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Masada Caballo de Troya 2 (abreviado)
Masada Caballo de Troya 2 (abreviado)

Автор: J.J. Benitez

Исполнители: Elenco FonoLibro

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781611541090


Maximum Achievement
Maximum Achievement

Автор: Брайан Трейси

BECOME THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR OWN FUTURE  One of America's top professional speakers and seminar leaders, Brian Tracy has been a consultant and trainer for hundreds of corporations large and small. His bestselling audio and video programs have been translated into 14 languages and are used in 31 countries. More than one million people have attended his programs on success, sales effectiveness and personal fulfillment.  Now in Maximum Achievement, Tracy presents a proven system of powerful ideas and principles you can use to rapidly improve your life. He has combined insights and methods from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics and human potential research to create a unique program that will:  * Streamline your focus for maximum results * Remove mental barriers that stand in the way of your dreams * Provide you with the essential conditions for change * Develop superior relationships in your personal and professional life  By following the principles of Maximum Achievement's Master Plan, you can build a foundation for a life of happiness, health, harmony and prosperity.

Исполнители: Брайан Трейси

Цена: 1374.17 руб.
ISBN: 9780743541046


Me d?nyas
Meşə d?nyası

Автор: Ana Mişel Malaqon Arias

Bu kitab vasitəsilə plastilinlə asan və əlverişli yolla ?alışmağı ?yrənəcəksiniz. ?stəlik m?vzu haqqında əsas məlumatları, lazım olan vəsaitləri, uyğun şəraitdə ?alışmağın yollarını, ən əhəmiyyətlisi isə ətrafınızdakı heyvanları və b?cəkləri d?zəltməyi addım-addım ?yrənəcəksiniz. Bu kitab hər kəs ???n və hər yaşda olan insanlara uyğun hazırladıq. ??nki plastilinlə işləməyin sərhədi və yaşı yoxdur. Hamımızın i?ində bir sənət?i yaşayır – bunu unutmayın. İ?inizdə yatan qabiliyyəti g?n işığına ?ıxarmaq ???n plastilin dəstini bir başlanğıc kimi istifadə edə bilərsiniz.

Серия: Uşaq ədəbiyyatı

Цена: 123.42 руб.


Meditationen (Ungek?rzt)
Meditationen (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Marc Aurel

Исполнители: Rob Hackermesser

Цена: 685.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781628616569


Medium sein
Medium sein

Автор: Gordon Smith V

Medium sein ist ein Intensivkurs f?r sensitive Menschen, die ihre medialen F?higkeiten zur Meisterschaft ausbauen wollen. Gordon Smith zeigt anhand vieler Beispiele wie das geht. . Schwingungsanhebung . Kontakt mit Geistf?hrern . Fernheilung . Readings . Trance Dar?ber hinaus gew?hrt Gordon Smith Einblicke in seine Arbeit als eines der bekanntesten Medien Englands. Gef?hrte ?bungen und detaillierte Anweisungen vertiefen das Wissen um die eigenen inneren Kr?fte.
Das derzeit f?higste und treffsicherste Medium in Gro?britannien (Daily Mail)

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783946959670


Megan ?n Excursie Cu coala
Megan ?n Excursie Cu Școala

Автор: Owen Jones

Excursia anuală cu școala o duce pe Megan și colegii săi la o rețea de peșteri care erau folosite ca locuințe de triburile preistorice. Megan este sigură că prin folosirea puterilor sale psihice poate obține mai multe cunoștințe despre ceea ce s-a ?nt?mplat cu adevărat ?n acel timp ?ndepărtat, dec?t ceea ce le spunea ghidul. Megan este o adolescentă ?n v?rstă de 13 ani care are puteri psihice pe care alții nu le au. La ?nceput a ?ncercat să vorbească cu mama ei despre el, ?nsă consecințele au fost dezastruoase, astfel că a ?nvățat să păstreze tăcerea cu privire la ele. Cu toate acestea, unii oameni s-au oferit să ajute, iar un animal i-a arătat o prietenie specială, ?nsă ei nu erau „vii” ?n sensul normal al cuv?ntului. Ei muriseră. Megan are trei astfel de prieteni: Wacinhinsha, ghidul ei spiritual, care fusese indian Sioux ?n ultima sa viață pe păm?nt, bunicul ei matern, Gramps și un tigru siberian enorm pe care ?l chema Grrr. Wacinhinsha avea foarte multe cunoștințe cu privire la toate lucrurile spirituale, psihice și paranormale; bunicul ei era novice ca „persoană recent decedată”, iar Grrr poate vorbi doar limba tigrilor, iar așa cum vă puteți imagina aceasta este de ne?nțeles pentru oameni. ?n acest episod din viața lui Megan, ea și ceilalți elevi din același an cu ea merg ?ntr-o excursie cu școala. Acestea ar trebui să fie evenimente anuale, ?nsă școala nu are ?ntotdeauna bani să le finanțeze. Aceasta se dovedește a fi excepțională pentru Megan pentru că prinde fr?nturi din viețile oamenilor care au trăit ?ntr-o eră demult apusă. Urmărește-o pe Megan ?n timp ce ?ncearcă ?n timpul excursiei să afle mai multe despre trecut și citește sfatul pe care Ghidul său spiritual i-l dă cu privire la cum să facă cel mai bine acest lucru.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835426363


Mein Herz ist wie das Meer
Mein Herz ist wie das Meer

Автор: Daniela Schenk

"Mein Herz ist wie das Meer" – und aus diesem Grund will Amelie nie wieder eine Beziehung eingehen. Amelie ist bipolar, das hei?t, sie schwankt zwischen himmelhoch jauchzend und zu Tode betr?bt. In ihren manischen Hochphasen malt sie wie besessen und schafft gro?artige Kunst. In ihren depressiven Phasen geht nichts mehr. Und schon gar keine Liebe. Amelies fester Vorsatz, sich von der Liebe fernzuhalten, ger?t ins Wanken, als sie auf einer Zugfahrt der zauberhaften Zazou begegnet … Ein langer Weg steht den beiden bevor, und erst ein gro?es Ungl?ck bringt eine Kehrtwende.
"Mein Herz ist wie das Meer" zeigt, wie sich mit einer bipolaren St?rung leben und lieben l?sst – ein Buch, das die komplizierte Krankheit nicht besch?nigt, aber Hoffnung macht. Und uns manches Mal befreiend lachen l?sst.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783959172202


Mein Name ist Karpfen (Ungek?rzt)
Mein Name ist Karpfen (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Ursel B?hm

Keiko der Karpfen wohnt im Schlosskanal. Ein gem?tlicher Winterstiefel, der am Kanalgrund steht und beim Schlittschuhlaufen mal einem gro?en Menschen ins Wasser geplumst sein muss, ist sein Zuhause. Seine goldene, schuppige Karpfen-Gro?tante, die behauptet, fr?her eine Prinzessin im Schloss gewesen zu sein, ist Keiko besonders ans Herz gewachsen. Der Hecht Hejo, die Stockente Elli, die Kr?te Hardy, der Goldfisch Juri und der Aal Ali, um nur einige der anderen Kanalbewohner zu erw?hnen, bestehen in diesen Kurzgeschichten mit Keiko die aufregendsten Abenteuer unter und ?ber Wasser.

Исполнители: Heinz Peter

Цена: 1183.74 руб.
ISBN: 4251513965089


Meine Seelenkraft - In einer meditativen Fantasiereise den Seelenplan erkennen
Meine Seelenkraft - In einer meditativen Fantasiereise den Seelenplan erkennen

Автор: Seraphine Monien

Исполнители: Seraphine Monien

Цена: 1080.16 руб.
ISBN: 4251625969463


Melisandina elja
Melisandina Želja

Автор: Rosette

Sustret dvoje usamljenika u zanosnom okruženju izmišljenog škotskog sela polazna je tačka jedne velike ljubavne priče pune iznenađenja. Glavna junakinja Melisanda Bruno, devojka koja je želela da dodirne dugu, jer je njen svet crno-belo. Na drugoj strani je njena velika ljubav Sebastijan Meklejn, pisac koji je vezan za invalidska kolica. Melisanda Bruno beži do svoje prošlosti i pre svega ne želi da prihvati da je drugačija od drugih: rođena je sa jednim neobičnim i retkim poremećajem vida zbog čega ne može da razlikuje boje i njen najveći san je da razazna dugu. Njen novi poslodavac je Sebastijan Meklejn, poznati pisac romana strave i užasa, koji je, zbog jedne nerazjašnjene nesreće, ostao vezan za invalidska kolica. Neko se krije u senci i želi da se hrani tuđim željama… Dvoje usamljenika čiji se životi prepliću, dve sudbine vezane tamnim snovima u kojima ništa nije onako kako uzgleda. Roman, koji u sebi ima odlike gotskog romana, nestrpljivo čeka da ga pročitate…

Цена: 472.51 руб.
ISBN: 9788873042488


Melodie der Heimat - Das Musikhaus an der Alster, Teil 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Melodie der Heimat - Das Musikhaus an der Alster, Teil 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Katja D?rr

Исполнители: Corinna Dorenkamp

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783754010266


Memoria Fotografica
Memoria Fotografica

Автор: Timothy Willink

La memoria fotografica ? riservata SOLO a coloro che sono nati questa capacit?? E se potessi studiare e addestrare la tua ”memoria fotografica”? O forse triplicarlala ? Continua a leggere … Il nostro cervello ? come un enorme file con migliaia di piccoli cassetti, ognuno con un ricordo. L`informazione ? l?, ma come puoi ricordare i fatti pi? velocemente e con maggiore chiarezza? Il potere del tuo cervello ? limitato solo alla quantit? di sforzo che fai nel suo sviluppo. Questo libro ”Memoria fotografica” ti insegna tecniche, suggerimenti e trucchi per iniziare a sviluppare la tua memoria. Praticando i suoi insegnamenti sarai in grado di espandere i limiti della tua memoria e anche di ricordare chiaramente le cose. Non perdere mai pi? un dettaglio! Immagina di avere una memoria illimitata e di apprendere molto pi? velocemente. Questo libro ”Memoria fotografica” ti insegna tutti i segreti per una memoria migliorata. Se immagini il nostro cervello come un supercomputer, quale pensi che sia la capacit? di archiviazione? Circa 2,5 milioni di gigabyte. 2,5 MILIONI DI GIGABYTES. Solo con questo numero, puoi capire l`incredibilmente grande potenza del tuo cervello. ”Coloro che non possono cambiare idea non possono cambiare nulla” – George Bernard Shaw Abbiamo 70.000 pensieri al giorno. Non si sa mai quando apparir? la tua prossima grande idea e avere una memoria affidabile ti assicurer? di non dimenticarla! Quante volte hai avuto problemi a ricordare il nome di qualcuno? Un appuntamento? I dettagli chiari di un evento passato? Puoi continuare a lottare con la tua memoria o puoi effettivamente fare uno sforzo e migliorarlo. Il potenziale ? illimitato, i premi inestimabili. Dipende tutto dal tuo cervello e dall`applicazione delle tecniche giuste per svilupparlo. Metti alla prova il tuo cervello, vai oltre i tuoi attuali limiti e fai in modo che il tuo io futuro ti ringrazi per … tu. Agisci ora facendo clic sul pulsante ”Acquista ora” o ”Leggi ora” dopo aver fatto scorrere verso l`alto di questa pagina. P.S. Cosa ti trattiene? Nella vita, la maggior parte delle persone ? fermata dalla paura o dalla pigrizia. Ricorda, il miglior investimento che puoi fare ? in te stesso. Investi il tempo e il prezzo di meno di un caff? per fare un salto di qualit? nella tua vita, ricchezza , amore e felicit? Agisci adesso!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835401759


Memory. A Self-Teaching Guide
Memory. A Self-Teaching Guide

Автор: Carol Turkington A

* Master the 3 keys of memory * Boost memory power with self-tests * Remember everything better, from names and faces to articles and speeches Master key concepts. Prepare for exams. Learn at your own pace. How does memory work? What kind of drugs can impair memory? How does the brain change with age? What are the tricks to improving everyday memory? With Memory: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more. Carol Turkington provides memory-boosting activities related to study skills, foreign languages, names and faces, numbers, speeches, and age-related memory loss. The techniques presented will enable anyone to boost memory power and, by using Turkington's essential memory keys, cultivate tools for remembering that will last a lifetime. The step-by-step, clearly structured format of Memory makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Memory allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to improve his or her memory.

Цена: 2314.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780471462675


Mensajes Del Cielo
Mensajes Del Cielo

Автор: Isabelle B. Tremblay

Isabelle B. Tremblay, autora del libro ?M?dium malgr? moi!, repite con una colecci?n de mensajes del universo. Durante casi dos a?os, canaliz? mensajes de personas fallecidas, arc?ngeles y seres de luz. Mensajes que son inspiradores y que dan esperanza para el m?s all? y tambi?n por lo que estamos pasando ahora. Misivas que permiten un despertar espiritual, y otras que ofrecen una comprensi?n de la muerte y la vida. Isabelle B. Tremblay, autora del libro ?M?dium malgr? moi!, repite con una colecci?n de mensajes del universo. Durante casi dos a?os, canaliz? mensajes de personas fallecidas, arc?ngeles y seres de luz. Mensajes que son inspiradores y que dan esperanza para el m?s all? y tambi?n por lo que estamos pasando ahora. Misivas que permiten un despertar espiritual, y otras que ofrecen una comprensi?n de la muerte y la vida. Puede leerlo como un libro o elegir una publicaci?n al azar para obtener una respuesta o inspiraci?n. Tambi?n puedes elegir este mensaje en la secci?n de personas fallecidas o en la secci?n angelical, seg?n sus necesidades del momento. Algunos mensajes lo afectar?n m?s que otros y parecer?n dirigidos a usted personalmente. Isabelle ha estado trabajando conscientemente con energ?as sutiles durante m?s de cinco a?os. Se califica como mensajera del alma y ofrece consultas de m?dium y acompa?amiento a personas que se encuentran en la b?squeda de un despertar espiritual o de sus dones. Populariza la espiritualidad y la hace accesible a todos para facilitar su comprensi?n. Este es la octava obra de Isabelle.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835417989


Meraviglia Della Diversit?!
Meraviglia Della Diversit?!

Автор: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788893982054


Merhaba G?ky?z?
Merhaba G?ky?z?

Автор: Аднан Шимшек

“Yavaş yavaş ?l?rler Alışkanlıklarına esir olanlar, Her g?n aynı yolları y?r?yenler, Ufuklarını genişletmeyen ve değiştirmeyenler…” Pablo Neruda G?ky?z?nde harika keşif yolculukları yaptık bu kitapla. K?h yıldızların k?h yağmurların altında… K?h hayretler i?inde ıslandık. K?h mehtabın b?y?leyici g?zelliğini, kar tanelerinin s?z?l?ş?ndeki harikuladeliği seyrettik. Kozmik r?zg?rların, manyetik kalkanın, meteorların yanı sıra “merhaba” dedik g?neşin ışıltılarına. Bir m?ddet dolaşıp “d?nyanın yedi harikası”ndan başka sayısız harikaların varlığını fark ettik. Bazen afalladık, şaşırdık. Bazen hayran olduk, b?y?lendik. Kendimize yakınlaşmak i?in, ?ok uzaklara gittik. Kendimizle aramızdaki mesafenin, g?k ile yer arasındaki mesafeden daha b?y?k olduğunu fark ettik Alışkanlıklar perdesi aralandığı ve sis dağıldığı anda, yaşanılan mutluluğu hissettik. Yolculuğu seviyorsanız şayet, heyecan dolu keşifler sizi bekliyor.

Цена: 114.43 руб.
ISBN: 978-625-8222-59-3


Metaforyczne karty asocjacyjne w pracy z niep odno ci
Metaforyczne karty asocjacyjne w pracy z niepłodnością

Автор: Anastasiya Kolendo-Smirnova

W tej broszurze autor chce powiedzieć o tym, jak pracuję z niepłodnością psychogenną, za pomocą metaforycznych kart asocjacyjnych. Książka przyda się psychologom, gdyż podaje jasny algorytm postępowania z tym tematem.

Цена: 79.98 руб.
Год: 2022


Michael Owen: Off the Record
Michael Owen: Off the Record

Автор: Michael Owen

First published in 2004 and updated in 2006 to include his first full season with Real Madrid.Michael Owen reveals the highlights and pitfalls of being a professional footballer in his first official autobiography, which contains his personal reflections on eight years in the game, including two World Cups, two European Championships and goalscoring records for club and country.After his famous goal against Argentina in France ‘98, Michael Owen was forced to grow up almost overnight, his sudden fame propelling him to stardom to the extent that the hopes of a football nation now rest on the slender frame of this 26-year-old.In his autobiography, Owen is forthright in his views on the game: he reacts to the accusations of diving, his susceptibility to injury, and his alleged gambling addiction; he writes candidly about his career at Liverpool, from Roy Evans to Gerard Houllier, and the reasons behind him leaving the club that made him as a player; and he talks about his ambitions for the England team and his new club Newcastle.He is also opinionated about his England striking partnership with Wayne Rooney and the threat from Jermaine Defoe; his complex and at times difficult relationship with coaches such as Glenn Hoddle, Kevin Keegan and Sven-Goran Eriksson; and he has strong views on the thug culture still rife in English football.Outside of the game, he talks openly for the first time about the death threats to him and his family, his relationship with childhood sweetheart Louise Bonsall – including her serious injury from a riding accident – and their baby Gemma as well as his passion for horse racing and betting.This edition also covers Owen’s dramatic transfer to Real Madrid, the frustrations of his first season in La Liga and the reasons for his return to England.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007389483


Mikroabenteuer - Das Motivationsbuch (Ungek?rzt)
Mikroabenteuer - Das Motivationsbuch (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Christo Foerster

Исполнители: Christo Foerster

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783961091874


Mindful Leadership For Dummies
Mindful Leadership For Dummies

Автор: Juliet Adams

The easy way to become a more mindful leader Want to become a more mindful leader? With Mindful Leadership For Dummies, you'll find accessible and authoritative guidance for cultivating focus, clarity, and creativity from within your colleagues. Packed full of useful tips, this friendly how-to guide will help you incorporate mindfulness in your leadership style to manage and reap the benefits of a more attentive working life—all while nurturing compassion in the service of others. You'll discover how mindfulness can help improve decision-making and communication skills, manage modern workday challenges, and so much more. Mindful leadership is currently a high-trending topic in the self-help/business world, making headlines in such prominent publications as Forbes, Time magazine and The Guardian, and even earning a dedicated blog on Huffington Post. And all for good reason—the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace are far-reaching, and as we begin to uncover more research that supports its effectiveness, it's no wonder business leaders are jumping aboard this positive bandwagon. Includes tips on incorporating mindfulness into your leadership style Shows you how mindfulness can help develop and deepen your leadership qualities Explains how mindfulness enhances productivity and minimizes the effects of stress in the workplace Outlines how adding mindfulness to your leadership approach will enable you to make positive choices that support your well-being If you're a businessperson looking to add mindfulness to your leadership tool belt, Mindful Leadership For Dummies has everything you need to get started today.

Цена: 2024.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119068792


Mindfulness At Work For Dummies
Mindfulness At Work For Dummies

Автор: Shamash Alidina

Do you want to reduce stress and boost your productivity? Mindfulness at Work For Dummies provides an overview of the concept of mindfulness and a programme to improve your work performance and overall wellbeing. Find out how the brain incorporates new mindful work patterns and discover tips to incorporate mindfulness into your routine to truly shine at work! The audio download contains guided mindfulness exercises and meditations suited to workplace scenarios, a core feature of mindfulness programmes. Mindfulness at Work For Dummies includes: An introduction to mindfulness, and how it can help improve working behaviour An explanation of how the brain retains new mindful working patterns. . . with a bit of practice! Useful tips on incorporating mindfulness into your working day Guidance for leaders on how mindfulness can help develop their leadership qualities.

Цена: 1403.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118974704


Mindfulness Pocketbook
Mindfulness Pocketbook

Автор: Gill Hasson

Цена: 1006.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088734


Mindfulness. Главная книга о том, как осознанность помогает улучшить все сферы жизни
Mindfulness. Главная книга о том, как осознанность помогает улучшить все сферы жизни

Автор: Эллен Лангер

Главная книга по теме осознанности, которая успешно издается во всем мире уже более 25 лет. От автора теории осознанности и первой женщины-профессора психологии Гарварда, Эллен Лангер.

Серия: Психология для устойчивого развития

Исполнители: Екатерина Салова

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 1989
ISBN: 9785002144587


MINECRAFT. Большая книга логических заданий и игр для майнкрафтеров
MINECRAFT. Большая книга логических заданий и игр для майнкрафтеров

Автор: Группа авторов

Эта книга – прекрасный подарок для скучающих майнкрафтеров! Огромное количество тематических игр и головоломок с участием любимых персонажей, таких как криперы, гасты, зомби и другие, подарят детям множество часов веселья, а также помогут прокачать математические способности, логику и воображение. Книга создана специально для детей младшего школьного возраста – крупные буквы, яркие иллюстрации и увлекательные задачки помогут одновременно подготовиться к школе и весело провести время. Для среднего школьного возраста.

Серия: Вселенная Minecraft

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-158342-2


Mit Huna und Aloha frei und lichtvoll
Mit Huna und Aloha frei und lichtvoll

Автор: Irmengard Hausperger

Ein Hauptbestandteil der hawaiianischen Huna Lehre sind die 7 Prinzipien, ?ber die man Zugang zu sich selbst und der Wahrheit seines Herzens finden kann. Das Buch enth?lt zu diesen Prinzipien abgestimmte positive Affirmationen, mit welchen man das Unterbewusstsein neu programmieren kann. Durch die ver?nderte Denkweise der hawaiianischen Prinzipien in Kombination mit den Affirmationen k?nnen wir unser Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783946959342


Mnie boli lub Ksi ka o wiczeniach do samodzielnej pracy z negatywnymi emocjami
Mnie boli lub Książka o ćwiczeniach do samodzielnej pracy z negatywnymi emocjami

Автор: Anastasiya Kolendo-Smirnova

Kiedy serce pęka z b?lu, kiedy wydaje się, że nie można go powstrzymać, kiedy marzysz o magicznych pigułkach, kt?re uchronią przed tym uczuciem… Wtedy potrzebujesz czyjejś pomocy, wsparcia. Ta książka jest napisana dla tych, kt?rzy znaleźli się w takiej sytuacji. Dla specjalist?w książka może być przydatna w zakresie technik i pewnego spojrzenia na pracę z emocjami, a dla os?b doświadczających cierpienia psychicznego może być ulgą i wsparciem.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2022


Mog s Christmas
Mog's Christmas

Автор: Judith Kerr

The classic Christmas story with Mog, everyone's favourite family cat! This funny and warm-hearted escapade is read by the inimitable GERALDINE MCEWAN.             From the creator of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat comes a delightful Christmas adventure about a really remarkable cat, with audio read by the one and only Geraldine McEwan.             It's Christmas, and Mog's house is full of strange noises and peculiar smells. Everyone is busy hanging holly and blowing up balloons, and where is that tree going…? But it's always a Merry Christmas in the end when you're with Mog and her family.             Mog's first story, Mog the Forgetful Cat , was first published almost fifty years ago, and Mog has been delighting children all over the world with her escapades ever since. This wonderful audio edition of her Christmas adventure is the perfect gift for boys, girls and families everywhere, and features an audio reading by the Olivier and Tony award nominated, BAFTA winning actress Geraldine McEwan.

Исполнители: Geraldine McEwan

Цена: 190.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780007510566


Moments of Comfort
Moments of Comfort

Автор: Gill Hasson

Цена: 1341.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780857089229


Monarchy: From the Middle Ages to Modernity
Monarchy: From the Middle Ages to Modernity

Автор: David Starkey

To coincide with the Channel 4 series to be aired at the end of this year – David Starkey's ‘Monarchy’ charts the rise of the British monarchy from the War of the Roses, the English Civil War and the Georgians, right up until the present day monarchs of the 20th Century.David Starkey’s magisterial new book Monarchy charts the rise of the British crown from the insurgency of the War of the Roses, through the glory and dangers of the Tudors, to the insolvency of the Stuarts and chaos of the English Civil War, the execution of Charles I, the rule of a commoner who was ‘king in all but name’, the importing of a German dynasty, and the coming-to-terms with modernity under the wise guidance of another German, Victoria’s Prince Consort Albert. An epilogue brings to story up to the present and asks questions about the future.The crown of England is the oldest surviving political institution in Europe. And yet, throughout this book Starkey emphasises the Crown’s endless capacity to reinvent itself to circumstances and reshape national polity whilst he unmasks the personalities and achievements, the defeats and victories, which lie behind the kings and queens of British history.Each of these monarchs has contributed, in their own way, to the religion, geography, laws, language and government that we currently live with today. In this book,Starkey demonstrates exactly how these states were arrived at, how these monarchs subtly influenced each other, which battles were won and why, whose whim or failure caused religious tradition to wither or flourish, and which monarchs, through their acumen and strength or single minded determination came to enforce the laws of England.With his customary authority and verve, David Starkey reignites these personalities to produce an entertaining and masterful account of these figures whose many victories and failures are the building blocks upon which Britain today is built. Far more than a biography of kings and queens, ‘Monarchy’ is a radical reappraisal of British nationhood, culture and politics, shown through the most central institution in British life.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007280100


Mord in Serie, Folge 24: Labyrinth
Mord in Serie, Folge 24: Labyrinth

Автор: Markus Topf

"Ein Survival-Wochenende im Schwarzwald soll f?r eine Gruppe gestresster Manager zum gro?en Abenteuer werden. Nachdem einer von ihnen in einen Schacht st?rzt, entdecken sie den Eingang zu einem geheimen Tunnelsystem. Aus Angst vor dem drohenden Unwetter suchen sie dort Zuflucht. Die Gruppe erkennt jedoch schnell, dass dieses unterirdische Labyrinth mehr, als nur eine t?dliche ?berraschung f?r sie bereith?lt. Das Thriller-Ereignis, atemberaubend spannend und filmreif inszeniert. "

Исполнители: Andr? Beyer

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4260147779702


Mord zur Cocktailparty - Darina Lisle ermittelt-Reihe - Darina Lisles vierter Fall, Band 4 (Ungek?rzt)
Mord zur Cocktailparty - Darina Lisle ermittelt-Reihe - Darina Lisles vierter Fall, Band 4 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Janet Laurence

Исполнители: Johanna Zehendner

Цена: 981.51 руб.
ISBN: 9783986378844


Mordestwa Obcych
Mordestwa Obcych

Автор: Stephen Goldin

Deborah Rabinowitz jest agentem literackim. Podr?żuje do obcych świat?w za pomocą wirtualnej rzeczywistości i sprzedaje prawa autorskie książek z Ziemi w celu opublikowania ich na innych planetach. Ale gdy jeden z mieszkańc?w obcego świata zostaje zamordowany na jej oczach, nie może powstrzymać się od zaangażowania się i rozwiązywania sprawy morderstwa. Następnie, gdy jej stary przyjaciel zostaje oskarżony o morderstwo na innym świecie, Deborah musi rozwikłać także ten przypadek. Chociaż podr?że fizyczne pomiędzy gwiazdami są niemożliwe ze względu na ogromne odległości ich dzielące, komunikacja jest natychmiastowa. Istnieje kilka r?żnych sposob?w, aby odwiedzić obce światy: wirtuując (używając wirtualnej rzeczywistości do projekcji obraz?w) lub teleprezentując się (korzystając z teleprezentacji do sterowania ciał robot?w na innej planecie). Jest nawet możliwym prowadzenie w ten spos?b handlu, licencjonowanie praw do książek, dzieł sztuki, wynalazk?w i innej własności intelektualnej. Deborah Rabinowitz jest agentem literackim. Wirtuuje do obcych świat?w i sprzedaje prawa autorskie do książek powstałych na Ziemi. Ale gdy jeden z mieszkańc?w obcego świata zostaje zamordowany na jej oczach, nie może powstrzymać się od zaangażowania się i rozwiązywania sprawy tego morderstwa. Następnie, gdy stary jej przyjaciel zostaje oskarżony o morderstwo na innym świecie, Deborah staje się jego prawnikiem i broni swojego przyjaciela przed kangurzym sądem, rozwiązując także zagadkę tej zbrodni.

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356849


Mordsjob (Ungek?rzt)
Mordsjob (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Danny King

Ian Bridges liebt seinen Job. Er ist wahnsinnig gut darin, kann sich seine Zeit selbst einteilen und verdient gutes Geld. Aber er ist kein gl?cklicher Mann, denn daf?r fehlt ihm noch die eine gro?e Liebe, die ganz spezielle Frau an seiner Seite, mit der er seinen Erfolg teilen kann. Dumm nur, dass die meisten Frauen, deren Bekanntschaft er macht, dies nur selten ?berleben. Denn Ian Bridges ist ein Auftragskiller.

Исполнители: Matthias L?hn

Цена: 1770.67 руб.
ISBN: 4251535787645


Move Your Mind
Move Your Mind

Автор: Nick Bracks

Learn how to create new daily habits that build happiness and reduce stress  In  Move Your Mind , acclaimed actor, entrepreneur, and mental health advocate Nick Bracks delivers the practical tools and lessons that will help you make small, but measurable, daily changes to foster positive, lasting improvements to your mental health. Told through the author’s own experiences with mental illness, this book offers a holistic approach to improving your mental health, and shows readers how to make positive lifestyle changes in areas like exercise, nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, and meditation. The book offers: Valuable and insightful case studies of real and well-known people who took control of and improved their mental wellbeing Key research findings from industry leaders in mindfulness, meditation, memory, mental health, psychology, and performance Guidance on how to take small, gradual steps that lead to big changes in your motivation and inspiration Perfect for anyone who has tried to take ownership of their own mental health but lacked the time, motivation, or information to effectively make a change,  Move Your Mind  is an indispensable guide to creating long-term behavior changes that promote increased happiness, decreased anxiety and stress, and better relationships.

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780730392057


Move Your Mind
Move Your Mind

Автор: Nick Bracks

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780730392064


Mujer De ?xito - Ten ?xitos Con Simples Pasos De Vida (abreviado)
Mujer De ?xito - Ten ?xitos Con Simples Pasos De Vida (abreviado)

Автор: Jayne West

Исполнители: Jhaidy Barboza

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781611543247


Murder on the Inside - The True Story of the Deadly Riot at Kingston Penitentiary (Unabridged)
Murder on the Inside - The True Story of the Deadly Riot at Kingston Penitentiary (Unabridged)

Автор: Catherine Fogarty

Исполнители: Catherine Fogarty

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781771965323


MY BODY, MY ENEMY: My 13 year battle with anorexia nervosa
MY BODY, MY ENEMY: My 13 year battle with anorexia nervosa

Автор: Claire Beeken

This ebook edition of a classic, bestselling autobiography completes Claire Beeken’s powerful story, taking the reader on an inspirational journey to the present day.Claire Beeken first went to hospital with an eating disorder aged 10. For over a decade she locked herself into a vicious cycle of starvation, laxative abuse, binge-eating and vomiting, attempted suicide and periods in a psychiatric hospital.This graphically honest, deeply-affecting, and darkly funny account of Claire’s illness tells the story of an ordinary girl from Luton living life with rare intensity.Since publication of the previous issue, Claire Beeken’s groundbreaking techniques and work with sufferers of eating disorders has come to be internationally recognised. Claire’s charity Caraline is now internationally acclaimed and the help-line that began life in her parents’ front-room has become an established, and enormously successful, care and counselling centre.The updated material tells Claire’s personal story – her feelings and her achievements since the early days of Caraline and also includes further inspirational ‘case histories’ of girls who have recovered from bulimia and anorexia with counselling.

Цена: 880.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007514748


Nach wendischen siten / Красно-бело-красный флаг
Nach wendischen siten / Красно-бело-красный флаг

Автор: П. Т. Тюрин

Авторы, основываясь на архивных документах и материалах, рассказывают об истории происхождения красно-бело-красного флага, который в настоящее принят как государственный символ в Австрии и Латвии. Приложения дополняют размышления авторов об истории и современной культуре Латвии. Книга может представлять интерес для историков, вексиллологов, а также для широкого круга читателей, увлекающихся исторической тематикой.

Цена: 240 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-9765-4867-1


Ne Fecs?reldj T?bb Id t, Kezdj MEDIT?LNI!
Ne Fecs?reldj T?bb Időt, Kezdj MEDIT?LNI!

Автор: Celine Claire

Ez az e-book a medit?ci? j?t?kony hat?sai mellett elmagyar?zza a medit?ci? l?nyeg?t ?s k?l?nb?ző medit?ci?s technik?kat mutat be. Stresszmentesen szeretn?l ?lni? Szeretn?d kitiszt?tani az elm?d? Szeretn?l megszabadulni az ?sszes f?lelmedtől? Ha b?rmelyikre igen a v?laszod, akkor a medit?ci? erej?re van sz?ks?ged. A Medit?ci? j?t?kony hat?sai mindenki sz?m?ra k?l?nb?zőek, de egy dolog biztos: rekord sebess?ggel nő a n?pszerűs?ge a nyugati kult?r?kban. Sz?mos j?t?kony hat?sa van.N?h?ny p?lda a teljess?g ig?nye n?lk?l: megn?vekedett teljes?tők?pess?g, stressz,– ?s depresszi? cs?kkent?se, fizikai eredetű f?jdalmak, mint p?ld?ul a fejf?j?s vagy izomf?jdalom cs?kkent?se. A medit?ci? nem ig?nyel ?r?kat! A medit?ci? ugyan lehet egy hossz? ?r?kat ig?nylő cselekv?s, de nem sz?ks?gszerű. M?r egy 10-15 perces gyakorlat is elegendő nyugalmat hozhat. Sokan ink?bb kora reggel, a napi rutinjuk megkezd?se előtt szeretnek medit?lni, az?rt hogy pozit?van induljon a mapjuk. M?sok ink?bb a lefekv?s előtti időszakot v?lasztj?k, hogy levezess?k a napi fesz?lts?get ?s nyugodtan tudjanak aludni. M?g egy dolog, amit szeretn?k veletek megosztani, az az, hogy hogyan sz?letett ez a z e-book. Engedj?tek meg, hogy bemutassam a Ne fecs?relj t?bb időt, kezdj MEDIT?LNI c?mű k?nyvet. Translator: Urb?n Ildik?

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835430759


Neige Blanche et Rose Rouge
Neige Blanche et Rose Rouge

Автор: Jacob Grimm

C'est dans une chaumi?re isol?e dans les Ardennes que vivent Neige-Blanche et Rose-Rouge, avec leur Maman. Durant un hiver, un ours demande leur hospitalit?. Il devient le meilleur ami des filles et toutes deux sont tristes lorsqu'il les quitte au printemps. Trois fois de suite, les deux filles font la rencontre d'un m?chant nain, qu'elles d?livrent chaque fois d'une situation d?licate; mais ? la troisi?me rencontre vient l'ours qui tue le nain qui lui avait vol? autrefois ses tr?sors et l'avait transform? en ours. Sa peau d'ours tombe et elles se trouvent devant un beau prince.

Исполнители: Jean Lorrain

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 4014513021359


Nein sagen lernen & Loslassen lernen - Die gef?hrte Meditation zum Selbstwert-St?rken
Nein sagen lernen & Loslassen lernen - Die gef?hrte Meditation zum Selbstwert-St?rken

Автор: Seraphine Monien

Исполнители: Seraphine Monien

Цена: 981.51 руб.
ISBN: 4251625951123


Nelly Sachs, Schriftstellerin, Berlin/Stockholm (Ungek?rzt)
Nelly Sachs, Schriftstellerin, Berlin/Stockholm (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Nelly Sachs

Исполнители: Paul Celan

Цена: 1775.6 руб.
ISBN: 9783940018465


Niezwyk e karty metaforyczni
Niezwykłe karty metaforyczni

Автор: Anastasiya Kolendo-Smirnova

Jest to mała broszura, a nie pełnoprawna książka pod względem wielkości, ale pod względem treści nie jest gorsza od dużej książki. książka opisuje techniki psychologiczne z wykorzystaniem niezwykłych metaforycznych kart asocjacyjnych.

Цена: 79.98 руб.
Год: 2022


NightWash Live, Juni 2019
NightWash Live, Juni 2019

Автор: Carl Weber Josef

Исполнители: Carl Weber Josef

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484594


Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide
Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide

Автор: Alan Hess

A colorful, portable guide to all the features of Nikon's D3200 dSLR The Nikon D3200 dSLR camera is packed with fabulous features like a 24-megapixel sensor, full HD video capability with fulltime autofocus, and 4 frames-per-second continuous shooting mode. This full-color guide provides instructions for all the buttons, dials, modes, and menus plus a refresher course in photography basics. It illustrates the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure with plenty of examples, and author Alan Hess, veteran concert photographer, even includes professional tips on improving portraits, candids, sports and travel photos, and much more. Sized to fit in a camera bag, the book includes a bonus gray and color checker card to help dSLR newcomers capture perfect white balance and color every time. Nikon's exciting D3200 dSLR offers a 24-megapixel sensor, full HD (1080p) video recording with fulltime autofocus and 4 fps high-speed continuous shooting mode, and a host of other features This full-color guide, in a portable 6 x 9-inch trim explains all the camera's settings, buttons, menus, and modes with step-by-step directions Explains how to choose lenses, adjust white balance, use autofocus, and manage exposure Author and professional photographer Alan Hess provides advice on improving your candids, portraits, sports and travel photos, macro photography, and more, with exquisite examples Includes a gray and color checker card to help you achieve perfect color Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide is your new Nikon's best friend. Take it everywhere you take your camera and have expert advice at your fingertips.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118518663


Niksen. Голландское искусство ничегонеделания
Niksen. Голландское искусство ничегонеделания

Автор: Ольга Меккинг

Нидерланды – одна из самых счастливых стран в Европе и в мире. Важная составляющая счастья и душевного здоровья голландцев – никсен, или искусство ничегонеделания. Этот «секрет национального счастья» глубоко укоренен в нидерландской культуре, но освоить его может каждый, независимо от этнической принадлежности, языка и места проживания. Для этого не требуется никаких вложений: вам не придется ничего покупать, менять себя, перестраивать свой дом, обновлять гардероб, учиться медитировать или садиться на диету. Все, что нужно, – ничего не делать! Чтобы разгадать загадку никсена, журналист, писатель и переводчик Ольга Меккинг провела всесторонние исследования, пообщалась с самыми разными экспертами – психологами, социологами, коучами, историками, культурологами, а также с самими голландцами и с теми, кто переехал в Нидерланды из других стран и осваивает национальные традиции на месте. В результате у нее получилась остроумная и практичная книга, предлагающая действенные инструменты для решения ежедневных проблем и улучшения качества жизни здесь и сейчас. Даже если вы очень занятой человек и ваши дни расписаны по минутам, Меккинг покажет, как находить время на никсен дома, на работе, в дороге, и поможет не только научиться расслабляться и отпускать лишнее, но и стать счастливее, здоровее и продуктивнее. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Цена: 344 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-389-18716-0


NLP Made Easy
NLP Made Easy

Автор: Carol Harris

This is the most straightforward introduction to NLP on the market. Leading NLP practitioner Carol Harris explains exactly what NLP is in no-nonsense style. Shying away from complicated terms or hard-to-grasp techniques, she gives practical advice on using NLP in everyday life to get what you want.ContentsNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) focuses on the way we think (Neuro), the Linguistic ways in which we communicate, and the personal Programs that govern the way we behave. By observing and copying the best practices of successful people we can be successful too.• Discover the history and development of NLP.• How NLP can improve your life – with rapid results.• Straightforward NLP techniques and how to use them.• Using NLP to be your best – at work and at home.• Advice for those who want to take their interest in NLP further.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388516


NLP Workbook: A practical guide to achieving the results you want
NLP Workbook: A practical guide to achieving the results you want

Автор: Joseph O’Connor

A practical, creative guidebook to achieving the results you want using Neuro Linguistinc Programming techniques, now in e-book form.Neuro-Linguistic Programming is based on the idea that the human mind is a sort of computer – our verbal and body language are the programmes which allow us to change our own thoughts and influence other people e.g. using body language and speech patterns to create instant rapport with someone else.We already use such techniques on a sub-conscious level – NLP simply helps us crystalise what we already know. This work book is a basic, at-home NLP course, providing easy-to-follow exercises and reflections to which the reader can return time and again. It addresses topics such as How to Change Emotional State, the Power of Language and Getting Results, and can be applied to all kinds of different areas e.g. business, sport, health.The NLP Workbook is designed to be a basic manual for the beginner in NLP, and also a clear and easy reference manual for practioners and trainers.

Цена: 1566.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780007522217


NLP. Техники россыпью. Практическое руководство на базе реальных тренингов с примерами для самостоятельных тренировок
NLP. Техники россыпью. Практическое руководство на базе реальных тренингов с примерами для самостоятельных тренировок

Автор: Сергей Горин

Сергей Анатольевич Горин – живой классик русскоязычного нейролингвистического программирования и эриксоновского гипноза. Врач-психиатр, психотерапевт, политтехнолог, рекламист, писатель, публицист, популяризатор науки. Эксперт в манипулировании общественным мнением. Данная книга написана по материалам учебных семинаров, проведённых автором в разные годы, и рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся практической психологией. Вероятно, самый полный справочник практического НЛП от автора психологических бестселлеров «А вы пробовали гипноз?», «Соблазнение: НЛП без комплексов».

Серия: #личностныйРОСТ

Цена: 359 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-00144-046-8


No Cross No Crown
No Cross No Crown

Автор: Gabriel Agbo

This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9788893984188


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