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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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Hidr?ulica de canales: fundamentos
Hidr?ulica de canales: fundamentos

Àâòîð: Juan H. Cadavid R

La hidr?ulica de canales es otra rama aplicada de la mec?nica de los fluidos incomprensibles. Esta obra ha sido concebida para servir como auxiliar en la formaci?n b?sica del estudiante de hidr?ulica de canales. As? mismo, para proveer de alg?n apoyo al ingeniero, especialmente en algunos temas de reconocida complejidad. Su estructura se centra en la parte formativa y no se enfoca en las aplicaciones avanzadas y espec?ficas, en la que son bastantes prolijos los tratados cl?sicos. Articula una secuencia de siete cap?tulos.
El primero acerca el asunto a sus ra?ces m?s pr?ximas, en el campo de la mec?nica y de la ingenier?a. Los tres siguientes cap?tulos se ocupan de conceptos relativos a la energ?a. El cap?tulo quinto discurre en el principio de conservaci?n del lineal, y muy especialmente en el interesante y llamativo fen?meno del resalto hidr?ulico. El sexto formaliza la noci?n del flujo uniforme. El ?ltimo se ocupa del flujo gradualmente variado y tiene como objetivo final el c?lculo detallado del trazado vertical de la superficie libre de un canal, o perfil de flujo, momentum lineal, y muy especialmente en el interesante y llamativo fen?meno del resalto hidr?ulico. El sexto formaliza la noci?n del flujo uniforme. El ?ltimo se ocupa del flujo gradualmente variado y tiene como objetivo final el c?lculo detallado del trazado vertical de la superficie libre de un canal, o perfil de flujo.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588281285


High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation
High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation

Àâòîð: Mohsen Pourahmadi

Methods for estimating sparse and large covariance matrices Covariance and correlation matrices play fundamental roles in every aspect of the analysis of multivariate data collected from a variety of fields including business and economics, health care, engineering, and environmental and physical sciences. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation provides accessible and comprehensive coverage of the classical and modern approaches for estimating covariance matrices as well as their applications to the rapidly developing areas lying at the intersection of statistics and machine learning. Recently, the classical sample covariance methodologies have been modified and improved upon to meet the needs of statisticians and researchers dealing with large correlated datasets. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation focuses on the methodologies based on shrinkage, thresholding, and penalized likelihood with applications to Gaussian graphical models, prediction, and mean-variance portfolio management. The book relies heavily on regression-based ideas and interpretations to connect and unify many existing methods and algorithms for the task. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation features chapters on: Data, Sparsity, and Regularization Regularizing the Eigenstructure Banding, Tapering, and Thresholding Covariance Matrices Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models Multivariate Regression The book is an ideal resource for researchers in statistics, mathematics, business and economics, computer sciences, and engineering, as well as a useful text or supplement for graduate-level courses in multivariate analysis, covariance estimation, statistical learning, and high-dimensional data analysis.

Öåíà: 10097.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118573655


Hijos pr?digos
Hijos pr?digos

Àâòîð: Robert D. Jones

SI TU HIJO ADULTO HA DEJADO LA FEy abraz? un estilo de vida imp?o, puedes estar experimentando conmoci?n, confusi?n, enojo, culpa, verg?enza, soledad, incluso desesperaci?n. Y con estas emociones dolorosas vienen preguntas dif?ciles:"?Caus? yo todo esto?"«?Qu? deber?a decirles a los dem?s sobre mi hijo?»"?C?mo interact?o con mi hijo en el futuro?"Robert Jones ofrece el consuelo del evangelio tanto a los padres en duelo como a sus pastores, consejeros y amigos. ?l te recuerda que Dios, el Padre de innumerables hijos pr?digos, entiende tu dolor como ning?n otro; te muestra c?mo encontrar tu fuerza e identidad en Dios en lugar de en las decisiones que toma tu hijo; y da consejos sabios para las muchas preguntas pr?cticas que enfrentas

Ñåðèÿ: Recursos para cambiar vidas

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781629462608


Hilbert Space Methods in Probability and Statistical Inference
Hilbert Space Methods in Probability and Statistical Inference

Àâòîð: Christopher Small G

Explains how Hilbert space techniques cross the boundaries into the foundations of probability and statistics. Focuses on the theory of martingales stochastic integration, interpolation and density estimation. Includes a copious amount of problems and examples.

Öåíà: 29383.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118165539


Himnos de Navidad y Epifan?a
Himnos de Navidad y Epifan?a

Àâòîð: San Efr?n de N?sibis

Este libro recoge los himnos de san Efr?n de N?sibis ( 373) dedicados a la Navidad y la Epifan?a, que aparecen por primera vez traducidos al castellano en esta obra. Se trata de un total de 28 himnos de Navidad y 13 de Epifan?a, compuestos por san Efr?n, maestro de la Escuela teol?gica de N?sibis y a la vez di?cono, a quien la tradici?n le otorg? el t?tulo de «c?tara del Esp?ritu Santo». El libro se completa con una breve descripci?n biogr?fica de san Efr?n, un comentario a los himnos y los g?neros literarios de sus obras y una bibliograf?a complementaria.

Ñåðèÿ: Cl?sicos de Oriente Cristiano

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788428561662



Àâòîð: Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv

Ñåðèÿ: Hirnforschung

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783898432511


Historia de dos ciudades
Historia de dos ciudades

Àâòîð: ×àðëüç Äèêêåíñ

Öåíà: 48.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9782379260797


Historia de la Seguridad Social en Am?rica Latina
Historia de la Seguridad Social en Am?rica Latina

Àâòîð: Martha Elisa Monsalve Cu?llar

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588992488


Historia de los musulmanes de Espa?a. Libros I y II
Historia de los musulmanes de Espa?a. Libros I y II

Àâòîð: Dozy Reinhart Pieter Anne

Ñåðèÿ: Biblioteca Turner

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415427339


Historia del Triste
Historia del Triste

Àâòîð: Horacio Vazquez-Rial

Ñåðèÿ: Biblioteca Horacio V?zquez-Rial

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788494705083


Historia empresarial en Am?rica Latina: temas, debates y problemas
Historia empresarial en Am?rica Latina: temas, debates y problemas

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Este libro ofrece la primera visi?n general de la historia empresarial de Am?rica Latina escrita por reconocidos investigadores internacionales. La publicaci?n combina la rigurosidad del an?lisis especializado con la redacci?n ?gil dirigida a una amplia audiencia. La primera parte del libro ofrece una visi?n panor?mica de la historia empresarial de seis pa?ses de la regi?n, y la segunda presenta un estudio de temas clave para entender el desarrollo de las empresas de la regi?n tales como el desempe?o de los grupos econ?micos, las inversiones de las multinacionales, la evoluci?n de las empresas familiares, el impacto de la violencia en el empresariado, el rol de la mujer en las firmas, el impacto del transporte en el desarrollo econ?mico y la interacci?n entre ecolog?a y empresa en la regi?n. La historia de la empresa y los empresarios latinoamericanos constituye una valiosa herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias y saberes mediante la evaluaci?n de las funciones y estrategias desplegadas por las compa??as y sus l?deres en los diferentes per?odos y pa?ses de Am?rica Latina.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789972574610


Historias de internet
Historias de internet

Àâòîð: Pablo Garc?a Mex?a

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415442615


Hitos de la anatom?a aatol?gica hasta el siglo XX a nivel mundial y nacional
Hitos de la anatom?a aatol?gica hasta el siglo XX a nivel mundial y nacional

Àâòîð: Francisco Rigail Arosemena

Es un libro rebosante de ciencia y de historia, tan fidedigno que en cada p?rrafo se exponen sucesos extraordinarios, testimonios fehacientes del esfuerzo humano, desde los albores de la civilizaci?n hasta nuestros d?as, orientados a descubrir la estructura anat?mica macrosc?pica y microsc?pica del cuerpo humano y relacionarlas con patolog?as, pestes, enfermedades y muertes, en la b?squeda del alivio y curaci?n.
Describe el avance del conocimiento experimentados en las disecciones de animales y seres humanos, logros de la cirug?a, de la tecnolog?a y de la ciencia a nivel mundial, dejando un ac?pite –en este tema- de las huellas de la misi?n geod?sica francesa en la Real Audiencia de Quito y las destacadas figuras nacionales de la ?poca.
Se relata la evoluci?n de la teor?a celular, de la histolog?a y de la Anatom?a Patol?gica acompa?ada de la biograf?a de sus ejecutores. Y, finaliza con el bosquejo del nacimiento y avance –de esta ciencia auxiliar de diagn?stico- en particular en las ciudades de Quito, Guayaquil y Cuenca de la Rep?blica del Ecuador.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789942360311


Hobbyhuren Vol. 1
Hobbyhuren Vol. 1

Àâòîð: Clara Sand

Ñåðèÿ: Hobbyhuren

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783942546706


Hogar desconocido
Hogar desconocido

Àâòîð: Carlos Llanes

Scott es un ni?o que abandon? su hogar para seguir a Dusan en su b?squeda por encontrar el amor verdadero. Pero cuando vio que este sentimiento ven?a acompa?ado por un inmenso dolor, perdi? la fe en el amor.Ha permanecido subyugado durante a?os por un malvado cuervo llamado Troz, que infunde miedo en el alma de los hombres a trav?s de recuerdos amargos. Ser prisionero entre las p?ginas de un libro hambriento hizo que el deseo de apagarse para siempre subiera a su coraz?n. Dusan buscar? la forma de salvarlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Se ver? ante una epifan?a que lo llevar? hasta los confines del reino. Pero en su odisea encontrar? aliados inesperados. Juntos luchar?n en una feroz batalla que les exigir? inmensos sacrificios por su libertad.A lo largo de sus inh?spitas traves?as, el dolor quebrar? su esperanza. Tendr?n que hacer frente a sus miedos para forjar resiliencia. Cuando parece que los tiempos de paz han llegado, un giro imprevisto del coraz?n cambia la vida de Scott de una forma sin precedentes. Este libro puede respirar y a trav?s de sus ilustraciones aut?nomas te dar?s cuenta de que confundimos muchas cosas con el amor. No existen las causas perdidas ni un coraz?n tan puro que no pueda sumergirse en la oscuridad. Y hasta el secreto m?s rec?ndito, inevitablemente, ser? descubierto alg?n d?a.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788413860244



Àâòîð: Klaus J. Dorsch

Ein interaktives Museum der Morde … Das geheimnisvollste Flugschiff der Erde … Der Wunsch nach Unsterblichkeit …
Der exzentrische Multimilliard?r, Kunstsammler und geniale Erfinder Tom Rickman er?ffnet im Jahr 2049 auf einer k?nstlichen Ostsee-Insel ein Museum mit originalen Tatorten. Ein heftig umstrittenes Projekt, denn die Besucher k?nnen hier Morde miterleben, die von holografischen Figuren aus verschiedenen Epochen realistisch und sogar interaktiv dargestellt werden. Die Hamburger Privatdetektivin «Sam» Merkmann erledigt dort einen Routineauftrag – sie ahnt nicht, dass schon bald ein echter M?rder sein Unwesen treibt und sie selbst in einen gef?hrlichen Strudel unglaublicher Ereignisse ger?t. Die M?rder-Hologramme verlassen die Insel und verbreiten Tod und Schrecken. Doch niemand wei?, dass dies nur ein Ablenkungsman?ver ist. Dahinter steckt ein genialer Kopf mit einem gr??enwahnsinnigen Plan, der die Grundfesten der katholischen Kirche zu ersch?ttern droht und dessen Ziel nicht nur die Vernichtung der Kirche ist – sondern das Ende der Welt.
Ein intelligenter, ungew?hnlicher Thriller mit Elementen aus Historie und Science-Fiction. Am?sant geschrieben und mit vielen interessanten kulturhistorischen Bez?gen, schillernden Charakteren und vor allem mit viel Freude am Skurrilen, Fantastischen und unvermuteten Wendungen.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742784841


Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens

Àâòîð: Antonio V?lez

La lupa milagrosa proporcionada por la teor?a de la evoluci?n permite una mirada profunda y refrescante a los problemas m?s viejos de la humanidad, problemas que han desconcertado a todos los pensadores del pasado: las razones de la conducta humana, los misterios de sus sinrazones, extra?ezas, estupideces y contradicciones, la explicaci?n de su marcha a contracorriente de la l?gica y el sentido com?n, sus pecados y virtudes. Este libro es un recorrido por la historia del ser humano, el Homo sapiens, con la intenci?n de examinar algunas de sus conductas y explicarlas desde el punto de vista evolutivo. Se trata de mirar con detenimiento los llamados «universales humanos», comportamientos observados en todas las culturas estudiadas por los antrop?logos, de los cuales se ocupa hoy una revolucionaria disciplina, la psicolog?a evolutiva.Con esta en el centro de la reflexi?n sobre el ser humano es posible sintetizar y amalgamar un conjunto de conocimientos acopiados desde campos disciplinares diversos: la gen?tica, la evoluci?n, la epistemolog?a, la etolog?a, la antropolog?a, la neurolog?a y las ciencias cognitivas y, por supuesto, la psicolog?a.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587149036


Hormonal Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction
Hormonal Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction

Àâòîð: Mario Maggi

Hormonal therapy offers a potentially powerful approach to the treatment of sexual disorders in men. However the interplay of different hormones within different bodily systems is carefully balanced; judicious judgement is required in the therapeutic use of hormones to minimize unwelcome side effects. A better understanding of how hormones work will help the physician to better tailor therapies for improved sexual responses in men. Hormonal Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction will provide the rationale for hormonal therapy in male sexual disorders, explaining the language of sexual endocrinology and its application in clinical practice. The aim of this book is to provide a clinical ‘in the office’ or ‘at the bedside’ guide to effective patient care for sexual medicine physicians, urologists, gynecologists and other health-care providers in practice and in training. The tone will be practical, not academic. The working assumption is that readers want to know what (and what not) might or should be done, without over emphasis on the why. That said, it is important to review the crucial basic science necessary for effective diagnosis and management, and to provide reminders in the context of the practical chapters. It will not be heavily referenced, in line with a more practical approach. This allows for smoother reading (and also relieves the burden of comprehensive citing from authors). Key evidence (clinical trials, Cochrane or other meta analyses) should be summarized in ‘Evidence at a Glance’ boxes and key references such as reviews, major papers can be provided in the ‘selected bibliography’ at the end of each chapter. Practical guidance will be provided through: – the use of algorithms and guidelines where they are appropriate – ‘Tips and Tricks’ boxes – hints on improving outcomes perhaps via practical technique, patient questioning etc – ‘Caution’ warning boxes – hints on avoiding problems, perhaps via contraindications – ‘Science Revisited’ – quick reminder of the basic science principles necessary for understanding

Öåíà: 9936.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119963790


Hotel Galactic
Hotel Galactic

Àâòîð: William Voltz

Ñåðèÿ: Edition William Voltz

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783945620441


Hotel Savoy
Hotel Savoy

Àâòîð: Éîçåô Ðîò

Der Soldat Gabriel Dan findet sich nach Jahren der Kriegsgefangenschaft vor den Toren Europas im heruntergekommenen Hotel Savoy wieder, Unterschlupf f?r ein Panoptikum gestrandeter Existenzen jeglicher Couleur und Gesellschaftsschicht vom leichten M?dchen, Soldaten und Devisenschieber bis zum ehemaligen Bankier. Er teilt sich hier ein Zimmer mit einem anarchistischen Kommunisten und wird in die seltsamen Machenschaften zwischen Reich und Arm verwickelt, w?hrend alle sehns?chtig die Ankunft des amerikanischen Milit?rs erwarten.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783750206946


How to be a Quantitative Ecologist. The A to R of Green Mathematics and Statistics
How to be a Quantitative Ecologist. The 'A to R' of Green Mathematics and Statistics

Àâòîð: Jason Matthiopoulos

Ecological research is becoming increasingly quantitative, yet students often opt out of courses in mathematics and statistics, unwittingly limiting their ability to carry out research in the future. This textbook provides a practical introduction to quantitative ecology for students and practitioners who have realised that they need this opportunity. The text is addressed to readers who haven't used mathematics since school, who were perhaps more confused than enlightened by their undergraduate lectures in statistics and who have never used a computer for much more than word processing and data entry. From this starting point, it slowly but surely instils an understanding of mathematics, statistics and programming, sufficient for initiating research in ecology. The book’s practical value is enhanced by extensive use of biological examples and the computer language R for graphics, programming and data analysis. Key Features: Provides a complete introduction to mathematics statistics and computing for ecologists. Presents a wealth of ecological examples demonstrating the applied relevance of abstract mathematical concepts, showing how a little technique can go a long way in answering interesting ecological questions. Covers elementary topics, including the rules of algebra, logarithms, geometry, calculus, descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing and linear regression. Explores more advanced topics including fractals, non-linear dynamical systems, likelihood and Bayesian estimation, generalised linear, mixed and additive models, and multivariate statistics. R boxes provide step-by-step recipes for implementing the graphical and numerical techniques outlined in each section. How to be a Quantitative Ecologist provides a comprehensive introduction to mathematics, statistics and computing and is the ideal textbook for late undergraduate and postgraduate courses in environmental biology. «With a book like this, there is no excuse for people to be afraid of maths, and to be ignorant of what it can do.» —Professor Tim Benton, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, UK

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119991588


How to Evolve your Body and Soul
How to Evolve your Body and Soul

Àâòîð: G. P. Green

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990644836


How to Present at Meetings
How to Present at Meetings

Àâòîð: Robinson Neville

Does the thought of presenting a paper make you go cold? There are so many things to consider: getting your message across clearly, making the PowerPoint easy to read, keeping to the right length and keeping the audience riveted – enough to induce nerves even without the thought of standing up in front of a crowd and delivering your talk fluently. How to Present at Meetings, 3rd Edition, gives you practical advice on all these aspects, and more. Written by high-profile public speakers in the health sciences, it includes chapters on the 10-, 20- and 45-minute presentation, how not to make a mess of PowerPoint, and how to appear on stage.

Öåíà: 3639.81 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119962090


How to Win Client Business When You Don t Know Where to Start
How to Win Client Business When You Don't Know Where to Start

Àâòîð: Doug Fletcher

Öåíà: 2446.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119676966


How to Write Successful Fundraising Appeals
How to Write Successful Fundraising Appeals

Àâòîð: Mal Warwick

Includes Sample Letters, Real World Examples, Style Tips, New Chapters on E-mail, Websites, Social Media, and More… Now in a completely revised third edition, this classic book shows how to create winning appeals that will realize the full potential of direct mail and online fundraising. Written by fundraising guru Mal Warwick, with assistance from Eric Overman, this comprehensive resource gives nonprofit fundraising staff the information needed to write compelling fundraising appeals for any medium. If you follow Warwick's guidelines, your direct mail and online fundraising campaigns will produce better results, year after year. Written in an easy-to-read style, the book is filled with practical techniques, proven approaches, and illustrative examples of both successful and unsuccessful appeals based on the authors' wealth of experience fundraising for hundreds of nonprofits. Step-by-step and appeal by appeal, the book shows how to navigate the fundraising appeal process with ease. To meet the demands of today's socially connected donors, this new edition explains how to mesh today's online technologies with direct mail to produce optimal fundraising results. You'll learn how to use e-mail, websites, Facebook, Twitter, and mobile technology to recruit more donors and raise more money. The book includes current research on timely topics such as online vs. offline behavior, online giving statistics, demographics, and best practices in integrated fundraising. If you're a nonprofit professional eager to master the latest methods in fundraising, or simply need to write direct mail appeals for your organization, How to Write Successful Fundraising Appeals will help you hone your skills and create appeals that will hit the mark every time.

Öåíà: 4970.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118618080


HTC One - das inoffizielle Handbuch. Anleitung, Tipps, Tricks
HTC One - das inoffizielle Handbuch. Anleitung, Tipps, Tricks

Àâòîð: Matthias Matting

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783955771041


HTML5 Handbuch
HTML5 Handbuch

Àâòîð: Clemens Gull

Ñåðèÿ: Web Programmierung

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783645222624


Human Motion Capture and Identification for Assistive Systems Design in Rehabilitation
Human Motion Capture and Identification for Assistive Systems Design in Rehabilitation

Àâòîð: Pubudu N. Pathirana

Öåíà: 13376.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119515234



Àâòîð: Hynek Burda

Humanbiologie heute: interdisziplin?r – aktuell – kompakt
Dieses Lehrbuch ber?cksichtigt die evolution?re, biomedizinische und humanbiologische Ausrichtung des Fachs und ist f?r alle Studierenden ein hervorragender Wegweiser durch das Studium der Biologie sowie aller verwandten Studienbereiche.
Didaktisch gut aufbereitet, mit Merkboxen, Zusammenfassungen sowie hervorragenden Grafiken im bew?hrten utb-Basics-Reihenkonzept. Anschaulich, verst?ndlich, informativ und auf dem aktuellsten Stand des Wissens!
Ein idealer Einstieg in das spannende Thema der Humanbiologie f?r alle Studierenden (nicht nur) im Bachelorstudiengang der Biologie, Biomedizin, Humanmedizin, Life Science und Molekulare Biologie.

Ñåðèÿ: utb basics

Öåíà: 2169.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783846341308


Humanidad ahora
Humanidad ahora

Àâòîð: Hern?n Urbina Joiro

Öåíà: 245.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789584823601


Humble Pi
Humble Pi

Àâòîð: Matt Parker

Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Humble Pi written and read by Matt Parker.  What makes a bridge wobble when its not meant to? Billions of dollars   mysteriously vanish into thin air? A building rock when its resonant   frequency matches a gym class leaping to Snaps 1990 hit Ive Got The Power? The answer is maths. Or, to be precise, what happens when maths goes wrong in the real world.    As   Matt Parker shows us, our modern lives are built on maths: computer   programmes, finance, engineering. And most of the time this maths works   quietly behind the scenes, until … it doesnt. Exploring and   explaining a litany of glitches, near-misses and mishaps involving the   internet, big data, elections, street signs, lotteries, the Roman  empire  and a hapless Olympic shooting team, Matt Parker shows us the  bizarre  ways maths trips us up, and what this reveals about its  essential place  in our world.   Mathematics doesnt have good  people skills, but  we would all be better off, he argues, if we saw  it as a practical  ally. This book shows how, by making maths our  friend, we can learn from  its pitfalls. It also contains puzzles,  challenges, geometric socks,  jokes about binary code and three  deliberate mistakes. Getting it wrong  has never been more fun.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Matt Parker

Öåíà: 1149.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780241375501


Hydraulic Fluid Power
Hydraulic Fluid Power

Àâòîð: Andrea Vacca

Learn more about hydraulic technology in hydraulic systems design with this comprehensive resource   Hydraulic Fluid Power  provides readers with an original approach to hydraulic technology education that focuses on the design of complete hydraulic systems. Accomplished authors and researchers Andrea Vacca and Germano Franzoni begin by describing the foundational principles of hydraulics and the basic physical components of hydraulics systems. They go on to walk readers through the most practical and useful system concepts for controlling hydraulic functions in modern, state-of-the-art systems.  Written in an approachable and accessible style, the book’s concepts are classified, analyzed, presented, and compared on a system level. The book also provides readers with the basic and advanced tools required to understand how hydraulic circuit design affects the operation of the equipment in which it’s found, focusing on the energy performance and control features of each design architecture. Readers will also learn how to choose the best design solution for any application.  Readers of  Hydraulic Fluid Power  will benefit from:  Approaching hydraulic fluid power concepts from an “outside-in” perspective, emphasizing a problem-solving orientation Abundant numerical examples and end-of-chapter problems designed to aid the reader in learning and retaining the material A balance between academic and practical content derived from the authors’ experience in both academia and industry Strong coverage of the fundamentals of hydraulic systems, including the equations and properties of hydraulic fluids  Fluid Power Fundamentals  is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical, agricultural, and aerospace engineering, as well as engineers designing hydraulic components, mobile machineries, or industrial systems.

Öåíà: 14277.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119569107


Hydrodynamic Bearings
Hydrodynamic Bearings

Àâòîð: Dominique Bonneau

This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book describes the rheological models and the equations of lubrication. It also presents the numerical approaches used to solve the above equations by finite differences, finite volumes and finite elements methods.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119008064



Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Dieses Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen des Wasserkreislaufs mit seinen r?umlichen und zeitlichen Mustern. Dabei werden u.a. der Einfluss der Landnutzung und des Klimas beschrieben, landschaftliche und regionale Besonderheiten erl?utert und ein Einblick in die hydrologische Praxis der Bew?sserung, der Risikovorsorge und des Flussgebietsmanagements gegeben.
Rund 200 Abbildungen und 45 Tabellen veranschaulichen die komplexen Sachverhalte.

Ñåðèÿ: utb basics

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783846345139


Hydrostructural Pedology
Hydrostructural Pedology

Àâòîð: Erik Braudeau

This book presents an in-depth guide to the subject matter and main points of hydrostructural pedology, as theorized for the first time. The authors focus on the underlying concepts, the purpose and role this field plays within agroenvironmental sciences. It is divided into two parts. Part 1 presents the theory behind hydrostructural pedology. The systemic approach applied to the soil is presented, showing how this leads to the thermodynamic formulation of water in the soil’s organized medium and to the systemic modeling of soil–water-coupling in natural or anthropic organizations. Part 2 presents the methodology to complement the first part. In it, the authors determine the hydrostructural characteristics of the pedostructure, characteristic parameters of equilibrium state equations and the hydrostructural functioning of the soil.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119318538


Hyperbranched Polymers
Hyperbranched Polymers

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A much-needed overview of the state of the art of hyperbranched polymers The last two decades have seen a surge of interest in hyperbranched polymers due to their ease of synthesis on a large scale and their promising applications in diverse fields, from medicine to nanotechnology. Written by leading scientists in academia and industry, this book provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of the topic, bringing together in one complete volume a wealth of information previously available only in articles scattered across the literature. Drawing on their work at the cutting edge of this dynamic area of research, the authors cover everything readers need to know about hyperbranched polymers when designing highly functional materials. Clear, thorough discussions include: How irregular branching affects polymer properties and their potential applications Important theoretical basics, plus a useful summary of characterization techniques How hyperbranched polymers compare with dendrimers as well as linear polymers Future trends in the synthesis and application of hyperbranched polymers Geared to novices and experts alike, Hyperbranched Polymers is a must-have resource for anyone working in polymer architectures, polymer engineering, and functional materials. It is also useful for scientists in related fields who need a primer on the synthesis, theory, and applications of hyperbranched polymers.

Öåíà: 17460.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470928998


Ich bin dann mal Jakobsmuscheln essen
Ich bin dann mal Jakobsmuscheln essen

Àâòîð: Thomas Meinen

Den Jakobsweg zu gehen ist f?r viele der H?hepunkt in ihrem Leben – auf der Suche nach sich selbst oder nach Anerkennung. Wohin aber f?hrt der Weg, wenn es m?glicherweise am Ende weder die Grabst?tte noch Jakobus selbst gegeben hat? Vielleicht ist der Jakobsweg einfach eine clevere Marketing-Idee? Die unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen legen zumindest den Verdacht nahe.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738081749


Ich glaube, die Musen k?nnen mich mal!
Ich glaube, die Musen k?nnen mich mal!

Àâòîð: Renate G?bel

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742792488


Ich Hacker – Du Script-Kiddy
Ich Hacker – Du Script-Kiddy

Àâòîð: Herr Meier

Der vorliegende Band soll ein Leitfaden f?r angehende Hacker sein. Anregungen, Tipps und Tricks finden sich hier ebenso wie einige 'readymade' Anleitungen. Bewu?t hat der Autor, wo immer es m?glich war, auf viel Text verzichtet und stattdessen auf bestehende Seiten im Internet verwiesen, um das B?ndchen nicht zu umfangreich werden zu lassen und somit f?r Jeden erschwinglich zu halten. Zum Teil farbig bebildert. Inhalt: Einf?hrung Wie werde ich ein Hacker? Hacking Tools Malware Das Darknet Weiteres zur Anonymit?t Google-Hacking Weitere Tipps und Tricks

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783745062564


Ich REDE. mit einer Frau
Ich REDE. mit einer Frau

Àâòîð: Isabel Garc?a

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783981426861


Ich. Selbstbewusst. Jetzt: Sofort mehr Selbstvertrauen!
Ich. Selbstbewusst. Jetzt: Sofort mehr Selbstvertrauen!

Àâòîð: Martin Schmid

Wahres Selbstvertrauen ist der wichtigste Faktor f?r ein gl?ckliches, gesundes und erf?lltes Leben. Selbstvertrauen ist der Schl?ssel, um sich gut zu f?hlen und sein wahres Potenzial zu erkennen. Ohne es werden Sie nie wissen, wie m?chtig Sie sein k?nnen. Es ist nicht etwas, womit man geboren wird, sondern man muss es entwickeln. Au?erdem ist Vertrauen keine Einheitsgr??e – Sie werden sich nicht in jeder Situation sicher f?hlen. Sie m?gen sich in einer Situation unsicher f?hlen, aber als Person sind Sie nicht unsicher.
Wenn Sie nicht aktiv an der Entwicklung eines starken Selbstwertgef?hls arbeiten, wird jede Art von Ver?nderungen in Ihrem Leben eine ?u?erst schwierige Tortur sein. Scrollen Sie nach oben und kaufen Sie dieses Buch jetzt, um Ihr Leben zum Besseren zu ver?ndern!

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752959338



Àâòîð: Johann Widmer

Dieses Lehrbuch basiert einerseits auf dem Lehrplan f?r die H?heren Fachschulen der Schweiz und andererseits auf der Vorlesung «Virtuelle Systeme» f?r Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) der Fachhochschulen der Schweiz. In einem ersten Kapitel werden zuerst die grundlegenden Konzepte der heutigen Rechnerarchitekturen (Hardware) mit deren Betriebssoftware (Betriebssysteme und Applikationen). In einem zweiten Kapitel befassen wir uns mit den Virtualisierungsmodellen.Die Studierenden werden in die Lage versetzt, die unterschiedlichen Modelle der Virtualisierung zu erkl?ren sowie Vor- und Nachteile f?r eine zu w?hlende L?sung im Unternehmen zu bestimmen und die verschiedenen Arten, auf welche die einzelnen Elemente virtualisiert werden k?nnen zu erl?utern. Ein drittes Kapitel widmen wir der Wirtschaftlichkeit der Virtualisierung. Die Studierenden werden in die Lage versetzt, die Auswirkungen der Virtualisierung in Bezug auf Infrastruktur und Ressourcen wie Hardware, Lizenzen, Raumbedarf sowie Personal zu benennen. Ein viertes Kapitel befasst sich mit den technischen Virtualisierungskonzepten. Die Studierenden werden in die Lage versetzt, die Grundlagen der Systemintegration zu verstehen und zu wissen wie beim Erstellen eines Konzeptes alle betroffenen Bereiche mit einzubeziehen sind. Ein f?nftes Kapitel f?hrt technische und organisatorische Abl?ufe und Betriebskonzept auf. Die Studierenden werden in die Lage versetzt, die Anforderungen einer Virtualisierungsl?sung an die Infrastruktur, wie Raumbedarf, K?hlung, Anschl?sse, Energiebedarf etc. zu beschreiben und die Auswirkungen der Virtualisierung auf bestehende, betriebliche Prozesse zu benennen und zu wissen, wie diese anzupassen sind. Ein technisches und ein Betriebskonzept wird erstellt. In einem sechsten Kapitel wird eine praktische Umsetzung einer Virtualisierungsl?sung als Semesterauftrag ausgeschrieben.

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783754914526


Identitat i territori: els cercles de la consci?ncia
Identitat i territori: els cercles de la consci?ncia

Àâòîð: Joan Francesc Mira Castera

Conferencia impartida por el profesor Joan F. Mira en el acto de inauguraci?n de la XXXIII edici?n de la Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia, el 10 de julio de 2006.

Ñåðèÿ: Fora de Col·lecci?

Öåíà: 146.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788437084985


Ideological Games
Ideological Games

Àâòîð: Varios autores

El videojuego ha pasado de ser undergound a convertirse en entretenimiento de masas. En el proceso se ha integrado perfectamente en la industria cultural del capitalismo occidental. Sin embargo, la cr?tica cultural se ha centrado m?s en las perspectivas individuales y subjetivas.El presente volumen recoge ensayos que buscan expresar esa disidencia frente a las corrientes mayoritarias y dar espacio a otras formas de pensar el videojuego que tengan en cuenta tanto sus condiciones formales como socioecon?micas. Los ensayos de este volumen pretenden se?alar desde distintas perspectivas y perfiles dentro del videojuego (de desarrolladores a acad?micos) ese discurso oculto que tiene diversas caras y objetivos, pero que se enmarca en el mismo contexto del capitalismo hegem?nico.Los videojuegos son productos culturales que, como todos los dem?s, contienen una forma de ver el mundo y de estar en el mundo que disemina y educa a sus usuarios. Es la ideolog?a lo que est? en juego.

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788412031164



Àâòîð: Marius S. Ostrowski

Öåíà: 6025.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509552771


Igualaci?n y preparaci?n de superficies. TMVL0509
Igualaci?n y preparaci?n de superficies. TMVL0509

Àâòîð: Bernab? Jim?nez Padilla

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788416109791


Ihr Recht als Blogger
Ihr Recht als Blogger

Àâòîð: Michael Rohrlich

Ñåðèÿ: schnell + kompakt

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868026832


Ihr Wegweiser zu rationalen Analysen und Entscheidungen
Ihr Wegweiser zu rationalen Analysen und Entscheidungen

Àâòîð: Bernd Rodewald

In Unternehmen und Organisationen, Politik und Gesellschaft ist es laufend eforderlich, Sachverhalte zu analysieren, zu bewerten oder deren zukunftige Entwicklung einzuschatzen, um zwischen moglichen Handlungsalternativen entscheiden zu konnen. Je nachdem, welcher Experte daran beteiligt ist und welche Tools genutzt werden, konnen die Ergebnisse jedoch sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen. Das Buch legt dar, welche Fragen man stellen muss, um die vorhandenen Denkfallen bei der Zusammenstellung von Daten und ihrer Analyse zu identifizieren und zu umgehen. Damit, und mit den vielen vorgestellten praktischen Beispielen, wendet sich das Buch an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen: – Managern in Unternehmen und Entscheidern in Organisationen und Politik liefert es das Rustzeug, um die Aussagen von Fachleuten und die auf klassischen Tools basierenden Daten systematisch und gezielt zu hinterfragen. – Experten, die Informationen bereitstellen und interpretieren, erhalten praktische Tipps, um Fehler beim Einsatz von Methoden zu vermeiden und klar gultige Aussagen zu treffen. – Berater und Trainer, die Tools einfuhren, schulen und anwenden, konnen mithilfe des Buchs klar die Grenzen dieser Tools benennen. – Interessierte Burger, die Sachthemen in den Medien verfolgen, erfahren, wo in den dargestellten Argumenten Schwachstellen verborgen sein konnen und was daher kritisch zu hinterfragen ware. – Jeder, der vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung steht – sei es privat, unternehmerisch oder einfach nur eine Kaufentscheidung – findet Argumente, wie wesentliche Kriterien zu bewerten sind.

Öåíà: 2545.03 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783895789571


Il guerriero il saggio il clown
Il guerriero il saggio il clown

Àâòîð: Cesare Gallarini

Questo manuale breve ed essenziale, per ORATORI – INSEGNANTI – COMUNICATORI – POLITICI – VENDITORI – CIARLATANI – COMICI, diventer? indispensabile ogni qual volta dovrete affrontare un uditorio e sarete presi da quellansia da prestazione o peggio dal panico pi? totale. E frutto della mia esperienza di comico, pedagogo teatrale e formatore esperienziale. Non troverete certamente la soluzione definitiva a tutte le vostre difficolt? ad affrontare il vostro agguerrito capo, o a gestire un gruppo di scatenati studenti, o a discutere con il politico conservatore del vostro paese; spero invece troverete degli stimoli e delle tecniche per migliorarvi, per raffinare quella che ? la vostra esperienza o modificare quelli che sono i vostri preconcetti. Piccoli suggerimenti che potrebbero cambiare il vostro modo di comunicare. Naturalmente in meglio. Ancora oggi, dopo oltre cinquemila spettacoli, (non ridete, ho la mia et?), vado in scena sempre con un pizzico di timore e ansia. Anzi, a volte, con vero terrore. Chaplin diceva che il pubblico ? un mostro senza testa: non sai mai da che parte andr?. Cosa faccio allora? Mi fermo, respiro, mi rilasso e cerco di concentrarmi pensando alla mia passione di stare sul palco e alla soddisfazione di sentire ridere (o piangere) il pubblico. Cos? entro in scena con calma guardando chi mi sta di fronte e sfoggiando un bel, grande, sincero sorriso (ecco un primo suggerimento) Andare in scena significa dover affrontare, non per vincerlo ma perallearsi, un nemico con la determinazione di un vero guerriero. Significa comunicare valori e pensieri come un filosofo, e significa proporre questipensieri in modo efficace, divertito e divertente, mai prolisso, dove la passione traspare sempre! Perch? il GUERRIERO, il SAGGIO e CLOWN? Perch? rappresentano i ruoli che interpretiamo quando parliamo in pubblico o andiamo in scena per uno spettacolo, che in fondo sono la stessa cosa. La parola stessa Persona ci chiarisce che tutti interpretiamo dei Ruoli. Che tutti siamo attori. Infatti la parola persona deriva dallEtrusco Phersu che indicava la maschera teatrale e letimologia latina si compone della preposizione per (attraverso) e sonare (risuonare). Cos? infatti era chiamata la maschera indossata dagli attori, che copriva il volto (e indicava il carattere ) e amplificava la voce.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788899621506


Il nome e la lingua
Il nome e la lingua

Àâòîð: Ariele Morinini

La presente monografia si propone di ripercorrere, con approcci metodologici diversi, la formazione e lo sviluppo della percezione di un'identit? linguistica, letteraria e culturale nel territorio della Svizzera italiana. La ricerca muove dall'indagine sull'evoluzione semantica delle denominazioni impiegate nella regione, dal Medioevo all'istituzione degli Stati moderni, per giungere alle opere e al pensiero degli studiosi e degli scrittori che hanno animato il dibattito identitario nei secoli XIX e XX, tra i quali Stefano Franscini, Carlo Salvioni e Francesco Chiesa. In appendice al volume ? edito il Dizionariuccio Ticinese-luganese-italiano di Francesco Cherubini, accompagnato da una scelta di documenti relativi alla sua attivit? svizzero-italiana.

Ñåðèÿ: Romanica Helvetica

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9783772001215


Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations
Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations

Àâòîð: Jeffrey E. Kottemann

Features an integrated approach of statistical scenarios and simulations to aid readers in developing key intuitions needed to understand the wide ranging concepts and methods of statistics and inference Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations presents the basic concepts of statistics and statistical inference using the dual mechanisms of scenarios and simulations. This approach helps readers develop key intuitions and deep understandings of statistical analysis. Scenario-specific sampling simulations depict the results that would be obtained by a very large number of individuals investigating the same scenario, each with their own evidence, while graphical depictions of the simulation results present clear and direct pathways to intuitive methods for statistical inference. These intuitive methods can then be easily linked to traditional formulaic methods, and the author does not simply explain the linkages, but rather provides demonstrations throughout for a broad range of statistical phenomena. In addition, induction and deduction are repeatedly interwoven, which fosters a natural «need to know basis» for ordering the topic coverage. Examining computer simulation results is central to the discussion and provides an illustrative way to (re)discover the properties of sample statistics, the role of chance, and to (re)invent corresponding principles of statistical inference. In addition, the simulation results foreshadow the various mathematical formulas that underlie statistical analysis. In addition, this book: • Features both an intuitive and analytical perspective and includes a broad introduction to the use of Monte Carlo simulation and formulaic methods for statistical analysis • Presents straight-forward coverage of the essentials of basic statistics and ensures proper understanding of key concepts such as sampling distributions, the effects of sample size and variance on uncertainty, analysis of proportion, mean and rank differences, covariance, correlation, and regression • Introduces advanced topics such as Bayesian statistics, data mining, model cross-validation, robust regression, and resampling • Contains numerous example problems in each chapter with detailed solutions as well as an appendix that serves as a manual for constructing simulations quickly and easily using Microsoft® Office Excel® Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations is an ideal textbook for courses, seminars, and workshops in statistics and statistical inference and is appropriate for self-study as well. The book also serves as a thought-provoking treatise for researchers, scientists, managers, technicians, and others with a keen interest in statistical analysis. Jeffrey E. Kottemann, Ph.D., is Professor in the Perdue School at Salisbury University. Dr. Kottemann has published articles in a wide variety of academic research journals in the fields of business administration, computer science, decision sciences, economics, engineering, information systems, psychology, and public administration. He received his Ph.D. in Systems and Quantitative Methods from the University of Arizona.

Öåíà: 12097.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119296348


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