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Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies
Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies

Автор: Jennie Kramer

Control binge eating and get on the path to recovery Overcoming Binge Eating for Dummies provides trusted information, resources, tools, and activities to help you and your loved ones understand your binge eating – and gain control over it. Written with compassion and authority, it uses stories and examples from the authors' work with clients they've helped to overcome this complicated disorder. In Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies, you'll find information and insight on identifying the symptoms of binge eating disorder, overcoming eating as an addiction, ways to overcome the urge to binge, how to institute a healthy eating pattern, ways to deal with anxiety and emotional eating, and much more. Provides professional resources for seeking additional help for binge eating Includes advice on talking with loved ones about binge eating Offers tips and guidance to establish a safe and healthy recovery plan Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies is for those currently suffering or recovering from BED, as well as families and friends looking for a comprehensive and expert resource to this widespread but largely misunderstood disorder.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118550908


Paleo Cookbook For Dummies
Paleo Cookbook For Dummies

Автор: Kellyann Petrucci

The fast and easy way to enjoy a Paleo diet The Paleo movement is one of the hottest diet and healthy-eating approaches, as people discover an appealing and sustainable alternative to the restrictive diets that lead to burnout and failed weight loss efforts. This modern-day take on an ancient diet—which excludes dairy, processed foods, and refined sugar—has helped thousands of people lose weight and keep it off. Now, The Paleo Cookbook For Dummies offers more than 100 simple and tasty Paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, desserts, and even beverages. Includes an overview of the Paleo Diet, grocery shopping and pantry stocking tips, and kid-friendly Paleo recipes Offers Paleo recipes for every meal of the day All recipes are contributed by powerhouse Paleo chefs The Paleo Cookbook For Dummies gives you delicious, flavorful, and easy-to-make recipes for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of eating the Paleo way.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118611562


Paleo Workouts For Dummies
Paleo Workouts For Dummies

Автор: Kellyann Petrucci

Paleo workouts that are heavy on results—and low on equipment investment Paleo Workouts For Dummies offers a program of back-to-the-Stone-Age exercises with specially designed workouts that burn fat, fight disease, and increase energy. The paleo workouts found in this step-by-step guide, promote sound activities with a strong emphasis on practicing and mastering fundamental/primitive human movements such as squats, hinges, pushes/pulls, sprints, crawls, and more. Paleo Workouts For Dummies caters to the anti-gym crowd who want a convenient program that can be used anywhere, anytime. In addition, vital details on healthy Paleolithic foods that maximize energy levels for the intense workout routines are covered. Companion workout videos can be accessed, for free, at Dummies.com The video content aids you in mastering paleo moves and techniques covered in the book Offers a complete cardiovascular and strength workout By focusing on the primal movements that humans evolved to perform, Paleo Workouts For Dummies is for anyone following a paleo diet routine as well as those curious about how to maximize their paleo workouts.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118755938


Para una cr?tica del neoliberalismo
Para una cr?tica del neoliberalismo

Автор: Rodrigo Castro

Nacimiento de la biopol?tica es hasta la fecha el curso de Foucault que m?s impacto ha tenido en el debate intelectual contempor?neo. El hecho de que su publicaci?n se haya producido a principios de este siglo ha permitido que el primer gran acercamiento cr?tico al neoliberalismo coincida, por un lado con la ?poca en que el mismo ha desplegado por completo su hegemon?a a nivel mundial y por otro con el momento en que se ha enfrentado a su mayor crisis. Con aportes de la filosof?a pol?tica, la sociolog?a y la historia, este libro ofrece diferentes acercamientos a Nacimiento de la biopol?tica. Aqu?, m?s de una decena de especialistas de reconocido prestigio establecen conexiones con la obra foucaultiana y eval?an algunas de las lecturas que se han hecho del curso dentro del pensamiento contempor?neo. Entre todos estos an?lisis destaca como una preocupaci?n transversal la pregunta por el neoliberalismo. Quiz?s la interrogante m?s decisiva de nuestro tiempo, cuando advertimos de un modo cotidiano y descarnado los efectos catastr?ficos de esta forma de gubernamentalidad. Para una cr?tica del neoliberalismo trasciende el inter?s exclusivo por el pensamiento de Foucault, para convertirse en un instrumento de intervenci?n sobre el presente.

Серия: Fuera de serie

Исполнители: Dan Condie

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788483812716


Passing and Catching while Moving - Part 1
Passing and Catching while Moving - Part 1

Автор: J?rg Madinger

Passing and catching are two basic techniques in handball, which have to be continuously practiced and improved in training. The 25 practical exercises given here offer many variations to train passing and catching, both challenging and varied. A special focus is to be put on improving the accuracy in passing and catching in motion with high dynamics. Therefore, the exercises are combined with new pathways and near-to-play movements.
The exercises are easy to understand and clearly explained using simple language and diagrams, and can be integrated directly into each training session. Passing and catching can be adapted to different levels of difficulty and complexity for all age groups.

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783943899481


Passing Exams For Dummies
Passing Exams For Dummies

Автор: Patrick Sherratt

Release your potential and get better exam results Do you panic at the thought of exams? Do you think you're just not the academic type? No matter how old you are, exams can be stressful—but they don't need to be. This essential guide provides expert tips on how to change your mindset, improve how you learn and revise, control your anxiety, and get good marks—whether you're studying at school, college, or university, or to advance your career. In Passing Exams For Dummies, you'll get hands-on, expert help to find out what motivates you and how you learn best; make your brain more receptive to incoming information and cope with exam pressure and anxiety; improve your reading style and condense your notes using visual mapping techniques; learn association techniques using memory pegs; use visualization to mentally and physically rehearse passing your exams; and more. Fully updated to reflect new research in how the brain thinks, learns, and remembers Information on the key role that astrocytes play in learning and the five key principles for rapid learning (attention, sensory input, solid effort, emotion and time sequence) that get these astrocytes engaged more quickly Reworking of terminology used in the model of the mind to bring the book fully up to date and simplify the content If you're preparing for a school, college, university, or career-related exam, Passing Exams For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780730304449


Pater Brown, Folge 54: Der schlafende Schutzpatron
Pater Brown, Folge 54: Der schlafende Schutzpatron

Автор: Thorsten Beckmann

Eigentlich hatte Pater Brown die sanften Bergz?ge und idyllischen Seen des Lake District besucht, um Urlaub zu machen. Doch kein Fleckchen Erde kann friedlich genug sein, um nicht den Sp?rsinn des Geistlichen zu wecken. Und so ist er mehr als skeptisch, als ihm ein Bericht ?ber ein entlegenes Dorf zu Ohren kommt, dessen Bewohner ihren Priester davonjaget haben und nur noch ihren eigenen Schutzpatron anbeten. Tats?chlich scheint es mehrere Unf?lle gegeben zu haben, die nur dank des Auftauchens einer Engelserscheinung glimpflich ausgegangen sind. Als es kurz nach Pater Browns Ankunft in dem Dorf zu einem wirklichen Ungl?ck kommt, spitzt sich die Lage f?r den ungebetenen Gast dort mehr und mehr zu.

Исполнители: Markus Pfeiffer

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 4260507138088


PCOS Diet Book: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
PCOS Diet Book: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome

Автор: Theresa Cheung

The nutritional answer for all women sufferers of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition which affects one in ten womenHaving established herself as the authority on PCOS Colette Harris now provides a practical plan for sufferers of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with the ‘PCOS Diet Book’. The book explains how – with the right nutritional approach – you can lose weight, improve your skin, aid fertility and overcome exhaustion, depression and mood swings.Various diets to suit each individual, accessible explanations of nutritional science and hormonal health, combined with an emphasis upon personal and emotional well-being make this title essential reading for all PCOS sufferers.

Цена: 990.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780007386215


PCOS For Dummies
PCOS For Dummies

Автор: Gaynor Bussell

Practical advice and information for living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a woman's female sex hormones, and affects an estimated 10% of all women. This hormone imbalance may cause changes in the menstrual cycle, acne, small cysts in the ovaries, difficulty conceiving, high blood pressure, and other problems. It is treatable, but not curable, and sufferers have to rely on themselves for the long-term management of their condition. If you're living with PCOS, this guide gives you the latest information concerning treatments and research into Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS For Dummies gives you a practical, plain-English guide to living with and managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. In addition to providing valuable information concerning the causes and symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS For Dummies gives you the facts about the various treatment options that are available, including both traditional medical treatments and alternative therapies. Discusses the causes and symptoms of PCOS Advice for dealing with this disorder Covers the treatments and medicine available in the United States PCOS For Dummies is an invaluable resource for the millions who are suffering from this condition.

Цена: 1748.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118127353


Peccati Erotici Delle Italiane, Volume I
Peccati Erotici Delle Italiane, Volume I

Автор: Giovanna Esse

Цена: 413.32 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356382


Photoshop CS6 For Dummies
Photoshop CS6 For Dummies

Автор: Peter Bauer

The bestselling guide to the leading image-editing software, Photoshop CS6, fully updated! Want picture-perfect photos, every time? Get up to speed on the most popular professional photo-editing software on the market: Photoshop. In this new edition of Photoshop CS6 For Dummies, expert Peter Bauer shows you how to use the latest Photoshop tools to change a background, adjust brightness, improve color, or fix flaws. Richly illustrated in full color, this edition covers all the updates in Photoshop CS6, the gold standard for image-editing programs. Used by professional photographers, graphic designers, Web designers, and serious hobbyists, Photoshop has more than four million users worldwide. Photoshop is the image-editing software preferred by professional photographers and designers around the world; the latest version includes new functionality and enhanced tools Teaches all the basics for first-time users and advanced techniques for more experienced digital imaging professionals, including how to work with the menus, panels, tools, options, and essential shortcuts Covers how to fix red-eye, remove blemishes and wrinkles, remove people or objects from a photo, adjust brightness, improve color, add shadows and highlights, work with Camera Raw, decrease digital noise, create composite images, use channels and masks, work with HDR tools, and optimize images for the web Photoshop CS6 For Dummies helps both amateur and professional Photoshop users take advantage of all the program has to offer.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118227060


Pilates for a Flat Stomach: Perfect Abs in Just 15 Minutes a Day
Pilates for a Flat Stomach: Perfect Abs in Just 15 Minutes a Day

Автор: Anna Selby

Just 15 minutes a day will work wonders to give you the flat stomach you’ve always wanted!Pilates is well known as one of the best forms of exercise for people who want a longer, leaner physique. In Pilates for a Flat Stomach, expert Anna Selby has selected the specific exercises you need to do to achieve the toned stomach you’ve always dreamed of.Just 15 minutes a day of the low-impact, high energy Pilates exercises that work on your abdominal muscles will not only improve the appearance of your stomach, but will also work the muscles that support your back, improving your posture and making you feel great.This book is perfect for people with a busy lifestyle. Just 15 minutes a day of Pilates, the all-round healthy exercise, will leave you with a flat, toned stomach, making you look and feel fantastic!

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007386413


Plant-Based Diet For Dummies
Plant-Based Diet For Dummies

Автор: Marni Wasserman

Get healthy, lose weight, and feel great on a plant-based diet The benefits of a plant-based diet have been publicized far and wide, and you can no longer deny it—you're fully ready to experience the health benefits of this lifestyle. Plant-Based Diet For Dummies has been created to help even the most stubborn carnivores adapt to and even learn to find joy in a plant-based diet. Besides providing useful tips, delicious recipes, and meal ideas, this lively resource discusses all you have to gain from adopting healthier eating habits, including a decreased risk for cancer, a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, a lower cholesterol count and blood pressure, and a lower risk, and prevention, of diabetes. A meat-free lifestyle has many benefits for your body, and author Marni Wasserman takes you on a journey of discovery into the exciting world of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods. A plant-based diet, while similar to vegetarian and vegan diets, is different in that it allows an individual to experience the benefits of vegetarianism without focusing on the politics of a meat-free lifestyle. This book takes the mystery out of adopting better food habits and making better meal choices. It shows you how to stock your kitchen, cook fantastic meals, and discover the wealth of delicious ingredients at your fingertips. Discusses how to improve energy, lower cholesterol, and protect the body's cells, all through better diet options Includes more than 40 mouthwatering recipes and sample menu plans Gives specific advice and instructions for athletes, those battling illnesses, expectant parents, seniors, and children Covers which plant foods are good sources of fat, protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber Get healthy, lose weight, and feel great on a plant-based diet.

Цена: 2024.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781118830703



Автор: Евгений Шмелев

Книга содержит описания футбольных матчей «Текстильщика» (Иваново), которые команда провела с начала мая 2010 года по конец августа 2011 года. Первое издание книги было в 2013 году.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785448573538


Portuguese Phrases For Dummies
Portuguese Phrases For Dummies

Автор: Karen Keller

Are you thinking about traveling, studying, or working in Portugal or Brazil, but you don’t know any Portuguese? Want to improve your conversation skills with the Portuguese-speaking people in your life? Portuguese Phrases for Dummies is the perfect diving board for anyone looking to communicate and even become fluent in the language. As the fifth-most widely spoken language in the world, Portuguese can be heard in South America, Africa, Asia, and of course, Portugal. If you want to know basic Portuguese but don’t want a boring textbook that unloads tons of conjugation rules or long lists of words to memorize, then this quick-and-easy phrasebook will get your feet wet without overwhelming you. This friendly book covers a wide array of subjects both helpful and interesting, including: Numbers, days of the week, measurements, and time Making friends and small talk Enjoying every type of meal Shopping in markets and at stores Culture, leisure, and activities Work and transportation Finding a place to live Dealing with emergencies Slang and colloquial terms Phrases and particles to make you sound like a local! Knowing these fundamentals, you’ll be able to communicate with Portuguese-speaking people and continue learning about the language and culture. With hundred of useful phrases at your fingertips, Portuguese Phrases for Dummies will give you a basic comprehension of this beautiful language and have you speaking instantly!

Цена: 916.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470130506


Practical Diabetes Care
Practical Diabetes Care

Автор: David Levy

This new and completely revised third edition is a concise, systematic and highly practical guide to the care of patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Clinically and problem-based, it covers emergency, inpatient and ambulatory diabetes care in the hospital and community, focusing particularly on difficult, grey and contentious areas of management, and seeks to guide advanced practitioners through problems that are not always emphasised. Up to date clinical trial results have been incorporated, as well as concise discussions of lifestyle approaches to diabetes management, and it includes a new chapter on psychological problems in diabetes. It is now fully referenced with PubMed PMID numbers and all HbA1c measurements are quoted in DCCT and IFCC units. It will be valuable for foundation year and specialist trainees in general medicine, diabetes and endocrinology; community and hospital diabetes specialist nurses and nurse practitioners; hospital-based ward staff in specialist and non-diabetes-specialist departments, especially cardiology and emergency medicine; and general practice diabetes leads and general practitioners with a specialist diabetes interest. It will be equally valuable for hands-on reference use in the clinical situation, and for clinicians in hospital medicine and general practice studying for postgraduate diplomas and examinations.

Цена: 6401.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781444391138


Prediabetes For Dummies
Prediabetes For Dummies

Автор: Alan L. Rubin

Accessible information on the causes, health risks, and treatment of prediabetes If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with prediabetes – a heightened level of glucose, and/or impaired glucose tolerance – the time to act is now. Prediabetes For Dummies examines the signs and symptoms of this potential precursor to diabetes and offers up-to-date information about treatment. It provides clear, practical advice on steps you can take to minimize the risk of serious health consequences. This plain-English guide shows you how to stop prediabetes in its tracks and prevent it from progressing to diabetes. You'll learn how to recognize the symptoms of this often-undiagnosed condition, and what to do if you think you may be prediabetic. You'll also discover how simple lifestyle changes, such as changes in your diet and moderate exercise, can put the brakes on prediabetes and even reverse the condition. Offers clear explanations of prediabetes causes, health risks, and treatment Includes the latest advances in the use of diabetes medications to treat prediabetes Provides diet suggestions, meal plans, and exercise tips Contains helpful suggestions for friends and family members who want to support a loved one with prediabetes While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be prevented if prediabetes is diagnosed and treated early. Packed with valuable information for patients of all ages, Prediabetes For Dummies is an important resource for taking control of this dangerous condition.

Цена: 2024.26 руб.
ISBN: 9780470589915


Pregnancy All-In-One For Dummies
Pregnancy All-In-One For Dummies

Автор: Consumer Dummies

Your all-encompassing guide to having a happy, healthy pregnancy Are you an expectant parent looking for sound, expert guidance as you prepare to welcome a new addition to your family? Pregnancy All-in-One For Dummies has done the legwork for you, offering a one-stop compilation of the hottest topics and most relevant information culled from several successful For Dummies pregnancy titles. Covering everything from conception to the delivery room—and beyond—it gives moms and dads-to-be the reassuring answers they need during this very special time. Your pregnancy and childbirth experiences should be happy ones, but they're bound to be rife with questions—especially if you're a first-time parent, having a child later in life, or embarking on your first multiple birth. Luckily, this friendly guide is here to put your mind at ease, offering authoritative coverage of everything you can expect to encounter in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as all the special considerations you may come across along the way, such as diet, exercise, labor and delivery options, breastfeeding, and so much more. Make pregnancy and childbirth an enjoyable experience Find out about nutrients that are critical to your baby's development Get authoritative guidance on making a birth plan Why turn to dozens of pregnancy resources when all the helpful, down-to-earth guidance you're looking for is right here, in one convenient place?

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119235507


Pregnancy Cooking and Nutrition For Dummies
Pregnancy Cooking and Nutrition For Dummies

Автор: Tara Gidus

100 recipes to keep moms-to-be on the road to tasty, proper, prenatal nutrition Pregnancy Cooking & Nutrition For Dummies helps moms-to-be eat tasty meals while maintaining nutritional balance. Going beyond most books on the shelf, you'll get not only 100 recipes and tips on how to supercharge family favorites (by making them even more healthy and nutritionally balanced) but also answers to such questions as: what is healthy weight gain; what meals help to overcome morning sickness; what are nutritionally sound snacks to satisfy cravings; what foods should be avoided to control heartburn and gas; and how to maintain nutritional balance with recommended amounts of the best vitamin, mineral, and organic supplements. From seafood to eggs to unpasteurized cheeses, the list of foods pregnant women should avoid is not only long, but confusing. Pregnancy Cooking & Nutrition For Dummies gives you the lowdown on what to eat, what not to eat, and why. Additionally, it discusses how those with special diets (e.g. vegetarians, those with food allergies, etc.) can still follow good nutritional guidelines and address their unique nutritional needs – as well as those of their unborn child. 100 recipes to get you started on the road to tasty, proper, prenatal nutrition Helps you better understand and address the nutritional needs of yourself and your unborn child Shows you how to create a stable and nutritious diet Pregnancy Cooking & Nutrition For Dummies provides pregnant mothers with the resources and advice they need to create a stable and nutritious diet that addresses both their needs and those of their unborn child.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118170397


Pregnancy For Dummies
Pregnancy For Dummies

Автор: Joanne Stone

The reassuring guide to a happy, healthy pregnancy This new edition offers soon-to-be moms and dads detailed, friendly information on preparing and planning for pregnancy. You'll find guidance on the basics, as well as special considerations like age, multiple births, complications, illness, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and everything in between. Now in a portable, handy trim size that makes it easy to keep with you on the go, Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition is your go-to guide on everything you'll encounter during the first, second, and third trimesters—and beyond. Packed with new information and the latest developments in medical technology, it puts your mind at ease by offering straightforward answers to all the questions you may have about pregnancy, including health risks during pregnancy, fertility problems and solutions, «on demand» cesarean sections, weight gain during pregnancy, the correlation between mercury and autism, ways to stay emotionally and physically healthy during pregnancy, and much more. Includes a complete guide to pregnancy, through all three trimesters and beyond, including a week-by-week account of what to expect during pregnancy Covers the latest information related to healthcare and pregnancy, including the latest on vaccinations, fertility problems, and prenatal diagnoses Offers advice on picking a doctor, planning prenatal visits, and designing a birthing plan Explains the stages of labor and how to care for yourself and your newborn after childbirth If you're an expectant parent, Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition covers everything mom and baby experience before, during, and after childbirth.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118825631


Pregnancy For Dummies
Pregnancy For Dummies

Автор: Joanne Stone

Your complete guide to having a healthy, happy pregnancy This updated and expanded third edition of Pregnancy ForDummies offers mothers-to-be practical advice and expert guidance on every stage of their pregnancy – and beyond! Understand what's happening with your baby and your body, and be guided through what to expect from labour, birth and becoming a new parent. Follow your baby's development – understand the changes you and your baby go through during all three trimesters Research your birth options – make informed choices that best suit your needs Care for your baby before birth – eat well and keep active during pregnancy Prepare for the birth of your baby – know what happens before, during and after labour Look after your newborn – find advice on breastfeeding and bringing your baby home Keep up with current issues —identify issues facing mothers today, such as returning to work or having children later in life Get expert advice on special situations – meet the challenges of multiple births, problems during pregnancy or miscarriage Open the book and find: Ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant Clear illustrations of how the body changes during pregnancy Advice for managing pre-existing conditions during pregnancy Discussion about complementary and alternative therapies Simple explanations of your birth options Information about parental leave entitlements Websites to access further support

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780730377405


Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care
Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care

Автор: Anita Atwal

Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care is the ultimate companion for students and newly qualified practitioners in occupational therapy, physiotherapy and other allied health professions. A multi-professional team of qualified and experienced contributors explain key concepts in professional practice within the contexts of health, social care and education systems. Topics range from law, ethics and client-centred practice to interprofessional working, team-building, communication skills and reflective practice. Further chapters provide practical guidance on writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview technique, as well as offering advice on career-planning and continuing professional development. KEY FEATURES clear definitions of key concepts case studies and examples from clinical practice summaries of key points self-assessment exercises references and further reading

Цена: 8173.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781444316346


Pretty Iconic: A Personal Look at the Beauty Products that Changed the World
Pretty Iconic: A Personal Look at the Beauty Products that Changed the World

Автор: Sali Hughes

Over 200 iconic products that are among the best and most influential in the beauty world – past, present and future.‘Sali Hughes has created a universe filled with galaxies of beauty secrets’ Charlotte TilburyPacked full of beauty wisdom, Pretty Iconic takes us from the evocative smell of Johnson’s baby lotion through to Simple Face wipes, NARS Orgasm and beyond, looking at the formative role beauty plays in our lives.Considering which much-hyped beauty buys are worth the buzz, and who they might be best suited for, in Pretty Iconic Sali Hughes uses her witty, inclusive and discerning style to look at some of the most significant products in beauty – from treasured classics such as Chanel No 5, to life-changers such as Babyliss Big Hair, and the more recent releases from Charlotte Tilbury, Sunday Riley and others that are shaping the beauty industry today.Delving into the products that are simply the best at what they do, the inventions that changed our perception of beauty and the launches that completely broke the mould, Pretty Iconic is a treasure trove of knowledge from Britain’s most trusted beauty writer.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780008194543


Pro питание
Pro питание

Автор: Олег Сергеевич Павлов

До сих пор для большинства остаются без ответов вопросы о наборе веса или избавлении от лишнего жира. Особенно в области живота, где все мечтают видеть кубики пресса или просто ровную линию, не свисающую из-под облегающего платья или футболки. Но мало кто действительно пытается разобраться и понять истинные причины проблем с весом и композицией своего тела. Администрация сайта ЛитРес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация специалиста.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2020


PRO похудение
PRO похудение

Автор: Vladimir Rorschach

В этой книге вы найдёте простой и эффективный способ избавиться от лишних килограммов, основанный не только на личном опыте, но и на теоретических знаниях приобретенных в процессе различного обучения, на тренерской практике, а также на практике помощи людям в этом, как им казалось, нелёгком деле. Ответим на такие вопросы, как: Каков ваш «комфортный вес»? Можно ли похудеть без изнурительных физических нагрузок? Для чего вообще нужен спорт в процессе похудения и нужен ли? Как встроить правильное питание в свой насыщенный ритм жизни? Как выйти из плато? и др. Практическая инструкция, которую можно смело использовать для своего похудения. Действуй!

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-532-09587-8


Probiotics For Dummies
Probiotics For Dummies

Автор: Shekhar Challa

Discover the pros of probiotics Probiotics are beneficial, live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to those found naturally in the human intestine. Also known as «friendly» or «good» bacteria, probiotics are the cornerstone of any successful health program because they restore a healthy balance between friendly and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract, a balance that is critical for the health of the entire body. Probiotics are associated with treating everything from IBS to certain forms of cancer, allergies, eczema, and even the effects of aging. Probiotics For Dummies reveals how taking the right probiotics—in the form of food and supplements— as part of a total health program benefits one's overall health, as well as improving specific conditions. This hands-on, essential guide features 20 probiotic recipes and gives you a step-by-step plan for infusing probiotics into your diet to improve the health of the GI tract, alleviate allergies and asthma, restore reproductive and urinary tracts, bolster the immune system against disease, enhance weight loss, and more. Advice on how to ingest the right probiotics 20 probiotic recipes from breakfast to dessert Information on naturally occurring probiotic compounds as well as the effectiveness of supplements Probiotics For Dummies gives you everything you need to make informed decisions about adding probiotics to your daily diet.

Цена: 1563.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118226568


Product Maturity, Volume 2
Product Maturity, Volume 2

Автор: Franck Bayle

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119988328


Promoting Health in Children and Young People
Promoting Health in Children and Young People

Автор: Группа авторов

Promoting the health and wellbeing of children and young people is a vital part of every child nurse’s role. Promoting Health in Children and Young People provides practical guidance on everyday health issues such as preventing obesity, dental health, skin care and prevention of diseases and infections. It explores best practice for nursing children with chronic illnesses such as asthma, cancer, diabetes and disabilities, and gives guidance on promoting the health of adolescents looking at issues of sexual health, smoking, drugs and alcohol. Each chapter discusses key health promotion messages, relevant government policy and health promotion activities. This accessible text provides nurses with the skills and knowledge to transform the NSF into everyday health promotion practice. • Provides a clear skills-based approach to undertaking health promotion practice • Emphasises the role of the nurse in promoting good health in children and young people • Discusses guidance from recent policy developments including the National Service Framework for Children • Illustrated with diagrams and boxes highlighting key points

Цена: 7621.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781444322651


Public Health Nutrition
Public Health Nutrition

Автор: Lenore Arab

As an academic subject, nutrition has grown enormously in recent years and with it the need for specialist textbooks on the subject. In response to this need, a decision was taken by The Nutrition Society to produce a ground-breaking series of four textbooks, of which Public Health Nutrition is the third. The books in the series: Provide students with the required scientific basis in nutrition, in the context of a systems and health approach. Enable teachers and students to explore the core principles of nutrition and to apply these throughout their training to foster critical thinking at all times. Each chapter identifies the key areas of knowledge that must be understood and also the key points of critical thought that must accompany the acquisition of this knowledge. Are fully peer reviewed to ensure completeness and clarity of content, as well as to ensure that each book takes a global perspective and is applicable for use by nutritionists and on nutrition courses throughout the world. Public Health Nutrition is an essential purchase for students majoring in nutrition and dietetics. Public health nutrition as a subject is growing immensely in importance, taking into account the real potential to reduce the burden of non-communicable chronic disease through diet. Professionals in nutrition, dietetics, food science, medicine, community health care and many related health care areas will all find much of great use within the book’s covers. Libraries in all universities, medical schools and establishments teaching and researching in these subject areas should have several copies on their shelves. OTHER BOOKS IN THE NUTRITION SOCIETY TEXT BOOK SERIES: Introduction to Human Nutrition: ISBN 0 632 05624 X Nutrition & Metabolism: ISBN 0 632 05625 8 Clinical Nutrition: ISBN 0 632 05626 6

Цена: 8283.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118574225


Publishing E-Books For Dummies
Publishing E-Books For Dummies

Автор: Ali Luke

Publish, market, and sell your own e-book Although creating an e-book seems fairly straightforward, it is not. You need to select and create a variety of formats that will be read on a variety of e-reader devices–and market and sell your book in a variety of ways. Before you take the plunge, get this practical guide. With clear instruction and sensible advice, it will help you navigate the often confusing, time-consuming, and costly world of self-publishing an e-book. The book gives you solid marketing tips for selling your e-book, including using blogging and social media and how to build an online platform. It also discusses key technologies you'll encounter, including Smashwords, iBooks Author, Amazon, Microsoft Word, Open Office, Calibre, WordPress, E-junkie, and others. Helps readers navigate the confusing, time-consuming, and often costly world of self-publishing an e-book Provides both technical how-tos as well solid marketing advice on how to sell your e-book using Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and other social media sites Covers essential technologies, such as Smashwords, iBooks Author, Amazon, Microsoft Word, Open Office, Calibre, WordPress, and E-junkie Explores e-book devices, including Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader, Nook, iPad, and other tablets Delves into the nitty-gritty of e-book formats Before you self-publish your e-book, start first with Publishing eBooks For Dummies.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118372784


Punished: A mother’s cruelty. A daughter’s survival. A secret that couldn’t be told
Punished: A mother’s cruelty. A daughter’s survival. A secret that couldn’t be told

Автор: Vanessa Steel

‘Punished’ is the inspiring true story of an unusual little girl, Vanessa, whose childhood was devastated by torture and abuse at the hands of her sadistic mother. Vanessa was nearly destroyed until she discovered a secret that ultimately saved her life.From the age of 3, Vanessa lived in daily terror of her mother's unpredictable rage. If she was 'naughty', her mother would lash out at her – with beatings, torture, starvation and making Vanessa sleep in their garden's pigsty, tied up like an animal. Her mother said her punishments were God's revenge on her for being the devil's child. Her father lived in denial of her suffering.When she was 6 years old, Vanessa's grandfather began to sexually abuse her – to her despair, aided and abetted by both her mother and grandmother. At eight years old, she then discovered that the 'mother' who hated her so much had adopted her as a baby and would never love her as her own.At the most horrific times of Vanessa's abuse, she nearly lost all hope that she would escape her prison, until mysterious things started to happen to her that allowed her to fight back.This is the story of how Vanessa survived a childhood that nearly destroyed her and how her secret led her out of the horrors of her past.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007287925


Punita Nella Notte
Punita Nella Notte

Автор: Giovanna Esse

Цена: 235.76 руб.
ISBN: 9788873040422


Radioaktivit?t in Lebensmitteln
Radioaktivit?t in Lebensmitteln

Автор: Группа авторов

Hormone, Antibiotika, Prionen – was noch steckt in unserer Nahrung, was wir nicht sehen konnen? Lebensmittel konnen Radioaktivitat aus naturlichen und kunstlichen Quellen enthalten. Welchen Einfluss haben heute die Atomversuche der Gro?machte, die Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl oder der Betrieb von Kernkraftwerken auf die gesundheitliche Qualitat der Lebensmittel? Welche neuen Aspekte dieses Themas sind durch weltweite terroristische Bedrohungen akut geworden? Der langjahrige Leiter der Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Ernahrung und ihrer «Leitstelle zur Uberwachung der Umweltradioaktivitat in Lebensmitteln», Prof. Dr. Diehl, beantwortet in diesem verstandlich geschriebenen Buch alle Fragen zur Radioaktivitat in Lebensmitteln, zu radioaktiven Elementen und ihrem Weg in die Nahrung. Er erklart, wie die Kontamination von Lebensmitteln uberwacht wird, wo Radionuklide auch genutzt werden konnen, welche Moglichkeiten zur Dekontamination es gibt und welchen Einfluss die in Lebensmitteln vorhandene Radioaktivitat uberhaupt auf den Menschen haben kann. Informativ und interessant werden zunachst die Grundlagen zur Radioaktivitat vermittelt, von der Entdeckung der ersten Strahleneffekte durch Konrad Rontgen, Henry Becquerel und Marie Curie uber die Beschreibung von Radionukliden und ihrer Eigenschaften, bis zu den heute gultigen Strahlenschutzgrenzwerten. So wird das Buch nicht nur zum unverzichtbaren Grundlagenwerk fur jeden Strahlenschutzbeauftragten, Lebensmittelchemiker, Umweltbeauftragten und Verbraucherschutzer, sondern auch fur Mediziner, Apotheker, Journalisten und jeden, der sich fundiert uber dieses lange vernachlassigte Thema informieren mochte.

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783527623747


Raging Bull: My Autobiography
Raging Bull: My Autobiography

Автор: Phil Vickery

From a pint and a pie to ice baths and deep tissue massages … from Cornish Colts to World Cup final captain … from qualified cattle inseminator to owner of a sports fashion label … Phil Vickery, aka «Raging Bull», has pretty such seen and done it all in life and in rugby, straddling the amateur and professional eras like a bovine colossus.Raging Bull is the iconic tight-head prop's own incredible story, the tale of a true legend of rugby union; a tough, no-nonsense player who is as fearless and uncompromising on the pitch as he is a great raconteur off it.His career spans amateurism and professionalism, starting in the Cornish countryside and travelling to two World Cup finals and two Lions tours.Vickery is a hugely passionate player. He sports a tattoo which announces 'I'll fight you to the death', and has overcome serious injuries (including eight operations) in a career of stunning highs and devastating lows. He plays his sport in the best traditions of rugby and he is a story teller par excellence.Raging Bull will transport readers to the England front row in Six Nations clashes at Twickenham, to the changing rooms on British Lions tours, and to the bars of many an amateur rugby club. It will remind fans what rugby is really all about – the fun and camaraderie, and the passion and commitment, as the former herdsman turned England and Lions star takes you to the heart and soul of the sport he loves.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007382903


Re-Organiza Tu Dieta
Re-Organiza Tu Dieta

Автор: Ortile Cristian

Цена: 827.63 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356818


Rebound - Sports, Community, and the Inclusive City (Unabridged)
Rebound - Sports, Community, and the Inclusive City (Unabridged)

Автор: Perry King

Исполнители: K.C. Collins

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781770567344


Receba A Sua Cura
Receba A Sua Cura

Автор: Gabriel Agbo

Esse livro te mostrar? como obter sua cura divina. Deus ainda pode curar? Sim! Ser? que podemos viver com sa?de perfeita nos dias de hoje? Sim! Nosso Deus ? o mesmo ontem, hoje e eternamente. Receba a sua cura, ? medida que voc? l? o livro. Aqui voc? conhecer? testemunhos incr?veis que ir?o aumentar sua f? em Deus e em Seu poder ilimitado e vontade de intervir, mesmo nas piores situa??es. Por exemplo, Deus ainda cura doen?as ditas incur?veis e em est?gio terminal. Ele ainda ressuscita os mortos. Voc? j? leu a respeito de um homem que reviveu ap?s dois dias no necrot?rio? Ent?o, se Deus pode fazer isso, por que voc? acha que ele n?o pode agir em sua situa??o? Existem outros testemunhos incr?veis neste livro. Ele ? composto de dez cap?tulos esclarecedores: Todas as Coisas s?o Poss?veis, A Cura ? um Direito Seu, A Origem das Enfermidades, A Palavra de Deus, O Nome de Jesus, O Esp?rito Santo, O Poder da F?, e Mantendo sua Cura, Esse livro te mostrar? como obter sua cura divina. Deus ainda pode curar? Sim! Ser? que podemos viver com sa?de perfeita nos dias de hoje? Sim! Nosso Deus ? o mesmo ontem, hoje e eternamente. Receba a sua cura, ? medida que voc? l? o livro. Aqui voc? conhecer? testemunhos incr?veis que ir?o aumentar sua f? em Deus e em Seu poder ilimitado e vontade de intervir, mesmo nas piores situa??es. Por exemplo, Deus ainda cura doen?as ditas incur?veis e em est?gio terminal. Ele ainda ressuscita os mortos. Voc? j? leu a respeito de um homem que reviveu ap?s dois dias no necrot?rio? Ent?o, se Deus pode fazer isso, por que voc? acha que ele n?o pode agir em sua situa??o? Existem outros testemunhos incr?veis neste livro. Ele ? composto de dez cap?tulos esclarecedores: Todas as Coisas s?o Poss?veis, A Cura ? um Direito Seu, A Origem das Enfermidades, A Palavra de Deus, O Nome de Jesus, O Esp?rito Santo, O Poder da F?, e Mantendo sua Cura, E voc? tamb?m saber? a respeito dos pap?is da ora??o, un??o com ?leo, imposi??o de m?os, compaix?o (amor), obedi?ncia, anjos, louvor e adora??o, etc, em nossa busca pelo recebimento e manuten??o da cura. Esse livro foi escrito para ajud?-lo a receber a cura ? medida que o l?, e ? muito pr?tico.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788835401513


Reflexology: The 5 Elements and their 12 Meridians: A Unique Approach
Reflexology: The 5 Elements and their 12 Meridians: A Unique Approach

Автор: Inge Dougans

This complete self-teaching guide is the perfect handbook for beginners and students alike. It uniquely links Eastern and Western approaches to reflexology and health, making this a comprehensive guide to using the meridians and pressure points of the feet to treat a wide range of ailments.The ebook now includes illustrations.Reflexology, the gentle but highly effective form of therapeutic foot massage, has gained wide acceptance as a powerful, natural healing art. Remarkable results have been achieved with ailments such as back pain, chronic fatigue (ME), digestive problems, eczema, insomnia and migraine.Inge Dougans’s book includes her latest research into the benefits of her unique techniques and is a complete self-teaching guide suitable for beginners and students alike.Bringing together East and West by making clear the close connection between reflexology and Chinese meridian theory, internationally respected reflexologist Inge Dougans shows how the human body has its own internal energy lines – or acupuncture meridians – and reveals how to find and use the reflexology points and associated meridians on the foot to restore the body to its natural balance, prevent ill health and assist relaxation.This comprehensive handbook includes: • the history of reflexology and the Chinese meridian therapy • an explanation of how reflexology and the meridian theory work • illustrated step-by-step reflexology treatments for specific ailments • treatments of meridian disorders • case histories.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007374915


Resumen De ”Vender O Ser Vendido: C?mo Abrirse Camino En Los Negocios Y En La Vida”
Resumen De ”Vender O Ser Vendido: C?mo Abrirse Camino En Los Negocios Y En La Vida”

Автор: Readtrepreneur Publishing

Resumen de ”Vender o ser vendido: C?mo encontrar tu camino en los negocios y en la vida” por Grant Cardone – Libro resumen – Readtrepreneur (Descargo de responsabilidad: Este NO es el libro original, sino un resumen no oficial.) ?Qu? pasa si estamos viendo el mundo de una manera incorrecta? Cada aspecto de nuestra vida debe ser visto como una venta para obtener los mejores resultados posibles. Esto livro parte de la premisa de que al ver todo como una venta, se hace m?s simple abordar los problemas y doblarlos a tu voluntad. Evidentemente, conocer los principios de la venta es clave para que esta filosof?a funcione, pero no te preocupes si eres un novato, El autor est? aqu? para ense?arte las reglas. (Nota: Este resumen est? totalmente escrito y publicado por readtrepreneur. No est? afiliado con el autor original de ninguna manera). Resumen de ”Vender o ser vendido: C?mo encontrar tu camino en los negocios y en la vida” por Grant Cardone – Libro resumen – Readtrepreneur (Descargo de responsabilidad: Este NO es el libro original, sino un resumen no oficial.) ?Qu? pasa si estamos viendo el mundo de una manera incorrecta? Cada aspecto de nuestra vida debe ser visto como una venta para obtener los mejores resultados posibles. Esto livro parte de la premisa de que al ver todo como una venta, se hace m?s simple abordar los problemas y doblarlos a tu voluntad. Evidentemente, conocer los principios de la venta es clave para que esta filosof?a funcione, pero no te preocupes si eres un novato, El autor est? aqu? para ense?arte las reglas. (Nota: Este resumen est? totalmente escrito y publicado por readtrepreneur. No est? afiliado con el autor original de ninguna manera). ”Un poco de imaginaci?n combinada con acci?n masiva llega muy lejos”. Ayud?ndote a alcanzar el ?xito en tu vida profesional y personal, Esto es un livro que vale la pena leer. Ampl?a tus horizontes en cuanto a la perspectiva ideal que debes tener en la vida y te proporcionar? un gran placer cuando notes cu?nto control tendr?s al enfrentarte a situaciones problem?ticas. Al convertirse en un maestro vendedor, se dar? cuenta de lo f?cil que es salir de muchos problemas y beneficiarse de ellos. Los individuos m?s exitosos poseen ”habilidades de la gente” y usted debe desarrollarlas tambi?n. El autor afirma que su libro agudizar? tus instintos de venta para que puedas aplicarlos a todas las situaciones de tu vida. P.D. Esto es un libro fant?stico que te ayudar? a dominar el arte de vender y te ense?ar? a ver todo en la vida como una venta, porque realmente lo es. ?El tiempo de pensar se ha terminado! ?Es hora de la acci?n! ?Despl?zate hacia arriba ahora y haz clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora con 1-Click” para obtener tu copia de inmediato! ?Por qu? elegirnos, Readtrepreneur? ● Res?menes de la m?s alta calidad ● Entrega un conocimiento asombroso ● Actualizaci?n impresionante ● Descargo de responsabilidad claro y conciso una vez m?s: Este libro est? destinado a ser una gran compa??a del libro original o simplemente para obtener lo esencial del libro original.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835403869



Автор: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356986


Riley Bacon: Feuer & Flamme
Riley Bacon: Feuer & Flamme

Автор: T. C. Jayden

Diese Geschichte ist Teil des Romans 'Kalte Ketten' von T. C. Jayden und behandelt die Vorgeschichte einer der dort vorkommenden Protagonisten.
Riley ist 16 Jahre alt, als ihm klar wird, dass er schwul ist. Dummerweise ist es ausgerechnet sein bester Freund Liam, der ihm das unwissentlich klar macht. F?r Riley beginnen die h?rtesten zwei Wochen seines bisherigen Lebens, denn der zweiw?chige Campingurlaub mit seinem heimlichen Schwarm sorgt f?r eine Eskalation seiner chaotischen Gef?hlswelt. Doch es kommt noch schlimmer: W?hrend des Urlaubs lernt er einen zweiten Mann kennen, der seine Hormone zum Brodeln bringt. Rileys Gef?hle stehen auf dem Kopf und er hat keine Ahnung, wie er die Freundschaft zu Liam retten soll, nachdem er das versp?tete Outing k?niglich vergeigt hat.

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783944504261


Risk Arbitrage
Risk Arbitrage

Автор: Guy Wyser-Pratte

Originally published in 1982, Risk Arbitrage has become a classic on arbitrage strategies by the «dean of the arbitrage community.» It provides an overview of risk arbitrage, how it has been used over the centuries and particularly in modern markets, with a focus on merger arbitrage. From average expected returns to turning a position, cash tender offers, exchange offers, recapitalizations, spinoffs, stub situations, limited risk arbitrage, and corporate freeze-ins, the book provides a step by step walk through of a world of arb strategies illuminated by real world examples and case studies.

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470442906


Rose Oil
Rose Oil

Автор: Julia Lawless

Often hailed as the 'queen of flowers', the rose has held a prominent place in the mythology of cultures both in the east and west for thousands of years.It is widely recognised as a powerful symbol of sovereignty, love, femininity, beauty and spiritual insight.Today, rose essential oil is as popular as ever, valued highly for both its perfumery and therapeutic uses. Safe, natural and easy to use, this book reveals how it can be used in the home for a multitude of different purposes including:• asthma• cardiac weakness• depression• hangovers• headaches• insomnia• pregnancy• skin care• stress

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008106188


Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy
Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy

Автор: Julia Lawless

Rosemary has been cultivated since ancient times, once playing a central role in many traditional rites and ceremonies. It has been valued for its medical, culinary and cosmetic properties for thousands of years.This traditional ‘cure all’ folk remedy is also one of the most popular essential oils. Rosemary oil is principally used to invigorate and stimulate the body, and provides a good counterbalance to calming oils, such as lavender. In this new guide, Julia Lawless explains why the oil is so versatile and how to use it therapeutically.Employed for a variety of purposes from liver tonic to the treatment of muscular aches and pains, rosemary is beneficial for many other common health conditions including:• Rheumatism• Arthritis• Headaches• Sinusitis• Low blood pressure• Hair loss• Dandruff

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008108434


Rugby Union For Dummies
Rugby Union For Dummies

Автор: Greg Growden

If you're new to the sport or you feel you could sharpen up your knowledge of the game, this guide is for you. Inside you'll find easy-to-understand advice on the basic rules and pitch positions, plus in-depth lessons on ball skills, fitness training, and techniques to outwit your opponents – all illustrated with entertaining stories from British and International rugby's back pages. In addition, you get a grounding in the local, national and international reaches of Rugby Union Rugby Union For Dummies 3rd Edition: Features an in-depth and up-to-date look at the Laws that form the beautiful game Covers all you will need to know about talking tactics and is perfect for anyone looking at swatting up on rugby for the World Cup and beyond Advises on all you will need to know to get stuck in and play Contains a new chapter on sevens as the sport will be a demonstration sport at London 2012 and a full sport at Rio 2016

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119970415


Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies
Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies

Автор: Jane Kelly

NOW UPDATED FOR THE 2011 VERSION OF SAGE 50! This step-by-step guide offers the latest guidance on using Sage 50 Accounts, the UK’s most popular small business accounting solution. From setting up and installing the software and creating your chart of accounts to invoicing customers, running VAT returns and producing monthly accounts; Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies will have you handling your own accounts efficiently – an profitably in no time. Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies includes information on: Setting Up and Installing Sage Line 50 Introducing Sage Line 50? Creating your Chart of Accounts Setting Up Records Opening Balances Day to Day Functions Preparing your Customers paperwork Invoicing your Customers Dealing with paperwork from your Suppliers Recording your Bank entries Maintaining and correcting entries More Day to Day Functions Sales Order Processing Purchase Order Processing Keeping track of your Products Setting up Projects Using Foreign Currency Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Routines Reconciling your Bank account Working with the Company module Running VAT Returns Using Reports to manage your business Producing Monthly Accounts More Complicated Stuff Ten Useful Reports Quick Tips for Speedy Processing Wizards

Цена: 3036.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781119992097


Sailing For Dummies
Sailing For Dummies

Автор: Peter Isler

Interested in learning to sail but feel like you’re navigating in murky waters? Sailing for Dummies, Second Edition introduces the basics of sailing, looks at the different types of sailboats and their basic parts, and teaches you everything you need to know before you leave the dock. In Sailing for Dummies, Second Edition, two U.S. sailing champions show you how to: Find and choose a sailing school Use life jackets correctly Tie ten nautical knots Handle sailing emergencies (such as capsizing and rescuing a man overboard) Launch your boat from a trailer, ramp, or beach Get your boat from point A to point B (and back again) Predict and respond to water and wind conditions Read charts, plot your course, use a compass, and find your position at sea Sailing for Dummies shows you that getting out on the water is easier than you think. The authors keep the sailor-speak to a minimum where possible, but give you a grasp of the terminology you need to safely and effectively communicate with your crew. A textbook, user’s manual, and reference all in one, this book takes the intimidation out of sailing and gives you the skills and confidence you need to get your feet wet and become the sailing pro you’ve always wanted to be. Anchors away!

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470067888


SALON-interior 01/2020
SALON-interior №01/2020

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Животный инстинкт Леопардовый принт Части света Обзор дизайнерских светильников Взять выходной Стиль soft living Дом мечты Деревянный дом с современным интерьером Во всём блеске Неоклассика и богемный шик Дела семейные Гранд-кафе «Вкусно» в Москве и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2020

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2020


SALON-interior 02/2022
SALON-interior №02/2022

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: В домике Интерьер-кокон Дом-музей Интерьер как арт-галерея В лучших традициях Range Rover: премьера 2022 года Поле для манёвра Пентхаус в Москве в современном стиле На Остоженке Классика в модном современном прочтении Картина в картине Ресторан «Доброград» в одноимённом городе и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2022

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2022


SALON-interior 04/2020
SALON-interior №04/2020

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Вкривь и вкось Предметы неправильной формы По-королевски Oбои в дворцовом стиле Viva Italia! Дизайн-гид Вау-эффект Загородный дом в стиле современного ар-деко Чувство стиля Американская классика в модном прочтении Чистая работа Минималистский интерьер, вдохновлённый дизайном Антонио Читтерио и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2020

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2020


SALON-interior 03/2021
SALON-interior №03/2021

Автор: Группа авторов

SALON-interior был создан в 1994 году и с момента основания публикует лучшие работы ведущих архитекторов, дизайнеров и декораторов, созданные в России и странах ближнего зарубежья. SALON-interior – авторитетный российский журнал по архитектуре и дизайну. Все новое, уникальное, эксклюзивное, что создается в стране, находит свое отражение в журнале, помогая читателям всегда быть в курсе современных тенденций российской архитектуры и дизайна. События, мировые выставки, обзоры аксессуаров, исторические здания, интервью с мировыми звездами, ландшафтные и флористические решения – все темы журнала призваны максимально информировать взыскательного читателя об увлекательном и творческом мире архитектуры и дизайна. В номере: Всё это сказки! Фэнтези в интерьере Весну в дом! Идеи на 23 Февраля и 8 Марта Юмор, да и только Джонатан Адлер о проектах, заряжающих эндорфином Эффект дома Самобытный этно-шик Путь домой Интерьер для мегаполиса с авторскими решениями Про урбанизм Квартира для отдыха на 38-м этаже и многое другое

Серия: Журнал SALON-interior 2021

Цена: 209 руб.
Год: 2021


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