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Автор: Roland Kreutzer

Alle Anlagen Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt – 31 Flossinganlagen, 45 Beschwerdebilder und Sportverletzungen, 45 Eigen?bungen
"Flossing" gibt einen systematischen ?berblick ?ber die Einsatzm?glichkeiten und positiven Effekte dieses Verfahrens: • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden
Flossing wurde in den letzten Jahren unter dem etwas obskuren Namen Voodoo-Flossing popul?r. Zun?chst galt das Flossing als Geheimtipp ambitionierter Kraftsportler und Cross Fitter. Nach und nach wurde es einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit zug?nglich. In seinem Buch «Werde ein geschmeidiger Leopard» stellte der amerikanische Physiotherapeut Dr. Kelly Starrett verschiedene Anwendungsm?glichkeiten vor. Schon l?nger war jedoch das Flossing als effektives Mittel zum Muskelaufbau bekannt: 2004 beschrieben die Japaner Takarada und Tsuruta den positiven Zusammenhang von Flossing und Muskelaufbau bei leichtem Widerstandstraining.
Wie entfaltet Flossing seine Wirkung? Flossing bewirkt unter anderem ?ber eine Beeinflussung der Faszien bzw. des Fasziensystems eine rasche Schmerzlinderung ohne medikament?se Belastung des Organismus. Die M?glichkeiten und Grenzen sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen werden in diesem Buch ausf?hrlich beschrieben. Flossing als praktische Anwendung wird vornehmlich bei folgenden Beschwerdebildern demonstriert und dabei Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt:
• Schmerzen im Bereich der Schulter • Arme und H?nde • Tennisellenbogen • Golferellenbogen • Schmerzzust?nde der Wirbels?ule und des Kreuzbeins • Beschwerden im H?ft-, Bein- und Fu?bereich • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783868675443



Автор: Uwe Schroder

Herausforderungen meistern, im Flow und ganz bei sich zu sein: Dazu braucht es mehr als Achtsamkeit. Im entscheidenden Moment das Richtige zu essen, beeinflusst Konzentration, Leistungsf?higkeit und Lebensqualit?t. Damit es im Sport, bei der Arbeit und im Unterricht »l?uft«, sind Powersnacks beliebt. Oft halten sie nicht, was sie versprechen. Das Buch zeigt: Aus nat?rlichen Zutaten selbst gemacht, schmecken die kleinen Kraftpakete besser, und sie liefern das, was der K?rper braucht. Mit den 80 Rezepten f?r Riegel, B?llchen, Pfannkuchen, Waffeln oder Sportgels und erprobten Expertentipps ist es leicht, das auszuw?hlen, was zum Ern?hrungskonzept und Fitnessziel passt. Die Snacks lassen sich einfach zubereiten und handlich verpacken, ohne Plastikm?ll zu hinterlassen – ein gro?es Plus der Zubereitung in der heimischen K?che. Das Flowfood-Kochbuch passt zu allen Gelegenheiten: vor und nach dem Training oder im Wettkampf, beim Laufen oder auf dem Rad ebenso wie beim Fitnesstraining oder Schachturnier. Gut auch f?r andere Snack-Momente: beim Wandern, in der Lern- oder Arbeitspause und als Fingerfood.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783895668074


Floyd’s China
Floyd’s China

Автор: Keith Floyd

Floyd explores the cuisine of the enormous continent of China. He travels to different regions bringing to our attention a vast range of food types.Floyd immerses himself in Chinese culture and traditions, mixing with the locals, buying produce from the markets, bartering with the shopkeepers, and doing lots of sightseeing as well as cooking! We share in all these experiences and are told interesting anecdotes along the way.Floyd dispels the illusion that there is only one sort of Chinese cuisine. On the contrary, from one city to another, the gastronomy can vary greatly. Floyd concentrates on the food of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Sichua. Different cooking methods are demonstrated i.e. stir-frying, pan-frying, deep-frying, baking, blanching, smoking and drying and steaming. He explains the ingredients and seasonings that create bitter, sweet, sour, spicy, salty, rich, or fresh flavours. In keeping with his typical style, Floyd shares his enjoyment of the various tastes and textures achieved from these different techniques.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007385836


Floyd’s Thai Food
Floyd’s Thai Food

Автор: Keith Floyd

The original TV chef takes his own personal and practical look at preparing and cooking Thai food and takes you on a gastronomic tour of the country and foodKeith Floyd has been visiting Thailand for over 20 years – this book is a product of all the adventures that he has had, people he has met and recipes he has learnt.In Thai cuisine you will find the influences of Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia and, of course, China, plus the effect of the introduction of the chili in the 16th Century. Thai food reflects these wide influences to produce one of the most popular cuisines in the UK.From basic ingredients and utensils, through pastes, sauces and dips, rices, noodles, Thai salads and soups, fish, meat and deserts, Keith Floyd introduces you to the basics of Thai cooking in his own inimitable casual style and gets to the heart of Thai food – tasty food that is quick and easy to prepare and perfect to share with friends and families.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007361045


Follow Your Dream
Follow Your Dream

Автор: Patricia Burns

“She was following her dream. And I’m going to do the same. I’m going to be a dancer. ”In January 1947, Lillian’s Aunty Eileen escaped their family’s grim Southend boarding house to find her own path. Now Lillian’s gran rules the family with an iron fist and Lillian, the youngest, is no better than a slave. She takes comfort from her Aunty Eileen’s example, knowing that she will one day leave and become a dancer.As the austere Forties give way to the excitement of the “never had it so good” Fifties, Lillian joins a touring company, dancing in the chorus line. Her dream is so close she can touch it. The only thing missing is James Kershaw, who Lillian thinks is the love of her life, but who regards her as no more than a little sister.When a family crisis demands her return to Southend, and to James, Lillian starts to think – is it time to find a new dream to follow?Other books by Patricia BurnsWe'll Meet AgainBye Bye Love

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781408905012


Follow Your Fantasy: Deeper
Follow Your Fantasy: Deeper

Автор: Nicola Jane

‘Stands out from the crowd’ – MetroYour erotic adventure continues…Welcome back to the sizzling erotic world of Follow Your Fantasy – a whole new world of fantasies where you, the reader, choose what happens next. And if one adventure isn’t enough, go back and try another.As the story unfolds, your decision could take you onstage in a very naughty magic show; on a hot, naked photo shoot or to a solo performance for the watchful neighbour across from your apartment. You might be an artist's sexy muse or the star of a very special home video. Whether you find out more about Giselle, meet the commanding magician Leon, or seduce the policeman following you, whatever choice you make, the power is always yours.In this brand new collection of short, steamy stories, you'll delve further into your fantasies than ever before. Once again, the most important character is You – confident, sexy and up for anything You. Where will your fantasies take you this time…?

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007548644


Food Combining for Health Cookbook: Better health and weight loss with the Hay Diet
Food Combining for Health Cookbook: Better health and weight loss with the Hay Diet

Автор: Jean Joice

From the best selling authors of Food Combining for Health and Food Combining For Vegetarians and with a foreword by Doris Grant – the Food Combining for Health Cookbook is the definitive recipe collection and nutrition guide for food combiners.Don’t Mix Foods That Fight!The motto of food combiners is still working for the many thousands of people in the UK now following a food combining diet as popularised by Doris Grant and the hugely successful Thorsons food combining series.Weight problems – mood swings – allergic reactions – headaches – digestive disorders – skin problems – tiredness and irritability – all these symptoms and many more have been shown to be either eased or irradicated by changing to a food combining diet .In fact the only problem with a food combining diet is that sometimes, it’s perceived as a bit complicated. The Food Combining For Health Cookbook is designed to be simple. It brings together recipes from the Thorsons collection and includes an easy reference food-type chart so each ingredient can be checked off as Starch, Protein or Alakaline.Clear, spacious design and layout of recipes• Over 200 recipes• Seasonal menu planners

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483365


Food from the Sun
Food from the Sun

Автор: Neven Maguire

Neven Maguire presents a radiant collection of recipes inspired by the food from our favourite travel destinations. From the al fresco trattorias of Italy to the street food of Vietnam, Food from the Sun will make your kitchen a place to enjoy that true holiday spirit all year round.Have you ever yearned to recreate a memorable Mediterranean meal or wondered how to make mouth-watering Thai dishes? Neven presents more than 100 delicious recipes from around the world and shows how easy it can be to cook your much-loved cuisines at home.His recipes are innovative yet straightforward, leaving plenty of time for a siesta once the plates are empty. Whether you want an assortment of flavoursome tapas for a group of friends; to have the whole family round for a Moroccan feast, or just enjoy a simple dish with someone special, Food from the Sun is bursting with inspiration.With beautiful finished food shots and evocative location photography to accompany the recipes, this cookbook will bring sunshine to your kitchen no matter what the weather outside.Recipes include:Baked Sea Bass with Tomatoes and Olives,Beetroot Carpaccio with Creamed Goat's Cheese,Spicy Chicken and Mango Noodles,Moroccan Lamb Tagine,Crispy Wild Mushroom Risotto balls with Leek and Smoked Bacon,Summer Fruit Crumble with Citrus Mascarpone Cream

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007365036


Forester. Большая книга. Гриль
Forester. Большая книга. Гриль

Автор: Влад Пискунов

Жаренное на огне мясо с древних времен считалось символом достатка, сытости и счастья. И по сей день мы так любим собираться с друзьями и семьей возле гриля, нанизывать маринованные кусочки мяса на шампуры, заботливо жарить его на углях и с радостью угощать своих близких. А чтобы каждый пикник или обед на даче был незабываемым, мы пробуем новые рецепты, новые маринады и техники приготовления. Влад Пискунов, опытный кулинар и известный блогер, общается с грилем на «ты», поэтому решил упростить вам задачу и приготовил для вас целую книгу отменных рецептов блюд, приготовленных на гриле. Помимо разнообразных рецептов мяса, рыбы и птицы, вы узнаете, что на решетке можно приготовить уху, кашу и даже десерты! Подробные инструкции нашего автора помогут даже неопытному повару освоить гриль, разобраться в его видах и тонкостях, а также выбрать необходимое оборудование и утварь. Теперь вы можете стать настоящим экспертом в области гриля и радовать близких настоящими шедеврами!

Серия: Кулинария. Авторская кухня

Цена: 459 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-699-65921-0


Forget Me Not: A gripping, heart-wrenching thriller full of emotion and twists!
Forget Me Not: A gripping, heart-wrenching thriller full of emotion and twists!

Автор: A. Taylor M

Readers are calling it ‘CHILLING’, ‘GRIPPING’, ‘TWISTY’ ‘10 STARS!!!’Don’t miss the new crime thriller everyone will be talking about this year!WHAT HAPPENED TO NORA?When Maddie met Nora, their friendship felt as easy as breathing. And when Nora disappeared, all the air went with her. Without her best friend, Maddie’s life became impossible.Ten years later, Nora is still missing and Maddie is still searching. People have been questioned. People have even been accused. But no one has managed to find Nora.Then, in the same spot where Nora went missing, the murdered body of Nora’s little sister is found. Convinced this is no coincidence, Maddie resolves to uncover the killer and find Nora – dead or alive.But will she be able to cope, when we learn what really happened to Nora…?An exciting debut psychological thriller perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh, Liane Moriarty and Lisa Jewell.What people are saying about Forget Me Not:‘Emotive, clever and compelling’ Phoebe Morgan, author of The Doll House‘Perfectly paced and beautifully written’ June Taylor, author of Keep Your Friends Close‘Terrific writing, intelligent plotting and memorable characters’ Liz Loves Books‘This mystery gets better and better as the pages turn’ Amanda’s Book Review‘10 Stars!! I just finished this and wow. This one made me cry. I have so much to say and not sure where to start’ Melissa, Goodreads‘A+ for Forget Me Not’ Ali, NetGalley reviewer‘The ending shocked me’ Lea, NetGalley reviewer‘It will grab you from the first chapter’ Kim, NetGalley reviewer‘Taut, chilling, twisty, thrill ride’ Johnna, NetGalley reviewer‘If you love a good mystery psychological thriller, then I would highly recommend this’ Jacqueline, NetGalley reviewer‘A definite 5* read for me’ Ann, Goodreads‘Rollercoaster of a read’ Tracey, NetGalley reviewer‘Lots of little twists and turns’ Karen, NetGalley reviewer

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008312916


Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life
Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

A complete physical and psychological guide to the land of the slim and healthy. The Juice Master’s workshops and roadshows contain such antics as the ‘Who Wants to Be a Slimionnaire?’ game. This irreverent but hard-hitting book will ensure people never look at a burger in the same way again!Jason Vale is the ultimate health coach – ‘The Juice Master’ – and in this book he reveals how everyone can get slim, get fit, and get energised – or ‘juiced’. His lively style and irreverent text nonetheless contains clear health messages for everyone:– give up what he calls ‘drug foods’ – those nutritionally worthless addictive substances, such as sugar (‘white trash’) and caffeine – and return to a fresh diet- eat the freshest plant ingredients and feel the fabulous health benefit of raw juice which is full of healthy enzymes- hit out at the food industry and reject its brainwashing advertising- use food combining to help your digestion.The Juice Master, who has been described as a mix between Anthony Robbins, Jamie Oliver and Eddie Izzard, offers a whole new approach to reframing the way you think about food, and offers plenty of surprises along the way.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007466375


French For Dummies
French For Dummies

Автор: Dodi-Katrin Schmidt

The fast, informal way to learn to speak French – with integrated audio clips throughout. Listen to pronunciations and conversations. French is a beautiful language but quite difficult to learn. Whether you need to learn the language for a French class, or you travel overseas for business or leisure, this enhanced edition of French for Dummies can help. Written in an easy-to-follow format, with integrated audio clips, it gives you just what you need for basic communication in French. The enhanced edition includes: Expanded coverage of necessary grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciations Useful exercises, practice questions, and a mini-dictionary Business, an upcoming class, travel – whatever your reason for wanting to learn a new language but don't have time to take a class, this enhanced edition of French For Dummies can get you well on your way to becoming fluent in no time!

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118138649


From Season to Season: A Year in Recipes
From Season to Season: A Year in Recipes

Автор: Софи Даль

Continuing where her hugely successful Voluptuous Delights left off, best selling author Sophie Dahl offers up a seasonal almanac of bountiful dishes alongside warm food-filled memories and musings.Taking a gastronomic journey through the seasons, from the Victorian Beeton era to a recent sodden Parisian evening, Dahl captures the smoke filled days of Autumn with a nostalgic Squash and Parmesan soup, the blooming warmth of an English garden in high summer with Grilled Peaches with Pistachios and Ricotta; and the burgeoning beginnings of Spring with a Butter Lettuce, Lobster and Crayfish Salad.Bursting with moreish yet nutritious recipes for budding foodies and seasoned gourmets alike, stunning photography and Sophie’s delightfully quirky illustrations, this latest offering promises pleasure, indulgence and of course, simple, good food.

Цена: 1483.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007382774


Gastro Obscura. Кулинарные чудеса со всего мира
Gastro Obscura. Кулинарные чудеса со всего мира

Автор: Сесили Вонг

Любознательные и неутомимые авторы международного бестселлера Atlas Obscura создали этот захватывающий путеводитель по кулинарным пристрастиям разных народов мира. Книга охватывает все континенты (даже Антарктиду!) и предлагает читателю полную тарелку изысканных приправ, съедобных чудес и вкусовых открытий. Готовы к пиву, приготовленному из тумана в Чили? Или пасте «Нити Бога» в Сардинии? Хотите увидеть 2000-летние египетские печи для яиц? Вы познакомитесь с самыми необычными блюдами мира, а также проследите, какое место еда занимает в нашей жизни и наших желудках. Вы увидите сеть древнеримских заводов по производству рыбных соусов, узнаете, как добраться до чайного домика по священной горе Хуа в Китае и познакомитесь с культурными обычаями, такими как кормление диких макак пирамидой фруктов на фестивале обезьян в Таиланде или раздача пирогов с пеканом в Техасе. Узнавайте новые неожиданные факты и не бойтесь удивляться!

Серия: Atlas Obscura

Исполнители: Юрий Мироненко

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 9785001953166


Georgian dishes
Georgian dishes

Автор: Merab Beradze

The book “Georgian dishes” was published in Georgia into 15 languages: Georgian, Russian, Polish, German, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, italian, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew languages.

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 9785447463151


Geschmacksrevolution Fermentieren
Geschmacksrevolution Fermentieren

Автор: Ingrid Palmetshofer

Sie ist ?sterreichs leidenschaftlichste „Fermentista“, in ihrer „School of Fermentation“ ber?t sie Spitzenk?che und entwickelt laufend neue Techniken und Rezepte, die weit ?ber die bekannten und traditionellen Sauergem?se hinausgehen: Ingrid Palmetshofer holt ihre kreativen Ideen aus der ganzen Welt – regional, nat?rlich und ?kologisch vertr?glich. Ob Rettich-Kimchi, s??-saure Heidelbeer-Chips, fermentierte Fichtenwipfel, wilde L?wenzahnknospen, Pizza mit Fermato-Ketchup oder in Honig gereifter Knoblauch: Ihre revolution?ren Geschmackskreationen sind aufregend und neu. Dabei h?pfen nicht nur die Geschmacksknospen, sondern auch die gesunden Darmbakterien vor Freude, wie auch die moderne Mikrobiomforschung belegt. Lassen Sie sich von ?ber 60 Rezepten aus allen Jahreszeiten, vielen praktischen Tipps und einem deutlichen Mehr an Vitalit?t, Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit ?berzeugen!

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783990405680


Gin - Alles ?ber Spirituosen mit Wacholder
Gin - Alles ?ber Spirituosen mit Wacholder

Автор: Karsten Sgominsky

Vom einstigen Schattendasein losgel?st, h?lt Gin heutzutage wieder verst?rkt Einzug in die Sortimente und belebt die Barkultur mit neuem Glanz. Alten Cocktailrezepturen wird neues Leben eingehaucht, und sowohl Connaisseure als auch die Bartenderzunft k?nnen mittlerweile auf ein breites Spektrum an Wacholderspirituosen zur?ckgreifen. H?chste Zeit also f?r eine Hommage an diese edlen Tropfen! Das umfassende Handbuch f?r jedermann bietet einen kompakten ?berblick ?ber Gin, Genever und Wacholderbr?nde. Es informiert ?ber Zutaten, Herstellung sowie die wichtigsten Marken und f?hrt durch deren Geschichte bis hin zur Cocktail?ra, der die Welt gro?artige Mixturen verdankt. Nicht fehlen d?rfen dabei nat?rlich die verschiedenen Martini-Cocktails und klangvolle Klassiker, die ihren Ruhm alten Hollywoodfilmen verdanken. Die Gin-Renaissance ist in vollem Gange und pr?sentiert sich hier in neuem, frischem Design mit einer erstaunlichen Vielfalt. Lassen Sie sich ?berraschen!

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783905834406


Gin Made Me Do It: 60 Beautifully Botanical Cocktails
Gin Made Me Do It: 60 Beautifully Botanical Cocktails

Автор: Ruby Taylor

2016 was officially the “year of gin” in the UK, with sales topping ?1 billion! The brilliantly botanical spirit is much more than tonic’s sidekick, it’s sophisticatedly sippable, and adds depth and flavour to any drink.This beautifully illustrated book will introduce you to a host of cocktails from the classic to the cutting edge, and showcase the versatile potential of gin.In Gin Made Me Do It, gin aficionado and cocktail maven Jassy Davis explains everything you need to know: how to choose the perfect blend, mix the ultimate martini, and deliver delicious cocktails for every occasion.From the perfect G&T and updates on classics like the Aviator and the Vesper, to a wide range of herbaceous cocktails, the recipes in this book are fresh, flavourful, and fun. 60 delicious recipes are illustrated with bright and beautiful original artwork in a book that makes a lovely gift for your friends—or yourself!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780008291792


GIS For Dummies
GIS For Dummies

Автор: Michael DeMers N

GIS (geographic information system) is a totally cool technology that has been called “geography on steroids.” GIS is what lets you see the schools in your neighborhood or tells you where the nearest McDonald’s is. GIS For Dummies tells you all about mapping terminology and digital mapping, how to locate geographic features and analyze patterns such as streets and waterways, and how to generate travel directions, customer location lists, and much more with GIS. Whether you’re in charge of creating GIS applications for your business or you simply love maps, you’ll find GIS For Dummies is packed with information. For example, you can: Learn all the hardware and software necessary to collect, analyze, and manipulate GIS data Explore the difference between 2D and 3D maps, create a map, or manage multiple maps Analyze patterns that appear in maps and interpret the results Measure distance in absolute, comparative, and functional ways Recognize how spatial factors relate to geographic data Discover how GIS is used in business, the military, city planning, emergency services, land management, and more Find out how GIS can help you find out where flooding may occur Determine what your organization needs, do appropriate analyses, and actually plan and design a GIS system You’ll find dozens of applications for GIS queries and analyses, and even learn to create animated GIS output. Whether your goal is to implement a GIS or just have fun, GIS For Dummies will get you there! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470498750


Glauben - Wie geht das?
Glauben - Wie geht das?

Автор: Matthias Beck

„Wozu noch Christentum?“ So fragen sich viele. Kann man das Christentum dem modernen Menschen des dritten Jahrtausends ?berhaupt noch zumuten? Steht der christliche Glaube im Widerspruch zur Vernunft? Sind die s?kulare Ethik oder die esoterische Spiritualit?t ein zeitgem??er Ersatz f?r das Christentum? Der Autor greift diese Themen auf und zeigt ein Christentum, das Antworten auf die dr?ngenden Fragen des heutigen Menschen gibt. Wer bin ich? Wie finde ich mein Gl?ck? Wie bekomme ich den richtigen Beruf? Wie finde ich den richtigen Lebenspartner? Warum gibt es so viel Leid in der Welt? Hat meine Krankheit einen Sinn? Der Kern der christlichen Botschaft wird neu herausgearbeitet, die Botschaft von der Gr??e und Einmaligkeit des Menschen wird ?berzeugend dargelegt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Christentum Befreiung, Lebensentfaltung und Leben in F?lle ist. Und damit genau das, was sich jeder Mensch w?nscht.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990401989


Gluten Free Life. Beginner’s Guide
Gluten Free Life. Beginner’s Guide

Автор: Алексей Сабадырь

A practical guide to living a gluten-free lifestyle. To help readers understand the benefits of a gluten-free diet and its impact on health. The book contains a nutrition plan, a list of foods that can and should be excluded from the diet. This book will help nutritionists, patients, and those who simply want to follow a healthy lifestyle.Ridero and the author of the book are not responsible for the information provided. Contact your healthcare provider.

Цена: 280 руб.
ISBN: 9785006201910


Gluten, Wheat and Dairy Free Cookbook: Over 200 allergy-free recipes, from the Sensitive Gourmet’
Gluten, Wheat and Dairy Free Cookbook: Over 200 allergy-free recipes, from the ‘Sensitive Gourmet’

Автор: Antoinette Savill

New edition bringing together the full range of recipes from Antoinette Savill’s Sensitive Gourmet books. Also includes a new selection of 25 ultra low fat options.Antoinette Savill’s previous titles broke new ground in creative, cosmopolitan cookery for people suffering from sensitivity to wheat, dairy or gluten.Now both the Sensitive Gourmet and More From The Sensitive Gourmet are available as one book. All those with lactose and wheat sensitivity, coeliac disease, asthma and eczema or chronic fatigue will find the book invaluable.Over 200 recipes cover the entire range of dishes. From light savoury snacks and soups, to meat, fish and vegetables dishes for dinner parties through to naughty puddings, cakes, and fresh home-made breads.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007386406


Gordon Ramsay’s Great Escape: 100 of my favourite Indian recipes
Gordon Ramsay’s Great Escape: 100 of my favourite Indian recipes

Автор: Gordon Ramsay

In his Channel 4 series TV chef Gordon Ramsay embarks on a culinary journey around India, discovering the breadth and depth of cooking of the country. His cookbook is packed with the best recipes from his travels, showing you how to cook authentic dishes that are bursting with flavour.Three-star chef Gordon Ramsay's favourite food is one that he shares with a lot of Britain – curry. But, until now, he's never been to India to see how the real thing is cooked. Accompanied by a Channel 4 film crew, Gordon takes the culinary trip of a lifetime to discover real Indian cuisine and share this collection of over 100 of his favourite Indian dishes.As you'd expect from a Michelin-starred chef, Gordon brings his eye for perfection and ability to judge flavours perfectly to his exploration of Indian food and shows us how to cook authentic, mouth-watering dishes from all over this huge and varied country. He visits Kerala deep in the South of India to bring us spicy, coconut-based curries and travels to colourful Rajasthan to learn about the creamy, flavourful dishes of the North. Along the way Gordon experiences the hugely different flavours and spices from the different regions and absorbs local cooking styles and traditions.Throughout his culinary journey, Gordon selects the best of the vast array of Indian spices, now readily available in British supermarkets. He shows us how to use these authentically to produce a beautifully flavoured Indian dish. Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape includes over 100 recipes in the following sections: Everyday, Entertaining, Quick Lunches and Healthy Dishes.Once Gordon shows you how easy it is to put together authentic Indian dishes, you'll never look back.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007358014



Автор: Stephen Moore

Rogrig Wishard is a killer, a liar and a thief.Rogrig is the last person the fey would turn to for help. But they know something he doesn’t.In a world without government or law, where a man’s loyalty is to his family and faerie tales are strictly for children, Rogrig is not happy to discover that he’s carrying faerie blood. Especially when he starts to see them wherever he goes.To get his life back, he’s going to have to journey further from home than he’s ever been before and find out what the fey could possibly want from him. But that’s easier said than done when the punishment for abandoning your family is death.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008103538


Green Mars
Green Mars

Автор: Kim Stanley Robinson

The second volume in the bestselling Mars trilogy – and now part of the Voyager Classics collection.Mars can be plundered – for the benefit of a ravaged Earth. It can be terraformed to suit Man’s needs – frozen lakes form, lichen grows, the atmosphere slowly becomes breathable. But most importantly, Mars can be owned. On Earth, countries are bought and sold by the transnationals. Why not Mars too?Man’s dream is underway, but so is his greatest test. The survivors of the First Hundred – Hiroko, Nadia, Maya and Simon among them – know that technology alone is not enough. Trust and co-operation are need to create a new world – but these qualities are as thin on the ground as the air they breathe.

Цена: 1400.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780007402090


Green Smoothies For Dummies
Green Smoothies For Dummies

Автор: Jennifer Thompson

Sip your way to ultimate nutrition and feel better than ever Whether you're looking to detox, lose weight, or just add more veggies to your diet, green smoothies are the way to go. Easy to prepare, portable, and endlessly customizable, green smoothies are the trendy new beverage in everyone's cup. Think you don't like kale, collard greens, or watercress? Try them in a smoothie and you'll never see them the same way again. Green smoothies are the easiest, most painless way to add more nutrients to your diet, so you can feel better than ever before. Green Smoothies For Dummies is your beginner's guide to the world of drinkable greens. Author and international smoothie guru Jennifer Thompson explains the benefits of green smoothies, and provides over 90 recipes that will make you start craving your vegetables. You'll get to know the flavors and properties of each ingredient, and how to combine ingredients for complete nutrition. Replace meals with green smoothies without sacrificing nutrients Boost your nutrition even higher with protein and fiber supplements Reduce hunger and feel full longer with the right smoothie blends Customize your smoothies to your personal nutritional needs Before too long, you'll be experimenting and coming up with your own favorite combinations. Your vegetable intake will skyrocket, and you'll look and feel fantastic. How often does something so good for you taste so delicious? Green smoothies help you fill the nutrient gaps in your diet so you can experience optimal health and well-being. Green Smoothies For Dummies is your guide to all things smoothie, and will get you started now.

Цена: 1748.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118871270



Автор: Nigel Slater

The first in a pair of fast, season-led vegetable books from beloved author and cook Nigel Slater.‘Much of my weekday eating contains neither meat nor fish … It is simply the way my eating has grown to be over the last few years.’ Greenfeast: spring, summer is a vibrant and joyous collection of the food Nigel eats at the end of the day. Over 110 simply beautiful spring and summer recipes, each with suggested variations, that can mostly be on the table in 30 minutes. This is perfect for people who want to eat less meat, but don’t want to compromise on flavour and ease of cooking.From roast spring vegetables with peanut sauce to rice, broad beans and asparagus, or peaches with blackberries and ice cream, this green follow-up to the bestselling Eat is for everyone who wants daily inspiration for quick plant-based suppers. Greenfeast: autumn, winter will follow in October 2019.

Цена: 2299.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780008336622



Автор: Christy Henry

Der Wind peitschte unerbittlich ?ber die trostlose Landschaft. Er heulte ?ber die kniehohe Schneedecke, wirbelte Eiskristalle scharf wie Nadelspitzen auf und neigte riesige B?ume, bis sie krachend niederfielen.
Im Auftrag des Herzogs begibt sich Gregorius auf eine Reise, die sein Leben f?r immer ver?ndern wird. Er entdeckt eine Welt, die grausamer und magischer nicht sein k?nnte. Inmitten eines verborgenen Krieges wei? er bald nicht mehr, auf welcher Seite er steht.
Ob es sich lohnt zu k?mpfen?

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783945914045


Gro?mutters gemeinn?tzige Rezepte und erprobte Hausmittel
Gro?mutters gemeinn?tzige Rezepte und erprobte Hausmittel

Автор: A.V. Berg

Taschenbuch von A.v.Berg, neu gesetzter Nachdruck alter Hausmittel, 103 Seiten

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783867779845


Guitar Exercises For Dummies
Guitar Exercises For Dummies

Автор: Jon Chappell

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119748939


Guten Morgen, Leben!
Guten Morgen, Leben!

Автор: Sandra K?nig

Der Morgen ist eine ganz besondere Zeit, denn wie ich in den Tag starte, ist entscheidend daf?r, was mir der neue Tag bringen wird. In aller Stille aufstehen, die Ruhe genie?en, mir vorstellen, was ich an diesem neuen Tag alles schaffen m?chte: Kraftvolle Yoga?bungen und individuelle Morgenrituale geben Kraft und Energie f?r ein gl?cklicheres und erfolgreicheres Leben. Nach Jahren des Selbstzweifels, der k?rperlichen Ersch?pfung und einer stressbedingten Erkrankung hat die erfolgreiche Radio-Moderatorin erkannt, dass Ver?nderungen nur dann geschehen, wenn man sich selbst ?ndert. In kleinen Schritten und am besten gleich nach dem Aufstehen. Denn jeder Morgen hat die kraftvolle Energie eines Neubeginns! Aufwachen und los geht’s: Diese Morgenroutine ist ein wahrer Gl?cksmotor!

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783990406069


Haufenweise Lebensr?ume
Haufenweise Lebensr?ume

Автор: Sigrid Tinz

Nisthilfen und Futterstellen f?r unsere heimischen Tierarten zu bauen, kann so einfach sein! Laub, Reisig und ?ste bleiben dort, wo sie hingeh?ren: im Garten. In den leer ger?umten Kulturlandschaften finden Insekten, V?gel, Igel und Eidechsen immer weniger Unterschlupf und Nahrung. Das gr?ne Wohnzimmer nicht akkurat aufzur?umen, ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Artenschutz.
Sigrid Tinz h?lt ein Pl?doyer f?r mehr Unordnung im Garten: Bl?tter, Zweige und Holzh?cksel k?nnen zu bunten Haufen aufgeschichtet werden. Auch Lesesteine aus dem Gem?sebeet und Reste vom Mauerbau sind ideale Materialien, um wilde Ecken im Garten anzulegen und so neue Lebensr?ume zu schaffen. Sie stellt die besten Bauweisen und die wichtigsten Bewohner der verschiedenen Haufen-Varianten vor und ber?t bei der Material- und Standortwahl, auch f?r kleine G?rten. Tierportr?ts helfen, auf die Lebensweisen und Bed?rfnisse der liebenswerten Wildtiere R?cksicht zu nehmen und ungebetene G?ste fernzuhalten. Die Geo?kologin macht fachlich fundiert und unterhaltsam deutlich: Mithilfe des »Gartenabfalls« zieht reichlich neues Leben ein. Weil ohne Ordnungswahn das ?kosystem Garten gut funktioniert, bleibt viel Zeit, die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt zu genie?en.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783895668036


Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Автор: Sally Bee

You can indulge without guilt! Enjoy delicious desserts, perfect pastries, cookies and cakes, breads and bakes as part of a healthy lifestyle. Who says you can’t have it all?The third title from Sally Bee.Busy mum, home cook and heart-attack survivor Sally Bee knows better than anyone how to incorporate healthy eating into a busy lifestyle with her gorgeous, flavoursome and balanced recipes. In her new book, Have Your Cake and Eat it Too, Sally turns her attention to the sweet things in life to show that you don’t have to give up your favourite treats to maintain a healthy lifestyle or slimmer waistline. In fact, Sally claims that depriving yourself of these little pleasures makes it harder to stick to a nutritious and balanced diet long term.Sally shows how to make your favourite treats a little less naughty with healthier versions of much loved puddings, bakes, cakes and desserts. You can rest assured that they won’t be as sinful as they taste; a sensible attitude and a bit of creative cooking is all that’s needed to spoil yourself the healthier way.Sally also shares her helpful tips, advice and experience to show you how to enjoy little luxuries sensibly. She also reveals some of her culinary secrets and how to make compensations for 'naughty' ingredients by adding more of the good stuff.At the age of 36 Sally Bee suffered three major heart attacks in a single week. Sally defied all odds and, 5 years on, is glowing with health. She is the ultimate endorsement for living a sustainable healthy life, and is living proof that her recipes work.Recipes Include…Hot Choccy Souffl?Raspberry MuffinsLow-fat Zesty Lemon ButtercreamPineapple, Raspberry and Amaretti ParfaitsChocolate Vanilla MoussePeach and Strawberry SorbetSoda BreadSpicy Apple MuffinsAlmond and Hazelnut GateauGooey Chocolate Orange CookiesCaramelised ApplesAlmond MacaroonsOatmeal Fruit BreadChocolate Pistachio BiscuitsPassionate Pear Crumble

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007420162


Heilende K?che
Heilende K?che

Автор: Aleana Haber

?ber 175 Paleo-Rezepte gegen Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme, Diabetes und Autoimmunerkrankungen vollwertig schnell f?r jedes Budget Das gro?e Paleo-Kochbuch auf Grundlage des Autoimmunprotokolls – nie war es einfacher, die Gesundheit durch heilende Nahrungsmittel zu f?rdern Die Heilende K?che der preisgekr?nten Bestsellerautorin Dr. Sarah Ballantyne und der Top-Food-Bloggerin Aleana Haber ?ber die Paleo-Ern?hrung macht Ihr t?gliches Essen zur m?helosen und preiswerten N?hrstofftherapie. So lassen sich chronische Krankheiten (Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes, Asthma, Allergien, Krebs) und Autoimmunerkrankungen (Hashimoto, Schilddr?senprobleme, Darmprobleme) mit einem effektiven Paleo-Ern?hrungsplan geschmackvoll lindern.Im Fokus: F?r eine n?hrstoffreiche Ern?hrung ber?cksichtigt die Paleo-Di?t der Heilenden K?che ausschlie?lich entz?ndungshemmende Nahrungsmittel (Fleisch, Gefl?gel, Innereien, Fisch, Meeresfr?chte, Schalentiere, Gem?se, Obst wie Beeren). Pers?nliche Statements der Autorinnen leiten versiert zum Verzicht auf entz?ndungsf?rdernde Nahrungsmittel (Produkte aus Getreide, N?sse, Samen, Milchprodukte, raffinierte Produkte, Nachtschattengew?chse wie Tomaten oder Paprika) an. Dieses Buch mit leckeren Gerichten der Steinzeitern?hrung bietet: absolut einfache Paleo-Rezepte f?r Hauptgerichte, Beilagen, Desserts, Getr?nke & Co. 12 Essenspl?ne f?r jeden Lifestyle mit Einkaufslisten f?r Ihre Paleo-Lebensmittel praktische Symbole f?r alle Kategorien (schnelle Gerichte, One-Pot, wenige Zutaten, ohne zu kochen), Lehrvideos, Tipps zum Einkauf online etc. Die liebevolle Aufmachung mit anschaulichen Grafiken und ansprechenden Rezeptfotos macht dieses Buch ?ber Mikron?hrstoffe zu Ihrer Rundum-Versorgung f?r eine gesunde Ern?hrungsform. „Die Rezepte von Sarah Ballantyne und Alaena Haber liefern genau das, was Sie brauchen, um Ihren K?rper zu heilen – eine praktische Sammlung mit viel Lifestyle! Sie hilft Ihnen, nahrhafte Mahlzeiten mit minimalem Zeit-, Reinigungs- oder Arbeitsaufwand bereitzustellen. Die Heilende K?che verschafft Ihnen Wellness, Geschmack und jede Menge Spa?!“ Mickey Trescott, Bestsellerautorin von Das Autoimmun-Paleo-Handbuch

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783962572075


Helden des Olymp, Teil 5: Das Blut des Olymp
Helden des Olymp, Teil 5: Das Blut des Olymp

Автор: Rick Riordan

Die Erdg?ttin Gaia ist stark wie nie – ihre Armee aus Riesen ist auferstanden und sie selbst steht kurz davor! Sie braucht nur noch das Blut zweier Halbg?tter, um vollends zu erwachen und die Herrschaft ?ber die Welt an sich zu rei?en. Und dieses Blut wollen ihr Percy und seine Freunde auf keinen Fall geben! Doch wie sollen sie gegen die Monsterarmee bestehen? Und wie k?nnen sie gleichzeitig den bevorstehenden Krieg zwischen r?mischen und griechischen Halbg?ttern daheim im Camp Half-Blood verhindern? Jetzt geht es um alles -

Исполнители: Marius Clar?n

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783838777122


Her Perfect Lies
Her Perfect Lies

Автор: Lana Newton

TRUST NO ONE. EVEN YOURSELF.__‘Sucks you in from the first page, with twists and turns that will leave you gasping for air!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5*****__When Claire Wright wakes in hospital, she doesn’t recognise the person staring back at her in the mirror. She’s told that she has the perfect life: she’s beautiful, famous, with a husband and a house to die for.But Claire can’t remember anything from before the devastating car crash that’s left her injured. And now she’s surrounded by strangers, saying they’re her family and friends.As Claire discovers the person she used to be she must also unravel the mystery that surrounds the accident. But the more Claire uncovers, the more she will be forced to face up to the dark secrets from her life before…___What readers are saying about Her Perfect Lies:‘Awesome psychological thriller with edge of your seat suspense. If you're planning to read only one psychological thriller this year then make it Her Perfect Lies!’‘Unpredictable and full of suspense, this engrossed me from page one.’‘Suspenseful and full of mystery!’‘WOW! I didn’t see that coming! So many twists and turns; I couldn’t put the book down!’‘An entertaining and gripping book that kept me on the edge till the end.’‘Loads of mystery, twists and turns and filled with suspense!’‘This book caught hold of me and had me hooked from the start. I was literally on the edge of my seat reading this book!’

Цена: 478.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780008364854


Her Secret Daughter
Her Secret Daughter

Автор: Ruth Logan Herne

Her Secret ChildJosie Gallagher has plenty of reason to be wary of Jacob Weatherly—considering he’s working for the hotel chain that’s forcing her restaurant to close. But when he shows up at her work with a little girl by his side—her little girl—she’s dismayed. How has this bachelor wound up with custody of the baby Josie placed with a married couple six years ago? The handsome hotel executive has no idea that Addie is Josie's biological child, and Josie can't afford to tell him. As he helps save her business, Josie and Jacob unexpectedly grow closer. But will her secret stand in the way of their happily-ever-after?Grace Haven: A town full of heart, happiness, and home

Серия: Grace Haven

Цена: 464.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781474080316


Heroes: The Greatest Generation and the Second World War
Heroes: The Greatest Generation and the Second World War

Автор: James Holland

‘Heroes’ is the story of an extraordinary generation of young men, mostly British, who came of age in the Second World War. These young men – and women – found themselves facing life-threatening danger and the kind of responsibility few would be prepared to shoulder today.Whether fighting in the jungles of Burma or on the D-Day beaches, as submariners, pilots, spies or prisoners of war, young soldiers in WWII displayed astonishing courage and resilience, united by honour and bound by the fellowship of their comrades.Those who made it home are now a passing generation, and for many this is the last chance for them to tell their stories – men like football legend Tom Finney, who saw action in southern Italy; or James Bond set-designer Ken Adam, a German Jew who flew as a fighter pilot for the RAF; or identical twins Tom and Dee Bowles, who landed together on Easy Red beach on D-Day.Many of these young men never returned home and those who did faced insurmountable challenges assimiliating back into civilian life. ‘Heroes’ is a moving and uplifting tribute to an remarkable generation.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007369485


Holiday Affairs: An Erotica Collection
Holiday Affairs: An Erotica Collection

Автор: Various

Sexy holiday encounters. Original erotica from Giselle Renarde, Charlotte Stein, Kathleen Tudor and many more.Candy struts into a campsite with one thing on her mind: misbehaviour with all six men at the fireside.One man’s fixation with airline stewardess’s leads to a layover he’ll never forget.On vacation in Las Vegas, a dissatisfied wife is bought a very BIG present by her husband.Ten wild and sensual adventures from the naughtiest reads around, Mischief Books.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007479351


Holy Sister
Holy Sister

Автор: Mark Lawrence

Nona Grey’s story reaches its shattering conclusion in the third instalment of Book of the Ancestor.THEY CAME AGAINST HER AS A CHILD. NOW THEY FACE THE WOMAN.The ice is advancing, the Corridor narrowing, and the empire is under siege from the Scithrowl in the east and the Durns in the west. Everywhere, the emperor’s armies are in retreat.Nona faces the final challenges that must be overcome if she is to become a full sister in the order of her choice. But it seems unlikely that Nona and her friends will have time to earn a nun’s habit before war is on their doorstep.Even a warrior like Nona cannot hope to turn the tide of war.The shiphearts offer strength that she might use to protect those she loves, but it’s a power that corrupts. A final battle is coming in which she will be torn between friends, unable to save them all. A battle in which her own demons will try to unmake her.A battle in which hearts will be broken, lovers lost, thrones burned.HOLY SISTER completes the Book of the Ancestor trilogy that began with RED SISTER and GREY SISTER. A ground-breaking series, it has established Mark Lawrence as one of the most exciting new voices in modern speculative fiction.

Цена: 1812.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008152413


Home Chef
Home Chef

Автор: Neven Maguire

Award-winning chef and restaurateur Neven Maguire shows everyday cooks how to achieve kitchen success with his indispensible culinary guide and cookbook.Determined to raise the standards of home cooking, Neven Maguire transfers his expertise from the restaurant to the kitchen, offering expert advice to the novice and experienced cook alike. In his straightforward and friendly way, Neven coaches the reader through essential kitchen skills, reinforcing the fundamentals such as basic equipment and cooking terminology, before moving on to demystify more advanced techniques like mastering knife skills and preparing meat and fish.Accompanying Neven's in-depth knowledge are 130 impeccable recipes derived from his own highly-regarded and award-winning menu, all adapted for the home cook. With recipes ranging from easy to advanced, there are ideas here for every course, including extras such as breads, canap?s, condiments and cocktails. Step-by-step instructions and Neven's insightful hints and tips show you how to use your newly-acquired skills and techniques to achieve faultless results.With its clean, user-friendly design and Neven's endless encouragement, this book will give every cook a little bit of know-how and plenty of new-found confidence in their own ability.RECIPES INCLUDE:• Red Onion, Olive & Rosemary Focaccia• Carrot, Ginger & Honey Soup• Chicken Liver P?t? with Fig Jam• Gratin of Hake, Prawns & Basil on a bed of Spinach• Toulouse Sausages with Creamy Apple & Potato Mash, and Red Onion Gravy• Wild Mushroom Strudel• Amaretti Baked Peaches with Mascarpone Cream• White Chocolate Tiramisu• Apple & Mint Vodka• Classic Madeira Sauce

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372584


Home Cooking
Home Cooking

Автор: Rachel Allen

Bestselling TV cook Rachel Allen feeds her family and yours with a collection of easy and delicious recipes that everyone will love, plus handy kitchen tips and tricks to make your life easier.In this, her sixth cookbook, Rachel shows how easy it is to feed your family great food, every day. From school run to bedtime, Rachel has suggestions that even the fussiest eater will love. Treat your loved-ones to nourishing, delicious food with this indispensable, inspirational recipe collection full of wise words, clever hints and tips and, above all, Rachel's irresistible recipes.CHAPTER BREAKDOWN– Breakfast & Brunch– Lunch– Sunday Lunch– Supper– Snacks and treats– Baby Food– Desserts– Sweets– Basics– Plus handy sections explaining meal planning, home freezing, healthy eating and much more!

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780007353606


Home Cooking Made Easy
Home Cooking Made Easy

Автор: Lorraine Pascale

TV chef Lorraine Pascale, author of the phenomenal bestseller Baking Made Easy, is back with her second cookery book – this time packed with simple and delicious recipes for relaxed home cooking that go far beyond baking.The queen of cookery offers 100 scrumptious and seriously easy recipes, from cosy soups and roasts to delicious autumnal breads, in this second book to accompany Lorraine’s BBC2 prime time four-part autumn cookery series.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007459865


Honey For Dummies
Honey For Dummies

Автор: Howland Blackiston

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119780946


How Not to Diet - Gesund abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank bleiben dank neuester wissenschaftlich bewiesener Erkenntnisse (Gek?rzt)
How Not to Diet - Gesund abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank bleiben dank neuester wissenschaftlich bewiesener Erkenntnisse (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Michael Greger

Schluss mit dem Kampf gegen ?berfl?ssige Pfunde! Weg mit den Di?ten, die keine dauerhafte Ver?nderungen bringen! Wer eine Zeitlang auf einzelne Nahrungsmittel verzichtet, nimmt kurzfristig ab, produziert auf Dauer jedoch Mangel – und Hunger. Michael Greger geht es ganzheitlich an: Er schl?sselt das Thema Ern?hrung bis ins kleinste Detail auf. Und zieht, wie in seinem Bestseller HOW NOT TO DIE, seine Erkenntnisse aus evidenzbasierten Fakten. Vom Aufbau eines gesunden Mikrobioms, ?ber die Chronobiologie bis zum Einfluss von Tees liefert Greger Tipps und Tricks, wie jeder m?helos sein Idealgewicht halten kann – und macht endlich Schluss mit Kalorienz?hlen und Verzicht.

Исполнители: Michael-Che Koch

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783838794938


How to Fall in Love
How to Fall in Love

Автор: Cecelia Ahern

‘A tender, funny and romantic drama’ Marie ClaireAdam Basil and Christine Rose are thrown together late one night: Christine is crossing the Ha'penny Bridge in Dublin; Adam is poised, threatening to jump.Adam is desperate – but Christine makes a crazy deal with him. His birthday is looming and she bets him that before then she can show him life is worth living .Against the ticking of the clock, the two of them embark on wild escapades, grand romantic gestures and some unlikely late-night outings. Slowly, Christine thinks Adam is starting to fall back in love with his life. But is that all that's happening?A novel to make you laugh, cry and appreciate life, this is Cecelia Ahern at her thoughtful and surprising best.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483907


How to Green. Полезные рецепты от Саши Новиковой
How to Green. Полезные рецепты от Саши Новиковой

Автор: Александра Новикова

О чем эта книга? В первую очередь о том, как стать счастливым! Счастье складывается из множества мелочей, но самое важное – это то, как мы чувствуем себя каждый день, что в значительной степени зависит от того, как мы питаемся. Саша Новикова, основательница интернет-проекта о правильном питании и здоровом образе жизни How to Green, в своей книге доказывает, что правильная еда не только может, но и должна быть вкусной! И обязательно красивой, ведь визуальная составляющая блюда также очень важна. От пасты и ризотто до фирменного рыбного бургера, от блюд с морепродуктами до полезных домашних десертов – в книге есть как и абсолютно веганские рецепты, так и те, перед которыми не устоят любители мяса. Книга поможет вам составить вкусное, оригинальное, а самое главное, полезное меню для завтрака, обеда и ужина. Через свои рецепты Саша постаралась передать собственную философию здорового питания, которая поможет вам улучшить качество жизни и чувствовать себя гораздо лучше, как в свое время она помогла и ей.

Серия: Кулинарное открытие (Эксмо)

Цена: 339 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-04-089583-0


How To Make Good Food Go Further: Recipes and Tips from The New English Kitchen
How To Make Good Food Go Further: Recipes and Tips from The New English Kitchen

Автор: Rose Prince

Rose Prince’s The New English Kitchen was a modern classic and a house-hold gem. Collected here are its most essential recommendations and recipes for making good food go further.From how to stretch a native breed, properly hung cut of beef to eight meals, to making stock from prawn or langoustine shells, to saving by making your own bread (and using it right up to the last crumb), How to Make Good Food Go Further will inspire you make the absolute most of the food you buy. With brilliantly simple recipes for leftovers, cheaper cuts, and making nourishing meals from the simplest of components, it will help you discover that it is possible to eat well, and eat economically, without compromising on quality or the simple pleasure of eating good food.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007583188


Hur Jag Tj?nade $1000 Per Vecka Med Fiverr
Hur Jag Tj?nade $1000 Per Vecka Med Fiverr

Автор: Stark Mathieu

Boken ?r skriven av en tidigare anst?lld som blev den mest l?nsamma frilansaren p? Fiverr i Frankrike. Sn?lla, sluta leta efter mirakell?sningar f?r att tj?na pengar p? n?tet, eller via tr?ningskurser som skapats av folk som inte vet ett skvatt om entrepren?rskap. I den h?r boken kommer du inom n?gra veckor l?ra dig: ✓ Skapa en inkomst p? $1000 i veckan inom 2 m?nader ✓ Spara tid genom att undvika nyb?rjarmisstag ✓ Implementera den mest effektiva strategin f?r att utm?rka dig i konkurrensen Om du verkligen vill bli en frilansare och jobba p? n?tet, oavsett om du vill skaffa en extra inkomst eller sluta p? jobbet, s? m?ste det g?ras med en effektiv och genomt?nkt strategi. Det g?r inte t?nka sig n?got b?ttre alternativ ?n Fiverr f?r att komma ig?ng s? fort som m?jligt som frilansare, eller som hobbyist. Till?mpningen av den h?r metoden har gjort det m?jligt f?r mig att tj?na upp till 15 000 € per m?nad. Kom ig?ng idag!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835422624


I (роман)
I (роман)

Автор: Андрей Калинин

«I» – роман о поколении людей, чей день начинается с включения компьютера. О тех, у которых нет времени, иногда даже на свою собственную жизнь. О том, что нам всем очень сильно не хватает чего-то настоящего. В процессе работы над романом, автор через социальные сети связался более чем со 150 людьми по всему миру, с просьбой рассказать короткую историю из жизни. В итоге были выбраны шесть рассказов из России, Аргентины, Косово, ЮАР, Австралии и Канады, отлично вписавшиеся в основное повествование и ставшие своеобразной исповедью поколения.

Цена: 59.9 руб.
Год: 2012


Ich bring’ Dich zum Kochen – vegetarisch
Ich bring’ Dich zum Kochen – vegetarisch

Автор: Susanne Kirstein

Noch nie war vegetarisch kochen so einfach! Sie m?chten ganz auf Fleisch verzichten? Oder z?hlen Sie zu den Gelegenheitsvegetariern, den Flexitariern, die einfach nicht mehr jeden Tag Fisch oder Fleisch wollen? Sie m?chten sich ges?nder ern?hren und auf die Verwendung von guten Zutaten achten? Welche Motivation Sie auch haben, in diesem vegetarischen Kochbuch f?r Anf?nger und Unge?bte finden Sie k?stliche Rezeptideen ohne Fleisch und Fisch. Jedes der ?ber 40 Rezepte wurde sorgf?ltig entwickelt und speziell f?r die Bed?rfnisse des Kocheinsteigers konzipiert: es werden wenige einfache Zutaten verwendet (in jedem Supermarkt erh?ltlich) und zu jeder Rezeptidee gibt es ein appetitanregendes Foto. Die detaillierten und leicht verst?ndlichen Rezeptschritte sorgen daf?r, dass das selbst Gekochte nicht nur schmeckt, sondern dass Kochen auch echten Spa? macht! Vorkenntnisse sind zum Gelingen dieser Gerichte nicht notwendig! Und das ganz Besondere: Das Putzen und Vorbereiten der wichtigsten Gem?sesorten wird Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt und anhand zahlreicher Fotos im Detail dargestellt. So kann nichts mehr schiefgehen! Dazu kommen Spezial-Themen wie cremige Smoothies, vegetarische oder vegane Brotaufstriche sowie leckere Dressings f?r knackige Salate. Tipps und Tricks aus dem Alltag, Hintergrundinformationen rund um das Thema vegetarische Ern?hrung sowie eine ?bersichtliche K?chenpraxis runden dieses Buch ab.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783943471052


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