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Martingales and Financial Mathematics in Discrete Time
Martingales and Financial Mathematics in Discrete Time

Автор: Beno?te de Saporta

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119885016


Marx als Philosoph
Marx als Philosoph

Автор: Alfred Schmidt

In seiner ein Wissenschaftsleben lang betriebenen Auseinandersetzung mit Marx hat Alfred Schmidt (1931–2012), einer der wichtigsten Repr?sentanten der Kritischen Theorie, die philosophischen Grundlagen des Marx’schen Materialismus aufgewiesen und die philosophischen Implikationen der Kritik der politischen ?konomie herausgearbeitet. Das Projekt einer materialistischen Theorie der Subjektivit?t und die Idee eines ?kologischen Materialismus sind Konsequenzen der Denkbewegung Alfred Schmidts, die hinsichtlich seines philosophischen Beitrags zu Marx in den hier gesammelten Studien dokumentiert ist.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783866747029


Matem?tica aplicada a los negocios
Matem?tica aplicada a los negocios

Автор: Victor Cabanillas Zanini

Matem?tica aplicada a los negocios es un libro que sirve de gu?a y apoyo a los estudiantes del Programa de Estudios Generales que aspiran a seguir una carrera en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Econ?micas de la Universidad de Lima. Los autores, docentes de amplia trayectoria en las aulas universitarias, presentan, a trav?s de sus siete cap?tulos, los conceptos del an?lisis matem?tico de manera intuitiva y did?ctica. El cap?tulo 1 contiene una revisi?n de las funciones elementales e inicia el estudio de los modelos matem?ticos. En el cap?tulo 2 se explican las nociones de l?mite y continuidad de una funci?n y sus aplicaciones. En el cap?tulo 3 se examina la derivada de una funci?n y se estudian las reglas de derivaci?n, la regla de la cadena, la derivaci?n impl?cita y las derivadas de orden superior. El cap?tulo 4 estudia las aplicaciones de la derivada a los negocios. La derivada de las funciones trascendentes y sus aplicaciones se desarrollan en el cap?tulo 5. En el cap?tulo 6 se aborda la integral indefinida y los principales m?todos de integraci?n. Finalmente, en el cap?tulo 7 se presenta la integral definida y varias de sus aplicaciones, as? como las integrales impropias. Al final de cada secci?n el lector encontrar? problemas y ejercicios propuestos para afianzar lo aprendido. Y en las p?ginas finales se han incluido sus respectivas respuestas.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9789972455759


Materiales y servicios en reparaci?n de calzado y marroquiner?a. TCPC0109
Materiales y servicios en reparaci?n de calzado y marroquiner?a. TCPC0109

Автор: Francisco Jes?s Gonz?lez Luna

Adquirir, actualizar y formar en las actividades relacionadas con los servicios de reparaci?n de calzado y marroquiner?a, informando sobre los materiales con los que se puede trabajar, c?mo hacerlo previniendo los posibles riesgos y la realizaci?n de una ?ptima gesti?n comercial y atenci?n al cliente eficiente y eficaz. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de reparaci?n de calzado y marroquiner?a.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788415942078


Math For Real Life For Dummies
Math For Real Life For Dummies

Автор: Barry Schoenborn

The easy way to brush up on the math skills you need in real life Not everyone retains the math they learned in school. Like any skill, your ability to speak «math» can deteriorate if left unused. From adding and subtracting money in a bank account to figuring out the number of shingles to put on a roof, math in all of its forms factors into daily life. Math For Real Life For Dummies provides you with the simple formulas and theorems that you're likely to encounter in the workplace, the kitchen, and even when playing games. You can turn to Math For Real Life For Dummies to brush up on your math skills or to handle everyday encounters, like calculating restaurant tips, understanding interest rates, and figuring out percentages and odds. Packed with real-world examples that make sense, Math For Real Life For Dummies takes the stress out of your daily calculation encounters. Provides tips for understanding and using basic mathematical concepts Shows you how math helps the mind to reason and organize complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps Covers all of the math skills you're likely to need in everyday situations If you're looking for a practical, plain-English guide to mastering everyday math skills, Math For Real Life For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 1656.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118453346


Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers
Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers

Автор: Группа авторов

Expanded coverage of essential math, including integral equations, calculus of variations, tensor analysis, and special integrals Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition is specifically designed as a self-study guide to help busy professionals and students in science and engineering quickly refresh and improve the math skills needed to perform their jobs and advance their careers. The book focuses on practical applications and exercises that readers are likely to face in their professional environments. All the basic math skills needed to manage contemporary technology problems are addressed and presented in a clear, lucid style that readers familiar with previous editions have come to appreciate and value. The book begins with basic concepts in college algebra and trigonometry, and then moves on to explore more advanced concepts in calculus, linear algebra (including matrices), differential equations, probability, and statistics. This Third Edition has been greatly expanded to reflect the needs of today's professionals. New material includes: * A chapter on integral equations * A chapter on calculus of variations * A chapter on tensor analysis * A section on time series * A section on partial fractions * Many new exercises and solutions Collectively, the chapters teach most of the basic math skills needed by scientists and engineers. The wide range of topics covered in one title is unique. All chapters provide a review of important principles and methods. Examples, exercises, and applications are used liberally throughout to engage the readers and assist them in applying their new math skills to actual problems. Solutions to exercises are provided in an appendix. Whether to brush up on professional skills or prepare for exams, readers will find this self-study guide enables them to quickly master the math they need. It can additionally be used as a textbook for advanced-level undergraduates in physics and engineering.

Цена: 8725.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780471791546


Math Word Problems For Dummies
Math Word Problems For Dummies

Автор: Mary Jane Sterling

Covers percentages, probability, proportions, and more Get a grip on all types of word problems by applying them to real life Are you mystified by math word problems? This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to conquer these tricky questions with a step-by-step plan for finding the right solution each and every time, no matter the kind or level of problem. From learning math lingo and performing operations to calculating formulas and writing equations, you'll get all the skills you need to succeed! Discover how to: * Translate word problems into plain English * Brush up on basic math skills * Plug in the right operation or formula * Tackle algebraic and geometric problems * Check your answers to see if they work

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470245583


Mathematical and Computational Modeling
Mathematical and Computational Modeling

Автор: Группа авторов

Illustrates the application of mathematical and computational modeling in a variety of disciplines With an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of mathematical and computational modeling, Mathematical and Computational Modeling: With Applications in the Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, and the Arts features chapters written by well-known, international experts in these fields and presents readers with a host of state-of-the-art achievements in the development of mathematical modeling and computational experiment methodology. The book is a valuable guide to the methods, ideas, and tools of applied and computational mathematics as they apply to other disciplines such as the natural and social sciences, engineering, and technology. Mathematical and Computational Modeling: With Applications in the Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, and the Arts also features: Rigorous mathematical procedures and applications as the driving force behind mathematical innovation and discovery Numerous examples from a wide range of disciplines to emphasize the multidisciplinary application and universality of applied mathematics and mathematical modeling Original results on both fundamental theoretical and applied developments in diverse areas of human knowledge Discussions that promote interdisciplinary interactions between mathematicians, scientists, and engineers Mathematical and Computational Modeling: With Applications in the Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, and the Arts is an ideal resource for professionals in various areas of mathematical and statistical sciences, modeling and simulation, physics, computer science, engineering, biology and chemistry, industrial, and computational engineering. The book also serves as an excellent textbook for graduate courses in mathematical modeling, applied mathematics, numerical methods, operations research, and optimization.

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118854112


Mathematical Asset Management
Mathematical Asset Management

Автор: Группа авторов

A practical approach to the mathematical tools needed to increase portfolio growth, learn successful trading strategies, and manage the risks associated with market fluctuation Mathematical Asset Management presents an accessible and practical introduction to financial derivatives and portfolio selection while also acting as a basis for further study in mathematical finance. Assuming a fundamental background in calculus, real analysis, and linear algebra, the book uses mathematical tools only as needed and provides comprehensive, yet concise, coverage of various topics, such as: Interest rates and the connection between present value and arbitrage Financial instruments beyond bonds that serve as building blocks for portfolios Trading strategies and risk performance measures Stochastic properties of stock prices The difference between expected return and expected growth and the geometric Brownian motion Diversification through the creation of optimal portfolios under various constraints The use of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to accurately estimate the difference between the return of the market and the short rate To further demonstrate the reality of the discussed concepts, the author analyzes five active stocks over a four-year period and highlights the different methods and portfolios that exist in today's economic world. Exercises are also provided throughout the text, along with the solutions, allowing readers to measure their understanding of presented techniques as well as see how the methods work in real life. Mathematical Asset Management is an excellent book for courses in mathematical finance, actuarial mathematics, financial derivatives, and financial engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for practitioners in banking, insurance, and asset management industries.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470293553


Mathematical Finance
Mathematical Finance

Автор: Группа авторов

A balanced introduction to the theoretical foundations and real-world applications of mathematical finance The ever-growing use of derivative products makes it essential for financial industry practitioners to have a solid understanding of derivative pricing. To cope with the growing complexity, narrowing margins, and shortening life-cycle of the individual derivative product, an efficient, yet modular, implementation of the pricing algorithms is necessary. Mathematical Finance is the first book to harmonize the theory, modeling, and implementation of today's most prevalent pricing models under one convenient cover. Building a bridge from academia to practice, this self-contained text applies theoretical concepts to real-world examples and introduces state-of-the-art, object-oriented programming techniques that equip the reader with the conceptual and illustrative tools needed to understand and develop successful derivative pricing models. Utilizing almost twenty years of academic and industry experience, the author discusses the mathematical concepts that are the foundation of commonly used derivative pricing models, and insightful Motivation and Interpretation sections for each concept are presented to further illustrate the relationship between theory and practice. In-depth coverage of the common characteristics found amongst successful pricing models are provided in addition to key techniques and tips for the construction of these models. The opportunity to interactively explore the book's principal ideas and methodologies is made possible via a related Web site that features interactive Java experiments and exercises. While a high standard of mathematical precision is retained, Mathematical Finance emphasizes practical motivations, interpretations, and results and is an excellent textbook for students in mathematical finance, computational finance, and derivative pricing courses at the upper undergraduate or beginning graduate level. It also serves as a valuable reference for professionals in the banking, insurance, and asset management industries.

Цена: 19110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470179772


Mathematical Game Theory and Applications
Mathematical Game Theory and Applications

Автор: Vladimir Mazalov

An authoritative and quantitative approach to modern game theory with applications from economics, political science, military science, and finance Mathematical Game Theory combines both the theoretical and mathematical foundations of game theory with a series of complex applications along with topics presented in a logical progression to achieve a unified presentation of research results. This book covers topics such as two-person games in strategic form, zero-sum games, N-person non-cooperative games in strategic form, two-person games in extensive form, parlor and sport games, bargaining theory, best-choice games, cooperative games and dynamic games. Several classical models used in economics are presented which include Cournot, Bertrand, Hotelling, and Stackelberg as well as coverage of modern branches of game theory such as negotiation models, potential games, parlor games, and best choice games. Mathematical Game Theory: • Presents a good balance of both theoretical foundations and complex applications of game theory. • Features an in-depth analysis of parlor and sport games, networking games, and bargaining models. • Provides fundamental results in new branches of game theory, best choice games, network games, and dynamic games. • Presents numerous examples and exercises along with detailed solutions at the end of each chapter. • Is supported by an accompanying website featuring course slides and lecture content. Covering a host of important topics, this book provides a research springboard for graduate students and a reference for researchers who might be working in the areas of applied mathematics, operations research, computer science, or economical cybernetics.

Цена: 12040.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781118899649


Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

Автор: Группа авторов

An innovative treatment of mathematical methods for a multidisciplinary audience Clearly and elegantly presented, Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering provides a coherent treatment of mathematical methods, bringing advanced mathematical tools to a multidisciplinary audience. The growing interest in interdisciplinary studies has brought scientists from many disciplines such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, economics, and finance together, which has increased the demand for courses in upper-level mathematical techniques. This book succeeds in not only being tuned in to the existing practical needs of this multidisciplinary audience, but also plays a role in the development of new interdisciplinary science by introducing new techniques to students and researchers. Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering's modular structure affords instructors enough flexibility to use this book for several different advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses. Each chapter serves as a review of its subject and can be read independently, thus it also serves as a valuable reference and refresher for scientists and beginning researchers. There are a growing number of research areas in applied sciences, such as earthquakes, rupture, financial markets, and crashes, that employ the techniques of fractional calculus and path integrals. The book's two unique chapters on these subjects, written in a style that makes these advanced techniques accessible to a multidisciplinary audience, are an indispensable tool for researchers and instructors who want to add something new to their compulsory courses. Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering includes: * Comprehensive chapters on coordinates and tensors and on continuous groups and their representations * An emphasis on physical motivation and the multidisciplinary nature of the methods discussed * A coherent treatment of carefully selected topics in a style that makes advanced mathematical tools accessible to a multidisciplinary audience * Exercises at the end of every chapter and plentiful examples throughout the book Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering is not only appropriate as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate physics programs, but is also appropriate for engineering science and mechanical engineering departments due to its unique chapter coverage and easily accessible style. Readers are expected to be familiar with topics typically covered in the first three years of science and engineering undergraduate programs. Thoroughly class-tested, this book has been used in classes by more than 1,000 students over the past eighteen years.

Цена: 20215 руб.
ISBN: 9780470047415


Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications
Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications

Автор: Группа авторов

Features mathematical modeling techniques and real-world processes with applications in diverse fields Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications details the interdisciplinary nature of mathematical modeling and numerical algorithms. The book combines a variety of applications from diverse fields to illustrate how the methods can be used to model physical processes, design new products, find solutions to challenging problems, and increase competitiveness in international markets. Written by leading scholars and international experts in the field, the book presents new and emerging topics in areas including finance and economics, theoretical and applied mathematics, engineering and machine learning, physics, chemistry, ecology, and social science. In addition, the book thoroughly summarizes widely used mathematical and numerical methods in mathematical modeling and features: Diverse topics such as partial differential equations (PDEs), fractional calculus, inverse problems by ordinary differential equations (ODEs), semigroups, decision theory, risk analysis, Bayesian estimation, nonlinear PDEs in financial engineering, perturbation analysis, and dynamic system modeling Case studies and real-world applications that are widely used for current mathematical modeling courses, such as the green house effect and Stokes flow estimation Comprehensive coverage of a wide range of contemporary topics, such as game theory, statistical models, and analytical solutions to numerical methods Examples, exercises with select solutions, and detailed references to the latest literature to solidify comprehensive learning New techniques and applications with balanced coverage of PDEs, discrete models, statistics, fractional calculus, and more Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications is an excellent book for courses on mathematical modeling and applied mathematics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a valuable reference for research scientists, mathematicians, and engineers who would like to develop further insights into essential mathematical tools.

Цена: 14417.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118462690


Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic Phenomena
Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic Phenomena

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706908


Mathematical Modelling. A Graduate Textbook
Mathematical Modelling. A Graduate Textbook

Автор: Majid Jaberi-Douraki

An important resource that provides an overview of mathematical modelling Mathematical Modelling offers a comprehensive guide to both analytical and computational aspects of mathematical modelling that encompasses a wide range of subjects. The authors provide an overview of the basic concepts of mathematical modelling and review the relevant topics from differential equations and linear algebra. The text explores the various types of mathematical models, and includes a range of examples that help to describe a variety of techniques from dynamical systems theory. The book’s analytical techniques examine compartmental modelling, stability, bifurcation, discretization, and fixed-point analysis. The theoretical analyses involve systems of ordinary differential equations for deterministic models. The text also contains information on concepts of probability and random variables as the requirements of stochastic processes. In addition, the authors describe algorithms for computer simulation of both deterministic and stochastic models, and review a number of well-known models that illustrate their application in different fields of study. This important resource: Includes a broad spectrum of models that fall under deterministic and stochastic classes and discusses them in both continuous and discrete forms Demonstrates the wide spectrum of problems that can be addressed through mathematical modelling based on fundamental tools and techniques in applied mathematics and statistics Contains an appendix that reveals the overall approach that can be taken to solve exercises in different chapters Offers many exercises to help better understand the modelling process Written for graduate students in applied mathematics, instructors, and professionals using mathematical modelling for research and training purposes, Mathematical Modelling: A Graduate Textbook covers a broad range of analytical and computational aspects of mathematical modelling.

Цена: 10476.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119484028


Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics

Автор: Rainer Ansorge

Without sacrificing scientific strictness, this introduction to the field guides readers through mathematical modeling, the theoretical treatment of the underlying physical laws and the construction and effective use of numerical procedures to describe the behavior of the dynamics of physical flow. The book is carefully divided into three main parts: – The design of mathematical models of physical fluid flow; – A theoretical treatment of the equations representing the model, as Navier-Stokes, Euler, and boundary layer equations, models of turbulence, in order to gain qualitative as well as quantitative insights into the processes of flow events; – The construction and effective use of numerical procedures in order to find quantitative descriptions of concrete physical or technical fluid flow situations. Both students and experts wanting to control or predict the behavior of fluid flows by theoretical and computational fluid dynamics will benefit from this combination of all relevant aspects in one handy volume.

Цена: 22313.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783527627974


Mathematical Models of Fluiddynamics
Mathematical Models of Fluiddynamics

Автор: Группа авторов

This introduction to the field contains a careful selection of topics and examples without sacrificing scientific strictness. The author guides readers through mathematical modelling, the theoretical treatment of the underlying physical laws and the construction and effective use of numerical procedures to describe the behaviour of the dynamics of physical flow. Both students and experts intending to control or predict the behavior of fluid flows by theoretical and computational fluid dynamics will benefit from the combination of all relevant aspects in one handy volume. The book consists of three main parts: – The design of mathematical models of physical fluid flow; – A theoretical treatment of the equations representing the model, as Navier-Stokes, Euler, and boundary layer equations, models of turbulence, in order to gain qualitative as well as quantitative insights into the processes of flow events; – The construction and effective use of numerical procedures in order to find quantitative descriptions of concrete physical or technical fluid flow situations. This is the first text of its kind to merge all these subjects so thoroughly.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9783527606399


Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R

Автор: Hesterberg Tim C

This book bridges the latest software applications with the benefits of modern resampling techniques Resampling helps students understand the meaning of sampling distributions, sampling variability, P-values, hypothesis tests, and confidence intervals. This groundbreaking book shows how to apply modern resampling techniques to mathematical statistics. Extensively class-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R utilizes the powerful and flexible computer language R to underscore the significance and benefits of modern resampling techniques. The book begins by introducing permutation tests and bootstrap methods, motivating classical inference methods. Striking a balance between theory, computing, and applications, the authors explore additional topics such as: Exploratory data analysis Calculation of sampling distributions The Central Limit Theorem Monte Carlo sampling Maximum likelihood estimation and properties of estimators Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests Regression Bayesian methods Throughout the book, case studies on diverse subjects such as flight delays, birth weights of babies, and telephone company repair times illustrate the relevance of the real-world applications of the discussed material. Key definitions and theorems of important probability distributions are collected at the end of the book, and a related website is also available, featuring additional material including data sets, R scripts, and helpful teaching hints. Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R is an excellent book for courses on mathematical statistics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for applied statisticians working in the areas of business, economics, biostatistics, and public health who utilize resampling methods in their everyday work.

Цена: 16680.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118625750


Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R

Автор: Tim Hesterberg C

This thoroughly updated second edition combines the latest software applications with the benefits of modern resampling techniques Resampling helps students understand the meaning of sampling distributions, sampling variability, P-values, hypothesis tests, and confidence intervals. The second edition of Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R combines modern resampling techniques and mathematical statistics. This book has been classroom-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, uses the powerful and flexible computer language R for data analysis and explores the benefits of modern resampling techniques. This book offers an introduction to permutation tests and bootstrap methods that can serve to motivate classical inference methods. The book strikes a balance between theory, computing, and applications, and the new edition explores additional topics including consulting, paired t test, ANOVA and Google Interview Questions. Throughout the book, new and updated case studies are included representing a diverse range of subjects such as flight delays, birth weights of babies, and telephone company repair times. These illustrate the relevance of the real-world applications of the material. This new edition: • Puts the focus on statistical consulting that emphasizes giving a client an understanding of data and goes beyond typical expectations • Presents new material on topics such as the paired t test, Fisher's Exact Test and the EM algorithm • Offers a new section on «Google Interview Questions» that illustrates statistical thinking • Provides a new chapter on ANOVA • Contains more exercises and updated case studies, data sets, and R code Written for undergraduate students in a mathematical statistics course as well as practitioners and researchers, the second edition of Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R presents a revised and updated guide for applying the most current resampling techniques to mathematical statistics.

Цена: 13347.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781119416524


Mathematics for Modeling and Scientific Computing
Mathematics for Modeling and Scientific Computing

Автор: Thierry Goudon

This book provides the mathematical basis for investigating numerically equations from physics, life sciences or engineering. Tools for analysis and algorithms are confronted to a large set of relevant examples that show the difficulties and the limitations of the most na?ve approaches. These examples not only provide the opportunity to put into practice mathematical statements, but modeling issues are also addressed in detail, through the mathematical perspective.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119371182


Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering
Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119777540


Mathematics of Chance
Mathematics of Chance

Автор: Группа авторов

Mathematics of Chance utilizes simple, real-world problems-some of which have only recently been solved-to explain fundamental probability theorems, methods, and statistical reasoning. Jiri Andel begins with a basic introduction to probability theory and its important points before moving on to more specific sections on vital aspects of probability, using both classic and modern problems. Each chapter begins with easy, realistic examples before covering the general formulations and mathematical treatments used. The reader will find ample use for a chapter devoted to matrix games and problem sets concerning waiting, probability calculations, expectation calculations, and statistical methods. A special chapter utilizes problems that relate to areas of mathematics outside of statistics and considers certain mathematical concepts from a probabilistic point of view. Sections and problems cover topics including: * Random walks * Principle of reflection * Probabilistic aspects of records * Geometric distribution * Optimization * The LAD method, and more Knowledge of the basic elements of calculus will be sufficient in understanding most of the material presented here, and little knowledge of pure statistics is required. Jiri Andel has produced a compact reference for applied statisticians working in industry and the social and technical sciences, and a book that suits the needs of students seeking a fundamental understanding of probability theory.

Цена: 14029 руб.
ISBN: 9780470317914


Mathematics of the market. Service random flow
Mathematics of the market. Service random flow

Автор: Alexandr Berlin

The book offers a new approach to the calculation of economic processes. This approach allows to obtain very interesting data: – to define a generic mathematical description of the goods. In book gives a mathematical market model, it is shown that calculations of the parameters of the market can be carried out according to the formulas of the Queuing theory, in particular according to the formulas of erlang, Engset, etc; to define formulas that reflect the relationship between supply and demand

Цена: 40 руб.
ISBN: 9785448592393


Mathematics of the market. Problem book
Mathematics of the market. Problem book

Автор: Alexander Berlin

This book supplements the theoretical principles already published in books [1.1].It studies the issues that arise at various stages of functioning of the market and offers their solutions by using methods of the mass service theory. The application of the proposed mathematical methods enables rigorous calculations of the desired parameters.

Цена: 40 руб.
ISBN: 9785449052490


MATHEMATIK f?r Physiker und Mathematiker
MATHEMATIK f?r Physiker und Mathematiker

Автор: Группа авторов

Rainer W?st (Jahrgang 1943) studierte von 1962 bis 1968 Mathematik an der Universit?t M?nchen. Danach war er bis 1975 Assistent bei G?nter Hellwig an der RWTH Aachen, wo er 1970 promovierte. Nach seiner Habilitation 1975 folgte er einem Ruf auf eine Professur f?r Mathematik an der TU Berlin, die er bis heute inne hat. L?ngere Forschungssemester verbrachte er an der Princeton University, NJ (USA), und der Universit? di Modena (Italien). Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Mathematische Physik und Funktionalanalysis.

Цена: 7732.52 руб.
ISBN: 9783527617937


Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 1
Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 1

Автор: Rainer Ansorge

Цена: 4675.76 руб.
ISBN: 9783527822881


Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2
Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2

Автор: Rainer Ansorge

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783527822904


Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2
Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2

Автор: Rainer Ansorge

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783527822942


Matrimonio y violencia dom?stica en Lima colonial (1795-1820)
Matrimonio y violencia dom?stica en Lima colonial (1795-1820)

Автор: Luis Bustamante Otero

La violencia conyugal es un problema de vieja data. La historiograf?a la explor? de manera tangencial, pero no cuenta con un texto que de manera integral y sistem?tica haya abordado el tema de la violencia marital en la historia del Per? o en alguna etapa de ella. Comparando informaci?n de otras ?reas de Hispanoam?rica y escrutando fuentes judiciales civiles y eclesi?sticas, la obra comprueba que la sevicia dentro de los matrimonios tambi?n estuvo presente en la capital peruana (con ?ndices sumamente elevados), atravesando todos los sectores sociales, aunque con ?nfasis en los segmentos medios y populares. La investigaci?n no se limita a un trabajo cuantitativo. Se interesa tambi?n por las causas de la sevicia, las inmediatas y visibles, las subrepticias, las coyunturales y las estructurales, as? como los elementos coadyuvantes. En conclusi?n, una investigaci?n singular que, apelando a la historia cultural y de las mentalidades, a la historia de la familia, a la microhistoria y a la historia de g?nero, demuestra que los problemas del presente tienen tambi?n una trayectoria y una explicaci?n hist?rica.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9789972454875



Автор: Christian Hermenau

Particle accelerators have called out spirits who promised us something new but misled us. Now the models and particles are all there and we can't get rid of them anymore. The gluons and quarks, pions, muons, bosons and neutrinos, and no master strong enough to sweep them all out again and be satisfied with the only really stable elementary particles, the proton and the electron.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783752912920


Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference
Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference

Автор: Группа авторов

This book takes a fresh look at the popular and well-established method of maximum likelihood for statistical estimation and inference. It begins with an intuitive introduction to the concepts and background of likelihood, and moves through to the latest developments in maximum likelihood methodology, including general latent variable models and new material for the practical implementation of integrated likelihood using the free ADMB software. Fundamental issues of statistical inference are also examined, with a presentation of some of the philosophical debates underlying the choice of statistical paradigm. Key features: Provides an accessible introduction to pragmatic maximum likelihood modelling. Covers more advanced topics, including general forms of latent variable models (including non-linear and non-normal mixed-effects and state-space models) and the use of maximum likelihood variants, such as estimating equations, conditional likelihood, restricted likelihood and integrated likelihood. Adopts a practical approach, with a focus on providing the relevant tools required by researchers and practitioners who collect and analyze real data. Presents numerous examples and case studies across a wide range of applications including medicine, biology and ecology. Features applications from a range of disciplines, with implementation in R, SAS and/or ADMB. Provides all program code and software extensions on a supporting website. Confines supporting theory to the final chapters to maintain a readable and pragmatic focus of the preceding chapters. This book is not just an accessible and practical text about maximum likelihood, it is a comprehensive guide to modern maximum likelihood estimation and inference. It will be of interest to readers of all levels, from novice to expert. It will be of great benefit to researchers, and to students of statistics from senior undergraduate to graduate level. For use as a course text, exercises are provided at the end of each chapter.

Цена: 13587.14 руб.
ISBN: 9780470094839


MCA Modern Desktop Administrator Study Guide
MCA Modern Desktop Administrator Study Guide

Автор: William Panek

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119605966


Measurement Error Models
Measurement Error Models

Автор: Группа авторов

The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of these works by making them available to future generations of statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. «The effort of Professor Fuller is commendable . . . [the book] provides a complete treatment of an important and frequently ignored topic. Those who work with measurement error models will find it valuable. It is the fundamental book on the subject, and statisticians will benefit from adding this book to their collection or to university or departmental libraries.» -Biometrics «Given the large and diverse literature on measurement error/errors-in-variables problems, Fuller's book is most welcome. Anyone with an interest in the subject should certainly have this book.» -Journal of the American Statistical Association «The author is to be commended for providing a complete presentation of a very important topic. Statisticians working with measurement error problems will benefit from adding this book to their collection.» -Technometrics « . . . this book is a remarkable achievement and the product of impressive top-grade scholarly work.» -Journal of Applied Econometrics Measurement Error Models offers coverage of estimation for situations where the model variables are observed subject to measurement error. Regression models are included with errors in the variables, latent variable models, and factor models. Results from several areas of application are discussed, including recent results for nonlinear models and for models with unequal variances. The estimation of true values for the fixed model, prediction of true values under the random model, model checks, and the analysis of residuals are addressed, and in addition, procedures are illustrated with data drawn from nearly twenty real data sets.

Цена: 23197.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780470317334


Mecanizado CNC 4.0
Mecanizado CNC 4.0

Автор: Felipe Casado

Multitud de oficios del presente necesitan personas preparadas para afrontar el trabajo del futuro. Si quieres convertirte en un aut?ntico profesional del sector del mecanizado por arranque de viruta, es imprescindible que conozcas las ?ltimas tecnolog?as en m?quinas herramientas, adem?s de los utillajes y los procesos de mecanizado. Gracias a los recursos pr?cticos que ofrece este libro, basados en la nueva revoluci?n industrial, la Industria 4.0, conseguir?s una visi?n general de c?mo es el trabajo y el d?a a d?a en un taller de mecanizado, y conocer?s las m?quinas herramientas con las que llevar a cabo tus proyectos.Adem?s: – Aprender?s desde cero a programar una m?quina de control num?rico en diferentes idiomas de programaci?n y con distintos simuladores reales. – Conseguir?s una buena base de programaci?n HEIDENHAIN, uno de los mejores controles para m?quina herramienta. Tanto si tienes conocimientos previos sobre mecanizado, como si no, con este libro ser?s capaz de fabricar piezas en m?quinas de control num?rico y te adentrar?s en una de las profesiones m?s demandadas por las empresas. Este libro ser? tu gran apoyo tanto si trabajas en una empresa de mecanizado, como si cursas Certificados de Profesionalidad de Mecanizado por arranque de viruta o cualquier Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio y Superior en Mecanizado. El mecanizado es apasionante y, ahora, afrontar con ?xito tus prop?sitos sobre mecanizado es m?s f?cil que nunca. Consigue ya tu ejemplar y no esperes m?s para descubrir c?mo hacer realidad tus proyectos.

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9788426731401


Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Sinusoidal Vibration
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Sinusoidal Vibration

Автор: Christian Lalanne

Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and shock…in one authoritative reference work! This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products. Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems. The relative and absolute response of a mechanical system with a single degree of freedom is considered for an arbitrary excitation, and its transfer function is defined in various forms. The characteristics of sinusoidal vibration are examined in the context both of the real world and of laboratory tests, and for both transient and steady state response of the one-degree-of-freedom system. Viscous damping and then non-linear damping are considered. The various types of swept sine perturbations and their properties are described and, for the one-degree-of-freedom system, the consequence of an inappropriate choice of sweep rate are considered. From the latter, rules governing the choice of suitable sweep rates are then developed.

Цена: 21780.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118931103


Medical Devices
Medical Devices

Автор: Rahul Singh

Addressing the exploding interest in bioengineering for healthcare applications, this book provides readers with detailed yet easy-to-understand guidance on biomedical device engineering. Written by prominent physicians and engineers, Medical Devices: Surgical and Image-Guided Technologies is organized into stand-alone chapters covering devices and systems in diagnostic, surgical, and implant procedures. Assuming only basic background in math and science, the authors clearly explain the fundamentals for different systems along with such topics as engineering considerations, therapeutic techniques and applications, future trends, and more. After describing how to manage a design project for medical devices, the book examines the following: Instruments for laparoscopic and ophthalmic surgery, plus surgical robotics Catheters in vascular therapy and energy-based hemostatic surgical devices Tissue ablation systems and the varied uses of lasers in medicine Vascular and cardiovascular devices, plus circulatory support devices Ultrasound transducers, X-ray imaging, and neuronavigation An absolute must for biomedical engineers, Medical Devices: Surgical and Image-Guided Technologies is also an invaluable guide for students in all engineering majors and pre-med programs interested in exploring this fascinating field.

Цена: 16323.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781118452790


Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging

Автор: Anthony B. Wolbarst

"An excellent primer on medical imaging for all members of the medical profession . . . including non-radiological specialists. It is technically solid and filled with diagrams and clinical images illustrating important points, but it is also easily readable . . . So many outstanding chapters . . . The book uses little mathematics beyond simple algebra [and] presents complex ideas in very understandable terms." —Melvin E. Clouse, MD, Vice Chairman Emeritus, Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Deaconess Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School A well-known medical physicist and author, an interventional radiologist, and an emergency room physician with no special training in radiology have collaborated to write, in the language familiar to physicians, an introduction to the technology and clinical applications of medical imaging. It is intentionally brief and not overly detailed, intended to help clinicians with very little free time rapidly gain enough command of the critically important imaging tools of their trade to be able to discuss them confidently with medical and technical colleagues; to explain the general ideas accurately to students, nurses, and technologists; and to describe them effectively to concerned patients and loved ones. Chapter coverage includes: Introduction: Dr. Doe's Headaches Sketches of the Standard Imaging Modalities Image Quality and Dose Creating Subject Contrast in the Primary X-Ray Image Twentieth-Century (Analog) Radiography and Fluoroscopy Radiation Dose and Radiogenic Cancer Risk Twenty-First-Century (Digital) Imaging Digital Planar Imaging Computed Tomography Nuclear Medicine (Including SPECT and PET) Diagnostic Ultrasound (Including Doppler) MRI in One Dimension and with No Relaxation Mapping T1 and T2 Proton Spin Relaxation in 3D Evolving and Experimental Modalities

Цена: 11257.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118480281


Medical Statistics from Scratch
Medical Statistics from Scratch

Автор: David Bowers

Цена: 5439.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119523925


Medical Student Survival Skills
Medical Student Survival Skills

Автор: Philip Jevon

Цена: 3669.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118862704


Medicinal Chemistry for Practitioners
Medicinal Chemistry for Practitioners

Автор: Jie Jack Li

Цена: 17708.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119607274


Medieval Lyric
Medieval Lyric

Автор: John Hirsh C

Medieval Lyric is a colourful collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. A lively and engaging collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written in between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. Introduces readers to the rich variety of Middle English poetry. Presents poems of mourning and of celebration, poems dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and to Christ, poems inviting or disparaging love, poems about sex, and more. Reader-friendly – uses modernized letter forms, punctuation and capitalization, and side glosses explaining difficult words. Opens with a substantial introduction by the editor to the medieval lyric as a genre, and features short introductions to each section and poem. Also includes an annotated bibliography, glossary, index of first lines, and list of manuscripts cited.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780470755518


Medio ambiente y proyectos
Medio ambiente y proyectos

Автор: Mar?a Cecilia Henao Arango

Este libro fue concebido para acompa?ar los cursos de Evaluaci?n Ambiental de proyectos y, en general, los estudios de impacto ambiental que se requieren durante los procesos de formulaci?n, evaluaci?n y gesti?n de proyectos. Puede utilizarse en programas de pregrado y posgrado que tengan en sus curr?culos asignaturas del ?rea ambiental

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9789587206517


Medizinstatistik f?r den beruflichen Alltag
Medizinstatistik f?r den beruflichen Alltag

Автор: Christoph Thiele

Statistik – ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? In diesem Werk werden Begriffe der Statistik anschaulich erl?utert und einem n?her gebracht. Anschauliche Beispiele aus der Praxis runden das Bild ab. Zur Interpretation und zum «Lesen» von Studien ist das Wissen von statistischen Formeln unwichtig. Wichtig ist jedoch, die einzelnen Begriffe der Statistik richtig einordnen und interpretieren zu k?nnen.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783754168561



Автор: Michael Annon

Цена: 48.34 руб.
ISBN: 9783990414552


Mehr als Freundschaft
Mehr als Freundschaft

Автор: Katharina B. Gross

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783960891802


Mehr Umsatz mit Wunschkunden auf Knopfdruck
Mehr Umsatz mit Wunschkunden auf Knopfdruck

Автор: J?rgen Unlandherm

Unternehmen ohne Marketing-Automation werden sehr bald nicht mehr Wettbewerbsf?hig sein, denn jedes Unternehmen braucht Marketing- Automation. Gerade in kleinen und mittelst?ndige Unternehmen ist es sehr beeindruckend, wenn nicht fast schon erschreckend, wie viel Zeit, Energie und Kosten eingespart werden k?nnen, wenn das Marketing automatisiert wird. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen kreieren wir Online Marketing Tools, die genau nach Ihren Bed?rfnissen arbeiten und das gemeinsam gesteckte Ziel erreichen. "Wir machen keine au?ergew?hnliche Sachen. Wir machen gew?hnliche Sachen au?ergew?hnlich gut!"

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783752908039



Автор: Heinz Duthel

Den mythischen Schilderungen zufolge erscheinen die Alben direkt auf dem K?rper und erzeugen in uns schreckliche Bilder, die uns in Angst und Panik versetzen. Wir haben einen Albtraum. Die b?sen Gestalten k?nnen zudem auf dem Brustkorb des Schlafenden herumspringen Beklemmende Gef?hle, Herzschmerzen und Atemnot werden so ausgel?st.
Die meisten Naturgeister sind jedoch liebevolle und helfende Wesen. Sie gelten als H?ter der Natur, die Pflanzen und Tiere besch?tzen. Sie lassen ihre magischen Kr?fte spielen und halten sich vor unseren Augen verborgen. Gibt es nun diese Wesen oder nicht?
Der Fall der beiden M?dchen Frances und Elsie aus England spricht vermutlich f?r die Existenz der verborgenen Gestalten. Im Jahr 1917 schockieren sie die Welt mit einer unfassbaren Nachricht Sie k?nnen beweisen, dass es ihnen gibt. Was war passiert? Im Wald nahe des Ortes Kotting-Uhl erscheinen Sie Ihnen das erste Mal kleine weibliche Wesen mit Schmetterlings v?geln.
Augenzeugen zufolge wirkt die Begegnung mit einem Geist nicht immer bedrohlich. Richtiges Gl?cksgef?hl Gibt es Geister Erscheinungen wirklich? Oder sind sie nur eine Sch?pfung unserer Fantasie? Welt der Wunder begibt sich auf Spurensuche nach dem Paranormal. Die Frage nach der Existenz von Geistern ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Eine Figur, die immer wieder in der Geschichte auftaucht die wei?e Frau. Das Spuck Ph?nomen wird nicht nur auf Burgen und Schl?ssern gesichtet, sondern auch am Stra?enrand und in Privathaushalten.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783752907896


Mein Freund die Volkswirtschaftslehre: Inflation, Deflation oder Hyperinflation
Mein Freund die Volkswirtschaftslehre: Inflation, Deflation oder Hyperinflation

Автор: Heinz Duthel

Mein Freund die Volkswirtschaftslehre
Inflation, Deflation oder Hyperinflation

Momentan erreichen mich zu Recht ernsthafte und auch zweifelnde Nachfragen, was denn mit unserer aktuellen Inflation ist.
Wie wird sich die aktuelle unglaubliche Druckerei von Geld auf die Inflation auswirken? Sehen wir vielleicht eine Hyperinflation in Zukunft oder f?hrt es zu einer Deflation? Beide Szenarien, die nicht sehr erfreulich sind. Und wenn man sich diese Geldmenge, die hier gerade im Markt stattfindet, gedruckt wird, anschaut, dann sieht man schon, dass es ein Anstieg ist, so stark wie nie zuvor in kurzer Zeit. Und genau das ist hier das gro?e Problem Die Geldmenge M2 ist alles Geld, was gedruckt wurde und nun bar im Umlauf ist plus kurzfristige Anlagen von bis zu zwei Jahren, die auch innerhalb von drei Monaten wieder liquidiert werden k?nnen.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783752906837


Mein Freund Voltaire
Mein Freund Voltaire

Автор: Heinz Duthel

Von Geburt an war er ein gro?er Schriftsteller. Aber um Voltaire zu werden, musste der kleine Aron von Jesuiten gro?gezogen werden. Bei ihnen hat er diese h?chste Form der Intelligenz und der Kunst erlernt, die man Geschmack nennt. Gewiss h?tte man in diese klassische Perfektion die unvergleichliche Eleganz und Nat?rlichkeit nicht gelehrt, so w?re f?hig gewesen, sie f?r sich zu erfinden. Diese M?he wurde ihm erspart. Die Sprache, in der er sp?ter Mahomet der L?genprophet (Mahomet) und Candide schreibt, hat er auf dem Gymnasium gelernt. Nicht nur die Sprache, sondern eine gewisse Art zu denken, eine gewisse Technik der Andeutungen, eine gewisse Zur?ckhaltung, die darauf abzielt, jenseits der Dinge zu bleiben, um sie desto deutlicher zu machen. Die guten Patres rannten offene T?ren ein. Ihre literarischen Prinzipien schienen ihm die Natur, selbst seine eigene Natur.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783750238213


Mein gr?sster Reichtum.......ist mein Wissen!
Mein gr?sster Reichtum.......ist mein Wissen!

Автор: Stefan Langer

Mein gr?sster Reichtum.......ist mein Wissen! Ratgeber & Wissen. Dieses Buch ist entstanden aus einer Idee und aus dem Wissen das ich nun habe. Es soll eine Anregung sein, und soll behilflich sein seinen eigenen Weg zum Erfolg zu finden. Es soll als Unterst?tzung auf dem Weg zum Erfolg dienen, den jeder f?r sich selbst erreichen kann, wenn er oder sie das m?chte.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783844226669


Mein gro?es Liederbuch
Mein gro?es Liederbuch

Автор: Daniel M?hring

Eine gro?e Auswahl deutsch- und englischsprachige Volks-, Kinder- und Weihnachtslieder. Die Lieder sind alphabetisch geordnet und enthalten alle Strophen, die das Lied auch im Original enth?lt. Ein Inhaltsverzeichnis erleichtert die Suche nach bestimmten Liedern. Neben bekannten Volks-, Kinder- oder Weihnachtsliedern sind auch einige Lieder, die nicht so bekannt sind, aber sch?ne und zum Nachdenken anregende Texte haben.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783738056853


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