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Man stirbt nicht lautlos in Tokyo
Man stirbt nicht lautlos in Tokyo

Автор: Jan Flieger

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783946734444


Managed Futures for Institutional Investors. Analysis and Portfolio Construction
Managed Futures for Institutional Investors. Analysis and Portfolio Construction

Автор: Galen Burghardt

A practical guide to institutional investing success Managed Futures for Institutional Investors is an essential guide that walks you through the important questions that need to be addressed before investing in this asset class and contains helpful direction for investors during the investing process. Backed by years of institutional experience, the authors reveal the opportunities offered by managed futures. They also include information on practices in the managed futures area and present the various analytical tools and building blocks required to use managed futures effectively. The book also contains insight on the issues that must be addressed when building and evaluating portfolios. Shows where to find data to evaluate managed futures and explains how managed futures are regulated Offers guidance on how to apply classic portfolio construction tools to managed futures Reveals how managed futures investments can help investors evaluate and meet risk, return, and liquidity objectives Managed Futures for Institutional Investors provides all the practical information to manage this type of investment well.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780470879221


Management Development
Management Development

Автор: Michel Syrett

Effective Training & Development is essential if you are to continuously get the best from your people and extend the knowledge shelf-life of your company. This module explores the vast array of options available to the HR function including on-the-job learning, formal management education, coaching and mentoring. Cost-effectiveness and measurable payback are also dealt with as cornerstones of any training and development activity.

Цена: 1435.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781841124919


Management f?r die Champions League
Management f?r die Champions League

Автор: Ralf Lanwehr

Im Sport, in der Wirtschaft, in Vereinen, in der Politik: Fuhrung funktioniert uberall gleich; die Prinzipien herausragender Leistungen sind identisch. Dieses einzigartige Buch zeigt, welche Fuhrungs- und Managementtechniken im Profifu?ball besonders erfolgreich sind und sich auf Unternehmen und ihre Teams ubertragen lassen. Das parallele Balancieren von Sicherheit und Risiko, das Fordern und Fordern von Mitarbeitern, Aufmerksamkeit nach innen und Orientierung an der Konkurrenz, zeitgleiche Flexibilitat und Stabilitat oder das gleichzeitige Verfolgen kurzfristiger und langfristiger Ziele sind entscheidende Lektionen, die hier fur Fuhrungskrafte, Manager, Trainer, Vorstande usw. anhand des Profifu?balls lebendig und nachvollziehbar dargestellt werden. Das Buch enthalt viele praktische Beispiele, Interviews mit Klaus Allofs, Uli Hoene?, Felix Magath, Jan Schindelmeiser und Hans-Joachim Watzke sowie ein ausfuhrliches Fallbeispiel zur Kultur in einem erfolgreichen, mehrfach ausgezeichneten Unternehmen. Damit ist dieses attraktiv gestaltete Buch nicht nur fundiert und relevant, sondern gleichzeitig auch vergnuglich und spannend zu lesen.

Цена: 2424.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786310


Management in 20XX
Management in 20XX

Автор: Группа авторов

The whole world is witnessing radical economic changes. Traditional markets are stagnating; global markets are emerging. Business processes are becoming more mobile, more flexible, and much more streamlined. The boom companies of yesterday have disappeared from the scene. Such an environment calls for innovative ideas – for new ways of doing business, for new products and services, and for a totally new world. To survive, companies will have to be resilient and yet adaptable. To turn their visions into reality, they will have to act as well as react. Growth will come to only those companies that can identify demand and apply the right technological know-how to create tangible customer benefit. Development, marketing, and sales departments must arrive at the right strategies, just as corporate organization, production, and logistics managers must devise and implement the best possible processes. The book lays out some remarkable scenarios and ambitious visions for the future. It helps readers to formulate ideas and plot new directions for their business and points out the changes needed to meet challenges that lie ahead. The new role people will play in the evolving world of business also receives attention in this book that is at once informative and inspiring.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786006


Management in a Liquid Modern World
Management in a Liquid Modern World

Автор: Monika Kostera

Management has been one of the driving forces of the last century, indeed an idea and a language that colonized most other institutions, areas of human activity and walks of life, even those that had until recently been regarded as completely unmanageable, such as art, academia and creativity. Some it supported and others it destroyed, but there are few areas in modern societies that have been untouched by it. What is the meaning of management now almost omnipresent and all-powerful in our current bleak times, in our current state of ‘interregnum’ that is characterized by an increasing sense of insecurity and hopelessness, a time when, paradoxically, the seemingly omnipotent force of management does not seem to work? Does it have a role to play today and in the future? What can it become and whom should it serve when the interregnum is over and a new, hopefully more humane, system begins to dawn? These are some of the questions explored in this timely new book by Zygmunt Bauman, one of the greatest thinkers of our times, architect and Urban Studies professor Irena Bauman, and two organization and management scholars, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera.

Цена: 6070.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781509502233


Management in China & Japan kulturell ansetzen
Management in China & Japan kulturell ansetzen

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Die Anforderungen aus der Globalisierung an Fach-, F?hrungsnachwuchs- und F?hrungskr?fte im Ostasien-Management ist ganz speziell und setzt ein Wissen ?ber die L?nder China und Japan, ihre Gesch?ftskulturen und Wirtschaftspraxis voraus. Dieses Business eBook vermittelt Ihnen, wie Sie in China und Japan erfolgreich Gesch?ftspartner gewinnen und langfristige Gesch?ftsbeziehungen aufbauen. Weiterhin wird Ihnen anschaulich dargestellt, worauf es bei Verhandlungen mit asiatischen Gesch?ftspartner und der F?hrung von chinesischen und japanischen Mitarbeitern im wesentlichen ankommt. Mit diesem Leitfaden profitieren Sie von den Inhalten erfolgreicher Managementtrainings und Umsetzungsberatungen aus namhaften Unternehmen f?r Ihren Karrierschub. Der Autor verwendet hierbei eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise, um die komplexen Sachverhalte anschaulich darzustellen. Dieses eBook wurde eigens f?r die Displaydarstellung ausgerichtet (optimierte Darstellung von Text und Grafiken).

Серия: MCC General Management eBooks

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255079


Management in Ten Words. Терри Лихи (обзор)
Management in Ten Words. Терри Лихи (обзор)

Автор: Том Батлер-Боудон

Книга «Management in Ten Words» в формате 10-минутного чтения: обзоры лучших книг, только самое важное и полезное. Лихи родился в Ливерпуле в 1956 году в семье с ирландскими корнями. Его отец собирался эмигрировать в Америку, но вместо этого решил перебраться в Ливерпуль. Здесь он работал плотником в торговом флоте, а затем начал тренировать борзых собак и печатать книги. По окончании университета он получил работу в торговой сети Co-Op. Лихи ездил по всей Британии и продавал охлажденное мясо и сыр торговым товариществам Co-Op. В 1979 году ему предложили работу в отделе маркетинга Tesco, в 1992 году он стал директором этого подразделения, а в 1997 в возрасте 40 лет – генеральным директором всей фирмы. В 2002 году он получил рыцарское звание и стал сэром Терри Лихи. ЦИТАТА: «Парадоксально, но чем успешнее становится бизнес, тем легче ему удается оправдывать тот факт, что он отказывается от поиска истины и сосредотачивается на сложных решениях».

Серия: 10-минутное чтение

Исполнители: Алексей Артюков

Цена: 59 руб.
Год: 2019


Management Macht Sinn
Management Macht Sinn

Автор: Claude Rosselet

Manager und Berater m?ssen immer wieder zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass vieles, was in Pl?nen steht, nicht umgesetzt wird – und dass sich dagegen anderes erfolgreich durchsetzt, was nie in Pl?nen festgeschrieben stand. Die Schnittstelle zwischen Planung und Umsetzung entzieht sich offenbar einer rein vern?nftigen Handhabung. Die Antriebskr?fte f?r Innovation liegen zum gr??ten Teil im stillschweigenden Wissen der Organisationen verborgen. Organisationsaufstellungen helfen, die «kollektive Intelligenz» eines Unternehmens zu erschlie?en: in der Praxis gereifte Erfahrung, Intuition, W?nsche und Sehns?chte der Beteiligten – allesamt Erfolgsfaktoren, die oft unterbewertet oder systematisch ausgeblendet werden. In einer Organisationsaufstellung lassen sich auch komplexe Sachverhalte erfassen, abbilden und auf das Wesentliche reduzieren, ohne unzul?ssig zu vereinfachen. H?ufig treten dabei unausgesprochene Regeln zutage, die Mitarbeiter wie F?hrungskr?fte binden und das Unternehmen in seiner Entwicklung behindern. Die erfahrenen Organisationsberater Claude Rosselet und Georg Senoner erl?utern in diesem Buch die Grundlagen der Methode und entwickeln einen Leitfaden f?r ihren Einsatz. An Beispielen zeigen sie, wann eine Organisationsaufstellung angebracht ist, wie man sie mit anderen Interventionsmethoden, sinnvoll kombinieren kann und wie sich die Methode in eine allgemeine Organisationstheorie einf?gt. Die Autoren gehen dabei auf unterschiedliche Settings ein – Teams, offene Gruppen, Einzelcoaching – und demonstrieren jeweils die M?glichkeiten der Intervention, die sich f?r F?hrungskr?fte und Berater ergeben.

Серия: Management

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783849782764


Management Reset. Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness
Management Reset. Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness

Автор: David Creelman

Provocative new management principles and practices that create effective organizations for shareholders and society Management experts Lawler and Worley have developed a set of management principles that enable organizations to be both successful and responsible. Existing command & control and high-involvement management styles depend too much on stable conditions and focus too narrowly on economic outcomes. They convincingly argue that we need to «reset» our approach to management to one that fits today's demanding business environment. Starting with a change in how success is measured and a more realistic view of risk, Lawler and Worley take us through how strategy, governance, organization structure and talent should be managed. The result is an organization that can reliable produce financial, social, and ecological results. Includes illustrative lessons from Microsoft, Cisco, Netflix, DaVita, Starbucks, Nokia, and the U.S. Secret Service Offers clear prescriptions for managers who want to organize for sustainable performance effectiveness Lawler and Worley are the authors of the bestselling Built to Change Lawler and Worley outline why and how the current practice of management must change in order for organizations to achieve sustained organizational effectiveness.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781118008423


Management Rules. 50 New Rules for Managers
Management Rules. 50 New Rules for Managers

Автор: Jo Owen

Let's face it, if you want to get ahead in business you cannot avoid people management – but we're often promoted because we're good at what we do, not because we display great management skills. We owe it to the people we manage to read up on the subject and get skilled! Luckily Jo Owen has laid out 50 essential lessons we need to learn to become the best manager we can be. Jo has studied what makes a good manager everywhere from British soap powder companies, to inner city schools and Japanese banks. So whether becoming a manager has brought out the inner dictator in you or left you feeling painfully awkward, Management Rules will have you relaxed, confident and effective in no time.

Цена: 2209.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780857082473


Managementtechniken situativ anwenden
Managementtechniken situativ anwenden

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Dieses Management eBook f?hrt Sie systematisch an die zentralen Grundsatzthemen moderner und erfolgreicher F?hrung heran. Es vermittelt den Lesern mit Blick auf die betriebliche Praxis die situative Anwendung von Management-Techniken zur Vorbereitung auf die ?bernahme von F?hrungsaufgaben und die Weiterentwicklung der F?hrungsqualifikationen. Mit diesem Leitfaden profitieren Sie von den Inhalten erfolgreicher Managementtrainings und Umsetzungsberatungen aus namhaften Unternehmen f?r Ihren Karriereschub. Erhalten Sie viele praxisbew?hrte Impulse f?r f?r eine erfolgreiche Anwendung der Managementtechniken. Der Autor verwendet hierbei eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise, um die komplexen Sachverhalte anschaulich darzustellen. Dieses eBook wurde eigens f?r die Displaydarstellung ausgerichtet (optimierte Darstellung von Text und Grafiken).

Серия: MCC General Management eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255017


Manager Redefined. The Competitive Advantage in the Middle of Your Organization
Manager Redefined. The Competitive Advantage in the Middle of Your Organization

Автор: Harding Stephen D

In this book the author explains that managers must build human capital and engender employee engagement by managing them almost not at all, by attending instead to the factors and circumstances that make them successful. In other words, managers must play their role from offstage and out of the limelight. Based on a survey of over 16,000 employees, the author presents Towers-Watson' management performance model: Executing tasks, Building relationships and performance capability, and Energizing change. Additionally, managers must create an atmosphere of authenticity and trust.

Цена: 5081.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470884911


Managerial Dilemmas
Managerial Dilemmas

Автор: John Storey

In the midst of the most severe recession for 80 years there is little need to argue that organizations are beset by dilemmas and paradoxes. Confidence in prevailing business models and in the underlying assumptions underpinning business decisions over many decades has now been shaken. But it is not enough to rail against arrogance and greed. Within their own (flawed) assumptions bankers and corporate leaders were acting rationally. A major reason for the failure to anticipate and warn is that observers of organizations usually tend to view organizations in terms similar to those employed by the people who run them: as rational, sensible and objective, whereas, in fact, they are usually confused and confusing, paradoxical and contradictory entities. Paradox is at the heart of how organizations work (or don’t work) yet the phenomenon has been strangely unstudied. In an age of crisis and uncertainty, dilemmas and paradoxes are especially evident and prevalent. The fascination and the promise of paradox is that there is also a sense that there is a hidden truth entwined within the opposites. This we contend is a challenge for leaders. The ultimate responsibility of leadership is to make sense of these and to handle them in a competent manner. This demands a new mode of leadership. The management of dilemma and paradox it is contended, the essence of leadership today. Paradoxical forces provide a dynamism which, although often experienced as potentially threatening, discomforting and negative can also be exciting, promising and positive. «The assumption that organizations are rational entities is challenged every day in the work environment by a rich reality of asymmetries between conflicting forces, complexity, hidden intentions and paradoxes. Anyone wanting to understand the real forces that govern organizations should read this book. A must read for modern leaders who have the intellectual honesty to lead organisations with open eyes and not with the over simplifications and clich?s of the past»–Giovanni Ghisetti, Director Business Transformation, Coca Cola Enterprises Europe «Storey and Salaman’s description of the paradoxes which characterise leadership today is hauntingly accurate. Their intelligent optimism that those dilemmas can be met is as encouraging as it is challenging for those of us who have to do just that. Having read the insights in this book I now understand how their business advice was always so pertinent».–Andy Street, Managing Director of John Lewis

Цена: 5517.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781444307511


Managers of Innovation
Managers of Innovation

Автор: John Storey

Innovation is increasingly identified as the critical factor in ensuring economic competitiveness. Departments of state and quasi-governmental organizations in many countries including, Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, have issued reports and calls to action; but implementation will continue to be problematic unless the points made in this book are taken into account. Drawing on 350 in-depth interviews with senior managers, this book presents an original theory about the characteristics of managers in “good innovative organizations” and “poor innovative organizations”. It pays close attention to the attitudes, understandings, assumptions and interpretations of managers, who are often the ultimate decision-makers when it comes to innovation. The text is supported by real-life, internationally-known cases such as Hewlett-Packard, Zeneca and the BBC, as well as voluntary sector cases such as Oxfam. It is also enriched by substantial and highly revealing quotations from senior managers themselves.

Цена: 6186.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781405178525


Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio
Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio

Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

Praise for Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio «Crabbe and Fabozzi's Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio is a refreshingly good book on the neglected topic in fixed income portfolio management. If you want to understand the latest thinking in corporate bonds, what drives prices and why, read this book. You will emerge with knowledge that will help you get an edge in the competitive investing arena.» —Tim Opler, Director, Financial Strategy Group, CSFB «A practitioner's guide . . . a creative, comprehensive, and practical book that addresses the myriad of challenges facing managers of corporate bond portfolios. The chapter on liquidity, trading, and trading costs is a must read.» —Mary Rooney Head of Credit Strategy, Merrill Lynch «As a Senior Portfolio Manager responsible for managing billions of dollars invested in fixed income product during the mid-1990s, Lee Crabbe was the one Wall Street strategist that I would read every week to help me figure out where value was in the corporate bond market, and for insightful and easy-to-understand special reports that educated me and most investors on the risks and opportunities inherent in new structures and subordinated products. Fortunately for me and investors, Lee Crabbe and Frank Fabozzi have written this book, which compiles much of their previous work on corporate bond valuation, along with new features that are a must read, especially in light of the volatile times in the corporate bond market over the past few years. For portfolio managers, analysts, traders, and even strategists, if there is one book in your bookshelf that you should have on corporate bond portfolio management, it is this one.» —William H. Cunningham, Managing Director, Director of Credit Strategy, J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. www.wileyfinance.com

Цена: 12151.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780471446392


Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations
Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Автор: Paul L. Dann

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119818557


Managing Collective Investment Funds
Managing Collective Investment Funds

Автор: Ekaterina Alexeeva

Managing Collective Investment Funds is a practical introduction to collective investment funds and their management, drawing on the experience of the authors in both developed and emerging markets. It identifies best practice internationally and also highlights the challenges of regulating and operating collective investment funds in new and emerging markets and explores how these can be met. Written for practitioners and regulators new to the collective investment funds business, it explores every aspect of a fund's structure and operation: from how it is valued and priced through to the importance of its regulatory, fiscal and accounting regimes and finally the effect these can have on market development. Provides a comprehensive review of collective investment fund operations Examines key factors in building a successful investment fund business Contains practical examples, questions and case studies illustrating current developments in the industry worldwide

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470856963


Managing Customers Profitably
Managing Customers Profitably

Автор: Группа авторов

This book is a response to a need in the market place in the fast-growing field of customer profitability analysis and the profitable management of customer relationships. It combines innovative approaches to calculating the value of customers, with the management strategies necessary to make and keep customers profitable. It includes easy-to-follow instructions on how to calculate customer profitability, including worked examples (non-technical) and discusses strategies and their applications for organizations to manage customers profitably. Based on cases and feedback from the KAM Club and other research, there will be many business-to-business as well as business-to-consumer examples. The book assumes some level of numeracy in its readership. The contents include: Assessing product costs, costs to serve and how these can be estimated, and how to deal with customer-specific overhead costs. It discusses the uses and limitations of the use of customer profitability analysis, and illustrates how to calculate customer lifetime value using two methods, one with actual numbers and one which estimates relative customer lifetime value. Provides an innovative approach to calculating the lifetime value of a customer by taking risk into account. Demonstrates how to recognise and value the relationship benefits of customers, such as word of mouth. Brings into discussion the idea that how customers are managed, links to their profitability. Describes how financial portfolio analysis and theory apply to marketing and how, their application to marketing relates to the optimisation of marketing spend.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470742365


Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles
Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles

Автор: John McKean

Whether you are a global Fortune 500 organization or a small business Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles show you how to optimize your business's sales and marketing approaches specific to survive and thrive in each economic cycle and transition. «The business case for continuing to invest in service and innovation can be compromised by an economic downturn. McKean clearly lays out the case for weathering the economic storm by achieving a careful balance of investment in the areas that truly matter – and continually using data to reinforce the idea that business can be more science than art, after all.» —Barbara Higgins, Vice-President, Worldwide Contact Centers, United Airlines «John McKean's work has served as practical guide for me and my teammates. I have seen countless examples of businesses managing their customers’ experience with a short term economic view. If the right principles are employed consistently, as John teaches us, we can create the right emotional experience that delivers growth and loyalty – as well as the improved operating leverage – that are needed in good times and in tough times. Consistency of values and experiences keeps companies from having to be reactionary and short sighted in a down economy. Thanks, John, for another practical lesson.» —John Quinn, former Customer Service and Support Executive, Bank of America «In good times and bad, forecasting where business is headed is both art and science. As John McKean so eloquently states, marrying data driven analytics with consumer insight is critical for managing through tough economic cycles. This book is a must read for anyone intent on driving greater profitability and consistently out-behaving the competition.» —Joni Newkirk, CEO, Integrated Insight, Inc., former SVP, Business Insight & Improvement, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts «John McKean continues his pursuit of the profitable customer through the turbulent world of boom and bust. His book provides valuable insights into how businesses survive and thrive in a volatile economic climate.» —Trevor Dukes, Business Systems, WH Smith «The rise of customer power coupled with challenging economic conditions demand that organizations leverage the power of the Internet and related technologies to stay relevant to their customers. As John McKean points out in his compelling new book, successful firms have built a core competency in leveraging information technology not only to survive economic transitions but thrive in an ever-changing economy.» —Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor, MIT Sloan School and co-author of Wired for Innovation: How Information Technology is Reshaping the Economy «It would be hard to name a more relevant or timely topic for sales and marketing today than that of how to cope with economic downturns and upturns, and this is exactly the subject John McKean has insightfully tackled head-on in Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles.» —Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., Peppers & Rogers Group

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470688212


Managing For Dummies
Managing For Dummies

Автор: Peter Economy

The fast and easy way to learn how to manage people, projects, and teams Being a manager can be an intimidating and challenging task. Managing involves teaching new skills to employees, helping land a new customer, accomplishing an important assignment, increasing performance, and much more. The process of management can be very challenging at times, but it can also bring you a sense of fulfillment that you never imagined possible. Managing For Dummies, 3rd Edition is perfect for all levels of managers. This clearly written, easy-to-understand guide gives you practical advice on the most important aspects of managing, such as delegating as opposed to ordering, improving employees' performances, getting your message across, understanding ethics and office policies, team building and collaboration, and much more. Tips and advice for new and experienced managers All-new chapters on employee encouragement and corporate social responsibility Guidance on managing employees by leveraging the power of the Internet Managing in today's lightning-speed business world requires that you have the latest information and techniques for getting the job done. Managing For Dummies, 3rd Edition provides you with straightforward advice and up-to-the-minute strategies for dealing with anything that comes your way.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9780470881156


Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk
Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Автор: Ghassem Homaifar A

A comprehensive guide to managing global financial risk From the balance of payment exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risk, to credit derivatives and other exotic options, futures, and swaps for mitigating and transferring risk, this book provides a simple yet comprehensive analysis of complex derivatives pricing and their application in risk management. The risk posed by foreign exchange transactions stems from the volatility of the exchange rate, the volatility of the interest rates, and factors unique to individual companies which are interrelated. To protect and hedge against adverse currency and interest rate changes, multinational corporations need to take concrete steps for mitigating these risks. Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk offers a thorough treatment of price, foreign currency, and interest rate risk management practices of multinational corporations in a dynamic global economy. It lays out the pros and cons of various hedging instruments, as well as the economic cost benefit analysis of alternative hedging vehicles. Written in a detailed yet user–friendly manner, this resource provides treasurers and other financial managers with the tools they need to manage their various exposures to credit, price, and foreign exchange risk. Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk covers various swaps in this geometrically growing field with notional principal in excess of $120 trillion. From caplet and corridors to call and put swaptions this book covers the micro structure of the swaps, options, futures, and foreign exchange markets. From credit default swap and transfer and convertibility options to asset swap switch and weather derivatives this book illustrates their simple pricing and application. To show real-world examples, each chapter includes a case study highlighting a specific problem, as well as a set of steps to solve it. Numerous charts accompanied with actual Wall Street figures provide the reader with the opportunity to comprehend and appreciate the role and function of derivatives, which are often misunderstood in the financial market. This detailed resource will guide the individual, government and multinational corporations safely through the maze of various exposures. A must-read for treasures, controllers, money mangers, portfolio managers, security analyst and academics, Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk represents an important collection of up-to-date risk management solutions. Ghassem A. Homaifar is a professor of financial economics at Middle Tennessee State University. He has Master of Science in Industrial Management from State University of New York at Stony Brook and PhD in Finance from University of Alabama in 1982. He is the author of numerous articles that have appeared in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Weltwirtschsftliches Archiv Review of World Economics, Advances in Futures and Options Research,Applied Financial Economics, Applied Economics, International Economics, and Global Finance Journal.

Цена: 7359.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780471557333


Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources

Автор: Группа авторов

This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best selling Personnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides an authoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field for students and professionals. new chapters reflect the importance of the EU dimension; the new diversity/race agenda led by Brussels; the extended, network organization; new training practices; and the growing importance of MNCs, both for the UK economy as a whole and as a guide to best practice; clearly and comprehensively explains the current complex HR scene with its different levels and layers

Цена: 7511.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781405152105


Managing Indirect Spend. Enhancing Profitability Through Strategic Sourcing
Managing Indirect Spend. Enhancing Profitability Through Strategic Sourcing

Автор: Joe Payne

Unique guidance for cutting costs regardless of economic conditions—without reducing headcounts Successfully reduce costs in the area of indirect spend and watch your bottom line grow. Managing Indirect Spend provides you with the knowledge and tools necessary to get it done with an overview of: the challenges faced when sourcing indirect spend categories; strategic sourcing process; tools that can help drive savings, and examples based on real world experience. This how-to guide clearly covers specific sourcing engagements and provides the details needed to source effectively. Includes sections covering the process, the tools, real-world examples, guidance through specific sourcing engagements and the information needed to source effectively Presents guidance for achieving the object of strategic sourcing: cost reduction Shows how effectively managing indirect costs can provide a huge impact on bottom line growth Covers all areas of Market Intelligence (MI) With tools, real world examples, and workable guidance, Managing Indirect Spend provides insider guidance for big bottom-line growth through effective management of indirect costs.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118131541


Managing Internationalisation
Managing Internationalisation

Автор: Patricia Adam

"Managing Internationalisation" explains the process of internationalising any kind of organisation from a management perspective. Based on the renowned EFQM Excellence Model, all issues with special relevance for international activities are explained and traced back to recent scientific research and good management practise. The book is meant for practitioners and students alike. For a better understanding, extensive illustrations, examples, exercises and recommendations for case studies enrich the text.
Dieses Buch erkl?rt den Prozess der Internationalisierung von Organisationen aus der Sicht des Managements. Auf der Basis des EFQM-Modells f?r Business Excellence (Qualit?tsmanagement) werden alle f?r internationale Aktivit?ten relevanten Themen erl?utert. Das Buch ist f?r Praktiker und Studierende gleicherma?en geeignet. Mit praxisnahen ?bungen und Fallstudien.

Цена: 3155.64 руб.
ISBN: 9783846386163


Managing IT as a Business. A Survival Guide for CEOs
Managing IT as a Business. A Survival Guide for CEOs

Автор: Mark Lutchen D

With Managing IT as a Business you'll get practical advice on how to unleash the full potential of this critical function so that companies can derive maximum benefit. It offers a proven plan for bridging the gap between CEOs and CIOs that has, until now, impeded their ability to work together in order to craft objectives, establish budget guidelines, and develop metrics for measuring IT value and success. In short, with this book as a guide, business leaders will learn how to manage IT as they would any other functional business unit.

Цена: 4639.51 руб.
ISBN: 9780471584131


Managing Millennials For Dummies
Managing Millennials For Dummies

Автор: Debra Arbit

Everything you need to harness Millennial potential Managing Millennials For Dummies is the field guide to people-management in the modern workplace. Packed with insight, advice, personal anecdotes, and practical guidance, this book shows you how to manage your Millennial workers and teach them how to manage themselves. You'll learn just what makes them tick—they're definitely not the workers of yesteryear—and how to uncover the deeply inspirational talent they have hiding not far below the surface. Best practices and proven strategies from Google, Netflix, LinkedIn, and other top employers provide real-world models for effective management, and new research on first-wave versus second-wave Millennials helps you parse the difference between your new hires and more experienced workers. You'll learn why flex time, social media, dress code, and organizational structure are shifting, and answer the all-important question: why won't they use the phone? Millennials are the product of a different time, with different values, different motivations, and different wants—and in the U.S., they now make up the majority of the workforce. This book shows you how to bring out their best and discover just how much they're really capable of. Learn how Millennials are changing the way work gets done Understand new motivations, attitudes, values, and drive Recruit, motivate, engage, and retain incredible emerging talent Discover the keys to optimal Millennial management The pop culture narrative would have us believe that Millennials are entitled, lazy, spoiled brats—but the that couldn't be further from the truth. They are the generation of change: highly adaptive, bright, and quick to take on a challenge. Like any generation of workers, performance lies in management—if you're not getting what you need from your Millennials, it's time to learn how to lead them the way they need to be led. Managing Millennials For Dummies is your handbook for allowing them to exceed your expectations.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119310235


Managing Open Source Projects. A Wiley Tech Brief
Managing Open Source Projects. A Wiley Tech Brief

Автор: Jan Sandred

The only guide to managing and integrating the open source model With the phenomenal success of Linux, companies are taking open source business solutions much more seriously than ever before. This book helps to satisfy the growing demand for guidance on how to manage open source enterprise development projects. Expert Jan Sandred explores the open source philosophy, describes current software tools for managing open source projects, and provides expert guidance on how to organize and manage open source projects using the Internet as a collaboration tool. With the help of several fascinating and instructive case studies, Sandred explores practical concerns such as building, motivating, and managing virtual teams; structuring tasks and meeting deadlines; establishing trust; project management software tools; maintaining project security; and more.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780471189176


Managing Project Stakeholders. Building a Foundation to Achieve Project Goals
Managing Project Stakeholders. Building a Foundation to Achieve Project Goals

Автор: Tres Roeder

The keys to project management success delivered by one of the world's most respected experts in the field Why do some project managers achieve their project goals while others fail? Drawing on his years of experience as a recognized global expert on project management and organizational change, author Tres Roeder answers that question, and lays out a proven path to project success. Focusing on the major differences between project management and other types of management—not least of them being the temporary nature of projects versus the repetitive nature of most managerial tasks—Roeder describes best practices in all key areas of managing project stakeholders. A recognized global expert on project management provides the foundational elements required for project management success Contributes toward the fulfillment of the continuing education required every three years to maintain PMP® accreditation Uses real-world scenarios and relevant case studies to present project management concepts to beginning and intermediate PMP®s Contains chapters on Leadership, Buy In, and Negotiation for more advanced project managers (PMP and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

Цена: 4506.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118504284


Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations
Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations

Автор: Peggy Jackson M

Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations explains and defines risk management, especially as it applies to nonprofits. It provides comprehensive guidance on such topics as identifying risk, prioritising risk, selecting appropriate risk management techniques, implementing risk management techniques, monitoring risk management, and financing. * Includes diagrams of the risk management cycle and dimensions of risk graphic * The nature of these unique risks and the special challenges facing a nonprofit that embarks on a risk management program will also be addressed. * Written by two leaders at the Nonprofit Risk Management Center, a management assistance organization that provides informational resources, technical assistance, and training to an estimated 20,000 nonprofits annually

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780471469261


Managing Risk in Organizations
Managing Risk in Organizations

Автор: Группа авторов

Managing Risk in Organizations offers a proven framework for handling risks across all types of organizations. In this comprehensive resource, David Frame—a leading expert in risk management—examines the risks routinely encountered in business, offers prescriptions to assess the effects of various risks, and shows how to develop effective strategies to cope with risks. In addition, the book is filled with practical tools and techniques used by professional risk practitioners that can be readily applied by project managers, financial managers, and any manager or consultant who deals with risk within an organization. Managing Risk in Organizations is filled with illustrative case studies and Outlines the various types of risk—pure, operational, project, technical, business, and political Reveals what risk management can and cannot accomplish Shows how to organize risk management efforts to conduct risk assessments, manage crises, and recover from disasters Includes a systematic risk management processrisk management planning, risk identification, qualitative impact analysis, quantitative impact analysis, risk response planning, and monitoring control Provides quantitative and qualitative tools to identify and handle risks This much-needed book will enable organizations to take risk seriously and act proactively.

Цена: 7622.05 руб.
ISBN: 9780787972646


Managing Talent
Managing Talent

Автор: Группа авторов

Effective Training & Development is essential if you are to continuously get the best from your people and extend the knowledge shelf-life of your company. This module explores the vast array of options available to the HR function including on-the-job learning, formal management education, coaching and mentoring. Cost-effectiveness and measurable payback are also dealt with as cornerstones of any training and development activity.

Цена: 1435.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781841124933


Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission
Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission

Автор: Holly Ross

Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit professionals make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers practical advice for decision makers and staff alike who often have little or no experience with technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field, this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics including: Achieving IT Alignment with Your Mission Steve Heye, YMCA of the USA Managing Technology Change Dahna Goldstein, PhilanTech Measuring the Return on Investment of Technology Beth Kanter, trainer, blogger and consultant IT Planning and Prioritizing Peter Campbell, Earthjustice Finding and Keeping the Right PeopleJames L. Weinberg and Cassie Scarano, Commongood Careers Budgeting For and Funding Technology Scott McCallum and Keith R. Thode, Aidmatrix Foundation Introduction to IT and Systems Kevin Lo and Willow Cook, TechSoup Global Where Are Your Stakeholders, and What Are They Doing Online? Michael Cervino, Beaconfire Consulting Effective Online CommunicationsJohn Kenyon, nonprofit technology strategist Effective Online Fundraising Madeline Stanionis, Watershed The Future if IT in NonprofitsEdward Granger-Happ, Save the Children Praise for Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission «This invaluable guide for nonprofit leaders proves that nonprofit organizations can and should embrace technology, rather than being scared of or intimidated by it!» —Kristie Ferketich, senior strategist, Google Grants, Google Inc. «NTEN's Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission can help leaders craft a technology strategy that makes sense and builds ROI while also providing inspiration for their staff and supporters!» —Jonathon D. Colman, associate director and web evangelista, digital marketing, The Nature Conservancy «This book shows what NTEN does best: Bring together a wide range of voices to provide practical technology strategies and know-how to help nonprofits more efficiently and effectively move their own missions forward.» —Marnie Webb, TechSoup Global

Цена: 4418.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470442821


Managing the Aging Workforce
Managing the Aging Workforce

Автор: Marius Leibold

Managing the Aging Workforce is one of the crucial topics for many of the world's enterprises. The increasing average age of populations does not only affect social systems, countries and communities, but also has a strong impact on the work of businesses and companies. The decline in demographic fitness will not only hit countries like the U.S., the Western European countries, or Japan, but also the upcoming societies in China or in the Eastern European countries. In many of these countries, during three or four decades the average age will grow from about 40 years now to about 50 years. Where experts are needed, this may result in an increase of the workforce's age of between 5 and 10 years in only one decade. For companies thus, a number of challenges arise that have to be overcome fast and continuously. The main topics in this field will be new strategies in leadership, new concepts in health management, new ways in knowledge management and learning, as well as new models how to drive ideas for diversity and innovation. On the one hand, enterprises therefore will have to invest in their aging employees for supporting their talents, helping them to learn and keeping them in the company. On the other, they will have to increase productivity, keep on searching for new products, and integrate experts from abroad. This has to be combined with new ways of strategies and HR management. This book presents an analysis of the present and upcoming situation, and an introduction into the strategic concepts enterprises will need to survive in aging societies.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786112


Managing the Future
Managing the Future

Автор: Haridimos Tsoukas

In this book, leading authors explore ways in which organizations can develop their ability to manage the future. An exploration of the ways in which organizations can develop their ability to manage the future. Consists of ten papers written by authors from both sides of the Atlantic and from Asia, all of whom are distinguished scholars in the fields of strategy or organizational learning. Addresses key questions about how organizational foresight can be conceptualized and developed, and the extent to which it is possible. The papers are prefaced by a foreword from Spyros Makridakis and an introduction from the editors. Helps to shape a new research agenda, and so will be of interest to academics, as well as to students and practitioners.

Цена: 5744.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781405142397


Managing the Unexpected. Sustained Performance in a Complex World
Managing the Unexpected. Sustained Performance in a Complex World

Автор: Kathleen Sutcliffe M

Improve your company's ability to avoid or manage crises Managing the Unexpected, Third Edition is a thoroughly revised text that offers an updated look at the groundbreaking ideas explored in the first and second editions. Revised to reflect events emblematic of the unique challenges that organizations have faced in recent years, including bank failures, intelligence failures, quality failures, and other organizational misfortunes, often sparked by organizational actions, this critical book focuses on why some organizations are better able to sustain high performance in the face of unanticipated change. High reliability organizations (HROs), including commercial aviation, emergency rooms, aircraft carrier flight operations, and firefighting units, are looked to as models of exceptional organizational preparedness. This essential text explains the development of unexpected events and guides you in improving your organization for more reliable performance. «Expect the unexpected» is a popular mantra for a reason: it's rooted in experience. Since the dawn of civilization, organizations have been rocked by natural disasters, civil unrest, international conflict, and other unexpected crises that impact their ability to function. Understanding how to maintain function when catastrophe strikes is key to keeping your organization afloat. Explore the many different kinds of unexpected events that your organization may face Consider updated case studies and research Discuss how highly reliable organizations are able to maintain control during unexpected events Discover tactics that may bolster your organization's ability to face the unexpected with confidence Managing the Unexpected, Third Edition offers updated, valuable content to professionals who want to strengthen the preparedness of their organizations—and confidently face unexpected challenges.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118862452


Managing to the New Regulatory Reality. Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Managing to the New Regulatory Reality. Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act

Автор: Richard Davis K

How to manage and profit from the new financial regulatory reality Now, more than ever, navigating the new financial regulations is paramount for the survival of many large institutions. Managing to the New Regulatory Reality: Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act provides the most important, need-to-know lessons for private sector management, boards of directors, policymakers, and even regulators, shedding light on the movement from crisis to panic, regulatory reform to winning under continuing financial regulatory uncertainty. Reviews the causes of 2008's financial crisis, and assesses its impact on multiple stakeholders Describes and analyzes the impact of the immediate U.S. and G20 policy and regulatory reactions on financial institutions that the crisis response triggered Explains the legislative policies, and examines how institutions and the financial services industry can make these new policies and regulations work for them All financial institutions, but especially large companies, will have to aggressively manage to the new regulatory reality. Managing to the New Regulatory Reality is the must-have survival guide to sustaining profitability despite all the new red tape.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118022986


Managing Your E-Mail. Thinking Outside the Inbox
Managing Your E-Mail. Thinking Outside the Inbox

Автор: Christina Cavanagh

Manage information overload to save time and money E-mail is one of the most useful and efficient business applications ever developed. However, many people today dread the chore of sorting through an inbox crammed with messages that don't concern them and spam they don't want. In fact, research shows that North American office workers waste up to twenty hours every week sorting and managing their e-mail messages, causing more productivity loss than gain. Finally, there's a straightforward guide dedicated to helping workers and organizations tame the e-mail monster and take back their time. Managing Your E-mail is a simple, accessible reference for workers and organizations that want to get the most out of this ubiquitous and sometimes overwhelming method of communication. With new strategies for dealing with e-mail inefficiencies and practical tips on getting and staying organized, it will free up hours of time each week for what's really important. It examines the categories and patterns of e-mail misuse and presents practical, research-based explanations, solutions, and quick tips on topics such as: * Best practices for responding to e-mail * When to choose more traditional communication methods over e-mail * How to structure an e-mail for high-impact * How to craft more readable and understandable messages * Legal pitfalls to avoid * Common e-mail myths * How to reduce e-mail volume in your organization

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780471648536


Managing Your Firm s 401(k) Plan. A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today s Retirement Plans
Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan. A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans

Автор: Matthew Smith X

An objective resource for managing your firm's 401(k) plan With the recent uncertainty in the economy and financial markets, 401(k) plans are now under more scrutiny than ever. Written for finance and benefit professionals who are responsible for the management, operations, or oversight of their company's 401(k) plan, Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan offers a guide to designing and managing a 401(k) with a focus on financial, fiduciary, and regulatory standards. While there are plenty of books on 401(k) plans written for the individual investor, there are very few resources for professionals involved in 401(k) management. This book effectively fills that void It was specifically written for professionals involved in 401(k) management It includes regulatory and fiduciary information needed for compliance purposes It was created by experienced experts in the defined contribution plan arena Topics covered throughout this insightful guide include measuring retirement readiness, establishing plan governance, managing the plan's investment menu, monitoring record keeper performance, communicating effectively with employees, helping participants manage their retirement income, and much more.

Цена: 7824.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470875872


Manchmal tr?gt der Teufel wei?
Manchmal tr?gt der Teufel wei?

Автор: Andreas D?rr

Nach einem Arztbesuch ger?t das Leben der jungen Sara v?llig aus den Fugen. Sie t?tet in Notwehr einen Mann und flieht, ohne zu wissen, dass sie bereits ins Fadenkreuz einer illegalen Organisation geraten ist, die Unglaubliches plant. Es beginnt ein verzweifelter Kampf ums ?berleben, bei welchem Sara nur von einem Medizinstudenten unterst?tzt wird.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783847660866


Manejando los ciclos de vida corporativos
Manejando los ciclos de vida corporativos

Автор: Ichak Kalderon Adizes

"Manejando los ciclos de vida corporativos" presenta la teor?a sobre los ciclos de vida de una empresa y enuncia los principios para manejar el cambio de las corporaciones. Permite diferenciar los problemas normales de los anormales en las organizaciones as? como aplicar las intervenciones apropiadas que las lleven hacia la excelencia. Este libro es el reflejo de los aprendizajes que ha tenido el autor con el trabajo en m?s de cuatro d?cadas con organizaciones sobre los patrones de comportamiento y del enfoque aplicado.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9786078704057


Manejo de crisis
Manejo de crisis

Автор: Paul Remy

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9786123180430


Manifest der kommunistischen Partei
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei

Автор: Карл Генрих Маркс

"Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa – das Gespenst des Kommunismus." Mit diesen Worten beginnt ein Text, der die Welt ver?nderte! Er endet mit dem bekannten Aufruf: «Proletarier aller L?nder vereinigt euch!» Das Kommunistische Manifest wurde von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels 1847 im Auftrag des Bundes der Kommunisten verfasst und ist im Februar 1848 in London erschienen, zeitgleich zur Februarrevolution in Frankreich, kurze Zeit vor der M?rzrevolution in weiteren L?ndern.

Исполнители: Burkhard Behnke

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783868470505



Автор: Joan Paredes i G?mez

Y as? ocurren las revoluciones: una declaraci?n de intenciones, la fundaci?n del estado del da?o y el ondeo de una tregua escrita en arena. Una nueva mirada para el amor, la revuelta del sentido y el sentir. Otro escal?n para la poes?a, esa arma arrojadiza con la que, alg?n d?a, se ganar? en las trincheras de la vida. Manifesto es la pretensi?n de la sem?ntica y el juego del ojo metaf?rico. Un remanso de poes?a.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788418470141


Manipulaci?n y movimientos con transpal?s y carretillas de mano. COMT0211
Manipulaci?n y movimientos con transpal?s y carretillas de mano. COMT0211

Автор: Vicente Garc?a Segura

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n del certificado de profesionalidad «COMT0211. ACTIVIDADES AUXILIARES DE COMERCIO». Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788411032186


Mankind and Deserts 3
Mankind and Deserts 3

Автор: Группа авторов

The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 3 – the third and final volume – focuses on wind, frequently present in all deserts, either hot or cold. Wind plays a major role in aridity and landscapes bear numerous forms due to its action, erosion, transportation and surface formations, some discreet and others spectacular, such as vast expanses of towering yardangs. Aeolian dynamics lead to dune formation, simple or associated with sand ridges or ergs, as in the Sahara. Mankind has attempted, to varying degrees of success, to cope with sand accumulation; ignoring aeolian dynamics has led many development projects to failure. This is developed by Yann Callot, a Professor at Lyon University who studied aeolian dynamics in the Sahara.

Traditional societies have adapted to live in deserts, establishing vibrant civilizations with original ways of living, managing water resources and creating routes for trade, especially for salt. In a changing environment, useful lessons can be drawn from the genius of mankind's adaptation to such diverse and fragile environments. This is explained by Marc C?te, who was a Professor at Constantine (Algeria) and Aix-en-Provence Universities.

From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119823988


Manteniendo la familia y los negocios
Manteniendo la familia y los negocios

Автор: Alicia G. Stivelberg

Si bien se dirige Alicia Stivelberg al empresario, a su pr?xima generaci?n de familia, y muy en especial a las mujeres en esas familias empresarias, sus contribuciones al tema son de principal relevancia para consultores de familias empresarias. Ya sean ?stos financieros, asesores legales, psic?logos o estrategas, sus reflexiones, destiladas de a?os de estudio y pr?ctica profesional,aciertan en educar y concientizar la pr?ctica de estos profesionales dentro del seno de una familia empresaria. Tanto los modelos de la empresa familiar que nos comparte como las perspectivas sobre el cambiante entorno social y tecnol?gico que afrontan, nos pueden guiar, como consultores de estas empresas, tanto en darle prioridad a ciertos temas como en acoplar otros con conceptos que ya utilizamos en nuestra profesi?n. Espero que, como yo, reciban la generosa contribuci?n que hace Alicia Stivelberg a la pr?ctica moderna en la empresa familiar, de tal forma que sus propios diagn?sticos e intervenciones sean apropiadamente sist?micos y sabiamente guiados por la importancia de la compleja, pero potencialmente tan beneficiosa, evoluci?n en la relaci?n familia-empresa.

Исполнители: Елена Дельвер

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9789878358246


Mantenimiento de centros de transformaci?n. ELEE0209
Mantenimiento de centros de transformaci?n. ELEE0209

Автор: Juan Gonz?lez Jim?nez

Realizar el mantenimiento predictivo y preventivo de un centro de transformaci?n de intemperie y prefabricado a partir de la documentaci?n t?cnica Realizar el mantenimiento correctivo de un centro de transformaci?n de intemperie y prefabricado a partir de la documentaci?n t?cnica. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Montaje y mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas de alta tensi?n de segunda y tercera categor?a y centros de transformaci?n.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788415942221


Mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n. ELEE0209
Mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n. ELEE0209

Автор: Germ?n Coca L?pez

Efectuar el mantenimiento predictivo y preventivo de una instalaci?n de red el?ctrica subterr?nea de alta tensi?n, a partir de la documentaci?n t?cnica y siguiendo los procedimientos establecidos, en condiciones de calidad y seguridad. Realizar la reparaci?n de aver?as en una red subterr?nea de alta tensi?n siguiendo los procedimientos establecidos, en condiciones de seguridad y calidad. Elaborar informes y documentaci?n. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Montaje y mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas de alta tensi?n de 2? y 3? categor?a y centros de transformaci?n.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788415942276


Mantenimiento preventivo de instalaciones de climatizaci?n y ventilaci?n-extracci?n. IMAR0208
Mantenimiento preventivo de instalaciones de climatizaci?n y ventilaci?n-extracci?n. IMAR0208

Автор: Diana Mar?a Ruiz Vadillo

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n del certificado de profesionalidad «IMAR0208. MONTAJE Y MANTENIMIENTO DE INSTALACIONES DE CLIMATIZACI?N Y VENTILACI?N-EXTRACCI?N». Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788411031165


Mantenimiento y reparaci?n de instalaciones de telefon?a y comunicaci?n. ELES0108
Mantenimiento y reparaci?n de instalaciones de telefon?a y comunicaci?n. ELES0108

Автор: Javier Rosado Fuentes

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788416207343


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