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An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after Childbirth
An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after Childbirth

Автор: Kate Cook

This upbeat, achievable plan helps you get back into shape after pregnancy, by combining super nutrition (including meal suggestions and dietary advice) and effective short exercise routines you can do anywhere. It’s the easy way for mums to become yummy mummies – reclaiming their bodies and losing their baby-weight safely and successfully.A mother herself, Kate Cook understands the frustrations, self-doubts and lack of control felt by many mums, so the focus is on straightforward solutions for real lifestyles.The plan is wrapped around a humorous ‘chic-lit’ style narrative for an immediate connection with the reader, but is easy to dip into, with clever tips, meal plans and easy exercises.Kate offers sound advice not only on nutrition and exercise, but on how to find the time, energy and motivation to get going and keep going. There are quotes from real mums throughout, to reinforce the life-coaching elements, helping you to save time and stay sane and focused.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007282890


Ancient Wonderings: Journeys Into Prehistoric Britain
Ancient Wonderings: Journeys Into Prehistoric Britain

Автор: James Canton

Take a journey into our ancient past. Explore a long-lost landscape and gradually discover the minds, beliefs and cultural practices of those souls who lived on these lands thousands of years before you.Travelling the length and breadth of Britain, James Canton pursues his obsession with the physical traces of the ancient world: stone circles, flint arrowheads, sacred stones, gold, and a lost Roman road. He ponders the features of the natural world that occupied ancient minds: the night sky, shooting stars, the rising and setting sun. Wandering to the furthest reaches of the islands, he finds an undeciphered standing stone north of Aberdeen and follows the first footsteps on the edge of a long-lost Ice Age land in the North Sea.As Canton walks the modern terrain, slowly understanding the ancient signs that lie within and beneath it, he weaves a gentle tale of discovery, showing how, beyond the superficial differences of life-style and culture, the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles were much closer to the present-day one than we might imagine.

Цена: 1812.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008175214


Antizipatives Abwehrverhalten: B?lle abfangen von der Au?enposition (TE 152)
Antizipatives Abwehrverhalten: B?lle abfangen von der Au?enposition (TE 152)

Автор: J?rg Madinger

In offensiven Abwehrformationen, die vor allem auf Ballgewinne ausgerichtet sind, kommt dem antizipativen Verhalten und dem Herausfangen von B?llen eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Die vorliegende Trainingseinheit greift dieses Thema bereits beim Einlaufen auf. Nach einem kleinen Spiel wird in Ballgew?hnung und Torh?ter einwerfen das richtige Timing beim Abfangen von B?llen ge?bt. Eine Abwehr?bung kombiniert das Abwehrverhalten im 1gegen1 mit dem Herausfangen von B?llen, eine Team?bung trainiert zus?tzlich das Provozieren weiter P?sse. In einer abschlie?enden 5gegen5 – ?bung und dem Abschlussspiel soll das Ge?bte angewendet werden.
Insgesamt besteht die Trainingseinheit aus folgenden Schwerpunkten – Einlaufen/Dehnen (Einzel?bung: 10 Minuten / Trainingsgesamtzeit: 10 Minuten) – kleines Spiel (10/20) – Ballgew?hnung (10/30) – Torh?ter einwerfen (10/40) – Abwehr/individuell (15/55) – Abwehr/Team (15/70) – Abwehr/Team (10/80) – Abschlussspiel (10/90) Gesamtzeit der Trainingseinheit: 90 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: Mittlere Anforderung (geeignet ab C-Jugend bis Aktive)

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783956410154


Anxiety Toolbox: The Complete Fear-Free Plan
Anxiety Toolbox: The Complete Fear-Free Plan

Автор: Gloria Thomas

This edition does not include a CD.Gloria Thomas, whose methods are highly recommended by The Sunday Times, Red and Zest, brings you an extremely practical book to overcome your fears, phobias and anxieties. Using her skills as a master NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist and Reiki master she shows you how to take control of your fears even in the most demanding trigger situations.• 70-80 per cent of the population suffer from an anxiety-related condition in the form of fear, phobia or panic attack. These can have a devastating effect on people’s lives, holding them back and making them feel isolated and depressed.• Using her unique combination of skills as a master NLP practitioner, Thought Field Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, former sufferer Gloria Thomas gives readers the tools they need to take control of their fears in even the most knee-trembling situations and banish them forever.• Covers specific trigger situations, such as crowds, air travel, conference speaking, visiting the dentist, agoraphobia, being on your own, the dark, etc, as well as first aid ‘what to do during an anxiety or panic attack’.• Gloria’s techniques include thought field therapy, cognitive/behavioural techniques, visualization, affirmation, self-hypnosis scripts, breathing, anchoring, Reiki methods, etc.• Morale-boosting real-life storiesPlease note that this edition does not include a CD.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372270


Aromatherapy and the Mind
Aromatherapy and the Mind

Автор: Julia Lawless

This guide offers a fascinating exploration into the realm of fragrance. It clearly explains the psychological and emotional effects of essential oils showing how they can be used to:enhance your mood • ease strain • sharpen concentration • soothe away cares • restore and refresh the spiritsWritten by a highly respected aromatherapist, this book includes:the use of perfumes, incense, aromatic plants and oils throughout history to enhance the human experiencethe psychological potential of essential oils (psycho-aromatherapy) ie. for emotional problems and stress-related conditions.A comprehensive A – Z of essential oils: their scent, key qualities, applications and methods of use and contra-indications

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780008106164


Aromatherapy for Women: How to use essential oils for health, beauty and your emotions
Aromatherapy for Women: How to use essential oils for health, beauty and your emotions

Автор: Maggie Tisserand

This title has become an absolute aromatherapy classic. It shows how aromatherapy benefits the many aspects of women’s emotional and physical well-being.It includes how to use essential oils to:• treat everyday ailments – yours and your children’s• help with the strain of pregnancy• keep your skin and hair looking and feeling healthy• create a pleasant atmosphere at home or at workThere is also a chapter devoted to sexuality in which Maggie Tisserand explains the intimate links between scent and our sensual selves.As well as providing recipes for oil blends and a guide to purchasing essential oils, this clearly written, intelligent and thorough book provides readers with the level of detail necessary to develop a fuller understanding of aromatherapy.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008286477


At the Close of Play
At the Close of Play

Автор: Ricky Ponting

Love him or loathe him, Ricky Ponting is one of the biggest names in cricket, having been at the heart of so many memorable Ashes and Test encounters over the years. Coinciding with the end of Ponting’s spectacular career, ‘At the Close of Play’ is a must-read for all cricket fans.For so long the scourge of English cricket, Ricky Ponting – unarguably one of cricket’s all-time greats – looks back on the story of his remarkable life and career.With his customary honesty and candour, Ponting reflects on a lifetime at the crease – from childhood prodigy to the highs and lows of his extraordinary international career.But beyond the triumphs, scandals and his own private struggle to maintain his later form, this remarkable autobiography will offer rare insights into an elite sporting career with Ricky’s reflections on leadership, captaincy, winning, defeat, competitiveness, teamwork, the greats of the game and the lessons learned at the helm of Australia’s cricket team.This autobiography, of a very private man, and one who the English public loved to hate, will resonate with lovers of cricket as well as anyone who strives to reach the top of their chosen field.

Цена: 534.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544776


Aufatmen! - Das kleine H?rbuch f?r Entspannung und Energie im Alltag (Ungek?rzt)
Aufatmen! - Das kleine H?rbuch f?r Entspannung und Energie im Alltag (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Jutta Ritschel

Исполнители: Irina Scholz

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783838795881


Autodisciplina Per Perdere Peso: La Verit? Poco Attraente Del Perch? Le Diete NON Funzionano
Autodisciplina Per Perdere Peso: La Verit? Poco Attraente Del Perch? Le Diete NON Funzionano

Автор: Jimmy Gundry

Frullati? Insalate Scondite? Il Mondo delle Diete Sta Per Subire una Svolta. I motivi che portano a seguire una dieta sono diversi: la salute, l'aspetto fisico, o solo il fatto che l'estate si sta avvicinando! Perdere peso pu? essere una vera sfida se non si sa come gestirla nel modo corretto. Certo, esistono migliaia di diete, ma poche portano effettivamente dei risultati. Seguire una dieta senza la giusta mentalit? ? come mangiare patatine mentre si fa jogging. Fino a che non si entra nella giusta impostazione mentale non funzioner? nessuna dieta, non importa quanto sembri alla moda. La verit? in merito alle diete non ? l'ossessione per le calorie, bens? quanto la vostra mente sia forte e quanta forza di volont? abbiate. Autodisciplina per Perdere Peso: La Verit? Poco Attraente dietro al Perch? le diete Keto, Dash, Paleo, Mediterranea e Dozzine di Altre NON Funzioneranno su di Voi vi mostrer? la pura verit? su tutte le diete che avete provato in passato. Frullati? Insalate Scondite? Il Mondo delle Diete Sta Per Subire una Svolta. I motivi che portano a seguire una dieta sono diversi: la salute, l'aspetto fisico, o solo il fatto che l'estate si sta avvicinando! Perdere peso pu? essere una vera sfida se non si sa come gestirla nel modo corretto. Certo, esistono migliaia di diete, ma poche portano effettivamente dei risultati. Seguire una dieta senza la giusta mentalit? ? come mangiare patatine mentre si fa jogging. Fino a che non si entra nella giusta impostazione mentale non funzioner? nessuna dieta, non importa quanto sembri alla moda. La verit? in merito alle diete non ? l'ossessione per le calorie, bens? quanto la vostra mente sia forte e quanta forza di volont? abbiate. Autodisciplina per Perdere Peso: La Verit? Poco Attraente dietro al Perch? le diete Keto, Dash, Paleo, Mediterranea e Dozzine di Altre NON Funzioneranno su di Voi vi mostrer? la pura verit? su tutte le diete che avete provato nel passato. C'? un motivo per cui non funzionano, e questo audiolibro ve lo spiega perfettamente! Come vi aiuter? la Psicologia della Perdita di Peso? Sintonizzer? la vostra mente infondendovi fiducia e autodisciplina, in modo che potrete restare concentrati sui vostri obiettivi, non ha importanza quanto il processo sia difficile. La privazione sar? qualcosa che far? parte del passato. Con la giusta mentalit? non avrete nemmeno tante voglie, poich? il vostro cervello sar? programmato per non farvele provare. Vi risparmier? la sofferenza di voler disperatamente mangiare qualcosa che non dovreste. Vi sentirete pi? calmi, pi? felici e pi? soddisfatti di voi stessi. Il segreto di una vita felice ? godersi ogni piccolo momento. Ogni chilo che perdete ? una vittoria. Vi sar? pi? facile seguire un piano alimentare, questo libro vi prepara a tutte le situazioni che potrebbero presentarsi lungo la strada. I costi annuali relativi alle malattie dell'obesit? arrivano a 190 miliardi di dollari solamente negli Stati Uniti. Siete pronti ad iniziare? Cliccate sul pulsante ”Acquista” per iniziare l'ascolto.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788835402176


B?dertechnik f?r Betrieb und Ausbildung
B?dertechnik f?r Betrieb und Ausbildung

Автор: Dirk Lindemann

Die 11. Neuauflage 2021 beinhaltet die neueste DIN-Norm und wurde mit aktuellen Fotographien und Zeichnungen versehen.
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden die neuesten Informationen zur Fl?chendesinfektion im Schwimmbad anhand der neuesten Empfehlungen eingearbeitet. Diesem Unterrichtswerk liegen neben den neuesten Regeln, Richtlinien und Normen, die Verordnungen des Bundesinnenministers ?ber die Berufsausbildung zum/zur „Fachangestellten f?r B?derbetriebe“ und ?ber die Pr?fung zum anerkannten Abschluss Gepr?fter Meister/in f?r B?derbetriebe zugrunde. In der Neuauflage wurden Berichtigungen nach dem neuesten Stand der Technik und Erg?nzungen der Fachgebiete computergest?tzte Messwerterfassung, Verfahrenskombination nach DIN 19643, Dosierpumpen und UV-Anlagen vorgenommen. ?ber 500 Abbildungen, davon ca. 10 neue Abbildungen) und Zeichnungen erg?nzen die methodisch und p?dagogisch aufbereiteten Stoffabhandlungen, die mit insgesamt 680 zugeordneten ?bungsaufgaben eine optimale Vorbereitung auf die Zwischen und Abschlusspr?fungen darstellen. Durch die Aktualit?t der bau- und betriebstechnischen Erl?uterungen und Hinweise ist diese Ausgabe auch als Nachschlagwerk f?r alle Ausbilder, B?derbetreiber und Planer von schwimmbadtechnischen Einrichtungen zu empfehlen. Die Farbigkeit vereinfacht das Verst?ndnis von technischen Abbildungen und verbessert damit den didaktischen Standard. Ein Quickfinder wurde am Seitenrand eingerichtet, der nun die farblich unterschiedlichen 12 Kapitel des Fachbuches schneller nachschlagen l?sst.
In den Ebookversionen sind die Inhalts, Index und Querverweise technisch verlinkt, so dass ein schnelles nachschauen technisch optimiert wurde.

Цена: 3944.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783946128243


Bad Birthdays: The Truth Behind Your Crappy Sun Sign
Bad Birthdays: The Truth Behind Your Crappy Sun Sign

Автор: Sarah Fu Christensen

The truth behind your crappy sun sign.Sick of reading the perky promises and positive affirmations that apply to your sun sign and then having a crappy week? After perusing your sun sign, are you the person who always moans, “I am soooooooo not a typical Aquarius!” If so, then Bad Birthdays is the antidote to your mistrust in the world of the zodiac.Revealing the truth (whether you like it or not) about your shitty star sign, Bad Birthdays uncovers the true quirks, oddities, and unpleasant nasties that characterize your unlucky sign of the zodiac and rule your destiny. When it comes to love, do you think that watery Pisces are naturally romantic lovers? Think again – if you’re unfortunate enough to have a relationship with a Plagued Pisces or a Contemptible Cancer, you’re in trouble. Reference the relationships sections to rate your compatibility with other star signs, or at least highlight where the cracks are going to show.With special sections detailing which unlucky personalities you share your birthday with, as well as unfortunate events that might have happened on your birthday, Bad Birthdays contains all you’ll never need to know about your sign.So whether you’re a Cursed Capricorn, a Tragic Taurus, or a Lousy Libra, we’re all doomed to a destiny that is far less peachy than everyday astrologers would have us believe.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007570270


Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2
Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2

Автор: Энни Пру

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx follows the success of Close Range with another remarkable collection of short stories set in Wyoming.Bad Dirt is filled with the vivid and willful characters for which Proulx has become known. Each occupies a community or landscape described in rich and robust language, with an eye for detail unparalleled in American fiction.In ‘The Contest’, the men of Elk Tooth, Wyoming, vow to put aside their razors for two seasons and wait to see who has the longest beard come the 4th of July. Deb Sipple, the moving protagonist of ‘That Trickle Down Effect’, finds that his opportunism – and his smoking habit – lead to a massive destruction. And ‘What Kind of Furniture Would Jesus Pick?’ is the story of Gilbert Wolfscale, whose rabid devotion to his ranch drives off his wife and sons.Proulx displays her wit in every story of this stunning collection, as well as her knowledge of the West, of history, of ranching and farming. Her profound sympathy for characters who must use sheer will and courage to make it in tough territory makes this collection extraordinarily compelling.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007290130


Bajo el cielo azul
Bajo el cielo azul

Автор: Engelly Filmart

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9786124342356


Baseball For Dummies
Baseball For Dummies

Автор: Richard Lally

Play, watch, and understand America's favorite pastime Baseball continues to be a popular game both as a spectator sport and as a pastime. Since the publication of Baseball For Dummies, 3rd Edition, baseball teams have changed, new MLB stadiums have been built, and rules have been updated. This updated 4th Edition brings you the latest information on the players, the places, and above all, the game. Baseball For Dummies is for baseball fans at all levels, from players and coaches to spectators who love the game. Baseball Hall of Fame player Joe Morgan explains baseball with remarkable insight, using down-to-earth language so everyone from the casual observer to the die-hard fan can gain a fuller appreciation of the sport. Improve your hitting, pitching, and fielding Find a baseball team to play on, from Little League on up Evaluate stats, players, and records Coach baseball or umpire effectively Get more out of a trip to the ballpark The latest on baseball stats and sabermetrics Complete with Morgan's personal lists of top-ten toughest pitchers, smartest players, and most strategic managers, Baseball For Dummies gives you all the inside tips, facts, and stats so you can have Major League fun!

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118510599


Battle for the Falklands: The Winter War
Battle for the Falklands: The Winter War

Автор: Patrick Bishop

‘Boldly planned, bravely executed and brilliantly accomplished’ was Margaret Thatcher’s assessment of the Falklands campaign. But what did the war mean to the men in the trenches and below decks?This gripping first-hand account of the Falklands War, written by bestselling military historian Patrick Bishop and Sunday Times Editor John Witherow, reveals the true experiences of the British soldiers and seamen on the front line. The authors, then rookie reporters, lived alongside the fighting men, experiencing the daily realities of a British task force that was hugely outnumbered on a barren island 8,000 miles from home. The Falklands: The Winter War looks at the covert role of the SAS and the heroic death of Colonel ‘H’ Jones at Goose Green, and considers just how close Britain came to defeat.This is an extraordinarily frank and unsparing account of a military campaign that has held a defining place within the British national conscience since victory in 1982.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007479382


Be Expert with Map and Compass
Be Expert with Map and Compass

Автор: Bjorn Kjellstrom

The classic map and compass navigation guide-revised for the age of GPS GPS devices are great, but they can break, get lost, or easily be hampered by weather conditions, making basic map and compass skills essential for anyone who spends time outdoors. This popular, easy-to-use orienteering handbook has been helping people find their way for more than fifty years. Now updated to include information on GPS as well as current Web sites, references, sources, and photographs, it remains the book of choice for professional outdoorsmen, novice orienteers, and outdoor organizations as well as teachers, scout leaders, recreational hikers, hunters, and others around the world. Coverage includes understanding map symbols; traveling by map alone, by compass alone, or by map and compass together; finding bearings; sketching maps; and traveling in the wilderness. Explains basic map and compass skills clearly Fully updated edition, including information on GPS Includes up-to-date Web site addresses, references, and sources Features a fresh, rugged design Ideal book for beginners If you're looking to feel more comfortable in the wilderness, this updated guide is an indispensable reference.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508541


BeagleBone For Dummies
BeagleBone For Dummies

Автор: Rui Santos

The definitive, easy-to-use guide to the popular BeagleBone board BeagleBone For Dummies is the definitive beginner's guide to using the popular BeagleBone board to learn electronics and programming. Unlike other books that require previous knowledge of electronics, Linux, and Python, this one assumes you know nothing at all, and guides you step-by-step throughout the process of getting acquainted with your BeagleBone Original or BeagleBone Black. You'll learn how to get set up, use the software, build the hardware, and code your projects, with plenty of examples to walk you through the process. You'll move carefully through your first BeagleBone project, then get ideas for branching out from there to create even better, more advanced programs. The BeagleBone is a tiny computer board – about the size of a credit card – that has all the capability of a desktop. Its affordability and ease of use has made it popular among hobbyists, hardware enthusiasts, and programmers alike, and it's time for you to join their ranks as you officially dive into the world of microcomputers. This book removes the guesswork from using the popular BeagleBone board and shows you how to get up and running in no time. Download the operating system and connect your BeagleBone Learn to navigate the desktop environment Start programming with Python and Bonescript Build your first project, and find plans for many more To learn BeagleBone, you could spend hours on the Internet and still never find the information you need, or you can get everything you need here. This book appeals to all new and inexperienced hobbyists, tinkerers, electronics gurus, hackers, budding programmers, engineers, and hardware geeks who want to learn how to get the most out of their powerful BeagleBone.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118993057


Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies
Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies

Автор: Dan DeFigio

Are you a sugar addict? Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies provides you a safe and healthy path to overcome your addiction, eliminate stress eating, and upgrade your nutrition for a healthier lifestyle. Sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic that can lead to obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and a host of other medical and psychological problems. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies helps those who are affected by this commonly overlooked addiction to outsmart their sugar cravings and overcome their addiction. The tips in this book will help you: Learn to stop stress eating and perform a nutrition makeover that makes the low-sugar lifestyle easy! Stop the frustration of yo-yo dieting, and finally find an eating plan that works. Free yourself from the grip of sugar addiction and regain control over your life. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies contains everything you need to start your journey down the road to wellness: Four common types of sugar addicts – which one are you? Finally understand carbs, protein, and fat with a simple nutrition system for weight loss and healthy eating, including what to choose and what to stay away from Detoxing from sugar and performing a kitchen makeover Eating mindfully – making purposeful decisions instead of stress eating How to survive holidays, restaurants, and special occasions Building a support system Exercise programs for energy and weight loss Speedy low-sugar recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts Staying on track and breaking the cycle of failure – including a step-by-step list of exactly what to do when a sugar craving strikes! If you're one of the millions of people worldwide who relies too much on sugar for energy, comfort, or convenience, Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies is your no-nonsense guide to decreasing your sugar intake, losing weight, and changing your life for the better!

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118546642


Bernadette Bohan’s The Choice: The Programme: The simple health plan that saved Bernadette’s life – and could help save yours too
Bernadette Bohan’s The Choice: The Programme: The simple health plan that saved Bernadette’s life – and could help save yours too

Автор: Bernadette Bohan

Inspirational cancer survivor and seminar speaker, Bernadette Bohan, whose memoir, The Choice, was a Top 5 bestseller in Ireland, introduces her long-awaited recipe book and 4-point plan to help you turn around your health and fight disease the natural way.Bernadette Bohan, an ordinary wife and mother, decided to take her health into her own hands after twice getting cancer. Her bestselling memoir, The Choice, is now followed by this invaluable cookbook and lifestyle plan.Bernadette explains her 4 point plan simply:• Point One: Juicing• Point Two: Clean water• Point Three: Power foods including the B17 foods, essential fats, enzymes, probiotics and sprouted seeds• Point Four: Safe personal care products such as non-toxic toiletriesThe book also includes inspiring case stories and 75 delicious recipes, written in conjunction with chefs from Cornucopia (Dublin’s No 1 vegetarian restaurant):– juices, smoothies and soups- raw salads and stir-fries- sprouting your own green foods- other whole food recipes, organic and meat/dairy free

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007359004


Between the Lines: My Autobiography
Between the Lines: My Autobiography

Автор: Victoria Pendleton

The Golden Girl of British cycling opens up, for the first time, in searingly honest detail about what drives her to compete in a sport she no longer loves. Written with Donald McRae, 2 time winner of the William Hill Award, “Between the Lines” is THE Olympic autobiography.Victoria Pendleton MBE is not your typical female athlete.Admired as much by the weekly glossies as she is the newspaper back pages, she transcends her sport.In 2005 she became first British female to win Gold at the cycling World Championships in 40 years. She followed it up with gold medals at the Commonwealth Games in 2006 and another World Championship in 2007.Arriving in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games, Pendleton was on top of the world. She didn’t disappoint.In an enthralling example of track cycling, Pendleton took Gold and joined the ranks of British Olympic heroes.And then it started to go wrong.Feted by the press and the public alike, behind the scenes the cracks and strains started to show. Despite retaining her World Champion status in 2009, it was a close run thing and her shield of invincibility started to drop. Victoria was falling out of love with her sport.The sport that had made her was starting to tear her apart.“Between the Lines” documents the considerable lows as well as the well-known highs and reveals why Victoria almost turned her back on cycling before rediscovering her Championship winning form in 2011, the day after suffering one of her most humiliating days on the track.Hitting the shelves within a matter of weeks from the end of her Olympic programme and written with Donald McRae, two time winner of the William Hill Sports Book of the Year, “Between the Lines” promises to be the most honest and emotional book from an Olympian to date.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007459162


Bianco: Pizza, Pasta and Other Food I Like
Bianco: Pizza, Pasta and Other Food I Like

Автор: Chris Bianco

The ultimate pizza, pasta, bread and Italian recipe book from one of world’s leading chefs and co-owner of Union Jacks with Jamie Oliver.Chris Bianco’s ‘perfect pizza’ has won him awards and accolades from fellow chefs, food critics and millions of customers since he first opened his diminutive Pizzeria Bianco in Phoenix, Arizona. Chris’ skill and inspired cooking has made him the pizza expert that other chefs turn to, including Jamie, who joined forces with him to revolutionise British pizza with their Union Jacks restaurant.In his much-anticipated first cookbook, Chris finally reveals the secrets behind his phenomenal Italian food. Chris guides you through the alchemy and history of flatbreads and pizzas, pasta and bread doughs. He explains the magic trio of flour, water and tomatoes, the science of leavening and bringing your food together with ‘fire and smoke’ – or the simple domestic oven and hob.Chris’ infectious approach combines cheffy knowledge with down-to-earth accessible recipes; after all, Chris explains, pizza is only ‘posh cheese on toast’, to deliver a cookbook that is both insightful and doable.Including all-time-favourite pizzas such as Margherita and Wise Guy, pasta including pappardelle and gnocci, and foccacia and country breads, this stunning book also includes over 60 simple Italian-inspired recipes.Recipes include: antipasti such as Roasted Dates with Fontina & Prosciutto; salads and sides including Watermelon, Fennel & Parsley Salad and Panzanella; pastas including Tagliatelle with Lemon and Spinach & Ricotta Crespelle; mains such as Slow-Roasted Lamb and Pappa a Pomodoro; desserts such as Rhubarb & Ricotta Pudding and Seasonal Fruit Crostata.With beautiful food photography by David Loftus, Chris’ distinctive first book will inspire novice Italian food lovers as well as more confident cooks looking to learn from the best.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780007497720


Billar Pool Entrenamiento PAT- Principio
Billar Pool Entrenamiento PAT- Principio

Автор: Jorgen Sandman

Con el sistema de lanzamiento PAT PAT ha recibido una nueva base. Este libro de ejercicios de entrenamiento se muestran que han sido dise?ados para el principiante y avanzado, formando as? el precursor para el juego oficial de los activos de prueba de la EPA. En 60 p?ginas con encuadernaci?n en espiral todos los ejercicios en color y con especialmente desarrollado para la serie PAT de iconos de forma r?pida y f?cil de explicar. El edificio en s? formaci?n y enfoque de la evaluaci?n a partir de PAT, 1 PAT, PAT PAT 2 y 3 ofrece un nuevo y ?nico sistema para utilizar mejor los diversos ejercicios y juegos de entrenamiento. El formato de la prueba proporciona los atletas y entrenadores de un enfoque sistem?tico para identificar las lagunas de formaci?n, fortalezas y debilidades. Formulaci?n de objetivos a largo plazo corto y se convierte en una tarea sencilla!

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783946128519


Blooming Birth: How to get the pregnancy and birth you want
Blooming Birth: How to get the pregnancy and birth you want

Автор: Lucy Atkins

The busy woman’s guide to taking control of pregnancy and birth.Pregnancy titles have never been thicker on the ground, and women have supposedly more choices in childbirth than ever before. So why do 6 out of 10 women feel their antenatal classes completely failed to prepare them for birth? And 7 out of 10 say that they did not get the birth they wanted, and regretted it deeply?Blooming Birth is a hands-on, focused guide to taking control of your pregnancy and birth, helping you prepare your body and brain for childbirth in the real world. It does not, like many pregnancy books, assume that all pregnant women have to do is sit around in sunny kitchens drinking orange juice. It is also a book for thinking women – both first time mums and those having second or subsequent babies who simply want it to be better this time. Each chapter contains crib sheets and bullet points for when you've only got a few minutes to spare.In succinct, highly engaging language, in chapters from Birthing for Beginners to Frozen Peas and Pyjamas, it takes you through the realities of pregnancy and birth – from stretchmarks to guilt – and the decisions to be made, so that you can be confident of having a manageable, happy experience – whatever happens on the day.Contents• Pregnancy for busy women• Birthing for Beginners• Second Time Around• Preconceptions• The Unexpected• Surgical Birth• Your Options• Your Support Team• Your Partner• Frozen Peas and Pyjamas – the keys to post-childbirth success

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007582006


Bob Marley: The Untold Story
Bob Marley: The Untold Story

Автор: Chris Salewicz

What was it about Bob Marley that made him so popular in a world dominated by rock’n’roll?How is that he has not only remained the single most successful reggae artist ever, but has also become a shining beacon of radicalism and peace to generation after generation of fans across the globe?On May 11, 1981, a little after 11.30 in the morning, Bob Marley died. The man who introduced reggae to a worldwide audience, in his own lifetime he had already become a hero figure in the classic mythological sense. From immensely humble beginnings and with talent and religious belief his only weapons, the Jamaican recording artist applied himself with unstinting perseverance to spreading his prophetic musical message.And he had achieved it: only a year earlier, Bob Marley and The Wailers' tour of Europe had seen them perform to the largest audiences a musical act had up to that point experienced. Record sales of Marley's albums before his death were spectacular; in the years since his death they have become phenomenal, as each new generation discovers afresh the remarkable power of his music.Chris Salewicz, who had a sequence of adventures with Bob Marley in Jamaica in 1979, offers us a comprehensive and detailed account of Bob Marley's life and the world in which he grew up and came to dominate. Never-before-heard interviews with dozens of people who knew Marley are woven through a narrative that brings to life not only the Rastafari religion and the musical scene in Jamaica, but also the spirit of the man himself.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780007440061



Автор: Winfried Rochner

Das Leben treibt gar wundersame Bl?ten, die hier aufgesammelt in zweiundzwanzig Satiren wahrlich Erstaunliches erzwingen.Panta rhei alles flie?t.Mit herrlicher Ironie und gewohntem Wortwitz gew?hrt Winfried Rochner ungetr?bte Einblicke in allt?gliche und politische Ungereimtheiten, so unter anderem: Viele Wenden erlebte das deutsche Land Die Grundlage f?r eine Guteluftsteuer ward geboren Nun endlich hat die M?nnerwelt das eigene Kochen entdeckt Von Ehen spricht man indessen, als sei dies eine Kunstform Er kam durch flei?iges Plakatkleben In der Politik h?ngen Karrieren an der Redegewandtheit …Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf eine turbulente, vergn?gliche Reise in die unergr?ndlichen Weiten der Politik, wo all die pers?nlichen Vorlieben ihrer Vertreter Macht, Geld und Unverm?gen ungebremst zusammentreffen. Vorlieben, die genau dieses Mittelma? aufzeigen, das vorgaukelt, unabh?ngig zu regieren. Und wo eine allgemeine Schwunglosigkeit die jetzt als modern und hipp ausgegeben das Leben im Lande ver?ndert, sodass wahrhaft historische Begegnungen m?glich sind.Ein besonderes Lesevergn?gen f?r jeden, der hintergr?ndigen Humor mag.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783960741596


Break-Up Club: A smart, funny novel about love and friendship
Break-Up Club: A smart, funny novel about love and friendship

Автор: Lorelei Mathias

'You'd be DAFT to miss out on this fab book – it's blimmin' marvellous! I LOVED IT' Miranda DickinsonTHERE’S NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO BE SINGLE . . .Holly Braithwaite and loveable loser Lawrence have been together for five years. But the obvious cracks in their relationship can no longer be ignored and Holly soon finds herself saying ‘it’s not me, it’s you’.In the shock aftermath of their break up, Holly finds unlikely companions in Olivia, Harry and Bella. Together, they form the Break-up Club, as they support each other through their mutual melancholy and find ways to love, laugh and function as human beings again.Break-up Club meets every Sunday. Each week, as the comedy and drama unfolds, they discover a new BUC ‘rule’. And, one by one, the rules become vital markers on their journey to recovery . . .‘BREAK-UP CLUB’To our members, we’re the first emergency service

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008202330


Briefe an Thomas Bernhard
Briefe an Thomas Bernhard

Автор: Anneliese Botond

"Hier w?re allerhand Grunds?tzliches ?ber die ungeheure Qualit?t dieser Frau als Institution anzuschlie?en" Thomas Bernhard ?ber seine Lektorin beim Insel Verlag. Anneliese Botond schrieb zwischen 1963 und 1970 mehr als 140 Briefe an Bernhard, sie zeigen exemplarisch, welche Funktion einem kompetenten, auf die Manuskripte eingehend und zugleich Distanz wahrenden Leser (in diesem Fall: Lektorin) f?r die Fertigstellung eines Buches zuf?llt. Die Briefe erlauben Einblick in die allm?hliche Entstehung eines Werkes beim Briefgespr?ch ?ber das Manuskript. Hier ist zu erfahren, wie «Amras» sich nach und nach aus dem Typoskript heraussch?lte, welche Irritationen das erste Theaterst?ck Bernhards ausl?ste, wie und warum es zu «Verst?rung» kam.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783950447651



Автор: Roland Habersetzer

Die Bibel der Kampfkunst mit blo?er Hand. – In der s?dchinesischen Provinz Fujian (Fukien) entstand vor Jahrhunderten der Kampfstil des Wei?en Kranichs, als Fang Jin Jang, Tochter eines Shaolinmeisters, die Kampfkunst ihres Vaters mit Haltungen und Bewegungen des Kranichs verkn?pfte. Dieser Stil wird im Bubishi beschrieben, einem illustrierten Manuskript, das f?r jene bestimmt war, die Meister im Kampf ohne Waffen werden wollten. Es zeigt sich, da? die beschriebenen Techniken nichts weniger darstellen als jene Urformen, aus denen sich so unterschiedliche moderne Kampfk?nste wie Karate, J?jutsu, J?d?, Aikid? oder Wingchun entwickelt haben. Alle Geheimnisse der waffenlosen Kampfk?nste sind hier bereits offenbart. Es werden die 48 Nahkampftechniken des Bubishi, die Kunst des Dianxue (die geheimnisumwitterten Vitalpunkttechniken der „vergifteten Hand“), die Geschichte des Kampfstils des „Wei?en Kranichs“ sowie Geschichte und Technik der Kata Hakufa und Happoren vorgestellt. Die vorliegende Neuauflage des Bubishi enth?lt zudem eine umfassende Darstellung der „32 Formen des Boxens des Kaisers Song Taizu“. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein vollst?ndiges Kapitel des chinesischen Klassikers Ji Xiao Xin Shu von General Qi Jiguang, der 1564 erschien. Der japanische Karatemeister ?tsuka Tadahiko, Lehrer und Freund Roland Habersetzers, analysiert die darin vorgestellten 32 Kampfpositionen. Der in China lebende Wushu-Experte Maik Albrecht ?bersetzte und kommentierte die Einleitung dieses Werkes, das erstmals einer nichtasiatischen Leserschaft zug?nglich gemacht wird. Dem Leser werden auf diese Weise tiefe Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt der waffenlosen Kampfk?nste im alten China gew?hrt.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783938305386


Building Your Dream Life (Abridged)
Building Your Dream Life (Abridged)

Автор: Bronwen Vearncombe

Исполнители: Bronwen Vearncombe

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781784524395


Burda 07/2019
Burda №07/2019

Автор: Группа авторов

Секрет популярности журнала Burda (Бурда) в том, что благодаря ему каждая женщина может осуществить свою мечту одеваться модно и красиво. Журнал Burda – это европейская мода высокого класса. Издание с мировым именем, хорошо известное всем женщинам, которые хотят быть образцом безупречного вкуса для окружающих. На страницах журнала Burda – самые последние тенденции мировой моды, новости с европейских подиумов, советы по стилю и модные торговые марки. Каждый месяц – новая коллекция одежды от ведущих дизайнеров мира. (Электронная версия журнала не содержит выкроек. Приобрести выкройки можно на сайте http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ ) В номере: Нам по пути! Легкие платья, туники, юбка-шорты, кардиган и K° в красочной гамме идеальны для отпуска Тенденции Прозрачные ткани, оборки, пышные рукава: викторианский шик задает сейчас модный курс Мастер-класс Просто и быстро: юбка-шорты А-силуэта с частично застроченными складками вместо пояса Мода Plus Территория солнца: африканские мотивы в нашей этнической коллекции. Размеры 44–60 Новости Пакуем стильные чемоданы и летим на летний шопинг в Европу! Красота Косметика в дорожном формате Здоровье В теплых лучах: правила хорошего загара и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Burda 2019

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2019


Burda 08/2019
Burda №08/2019

Автор: Группа авторов

Секрет популярности журнала Burda (Бурда) в том, что благодаря ему каждая женщина может осуществить свою мечту одеваться модно и красиво. Журнал Burda – это европейская мода высокого класса. Издание с мировым именем, хорошо известное всем женщинам, которые хотят быть образцом безупречного вкуса для окружающих. На страницах журнала Burda – самые последние тенденции мировой моды, новости с европейских подиумов, советы по стилю и модные торговые марки. Каждый месяц – новая коллекция одежды от ведущих дизайнеров мира. (Электронная версия журнала не содержит выкроек. Приобрести выкройки можно на сайте http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ ) В номере: Тенденции Прямо с мировых подиумов: представляем главные тренды осенне-зимнего сезона Леди в красном Приглушенно-розовый, алый, бордовый – делаем ставку на все оттенки этого чувственного цвета! Мастер-класс Шаг за шагом: широкий жакет с асимметричной застежкой и рукавами-баллон Мода Plus Элегантно и не скучно: повседневный гардероб с деталями в духе 60-х. Размеры 44–52 Новости Инновационные технологии и fashion-классика Красота Термальная вода и косметические спреи – глоток свежести для кожи летом Здоровье Легким шагом: профилактика и лечение варикоза и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Burda 2019

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2019


Burda 11/2019
Burda №11/2019

Автор: Группа авторов

Секрет популярности журнала Burda (Бурда) в том, что благодаря ему каждая женщина может осуществить свою мечту одеваться модно и красиво. Журнал Burda – это европейская мода высокого класса. Издание с мировым именем, хорошо известное всем женщинам, которые хотят быть образцом безупречного вкуса для окружающих. На страницах журнала Burda – самые последние тенденции мировой моды, новости с европейских подиумов, советы по стилю и модные торговые марки. Каждый месяц – новая коллекция одежды от ведущих дизайнеров мира. (Электронная версия журнала не содержит выкроек. Приобрести выкройки можно на сайте http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ ) В номере: Какая натура! Приглушенные краски осенней природы, уютные ткани, пластичные формы Эксклюзив Вечернее платье с кружевом и мини-шлейфом от немецкого дизайнера Ирене Люфт Мастер-класс Суперпросто: пуловер с притачной нижней частью, создающей иллюзию двух вещей Мода Plus В отличной форме: коллекция в формате спорт-шик для динамичных натур. Размеры 44–52 Новости Все, чтобы выглядеть стильно и чувствовать себя комфортно Красота Косметика в черно-белой гамме Здоровье Как подготовиться к сезону простуд и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Burda 2019

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2019


Burda 12/2019
Burda №12/2019

Автор: Группа авторов

Секрет популярности журнала Burda (Бурда) в том, что благодаря ему каждая женщина может осуществить свою мечту одеваться модно и красиво. Журнал Burda – это европейская мода высокого класса. Издание с мировым именем, хорошо известное всем женщинам, которые хотят быть образцом безупречного вкуса для окружающих. На страницах журнала Burda – самые последние тенденции мировой моды, новости с европейских подиумов, советы по стилю и модные торговые марки. Каждый месяц – новая коллекция одежды от ведущих дизайнеров мира. (Электронная версия журнала не содержит выкроек. Приобрести выкройки можно на сайте http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ ) В номере: Лыжня открыта! Комфортно, практично, эффектно: стиль apr?s-ski уместен не только на горнолыжных курортах Навстречу Новому году Праздничные наряды для мамы и дочки на любой вкус – от гламурных до непринужденных Мастер-класс Приталенный жакет с рельефными швами и прорезными карманами в рамку Мода Plus Блестящий выбор на вечер: модели из роскошных тканей в черно-красной гамме. Размеры 44–52 Новости Что подарить себе и близким? Красота Королевский макияж для волшебной ночи Здоровье Смехойога, игра воображения, цветотерапия помогут улучшить самочувствие без лекарств и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Burda 2019

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2019


Burda Special 07/2018
Burda Special №07/2018

Автор: Группа авторов

Тема этого номера – «Беби». В этом выпуске: Все, что пригодится вашим ребятишкам: чудесные обновки, умилительные игрушки, практичные аксессуары. Размеры одежды 56-98. Все выкройки Burda вы сможете найти на сайте журнала: http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ .

Серия: Журнал Burda Special 2018

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2018


Business Coaching. Achieving Practical Results Through Effective Engagement
Business Coaching. Achieving Practical Results Through Effective Engagement

Автор: Robin Linnecar

The aim of this book is primarily to enable those wanting to invest in coaching to be able to do so in the most effective way whether they are doing this as an organisation or as an individual. It illustrates the impact coaching can have and identifies changes in leadership and management demands and expectations. We consider what a coachee gets out of coaching, different formats for coaching and its potential value at Board level, including for the Chief Executive Officer, and for other individuals or groups such as new recruits or those who have just been promoted. We look at the difference between coaching and mentoring and the potential benefits that both can have, especially in combination. We look at how coaching programmes can be introduced effectively and how a leader might introduce coaching in their organisation. We address the international dimension with many organisations looking to ensure that leadership is based on similar values throughout its global reach. This book is unashamedly about business coaching. Quality coaching engagement will impact into an individual's wider life priorities and use of time and energy. But the effective delivery of business priorities has to be at the basis of introducing business coaching. Chapter headings: Effective Engagement The Impact Coaching Can Have Coaching in Context: Changes in Leadership and Management Demands and Expectations What Makes a Good Coach What a Coachee Gets Out of Engaging with Coaching Different Formats for Coaching Coaching and the Chief Executive Different Focuses of Individual Coaching The Difference Between Coaching and Mentoring Meeting Business Priorities Introducing Coaching Programmes in a Whole Organisation Running Coaching in Your Organisation The International Dimension

Цена: 2982.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781841127910


Business Studies For Dummies
Business Studies For Dummies

Автор: Richard Pettinger

Your hands-on introduction to modern business and business education Whether you're deciding on a course of study, headed to university, or settling down to your first year, Business Studies For Dummies provides you with a thorough overview of the subjects that form the foundation of a business studies degree. You'll get trusted, easy-to-follow coverage of all the topics you'll encounter: business start-up, accounting and finance, operations, human resources, management, analytics, business environment, and economics. Includes a clear, engaging, and concise overview of the key topics you'll encounter in your studies The perfect study companion for students With Business Studies For Dummies, you'll be one step ahead of the competition—at university and on the job.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118348178


Buying and Serving Wine In A Day For Dummies
Buying and Serving Wine In A Day For Dummies

Автор: Mary Ewing-Mulligan

Wine basics in a day? Easy. Wine can be an intimidating topic, but doesn't have to be—and this handy little guide gives you just what you need to buy and serve wine with confidence. Buying & Serving Wine In A Day For Dummies covers everything from navigating wine shops, lists, and varietals to opening and serving wine properly. Plus, you'll get tips and advice for storing both unopened and leftover wine. Navigating wine shops and restaurant wine lists How to open a bottle, choose a glass, and serve the wine Serving temperatures for wine, and guidelines for storing leftover wine Understanding more about wine from its label Online component takes readers beyond the book with bonus content and features Get set to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge in no time!

Цена: 457.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118376874


Cake: 200 fabulous foolproof baking recipes
Cake: 200 fabulous foolproof baking recipes

Автор: Rachel Allen

Whether it’s classic cakes, tiered cakes or small cakes, free-from cakes or wedding and birthday cakes Rachel has the perfect, foolproof recipe.Rachel Allen knows home baking. It’s her fail-safe recipes, with easy-to-follow methods, thoughtful tips and advice that have been helping her readers over the years to make the most gorgeous cakes and bakes that work every time. Sponges, muffins, brownies, pop cakes, cheesecakes, tortes, pudding cakes, whether they are indulgent or healthy(ish), chocolaty, nutty or fruity, sweet or savoury, or gluten-free, you’ll find them all in this ultimate cake bible.Try classics such as Victoria Sponge and Carrot Cake, new bakes like Beetroot Brownies or White Chocolate and Macadamia cake, festive treats such as Caramel Yule Log or a St Patrick’s Day Guinness Cake as well as every day cakes like Raspberry Bakewell Cake or Butterscotch Banana Cake. Cake for grown-ups such as the Orange Cake with Campari Icing or children’s party favourite Cake Pops. Cakes for when you have no time as well as more adventurous wedding and birthday cakes.Rachel will show you how to bake and decorate simple special occasion cakes, then give additional instruction for making it special – or even of professional quality. Whether it is a golden anniversary, wedding or 4th birthday party, you’ll never have to buy a cake again.In this comprehensive collection you’ll find a mix of delicious easy and everyday cakes, teatime treats, classics, festive baking, hearty puddings and even some free-from and healthier cakes. And when you’ve finished baking, Rachel will show you the best tips and tricks for decorating and icing.The wait is over! Enjoy more baking from Rachel Allen in Cake.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007490868


Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 4-6: The Stranger, The Hidden Child, The Drowning
Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 4-6: The Stranger, The Hidden Child, The Drowning

Автор: Камилла Лэкберг

Discover the Queen of Scandi-crime Camilla Lackberg with these three thrillers – books 4, 5 and 6 in her 12 million copy international bestselling detective series, featuring Patrik Hedstr?m and Erica Falck.THE STRANGER: A series of tragic road accidents and the murder of a reality TV contestant mark the end to a quiet winter for Detective Patrik Hedstr?m.THE HIDDEN CHILD: The discovery of a Nazi medal in her late mother’s belongings leads Erica Falck to dig into her family’s past, and drag a dark truth from WW2 into the light…THE DROWNING: When a local author and his circle of friends receive death threats, his mentor crime writer Erica Falck investigates. But as the victims conceal evidence, what is the secret they would die to protect?

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007535132


Cancer Nutrition and Recipes For Dummies
Cancer Nutrition and Recipes For Dummies

Автор: Maurie Markman

Fight cancer from the inside out Cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can be as hard on the body as the disease itself, and detailed nutritional advice is usually not part of the program. Yet eating the right foods can actually help lessen the strength of some of the most powerful symptoms of cancer and the side effects of treatment, allowing the patient to better fight the disease. Now, Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies is your trusted, informative guide to fighting cancer from the inside out. Designed for cancer patients and their families, Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies focuses on foods best tolerated during—and that can ease side effects of—cancer treatment. It also offers advice for menu planning, nutritional analysis, diabetic exchanges, and much more. Serves as a guide for cancer nutrition before, during, and after treatment Gives you a wealth of easy, immediate steps to speed up the healing process through diet Offers advice on treatment as well as solutions to common side effects like dehydration, fatigue, and nausea Enables cancer patients to put their strongest foot forward when starting treatment Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies targets those dealing with cancer and the loved ones who take care of them, aiding both parties in alleviating some of the side effects of the cancer treatment through change in diet.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118592199


Captain Class
Captain Class

Автор: Sam Walker

Random House presents the unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of The Captain Class: The Hidden Force Behind the World's Greatest Teams by Sam Walker, read by Keith Szarabajka.Several years ago, Sam Walker set out to answer one of the most hotly debated questions in sport: what are the greatest teams of all time? He devised a formula and applied it to thousands of teams across the world from the English Premier League to the NFL. When he was done, he had a list of the 16 most dominant teams ever. At that point he became obsessed with another, more complex question: what did these freak teams have in common?As Walker dug more deeply, a pattern emerged: The teams were all driven by a singular type of leader, but not one with the characteristics you might expect. They were unorthodox outliers – awkward and disagreeable, marginally skilled, poor verbal communicators, at times aggressive and rule-breaking and, rather than pursue fame, they preferred to hide in the shadows both on and off the field. Captains, in short, who will challenge your assumptions of what inspired leadership looks like.  From the captains of world renowned teams like Barcelona, Brazil, the All Blacks and the New York Yankees to lesser known successes of Soviet ice hockey or French handball, The Captain Class unveils the seven key qualities that make these elite leaders exceptional. Drawing on original interviews with athletes from two dozen countries as well as coaches, managers and others skilled at building teams, Walker attempts to answer questions such as: Are great captains made or born? Why do so many teams pick the wrong captain? Why has the value of the captain fallen out of favour and how can it be revived? The culmination of 10-years research and a lifetime of sports watching, The Captain Class is like no other sports book and is guaranteed to spark endless debate and heated argument among fans of every sport.

Исполнители: Keith Szarabajka

Цена: 957.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781473552562


CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies
CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies

Автор: Glen Clarke E

Four information-packed books in one comprehensive package to help networking newcomers prepare for Cisco's CCENT certification! If you're preparing for your Cisco certification, your road starts with the Cisco CCENT Exam 640-822 ICND1, Cisco's entry-level exam for new IT professionals. This practical guide covers everything you need to know to get up to speed on routers, switches, and more. CCENT Certification All-in-One For Dummies is really four books-in-one: Networking Basics, Cisco Device Basics, Routing and Switching, and Advanced Topics. With over 600 pages of content and dozens of review questions, this reference will help you ace your exam and serve as a valuable resource throughout your career. Prepares entry-level IT professionals and students for Cisco's Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Exam 640-822, the standalone test for CCENT certification and the first of two exams for CCNA certification Filled with over 600 pages of content and dozens of review questions Includes four minibooks covering Networking Basics, Cisco Device Basics, Routing and Switching, and Advanced Topics Features bonus files with test engine to simulate actual CCENT Certification Exam and demonstration videos to show you how to perform critical tasks you'll need to master for your test Jumpstart your networking career by earning your CCENT certification with help from For Dummies! NOTE: Early editions of this book were sold with a companion disk bound inside the book. To download the companion files that are referenced in the text, go to booksupport.wiley.com and enter the book's ISBN.

Цена: 3497.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470948880


Celiac Disease For Dummies
Celiac Disease For Dummies

Автор: Ian Blumer

Celiac Disease For Dummies is the ultimate reference for people with the disease and their family members. The book helps readers identify symptoms of the disease, and explains how doctors definitively diagnose celiac disease. It outlines how celiac disease affects the body, and what its consequences could be if untreated. The authors explain how celiac disease is treated, not only through the elimination of gluten from the diet, but with additional nutritional measures and alternative and complementary therapies. Written by two practicing physicians, the book also offers practical, helpful guidance for parents of children with celiac disease, whose treatment may be a particular challenge.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470160534


Chiseled - The Mountain Man s Babies, Book 7 (Unabridged)
Chiseled - The Mountain Man's Babies, Book 7 (Unabridged)

Автор: Frankie Love

Исполнители: Maxine Mitchell

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624615481


Chris Eubank: The Autobiography
Chris Eubank: The Autobiography

Автор: Chris Eubank

Love him or loathe him, Chris Eubank is one of life’s more eccentric personalities who has transcended the world of boxing and established himself as a media celebrity and role model to millions of fans the world over. His story is both gripping and extraordinary.He exploded into the public consciousness in November 1990 with a ferocious defeat of Nigel Benn for the WBO middleweight crown. Once crowned champion, he made 19 successful defences of his title and became one of the most talked about boxers of his generation.But his early life was so very different. Aged 15, Eubank was ejected from the last in a long line of care homes and was living on the streets. His life was a mess of shoplifting, burglary, drink and drugs from which there seemed no escape. In 1981, in a last-ditch attempt to drag himself from the abyss, he relocated to New York with his mother. Here he started boxing and within two years he had won the prestigious Spanish Golden Gloves Amateur title.Some of the incredible experiences he recalls in his autobiography include: his involvement in a car crash which saw a man die, how he became Lord of the Manor of Brighton, his reaction to Michael Watson’s horrific injuries sustained in their 1992 super-middleweight contest and subsequent partial recovery, his views on the ‘mugs game’ from which he previously made his living, his relationship with Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Ali, his passion for his truck, jeeps and motorbikes, and his legendary sartorial elegance and extravagance.Eubank’s life as a ‘TV celebrity’ is even more enigmatic and compelling. He was the subject of a Louis Theroux fly-on-the-wall documentary, he was first to be voted out of the Comic Relief Big Brother house, and is the star of his own television programme At Home with the Eubanks. His story is truly extraordinary.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007551187


City of Bones - City of Bones - Chroniken der Unterwelt 1
City of Bones - City of Bones - Chroniken der Unterwelt 1

Автор: Cassandra Clare

Исполнители: Andrea Sawatzki

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838764894


Cleaning and Stain Removal for Dummies
Cleaning and Stain Removal for Dummies

Автор: Gill Chilton

Whether you’re a devout neatnik or a free spirit who likes to draw designs in dust, Cleaning & Stain Removal For Dummies is for you. It helps you make quick work of dirty work with all kinds of practical tips and techniques, plus trade secrets used by the pros. You’ll learn how to use the proper equipment and tackle specific cleaning challenges, including Floors, walls, and ceilings The kitchen and bathrooms Furniture and furnishings Appliances and equipment Windows Bicycles and cars Clothes and laundry Decks, driveways, and patios There are whole sections on removing stains and tackling 101 common problems that you’ll use as a reference when faced with life’s inevitable spills and mishaps. Author Gill Chilton, a columnist who writes home tips for Family Circle, doesn’t just give tips to make cleaning easier, but provides tips to make life easier, including: A room-by-room guide to what needs to be done, and how often Daily and weekly lists so you can stay on top of things Quick fixes before unexpected guests arrive How to get the most results in the least time A perfect gift for young people going off to school or setting up a house for the first time, for adults suddenly forced to take responsibility for a modicum of cleanliness, or for experienced housekeepers who want to learn short-cuts and money-savers, this is the book that helps people get off to a clean start!

Цена: 1987.44 руб.
ISBN: 9780764570377


Coaching Beginner Hockey Skills and Drills In A Day For Dummies
Coaching Beginner Hockey Skills and Drills In A Day For Dummies

Автор: Don MacAdam

Learn the skills and drills you need as a first-time hockey coach—in a day! For first-time coaches, Coaching Beginner Hockey Drills and Skills In a Day For Dummies presents the basic practice drills that will sharpen player skills and make coaching fun and effective. Includes simple hockey drills that make practice fun Features strategies for dealing with challenging parents, preventing injury, and more Written by a former professional hockey player and coach and a professional exercise physiologist This e-book also links to an online component at dummies.com that extends the topic into step-by-step tutorials and other «beyond the book» content.

Цена: 457.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118539040


Coaching Hockey For Dummies
Coaching Hockey For Dummies

Автор: Don MacAdam

The fun and easy way to coach youth hockey – no experience required! Hockey is growing in leaps and bounds around the world, but the demand for qualified coaches far outstrips availability. Moms and dads are being recruited to step in and assume the role of coach even with nothing more than feigned interest for credentials. Coaching Hockey For Dummies is ideally suited to meet these growing needs: its message is clear, the information thorough and user friendly, and it brings along a great attitude. For anyone new to coaching, Coaching Hockey For Dummies will provide an invaluable reference. Unlike other coaching books, which only cover what happens on the ice, Coaching Hockey For Dummies covers every aspect of hockey coaching, from what equipment a coach needs, to holding player-parent meetings, to the perfect drills to develop individual and team skills.

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470676868


Coaching Volleyball For Dummies
Coaching Volleyball For Dummies

Автор: The National Alliance For Youth Sports

Your hands-on guide to coaching youth volleyball Have you been asked to coach a youth volleyball team? This friendly, practical guide helps you grasp the basics and take charge on the court. You get expert advice on teaching key skills to different age groups, running safe and effective practices, helping struggling players, encouraging good sportsmanship, and leading your team with confidence during a match. Lay the groundwork for a great season – develop your coaching philosophy, run an effective preseason meeting, and get up to speed on the rules and terminology of the sport Build your team – size up the players, find roles for everyone to succeed in, and coach all different types of kids Teach the basics of volleyball – from serving and passing to setting, attacking, and blocking, instruct your players successfully in all the key elements Raise the level of play – teach more advanced offensive and defensive skills and keep your kids' interest in volleyball going strong Make the moms and dads happy – work with parents to ensure a successful and fun season Score extra points – keep your players healthy and injury free, resolve conflicts, and coach a volleyball club team Open the book and find: Clear explanations of the game's fundamentals An assortment of the sport's best drills The equipment your team needs Player positions and their responsibilities Tips for running fun-filled practices Refinements for your coaching strategies How to meet players' special needs Ten ways to make the season memorable

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470533963


Coleen’s Real Style
Coleen’s Real Style

Автор: Coleen Rooney

What Coleen Rooney doesn't know about style and shopping isn't worth knowing, and she is a fashion inspiration to girls everywhere. Now she's put together a glossy, gorgeous style guide that contains everything you could EVER want to know about high-street fashion, beauty, hair and makeup, body care and style. Coleen's style guide is bursting with fashion and beauty tips to inspire and inform, showing you how to achieve a stylish, high-fashion look without spending a fortune or stepping out of the high street. Glossy and gorgeous, accessible and fun, Coleen's Real Style is your ideal high-street shopping partner: chatty, friendly, honest and open, and highly knowledgeable about fashion. It also includes fabulous 'splurge or steal' features in which Coleen shows you how to recreate a designer look on a high-street budget and is crammed with stunning photographs of Coleen’s outfits and looks you can easily create yourself. Contents includes: Creating your perfect wardrobe: must-have pieces every girl should own. Coleen shows you how to create a perfect wardrobe to enable you to build up tons of different looks without spending a fortune, including how to find that perfect pair of jeans and how to make the most of your accessories. How to work your wardrobe: now you have the essential pieces, let Coleen show you how to make them work for you. Demonstrating how easy it is to create different looks for loads of different occasions, from beach babe and party glamour puss to festival chic chick and sexy sporty girl! Final touches: you've created a gorgeous look, now it's time to add the finishing touches! Tying it all together, this last section shows you how to apply the finishing touches and includes chapters on hair and skin care with DIY face masks and manicures, choosing the right perfume and creating dramatic new looks with your makeup. A must for all real women out there!

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372607


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