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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Ich bring’ Dich zum Kochen – vegetarisch
Ich bring’ Dich zum Kochen – vegetarisch

Àâòîð: Susanne Kirstein

Noch nie war vegetarisch kochen so einfach! Sie m?chten ganz auf Fleisch verzichten? Oder z?hlen Sie zu den Gelegenheitsvegetariern, den Flexitariern, die einfach nicht mehr jeden Tag Fisch oder Fleisch wollen? Sie m?chten sich ges?nder ern?hren und auf die Verwendung von guten Zutaten achten? Welche Motivation Sie auch haben, in diesem vegetarischen Kochbuch f?r Anf?nger und Unge?bte finden Sie k?stliche Rezeptideen ohne Fleisch und Fisch. Jedes der ?ber 40 Rezepte wurde sorgf?ltig entwickelt und speziell f?r die Bed?rfnisse des Kocheinsteigers konzipiert: es werden wenige einfache Zutaten verwendet (in jedem Supermarkt erh?ltlich) und zu jeder Rezeptidee gibt es ein appetitanregendes Foto. Die detaillierten und leicht verst?ndlichen Rezeptschritte sorgen daf?r, dass das selbst Gekochte nicht nur schmeckt, sondern dass Kochen auch echten Spa? macht! Vorkenntnisse sind zum Gelingen dieser Gerichte nicht notwendig! Und das ganz Besondere: Das Putzen und Vorbereiten der wichtigsten Gem?sesorten wird Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt und anhand zahlreicher Fotos im Detail dargestellt. So kann nichts mehr schiefgehen! Dazu kommen Spezial-Themen wie cremige Smoothies, vegetarische oder vegane Brotaufstriche sowie leckere Dressings f?r knackige Salate. Tipps und Tricks aus dem Alltag, Hintergrundinformationen rund um das Thema vegetarische Ern?hrung sowie eine ?bersichtliche K?chenpraxis runden dieses Buch ab.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783943471052


Iinnovation in the management of socio-economic systems (ICIMSS-2020). Vol. 3. Ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêîé êîíôåðåíöèè Èííîâàöèè â óïðàâëåíèè ñîöèàëüíî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêèìè ñèñòåìàìè (ICIMSS-2020). (Àñïèðàíòóðà, Áàêàëàâðèàò, Ìàãèñòðàòóðà)
Iinnovation in the management of socio-economic systems (ICIMSS-2020). Vol. 3. Ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêîé êîíôåðåíöèè Èííîâàöèè â óïðàâëåíèè ñîöèàëüíî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêèìè ñèñòåìàìè (ICIMSS-2020). (Àñïèðàíòóðà, Áàêàëàâðèàò, Ìàãèñòðàòóðà)

Àâòîð: Âëàäèìèð Âèêòîðîâè÷ Âåëèêîðîññîâ

 ñáîðíèêå ñòàòåé ïðåäñòàâëåíû äîêëàäû ó÷àñòíèêîâ êîíôåðåíöèè. Ìàòåðèàëû ñáîðíèêà ïðåäñòàâëåíû â àâòîðñêîé ðåäàêöèè.

Öåíà: 790 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2020
ISBN: 9785436558295


Il fu Mattia Pascal / Ïîêîéíûé Ìàòòèà Ïàñêàëü
Il fu Mattia Pascal / Ïîêîéíûé Ìàòòèà Ïàñêàëü

Àâòîð: Ëóèäæè Ïèðàíäåëëî

Ðîìàí «Ïîêîéíûé Ìàòòèà Ïàñêàëü» (1904) îïèñûâàåò ïîïûòêó ÷åëîâåêà, êîòîðîãî âñå ñ÷èòàëè óòîíóâøèì, âûðâàòüñÿ èç ñâîåãî ñîöèàëüíîãî êðóãà è íà÷àòü íîâóþ æèçíü ïîä âûìûøëåííûì èìåíåì Ìèñà. Íî îíà îêàçûâàåòñÿ íåóäà÷íîé, òàê êàê ãåðîé êðåïêî ñâÿçàí ñ íåíàâèñòíûìè óñëîâíîñòÿìè ïðèâû÷íîãî ìèðà.

Öåíà: 140 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2005
ISBN: 5-94962-095-X



Àâòîð: Will Meisel

Dieses Ebook enth?lt die Notenausgabe des Werks in H-Dur f?r Klavier & Gesang.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783841831651


Im 8. Kreis der H?lle (ungek?rzt)
Im 8. Kreis der H?lle (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Nika Lubitsch

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Anja Lais

Öåíà: 1277.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260158978316


Indian Cooking For Dummies
Indian Cooking For Dummies

Àâòîð: Monisha Bharadwaj

Öåíà: 1943.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119796664


Infographics For Dummies
Infographics For Dummies

Àâòîð: Justin MBA BeegelThe Infographic World Team

Create stunning infographics with this hands-on guide Infographics For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to creating data visualization with viral appeal. Written by the founder of Infographic World, a New York City based infographic agency, and his top designers, the book focuses on the how-to of data, design, and distribution to create stunning, shareable infographics. Step-by-step instruction allows you to handle data like a pro, while creating eye-catching graphics with programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The book walks you through the different types of infographics, explaining why they're so effective, and when they're appropriate. Ninety percent of the information transmitted to your brain is visual, so it's important to tickle the optic nerves to get people excited about your data. Infographics do just that. Much more exciting than a spreadsheet, infographics can add humor, interest, and flash while imparting real information. Putting your data in graphic form makes it more likely to be shared via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media sites, and the visual interest makes it less likely to be ignored. Infographics For Dummies provides a tried-and-true method for creating infographics that tell a story and get people excited. Topics include: Talking to clients about the data Discovering trends, outliers, and patterns Designing with mood boards and wireframes Launching and promoting your infographic The book, written by Justin Beegel, MBA, founder of Infographic World, Inc., describes the elements of a successful infographic, and stresses the must-have ingredients that get your data noticed. Humans are visual creatures, telling stories in a visual way. In today's world filled with data and messaging, an infographic is one of the best ways to get your point across.

Öåíà: 2760.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118792391


Innocent s Nine-Month Scandal
Innocent's Nine-Month Scandal

Àâòîð: Dani Collins

“If you’re pregnant… …you’ll marry me. ” Control is everything to billionaire Viktor Rohan. Then Rozalia Toth appears on his mansion’s doorstep, looking for a family heirloom, and throws his world into chaos! Her sweetness intrigues him beyond measure…and as their inescapable chemistry explodes, Viktor realises Rozi’s innocence isn’t an act! But their passion has consequences, and Viktor refuses to let scandal ruin his family again. Their baby will be legitimate! And Rozi? She will be his…

Öåíà: 414.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087599


#Instagram íà çàâòðàê!
#Instagram íà çàâòðàê!

Àâòîð: Åêàòåðèíà Ëåáåäåâà

Êàê áûòü, êîãäà íå ïîëó÷àåòñÿ êðàñèâî ïðèãîòîâèòü è îôîðìèòü áëþäà? Íàøà êíèãà íàó÷èò Âàñ ïðèìåðàì è ðåöåïòàì áëþä, áëàãîäàðÿ êîòîðûì Âû óòîëèòå ãîëîä, çíà÷èòåëüíî ñýêîíîìèòå âðåìÿ, à òàêæå ñäåëàåòå êðàñèâîå ôîòî â instagram. Ïðèÿòíîãî àïïåòèòà!

Öåíà: 476 ðóá.
ISBN: 9785005322678


Intellectuals and Power
Intellectuals and Power

Àâòîð: Francois Laruelle

In this important new book, the leading philosopher Fran?ois Laruelle examines the role of intellectuals in our societies today, specifically with regards to criminal justice. He argues that, rather than concerning themselves with abstract philosophical notions like justice, truth and violence, intellectuals should focus on the human victims. Drawing on his influential theory of ‘non-philosophy’, he shows how we can submit the theorizing of intellectuals to the scrutiny of the everyday suffering of the victims of crime. In the course of a wide-ranging discussion with Philippe Petit, Laruelle suspends the presumed authority of intellectuals by challenging the image of the ‘dominant intellectual’ exemplified by philosophers such as Sartre, Foucault, Lyotard and Debray. In place of domination, he puts forward instead a theory of ‘determination’: the determined intellectual is one whose character is conditioned by his relationship to the victim, rather than one who attempts to dominate the victim’s experience through a process of theorizing. While philosophy consistently takes the voice away from victims of suffering, non-philosophy is able to construct a theory of violence and crime that gives voice to the victim. This highly original book will be essential reading for all those interested in contemporary French philosophy and all those concerned with justice in the modern world.

Öåíà: 7174.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745681894


Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel and R
Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel and R

Àâòîð: Robert P. Hirsch

Öåíà: 18004.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119722625


Introduction to Meta-Analysis
Introduction to Meta-Analysis

Àâòîð: Julian P. T. Higgins

Öåíà: 7173.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119558385


Italian classics pizza recipes
Italian classics pizza recipes

Àâòîð: Àëåêñåé Ñàáàäûðü

The book contains many step-by-step instructions that allow both professionals and novice cooks to create real pizza masterpieces in their own kitchen. In addition, the author also goes into detail about different dough options, sauces, and toppings, offering readers plenty of variations and inspiration for creativity in the kitchen. This book will be an indispensable resource for all lovers of Italian cuisine and those who want to learn how to cook real Italian pizza.

Öåíà: 360 ðóá.
ISBN: 9785006237308


Italian Recipes For Dummies
Italian Recipes For Dummies

Àâòîð: Amy Riolo

Your roadmap to cooking like an Italian your very own home For those of us not lucky enough to have our very own Italian grandmother or have attended culinary school in Italy, Italian Recipes For Dummies is stepping in to fill the gap. Award-winning chef and author Amy Riolo delivers a step-by-step guide to creating authentic Italian dishes, starting from the basics and progressing to more advanced techniques and recipes. You'll discover how to shop for, plan, and cook authentic Italian meals properly. You'll also find guidance on how to incorporate the cultural, nutritional, and historical influences that shape classic Italian cuisine. This book includes: Individual chapters on staples of the Italian pantry: wine, cheese, and olive oil More than 150 authentic Italian recipes with step-by-step instructions Access to a Facebook Page hosted by the author that provides extended resources and up-to-date information on mastering Italian cooking The perfect book for amateur chefs, Italy afficianados, homemakers, and anyone else looking for culinary inspiration, Italian Recipes For Dummies is also an indispensable guide for people seeking healthier ways of shopping, cooking, and eating without giving up amazing flavors and rich foods.

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119863175


Jakob der Letzte
Jakob der Letzte

Àâòîð: Peter Rosegger

Peter Roseggers Klassiker erstmals in verl?sslicher Textfassung. Mit Materialien zum biografischen, werkgeschichtlichen und politischen Kontext. »Jakob der Letzte«, 1887 im »Heimgarten«, 1888 bei Hartleben als Buch ver?ffentlicht, wurde rasch zum Bestseller. Rosegger reagierte damit auf die zunehmende Landflucht. Sein Protagonist Jakob Reuthofer, der unbeirrbar an seinem ererbten Fleck Erde festh?lt, wird zum gebrochenen Helden. Ohne seine Frau und seine Kinder endet Jakob als Desperado, es triumphiert nicht die heilsame Kraft der Heimat, sondern ein radikaler Pessimismus – Jakob ist der »Modernisierungsverlierer« par excellence, f?r seine Rettung wei? auch der Autor kein Rezept anzubieten.

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990404843


Je Ne Suis Pas Pr?te ? Devenir Une Esclave
Je Ne Suis Pas Pr?te ? Devenir Une Esclave

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Il est temps aux femmes de revendiquer l'?galit? aux hommes dans tous les domaines de la vie. A pr?sent, ? peu pr?s 90% des femmes du monde entier m?nent un vie difficile, et elles continuent ? souffrir malgr? leur capacit?s de leadership dans les lieux de travail. La culture surtout en Afrique et au Moyen Orient rend la situation encore pire. C'est une r?alit? que les femmes dans les positions de responsabilit? tant dans le secteur public que priv? sont plus performantes que les hommes. Les femmes ont une approche plus positive, et il faut leur permettre la possibilit? de faire des choix sur leurs propres vies priv?es et professionnelles. La soci?t? doit aujourd'hui accepter que l'in?galit? des sexes est une chose irr?aliste et mauvaise ? tous ?gards. On doit permettre aux femmes de mener une vie libre de stress et de domination. Elles ont besoin d'amour, il faut les g?ter et les laisser exploiter leurs potentiels au maximum dans les secteurs public et priv?. Il est temps auf femmes de revendiquer l'?galit? aux hommes dans tous les domaines de la vie. A pr?sent; ? peu pr?s 90% des femmes du monde entier m?nent une vie difficile, et elles continuent ? souffrir malgr? leurs capacit?s de leadership dans les lieux de travail. La culture surtout en Afrique et au ?oyen Orient rend la situation encore pire. C'est une r?alit? que les femmes dans les positions de responsabilit? sont plus performantes que les hommes. Les femmes ont une approche plus positive, et il faut leur permettre la possibilit? de faire des choix sur leurs propres vies priv?es et professionnelles. La soci?t? doit aujourd'hui accepter que l'in?galit? des sexes est une chose irr?aliste et mauvaise ? tous ?gards. On doit permettre aux femmes de mener une vie libre de stress et de domination. Elles ont besoin d'amour, il faut les g?ter et les laisser exploiter leurs potentiels au maximum dans les secteurs public et priv?. Etes-vous une femme qui souffre ? pr?sent de tout ceci ? Vous devez absolument lire ce livre. Etes-vous une femme au foyer, sans emploi mais vous d?sirez d?velopper votre passion et cr?er un impact sur le monde moderne ? Etes-vous une femme abandon?e par votre mari sans raison, et vous vivez dans la pauvret? ignoble et dans le besoin ?

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835411772


Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies
Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies

Àâòîð: Jason Vale

The No.1 bestselling juicing author Jason Vale is back with his ultimate book of juices and smoothies. His complete recipe book contains recipes for over 100 easy and delicious juices and smoothies to help you lose weight, get healthy and feel fantastic.Jason Vale, the inspirational king of juice detoxing and the man who helped Jordan lose 2 stone in 3 months, has compiled his definitive selection of over 100 simple but delicious, low-fat juice and smoothie recipes.Keeping it Simple has the perfect juice or smoothie, whether you want to slim down, get healthy or just need a little juice-boost pick-me-up on a rainy day. With Jason's motivational tips and unique '3-Day Super Juice Detox' programme you will not only clean your system, rid yourself of physical addictions and get extra energy, but you will also learn the fundamental Juicy Rules for a permanently slim, trim and healthy body.With a complete list of ailments that can be cured by each juice, and a full breakdown of all the minerals and nutrients contained in each recipe, this is the ultimate collection of juicing recipes for full health, extra energy and permanent weight loss.Includes:• Over 100 delicious recipes for juices and smoothies• Jason's slimming 3-Day Super Juice Detox• The Juice Master's Natural Pharmacy – juices for common ailments• Complete A-Z of fruit and veg – how specific vitamins and minerals help health and vitality• Kids Stuff – how to get your kids to drink fruit and vegetables and love them!

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007364329


Juicing for Health: How to use natural juices to boost energy, immunity and wellbeing
Juicing for Health: How to use natural juices to boost energy, immunity and wellbeing

Àâòîð: Caroline Wheater

Updated with healing Superjuices and the most refreshing smoothies.Our new edition of this extremely helpful guide to using juice contains all the right updates for today’s juice market. Superjuices such as Wheatgrass are now included along with delicious, fresh fruit smoothies.Juicing For Health will also look more attractive than ever before – with a larger format and a 2 colour design throughout.Juicing For Health is comprehensive without ever rambling. It includes:Over 200 juice recipes and blends.• The vitamin & mineral content of over 60 different fruit & vegetable juices.• The basic healing qualities of each fruit and vegetable juice.• Nutritional therapy juice blends for a whole range of specific – and more general – ailments.• Beginner-friendly guide to starting up and managing a healthy detox programme.• A–Z Vitamin & Mineral hotlist – with the “Best Fruits” and “Best Vegetables” for each nutrient.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007494903


Jurnal Vegetarian
Jurnal Vegetarian

Àâòîð: Kolin Robinson

Acest jurnal conține 14–15 rețete pentru fiecare categorie. Felul ?nt?i, salate, felul doi, copturi, sosuri, deserturi și băuturi vegetariene. Unele rețete sunt potrivite și pentru vegani, dar totuși rețetele conțin lapte sau cașcaval, iar copturile unele conțin ouă. Acest jurnal a fost creat cu scopul de a simplifica rutina zilnică la bucătărie, av?nd acest jurnal la ?ndem?nă veți găsi mai multe rețete, simple și gustoase.

Öåíà: 176 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2022


K smet Koyu
Kısmet Koyu

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Kısmet Koyu kasabasında ge?en kısa ?yk? antolojisi. B?y? ve kaderin bir yaşam bi?imi olduğu Kısmet Koyu kasabasına hoş geldiniz… Aşk ve sonsuza dek mutlu olma yolunda ilerleyen Strange ailesini takip edin. Bir Noel G?n?, Yeni Yıl İtirafı, Sevgililer G?n?ne Dair, İlk G?r?şte Şans, Bitmeyen Yaz G?nleri, Cadının Cazibesi, Minnettar, Sonsuz Noel.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835424925


Karneval der Hunde
Karneval der Hunde

Àâòîð: Eden Books

Ein Mops mit Krawatte, eine rosa Pudel-Prinzessin und ein Chihuahua im Dinosaurierkost?m – wo gibt es denn so was? Der »Karneval der Hunde« versammelt in zahlreichen bunten Bildern die niedlichsten Vierbeiner in ihren originellsten Verkleidungen und beweist: Der Hund ist nicht nur der beste Freund des Menschen, sondern auch der stilsicherste. Einfach tierisch lustig!

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783959100021


Kevin McCloud’s Principles of Home: Making a Place to Live
Kevin McCloud’s Principles of Home: Making a Place to Live

Àâòîð: Kevin McCloud

A practical paperback edition of the landmark design manifesto from the UK’s favourite design guru.In this inspirational yet also practical paperback Kevin explores all areas of domestic living, from materialism to sustainability, craftsmanship to comfort. Kevin’s beautifully written text brings insight and understanding to enjoying life in the 21st century, but crucially he offers detailed, helpful and incisive advice on design, construction and style.Kevin addresses very real and solvable domestic issues: What is the perfect kitchen layout? How to create a feeling of space in traditionally sized rooms? How to create an extension that works? How best to choose colour for function? What to use for insulation? How to shop for second hand? And how best to manage home waste and recycling?An inspiring but always usable book from the foremost voice in modern architectural design.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007458318


Kiss Don’t Tell
Kiss Don’t Tell

Àâòîð: Avril Tremayne

It’s going to be ever so hard to keep this secret!Book 1 in the new steamy romance duet from Avril Tremayne!David wants Lane and she wants him back.But to a known lothario like him, how will Lane ever measure up in the bedroom? With just one disastrous sexual encounter to her name, Lane knows she needs help in that department, and fast – before David loses interest.So when Adam, her best mate’s brother (with his own impressive reputation), agrees to her bizarre proposal, she’s ready to learn everything he has to offer about how to please a guy in bed. But as she soon discovers, there is no textbook for love…

Öåíà: 549.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008249458


Kitchen Hero
Kitchen Hero

Àâòîð: Donal Skehan

Fresh, young and full of enthusiasm Donal Skehan is a real cooking talent. His passion for simple delicious and healthy home cooking will inspire novices and more experienced cooks alike to get in the kitchen.Since his childhood, brought up in a little fishing village outside Dublin, food and cooking have been a major part of Donal's life. Growing up and experimenting with different flavours and culinary influences from French to Asian and even Swedish, Donal's adventurous sprit and childlike curiosity for food and flavour can be tasted in his dishes.In 2007, in an attempt to record his culinary creations, Donal started his own blog; http://www.thegoodmoodfoodblog.com/ which has a massive following and has helped him develop as a chef. This book takes the blog and Donal to a new level. It contains some recipes from the The Good Mood Food blog along with some new ideas. Ordered into 7 chapters; including 'Breakfast Feasts', 'Healthy Salads', Easy Entertaining', 'Meals in Minutes' and 'Simple Speedy Desserts' Donal has a quick, easy and tasty solution for every meal.Full of flavour yet simple to make, Donal's recipes are perfect for novice chefs but will also appeal to the more practiced cook. And, not only is his food fantastic but Donal brings his winning personality to every dish, you cannot fail to like him or share his enthusiasm for healthy home cooked food.Recipes include:* Blueberry and Rhubarb Oaty Breakfast Crumble* Griddled Spicy Fish with Tomato Salsa Salad*Gazpacho Starter Shots with Crostini*Rustic Steak Sandwiches with Homemade Mayo*Pecan Peach Pie*Vodka Penne* Steamed Bok Choy with Soy Honey and Lime Dressing*Minty Pea and Lemon Pesto Pasta*Swedish Meatballs with Dill Spring Potatoes*Mini Hazelnut Chocolate Meringue Sandwiches

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007413294


Kitchen Hero: Great Food for Less
Kitchen Hero: Great Food for Less

Àâòîð: Donal Skehan

Champion of the home cook, Donal Skehan, is back with a collection of tasty, easy-to-make dishes that cost less.We all want to cook and eat great food, but without making a hefty dent in our wallets. In this, Donal’s third cookbook, he takes on the challenge of showing how easy and straightforward it is to enjoy delicious home-cooked food and spend less. Whether you a hungry student, are feeding a growing family or simple wish to save some money for a treat, Donal’s recipes will encourage everyone to enjoy satisfying yet affordable dishes.Donal’s personality shines through on every page and he also draws on the knowledge and experience of others. Past generations were often adept at using cheaper cuts of meat, turning leftovers into tasty meals and planning ahead to avoid expensive last-minute shops. So Donal turns to his own family and grandparents, plus a range of experts such as butchers, fishmongers and grocers, to offer straightforward advice and inspired recipes.Divided into 7 chapters, Donal covers everything from everyday suppers, soups, stews and pots, baking and desserts, roasts, healthy dishes and more.Recipes include;Coq Au Vin BlancHam Hock, Spinach and Cheese CrepesCauliflower and Broccoli Mac N' CheeseBaked Tomatoey Crumbed MackerelCheesy Potato TartChilli Tuna SpaghettiZesty Orange PuddingDad's Braised OxtailCrispy Mustard Chicken Tray BakeSquash and Spinach and Lentil Curry5 Minute Dark Chocolate Espresso CupsBoiled Ham Hock and Five Fab uses for LeftoversZingy Store Cupboard Tinned Pulse Super SaladVegetable and Pearl Barley StewCrowd Pleasing Family Trifle10 Minute Homemade Brown BreadSwedish GingerbreadMoist Maple Apple Tea Cake

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007415519


Kitchenella: The secrets of women: heroic, simple, nurturing cookery - for everyone
Kitchenella: The secrets of women: heroic, simple, nurturing cookery - for everyone

Àâòîð: Rose Prince

A passionate, personal account of the battle to feed and nourish family and friends.The continuing story of the rise and fall of good food finds us at the end of a decade of exceptional growth and opportunity, yet once again in crisis. Our food culture has taken a turn for the worse. Recession has slowed the good food revolution as shoppers cut back on quality ingredients and head for the budget lines.Education about food is limited to the voices of TV chefs, mostly men, whose testosterone driven pursuits include hunter gathering, butchery, deep sea fishing and cooking inimitably difficult recipes. Their programmes do nothing to solve the everyday predicament of real people: putting economical, common sense food on the table. Even when a woman gets her small piece of TV airtime, she is either the love interest that licks her chocolaty fingers to camera, or she is a former author of kitchen bibles advising viewers to cobble together meals using unhealthy and expensive processed ingredients. Progress is slowing down, thanks to food television.We believe in food icons, from Delia to Jamie, but their philosophies are no longer convincing, because they cannot possibly understand the predicament of the average family, living through recession and trying to do it right in the kitchen.Where are the cooks with wit, who work out the budget and plan an easy dish that efficiently feeds family and friends? In A Taste of Real Life Rose Prince calls for a return to a system of cooking that is nourishing and energy efficient. Food addressed to real people in real life situations.Full of logical, economical and imaginative recipes that solve the modern cook's dilemma, A Taste of Real Life will teach you the skills of those teachers who work without books, the 'mothers' and the cooks who subsequently learned from them, to decisively show you the easy way to cook and shop.

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007328901


KLfG Extrakt - Gegenwartsliteratur aus Spanien
KLfG Extrakt - Gegenwartsliteratur aus Spanien

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Literatur aus Spanien ist nicht nur sprachlich vielseitig – 17 autonome Regionen stehen f?r kulturelle Vielfalt. 2022 ist Spanien nach 30 Jahren wieder Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Der Auswahlband spannt den Bogen von 'Klassikern' der Nachkriegsliteratur ?ber die besonders dynamischen Entwicklungen der Transici?n bis hin zur unmittelbaren Gegenwart. Vorgestellt werden u. a. Juan Goytisolo (1931–2017), der mit Werken wie «Identit?tszeichen» (1966) schon Weltruhm erlangt hatte, bevor er endlich auch in Spanien mit dem Cervantes-Preis (2014) offiziell anerkannt wurde, Manuel V?zquez Montalb?n (1939–2003), der sich mit seinen weltber?hmten Kriminal-romanen als Chronist der Transici?n erwiesen hat, Maria Ant?nia Oliver (*1946), die auf Katalanisch schreibende, vielfach preisgekr?nte Autorin, die seit der sp?ten Franco-Zeit mit ihren Werken daran mitgewirkt hat, die Grundlagen f?r ein modernes Spanien und eine neue, aktive Rolle der Frauen zu schaffen, oder Javier Mar?as (*1951), einer der meistgelesenen spanischen und europ?ischen Autoren der Gegenwart, dessen Werke in ?ber 40 Sprachen ?bersetzt wurden. Mit Beitr?gen zu: Javier Cercas, Rafael Chirbes, Najat El Hachmi, Juan Goytisolo, Almudena Grandes, Javier Mar?as, Juan Mars?, Antonio Mu?oz Molina, Rosa Montero, Maria Ant?nia Oliver und Manuel V?zquez Montalb?n.

Ñåðèÿ: KLfG Extrakt

Öåíà: 2366.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783967076547


Knitting. Âÿçàíèå. Ìî¸ ëþáèìîå õîááè 3/2023
Knitting. Âÿçàíèå. Ìî¸ ëþáèìîå õîááè №3/2023

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Ïðåäñòàâëÿåì ëþáèòåëÿì ðóêîäåëèÿ íîâûé æóðíàë, â êîòîðîì ñîáðàíû ëó÷øèå ðàáîòû äèçàéíåðîâ èç Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè è äðóãèõ ñòðàí. Âû ìîæåòå ñàìè âîïëîòèòü â ïðÿæå ýòè çàìå÷àòåëüíûå ïðîåêòû, èñïîëüçóÿ ðàçëè÷íûå òåõíèêè: îò òðàäèöèîííîãî æàêêàðäà è èíòàðñèé äî âÿçàíèÿ çàìûñëîâàòûõ àðàíîâ, «êîñ» è àæóðà. Íàðÿäó ñ áîëåå ïðîñòûìè âåùàìè âû íàéäåòå çäåñü ñîâåðøåííî âèðòóîçíûå ìîäåëè – êàê äëÿ æåíùèí, òàê è äëÿ ìóæ÷èí. Ïî÷óâñòâóéòå ðàäîñòü òâîð÷åñòâà! Ìîäåëè â íîìåðå: Ñëàäêàÿ ïàðî÷êà Òâèíñåò ñ æàêêàðäîâûì îðíàìåíòîì Ñâåæèå íîòêè Ïóëîâåð ñ áàíòîì íà ïëå÷å  ëåãêîé äûìêå Êàðäèãàí ñâîáîäíîãî ôàñîíà Íàâñòðå÷ó ëåòó Òîï-êîðñàæ ñ âûðåçîì êàðå Ïîöåëóé ñîëíöà Ïóëîâåð ñ «øèøå÷êàìè» è ìíîãîå äðóãîå

Ñåðèÿ: Æóðíàë «Knitting. Âÿçàíèå. Ìî¸ ëþáèìîå õîááè» 2023

Öåíà: 109 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2023


Kochen f?r Faultiere
Kochen f?r Faultiere

Àâòîð: Jan-Philipp Cleusters

Das erste Kochbuch, in dem das Lesen der Rezepte l?nger dauert als das Kochen! Wir alle lieben es, auch einmal faul sein zu d?rfen und unsere Zeit ohne To-do-Liste verstreichen zu lassen. Doch egal, wie gro? das innere Faultier ist – irgendwann wird man vom Hunger gepackt. Jan-Philipp Cleusters wei?, dass es manchmal schnell gehen muss oder soll. Der Shootingstar der Kochszene hat Gerichte mit max. 8 Minuten Zubereitungszeit kreiert. Schnell, frisch und n?hrstoffreich lautet die Devise. Morgenmuffel und Nachteulen, Vielbesch?ftigte und Wirbelwinde, Kochanf?nger und Verliebte finden hier 60 Gerichte, die sich ohne viel Aufwand in ihren Alltag integrieren lassen. Als besonderes «Topping» gibt es Tipps vom Kochprofi und blitzschnelle Men?s. Die klare, ?bersichtliche Gliederung der Arbeitsschritte in Minuten l?sst auf einen Faultier-Blick erkennen, wann es Zeit ist, zu genie?en. Um dann weiter durchzustarten oder mit einem zufriedenen L?cheln einfach wieder Faultier sein zu k?nnen.

Öåíà: 1774.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783710602498


Konditorei. Ìîÿ ñëàäêàÿ èñòîðèÿ
Konditorei. Ìîÿ ñëàäêàÿ èñòîðèÿ

Àâòîð: Èëüÿ Êðèâîøååâ

×òî òàêîå êîíäèòåðñêîå èñêóññòâî? È êàêóþ ðîëü îíî èãðàåò â íàøåé æèçíè? Ìîëîäîé àâòîð è ñïåöèàëèñò ïûòàåòñÿ îòâåòèòü ñåáå íà ýòè âîïðîñû, àêêóðàòíî ðàçëîæèâ âñå çíàíèÿ ýòîé îáëàñòè «ïî ïîëî÷êàì». Èíòåðåñíî? Íå ñòåñíÿéòåñü, ïðèñîåäèíÿéòåñü!

Öåíà: 40 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-4474-0863-3


La Desconocida
La Desconocida

Àâòîð: Mariano Latorre

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Maureen Herman

Öåíà: 789.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789566101109


La Teoria Metafisica Dell Economia Egualitaria
La Teoria Metafisica Dell'Economia Egualitaria

Àâòîð: Jo M. Sekimonyo

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893986823


La Tierra Estalla Por Todas Partes
La Tierra Estalla Por Todas Partes

Àâòîð: Manuel Arduino Pav?n

Un hombre solitario y torturado se refugia en una taberna abandonada mientras la tierra estalla. All? se descubrir? como un jugador compulsivo que tendr? que sortear un sinn?mero de peripecias mientras descubre que la tierra tambi?n se est? burlando de ?l. La tierra, una jugadora empedernida, tiene grandes planes para los tah?res profesionales, aquellos seres que la vida siempre maltrat?. Est? en juego la m?s importante de las partidas: el control del poder mundial.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835422471


Lampi?o na mira dos inimigos (Integral)
Lampi?o na mira dos inimigos (Integral)

Àâòîð: Costa Senna

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Costa Senna

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788560125449


Leitfaden Marketing Automation
Leitfaden Marketing Automation

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Im Marketing gibt es noch viele Prozesse, die effizienter gehandhabt werden k?nnten. Doch Unternehmen tun sich schwer, mit Kunden auf allen Kan?len abgestimmt zu interagieren. Omnichannel-Customer-Engagement, Echtzeit-Personalisierung und K?nstliche Intelligenz sind mehr als nur Schlagworte. Sie sind heute Pflicht, um Kundenkontakte lebendig zu gestalten.
In diesem Buch verraten 24 Autoren, was heute m?glich ist, auf welche Touchpoints es ankommt und wie die Zukunft aussehen kann. Sie geben Tipps zur Umsetzung und zeigen Strategien und Methoden auf. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele geben Einblicke in die praktische Umsetzung.

Öåíà: 3451.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783943666328


Lerne Beten
Lerne Beten

Àâòîð: Gabriele

Im wahren Gebet erleben Sie Gott. – Wahres Gebet macht gl?cklich. Im Gebet, im eigenen Inneren gesprochen, erleben wir Gott. Doch wahres Beten will gelernt sein, denn rechtes Beten, in uns selbst zu beten, ist eine Zwiesprache mit Gott. Erst wenn unser Gebet ein inniges Gebet ist, wenn wir gelernt haben, von Herzen zu beten und unsere Gebete tief mitempfinden, f?hlen wir, dass wir pl?tzlich getragen sind von einer Kraft, die immer gegenw?rtig ist. Erf?llen wir unsere Gebete im Alltag, indem wir lernen, den Willen Gottes zu tun, dann n?hern wir uns dem Zentrum der Liebe, das in uns ist. Wir gehen hin zu Gott. Ein wahres Schatzb?chlein mit vielen konkreten und praktischen Hinweisen und ?bungen – und mit vielen wundersch?nen Tier- und Natur-Farbbildern; auch als sch?nes Geschenk geeignet.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783892017028


Letters from Alice: Part 3 of 3: A tale of hardship and hope. A search for the truth
Letters from Alice: Part 3 of 3: A tale of hardship and hope. A search for the truth

Àâòîð: Petrina Banfield

Letters from Alice can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts.This is PART 3 of 3.It was a stormy evening in 1920s London. When newly qualified almoner, Alice, stepped into the home of Charlotte, a terrified teenager who had just given birth out of wedlock, she did not expect to make a pact that would change her life forever. Thrown into secrecy after an unexpected turn, Alice was determined to keep bewildered Charlotte and her newborn baby safe. But when a threatening note appeared, she realised that Charlotte may need more protection than she first thought. But from who?Based on extensive research into the archive material held at the London Metropolitan Archives, and enriched with lively social history and excerpts from newspaper articles, LETTERS FROM ALICE is a gripping and deeply moving tale, which brings the colourful world of 1920s London to life. Full of grit, mystery and hope, it will have readers enthralled from the very first page.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008264758


Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli

Àâòîð: Elly Curshen

Do you ever wish you had a deli in your own home?In this exclusive e-short, Sunday Times bestselling author Elly Pear shows how you can have loads of delicious food ready and waiting, fabulous packed lunches zipped up in minutes, and weeknight dinners ready on the table in less time than it takes for a pizza to arrive.In Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat!, Elly proves that with a little organisation and some batch cooking know-how, you can create simple, delicious food to fit your lifestyle. Elly provides 11 recipes to give you a flavour of her upcoming second book – from simple salads to homemade tortilla chips and a delicious freezable stew, get a taste of how a well-stocked fridge and some pre-planning can transform the way you eat.

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9780008243944


Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook
Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook

Àâòîð: Levi Roots

TV chef, dragon slayer and bestselling author Levi Roots brings carnival to the kitchen with his hot'n'spicy Caribbean cookbook.After winning over the business minds of The Dragon's Den with little more than a song and a smile, entrepreneur Levi Roots has since sold more than one million bottles of his delicious Reggae Reggae Sauce and now he has his very own cookbook!Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook brings the excitement and vitality of Caribbean flavours to your own cooking. An eclectic and colourful range of recipes from simple dishes for students to fantastic feasts for friends are all accompanied by heart-warming anecdotes in Levi's incomparable tell-it-like-it-is style. This bright and colourful book brings together influences as diverse as Jamaican folk tales, Notting Hill Carnival and the music of Bob Marley to create family-friendly food with that famous jerk kick. Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook will surely add a funky beat to what you eat!Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook features more than 80 simple and exciting recipes such as Mash-Up Eggs, Salmon St Jago de la Vega , Guinness Punch, Rum Cake and Sweet Potato Pudding. Levi also offers a diverse range of vegetarian dishes and puts a Caribbean twist on classic European favourites such as pizza and pasta.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007372225


Libro Da Cucina Sulla Dieta Mediterranea
Libro Da Cucina Sulla Dieta Mediterranea

Àâòîð: Celine Claire

Questo ebook fornisce le definizioni, i benefici, e le ricette di una dieta mediterranea. I pro della dieta mediterranea. • Ti lascia mangiare quello che ami. La dieta mediterranea comprende una variet? di alimenti completi e freschi, rendendoti semplice comporre alcune valide alternative di alimenti all’interno del regime alimentare. I cibi che costituiscono questa dieta hanno solo bisogno di leggere modifiche. Per esempio, al posto di una pizza con salsiccia e salame piccante, puoi optare una dieta colma di verdure. Sei libero di includere molti tipi di alimenti all’interno di un pasto. Quando riempi il tuo pasto con cibi freschi come frutta e verdure, questi prodotti ti aiuteranno a dare volume alle tue portate in modo che tu possa consumare meno calorie. • La dieta ? a basso contenuto di grassi saturi. La dieta mediterranea ti salva dalla fame costante poich? include una variet? di grassi sani. Essa limita grosse quantit? di carne rossa o lavorata, aiutandoti a consumare pi? acidi grassi monoinsaturi come frutta secca, avocado, e olio d’oliva. Questi acidi grassi riducono l’apporto di colesterolo, il quale ? ricco di grassi saturi. • La dieta mediterranea riduce il rischio di cancro. Un numero crescente di studi suggerisce che chi segue una dieta mediterranea ha una minore possibilit? di ammalarsi di cancro al colon, alla prostata, e di alcuni tipi di tumori al collo e alla testa. Questi studi sono stati pubblicati nel settembre 2016 dal The British Journal of Cancer, nel settembre 2017 dal European Journal of Cancer Prevention e nel febbraio 2018 dal Journal of Urology. Una ricetta mediterranea del pollo in padella Questa ricetta ? ideale per cena. Si prepara con verdure e proteine, ed erbe fresche e sar? pronta in meno di 30 minuti. Portata: piatto principale. Cucina: Americana. Tempo di preparazione: 5 minuti. Tempo di cottura: 25 minuti. Porzioni: 5. Ingredienti – Un cucchiaio di olio d’oliva. – Un cucchiaino di olio d’oliva. – ca 680 gr di filetti di pollo disossati senza pelle. – Una cipolla rossa media a pezzetti. – Un cucchiaino di aglio tritato. – Un barattolo di pomodori a cubetti (ca 435 gr con il liquido). – ? tazza di olive nere mature della California sminuzzate. – Un cucchiaio di origano fresco. – Un cucchiaio di basilico fresco. – Una tazza di pomodori ciliegini tagliati a met?, sia gialli che rossi. – Pepe/sale a piacere. Istruzioni – In una grande padella di ghisa, scaldare un cucchiaio di olio d'oliva a fuoco medio. Quando l'olio ? caldo, aggiungere i filetti di pollo e soffriggere fino a quando ? rosolato. Continuare per circa 10 minuti, mescolando spesso. Togliere il pollo e metterlo su un piatto. – Aggiungere il cucchiaino di olio d'oliva e le cipolle alla padella. Aggiungere l'aglio e cuocere per un altro minuto. Aggiungere i pomodori in barattolo e le spezie. Cuocere per 6-8 minuti. – Aggiungere i filetti di pollo e i pomodori a met? e riscaldare. – Servire su riso o patate.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835432821


Lieblingsfarbe Liebe (ungek?rzt)
Lieblingsfarbe Liebe (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Hannah Kaiser

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Vincent Fallow

Öåíà: 1277.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260158977166


Linux ñ íóëÿ. Âåðñèÿ 7.3
Linux ñ íóëÿ. Âåðñèÿ 7.3

Àâòîð: Æåðàð Áèêìàíñ

Åñëè âû ìå÷òàåòå ñîáðàòü ñâîþ ñîáñòâåííóþ îïåðàöèîííóþ ñèñòåìó, òî êíèãà «Linux ñ íóëÿ» – èìåííî äëÿ âàñ. Èç íåå âû óçíàåòå, êàê ïîäãîòîâèòü íóæíûé äëÿ ñáîðêè íàáîð èíñòðóìåíòàëüíûõ ñðåäñòâ, îòêóäà è êàêèå âçÿòü äëÿ ýòîãî èñõîäíûå êîäû ïðîãðàìì, êàê ñîáðàòü èõ â âèäå ïàêåòîâ è çàñòàâèòü èõ âìåñòå ðàáîòàòü êàê åäèíîå öåëîå, óïðàâëÿþùåå âàøèì êîìïüþòåðîì. Êíèãà ïîäðîáíî ðàññêàæåò âàì, êàê êîíêðåòíî ïîäãîòîâèòü êàæäûé èç ïàêåòîâ, èç êîòîðûõ ñîáèðàåòñÿ ñèñòåìà, ïðîâåäåò âàñ ÷åðåç ëàáèðèíòû ñèñòåìíûõ è ïîëüçîâàòåëüñêèõ íàñòðîåê, è, êîíå÷íî, ïîäñêàæåò, ãäå è êàê èñêàòü ðåøåíèÿ â ñëó÷àå, åñëè ÷òî-òî ïîéäåò íå òàê, êàê îæèäàëîñü. Ñèñòåìà, êîòîðóþ âû ñîáåðåòå, ñòàíåò íå òîëüêî âàøåé ãîðäîñòüþ, íî è, áåç âñÿêîãî ñîìíåíèÿ, ïîñëóæèò äëÿ âàñ òîé îñíîâîé, íà êîòîðîé âû áóäåòå è äàëüøå ïîçíàâàòü óâëåêàòåëüíûé ìèð îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì Linux.

Ñåðèÿ: Linux From Scratch

Öåíà: 359 ðóá.
Ãîä: 1999
ISBN: 978-5-94074-978-3


Little Labours
Little Labours

Àâòîð: Ðèâêà Ãîë÷åí

AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEARA droll and dazzling compendium of observations, stories, lists, and brief essays about babies.‘Beguiling … A wunderkabinett of baby-related curios … A peculiar book, and astonishing in its effect.’ Boston GlobeOne August day, a baby was born, or as it seemed to Rivka Galchen, a puma moved into her apartment. Her arrival felt supernatural, she seemed to come from another world. And suddenly, the world seemed ludicrously, suspiciously, adverbially sodden with meaning.But Galchen didn’t want to write about the puma. She had never been interested in babies, or in mothers before. Now everything seemed directly related to them and she specifically wanted to write about other things because it might mean she was really, covertly, learning something about babies, or about being near babies.The result is Little Labours, a slanted enchanted miscellany. Galchen writes about babies in art (with wrongly shaped head) and babies in literature (rarer than dogs or abortions, often monstrous); about the effort of taking a passport photo for a baby not yet able to hold up her head and the frightening prevalence of orange as today’s chic colour for baby gifts; about Frankenstein as a sort of baby and a baby as a sort of Godzillas. In doing so she opens up an odd and tender world of wonder.

Öåíà: 863.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008225193


Livre De Cuisine De Repas V?ganes Pour Athl?tes
Livre De Cuisine De Repas V?ganes Pour Athl?tes

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

**Avec images, informations nutritionnelles et instructions simples ** Vous pensez que la cuisine v?gane est morne et fade ? Vous pensez que le nombre de plats compos?s de simples carottes est r?duit ? Ce Livre de cuisine de repas v?ganes pour athl?tes propose 100 recettes de plats pour v?ganes parmi les plus sains et les plus d?licieux, riches en prot?ines : soupes et collations, salades et desserts, ainsi que de merveilleuses boissons parmi lesquelles les smoothies tiennent une place importante. Ce livre de recettes v?ganes vous explique en d?tail les ?tapes pour cuisiner des aliments qui seront consomm?s ? une date ult?rieure, ainsi que la fa?on de pr?parer des portions de plats ? l’avance. Que vous soyez tr?s occup? ou parent, ce livre de recettes v?ganes vous aidera de bien des fa?ons: vous gagnerez du temps, en ?liminant la question quotidienne que nous nous posons tous : « Que vais-je pr?parer pour d?ner ce soir ? ». Vous ?conomiserez de l’argent et ?viterez les achats impulsifs ? la boutique. Vous r?duirez les gaspillages de nourriture, ce qui vous fera ?conomiser d’autant plus. Ce livre garantit que vous cuisinez des aliments vari?s et cr?ez des repas bien ?quilibr?s et nutritifs. Il vous permet de r?duire vos achats de repas ? emporter et d’aliments d?j? pr?par?s et trait?s. Vous confectionnerez des desserts d?licieux assez nutritifs pour tenir lieu de repas. D?couvrez une mine de petits d?jeuners simples, de d?jeuners rapides et bien plus… Le fait de savoir ce que vous allez pr?parer pour le d?ner chaque soir ?limine le stress et l’ennui de la cuisine quotidienne. Vous serez s?r de pouvoir pr?parer des repas simples et savoureux pour la famille et les amis. Ce livre de cuisine di?t?tique bas? sur les plantes sera utile pour: – ceux et celles qui veulent cuisiner des repas savoureux plus sains ? la maison, – les parents qui veulent nourrir leur famille avec un r?gime nutritif ?quilibr?, – les parents qui veulent d?couvrir des id?es de collations saines pour leurs enfants, – les personnes qui veulent ?conomiser de l’argent sur leurs achats alimentaires et limiter le gaspillage de nourriture, – ceux et celles qui veulent organiser la pr?paration de leurs repas afin d’?conomiser du temps et de r?duire le stress et les efforts li?s ? la cuisine ? domicile, – enfin ceux et celles qui veulent ?tablir un planning de repas id?al adapt? au style de vie de leur famille. Vous aimeriez pouvoir pr?parer des repas v?g?tariens auxquels votre famille est attach?e, apprendre comment confectionner des plats v?ganes sains et cr?er des portions savoureuses d’aliments v?ganes, alors vous avez sous la main ce que vous recherchez ! Procurez-vous imm?diatement un exemplaire de cet inestimable Livre de cuisine de repas v?ganes pour athl?tes et commencez ? cuisiner des plats simples et sains d?s aujourd’hui !

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835407997


Livre De Preparation De Repas Sans Viande Pour Athletes Veganes
Livre De Preparation De Repas Sans Viande Pour Athletes Veganes

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

Vous avez des difficult?s pour cuisiner des recettes v?ganes savoureuses et riches en prot?ines ? Ce livre de cuisine v?gane vous apprend comment pr?parer des recettes pas ? pas et vous fait d?couvrir toute une vari?t? de mets v?ganes pour vous et votre famille ! Vous avez des difficult?s pour cuisiner des recettes v?ganes savoureuses et riches en prot?ines ? Ce livre de cuisine v?gane vous apprend comment pr?parer des recettes pas ? pas et vous fait d?couvrir toute une vari?t? de mets v?ganes pour vous et votre famille ! Savoir comment nous nourrir d’une fa?on qui maintient notre sant? et qui s’adapte ? nos contraintes modernes constitue l’une des aptitudes les plus essentielles de nos jours ! Lorsque vous d?cidez de cuisiner une nourriture v?ritable qui est optimale pour le corps humain, comme les r?gimes ? base de plantes, vous faites le choix de prendre responsabilit? pour votre bien-?tre et de contribuer positivement ? l’ensemble de notre Terre. Lorsque vous d?cidez de pr?parer ? la maison des repas ? partir d’aliments v?ganes, vous choisissez d’?viter les dangers pour la sant? des aliments trait?s et pr?par?s, et de leurs ingr?dients et m?thodes de pr?paration nocifs. En cuisinant vos propres repas, vous allez ?conomiser de l’argent, apporter de l’?quilibre dans votre vie, et construire des liens plus forts avec les membres de la famille avec lesquels vous partagez les repas. Voici quelques recettes que vous apprendrez : [ul]les amuse-gueules v?ganes comme les ailes ?pic?es d’?damame et de chou-fleur ! Des entr?es v?ganes comme des p?tes orzo, des champignons farcis et des patates douces farcies. Des desserts v?ganes comme la mousse au chocolat, les boules ?nerg?tiques et les cookies au chocolat.[/ul] Toutes les recettes sont v?ganes et tr?s faciles ? r?aliser, tout en ?tant tr?s savoureuses avec beaucoup de prot?ines. J’ai constat? que beaucoup de gens n’ont pas une grande exp?rience de la cuisine. Donc, si vous ?tes un d?butant v?gane et un cuisinier d?butant, tout cela peut para?tre difficile. Mais ?a ne l’est pas ! Je vais vous pr?ter main forte. Cet ensemble de livre de cuisine v?gane pour athl?tes vous emm?ne dans un voyage vers l’autonomie pour renforcer votre confiance, votre confort et votre cr?ativit?, pour travailler avec les aliments ? base de plantes enti?res dans votre cuisine. Vous apprendrez comment : [ul]vous nourrir d’une fa?on qui est facile, faisable, ?conomique et durable. Vous nourrir d’une fa?on qui nourrit et gu?rit votre corps de l’int?rieur. Vous nourrir avec rapidit?, un plat moyen prenant 15 minutes. Travailler avec des ingr?dients courants, frais et sains que vous pourrez obtenir dans votre ?picerie locale. Cuisiner des l?gumes vari?s avec ou sans amidon, des c?r?ales, des l?gumineuses et des champignons. Incorporer des fruits, des noix, des graines, des herbes et des ?pices dans les plats d’une fa?on simple et saine. Cr?ez des repas et des g?teries simples, mais savoureux et satisfaisants. Abordez la cuisine v?gane, ? base de plantes, dans un esprit positif bas? sur la pleine conscience et la gratitude.[/ul] Toutes les recettes v?ganes de ce livre conviennent aux d?butants v?ganes et aux cuisiniers d?butants, sont tr?s faciles et d?licieuses. Embarquons ensemble pour la r?ussite ! Faites d?filer vers le haut et cliquez sur le bouton « Ajouter au panier » maintenant !

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835410676


Livre De Recettes Sans Viande Pour Les Athl?tes V?g?taliens
Livre De Recettes Sans Viande Pour Les Athl?tes V?g?taliens

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

Y a-t-il une vie sans viande? Un r?gime nutritif est une baguette magique qui peut rendre une personne faible et douloureuse saine et forte. Il y a une opinion qu'un culturiste ne peut pas vivre sans viande, sinon, o? peut-il obtenir des prot?ines pour construire la masse musculaire? En fait, le bon r?gime alimentaire ? base d'aliments v?g?taux est capable de d?velopper un v?ritable culturiste prosp?re, et il existe de nombreux exemples de cela. Comment un culturiste v?g?talien parvient-il ? maintenir une excellente forme physique et ? obtenir des r?sultats solides? Quel est le secret? Y a-t-il une vie sans viande? Un r?gime nutritif est une baguette magique qui peut rendre une personne faible et douloureuse saine et forte. Il y a une opinion qu'un culturiste ne peut pas vivre sans viande, sinon, o? peut-il obtenir des prot?ines pour construire la masse musculaire? En fait, le bon r?gime alimentaire ? base d'aliments v?g?taux est capable de d?velopper un v?ritable culturiste prosp?re, et il existe de nombreux exemples de cela. Comment un culturiste v?g?talien parvient-il ? maintenir une excellente forme physique et ? obtenir des r?sultats solides? Quel est le secret? Le Livre de recettes sans viande pour les athl?tes vous fournira toutes les r?ponses, astuces et secrets sur la fa?on d'?laborer le r?gime alimentaire et le plan de repas parfaits ? base de plantes pour une meilleure sant?, une meilleure perte de poids et plus de gains musculaires. De plus, vous obtiendrez 100 recettes ? base de plantes avec une vari?t? de plats d?licieux et nourrissants pour chaque jour, qui vous donneront sant?, ?nergie et bonne humeur. Pour ceux qui se soucient de la bonne nourriture, l'auteur a compil? une collection de recettes pour des salades, des soupes et des boissons savoureuses et saines, qui seront un vrai plaisir gastronomique pour toute la famille! Chaque recette v?g?talienne a une photo d'un repas, donc vous saurez ce que vous obtenez lorsque vous le cuisinez. Avec l'aide de ce livre, vous obtiendrez non seulement 100 d?licieuses recettes v?g?taliennes riches en prot?ines, mais vous apprendrez ?galement: – Les bases du r?gime v?g?talien (calories, prot?ines, glucides, lipides, vitamines et min?raux) et comment il peut b?n?ficier non seulement ? votre corps et ? votre esprit, mais aussi au monde qui nous entoure – Comment mettre en place votre r?gime v?g?talien appropri? qui est parfait pour vos besoins et votre style de vie – Comment construire des muscles et perdre de la graisse dans votre alimentation ? base de plantes en optimisant votre plan de repas – De combien de prot?ines avez-vous besoin et les meilleures sources de prot?ines v?g?taliennes – Conseils pour la transition vers le v?ganisme – Recettes simples de petit d?jeuner v?g?talien riche en prot?ines – Plats principaux v?g?taliens riches en prot?ines – Comment faire des barres de prot?ines v?g?taliennes incroyables et bien plus encore … Qui est ce livre de cuisine v?g?talien? pour: – Toute personne souhaitant apprendre la v?rit? sur les r?gimes v?g?taliens et la planification des repas – Toute personne qui souhaite d?velopper ses muscles gr?ce ? un r?gime v?g?talien – Toute personne souhaitant apprendre ? cuisiner de d?licieux repas v?g?taliens riches en prot?ines – Les athl?tes v?g?taliens – Les amateurs de fitness et de sant? v?g?taliens et commen?ons notre succ?s ensamble! Faites d?filer vers le haut et cliquez sur le bouton ”Ajouter au panier” maintenant!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835411284


Livres De Recettes Grand Bol Vegetalien
Livres De Recettes Grand Bol Vegetalien

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

Imaginez-vous ? une f?te. Vous aimez grignoter quelques canap?s que les serveurs vous proposent en passant pendant que converser avec les invit?s. Les deux principaux avantages des aliments dans des bols sont qu'ils sont plus difficiles ? renverser et permettent aux invit?s de continuer ? se m?langer. Le probl?me avec les rassemblements est que les invit?s doivent s'asseoir pour manger, alors que tout le monde passe un bon moment. Les aliments dans des bols ?vitent ce probl?me – chaque invit? peut se m?ler aux autres sans ?tre oblig?s de retourner ? la table. Peu importe, cette tendance continue de cro?tre. En 2016, Business Insider a signal? que la tendance des aliments dans des bols a augment? de pr?s de 30% depuis 2011. La hausse des aliments dans des bols a conduit ? de nombreuses variations de la tendance, comme le Bol Bouddha. Avec des aliments dans des bols, la personne fait plus attention ? ce qu'elle mange, le mastique mieux et l'appr?cie plus, pour devenir presque comme un Bouddha. Avez-vous du mal ? cuisiner de d?licieuses recettes de bols v?g?taliens ? Ce livre de recettes vous apprendra comment cuisiner des recettes v?g?taliennes ?tape par ?tape. Vous d?couvrirez une vari?t? de plats v?g?taliens ? pr?parer pour vous et votre famille ! ? qui s'adresse ce livre de cuisine v?g?talien : – ? toute personne d?sireuse d'apprendre la v?rit? sur les r?gimes v?g?taliens et la planification des repas – ? toute personne qui souhaite d?velopper ses muscles gr?ce ? un r?gime v?g?talien – ? toute personne qui souhaite apprendre ? cuisiner de d?licieux bols v?g?taliens riches en prot?ines – aux athl?tes v?g?taliens. La forme physique v?g?talienne & passionn?s de sant?. Nous y r?ussirons ensemble ! Faites d?filer votre page et cliquez sur le bouton ”Ajouter au panier” maintenant !

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835407294


Livro De Receitas De Refei??es Veganas Para Atletas
Livro De Receitas De Refei??es Veganas Para Atletas

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

** Com fotos, fatos nutricionais e instru??es simples ** Voc? acha que a cozinha vegana ? simpl?ria e sem gosto? Voc? acha que n?o consegue fazer um monte de pratos apenas com cenouras? Este Livro de Receitas de Preparo de Refei??es Veganas oferece 100 receitas de alto teor proteico dos pratos mais saud?veis e deliciosos para veganos – sopas e lanches, saladas e sobremesas, al?m de bebidas maravilhosas, dentre os quais um lugar importante ? ocupado pelos smoothies. Este livro de receitas vegano orienta voc? na prepara??o de alimentos para serem cozidos posteriormente, bem como no porcionamento dos alimentos preparados, para serem servidos mais tarde. ** Com fotos, fatos nutricionais e instru??es simples ** Voc? acha que a cozinha vegana ? simpl?ria e sem gosto? Voc? acha que n?o consegue fazer um monte de pratos apenas com cenouras? Este Livro de Receitas de Preparo de Refei??es Veganas oferece 100 receitas de alto teor proteico dos pratos mais saud?veis e deliciosos para veganos – sopas e lanches, saladas e sobremesas, al?m de bebidas maravilhosas, dentre os quais um lugar importante ? ocupado pelos smoothies. Este livro de receitas vegano orienta voc? na prepara??o de alimentos para serem cozidos posteriormente, bem como no porcionamento dos alimentos preparados, para serem servidos mais tarde. Como pessoa ocupada ou respons?vel pelas refei??es da fam?lia, este livro de receitas de prepara??o de refei??es veganas o ajudar? de v?rias maneiras: – Economizar seu tempo, eliminando a pergunta di?ria que todos fazemos: ”O que vou preparar para o jantar hoje ? noite?” – Economizar seu dinheiro, evitando compras por impulso no supermercado. – Reduzir o desperd?cio de alimentos, economizando mais dinheiro ainda. – Garantir que voc? cozinhe com uma variedade de alimentos e crie refei??es balanceadas e nutritivas. – Ajudar voc? a comer menos fora de casa e comer menos alimentos processados e pr?-preparados – Fa?a deliciosas sobremesas, saud?veis o suficiente para comer como refei??o – Descubra caf?s da manh? f?ceis, almo?os r?pidos e muito mais … Saber o que voc? vai fazer para o jantar todas as noites eliminar? o estresse e o t?dio da culin?ria di?ria. Tamb?m lhe dar? a confian?a necess?ria para preparar refei??es f?ceis e saborosas para familiares e amigos. Este livro de receitas de dieta ? base de plantas ? ?til para: – Aqueles que querem cozinhar refei??es mais saud?veis e gostosas em casa – Pais que querem alimentar suas fam?lias com uma dieta equilibrada e nutritiva – Pais que querem aprender lanches saud?veis para seus filhos – Aqueles que querem economizar dinheiro em compras e desperdi?ar menos alimentos – Aqueles que desejam organizar refei??es preparadas para economizar tempo e reduzir o estresse e o esfor?o de cozinhar em casa – Aqueles que desejam criar planos de refei??es ideais para o estilo de vida de sua fam?lia Se voc? gostaria de cozinhar pratos vegetarianos que impressionam sua fam?lia , aprenda a fazer refei??es veganas saud?veis e a criar por??es saborosas de comida vegana; ent?o, voc? encontrou o que estava procurando! Obtenha uma c?pia deste incr?vel Livro de Receitas de Preparo de Refei??es Veganas e comece a cozinhar refei??es simples e saud?veis hoje!

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835407768


Livro De Receitas Power Sem Carne Para Atletas Veganos
Livro De Receitas Power Sem Carne Para Atletas Veganos

Àâòîð: Joseph P. Turner

H? vida sem carne? Uma dieta nutritiva ? uma varinha m?gica que pode tornar uma pessoa fraca e fr?gil em saud?vel e forte. Existe uma opini?o de que os fisiculturistas n?o podem viver sem carne, caso contr?rio, onde pode obter prote?na para construir massa muscular? Na verdade, a dieta certa baseada em vegetais ? capaz criar um fisiculturista bem sucedido, e h? muitos exemplos disso. Como um fisiculturista vegano consegue manter uma boa forma f?sica e alcan?ar resultados s?lidos? Qual ? o segredo? H? vida sem carne? Uma dieta nutritiva ? uma varinha m?gica que pode tornar uma pessoa fraca e fr?gil em saud?vel e forte. Existe uma opini?o de que os fisiculturistas n?o podem viver sem carne, caso contr?rio, onde pode obter prote?na para construir massa muscular? Na verdade, a dieta certa baseada em vegetais ? capaz criar um fisiculturista bem sucedido, e h? muitos exemplos disso. Como um fisiculturista vegano consegue manter uma boa forma f?sica e alcan?ar resultados s?lidos? Qual ? o segredo? O Livro de Receitas Sem Carne para Atletas fornecer? todas as respostas, dicas e segredos sobre como construir o plano perfeito de dieta e refei??es base em vegetais para melhorar a sa?de, melhorar a perda de peso e mais ganhos musculares. Al?m disso, voc? obter? 100 receitas com base vegetais com uma variedade de pratos deliciosos e nutritivos para todos os dias, o que lhe dar? sa?de, energia e muito humor. Para aqueles que se importam com a comida certa, o autor compilou uma cole??o de receitas para saladas saborosas e saud?veis, sopas e bebidas, que ser? um verdadeiro prazer gastron?mico para toda a fam?lia! Cada receita vegana tem uma imagem, para que voc? saiba o que pode conseguir cozinhando. Com a ajuda deste livro, voc? obter? n?o apenas 100 deliciosas receitas veganas altas em prote?na, mas tamb?m aprender?: – o b?sico da dieta vegetariana (calorias, prote?na, carboidratos, gordura, vitaminas e minerais) e como pode beneficiar n?o somente seu corpo e mente mas tamb?m o mundo em torno de n?s – Como ajustar sua dieta apropriada vegana que ? perfeita para suas necessidades e estilo de vida – Como desenvolver m?sculos e perder a gordura em sua baseada em vegetais otimizando seu plano de refei??es – quanta prote?na voc? precisa e as principais fontes de prote?nas veganas – Dicas para a transi??o para o veganismo – Simples receitas de caf? da manh? veganos altas em prote?na – pratos principais altos em prote?na vegetariana – Como fazer incr?veis barras de prote?nas veganas e muito mais… Para quem ? este livro de receitas veganas: – Qualquer um que queira aprender a verdade sobre dieta vegana e planejamento de refei??es – Qualquer um que queira desenvolver m?sculos com uma dieta vegana – Qualquer um que deseje aprender a cozinhar deliciosas refei??es veganas altas em prote?na – atletas veganos – os entusiastas da boa forma e da sa?de vegana. Comecemos o sucesso juntos! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409571


Look to Your Wife
Look to Your Wife

Àâòîð: Paula Byrne

A debut novel by a bestselling non-fiction author, this is a witty, wholly entrancing story of the pleasures, pains and obsessions of contemporary life. Lisa Blaize – teacher, and would-be fashion writer, mother and second wife – feels out of place when her high-flying husband becomes the headmaster of a school in a country town. Isolated and far from her metropolitan upbringing, she turns to the one place where she learns she can be uninhibited.But ‘Twitter may be my undoing’, Lisa discovers as her one-time private life becomes all too public. Soon she is dealing with an online stalker and her husband’s reputation is put at risk, but will she be able to give up her addiction?From the gossip of the classroom to our obsession with instant communication, Look To Your Wife is witty and brilliantly observed, revealing the pleasures and pains of contemporary life.

Öåíà: 1318.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008270599


Los Mozart, Tal Como Eran (Volumen 1)
Los Mozart, Tal Como Eran (Volumen 1)

Àâòîð: Diego Minoia

En un siglo dominado por gobernantes absolutistas y arist?cratas prepotentes, la familia Mozart viaja por toda Europa en busca de consagraci?n art?stica y empleo prestigioso. ?Ser? suficiente la ambici?n de su padre Leopold y el genio de su hijo Wolfgang para lograr su objetivo? La historia de su vida, para conocerlos y comprenderlos, sigui?ndolos paso a paso a trav?s de las etapas de sus viajes de aventura. La vida y las peripecias de la familia Mozart en la Europa del siglo XVII: m?s all? del mito, para apreciar su humanidad. En este nuevo ensayo, dividido en dos amenos vol?menes, de Diego Minoia descubriremos la vida, la muerte y … los milagros de la familia Mozart. Todo lo que necesitamos saber para conocer a estos extraordinarios personajes y su ?poca. Una interesante y curiosa historia que abarca unos treinta a?os de su vida: viajes y encuentros, triunfos y decepciones, peque?os enga?os y genios, rebeliones y derrotas. La vida de los Mozart, narrada por ellos mismos, gracias a la informaci?n contenida en su rico epistolario, enriquecida con percepciones que permiten comprender en 360 grados el mundo en el que se mov?an, incluyendo viajes y recomendaciones, intriga y amistades, sumisi?n a los poderosos y deseo de autonom?a. El retrato de una familia y un continente europeo que nos ayuda a entender un siglo, el XVIII, desde la ?ptica de quienes lo volvieron uno de los per?odos m?s fruct?feros para la m?sica. Los Mozart, tal como eran. La historia de su vida hasta 1775, sigui?ndolos paso a paso, para conocerlos y comprenderlos. ?Quieres ser su compa?ero de viaje? Empezaremos en Salzburgo, donde se form? la familia y donde nacieron Wolfgang Amadeus y su hermana Maria Anna (conocida como Nannerl), y continuaremos acompa??ndolos en sus primeros viajes a Munich y Viena. Luego los seguiremos en la largu?sima Gran Gira Europea que presentar? a los dos peque?os Mozart como ni?os prodigio, atravesando las principales Cortes de Alemania, Holanda, Francia e Inglaterra. 5200 kil?metros recorridos, 80 ciudades tocadas en 1269 d?as: ?ninguna estrella del pop/rock ha hecho jam?s una gira como esa!

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835417453


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