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Richtig atmen - Sich entspannen und die eigene Mitte finden
Richtig atmen - Sich entspannen und die eigene Mitte finden

Автор: Gay Hendricks

Wir atmen t?glich 20.000 Mal ein und aus. Dennoch achten wir nur selten auf unseren Atem. Damit entgeht uns eine nat?rliche und sehr wirksame M?glichkeit, unser Wohlbefinden und unsere Leistungsf?higkeit zu steigern. Die ganzheitliche Medizin entdeckt immer mehr, wie wichtig das richtige Atmen ist. Denn es verbessert nicht nur unsere Gesundheit, sondern kann uns auch bei vielen Krankheiten helfen. Wissen Sie, ob Sie ein Brust- oder Bauchatmer sind? Atmen Sie tief oder flach? Spannen Sie beim Atmen Ihre Bauchmuskeln an? Haben Sie schon einmal erlebt, wie gut man sich beim Atmen entspannen kann? Wissen Sie, dass Sie sich mit Atmen von Angst und anderen negativen Gef?hlen befreien k?nnen? Der Atemtherapeut Gay Hendricks zeigt Ihnen vier grundlegende Atemtechniken, mit denen Sie * sich entspannen und Ihre Mitte finden * Ihre Konzentration verbessern * mehr Kraft und Energie gewinnen * besser mit negativen Gef?hlen umgehen k?nnen Er sagt Ihnen auch, wie Sie diese Atemtechniken im Alltag anwenden k?nnen. Nutzen Sie die M?glichkeiten, die Ihnen Ihr Atem bietet. Denn nur wenn Sie richtig atmen, kann sich die Lebensenergie, die Sie beim Atmen aufnehmen, voll entfalten. Gay Hendricks ist Psychologe und Professor an der University of Colorado/USA. Er ist Verfasser von ?ber 20 B?chern zu Erziehung und Psychologie. Seine Atem-Workshops und Seminare finden in vielen L?ndern statt.

Исполнители: Bernt Hahn

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 4018449002475


Risk-Reduction Methods for Occupational Safety and Health
Risk-Reduction Methods for Occupational Safety and Health

Автор: Roger C. Jensen

Цена: 11127.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781119493983


Road Less Traveled
Road Less Traveled

Автор: M. Scott Peck

Now featuring a new introduction by Dr. M. Scott Peck, the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the classic bestseller The Road Less Traveled, celebrated by The Washington Post as not just a book but a spontaneous act of generosity.Perhaps no book in this generation has had a more profound impact on our intellectual and spiritual lives than The Road Less Traveled. With sales of more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada, and translations into more than twenty-three languages, it has made publishing history, with more than ten years on the New York Times bestseller list. Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to help us explore the very nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become ones own true self. Recognizing that, as in the famous opening line of his book, Life is difficult and that the journey to spiritual growth is a long one, Dr. Peck never bullies his readers, but rather guides them gently through the hard and often painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding.

Исполнители: M. Scott Peck

Цена: 2064.14 руб.
ISBN: 9780743569033


S-T-I-K-S. Рихтовщик. Призраки мертвого города
S-T-I-K-S. Рихтовщик. Призраки мертвого города

Автор: Дмитрий Гришанин

У них самые передовые технологии и ультрасовременная техника. Они обращают в бегство даже элиту Стикса. Они чувствуют себя хозяевами в мёртвых разграбленных городах. Они коллекционируют секреты сгинувших цивилизаций. Они неуловимые и вездесущие как призраки. На Континенте практически нет силы, способной бросить им вызов. Но они совершили ошибку. Похитили человека, которого Рихтовщик считает своим другом. И сезон охоты на призраков открывается… Внимание! Содержит нецензурную брань. Alex Andr "Грибы с зубами Аваста Павел «Смертник» Алекс лав «БОМЖ» Алефиренко Александр «Пират. Встреча с прошлым» Алефиренко Александр «Пират. Потерна в прошлое» Алефиренко Александр «Пират. Красавчик без глянца» Андреев Игорь «Трансформация» Архипов Андрей «Второй Хранитель. Книга 1» Архипов Андрей «Второй Хранитель. Книга 2. Антагонист» Богданов Арт «Сердца трех» Богданов Арт «Цепные псы» Видина Нелли «Чёрный рейдер» Владимиров Денис «Вальтер» Владимиров Денис «Люгер» Владимиров Денис «Парабеллум» Вэй Катэр «Мечты сбываются. Книга 1» Вэй Катэр «Охота на скреббера. Книга 2» Вэй Катэр «Филант. Книга 3» Горшенев Герман «Всех кого ты возьмёшь в плен» Горшенев Герман «Ганслер» Горшенев Герман «Изолированный стаб» Горшенев Герман «Товарищ Резак» Горшенев Герман «Товарищ Резак 2» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Пешка в чужой игре» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Книга 2. По ту сторону жалости» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Книга 3. Угрюмые твари» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Книга 4. Прятки среди огней» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Книга 5. Соленые брызги ярости» Гришанин Дмитрий «Рихтовщик. Книга 6. Призраки мертвого города» Деев Денис "Ночь Грядущая Демин Игорь «Тарч» Дорохов Михаил «Быстрее судьбы» Дорохов Михаил «Дорога в рай» Евстратов Василий «Гаситель» Евстратов Василий «Нафаня» Евстратов Василий «Шатун. Книга 1» Евстратов Василий «Шатун. Книга 2» Евстратов Василий «Шатун. Книга 3» Крам Дмитрий «Подкидыши Улья» Крам Дмитрий «Вмерзшие» Крам Дмитрий «Вмерзшие. Книга 2. Клейменые холодом» Крам Дмитрий «Вмерзшие. Книга 3. Рожденные холодом» Кручинин Сергей «Беглец» Куликов Даниил «Пчелиный Рой. Книга 1. Уплаченный долг» Куликов Даниил «Пчелиный Рой. Книга 2. Вторая партия» Куликов Даниил «Пчелиный Рой. Книга 3. Секреты внешников» Лебэл Дан «Долгая дорога в стаб» Лебэл Дан «Долгая дорога в стаб. Книга 2. Фагоцит» Лебэл Дан «Долгая дорога в стаб. Книга 3. Вера в будущее» Лебэл Дан «Долгая дорога в стаб. Книга 4. За пределами» Мясоедов Владимир «Огородник» Панченко Сергей «Брат во Христе» Панченко Сергей «Брат во Христе. Второе пришествие» Поляков Сергей «Нолд» Рико Олег «Герои. Максим» Рико Олег «Герои. Алиса» Сидоревич Алексей «Детство: дорога к именам» Сиянов Дмитрий «Скил» Сиянов Дмитрий «Скил. Книга 2. Тропы зверей» Собинин Николай «Дикарь. Книга 1. Игры на выживание» Собинин Николай «Дикарь. Книга 2. Тест-драйв бессмертия» Собинин Николай «Дикарь. Книга 3. Трехмерное безумие» Старский Валерий «Змей» Текшин Антон «Окаянный» Уленгов Юрий «Внешник» Уленгов Юрий «Трейсер» Уленгов Юрий, Выборнов Наиль «Закон и Порядок» Фролов Сергей «Стекловата» Шатров Дмитрий «Везунчик из Пекла или в поисках золотой жемчужины» Шатров Дмитрий "Везунчик из Пекла или в поисках золотой жемчужины. Книга 2 Шмаев Валерий «Лучник (свежак)» Южный Владислав «Новичкам везёт» freemusicarchive.org Punk Rock Opera / The Road Punk Rock Opera / The Deal © Каменистый Артём (Мир S-T-I-K-S, его устройство и терминология) © Гришанин Дмитрий © ИДДК

Серия: Миры Артёма Каменистого

Исполнители: Роман Попов

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2023


Sa lam Kalp Sifir Stres
Sağlam Kalp Sifir Stres

Автор: Prof. Dr. Fatih Yal?in

Stres, ?ağımızın en b?y?k problemlerinden! Bu problem, sağlığımızın dengesini bozuyor, ?zellikle kalbimizi yoruyor ve risk fakt?rlerini artırıyor. Ama pek ?oğumuz kalp hastalıklarında stresin payını yeterince ?nemsemiyor. Kimimiz ila?lara ?ok g?veniyor, kimimiz ila?ların herkeste ve her koşulda aynı etkiyi g?stereceğine inanıyor. Oysa araştırmalar, kalp hastalıklarının oluşum s?recinin ve ila? tedavisinin fiziksel etkilerinin stres ile bire bir ilişkili olduğunu g?steriyor. Stres yalnızca kalp dokusunu değil bir?ok hastalığı da olumsuz etkiliyor. Duygusal veya fiziksel olsun, farklı stres uyarıları kalp ve damar sisteminde tahribat yaratıyor. Prof. Dr. Fatih Yal?ın, d?nyada literat?re girmiş bir?ok bilimsel yayını olan, Kardiyoloji ve Hipertansiyon Uzmanı bir hekim. Yal?ın’ın 2009 yılında, International Journal of Cardiology’deyayınlanan Stressed Heart Morphology yani Stres Altında Kalp Yapısı tanımı tıp literat?r?ne ge?ti. D?nyada ilk kez hipertansif kalp hastalığının b?lgesel geometrik ve fonksiyonel ilerleyişini g?steren ?alışması ise ‘Fulbright Programı’ tarafından desteklendi ve Journal Applied Physiology dergisinde 2019 yılında yayınlandı. Prof. Yal?ın, uzun yıllar i?inde edindiği birikimini s?zge?ten ge?irerek Sağlam Kalp Sıfır Stres kitabında sizlerle paylaşıyor. Stresin kalp ve damar sistemini hangi mekanizmayla etkilediğini, neden-sonu?-risk ilişkisini ve alınması gereken ?nlemleri ele alıyor. Uzman bir hekim olarak nefes egzersizlerinin ?nemine dikkat ?ekiyor. Tıbbın ger?ek ve olması gereken amacına, hastalıkların erken teşhisine, erken ?nlem ve tedavisine y?nelik ?alışmaları anlatıyor. Bu kitapta, profesyonel hekim gerektirmeyen, bireysel olarak yapılabilecek stres kontrol?ne y?nelik tavsiyeler sunuluyor. Sağlık problemi olanlar ve ?zellikle tedavi alanlar i?in ilave yarar sağlayabilecek pratik bir rehber niteliğinde.

Цена: 155.86 руб.
ISBN: 978-625-8222-52-4


Safety and Health for Engineers
Safety and Health for Engineers

Автор: Roger L. Brauer

Safety and Health for Engineers, 3rd Edition, addresses the fundamentals of safety, legal aspects, hazard recognition and control, and techniques for managing safety decisions, as well as: Completely revises and updates all 38 chapters in the book New edition adds more than 110 stories and cases from practice to illustrate various topics or issues New topics on adapting to new safety concerns that arise from technology innovations; convergence of safety, health and environmental departments in many organizations; the concept of prevention through design; and emphasis on safety management systems and risk management and analysis Includes learning exercises and computational examples based on real world situations along with in-depth references for each chapter Includes a detailed solutions manual for academic adopters Covers the primary topics included in certification exams for professional safety, such as CSP/ASP

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119219156


Salzburger Totentanz
Salzburger Totentanz

Автор: Ines Eberl

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783863581831


Schlaf gut, Baby! - Der sanfte Weg zu ruhigen N?chten (ungek?rzt)
Schlaf gut, Baby! - Der sanfte Weg zu ruhigen N?chten (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Herbert Renz-Polster

Dass es der Schlaf des Babys in sich hat, merken frischgebackene Eltern schnell. Und schon geht es los: Braucht mein Kind ein Schlafprogramm, mehr Regelm??igkeit, braucht es mehr dies, mehr das? Muss es ins eigene Bettchen oder darf es bei den Eltern unterschl?pfen? Dieser Ratgeber ?ffnet eine ganz neue Perspektive auf den Schlaf von Kindern. Das erfahrene Autorenteam r?umt Mythen und ?ngste rund um den Kinderschlaf von 0 bis 6 Jahren aus dem Weg und pl?diert f?r eine entwicklungsgerechte, individuelle Wahrnehmung des Kindes – fernab von starren Regeln. Einf?hlsam und auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und praktischer Hilfestellungen ermutigen die Autoren dazu, einen eigenen Weg zu suchen, um dem Baby das Schlafen sanft zu erleichtern.

Исполнители: Anja Lehmann

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783868470031


Schnell einschlafen, tief durchschlafen - Durch innere Ruhe und k?rperliche Entspannung in den erholsamen Tiefschlaf, inkl. Autogenes Training zum Stress Abbauen
Schnell einschlafen, tief durchschlafen - Durch innere Ruhe und k?rperliche Entspannung in den erholsamen Tiefschlaf, inkl. Autogenes Training zum Stress Abbauen

Автор: Seraphine Monien

Исполнители: Seraphine Monien

Цена: 1080.16 руб.
ISBN: 4251625969371


Selbsthypnose und Autosuggestion - Nutzen Sie die positive Kraft Ihres Unterbewusstseins
Selbsthypnose und Autosuggestion - Nutzen Sie die positive Kraft Ihres Unterbewusstseins

Автор: Dr. Hans Gr?nn

Selbsthypnose und Autosuggestion sind zwei seit langem bekannte und ?u?erst wirksame Mittel, um die im Unterbewusstsein liegenden positiven Kr?fte freizusetzen und f?r Heilungsprozesse und Verhaltens?nderungen nutzbar zu machen. Deshalb wird diese Therapiemethode heute von vielen ?rzten und Psychologen empfohlen. Mit Hilfe dieses H?rprogramms lernen Sie wirksame Selbsthypnose-Techniken und erfahren, wie man die richtigen Autosuggestionen formuliert. Auf diese Weise nehmen Sie mit der positiven Kraft Ihres Unterbewusstseins Kontakt auf, womit sich Ihnen v?llig neue M?glichkeiten er?ffnen. Dr. Hans Gr?nn zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Selbsthypnose und Autosuggestionen f?r sich einsetzen k?nnen – im gesundheitlichen Bereich beispielsweise bei * Heilungsprozessen * Nikotinentw?hnung * Angstzust?nden * Nervosit?t, Schlafst?rungen * Schmerzlinderung. Auch wenn es darum geht, * Ihre Talente und F?higkeiten zu aktivieren * leistungsf?higer zu werden * und Ihre pers?nlichen Ziele zu erreichen leisten Selbsthypnose und Autosuggestion erstaunliche Dienste. Dr. Hans Gr?nn, Arzt und Therapeut, arbeitet in Deutschland und Kalifornien. Sein besonderes Interesse gilt den Selbstheilungskr?ften und Selbstentfaltungsm?glichkeiten des Menschen. Er ist Autor des Buches «Die innere Heilkraft».

Исполнители: Dr. Hans Gr?nn

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 4018449002390


Series 7 Exam 2022-2023 For Dummies with Online Practice Tests
Series 7 Exam 2022-2023 For Dummies with Online Practice Tests

Автор: Steven M. Rice

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119796848


Sherlock Holmes, Die alten F?lle (Reloaded), Fall 50: Shoscombe Old Place
Sherlock Holmes, Die alten F?lle (Reloaded), Fall 50: Shoscombe Old Place

Автор: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Исполнители: Michael Harck

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4260507144690


Sinful Prince - Tainted Prince Reihe, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Sinful Prince - Tainted Prince Reihe, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Meghan March

Исполнители: Lara Le Bon

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783966350259


Singing Birds (With Calm Piano Lullabies)
Singing Birds (With Calm Piano Lullabies)

Автор: Pat Barnes

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 8244230446852


Singing Birds -Wonderful Escape (Nature Sounds To Reduce Stress And Well Being)
Singing Birds -Wonderful Escape (Nature Sounds To Reduce Stress And Well Being)

Автор: Ben Jasper

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 8244230446869


Sleep Well
Sleep Well

Автор: Nishant Baxi

Discover How to Get Rid of Your Sleep Problems Naturally… So You Can Start Getting the Deep, Restful Sleep You Need!You’re About to Discover Natural Techniques You Can Use to Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep Through the Night & Wake Up Feeling Rested & Refreshed!

Цена: 486 руб.
ISBN: 9785449857996


So wird meine Leber wieder schlank!
So wird meine Leber wieder schlank!

Автор: Daniela Pfeifer

Lebensmittel k?nnen heilen – oder auch krank machen: Inzwischen leidet jeder Dritte an einer sogenannten nichtalkoholischen Fettleber. Doch das muss nicht sein: Mit einer gezielten Ern?hrungsumstellung kann sich unsere kranke Leber schnell wieder erholen und gesund werden. Das zeigen Daniela Pfeifer und Christina Biechl mit ihrer eigens daf?r entwickelten und oft erprobten Erfolgsformel. Zahlreiche F?lle aus ihrer Beratungspraxis belegen: Ihre Methode wirkt – rasch und nachhaltig! Die beiden Di?tologinnen kombinieren wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse ?ber LowCarb-Ern?hrung und leberaktive Wirkstoffe mit der zeitgem??en Anwendung der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin. Profitieren Sie von den Anregungen zur Entfettung Ihrer „Entgiftungszentrale“ und genie?en Sie die 55 „Einfach-und-Gut“-Rezepte.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783990405765


Social Media Communication
Social Media Communication

Автор: Bu Zhong

Examines the social media mechanism and how it is transforming communication in an increasingly networked society Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories explores how social media is transforming the way people think and behave. Providing students with an in-depth understanding of the mechanism underlying social media, this comprehensive textbook uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine social media use in a wide range of communication and business contexts. Each chapter is based on original research findings from the author as well as recent work in communication studies, neuroscience, information science, and psychology. Divided into two parts, the text first describes the theoretical foundation of social media use, discussing the impact of social media on information processing, social networking, cognition, interpersonal and group communication, the media industry, and business marketing. The second half of the book focuses on research-based strategies for effectively using social media in communication and business such as the news industry, heath care, and social movements. Offering detailed yet accessible coverage of how digital media technology is changing human communication, this textbook: Helps readers make the best use of social media tools in communication and business practices Introduces more than a dozen theories in the areas of communication, psychology, and sociology to highlight the theoretical frameworks researchers use in social media studies Identifies a variety of trends involving social media usage, including the app economy and patient care Addresses the relation between social media and important contemporary topics such as cultural diversity, privacy, and social change Presents 14 imperative social media topics, each with the power to change the ways you see and use social media Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories is the perfect textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in communication, business, journalism, business, and information science and technology. It is also an invaluable resource for researchers, educators, journalists, entrepreneurs, and professionals working in media management, advertising, public relations, and business marketing.

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119041597


Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN)
Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN)

Автор: Группа авторов

This book describes the concept of a Software Defined Mobile Network (SDMN), which will impact the network architecture of current LTE (3GPP) networks. SDN will also open up new opportunities for traffic, resource and mobility management, as well as impose new challenges on network security. Therefore, the book addresses the main affected areas such as traffic, resource and mobility management, virtualized traffics transportation, network management, network security and techno economic concepts. Moreover, a complete introduction to SDN and SDMN concepts. Furthermore, the reader will be introduced to cutting-edge knowledge in areas such as network virtualization, as well as SDN concepts relevant to next generation mobile networks. Finally, by the end of the book the reader will be familiar with the feasibility and opportunities of SDMN concepts, and will be able to evaluate the limits of performance and scalability of these new technologies while applying them to mobile broadb and networks.

Цена: 11079.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781118900277


Sophie auf den D?chern
Sophie auf den D?chern

Автор: Кэтрин Ранделл

Seit einem Schiffsungl?ck im ?rmelkanal ist Sophie Waise. Davon sind zumindest alle anderen ?berzeugt. Aber Sophie ist sich sicher, dass ihre Mutter noch lebt und folgt der einzigen Spur, die sie von ihr hat – nach Paris. Dort lernt sie Matteo kennen und eine Handvoll Kinder, die aus den unterschiedlichsten Gr?nden auf den D?chern von Paris leben. Eine aufregende Suche beginnt und ein unvergessliches Abenteuer nimmt seinen Lauf …

Исполнители: Merete Brettschneider

Цена: 1233.06 руб.
ISBN: 4251234312544



Автор: Оксана Белова

SPA-терапия, талассотерапия, гидротерапия и целый ряд современных оздоровительных методик пользуются огромной и вполне обоснованной популярностью у посетителей элитных косметологических салонов, медицинских центров и фитнес-клубов. Не менее популярны эти методики и на дорогих курортах, в пансионатах, санаториях. Но мало кто догадывается, что в основе большинства современных и модных методов оздоровления находится мудрое и умелое использование целебных свойств воды. Ознакомившись с оздоровительными методиками, представленными в этой книге, вы сможете самостоятельно применять их в привычных для вас условиях – дома, на отдыхе, совместно с друзьями, – руководствуясь своими возможностями и наличием свободного времени.

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2005
ISBN: 5-222-05930-8


Statistical Tools for the Comprehensive Practice of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Sciences
Statistical Tools for the Comprehensive Practice of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Sciences

Автор: David L. Johnson

Reviews and reinforces concepts and techniques typical of a first statistics course with additional techniques useful to the IH/EHS practitioner. Includes both parametric and non-parametric techniques described and illustrated in a worker health and environmental protection practice context Illustrated through numerous examples presented in the context of IH/EHS field practice and research, using the statistical analysis tools available in Excel® wherever possible Emphasizes the application of statistical tools to IH/EHS-type data in order to answer IH/EHS-relevant questions Includes an instructor’s manual that follows in parallel with the textbook, including PowerPoints to help prepare lectures and answers in the text as for the Exercises section of each chapter.

Цена: 11636.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119351351


Sternzeichen Sch?tze 23,11,-21,12,
Sternzeichen Sch?tze 23,11,-21,12,

Автор: Marty Wells

Sternzeichen wunderbar erz?hlt und besprochen f?r Sie und Ihn in deutscher und englischer Sprache.

Исполнители: Birgit Scholz

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 4260201260214


Stick with your fitness regime
Stick with your fitness regime

Автор: Lynda Hudson

This relaxing hypnotic recording assumes you have already decided on a fitness routine, It supports your decision and helps you to stick with it no matter what! It builds optimism & positive self-talk, It keeps the reason for exercise and fitness in the forefront of your mind, It helps your self-control and strengthens your compulsion to exercise 16

Цена: 454.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781908740656


Stop Biting Your Nails
Stop Biting Your Nails

Автор: Lynda Hudson

Серия: Unlock Your Life

Цена: 1028.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781905557929


Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers
Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers

Автор: Thomas A. McLaughlin

The complete guide to the basics of nonprofit financial management Let's be honest. Most books about financial management are densely written, heavy on jargon, and light on practicality. Expert financial consultant and author Tom McLaughlin takes a different approach with his fourth edition of Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers. This comprehensive guide provides effective, easy-to-use tips, tools, resources, and analyses. The light, humorous tone in Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers makes it an accessible resource for nonprofit executives, board members, students, and those new to the field. This book forgoes useless, pretentious verbiage in order to outline real-world strategies that work. This edition includes: New insights, updates, vignettes, case studies, and examples to deal with the implications of nonprofit financial management An examination of nonprofit business models in relation to growing demands from the government and other funders How to construct business plans for virtually any nonprofit entity Customizable resources—including financial worksheets, forms, and Excel templates to help nonprofit managers complete their day to day assignments A guided tour through common aspects of nonprofit management, such as financial analysis, accounting, and operations Practical and informative, Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers is the go-to financial management reference for nonprofit managers, boards of directors, and funders.

Цена: 5066.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119061274



Автор: Bettina Duval

„Das wird schon wieder!“ Quatsch. Verlassen werden ist kein Liebeskummer, sondern eine Lebenskrise, die gute Hilfe braucht!
Was tun, wenn ich total verzweifelt bin? Wo bekomme ich echte Unterst?tzung? Wie sch?tze ich mich vor nutzlosen Ratschl?gen? Wie finde ich ein offenes Ohr, Mitgef?hl, einen R?ckzugsort? Wie kann ich die Trauer, die Wut, den Schmerz aushalten? Auf diese Fragen gibt Ihnen unser Buch ehrliche, konkrete Antworten. Damit sich Ihre Krise in eine kostbare Chance wandeln kann. Mit Lebendigkeit, Lebensfreude und einer Zukunft, von der Sie heute nicht mal tr?umen w?rden!

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783946959465


Supramolecular Catalysis
Supramolecular Catalysis

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22076.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783527832026


Supramolecular Gels
Supramolecular Gels

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527817030


Sweet Sorrow - Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief (Unabridged)
Sweet Sorrow - Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief (Unabridged)

Автор: Sherry Cormier

Исполнители: Ann Richardson

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624615474


Temperamentvoll essen
Temperamentvoll essen

Автор: Michaela Hauptmann

Die Traditionelle Europ?ische Medizin (TEM) baut auf den Lehren ber?hmter ?rzte und Gelehrter wie Hippokrates, Galen, Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus und Sebastian Kneipp auf. In diesem Sinn ist unsere Nahrung zugleich Heilung.Die Ern?hrung nach der Traditionellen Europ?ischen Medizin setzt genau hier an. Die Vier-Temperamente-K?che mit den Elementen Luft, Feuer, Erde und Wasser unterst?tzt und begleitet uns durch den Tag, das Jahr und das Leben. Egal ob man sanguinisch, cholerisch, melancholisch oder phlegmatisch veranlagt ist – mit diesem Grundlagenbuch kann jeder seine individuelle, temperamentgest?tzte Ern?hrung finden.Michaela Hauptmann beschreibt die Idee der TEM, liefert Hintergrundinformationen und erleichtert den pers?nlichen Zugang zur Welt der TEM. Fachliches Wissen wird erg?nzt durch Tipps f?r den Alltag sowie100 Kochrezepte, die schmecken, n?hren und das eigene Temperament st?rken. Ihr Credo lautet: »Wecke deine Lebensgeister mit einer auf dich abgestimmten Ern?hrung!«

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783709501214


Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant
Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant

Автор: Lori Renda-Francis

Цена: 7078.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781119565291


The Architect s Studio Companion
The Architect's Studio Companion

Автор: Edward Allen

Цена: 10416.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119826828


The Art of Healthy Living
The Art of Healthy Living

Автор: Denise Kelly

"Denise Kelly's The Art of Healthy Living is a breath of fresh air in the health and wellness industry…"— Ross King , Television and Radio Presenter, Actor, Producer and Writer "This book explains it all and shows how to achieve optimum health and happiness. For those starting out on this journey I recommend this fabulous book!"— Jo Wood , Former Model, Television Personality and Entrepreneur "I thought I had a relatively healthy diet and a good outlook on life, but Denise Kelly’s insight and knowledge of the world of health, wellbeing and nutrition have opened my eyes."— Laura Hamilton , TV Presenter and Entrepreneur "Denise presents her ideas in a practical, informed and inspirational way that makes healthy living easy and fun."— Steve Neale , Speaker, Trainer, Psychologist and Coach, Co-author of Emotional Intelligence Coaching "It's a book that will warm your kitchen; nurture your bedside table and cuddle your soul. I have read it all, but I will forever keep to hand − for reference, guidance, recipes, medical grievances, encouragement and support. Every household should have a copy: in fact, it should be the law."— Frankie Park , TV Presenter, Model and Writer We could all benefit from a more energetic, vibrant, healthier quality of life. There are many reasons to live a healthy lifestyle and just as many approaches to achieving it. It’s not always easy to embark on a quest for a healthy life – some methods may seem too extreme, too limiting or too short lived, obstacles may often block the way. However, if you are looking to be inspired and motivated, the practical tips contained in The Art of Healthy Living , you will see improved creativity, an increase in personal development and elevated performance levels in work, sports, the classroom, relationships, the home and throughout your life. This book will help you: Live a healthy life to make you smarter and more motivated in both your personal and professional life Enjoy higher energy, better mental and physical ability and increased strength Learn how proper nutrition and exercise will enhance every aspect of your life Create motivation for a more toned and healthy-looking you Give yourself the knowledge and power to stand out and thrive

Цена: 1676.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088178


The Commodification Gap
The Commodification Gap

Автор: Matthias Bernt

Цена: 7990.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781119603085


The Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook
The Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook

Автор: Группа авторов

According to European legislation, extra virgin is the top grade of olive oils. It has a superior level of health properties and flavour compared to virgin and refined olive oils. Mediterranean countries still produce more than 85% of olive oil globally, but the constant increase of demand for extra virgin olive oil has led to new cultivation and production in other areas of the world, including California, Australia, China, South Africa and South America. At the same time, olive oil’s sensory properties and health benefits are increasingly attracting the attention and interest of nutritionists, food processors, manufacturers and food services. Progress and innovation in olive cultivation, harvesting and milling technologies as well as in oil handling, storage and selling conditions make it possible to achieve even higher quality levels than those stipulated for extra virgin oils. As a consequence, a new segment – excellent extra virgin olive oils – is increasingly attracting the attention of the market and earning consumers’ preference. The Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook provides a complete account of olive oil’s composition, health properties, quality, and the legal standards surrounding its production. The book is divided into convenient sections focusing on extra virgin olive oil as a product, the process by which it is made, and the process control system through which its quality is assured. An appendix presents a series of tables and graphs with useful data, including conversion factors, and the chemical and physical characteristics of olive oil. This book is aimed at people involved in the industrial production as well as in the marketing and use of extra virgin olive oil who are looking for practical information, which avoids overly academic language, but which is still scientifically and technically sound. The main purpose of the handbook is to guide operators involved in the extra virgin olive oil chain in making the most appropriate decisions about product quality and operating conditions in the production and distribution processes. To these groups, the most important questions are practical ones of why, how, how often, how much will it cost, and so on. The Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook will provide the right answers to these key practical considerations, in a simple, clear yet precise and up-to-date way.

Цена: 20827.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118460443


The Formula for Success
The Formula for Success

Автор: Samuel Leach

Unleash your full potential. Take control of your financial future. At twenty years of age, Samuel Leach was studying at university. He appeared to be a typical student, but there was something different about him. Whilst his classmates were engrossed in their studies, as well as their burgeoning social lives, Samuel was adding another facet to his education. He was teaching himself the science and art of trading. With nothing more than a boxer’s heart and drive, Samuel turned ?2k into ?178k in his first year, and a few short years later, he rose to global renown by building his new enterprise to become a multi-million-pound trading business. From delivering an acclaimed TedTalk to running webinars, events, conferences, and training over 2,000 people from over 90 countries, Samuel’s list of achievements continues to grow. The obvious question is how did he accomplish so much in such a short period of time? Samuel Leach's secret to success is understanding the patterns and algorithms of the financial system. These same principles can be applied to life skills and general business skills alike. The Formula for Success will show you how. This insightful book will show you how analysing patterns, mapping behaviours and seeing the potential in your unique talents can lead to success. Learning practical lessons drawn from Samuel's first-hand experiences, you will discover how to apply his formula to your life. This inspiring, valuable book will help you: Apply the principles of algorithms and pattern-recognition to any and all areas of your personal and financial life Join the scores of teachers, postal workers, firefighters and many other hard-working members of society who have found prosperity and success with Samuel’s help Understand the fundamental principles of algorithms without complex maths and confusing theory Learn how to identify and strengthen the attributes that are vital for success The Formula for Success: How to Win at Life Using Your Own Personal Algorithm is the first step toward personal, professional and financial achievement.

Цена: 1740.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088192


The Guide To Sleeping Productively
The Guide To Sleeping Productively

Автор: Baxi Nishant

The Importance Of Getting Enough SleepExercise Is Important For SleepHow To Set A Sleep ScheduleHow To Make Your Room Sleep FriendlyLearn How To Shut Your Brain OffAnd more

Цена: 488 руб.
ISBN: 9785005043252


The Last Natural Man (Unabridged)
The Last Natural Man (Unabridged)

Автор: Robert A. Norman

Исполнители: Todd Robertson

Цена: 7101.43 руб.
ISBN: 9783030813093


The New Yellow Book
The New Yellow Book

Автор: Rebecca A. Meyer

Цена: 11896.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119784715


The Power Of Youth. How To Tune Our Mind And Body For A Long And Healthy Life
The Power Of Youth. How To Tune Our Mind And Body For A Long And Healthy Life

Автор: Андрей Фоменко

During the last couple of decades, science and medicine have taken a great step toward understanding what aging is. Technologies of cell reprogramming, tissue regeneration, genetic engineering, young blood transfusion, and many others are developing right before our very eyes. But it is not only the development of hightech that is crucial because even the less obvious things–from the placebo effect and the way of thinking to visualization and even ASMR–can help to defeat aging. Everything you need to know about how to live a long life without the painful agony of old age is right in your hands. This book contains the most relevant scientific reports on how to slow down age-related changes and stay young as long as possible. Such a diverse view on the problem of aging–in terms of genetics, physiology, psychology, evolution, quantum mechanics, mathematics, etc. – distinguishes this book from many papers devoted to the prolongation of life and youth.

Цена: 699 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 9785206002539


The Reflection-method - Looking into the mirror
The Reflection-method - Looking into the mirror

Автор: Christa K?ssner

Die Spiegelgesetz-Methode bietet Selbsterkenntnis und Lebenshilfe, die nichts kostet, die schnell und konkret umsetzbar, einfach und an jedem Ort anwendbar ist

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783709500446


The Self-Care Handbook
The Self-Care Handbook

Автор: Gill Hasson

Learn how to improve and maintain your health and wellbeing with a practical and achievable self-care guide Are you looking after yourself? For so for many of us, with so much to do and think about, self care – taking care of our mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing – often falls by the wayside. The Self-Care Handbook equips you to make positive, helpful choices for incorporating self-care into your life. It explains how to take responsibility for your own wellbeing and provides ideas and practical advice on how you can better look after yourself. Bestselling author Gill Hasson shows you how to develop the mindset, routines and habits that can protect, maintain and improve your health and wellbeing. The Handbook presents straightforward approaches that can help you feel good about yourself, manage stress and anxiety, achieve a work-life balance, increase your physical health and much more. This book will help you: Encourage a positive, healthy relationship with yourself and strengthen your wellbeing Understand and implement the factors that can protect, maintain and improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing Manage overwhelm and simplify a busy life Know how best to relax, switch off and enjoy yourself Look after yourself when you’re going through difficulties, setbacks or a crisis The Self-Care Handbook is an important resource for anyone wishing to integrate healthy behaviours and activities and look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088161


The Sexual Abuse Victim and Sexual Offender Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates
The Sexual Abuse Victim and Sexual Offender Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates

Автор: Rita Budrionis

This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 27 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors The Sexual Abuse Victim and Sexual Offender Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for clients who are sexual abuse victims and/or sexual offenders Organized around 27 main presenting problems, including such offender issues as anger difficulties, deviant sexual arousal, and legal issues; such victim issues as eating disorders, self-blame, and social withdrawal; and such offender and victim issues as family reunification and self-esteem and stress-management deficits Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies (including HCFA, JCAHO, and NCQA)

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119074793


The use of cordyceps-containing products
The use of cordyceps-containing products

Автор: И. А. Недогон

Based on many years of experience in using Fohow products, in this practical book you can understand the causes of diseases, choose a treatment regimen, and learn how to use a bioenergy massager, faradization thermal belts, as well as learn about medical textiles, the system of intellectual sleep and all the new products. The book contains unique results of treatment for all major diseases and prevention of maintaining health and longevity. You can just as easily understand and use what you read for the benefit of yourself, your family and people.

Цена: 600 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 9780369404961


The Viva Mayr Diet
The Viva Mayr Diet

Автор: Helena Frith Powell

A glass of wine at dinner and a flatter stomach in 14 days? Yes girls, it can be done! The Viva Mayr Diet is the savvy diet for people in the real world who want to get a bikini body and revamp their health with ease. It's based on the world-famous Viva Mayr spa clinic in Austria, the hottest health and weight loss destination in Europe.After 14 days your stomach will be flatter, your skin will be glowing, you'll have a spring in your step and you'll be well on your way to getting a fabulous beach babe body. You'll feel so good you'll want to make The Viva Mayr Diet a way of life – and let's face it girls, if you want to make a permanent dent into those love handles you've got to look a bit further into the future. The difference is that after the 14 days you'll be hooked and it should feel as natural following The Viva Mayr Diet as it is reaching for your lip gloss.Dr Harald Stossier, the medical genius behind it all, has teamed up with Helena Frith Powell, former serial dieter and author of Two Lipsticks and a Lover. Together they will take you through the simple principles of the diet, open your eyes to why following it makes perfect sense and walk you step-by-step through the 14-day practical plan. Dr Stossier and Helena also share their experiences of following the diet with rare insight and humour, telling you what to expect, how to avoid any pitfalls and how to reap the benefits of looking and feeling better than you have done in years.Sneak preview facts every girl should know: • Agonising over water or wine at dinner? Make it wine every time! • Stop eating on the move! Eating when you're all stressed out is your no.1 enemy. • Eat a cheese burger really slowly and it'll be better for you than wolfing down an all-organic fancy salad. • Never, ever skip breakfast! If you're really that busy, drop dinner from your day instead.

Цена: 854.4 руб.
ISBN: 9780007516636


This Naked Mind
This Naked Mind

Автор: Annie Grace

Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your LifeMillions of people worry that drinking is affecting their health, yet are unwilling to seek change because of the misery and stigma associated with alcoholism and recovery. They fear drinking less will be boring, difficult and involve deprivation, and significant lifestyle changes.   This Naked Mind offers a new solution. Packed with surprising insight into the reasons we drink, it will open your eyes to the startling role of alcohol in our culture. Annie Grace brilliantly weaves psychological, neurological, cultural, social and industry factors with her extraordinarily candid journey resulting in a must read for anyone who drinks.   This book, without scare tactics, pain or rules, gives you freedom from alcohol. By addressing causes rather than symptoms it is a permanent solution rather than lifetime struggle. It removes the psychological dependence allowing you to easily drink less (or stop drinking). Annie's clarity, humor and unique ability to blend original research with riveting storytelling ensures you will thoroughly enjoy the process.   In a world defined by 'never enough' Annie takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of alcohol and specifically the connection between alcohol and pleasure. She dispels the cultural myth that alcohol is a vital part of life and demonstrates how regaining control over alcohol is not only essential to personal happiness and fulfilment but also to ending the heartache experienced by millions as a result of second-hand drinking.   Finally, with perfect clarity, this book opens the door to the life you have been waiting for.

Исполнители: Annie Grace

Цена: 814.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780008293451


Tod in der K?nigsburg - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 7 (Ungek?rzt)
Tod in der K?nigsburg - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 7 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Peter Tremayne

Исполнители: Sabine Swoboda

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783868474336



Автор: Christine Koschmieder

"Und w?hrend wir noch ironisch verharmlosen, tanzt das ›Neue Denken‹ wie Rumpelstilzchen ums Feuer. Heute hol ich mir den Heimatbegriff, morgen das Volk, und ?bermorgen setze ich in die Praxis um, was hinter der Rhetorik steckt."
Am Vorabend des Erntedankfestes besteigen Lou und Ottilie einen seniorengerechten Vier-Sterne-Reisebus, um eine Reise nach Th?ringen und in die deutsche Vergangenheit anzutreten – zum Kyffh?user-Denkmal. Lous zwanzigj?hriger Sohn Anatol sitzt derweil betrunken in einem Flugzeug von den USA nach Deutschland und rekapituliert vor zwei Spielzeugnilpferden seinen Versuch, mit Hilfe einer Fruchtbarkeits-App eine Bilderbuchfamilie zu gr?nden. Und w?hrend die deutscht?melnde Leipziger Kleingartenanlage für das Erntedankfest aufr?stet, bereitet sich auch Karola auf die Verteidigung der Heimat vor, denn sie hat es satt, sich vom Kapitalismus ihre Geschichte diktieren zu lassen. 48 Stunden sp?ter kommt es zum Showdown: Anatol fesselt Karola an einen Baum, Kohlk?pfe werden gesprengt und alle von ihrer eigenen Geschichte eingeholt, bis hin zur furchtbaren «Aktion Erntefest» 1943 im Generalgouvernement Polen.
Die T?r zwischen Fiktion und Realit?t ist in diesem rasanten Roman weit aufgerissen. Im Stil einer literarischen Kreiss?ge fr?st sich «Tr?mmerfrauen» durch deutsche Geschichte und l?sst Lebenswirklichkeiten aus Ost und West, Gegenwart und Vergangenheit aufeinanderprallen. Eine k?mpferische Erz?hlstimme, die trotz ihrer berechtigten Wut nie die Empathie für ihre Figuren verliert.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783960542216



Автор: Рэй Курцвейл

Всестороннее медицинское исследование и практическое руководство, следуя которому вы сможете жить достаточно долго (и оставаться при этом здоровым), чтобы в перспективе жить вечно и не стареть, воспользовавшись открытыми в дальнейшем био- и нанотехнологиями. Всестороннее медицинское исследование и практическое руководство, следуя которому вы сможете жить достаточно долго (и оставаться при этом здоровым), чтобы в перспективе жить вечно и не стареть, воспользовавшись открытыми в дальнейшем био- и нанотехнологиями. Рэймонд Курцвейл – известный футуролог и изобретатель из США. Он занимается системами распознавания речи, технологическими прогнозами и средствами продления жизни. Курцвейл – автор термина «Технологическая сингулярность» – состояния технологий и науки в будущем, когда искусственный интеллект превзойдет человеческий, а наука и технологии будут расти в экспоненциальной прогрессии и даже быстрее – настолько быстро, что станут недоступны для восприятия и понимания человека. Курцвейл – автор нескольких научнопопулярных книг по футурологии и теории разума и документального фильма «Сингулярность уже близка: истинная история о будущем». С 2012 года работает в Google, занимаясь машинным обучением.

Серия: МИФ Здоровый образ жизни

Исполнители: Андрей Курилов

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 2009
ISBN: 9785001178187


Trauma - Sich selbst befreien vom leichten Trauma - seelische Heilung durch den gezielten Abbau von inneren Blockaden (ungek?rzt)
Trauma - Sich selbst befreien vom leichten Trauma - seelische Heilung durch den gezielten Abbau von inneren Blockaden (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Stefan Esser

Исполнители: Stefan Esser

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 9783893212927


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