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Nachtw?rts (eBook)
Nachtw?rts (eBook)

Автор: Thomas Palzer

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783869132921


Nanotechnologies for Synthetic Super Non-wetting Surfaces
Nanotechnologies for Synthetic Super Non-wetting Surfaces

Автор: Vincent Senez

Texturing surfaces at micro- and/or nano-scales modifies the interactions of liquids and solids. This book is a summary of the state of the art concerning the development and use of micro/nano-technologies for the design of synthetic liquid repellent surfaces with a particular focus on super-omniphobic materials. It proposes a comprehensive understanding of the physical mechanisms involved in the wetting of these surfaces and reviews emerging applications in various fields such as energy harvesting and biology, as well as highlighting the current limitations and challenges which are yet to be overcome.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119015208


Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy

Автор: Pierre-Camille Lacaze

The major topical and societal issues of energy transition and environmental conservation have benefited from the contribution of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Nanomaterials, including carbon-based newcomers, have helped to improve in particular the performance of energy storage and conversion devices.
Some of these nanomaterials, including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds and carbon dots, were discovered well before the 2000s. Others are more recent, including graphene (the leading material of the 21st century) as well as many mineral materials developed at the nano scale: atomic clusters, metal or semiconductor nanoparticles, two-dimensional inorganic materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and luminescent quantum dots. All of these are involved in the realization of devices for energy purposes.
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy provides a critical analysis of the latest work in the fields of batteries, photovoltaics, fuel cells and catalysis as well as lighting, with the advent of light-emitting diodes.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119881575


NAS Ratgeber
NAS Ratgeber

Автор: Powerlifting check

NAS Buch Ratgeber: Anleitung zum NAS PC einrichten mit Open Source, Netzwerkfestplatte mit Datensicherung und Datenbackup mit vielen Bildern Best Nas for the Home mit Raid Nas Storage
Network Attached Storage (NAS, englisch f?r netzgebundener Speicher).
Mit diesem Ratgeber m?chte ich ein wenig helfen, dass du dir einen einfachen und preiswerten NAS einfach selber zusammen baust.
F?r das Betriebssystem Open Media Vault als Open Source, was ich hier nutze, gibt es noch unz?hlige weitere M?glichkeiten die man nutzen kann.
Ich beschr?nke mich aber auf die Hauptnutzungsart eines NAS und das ist Speicher ?ber das Netzwerk zur Verf?gung stellen.
Dies ist ein NAS mit Webserver f?r Backup und Datensicherung.
Viel Spa? beim selbst einrichten und aufbauen.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783752966848


Natur ist anders
Natur ist anders

Автор: Carl Gustav Link

Die Seiten dieses Buches bev?lkert ein K?fer. Es ist der K?fer Schopenhauers, der von ihm sagt, «jeder dumme Junge k?nne einen solchen zertreten, aber zehn Professoren keinen herstellen». Heute sind wir der unersch?tterlichen ?berzeugung, die Wissenschaft h?tte diesen Krabbler im Griff – «es fehlten da nur noch ein paar Details.» Bei keiner Frage glauben wir uns im ?brigen mehr im Recht als hier. Wo bleibt das Kind, das sagt, dieser Kaiser ist nackt? Unsere Zunge scheint da, um diesem K?fer zu seinem Recht zu verhelfen, irgendwie gel?hmt. Der Sprache, die hier vonn?ten w?re, sind wir nicht m?chtig. Dies nenne man den eigentlichen Skandal dieser Zeit, obwohl an und f?r sich alles ganz einfach ist. Der vorliegenden Schrift gelingt es in einer bisher nicht erreichten, einzigartigen Weise, die Ergebnisse der Forschung, die alles noch viel r?tselhafter gemacht haben, als es vor Zeiten schon war, gegen?ber dem, was uns als Wissenschaft in Schule und Universit?t heute als solche verkauft wird, in Stellung zu bringen. Der erste Feind der Wissenschaft ist da die Wissenschaft selbst. Es besitzt diese Schrift Potenzial, das einer R?ckbesinnung darauf, dass es mit ihr, der Wissenschaft, ohne das Denken nichts wird. Nie war die Demontage festgef?gter Glaubenss?tze gr?ndlicher, nie die Gedankenf?hrung in den grundlegendsten Fragen unserer Existenz zwingender als in dieser Schrift, nie die Sprache klarer und mehr von Tabus und Zw?ngen befreit als hier.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9783750221253


Natural Cures For Dummies
Natural Cures For Dummies

Автор: Joe Kraynak

Find natural cures for more than 170 health conditions Packed with over 170 remedies for the most common ailments, from arthritis to varicose veins, Natural Cures For Dummies will serve as your complete health advisor. This user-friendly reference arms you with information on the symptoms and the root causes of each problem along with a proven, natural, customized prescription. Whether you are looking for relief from a particular nagging ailment or simply wish to obtain optimum health, Natural Cures For Dummies gets you on track to approaching healthcare from a natural standpoint. Offers clear, expert guidance on dietary changes, healing foods, and natural supplements to treat common conditions Includes down-to-earth descriptions of health problems and the range of natural remedies that can be used to manage them Shows you how natural cures can treat over 170 of the most common ailments Demonstrates how you can dramatically boost your health and wellbeing the natural way If you're navigating the sprawling world of alternative medicine and looking for a good place to start, Natural Cures For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119030171


Natural Element Method for the Simulation of Structures and Processes
Natural Element Method for the Simulation of Structures and Processes

Автор: Francisco Chinesta

Computational mechanics is the discipline concerned with the use of computational methods to study phenomena governed by the principles of mechanics. Before the emergence of computational science (also called scientific computing) as a «third way» besides theoretical and experimental sciences, computational mechanics was widely considered to be a sub-discipline of applied mechanics. It is now considered to be a sub-discipline within computational science. This book presents a recent state of the art on the foundations and applications of the meshless natural element method in computational mechanics, including structural mechanics and material forming processes involving solids and Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118616680


Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment
Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment

Автор: Группа авторов

Uncertainties are pervasive in natural hazards, and it is crucial to develop robust and meaningful approaches to characterize and communicate uncertainties to inform modeling efforts. In this monograph we provide a broad, cross-disciplinary overview of issues relating to uncertainties faced in natural hazard and risk assessment. We introduce some basic tenets of uncertainty analysis, discuss issues related to communication and decision support, and offer numerous examples of analyses and modeling approaches that vary by context and scope. Contributors include scientists from across the full breath of the natural hazard scientific community, from those in real-time analysis of natural hazards to those in the research community from academia and government. Key themes and highlights include: Substantial breadth and depth of analysis in terms of the types of natural hazards addressed, the disciplinary perspectives represented, and the number of studies included Targeted, application-centered analyses with a focus on development and use of modeling techniques to address various sources of uncertainty Emphasis on the impacts of climate change on natural hazard processes and outcomes Recommendations for cross-disciplinary and science transfer across natural hazard sciences This volume will be an excellent resource for those interested in the current work on uncertainty classification/quantification and will document common and emergent research themes to allow all to learn from each other and build a more connected but still diverse and ever growing community of scientists.

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119028109


Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2

Автор: Mohamed Zakaria Kurdi

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a scientific discipline which is found at the intersection of fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, and Cognitive Psychology. This book presents in four chapters the state of the art and fundamental concepts of key NLP areas. Are presented in the first chapter the fundamental concepts in lexical semantics, lexical databases, knowledge representation paradigms, and ontologies. The second chapter is about combinatorial and formal semantics. Discourse and text representation as well as automatic discourse segmentation and interpretation, and anaphora resolution are the subject of the third chapter. Finally, in the fourth chapter, I will cover some aspects of large scale applications of NLP such as software architecture and their relations to cognitive models of NLP as well as the evaluation paradigms of NLP software. Furthermore, I will present in this chapter the main NLP applications such as Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval (IR), as well as Big Data and Information Extraction such as event extraction, sentiment analysis and opinion mining.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119419723


Natural Products. Isolation, Structure Elucidation, History
Natural Products. Isolation, Structure Elucidation, History

Автор: Stefan Berger

Written by experienced authors, this book presents numerous natural everyday products with a high range of structural diversity. Twenty natural products have been arranged in five sections, describing three alkaloids, five colored compounds, three carbohydrates and glycosides, seven terpenoids, and two aromatic compounds. Adopting a highly didactical approach, each chapter features a uniform structure: Background, in-depth information about isolation processes and structural characterization as well as a Q&A section at the end. Alongside the theoretical information many practical hints for the laboratory work are also included. A comprehensive overview of UV-, IR- and NMR-spectroscopy as well as mass-spectrometry for every exemplified compound is provided and the understanding of these methods is supported by concluding questions and exercises. Educating and entertaining, this full-color textbook turns the learning process into a real pleasure, not only for students in natural products chemistry but also experienced professionals.

Цена: 14581.32 руб.
ISBN: 9783527806515


Naturfaktoren im Sozialleben
Naturfaktoren im Sozialleben

Автор: Tekla Reimers

Die nat?rliche Evolution zunehmender Sozialit?t im Tierreich erkl?rt, warum sich manche Tiere und viele Jetzt-Menschen oft kooperativ, hilfsbereit, solidarisch, sogar altruistisch gegen?ber Artgenossen verhalten, bei generellem Eigennutz der Individuen. Nat?rliche Sozialverb?nde von W?lfen, afrikanischen Wildhunden und Insekten beweisen die Wirkungen biologischer Gesetzm??igkeiten bei der Entstehung sozialer Spezies. An lockerer Vergesellschaftung hemisozialer Wolfsrudel wird das ebenso beobachtet wie bei zwanghafter Eusozialit?t von Insektenstaaten. Die Wirkungen sozialer Evolution bei Hundeartigen und Ameisen sind mit Bezug zum Sozialleben des Jetzt-Menschen beschrieben. Mittels reflektierender Urteilskraft (nach Kant) l?sst sich daraus abduktiv schlussfolgern, warum egalit?re Gemeinschaften ohne Hierarchien nirgends auf Dauer verwirklicht wurden. Die evolutionsbiologischen Erkl?rungen versuchen erkennbar zu machen, warum Egalit? und Demokratie nicht einmal bei humanistisch aufgekl?rten Jetzt-Menschen von selbst entstehen. Sozialistische Verstaatlichung, Aufhebung des Privateigentums an Produktionsmitteln allein, ergab nirgends egalit?re Gesellschaften. Sozialverb?nde mit flachen, durchl?ssigen Hierarchien entstehen nur durch bewusstes Handeln, aufgrund von Mitgef?hl f?r Andere und sozio-?konomischen Strukturen zur Einschr?nkung immer wirksamer Naturfaktoren. Vergesellschaftung zur freien Entfaltung der Individuen kann und muss – wenn politisch gewollt – bei Homo sapiens extra kulturell hergestellt werden. Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung Teil I Lebendigkeit, nat?rliche Fruchtbarkeit und ?berv?lkerung I 1. Nat?rliche Selektion Teil II Zweierlei Liebesbindung II 1. Surplus Males II 2. Nat?rliche Evolution obligatorischer Sexualit?t II 3. Kastenbildung II 4. Klons als kulturelle Evolution Teil III Soziale Selektion III 1.Hemisoziale Natur des Menschen oder Eusozialit?t? III 2.Naturgesetze innerartlicher Selektion Teil IV Nat?rliche Evolution eusozialer Spezies IV 1.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742781147


Naturphilosophie der Ern?hrung
Naturphilosophie der Ern?hrung

Автор: Thomas Garbe

Naturphilosophie der Ern?hrung ist ein popul?rwissenschaftliches Werk, das objektive Tatsachen und subjektive Erfahrungen so vermengt, dass sie eine biologisch stimmige und ?sthetische Lebenspraxis begr?nden. Der R?ckgriff auf vern?nftig belegte aber dennoch kontroverse umstrittene Thesen und Fakten ist dabei unvermeidbar – weil Nahrungsmittel- und Pharmaindustrie ganz gro?es Gesch?ft sind. Die industrielle Verarbeitung von (Feld)Fr?chten resultiert in Nahrungsmittelextrakten, wie zum Beispiel Zucker, Wei?mehl, Pflanzen?le, Proteinpulver. Essen, das solche Extrakte enth?lt, t?uscht den Essinstinkt, der entscheidend auf Geruch und Geschmack beruht. Der Essinstinkt funktioniert auch beim modernen Menschen der Industriegesellschaft zuverl?ssig, aber nur solange wie die Nahrung vollwertig ist. Nahrungsmittelextrakte haben die nat?rliche Balance der N?hrstoffe verloren. Die T?uschung des Essinstinkts f?hrt zu vermehrter und zu falscher Nahrungsaufnahme. Das Buch erkl?rt die resultierende Anf?lligkeit f?r subklinische, akute und chronische Erkrankungen. Neu im Genre der Di?tratgeber ist die ungezwungene Einf?hrung in die formale Chemie der Nahrungsmittel. Ihre Strukturformeln bestimmen Denken und Zielsetzung in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, und bilden ihr wissenschaftliches Medusenhaupt. Sich nicht l?nger vor ihnen mit Grauen abzuwenden, sondern ihnen mit Verst?ndnis und Interesse standzuhalten, hei?t der Medusa den Kopf abzuschlagen. Formales Verst?ndnis f?r Naturstoffe bef?higt zur Informationsbeschaffung, Kritikf?higkeit und Selbstsicherheit, um biologische Erfordernisse und pathogene Vorg?nge autonom beurteilen zu k?nnen. Es erlaubt den Ausgang aus di?tetischer Unm?ndigkeit und propagandistischer Bevormundung. Zuversichtliches Verstehen und Handeln im Sinne lokaler vorindustrieller (traditioneller) Ern?hrung befreit von Zukunfts?ngsten und Stationierung in Krankenh?usern und Pflegeheimen.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783752914771


Neben dem Gleis
Neben dem Gleis

Автор: J?rgen Ehlers

Серия: Kommissar Berger

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783954410347


Nero 10
Nero 10

Автор: Christoph Prevezanos

Серия: Computer

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783645220538


Nero 12
Nero 12

Автор: Christoph Prevezanos

Серия: Computer

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783645221368


.NET Core 1.0 und 1.1
.NET Core 1.0 und 1.1

Автор: Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg

Серия: Shortcuts

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783868027495



Автор: Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783868026825


Network Meta-Analysis for Decision-Making
Network Meta-Analysis for Decision-Making

Автор: Sofia Dias

A practical guide to network meta-analysis with examples and code In the evaluation of healthcare, rigorous methods of quantitative assessment are necessary to establish which interventions are effective and cost-effective. Often a single study will not provide the answers and it is desirable to synthesise evidence from multiple sources, usually randomised controlled trials. This book takes an approach to evidence synthesis that is specifically intended for decision making when there are two or more treatment alternatives being evaluated, and assumes that the purpose of every synthesis is to answer the question “for this pre-identified population of patients, which treatment is ‘best’?” A comprehensive, coherent framework for network meta-analysis (mixed treatment comparisons) is adopted and estimated using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods implemented in the freely available software WinBUGS. Each chapter contains worked examples, exercises, solutions and code that may be adapted by readers to apply to their own analyses. This book can be used as an introduction to evidence synthesis and network meta-analysis, its key properties and policy implications. Examples and advanced methods are also presented for the more experienced reader. Methods used throughout this book can be applied consistently: model critique and checking for evidence consistency are emphasised. Methods are based on technical support documents produced for NICE Decision Support Unit, which support the NICE Methods of Technology Appraisal. Code presented is also the basis for the code used by the ISPOR Task Force on Indirect Comparisons. Includes extensive carefully worked examples, with thorough explanations of how to set out data for use in WinBUGS and how to interpret the output. Network Meta-Analysis for Decision Making will be of interest to decision makers, medical statisticians, health economists, and anyone involved in Health Technology Assessment including the pharmaceutical industry.

Цена: 9941.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118951712


Network Models in Optimization and Their Applications in Practice
Network Models in Optimization and Their Applications in Practice

Автор: Fred Glover

Unique in that it focuses on formulation and case studies rather than solutions procedures covering applications for pure, generalized and integer networks, equivalent formulations plus successful techniques of network models. Every chapter contains a simple model which is expanded to handle more complicated developments, a synopsis of existing applications, one or more case studies, at least 20 exercises and invaluable references. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available upon request from the Wiley editorial department.

Цена: 26511.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781118031421


Netzwerk Marketing Bem?hungen mit E-Mail-Marketing
Netzwerk Marketing Bem?hungen mit E-Mail-Marketing

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

In diesem E-Buch erfahren Sie alles ?ber eine der besten M?glichkeiten, um Ihr Netzwerk-Marketing-Gesch?ft mit E-Mail-Marketing zu bauen.
– Kapitel 1: Einleitung – Kapitel 2: Aufbau von Beziehungen – Kapitel 3: Erzeugen von st?rkerer Glaubw?rdigkeit – Kapitel 4: Erh?hen Sie Ihre Opt-in Raten – Kapitel 5: H?ufige Fehler die Menschen machen – Kapitel 6: Zusammenfassung – Kapitel 7: Weitere Ressourcen

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783738094947


Neue Tesla-Experimente
Neue Tesla-Experimente

Автор: Gunter Wahl

Серия: Experimente

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783645270434



Автор: Michael Gantenberg

Kleine Geheimnisse und gro?e Aufregung: Comedyprofi Michael Gantenberg erz?hlt die unversch?mt lustige Geschichte um einen unglaublichen Fortsetzungsroman, der eine gl?ckliche Ehe und eine gl?ubige Kleinstadt durcheinanderwirbelt. Paul Elmar Litten lebt in einer sehr ?berschaubaren Kreisstadt: 50.000 Einwohner, die H?lfte katholisch, die andere das Gegenteil. Paul ist verheiratet, arbeitet als Lokalredakteur beim Westf?lischen Heimatboten und will endlich mal zeigen, welches Talent wirklich in ihm schlummert. Er macht einen geheimen Deal mit dem Herausgeber und ver?ffentlicht als 'Bella Gabor' einen spektakul?ren Fortsetzungsroman auf Seite 1 des Heimatboten: Die Messias, die Geschichte von Jesu Zwillingsschwester Hannah, die nach zweitausend Jahren Unsterblich- und Enthaltsamkeit endlich das wahre Leben leben will: Sie m?chte Liebe finden, Sex haben und vielleicht auch ein paar Kilo abnehmen, m?glicherweise sogar gleichzeitig. Das Ganze schl?gt ein wie eine Bombe im idyllisch sortierten Westfalen, und auch Pauls Frau ist begeistert – nur ahnt sie nicht, wer Bella Gabor wirklich ist…

Исполнители: Bastian Pastewka

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783938781951


Neuprogrammierung gl?cklich und erfolgreich
Neuprogrammierung gl?cklich und erfolgreich

Автор: Katja Hartig

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783742711557



Автор: Samuel Margoliouth David

Neuroinflammation has long been studied for its connection to the development and progression of Multiple Sclerosis. In recent years, the field has expanded to look at the role of inflammatory processes in a wide range of neurological conditions and cognitive disorders including stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and autism. Researchers have also started to note the beneficial impacts of neuroinflammation in certain diseases. Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions provides a comprehensive view of both the detriments and benefits of neuroinflammation in human health. Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions opens with two chapters that look at some fundamental aspects of neuroinflammation in humans and rodents. The remainder of the book is divided into two sections which examine both the detrimental and beneficial aspects of inflammation on the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, on various disease states, and in normal aging. These sections provide a broad picture of the role neuroinflammation plays in the physiology and pathology of various neurological disorders. Providing cross-disciplinary coverage, Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions will be an essential volume for neuroimmunologists, neurobiologists, neurologists, and others interested in the field. neurobiologists, neurologists, and others interested in the field.Neuroinflammation has long been studied for its connection to the development andprogression of Multiple Sclerosis. In recent years, the field has expanded to look at therole of inflammatory processes in a wide range of neurological conditions and cognitivedisorders including stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and autism. Researchers havealso started to note the beneficial impacts of neuroinflammation in certain diseases.Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions provides acomprehensive view of both the detriments and benefits of neuroinflammation inhuman health.Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functionsopens with two chapters that look at some fundamental aspects of neuroinflammationin humans and rodents. The remainder of the book is divided into two sections whichexamine both the detrimental and beneficial aspe

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118732779



Автор: Moheb Costandi

La verdadera historia de c?mo nuestro cerebro y nuestro sistema nervioso cambian a lo largo de nuestra vida, con o sin «entrenamiento cerebral». Hace cincuenta a?os, los neurocient?ficos pensaban que un cerebro maduro era algo fijo como una mosca atrapada en ?mbar, incapaz de cambiar. Hoy sabemos que nuestro cerebro y nuestro sistema nervioso cambian a lo largo de nuestra vida. Este concepto de neuroplasticidad ha capturado la imaginaci?n de un p?blico ?vido de superaci?n personal y ha inspirado a innumerables emprendedores de Internet que venden juegos y aplicaciones dudosas para el «entrenamiento cerebral». En este libro, Moheb Costandi ofrece una descripci?n concisa y atractiva de la neuroplasticidad para los lectores en general, describiendo c?mo nuestro cerebro cambia continuamente en respuesta a nuestras acciones y experiencias. Costandi analiza los hallazgos experimentales clave y describe c?mo nuestro pensamiento sobre el cerebro ha ido evolucionando con el tiempo. Explica c?mo cambia durante el desarrollo y la «poda sin?ptica» que tiene lugar antes de la madurez cerebral. Demuestra que los cerebros adultos pueden desarrollar nuevas c?lulas (citando, entre muchos otros estudios, investigaciones que muestran que los canarios machos sexualmente maduros aprenden una nueva canci?n cada a?o). Describe tambi?n el tipo de entrenamiento que puede mejorar la funci?n del cerebro. No son los aparatos y los juegos los que prometen «reconfigurarlo», sino las tareas cognitivas sostenidas como, por ejemplo, aprender un instrumento musical o un nuevo idioma (Costandi tambi?n se?ala que los taxistas de Londres aumentan su materia gris despu?s de un entrenamiento riguroso en las complicadas calles de esa ciudad). Cuenta, adem?s, c?mo los cerebros se compensan despu?s de un derrame cerebral o una lesi?n; describe la adicci?n y el dolor como formas inadaptadas de neuroplasticidad; y considera tambi?n los cambios cerebrales que forman parte de la infancia, la adolescencia, la paternidad y el envejecimiento. Nuestro cerebro est? hecho a medida. La neuroplasticidad est? en la esencia de lo que nos hace humanos.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789561427631


Nicht invasive Diagnostik angiologischer Krankheitsbilder
Nicht invasive Diagnostik angiologischer Krankheitsbilder

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 6904.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783864741005


Nichtraucher werden
Nichtraucher werden

Автор: Armin Bl?cher

Mit dem Rauchen aufzuh?ren, sei alles nur Kopfarbeit. Das behaupten diejenigen, die das Laster Rauchen nur mit dem eigenen Willen und Wollen besiegen m?chten. Man muss selbst so ?berzeugt sein, nicht mehr rauchen zu wollen, dass man sein eigenes Handeln quasi in Form einer Eigen-Gehirnw?sche umprogrammiert. Ob das ?berhaupt geht, werden Sie sp?ter erfahren. Andere meinen, jemandem das Rauchen abzugew?hnen, gehe nur durch knallharten Druck und eine Schocktherapie. "Ich gebe Ihnen noch maximal drei Jahre, wenn Sie nicht sofort damit aufh?ren!" Manche schmei?en die restlichen Zigaretten sofort weg und reagieren darauf. Andere sieht man hingegen noch im Rollstuhl mit der Kippe im Mundwinkel, den nahen Tod schon vor Augen. So unterschiedlich sind wir Menschen gestrickt. Der eine reagiert auf leichten Druck, den anderen k?nnen Sie mit nichts umhauen. Er macht es trotzdem – oder gerade deswegen, weil er sich seine letzten Tage nicht auch noch vermiesen lassen m?chte. Aber es gibt auch Menschen , die Druck von au?en brauchen. Der Arzt im wei?en Kittel ist eine Autorit?tsperson. Der glaubt man. Und wenn der einem mit voller Wucht einen solchen Satz vor den Kopf knallt,
dann h?ren wir auf zu rauchen. Das kann funktionieren, braucht aber auch besondere Umst?nde, etwa einen drohenden Infarkt oder gerade einen Asthma-Anfall mit Erstickungs-Tendenz. Dann noch den Satz des Arztes obendrauf, das k?nnte es sein. Die Nikotin-Entw?hnung h?tten Sie ohne diesen Druck nie geschafft.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783753161778


Nick 1: Der Weltraumfahrer
Nick 1: Der Weltraumfahrer

Автор: Achim Mehnert

Серия: Nick

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9783863051709


Noch mehr geniale Apps f?r iPhone und Android
Noch mehr geniale Apps f?r iPhone und Android

Автор: Stephan Wiesend

Noch mehr geniale Apps, die Ihr Leben erleichtern Das Smartphone als Stadtf?hrer, Gesundheits-Coach oder Finanzberater? Tats?chlich ist es ein wahrer Allesk?nner – dank wirklich genialer Apps. Entdecken Sie 60 hilfreiche aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, die Ihren Alltag leichter machen. Lassen Sie sich fahrradfreundliche Wege zeigen und sch?tzen Sie sich bestm?glich vor ungewollter Werbung. Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie mit dem Smartphone Fotos bearbeiten, Videos schneiden und Songs produzieren. Die Stiftung Warentest pr?sentiert die praktischsten Apps aus 10 Lebensbereichen und stellt die jeweiligen Pros und Kontras vor. Die Experten erkl?ren, wie Sie Apps sicher installieren und verwalten, woran man vertrauensw?rdige Apps erkennt und wie man seine Daten am besten sch?tzt.

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783747104927


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Do you have patients referred to you suffering from NAFLD? Are you looking for an expert guide to the latest in clinical management? If so, this is the book for you, providing an expert and comprehensive analysis of NAFLD: what it is, why it happens, who is likely to suffer from it, and how to decide on the best management options for your patients. This book focuses clearly on providing first-rate clinical guidance as to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the clinical setting, based wherever possible on the latest evidence and scientific understanding of disease mechanisms. With each chapter fully revised and updated with the very latest in AASLD, EASL and Asia-Pacific guidelines, this second edition provides: Four brand new chapters, including “NAFLD and cardiovascular risk factors” and “Non-invasive methods to determine severity of NAFLD/ NASH” A clear overview on the causative mechanisms of NAFLD Self-assessment via key points and multiple-choice questions throughout The very latest in clinical drug trials Analysis of NAFLD in relation to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and liver cancer A consideration of NAFLD importance in Asia (particularly including Japan and China) and South America, as well as Europe and North America NAFLD is a serious condition that is increasing in prevalence globally from year to year. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Practical Guide, is essential reading for all hepatologists and health professionals managing patients who have this condition.

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118556214


Nonequilibrium Magnons. Theory, Experiment and Applications
Nonequilibrium Magnons. Theory, Experiment and Applications

Автор: Vladimir Safonov L

This much-needed book addresses the concepts, models, experiments and applications of magnons and spin wave in magnetic devices. It fills the gap in the current literature by providing the theoretical and technological framework needed to develop innovative magnetic devices, such as recording devices and sensors. Starting with a historical review of developments in the magnon concept, and including original experimental results, the author presents methods of magnon excitation, and several basic models to describe magnon gas. He includes experiments on Bose-Einstein condensation of non-equilibrium magnons, as well as various applications of a magnon approach.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527670567


Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Using R Tools
Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Using R Tools

Автор: John C. Nash

Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Using R John C. Nash, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada A systematic and comprehensive treatment of optimization software using R In recent decades, optimization techniques have been streamlined by computational and artificial intelligence methods to analyze more variables, especially under non–linear, multivariable conditions, more quickly than ever before. Optimization is an important tool for decision science and for the analysis of physical systems used in engineering. Nonlinear Parameter Optimization with R explores the principal tools available in R for function minimization, optimization, and nonlinear parameter determination and features numerous examples throughout. Nonlinear Parameter Optimization with R: Provides a comprehensive treatment of optimization techniques Examines optimization problems that arise in statistics and how to solve them using R Enables researchers and practitioners to solve parameter determination problems Presents traditional methods as well as recent developments in R Is supported by an accompanying website featuring R code, examples and datasets Researchers and practitioners who have to solve parameter determination problems who are users of R but are novices in the field optimization or function minimization will benefit from this book. It will also be useful for scientists building and estimating nonlinear models in various fields such as hydrology, sports forecasting, ecology, chemical engineering, pharmaco-kinetics, agriculture, economics and statistics.

Цена: 7232.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781118884751


Nonlinear Physical Systems
Nonlinear Physical Systems

Автор: Oleg N. Kirillov

Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems. Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations focuses on problems of spectral analysis, stability and bifurcations arising in the nonlinear partial differential equations of modern physics. Bifurcations and stability of solitary waves, geometrical optics stability analysis in hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics, and dissipation-induced instabilities are treated with the use of the theory of Krein and Pontryagin space, index theory, the theory of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems and modern asymptotic and perturbative approaches. Each chapter contains mechanical and physical examples, and the combination of advanced material and more tutorial elements makes this book attractive for both experts and non-specialists keen to expand their knowledge on modern methods and trends in stability theory. Contents 1. Surprising Instabilities of Simple Elastic Structures, Davide Bigoni, Diego Misseroni, Giovanni Noselli and Daniele Zaccaria. 2. WKB Solutions Near an Unstable Equilibrium and Applications, Jean-Fran?ois Bony, Setsuro Fujii?, Thierry Ramond and Maher Zerzeri, partially supported by French ANR project NOSEVOL. 3. The Sign Exchange Bifurcation in a Family of Linear Hamiltonian Systems, Richard Cushman, Johnathan Robbins and Dimitrii Sadovskii. 4. Dissipation Effect on Local and Global Fluid-Elastic Instabilities, Olivier Doar?. 5. Tunneling, Librations and Normal Forms in a Quantum Double Well with a Magnetic Field, Sergey Yu. Dobrokhotov and Anatoly Yu. Anikin. 6. Stability of Dipole Gap Solitons in Two-Dimensional Lattice Potentials, Nir Dror and Boris A. Malomed. 7. Representation of Wave Energy of a Rotating Flow in Terms of the Dispersion Relation, Yasuhide Fukumoto, Makoto Hirota and Youichi Mie. 8. Determining the Stability Domain of Perturbed Four-Dimensional Systems in 1:1 Resonance, Igor Hoveijn and Oleg N. Kirillov. 9. Index Theorems for Polynomial Pencils, Richard Koll?r and Radom?r Bos?k. 10. Investigating Stability and Finding New Solutions in Conservative Fluid Flows Through Bifurcation Approaches, Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz and Charles H.K. Williamson. 11. Evolution Equations for Finite Amplitude Waves in Parallel Shear Flows, Sherwin A. Maslowe. 12. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation I, Philip J. Morrison and George I. Hagstrom. 13. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation II, George I. Hagstrom and Philip J. Morrison. 14. Energy Stability Analysis for a Hybrid Fluid-Kinetic Plasma Model, Philip J. Morrison, Emanuele Tassi and Cesare Tronci. 15. Accurate Estimates for the Exponential Decay of Semigroups with Non-Self-Adjoint Generators, Francis Nier. 16. Stability Optimization for Polynomials and Matrices, Michael L. Overton. 17. Spectral Stability of Nonlinear Waves in KdV-Type Evolution Equations, Dmitry E. Pelinovsky. 18. Unfreezing Casimir Invariants: Singular Perturbations Giving Rise to Forbidden Instabilities, Zensho Yoshida and Philip J. Morrison. About the Authors Oleg N. Kirillov has been a Research Fellow at the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Division of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany since 2011. His research interests include non-conservative stability problems of structural mechanics and physics, perturbation theory of non-self-adjoint boundary eigenvalue problems, magnetohydrodynamics, friction-induced oscillations, dissipation-induced instabilities and non-Hermitian problems of optics and microwave physics. Since 2013 he has served as an Associate Editor fo

Цена: 20218.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781118577578


Nonlinear Programming
Nonlinear Programming

Автор: C. Shetty M

COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING THEORY AND ALGORITHMS, THOROUGHLY REVISED AND EXPANDED Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms—now in an extensively updated Third Edition—addresses the problem of optimizing an objective function in the presence of equality and inequality constraints. Many realistic problems cannot be adequately represented as a linear program owing to the nature of the nonlinearity of the objective function and/or the nonlinearity of any constraints. The Third Edition begins with a general introduction to nonlinear programming with illustrative examples and guidelines for model construction. Concentration on the three major parts of nonlinear programming is provided: Convex analysis with discussion of topological properties of convex sets, separation and support of convex sets, polyhedral sets, extreme points and extreme directions of polyhedral sets, and linear programming Optimality conditions and duality with coverage of the nature, interpretation, and value of the classical Fritz John (FJ) and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions; the interrelationships between various proposed constraint qualifications; and Lagrangian duality and saddle point optimality conditions Algorithms and their convergence, with a presentation of algorithms for solving both unconstrained and constrained nonlinear programming problems Important features of the Third Edition include: New topics such as second interior point methods, nonconvex optimization, nondifferentiable optimization, and more Updated discussion and new applications in each chapter Detailed numerical examples and graphical illustrations Essential coverage of modeling and formulating nonlinear programs Simple numerical problems Advanced theoretical exercises The book is a solid reference for professionals as well as a useful text for students in the fields of operations research, management science, industrial engineering, applied mathematics, and also in engineering disciplines that deal with analytical optimization techniques. The logical and self-contained format uniquely covers nonlinear programming techniques with a great depth of information and an abundance of valuable examples and illustrations that showcase the most current advances in nonlinear problems.

Цена: 18668.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780471787761


Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

Автор: Rong Chen

A comprehensive resource that draws a balance between theory and applications of nonlinear time series analysis Nonlinear Time Series Analysis offers an important guide to both parametric and nonparametric methods, nonlinear state-space models, and Bayesian as well as classical approaches to nonlinear time series analysis. The authors—noted experts in the field—explore the advantages and limitations of the nonlinear models and methods and review the improvements upon linear time series models. The need for this book is based on the recent developments in nonlinear time series analysis, statistical learning, dynamic systems and advanced computational methods. Parametric and nonparametric methods and nonlinear and non-Gaussian state space models provide a much wider range of tools for time series analysis. In addition, advances in computing and data collection have made available large data sets and high-frequency data. These new data make it not only feasible, but also necessary to take into consideration the nonlinearity embedded in most real-world time series. This vital guide: • Offers research developed by leading scholars of time series analysis • Presents R commands making it possible to reproduce all the analyses included in the text • Contains real-world examples throughout the book • Recommends exercises to test understanding of material presented • Includes an instructor solutions manual and companion website Written for students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in exploring nonlinearity in time series, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis offers a comprehensive text that explores the advantages and limitations of the nonlinear models and methods and demonstrates the improvements upon linear time series models.

Цена: 12887.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119264064


Nonparametric Analysis of Univariate Heavy-Tailed Data
Nonparametric Analysis of Univariate Heavy-Tailed Data

Автор: Группа авторов

Heavy-tailed distributions are typical for phenomena in complex multi-component systems such as biometry, economics, ecological systems, sociology, web access statistics, internet traffic, biblio-metrics, finance and business. The analysis of such distributions requires special methods of estimation due to their specific features. These are not only the slow decay to zero of the tail, but also the violation of Cramer’s condition, possible non-existence of some moments, and sparse observations in the tail of the distribution. The book focuses on the methods of statistical analysis of heavy-tailed independent identically distributed random variables by empirical samples of moderate sizes. It provides a detailed survey of classical results and recent developments in the theory of nonparametric estimation of the probability density function, the tail index, the hazard rate and the renewal function. Both asymptotical results, for example convergence rates of the estimates, and results for the samples of moderate sizes supported by Monte-Carlo investigation, are considered. The text is illustrated by the application of the considered methodologies to real data of web traffic measurements.

Цена: 16680.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780470723593


Nonparametric Finance
Nonparametric Finance

Автор: Группа авторов

An Introduction to Machine Learning in Finance, With Mathematical Background, Data Visualization, and R Nonparametric function estimation is an important part of machine learning, which is becoming increasingly important in quantitative finance. Nonparametric Finance provides graduate students and finance professionals with a foundation in nonparametric function estimation and the underlying mathematics. Combining practical applications, mathematically rigorous presentation, and statistical data analysis into a single volume, this book presents detailed instruction in discrete chapters that allow readers to dip in as needed without reading from beginning to end. Coverage includes statistical finance, risk management, portfolio management, and securities pricing to provide a practical knowledge base, and the introductory chapter introduces basic finance concepts for readers with a strictly mathematical background. Economic significance is emphasized over statistical significance throughout, and R code is provided to help readers reproduce the research, computations, and figures being discussed. Strong graphical content clarifies the methods and demonstrates essential visualization techniques, while deep mathematical and statistical insight backs up practical applications. Written for the leading edge of finance, Nonparametric Finance: • Introduces basic statistical finance concepts, including univariate and multivariate data analysis, time series analysis, and prediction • Provides risk management guidance through volatility prediction, quantiles, and value-at-risk • Examines portfolio theory, performance measurement, Markowitz portfolios, dynamic portfolio selection, and more • Discusses fundamental theorems of asset pricing, Black-Scholes pricing and hedging, quadratic pricing and hedging, option portfolios, interest rate derivatives, and other asset pricing principles • Provides supplementary R code and numerous graphics to reinforce complex content Nonparametric function estimation has received little attention in the context of risk management and option pricing, despite its useful applications and benefits. This book provides the essential background and practical knowledge needed to take full advantage of these little-used methods, and turn them into real-world advantage. Jussi Klemel?, PhD, is Adjunct Professor at the University of Oulu. His research interests include nonparametric function estimation, density estimation, and data visualization. He is the author of Smoothing of Multivariate Data: Density Estimation and Visualization and Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization: With R and Applications to Finance.

Цена: 15465.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119409113


Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing
Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

Автор: Luigi Salmaso

A novel presentation of rank and permutation tests, with accessible guidance to applications in R Nonparametric testing problems are frequently encountered in many scientific disciplines, such as engineering, medicine and the social sciences. This book summarizes traditional rank techniques and more recent developments in permutation testing as robust tools for dealing with complex data with low sample size. Key Features: Examines the most widely used methodologies of nonparametric testing. Includes extensive software codes in R featuring worked examples, and uses real case studies from both experimental and observational studies. Presents and discusses solutions to the most important and frequently encountered real problems in different fields. Features a supporting website (www.wiley.com/go/hypothesis_testing) containing all of the data sets examined in the book along with ready to use R software codes. Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing combines an up to date overview with useful practical guidance to applications in R, and will be a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers working in a wide range of scientific fields including engineering, biostatistics, psychology and medicine.

Цена: 8132.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781118763476


Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering
Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering

Автор: Brani Vidakovic

A thorough and definitive book that fully addresses traditional and modern-day topics of nonparametric statistics This book presents a practical approach to nonparametric statistical analysis and provides comprehensive coverage of both established and newly developed methods. With the use of MATLAB, the authors present information on theorems and rank tests in an applied fashion, with an emphasis on modern methods in regression and curve fitting, bootstrap confidence intervals, splines, wavelets, empirical likelihood, and goodness-of-fit testing. Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering begins with succinct coverage of basic results for order statistics, methods of categorical data analysis, nonparametric regression, and curve fitting methods. The authors then focus on nonparametric procedures that are becoming more relevant to engineering researchers and practitioners. The important fundamental materials needed to effectively learn and apply the discussed methods are also provided throughout the book. Complete with exercise sets, chapter reviews, and a related Web site that features downloadable MATLAB applications, this book is an essential textbook for graduate courses in engineering and the physical sciences and also serves as a valuable reference for researchers who seek a more comprehensive understanding of modern nonparametric statistical methods.

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780470168691


Nonparametric Statistics. A Step-by-Step Approach
Nonparametric Statistics. A Step-by-Step Approach

Автор: Foreman Dale I

“…a very useful resource for courses in nonparametric statistics in which the emphasis is on applications rather than on theory. It also deserves a place in libraries of all institutions where introductory statistics courses are taught." –CHOICE This Second Edition presents a practical and understandable approach that enhances and expands the statistical toolset for readers. This book includes: New coverage of the sign test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test in an effort to offer a logical and natural progression to statistical power SPSS® (Version 21) software and updated screen captures to demonstrate how to perform and recognize the steps in the various procedures Data sets and odd-numbered solutions provided in an appendix, and tables of critical values Supplementary material to aid in reader comprehension, which includes: narrated videos and screen animations with step-by-step instructions on how to follow the tests using SPSS; online decision trees to help users determine the needed type of statistical test; and additional solutions not found within the book.

Цена: 10825.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118840320


Nonparametric Tests for Complete Data
Nonparametric Tests for Complete Data

Автор: Mikhail S. Nikulin

This book concerns testing hypotheses in non-parametric models. Classical non-parametric tests (goodness-of-fit, homogeneity, randomness, independence) of complete data are considered. Most of the test results are proved and real applications are illustrated using examples. Theories and exercises are provided. The incorrect use of many tests applying most statistical software is highlighted and discussed.

Цена: 17886.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781118601600


NoSQL Einf?hrung
NoSQL Einf?hrung

Автор: Oliver Kurowski

Серия: shortcut

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783868024104


Notizen aus der Corona Zeit
Notizen aus der Corona Zeit

Автор: Rolf Netzmann

Wie erlebt ein seelisch Gest?rter diese surreal erscheinende Welt der Entschleunigung, Schutzmasken, der gelebten Solidarit?t und des Egoismus und eines qu?lend langen Lockdowns? Was bricht aus der Vergangenheit auf und zieht seine Spur in dieser Zeit? In kurzen Texten und Gedichten beschreibe ich aus meiner Sicht, wie diese Zeit auf mich wirkt, wie sie mich ver?ndert und was vielleicht bleibt. Dazu enth?lt das Buch etwa 60 «Tipps des Tages», kurze Gedankensplitter als Anregung… entstanden in der Zeit vom 19.03. – 19.05. 2020.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783750238022


Nueva gr?fica de Tenochtitl?n
Nueva gr?fica de Tenochtitl?n

Автор: Marco Rountree

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9786078176007


Nuevas lecturas compulsivas
Nuevas lecturas compulsivas

Автор: F?lix de Az?a

F?lix de Az?a rescata en Nuevas lecturas compulsivas la pasi?n por los libros que han marcado su vida, un recorrido emocional que constituye su segunda biograf?a, la de papel, es uno de los escritores m?s originales, brillantes y cosmopolitas de la literatura espa?ola. Los poemas de Holderlin, Byron o T.S.Eliot; las novelas de Cervantes V?ctor Hugo, Henry James o Eugenia Ginzburg; los ensayos de Montaigne, Orwell, Steiner o S?nchez Ferlosio, entre otros, transcurren en paralelo con las vivencias del autor, en un viaje cargado de iron?a y deslumbramiento. El repaso a los grandes escritores que han construido la memoria colectiva de Occidente alerta sobre la incertidumbre de un tiempo, el presente, que abandona el reposo de la lectura fascinado por la vacuidad de Internet.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788412103441


Nuevos espacios de seguridad nacional
Nuevos espacios de seguridad nacional

Автор: Dr. Cristian Barr?a Huidobro

Los cambios tecnol?gicos del ?ltimo siglo han generado un nuevo y disruptivo dominio –el ciberespacio–, el cual no solo est? modificando la vida a nivel individual de las personas, sino tambi?n a nivel macro. Por ello, hoy los organismos responsables de la defensa en distintas partes del mundo, han debido rearticular sus procedimientos y prioridades, al tener que asumir, adem?s de la protecci?n de los dominios tradicionales de tierra, mar y aire, la de este nuevo organismo en plena evoluci?n. Esto es fundamental dado que el ciberespacio se compone –adem?s de informaci?n–, de redes interdependientes por las cuales fluyen y se conectan sistemas como la Internet, las telecomunicaciones, la electr?nica, los sistemas inform?ticos corporativos, los procesadores y los controladores, poniendo todo el funcionamiento de la Tierra en riesgo.
Antes del ciberespacio, los activos pose?an protecci?n f?sica –rejas, muros, galpones–, y se hallaban compartimentados. Hoy, los delincuentes que operan en la Web tienen amplias oportunidades para robar y cometer fraudes. Las barreras de protecci?n suelen ser d?biles y, por contrapartida, los m?todos de ataque son cada vez m?s sofisticados. El presente trabajo ofrece una clasificaci?n y un an?lisis actualizado de c?digos maliciosos basados en ofuscaci?n. Se busca con ello aportar a la producci?n y fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información (SGSI) en lo referido a mitigación, mantenci?n y respuesta de los sistemas protegidos.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789566086017


Numerical Analysis for Applied Science
Numerical Analysis for Applied Science

Автор: Myron B. Allen, III

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781119245667


Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Автор: S. Lui H

A balanced guide to the essential techniques for solving elliptic partial differential equations Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations provides a comprehensive, self-contained treatment of the quantitative methods used to solve elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs), with a focus on the efficiency as well as the error of the presented methods. The author utilizes coverage of theoretical PDEs, along with the nu merical solution of linear systems and various examples and exercises, to supply readers with an introduction to the essential concepts in the numerical analysis of PDEs. The book presents the three main discretization methods of elliptic PDEs: finite difference, finite elements, and spectral methods. Each topic has its own devoted chapters and is discussed alongside additional key topics, including: The mathematical theory of elliptic PDEs Numerical linear algebra Time-dependent PDEs Multigrid and domain decomposition PDEs posed on infinite domains The book concludes with a discussion of the methods for nonlinear problems, such as Newton's method, and addresses the importance of hands-on work to facilitate learning. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises, including theoretical and programming problems, that allows readers to test their understanding of the presented theories and techniques. In addition, the book discusses important nonlinear problems in many fields of science and engineering, providing information as to how they can serve as computing projects across various disciplines. Requiring only a preliminary understanding of analysis, Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations is suitable for courses on numerical PDEs at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book is also appropriate for students majoring in the mathematical sciences and engineering.

Цена: 14029 руб.
ISBN: 9781118111109


Numerical Methods for Inverse Problems
Numerical Methods for Inverse Problems

Автор: Michel Kern

This book studies methods to concretely address inverse problems. An inverse problem arises when the causes that produced a given effect must be determined or when one seeks to indirectly estimate the parameters of a physical system. The author uses practical examples to illustrate inverse problems in physical sciences. He presents the techniques and specific methods chosen to solve inverse problems in a general domain of application, choosing to focus on a small number of methods that can be used in most applications. This book is aimed at readers with a mathematical and scientific computing background. Despite this, it is a book with a practical perspective. The methods described are applicable, have been applied, and are often illustrated by numerical examples.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119136958


Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

Автор: J. C. Butcher

A new edition of this classic work, comprehensively revised to present exciting new developments in this important subject The study of numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations is constantly developing and regenerating, and this third edition of a popular classic volume, written by one of the world’s leading experts in the field, presents an account of the subject which reflects both its historical and well-established place in computational science and its vital role as a cornerstone of modern applied mathematics. In addition to serving as a broad and comprehensive study of numerical methods for initial value problems, this book contains a special emphasis on Runge-Kutta methods by the mathematician who transformed the subject into its modern form dating from his classic 1963 and 1972 papers. A second feature is general linear methods which have now matured and grown from being a framework for a unified theory of a wide range of diverse numerical schemes to a source of new and practical algorithms in their own right. As the founder of general linear method research, John Butcher has been a leading contributor to its development; his special role is reflected in the text. The book is written in the lucid style characteristic of the author, and combines enlightening explanations with rigorous and precise analysis. In addition to these anticipated features, the book breaks new ground by including the latest results on the highly efficient G-symplectic methods which compete strongly with the well-known symplectic Runge-Kutta methods for long-term integration of conservative mechanical systems. This third edition of Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations will serve as a key text for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in numerical analysis, and is an essential resource for research workers in applied mathematics, physics and engineering.

Цена: 11713.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119121510


Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes

Автор: Beno?te de Saporta

Mark H.A. Davis introduced the Piecewise-Deterministic Markov Process (PDMP) class of stochastic hybrid models in an article in 1984. Today it is used to model a variety of complex systems in the fields of engineering, economics, management sciences, biology, Internet traffic, networks and many more. Yet, despite this, there is very little in the way of literature devoted to the development of numerical methods for PDMDs to solve problems of practical importance, or the computational control of PDMPs. This book therefore presents a collection of mathematical tools that have been recently developed to tackle such problems. It begins by doing so through examples in several application domains such as reliability. The second part is devoted to the study and simulation of expectations of functionals of PDMPs. Finally, the third part introduces the development of numerical techniques for optimal control problems such as stopping and impulse control problems.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119145097


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