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Laberinto de farsantes
Laberinto de farsantes

Автор: Antonio Mero?o

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788468542959


Labor oder Flie?band?
Labor oder Flie?band?

Автор: Rainer Simon

Серия: Recherchen

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783943881462


Labrado y conformado de la pizarra. IEXD0108
Labrado y conformado de la pizarra. IEXD0108

Автор: Tecnolog?a e Investigaci?n S.L. Asesoramiento

Adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para manejar la maquinaria y las herramientas utilizadas en el proceso de labrado y de exfoliaci?n de pizarra para la obtenci?n de piezas con el espesor deseado y las especificaciones t?cnicas requeridas, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de fabricaci?n establecidos y cumpliendo la normativa de seguridad y protecci?n ambiental vigente. Ebook ajustado al Certificado de Profesionalidad Elaboraci?n de Piedra Natural.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788416067213


LabVIEW: Entorno gr?fico de programaci?n
LabVIEW: Entorno gr?fico de programaci?n

Автор: Jos? Pelegr? Sebasti?

En este libro se pretende dar al lector una visi?n completa de todos los aspectos de LabVIEW, incluyendo los concernientes a la versi?n 2010. El libro parte de una introducci?n al entorno para lectores que no tengan conocimientos previos del programa y, poco a poco, se va aumentando el nivel hasta llegar a abarcar pr?cticamente todas las posibilidades que permite LabVIEW, permitiendo a lectores con experiencia descubrir nuevas posibilidades. El libro se divide en cuatro bloques tem?ticos: una introducci?n en la que se presenta el entorno y se explican los tipos de datos y las estructuras de control; un segundo bloque de adquisici?n y comunicaciones, siendo ?sta la aplicaci?n m?s tradicional de LabVIEW; a continuaci?n se presentan los aspectos m?s avanzados donde el lector podr? obtener un conocimiento profundo del compilador y las t?cnicas de programaci?n m?s adecuadas para cada situaci?n; y por ?ltimo, en esta segunda edici?n se han a?adido varios cap?tulos sobre otros programas y librer?as de National Instruments como LabWindows/CVI, Measurement Studio, DIAdem y TestStand. En cada cap?tulo se parte de una introducci?n te?rica general de la tem?tica que se trata para, a continuaci?n, presentar las funciones espec?ficas de LabVIEW. Una vez hecho esto se asentar?n los conocimientos a trav?s de varios ejemplos y ejercicios pr?cticos. Los ejemplos son pr?cticos y amenos para que se disfrute con la lectura del libro mientras se adquieren nuevos conocimientos, esperamos que esto fomente la iniciativa de los lectores para modificarlos, mejorarlos y adaptarlos a sus requerimientos. National Instruments ha elaborado unos recursos adicionales para esta edici?n tales como la versi?n de evaluaci?n de LabVIEW, notas t?cnicas, etc., a los cuales podr? acceder visitando ni.com/spain e ingresando el c?digo que hallar? en el pr?logo del libro.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788426718686


Laetitias Lust 9
Laetitias Lust 9

Автор: Laetitia Guivarch?

Mein Name Laetitia Guivarch?. Mit diesem Buch m?chte ich Sie an meiner Lust und Sexualit?t teilhaben lassen.
Dieses Buch ist das erste einer ganzen Reihe. Jedes Buch enth?lt eine erotische Geschichte. Diese entsprechen zum Teil meinem Leben, meinen realen Erlebnissen. Der Rest ist Kopfkino. Meine Geschichten sind daher eine Mischung aus W?nschen, Sehns?chten, realen Abenteuern und Masturabtionsfantasien.

Серия: Laetitias Lust

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783742732453


Landscape Architecture Documentation Standards. Principles, Guidelines, and Best Practices
Landscape Architecture Documentation Standards. Principles, Guidelines, and Best Practices

Автор: Design Workshop

SUPERB EXECUTION RELIES UPON RIGOROUS PROJECT DOCUMENTATION A project will only be built as well as it is documented. This publication focuses on the key documentation needs of the landscape architectural design and construction documentation process. That includes both «design documentation» and «construction documentation» as well as all that which occurs in the transition from one phase to the other. Documentation requirements include those components necessary to explore and define design intent, logic, physical proposals, and ultimately, the specific components included within construction and bid documents. Discover how proper documentation facilitates every stage of the design process from pre-planning to construction, and leads to a highly resolved built outcome. Understand the principles behind these documentation practices. Implement best practices specific to each documentation phase and drawing, from title block and cover sheet design to soil plans and plant protection. Organize keynoting systems, cross-referencing and interdisciplinary coordination amongst multiple consultants and vendors. Study sample project documents from a leading landscape architecture firm to better understand the elements and benefits of complete and well-coordinated project documentation. These standards have been time-tested by over 150 designers at the industry leading landscape architecture firm Design Workshop, reflecting a range of project types, including parks, streetscapes, urban spaces and over-structure construction. This guide shares the methods behind the success, to facilitate exceptional built outcomes through principled documentation practices.

Цена: 8837.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418079


Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues
Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues

Автор: Группа авторов

In recent years the significance of Gaussian processes to communication networks has grown considerably. The inherent flexibility of the Gaussian traffic model enables the analysis, in a single mathematical framework, of systems with both long-range and short-range dependent input streams. Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues demonstrates how the Gaussian traffic model arises naturally, and how the analysis of the corresponding queuing model can be performed. The text provides a general introduction to Gaussian queues, and surveys recent research into the modelling of communications networks. Coverage includes: Discussion of the theoretical concepts and practical aspects related to Gaussian traffic models. Analysis of recent research asymptotic results for Gaussian queues, both in the large-buffer and many-sources regime. An emphasis on rare-event analysis, relying on a variety of asymptotic techniques. Examination of single-node FIFO queuing systems, as well as queues operating under more complex scheduling disciplines, and queuing networks. A set of illustrative examples that directly relate to important practical problems in communication networking. A large collection of instructive exercises and accompanying solutions. Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues assumes minimal prior knowledge. It is ideally suited for postgraduate students in applied probability, operations research, computer science and electrical engineering. The book’s self-contained style makes it perfect for practitioners in the communications networking industry and for researchers in related areas.

Цена: 16127.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780470515082


Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty
Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty

Автор: Группа авторов

This book focuses on computational methods for large-scale statistical inverse problems and provides an introduction to statistical Bayesian and frequentist methodologies. Recent research advances for approximation methods are discussed, along with Kalman filtering methods and optimization-based approaches to solving inverse problems. The aim is to cross-fertilize the perspectives of researchers in the areas of data assimilation, statistics, large-scale optimization, applied and computational mathematics, high performance computing, and cutting-edge applications. The solution to large-scale inverse problems critically depends on methods to reduce computational cost. Recent research approaches tackle this challenge in a variety of different ways. Many of the computational frameworks highlighted in this book build upon state-of-the-art methods for simulation of the forward problem, such as, fast Partial Differential Equation (PDE) solvers, reduced-order models and emulators of the forward problem, stochastic spectral approximations, and ensemble-based approximations, as well as exploiting the machinery for large-scale deterministic optimization through adjoint and other sensitivity analysis methods. Key Features: • Brings together the perspectives of researchers in areas of inverse problems and data assimilation. • Assesses the current state-of-the-art and identify needs and opportunities for future research. • Focuses on the computational methods used to analyze and simulate inverse problems. • Written by leading experts of inverse problems and uncertainty quantification. Graduate students and researchers working in statistics, mathematics and engineering will benefit from this book.

Цена: 13612.97 руб.
ISBN: 9780470685860


Las adicciones
Las adicciones

Автор: scar Prospero Garc?a

Серия: ?C?mo ves?

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9786070265563


Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes
Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

El detective exc?ntrico, favorito de todos, vuelve en este nuevo compendio de aventuras miscel?neas y misterios por resolver. Junto a su fiel amigo, y quiz?s el ?nico, el Dr. Watson, quien se dedica a narrar estos inusuales casos, se encamina por toda Inglaterra para resolver, con sus m?todos no convencionales, los misterios m?s extra?os que llegan a la puerta de su casa, en la famosa Baker Street. Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes, con las exquisitas palabras de Arthur Conan Doyle, te dejar?n en un nivel de suspenso tan alto, que te ser? imposible dejar de lado a este perspicaz ingl?s.

Серия: Cl?sicos

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789707322875


Las c?lulas pensantes
Las c?lulas pensantes

Автор: John Barco R?os


Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789587591651


Las dudas existenciales
Las dudas existenciales

Автор: Alberto Guerendiain

Este es el primer libro escrito por m? y seguramente escribir? uno pr?ximo. Ese pr?ximo podr?a haber formado parte de este libro, pero con ello se perder?a la idea original de Las dudas existenciales. Soy Ingeniero y como tal soy muy concreto y tiendo a abreviar. De cada uno de los temas descriptos se podr?a haber escrito muchas p?ginas m?s, pero por mi formaci?n solo he escrito lo indispensable y necesario para el entendimiento de la idea o del concepto que quise trasmitir. Me apasiona el tema de los posibles m?ltiples universos y quiz?s deber?a haber ampliado conceptos sobre este tema, o sobre religiones o sobre tantos otros temas, pero desde el principio mi deseo fue, hacer solo una gu?a de mis pensamientos e ideas, sobre las dudas existenciales que tenemos los seres humanos, en un formato abreviado y conciso. Todos los temas pueden ser ampliados leyendo los art?culos o libros escritos que se encuentran en Internet, con la sola excepci?n de la base de datos universal, que es una idea personal y nunca publiqu? nada al respecto. "El futuro de las Ciencias ser? investigar y plantear teor?as sobre los universos m?ltiples y sobre la teor?a cu?ntica y de cuerdas. Todo lector interesado en estos temas propongo que baje informaci?n de Internet, pero que lea con esp?ritu cr?tico y sea capaz de discernir sobre todo lo escrito, incluyendo lo escrito en este libro. Muy pocos entienden seriamente lo que significan los universos m?ltiples y todo lo que se encuentran investigando puede ser una falacia, un error y proponer nuevas ideas, es lo que necesita la ciencia. La ciencia a este nivel de investigaci?n no tiene mucha diferencia con lo m?stico, con lo religioso o con lo filos?fico, pues solo se plantean hip?tesis posibles, pero no demostrables. Todo nuevo pensamiento, puede ser el pensamiento al que confluyan todas las nuevas investigaciones. Si en alg?n momento al recibir el libro imaginaste que obtendr?as respuestas sobre las Dudas Existenciales o que toda la informaci?n que ibas obteniendo al leerlo tend?a a llegar a una meta de iluminaci?n en donde encontrar?as todas las respuestas, te equivocaste, ahora sabes que puedes agregar m?s dudas a tus antiguas dudas. Este libro no tiene un cierre, este libro deja abierto el resultado, para que cada lector encuentre sus posibles respuestas. "Habr? lectores que desechar?n lo m?stico, otros lo religioso, la mayor?a seguramente por pertenecer a una Sociedad Occidental, solo creer?n en la F?sica y en lo Cient?fico y por consiguiente la Base de Datos Universal, los esp?ritus, las almas, las vidas pasadas, solo ser?n conceptos m?gicos, irreales y hasta un poco tontos. Podr?a ser. Otros muy religiosos encontrar?n las respuestas en sus libros sagrados, en las escrituras, en las palabras de sus pastores, curas, rabinos y ello es y ser? suficiente, para gran parte de nuestras sociedades. Pero como seres inteligentes que somos es necesario recibir la informaci?n completa o la totalidad de las posibilidades y esta incluye lo m?stico y luego decidir. Como he escrito en varias oportunidades en este libro, decidiremos en base a nuestro escaso conocimiento y al escaso desarrollo de nuestro cerebro y de nuestro intelecto. Por lo tanto, piensa, observa, medita y propone, ese es tu camino, esa es la ense?anza que desee transmitir con este libro. Espero haberlo logrado. Alberto Guerendiain

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9789878709987


Las fabulosas aventuras de Aurora
Las fabulosas aventuras de Aurora

Автор: Douglas Kennedy

Aurora es autista y tiene un secreto: puede ver detr?s de los ojos de la gente y saber lo que est?n pensando en cada momento. Esto le ser? muy ?til para investigar la desaparici?n de Lucie en el parque de atracciones Monster Land. Aunque las Cruelas, las acosadoras de la clase, no se lo pondr?n nada f?cil. Las fabulosas aventuras de Aurora es la primera incursi?n en la literatura infantil y juvenil del aclamado escritor Douglas Kennedy. La novela ha sido ilustrada por el popular dibujante y guionista de c?mic Joann Sfar.

Серия: Las fabulosas aventuras de Aurora

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788418304187


Las l?grimas de Naraguy?
Las l?grimas de Naraguy?

Автор: Catalina Gonz?lez Vilar

Серия: Gran Angular

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788467596250


Las transformaciones del sector rural en Colombia desde las reformas neoliberales
Las transformaciones del sector rural en Colombia desde las reformas neoliberales

Автор: Nohra Le?n Rodr?guez

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9789585136175


(Las) Otras geograf?as en Chile
(Las) Otras geograf?as en Chile

Автор: Enrique Aliste

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9789560012685


Latent Curve Models
Latent Curve Models

Автор: Patrick Curran J

An effective technique for data analysis in the social sciences The recent explosion in longitudinal data in the social sciences highlights the need for this timely publication. Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective provides an effective technique to analyze latent curve models (LCMs). This type of data features random intercepts and slopes that permit each case in a sample to have a different trajectory over time. Furthermore, researchers can include variables to predict the parameters governing these trajectories. The authors synthesize a vast amount of research and findings and, at the same time, provide original results. The book analyzes LCMs from the perspective of structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables. While the authors discuss simple regression-based procedures that are useful in the early stages of LCMs, most of the presentation uses SEMs as a driving tool. This cutting-edge work includes some of the authors' recent work on the autoregressive latent trajectory model, suggests new models for method factors in multiple indicators, discusses repeated latent variable models, and establishes the identification of a variety of LCMs. This text has been thoroughly class-tested and makes extensive use of pedagogical tools to aid readers in mastering and applying LCMs quickly and easily to their own data sets. Key features include: Chapter introductions and summaries that provide a quick overview of highlights Empirical examples provided throughout that allow readers to test their newly found knowledge and discover practical applications Conclusions at the end of each chapter that stress the essential points that readers need to understand for advancement to more sophisticated topics Extensive footnoting that points the way to the primary literature for more information on particular topics With its emphasis on modeling and the use of numerous examples, this is an excellent book for graduate courses in latent trajectory models as well as a supplemental text for courses in structural modeling. This book is an excellent aid and reference for researchers in quantitative social and behavioral sciences who need to analyze longitudinal data.

Цена: 16901.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780471746089


Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis
Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis

Автор: David J. Bartholomew

Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis provides a comprehensive and unified approach to factor analysis and latent variable modeling from a statistical perspective. This book presents a general framework to enable the derivation of the commonly used models, along with updated numerical examples. Nature and interpretation of a latent variable is also introduced along with related techniques for investigating dependency. This book: Provides a unified approach showing how such apparently diverse methods as Latent Class Analysis and Factor Analysis are actually members of the same family. Presents new material on ordered manifest variables, MCMC methods, non-linear models as well as a new chapter on related techniques for investigating dependency. Includes new sections on structural equation models (SEM) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation, along with new illustrative examples. Looks at recent developments on goodness-of-fit test statistics and on non-linear models and models with mixed latent variables, both categorical and continuous. No prior acquaintance with latent variable modelling is pre-supposed but a broad understanding of statistical theory will make it easier to see the approach in its proper perspective. Applied statisticians, psychometricians, medical statisticians, biostatisticians, economists and social science researchers will benefit from this book.

Цена: 9227.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119970590


Latin American Cultural Objects and Episodes
Latin American Cultural Objects and Episodes

Автор: William H. Beezley

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119078142


Lavado y colmatado de tapones de corcho. MAMA0109
Lavado y colmatado de tapones de corcho. MAMA0109

Автор: S.C. Comunicaci?n Sostenible

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Исполнители: Нелли Новикова

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788416629398


LDAP f?r Java-Entwickler
LDAP f?r Java-Entwickler

Автор: Stefan Zorner

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783868026184


Le confessioni
Le confessioni

Автор: Lev Tolstoj

Цена: 48.34 руб.
ISBN: 9782291077138


Lead-Free Solder Process Development
Lead-Free Solder Process Development

Автор: Группа авторов

Discusses the growth mechanisms of tin whiskers and the effective mitigation strategies necessary to reduce whisker growth risks This book covers key tin whisker topics, ranging from fundamental science to practical mitigation strategies. The text begins with a review of the characteristic properties of local microstructures around whisker and hillock grains to identify why these particular grains and locations become predisposed to forming whiskers and hillocks. The book discusses the basic properties of tin-based alloy finishes and the effects of various alloying elements on whisker formation, with a focus on potential mechanisms for whisker suppression or enhancement for each element. Tin whisker risk mitigation strategies for each tier of the supply chain for high reliability electronic systems are also described. Discusses whisker formation factors including surface grain geometry, crystallographic orientation-dependent surface grain boundary structure, and the localization of elastic strain/strain energy density distribution Examines how whiskers and hillocks evolve in time through real-time studies of whisker growth with the scanning electron microscope/focused ion beaming milling (SEM/FIB) Covers characterization methods of tin and tin-based alloy finishes such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) Reviews theories of mechanically-induced tin whiskers with case studies using pure tin and other lead-free finishes shown to evaluate the pressure-induced tin whiskers Mitigating Tin Whisker Risks: Theory and Practice is intended for the broader electronic packaging and manufacturing community including: manufacturing engineers, packaging development engineers, as well as engineers and researchers in high reliability industries.

Цена: 12855.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780470901182


Leadership for a Better World
Leadership for a Better World

Автор: Группа авторов

The essential guide to the theory and application of the Social Change Model Leadership for a Better World provides an approachable introduction to the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (SCM), giving students a real-world context through which to explore the seven C's of leadership for social change as well as a approaches to socially responsible leadership. From individual, group, and community values through the mechanisms of societal change itself, this book provides fundamental coverage of this increasingly vital topic. Action items, reflection, and discussion questions throughout encourage students to think about how these concepts apply in their own lives. The Facilitator's Guide includes a wealth of activities, assignments, discussions, and supplementary resources to enrich the learning experience whether in class or in the co-curriculum. This new second edition includes student self-assessment rubrics for each element of the model and new discussion on the critical roles of leadership self-efficacy, social perspective, and social justice perspectives. Content is enriched with research on how this approach to leadership is developed, and two new chapters situate the model in a broader understanding of leadership and in applications of the model. The Social Change Model is the most widely-used leadership model for college students, and has shaped college leadership curricula at schools throughout the U.S. and other countries including a translation in Chinese. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of the model, with a practical, relevant approach to real-world issues. Explore the many facets of social change and leadership Navigate group dynamics surrounding controversy, collaboration, and purpose Discover the meaning of citizenship and your commitment to the greater good Become an agent of change through one of the many routes to a common goal The SCM is backed by 15 years of research, and continues to be informed by ongoing investigation into the interventions and environments that create positive leadership development outcomes. Leadership for a Better World provides a thorough, well-rounded tour of the Social Change Model, with guidance on application to real-world issues. Please note that The Social Change Model: Facilitating Leadership Development (978-1-119-24243-7) is intended to be used as a Facilitator's Guide to Leadership for a Better World, 2nd Edition in seminars, workshops, and college classrooms. You'll find that, while each book can be used on its own, the content in both is also designed for use togther. A link to the home page of The Social Change Model can be found below under Related Titles.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119207603


Leading in a Culture of Change
Leading in a Culture of Change

Автор: Michael Fullan

The new edition of the best-selling guide for powerful, morally-grounded change leadership in any organization. Change is an inevitable, essential part of the modern world. Change prevents stagnation, fosters creative solutions, and propels innovation. With change comes challenges: to survive and prosper, organizations need to adapt to shifting market dynamics, volatility in the public arena, disruptions brought on by new technologies, and many more. Leaders need to understand the dynamics of change to cope with the complexities of the change process. Leading in a Culture of Change describes the key dimensions of leadership that are crucial in times of change. This innovative guide helps readers master the five components of change leadership—moral purpose, understanding change, building relationships, creating and sharing knowledge, and creating coherence—and mobilize others to accomplish shared goals in often difficult conditions. Extensively revised and updated throughout, this market-leading book continues to help leaders from across sectors understand the dynamics of change and navigate the end-to-end change process. The second edition is now thoroughly grounded in the various forms and interpretations of successful change and includes more precise definitions of the core competencies of change, contemporary case studies of their development and practical application, and increased guidance on their effective use through new concrete examples. Combining knowledge from the worlds of education and business, this unique book will help you: Integrate proven, time-tested methods of education reform and the most current insights in leadership and organizational change Develop and implement positive, sustained systematic change strategies in any organization Increase performance, optimize learning, and improve leadership Understand the key principles of leading change through specific, real-world examples Embrace a morally-grounded process of effective organizational change Leading in a Culture of Change is an indispensable source of information for leaders in business, non-profit, and public sectors seeking to understand, influence, and lead the change process.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119595786


Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences
Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences

Автор: Samuel Kotz

A fascinating chronicle of the lives and achievements of the men and women who helped shapethe science of statistics This handsomely illustrated volume will make enthralling reading for scientists, mathematicians, and science history buffs alike. Spanning nearly four centuries, it chronicles the lives and achievements of more than 110 of the most prominent names in theoretical and applied statistics and probability. From Bernoulli to Markov, Poisson to Wiener, you will find intimate profiles of women and men whose work led to significant advances in the areas of statistical inference and theory, probability theory, government and economic statistics, medical and agricultural statistics, and science and engineering. To help readers arrive at a fuller appreciation of the contributions these pioneers made, the authors vividly re-create the times in which they lived while exploring the major intellectual currents that shaped their thinking and propelled their discoveries. Lavishly illustrated with more than 40 authentic photographs and woodcuts * Includes a comprehensive timetable of statistics from the seventeenth century to the present * Features edited chapters written by 75 experts from around the globe * Designed for easy reference, features a unique numbering scheme that matches the subject profiled with his or her particular field of interest

Цена: 16901.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118150726


Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance
Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance

Автор: Debra Fearns

Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance is the perfect companion for study and revision from the publishers of the market-leading at a Glance series. This visual, dynamic and user-friendly resource addresses the key principles underpinning contemporary learning disability nursing practice, relates them to key clinical practice issues, and explores them in the context of maintaining health and well-being. Exploring the full spectrum of care, this textbook addresses the needs of people with learning disabilities across the life span, from children through to adolescents and on to adults and older people. Aimed at nursing, health and social care students, as well as registered nurses, this is an invaluable resource for all those looking to consolidate and expand their knowledge, in order to provide safe, effective and compassionate care to people with learning disabilities. The perfect revision and consolidation textbook Highly visual colour presentation, with full colour illustrations throughout Includes expert contributions from learning disability academic staff as well as clinicians Embraces both primary and secondary care perspectives Supported by a companion website featuring case studies to further test your knowledge Available in a range of digital formats- perfect for ‘on the go’ study and revision This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 3196.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118506110



Автор: null hagbard123

Lernen der UR Programmiersprache, die 90% aller Geeks zuerst gelernt haben, um Zusammenh?nge und Programmstrukturen zu verstehen. Zudem die Grundlagen des Linux Betriebssystems, das alle Geeks benutzen. Diese Programmiersprache ist der Grundstein um alle Programmiersprachen zu verstehen.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783847687405


Lebesgue Measure and Integration
Lebesgue Measure and Integration

Автор: Группа авторов

A superb text on the fundamentals of Lebesgue measure and integration. This book is designed to give the reader a solid understanding of Lebesgue measure and integration. It focuses on only the most fundamental concepts, namely Lebesgue measure for R and Lebesgue integration for extended real-valued functions on R. Starting with a thorough presentation of the preliminary concepts of undergraduate analysis, this book covers all the important topics, including measure theory, measurable functions, and integration. It offers an abundance of support materials, including helpful illustrations, examples, and problems. To further enhance the learning experience, the author provides a historical context that traces the struggle to define «area» and «area under a curve» that led eventually to Lebesgue measure and integration. Lebesgue Measure and Integration is the ideal text for an advanced undergraduate analysis course or for a first-year graduate course in mathematics, statistics, probability, and other applied areas. It will also serve well as a supplement to courses in advanced measure theory and integration and as an invaluable reference long after course work has been completed.

Цена: 23639.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118030981


Lectures on Applications-Oriented Mathematics
Lectures on Applications-Oriented Mathematics

Автор: Bernard Friedman

Meets the need for a program of short courses involving the essentials of a number of mathematical topics taken by physics and engineering students. Basically applications-oriented, the courses do include selected topics of abstract mathematics. While several courses can be used as practical appendices to conventional mathematics, others serve as introductions, providing motivation for self-study in areas of conceptual math.

Цена: 22203.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118030264


Leer con binoculares
Leer con binoculares

Автор: Piero Che Piu Palao

Crear contenidos que enganchen con una audiencia es una tarea retadora y casi siempre subjetiva. ?Qu? hace que un contenido sea mejor que otro? ?Es la forma en la que se presenta o el medio en que se transmite?En esta obra, Piero Che Piu propone un nuevo m?todo para entender la calidad de los contenidos. En sus propias palabras: «Leer con binoculares es una met?fora que quiere inspirar a creadores de todos los medios a ver de otra manera su contenido: ir m?s all? de las cifras de circulaci?n, tr?fico o ventas. Este libro es una invitaci?n a entender el contenido desde el punto de vista de la experiencia que produce. Por supuesto que hay creadores que tienen como mantra que la audiencia es primero. Lo que sigue es una sistematizaci?n de esa creencia, es decir, hacerla m?s concreta y accesible para todos».En tiempos en los que la informaci?n, abunda este libro constituye una herramienta valiosa para una gran variedad de disciplinas, desde la literatura hasta la publicidad e incluso la educaci?n. Y es que todos tenemos el reto de transformar la informaci?n en contenido valioso, de enamorar y no abrumar.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9786123183295


Legenden um den eigenen K?rper
Legenden um den eigenen K?rper

Автор: Bodo Kirchhoff

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783627021917


Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik
Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik

Автор: Arnold Hohmann

Серия: Lehrbuch der Zahntechnik

Цена: 4733.96 руб.
ISBN: 9783868672213


Leitfaden Digitaler Dialog
Leitfaden Digitaler Dialog

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783943666038


Leitfaden f?r PC-Sicherheit
Leitfaden f?r PC-Sicherheit

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Heute nutzen immer mehr Menschen ihre Computer f?r alles von Kommunikation ?ber Online-Banking und Investieren bis hin zum Einkaufen.
In dem wir dieses Dinge regelm??iger tun, ?ffnen wir uns potenziellen Hackern, Angreifern und sonstigen Kriminellen. W?hrend einige vielleicht Ihre pers?nlichen Informationen und Ihre Identit?t f?r den Weiterverkauf suchen, m?chten andere einfach nur Ihren Computer als Plattform nutzen, um andere unwissende Ziele anzugreifen.
In diesem E-Buch finden Sie einige einfache und kosteng?nstige Schritte, mit denen Sie Ihren Computer sicherer machen k?nnen.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783745085198


Level Sets and Extrema of Random Processes and Fields
Level Sets and Extrema of Random Processes and Fields

Автор: Jean-Marc Azais

A timely and comprehensive treatment of random field theory with applications across diverse areas of study Level Sets and Extrema of Random Processes and Fields discusses how to understand the properties of the level sets of paths as well as how to compute the probability distribution of its extremal values, which are two general classes of problems that arise in the study of random processes and fields and in related applications. This book provides a unified and accessible approach to these two topics and their relationship to classical theory and Gaussian processes and fields, and the most modern research findings are also discussed. The authors begin with an introduction to the basic concepts of stochastic processes, including a modern review of Gaussian fields and their classical inequalities. Subsequent chapters are devoted to Rice formulas, regularity properties, and recent results on the tails of the distribution of the maximum. Finally, applications of random fields to various areas of mathematics are provided, specifically to systems of random equations and condition numbers of random matrices. Throughout the book, applications are illustrated from various areas of study such as statistics, genomics, and oceanography while other results are relevant to econometrics, engineering, and mathematical physics. The presented material is reinforced by end-of-chapter exercises that range in varying degrees of difficulty. Most fundamental topics are addressed in the book, and an extensive, up-to-date bibliography directs readers to existing literature for further study. Level Sets and Extrema of Random Processes and Fields is an excellent book for courses on probability theory, spatial statistics, Gaussian fields, and probabilistic methods in real computation at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for professionals in mathematics and applied fields such as statistics, engineering, econometrics, mathematical physics, and biology.

Цена: 16459.22 руб.
ISBN: 9780470434635


lgebra cl?sica
lgebra cl?sica

Автор: Gonzalo Masju?n Torres

Este libro tiene un doble prop?sito: por un lado, homogeneizar los conceptos algebraicos que tienen los estudiantes de ense?anza media al momento de ingresar a la universidad, y por otro, integrar en un solo volumen los principales temas del ?lgebra Cl?sica: inducci?n, diferencias finitas, sumatorias, progresiones, teorema del binomio, combinatoria, n?meros complejos y polinomios y ecuaciones, de modo que en conjunto permitan desarrollar un adecuado conocimiento algebraico y abordar la resoluci?n de los diversos problemas que estas ?reas consideran.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789561425477


Lichtenergie und Heilgebete f?r ein neues WIR-Bewusstsein
Lichtenergie und Heilgebete f?r ein neues WIR-Bewusstsein

Автор: Zora Gienger

Viele Menschen vermissen ein harmonisches, verst?ndnisvolles und konstruktives Miteinander im Leben und sehnen sich nach einem Denken, F?hlen und Handeln, das Erf?llung und Sinn schenkt und den egoistischen Strukturen unserer Zeit Einhalt gebietet. Doch dem Menschen stehen machtvolle Werkzeuge zur Verf?gung, die dem eigenen Leben wieder Sinn verleihen und konkret etwas f?r die ganze Welt tun. Es ist das sogenannte WIR-Bewusstsein, das jeder Mensch in sich tr?gt, um ein neues Miteinander zu kreieren, wobei das in ihm angelegte und wichtige ICH-Bewusstsein dabei nicht ausgemerzt, sondern sinnvoll erg?nzt wird. Zora Gienger beschreibt und erkl?rt das harmonische Miteinander dieser beiden Bewusstseinsanteile im Menschen und zeigt Wege, wie jeder Mensch ins WIR-Bewusstsein gelangen kann. Licht?bungen und Heilgebete sind ein Schl?ssel, um dieses neue WIR-Bewusstsein dauerhaft in jedem von uns zum Leben zu erwecken. Die beschriebenen ?bungen sind einfach auszuf?hren und ?ffnen den Weg f?r einzigartige Ver?nderungen, denn das WIR-Bewusstsein ist tats?chlich in der Lage, das eigene Leben wie auch die Welt zu ver?ndern. Vor allem hilft es, sich mit dem Dasein auszus?hnen und ganz neue, wegweisende Perspektiven einzunehmen, die der Menschheit, dem Planeten sowie dem gesamten Universum dienlich sind. Eine Einladung zu einer gro?artigen Erkenntnis, die ins t?gliche Leben integriert werden kann und wahre Wunder m?glich macht.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783753146805


Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo
Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo

Автор: Jos? Ochoa

Una herramienta de est?mulo de la curiosidad y de profundizaci?n en el conocimiento sobre el liderazgo y el trabajo en equipo, temas que se abordan desde m?ltiples ?pticas: divulgativa, acad?mica, cient?fica y con visiones contrapuestas. La informaci?n se presenta estructurada de forma visual, esquem?tica, con resaltados que permiten la identificaci?n r?pida de aquello que m?s interese al lector y que facilitan la retenci?n de conceptos. Las lecturas incluidas estimulan la reflexi?n individual y el debate. En el ?mbito did?ctico se ofrece un apoyo a la actividad docente, una fuente de inspiraci?n para el facilitador de aprendizaje, que puede construir din?micas a partir de las sugerencias ofrecidas. La intenci?n es que el lector no se conforme con la comprensi?n de ideas o planteamientos, sino que los haga suyos, los cuestione o los convierta en acci?n personal, siguiendo en ocasiones recomendaciones pr?cticas extra?das de la obra rese?ada.

Серия: 15 lecturas imprescindibles

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789942907981


Liebe ist ein gewagtes Spiel
Liebe ist ein gewagtes Spiel

Автор: Ava Drake


Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783958237179


Liebesgr??e aus Mei?en
Liebesgr??e aus Mei?en

Автор: Peter Braukmann

Серия: M?rderischer Osten

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783959587143


Liebeskummer: So bew?ltigen Sie den Trennungsschmerz
Liebeskummer: So bew?ltigen Sie den Trennungsschmerz

Автор: Alexander Arlandt

Liebeskummer: So bew?ltigen Sie den Trennungsschmerz Eine Trennung nach einer intensiven Beziehung ist grausam. Nicht selten verzweifeln Menschen daran, versinken in chronischer Melancholie und Trauer. Manche denken sogar an Selbstmord oder verfallen dem Hass. Es ist ein Wechselbad der Gef?hle – zwischen Selbstvorw?rfen, Traurigkeit, Wut und Rache.
Sie selbst leiden aktuell unter Liebenskummer? Dann haben Sie Gl?ck! Denn jetzt gibt es f?r Sie wertvolle Ratschl?ge und Tipps, um Ihren Trennungsschmerz zu bew?ltigen.
Holen Sie sich Unterst?tzung. Lassen Sie sich beraten. Profitieren Sie von konstruktiven Denkanst??en, die dazu beitragen, dass sich Ihre Lage verbessert. Sie ben?tigen einen Begleiter, der die dunklen Wolken in Ihrem Leben zur Seite schiebt und die Sonne herein l?sst.
Das Ratgeber-eBook «Liebeskummer: So ?berwinden Sie den Trennungsschmerz» ist so ein Muntermacher, der sehr wertvolle Tipps erteilt und motiviert – damit auch Sie endlich wieder gl?cklich werden und vielleicht sogar schon bald wieder die rosarote Brille aufsetzen k?nnen!

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783742783356


Life, Death and Dreams
Life, Death and Dreams

Автор: Tim Stark

Was tr?umt eine k?nstliche Intelligenz? Wenn Sie sich diese Frage schon einmal gestellt haben, ist dieses Buch f?r Sie gedacht. In diesem Buch finden Sie Geschichten, die zu 100% von einer k?nstlichen Intelligenz geschrieben wurden. Ohne menschliche Hilfe schreibt die KI hier quasi ihre Tr?ume auf.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783752934250


Lina s aufrichtige Bekenntnisse oder die Freuden der Wollust
Lina's aufrichtige Bekenntnisse oder die Freuden der Wollust

Автор: Anonym

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783955014650


Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra

Автор: Michael L. O'Leary

Цена: 12145.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119437475


Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra

Автор: Richard C. Penney

Praise for the Third Edition “This volume is ground-breaking in terms of mathematical texts in that it does not teach from a detached perspective, but instead, looks to show students that competent mathematicians bring an intuitive understanding to the subject rather than just a master of applications.” – Electric Review A comprehensive introduction, Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, Fourth Edition provides a discussion of the theory and applications of linear algebra that blends abstract and computational concepts. With a focus on the development of mathematical intuition, the book emphasizes the need to understand both the applications of a particular technique and the mathematical ideas underlying the technique. The book introduces each new concept in the context of an explicit numerical example, which allows the abstract concepts to grow organically out of the necessity to solve specific problems. The intuitive discussions are consistently followed by rigorous statements of results and proofs. Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, Fourth Edition also features: Two new and independent sections on the rapidly developing subject of wavelets A thoroughly updated section on electrical circuit theory Illuminating applications of linear algebra with self-study questions for additional study End-of-chapter summaries and sections with true-false questions to aid readers with further comprehension of the presented material Numerous computer exercises throughout using MATLAB® code Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, Fourth Edition is an excellent undergraduate-level textbook for one or two semester courses for students majoring in mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering. With an emphasis on intuition development, the book is also an ideal self-study reference.

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118909621


Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra

Автор: Richard C. Penney

Цена: 12642.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119656937


Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra

Автор: Michael L. O'Leary

LINEAR ALGEBRA EXPLORE A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTORY TEXT IN LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH COMPELLING SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, INCLUDING A COMPANION WEBSITE AND SOLUTIONS MANUALS Linear Algebra delivers a fulsome exploration of the central concepts in linear algebra, including multidimensional spaces, linear transformations, matrices, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, basis, inner products, and eigenvectors. While the text provides challenging problems that engage readers in the mathematical theory of linear algebra, it is written in an accessible and simple-to-grasp fashion appropriate for junior undergraduate students.An emphasis on logic, set theory, and functions exists throughout the book, and these topics are introduced early to provide students with a foundation from which to attack the rest of the material in the text. Linear Algebra includes accompanying material in the form of a companion website that features solutions manuals for students and instructors. Finally, the concluding chapter in the book includes discussions of advanced topics like generalized eigenvectors, Schur’s Lemma, Jordan canonical form, and quadratic forms. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to logic and set theory, as well as descriptions of functions and linear transformationsAn exploration of Euclidean spaces and linear transformations between Euclidean spaces, including vectors, vector algebra, orthogonality, the standard matrix, Gauss-Jordan elimination, inverses, and determinantsDiscussions of abstract vector spaces, including subspaces, linear independence, dimension, and change of basisA treatment on defining geometries on vector spaces, including the Gram-Schmidt processPerfect for undergraduate students taking their first course in the subject matter, Linear Algebra will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers in computer science or statistics seeking an accessible and practical foundation in linear algebra.

Цена: 12145.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119437604


Linear Model Theory
Linear Model Theory

Автор: Paul Stewart W

A precise and accessible presentation of linear model theory, illustrated with data examples Statisticians often use linear models for data analysis and for developing new statistical methods. Most books on the subject have historically discussed univariate, multivariate, and mixed linear models separately, whereas Linear Model Theory: Univariate, Multivariate, and Mixed Models presents a unified treatment in order to make clear the distinctions among the three classes of models. Linear Model Theory: Univariate, Multivariate, and Mixed Models begins with six chapters devoted to providing brief and clear mathematical statements of models, procedures, and notation. Data examples motivate and illustrate the models. Chapters 7-10 address distribution theory of multivariate Gaussian variables and quadratic forms. Chapters 11-19 detail methods for estimation, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals. The final chapters, 20-23, concentrate on choosing a sample size. Substantial sets of excercises of varying difficulty serve instructors for their classes, as well as help students to test their own knowledge. The reader needs a basic knowledge of statistics, probability, and inference, as well as a solid background in matrix theory and applied univariate linear models from a matrix perspective. Topics covered include: A review of matrix algebra for linear models The general linear univariate model The general linear multivariate model Generalizations of the multivariate linear model The linear mixed model Multivariate distribution theory Estimation in linear models Tests in Gaussian linear models Choosing a sample size in Gaussian linear models Filling the need for a text that provides the necessary theoretical foundations for applying a wide range of methods in real situations, Linear Model Theory: Univariate, Multivariate, and Mixed Models centers on linear models of interval scale responses with finite second moments. Models with complex predictors, complex responses, or both, motivate the presentation.

Цена: 16680.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780470052136


Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis. Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH
Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis. Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH

Автор: Marc Paolella S

A comprehensive and timely edition on an emerging new trend in time series Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis: Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH sets a strong foundation, in terms of distribution theory, for the linear model (regression and ANOVA), univariate time series analysis (ARMAX and GARCH), and some multivariate models associated primarily with modeling financial asset returns (copula-based structures and the discrete mixed normal and Laplace). It builds on the author's previous book, Fundamental Statistical Inference: A Computational Approach, which introduced the major concepts of statistical inference. Attention is explicitly paid to application and numeric computation, with examples of Matlab code throughout. The code offers a framework for discussion and illustration of numerics, and shows the mapping from theory to computation. The topic of time series analysis is on firm footing, with numerous textbooks and research journals dedicated to it. With respect to the subject/technology, many chapters in Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis cover firmly entrenched topics (regression and ARMA). Several others are dedicated to very modern methods, as used in empirical finance, asset pricing, risk management, and portfolio optimization, in order to address the severe change in performance of many pension funds, and changes in how fund managers work. Covers traditional time series analysis with new guidelines Provides access to cutting edge topics that are at the forefront of financial econometrics and industry Includes latest developments and topics such as financial returns data, notably also in a multivariate context Written by a leading expert in time series analysis Extensively classroom tested Includes a tutorial on SAS Supplemented with a companion website containing numerous Matlab programs Solutions to most exercises are provided in the book Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis: Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH is suitable for advanced masters students in statistics and quantitative finance, as well as doctoral students in economics and finance. It is also useful for quantitative financial practitioners in large financial institutions and smaller finance outlets.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119431855


Linear Models in Statistics
Linear Models in Statistics

Автор: Alvin Rencher C

The essential introduction to the theory and application of linear models—now in a valuable new edition Since most advanced statistical tools are generalizations of the linear model, it is neces-sary to first master the linear model in order to move forward to more advanced concepts. The linear model remains the main tool of the applied statistician and is central to the training of any statistician regardless of whether the focus is applied or theoretical. This completely revised and updated new edition successfully develops the basic theory of linear models for regression, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and linear mixed models. Recent advances in the methodology related to linear mixed models, generalized linear models, and the Bayesian linear model are also addressed. Linear Models in Statistics, Second Edition includes full coverage of advanced topics, such as mixed and generalized linear models, Bayesian linear models, two-way models with empty cells, geometry of least squares, vector-matrix calculus, simultaneous inference, and logistic and nonlinear regression. Algebraic, geometrical, frequentist, and Bayesian approaches to both the inference of linear models and the analysis of variance are also illustrated. Through the expansion of relevant material and the inclusion of the latest technological developments in the field, this book provides readers with the theoretical foundation to correctly interpret computer software output as well as effectively use, customize, and understand linear models. This modern Second Edition features: New chapters on Bayesian linear models as well as random and mixed linear models Expanded discussion of two-way models with empty cells Additional sections on the geometry of least squares Updated coverage of simultaneous inference The book is complemented with easy-to-read proofs, real data sets, and an extensive bibliography. A thorough review of the requisite matrix algebra has been addedfor transitional purposes, and numerous theoretical and applied problems have been incorporated with selected answers provided at the end of the book. A related Web site includes additional data sets and SAS® code for all numerical examples. Linear Model in Statistics, Second Edition is a must-have book for courses in statistics, biostatistics, and mathematics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also an invaluable reference for researchers who need to gain a better understanding of regression and analysis of variance.

Цена: 20104.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470192603


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