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SALON-interior 03/2021
SALON-interior №03/2021

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Всё это сказки! Фэнтези в интерьере Весну в дом! Идеи на 23 Февраля и 8 Марта Юмор, да и только Джонатан Адлер о проектах, заряжающих эндорфином Эффект дома Самобытный этно-шик Путь домой Интерьер для мегаполиса с авторскими решениями Про урбанизм Квартира для отдыха на 38-м этаже и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2021

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2021


SALON-interior 04/2021
SALON-interior №04/2021

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Стать мягче Плюш и другие Новый мир Стиль modern: материалы, мебель, освещение Хранить лучшее Обзор мебели для гардеробных комнат Идеальный компромисс Минимализм с элементами классики Отпускное жильё Вилла в Неаполе с секретным садом внутри Крым ваш Отель Mriya Resort&Spa в окрестностях Ялты и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2021

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2021


SALON-interior 01/2021
SALON-interior №01/2021

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Стол превращается Вещи-трансформеры Пятый элемент Оформление интерьеров с каминами Свой Монплезир Дом для приёма гостей и проведения торжеств Дела дачные Загородный дом в стиле старой петербургской дачи Чудеса случаются Интерьер в стиле contemporary Я – легенда Ретроспективная вилла в Лос-Анджелесе и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2021

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2021


SAS For Dummies
SAS For Dummies

Автор: Stephen McDaniel

The fun and easy way to learn to use this leading business intelligence tool Written by an author team who is directly involved with SAS, this easy-to-follow guide is fully updated for the latest release of SAS and covers just what you need to put this popular software to work in your business. SAS allows any business or enterprise to improve data delivery, analysis, reporting, movement across a company, data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis, and more. SAS For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you the necessary background on what SAS can do for you and explains how to use the Enterprise Guide. SAS provides statistical and data analysis tools to help you deal with all kinds of data: operational, financial, performance, and more Places special emphasis on Enterprise Guide and other analytical tools, covering all commonly used features Covers all commonly used features and shows you the practical applications you can put to work in your business Explores how to get various types of data into the software and how to work with databases Covers producing reports and Web reporting tools, analytics, macros, and working with your data In the easy-to-follow, no-nonsense For Dummies format, SAS For Dummies gives you the knowledge and the confidence to get SAS working for your organization. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 3533.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780470642702


Saxophone For Dummies
Saxophone For Dummies

Автор: Michael Villmow

The fast and easy way to play this popular woodwind instrument Saxophone For Dummies offers the ideal introduction to this popular and versatile instrument, whether you lack any musical experience or are picking up the sax again after a hiatus. Covering both the alto and tenor sax, this friendly guide explains how to get a good sound, how to read music, and how to play songs in a variety of styles, including classical, pop, and jazz, all accompanied by the audio samples on the enclosed CD. With tips on how to buy or rent the best saxophone, and information on how to care for the instrument, Saxophone For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to playing this popular woodwind alone or in a group setting. Includes tips on buying or renting a new or used saxophone Audio samples of classical, pop, and jazz music are available on the bonus CD Advice on cleaning and maintaining a saxophone If you're picking up a saxophone for the first time or are looking to brush up on your skills, Saxophone For Dummies gives you everything you need to appreciate, understand, and excel at playing this popular instrument.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118089736


Sei kein Mann - Warum M?nnlichkeit ein Albtraum f?r Jungs ist (Ungek?rzt)
Sei kein Mann - Warum M?nnlichkeit ein Albtraum f?r Jungs ist (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: JJ Bola

Исполнители: Langston Uibel

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783982401140


Sekrety Treningu Old School
Sekrety Treningu Old School

Автор: Francesco Schipani

"Książka opisująca ćwiczenia polegające na podnoszeniu ciężar?w w starym stylu. UWAGA: Jeżeli do tej pory nie udało Ci się wyrzeźbić ciała o jakim marzysz, znaczy, że nie znasz właściwej metody na osiągnięcie sukcesu. A więc stop! Pozamykaj wszystkie niepotrzebne okienka na ekranie Twojego monitora i skup się: wszystko to co m?wiono Ci do tej pory o tym jak zwiększyć swoją siłę i przybrać na masie jest nieprawdą. Mamy ważny sekret, kt?rym chcielibyśmy się z Tobą podzielić. Wreszcie narodził się projekt OST – „Old School Training” – Kulturystyka dla Mistrz?w: pierwsza i jedyna włoska książka dotycząca treningu w starym stylu, dzięki kt?rej zapomnisz wszelkie inne metody jakie wykorzystywałeś do tej pory! NOTA BENE: OST™ to program przeznaczony wyłącznie dla kulturyst?w z… jajami oraz ciężarowc?w, kt?rzy chcą osiągnąć absolutny szczyt możliwości na jakie pozwala im własna genetyka. Drogi Czytelniku, nazywamy się Oreste Maria Petrillo & Francesco Schipani i zajmujemy się indywidualnymi programami treningowymi, kulturystyką oraz podnoszeniem ciężar?w. Nie zamierzamy marnować Twojego czasu. Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że poszukujesz prostego i skutecznego rozwiązania na zwiększenie masy mięśniowej oraz rzeźby i tak się szczęśliwie składa, że mamy dokładnie to czego szukasz. Właśnie skończyliśmy pracę nad naszym nowym super kursem w trakcie kt?rego przedstawimy Ci w jaki spos?b możesz wykorzystać metody używane przez ciężarowc?w z przeszłości: The Secret Book Of Old School Training. M?wiąc bardziej szczeg?łowo, oto czego możesz dowiedzieć się z naszej książki: – W jaki spos?b przezwyciężyć prawdopodobnie największą (często nie do przezwyciężenia) przeszkodę na jaką trafiają początkujący ciężarowcy, starający się nałożyć coraz więcej krążk?w na sztangę i zwiększyć obw?d swojego bicepsa; – Co zrobić kiedy trafisz na okres stagnacji w trakcie programu (jeśli zechcesz ją zignorować to na własne ryzyko). – Dowiesz się też dlaczego większość tych, kt?rzy pr?bują zwiększyć siłę i masę mięśniową ponosi porażkę oraz jak właściwie trenować, żeby do nich nie dołączyć. – Poznasz słynną technikę „5x5” – potężną i szybką metodę na osiągnięcie niewiarygodnych rezultat?w. – 3 rzeczy kt?re koniecznie musisz wiedzieć aby skutecznie trenować. Wszystko to i wiele innych rzeczy! Dobra wiadomość jest taka, że wcale nie musisz rozbić banku aby mieć dostęp do wszystkich powyższych informacji; ciągle możesz skorzystać z naszej promocyjnej ceny premierowej… jedynie €25! Dlaczego tylko tyle? Prawdę m?wiąc, cena powinna być znacznie wyższa. Mamy jednak swoje powody dla kt?rych zdecydowaliśmy się na tak niską cenę. Mianowicie, to pierwszy raz kiedy udostępniamy ten materiał szerszemu gronu czytelnik?w, dlatego w ten spos?b będziemy mogli się zorientować jaki jest popyt i zapotrzebowanie na nasz program treningowy. Kiedy tylko będziemy mieli rozeznanie w temacie, będziemy mogli znacznie podnieść cenę książki. Chcemy także zadziwić Cię jakością oferowanych usług i informacji abyś opowiadał o nich wszystkim znajomym. Nie ma na to lepszego sposobu niż udostępnienie Ci rozwiązania Twoich problem?w praktycznie za darmo. Dobrze wiemy, że najprostszym sposobem na sprzedaż większej ilości książek jest zaoferowanie wielokrotnie większej wartości i jakości, niż w innych książkach dostępnych z tej samej p?łki cenowej. Właśnie dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się także na kr?tko udostępnić nasz dodatkowy i ekskluzywny bonus: „Zapytaj o to czego nie zrozumiałeś”. Wystarczy wysłać nam zwykłą wiadomość e-mail na adres successovm@gmail.com, a my odpowiemy na wszelkie Twoje wątpliwości. Pamiętaj jednak, że oferta obowiązuje co najwyżej trzy zapytania na każdy zakupiony egzemplarz książki i wyłącznie dla pierwszych 10 sprzedanych egzemplarzy. To tak jakbyś miał trenera do Twojej dyspozycji zupełnie za darmo! "

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788893987721


#SEKTA. Путь к идеальному телу. Истории до и после
#SEKTA. Путь к идеальному телу. Истории до и после

Автор: Ольга Маркес

Школа Идеального Тела #SEKTA – это не просто уникальная методика по изменению пищевых привычек и программа тренировок, по которым ежедневно занимаются более 200 000 человек. Это растущее сообщество, подкованное научной практикой, которое выросло из блога в Живом Журнале до многочисленных филиалов по России и дистанционных практик за рубежом. #SEKTA объединила самых разных людей, истории которых трогают: падения и взлеты, сомнения и уверенность – каждый из них прошел путь настоящего воина, изменивший множество жизней. Дисциплина и нравственность всегда идут рука об руку. Ты начинаешь с себя, и мир вокруг тебя меняется. Но это не простой путь, не каждому хватает сил идти по нему. Одному это делать сложно. Сложно каждый день находить в себе мотивацию продолжать, сложно разобраться во всем огромном объеме информации. Именно поэтому, несмотря на расстояние, все эти люди стали большой семьей и поддержкой друг для друга. Каждый, кто обрел этот опыт, никогда о нем не забудет. Возможно, именно с этой книги начнутся перемены и в тебе. В формате pdf A4 сохранен издательский дизайн.

Серия: Звезда Рунета

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-17-090824-0


#SEKTA. Школа Идеального тела. История не про тело
#SEKTA. Школа Идеального тела. История не про тело

Автор: Ольга Маркес

#SEKTA – это не просто сообщество со своими правилами, это настоящая самая дружная семья в мире. Где вас поддержат, где вам помогут ровно настолько, насколько вы хотите. Смотивируют ровно на столько, насколько вы готовы быть мотивированными. Как родилась идея создания «Секты», с чего все начиналось, как развивалось?.. Кто были самыми первыми «сектантами», кто проверял первые дневники питания? История создания проекта, все трудности, с которыми пришлось столкнуться. Правила и основные положения «Школы идеального тела», которые позволят вам обрести свое идеальное тело, а также семью, которая вас поддержит на пути к его обретению.

Серия: Звезда Рунета

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-17-089388-1


Self Massage: The complete 15-minute-a-day massage programme
Self Massage: The complete 15-minute-a-day massage programme

Автор: Jacqueline Young

Self Massage is simple and effective self-care programme which can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.Just 15 minutes a day will prepare your body and mind for any stresses and strains ahead. This book will show you how to:Increase vitality• Relieve tiredness• Aid relaxation• Build up good health• Relieve common ailments• Ease neck and back painFully illustrated with photos and line drawings – this is a clear step-by-step guide to self-massage.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007502073


Shaolin Kempo
Shaolin Kempo

Автор: Roland Czerni

Chinesisches Karate im Drachenstil Der 1928 in der Mongolei als Spro? eines uralten Adelsgeschlechts geborene und heute in den Niederlanden lebende Dschero Khan Chen Tao (Adoptivname Gerald Karel Meijers) entwickelte auf Grundlage seiner Erfahrungen mit chinesischen und japanischen Kampfk?nsten ein eigenes Kampfkunstsystem, das Shaolin Kempo. Er ging u.a. bei chinesischen M?nchen in die Lehre und pflegte Kontakte zu japanischen Meistern wie Gogen Yamaguchi (Goju Ryu) und Nakano Michiomi («So Doshin»), Gr?nder des Shorinji Kempo. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Shaolin Kempo werden s?mtliche Techniken bis zum 1. Meistergrad vorgestellt, einschlie?lich der Blocktechniken bzw. Blockformen, die erst in j?ngerer Vergangenheit Eingang in diesen Stil gefunden haben. Damit ist das Buch ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk f?r all jene, die sich auf eine G?rtelpr?fung vorbereiten wollen. Die in Wort und Bild dargestellten Techniken sind Bestandteil des Unterrichts- und Pr?fungsstoffes f?r die Graduierungspr?fungen der Fachschaft Shaolin Kempo innerhalb der Wushu Federation Deutschland. Dar?ber hinaus bietet das Buch aufgrund der effektiven und praxisnahen Techniken interessante Anregungen f?r Kampfsportler anderer asiatischer Stilrichtungen.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783938305256


Shredz guide
Shredz guide

Автор: Павел Смирнов

This book is addressed to everyone who wants to get fit muscles and take the most out of their body, but also for those who are just about to unleash their potential. It contains excellent methodological principles with which you will achieve excellent results, and a step-by-step training plan, scheduled by day, will allow you to fully concentrate on the process.Note:The administration of the Litres website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Si era dicha o dolor
Si era dicha o dolor

Автор: Roberto Ram?rez Flores

En 2018, Para?so Perdido en conjunto con La D?cima Letra (editorial independiente especializada en literatura de diversidad sexual) lanzaron la convocatoria abierta «Si era dicha o dolor»,en la cual se solicitaban textos que abordaran de manera clara la cuesti?n del primer amor desde la perspectiva de las sexualidades no hegem?nicas. De esta manera llegaron ciento catorce cuentos que celebraban jubilosa e incluso pesarosamente, la emoci?n de j?venes gays, lesbianas o trans al enfrentarse por primera vez al misterio del primer enamoramiento. El comit? de selecci?n estuvo compuesto por: Ernesto Res?ndiz Oiki?n, Gabriela Torres Cuerva y Luis Mart?n Ulloa. Fueron elegidos los cuentos que aqu? presentamos. Diez autores de diversas regiones del pa?s: Jalisco, Oaxaca, CDMX, Sinaloa, Durango y Michoac?n. De diferentes formaciones y profesiones, edades y estilos, a trav?s de sus textos nos descubren las muy diversas v?as en las que se vive el amor primero.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9786078646524


Sidney Sheldon’s After the Darkness
Sidney Sheldon’s After the Darkness

Автор: Сидни Шелдон

Glamour and suspense in the bestselling Sidney Sheldon novel from the international superstar Tilly Bagshawe.Grace Brookstein is the beautiful, young, and naive wife of financial superstar, Leonard Brookstein.In 2009 the US stock market goes into a terrifying freefall, and the public want someone to blame.Oblivious and seemingly unscathed, Grace continues her charmed life, until the death of Lenny in a tragic ‘accident’ forces her to face reality. His financial affairs unravel, revealing expensive crimes, and now Grace is in the frame.Exposing a spiralling web of vicious lies and well-planned deceit, she soon puts her own life in danger.Grace is alone, angry, and desperate for revenge.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007352388


Skier - La Methode d auto apprentissage
Skier - La Methode d'auto apprentissage

Автор: Siegfried Rudel

Un livre id?al pour apprendre skier rapidement et facilement. "Definiertes Timing' ouvre des possibilit?s uniques de d?velopper le propre mouvement. Un systeme psycho-physique unique dans le monde, Une m?thode qui arrive de d?velopper le jeu pour d?butants et avanc?s dans chaque niveau. Une partie th?orique et pratique d?crit la m?thode et les exercices du programme d'apprentissage.
touch Compatible iPad, iPhone et iPod N?cessite iPhone OS 2.2 ou version ult?rieure

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783000332012


Sky’s the Limit: Wiggins and Cavendish: The Quest to Conquer the Tour de France
Sky’s the Limit: Wiggins and Cavendish: The Quest to Conquer the Tour de France

Автор: Richard Moore

On Sunday 22 July, Bradley Wiggins became the first British rider ever to win the Tour de France. It was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication and a vision begun with the creation of Team Sky. This is the inside story of that journey to greatness.On Sunday 22 July, Bradley Wiggins became the first British rider ever to win the Tour de France. It was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication and a vision begun with the creation of Team Sky. This is the inside story of that journey to greatness.Sky’s the Limit follows the gestation and birth of a brand new road racing team, which is the first British team to compete in the Tour de France since 1987. Team Sky, as it is known, since it is to be backed by the satellite broadcaster Sky, set out on the road to Tour de France glory in January 2010.With exclusive behind-the-scenes access and interviews, Sky’s the Limit follows the management and riders as they embark on their journey – from their first training camp and team presentation in December 2009, all the way to the moment that Bradley Wiggins achieved what many had long thought impossible: a British rider from a British team winning the Tour de France.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007450121


Sleep Disorders in Neurology
Sleep Disorders in Neurology

Автор: Paul Reading

Formulate treatment plans with confidence when you consult Sleep Disorders in Neurology, a helpful overview of both common and rare neurological disorders that are frequently accompanied by significant sleep disturbances. This concise guide explains when to consult a sleep specialist in managing a particular sleep disorder and draws on the expertise of neurologists who specialize in the disorders under discussion. This practical guide is fully illustrated and easily digested, providing a counterpoint to large encyclopedic reference volumes. The authors take you from history taking and diagnostic testing, to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options, and are joined by disease sub-specialists in the chapters on disease specific sleep disturbances and the effects of common neurological medications on sleep. This book is essential for sleep medicine specialists, as well as for clinicians and health care professionals not specifically trained in sleep medicine, but who nevertheless need to manage neurologically damaged patients with increasingly recognized sleep-wake disturbances.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781444315165


Sleep: The secret to sleeping well and waking refreshed
Sleep: The secret to sleeping well and waking refreshed

Автор: Prof. Idzikowski Chris

This one-stop practical guide will show you how to get a good night’s sleep. With practical tips and advice throughout to make your progress easier.Do you have problems getting to sleep? Are you a fitful sleeper? Do you wake up feeling tired?You’re not alone. One in three Britons suffers from some kind of sleep disorder.This book provides a variety of personalised solutions for you to try, ranging from changes in behaviour to natural and orthodox treatments and techniques.Contents include: the science of sleep; assisting sleep; babies and children; work, rest and play; lifestyle and environment; ageing; overcoming sleep disorders.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007362493


Small Business Taxes For Dummies
Small Business Taxes For Dummies

Автор: Eric Tyson

Get your taxes right the first time and save $  If you run a small business, you’ve likely got more work than you already feel able to handle. The last thing you need is to be running around trying to figure out your taxes at the last minute. So, if you need a hands-on guide to small business taxes that doesn’t mess around, look no further than  Small Business Taxes For Dummies.  In this book, nationally recognized personal finance expert Eric Tyson clearly and concisely delivers the best methods to save on your taxes and make the process as easy as possible. You’ll get the latest info about all the newest tax deductions and credits (including COVID-19-related breaks), as well as location-specific incentives and other little-known tips.  You’ll also find:  Expanded discussions of new retirement account options for small business owners The latest advice on how to deal with online and software tax prep and filing options to make life easier at tax time Explorations of likely new changes coming A can’t-miss resource for small business owners, managers, and employees,  Small Business Taxes For Dummies  is the book to help you make sure you don’t pay more than you need to pay at tax time!

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119861164


Soccer / Футбол. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов вузов физической культуры, обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавров «Физическая культура»
Soccer / Футбол. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов вузов физической культуры, обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавров «Физическая культура»

Автор: Группа авторов

В учебном пособии в доступной форме предлагается знакомство с лексикой избранного вида спорта, предлагается большое количество лексико-грамматических, переводческих упражнений и заданий для самоконтроля. Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов вузов физической культуры, а также аспирантов и магистрантов.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-906839-08-4


Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies
Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies

Автор: Майкл Льюис

Soccer basics in a day? Easy. Do you get a kick out of soccer, but need to brush up your knowledge on the key elements of the game? Look no further! Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies quickly brings you up to speed on one of the most popular sports in the world. From essential information on the sport to expert coverage of the game's rules, regulations, and players, this book provides invaluable insight to new and veteran fans alike. The essential information you need to understand and enjoy soccer Expert coverage of the game's rules and regulations Helpful breakdowns of soccer positions and their roles in offense and defense Online component takes readers beyond the book with bonus content and features Get set to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge in no time!

Цена: 457.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118376652


Sombra Da Morte (Livro 8 Com Encaderna??o Do Sangue)
Sombra Da Morte (Livro 8 Com Encaderna??o Do Sangue)

Автор: Amy Blankenship

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835404170


Soy Tu Hombre Del Saco
Soy Tu Hombre Del Saco

Автор: T. M. Bilderback

Alguien… o algo… est? asesinando a la gente en el condado de Sardis. Alguien… o algo… est? asesinando a la gente en el condado de Sardis. El comisario Billy Napier y el inspector Alan Blake est?n haciendo todo lo posible para encontrar al asesino antes de que alguien m?s sea v?ctima del ”Descuartizador de Sardis”. ?Cu?l es el mayor obst?culo? El equipo forense no encuentra ning?n rastro. Katie Montgomery Blake y su t?a, Margo Sardis, est?n tratando de ayudar, pero a?n no han tenido ?xito. Carol Grace Montgomery y Mary Smalls han hecho un descubrimiento… ?y ese descubrimiento aumenta la magia en el condado de Sardis! Adem?s, algunos reci?n llegados al condado de Sardis ofrecen su ayuda para encontrar al asesino, aunque tienen un secreto. ?Este secreto tendr? algo que ver con el padre de los hijos de Phoebe Smalls Napier? ?O solo se trata de m?s magia? Desc?brelo en la alucinante cuarta novela de suspenso de T.M. Bilderback sobre el condado de Sardis: ?Soy tu hombre del saco – Una historia del condado de Sardis!

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9788835426936


Special Handball Practice 1 - Step-by-step training of a 3-2-1 defense system
Special Handball Practice 1 - Step-by-step training of a 3-2-1 defense system

Автор: J?rg Madinger

The 3-2-1 defense system is an excellent strategy to put the attacking players under pressure in their initial actions. This often results in quick turnovers and fast breaks. However, a good basic fitness as well as a thorough 1-on-1 defense training are prerequisite for this. To make your youth training comprehensive, include practicing the 3-2-1 defense system as a mandatory element. As in each volume of the handball-uebungen.de series, this book has its focus on practical exercises which can be integrated in each handball training unit. Get inspired, learn how to develop a 3-2-1 defense system, and don’t forget to be creative on your own! A short theoretical introduction to the general training schedule will help you to integrate training units into your own annual schedule.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783956412219


Specials: Based on the BBC TV Drama Series: The complete novels in one volume
Specials: Based on the BBC TV Drama Series: The complete novels in one volume

Автор: Brian Degas

This novel, based on the groundbreaking BBC TV drama series, shows how it takes both guts and a sense of humour to become a part-time policeman. It was adapted by the series’ creators from all twelve episodes, four of which are published here for the first time.‘You’ll learn what it’s like out there in the streets, and we’ll learn whether you’re competent to wear the uniform.’From nine to five, they are like the rest of us. Come the twilight, they don the blue uniform with pride, and volunteer their spare time to share the night vigil of the Bobby on the beat.BOB LOACH, a partner in a coach tour business, is ‘all grease and few graces’, with an ambition to be the first millionaire Special. ANJALI SHA is an NHS physiotherapist who treads the minefield of conflicting traditions: ‘My family think it’s a bad business for a well brought-up Hindu girl to prowl the streets at night with a man.’ JOHN REDWOOD is a solicitor with an unshakable belief in the decency of his fellow-man. VIV SMITH is a young bank clerk: ‘It might come as a surprise to you, Sarge, but not all women come with a built-in maternal expertise of how to deal with kids.’ And FREDDY CALDER, an overweight salesman of ladies’ lingerie, conceals a shy and sentimental heart under a brash exterior.Five ordinary people whose commitment makes them extraordinary.

Цена: 1766.51 руб.
ISBN: 9780008260606


Spieltage - Die andere Geschichte der Bundesliga (gek?rzt)
Spieltage - Die andere Geschichte der Bundesliga (gek?rzt)

Автор: Ronald Reng

Ein H?rbuch wie ein unwiderstehliches Dribbling: Als Spieler, Trainer, Sportdirektor und Talentej?ger ist Heinz H?her einer der ganz wenigen, die in 50 Jahren Bundesliga immer dabei waren. Mit ihm brechen wir 1963 in eine Liga auf, in der die Zigarren der Pr?sidenten zur Halbzeit in der Kabine qualmten. Er hat Ronald Reng von der Sch?nheit und den Gaunereien des Fu?balls erz?hlt, vom Leben der Spielerfrauen, von Vereinsf?rsten und Trainerlegenden. Und auch davon, wie aus der biederen Liga das hochprofessionelle Unternehmen Bundesliga wurde. Bestsellerautor Ronald Reng ist eine famose Kulturgeschichte ?ber die Deutschen und ihr sch?nstes Spiel gelungen. Ronald Reng, geboren 1970 in Frankfurt, lebt als Sportreporter und Schriftsteller in M?nchen. Sein Buch Der Traumh?ter, das mitrei?ende Portr?t eines unbekannten Torwarts, erreichte ?ber die Fu?ballgemeinde hinaus eine gro?e literarische Leserschaft. Seine Biografie ?ber den verstorbenen Torwart Robert Enke stand zehn Wochen unter den Top 5 der Spiegel-Bestsellerliste. Sie wurde von Matthias Brandt f?r tacheles! / ROOF Music eingelesen. "Spieltage" ist Fu?ballbuch des Jahres und erh?lt Deutschen Fu?ball-Kulturpreis 2013

Исполнители: Christian Ulmen

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783864843617


Spirulina & Hlorella – суперпродукты будущего
Spirulina & Hlorella – суперпродукты будущего

Автор: Вадим Лучинин

Какой суперпродукт обеспечивает в двенадцать раз больше легко усваиваемого полноценного белка, чем говядина. Как Спирулина способствовала подвергающимся радиации людям полному восстановлению. Факты о том, как благодаря Спирулине, уменьшается потребность в инсулине у больных диабетом I типа до 40-50 %. Почему эти продукты называют «идеальной едой». Неужели Хлорелла и Спирулина содержат больше кальция, чем молоко. Администрация сайта litres не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, перед применением необходима консультация специалиста.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2019


Sports Psychology For Dummies
Sports Psychology For Dummies

Автор: Leif H. Smith

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119856009


Squeezing the Orange
Squeezing the Orange

Автор: Henry Blofeld

The quintessentially English cricket commentator, writer, oenophile, bon viveur, collector and national treasure, fondly known as “Blowers”, tells his riveting life story.Born in Norfolk and educated at Eton and Cambridge, Henry Calthorpe Blofeld OBE, nicknamed “Blowers” by the late Brian Johnston, is best known as a cricket commentator for Test Match Special on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra. His distinctively rich, cut glass voice and his vividly eccentric observations of life on and off the pitch, have made him a household name, not only in Britain but around the world, wherever cricket is played. Blowers has been close the the heart of the game for over fifty years and his career has taken him to the far corners of the earth. This autobiography, stuffed to the gunwhales with delicious anecdotes, brings his astonishingly colourful story bang up to date.

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780007506415


Stafford Gambit
Stafford Gambit

Автор: Наталья Рябова

This book is about one of the most aggressive chess gambits, the Stafford Gambit.The book deals with the theoretical aspects of the opening, as well as training and playing games.

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 9785006004986


Stan: Tackling My Demons
Stan: Tackling My Demons

Автор: Stan Collymore

The searingly honest and at times harrowing autobiography of the former Liverpool, Aston Villa and England striker. Exposes the dark and often seedy world hidden behind the glamorous facade of professional football.‘I was a mess. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t structure my day properly. I couldn’t face having a shower or getting dressed. Those all seemed like major events I didn’t want to confront.’Once the most charismatic and expensive player in the new Premiership flooded with cash, Stan Collymore had, by the age of 28, booked himself into The Priory to treat his depression, close to self-destruction and unable to get his head round playing at all.Along the way, he had been the goalscorer nobody wanted to congratulate, the centre-forward no one knew how to manage, a deeply reluctant star in a tabloid culture that saw him make the front pages as often as the back, and that waited for him to crack up or lash out. When he eventually did, it was, infamously, inevitably, at his then celebrity girlfriend, Ulrika Jonsson.But then retired from football in 2001 and finding himself in the commentary box, he proved he did care about the game, rather too much perhaps, sounding like a fan as much as an ex-player – and at a stroke he had more in common with the rest of the nation. He knew it was all so much more than a game, and what happened on the field was only a reflection of what was going on inside players’ heads.The contradictions remain. A man, who had a steady stream of celebrity women falling at his feet, shamed by his voyeurism in a Cannock car park; a star with everything who was once discovered by his wife tightening a belt around his neck; a loving dad of two whose own father walked out of the marital home and who Collymore continues to blot from his memory to this day; a footballer who abstains from drugs, yet who needs therapy at Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous; the loner slated for his aloofness who found critical acclaim as a football pundit on national prime-time radio.This is Stan Collymore’s own life story, the real person on his flawed character and personal demons, telling it like you have never seen before – raw and uncut.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007551019


Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy
Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy

Автор: Sara Douglass

Epic fantasy in the tradition of Trudi Canavan, Fiona McIntosh and Robert Jordan. StarMan concludes the first Tencendor trilogy with an unexpected and glorious climax.Weakened by their terrible encounter with Borneheld’s men, Axis and his army are forced to march north as Gorgrael breaks through Jervois Landing and invades Tencendor with ice and terror. But under a sky black with Gryphon, Axis discovers that he’s confronting a seemingly invincible enemy.As the Prophecy of the Destroyer hurtles towards fulfilment, Azhure and StarDrifter unravel the mysteries of the Island of Mist and Memory, where they finally confront WolfStar; Faraday moves east to replant the ancient forests of Tencendor; and the Sentinels begin a lonely journey planned for them thousands of years ago.Enveloping all looms the promise of treachery – treachery that threatens to strike into the very heart of Axis and Azhure’s family.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007370559


Step-by-step development of initial actions after a fast throw-off (TU 19)
Step-by-step development of initial actions after a fast throw-off (TU 19)

Автор: J?rg Madinger

The objective of this training unit is to develop a simple initial action after a fast throw-off. Following warm-up and a coordination run exercise, the players practice the basics during the ball familiarization phase and the goalkeeper warm-up shooting. During the three subsequent exercises, the players further develop the running and passing paths and eventually combine them in order to create an initial action. In the closing game, the players implement what they practiced before.
The training unit consists of the following key exercises: – Warm-up/Stretching (individual exercise: 10 minutes/total time: 10 minutes) – Coordination run (10/20) – Ball familiarization (10/30) – Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/40) – Offense/Small groups (10/50) – Offense/Team (15/65) – Offense/Team (15/80) – Closing game (10/90) Training unit total time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: High level (youth teams under 17 years of age and adult teams)

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783956412820


Stretching For Dummies
Stretching For Dummies

Автор: LaReine Chabut

Did you long ago learn to fear and dread stretching because of overbearing P.E. teachers who forced you to touch your toes? It doesn't have to be that way anymore. Stretching is a powerful tool that can bring you new ease of movement, an increase in your physical capabilities, and deep composure that requires you to do nothing more than breathe. You can always have access to it—and best of all, it's free! Stretching for Dummies shows you that stretching is actually easy to do—and reveals how you can reap the amazing benefits of stretching anywhere, anytime. It explains in simple terms how you can stand taller, look thinner, keep stress from getting the best of you, keep your muscles from feeling achy, and nip injuries in the bud. You'll discover: The why’s, where’s, when’s, and how’s of letting loose and snapping back How to keep from hurting yourself The benefits of stretching with a partner How to target specific areas: such as head, shoulders, knees, and toes The art of breathing correctly How to use stretching to sooth lower back pain Stretches to start and end your day right Stretches you can do at your desk Stretches for various stages of life—including stretches for kids and seniors This easy-to-use reference also includes a list of ten surprising around-the house stretching accessories, along with ten common aches and pain that stretching can help. Regardless of how old or young you are, Stretching for Dummies will introduce you to a kinder and gentler form of flexibility that will reduce that nagging tension and tenderness in your muscles and truly make you feel good all over.

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470139912


Study Skills For Dummies
Study Skills For Dummies

Автор: Doreen Boulay du

Students need to learn to manage their time, organise their studies, understand, learn, and convey a lot of information – and they need to learn to do it quickly. Whether you’re fresh out of school, or a mature student returning to education, you now don’t need to feel alone! With Study Skills For Dummies, you'll be given the know-how and confidence to achieve consistent results every time – and a lack of preparation will become a thing of the past. Discover how to excel at: Note-taking, speed-reading and essay-writing Improving your memory, critical thinking and analysis Using the internet to supplement study Exam skills and developing the best learning strategy to fit your specific needs and abilities

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470748572


Supercritical Water
Supercritical Water

Автор: Yizhak Marcus

Discover the many new and emerging applications of supercritical water as a green solvent Drawing from thousands of original research articles, this book reviews and summarizes what is currently known about the properties and uses of supercritical water. In particular, it focuses on new and emerging applications of supercritical water as a green solvent, including the catalytic conversion of biomass into fuels and the oxidation of hazardous materials. Supercritical Water begins with an introduction that defines supercritical fluids in general. It then defines supercritical water in particular, using the saturation curve to illustrate its relationship to regular water. Following this introduction, the book: Describes the bulk macroscopic properties of supercritical water, using equations of state to explain temperature-pressure-density relationships Examines supercritical water's molecular properties, setting forth the latest experimental data as well as computer simulations that shed new light on structure and dynamics Explores the solubilities of gases, organic substances, salts, and ions in supercritical water in terms of the relevant phase equilibria Sets forth the practical uses of supercritical water at both small scales and full industrial scales Throughout the book, the author uses tables for at-a-glance reviews of key information. Summaries at the end of each chapter reinforce core principles, and references to original research and reviews serve as a gateway and guide to the extensive literature in the field. Supercritical Water is written for students and professionals in physical chemistry, chemistry of water, chemical engineering, and organic chemistry, interested in exploring the applications and properties of supercritical water.

Цена: 13476.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118310229


SUSE Linux 10 For Dummies
SUSE Linux 10 For Dummies

Автор: Naba Barkakati

Install SUSE Linux and take advantage of cool new tools Use OpenOffice.org, go online with Firefox?, set up a wireless LAN, and more SUSE Linux is gaining popularity everywhere, and you'll soon see why. This friendly guide will help you install and configure the newest version, then help you work with digital media, build a network, get acquainted with Firefox (the super-secure browser that has everybody excited),explore Skype and Linphone Internet phone services, and much more! Discover how to * Set up an Ethernet LAN with wireless access * Use the OpenOffice.org productivity suite * Read newsgroups and use instant messaging * Play music and burn CDs * Secure your SUSE system

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780471789680


Sustainable Development in the USA
Sustainable Development in the USA

Автор: Jean-Marc Zaninetti

After WWII, the United States of America proposed their way of life, based on an unlimited consumption of land, goods, and energy, as a model for the entire world. Nowadays, this expansionist model has reached its limits. This book provides a comprehensive study of the geographical basis of the American settlements, assuming that part of the U.S. overshooting is related to geography because of harsh climates and the continental size of the Nation, but another part is the result of a cultural habits of expansion and segregation. Urban Sprawl, for instance, is the real Achille's heel of America, because it challenges the cultural revolution required by sustainability. From the continental physiography to the New Orleans – Katrina case, this book explores these issues with maps and charts created with the help of a nationwide multiscalar GIS.

Цена: 13034.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780470610428


Sweetpea: The most unique and gripping thriller of 2017
Sweetpea: The most unique and gripping thriller of 2017

Автор: C.J. Skuse

Shortlisted for the CrimeFest Last Laugh Award 2018‘If you like your thrillers darkly comic and outrageous this ticks all the boxes’ The SunThe last person who called me ‘Sweetpea’ ended up dead…I haven’t killed anyone for three years and I thought that when it happened again I’d feel bad. Like an alcoholic taking a sip of whisky. But no. Nothing. I had a blissful night’s sleep. Didn’t wake up at all. And for once, no bad dream either. This morning I feel balanced. Almost sane, for once.Rhiannon is your average girl next door, settled with her boyfriend and little dog…but she’s got a killer secret.Although her childhood was haunted by a famous crime, Rhinannon’s life is normal now that her celebrity has dwindled. By day her job as an editorial assistant is demeaning and unsatisfying. By evening she dutifully listens to her friend’s plans for marriage and babies whilst secretly making a list.A kill list.From the man on the Lidl checkout who always mishandles her apples, to the driver who cuts her off on her way to work, to the people who have got it coming, Rhiannon’s ready to get her revenge.Because the girl everyone overlooks might be able to get away with murder…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780008216696


Taking le Tiss
Taking le Tiss

Автор: Matt Tissier Le

The fascinating, insightful and at times hilarious memoirs of one of the most gifted and enigmatic British footballers of the last 25 years.Nicknamed «Le God» by the Southampton faithful, Matt Le Tissier was not cast from the same mould as 99% of other professional footballers. A real «one-off» if ever there was one, he was a one-club man in a 16-year career that brought little in the way of trophies but countless plaudits from footballs fans and commentators alike.To the old school brigade he was a «luxury player», someone with a less than ideal work rate and waistline who simply wouldn't conform to the blueprint of a typically hard-working, unsophisticated British player. Terry Venables and Glenn Hoddle found it all too easy to leave him out of their England squads.But to the vast majority Le Tissier was a maverick to be treasured, a flair player who lit up every match he played in and delighted fans with his sumptuous technique and ?lan for the beautiful game. In fact, the kind of skilful, inventive player and scorer of wonderful goals this country produces all too rarely.Did he simply enjoy the comfort zone of being a big fish in a small pond? Or did he display commendable loyalty in staying with Southampton for his entire career? Did he shun opportunities to move on? Were England managers right not to pick him so many times? Would Fabio Capello pick him for England now? Does the British game discourage his style of play? And how much would he be worth in today's transfer market?Taking Le Tiss is the great man's first chance to answer all these questions and many more. It is also a delightfully self-deprecating and witty story from a player who was more of a Big-Mac-and-fries than a chicken-and-beans man.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007341085


Talking Science
Talking Science

Автор: Adam Hart-Davis

Adam Hart Davis has interviewed some of the most influential scientists and thinkers of our time. In this fascinating insight into modern science he presents the stories behind the science, the difficulties behind the discoveries and the future of the findings, as explained by the people themselves. Adam Hart Davis talks with: Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Bath, UK) Sir Michael Berry (Bristol, UK) Colleen Cavanaugh (Harvard, US) Richard Dawkins (Oxford, UK) . Loren Graham (MIT, US) Richard Gregory (Bristol, UK) Eric Lander (MIT, US) Lord May of Oxford (UK) John Maynard Smith (Sussex, UK) Rosalind Picard (MIT, US) Peter Raven (St Louis, US) Sir Martin Rees (Cambridge, UK) Eugenie Scott (Oakland, US) Lewis Wolpert (UCL, UK)

Цена: 4418.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470093030


Teach Yourself VISUALLY Crochet
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Crochet

Автор: Cecily Keim

The visual way to get hooked on crochet The art of crocheting is timeless-and its popularity is evident in the surge of modern, sophisticated techniques like amigurumi and Tunisian crochet. So if you yearn for the skills to join this crafting revolution, this easy-to-follow guide is for you! With new patterns and even more techniques explained step by step, this updated edition is your go-to guide for learning how to crochet. Concise, two-page lessons show you all the steps to a skill and are ideal for quick review Detailed color photos demonstrate each step and helpful tips provide additional guidance New patterns, more techniques, and refreshed interior design Packed with tons of step-by-step instructions and fun, innovative patterns, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Crochet, 2nd Edition, gives you the tools you need to create one-of-a-kind crochet projects that will add handmade flair to your home and wardrobe.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118004944


Teaching Kids to Spell For Dummies
Teaching Kids to Spell For Dummies

Автор: Tracey Wood

Filled with enjoyable spelling activities and exercises The fun and easy way? to help your K-5th grader become an A+ speller If you want to make spelling easier for your child or boost spelling skills and confidence, you've come to the right place. Veteran reading specialist Tracey Wood gives you tips, games, exercises, word lists, and memory aids to help your child build solid spelling know-how. Her techniques are fun, fast, and effective, and best of all, they're not boring! Discover how to * Mix spelling practice with reading and writing * Spell short and long vowel words * Make spelling easier with word families * Gain insight into «sight» words * Break spelling into syllable chunks

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780471750956


Tennis - La methode d auto apprentissage
Tennis - La methode d'auto apprentissage

Автор: Siegfried Rudel

Un livre id?al pour apprendre le tennis rapidement et facilement. "Definiertes Timing' ouvre des possibilit?s uniques de d?velopper le propre mouvement. Un systeme psycho-physique unique dans le monde, Une m?thode qui arrive de d?velopper le jeu pour d?butants et avanc?s dans chaque niveau. Une partie th?orique et pratique d?crit la m?thode et les exercices du programme d'apprentissage.
touch Compatible iPad, iPhone et iPod N?cessite iPhone OS 2.2 ou version ult?rieure Web:

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783000332043


Tennis Player Physical Training Guide. Power is added only by the use of force
Tennis Player Physical Training Guide. Power is added only by the use of force

Автор: Vladimir Ivanovich Ivanov

Knowledge of the patterns of how strength, speed, agility and endurance are acquired will be useful to readers. Many people want to know why regular training on the court adds strength and speed to technical elements very slowly. The book also describes the role of the vestibular apparatus and how to overcome its resistance to learning. This phenomenon was not previously known to either coaches or physiologists. Vladimir Ivanov, 2019.

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005654311


Testing ASP.NET Web Applications
Testing ASP.NET Web Applications

Автор: Jeff McWherter

A unique resource that combines all aspects of Web testing and makes it completely specific to ASP.NET As Microsoft's key Web technology for creating dynamic, data-driven Web sites and Web applications, ASP.NET is incredibly popular. This is the first book to combine several testing topics and make them specific to ASP.NET. The author duo of Microsoft MVPs covers both the test-driven development approach and the specifics of automated user interface testing; performance, load, and stress testing; accessibility testing; and security testing. This definitive guide walks you through the many testing pitfalls you might experience when developing ASP.NET applications. The authors explain the fundamental concepts of testing and demystify all the correct actions you need to consider and the tools that are available so that you may successfully text your application. Author duo of Microsoft MVPs offer a unique resource: a combination of several testing topics and making them specific to ASP.NET, Microsoft's key Web technology for creating dynamic, data-driven Web sites and applications Guides you through the many testing pitfalls you may experience when developing ASP.NET applications Reviews the fundamental concepts of testing and walks you through the various tools and techniques available and for successfully testing an application Discusses several different types of testing: acceptance, stress, accessibility, and security Examines various testing tools, such as nUnit, VS test suite, WCAT, Selenium, Fiddler, Firebug, and more This one-of-a-kind resource will help you become proficient in successfull application testing.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470588949


TEXT + KRITIK 230 - Loriot
TEXT + KRITIK 230 - Loriot

Автор: Группа авторов

Vicco von B?low (1923–2011) etablierte sich mit dem K?nstlernamen Loriot – der franz?sischen Entsprechung des Vogels Pirol, dem Wappentier der Familie B?low – und galt als Deutschlands gr??ter Humorist. In Loriots Sketch «Literaturkritik» pr?sentiert ein n?selnder Feuilletonist den neuen Bahnfahrplan als aufregendste Neuerscheinung der Frankfurter Buchmesse: Mit Nachdruck weist er darauf hin, dass das Werk in keinem B?cherschrank fehlen solle. Welche Folgen dieser Aufruf f?r die Breitenwirkung des Fahrplanheftes der Deutschen Bahn hatte, ist nicht bekannt. Loriots Karikaturen, Sketche und Filme hingegen erfreuen sich einer nicht unerheblichen Verbreitung in B?cherregalen und DVD-Schr?nken, Programmpl?nen und im Internet.
Die Beitr?ge des Heftes fragen nach Ort und Funktion des Werks von Vicco von B?low in der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaft und in der Geschichte der komischen Kunst. Sie analysieren die Kritik, die er an seiner Gegenwart ge?bt hat, und die Art und Weise, wie diese inszeniert wird – in der Darstellung von kommunikativem Verhalten, mit den Mitteln des Zeichners oder durch zahlreiche Anspielungen und Querverweise in den Sketchen. Nicht zuletzt vermessen sie Loriots R?ume, gehen mit ihm in die Oper und kommen am Ende auf den Hund.


Цена: 2366.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783967074895


TGym – яркий путь к совершенству: все, что нужно для создания здорового и красивого тела своей мечты
TGym – яркий путь к совершенству: все, что нужно для создания здорового и красивого тела своей мечты

Автор: Татьяна Федорищева

Проект TGym предназначен для тех, кто хочет угадать верную дорогу к достижению цели и добиться осязаемого результата – создать тело своей мечты! Только в симбиозе тренировок, сбалансированного (но не ограничивающего!) питания и четкой программы работы со своим организмом вы сможете исполнить все планы и изменить фигуру и внешность. Основываясь на подсказках и программах упражнений, данных в книге, вы сможете разработать свой проект усовершенствования физической подготовки и научитесь чувствовать свое тело, понимать его процессы и использовать законы, по которым оно естественно функционирует. А помогут вам в этом правила сбалансированного питания, экскурс в диетологию, сплит-программы на неделю, базовые и специализированные упражнения. И при работе над собой помните – нет невыполнимых задач! Ваши цели ограничиваются лишь собственным желанием и упорством! В формате pdf.a4 сохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Звезда YouTube

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-17-098720-7


The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body
The 21 Day Blast Plan: Lose weight, lose inches, gain strength and reboot your body

Автор: Annie Deadman

Hello! My name is Annie Deadman and I’m the proud creator of the 21 Day Blast Plan, a three week healthy eating and fitness programme that kicks your sweet tooth into touch, calms your gut and leaves you with less fat and firmer muscles.Just so you know I’m not some fake who went “on a diet” once, found it worked and decided to flog it the masses; I’ve been running Annie Deadman Training for the last 15 years. I learnt so much from all my clients about their day-to-day issues, their food intolerances, their lack of time. Men and women were struggling to keep in shape (as well as retain some modicum of self-esteem) while managing a family and work, dishing up healthy meals and trying occasionally to come up for air.Personal training is expensive and I wanted to find a way of helping people get into shape without having to join a gym. I wanted to give them access to something that could help them break habits, get results, stay motivated and was sustainable with a family and work. I also wanted to offer something more: something a bit personal, that would entertain, but most importantly, be effective.So the 21 Day Blast Plan was born – an online plan that anyone can sign up to for less than the cost of an annual gym membership. The Blast Plan had some fantastic coverage recently in the national press and bang!…overnight a wonderful Blast community was created. And now I’m bringing the programme to you within the covers of this book so you too can experience the joy, enlightenment and results of the other Blasters.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780008259266


The 28-Day Gut Health Plan: Lose weight and feel better from the inside
The 28-Day Gut Health Plan: Lose weight and feel better from the inside

Автор: Jacqueline Whitehart

Get Gut Healthy, Eat Well, Eat DifferentMany modern Brits are struggling not only with their weight but also with a sensitive gut. Food intolerances and digestive problems are on the rise.The 28 Day Gut Health Plan is an innovative book explaining how our modern diet and reliance on processed foods has decimated the good bacteria in our gut. This is not a book of science, rather a dedicated and simple 28 day plan that anyone can follow to improve their gut health and lose weight.• Easy to follow 28 Day Plan• Good vs Bad Bacteria• Gut Health and Weight-loss Tracker• Tailored Recipes for the Programme With a practical and light-hearted approach, the Plan will be full of helpful tips and advice and packed with Jacqueline’s own fresh, healthy and delicious recipes.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780008268923


The 5:2 Bikini Diet: Over 140 Delicious Recipes That Will Help You Lose Weight, Fast! Includes Weekly Exercise Plan and Calorie Counter
The 5:2 Bikini Diet: Over 140 Delicious Recipes That Will Help You Lose Weight, Fast! Includes Weekly Exercise Plan and Calorie Counter

Автор: Jacqueline Whitehart

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007237661


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