Fruit physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, nutrition and health Part II: Postharvest handling and preservation of fruits Part III: Product manufacturing and packaging Part IV: Processing plant, waste management, safety and regulations Part V: Production, quality and processing aspects of major fruits and fruit products Each chapter has been contributed by professionals from around the globe representing academia, government institutions and industry. The book is designed to be a valuable source and reference book for scientists, product developers, students and all professionals with an interest in this field.

Öåíà: 26610.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118352557


Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. with Advanced VNA Techniques
Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. with Advanced VNA Techniques

Àâòîð: Joel Dunsmore P

This book provides state-of-the-art coverage for making measurements on RF and Microwave Components, both active and passive. A perfect reference for R&D and Test Engineers, with topics ranging from the best practices for basic measurements, to an in-depth analysis of errors, correction methods, and uncertainty analysis, this book provides everything you need to understand microwave measurements. With primary focus on active and passive measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer, these techniques and analysis are equally applicable to measurements made with Spectrum Analyzers or Noise Figure Analyzers. The early chapters provide a theoretical basis for measurements complete with extensive definitions and descriptions of component characteristics and measurement parameters. The latter chapters give detailed examples for cases of cable, connector and filter measurements; low noise, high-gain and high power amplifier measurements, a wide range of mixer and frequency converter measurements, and a full examination of fixturing, de-embedding, balanced measurements and calibration techniques. The chapter on time-domain theory and measurements is the most complete treatment on the subject yet presented, with details of the underlying mathematics and new material on time domain gating. As the inventor of many of the methods presented, and with 30 years as a development engineer on the most modern measurement platforms, the author presents unique insights into the understanding of modern measurement theory. Key Features: Explains the interactions between the device-under-test (DUT) and the measuring equipment by demonstrating the best practices for ascertaining the true nature of the DUT, and optimizing the time to set up and measure Offers a detailed explanation of algorithms and mathematics behind measurements and error correction Provides numerous illustrations (e.g. block-diagrams for circuit connections and measurement setups) and practical examples on real-world devices, which can provide immediate benefit to the reader Written by the principle developer and designer of many of the measurement methods described This book will be an invaluable guide for RF and microwave R&D and test engineers, satellite test engineers, radar engineers, power amplifier designers, LNA designers, and mixer designers. University researchers and graduate students in microwave design and test will also find this book of interest.

Öåíà: 15465.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118391327


Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements
Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements

Àâòîð: Joel P. Dunsmore

Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements Second Edition is a fully updated, complete reference to this topic, focusing on the modern measurement tools, such as a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), gathering in one place all the concepts, formulas, and best practices of measurement science. It includes basic concepts in each chapter as well as appendices which provide all the detail needed to understand the science behind microwave measurements. The book offers an insight into the best practices for ascertaining the true nature of the device-under-test (DUT), optimizing the time to setup and measure, and to the greatest extent possible, remove the effects of the measuring equipment from that result. Furthermore, the author writes with a simplicity that is easily accessible to the student or new engineer, yet is thorough enough to provide details of measurement science for even the most advanced applications and researchers. This welcome new edition brings forward the most modern techniques used in industry today, and recognizes that more new techniques have developed since the first edition published in 2012. Whilst still focusing on the VNA, these techniques are also compatible with other vendor's advanced equipment, providing a comprehensive industry reference.

Öåíà: 17276.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119477129


Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods
Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods

Àâòîð: Dirk P. Kroese

A comprehensive overview of Monte Carlo simulation that explores the latest topics, techniques, and real-world applications More and more of today’s numerical problems found in engineering and finance are solved through Monte Carlo methods. The heightened popularity of these methods and their continuing development makes it important for researchers to have a comprehensive understanding of the Monte Carlo approach. Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods provides the theory, algorithms, and applications that helps provide a thorough understanding of the emerging dynamics of this rapidly-growing field. The authors begin with a discussion of fundamentals such as how to generate random numbers on a computer. Subsequent chapters discuss key Monte Carlo topics and methods, including: Random variable and stochastic process generation Markov chain Monte Carlo, featuring key algorithms such as the Metropolis-Hastings method, the Gibbs sampler, and hit-and-run Discrete-event simulation Techniques for the statistical analysis of simulation data including the delta method, steady-state estimation, and kernel density estimation Variance reduction, including importance sampling, latin hypercube sampling, and conditional Monte Carlo Estimation of derivatives and sensitivity analysis Advanced topics including cross-entropy, rare events, kernel density estimation, quasi Monte Carlo, particle systems, and randomized optimization The presented theoretical concepts are illustrated with worked examples that use MATLAB®, a related Web site houses the MATLAB® code, allowing readers to work hands-on with the material and also features the author's own lecture notes on Monte Carlo methods. Detailed appendices provide background material on probability theory, stochastic processes, and mathematical statistics as well as the key optimization concepts and techniques that are relevant to Monte Carlo simulation. Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods is an excellent reference for applied statisticians and practitioners working in the fields of engineering and finance who use or would like to learn how to use Monte Carlo in their research. It is also a suitable supplement for courses on Monte Carlo methods and computational statistics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.

Öåíà: 18217.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118014943


Handbook of Regression Analysis
Handbook of Regression Analysis

Àâòîð: Samprit Chatterjee

A Comprehensive Account for Data Analysts of the Methods and Applications of Regression Analysis. Written by two established experts in the field, the purpose of the Handbook of Regression Analysis is to provide a practical, one-stop reference on regression analysis. The focus is on the tools that both practitioners and researchers use in real life. It is intended to be a comprehensive collection of the theory, methods, and applications of regression methods, but it has been deliberately written at an accessible level. The handbook provides a quick and convenient reference or “refresher” on ideas and methods that are useful for the effective analysis of data and its resulting interpretations. Students can use the book as an introduction to and/or summary of key concepts in regression and related course work (including linear, binary logistic, multinomial logistic, count, and nonlinear regression models). Theory underlying the methodology is presented when it advances conceptual understanding and is always supplemented by hands-on examples. References are supplied for readers wanting more detailed material on the topics discussed in the book. R code and data for all of the analyses described in the book are available via an author-maintained website. «I enjoyed the presentation of the Handbook, and I would be happy to recommend this nice handy book as a reference to my students. The clarity of the writing and proper choices of examples allows the presentations ofmany statisticalmethods shine. The quality of the examples at the end of each chapter is a strength. They entail explanations of the resulting R outputs and successfully guide readers to interpret them.» American Statistician

Öåíà: 14417.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118532812


Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R
Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R

Àâòîð: Samprit Chatterjee

Öåíà: 13151.31 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119392477


Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R
Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R

Àâòîð: Samprit Chatterjee

H andbook and reference guide for students and practitioners of statistical regression-based analyses in R   Handbook of Regression Analysis  with Applications in R, Second Edition  is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to conducting complex regressions in the R statistical programming language. The authors’ thorough treatment of “classical” regression analysis in the first edition is complemented here by their discussion of more advanced topics including time-to-event survival data and longitudinal and clustered data.  The book further pays particular attention to methods that have become prominent in the last few decades as increasingly large data sets have made new techniques and applications possible. These include:  Regularization methods Smoothing methods Tree-based methods In the new edition of the  Handbook , the data analyst’s toolkit is explored and expanded. Examples are drawn from a wide variety of real-life applications and data sets. All the utilized R code and data are available via an author-maintained website.  Of interest to undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in statistics and regression, the  Handbook of Regression Analysis  will also be invaluable to practicing data scientists and statisticians.

Öåíà: 13151.31 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119392484


Handbook of Statistical Genetics
Handbook of Statistical Genetics

Àâòîð: Martin Bishop

The Handbook for Statistical Genetics is widely regarded as the reference work in the field. However, the field has developed considerably over the past three years. In particular the modeling of genetic networks has advanced considerably via the evolution of microarray analysis. As a consequence the 3rd edition of the handbook contains a much expanded section on Network Modeling, including 5 new chapters covering metabolic networks, graphical modeling and inference and simulation of pedigrees and genealogies. Other chapters new to the 3rd edition include Human Population Genetics, Genome-wide Association Studies, Family-based Association Studies, Pharmacogenetics, Epigenetics, Ethic and Insurance. As with the second Edition, the Handbook includes a glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations, and features extensive cross-referencing between the chapters, tying the different areas together. With heavy use of up-to-date examples, real-life case studies and references to web-based resources, this continues to be must-have reference in a vital area of research. Edited by the leading international authorities in the field. David Balding – Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, Imperial College An advisor for our Probability & Statistics series, Professor Balding is also a previous Wiley author, having written Weight-of-Evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles, as well as having edited the two previous editions of HSG. With over 20 years teaching experience, he’s also had dozens of articles published in numerous international journals. Martin Bishop – Head of the Bioinformatics Division at the HGMP Resource Centre As well as the first two editions of HSG, Dr Bishop has edited a number of introductory books on the application of informatics to molecular biology and genetics. He is the Associate Editor of the journal Bioinformatics and Managing Editor of Briefings in Bioinformatics. Chris Cannings – Division of Genomic Medicine, University of Sheffield With over 40 years teaching in the area, Professor Cannings has published over 100 papers and is on the editorial board of many related journals. Co-editor of the two previous editions of HSG, he also authored a book on this topic.

Öåíà: 49156.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470997628


Handbuch Trinkwasservorschriften
Handbuch Trinkwasservorschriften

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Verantwortliche f?r hygienisch einwandfreie Trinkwasser-Installationen m?ssen s?mtliche Vorschriften kennen und umsetzen. Ganz aktuell sind dabei u. a. zu beachten:
– die TrinkwV (01/2018) – VDI 6023 Blatt 1: Hygiene in Trinkwasser-Installationen – Anforderungen an Planung, Ausf?hrung, Betrieb und Instandhaltung (05/2020) – VDI 3810 Blatt 2:2010-05: Betreiben und Instandhalten von Geb?uden und geb?udetechnischen Anlagen – Trinkwasser-Installationen (05/2020) – DVGW W 557:2012-10: Reinigung und Desinfektion von Trinkwasser-Installationen (05/2020) – DIN 2001-1 bis 3: Trinkwasserversorgung aus Kleinanlagen und nicht ortsfesten Anlagen – Teil 1: Kleinanlagen – Leits?tze f?r Anforderungen an Trinkwasser, Planung, Bau, Betrieb und Instandhaltung der Anlagen (01/2019) – DIN 4753-1, -3, -7: Trinkwassererw?rmer, Trinkwassererw?rmungsanlagen und Speicher-Trinkwassererw?rmer – Teil 1: Beh?lter mit einem Volumen ?ber 2 000 l (05/2019) – DIN 35860:2020-07 Probenahmearmaturen in der Trinkwasserinstallation – Anforderungen und Pr?fungen (07/2020)
Da es beinahe unm?glich ist, alle Vorschriften und Normen im Kopf zu haben und rechtskonform umzusetzen, gibt es jetzt das neue Handbuch Trinkwasservorschriften.
Das E-Book besteht aus einer digitalen Ausgabe des kompletten Handbuchs im EPUB-Format.
Dieses bietet folgende Vorteile:
– ?bersichtlich zusammengestellt sind unter den g?ngigen Schlagworten alle notwendigen Informationen zu den aktuellen Vorschriften f?r Trinkwasser-Installationen zu finden. – Praktische Tabellen und Checklisten zur normgerechten Umsetzung zeigen, wie die Regelungen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften korrekt angewandt werden k?nnen. – Dieses Produkt ist auch als Premium-Ausgabe mit erweiterten Umfang und zus?tzlichen Vorteilen verf?gbar.
Dieses E-Book ist genau das Richtige f?r: Unternehmer, Planer, Installateure, Ingenieure, Anlagenbetreiber, Inhaber von Mietobjekten, Mitarbeitern in Wasserbeh?rden/Gesundheits?mtern/Wasserwerken etc.
Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV) – 01/2018
– Aufbau und Ziele – Anwendungsbereich – Begriffsbestimmungen – Pflichten des Unternehmers und Betreibers – Rechts- und Haftungsfragen
– DIN EN 806 1-5 «Technische Regeln f?r Trinkwasser-Installationen» – DVGW W 316:2018-04 «Armaturen in der Trinkwasser-Installation» – DIN EN 1717:2011-08 «Schutz des Trinkwassers vor Verunreinigungen in Trinkwasser-Installationen» – DIN 1988-100 bis 600 «Technische Regeln f?r Trinkwasser-Installationen (TRWI)» – DIN 3266:2018-03 «Armaturen f?r Trinkwasser-Installationen in Grundst?cken und Geb?uden» – VDI/DVGW 6023:2013-04 «Hygiene in Trinkwasser-Installationen» – VDI/BTGA/ZVSHK 6023 Blatt 2:2018-01 «Hygiene in Trinkwasser-Installationen Gef?hrdungsanalyse» – VDVDI 6023 Blatt 1:2020-05 – Hygiene in Trinkwasser-Installationen – Anforderungen an Planung, Ausf?hrung, Betrieb und Instandhaltung – VDI 3810 Blatt 2; VDI 6023 Blatt 3:2020-05 «Betreiben und Instandhalten von geb?udetechnischen Anlagen – Sanit?rtechnische Anlagen» – DVGW W 557:2020-05 «Reinigung und Desinfektion von Trinkwasser-Installationen»
– DVGW W 1020:2018-03 «Empfehlungen und Hinweise f?r den Fall von Abweichungen von Anforderungen der Trinkwasserverordnung» – DIN EN 17034:2018-03 «Produkte zur Aufbereitung von Wasser f?r den menschlichen Gebrauch» – DIN EN 13077:2018-06 «Sicherungseinrichtungen zum Schutz des Trinkwassers gegen Verschmutzung durch R?ckflie?en» – DIN EN ISO 11731:2018-03 «Wasserbeschaffenheit – Z?hlung von Legionellen» – DIN ISO 24523:2018-03 «Dienstleistungen im Bereich Trinkwasser und Abwasser» – DVGW 551:2004-04 «Trinkwassererw?rmungs- und Trinkwasserleitungsanlagen – Technische Ma?nahmen zur Verminderung des Legionellenwachstums»
Anlagentechnik, Speicherung und Aufbereitung

Öåíà: 6411.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783963144899


Hands up! (mit Illustrationen)
Hands up! (mit Illustrationen)

Àâòîð: Edgar Wallace

Ñåðèÿ: Edgar Wallace Illustriert

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961187379


Hautnah - Wie Pferde verletzte Seelen heilen
Hautnah - Wie Pferde verletzte Seelen heilen

Àâòîð: Ute Wilhelms

Ñåðèÿ: Reittherapie

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783944587929


Hawaiianische Tr?ume
Hawaiianische Tr?ume

Àâòîð: Shari J. Berman

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783941598966


Heathens Ink: Mein Retter
Heathens Ink: Mein Retter

Àâòîð: K.M. Neuhold

Ñåðèÿ: Heathens Ink

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958237759


HEIL DICH SELBST SONST HEILT DICH KEINER- Mit ungew?hnlichen Medikamenten fast alle Krankheiten und Beschwerden heilen
HEIL DICH SELBST SONST HEILT DICH KEINER- Mit ungew?hnlichen "Medikamenten" fast alle Krankheiten und Beschwerden heilen

Àâòîð: Dantse Dantse

Selbstheilung kann jeder Lass das Unm?gliche m?glich werden mit ganz banalen Tricks und heile dich selbst! Sogar gef?hrliche Krankheiten wie Krebs. Du hast bis heute nie an Wunderheilung gedacht und geglaubt? Heilung ohne den Einsatz von Medikamenten? Dann wirst du dich ?ber dieses Buch wundern, denn der Autor Dantse glaubt selbst nicht an Wunderheilung, sondern an ganz einfache Ph?nomenen und Handlungen, die im K?rper Heilungsprozesse bewirken, als ob wir ein hochwirksames Medikament eingenommen h?tten. Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, warum einige Menschen Jahr f?r Jahr den ganzen Winter ohne eine einzige Erk?ltung durchkommen, obwohl alle um sie herum erk?ltet sind? Hast du dich gefragt, warum manche Menschen nie Migr?ne und Kopfschmerzen haben? Warum manche Menschen mit chronischen Krankheiten wie Krebs gegen alle Wahrscheinlichkeiten weiterleben und sogar vollst?ndig besiegen, obwohl die Schulmedizin ihnen nur noch einige Wochen Zeit zum Leben gegeben hatte Du kennst vielleicht die Geschichte des Deutschen, der unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt war und nur noch paar Monate zu leben hatte. Nachdem alle Untersuchungen das gleiche Ergebnis brachten, ging er nach S?d-Amerika zu den Indianern am Amazonas, und 2 Jahren sp?ter war er immer noch am Leben. Er kam zur?ck nach Deutschland, lie? sich untersuchen, und der Krebs war weg. Er meinte, im Busch, weit weg von Stress, hatte er Ruhe, er hatte seine Krankheit ignoriert, war positiv eingestellt und hatte Freude um sich. DIE ZEIT berichtete auch von solchen Ph?nomenen, bei denen pl?tzlich ein todkranker Mensch wieder gesund wird. Z.B. Frau, die angeblich nicht mehr lange leben w?rde, doch bei ihr verschwand der Krebs vollst?ndig. Es war keine spontane Heilung, wie die ?rzte es gern gehabt h?tten, sondern ein Prozess, der mit der Lebenseinstellung der Frau zu tun hatte. Sie war: «k?mpferisch. Sie denkt positiv und ist religi?s.» Viele Menschen kommen zu Coach Dantse mit unterschiedlichen Beschwerden.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738083927


Heim-Netzwerke XL-Edition
Heim-Netzwerke XL-Edition

Àâòîð: Michael Seemann

Ñåðèÿ: Netzwerk

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645220712


Heimnetzwerke XL-Edition
Heimnetzwerke XL-Edition

Àâòîð: Michael Seemann

Ñåðèÿ: Netzwerk

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645220934


Heliosphere 2265 - Band 32: In der dunkelsten Stunde (Science Fiction)
Heliosphere 2265 - Band 32: In der dunkelsten Stunde (Science Fiction)

Àâòîð: Andreas Suchanek

Ñåðèÿ: Heliosphere 2265

Öåíà: 245.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958341418


Hemingway en la Espa?a taurina
Hemingway en la Espa?a taurina

Àâòîð: Alfonso Mart?nez Berganza

La trayectoria profesional de Alfonso Mart?nez Berganza abarc? tres d?cadas de la historia del periodismo espa?ol del siglo pasado en las que desarroll? su actividad en los puestos y medios m?s diversos, desde editorialista de la «Tercera P?gina» del diario 'Pueblo' hasta su labor en RNE, donde, como se?al? su obituario, «supo ser jefe en momentos dif?ciles de la vida pol?tica espa?ola». Durante su carrera fue galardonado con diversos premios period?sticos y literarios, entre los que se cuenta el I Premio Hemingway de Periodismo para art?culos de tema taurino. 'Hemingway en la Espa?a taurina' es una iluminadora inmersi?n en los escenarios taurinos del nobel norteamericano. A ra?z de su muerte en 1961, Mart?nez Berganza erigi? este tr?ptico literario «en defensa de un amigo», que nos sumerge en la pol?mica sobre el conocimiento de la fiesta de los toros por parte del escritor de Illinois, recreando sus paisajes literarios y personales. Este volumen recoge as? los debates planteados en aquellos a?os en Espa?a, pol?micas que son resueltas desde un an?lisis riguroso y objetivo de los textos y las opiniones vertidas.


Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491348139


Hemmung, Symptom und Angst
Hemmung, Symptom und Angst

Àâòîð: Çèãìóíä Ôðåéä

Ñåðèÿ: Sigmund-Freud-Reihe

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961186280


Herausforderung Klimawandel
Herausforderung Klimawandel

Àâòîð: Andreas Bauernfeind

Das Wetter wird immer extremer. In diesem Ratgeber erhalten sie wertvolle Tipps wie sie ihr Haus oder Wohnung gegen Hitze, Sturm oder Starkregen sch?tzen k?nnen. Bei Hochwasser wie etwa in der Eifel kann es leider nur eine Schadensbegrenzung geben. Au?erdem erhalten sie Tipps, wie sie pers?nlich Beitr?ge zur Verlangsamung des Klimawandels beitragen k?nnen, ohne auf Komfort zu verzichten.

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783754171226


Herbes per a guarir
Herbes per a guarir

Àâòîð: Mercedes Gallent Marco

El receptari objecte d'aquest treball es troba entre les fonts manuscrites de la Biblioteca Universit?ria de Val?ncia. Guti?rrez de Ca?o el registr? en la seua obra 'Cat?logo de los manuscritos existentes en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Valencia', on anota que procedia de la biblioteca de D. Vicente Hern?ndez M??ez, bibliotecari de la Universitat entre els anys 1852 i 1865. Actualment, hi consta com a 'Receptari m?dic' (signatura M 652). El manuscrit recopila una s?rie de receptes destinades a guarir o alleujar diverses malalties que es manifesten en diferents parts o ?rgans del cos, i cal inscriure'l entre els textos de terap?utica farmacol?gica o medicamentosa que es van elaborar els darrers segles de l'edat mitjana. L'estudi consta, en primer lloc, d'una introducci? en la qual es contextualitza aquest tipus d'obra, es descriu el manuscrit (format, tipus de lletra, llengua.) i se n'analitza el contingut (productes emprats i manera d'administrar-los, malalties.). A continuaci?, es recull la transcripci? ?ntegra del manuscrit. Finalment, s'han confeccionat dos glossaris que recopilen els productes citats en les receptes i les diverses patologies o afeccions a qu? s'hi fa refer?ncia.

Ñåðèÿ: Fonts Hist?riques Valencianes

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491346517


Herois indepes
Herois indepes

Àâòîð: Jordi Calv?s

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788490344866


Herramienta de gesti?n para la renovaci?n urbana efectiva
Herramienta de gesti?n para la renovaci?n urbana efectiva

Àâòîð: Carlos Alberto Baena Lopez

Ñåðèÿ: Gesti?n urbana

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588957067



Àâòîð: Katharina Heyer

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783037636084



Àâòîð: Leonardo Boff

Unser technisches K?nnen ist schier unglaublich – und doch befindet sich die Menschheit in einer geradezu verzweifelten Krise. Leonardo Boff verweist auf die rettenden Ressourcen unseres Menschseins, auf Achtsamkeit, Sensibilit?t, ein Gesp?r f?r das Heilige … Er sch?pft dabei aus reichen Quellen: aus den ?berraschenden Befunden der Naturwissenschaften, der Biologie und der Tiefenpsychologie, aber auch aus der Poesie, der Weisheit der indigenen V?lker und nicht zuletzt aus seiner eigenen reichen Lebenserfahrung.

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783766642967



Àâòîð: Anett Steiner

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783959587754


Het Zeevruchten Fijnproevers Kookboek
Het Zeevruchten Fijnproevers Kookboek

Àâòîð: Luke Eisenberg

Het Zeevruchten Fijnproevers Kookboek: 111 Heerlijke Receptidee?n Met Schaal- En Schelpdieren (Vis & Zeevruchten Keuken)
Zeevruchten – lekkernijen uit de zee: garnalen, mosselen, octopus, enz. – de biodiversiteit van zeevruchten is groot. Vis en zeevruchten zijn de hoogste discipline in onze keuken. De bereiding is eenvoudig – het resultaat is altijd een culinair genot: zeer gezond en heerlijk.
Alle recepten in het kookboek met gedetailleerde instructies.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783748518396


Hidden Figures - Unerkannte Heldinnen - Afroamerikanische Mathematikerinnen in der NASA (Gek?rzt)
Hidden Figures - Unerkannte Heldinnen - Afroamerikanische Mathematikerinnen in der NASA (Gek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Margot Lee Shetterly

1943 stellt das Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory der NACA,die sp?ter zur NASA wird, erstmalig afroamerikanische Frauen ein. «Menschliche Rechner» – unter ihnen Dorothy Vaughan, die 1953 Vorgesetzte der brillanten afroamerikanischen Mathematikerin Katherine Johnson wird. Trotz Diskriminierung und Vorurteilen, treiben sie die Forschungen der NASA voran und Katherine Johnsons Berechnungen werden ma?geblich f?r den Erfolg der Apollo-Missionen. Dies ist ihre Geschichte.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sandra Schwittau

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961090297


Hidr?ulica de canales: fundamentos
Hidr?ulica de canales: fundamentos

Àâòîð: Juan H. Cadavid R

La hidr?ulica de canales es otra rama aplicada de la mec?nica de los fluidos incomprensibles. Esta obra ha sido concebida para servir como auxiliar en la formaci?n b?sica del estudiante de hidr?ulica de canales. As? mismo, para proveer de alg?n apoyo al ingeniero, especialmente en algunos temas de reconocida complejidad. Su estructura se centra en la parte formativa y no se enfoca en las aplicaciones avanzadas y espec?ficas, en la que son bastantes prolijos los tratados cl?sicos. Articula una secuencia de siete cap?tulos.
El primero acerca el asunto a sus ra?ces m?s pr?ximas, en el campo de la mec?nica y de la ingenier?a. Los tres siguientes cap?tulos se ocupan de conceptos relativos a la energ?a. El cap?tulo quinto discurre en el principio de conservaci?n del lineal, y muy especialmente en el interesante y llamativo fen?meno del resalto hidr?ulico. El sexto formaliza la noci?n del flujo uniforme. El ?ltimo se ocupa del flujo gradualmente variado y tiene como objetivo final el c?lculo detallado del trazado vertical de la superficie libre de un canal, o perfil de flujo, momentum lineal, y muy especialmente en el interesante y llamativo fen?meno del resalto hidr?ulico. El sexto formaliza la noci?n del flujo uniforme. El ?ltimo se ocupa del flujo gradualmente variado y tiene como objetivo final el c?lculo detallado del trazado vertical de la superficie libre de un canal, o perfil de flujo.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588281285


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