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Smart Trading Plans. A Step-by-step guide to developing a business plan for trading the markets
Smart Trading Plans. A Step-by-step guide to developing a business plan for trading the markets

Автор: Eva Diaz

Trading is a business and, and as with any business, those businesses who survive and thrive have a business plan in place. Smart Trading Plans guides readers through defining and documenting a trading plan which applies to their individual trading business. Smart Action Steps and example plan elements are included to guide readers through and illustrate the process of developing a plan. Smart Trading Plans guides readers through the following: Creating a trading system Developing a trading routine Selecting the right trading tools Entries, exits and trade management Understanding risk and money management Developing a profitable mindset Strategies for trading Complete with useful trading tips and bonus planning templates (available at www.smarttrading.com.au), Smart Trading Plans is essential reading for all savvy traders.

Цена: 4639.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781742169187



Автор: Shane Snow

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2070.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783956232374


Smarter, Sharper Thinking. Reduce Stress, Banish Fatigue and Find Focus
Smarter, Sharper Thinking. Reduce Stress, Banish Fatigue and Find Focus

Автор: Jenny Brockis

Boost your brain and gain an edge in everything you do. Smarter Sharper Thinking reveals how you can expand your brain's capability to think well under stress, to focus and get more out of your day, to be more creative and innovative, and to prepare you for future challenges. Utilising the latest neuro-scientific principles, Dr Jenny Brockis shows how you can increase your brain fitness by developing a habit-changing plan to get more done with less effort. In 12 key areas, Smarter Sharper Thinking presents simple, action-based principles that can be readily incorporated into your daily routines to train your brain for high performance. Originally published in 2016 as Future Brain, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series – aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

Цена: 1789.53 руб.
ISBN: 9780730369523


Smartphone Meister
Smartphone Meister

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Aktuelle technologische Trends im Markt f?r mobile Dienstleistungen und tiefgreifende Ver?nderungen im Konsumentenverhalten er?ffnen Unternehmen v?llig neue M?glichkeiten im Marketing. Durch das Schaffen flexibler, innovativer Gesch?ftsmodelle sowie ganzheitlicher mobiler L?sungen k?nnen alle Beteiligten die Vorteile des Mobilen Marketing gleicherma?en profitabel nutzen.
Das eBook «Smartphone Meisterschaften» gibt dem Leser einen tieferen Einblick in die neuesten Herausforderungen und aktuellen Trends des Mobile Business und stellt Handlungsempfehlungen und die wichtigsten Strategien f?r Entscheider im Mobile Marketing vor.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783750221062


SME Internationalization Strategies
SME Internationalization Strategies

Автор: Группа авторов

Internationalization is a strategic issue for companies as it is today the central axis for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Market expansion and the growing importance of emerging markets offer new development opportunities for SMEs to use innovative strategies – such as head-deck strategies – to effectively penetrate these markets. This book focuses on understanding these new strategies. Why do SMEs use head-of-bridge strategies in order to internationalize? How do they deploy such strategies abroad? Based on the example of five manufacturing SMEs, which are at different stages of internationalization, this book highlights the main motivations, stages of deployment but also difficulties encountered in this direction. This book is a tool for assessing potential locations and provide managers with a new alternative in terms of internationalization, enabling rapid identification of key stakeholders, adapting their international development plan and anticipating potential pitfalls.

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119516439


So bewerten Sie Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung genau richtig
So bewerten Sie Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung genau richtig

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Wenn Sie versuchen, etwas im Internet zu verkaufen, ist die Preisgestaltung Ihrer Dienstleistungen / Produkte die wichtigste Entscheidung, die Sie treffen werden. Da das Internet den Kunden Tausende von Alternativen bietet, m?ssen Sie mit der Konkurrenz mithalten k?nnen. Die Preise, die Sie ganz allein bestimmen, bestimmen, wie lange Sie auf dem Markt bleiben k?nnen.
Sie m?ssen sich eine klare Vorstellung von der Preisgestaltung machen. Inwieweit k?nnen Sie es vorantreiben? Wie oft m?ssen Sie die Preise ?berpr?fen? Viel h?ngt davon ab, wie Sie mit dieser Gesch?fts Phase umgehen. Sie m?ssen zun?chst eine Verbrauchergruppe bestimmen und dann absch?tzen, wie viel sie bereit w?re, f?r Ihre Dienstleistungen oder Produkte zu zahlen.
Abgesehen davon m?ssen Sie aber auch sicherstellen, dass Sie etwas Profit f?r sich selbst machen. Und oft stehen diese beiden Forderungen in Konflikt miteinander. Unterschiedliche Menschen verwenden unterschiedliche Techniken, um die Preise f?r ihre Produkte festzulegen. Einige von ihnen haben eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage, andere nicht. In diesem eBook wird ein solches Verfahren angegeben, das mit einem Verst?ndnis der Produktionskosten, der Kundenerwartungen und anderer Akteure auf dem Gebiet funktioniert.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783750229693


So funktioniert Empfehlungsmarketing heute
So funktioniert Empfehlungsmarketing heute

Автор: Roger Rankel

Die Empfehlungslogik von Roger Rankel und Marcus Neisen funktioniert branchen?bergreifend: Ob Sie Steuerberater, Finanzdienstleister, IT-Consultant sind, ob Sie eine PR-Beratung oder einen Catering-Service leiten – wenn Sie Empfehlungen nicht l?nger dem Zufall ?berlassen wollen, ist dieses System goldrichtig f?r Sie. Hier erfahren Sie, wie aus den vielen losen Kontakten, die Sie haben, wertvolle Kontrakte werden!
Nur ein zufriedener Kunde empfiehlt Sie weiter; das versteht sich eigentlich von selbst. Genauso wichtig aber ist: Nur ein System, mit dem Sie sich selbst wohl f?hlen, werden Sie auch anwenden. Wie Empfehlungsmarketing heute funktioniert ist ein solches System, weil es auf Offenheit und Fairness gegen?ber dem Kunden beruht. Seit 20 Jahren Setzen die Autoren ihre Empfehlungsstrategie erfolgreich in Unternehmen ein; zahlreiche gro?e wie kleine Organisationen richten ihre Neukundengewinnung daran aus.
Das vorliegende Buch wurde um zahlreiche Beispiele und Empfehlungsideen erweitert und den neuen geSetzlichen Regelungen f?r Telefonmarketing angepasst. Es erSetzt den Erfolgstitel «Endlich Empfehlungen», der in f?nf Auflagen erschienen ist.

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783862009800


So What?
So What?

Автор: Группа авторов

So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through the noise and nonsense of work. Much of what we learn in our formative years is unlearnt in later life. As grown-ups we are often unable to answer the simplest of questions in a clear, direct way, and frequently have no idea why we are doing something. This can lead to crippling inefficiency in business, and goes some way to explaining why so many people spend so much time doing things that have no bearing on the true purpose. by behaving in a genuinely inquisitive way, you can get right to the heart of the matter and save yourself hours, days, and even months of anguish. The questions So what?, Why?, How?, and When? can be hugely effective when applied in the right context, and this book shows you how to use them. Once all the right questions have been posed, there is a final sure-fire method for testing whether something is relevant and helpful. By completing the sentence «Something must be wrong if…», it is simple to work out if you are wasting your time. For example, «Something must be wrong if I don't want to go to work in the morning.» So What? shows you how to become truly inquisitive again. So let the questions roll. Pay attention to what the answers are. Learn from them, and you will immediately improve your prospects of finally getting somewhere in life.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781841128146


So wird verkauft!
So wird verkauft!

Автор: Franziska Brandt-Biesler

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783956232473


So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?. How to decide if starting a business is really for you
So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?. How to decide if starting a business is really for you

Автор: Jon Gillespie-Brown

Jon Gillespie Brown brings his extensive mentoring experience to bear in this new handbook for would-be entrepreneurs. So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur? contains a series of mentoring sessions, each carefully thought out to make you consider and plan your life based on your passions, ambitions and ultimate visions. By actively taking part in each of the exercises, you give yourself the best chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur, or the sufficient clarity to decide what other career options are best suited to you. Explore your real goals, hidden talents, passions, assets and core skills. The simple self-discovery tools in the book will make it easy for you to analyse this information and take the next steps towards your entrepreneurial dreams with total confidence. PRAISE FOR SO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR 'Read this book if you plan to be an entrepreneur, find out what it's really like before you make the leap!' Doug Richard, entrepreneur, business investor and former member of the Dragons' Den TV programme 'Before I invest in a business at an early stage I want to know the founders knew what they were getting into. I would suggest they check out if they measure up to the demands of the ups and downs required to be a successful entrepreneur by reading this book first.' Richard Farleigh, Author Taming the Lion: 100 Secret Strategies for Investing and former member of the Dragons' Den 'The key to entrepreneurial success is understanding what type of entrepreneur you are, and then doing business in a way that is true to yourself, and above all, one that brings you personal happiness and fulfilment. This book will help you decide whether a life of an entrepreneur is for you.' Rachel Elnaugh, entrepreneur, business speaker and former member of the Dragons' Den 'Very few people truly consider the hard work, disappointment, frustration and crushing lows that every Entrepreneur experiences along the journey. Jon's book is a must read for anybody ready to take the leap!' Richard Parkes Cordock, author of Millionaire Upgrade and creator of Millionaire MBA Business Mentoring Programme 'The only form of safe employment is self-employment. I recommend anyone considering the entrepreneurial path to read this book.' Geoff Burch, International Speaker and author of Go It Alone: The Streetwise Secrets of Self-Employment tobeanentrepreneur.com

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781906465155


So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund. Lessons for Managers and Allocators
So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund. Lessons for Managers and Allocators

Автор: Ted Seides

Helpful, Accessible Guidance for Budding Hedge Funds So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund provides critical lessons and thoughtful insights to those trying to decipher the industry, as well as those seeking to invest in the next generation of high performers. This book foregoes the sensational, headline-grabbing stories about the few billionaire hedge fund managers to reach the top of the field. Instead, it focuses on the much more common travails of start-ups and small investment firms. The successes and failures of a talented group of competitive managers—all highly educated and well trained—show what it takes for managers and allocators to succeed. These accounts include lessons on funding, team development, strategy, performance, and allocation. The hedge fund industry is concentrated in the largest funds, and the big funds are getting bigger. In time, some of these funds will not survive their founders and large sums will get reallocated to a broader selection of different managers. This practical guide outlines the allocation process for fledgling funds, and demonstrates how allocators can avoid pitfalls in their investments. So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund also shows how to: Develop a sound strategy and raise the money you need Gain a real-world perspective about how allocators think and act Structure your team and investment process for success Recognize the patterns of successful start-ups The industry is approaching a significant crossroads. Aggregate growth is slowing and competition is shifting away from industry-wide growth, at the expense of traditional asset classes, to market share capture within the industry. So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund provides guidance for the little funds—the potential future leaders of the industry.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781119156970


SOA Modeling Patterns for Service Oriented Discovery and Analysis
SOA Modeling Patterns for Service Oriented Discovery and Analysis

Автор: Michael Bell

Learn the essential tools for developing a sound service-oriented architecture SOA Modeling Patterns for Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis introduces a universal, easy-to-use, and nimble SOA modeling language to facilitate the service identification and examination life cycle stage. This business and technological vocabulary will benefit your service development endeavors and foster organizational software asset reuse and consolidation, and reduction of expenditure. Whether you are a developer, business architect, technical architect, modeler, business analyst, team leader, or manager, this essential guide-introducing an elaborate set of more than 100 patterns and anti-patterns-will help you successfully discover and analyze services, and model a superior solution for your project,. Explores how to discover services Explains how to analyze services for construction and production How to assess service feasibility for deployment How to employ the SOA modeling language during the service identification and examination process How to utilize the SOA modeling patterns and anti-patterns for service discovery and analysis Focusing on the Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis Life Cycle Stage, this book will help you acquire a broad SOA Modeling knowledge base and leverage that to increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780470579695



Автор: Simon Kuper

Why do England lose?”“Why do Germany & Brazil Win?”“How have Spain conquered the World?”Penalties – what are they good for?"“What is the price on achieving success and the true cost of failure?”These are questions every football fan has asked. Soccernomics (previously published as Why England Lose)answers them. Written with an economist's brain and a football writer's skill, it applies high-powered analytical tools to everyday football topics.Soccernomics isn't in the first place about money. It's about looking at data in new ways. It's about revealing counterintuitive truths about football. It explains all manner of things about the game which newspapers just can't see. It all adds up to a new way of looking at football, beyond clich?s about «The Magic of the FA Cup», «England's Shock Defeat» and «Newcastle's New South American Star».

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007466887


Social Cash Secrets!
Social Cash Secrets!

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Soziale-Netzwerk-Webseiten haben die Art und Weise, wie wir online Gesch?fte abwickeln, seit ihrer Einf?hrung Mitte der 90er Jahre revolutioniert.
Mit dem sofortigen Zugriff auf Ihre Zielgruppe und der F?higkeit, den aktuellen Bedarf unseres Marktes stets im Blick zu behalten, war es nie einfacher, mit potenziellen K?ufern und langfristigen Kunden in Kontakt zu treten. Soziale Netzwerke bieten Menschen die M?glichkeit, Profile, Blogs und einzelne Seiten zu erstellen, die ihre Individualit?t, Interessen und Erfahrungen widerspiegeln. Es bringt Leute in schnellen Kontakt mit alten Freunden oder hilft ihnen, neue zu finden.
Wenn es darum geht, neues Interesse oder Bekanntheit f?r Ihr Online-Gesch?ft zu generieren, k?nnen soziale Netzwerke Ihnen helfen, potenzielle K?ufer schnell zu finden, sich mit Autorit?tspersonen in Ihrer Nische zu vernetzen, Ihre Reichweite zu erweitern und sogar Nischen Recherchen durchzuf?hren, um aktuelle Kauf Muster, Trends und die Gesamtnachfrage zu bestimmen.
Es gibt buchst?blich Hunderte von Sozialen-Medien-Seiten, die in den letzten Jahren entstanden sind. Aufgrund der Zeit, die f?r die Interaktion mit diesen Communities erforderlich ist, w?hrend Sie gleichzeitig die Glaubw?rdigkeit in Ihrem Markt aufbauen, um die effektivsten Marketingkampagnen zu erstellen, werden Sie Ich m?chte mich nur auf die etablierten, aktivsten sozialen Community-Seiten konzentrieren.
In diesem Bericht werden die wichtigsten Sozialen-Netzwerk-Webseiten aufgef?hrt, auf denen Sie schnell und einfach eine Online-Pr?senz aufbauen und anschlie?end einige der profitabelsten Nische M?rkte im Internet sowie potenzielle Joint-Venture-Partner und wichtige Gesch?ftskontakte ausfindig machen k?nnen.
Diese Community-Webseiten helfen Ihnen dabei, das Markenbewusstsein zu st?rken und gleichzeitig Ihre Pr?senz und Reichweite zu maximieren.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783750213401


Social Change Anytime Everywhere. How to Implement Online Multichannel Strategies to Spark Advocacy, Raise Money, and Engage your Community
Social Change Anytime Everywhere. How to Implement Online Multichannel Strategies to Spark Advocacy, Raise Money, and Engage your Community

Автор: Allyson Kapin

Strategies for advocacy, fundraising, and engaging the community Social Change Anytime Everywhere was written for nonprofit staff who say themselves or are asked by others, “Email communications, social media, and mobile are important, but how will they help our nonprofit and the issues we work on? Most importantly, how the heck do we integrate and utilize these tools successfully?” The book will help answer these questions, and is organized to guide readers through the planning and implementation of online multi-channel strategies that will spark advocacy, raise money and promote deeper community engagement in order to achieve social change in real time. It also serves as a resource to help nonprofit staff and their boards quickly understand the evolving online landscape and identify and implement the best online channels, strategies, tools, and tactics to help their organizations achieve their missions.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333792


Social Machines. How to Develop Connected Products That Change Customers Lives
Social Machines. How to Develop Connected Products That Change Customers' Lives

Автор: Peter Semmelhack

Companies like Facebook and Twitter have redefined social interaction. But what if “machines” like automobiles, bicycles, health monitors, appliances, instruments, and anything else you can connect to the Internet, could all become members of your social network, collect data you care about, and feed it back to you at just the right time? Nike+ is already doing this for your body, but every major industry, from healthcare to cars to home construction, is now building sensors and digital connectivity into their next generation of products. Companies like Ford, Pepsi, Verizon, and Procter and Gamble are also using “social machines” to reach new markets, improve brand/market awareness, and increase revenues. Social Machines is the first book for business people, marketers, product developers, and technologists, explaining how this trend will change our world, how your business will benefit, and how to create connected products that customers love. Explains how smart phones and tablets enable Social Machines Describes how digital technology is being “baked in” to the most unlikely new products—even wheelchairs. Articulates how the “Internet of Things” is becoming social—and why that’s the foundation for powerful new business models In the very near future, every great new product will be social. The next stage of interaction between people and our environment is upon us.

Цена: 3221.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781118637265


Social Media Communication
Social Media Communication

Автор: Bu Zhong

Examines the social media mechanism and how it is transforming communication in an increasingly networked society Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories explores how social media is transforming the way people think and behave. Providing students with an in-depth understanding of the mechanism underlying social media, this comprehensive textbook uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine social media use in a wide range of communication and business contexts. Each chapter is based on original research findings from the author as well as recent work in communication studies, neuroscience, information science, and psychology. Divided into two parts, the text first describes the theoretical foundation of social media use, discussing the impact of social media on information processing, social networking, cognition, interpersonal and group communication, the media industry, and business marketing. The second half of the book focuses on research-based strategies for effectively using social media in communication and business such as the news industry, heath care, and social movements. Offering detailed yet accessible coverage of how digital media technology is changing human communication, this textbook: Helps readers make the best use of social media tools in communication and business practices Introduces more than a dozen theories in the areas of communication, psychology, and sociology to highlight the theoretical frameworks researchers use in social media studies Identifies a variety of trends involving social media usage, including the app economy and patient care Addresses the relation between social media and important contemporary topics such as cultural diversity, privacy, and social change Presents 14 imperative social media topics, each with the power to change the ways you see and use social media Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories is the perfect textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in communication, business, journalism, business, and information science and technology. It is also an invaluable resource for researchers, educators, journalists, entrepreneurs, and professionals working in media management, advertising, public relations, and business marketing.

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119041597


Social Media Communication
Social Media Communication

Автор: Bu Zhong

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119041603


Social Media for Trainers. Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning
Social Media for Trainers. Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning

Автор: Jane Bozarth

A how-to resource for incorporating social media into training Whether you work in a traditional or virtual classroom, social media can broaden your reach and increase the impact of training. In Social Media for Trainers, e-learning and new media expert Jane Bozarth provides an overview of popular tools, including blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr, and others. You'll learn to leverage each medium's unique features and applications to deliver training, facilitate discussions, and extend learning beyond the confines of a training event. This key resource offers a new set of powerful tools for augmenting and enhancing the value of your training. PRAISE FOR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR TRAINERS «Clear explanations and practical examples of the use of social media for learning, make this book essential reading for all workplace trainers.» —Jane Hart, founder, Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies, and founding member of the Internet Time Alliance «… a practical, intelligent book teaching trainers how to effectively utilize technology for real learning outcomes.» —Karl Kapp, professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University and author of Learning in 3D and Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning «Trainers who want to succeed in the new social learning world should read this book. Jane has made social media easy, practical, and simple to use.» —Ray Jimenez, PhD, Chief Learning Architect, VignettesLearning.com

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470877654


Social Media in the Public Sector. A Guide to Participation, Collaboration and Transparency in The Networked World
Social Media in the Public Sector. A Guide to Participation, Collaboration and Transparency in The Networked World

Автор: Ines Mergel

Grounded in solid research, Social Media in the Public Sector explores the myriad uses of social media in the public sector and combines existing practices with theories of public administration, networked governance, and information management. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes best practices, the strategic, managerial, administrative, and procedural aspects of using social media, and explains the theoretical dimensions of how social behavior affects the adoption of social media technologies. Praise for Social Media in the Public Sector «Mergel has produced a foundational work that combines the best kind of scholarship with shoe-leather reporting and anthropology that highlights the debates that government agencies are struggling to resolve and the fruits of their efforts as they embrace the social media revolution. Social Media in the Public Sector is a first and sets a high standard against which subsequent analysis will be measured.» —Lee Rainie, director, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project «Mergel is an award-winning author who again wields her story skills in this book. She excels in explaining in concrete, practical terms how government managers can use social media to serve the public. Her book puts years of research into one handy guide. It's practical. It's readable. And it's an essential read.» —John M. Kamensky, senior fellow, IBM Center for The Business of Government «Mergel moves beyond the hype with detailed, comprehensive research on social media technologies, use, management, and policies in government. This book should be required reading for researchers and public managers alike.» —Jane Fountain, professor and director, National Center for Digital Government, University of Massachusetts Amherst «Comprehensive and compelling, Social Media in the Public Sector makes the case that to achieve Government 2.0, agencies must first adopt Web 2.0 social technologies. Mergel explains both how and why in this contemporary study of traditional institutions adopting and adapting to new technologies.» —Beth Simone Noveck, United States Deputy Chief Technology Officer (2009-2011)

Цена: 8395.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224243


Social Media Marketing For Dummies
Social Media Marketing For Dummies

Автор: Shiv Singh

The fast and easy way to get the most of out social media marketing Sharing the wisdom of social media voices Shiv Singh and Stephanie Diamond on the latest approaches to social media marketing, Social Media Marketing For Dummies presents the essence of planning, launching, managing, and assessing a social media marketing campaign. In an easy-to-read style that is perfect for time-pressed marketers, this essential guide covers all the newest and time-tested trends in social media, including reaching your audience via mainstream platforms; getting social with existing web properties like a company site, blog, mobile tools, and advertising; making the most of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and others; launching a campaign and developing a voice; reaching your audience on key and niche platforms, and embracing influencers; and much more. Social media marketing is a highly-effective way to make a big bang without spending big bucks—and it's an easy, way to enlarge your audience, reach your customers, and build your business. With the indispensable tools in this new edition of Social Media Marketing For Dummies, you'll find everything you need to make the most of low-cost, timely online marketing strategies that resonate with consumers and make your brand and business viable in a saturated market. Gives you an overview of your social media marketing choices Covers giving social license to employees and metrics Provides the latest trends in social media marketing Includes tips on creating a social media marketing campaign, avoiding common mistakes, and key resources If you're a busy marketer, small business owner, or entrepreneur looking to reach new markets with social media marketing initiatives, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118985373


Social Media Metrics. How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment
Social Media Metrics. How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment

Автор: Jim Sterne

The only guide devoted exclusively to social media metrics Whether you are selling online, through a direct sales force, or via distribution channels, what customers are saying about you online is now more important than your advertising. Social media is no longer a curiosity on the horizon but a significant part of your marketing mix. While other books explain why social media is critical and how to go about participating, Social Media Metrics focuses on measuring the success of your social media marketing efforts. Success metrics in business are based on business goals where fame does not always equate to fortune. Read this book to determine: Why striving for more Twitter followers or Facebook friends than the competition is a failing strategy How to leverage the time and effort you invest in social media How to convince those who are afraid of new things that social media is a valuable business tool and not just a toy for the overly-wired Knowing what works and what doesn't is terrific, but only in a constant and unchanging world. Social Media Metrics is loaded with specific examples of specific metrics you can use to guide your social media marketing efforts as new means of communication.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470622568


Social Media Optimization For Dummies
Social Media Optimization For Dummies

Автор: Ric Shreves

Optimize, optimize, optimize to get the most out of your company's social media presence As it turns out, social media is good for a lot more than funny cat videos, memes, and sharing what you're eating for lunch with the world. As the social media sphere continues to grow and be redefined, it's more important than ever to arm yourself with the latest information on how you can use it to drive traffic to your website, raise awareness of your brand, and promote your products or services. If you're a marketer who has asked yourself how you can possibly stay afloat in these newly chartered and oft overcrowded waters, Social Media Optimization For Dummies serves as your roadmap to smart marketing in the digital age. So, what is Social Media Optimization (SMO), exactly? Well, it's comprised of two closely related practices. First, SMO refers to a set of techniques in which social media is used to drive traffic to a website and create an interest in a product or service. Second, SMO concerns the optimization of the social media presence itself with the goal of building followers, increasing engagement, and, again, generating interest in a product or service. Each of these parts supports the other and, when the channels are managed efficiently, enhances the other's effectiveness. In this plain English, easy-to-follow guide, you'll quickly discover how to apply SMO practices to your marketing plan to accomplish those goals. Integrate social media into your website Drive traffic to your website Build followers and generate a buzz Increase engagement with customers From integrating social media into your website to building your social media presence to everything in between, Social Media Optimization For Dummies points your business toward success.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119016137


Social Media und Recht
Social Media und Recht

Автор: Markus Robak

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783940543257


Social Nation. How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business
Social Nation. How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business

Автор: Barry Libert

It's time to join Social Nation and prosper! This book will show you, as an employee, customer or partner, how to use new social technologies, make yourself heard, and produce better products and services. As a leader and manager, you'll find out how to use these tools to harness social interactions to improve your business and to create your own social nation. The book provides a social assessment for leaders, managers and employees to scientifically evaluate your individual social skills and competencies. This book relies on well-known case studies about businesses that illustrate how social principles and strategies can help organizations to: Integrate social skills into existing managerial and leadership practices Overcome some of the common risks and objections that are often cited as obstacles to becoming a successful social enterprise Adopt new forms of social leadership across the entire organization Attain social intelligence by listening, understanding, and measuring outcomes of your investment in relationships with customers, employees and partners Realize tangible economic benefits and ROI from new product and service offerings Social Nation provides readers with an opportunity to join the Social Nation community and share experiences with other leaders and social individuals.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470890233


Social Selling
Social Selling

Автор: Luis Font

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788468502649


Social Selling Mastery. Scaling Up Your Sales and Marketing Machine for the Digital Buyer
Social Selling Mastery. Scaling Up Your Sales and Marketing Machine for the Digital Buyer

Автор: Jamie Shanks

A concrete framework for engaging today's buyer and building relationships Social Selling Mastery provides a key resource for sales and marketing professionals seeking a better way to connect with today's customer. Author Jamie Shanks has personally built Social Selling solutions in nearly every industry, and in this book, he shows you how to capture the mindshare of business leadership and turn relationships into sales. The key is to reach the buyer where they're conducting due diligence—online. The challenge is then to strike the right balance, and be seen as a helpful resource that can guide the buyer toward their ideal solution. This book presents a concrete Social Selling curriculum that teaches you everything you need to know in order to leverage the new business environment into top sales figures. Beginning with the big picture and gradually honing the focus, you'll learn the techniques that will change your entire approach to the buyer. Social Selling is not social media marketing. It's a different approach, more one-to-one rather than one-to-many. It's these personal relationships that build revenue, and this book helps you master the methods today's business demands. Reach and engage customers online Provide value and insight into the buying process Learn more effective Social Selling tactics Develop the relationships that lead to sales Today's buyers are engaging sales professionals much later in the buying process, but 74 percent of deals go to the sales professional who was first to engage the buyer and provide helpful insight. The sales community has realized the need for change—top performers have already leveraged Social Selling as a means of engagement, but many more are stuck doing «random acts of social,» unsure of how to proceed. Social Selling Mastery provides a bridge across the skills gap, with essential guidance on selling to the modern buyer.

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781119280767


Socially Responsible Finance and Investing. Financial Institutions, Corporations, Investors, and Activists
Socially Responsible Finance and Investing. Financial Institutions, Corporations, Investors, and Activists

Автор: H. Baker Kent

A detailed look at the role of social responsibility in finance and investing The concept of socially responsible finance and investing continues to grow, especially in the wake of one of the most devastating financial crises in history. This includes responsibility from the corporate side (corporate social responsibility) as well as the investor side (socially responsible investing) of the capital markets. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Socially Responsible Finance and Investing offers an important basis of knowledge regarding both the theory and practice of this ever-evolving area of finance. As part of the Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, this book showcases contributed chapters from professionals and academics with extensive expertise on this particular subject. It provides a comprehensive view of socially responsible foundations and their applications to finance and investing as determined by the current state of research. Discusses many important issues associated with socially responsible finance and investing, like moral hazard and the concept of «too big to fail» Contains contributed chapters from numerous thought-leaders in the field of finance Presents comprehensive coverage starting with the basics and bringing you through to cutting-edge, current theory and practice Now more than ever, we need to be mindful of the social responsibilities of all investment practices. The recent financial crisis and recession has changed the financial landscape for years to come and Socially Responsible Finance and Investing is a timely guide to help us navigate this difficult terrain.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223758


Soft Skill f?r Young Professionals
Soft Skill f?r Young Professionals

Автор: Andr? Moritz

Dieser praxisorientierte Ratgeber zeigt, was Sie neben Fachkompetenz noch f?r Ihre gezielte Karriere brauchen. Orientiert am Begriff der immer wichtiger werdenden «Soft Skills» vermitteln Andr? Moritz und Felix Rimbach die F?higkeiten und Fertigkeiten, die heute bei Young Professionals gefragt sind. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen den entscheidenden Wissensvorsprung, beschreibt die wichtigsten Methoden und gibt handfeste Verhaltenstipps f?r Ihren beruflichen Alltag. Pr?sentation, Moderation, Rhetorik, Lerntechniken, Lesetechniken, Manipulationstechniken und vieles mehr – f?r Sie alles kompakt in einem Buch! Mit vielen ?bungen, Checklisten und Literaturtipps.

Серия: Whitebooks

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783956233067


Soft Skills Revolution. A Guide for Connecting with Compassion for Trainers, Teams, and Leaders
Soft Skills Revolution. A Guide for Connecting with Compassion for Trainers, Teams, and Leaders

Автор: M. Kamin

Soft skills are the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. In increasingly competitive environments, soft skills training can be a vital resource. Soft Skills Revolution offers trainers, organizational leaders, and HR professionals a handy guide for building their soft skills through a variety of methods including individualized exercises and activities and structured training programs, as well as informal learning, mentoring, and coaching. The book offers readers information on the background of soft skills development, and suggestions for enhancing soft skills through traditional learning programs as well as informal learning approaches. Soft Skills Revolution contains practical guidance for creating an engaging learning experience that highlights such important concepts as: Components for Clear Communication The Power of Yes Listening and the Language of Acceptance A Nine-Step Model for Problem Solving Interventions for Moving a Team to Results Giving Helpful Feedback Moving from Conflict to Cooperation In addition, The Leader's Connection section is designed for upper level management and facilitators who want to help organizational leaders integrate the book's important concepts and skills into their interactions with team and staff members. «Kamin's engaging writing style, deep and down to earth at the same time, makes this book an easy learning experience of the 'hard' soft skills we all need to master. By developing these soft skills we can make our world a better place!» —Isabel Rimanoczy, Legacycoach, Director Minervas, Women Changing the World and author of Big Bang Being «Kamin has mastered the challenge of bringing soft skills to life. Her simple definitions, clear examples, references to seminal authors, focused questions, conceptual frameworks, and helpful hints invite and encourage the reader to make these soft skills her/his own.» —Ernie Turner, president, LIM LLC and author of Action Reflection Learning

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223635


Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6. Ecology
Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6. Ecology

Автор: Philippe Lemanceau

Soils are environments where a myriad of different organisms evolve, determining a series of functions which translate into ecosystem services that are essential for humanity. Improving our understanding of these organisms, their biodiversity and their interactions with each other, as well as with the environment, represents a major challenge. Soil ecology has its roots in natural history. The ecological approach focused on soils is notable for integrating, at least partially, the contributions of soil sciences (physics, chemistry, biochemistry). By renewing methods of observation and analysis (especially molecular ones) and through the development of experimental approaches and modeling, an ecology connected with other soil-based disciplines emerges and begins to influence aboveground ecology. Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6 presents an updated vision of knowledge and research in soil ecology as a complex system from the best French specialists.

Цена: 15906.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119573128


Sold Short. Uncovering Deception in the Markets
Sold Short. Uncovering Deception in the Markets

Автор: Jack Barth

A revealing expose by one of today's most successful and controversial speculators Short-selling, or betting on a drop in the price of a stock, has been described by its many opponents as everything from shady to downright evil. And no one today personifies the practice better than short-seller extraordinaire Manuel Asensio. Though he has been branded in the press as a market saboteur, Asensio staunchly defends his practices, claiming that, above all, he is out to expose rampant fraud being perpetrated by unscrupulous stock promoters. Is Asensio a «Minion of Satan» as they say in the online chat rooms, or is he really a misunderstood guardian angel of free market capitalism? In this tell-all account, Asensio offers readers a lively narrative, peppered with unforgettable anecdotes such as the story of why he shorted Diana, General Nutrition, Solv-Ex, Turbodyne, and many other high-profile stocks. And he arms investors with proven techniques for reducing the inherent risks of short-selling while maximizing returns. Clearly, Asensio invites both praise and criticism, but his methodology works, and Sold Short is a compelling and fascinating read about this often mysterious side of the market–and one of the most controversial individuals behind it. Manuel Asensio (New York, NY) is founder and Chairman of Asensio & Co., Inc. He has over twenty years of corporate finance and research experience. He has been featured in Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Fortune, Forbes, Worth, the New York Times, New York magazine, and the New Republic, among other leading national and international publications.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780471437116


Soldadura en el montaje de tuber?as. FMEC0108
Soldadura en el montaje de tuber?as. FMEC0108

Автор: Manuel Jes?s S?nchez Marchante

– Unir tramos de tuber?a de diferentes materiales mediante soldaduras b?sicas, con la calidad requerida, cumpliendo las normas de prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y medioambientales. – Realizar pruebas de resistencia estructural y estanqueidad en tuber?as, con el fin de comprobar el nivel de fiabilidad y calidad del producto, observando las normas de prevenci?n de riesgos laborales y medioambientales. – Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Fabricaci?n y montaje de instalaciones de tuber?a industrial: UC1144_2, MF1144_2, UF0501

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788417086336


Soldadura MAG de estructuras de acero al carbono. FMEC0210
Soldadura MAG de estructuras de acero al carbono. FMEC0210

Автор: Francisco Jos? Entrena Gonz?lez

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491985921


Soledad y aislamiento del colaborador en cuarentena por coronavirus
Soledad y aislamiento del colaborador en cuarentena por coronavirus

Автор: Las 4 Miradas de la gesti?n empresarial

El siguiente trabajo ha sido extractado por la editoraial Las 4 Miradas de la gesti?n empresarial a partir de un art?culo de Adam Hickman, PhD publicado en noviembre del pasado 2019.A lo largo de su contenido, se analiza minuciosamente el rol de los l?deres para minimizar los efectos negativos del trabajo «a distancia» o «en casa» tambi?n denominado «teletrabajo» sobre la salud f?sica, mental y emocional de los trabajadores que, para cumplir con sus obligaciones laborales en la realidad actual, est?n obligados a utilizar esta metodolog?a debido al avance del Coronavirus (COVID-19) en el mundo entero.En este quinto Cap?tulo de esta Colecci?n veremos la forma en que los l?deres deber?an gestionar a sus equipos para mantener los niveles de productividad, la lealtad y el compromiso con los resultados.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789878641003


Solo Food
Solo Food

Автор: Janneke Vreugdenhil

‘Inspires you to spoil yourself.’ – Claudia Roden“Cooking for yourself is, I know now, nothing more or less than an exercise in loving yourself.”Solo Food is the first cookbook that celebrates cooking for yourself.Many people love to spend hours in the kitchen for their family or friends, but eat a pizza in front of the TV if they’re alone. Janneke Vreugdenhil shows that cooking without the other mouths to feed can be extremely satisfying. You don’t need to take anyone else’s tastes into account; you and you alone know exactly how long you like your steak to be cooked and you can go ahead and enjoy that delicious pasta with prawns and smoked whiskey tomato sauce.Solo Food is an exciting and personal, inspirational cookbook with 72 recipes that you’ll love putting on the table.

Цена: 1467.32 руб.
ISBN: 9780008256685


Solo se lo dir?a a un extra?o
Solo se lo dir?a a un extra?o

Автор: Varios autores

Un taller de escritura virtual, a inicios de una cuarentena obligatoria, re?ne a desconocidos en una sala de Zoom. Motivados por las consignas de escritura, comienzan a develarse, en textos cortos, historias y relatos que fluct?an entre la ficci?n y la realidad.Temas como el poder, la infidelidad, la maternidad, el suicidio y los secretos de familia se repiten en los diferentes autores, manifest?ndose en distintos estilos y tonos. Es as? como " Solo se lo dir?a a un extra?o" re?ne los mejores textos escritos en aquel taller de cuarentena donde un grupo de desconocidos decidi? desvestirse con palabras.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9786124838323


Soltando amarras
Soltando amarras

Автор: Eugenia Guzm?n Cervantes

Серия: Textos de Ciencias Humanas

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9789587389968


Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Solutions Manual
Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Solutions Manual

Автор: Группа авторов

A statistical approach to the principles of quality control and management Incorporating modern ideas, methods, and philosophies of quality management, Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Third Edition presents a quantitative approach to management-oriented techniques and enforces the integration of statistical concepts into quality assurance methods. Utilizing a sound theoretical foundation and illustrating procedural techniques through real-world examples, this timely new edition bridges the gap between statistical quality control and quality management. The book promotes a unique «do it right the first time» approach and focuses on the use of experimental design concepts as well as the Taguchi method for creating product/process designs that successfully incorporate customer needs, improve lead time, and reduce costs. Further management-oriented topics of discussion include total quality management; quality function deployment; activity-basedcosting; balanced scorecard; benchmarking; failure mode and effects criticality analysis; quality auditing; vendor selection and certification; and the Six Sigma quality philosophy. The Third Edition also features: Presentation of acceptance sampling and reliability principles Coverage of ISO 9000 standards Profiles of past Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners, which illustrate examples of best business practices Strong emphasis on process control and identification of remedial actions Integration of service sector examples The implementation of MINITAB software in applications found throughout the book as well as in the additional data sets that are available via the related Web site New and revised exercises at the end of most chapters Complete with discussion questions and a summary of key terms in each chapter, Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Third Edition is an ideal book for courses in management, technology, and engineering at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for practitioners and professionals who would like to extend their knowledge of the subject.

Цена: 3971.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470409824


Solving Cyber Risk. Protecting Your Company and Society
Solving Cyber Risk. Protecting Your Company and Society

Автор: Andrew Coburn

The non-technical handbook for cyber security risk management Solving Cyber Risk distills a decade of research into a practical framework for cyber security. Blending statistical data and cost information with research into the culture, psychology, and business models of the hacker community, this book provides business executives, policy-makers, and individuals with a deeper understanding of existing future threats, and an action plan for safeguarding their organizations. Key Risk Indicators reveal vulnerabilities based on organization type, IT infrastructure and existing security measures, while expert discussion from leading cyber risk specialists details practical, real-world methods of risk reduction and mitigation. By the nature of the business, your organization’s customer database is packed with highly sensitive information that is essentially hacker-bait, and even a minor flaw in security protocol could spell disaster. This book takes you deep into the cyber threat landscape to show you how to keep your data secure. Understand who is carrying out cyber-attacks, and why Identify your organization’s risk of attack and vulnerability to damage Learn the most cost-effective risk reduction measures Adopt a new cyber risk assessment and quantification framework based on techniques used by the insurance industry By applying risk management principles to cyber security, non-technical leadership gains a greater understanding of the types of threat, level of threat, and level of investment needed to fortify the organization against attack. Just because you have not been hit does not mean your data is safe, and hackers rely on their targets’ complacence to help maximize their haul. Solving Cyber Risk gives you a concrete action plan for implementing top-notch preventative measures before you’re forced to implement damage control.

Цена: 5517.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119490913


Someone Will Make Money on Your Funds - Why Not You?. A Better Way to Pick Mutual and Exchange-Traded Funds
Someone Will Make Money on Your Funds - Why Not You?. A Better Way to Pick Mutual and Exchange-Traded Funds

Автор: Gary Gastineau L

SOMEONE WILL MAKE MONEY ON YOUR FUNDS-WHY NOT YOU? «This book is a treasure trove of practical research and pithy thoughts based on Gastineau's decades of experience; a valuable guide for the thoughtful investor.» —Harold Evensky, Chairman, Evensky, Brown & Katz «Someone Will Make Money On Your Funds – Why Not You? will jar armchair mutual fund investors out of their PJ's. If you think checking out your funds in Morningstar and Lipper has you covered, you best read this book.» —Maureen Nevin Duffy, Editor/Publisher, The Turnaround Tactician «This book is a must-read for fund investors. Gastineau carefully discusses many important factors such as taxes, capital gains overhang, trading costs, turnover, benchmark selection, active management, expense ratio, and aggressive trading by market timers. These factors significantly affect fund performance but may be ignored by investors. Gastineau goes on to build a strong case for choosing ETFs over mutual funds, especially for long-term investors. I strongly recommend this book for investors.» —Vijay Singal, J. Gray Ferguson Professor of Finance and Chairperson of the Finance Department, Pamplin College of Business of Virginia Tech, and author of Beyond the Random Walk: A Guide to Stock Market Anomalies and Low-Risk Investing «Gastineau's message is very powerful. He not only challenges some conventional wisdom on investing, but truly emphasizes how to add value to a portfolio. What is unique is his ability to move quickly from the big picture to implementation strategies offering investment solutions to both investment advisors and individual investors. Portfolio adjustments discussed can potentially have significant impact on a long-term investor's standard of living.» —Dan Dolan, Director, Wealth Management Strategies, Select Sector SPDRs

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780471767626


Sommer in Ephesos
Sommer in Ephesos

Автор: Elisabeth Schmidauer

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783701742875


Sonnenaufgang in deinen Armen
Sonnenaufgang in deinen Armen

Автор: Victoria Pearl

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783956090424



Автор: D?ring Georg

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783966614672


Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Brains Before Bullets
Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Brains Before Bullets

Автор: William Irwin

“Brains before bullets” – ancient and modern wisdom for “mechanics and motorcycle enthusiasts” Essential reading for fans of the show, this book takes readers deeper into the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, the Teller-Morrow family, and the ethics that surround their lives and activities. Provides fascinating moral insights into Sons of Anarchy, its key characters, plot lines and ideas Investigates compelling philosophical issues centering on loyalty, duty, the ethics of war, authority, religion and whether the ends justify the means Teaches complex philosophical ideas in a way that’s accessible to the general interest reader in order to inspire them to further reading of the great philosophers Authors use their deep knowledge of the show to illuminate themes that are not always apparent even to die-hard fans

Цена: 1744.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118641620


Sony. Сделано в Японии
Sony. Сделано в Японии

Автор: Акио Морита

Сегодня трудно представить мировой рынок бытовой радиоэлектроники без техники производства Sony. Автор, один из основателей корпорации Sony, рассказывает об истории компании, о разработке плеера Walkman, видеомагнитофона Betamax, компакт-диска и других уникальных изобретениях. В книге подробно рассказано о взаимоотношениях крупного бизнеса с государством, профсоюзами, конкурентами, о характерных чертах японского менеджмента, в частности о восприятии корпорации как родной семьи и т. п. В условиях послевоенной Японии практически все, даже управленческие подходы, Морите пришлось создавать с нуля, формируя новую предпринимательскую культуру и традиции. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 1986
ISBN: 978-5-9614-3507-8


Source Code China
Source Code China

Автор: Группа авторов

The next five years will be […] a period of opportunity for China to speed up the growth of software and information services outsourcing. China will continue to generate strong market demand for the global software industry. -H.E. Bo Xi Lai Minister, China Central Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Praise for Source Code China The New Global Hub of IT Outsourcing «Cyrill Eltschinger's Source Code China examines the depths of?a remarkable?shift towards a value-added economy.? After reading this book, you'll?see once again how?China is positioning?itself for leadership in this growing area.» -William G. Parrett Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte, May 2007 «In his book, Cyrill Eltschinger addresses?an important?perspective: China is not only 'the factory of the world,' it is?also becoming a major technology services hub. For all of us, it is a fascinating experience to participate in this impressive evolution.» -Josef M. Mueller Chairman & CEO, Nestle (China) Ltd «Source Code China provides an insightful touch with the reality of how China is reshaping the global market for offshore IT services.» -Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Wucherer Executive Vice President, SIEMENS «This is a must-read to understand IT outsourcing in China and its impact on the rest of the world.» -Dr. Andrew Lai VP/GM, Global Delivery China Center, Hewlett-Packard Company; International Economic Advisor to City Mayor of Chongqing, China; IT Strategy Advisor, City Mayor of Chengdu, China «In his book Source Code China, Mr. Eltschinger provides compelling reasons why any company can benefit from IT outsourcing to China, a country that is rapidly becoming the destination of choice for most enterprises.» -Charles Pau Director, Globalization Architecture and Technology, IBM «This book demonstrates China's credentials as the new hub of offshore IT services.» -Steve Little Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, D.S.I., Schneider Electric «Organizations not sourcing IT services from China are literally missing the boat. Mr. Eltschinger's book takes readers on an intellectual journey explaining how and why China is becoming the premier offshore destination for businesses all over the world. This is a must read for any business executive and I highly recommend you knock this one off your reading list immediately.» -David Etzler Chief Executive Officer, OutsourceWorld If you are not in China, you are really not in the game

Цена: 6401.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470195437


Souver?n freie Reden halten
Souver?n freie Reden halten

Автор: Oliver Geisselhart

Pr?sentationen, Vortr?ge, Referate absolut frei und sicher vortragen. Mit der Power der Memo-Rhetorik sind Sie jederzeit und ?berall in der Lage, selbst die schwierigsten Reden oder Vortr?ge ohne Spickzettel frei und souver?n zu halten. S?mtliche Argumente und Stichpunkte, auch schwierige Fachbegriffe, Fremdw?rter, Vokabeln oder Namen sind st?ndig pr?sent. Aus dem Inhalt: Mit der Memo-Rhetorik: – ist ihre Vorbereitungszeit f?r eine Rede oder ein Gespr?ch wesentlich geringer. Sie erreichen mit der im Buch pr?sentierten Technik eine deutliche Zeitersparnis – gestalten Sie durch den gezielten Einsatz von «Wortbildern» Ihre Reden und Argumentationen noch lebendiger und fesselnder – kleiden Sie Ihre Argumente in Zukunft in Bilder und kommen daher sehr ?berzeugend beim Publikum an – lernen Sie, in Bildern zu denken, dies unterst?tzt Ihre Souver?nit?t, Ihre Ausstrahlungskraft und somit Ihre gesamte Pers?nlichkeit – ?berwinden Sie selbst starke Redehemmungen leichter und steigern Ihr Selbstwertgef?hl – k?nnen Sie eine Rede ohne Spickzettel halten, und zwar ohne m?hsames Ausw?ndiglernen.

Серия: Whitebooks

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783956233098


Sovereign Individual
Sovereign Individual

Автор: James Dale Davidson

Исполнители: Michael David Axtell

Цена: 3448.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781797103389


Soy yo, no teng?is miedo
Soy yo, no teng?is miedo

Автор: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Серия: Bolsillo

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788432151040


SPACE 2021
SPACE 2021

Автор: Eugen Reichl

Die 17. Ausgabe des Raumfahrt-Klassikers. Nehmen Sie teil am gro?en Abenteuer unserer Zeit… Raumfahrt im 21. Jahrhundert: Spannender als Science Fiction. In den SPACE-Jahrb?chern halten wir f?r Sie die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Raumfahrt fest. Sachkundig, pointiert, aktuell und spannend
ARTEMIS: Bemannte Mondlandung vorverleg *** Starlink: Begeisterte Kunden, geschockte Astronomen *** Vision SPACE 2040: Ihr Zeittunnel in die Zukunft *** SpaceX: Big Fucking Rocket wird zum Starship *** Hermann Noordung: Vergessener Pionier *** Lunar Gemini: Reserveplan der NASA *** Ein Helikopter auf Titan *** Bemannt zur Venus? *** Science-Fiction Wettbewerb *** Raumfahrtchronik mit Statistik 2018 & 2019 *** SPACE-Panorama – kurz notiert *** und vieles mehr…

Серия: SPACE Raumfahrtjahrb?cher

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783944819495


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