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Àâòîð: Wolfram Gieseke

Erpressungs-Trojaner sind eine ernstzunehmende Gefahr f?r Windows-PCs und entwickeln sich zu einer wahren Plage. Ein unachtsamer Dateidownload, ein unbedacht angeklickter Mail-Anhang oder auch nur der Besuch auf einer obskuren Webseite und schnell ist ein Schaden entstanden, der sich nicht mal eben so beseitigen l?sst. Einmal aktiv, verschl?sseln Erpressungs-Trojaner alle Dokumente, Bilder, Musikst?cke, Videos und sonstige Dateien, derer sie habhaft werden k?nnen. Ein Zugriff ist f?r den Benutzer dann nicht mehr m?glich, der Inhalt verloren, solange man sich nicht auf eine obskure L?segeldzahlung einl?sst. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie im Ernstfall sofort richtig reagieren, um den Schaden zu begrenzen und den Trojaner zu stoppen. Er erkl?rt, wie Sie den ?belt?ter identifizieren, alle wichtigen Infomationen dar?ber beschaffen und Ihre Daten so gut wie m?glich wiederherstellen k?nnen, idealerweise ohne L?segeld zu bezahlen. Und das Buch geht auch ausf?hrlich auf Vorsorgema?nahmen ein, damit Sie gar nicht erst in eine solche unangenehme Situation kommen. Es stellt spezielle Schutzprogramme als Erg?nzung zur Antivirensoftware vor und hilft dabei, ein umfassendes und effektives Backup-Konzept umzusetzen, mit dem Sie Ihre wichtigen Daten zuverl?ssig vor Erpressungs-Trojanern sch?tzen.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738074376


Erste Gedichte
Erste Gedichte

Àâòîð: Rainer Maria Rilke

Die Sammlung enth?lt fr?he Gedichte des Lyrikers Rainer Maria Rilke, unter anderem Nachdrucke von Larenopfer, Traumgekr?nt und Advent. Sie sind Zeugnisse der noch stark gef?hlsbetonten Dichtung ekstatischer Subjektivit?t und Innerlichkeit, die sp?ter abgel?st wurde von einer objektiveren Sprache der Dinggedichte. Rilke gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Dichter der literarischen Moderne.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783753133065


Erw?rmung und Wohlstand oder Abk?hlung und Verfall
Erw?rmung und Wohlstand oder Abk?hlung und Verfall

Àâòîð: Norbert Buchner

Ein geschichtlicher Vergleich vom Beginn der Menschheit bis heute zeigt, dass fast immer und ?berall die w?rmeren Phasen Bl?tezeiten f?r die Menschheit waren, verbunden mit gro?em Wachstum und Auftrieb der Kulturen. In Phasen von Abk?hlung hingegen, oft verbunden mit Trockenheit, sind diese wieder in N?te geraten und oft auch in kriegerischen Verwicklungen untergegangen. Unsere Zeit ?ngstigt sich vor einer Erw?rmung der Erde, welche wegen einer Zunahme von CO2 in der Atmosph?re bef?rchtet wird. Ist diese Angst historisch und wissenschaftlich berechtigt? Zun?chst widerspricht sie der Tatsache, dass die Sonneneinstrahlung auf die n?rdliche Erdh?lfte in den vergangenen 8 Jahrtausenden aus astronomischen Gr?nden um fast 6 Prozent gesunken ist. Das hat zu Abk?hlung und Austrocknung, z. B. der Sahara und anderer W?sten gef?hrt. Der damalige Idealzustand, in dem Mitteleuropa erstmals von Bauern besiedelt wurde, ist unwiederbringlich dahin! Auf dem Balkan hatte sich sogar eine erste Schriftkultur gebildet – lange vor den Sumerern und ?gyptern. Die Erde hat sich seither immer st?rker abgek?hlt und viele Kulturen in N?te gebracht! In eineinhalbtausend Jahren wird ein Minimum erreicht werden und die Menschheit wird darauf zu achten haben, dass die Erde nicht in eine neue Eiszeit abgleitet. Auch die kurze Erw?rmungsphase des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts ist vor?ber. Sie war erstrangig nicht eine Folge einer CO2-Zunahme in der Luft, sondern eines riesigen Hochs der Sonnenaktivit?t, h?her als jemals in den vergangenen 2 Jahrtausenden. Nun aber verf?llt die Sonnenaktivit?t und das k?ndigt k?hlere, weniger fruchtbare und unruhigere Zeiten an. Wird dann die Nahrung noch reichen f?r eine Menschheit, welche sich innerhalb von 35 Jahren auf 7 Milliarden verdoppelt hat, weiter w?chst und einen Teil ihrer Nahrung zur Energiegewinnung einsetzt?

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783737539975


Erwachsen werden nach Missbrauch
Erwachsen werden nach Missbrauch

Àâòîð: Katja Schwarz

Im Alter von drei Jahren wurde Vivien Hardway ?ber viele Jahre missbraucht. Heute ist Sie erwachsen und beschreibt, welche Folgen der Missbrauch hinterlassen hat. Man lernt irgendwann damit zu leben und doch ist das Leben anders, als bei Menschen, die ohne Missbrauch starten durften. Borderline, Flashbacks und Erinnerungsl?cken kommen immer wieder vor. Doch auch die Begabung von Empathie begleitet mein Leben. Oft musste ich mich wehren nicht das Opfer zu sein, denn auch Partner denen wir mal vertraut haben, sind zu ?bergriffen in der Lage. Doch in all den Jahren bin ich nur st?rker geworden und das k?nnt Ihr auch. An alle die auch als Kind missbraucht wurden, es gibt einen Weg – ich zeige euch, dass man auch damit gl?cklich leben kann.

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783745055962


Escarlata desatada
Escarlata desatada

Àâòîð: Jos? Ram?n Pardo Congel

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788468535876


Especificaciones t?cnicas en procesos de mecanizado por arranque de viruta. FMEH0109
Especificaciones t?cnicas en procesos de mecanizado por arranque de viruta. FMEH0109

Àâòîð: Francisco Jos? Rodr?guez Dorado

Identificar y caracterizar la informaci?n t?cnica relativa al producto que se va a mecanizar, determinando el material, dimensiones de partida, fases de mecanizado, m?quinas y medios necesarios. Describir el proceso de mecanizado, ordenando las operaciones seg?n la secuencia productiva, relacionando cada operaci?n con las m?quinas, los medios de producci?n, ?tiles de control y verificaci?n, par?metros y especificaciones. Analizar los par?metros y especificaciones de las herramientas y generar hojas de procesos de mecanizado. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Mecanizado por arranque de viruta.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415942184


Espl?ndida iracundia
Espl?ndida iracundia

Àâòîð: Jos? G?ich Rodr?guez

Esta antolog?a, la primera de este tipo realizada en nuestro medio, sondea este completo proceso a trav?s de las obras de cuarenta y cinco autores seleccionados desde diversas perspectivas por ciento veinticinco conocedores de la evoluci?n de nuestra poes?a. Por ello, la singularidad de esta publicaci?n radica en que es resultado de consenso y no de la arbitrariedad de los cuatro antologadores.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789972453793



Àâòîð: Matthias Spri?ler

Essays und Kurzgeschichten – ein bunter Strau? an Beschreibungen der Realit?t: Kleine Beobachtungen, Begegnungen, Anmerkungen. Ironisch, kritisch, unterhaltsam. Die Geschichten und Beobachtungen stammen beispielsweise aus S?dtirol und Schottland oder befassen sich mit allt?glichen Ereignissen. Sie beschreiben, berichten, hinterfragen oder sind fast schon unwirklich.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783741871894


Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy
Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy

Àâòîð: Thomas Champney H

Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy is an accessible introduction to regional and functional neuroanatomy, which cuts through the jargon to help you engage with the key concepts. Beautifully presented in full color, with hundreds of annotated illustrations and images, Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy begins with an introductory section on the regional aspects of the topic, then discusses each structure in detail in relation to function. Clinical examples are provided throughout, to reinforce the concepts learned and highlight their clinical relevance. Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy: Features a dedicated chapter on the use of imaging studies used in clinical neuroanatomy, including how to evaluate these images Highlights topics important to clinical medicine, but often neglected in other neuroanatomy texts, such as trauma, infection and congenital considerations All illustrations and images are oriented in the clinical view, so the correlation between drawings, photomicrographs and clinical imaging is standardized and there is a seamless transition between illustrations containing basic neuroanatomical information and the relevant clinical imaging The functional aspects of neuroanatomical structures are color-coded (green = sensory; red = motor; purple = autonomic), so that structure to function relationships can be more easily learned and retained Includes self-assessment and thought questions in every chapter Supported by a companion website at wileyessential.com/neuroanatomy featuring fully downloadable images, flashcards, and a self-assessment question bank with USMLE-compatible multiple-choice questions Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy is the perfect resource for medical and health science students taking a course on neuroanatomy, as part of USMLE teaching and as an on-going companion during those first steps in clinical practice.

Öåíà: 7837.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118439968


Essential Tools for Management Consulting. Tools, Models and Approaches for Clients and Consultants
Essential Tools for Management Consulting. Tools, Models and Approaches for Clients and Consultants

Àâòîð: Salameh Malik

The second book in the Essential Tools For series… on the topic of Management Consulting Based on Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn's successful The Essential Management Toolbox, this book focuses in greater depth on the topic of Management Consulting. This second book looks at how a management consultant needs to think, view and analyse the workings of an existing organisation in order to efficiently and effectively work to improve the issues facing a business. Check out the new series website featuring sample chapters, tool of the month and solve your management problems by talking direct to the author www.essentialtoolsseries.com Second title in a new series that expands on the information in Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn’s The Essential Toolbox This volume includes 30% new material in the form of new tools and techniques for guiding consultants Covers: Development of Management Consultancy; Problem resolution and Decision Making; Top 10 Tools for Consultancy Interventions; Consultancy delivery and Facilitation; Consultancy Governance and Ethics Active author, Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn speaks regularly Easy to use practical tools and techniques guiding the consultant and business person through their organisational conflicts About the Author: Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn is a practising management consultant with over 30 years experience in both the public and private sectors and covering a range of organizations and industries. He holds two Master's degrees and a PhD in various Strategic Management topics. This second book includes a forward by Malik Salameh.

Öåíà: 3093.01 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470689622


Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A complete introduction to the multidisciplinary applications of mathematical methods In order to work with varying levels of engineering and physics research, it is important to have a firm understanding of key mathematical concepts such as advanced calculus, differential equations, complex analysis, and introductory mathematical physics. Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering provides a comprehensive introduction to these methods under one cover, outlining basic mathematical skills while also encouraging students and practitioners to develop new, interdisciplinary approaches to their research. The book begins with core topics from various branches of mathematics such as limits, integrals, and inverse functions. Subsequent chapters delve into the analytical tools that are commonly used in scientific and engineering studies, including vector analysis, generalized coordinates, determinants and matrices, linear algebra, complex numbers, complex analysis, and Fourier series. The author provides an extensive chapter on probability theory with applications to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics that complements the following chapter on information theory, which contains coverage of Shannon's theory, decision theory, game theory, and quantum information theory. A comprehensive list of references facilitates further exploration of these topics. Throughout the book, numerous examples and exercises reinforce the presented concepts and techniques. In addition, the book is in a modular format, so each chapter covers its subject thoroughly and can be read independently. This structure affords flexibility for individualizing courses and teaching. Providing a solid foundation and overview of the various mathematical methods and applications in multidisciplinary research, Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering is an excellent text for courses in physics, science, mathematics, and engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a useful reference for scientists and engineers who would like a practical review of mathematical methods.

Öåíà: 18116.18 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470378021



Àâòîð: Agust?n Dousdeb?s Boada

El prop?sito de este estudio es la de presentar un formato m?s amigable en el estudio de la Estad?stica si se compara con otros textos con la utilizaci?n de un lenguaje formal pero sencillo de entender y evitando un nivel de desarrollo matem?tico muy elevado.Cualquier tratado sobre Estad?stica suele provocar dos tipos de reacci?n, la primera y m?s com?n es de alejamiento y hasta de cierta aversi?n dado que es una materia tradicionalmente considerada dif?cil y, seg?n muchas personas alejadas de la Matem?tica, poco ?til para sus intereses.La segunda, aunque menos com?n, es a la que pertenece a algunos seguidores de esta ciencia con la necesidad de dar un aporte para su aplicaci?n en muchos y variados ?mbitos del quehacer profesional y estudiantil.En esta publicaci?n se propone el uso de Excel como herramienta b?sica para la resoluci?n num?rica de los distintos ejercicios en cada tema propuesto y adem?s, se explica con detalle algunas funciones que no siempre est?n desarrolladas de manera expl?cita ni en otros textos, ni en gu?as de uso de este software, de tal manera que quienes no conocen esta herramienta puedan con facilidad acercarse con mayor seguridad al desarrollo de los ejercicios planteados; es por ello que antes de iniciar los ejercicios de cada tema, se hace una explicaci?n del proceso a seguir en Excel. El libro proporciona dos tipos de ejercicios, estos son: ejercicios resueltos y ejercicios propuestos. Al final de cada tema se plantean unos y otros y, adem?s, se desarrollan los ejercicios impares de aquellos que se han propuesto para que sean una gu?a para el alumno.Es importante indicar que el autor hace la puntualizaci?n respecto a un t?rmino que con alguna frecuencia utiliza en distintos temas que se abordan en la presente publicaci?n y es el referente a «cociente intelectual». En algunos libros este t?rmino se utiliza igual que en el presente, pero en otros, al igual que muchos profesionales tambi?n, utilizan el t?rmino «coeficiente intelectual».

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789978775301


Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies
Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies

Àâòîð: Kathryn Murphy A

Estate and Trust Administration For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119543879) was previously published as Estate and Trust Administration For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118412251). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Your plain-English guide to administering an estate and/or trust As more and more of the population reach senior ages—including baby boomers, many of whom do not have wills—an increasing number of people are being thrust into the role of executor, administrator, personal representative of an estate, or trustee of a trust after the death of a loved one. This updated edition of Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies guides you through the confusing process of administering an estate and/or trust. Settling an estate and administering a trust can be complicated, messy, and time-consuming for individuals named as executor or trustee, most of whom have no previous experience with such matters. Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies shows you how to make sound decisions for your unique circumstances. Guides you through the confusing process of administering an estate and/or trust Provides expert advice on unfamiliar estate and trust tax law Gives you a practical checklist to follow for all of your estate and trust administration questions and concerns Whether you're looking for guidance on how to navigate the probate process and estate taxes, settle debts and bequests, fund a trust, comply with tax regulations, or anything in between, this hands-on, friendly guide takes away the mystery and provides detailed answers to all of your estate and trust administration questions.

Öåíà: 2981.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119543855


Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse
Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse

Àâòîð: Carl-Erik S?rndal

Around the world a multitude of surveys are conducted every day, on a variety of subjects, and consequently surveys have become an accepted part of modern life. However, in recent years survey estimates have been increasingly affected by rising trends in nonresponse, with loss of accuracy as an undesirable result. Whilst it is possible to reduce nonresponse to some degree, it cannot be completely eliminated. Estimation techniques that account systematically for nonresponse and at the same time succeed in delivering acceptable accuracy are much needed. Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse provides an overview of these techniques, presenting the view of nonresponse as a normal (albeit undesirable) feature of a sample survey, one whose potentially harmful effects are to be minimised. Builds in the nonresponse feature of survey data collection as an integral part of the theory, both for point estimation and for variance estimation. Promotes weighting through calibration as a new and powerful technique for surveys with nonresponse. Highlights the analysis of nonresponse bias in estimates and methods to minimize this bias. Includes computational tools to help identify the best variables for calibration. Discusses the use of imputation as a complement to weighting by calibration. Contains guidelines for dealing with frame imperfections and coverage errors. Features worked examples throughout the text, using real data. The accessible style of Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse will make this an invaluable tool for survey methodologists in national statistics agencies and private survey agencies. Researchers, teachers, and students of statistics, social sciences and economics will benefit from the clear presentation and numerous examples.

Öåíà: 14029 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470011348


Estimation of Stochastic Processes with Stationary Increments and Cointegrated Sequences
Estimation of Stochastic Processes with Stationary Increments and Cointegrated Sequences

Àâòîð: Maksym Luz

Estimation of Stochastic Processes is intended for researchers in the field of econometrics, financial mathematics, statistics or signal processing. This book gives a deep understanding of spectral theory and estimation techniques for stochastic processes with stationary increments. It focuses on the estimation of functionals of unobserved values for stochastic processes with stationary increments, including ARIMA processes, seasonal time series and a class of cointegrated sequences. Furthermore, this book presents solutions to extrapolation (forecast), interpolation (missed values estimation) and filtering (smoothing) problems based on observations with and without noise, in discrete and continuous time domains. Extending the classical approach applied when the spectral densities of the processes are known, the minimax method of estimation is developed for a case where the spectral information is incomplete and the relations that determine the least favorable spectral densities for the optimal estimations are found.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119663522


Esto no es normal
Esto no es normal

Àâòîð: Joel Salatin

Ñåðèÿ: Ecolog?a

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788494622472


Estrategias acad?micas para la inducci?n al pensamiento matem?tico
Estrategias acad?micas para la inducci?n al pensamiento matem?tico

Àâòîð: Roberto Blanco Bautista

Las tendencias actuales en Instituciones de Educaci?n Superior (IES) se orientan a aplicar un enfoque de competencias en la formaci?n de profesionales, en donde el pensamiento matem?tico constituye un fundamento relevante para enfrentar retos y necesidades actuales relacionadas con habilidades de conteo y comparaci?n, interpretaci?n de variables para la descripci?n de una problem?tica, fluidez computacional, habilidades anal?ticas, de deducci?n e inferencia.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786073045070


Estructuras de ?lgebra multilineal
Estructuras de ?lgebra multilineal

Àâòîð: Joaqu?n Olivert Pellicer

En este texto se introduce el ?lgebra a partir de la paradoja de Russell y se construye la teor?a de conjuntos y los distintos tipos de n?meros con estructuras que permiten evitarla. El autor se recrea en el desarrollo de las ?lgebras tensoriales y exteriores introducidas a partir de la estructura de m?dulo, para continuar con las de espacios vectoriales y ?lgebras asociativas. Termina la obra con el estudio de las ?lgebras de Clifford y se obtiene una clasificaci?n de las mismas.

Ñåðèÿ: Educaci?. S?rie Materials

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788437094168


Estudios patrimoniales
Estudios patrimoniales

Àâòîð: Jos? de Nordenflycht

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561423664


Estudios sobre la Filosof?a Pol?tica de Francis Bacon
Estudios sobre la Filosof?a Pol?tica de Francis Bacon

Àâòîð: Teresita Garc?a Gonz?lez

Los estudios reunidos en este libro comparten una pregunta: ?C?mo surgi? la gran revoluci?n en la filosof?a, la pol?tica y la ?tica conocida hoy en d?a como «Modernidad»? En ellos se exploran desde cuatro perspectivas diferentes los argumentos usados por el fundador del mundo moderno, Francis Bacon, para refutar, persuadir, demostrar y prometer que el hombre puede ser amo y se?or de la naturaleza. Quienes cultivaran su nueva ciencia obtendr?an longevidad saludable, seguridad y riqueza: los fines buscados por todas las sociedades modernas. En la perspectiva pol?tica se examina La Nueva Atl?ntida, en la cual se esboza una sociedad perfectamente moderna regida por sabios cient?ficos. Por qu? Bacon se considera m?s sabio que los fil?sofos de la antig?edad es la pregunta que gu?a al segundo estudio, en el cual se interpreta  La Sabidur?a de los Antiguos. La pol?mica contra la ciencia aristot?lica escol?stica es examinada en el tercero, y en el cuarto las estrategias ret?ricas para difundir su proyecto, centrando la atenci?n en el Avance del Saber y algunos de sus Ensayos.

Öåíà: 738.85 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786073038300


Ethics in Social Networking and Business 1
Ethics in Social Networking and Business 1

Àâòîð: Pierre Massotte

This book, the first of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the notions, theories and practical aspects related to ethics, morale and deontology in our society. Through a series of discussions and examples on topics ranging from complexity to evolution theories, the author provides an insight into why business ethics is essential for managing risks and uncertainties. The Ethics in Social Networking and Business series is the result of a cross-integration of real experiences (from IBM, society and the Rotary Club), transdisciplinary works in decision making, and advances at the boundaries of several scientific fields.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119452263



Àâòîð: Emily Kay

Ñåðèÿ: Eulenflucht

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783942602976


Europe s Uncertain Path 1814-1914. State Formation and Civil Society
Europe's Uncertain Path 1814-1914. State Formation and Civil Society

Àâòîð: R. Alexander S

Europe’s Uncertain Path is an introduction to Europe’s turbulent history from 1814 to 1914. It presents a clear narrative of the major political events, set against the backdrop of social, economic, and cultural change. An introduction to Europe’s turbulent history from 1814 to 1914 Provides students with a solid grounding in the main political events and social changes of the period Explains the causes and outcomes of major events: the effect of the emergence of mass politics; the evolution of political ideologies; and the link between foreign and domestic policy Offers balanced coverage of Eastern, Western, and Central Europe Illustrations, maps, and figures enhance student understanding

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444347395


Evaluaci?n de la sostenibilidad en empresas de energ?a
Evaluaci?n de la sostenibilidad en empresas de energ?a

Àâòîð: Jorge Andr?s Polanco L?pez de Mesa

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588992587


Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare
Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare

Àâòîð: Nicola Cooper

In the evaluation of healthcare, rigorous methods of quantitative assessment are necessary to establish interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. Usually a single study will not fully address these issues and it is desirable to synthesize evidence from multiple sources. This book aims to provide a practical guide to evidence synthesis for the purpose of decision making, starting with a simple single parameter model, where all studies estimate the same quantity (pairwise meta-analysis) and progressing to more complex multi-parameter structures (including meta-regression, mixed treatment comparisons, Markov models of disease progression, and epidemiology models). A comprehensive, coherent framework is adopted and estimated using Bayesian methods. Key features: A coherent approach to evidence synthesis from multiple sources. Focus is given to Bayesian methods for evidence synthesis that can be integrated within cost-effectiveness analyses in a probabilistic framework using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. Provides methods to statistically combine evidence from a range of evidence structures. Emphasizes the importance of model critique and checking for evidence consistency. Presents numerous worked examples, exercises and solutions drawn from a variety of medical disciplines throughout the book. WinBUGS code is provided for all examples. Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare is intended for health economists, decision modelers, statisticians and others involved in evidence synthesis, health technology assessment, and economic evaluation of health technologies.

Öåíà: 8947.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119942979


Evidence-Based Neurology
Evidence-Based Neurology

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

From an expert editor team drawn from the Cochrane Neurological Network, Evidence-Based Neurology provides specialists and those in training with the skills and knowledge to apply evidence-based practice in the clinical setting. fills the gap between guidelines and primary studies as well as between primary and secondary scientific medical literature summarizes the most recent and important findings on treatments for neurological patients measures the benefit and, when applicable, the risk of harm inherent in specific neurological interventions now includes new non-clinical topics of interest to neurologists such as education and research

Öåíà: 12512.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119067320


Evidence-Based Statistics
Evidence-Based Statistics

Àâòîð: Peter M. B. Cahusac

Evidence-Based Statistics: An Introduction to the Evidential Approach – from Likelihood Principle to Statistical Practice  provides readers with a comprehensive and thorough guide to the evidential approach in statistics. The approach uses likelihood ratios, rather than the probabilities used by other statistical inference approaches. The evidential approach is conceptually easier to grasp, and the calculations more straightforward to perform. This book explains how to express data in terms of the strength of statistical evidence for competing hypotheses.  The evidential approach is currently underused, despite its mathematical precision and statistical validity.  Evidence-Based Statistics  is an accessible and practical text filled with examples, illustrations and exercises. Additionally, the companion website complements and expands on the information contained in the book.  While the evidential approach is unlikely to replace probability-based methods of statistical inference, it provides a useful addition to any statistician’s “bag of tricks.” In this book:  It explains how to calculate statistical evidence for commonly used analyses, in a step-by-step fashion Analyses include: t tests, ANOVA (one-way, factorial, between- and within-participants, mixed), categorical analyses (binomial, Poisson, McNemar, rate ratio, odds ratio, data that’s ‘too good to be true’, multi-way tables), correlation, regression and nonparametric analyses (one sample, related samples, independent samples, multiple independent samples, permutation and bootstraps) Equations are given for all analyses, and R statistical code provided for many of the analyses Sample size calculations for evidential probabilities of misleading and weak evidence are explained Useful techniques, like Matthews’s critical prior interval, Goodman’s Bayes factor, and Armitage’s stopping rule are described Recommended for undergraduate and graduate students in any field that relies heavily on statistical analysis, as well as active researchers and professionals in those fields,  Evidence-Based Statistics: An Introduction to the Evidential Approach – from Likelihood Principle to Statistical Practice  belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who wants to amplify and empower their approach to statistical analysis.

Öåíà: 11138.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119549826


Evolutionary Biology. Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease
Evolutionary Biology. Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease

Àâòîð: Rehan Virender K

An integrative view of the evolution of genetics and the natural world Even in this advanced age of genomics, the evolutionary process of unicellular and multicellular organisms is continually in debate. Evolutionary Biology, Cell–Cell Communication, and Complex Disease challenges current wisdom by using physiology to present an integrative view of the nature, origins, and evolution of fundamental biological systems. Providing a deeper understanding of the way genes relate to the traits of living organisms, this book offers useful information applying evolutionary biology, functional genomics, and cell communication studies to complex disease. Examining the 4.5 billion-year evolution process from environment adaptations to cell-cell communication to communication of genetic information for reproduction, Evolutionary Biology hones in on the «why and how» of evolution by uniquely focusing on the cell as the smallest unit of biologic structure and function. Based on empirically derived data rather than association studies, Evolutionary Biology covers: A model for forming testable hypotheses in complex disease studies The integrating role played by the evolution of metabolism, especially lipid metabolism The evolutionary continuum from development to homeostasis Regeneration and aging mediated by signaling molecules Ambitious and game-changing Evolutionary Biology suggests that biology began as a mechanism for reducing energy within the cell, defying the Second Law of Thermodynamics. An ideal text for those interested in forward thinking scientific study, the insights presented in Evolutionary Biology help practitioners effectively comprehend the evolutionary process.

Öåíà: 10378.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118130421


Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms
Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms

Àâòîð: Dan Simon

A clear and lucid bottom-up approach to the basic principles of evolutionary algorithms Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are a type of artificial intelligence. EAs are motivated by optimization processes that we observe in nature, such as natural selection, species migration, bird swarms, human culture, and ant colonies. This book discusses the theory, history, mathematics, and programming of evolutionary optimization algorithms. Featured algorithms include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, differential evolution, biogeography-based optimization, and many others. Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms: Provides a straightforward, bottom-up approach that assists the reader in obtaining a clear—but theoretically rigorous—understanding of evolutionary algorithms, with an emphasis on implementation Gives a careful treatment of recently developed EAs—including opposition-based learning, artificial fish swarms, bacterial foraging, and many others— and discusses their similarities and differences from more well-established EAs Includes chapter-end problems plus a solutions manual available online for instructors Offers simple examples that provide the reader with an intuitive understanding of the theory Features source code for the examples available on the author's website Provides advanced mathematical techniques for analyzing EAs, including Markov modeling and dynamic system modeling Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms: Biologically Inspired and Population-Based Approaches to Computer Intelligence is an ideal text for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals involved in engineering and computer science.

Öåíà: 13991.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118659502


Ewige Bl?tenkraft
Ewige Bl?tenkraft

Àâòîð: Tom Flowers

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783037882443


Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics
Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics

Àâòîð: Shelemyahu Zacks

Provides the necessary skills to solve problems in mathematical statistics through theory, concrete examples, and exercises With a clear and detailed approach to the fundamentals of statistical theory, Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics uniquely bridges the gap between theory andapplication and presents numerous problem-solving examples that illustrate the relatednotations and proven results. Written by an established authority in probability and mathematical statistics, each chapter begins with a theoretical presentation to introduce both the topic and the important results in an effort to aid in overall comprehension. Examples are then provided, followed by problems, and finally, solutions to some of the earlier problems. In addition, Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics features: Over 160 practical and interesting real-world examples from a variety of fields including engineering, mathematics, and statistics to help readers become proficient in theoretical problem solving More than 430 unique exercises with select solutions Key statistical inference topics, such as probability theory, statistical distributions, sufficient statistics, information in samples, testing statistical hypotheses, statistical estimation, confidence and tolerance intervals, large sample theory, and Bayesian analysis Recommended for graduate-level courses in probability and statistical inference, Examples and Problems in Mathematical Statistics is also an ideal reference for applied statisticians and researchers.

Öåíà: 15354.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118606001


Excel y SQL de la mano
Excel y SQL de la mano

Àâòîð: Joan Pallerola Comamala

Las bases de datos est?n a la orden del d?a en la sociedad actual y, en concreto, en el mundo de la empresa: la contabilidad, las n?minas, las ventas, el almac?n y sus movimientos, la visitas a la web y un sinf?n de actividades se recogen en bases de datos. Es, pues, esencial emplear herramientas adecuadas para analizarlas y desenvolverse con ?xito en el presente.
En este libro encontrar? los conceptos necesarios para interrelacionar uno de los programas sencillos con m?s posibilidades del mercado, la hoja de c?lculo Excel, con otras hojas y otros libros, con otras bases de datos en Microsoft Access o en dBASE, en ficheros de texto o en SQL Server.
Sin duda, el contenido del libro deviene un medio imprescindible para ahorrarle tiempo y facilitarle su trabajo, pues trata desde el propio an?lisis de la base de datos hasta lo m?s manual, como la obtenci?n, la copia, la selecci?n y los filtros desde y hacia otras bases.
Asimismo, con el c?digo de descarga que se facilita en la primera p?gina del libro, podr? contar con ejemplos reales y poner en pr?ctica todo lo aprendido sobre Excel, el lenguaje SQL y mucho m?s.
Gracias a este libro y a las herramientas que desarrolla, encontrar? siempre una nueva idea, explicaci?n o causa a todo lo que envuelve a sus bases de datos. No espere m?s y ad?ntrese sin miedo en el campo de las bases de datos para proveer a su trabajo del prestigio que merece.

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788426733412


EXO Assimilation
EXO Assimilation

Àâòîð: Valentin Klevno

Dieser Roman wird dem Leser eine lange Geschichte ?ber den Sinn des menschlichen Lebens erz?hlen. Wie eine Gruppe junger Fachkr?fte die L?sung eines globalen Problems auf der ganzen Welt aufgegriffen hat. Dieses Problem ergab sich aus der unkontrollierten Einleitung von Haushaltschemikalien in unterirdische Stauseen. Und dies f?hrte zur Korrosion des Bodens, der oberen Schichten der Erdkruste. Die Vegetation begann zu sterben, Probleme mit der Nahrung traten auf, neue Krankheiten traten auf. W?hrend der Forschung im Weltraum entdeckte eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern ein neues Element. Dieses Element diente als Schl?ssel f?r neue Entdeckungen. Jetzt ist es m?glich, geeignete Planeten f?r das menschliche Leben auf ihnen wiederzubeleben. Durch Gruppenarbeit konnten sie am Rande der Galaxie ein neues Sonnensystem schaffen. Ob die Menschen die Fehler ihrer Vorfahren auf dem neuen Planeten nicht wiederholen k?nnen, ist eine gro?e Frage. Diese Geschichte entwickelt sich vertikal und horizontal und f?hrt den Leser zum Jahr 2100.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783753155739


Exploraciones por el planeta Comida
Exploraciones por el planeta Comida

Àâòîð: Pere Puigdom?nech Rosell

Comer es una de nuestras ocupaciones principales; de hecho, le dedicamos cierto tiempo cada d?a. Tenemos a nuestra disposici?n la cantidad y variedad de alimentos m?s grande de la historia y, adem?s, la comida se ha convertido en una fuente de placer; de hecho, en muchos lugares constituye una pr?ctica art?stica refinada. A pesar de ello, tambi?n es un problema: por ejemplo, su exceso provoca «epidemias» de sobrepeso y, al mismo tiempo, centenares de millones de personas carecen de la cantidad de alimentos necesaria para sobrevivir dignamente. De esta manera, el mundo de la comida se ha convertido en un planeta complejo con multitud de veredas. Esta obra es una gu?a para explorarlo, tal como hac?an los viajeros de tiempos legendarios. A la vuelta de la traves?a, dispondremos de mejores criterios para optar por una alimentaci?n saludable y respetuosa con nuestro entorno.

Ñåðèÿ: Sin Fronteras

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788491347774


Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data
Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data

Àâòîð: Dhammika Amaratunga

Praise for the First Edition “…extremely well written…a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of this important field.” – Journal of Environmental Quality Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data, Second Edition provides comprehensive coverage of recent advancements in microarray data analysis. A cutting-edge guide, the Second Edition demonstrates various methodologies for analyzing data in biomedical research and offers an overview of the modern techniques used in microarray technology to study patterns of gene activity. The new edition answers the need for an efficient outline of all phases of this revolutionary analytical technique, from preprocessing to the analysis stage. Utilizing research and experience from highly-qualified authors in fields of data analysis, Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data, Second Edition features: A new chapter on the interpretation of findings that includes a discussion of signatures and material on gene set analysis, including network analysis New topics of coverage including ABC clustering, biclustering, partial least squares, penalized methods, ensemble methods, and enriched ensemble methods Updated exercises to deepen knowledge of the presented material and provide readers with resources for further study The book is an ideal reference for scientists in biomedical and genomics research fields who analyze DNA microarrays and protein array data, as well as statisticians and bioinformatics practitioners. Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data, Second Edition is also a useful text for graduate-level courses on statistics, computational biology, and bioinformatics.

Öåíà: 13459.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118364536


Explosive Nischen
Explosive Nischen

Àâòîð: Ulrike Albrecht

Nischen Marketing ist im Grunde nichts anderes als das Aufsp?ren eines Bed?rfnisses und dieses dann befriedigen. Das Ph?nomen des Nischen Marketing hat nahezu jede andere Art von Marketing abgel?st, weil es so notwendig ist, um online Gewinne zu machen.
Als Nischen Marketer ist es Ihr Job, eine Nachfrage mit kaufwilligen Verbrauchern, die ganz bestimmte Produkte oder Dienstleistungen suchen, ausfindig zu machen und ihnen dann das Gew?nschte zu liefern. In diesem eBook erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit den richtigen Nischen das schnelle Geld machen.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783741856686


Extensions f?r TYPO3
Extensions f?r TYPO3

Àâòîð: Robert Steindl

Ñåðèÿ: Web Programmierung

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645220026


Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk
Extreme Money. The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk

Àâòîð: Satyajit Das

A definitive cultural history of high finance from one of the industry's most astute analysts Written by internationally respected financial expert Satyajit Das, Extreme Money shows how real engineering was replaced by financial engineering in the twentieth century, enabling vast fortunes to be made not from goods produced or services performed, but from supplying and trading money. Extreme Money focuses on this eviscerated reality—the monetary shadow of real things—and what it means today. The high levels of economic growth and the wealth that inevitably follows, driven by cheap debt, financial engineering, and speculation, were never sustainable, and the last few years have borne this out. The book shows how policy makers and regulators unknowingly underwrote the risks, substantially reducing their ability to control economic outcomes. Extreme money concentrated economic power, wealth, and risk in the hands of a small community of gifted, dynamic financiers largely outside the regulatory purview and the democratic process, and there's no going back. Explains the extreme money games (via private equity, securitization, derivatives, hedge funds, and other means) invented by the elite financiers of last century Raises deeper questions about the nature of the economic structure and assumptions about ongoing financially engineered prosperity that readers, politicians, and financial figures need to be asking The book is timed to coincide with the next phase of the financial crisis, as prospects of recovery diminish and the global economy becomes mired in a Western version of Japan's «Lost Decade» Ambitious in scope and coverage, the book is the indispensible, in-depth guide to the age of modern money. An age defined by extremes of financial behavior.

Öåíà: 2756.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118153710


Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems
Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems

Àâòîð: Valerio Lucarini

Written by a team of international experts, Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems presents a unique point of view on the mathematical theory of extremes and on its applications in the natural and social sciences. Featuring an interdisciplinary approach to new concepts in pure and applied mathematical research, the book skillfully combines the areas of statistical mechanics, probability theory, measure theory, dynamical systems, statistical inference, geophysics, and software application. Emphasizing the statistical mechanical point of view, the book introduces robust theoretical embedding for the application of extreme value theory in dynamical systems. Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems also features: • A careful examination of how a dynamical system can serve as a generator of stochastic processes • Discussions on the applications of statistical inference in the theoretical and heuristic use of extremes • Several examples of analysis of extremes in a physical and geophysical context • A final summary of the main results presented along with a guide to future research projects • An appendix with software in Matlab® programming language to help readers to develop further understanding of the presented concepts Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems is ideal for academics and practitioners in pure and applied mathematics, probability theory, statistics, chaos, theoretical and applied dynamical systems, statistical mechanics, geophysical fluid dynamics, geosciences and complexity science. VALERIO LUCARINI, PhD, is Professor of Theoretical Meteorology at the University of Hamburg, Germany and Professor of Statistical Mechanics at the University of Reading, UK. DAVIDE FARANDA, PhD, is Researcher at the Laboratoire des science du climat et de l’environnement, IPSL, CEA Saclay, Universit? Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. ANA CRISTINA GOMES MONTEIRO MOREIRA DE FREITAS, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Porto, Portugal. JORGE MIGUEL MILHAZES DE FREITAS, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal. MARK HOLLAND, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, UK. TOBIAS KUNA, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading, UK. MATTHEW NICOL, PhD, is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Houston, USA. MIKE TODD, PhD, is Lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. SANDRO VAIENTI, PhD, is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toulon and Researcher at the Centre de Physique Th?orique, France.

Öåíà: 11588.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118632291


Extremes in Random Fields. A Theory and Its Applications
Extremes in Random Fields. A Theory and Its Applications

Àâòîð: Benjamin Yakir

Presents a useful new technique for analyzing the extreme-value behaviour of random fields Modern science typically involves the analysis of increasingly complex data. The extreme values that emerge in the statistical analysis of complex data are often of particular interest. This book focuses on the analytical approximations of the statistical significance of extreme values. Several relatively complex applications of the technique to problems that emerge in practical situations are presented. All the examples are difficult to analyze using classical methods, and as a result, the author presents a novel technique, designed to be more accessible to the user. Extreme value analysis is widely applied in areas such as operational research, bioinformatics, computer science, finance and many other disciplines. This book will be useful for scientists, engineers and advanced graduate students who need to develop their own statistical tools for the analysis of their data. Whilst this book may not provide the reader with the specific answer it will inspire them to rethink their problem in the context of random fields, apply the method, and produce a solution.

Öåíà: 12482.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118720615



Àâòîð: J.M. Berger

"?Qu? es el extremismo? ?C?mo se construyen las ideas extremistas? ?Por qu? el extremismo suele llevar a la violencia? Una ola de movimientos extremistas amenaza con desestabilizar sociedades civiles en todo el mundo. Nunca hab?a sido tan importante comprender el extremismo, y en el diccionario solo se encuentra que es «la cualidad o el estado de ser extremo». En este volumen de la serie Conocimientos esenciales de MIT Press, J. M. Berger ofrece una introducci?n a los movimientos extremistas, explicando c?mo se construyen estas ideolog?as y por qu? el extremismo puede convertirse en violencia. El autor muestra que, a pesar de que el contenido ideol?gico de los movimientos extremistas var?e ampliamente, comparten elementos estructurales comunes. Berger, experto en movimientos extremistas y terrorismo, explica que este surge de la percepci?n de un «nosotros contra ellos», intensificada por la convicci?n de que el ?xito de ese «nosotros» es inseparable de los actos hostiles en contra de «ellos». El extremismo se distingue del malestar com?n –el odio y el racismo– por su racionaliazaci?n radical de una insistencia en la violencia. El autor ilustra su argumento con estudios de casos y ejemplos dados a lo largo de la historia, desde la destrucci?n de Cartago por los romanos–frecuentemente llamada «el primer genocidio»– hasta el yihadismo apocal?ptico de Al Qaeda, la nueva «derecha alternativa» de Estados Unidos y el tratado de conspiraci?n antisemita llamado Los protocolos de los ancianos de Si?n. Berger describe la evoluci?n de los movimientos de identidad, la radicalizaci?n individual y grupal, y m?s. Si comprendemos las causas del extremismo y los elementos comunes de estos movimientos, dice Berger, seremos m?s efectivos en contrarrestarlos."

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561427570


F?r den K?nig
F?r den K?nig

Àâòîð: Simon Zeus

?berall Leichen und abgeschlagene K?rperteile. Gareth und Sir Ennders stehen als letzte ?berlebende nach einer Schlacht auf einem Schlachtfeld im tiefsten Winter und ?berlegen, f?r wen sie das eigentlich alles machen. Dabei wird ihnen schnell klar, f?r wen.

Ñåðèÿ: F?r den K?nig

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742773869


Fabricaci?n de tapones aglomerados. MAMA0109
Fabricaci?n de tapones aglomerados. MAMA0109

Àâòîð: S.C. Comunicaci?n Sostenible

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416629404


Facebook para empresas y emprendedores
Facebook para empresas y emprendedores

Àâòîð: Ismael G?lvez Clavijo

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416758746


Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind
Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind

Àâòîð: Kathleen Taylor

Practical «brain-aware» facilitation tailored to the adult brain Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind explains how the brain works, and how to help adults learn, develop, and perform more effectively in various settings. Recent neurobiological discoveries have challenged long-held assumptions that logical, rational thought is the preeminent approach to knowing. Rather, feelings and emotions are essential for meaningful learning to occur in the embodied brain. Using stories, metaphors, and engaging illustrations to illuminate technical ideas, Taylor and Marienau synthesize relevant trends in neuroscience, cognitive science, and philosophy of mind. Readers unfamiliar with current brain discoveries will enjoy an informative, easy-to-read book. Neuroscience fans will find additional material designed to supplement their knowledge. Many popular publications on brain and learning focus on school-aged learners or tend more toward anatomical description than practical application. This book provides facilitators of adult learning and development a much-needed resource of tested approaches plus the science behind their effectiveness. Appreciate the fundamental role of experience in adult learning Understand how metaphor and analogy spark curiosity and creativity Alleviate adult anxieties that impede learning Acquire tools and approaches that foster adult learning and development Compared with other books on brain and learning, this volume includes dozens of specific examples of how experienced practitioners facilitate meaningful learning. These «brain-aware» approaches can be adopted and adapted for use in diverse settings. Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind should be read by advisors/counselors, instructors, curriculum and instructional developers, professional development designers, corporate trainers and coaches, faculty mentors, and graduate students—in fact, anyone interested in how adult brains learn.

Öåíà: 4557.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118711491


Fahrschein zum Tod
Fahrschein zum Tod

Àâòîð: Callum M. Conan

Colin Fox ist der attraktivste, talentierteste und auch erfolgreichste Student seines Jahrgangs. Sein gesamtes Leben verl?uft absolut nach Plan, bis eines Tages, wenige Wochen vor seinem zweiundzwanzigsten Geburtstag, zwei M?nner in einem H?rsaal der University of Oxford stehen und mit ihm sprechen wollen. Nachdem er sich darauf einl?sst, findet er sich wenig sp?ter in den B?ror?umen eines im Auftrag der Vereinten Nationen neu gegr?ndeten Geheimdiensts wieder. Als er das Angebot, eine Probezeit beim ESS zu durchlaufen, annimmt, ahnt er noch nicht, dass er in den folgenden Wochen einem Verbrecher-Trio hinterherjagen muss, das die gesamte Energieversorgung der Welt kontrollieren will und bei seinem Plan nicht einmal vor dem Mord an etlichen Menschen zur?ckschreckt…

Öåíà: 245.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783741835599


Fakten Wissen Denkblasen?
Fakten Wissen Denkblasen?

Àâòîð: D. G. Berlin

Bestimmt haben Sie schon ein oder zwei popul?rwissenschaftliche B?cher gelesen. Und wenn nicht, sind Sie bestimmt schon ein- oder gar zweimal an einem zappend-langweiligen Abend in einen dieser amerikanischen Wissenschaftsfilme geraten, in denen Sprecher mit geheimnisvollem Timbre, fachm?nnisch unterst?tzt von forschen, ehemals russischen, jetzt amerikanischen Wissenschaftlern, sensationelle Erkenntnisse ?ber das Universum, die Materie und den ganzen Rest enth?llen. Den h?ufigen, mehr oder weniger kurzen W?rdigungen der Triumphe der modernen Wissenschaft in Zeitschriften, Radio und Internet konnten Sie sowieso nicht entgehen. Dann wissen Sie ja auch Bescheid ?ber den Urknall, die kosmische Expansion, die dunklen Seiten des Universums, ?ber das Gottesteilchen, die faszinierende Welt der Quanten, die Relativit?t der Zeit, ?ber das genaue und immer noch genauere Alter des Universums, die Gravitationswellen und das rotverschobene Licht. Vielleicht sind Sie sogar schon leicht genervt, da Sie das alles gar nicht, und schon gar nicht so genau, wissen wollen und auch nicht m?ssen. M?glicherweise haben Sie ja auch mitunter leise Zweifel, ob das, was da als enth?lltes Geheimnis angepriesen wird, tats?chlich solches ist oder doch nur Werbung. Und da haben Sie v?llig recht. Bei genauerem Hinsehen kann man in den gefeierten Theorien das Ungekl?rte und Unverstandene leicht entdecken, hinter den Erfolgsmeldungen aufsp?ren, was da doch nur Vermutung und Glauben ist, herausfinden, was bei Anerkennung m?hevollen Strebens auch hilfloses Raten ist. Sollten Sie, nebenbei oder doch schon gezielt, daran interessiert sein zu erfahren, wie berechtigt Ihre Zweifel sind und wie unverstanden die Welt, in der wir alle leben, noch ist, so wird Ihnen die Lekt?re von Fakten – Wissen – Denkblasen? eine Hilfe sein. D.G. Berlin bekennt sich darin zu Zweifeln, fordert Ehrlichkeit und hinterfragt Theorien und Denkmodelle der Naturwissenschaft. Das ist spannend, wissenswert und so auch unterhaltend.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752903928


Familien- und Kindschaftsrecht f?r die Soziale Arbeit
Familien- und Kindschaftsrecht f?r die Soziale Arbeit

Àâòîð: Sabahat G?rb?z

Dieses praxisnahe Lehrbuch f?r Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit umfasst die verfahrens- und materiellrechtlichen Regelungen der Bereiche Ehe und Lebenspartnerschaft, Scheidung und Scheidungsfolgen, Sorge- und Umgangsrecht (Kindschaftsrecht) sowie Unterhalt, G?terrecht und Gewaltschutz. Neuere Entwicklungen in Rechtsprechung, Gesetzgebung und Wissenschaft (z.B. neue Rechtsbehelfe gegen ?berlange Verfahren in Kindschaftssachen, Gesetz zur Bek?mpfung von Kinderehen, neues EU-G?terrecht) werden ber?cksichtigt. Zahlreiche Entscheidungen und Beispiele aus der Rechtsprechung erleichtern den Zugang und die Anwendung auf konkrete Sachverhalte im Praxisalltag Sozialer Arbeit und lassen professionelle Handlungsstrategien gelingen. Rechtswissen und Rechtsanwendung: pr?zise, didaktisch aufbereitet, inklusive F?lle mit L?sungen.

Öåíà: 2366.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783846353745


Fast Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Counting and Optimization
Fast Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Counting and Optimization

Àâòîð: Reuven Y. Rubinstein

A comprehensive account of the theory and application of Monte Carlo methods Based on years of research in efficient Monte Carlo methods for estimation of rare-event probabilities, counting problems, and combinatorial optimization, Fast Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Counting and Optimization is a complete illustration of fast sequential Monte Carlo techniques. The book provides an accessible overview of current work in the field of Monte Carlo methods, specifically sequential Monte Carlo techniques, for solving abstract counting and optimization problems. Written by authorities in the field, the book places emphasis on cross-entropy, minimum cross-entropy, splitting, and stochastic enumeration. Focusing on the concepts and application of Monte Carlo techniques, Fast Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Counting and Optimization includes: Detailed algorithms needed to practice solving real-world problems Numerous examples with Monte Carlo method produced solutions within the 1-2% limit of relative error A new generic sequential importance sampling algorithm alongside extensive numerical results An appendix focused on review material to provide additional background information Fast Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Counting and Optimization is an excellent resource for engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and readers interested in efficient simulation techniques. The book is also useful for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses on Monte Carlo methods.

Öåíà: 12429.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118612316



Àâòîð: Jos? Ricardo Chaves

Faust?feles toma como base la tradici?n de todos los Faustos enamorados de Margaritas que han vendido sucesivamente el alma a lo largo de la historia de la literatura.Novela de iniciaci?n en todos los sentidos de la palabra, Faust?feles transcurre entre los telones de la teatralidad on?rica y la cotidianidad de un joven de buena familia en San Jos? de Costa Rica, patria del autor. Situada en los a?os setenta, ?poca de sectas marxistas e iniciaciones sociol?gicas, la novela desnuda, asimismo, no sin iron?a, los lazos ya presentidos y evidentes entre la esoteria y la pol?tica.

Ñåðèÿ: Sulayom

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789930526996


Feature and Magazine Writing
Feature and Magazine Writing

Àâòîð: David E. Sumner

Updated with fresh facts, examples and illustrations, along with two new chapters on digital media and blogs this third edition continues to be the authoritative and essential guide to writing engaging and marketable feature stories. Covers everything from finding original ideas and angles to locating expert sources Expanded edition with new chapters on storytelling for digital media and building a story blog Captivating style exemplifies the authors’ expert guidance, combining academic authority with professional know-how Comprehensive coverage of all the angles, including marketing written work and finding jobs in the publishing industry Essential reading for anyone wishing to become a strong feature writer Accompanied by a website with a wealth of resources including PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and Q&As that will be available upon publication: www.wiley.com/go/sumnerandmiller

Öåíà: 6380.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118305157


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