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Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations
Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations

Àâòîð: Jeffrey E. Kottemann

Features an integrated approach of statistical scenarios and simulations to aid readers in developing key intuitions needed to understand the wide ranging concepts and methods of statistics and inference Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations presents the basic concepts of statistics and statistical inference using the dual mechanisms of scenarios and simulations. This approach helps readers develop key intuitions and deep understandings of statistical analysis. Scenario-specific sampling simulations depict the results that would be obtained by a very large number of individuals investigating the same scenario, each with their own evidence, while graphical depictions of the simulation results present clear and direct pathways to intuitive methods for statistical inference. These intuitive methods can then be easily linked to traditional formulaic methods, and the author does not simply explain the linkages, but rather provides demonstrations throughout for a broad range of statistical phenomena. In addition, induction and deduction are repeatedly interwoven, which fosters a natural «need to know basis» for ordering the topic coverage. Examining computer simulation results is central to the discussion and provides an illustrative way to (re)discover the properties of sample statistics, the role of chance, and to (re)invent corresponding principles of statistical inference. In addition, the simulation results foreshadow the various mathematical formulas that underlie statistical analysis. In addition, this book: • Features both an intuitive and analytical perspective and includes a broad introduction to the use of Monte Carlo simulation and formulaic methods for statistical analysis • Presents straight-forward coverage of the essentials of basic statistics and ensures proper understanding of key concepts such as sampling distributions, the effects of sample size and variance on uncertainty, analysis of proportion, mean and rank differences, covariance, correlation, and regression • Introduces advanced topics such as Bayesian statistics, data mining, model cross-validation, robust regression, and resampling • Contains numerous example problems in each chapter with detailed solutions as well as an appendix that serves as a manual for constructing simulations quickly and easily using Microsoft® Office Excel® Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations is an ideal textbook for courses, seminars, and workshops in statistics and statistical inference and is appropriate for self-study as well. The book also serves as a thought-provoking treatise for researchers, scientists, managers, technicians, and others with a keen interest in statistical analysis. Jeffrey E. Kottemann, Ph.D., is Professor in the Perdue School at Salisbury University. Dr. Kottemann has published articles in a wide variety of academic research journals in the fields of business administration, computer science, decision sciences, economics, engineering, information systems, psychology, and public administration. He received his Ph.D. in Systems and Quantitative Methods from the University of Arizona.

Öåíà: 12097.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119296348


Im freien Feld
Im freien Feld

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Kaiser Friedrich II. und Franklin D. Roosevelt, Agatha Christie und James-Bond-Autor Ian Fleming, Walt Disney und der Komponist Olivier Messiaen, Albert Einstein, Konrad Lorenz, Jonathan Franzen und der Philosoph Henry David Thoreau haben etwas gemeinsam: Sie waren passionierte Vogelbeobachterinnen.
Mit der Sch?nheit ihres Gesangs und der F?higkeit zum Fliegen, ihrem pr?chtigen Federkleid und vielschichtigen Sozialverhalten faszinieren V?gel seit jeher ihre zahllosen Bewunderer, die «Im freien Feld» zu Wort kommen.
Am Festland und auf hoher See, zu ebener Erde und in der Luft, an menschenverlassenen Orten und inmitten der Gro?stadt, im eigenen Garten und am Wegrand machen Erz?hlungen aus dem Leben der V?gel neben ihrer natur- und kulturgeschichtlichen Dimension auch ihre aktuelle Gef?hrdung erfahrbar. Die Texte historischer und heutiger Vogelbeobachterinnen formulieren ein eindringliches Pl?doyer f?r das Studium der Vogelwelt und den Erhalt ihrer Vielfalt.
Mit Texten von Elizabeth Bishop, Peter Handke, Hermann Hesse, James Joyce, Karl Ove Knausg?rd, Brigitte Kronauer, Selma Lagerl?f, Katherine Mansfield, Sylvia Plath, Henry David Thoreau, Robert Walser u. a.

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783707606959


Im Lande des Mahdi II
Im Lande des Mahdi II

Àâòîð: Karl May

"Im Lande des Mahdi II" ist eine Reiseerz?hlung von Karl May, publiziert 1896.
Karl Friedrich May (* 25. Februar 1842 in Ernstthal; † 30. M?rz 1912 in Radebeul; eigentlich Carl Friedrich May) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Karl May war einer der produktivsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen. Er ist einer der meistgelesenen Schriftsteller deutscher Sprache und laut UNESCO einer der am h?ufigsten ?bersetzten deutschen Schriftsteller. Die weltweite Auflage seiner Werke wird auf 200 Millionen gesch?tzt, davon 100 Millionen in Deutschland. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine sogenannten Reiseerz?hlungen, die vorwiegend im Orient, in den Vereinigten Staaten und im Mexiko des 19. Jahrhunderts angesiedelt sind. Besondere Ber?hmtheit erlangten die in drei B?nden zusammengefassten Geschichten um den Indianer Winnetou. Viele seiner Werke wurden verfilmt, f?r die B?hne adaptiert, zu H?rspielen verarbeitet oder als Comics umgesetzt.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783746747859


Image Beyond the Screen
Image Beyond the Screen

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119706823


Immer weiter
Immer weiter

Àâòîð: Lloyd Bradley

Boney M. waren eine der gr??ten Popsensationen der sp?ten Siebziger: eine Disco-Band, erdacht vom Produzenten Frank Farian, der zu Beginn eigentlich nur vier h?bsche Aush?ngeschilder f?r seine schon fertigen Songs gesucht hatte. W?hrend Bobby Farrell und Maizie Williams das auch weitgehend blieben, trugen die S?ngerinnen Liz Mitchell und Marcia Barrett schon bald entscheidend zum Sound des Projekts bei. Die vier tingelten zun?chst durch kleine Clubs, bis sich ?ber Nacht der Riesenerfolg einstellte: «Daddy Cool» wurde zum ?berflieger und schoss auf den ersten Platz der deutschen Charts. Von 1976 bis 1978 lieferten Boney M. sieben Nummer-1-Singles hintereinander ab, und auch in den Folgejahren landete das Quartett zahlreiche Hits.
Mit ihren Erinnerungen an diese turbulente Zeit, an verr?ckte Fernsehauftritte und gewagte Fotosessions, an Kaviar, Champagner und Luxushotels beginnt Marcia Barrett ihre Autobiografie, die aber auch von den Schattenseiten eines Lebens als Popstar berichtet: Farian forderte h?chsten Einsatz von den vier Bandmitgliedern, die zwar im Studio kaum zum Zug kamen, sich daf?r aber jederzeit f?r Auftritte bereithalten mussten. Boney M. bereisten die Welt und wurden von ihren Fans gefeiert, blieben aber abh?ngig von den Launen des Masterminds, das im Hintergrund die F?den zog. Spannend und kenntnisreich schildert Barrett die Mechanismen der Popindustrie zur damaligen Zeit, in der Produzenten und Manager mit viel Kalk?l Hits zu schaffen versuchten, in ihren Musikern aber allenfalls willf?hrige Marionetten sahen.
F?nfzehn Jahre lang war Marcia Barrett Teil von Boney M., und diese Zeit pr?gte ihr Leben. Ebenso spannend jedoch liest sich ihre private Geschichte, von ihrer Kindheit in Jamaika ?ber die fr?heren Jahre als S?ngerin, als sie erst in England, sp?ter dann in Deutschland Fu? zu fassen versuchte. In den Neunzigerjahren, nach der Trennung von Boney M., musste sie schlie?lich ganz andere Herausforderungen meistern. Barrett erkrankte mehrfach an Krebs, k?mpfte sich aber nach jeder Diagnose mutig und unerschrocken wieder zur?ck ins Leben: «Immer weiter» blieb bei allen R?ckschl?gen ihr Motto.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783708105284


Immortale - Nachtfalke und Hexenmeister
Immortale - Nachtfalke und Hexenmeister

Àâòîð: Simon Rhys Beck

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783943678949


Impacts of Latent Desertification
Impacts of Latent Desertification

Àâòîð: Balasupramaniam Paramahamsa

Ice age can be brought back if one wanted to. Secondly, as a consequence the sea level will go down. It can be tuned according to the consensus. Preferably 50cm lower than it is today. The snows in the mountains will increase and as a result the deserts will shrink.

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738036435


Implantaci?n de aplicaciones web en entornos internet, intranet y extranet. IFCD0210
Implantaci?n de aplicaciones web en entornos internet, intranet y extranet. IFCD0210

Àâòîð: Antonio Lu?s Cardador Cabello

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416433094


Implementation of Large-Scale Education Assessments
Implementation of Large-Scale Education Assessments

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Presents a comprehensive treatment of issues related to the inception, design, implementation and reporting of large-scale education assessments. In recent years many countries have decided to become involved in international educational assessments to allow them to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of their student populations. Assessments such as the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the IEA's Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) have provided opportunities for comparison between students of different countries on a common international scale. This book is designed to give researchers, policy makers and practitioners a well-grounded knowledge in the design, implementation, analysis and reporting of international assessments. Readers will be able to gain a more detailed insight into the scientific principles employed in such studies allowing them to make better use of the results. The book will also give readers an understanding of the resources needed to undertake and improve the design of educational assessments in their own countries and regions. Implementation of Large-Scale Education Assessments: Brings together the editors’ extensive experience in creating, designing, implementing, analysing and reporting results on a wide range of assessments. Emphasizes methods for implementing international studies of student achievement and obtaining highquality data from cognitive tests and contextual questionnaires. Discusses the methods of sampling, weighting, and variance estimation that are commonly encountered in international large-scale assessments. Provides direction and stimulus for improving global educational assessment and student learning Is written by experts in the field, with an international perspective. Survey researchers, market researchers and practitioners engaged in comparative projects will all benefit from the unparalleled breadth of knowledge and experience in large-scale educational assessments gathered in this one volume.

Öåíà: 8369.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118762479


Implementierung von Lizenzmodellen in .NET
Implementierung von Lizenzmodellen in .NET

Àâòîð: Fabian Deitelhoff

Die beiden Themengebiete Lizenzen und Lizenzmodelle sind untrennbar mit der Softwareentwicklung verbunden. Und doch werden die Themen h?ufig ignoriert oder zu lange beiseite geschoben. Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet das, dass sich jeder, der Software entwickeln m?chte, mit den Themengebieten auseinander setzen muss. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um ein kommerzielles Produkt oder um Open-Source-Software handelt. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die Art und Weise, wie ?ber Lizenzen und Lizenzmodelle nachgedacht wird, grundlegend ver?ndert. Es ist nicht mehr notwendig, klobige Disketten zu kopieren, die zudem nur wenige Daten enthalten k?nnen. Auch der Kopierschutz von anderen Datentr?gern, wie beispielsweise CDs und DVDs, konnte in der Vergangenheit einfacher als gedacht umgangen werden. Zudem f?rdert die Technologie des Internets den Austausch – auch von gro?en Datenmengen – in kurzer Zeit. Nie war es einfacher und schneller m?glich, Software zu kopieren. Neben theoretischen Aspekten wird auch die Implementierung von Methoden und Frameworks gezeigt und daraufhin untersucht, ob deren Einsatz lohnenswert ist. Einige dieser Methoden und Frameworks sind der Unique Finger Print, der Software Protector und Portable.Licensing. Schwerpunktm??ig werden die Themengebiete rund um die Implementierung von Lizenzmodellen f?r Desktop- oder Netzwerkanwendungen behandelt. Die Lizenzierung von Cloud- oder Web-Diensten geh?rt nicht zum Fokus dieses devbooks. Viele der Themen sind dennoch allgemeing?ltig oder ?bertragbar, da auch bei den genannten Anwendungsgebieten lokale oder verteilte Lizenzen n?tzlich sind.

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783844292787


Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses
Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

While improvement science has experienced a surge of interest over the past 30 years, applications of it are rare in the evaluation literature. This issue promotes the cross-fertilization of ideas, techniques, and tools between evaluation and improvement science. There are at least four areas where this cross-fertilization is particularly relevant: learning from error, examining variation, appreciating context, and focusing on systems change. This volume considers: the conceptual similarities and distinctions between improvement science and evaluation; the intellectual foundations, methods, and tools that collectively comprise improvement science; and case chapters that offer an inspiring review of state-of-the-art improvement science applications. Cutting across all of these applications is a shared grounding in systems thinking, a determination to capture and better understand variation and contextual complexity, as well as a sustained commitment to generative learning about projects and programs—all issues of great concern to evaluators. The issue offers producers and users of evaluations the potential benefits of a closer engagement with improvement science. This is the 153rd issue in the New Directions for Evaluation series from Jossey-Bass. It is an official publication ofthe American Evaluation Association.

Öåíà: 2935.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119378617


Improving Survey Response
Improving Survey Response

Àâòîð: Jaak Billiet

High response rates have traditionally been considered as one of the main indicators of survey quality. Obtaining high response rates is sometimes difficult and expensive, but clearly plays a beneficial role in terms of improving data quality. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that simply boosting response to achieve a higher response rate will not in itself eradicate nonresponse bias. In this book the authors argue that high response rates should not be seen as a goal in themselves, but rather as part of an overall survey quality strategy based on random probability sampling and aimed at minimising nonresponse bias. Key features of Improving Survey Response: A detailed coverage of nonresponse issues, including a unique examination of cross-national survey nonresponse processes and outcomes. A discussion of the potential causes of nonresponse and practical strategies to combat it. A detailed examination of the impact of nonresponse and of techniques for adjusting for it once it has occurred. Examples of best practices and experiments drawn from 25 European countries. Supplemented by the European Social Survey (ESS) websites, containing materials for the measurement and analysis of nonresponse based on detailed country-level response process datasets. The book is designed to help survey researchers and those commissioning surveys by explaining how to prioritise the reduction of nonresponse bias rather than focusing on increasing the overall response rate. It shows substantive researchers how nonresponse can impact on substantive outcomes.

Öåíà: 12145.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470688328


Improving the process of driving a locomotive of Decision Support Systems
Improving the process of driving a locomotive of Decision Support Systems

Àâòîð: Oleksandr Horobchenko

The training system is implemented with the use of the fuzzy classifier that represents fuzzy knowledge base, the input of which receives signals about current state of the traction rolling stock and of the environment. The results of the work allow implementing intelligent DSS in modern locomotives. This will enhance the level of safety and efficiency of driving a train.

Öåíà: 72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9785448533136


In 3 Schritten GRATIS zu deiner Leadpage
In 3 Schritten GRATIS zu deiner Leadpage

Àâòîð: Urs Baumann

Stress mit Hosting Anbieter, Autoresponderanbieter, Wordpress Plugins und Updates? Mit Builderall hat das alles ein Ende. Lass dich ?berraschen, wie einfach und schnell du deine Sales- oder Leadpage erstellt hast. Dazu leite ich dich Schritt f?r Schritt an. Und schenke dir am Schluss eine funktionsf?hige Leadpage inkl. Adresseverwaltung. Es war nie leichter, unglaublich schnelle und professionelle Websites zu erstellen!

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752906875


In 90 Tagen fit f?r die Transalp
In 90 Tagen fit f?r die Transalp

Àâòîð: Bj?rn Kafka

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783768883795


In Defense of Reading
In Defense of Reading

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Written by influential scholar-critic and award-winning Daniel R. Schwarz, In Defense of Reading: Teaching Literature in the Twenty-First Century is a passionate and joyful defense of the pleasures of reading. This stimulating book provides valuable insights for teachers and students on why we read and how we read when we embark on «the odyssey of reading.» Provides valuable insights into why and how we read Addresses issues and problems in the contemporary university and offers insights into the future Explores the life of the mind, the rewards and joys of committed teaching, and the relationship between teaching and scholarship in the contemporary university Draws on the author's forty years of teaching experience Following his long term commitment to close reading and historicism, Schwarz shows how the best literary criticism must both respect text and context Contains insightful and important readings of a broad range of texts, including those by Joyce, Woolf, Conrad, Forster, Gordimer, and Spiegelman's Maus

Öåíà: 11040.93 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444304848


Industrial Coal Gasification Technologies Covering Baseline and High-Ash Coal
Industrial Coal Gasification Technologies Covering Baseline and High-Ash Coal

Àâòîð: Martin Gr?bner

The ongoing discussion about reaching the «peak-oil point» (maximal delivery rate with conventional methods) emphasizes a fundamental change of the frame conditions of oil-based basic products. The alternative with the largest potential is the use of coal. Coal gasification is the production of coal gas (a mixture of mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide) from coal adding agents like steam/water and oxygen, which can be used in a number of industrial processes (e.g. hydroformulation and Fischer-Tropsch process). Many different kinds of coal do naturally occur, and due to shrinking natural resources, there has been a substantial gain of interest in poor, ash-rich coal. Beside the quality of coal, there is a number of other parameters influencing the efficiency of coal gasification, such as temperature, pressure, and reactor type. Although several books dealing with the subject of gasification have recently been published, few are strictly focussed on coal as feedstock. This monograph provides the reader with the necessary chemical background on coal gasification. Several types of coal (baseline coal and ash-rich coal) are compared systematically, pointing out the technological efforts achieved so far to overcome this challenge. Using a new, innovative order scheme to evaluate the gasification process at a glance (the ternary diagram), the complex network of chemistry, engineering, and economic needs can be overviewed in a highly efficient way. This book is a must-have for Chemical and Process Engineers, Engineering Students, as well as Scientists in the Chemical Industry.

Öåíà: 14050.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527336920


Industrial Data Analytics for Diagnosis and Prognosis
Industrial Data Analytics for Diagnosis and Prognosis

Àâòîð: Yong Chen

Öåíà: 13660.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119666295


Industrial Statistics with Minitab
Industrial Statistics with Minitab

Àâòîð: Pere Grima Cintas

Industrial Statistics with MINITAB demonstrates the use of MINITAB as a tool for performing statistical analysis in an industrial context. This book covers introductory industrial statistics, exploring the most commonly used techniques alongside those that serve to give an overview of more complex issues. A plethora of examples in MINITAB are featured along with case studies for each of the statistical techniques presented. Industrial Statistics with MINITAB: Provides comprehensive coverage of user-friendly practical guidance to the essential statistical methods applied in industry. Explores statistical techniques and how they can be used effectively with the help of MINITAB 16. Contains extensive illustrative examples and case studies throughout and assumes no previous statistical knowledge. Emphasises data graphics and visualization, and the most used industrial statistical tools, such as Statistical Process Control and Design of Experiments. Is supported by an accompanying website featuring case studies and the corresponding datasets. Six Sigma Green Belts and Black Belts will find explanations and examples of the most relevant techniques in DMAIC projects. The book can also be used as quick reference enabling the reader to be confident enough to explore other MINITAB capabilities.

Öåíà: 8629.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118383797


Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The second edition of this concise and practical guide describes infections in geographical areas and provides information on disease risk, concomitant infections (such as co-prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis) and emerging bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in a given geographical area of the world. Geographic approach means that it?s the only book to guide the health care worker towards a diagnosis based on the location of symptoms and travel history by encouraging the question ?where have you been?? New content covering MERS, Ebola, Zika, and infections transmitted during air and maritime travel Covers the major infectious disease outbreaks framed in their geographic setting such as H7N9 ?bird flu? influenza, H1N1, Ebola, and Zika Outstanding international editor team with vast experience on various international infectious disease and as journal editors and key leaders in infection surveillance

Öåíà: 11594.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119085737


Infectolog?a pr?ctica para el pediatra
Infectolog?a pr?ctica para el pediatra

Àâòîð: Xavier S?ez Llorens

Öåíà: 2267.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588813622


Inference and Prediction in Large Dimensions
Inference and Prediction in Large Dimensions

Àâòîð: Denis Bosq

This book offers a predominantly theoretical coverage of statistical prediction, with some potential applications discussed, when data and/ or parameters belong to a large or infinite dimensional space. It develops the theory of statistical prediction, non-parametric estimation by adaptive projection – with applications to tests of fit and prediction, and theory of linear processes in function spaces with applications to prediction of continuous time processes. This work is in the Wiley-Dunod Series co-published between Dunod (www.dunod.com) and John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.

Öåíà: 13476.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470724026


Influencer werden
Influencer werden

Àâòîð: Pia Wurzbach

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752927719


Informatics and Machine Learning
Informatics and Machine Learning

Àâòîð: Stephen Winters-Hilt

Öåíà: 13163.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119716570


Information and the World Stage
Information and the World Stage

Àâòîð: Bernard Dugu?

Modern science is at a tipping point. A new page in the history of knowledge opens with the “information paradigm”, a notion which is gradually supplanting the old mechanistic vision inherited from Galileo and Newton. The author presents an overview of the place of information and communications in our time, explaining some reasons for focusing on these two notions. All areas of knowledge are concerned: philosophy, social sciences, biology, medicine, as well as physics, the so-called “queen of sciences”, from quantum to cosmos. This book is intended for scientific scholars as well as those with just a general interest who are anxious to understand the major evolutions that are taking shape in fields of knowledge in the 21st Century.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119452850


Information Quality
Information Quality

Àâòîð: Galit Shmueli

Provides an important framework for data analysts in assessing the quality of data and its potential to provide meaningful insights through analysis Analytics and statistical analysis have become pervasive topics, mainly due to the growing availability of data and analytic tools. Technology, however, fails to deliver insights with added value if the quality of the information it generates is not assured. Information Quality (InfoQ) is a tool developed by the authors to assess the potential of a dataset to achieve a goal of interest, using data analysis. Whether the information quality of a dataset is sufficient is of practical importance at many stages of the data analytics journey, from the pre-data collection stage to the post-data collection and post-analysis stages. It is also critical to various stakeholders: data collection agencies, analysts, data scientists, and management. This book: Explains how to integrate the notions of goal, data, analysis and utility that are the main building blocks of data analysis within any domain. Presents a framework for integrating domain knowledge with data analysis. Provides a combination of both methodological and practical aspects of data analysis. Discusses issues surrounding the implementation and integration of InfoQ in both academic programmes and business / industrial projects. Showcases numerous case studies in a variety of application areas such as education, healthcare, official statistics, risk management and marketing surveys. Presents a review of software tools from the InfoQ perspective along with example datasets on an accompanying website. This book will be beneficial for researchers in academia and in industry, analysts, consultants, and agencies that collect and analyse data as well as undergraduate and postgraduate courses involving data analysis.

Öåíà: 7658.77 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118890646



Àâòîð: James Cochran J

Standardizes the definition and framework of analytics ABOK stands for Analytics Body of Knowledge. Based on the authors’ definition of analytics—which is “a process by which a team of people helps an organization make better decisions (the objective) through the analysis of data (the activity)”– this book from Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) represents the perspectives of some of the most respected experts on analytics. The INFORMS ABOK documents the core concepts and skills with which an analytics professional should be familiar; establishes a dynamic resource that will be used by practitioners to increase their understanding of analytics; and, presents instructors with a framework for developing academic courses and programs in analytics. The INFORMS ABOK offers in-depth insight from peer-reviewed chapters that provide readers with a better understanding of the dynamic field of analytics. Chapters cover: Introduction to Analytics; Getting Started with Analytics; The Analytics Team; The Data; Solution Methodology; Model Building; Machine Learning; Deployment and Life Cycle Management; and The Blossoming Analytics Talent Pool: An Overview of the Analytics Ecosystem. Across industries and academia, readers with various backgrounds in analytics – from novices who are interested in learning more about the basics of analytics to experienced professionals who want a different perspective on some aspect of analytics – will benefit from reading about and implementing the concepts and methods covered by the INFORMS ABOK.

Öåíà: 13808.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119505921


Infraestructura para el desarrollo urbano: apuntes iniciales desde el contexto de Bogot?
Infraestructura para el desarrollo urbano: apuntes iniciales desde el contexto de Bogot?

Àâòîð: Edgar Antonio Vargas Castro

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588957432


Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Top Molecules for Space Observation, Volume 2
Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Top Molecules for Space Observation, Volume 2

Àâòîð: Pierre-Richard Dahoo

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119865964


inftech - Physikformelsammlung Themenheft Strahlen u. Atomphysik
inftech - Physikformelsammlung Themenheft Strahlen u. Atomphysik

Àâòîð: Axel Bruns

In dieser Formelsammlung werden Zusammenh?nge der Atomphysik und Strahlenphysik sozusagen auf den «Kern» gebracht. Angefangen von Temperaturstrahlung, R?ntgenstrahlung, bis hin zur mathematischen Darstellung der Einsteinschen Relativit?ts-Theorie kann man diese Formelsammlung als Nachschlagewerk der Physik betrachten.

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783847670452


inftech-Physikformelsammlung Themenheft Einheiten
inftech-Physikformelsammlung Themenheft Einheiten

Àâòîð: Axel Bruns

Diese Sammlung veranschaulicht Einheiten, die fr?her verwendet wurden, wie auch Einheiten, die sich heute als Standard durchgesetzt haben. Ebenso sind alle wichtigen physikalischen Konstanten enthalten die f?r physikalisches Berechnen wichtig sind.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783847669470


Ingenier?a de Costos de Manufactura para todos los niveles
Ingenier?a de Costos de Manufactura para todos los niveles

Àâòîð: Gilberto Rosas

A trav?s de las p?ginas de este libro nos reencontraremos con el concepto b?sico para el ?xito financiero de toda empresa lucrativa: control de los costos operativos. El objetivo de esta lectura es analizar y entender a fondo todos los elementos que conforman la estructura de costos para la administraci?n y correcta ejecuci?n de los mismos y as? encontrarnos con oportunidades reales de ahorro vitales en esta actualidad. La narraci?n es en un lenguaje sencillo a manera de pl?tica para alcanzar a todos los niveles de la organizaci?n, compartiendo experiencias de m?s de 20 a?os en diferentes empresas, as? mismo se explican detalladamente los c?lculos y pasos para la elaboraci?n de las c?dulas de costos que ser? el mapa para guiarnos hacia la comprensi?n profunda de los n?meros de manera clara y razonada. Esta lectura motivar? la creatividad, la innovaci?n y el liderazgo para conseguir promover la transformaci?n de la gente, y as?, otorgarnos una gran ventaja sobre la competencia con costos estables, encontrando ahorros reales y por ende, mayor utiliadad operativa posicion?ndonos como la mejor opci?n para los clientes por nuestra estabilidad financiera. Adicionalmente, en la ?ltima parte, analizaremos los indicadores de rentabilidad de una inversi?n de capital, explicado con ejemplos pr?cticos y as?, observar c?mo se acoplan todos los conceptos expuestos, desde el inicio del proyecto y a lo largo de su duraci?n. Este libro tambi?n es una herramienta de gran utilidad para los emprendedores, ya que se presenta el desarrollo de un producto desde el punto de vista financiero, para mantener siempre el concepto de rentabilidad presente, que a fin de cuentas todos iniciamos y continuamos una empresa con la idea de generar ganancias.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418411229


Ingenier?a de la energ?a e?lica
Ingenier?a de la energ?a e?lica

Àâòîð: Miguel Villarubia L?pez

La energ?a e?lica ha experimentado importantes progresos t?cnicos y econ?micos. Se han mejorado significativamente aspectos tales como la gesti?n y el mantenimiento, la integraci?n de la energ?a el?ctrica en la red, la adaptaci?n del dise?o de aerogeneradores a las caracter?sticas de los emplazamientos, la regulaci?n y control, la predicci?n de producci?n a corto plazo y la econom?a de escala con una mejora de los costes de inversi?n y de producci?n el?ctrica. Tambi?n se ha iniciado el desarrollo de la energ?a e?lica marina que ya ha demostrado su viabilidad t?cnica y econ?mica. En este libro se exponen y desarrollan los aspectos que un t?cnico energ?tico debe conocer y aplicar para la concepci?n, proyecto, implantaci?n y gesti?n de un sistema de energ?a e?lica, en especial para la producci?n el?ctrica. Despu?s de un primer cap?tulo donde se exponen los aspectos generales de la energ?a e?lica, en los cap?tulos segundo y tercero se describe respectivamente la f?sica del viento y la medici?n y tratamiento de los datos e?licos, para posteriormente dedicar el cap?tulo cuarto a la caracterizaci?n del potencial energ?tico del viento. El cap?tulo quinto se dedica a la aerodin?mica de los aerogeneradores, el sexto a los aerogeneradores de eje vertical y aerobombas y el s?ptimo a los aerogeneradores de eje horizontal para producci?n el?ctrica. Los cap?tulos octavo y noveno se centran en la producci?n el?ctrica, las diferentes tecnolog?as y los distintos aspectos de su gesti?n e integraci?n en la red. El cap?tulo d?cimo se destina a la exposici?n de la metodolog?a para la realizaci?n de los c?lculos energ?ticos en aerogeneradores y el decimoprimero a los aspectos econ?micos y medioambientales de la energ?a e?lica. Miguel Villarubia L?pez es profesor de Ingenier?a de Energ?a E?lica en el M?ster interuniversitario de Ingenier?a en Energ?a de la Universidad de Barcelona y la Universidad Polit?cnica de Catalu?a. Es autor de diversas publicaciones en el campo de la energ?a e?lica y ha participado en proyectos y estudios de viabilidad t?cnica y econ?mica de implantaci?n de parques e?licos para la producci?n de electricidad.

Ñåðèÿ: Nuevas energ?as

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788426718563


Ingenier?a estructural. 3 ediciones
Ingenier?a estructural. 3 ediciones

Àâòîð: Jos? Oscar Jaramillo Jim?nez

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587618785


Inmunolog?a ocular
Inmunolog?a ocular

Àâòîð: Martha Fabiola Rodr?guez ?lvarez

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588939711


Innovation Capability Maturity Model
Innovation Capability Maturity Model

Àâòîð: Patrick Corsi

Whilst innovation remains of course an approach, a process, and is still often even reduced to a set of results, it essentially reflects a way of thinking evolution. Time is up for varying the thinking methods according to capacities and learned and available competencies with a view to change… the thinking level. No domain and no sector is immune to this transformation in todays’ world Having clarified our ideas through this book, we remain ever more convinced that the leveled maturity approach will lead to real advances in innovation over the 2020 years. Hence the competitive capacities of organizations must evolve. As we strive in our quest for new inspiration sources in business, let us reckon that all is bound to evolving… including the way to evolve. In that resides the very capacity to innovate.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119144342


Innovative Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Ceramics and Composites
Innovative Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Ceramics and Composites

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

With continued discoveries and innovations, the field of materials synthesis and processing remains as it has been for many decades, a vibrant and fertile area for research and development. It comes, therefore, as no surprise that every Pac Rim conference has had considerable emphasis on this topic with many symposia devoted to various aspects of this field. This Ceramic Transactions volume represents selected papers based on presentations in four symposia during the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 31-June 5, 2009.

Öåíà: 12855.38 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470880586


Inside Your Calculator
Inside Your Calculator

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Uncover the mysteries that lie within your calculator This remarkable book explores the simple internal calculator processes—algorithms and programs—that tell us, for example, that the cosine of 56? is 0.5591929035. Using carefully constructed diagrams and figures, the author effectively demonstrates how calculator keys compute powers, roots, logarithms, and trigonometry functions, while also providing insights into simple programming, the conversion between decimal and binary numeration, and perhaps most importantly, the structure of our numeration systems. Many people believe that the processes that drive calculators demand advanced mathematical concepts; however, this book proves that a minimal understanding of algebra and geometry is all that is needed to follow the step-by-step explanations of how scientific calculators work. Inside Your Calculator: From Simple Programs to Significant Insights is a complete and multifaceted exercise in critical thinking. This book features: A detailed explanation of how to use a graphics calculator and program basic functions A discussion of the history of mathematics when appropriate, which provides a foundation for further learning Fundamental mathematical lessons and interesting applications of pre-calculus mathematics A thorough review of the fundamentals of programming, algebra, and geometry needed to gain insight into why the algorithms work and how the results are meaningful in our lives While the simultaneous use of a calculator is not needed to gain insight into how the algorithms work, those who do have a programmable graphics calculator can experiment with the programs presented in the book. These programs may be used on TI-84 and TI-83 calculators, and additional information for other Texas Instruments calculators as well as the Casio FX series is available on the book's related web site. As a result of over fifty years of award-winning teaching experience in both high school and college classrooms, Dr. Rising anticipates and answers potential questions from readers, and he successfully brings this subject alive in an illuminating and entertaining way. This book is therefore not only ideal for undergraduate mathematics majors as either a primary or supplemental text, but it also appeals to anyone with an interest in mathematics and its ideas. View Dr. Rising's book presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqadHbc2YOA

Öåíà: 8721.18 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470124598


Instalaci?n de equipos y elementos de sistemas de automatizaci?n industrial. ELEM0311
Instalaci?n de equipos y elementos de sistemas de automatizaci?n industrial. ELEM0311

Àâòîð: Francisco Jos? Entrena Gonz?lez

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491983385


Instalaci?n de muebles de cocina. MAMR0408
Instalaci?n de muebles de cocina. MAMR0408

Àâòîð: Alfonso Roncal Los Arcos

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788417343071


Instalaci?n y parametrizaci?n del software. IFCT0510
Instalaci?n y parametrizaci?n del software. IFCT0510

Àâòîð: lvaro Aranda Vera

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416629046


Instalaciones, su acondicionamiento, limpieza y desinfecci?n. AGAH0108
Instalaciones, su acondicionamiento, limpieza y desinfecci?n. AGAH0108

Àâòîð: Jos? Luis Oblar? Torres

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491987734


Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!)
Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!)

Àâòîð: David Price

Para confeccionar este libro se reuni? un grupo de amigos especialistas en alguna de las ramas de las artes esc?nicas (teatro, improvisaci?n, mon?logos, danza, etc?tera) y que tienen un profundo inter?s por las ciencias. Actores, directores, escritores, bailarines, monologuistas, entre otros, escribieron sus propias Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!). Desde el principio, la intenci?n era romper con las condiciones de una publicaci?n acad?mica, y por eso la invitaci?n fue a escribir una historia in?dita, que los autores no hubieran podido contar en ning?n otro medio, y tambi?n evitar la censura, porque, para fines educativos, las experiencias «fracasadas» fueron altamente valoradas. El resultado es una divertida y variopinta colecci?n de historias que conversan unas con otras y se completan, que invitan a una exploraci?n m?s honda de las relaciones entre las artes esc?nicas y las ciencias. Se enuncian preguntas como: ?cu?l es la «mejor» manera en la que las artes y las ciencias pueden ponerse en relaci?n para construir juntos una nueva forma de conocimiento que las enriquezca a las dos? ?C?mo evitar la instrumentalizaci?n de uno de los campos del conocimiento por el otro? ?De qu? hablamos cuando hablamos de teatro-ciencia? Este libro no contiene «la respuesta correcta», pero s? muchas inolvidables exploraciones.

Ñåðèÿ: Gabinete de curiosidades

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786075712840


Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
Integer and Combinatorial Optimization

Àâòîð: Laurence Wolsey A

Rave reviews for INTEGER AND COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION «This book provides an excellent introduction and survey of traditional fields of combinatorial optimization . . . It is indeed one of the best and most complete texts on combinatorial optimization . . . available. [And] with more than 700 entries, [it] has quite an exhaustive reference list.»-Optima «A unifying approach to optimization problems is to formulate them like linear programming problems, while restricting some or all of the variables to the integers. This book is an encyclopedic resource for such formulations, as well as for understanding the structure of and solving the resulting integer programming problems.»-Computing Reviews «[This book] can serve as a basis for various graduate courses on discrete optimization as well as a reference book for researchers and practitioners.»-Mathematical Reviews «This comprehensive and wide-ranging book will undoubtedly become a standard reference book for all those in the field of combinatorial optimization.»-Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society «This text should be required reading for anybody who intends to do research in this area or even just to keep abreast of developments.»-Times Higher Education Supplement, London Also of interest . . . INTEGER PROGRAMMING Laurence A. Wolsey Comprehensive and self-contained, this intermediate-level guide to integer programming provides readers with clear, up-to-date explanations on why some problems are difficult to solve, how techniques can be reformulated to give better results, and how mixed integer programming systems can be used more effectively. 1998 (0-471-28366-5) 260 pp.

Öåíà: 19552.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118627259


Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en Am?rica Latina
Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en Am?rica Latina

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Lo que hoy entendemos por inteligencia artificial est? asociado a la planificaci?n, la comprensi?n del lenguaje, el reconocimiento de objetos y sonidos, la resoluci?n de problemas. Se trata de nuevos algoritmos que conducir?an al aprendizaje acumulativo, emulando de esta manera el aprendizaje a trav?s de la experiencia. En la ?ltima d?cada hemos sido testigos del r?pido progreso de la inteligencia artificial en diversos campos determinantes del quehacer humano. Tal como ocurre con cualquier tecnolog?a, la IA viene acompa?ada de enormes desaf?os y potenciales riesgos para la sociedad, por lo que es imperioso contar con conocimiento relevante que promueva el accionar para reducir o evitar los posibles efectos negativos. Numerosas iniciativas a nivel global dan cuenta de los esfuerzos por establecer formas de gobernanza de la IA para reducir sus potenciales impactos negativos y fortalecer los beneficios que puede brindar a la sociedad en campos como el futuro del trabajo, los sistemas de transporte aut?nomos, la salud, la educaci?n, las finanzas, el comercio, entre otros. Sin duda son muchas las oportunidades que estas tecnolog?as pueden ofrecer, pero sabemos que existe un riesgo real de que, sin una intervenci?n cuidadosa, la IA pueda exacerbar los desequilibrios estructurales, econ?micos, sociales y pol?ticos, y reforzar a?n m?s las desigualdades basadas en diferentes variables demogr?ficas (incluyendo etnicidad, raza, g?nero, identidad sexual y de g?nero, religi?n, nacionalidad, edad y nivel educativo o socioecon?mico) y as? impactar negativamente las vidas de muchos j?venes en el mundo, y en el caso particular que nos ocupa, de la juventud latinoamericana. Es por esto tambi?n que los estudios en la regi?n adquieren suma relevancia, ya que estas tecnolog?as son creadas principalmente en pa?ses como Estados Unidos y China, lo que extiende las brechas no s?lo en lo referente al acceso, sino en c?mo estos sistemas est?n siendo dise?ados, pensados y su consecuente impacto.

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789560012692


Inteligencia ecol?gica
Inteligencia ecol?gica

Àâòîð: Äýíèåë Ãîóëìàí

Despu?s de los ?xitos de Inteligencia emocional e Inteligencia social, Daniel Goleman introduce el revolucionario concepto de inteligencia ecol?gica: la comprensi?n de los impactos ecol?gicos ocultos y la determinaci?n de mejorarlos.Independientemente de que seamos un simple consumidor, el jefe de compras de una empresa o un director de producto, el conocimiento del impacto ecol?gico de lo que adquirimos, fabricamos o vendemos es fundamental para tomar decisiones m?s acordes con nuestros valores y, as?, influir positivamente en nuestro futuro y en el del planeta.Para los consumidores, la inteligencia ecol?gica es la llave que nos permite inclinar la balanza del mercado hacia ingredientes, tecnolog?as y dise?os que respeten nuestros valores. Para las empresas, la inteligencia ecol?gica significa modificar los procesos industriales teniendo en cuenta sus consecuencias medioambientales. Para el empresario del siglo XXI el reto consiste en lograr la transparencia radical del producto. De esta manera, el mundo del comercio puede ir corrigi?ndose, no s?lo en nombre de la responsabilidad, sino tambi?n en el de su b?squeda del beneficio, desbloqueando al fin el viejo antagonismo entre los objetivos de la empresa y los del inter?s p?blico.Inteligencia ecol?gica aporta las claves necesarias para convertirnos en jugadores activos en determinar el curso del planeta, de nuestra salud y de nuestro destino com?n.

Ñåðèÿ: Ensayo

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788472457805


Interactive Displays
Interactive Displays

Àâòîð: Achintya K. Bhowmik

How we interface and interact with computing, communications and entertainment devices is going through revolutionary changes, with natural user inputs based on touch, voice, and vision replacing or augmenting the use of traditional interfaces based on the keyboard, mouse, joysticks, etc. As a result, displays are morphing from one-way interface devices that merely show visual content to two-way interaction devices that provide more engaging and immersive experiences. This book provides an in-depth coverage of the technologies, applications, and trends in the rapidly emerging field of interactive displays enabled by natural human-interfaces. Key features: Provides a definitive reference reading on all the touch technologies used in interactive displays, including their advantages, limitations, and future trends. Covers the fundamentals and applications of speech input, processing and recognition techniques enabling voice-based interactions. Offers a detailed review of the emerging vision-based sensing technologies, and user interactions using gestures of hands, body, face, and eye gazes. Discusses multi-modal natural user interface schemes which intuitively combine touch, voice, and vision for life-like interactions. Examines the requirements and technology status towards realizing “true” 3D immersive and interactive displays.

Öåíà: 12239.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118706220


Interior Point Algorithms
Interior Point Algorithms

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The first comprehensive review of the theory and practice of one of today's most powerful optimization techniques. The explosive growth of research into and development of interior point algorithms over the past two decades has significantly improved the complexity of linear programming and yielded some of today's most sophisticated computing techniques. This book offers a comprehensive and thorough treatment of the theory, analysis, and implementation of this powerful computational tool. Interior Point Algorithms provides detailed coverage of all basic and advanced aspects of the subject. Beginning with an overview of fundamental mathematical procedures, Professor Yinyu Ye moves swiftly on to in-depth explorations of numerous computational problems and the algorithms that have been developed to solve them. An indispensable text/reference for students and researchers in applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, management science, and engineering, Interior Point Algorithms: * Derives various complexity results for linear and convex programming * Emphasizes interior point geometry and potential theory * Covers state-of-the-art results for extension, implementation, and other cutting-edge computational techniques * Explores the hottest new research topics, including nonlinear programming and nonconvex optimization.

Öåíà: 24633.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118030950


Internal Combustion Engine Bearings Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings
Internal Combustion Engine Bearings Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings

Àâòîð: Dominique Bonneau

This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book with the specific case of internal combustion engine (ICE) journal bearing lubrication. Many examples, relating to various types of ICE, are presented.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119007999


International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support
International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary standards and best practices in trauma support that draws from the latest research findings and experience of international experts in the field. Reviews the major contemporary post-trauma intervention models in both theory and practice Includes Trauma Risk Management (TRiM), Support Post Trauma (SPoT), Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness and Psychological First Aid (PFA) Incorporates multi-cultural perspectives by reporting on the pervasive violence in South Africa, constant threats in Israel and emerging developments in China Includes social, psychosocial, psychological, and organizational dimensions to offer a detailed mapping of trauma support Provides latest thinking for supporting those in the military context

Öåíà: 4723.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119943235


Internationale Migrationspolitik
Internationale Migrationspolitik

Àâòîð: Stefan Rother

Migration geht alle an: Migration ist ein globales Ph?nomen, Migrationspolitik wird aber oft nur im nationalen Kontext gedacht und gemacht. Dr. Uwe Hunger und Dr. Stefan Rother beleuchten die aktuellen Migrationsbewegungen, erkl?ren die Ursachen von Arbeitsmigration und Flucht und zeigen, wie auf nationalstaatlicher und supranationaler Ebene mit Migration umgegangen wird. Kompakte und zugleich umfassende Einf?hrung f?r Studierende und alle, die sich f?r Migration und Migrationspolitik interessieren. Mit vielen Beispielen aus dem eigenen Alltag oder den Medien Mit Infoboxen, Grafiken und Lernkontrollfragen

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783846346563


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