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Curry - Eating, Reading, and Race (Unabridged)
Curry - Eating, Reading, and Race (Unabridged)

Автор: Naben Ruthnum

Исполнители: Naben Ruthnum

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781770566019


Cладкие деликатесы к Вашему столу
Cладкие деликатесы к Вашему столу

Автор: Татьяна Аврова

Домашняя выпечка сладких деликатесов – это всегда вкусно, это прекрасный повод собраться вместе для семейного чаепития. В этой книге я собрала свои любимые рецепты сладких деликатесов. Уверена, эти рецепты понравятся и вам. Рецепты в этой книге просты, доступны, быстры, вкусны и чудесно ароматны. Каждый рецепт в книге сопровождается видеорецептом с моего канала на Ютубе. С помощью рецептов этой книги создавайте себе хорошее настроение и радуйте сладкими деликатесами близких вам людей.

Цена: 248 руб.
ISBN: 9785005198952


Dadventures: Amazing Outdoor Adventures for Daring Dads and Fearless Kids
Dadventures: Amazing Outdoor Adventures for Daring Dads and Fearless Kids

Автор: Alex Gregory

The ultimate family activity guide for busy daring dads in need of a little inspiration to spend quality time with their kids, by double Olympic gold medallist rower, adventurer and father of three, Alex Gregory.‘Time is the one resource we can’t buy but we all want. It’s so important to make the most of the time we have and create lasting memories.’For a parent, leaving the house can sometimes be the hardest part. But outside is where adventures and memories are waiting to be made… From after-school adventures to an overnight trip, double Olympic gold medallist rower and father-of-three Alex Gregory shares exciting ideas for enjoying time together as a family, in all seasons. Whether you have 30 minutes to do homework up a tree, or a whole day to build an ancient bridge, you can delve in together and be inspired by this practical, easy guide for all ages. Divided into categories to fit whatever time slots work within the day, the book contains chapters such as After-School Adventures, 30-Minute Activities, Two-Hour Missions, Half-Day Experiences, Full-Day Adventures, Overnight Expeditions and Pushing Away from Land.No matter how much time you have, make it count with ‘Dadventures’ – the ultimate guide to ditching the routine and having fun with your kids.

Цена: 805.93 руб.
ISBN: 9780008283711


Das Autoimmun-Wohlf?hl-Kochbuch
Das Autoimmun-Wohlf?hl-Kochbuch

Автор: Michelle Hoover

GENUSSVOLL ESSEN MIT DEM AUTOIMMUN­PROTOKOLL (AIP) Ob Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis, Multiple Sklerose, rheumatoide Arthritis, Psoriasis, Lupus, Allergien, Laktoseintoleranz oder andere Lebensmittelunvertr?glichkeiten – mit dem Di?tplan des Autoimmunprotokolls (AIP) sind bereits bei unz?hligen Menschen Heilerfolge verzeichnet worden, die mit Autoimmunerkrankungen zu k?mpfen haben.Autodidaktin und Autorin Michelle Hoover – mit Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis selbst Betroffene – hat einen Schatz an Rezepten geschaffen, mit denen Entz?ndungen im K?rper reduziert und dessen nat?rliche Heilungsf?higkeit aktiviert werden. Durch die Auswahl n?hrstoffreicher, heilender Lebensmittel und das Weglassen entz?ndlicher Zutaten gem?? dem AIP ist es ihr gelungen, sich von ihren Symptomen zu befreien. Das Motto ihrer genialen Kreationen ist einfach: Essen muss schmecken! So bietet ihr Autoimmun-Wohlf?hl-Kochbuch ?ber 100 genussvolle Rezepte frei von Gluten, Getreide, Eiern, Milchprodukten, Nachtschattengew?chsen, H?lsenfr?chten, Samen und raffiniertem Zucker. Neben Klassikern wie Knochenbr?he oder Fermentiertem wie Omas Sauerkraut reichen die Gerichte von herzhafter Lasagne ?ber Fr?hst?ckssalat bis zum glasierten Schokoladen-Donut. Die Autorin ist mit ihren Rezepten seit vielen Jahren erfolgreiche Bloggerin auf ihrer Seite Unboundwellness.com. „Das Autoimmun-Wohlf?hl-Kochbuch ist eine fantastische Quelle f?r diejenigen, die nostalgische Gerichte, Urlaubsklassiker, dekadente Leckereien, leckere Snacks und Familienfavoriten w?hrend der AIP-Di?t genie?en m?chten!“ –    Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Bestseller-Autorin von Die Pal?o-Therapie

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783962572464


Das Kompostbuch
Das Kompostbuch

Автор: Agnes Pahler

Perfektes Recycling mit Kompost: Aus Gr?nabfall und Biom?ll wird fruchtbare Erde – dieses praktische Wirtschaften im Kreislauf macht den Garten unabh?ngig von zus?tzlichem D?nger. Agnes Pahler liefert in ihrem Buch aktuelles Wissen zur Kompostwirtschaft f?r Hobbyg?rtner, Selbstversorger und Erwerbsg?rtner gleicherma?en: D?rfen biologisch abbaubare Folien auf den Kompost? Kommen Ratten in den Garten? Welches Geheimnis verbirgt sich hinter Bokashi? Und wie perfekt muss der Komposthaufen wirklich sein? Die Gartenexpertin schafft in ihrem Buch ein grundlegendes Verst?ndnis f?r die Verrottungsprozesse und liefert fachlich fundiert wichtige Antworten rund um Kompost. Sie erkl?rt, wie man Kompost herstellt – von klassischer Schichtung ?ber Sonderformen wie H?gelbeet und Fl?chenkompostierung bis hin zu Thermomethoden und mobilen L?sungen f?r Balkon und Hinterhof. Ausf?hrlich ber?t die Autorin ihre Leser dar?ber hinaus, wie sich Kompost richtig anwenden und optimal nutzen l?sst. Mit praktischen Bauanleitungen und Empfehlungen f?r Kompostbeh?lter oder Wurmkiste finden sich in diesem Buch L?sungen f?r jeden Gartentyp.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783895668043


Das kriegst Du gebacken
Das kriegst Du gebacken

Автор: Claus Vester

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783956165016


Das tierfreundliche Kochbuch
Das tierfreundliche Kochbuch

Автор: Группа авторов

Der vegane Klassiker! Gutes, das gesund ist und schmeckt, muss nicht kompliziert und aufwendig sein. Schritt f?r Schritt erfahren Sie, wie Sie ganz leckere Gerichte auf den Tisch bringen k?nnen. Es gibt unz?hlige Variationsm?glichkeiten, Spielraum f?r Ihre Kreativit?t und individuellen Vorlieben – so wird das Kochen zum Vergn?gen! Vegetarisch-vegane Gerichte – schmackhaft und abwechslungsreich, lecker und gesund – von ?pfeln bis Zwiebeln. Herzhafte Rezepte, wie z.B. Gem?segerichte, deftige K?rbisspezialit?ten, Nudeln, italienische und weitere internationale Gerichte, Salate, Backrezepte ohne Milch und Ei. Inkl. einer Brosch?re «Saucen, Dressings & Dips».

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783892017295


Der Krieg der Welten (Ungek?rzt)
Der Krieg der Welten (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: H. G. Wells

Исполнители: Christoph Hackenberg

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783991162001


Der Schatz hinter dem Drachen
Der Schatz hinter dem Drachen

Автор: Carmen Ramirez Schmidt

Das Buch bietet einen spielerischen Einstieg in die Welt der Chakren und basiert auf den Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Kursen f?r und mit Jugendlichen.
Mithilfe von praktischen Yoga-?bungen wird es Kindern und Jugendlichen ab 9 Jahren alleine oder in Begleitung erm?glicht, ihre Pers?nlichkeit gezielt zu st?rken und damit den Alltag bewusst positiv zu beeinflussen. Ebenso bietet das Buch zahlreiche Inspirationen f?r P?dagog*innen und Yogalehrer*innen, die sie in ihrer Praxis anwenden k?nnen. Neben detaillierten Anleitungen werden auch allgemeine Informationen zu den sieben Chakren und der Yogaphilosophie anschaulich dargestellt. Das Buch bietet Unterst?tzung und Kraft im Alltag und kann als t?glicher Freund und Begleiter einen Beitrag zu einem bewussteren Leben leisten.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783864102905


Der wandernde Krieg - Sergej
Der wandernde Krieg - Sergej

Автор: Michael Schreckenberg

Sergej wei? nur eins: Dass er seine Rache vollenden muss. Rache f?r den Mord an seiner Frau. Er bricht aus der Psychiatrie aus, um seinen Feldzug, den er vor Jahren begann, zu vollenden. In Leverkusen und K?ln beginnt seine Suche. Er wird eine neue Liebe finden. Und er wird mehr und mehr entdecken, dass er Teil ist von etwas viel Gr??erem: die Figur in einem apokalyptischen Dreikampf, der sich in Langenrath, einem idyllischen St?dtchen im Bergischen Land, entscheiden wird … Michael Schreckenbergs epischer Mysteryroman gibt der Geschichte von Gut gegen B?se ein ganz neues literarisches Gesicht – es ist auch das eines zerrissenen, d?steren, zugleich faszinierenden Helden. In Langenrath, einem fiktiven Ort im Bergischen Land, w?chst die Bedrohung durch eine finstere Macht mit jedem neuen Tag. Und mit ihr die Spannung.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783942625296


Destination Unknown
Destination Unknown

Автор: Agatha Christie

A young woman with nothing to live for is persuaded to embark on a suicide mission to find a missing scientist…When a number of leading scientists disappear without trace, concern grows within the international intelligence community. Are they being kidnapped? Blackmailed? Brainwashed?One woman appears to have the key to the mystery. Unfortunately, Olive Betteron now lies in a hospital bed, dying from injuries sustained in a Moroccan plane crash.Meanwhile, in a Casablanca hotel room, Hilary Craven prepares to take her own life. But her suicide attempt is about to be interrupted by a man who will offer her an altogether more thrilling way to die…

Цена: 685.63 руб.
ISBN: 9780007422296



Автор: Джейсон Кренфорд Тиге

В книге описывается использование динамического HTML (DHTML) и каскадных таблиц стилей (CSS) для построения сложных интерактивных Web-узлов. Данные технологии не требуют наличия специфического программного обеспечения на компьютерах посетителей сайта и работоспособны в большинстве распространенных браузеров. С помощью этой книги вы научитесь создавать динамически обновляющиеся Web-страницы, включающие различные текстовые и графические эффекты, манипулировать HTML-таблицами, размещать на своем сайте графику и анимацию. Рассматриваются способы применения каскадных таблиц стилей, проблемы реализации поддержки CSS в различных браузерах, использование JavaScript и объектной модели документа (DOM) для манипулирования содержимым страниц без их перезагрузки с сервера. Изложение материала сопровождается множеством примеров, даются советы по планированию структуры сайта и его дизайну. Кроме того, анализируются наиболее распространенные ошибки, допускаемые при программировании. Издание предназначено для разработчиков Web-страниц и всех, кто хотел бы создать собственный динамический Web-сайт.

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2003
ISBN: 5-94074-169-X


Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies
Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Ian Blumer

Over 100 delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that will help any food lover manage and live with diabetes Over two million Canadians have diabetes–with 10 percent living with type 1 diabetes, and the remaining type 2. With recipes reflecting Canada's diverse, multicultural population, this unique cookbook contains over a hundred mouthwatering recipes for everything from tempting appetizers like feta bruschetta and toasted walnut hummus to entrees like tandoori chicken and glazed asian lamb. Desserts and satisfying snacks aren't off the menu, either–the book contains recipes for sour cream chocolate chip cake, fruit trifle, and chocolate zucchini muffins that will satisfy the sweetest tooth. Based on the latest recommendations from the Canadian Diabetes Association Includes a 16-page full-color insert of photos of the book's many tempting dishes Loaded with information for cooks with diabetes, the book also includes timesaving meal planning suggestions, shopping advice, and tips for plotting out a month of diverse and delicious menus. An essential companion volume to the bestselling Diabetes for Canadians For Dummies, this indispensable cookbook will help those with diabetes and their loved ones prepare and enjoy healthy, great-tasting food.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470160701


Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies
Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies

Автор: Cait James

Discover how to eat a well-balanced diabetic diet Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies gives you everything you need to create healthy and diabetic-friendly meals. In this revised and updated edition, you'll discover how easy it is to manage diabetes through diet. With tons of new recipes—many of them vegetarian—and the latest information on diabetes testing, monitoring, and maintenance, this book will help guide you down a path to a healthier you. With an anticipated price tag close to $3.4 billion annually by the year 2020, diabetes is one of the costliest health hazards in the U.S. If you're one of the 25.8 million Americans suffering from diabetes, this hands-on, friendly guide arms you with the most up-to-date nutritional information and shows you how to start cooking—and eating—your way to better health. Offers 100+ new and revised diabetic recipes for every meal of the day Features changes in fat, carbohydrate, and protein recommendations that parallel the meal plan recommendations of the American Diabetes Association Covers how to make smart choices when eating out, shopping for food, and setting up a diabetic kitchen Introduces ways to involve diabetic children in meal planning and preparation If you're diabetic and want to learn how to make lifestyle changes that count, Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies shows you how the food you eat can help treat, prevent, and manage diabetes.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118944288


Die Depressionsfalle
Die Depressionsfalle

Автор: Marianne Springer-Kremser

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783991000891


Dog Training For Dummies
Dog Training For Dummies

Автор: Jack Volhard

Make training fun and effective This friendly guide shows you how to select the right training method for your dog, based on his unique personality, to reach your desired goals. Whether you want to teach Buddy to sit or master retrieving, you'll get expert training tips and techniques for you and your dog – to ensure a mutually respectful relationship with your four-legged friend. Concentrate on canines – discover why your dog acts the way she does, understand her nutritional needs, and ready yourself for the task of training your dog Prep for your pup – prepare your home for your puppy's arrival, discover the importance of socialization, and get started on housetraining Put your best paw forward – teach basic commands like Sit, Stay, and Down, and get the scoop on how to deal with doggie don'ts like chewing, digging, and excessive barking Take training to the next level – get involved in organized dog activities and competitions, where you'll both show off impressive tricks like retrieving, figure 8s, and much more Open the book and find: Step-by-step instructions for teaching your dog basic commands Helpful advice on crate training Safe ways to address aggression and separation anxiety Tips for teaching Buddy to behave himself around people and other dogs Techniques to keep your senior dog feeling young Health issues that can interfere with training Experts to turn to for training help Learn to: Use positive reinforcement as an effective teaching tool Select the gear you need for training success Teach the basics including Sit, Stay, and Down Eliminate unwanted behavior

Цена: 2024.26 руб.
ISBN: 9780470602270


Dracula: The Un-Dead
Dracula: The Un-Dead

Автор: Ian Holt

The official sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel Dracula, written by his direct descendent and endorsed by the Stoker familyThe story begins in 1912, twenty-five years after the events described in the original novel. Dr. Jack Seward, now a disgraced morphine addict, hunts vampires across Europe with the help of a mysterious benefactor. Meanwhile, Quincey Harker, the grown son of Jonathan and Mina, leaves law school to pursue a career in stage at London's famous Lyceum Theatre.The production of Dracula at the Lyceum, directed and produced by Bram Stoker, has recently lost its star. Luckily, Quincey knows how to contact the famed Hungarian actor Basarab, who agrees to take the lead role.Quincey soon discovers that the play features his parents and their former friends as characters, and seems to reveal much about the terrible secrets he's always suspected them of harbouring. But, before he can confront them, Jonathan Harker is found murdered.The writers were able to access Bram Stoker's hand-written notes and have included in their story characters and plot threads that had been excised by the publisher from the original printing over a century ago.Dracula is one of the most recognized fictional characters in the world, having spawned dozens of multi-media spin-offs. The Un-Dead is the first Dracula story to enjoy the full support of the Stoker estate since the original 1931 movie starring Bela Lugosi.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007342945


Driven: A pioneer for women in motorsport – an autobiography
Driven: A pioneer for women in motorsport – an autobiography

Автор: Rosemary Smith

The inspirational story of the female motorsport pioneer who broke through the gender barrier to compete in and win some of the most iconic rallies in the world.Rosemary Smith is recognised internationally for her outstanding achievements in the world of motorsport. A female pioneer in a notoriously male-dominated sport, she drove in the Monte Carlo rally eight times, winning the Coupe des Dames on numerous occasions as well as competing in most other iconic rallies all over the world, including the London to Sydney in 1968, the World Cup London to Mexico in 1970 and the East African Safari Rally in the 1970s. In a Hillman Imp, Rosemary won the Tulip Rally outright, beating all the male drivers to the finish.Now, for the first time, Rosemary reveals the inside story of her amazing life, recounting many memorable adventures and exploits both on and off the track.But Rosemary’s story is not all fast cars and marathon rallies. She writes with honesty about her early life, about a disastrous marriage and money troubles – and how she overcame it all.

Цена: 1766.51 руб.
ISBN: 9780008301873


Dungeons & Dragons. Герои и их снаряжение
Dungeons & Dragons. Герои и их снаряжение

Автор: Джим Заб

Вы держите в руках захватывающее – и единственное в своем роде – руководство по созданию отважных и дерзких героев (включая их оружие, доспехи, одежду и прочее снаряжение) для самой популярной в мире настольной ролевой игры «DUNGEONS & DRAGONS». Благодаря новым восхитительным иллюстрациям и результатам исследований экспертов, книга «Герои и их снаряжение» предоставляет начинающим игрокам всю информацию, необходимую для создания не только отдельных персонажей, но и полноценной команды искателей приключений. Если вам не терпится приступить к разработке собственных сценариев D&D, это руководство станет идеальной отправной точкой для вашей – и только вашей! – эпической истории в мире фэнтези!

Серия: Dungeons & Dragons. Библиотека юного искателя приключений

Цена: 419 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-120086-2


Dust Up With The Detective
Dust Up With The Detective

Автор: Danica Winters

Murder in Montana is never simpleEvery dead body in Butte is someone’s kin. Detective Jeremy Lawrence has investigated so many wrongdoings, but he still never imagined how it’d feel to be standing over his own brother. Until now. Thankfully, he has the help of Deputy Blake West, a woman he's known his entire life—and wanted for as long as he can remember.It’s been forever since Blake has seen Jeremy, and she has questions for the hot-as-sin lawman. But her interrogation must wait once she learns the killer has set his sights on Blake’s daughter. They promise to put family first, but time is running out to uncover the Lawrence family’s secrets—and rebuild what Jeremy and Blake thought they’d broken long ago…

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 335.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781474039901


East of Hounslow: A funny, clever and addictive spy thriller, shortlisted for a CWA Dagger 2018
East of Hounslow: A funny, clever and addictive spy thriller, shortlisted for a CWA Dagger 2018

Автор: Khurrum Rahman

Meet Jay.Small-time dealer.Accidental jihadist.The one man who can save us all?Javid – call him Jay – is a dope dealer living in West London. He goes to mosque on Friday, and he’s just bought his pride and joy – a BMW. He lives with his mum, and life seems sweet.But his world is about to turn upside-down. Because MI5 have been watching him, and they think he’s just the man they need for a delicate mission.One thing’s for sure: now he’s a long way East of Hounslow, Jay’s life will never be the same again.With the edgy humour of Four Lions and the pulse-racing tension of Nomad, East of Hounslow is the first in a series of thriller starring Jay Qasim.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780008229580


Easy Meals
Easy Meals

Автор: Rachel Allen

In this book, bestselling TV cook, Rachel Allen shares her ultimate fast and easy family recipes.You can always trust Rachel to help you get a delicious and doable dinner on the table. Whether the cupboards are bare or you just want a fabulous meal without the fuss (or the washing up) you’ll find the answers here. Any situation, any problem, these are recipes you can come back to time and time again for delicious dinner solutions. After all, making home cooking both simple and enjoyable is what Rachel does best.Easy Meals contains 180 family friendly recipes for any night of the week. And even better, as well as being mouth-wateringly delicious they are simple enough for even the most novice of cooks.This book is full of ideas and recipes that you can rely on to help you tackle the most common meal-time problems; when your fridge is empty, when you’re short on time, that use 5 ingredients or less or can be cooked in one pot, even delicious dinners you can serve up without so much as turning on the oven. Finally! A cookbook that truly understands the way your life works. Easy Meals is an essential kitchen companion.Chapter breakdown;Store Cupboard CookingAll in One PotFast and FabulousTake 5 ingredients or lessNo Cook CookingQuick Extras and SidesRecipes include;One-pot lamb biryaniTurkey breast with honey, thyme and creamSpiced Pilau rice with chickenPork, chorizo, haricot beans and red wineThai MusselsChunky chowder with potatoes and baconTaragon chicken and lemon pasta with cr?me fraicheChickpea and aubergine saladFishcakesChinese braised beef with pak choyChicken with yoghurt and a carrot and apple saladLentil and sausagesCardamom and orange SemifreddoChocolate Bread and butter puddingQuick fruit bruleeLemon posset

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007435265


Easy Meals Text Only
Easy Meals Text Only

Автор: Rachel Allen

In her new book, bestselling TV cook, Rachel Allen shares her ultimate fast and easy family recipes.You can always trust Rachel to help you get a delicious and doable dinner on the table. Whether the cupboards are bare or you just want a fabulous meal without the fuss (or the washing up) you’ll find the answers here. Any situation, any problem, these are recipes you can come back to time and time again for delicious dinner solutions. After all, making home cooking both simple and enjoyable is what Rachel does best.Easy Meals contains 180 family friendly recipes for any night of the week. And even better, as well as being mouth-wateringly delicious they are simple enough for even the most novice of cooks.This book is full of ideas and recipes that you can rely on to help you tackle the most common meal-time problems; when your fridge is empty, when you’re short on time, that use 5 ingredients or less or can be cooked in one pot, even delicious dinners you can serve up without so much as turning on the oven. Finally! A cookbook that truly understands the way your life works. Easy Meals is an essential kitchen companion.Chapter breakdown;Store Cupboard CookingAll in One PotFast and FabulousTake 5 ingredients or lessNo Cook CookingQuick Extras and SidesRecipes include;One-pot lamb biryaniTurkey breast with honey, thyme and creamSpiced Pilau rice with chickenPork, chorizo, haricot beans and red wineThai MusselsChunky chowder with potatoes and baconTaragon chicken and lemon pasta with cr?me fraicheChickpea and aubergine saladFishcakesChinese braised beef with pak choyChicken with yoghurt and a carrot and apple saladLentil and sausagesCardamom and orange SemifreddoChocolate Bread and butter puddingQuick fruit bruleeLemon posset

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007457595


Easy: 100 delicious dishes for every day
Easy: 100 delicious dishes for every day

Автор: Bill Granger

Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Bill Granger has long been a champion of no-fuss food. Bill is a restaurateur and self-taught cook, but also a working father who cooks for his family every night. Easy is inspired by years of getting delicious, satisfying meals on the table quickly using everyday ingredients from the fridge or store cupboard, all in Bill’s inimitable easygoing style.In this stunning new cookbook, Bill takes 16 well-loved and accessible main ingredients – from a chicken breast, fillet of fish, cut of lamb or tin of beans to berries, chocolate and a chunk of good cheese – and offers simple yet original dishes.Easy includes 100 delicious recipes, from satisfying meat and fish, to flavour-packed vegetarian dishes and bakes, bold salads and tasty pasta, and finally mouth-wateringly easy sweet things.Great food. Big Flavours. No worries. That’s what Bill is all about.Recipes include:Chilli Garlic Chicken with Sour Cream MashTandoori Fish with Cucumber Tomato SaladGoulash with Gnocchi Lamb with Torn Bread and Apricot StuffingFennel Roasted Rack of Pork with Maple SyrupLight Butter ChickenManchego-Crusted Pork with Romesco SauceTaleggio and Pancetta Baked PastaRice Salad with Broad Beans, Asparagus and Smoked TroutBaked Leek and Goats Cheese Risotto and Apple and Celery SaladPotato, Courgette and Mozzarella FrittersCinnamon Chocolate MousseGinger Pear Upside Down Pudding

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007485215


Eat Clean: Wok Yourself to Health
Eat Clean: Wok Yourself to Health

Автор: Ching-He Huang

A REVOLUTIONARY EAST-WEST APPROACH TO EATING WELLEat Clean and feel great with over 100 nutritious and easy Asian soups, salads and stir-fries for everyday health.Ching-He Huang’s promise is simple: with just a wok, a knife and a chopping board, you can revolutionise your diet and feel fantastic.Renowned TV chef and cookery writer Ching transformed her health when she began eating clean – cutting out over-processed, high-sugar foods and embracing natural produce, cooked simply. Featuring fresh, vibrant flavours that make you feel bright, healthy and energised, Ching’s new book Eat Clean shows that by choosing the right foods and adopting easy-to-follow techniques, you too can create delicious meals that help to detoxify and nourish your body so you feel better, stronger and slimmer.With recipes such as Sunshine Energising Oatmeal, Wok-fried Lemongrass Spiced Chicken and Herby Thai Beef Salad, Ching fuses healthy eastern and western cookery to help you create easy, speedy, mouth-watering dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Ching’s done all the hard work for you, so start chopping, get wokking and eat your way to good health!

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007427505


Eat Me: Love, Sex and the Art of Eating
Eat Me: Love, Sex and the Art of Eating

Автор: Alexandra Antonioni

Sex and the City meets Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver in this delicious combination of love, sex and the art of eating. This is the ultimate book for the those with an appreciation for the mouth-wateringly scrumptious and sensual.Sex and the City meets the culinary goddess within, in this delicious offering on love, sex and the art of eating.Alexandra Antonioni argues that food plays a significant role in the seduction and binding of individuals, and offers a collection of musings, anecdotes, quotes and recipes to enhance the smooth path of love.Alexandra takes us on a journey through the highs and lows of modern-day relationships in terms of food, from first date encounters to the inevitable tv dinners. She extols the virtues of love, sex and food whilst providing menus, relationship advice and personal anecdotes on various love-related subjects.We now live in a world of serial but temporary monogamy, where a smorgasbord of endless possibility exists, where a broken heart is no longer terminal but easily and endlessly restorable, rejuvenated and reinvented with the helping hand of a culinary masterpiece or two.Today we seek not so much Mr. Right as Mr. Right Now, thus each relationship can be argued to exist somewhere in:"The Beginning" «The Middle» « The End»Each stage is described by Alexandra in humorous and toe-curlingly familiar detail, coupling the well-know art of love with the less well-known art of culinary bliss, offering advice, experiences and menus not just for the seduction dinner (Beginning) or the comfort food zone (End), but a delicious selection of post-coital snacks, lazy Sunday breakfasts and morning after brunches for all those stages in between.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007584512


Eat What You Watch: A Cookbook for Movie Lovers
Eat What You Watch: A Cookbook for Movie Lovers

Автор: Andrew Rea

Many of our favourite movies come with a side of iconic food moments: the comforting frothy butterbeer from Harry Potter, the sumptuous apple strudel from Inglorious Basterds, the delectable deli fare from When Harry Met Sally, or Remy the rat-chef’s signature ratatouille in Ratatouille.In this cookbook, author Andrew Rea (of the hit YouTube channel ‘Binging with Babish’) recreates these iconic food scenes and many more. With recipes from more than 40 classic and cult films, Eat What You Watch is the perfect gift for both movie buffs and cooks who want to add some cinematic flair to their cooking repertoire.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780008283667


Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food
Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food

Автор: Nigel Slater

The much-loved author of ‘The Kitchen Diaries’ and presenter of BBC1’s Simple Suppers is here to help you cook real food fast, with over 600 ideas for delicious everyday dishes.Inspired by his own supper-time improvisations, Nigel Slater shows you how to make tasty and quick meals with the ingredients you have to hand. Full of inventive food ideas for those pressed for time, and with recipe variations and alternatives to suit any cupboard, Eat: The Little Book of Fast Food will be a feast of everyday inspiration.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007526161


Egg story

Автор: Алена Ануфриева

Авторы книги – известные персоны в области кулинарного искусства, фуд-стайлинга и фуд-фотографии. Они представляют рецепты блюд (от простых до изысканных), обязательным ингредиентом которых является яйцо. Предельно лаконичное и точное описание технологии приготовления блюд разных стран мира позволит с легкостью воплотить их в жизнь даже начинающему кулинару. Помогут в этом и советы авторов, сопровождающие многие рецепты. Ценность абсолютно всех рецептов в их уникальности: они собирались по крупицам, разрабатывались и исполнялись с любовью и трепетом.Особый колорит книге придают современные, стильные и яркие фотографии, создающие прекрасное настроение и вдохновляющие на кулинарное творчество.

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2023


Ein Leben in zwei Welten
Ein Leben in zwei Welten

Автор: Gottlinde Tiedtke

Die Geschichte einer Familie, die durch Tr?ume und Vorahnungen ?ber Generationen hinweg zu Babaji, einem Mahavatar im Himalaya fand. Vollgepackt mit mystischen Erfahrungen, einzigartigen Begegnungen und wertvollen Lehren. Gottlinde Tiedtke nimmt die Leser mit auf eine fantastische spirituelle Reise. Sie erz?hlt von unglaublichen Begebenheiten in den Wirren des ersten und zweiten Weltkrieges, von den au?ergew?hnlichen Erfahrungen einer achtj?hrigen Ordenszeit bei Self-Realization Fellowship, gegr?ndet von Paramahansa Yogananda, und von unvergesslichen Augenblicken bei Babaji, den sie mit Ihrer Familie ?ber sechs Jahre lang am Fu?e des heiligen Berges Kailash in Indien besuchte.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783946959793


Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day
Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day

Автор: Elly Curshen

Sunday Times bestselling author Elly Pear shares over 90 of her new pescatarian recipes all centring around vegetables, grains, pulses and dairy.Her approach to food and cooking perfectly suits the modern-day cook and is packed with innovative fresh flavours, interesting textures and a strong garnish game to boot. Crucially, Elly believes that food should be simple and special, whatever the occasion – the two go hand-in-hand.Let’s Eat contains everything you need to know to enjoy incredible meat-free dishes in a straight forward, cost-effective way. You don’t need a stand mixer, a huge processor or oodles of obscure ingredients. These are the cookery building blocks which will help you try new things, mix it up and feel confident in the kitchen. Elly covers:• Batch cooking, where you’ll learn how a little advance preparation can make for effortless dinners, whatever day of the week.• Freezeable dishes, where Elly provides 4 innovative ways to use your defrosted portions. Repetitive leftovers are a thing of the past.• Quick and easy menus containing curated sets of recipes perfectly suited to a whole host of occasions, whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, a brunch party or weeknight family teatime.Elly appreciates the challenges of being a modern cook. Hers is simple, tasty food – that sort that you can cook day-in, day-out, with ease. It’s nutritious but not spotless, and always brings joy.

Цена: 1977.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780008219529


Emergency Management
Emergency Management

Автор: Lucien G. Canton

Цена: 10215.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119560456


Encyclopaedia of Brewing
Encyclopaedia of Brewing

Автор: Christopher Boulton

Encyclopaedia of Brewing provides a comprehensive description and explanation of all terms which relate to the science and technology of beer, allied beverages and the brewing and malting processes. The Encyclopaedia’s unrivalled coverage is extensive enough to provide an appropriately detailed description of each term under consideration, supplemented in many cases with diagrams and photographs. Offering an international perspective, the book includes descriptions of the terms used in: the brewing process, from raw materials through to packaging the biochemistry, microbiology and genetics which underpin brewing laboratory methods used for the analysis of beer and raw materials quality assurance/control systems and standards hygiene and cleaning processes small- and large-pack packaging engineering of malting, brewing, packaging and dispense beer flavour chemistry historical context legislation relevant to brewing Encyclopaedia of Brewing is the only book of its kind, and is destined to become the essential and authoritative first point of reference for brewing science.

Цена: 29378.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118598122


Enemies of the System
Enemies of the System

Автор: Brian Aldiss

In the future, mankind’s physiology has been improved. Utopia prevails throughout the solar system, in a communistic system of government. When six of its members are lost on an unregenerate planet, the stresses begin to show.In the future, mankind’s physiology has been improved. Utopia prevails throughout the solar system, in a communistic system of government. When six of its members are lost on an unregenerate planet, the stresses begin to show.This novel is part of the Brian Aldiss Collection. The Friday Project are reissuing many of Aldiss’ works, including over 300 short stories, in print and eBook.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780007482474


Enjoy: New veg with dash
Enjoy: New veg with dash

Автор: Nadine Abensur

Contemporary vegetarian food – without a lentil in sight. Enjoy will appeal to vegetarians, certainly, but also to the large numbers of people who like eating fresh, full-flavoured, original food – which just happens not to have meat or fish in it.Nadine Abensur is one of the most original vegetarian food writers working today. Born in Morocco of French-Jewish parents, her food influences stretch from North Africa to Asia. Now living largely in Australia, Nadine has created a collection of recipes which re-define vegetarian food. Dishes such as Chickpea and Broad Bean Salad with Cumin, Paprika and Lemon or Cinnamon-scented Pilaf with Fennel and White Chocolate and Pistachio Cr?me Brulee burst with flavour and colour. The dishes cover all the times of the week cooks need to cater for – from quick post-work dinners to laid-back lunches with friends when you might want to prepare lots of small dishes for everyone to tuck into.Photographed in Australia’s Byron Bay, the pages are full of light, sun and conviviality. Teaching cookery courses, Nadine is very aware of where cooks can go wrong with a recipe or which ingredients need some explanation, for example, so her recipes are wonderfully user-friendly.Contents• Ingredients• Brunch and Beyond• Wind-down suppers• Go for the Burn• Party Time• Sweet Things• Tea time

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007555819


Enrique IX
Enrique IX

Автор: Charley Brindley

La reina de Inglaterra tiene 93 a?os. El proceso de elevar al trono a un nuevo monarca ya se est? organizando. Su hijo, el pr?ncipe Carlos, es el heredero natural. Sin embargo, alguien est? intentando alterar la l?nea sucesoria. Hay m?s de 140 personas en la l?nea esperando ser monarcas. Si el pr?ncipe Carlos, por alguna raz?n, es incapaz de acceder al trono, entonces el siguiente en la l?nea, el pr?ncipe Guillermo, se har? rey. Si ?l tampoco puede, el pr?ncipe Jorge ser? el siguiente en la l?nea, y as? contin?a bajando la lista. Se est?n llevando a cabo retorcidos planes. La se?ora Pion Ciana Victoria Lancaster, conocida entre sus amigos como Ciana, es la n?mero treinta y siete. Guillermo Jorge Tindall Mountbatten es el n?mero treinta y ocho en la lista de la familia real. Ataviado con un disfraz y bajo el nombre de Escipi?n, Guillermo Mountbatten se encuentra accidentalmente con Ciana en un pub londinense. Tiempo atr?s, un general dijo la famosa frase “Ning?n plan de batalla sobrevive al contacto con el enemigo”. Eso es justo lo que ocurri? cuando Ciana y Escipi?n se encontraron.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412472


ERFURTER KOCHBUCH f?r die b?rgerliche K?che 1
ERFURTER KOCHBUCH f?r die b?rgerliche K?che 1

Автор: Sophie Albrecht

Autorin Sophie Albrecht, mit einem Nachwort von Harald Rockstuhl, Taschenbuch, 100 Seiten mit 260 Rezepte in neuer Schrift.Enthaltend die Zubereitung von 30 Suppen, 8 Einlagen in Suppen, 12 Kalteschalen, 36 Gem?sen, 20 Braten, 30 Saucen, 25 Milch-, Mehl- und Eierspeisen, 36 Fleischspeisen, 9 Fischspeisen, 15 Salaten, 12 Compots, 21 kalten und warmen Getr?nken, und verschiedenem Eingemachten

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783867779470


Escape book 3: побег из тюрьмы Мариандуве. Книга, основанная на принципе легендарных квест-румов
Escape book 3: побег из тюрьмы Мариандуве. Книга, основанная на принципе легендарных квест-румов

Автор: Иван Тапиа

Серия: Легендарные квесты и головоломки

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-04-109669-4


Essentials of Banking
Essentials of Banking

Автор: Deborah Dilley K

The essential guide for finance professionals in all industries for quick answers to banking questions, Essentials of Banking provides a nuts and bolts presentation explaining the regulatory, business, and people facts of the business of banking in a handy, concise format. It is the only guide you will need containing all the relevant facts of banking, all in one place.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470332269


Estates Large and Small (Unabridged)
Estates Large and Small (Unabridged)

Автор: Ray Robertson

Исполнители: Ray Robertson

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781771965408


Exploring Wine For Dummies
Exploring Wine For Dummies

Автор: Consumer Dummies

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119979043


Exposure Digital Field Guide
Exposure Digital Field Guide

Автор: Alan Hess

Secrets of exposure revealed, with a bonus color checker card included Exposure is the number one topic that digital photographers want to know about. This full-color book fits in your camera bag and provides all the information you need on this very important aspect of digital photography. Exposure involves combining ISO, aperture, and shutter speed in different variations to accomplish your vision of the perfect image. Exposure Digital Field Guide takes you through the complex techniques of good exposure, taking you from hobbyist to serious amateur photographer. Explains how to adjust shutter speed and aperture to control the amount of light hitting the camera's light sensor Teaches you how to «see the light» for the perfect exposure Helps you gain confidence as you move from automatic controls into manipulating the elements of exposure for specific results Packed with stunning full-color photographs to illustrate what you can achieve Provides suggested settings for various shooting situations and subjects Includes a tear-out color checker card to help you maintain true color Fits in your camera bag for ready reference in the field Exposure Digital Field Guide helps you master one of the most complex and intricate elements of digital photography.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470585092



Автор: Constantin Gillies

Серия: Extraleben

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783941287907


F?r immer zuckerfrei - to go - Einfache Rezepte f?r unterwegs (Ungek?rzt)
F?r immer zuckerfrei - to go - Einfache Rezepte f?r unterwegs (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Anastasia Zampounidis

Gerade unterwegs ist es schwer, zuckerfrei zu essen, weil in Kantinen, Restaurants und Schnellimbissen meist mit dem ungesunden Geschmacksverst?rker gekocht wird. Meal Prep hei?t darum das Zauberwort! Mit ein wenig Planung haben Sie so immer etwas K?stliches dabei, das dem K?rper genau das gibt, was er braucht.

Исполнители: Anastasia Zampounidis

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838794679


Fantas?as Er?ticas, Por sus Propias Manos (abreviado)
Fantas?as Er?ticas, Por sus Propias Manos (abreviado)

Автор: Hans Trujillo

Исполнители: Claudia Nieto

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781611542684


Fermenting For Dummies
Fermenting For Dummies

Автор: Marni Wasserman

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119594222


Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45
Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45

Автор: Макс Хейстингс

Pre-eminent military historian Max Hastings presents Winston Churchill as he has never been seen before.Winston Churchill was the greatest war leader Britain ever had. In 1940, the nation rallied behind him in an extraordinary fashion. But thereafter, argues Max Hastings, there was a deep divide between what Churchill wanted from the British people and their army, and what they were capable of delivering. Himself a hero, he expected others to show themselves heroes also, and was often disappointed. It is little understood how low his popularity fell in 1942, amid an unbroken succession of battlefield defeats. Some of his closest colleagues joined a clamour for him to abandon his role directing the war machine. Hastings paints a wonderfully vivid image of the Prime Minister in triumph and tragedy. He describes the 'second Dunkirk' in 1940, when Churchill's impulsiveness threatened to lose Britain almost as many troops in north-west France as had been saved from the beaches; his wooing of the Americans, and struggles with the Russians. British wartime unity was increasingly tarnished by workers' unrest, with many strikes in mines and key industries.By looking at Churchill from the outside in, through the eyes of British soldiers, civilians and newspapers, and also those of Russians and Americans, Hastings provides new perspectives on the greatest Englishman. He condemns as folly Churchill's attempt to promote mass uprisings in occupied Europe, and details 'Unthinkable', his amazing 1945 plan for an Allied offensive against the Russians to liberate Poland. Here is an intimate and affectionate portrait of Churchill as Britain's saviour, but also an unsparing examination of the wartime nation which he led and the performance of its armed forces.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007344116


Fish и не только. Кулинарное путешествие по морям и океанам без виз
Fish и не только. Кулинарное путешествие по морям и океанам без виз

Автор: Елизавета Малева

Автор книги «Fish и не только» фуд-блогер и рыбоголик Елизавета Малёва утверждает, что родилась уже с рыбкой в обнимку, и поэтому ее миссия – приучить людей к этому полезнейшему продукту. Елизавета охотно делится рецептами блюд из обычных видов рыбы, которые доступны и есть в любом магазине. Но сами блюда при этом трудно назвать тривиальными: биточки из кильки, кальмары на гриле с голландским соусом, караси с битыми огурцами, палтус с пармезаном, закарпатская уха, английский рыбный пирог – и это еще далеко не все. По рецептам Елизаветы Малёвой можно легко готовить рыбные завтраки, обеды и ужины, как минимум, на протяжение нескольких месяцев: здесь представлены и закуски, и супы, и десерты, 8 видов котлет, 10 видов жареной рыбы, 6 – запеченной… Процесс приготовления описан так подробно, что справится даже начинающий кулинар. Миссия выполнима!

Серия: Кулинарное открытие (Эксмо)

Цена: 459 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-04-110910-3


FLAVOUR. Дело вкуса
FLAVOUR. Дело вкуса

Автор: Йотам Оттоленги

«Эта книга полностью посвящена овощам и научит вас создавать из них истинные шедевры вкуса. Первый ее раздел описывает основные процессы, происходящие во время приготовления овощей и других важных ингредиентов. Второй рассказывает о том, с чем их сочетать, чтобы подчеркнуть их характерные особенности. Третий касается самих продуктов – той чистой глубины вкуса, которой некоторые из них обладают от природы, что позволяет им играть главную роль в блюде, становясь более или менее самостоятельной его частью или компонентом, усиливающим и подчеркивающим вкус других овощей. Из 100 приведенных в книге рецептов 45 являются строго веганскими, еще 17 “веганизированы”. Какими бы ни были ваши личные предпочтения, я уверен, что вы найдете достаточно причин, чтобы присоединиться ко мне в восхвалении всех вкусов и ароматов, которые могут предложить овощи». Йотам Оттоленги В формате PDF сохранен издательский дизайн.

Цена: 769 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-389-23000-2


Flawed / Perfect
Flawed / Perfect

Автор: Cecelia Ahern

The stunning bestselling YA duology from internationally bestselling author Cecelia AhernCelestine North lives in a society that demands perfection, and she lives a perfect life. She’s a model daughter and sister, she’s well-liked by her classmates and teachers, and she’s dating the impossibly charming Art Crevan.But then Celestine encounters a situation in which she makes an instinctive decision. Will she be branded as FLAWED? Will all her freedoms be gone?In a society where perfection is paramount and mistakes are punished, one young woman takes a stand that could cost her everything. But can she prove that to be human in itself is to be Flawed? . . .

Цена: 1976.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780008266103



Автор: Roland Kreutzer

Alle Anlagen Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt – 31 Flossinganlagen, 45 Beschwerdebilder und Sportverletzungen, 45 Eigen?bungen
"Flossing" gibt einen systematischen ?berblick ?ber die Einsatzm?glichkeiten und positiven Effekte dieses Verfahrens: • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden
Flossing wurde in den letzten Jahren unter dem etwas obskuren Namen Voodoo-Flossing popul?r. Zun?chst galt das Flossing als Geheimtipp ambitionierter Kraftsportler und Cross Fitter. Nach und nach wurde es einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit zug?nglich. In seinem Buch «Werde ein geschmeidiger Leopard» stellte der amerikanische Physiotherapeut Dr. Kelly Starrett verschiedene Anwendungsm?glichkeiten vor. Schon l?nger war jedoch das Flossing als effektives Mittel zum Muskelaufbau bekannt: 2004 beschrieben die Japaner Takarada und Tsuruta den positiven Zusammenhang von Flossing und Muskelaufbau bei leichtem Widerstandstraining.
Wie entfaltet Flossing seine Wirkung? Flossing bewirkt unter anderem ?ber eine Beeinflussung der Faszien bzw. des Fasziensystems eine rasche Schmerzlinderung ohne medikament?se Belastung des Organismus. Die M?glichkeiten und Grenzen sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen werden in diesem Buch ausf?hrlich beschrieben. Flossing als praktische Anwendung wird vornehmlich bei folgenden Beschwerdebildern demonstriert und dabei Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt:
• Schmerzen im Bereich der Schulter • Arme und H?nde • Tennisellenbogen • Golferellenbogen • Schmerzzust?nde der Wirbels?ule und des Kreuzbeins • Beschwerden im H?ft-, Bein- und Fu?bereich • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783868675443


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