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Technological Change
Technological Change

Àâòîð: Clotilde Coron

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119721147


Tecnolog?a del color
Tecnolog?a del color

Àâòîð: AAVV

El color, tal como lo percibimos los seres humanos, se halla omnipresente en el mundo en que vivimos, no s?lo en la naturaleza sino tambi?n, pr?cticamente, en todos los objetos manufacturados. Este libro examina precisamente los aspectos tecnol?gicos del color y pretende ser de utilidad no s?lo a los estudiantes universitarios de f?sica, ?ptica y optometr?a, inform?tica o fotograf?a, sino tambi?n a todos aquellos profesionales que en su trabajo diario tienen que abordar problemas relacionados con el color desde los m?s diversos puntos de vista. Los temas analizados van desde el tratamiento del color en esc?neres y c?maras electr?nicas hasta el color en la tecnolog?a de alimentos, pasando por la reproducci?n del color en monitores, impresoras, fotograf?a, en la industria qu?mica mediante pigmentos y colorantes, etc.

Ñåðèÿ: Educaci?. S?rie Materials

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788437093796


Telecom For Dummies
Telecom For Dummies

Àâòîð: Stephen Olejniczak P

Worldwide telecom spending was over $4 trillion in 2004, and virtually all 12 million businesses in the U.S. buy phone and other telecom services Our book shows people at small and medium-sized businesses how to make sense of telecom lingo and get the best deals Includes an overview of the major players in the telecom industry and an easy-to-understand explanation of the existing telecom infrastructure Helps people pinpoint the telecom services best suited to their business needs, understand billing, and troubleshoot problems Covers emerging industry trends, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and how they can help businesses cut costs

Öåíà: 2981.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470040294



Àâòîð: Klaus-Dieter Thill

Der Begriff «Unternehmerische Praxisf?hrung» bezeichnet den systematischen Einsatz validierter Methoden, Instrumente und Verhaltensweisen in Haus- und Facharztpraxen, die unter Ber?cksichtigung der Praxisziele zukunftsbest?ndig und flexibel gleicherma?en – die bestm?gliche medizinische Versorgungsqualit?t f?r die Patienten, – eine ausgewogene und motivierende Arbeitsqualit?t f?r Arzt / ?rzte und Medizinische Fachangestellte sowie – den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg sicherstellen. Diese Praxismanagement-Form ist darauf ausgerichtet, im vielschichtigen Geschehen des Gesundheitswesens mit allen seinen Unabw?gbarkeiten stets proaktiv erfolgreich zu agieren – und nicht passiv ohne gr??ere Entscheidungsfreiheit nur reagieren zu k?nnen.
Die Publikations-Serie «UP! Unternehmerisches Know-How f?r die haus- und fach?rztliche Praxisf?hrung» beschreibt detailliert diese Best Practices, die einen reibungslos funktionierenden Praxisbetrieb sicherstellen und zeigt ihre konkrete Umsetzung im Praxisalltag. Die Inhalte sind sofort in Eigenregie umsetzbar und entsprechen dem Wunsch vieler Mediziner nach einfachen, kurz auf den Punkt beschriebenen Hilfestellungen f?r den Arbeitsalltag.
Dieses E-Booklet vermittelt einen ?berblick, welche technischen und organisatorischen Voraussetzungen sowie Kommunikationstechniken ben?tigt werden, um professionelle Praxistelefonate zu f?hren, die Organisation und Marketing unterst?tzen.

Ñåðèÿ: UP! Unternehmerisches Know-How f?r die Praxisf?hrung in Haus- und Facharztpraxen

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752915266


Teor?a de la informaci?n y complejidad
Teor?a de la informaci?n y complejidad

Àâòîð: Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castañeda

La ciencia es la forma de racionalidad determinante debido a sus consecuencias a gran escala. Vivimos actualmente varias revoluciones en la ciencia y este libro se ocupa de una de ellas: la teor?a de la informaci?n, que implica aspectos como la Internet, las redes sociales, la web 3.0 y 4.0, la inteligencia artificial y varios m?s. El problema de base de este texto es presentar y discutir sumariamente la revoluci?n de la informaci?n y sus conexiones con las ciencias de la complejidad. Cuatro ejes lo articulan: primero, el estudio de las din?micas y estructuras de la informaci?n; segundo, las relaciones entre la informaci?n y su procesamiento; tercero, la manera como la informaci?n permite una mejor comprensi?n de la naturaleza, y finalmente, de qu? manera todo lo anterior conduce a reflexiones en torno a la salud y, por tanto, a la vida.

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587391954


Teor?a de la medida e integraci?n
Teor?a de la medida e integraci?n

Àâòîð: Rolando Rebolledo B

Este libro de texto concebido para estudiantes de Licenciatura en Matem?ticas e Ingenier?a Matem?tica, re?ne por primera vez en espa?ol las diversas materias asociadas a la Teor?a de la Medida e Integraci?n. Este primer volumen ense?a las bases, m?todos y resultados m?s importantes de la teor?a, que es una rama fundamental de la matem?tica contempor?nea y prerrequisito para estudiar varias disciplinas.
Cada cap?tulo termina con comentarios para orientar al lector en la bibliograf?a y entrega listas de ejercicios para una mejor comprensi?n de la teor?a, adem?s de temas complementarios y facs?miles de ex?menes resueltos.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: MiRa

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561426481


Teor?as de la comunicaci?n
Teor?as de la comunicaci?n

Àâòîð: Edison Otero

Este libro que se incluye a la colecci?n de la Escuela de Comunicaci?n reconstruye en t?rminos hist?ricos el desarrollo de las ideas en nuestro campo, desde los niveles interpersonales y grupales hasta los medios de comunicaci?n, Internet y las redes sociales. Ofrece, en consecuencia, un panorama de los autores, las tendencias y las controversias asociadas, lo cual lo convierte en un libro de texto de valor para estudiantes y acad?micos de una variedad de carreras y especialidades, las que van desde el periodismo hasta la comunicaci?n audiovisual y digital.

Ñåðèÿ: Biblioteca de Comunicaci?n

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789978774779


Terraingenerierung mit Unity
Terraingenerierung mit Unity

Àâòîð: Tam Hanna

Ñåðèÿ: Shortcuts

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868027471


Testing mit Visual Studio 2012
Testing mit Visual Studio 2012

Àâòîð: Hendrik Losch

Ñåðèÿ: Shortcuts

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868024616


Testwissen f?r Java-Entwickler
Testwissen f?r Java-Entwickler

Àâòîð: Kai Spichale

Ñåðèÿ: Shortcuts

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868024692



Àâòîð: Jules Amedee Barbey D'Aurevilly

Ñåðèÿ: Klassiker der Erotik

Öåíà: 146.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783955018122


Text Mining in Practice with R
Text Mining in Practice with R

Àâòîð: Ted Kwartler

A reliable, cost-effective approach to extracting priceless business information from all sources of text Excavating actionable business insights from data is a complex undertaking, and that complexity is magnified by an order of magnitude when the focus is on documents and other text information. This book takes a practical, hands-on approach to teaching you a reliable, cost-effective approach to mining the vast, untold riches buried within all forms of text using R. Author Ted Kwartler clearly describes all of the tools needed to perform text mining and shows you how to use them to identify practical business applications to get your creative text mining efforts started right away. With the help of numerous real-world examples and case studies from industries ranging from healthcare to entertainment to telecommunications, he demonstrates how to execute an array of text mining processes and functions, including sentiment scoring, topic modelling, predictive modelling, extracting clickbait from headlines, and more. You’ll learn how to: Identify actionable social media posts to improve customer service Use text mining in HR to identify candidate perceptions of an organisation, match job descriptions with resumes, and more Extract priceless information from virtually all digital and print sources, including the news media, social media sites, PDFs, and even JPEG and GIF image files Make text mining an integral component of marketing in order to identify brand evangelists, impact customer propensity modelling, and much more Most companies’ data mining efforts focus almost exclusively on numerical and categorical data, while text remains a largely untapped resource. Especially in a global marketplace where being first to identify and respond to customer needs and expectations imparts an unbeatable competitive advantage, text represents a source of immense potential value. Unfortunately, there is no reliable, cost-effective technology for extracting analytical insights from the huge and ever-growing volume of text available online and other digital sources, as well as from paper documents—until now.

Öåíà: 7925.12 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119282099


Textbook of Clinical Trials
Textbook of Clinical Trials

Àâòîð: David Machin

Now published in its Second Edition, the Textbook of Clinical Trials offers detailed coverage of trial methodology in diverse areas of medicine in a single comprehensive volume. Praise for the First Edition: «… very useful as an introduction to clinical research, or for those planning specific studies within therapeutic or disease areas.» BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 92, No. 2, February 2005 The book’s main concept is to describe the impact of clinical trials on the practice of medicine. It separates the information by therapeutic area because the impact of clinical trials, the problems encountered, and the numbers of trials in existence vary tremendously from specialty to specialty. The sections provide a background to the disease area and general clinical trial methodology before concentrating on particular problems experienced in that area. Specific examples are used throughout to address these issues. The Textbook of Clinical Trials, Second Edition: Highlights the various ways clinical trials have influenced the practice of medicine in many therapeutic areas Describes the challenges posed by those conducting clinical trials over a range of medical specialities and allied fields Additional therapeutic areas are included in this Second Edition to fill gaps in the First Edition as the number and complexity of trials increases in this rapidly developing area Newly covered or updated in the Second Edition: general surgery, plastic surgery, aesthetic surgery, palliative care, primary care, anaesthesia and pain, transfusion, wound healing, maternal and perinatal health, early termination, organ transplants, ophthalmology, epilepsy, infectious disease, neuro-oncology, adrenal, thyroid and urological cancers, as well as a chapter on the Cochrane network An invaluable resource for pharmaceutical companies, the Textbook of Clinical Trials, Second Edition appeals to those working in contract research organizations, medical departments and in the area of public health and health science alike.

Öåíà: 58546.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470010150


The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries
The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries

Àâòîð: Mikeal C. Parsons

Charting the theological and cultural potency of Acts across the timespan of Christian history, this work of profound scholarship reveals the full extent of the New Testament book’s religious, artistic, literary, and political influence. Reveals the influence of Acts at key turning points in the history of the Christian church Traces the rich and varied artistic and cultural heritage rooted in Acts, from music to literature Analyzes the political significance of the book as a touchstone in the church’s external relations Provides detailed commentary on the exegesis of Acts down the centuries

Öåíà: 9031.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118597903


The Age of Disruption
The Age of Disruption

Àâòîð: Bernard Stiegler

Öåíà: 8025.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509529285


The American Community College
The American Community College

Àâòîð: Arthur M. Cohen

Praise for the Previous Edition of The American Community College «Projecting the future for the community colleges of the early twenty-first century involves projecting the future for the nation in general: its demographics, economy, and public attitudes.... At heart is a discourse on how the institutions may adapt historical structures and practices to a changing world, and how those changes may ultimately affect students, the community, and society at large.» —from the Conclusion, «Toward the Future» «Since 1982, The American Community College by Cohen and Brawer has been the authoritative book on community colleges. Anyone who wants to understand these complex and dynamic institutions—how they are evolving, the contributions they make, the challenges they face, the students they serve, and the faculty and leaders who deliver the services and the curricula—will find The American Community College both essential reading and an important reference book.» —George R. Boggs, former president and CEO, American Association of Community Colleges «I have been a community college president for over forty-one years and a graduate professor for three decades. This book has been an inspiration to generations of students, faculty members, and administrators. It has become the classic of the field because it has great 'take-home' value to us all.» —Joseph N. Hankin, president, Westchester Community College «Cohen and Brawer's classic work is the touchstone for a comprehensive overview of the American community college. This is a seminal book for graduate students as well as seasoned professionals for understanding this uniquely American institution.» —Charles R. Dassance, former president, Central Florida Community College

Öåíà: 8297.99 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118719008


The Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives. Statistical Methods for Experiments, Quasi-Experiments, and Single-Case Studies
The Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives. Statistical Methods for Experiments, Quasi-Experiments, and Single-Case Studies

Àâòîð: Bradley Huitema

A complete guide to cutting-edge techniques and best practices for applying covariance analysis methods The Second Edition of Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives sheds new light on its topic, offering in-depth discussions of underlying assumptions, comprehensive interpretations of results, and comparisons of distinct approaches. The book has been extensively revised and updated to feature an in-depth review of prerequisites and the latest developments in the field. The author begins with a discussion of essential topics relating to experimental design and analysis, including analysis of variance, multiple regression, effect size measures and newly developed methods of communicating statistical results. Subsequent chapters feature newly added methods for the analysis of experiments with ordered treatments, including two parametric and nonparametric monotone analyses as well as approaches based on the robust general linear model and reversed ordinal logistic regression. Four groundbreaking chapters on single-case designs introduce powerful new analyses for simple and complex single-case experiments. This Second Edition also features coverage of advanced methods including: Simple and multiple analysis of covariance using both the Fisher approach and the general linear model approach Methods to manage assumption departures, including heterogeneous slopes, nonlinear functions, dichotomous dependent variables, and covariates affected by treatments Power analysis and the application of covariance analysis to randomized-block designs, two-factor designs, pre- and post-test designs, and multiple dependent variable designs Measurement error correction and propensity score methods developed for quasi-experiments, observational studies, and uncontrolled clinical trials Thoroughly updated to reflect the growing nature of the field, Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives is a suitable book for behavioral and medical scineces courses on design of experiments and regression and the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as an authoritative reference work for researchers and academics in the fields of medicine, clinical trials, epidemiology, public health, sociology, and engineering.

Öåíà: 16017.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118067451


The Art of Data Analysis. How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics
The Art of Data Analysis. How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics

Àâòîð: Kristin Jarman H

A friendly and accessible approach to applying statistics in the real world With an emphasis on critical thinking, The Art of Data Analysis: How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics presents fun and unique examples, guides readers through the entire data collection and analysis process, and introduces basic statistical concepts along the way. Leaving proofs and complicated mathematics behind, the author portrays the more engaging side of statistics and emphasizes its role as a problem-solving tool. In addition, light-hearted case studies illustrate the application of statistics to real data analyses, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used techniques. Written for the growing academic and industrial population that uses statistics in everyday life, The Art of Data Analysis: How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics highlights important issues that often arise when collecting and sifting through data. Featured concepts include: • Descriptive statistics • Analysis of variance • Probability and sample distributions • Confidence intervals • Hypothesis tests • Regression • Statistical correlation • Data collection • Statistical analysis with graphs Fun and inviting from beginning to end, The Art of Data Analysis is an ideal book for students as well as managers and researchers in industry, medicine, or government who face statistical questions and are in need of an intuitive understanding of basic statistical reasoning.

Öåíà: 7069.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118413333


The Bayesian Way: Introductory Statistics for Economists and Engineers
The Bayesian Way: Introductory Statistics for Economists and Engineers

Àâòîð: Svein Nyberg Olav

A comprehensive resource that offers an introduction to statistics with a Bayesian angle, for students of professional disciplines like engineering and economics The Bayesian Way offers a basic introduction to statistics that emphasizes the Bayesian approach and is designed for use by those studying professional disciplines like engineering and economics. In addition to the Bayesian approach, the author includes the most common techniques of the frequentist approach. Throughout the text, the author covers statistics from a basic to a professional working level along with a practical understanding of the matter at hand. Filled with helpful illustrations, this comprehensive text explores a wide range of topics, starting with descriptive statistics, set theory, and combinatorics. The text then goes on to review fundamental probability theory and Bayes' theorem. The first part ends in an exposition of stochastic variables, exploring discrete, continuous and mixed probability distributions. In the second part, the book looks at statistical inference. Primarily Bayesian, but with the main frequentist techniques included, it covers conjugate priors through the powerful yet simple method of hyperparameters. It then goes on to topics in hypothesis testing (including utility functions), point and interval estimates (including frequentist confidence intervals), and linear regression. This book: Explains basic statistics concepts in accessible terms and uses an abundance of illustrations to enhance visual understanding Has guides for how to calculate the different probability distributions, functions , and statistical properties, on platforms like popular pocket calculators and Mathematica / Wolfram Alpha Includes example-proofs that enable the reader to follow the reasoning Contains assignments at different levels of difficulty from simply filling out the correct formula to the complex multi-step text assignments Offers information on continuous, discrete and mixed probability distributions, hypothesis testing, credible and confidence intervals, and linear regression Written for undergraduate and graduate students of subjects where Bayesian statistics are applied, including engineering, economics, and related fields, The Bayesian Way: With Applications in Engineering and Economics offers a clear understanding of Bayesian statistics that have real-world applications.

Öåíà: 10586.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119246886


The Big R-Book
The Big R-Book

Àâòîð: Philippe J. S. De Brouwer

Öåíà: 13163.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119632764


The Chemical Biology of Plant Biostimulants
The Chemical Biology of Plant Biostimulants

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 16566.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119357247


The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics

Àâòîð: Carol A. Chapelle

Offers a wide-ranging overview of the issues and research approaches in the diverse field of applied linguistics   Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that identifies, examines, and seeks solutions to real-life language-related issues. Such issues often occur in situations of language contact and technological innovation, where language problems can range from explaining misunderstandings in face-to-face oral conversation to designing automated speech recognition systems for business.  The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics  includes entries on the fundamentals of the discipline, introducing readers to the concepts, research, and methods used by applied linguists working in the field. This succinct, reader-friendly volume offers a collection of entries on a range of language problems and the analytic approaches used to address them. This abridged reference work has been compiled from the most-accessed entries from  The   Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics  (www.encyclopediaofappliedlinguistics.com) ,  the more extensive volume which is available in print and digital format in 1000 libraries spanning 50 countries worldwide. Alphabetically-organized and updated entries help readers gain an understanding of the essentials of the field with entries on topics such as multilingualism, language policy and planning, language assessment and testing, translation and interpreting, and many others.  Accessible for readers who are new to applied linguistics,  The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics :  Includes entries written by experts in a broad range of areas within applied linguistics Explains the theory and research approaches used in the field for analysis of language, language use, and contexts of language use Demonstrates the connections among theory, research, and practice in the study of language issues Provides a perfect starting point for pursuing essential topics in applied linguistics Designed to offer readers an introduction to the range of topics and approaches within the field , The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics  is ideal for new students of applied linguistics and for researchers in the field.

Öåíà: 5362.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119147374


The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments
The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments

Àâòîð: Leonie Burgess

The most comprehensive and applied discussion of stated choice experiment constructions available The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments provides an accessible introduction to the construction methods needed to create the best possible designs for use in modeling decision-making. Many aspects of the design of a generic stated choice experiment are independent of its area of application, and until now there has been no single book describing these constructions. This book begins with a brief description of the various areas where stated choice experiments are applicable, including marketing and health economics, transportation, environmental resource economics, and public welfare analysis. The authors focus on recent research results on the construction of optimal and near-optimal choice experiments and conclude with guidelines and insight on how to properly implement these results. Features of the book include: Construction of generic stated choice experiments for the estimation of main effects only, as well as experiments for the estimation of main effects plus two-factor interactions Constructions for choice sets of any size and for attributes with any number of levels A discussion of designs that contain a none option or a common base option Practical techniques for the implementation of the constructions Class-tested material that presents theoretical discussion of optimal design Complete and extensive references to the mathematical and statistical literature for the constructions Exercise sets in most chapters, which reinforce the understanding of the presented material The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments serves as an invaluable reference guide for applied statisticians and practitioners in the areas of marketing, health economics, transport, and environmental evaluation. It is also ideal as a supplemental text for courses in the design of experiments, decision support systems, and choice models. A companion web site is available for readers to access web-based software that can be used to implement the constructions described in the book.

Öåíà: 14802.25 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470148556


The Data Science Handbook
The Data Science Handbook

Àâòîð: Field Cady

A comprehensive overview of data science covering the analytics, programming, and business skills necessary to master the discipline Finding a good data scientist has been likened to hunting for a unicorn: the required combination of technical skills is simply very hard to find in one person. In addition, good data science is not just rote application of trainable skill sets; it requires the ability to think flexibly about all these areas and understand the connections between them. This book provides a crash course in data science, combining all the necessary skills into a unified discipline. Unlike many analytics books, computer science and software engineering are given extensive coverage since they play such a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. The author also describes classic machine learning algorithms, from their mathematical foundations to real-world applications. Visualization tools are reviewed, and their central importance in data science is highlighted. Classical statistics is addressed to help readers think critically about the interpretation of data and its common pitfalls. The clear communication of technical results, which is perhaps the most undertrained of data science skills, is given its own chapter, and all topics are explained in the context of solving real-world data problems. The book also features: • Extensive sample code and tutorials using Python™ along with its technical libraries • Core technologies of “Big Data,” including their strengths and limitations and how they can be used to solve real-world problems • Coverage of the practical realities of the tools, keeping theory to a minimum; however, when theory is presented, it is done in an intuitive way to encourage critical thinking and creativity • A wide variety of case studies from industry • Practical advice on the realities of being a data scientist today, including the overall workflow, where time is spent, the types of datasets worked on, and the skill sets needed The Data Science Handbook is an ideal resource for data analysis methodology and big data software tools. The book is appropriate for people who want to practice data science, but lack the required skill sets. This includes software professionals who need to better understand analytics and statisticians who need to understand software. Modern data science is a unified discipline, and it is presented as such. This book is also an appropriate reference for researchers and entry-level graduate students who need to learn real-world analytics and expand their skill set. FIELD CADY is the data scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, where he develops tools that use machine learning to mine scientific literature. He has also worked at Google and several Big Data startups. He has a BS in physics and math from Stanford University, and an MS in computer science from Carnegie Mellon.

Öåíà: 6309.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119092933


The Death of the Internet
The Death of the Internet

Àâòîð: Markus Jakobsson

Fraud poses a significant threat to the Internet. 1.5% of all online advertisements attempt to spread malware. This lowers the willingness to view or handle advertisements, which will severely affect the structure of the web and its viability. It may also destabilize online commerce. In addition, the Internet is increasingly becoming a weapon for political targets by malicious organizations and governments. This book will examine these and related topics, such as smart phone based web security. This book describes the basic threats to the Internet (loss of trust, loss of advertising revenue, loss of security) and how they are related. It also discusses the primary countermeasures and how to implement them.

Öåíà: 8721.18 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118312537


The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management
The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management

Àâòîð: Andrew Hiles

With a pedigree going back over ten years, The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management can rightly claim to be a classic guide to business risk management and contingency planning, with a style that makes it accessible to all business managers. Some of the original underlying principles remain the same – but much has changed. This is reflected in this radically updated third edition, with exciting and helpful new content from new and innovative contributors and new case studies bringing the book right up to the minute. This book combines over 500 years of experience from leading Business Continuity experts of many countries. It is presented in an easy-to-follow format, explaining in detail the core BC activities incorporated in BS 25999, Business Continuity Guidelines, BS 25777 IT Disaster Recovery and other standards and in the body of knowledge common to the key business continuity institutes. Contributors from America, Asia Pacific, Europe, China, India and the Middle East provide a truly global perspective, bringing their own insights and approaches to the subject, sharing best practice from the four corners of the world. We explore and summarize the latest legislation, guidelines and standards impacting BC planning and management and explain their impact. The structured format, with many revealing case studies, examples and checklists, provides a clear roadmap, simplifying and de-mystifying business continuity processes for those new to its disciplines and providing a benchmark of current best practice for those more experienced practitioners. This book makes a massive contribution to the knowledge base of BC and risk management. It is essential reading for all business continuity, risk managers and auditors: none should be without it.

Öåíà: 7732.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470976180


The Digital Patient
The Digital Patient

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A modern guide to computational models and constructive simulation for personalized patient care using the Digital Patient The healthcare industry’s emphasis is shifting from merely reacting to disease to preventing disease and promoting wellness. Addressing one of the more hopeful Big Data undertakings, The Digital Patient: Advancing Healthcare, Research, and Education presents a timely resource on the construction and deployment of the Digital Patient and its effects on healthcare, research, and education. The Digital Patient will not be constructed based solely on new information from all the “omics” fields; it also includes systems analysis, Big Data, and the various efforts to model the human physiome and represent it virtually. The Digital Patient will be realized through the purposeful collaboration of patients as well as scientific, clinical, and policy researchers. The Digital Patient: Advancing Healthcare, Research, and Education addresses the international research efforts that are leading to the development of the Digital Patient, the wealth of ongoing research in systems biology and multiscale simulation, and the imminent applications within the domain of personalized healthcare. Chapter coverage includes: The visible human The physiological human The virtual human Research in systems biology Multi-scale modeling Personalized medicine Self-quantification Visualization Computational modeling Interdisciplinary collaboration The Digital Patient: Advancing Healthcare, Research, and Education is a useful reference for simulation professionals such as clinicians, medical directors, managers, simulation technologists, faculty members, and educators involved in research and development in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. The book is also an ideal supplement for graduate-level courses related to human modeling, simulation, and visualization.

Öåíà: 10523.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118952771


The Drug Lord s Hostage
The Drug Lord's Hostage

Àâòîð: Lucy McNial

Dies ist die komplette Geschichte von Valentina und Mateo aus «Hostage Bride» und «Hostage Forever».
Einst von seinem rechtm??igen Thron versto?en, hat Mateo Moreno nur zwei Ziele. Der m?chtigste Drug Lord Kolumbiens zu werden und Rache zu ?ben. Die sch?ne Valentina Botero ist der Schl?ssel f?r seinen Feldzug. Nicht mehr. Nicht weniger. Zumindest war das der Plan. Dass seine sch?ne Geisel ihm derart unter die Haut gehen w?rde – war nicht geplant.
Ihr ganzes Leben war Valentina darauf vorbereitet worden, einmal die Frau von Sebastian zu werden. Doch dann wird sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag entf?hrt. Und ihr Entf?hrer ist kein anderer als Mateo Moreno, der Mann, den man hinter vorgehaltener Hand den Schl?chter nennt. Skrupellos. Grausam. Machthungrig. Er will sie nicht nur benutzen um seine ehrgeizigen Ziele zu erreichen. Nein. Er will sie brechen. Sie unterwerfen. Und daf?r ist ihm jedes Mittel recht.

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752919011


The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure
The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Consists of two separate but closely related parts. Originally published in 1966, the first section deals with elements of integration and has been updated and corrected. The latter half details the main concepts of Lebesgue measure and uses the abstract measure space approach of the Lebesgue integral because it strikes directly at the most important results—the convergence theorems.

Öåíà: 16348.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118164488


The Elements of Investing
The Elements of Investing

Àâòîð: Burton G. Malkiel

Öåíà: 1519.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119773801


The Elephant and the Mouse
The Elephant and the Mouse

Àâòîð: Laura A. Liswood

Explore diversity, equity, and inclusion that goes beyond unconscious bias and explores the ideas and tools needed to achieve these goals In The Elephant and the Mouse, award-winning speaker and diversity and inclusion expert Laura Liswood delivers a thought-provoking and insightful new business guide that explores workplace diversity and offers new ideas for gaining the real benefits from your diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The Elephant and the Mouse refers to the dynamic in organizations that are roadblocks to consciously inclusive success. The Elephant, often dominant group leadership, knows little about the experiences of the Mouse, the non-dominant groups, while the Mouse knows so much more about the Elephant. In diverse workplaces, these two groups live in different worlds. Success will come only if everyone works in a true meritocracy. You learn what may be easy for some to do in their career is much harder for others to do. In this book, which builds upon Liswood's groundbreaking book, The Loudest Duck, you'll explore the powerful case for diversity, equity, and inclusion and the often-overlooked risks posed by a homogeneous workforce. You will learn the hard truths about why many DE&I efforts fail, millions of dollars are wasted, and why organizations confuse efforts with outcomes. You'll consider new ways of leading others, with a strong emphasis on tactics and strategies employed by successful Elephant and Mouse leaders, including women leaders. The book also includes: Realistic explanations for the slow progress in diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in society and organizations Examinations of the concept and myths of meritocracy and how to conduct a Meritocracy Stress Test on your firm How organizations often have an illusion of inclusion but find their efforts not creating the inclusive, equitable teams they say they want How safety efforts can provide a roadmap for diversity missions An exploration of both the human interventions and non-human roles of technology in DE&I initiatives, including the use of people analytics to de-bias organizations What tools are needed to go beyond awareness of unconscious bias to de-bias processes and what traits the new Elephant and Mouse leader has An indispensable resource for managers, executives, and other business leaders who seek to recreate truly diverse, inclusive, and equitable organizations, The Elephant and the Mouse is also a must-read for human resources professionals, individuals who want successful careers in diverse teams, and anyone involved in the hiring, retaining, and promoting processes. This book offers a way to move beyond traditional diversity efforts towards more modern practices that embrace—and profit from—the differences between people.

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119836261


The Ellipse. A Historical and Mathematical Journey
The Ellipse. A Historical and Mathematical Journey

Àâòîð: Arthur Mazer

Explores the development of the ellipse and presents mathematical concepts within a rich, historical context The Ellipse features a unique, narrative approach when presenting the development of this mathematical fixture, revealing its parallels to mankind's advancement from the Counter-Reformation to the Enlightenment. Incorporating illuminating historical background and examples, the author brings together basic concepts from geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus to uncover the ellipse as the shape of a planet's orbit around the sun. The book begins with a discussion that tells the story of man's pursuit of the ellipse, from Aristarchus to Newton's successful unveiling nearly two millenniums later. The narrative draws insightful similarities between mathematical developments and the advancement of the Greeks, Romans, Medieval Europe, and Renaissance Europe. The author begins each chapter by setting the historical backdrop that is pertinent to the mathematical material that is discussed, equipping readers with the knowledge to fully grasp the presented examples and derive the ellipse as the planetary pathway. All topics are presented in both historical and mathematical contexts, and additional mathematical excursions are clearly marked so that readers have a guidepost for the materials' relevance to the development of the ellipse. The Ellipse is an excellent book for courses on the history of mathematics at the undergraduate level. It is also a fascinating reference for mathematicians, engineers, or anyone with a general interest in historical mathematics.

Öåíà: 7732.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470591024


The ESD Control Program Handbook
The ESD Control Program Handbook

Àâòîð: Jeremy M. Smallwood

Öåíà: 16448.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118694572


The Expert Witness in Construction
The Expert Witness in Construction

Àâòîð: Horne Robert

The role of the expert witness has long been important in the resolution of construction disputes. The specialist opinion brought by the expert can aid understanding and interpretation of the facts of the dispute, and may be influential in deciding the outcome. The variety of dispute resolution procedures and the requirement for the expert witness to be independent places a heavy burden on the parties to identify and instruct an appropriate expert, and on the expert to ensure they discharge their duty in the correct manner. The Expert Witness in Construction explains, in practical terms, the way in which experts work with particular reference to the construction industry. Within this book the Expert's role is explained in legal and practical terms as a progression from understanding the basic principles by which Experts can be identified, through appointment, to giving evidence before a tribunal. At every stage commentary is given to: help and guide professionals new to the arena of expert evidence; act as a resource for those already acting as Experts; assist party representatives looking for best practice guidance on the instruction of Experts; and provide parties to disputes information on what they should expect from the Expert they appoint to explain the issues in the case. Covering all the implications of identifying, appointing, instructing and relying on experts, it will help the reader to understand why experts are instructed in the way they are, how to identify the expert that is right for a particular case and how evidence should be presented. Written by a practicing lawyer and a consultant with extensive experience of acting as an expert witness, the requirements of both the lawyer and expert are discussed. As such, it will help both parties to understand each other resulting in a closer, more productive working relationship.

Öåíà: 16569.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118654378


The Family Nurse Practitioner
The Family Nurse Practitioner

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The Family Nurse Practitioner  provides essential guidance and information for understanding how to diagnose and manage typical (and some atypical) patient cases. With contributions from noted experts on the topic,   this new edition   contains updated cases to reflect today’s patient-centered approach, and includes the most recent advances in patient care. From neonatal to geriatric, all the cases demonstrate real-life scenarios and present appropriate solutions on a case-by-case basis to reflect the nuance required in practice.  The revised edition emphasizes pharmacological management, with a new section on mental health care and additional cases on chronic conditions. Greater consideration is given to race, gender, ethnicity and their impact on management options.  Contains more than 70 case studies Offers new cases on pelvic pain, substance abuse, food allergies, celiac disease, child abuse, pre-conception planning, and dermatology Includes discussion questions to help develop understanding Written for students and academics of nursing and nurse practitioners,  The Family Nurse Practitioner  is the ideal text for developing and expanding one’s knowledge and comprehension of the diagnosis and management of patient care.

Öåíà: 7451.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119603221


The Fitness of Information
The Fitness of Information

Àâòîð: Chaomei Chen

Theories and practices to assess critical information in a complex adaptive system Organized for readers to follow along easily, The Fitness of Information: Quantitative Assessments of Critical Evidence provides a structured outline of the key challenges in assessing crucial information in a complex adaptive system. Illustrating a variety of computational and explanatory challenges, the book demonstrates principles and practical implications of exploring and assessing the fitness of information in an extensible framework of adaptive landscapes. The book’s first three chapters introduce fundamental principles and practical examples in connection to the nature of aesthetics, mental models, and the subjectivity of evidence. In particular, the underlying question is how these issues can be addressed quantitatively, not only computationally but also explanatorily. The next chapter illustrates how one can reduce the level of complexity in understanding the structure and dynamics of scientific knowledge through the design and use of the CiteSpace system for visualizing and analyzing emerging trends in scientific literature. The following two chapters explain the concepts of structural variation and the fitness of information in a framework that builds on the idea of fitness landscape originally introduced to study population evolution. The final chapter presents a dual-map overlay technique and demonstrates how it supports a variety of analytic tasks for a new type of portfolio analysis. The Fitness of Information: Quantitative Assessments of Critical Evidence also features: In-depth case studies and examples that characterize far-reaching concepts, illustrate underlying principles, and demonstrate profound challenges and complexities at various levels of analytic reasoning Wide-ranging topics that underline the common theme, from the subjectivity of evidence in criminal trials to detecting early signs of critical transitions and mechanisms behind radical patents An extensible and unifying framework for visual analytics by transforming analytic reasoning tasks to the assessment of critical evidence The Fitness of Information: Quantitative Assessments of Critical Evidence is a suitable reference for researchers, analysts, and practitioners who are interested in analyzing evidence and making decisions with incomplete, uncertain, and even conflicting information. The book is also an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses on visual analytics, information visualization, and business analytics and decision support systems.

Öåíà: 7362.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118594100


THE FLYING CHEFS Das Oktoberkochbuch
THE FLYING CHEFS Das Oktoberkochbuch

Àâòîð: Sebastian Kemper

Das Oktoberkochbuch Saisonal, regional, fein und exklusiv Mit unseren Themenkochb?chern zelebrieren wir regionale, saisonale Produkte. Das Ziel dabei ist immer, das Hauptprodukt in den Vordergrund zu stellen und den Eigenschmack hervorzuheben und nicht mit zu vielen Zutaten oder Gew?rzen zu ?berdecken.

Ñåðèÿ: THE FLYING CHEFS Themenkochb?cher

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742714206


The Fourier-Analytic Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity
The Fourier-Analytic Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A unique synthesis of the three existing Fourier-analytic treatments of quadratic reciprocity. The relative quadratic case was first settled by Hecke in 1923, then recast by Weil in 1964 into the language of unitary group representations. The analytic proof of the general n-th order case is still an open problem today, going back to the end of Hecke's famous treatise of 1923. The Fourier-Analytic Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity provides number theorists interested in analytic methods applied to reciprocity laws with a unique opportunity to explore the works of Hecke, Weil, and Kubota. This work brings together for the first time in a single volume the three existing formulations of the Fourier-analytic proof of quadratic reciprocity. It shows how Weil's groundbreaking representation-theoretic treatment is in fact equivalent to Hecke's classical approach, then goes a step further, presenting Kubota's algebraic reformulation of the Hecke-Weil proof. Extensive commutative diagrams for comparing the Weil and Kubota architectures are also featured. The author clearly demonstrates the value of the analytic approach, incorporating some of the most powerful tools of modern number theory, including ad?les, metaplectric groups, and representations. Finally, he points out that the critical common factor among the three proofs is Poisson summation, whose generalization may ultimately provide the resolution for Hecke's open problem.

Öåíà: 21430.12 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118031193


The Fractional Trigonometry
The Fractional Trigonometry

Àâòîð: Carl F. Lorenzo

Addresses the rapidly growing ­field of fractional calculus and provides simpli­fied solutions for linear commensurate-order fractional differential equations ­The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science is the result of the authors’ work in fractional calculus, and more particularly, in functions for the solutions of fractional di­fferential equations, which is fostered in the behavior of generalized exponential functions. The authors discuss how fractional trigonometry plays a role analogous to the classical trigonometry for the fractional calculus by providing solutions to linear fractional di­fferential equations. The book begins with an introductory chapter that o­ffers insight into the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and topical coverage is then organized in two main parts. Part One develops the definitions and theories of fractional exponentials and fractional trigonometry. Part Two provides insight into various areas of potential application within the sciences. The fractional exponential function via the fundamental fractional differential equation, the generalized exponential function, and R-function relationships are discussed in addition to the fractional hyperboletry, the R1-fractional trigonometry, the R2-fractional trigonometry, and the R3-trigonometric functions. ­The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science also: Presents fractional trigonometry as a tool for scientists and engineers and discusses how to apply fractional-order methods to the current toolbox of mathematical modelers Employs a mathematically clear presentation in an e­ ort to make the topic broadly accessible Includes solutions to linear fractional di­fferential equations and generously features graphical forms of functions to help readers visualize the presented concepts Provides e­ffective and efficient methods to describe complex structures ­The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science is an ideal reference for academic researchers, research engineers, research scientists, mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and chemists who need to apply new fractional calculus methods to a variety of disciplines. The book is also appropriate as a textbook for graduate- and PhD-level courses in fractional calculus. Carl F. Lorenzo is Distinguished Research Associate at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. His past positions include chief engineer of the Instrumentation and Controls Division and chief of the Advanced Controls Technology and Systems Dynamics branches at NASA. He is internationally recognized for his work in the development and application of the fractional calculus and fractional trigonometry. Tom T. Hartley, PhD, is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Akron. Dr Hartley is a recognized expert in fractional-order systems, and together with Carl Lorenzo, has solved fundamental problems in the area including Riemann’s complementary-function initialization function problem. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University.

Öåíà: 14216.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119139423


The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition
The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Bringing together a comprehensive collection of newly-commissioned articles, this Handbook covers the most recent developments across a range of sub-fields relevant to the study of second language Spanish. Provides a unique and much-needed collection of new research in this subject, compiled and written by experts in the field Offers a critical account of the most current, ground-breaking developments across key fields, each of which has seen innovative empirical research in the past decade Covers a broad range of issues including current theoretical approaches, alongside a variety of entries within such areas as the sound system, morphosyntax, individual and social factors, and instructed language learning Presents a variety of methodological approaches spanning the active areas of research in language acquisition

Öåíà: 21780.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118590157


The Haunted Bookshop
The Haunted Bookshop

Àâòîð: Christopher Morley

libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742901637


The Heaviest Metals. Science and Technology of the Actinides and Beyond
The Heaviest Metals. Science and Technology of the Actinides and Beyond

Àâòîð: Timothy Hanusa P

An authoritative survey of the science and advanced technological uses of the actinide and transactinide metals The Heaviest Metals offers an essential resource that covers the fundamentals of the chemical and physical properties of the heaviest metals as well as the most recent advances in their science and technology. The authors – noted experts in the field – offer an authoritative review of the actinide and transactinide elements, i.e., the elements from actinium to lawrencium as well as rutherfordium through organesson, the current end of the periodic table, element 118. The text explores the history of the metals, their occurrence and issues of production, and covers a broad range of chemical subjects including environmental concerns and remediation approaches. The authors also offer information on the most recent and emerging applications of the metals, such as in superconducting materials, catalysis, and research into medical diagnostics. This important resource: Provides an overview of the science and advanced technological uses of the actinide and transactinide metals Describes the basic chemical and physical properties of the heaviest metals, and discusses the challenges and opportunities for their technological applications Contains accessible information on the fundamental features of the heaviest metals, special requirements for their experimental study, and the critical role of computational characterization of their compounds Highlights the most current and emerging applications in areas such as superconducting materials, catalysis, nuclear forensics, and medicine Presents vital contemporary issues of the heaviest metals Written for graduate students and researchers working with the actinide and transactinide elements, industrial and academic inorganic and nuclear chemists, and engineers, The Heaviest Metals is a comprehensive volume that explores the fundamental chemistry and properties of the heaviest metals, and the challenges and opportunities associated with their present and emerging technological uses.

Öåíà: 31151.01 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119304081


The History of Mathematics
The History of Mathematics

Àâòîð: Roger L. Cooke

Praise for the Second Edition «An amazing assemblage of worldwide contributions in mathematics and, in addition to use as a course book, a valuable resource . . . essential.» —CHOICE This Third Edition of The History of Mathematics examines the elementary arithmetic, geometry, and algebra of numerous cultures, tracing their usage from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, India, China, and Japan all the way to Europe during the Medieval and Renaissance periods where calculus was developed. Aimed primarily at undergraduate students studying the history of mathematics for science, engineering, and secondary education, the book focuses on three main ideas: the facts of who, what, when, and where major advances in mathematics took place; the type of mathematics involved at the time; and the integration of this information into a coherent picture of the development of mathematics. In addition, the book features carefully designed problems that guide readers to a fuller understanding of the relevant mathematics and its social and historical context. Chapter-end exercises, numerous photographs, and a listing of related websites are also included for readers who wish to pursue a specialized topic in more depth. Additional features of The History of Mathematics, Third Edition include: Material arranged in a chronological and cultural context Specific parts of the history of mathematics presented as individual lessons New and revised exercises ranging between technical, factual, and integrative Individual PowerPoint presentations for each chapter and a bank of homework and test questions (in addition to the exercises in the book) An emphasis on geography, culture, and mathematics In addition to being an ideal coursebook for undergraduate students, the book also serves as a fascinating reference for mathematically inclined individuals who are interested in learning about the history of mathematics.

Öåíà: 14465.26 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118464977


The How and Why of One Variable Calculus
The How and Why of One Variable Calculus

Àâòîð: Amol Sasane

First course calculus texts have traditionally been either “engineering/science-oriented” with too little rigor, or have thrown students in the deep end with a rigorous analysis text. The How and Why of One Variable Calculus closes this gap in providing a rigorous treatment that takes an original and valuable approach between calculus and analysis. Logically organized and also very clear and user-friendly, it covers 6 main topics; real numbers, sequences, continuity, differentiation, integration, and series. It is primarily concerned with developing an understanding of the tools of calculus. The author presents numerous examples and exercises that illustrate how the techniques of calculus have universal application. The How and Why of One Variable Calculus presents an excellent text for a first course in calculus for students in the mathematical sciences, statistics and analytics, as well as a text for a bridge course between single and multi-variable calculus as well as between single variable calculus and upper level theory courses for math majors.

Öåíà: 6984.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119043393


The Image-Interface
The Image-Interface

Àâòîð: Everardo Reyes-Garcia

Digital practices are shaped by graphical representations that appear on the computer screen, which is the principal surface for designing, visualizing, and interacting with digital information. Before any digital image or graphical interface is rendered on the screen there is a series of layers that affect its visual properties. To discover such processes it is necessary to investigate software applications, graphical user interfaces, programming languages and code, algorithms, data structures, and data types in their relationship with graphical outcomes and design possibilities. This book studies interfaces as images and images as interfaces. It offers a comprehensible framework to study graphical representations of visual information. It explores the relationship between visual information and its graphical supports, taking into account contributions from fields of visual computing. Graphical supports are considered as material but also as formal aspects underlying the representation of digital images on the digital screen.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119474982


The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data
The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data

Àâòîð: Venkat Srinivasan

“ … the enterprise of today has changed … wherever you sit in this new corporation … Srinivasan gives us a practical and provocative guide for rethinking our business process … calling us all to action around rapid development of our old, hierarchical structures into flexible customer centric competitive force …. A must read for today’s business leader.” Mark Nunnelly, Executive Director, MassIT, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Managing Director, Bain Capital “’Efficiency,’ ‘agile,’ and ‘analytics’ used to be the rage. Venkat Srinivasan explains in this provocative book why organizations can no longer afford to stop there. They need to move beyond – to be ‘intelligent.’ It isn’t just theory. He’s done it.” Bharat Anand, Henry R. Byers Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School In the era of big data and automation, the book presents a cutting-edge approach to how enterprises should organize and function. Striking a practical balance between theory and practice, The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data presents the enterprise architecture that identifies the power of the emerging technology environment. Beginning with an introduction to the key challenges that enterprises face, the book systematically outlines modern enterprise architecture through a detailed discussion of the inseparable elements of such architecture: efficiency, flexibility, and intelligence. This architecture enables rapid responses to market needs by sensing important developments in internal and external environments in real time. Illustrating all of these elements in an integrated fashion, The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data also features: • A detailed discussion on issues of time-to-market and flexibility with respect to enterprise application technology • Novel analyses illustrated through extensive real-world case studies to help readers better understand the applicability of the architecture and concepts • Various applications of natural language processing to real-world business transactions • Practical approaches for designing and building intelligent enterprises The Intelligent Enterprise in the Era of Big Data is an appropriate reference for business executives, information technology professionals, data scientists, and management consultants. The book is also an excellent supplementary textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in business intelligence, data mining, big data, and business process automation. “a compelling vision of the next generation of organization—the intelligent enterprise—which will leverage not just big data but also unstructured text and artificial intelligence to optimize internal processes in real time … a must-read book for CEOs and CTOs in all industries.” Ravi Ramamurti, D”Amore-McKim Distinguished Professor of International Business and Strategy, and Director, Center for Emerging Markets, Northeastern University “It is about the brave new world that narrows the gap between technology and business …. The book has practical advice from a thoughtful practitioner. Intelligent automation will be a competitive strength in the future. Will your company be ready?” Victor J. Menezes, Retired Senior Vice Chairman, Citigroup Venkat Srinivasan, PhD, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RAGE Frameworks, Inc., which supports the creation of intelligent business process automation solutions and cognitive intelligence solutions for global corporations. He is an entrepreneur and holds several patents in the area of knowledge-based technology architectures. He is t

Öåíà: 5054.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118834756


The Journalist
The Journalist

Àâòîð: Sylvia Oldenburg-Marbacher

Die ehrgeizige Journalistin Sharon ist Inhaberin der Swiss Independent, einem unabh?ngigen Berichterstattungsjournal in Z?rich. Sie setzt sich leidenschaftlich mit Krieg, Frieden, Demokratie und ?berwachung in Europa auseinander und versucht nebenbei die Wahrheit ?ber den tragischen Autounfall, in dem ihr Vater vor Jahren ums Leben gekommen ist, ans Tageslicht zu bringen. Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Mitarbeiter, lernt sie den jungen, unbeschwerten Finn kennen, der ihr auf Anhieb sympathisch ist. Die Ereignisse ?berschlagen sich und ihre schlimmsten Vorahnungen werden best?tigt.

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738056969


The Language of Mathematics. Utilizing Math in Practice
The Language of Mathematics. Utilizing Math in Practice

Àâòîð: Robert Baber L

A new and unique way of understanding the translation of concepts and natural language into mathematical expressions Transforming a body of text into corresponding mathematical expressions and models is traditionally viewed and taught as a mathematical problem; it is also a task that most find difficult. The Language of Mathematics: Utilizing Math in Practice reveals a new way to view this process—not as a mathematical problem, but as a translation, or language, problem. By presenting the language of mathematics explicitly and systematically, this book helps readers to learn mathematics?and improve their ability to apply mathematics more efficiently and effectively to practical problems in their own work. Using parts of speech to identify variables and functions in a mathematical model is a new approach, as is the insight that examining aspects of grammar is highly useful when formulating a corresponding mathematical model. This book identifies the basic elements of the language of mathematics, such as values, variables, and functions, while presenting the grammatical rules for combining them into expressions and other structures. The author describes and defines different notational forms for expressions, and also identifies the relationships between parts of speech and other grammatical elements in English and components of expressions in the language of mathematics. Extensive examples are used throughout that cover a wide range of real-world problems and feature diagrams and tables to facilitate understanding. The Language of Mathematics is a thought-provoking book of interest for readers who would like to learn more about the linguistic nature and aspects of mathematical notation. The book also serves as a valuable supplement for engineers, technicians, managers, and consultants who would like to improve their ability to apply mathematics effectively, systematically, and efficiently to practical problems.

Öåíà: 12813.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118061718


The Language of Mathematics. Utilizing Math in Practice
The Language of Mathematics. Utilizing Math in Practice

Àâòîð: Robert Baber L

A new and unique way of understanding the translation of concepts and natural language into mathematical expressions Transforming a body of text into corresponding mathematical expressions and models is traditionally viewed and taught as a mathematical problem; it is also a task that most find difficult. The Language of Mathematics: Utilizing Math in Practice reveals a new way to view this process—not as a mathematical problem, but as a translation, or language, problem. By presenting the language of mathematics explicitly and systematically, this book helps readers to learn mathematics?and improve their ability to apply mathematics more efficiently and effectively to practical problems in their own work. Using parts of speech to identify variables and functions in a mathematical model is a new approach, as is the insight that examining aspects of grammar is highly useful when formulating a corresponding mathematical model. This book identifies the basic elements of the language of mathematics, such as values, variables, and functions, while presenting the grammatical rules for combining them into expressions and other structures. The author describes and defines different notational forms for expressions, and also identifies the relationships between parts of speech and other grammatical elements in English and components of expressions in the language of mathematics. Extensive examples are used throughout that cover a wide range of real-world problems and feature diagrams and tables to facilitate understanding. The Language of Mathematics is a thought-provoking book of interest for readers who would like to learn more about the linguistic nature and aspects of mathematical notation. The book also serves as a valuable supplement for engineers, technicians, managers, and consultants who would like to improve their ability to apply mathematics effectively, systematically, and efficiently to practical problems.

Öåíà: 12061.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118061718


The Law of Higher Education
The Law of Higher Education

Àâòîð: William A. Kaplin

A single-volume text that distills information for students Based on the sixth edition of Kaplin and Lee’s indispensable guide to the law that bears on the conduct of higher education, The Law of Higher Education, Sixth Edition: Student Version provides an up-to-date reference and guide for coursework in higher education law and programs preparing law students and higher education administrators for leadership roles. This student edition discusses the most significant areas of the law for college and university attorneys and administrators. Each chapter is introduced by a discussion of key terms and topics the students will encounter, and the book includes materials from the full sixth edition that are most relevant to student interests and classroom instruction. It also contains a “crosswalk” that keys sections of the Student Edition to counterpart sections of the two-volume treatise. Complements the full version Includes a glossary of legal terms and an appendix on how to read legal material for students without legal training Discusses key terms in each chapter Concentrates on key topics students will need to know This is fundamental reading for law students preparing for careers in higher education law and for graduate students in higher education administration programs.

Öåíà: 10026.25 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119271949


The Life of Robert Frost
The Life of Robert Frost

Àâòîð: Henry Hart

The Life of Robert Frost presents a unique and rich approach to the poet that includes original genealogical research concerning Frost’s ancestors, and a demonstration of how mental illness plagued the Frost family and heavily influenced Frost’s poetry. A widely revealing biography of Frost that discusses his often perplexing journey from humble roots to poetic fame, revealing new details of Frost’s life Takes a unique approach by giving attention to Frost’s genealogy and the family history of mental illness, presenting a complete picture of Frost’s complexity Discusses the traumatic effect on Frost of his father’s early death and the impact on his poetry and outlook Presents original information on the influence of his mother’s Swedenborgian mysticism

Öåíà: 8369.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119103677


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