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Die Schiller-Strategie
Die Schiller-Strategie

Автор: Eva Wodarz-Eichner

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783899814651


Die Schmetterlingsvenus
Die Schmetterlingsvenus

Автор: Maria Bocca

Liebe in schicksalhaftem Dreieck: Eigentlich war alles klar im Leben der selbstbewussten Kunststudentin Johanna und ihres erfolgreichen Porschefahrers Johann. Die Heirat hatten beide fest im Blick. W?re Johanna doch nur nicht auf die Idee gekommen, sich vor dem kirchlichen Ja-Wort noch einige Monate Freiheit in Lissabon zu g?nnen, ganz ohne ihren Johann, aber um die fremde Sprache zu erlernen und die Exotik dieser Stadt zu erkunden.
Kaum angekommen, macht Johanna im Gl?sernen Caf? am sch?nsten Platz der Stadt, die Bekanntschaft von Senhor Pedro, eines zwar blinden, aber umso charismatischeren und ?u?erst romantischen Machos alter Schule. Der deutlich ?ltere zieht die kluge und emanzipierte Johanna auf geheimnisvolle Weise unwiderstehlich in seinen Bann. Wie passt das zueinander? Kann das gut gehen? Ein Traum in der Nacht nach dem ersten Kennenlernen l?sst Johanna f?rchten, sie k?nne dem fremden Mann als Geliebte nicht gen?gen (zu gro?! zu d?nn! und ach so kleine, wenn auch zuckers??e Apfelbr?stchen …). Ihre Besorgnis verwandelt sich jedoch schnell in handfeste Neugier, als beide zu einer Stadterkundung im Taxi aufbrechen und Pedro sie bittet, ihre Augen mit einer schwarzen Kapuze zu verh?llen. Die Dunkelheit elektrisiert sie, l?sst sie mutig werden – und das in einem rasenden Lissabonner Taxi … "Mein Puls ging richtig ab. Na klar, sofort sp?rte meine Hand in seiner eng anliegenden Jeans etwas Hartes, L?ngliches. Ein sanftes Pulsen drang durch den dicken Stoff bis an meine zittrigen Finger. Ich wagte kaum, mir vorzustellen, es k?nnte dieser Schw … sein, der Schw … von ihm, von Senhor Pedro …" Von Null auf Hundert entbrennt zwischen beiden eine ungez?gelte Leidenschaft. Und so beschert der erfahrene Pedro seiner jungen Geliebten ein portugiesisches M?rchen an fantastischen Orten, in romantischen Liebesnestern, ungest?rt und fern von allem Bekannten.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783738050615


Die Schwarze Witwe - Bunburry - Ein Idyll zum Sterben, Folge 12 (Ungek?rzt)
Die Schwarze Witwe - Bunburry - Ein Idyll zum Sterben, Folge 12 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Helena Marchmont

Исполнители: Uve Teschner

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783838795133


Die Slowakei und NS-Deutschland
Die Slowakei und NS-Deutschland

Автор: Ludovit Hallon

In den 1930er-Jahren, nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland, geriet das Gebiet der heutigen Slowakischen Republik, das Teil der Tschechoslowakei war, in den Blickpunkt deutscher NS-?konomen: Es sollte eine wichtige Rolle beim Aufbau einer neuen „deutschen Gro?raumwirtschaft“ in Mittel- und S?dosteuropa spielen. Nach dem Zerfall der Tschechoslowakei und der Gr?ndung eines unabh?ngigen slowakischen Staates im M?rz 1939 verst?rkten sich die deutsch-slowakischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen weiter. Der neue Staat agierte als politischer und wirtschaftlicher Vasall NS-Deutschlands.
?udov?t Hallon zeichnet die Entwicklung der slowakisch-deutschen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen von 1939–1945 und die wechselseitigen Abh?ngigkeiten nach. Mit akribischer Archivarbeit gibt er anhand der komplexen Vertragsbeziehungen beider Staaten nicht nur einen Einblick in die nationalsozialistische Au?enpolitik, sondern auch in das politische Kalk?l des Vasallenstaates und die innenpolitischen Verh?ltnisse in der noch jungen Republik. Hallon beleuchtet die Rolle deutscher Banken und Unternehmen bei der Enteignung j?discher B?rger ebenso wie die wirtschaftliche Ausbeutung der Slowakischen Republik durch NS-Deutschland, die sich zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges versch?rfte und in der Zerschlagung eines antifaschistischen Aufstands und der Besetzung der Slowakischen Republik durch deutsche Truppen gipfelte.

Цена: 3254.29 руб.
ISBN: 9783838273921


Die smarte Stadt - Den digitalen Wandel intelligent gestalten
Die smarte Stadt - Den digitalen Wandel intelligent gestalten

Автор: Willi Kaczorowski

Цена: 2366.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783415052185


Die soziale Marktwirtschaft
Die soziale Marktwirtschaft

Автор: Karen Horn

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783899814699


Die Taube auf dem Dach
Die Taube auf dem Dach

Автор: Dagmar Ga?dorf

Das Buch erz?hlt mit erfrischender Leichtigkeit die vier Generationen umfassende Geschichte einer Aufsteigerfamilie. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Ruhrgebietskind Barbara, so getauft wegen der Schutzpatronin der Bergleute, dem es gelingt, sich mit Energie und Kreativit?t aus der Enge seiner Herkunft zu befreien und diesen Impuls an die Nachkommen weiterzugeben. Wie man sich «aus dem Staub macht», ohne die Bodenhaftung zu verlieren, ist eine spannende Lekt?re mit Tiefgang und ein Leckerbissen f?r Sprachliebhaber. Vor allem aber ist es Kraftfutter f?r alle, die bereit sind, f?r ihre Tr?ume zu k?mpfen!

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783837523232


Die Tochter der Wanderhure
Die Tochter der Wanderhure

Автор: Iny Lorentz

Mehr als zw?lf Jahre sind vergangen seit den letzten Abenteuern der ehemaligen Wanderhure Marie. Sie und ihr Mann Michel Adler leben zwar immer noch auf Burg Kibitzstein, doch ihr G?nner, der F?rstbischof, ist gestorben, und seinem Nachfolger Gottfried sind die beiden ein Dorn im Auge. Besonders Maries Tochter Trudi bekommt die Auswirkungen dieses Konflikts hautnah zu sp?ren …

Исполнители: Anne Moll

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838761725


Die Tote im Volksbad (eBook)
Die Tote im Volksbad (eBook)

Автор: Jan Bein?en

Серия: KrimiSnack

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783869133201


Die Totenb?ndiger - ?quinoktium - Die gesamte erste Staffel
Die Totenb?ndiger - ?quinoktium - Die gesamte erste Staffel

Автор: Nadine Erdmann

Stell dir vor, du lebst in einer Welt, in der Geister zum Alltag geh?ren. Jeder sieht sie und jeder wei?, wie gef?hrlich sie uns Menschen werden k?nnen. In dieser Welt gibt es Verlorene Orte, die man den Geistern ?berlassen musste, und Unheilige Zeiten, in denen die Toten besonders gef?hrlich sind.
Camren Hunt ist ein Junge ohne Vergangenheit. Im vergangenen Unheiligen Jahr fand man ihn im Keller eines verlassenen Herrenhauses – umgeben von Leichen mit durchschnittenen Kehlen. Niemand wei?, was dort passiert ist, nicht einmal Camren selbst. Jetzt, dreizehn Jahre sp?ter, schlagen sich die Menschen durch ein weiteres Unheiliges Jahr, in dem Geister und Wiederg?nger noch gef?hrlicher sind als sonst. Pl?tzlich tauchen erneut Leichen mit durchschnittenen Kehlen auf …
Die komplette erste Staffel der Erfolgsserie.

Серия: Die Totenb?ndiger - Die gesamte Staffel

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783958344105


Die unaufhaltsame Denkweise von Internet-Unternehmern
Die unaufhaltsame Denkweise von Internet-Unternehmern

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Sie werden im Internet-Marketing nur gro?artig sein, wenn Sie Ihren Verstand darauf vorbereiten, Gesch?fte zu machen und dann das Beste daraus zu machen.
Jeder Handel ist ein sehr schwer zu verstehendes Thema. Aber das k?nnte etwas sein, was jemand tun m?chte. Also, wie macht man das effektiv? In diesem eBook finden Sie einige gro?artige Tipps, wie auch Sie zu diesem anziehenden Magneten werden k?nnen.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783750213678


Die unglaublichsten F?lle der Rechtsmedizin
Die unglaublichsten F?lle der Rechtsmedizin

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783861897996


Die Unternehmerfamilie
Die Unternehmerfamilie

Автор: Heiko Kleve

Серия: Management

Цена: 2859.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783849782481


Die verschwundene Welt des James Barkley
Die verschwundene Welt des James Barkley

Автор: Uwe Woitzig

Die Ehe von Professor James Barkley und seiner Frau Karen steht auf t?nernen F??en. Da nehmen eines Tages zwei Geistwesen Besitz von ihnen, die sich als Odysseus und Paris entpuppen, zwei der legend?ren Helden des Trojanischen Krieges. Schon wird ihr Leben komplett durcheinander gewirbelt und es beginnt ein Horrortrip: James wird von seinem Besatzer gezwungen, an spektakul?ren Entf?hrungen bekannter Pers?nlichkeiten teilzunehmen, die die Welt in Aufruhr versetzen. Dabei wird er in die Machenschaften einer Geheimloge verwickelt, die versucht, die Wirtschaftsf?hrer und Politiker der Erde mithilfe einer neu entwickelten Technik zu beherrschen, die Gehirnmanipulationen bei Menschen und die Erzeugung von Zombies erm?glicht. Das soll James mit allen Mitteln verhindern. Karen wird bei ihrem Versuch, James bei seinem Vorhaben zu helfen, beinahe von einem in den Labors der Loge erzeugten Zombie umgebracht. Die Ereignisse auf der Erde werden nicht nur von Ashmun, einem Wesen aus einem Paralleluniversum, sondern auch von griechischen G?ttern aufmerksam beobachtet. Schliesslich kommt es zu einem alles entscheidenden Wettkampf im Amphitheater von Epidaurus, dessen Sieger die Herrschaft ?ber diesen Teil des Universums erhalten soll …

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783738008647


Die VWL auf Sinnsuche
Die VWL auf Sinnsuche

Автор: Philip Plickert

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783956012167


Die Welle
Die Welle

Автор: Morton Rhue

Halb verhungerte Menschen in Lagern, Millionen Tote. Die Sch?ler an einer amerikanischen High-School sind geschockt. Was die Nazis getan haben, ist unvorstellbar. «Ich glaube nicht, dass so etwas bei uns m?glich w?re», sagt Brian. «Nicht in Amerika. Nicht in unserer Zeit.» Laurie meldet sich. «Wie konnten die Leute nur zulassen, dass so etwas passiert! Und hinterher noch sagen, sie h?tten nichts davon gewusst!» «Ich w?rde da nicht mitmachen!», ruft Brad. Wirklich nicht? Lehrer Ben Ross startet ein Experiment. Und bald geschehen Dinge, die er und die Sch?ler sich nie vorgestellt h?tten … Ein spannender Roman, der von einer wahren Begebenheit erz?hlt. Und der von seiner Aktualit?t nichts eingeb??t hat.

Цена: 1371.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783947185535


Die Welt ohne Hunger
Die Welt ohne Hunger

Автор: Alfred Bratt

Der Chemiker Alfred Bell steht kurz vor der Vollendung einer Formel, die den Hunger der Welt ein f?r alle Mal besiegen soll. Allerdings fehlt ihm jemand, der an seine Arbeit glaubt und sie finanziert. So reist Bell auf den abenteuerlichsten Wegen von Paris nach London und New York, trifft eitle Professoren, reiche Unternehmert?chter und zwielichtige Dema­gogen. Mit der Weigerung, seine Erfindung wirtschaftlich auszubeuten oder in den Dienst der Populisten zu stellen, macht er sich bald gef?hrliche Feinde. Der einzige Roman des viel zu jung verstorbenen Schriftstellers Alfred Bratt sorgte bei seinem Erscheinen 1916 f?r Aufsehen. «Die Welt ohne Hunger» erlangte innerhalb k?rzester Zeit zahlreiche Auflagen und wurde in mehrere Sprachen ?bersetzt. Auch heute hat der Roman nichts von seiner Spannung und Aktualit?t verloren.

Цена: 2070.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783903005853


Die wichtigsten Marktforschungs-Instrumente im ?berblick
Die wichtigsten Marktforschungs-Instrumente im ?berblick

Автор: Klaus-Dieter Thill

Die QuickGuide-Booklets beschreiben praxisbew?hrte Instrumente, Konzepte und Verhaltensweisen, die als Best Practice-Standards eine nachhaltige und erfolgreiche F?hrung von Zahnarztpraxen gew?hrleisten. Die Inhalte sind sofort in Eigenregie umsetzbar und entsprechen dem Wunsch vieler Zahn?rzte nach einfachen, kurz auf den Punkt beschriebenen Hilfestellungen f?r den Arbeitsalltag. Das QuickGuide-Booklet «Die wichtigsten Marktforschungs-Instrumente im ?berblick» pr?sentiert die f?r die Arbeit von Zahn?rzten wichtigsten Marktforschungs-Instrumente und skizziert ihre Anwendung.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783738065107


Die Zerst?rung der EU
Die Zerst?rung der EU

Автор: Peter Michael Lingens

In aller Stille steuert die EU auf die gr??te Krise ihrer Geschichte zu. Zentrale Ursache dieses Niedergangs ist die Wirtschaftspolitik der deutschen Regierung: Ihr Spar-Wahn hemmt Europas Wirtschaftswachstum. Ihr Abgehen von einer Lohnpolitik, bei der die Reall?hne mit der Produktivit?t steigen, sprengt die europ?ische Gemeinschaft. Die ?sterreichische Bundesregierung hat sich der deutschen Politik, unter anderem weil Deutschland ihr gr??ter Handelspartner ist, angeschlossen und wird damit auf die Dauer nicht gut fahren.
Der Journalist und Buchautor Peter Michael Lingens analysiert die Rollen Deutschlands als Sprengmeister und ?sterreichs als Mitl?ufer.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783854396543


Digilogue. How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow s Customer
Digilogue. How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow's Customer

Автор: Anders Sorman-Nilsson

How to leverage the enduring human need for analogue experiences to attract and retain more customers in a digital world. Anything that can be digitised will be digitised. But can the digital-connect ever really replace the personal touch? Is word-of-mouse always more effective than word-of-mouth? And what of customers’ enduring need for analogue experiences (think analogue watches, paperback books and multiplex movie theatres, for example). In your rush to embrace your customers’ digital mind are you ignoring an equally valuable asset: their analogue heart? Better yet, how can you leverage the analogue heart to provide your company or brand with an unbeatable competitive edge? The answer, according to internationally acclaimed futurist, Anders Sormon-Nilsson is Digilogue – the ‘translational sweet-spot, the convergence of the digital and the analogue.’ A book that will revolutionise how you do business in a digital world, Digilogue provides powerful insights, strategies and tools to help you provide value to digital minds, while connecting with analogue hearts.

Цена: 3498.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118641408



Автор: Kent Wertime

We are all DigiMarketers now – or we should be. The authors have for the first time provided a lucid, hype-free, business-based and practical guide to the new age of marketing: it is a kind of digital Baedeker, which should be on every businessman's book-shelf. —Miles Young, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific «The digital frontier is now the center of our universe. As Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick show, marketers must seize this digital opportunity to accelerate their market growth.» —John A. Quelch, Senior Associate Dean and Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School «Too many advertisers are stuck in the primordial soup when it comes to their digital marketing strategy. However, they need to evolve fast if they are to survive in a multi-channel landscape. This timely book acts like an Origin of the Species, steering hesitant brand owners through the complexities of the digital ecosystem. An impressive blend of academic theory, professional insight and practical advice.» —Paul Kemp-Robertson, Co-founder & Editorial Director, Contagious www.contagiousmagazine.com «DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Marketing & Digital Media is a clear call for companies to evolve their marketing practice. This book is essential reading for anyone seeking a roadmap to the future of business.» —Dipak C. Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management «The rise of conversational media new forms of distribution – from blogs to mobile platforms – challenge traditional approaches to marketing, and require every business to have a transition plan. Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written a book that is required reading for any marketers interested in successfully making that transition.» —John Battelle, CEO and Founder, Federated Media Publishing and Author, The Search «Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written the definitive guide to marketing in the digital age. But Digimarketing does more than educate marketing professionals. It describes the new media landscape brilliantly, making it an essential read for anyone who hopes to understand the most important technological revolution of the past fifty years. I wore out three yellow highlighters before realizing that every sentence and every paragraph is worth committing to memory.» —Norman Pearlstine, Former Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc. and Managing Editor, The Wall Street Journal, Senior Advisor, Telecommunications & Media, The Carlyle Group

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470827949


Digital @ Scale. The Playbook You Need to Transform Your Company
Digital @ Scale. The Playbook You Need to Transform Your Company

Автор: Anand Swaminathan

A blueprint for reinventing the core of your business Value in the next phase of the digital era will go to those companies that don't just try digital but also scale it. Digital@Scale examines what it takes for companies to break through the gravitational pull of their legacy organizations and capture the full value of digital. Digging into more than fifty detailed case studies and years of McKinsey experience and data, the authors, along with a group of expert contributors, show how companies can move beyond incremental change to transform the business where the greatest value is generated—at its core. The authors provide practical insights into the three pillars of digital transformations that successfully scale: reinventing the business model, building out a business architecture from the customer back into the organization, and establishing an 'amoeba' IT and organizational foundation that learns and evolves. This is the ideal guide for all leaders who recognize the power and promise of a digital transformation.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781119433767


Digital Code of Life. How Bioinformatics is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business
Digital Code of Life. How Bioinformatics is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business

Автор: Glyn Moody

A behind-the-scenes look at the most lucrative discipline within biotechnology Bioinformatics represents a new area of opportunity for investors and industry participants. Companies are spending billions on the potentially lucrative products that will come from bioinformatics. This book looks at what companies like Merck, Glaxo SmithKline Beecham, and Celera, and hospitals are doing to maneuver themselves to leadership positions in this area. Filled with in-depth insights and surprising revelations, Digital Code of Life examines the personalities who have brought bioinformatics to life and explores the commercial applications and investment opportunities of the most lucrative discipline within genomics. Glyn Moody (London, UK) has published numerous articles in Wired magazine. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book Rebel Code.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780471689645


Digital Disciplines. Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
Digital Disciplines. Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things

Автор: Joe Weinman

Leverage digital technologies to achieve competitive advantage through market-leading processes, products and services, customer relationships, and innovation How does Information Technology enable competitive advantage? Digital Disciplines details four strategies that exploit today's digital technologies to create unparalleled customer value. Using non-technical language, this book describes the blueprints that any company, large or small, can use to gain or retain market leadership, based on insights derived from examining modern digital giants such as Amazon, Netflix, and Uber, established firms such as Burberry, GE, Nike, and Procter & Gamble, and lesser-known innovators such as Alvio, Fruition Sciences, Opower, and Quirky. Companies can develop a competitive edge through four digital disciplines—information excellence, solution leadership, collective intimacy, and accelerated innovation—that exploit cloud computing, big data and analytics, mobile and wireline networks, social media, and the Internet of Things. These four disciplines extend and update the value disciplines of operational excellence, product leadership, and customer intimacy originally defined by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their bestselling business classic The Discipline of Market Leaders. Operational excellence must now be complemented by information excellence—leveraging automation, information, analytics, and sophisticated algorithms to make processes faster, better, and more cost-effective, seamlessly fuse digital and physical worlds, and generate new revenue through techniques such as exhaust data monetization Product leadership must be extended to solution leadership—smart digital products and services ranging from wind turbines and wearables to connected healthcare, linked to each other, cloud services, social networks, and partner ecosystems, focused on customer outcomes and creating experiences and transformations Customer intimacy is evolving to collective intimacy—as face-to-face relationships not only go online, but are collectively analyzed to provide individually targeted recommendations and personalized services ranging from books and movies to patient-specific therapies Traditional innovation is no longer enough—accelerated innovation goes beyond open innovation to exploit crowdsourcing, idea markets, innovation networks, challenges, and contest economics to dramatically improve processes, products, and relationships This book provides a strategy framework, empirical data, case studies, deep insights, and pragmatic steps for any enterprise to follow and attain market leadership in today's digital era. It addresses improved execution through techniques such as gamification, and pitfalls to beware, including cybersecurity, privacy, and unintended consequences. Digital Disciplines can be exploited by existing firms or start-ups to disrupt established ways of doing business through innovative, digitally enabled value propositions to win in competitive markets in today's digital era.

Цена: 3221.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781119039884


Digital Government Excellence
Digital Government Excellence

Автор: Siim Sikkut

How to lead the digital transformation of governments Digital Government Excellence: Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders  delivers a fascinating treatment of digital leadership as governments around the world start or restart the digital transformation of their work and service delivery. The author provides a playbook on how to achieve digital excellence via interviews with 20 remarkable digital government leaders from around the world. Each one offers insights on strategies for how to incorporate the best of digital into public services and practical tips on leading digital reforms and delivery teams. The book also: Explores how to begin the task of making all of government to «go digital» or go deeper and bolder in this direction, including the first steps and beyond Highlights leadership styles and practices for effective and lasting delivery of digital strategies and reforms Provides food for thought about what it takes to be an impactful digital transformation leader – in government and beyond The book is ideal for Chief Digital/Information/Technology Officers or digital agency leaders in public service. Digital Government Excellence is also an indispensable resource for any practitioner, policymaker or political leader in governments at any level, as well as any student or advisor of governments looking into how to deliver digital transformation in the public sector.

Цена: 3797.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858881


Digital Human
Digital Human

Автор: Chris Skinner

Digital Human explores the way in which human and business relationships are changing in this digital age, and provides clear lessons on how to evolve existing businesses to be digital businesses relating to their digital human customers. Specifically, this book explores what the fourth age of humanity means for business, banking, society and government. The themes explored include how bitcoin and the network are altering and challenging government and control mechanisms; the rise of global digital giants and how the Chinese giants are far more imaginative than their American counterparts; the rise of the most fundamental innovations being notable in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Philippines and other emerging markets, and how these markets will educate those of Europe and America over time; and the challenge to govern a globalized world when we live in nation states. The book concludes with the world’s first in-depth English case study of Ant Financial and Alipay, the largest payments processing company on Earth. The company has a stated ambition of bringing onboard all of those people excluded from financial services today.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781119511878


Digital Marketing For Dummies
Digital Marketing For Dummies

Автор: Ryan Deiss

Does your digital marketing pack a punch? Written with the marketer's best interests in mind, this friendly, down-to-earth guide shows you how to use proven digital marketing strategies and tactics to expand the reach of your brand, increase audience engagement, and acquire and monetize customers. From current best practices in SEO and SEM to the latest ways to effectively use content marketing and influencer marketing—and everything in between—Digital Marketing For Dummies helps you get the most out of all your digital marketing efforts. What worked in digital marketing just a few years ago is quickly losing relevance as electronic platforms—and the people who use them—continue to evolve. So how do you keep afloat in this fast-paced and ultra-competitive environment? Don't sweat it! Digital Marketing For Dummies takes the guesswork out of marketing in the digital age, offering the latest tips and techniques for utilizing technology to get your product or services out to the masses. Whether you're looking to craft a killer campaign from scratch or just want to beef up your social media presence, you'll find everything you need to meet your business goals—and boost your bottom line. Develop an individually tailored digital marketing campaign Offer an effective lead magnet to convert visitors Keep your audience invested in your brand, products, and services Create a return path with frequent and strategic communication with your customers If you're ready to benefit from the latest and greatest digital marketing has to offer, this no-nonsense guide sets you up for success.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119235613


Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies
Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: Robert Correll

The complete beginner's guide to DSLR photography It doesn't matter if your camera says Canon, Nikon, or Sony on the outside. If a passion for photography is on your inside, this all-encompassing guide will be your new best friend. Packed with instruction on how to take your photos from so-so to stunning, Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies gives you all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to capture stills, portraits, action shots, and moments in time you'll be proud to share. Clocking in at over 600 pages, this no-nonsense guide covers it all! From controlling light, color, focus, and exposure to editing images to improve the final product—and everything in between—it's the only guide to DSLR photography you need. If you've caught the photography bug but aren't sure where to turn to improve your skills, you can bank on building an impressive portfolio with the simple tips and tricks provided inside! Set the right exposure in any situation Know when to use flash and when to turn it off Edit your images into masterpieces Take better photos of people and places Get ready to develop your photographer's eye and start snapping shots like the pros.

Цена: 3681.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119291404


Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation

Автор: Anup Maheshwari

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119540861


Digital Wealth. An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully
Digital Wealth. An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully

Автор: Simon Moore

Leverage algorithms to take your investment approach to the next level Digital Wealth: An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully reveals core investment strategies that you can leverage to build long-term wealth. More than a simple review of traditional investment strategies, this innovative text proffers digital investment techniques that are driven not by people but by algorithms. Supported by asset allocation research, the secrets shared in this forward-thinking book have underpinned cutting-edge investment firms as they integrate algorithm-based strategies. In addition to presenting key concepts, this groundbreaking resource explains how these concepts can give you an edge over the professionals on Wall Street through details regarding achieving financial security and meeting financial goals rooted in a firm foundation in behavioral finance, portfolio tilts, and modern portfolio theory. Investment strategies have evolved from one generation to the next, and the ability to leverage new digital tools calls for another overhaul of traditional investment concepts. Investment techniques implemented by algorithm rather than by human monitoring can, in some cases, prove more successful. The key to a balanced portfolio is understanding what these algorithm-based strategies are, and how to best use them. Explore insights from multiple Nobel Prize winning academics that can give your investment strategy an edge Consider how technology can open up powerful techniques to mainstream investors, including tax-loss harvesting and automated rebalancing Discuss how cost minimization and a strategic tax approach can boost your portfolio's compound growth Identify strategies that support the long-term growth of your wealth Digital Wealth: An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully is an essential text for sophisticated individual investors and investment consultants alike who want to explore how digital tools can bolster financial success.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781119118480


Digital Wedding Photography. Capturing Beautiful Memories
Digital Wedding Photography. Capturing Beautiful Memories

Автор: Glen Johnson

Fully revised and updated! Full-color guide to capturing great wedding images and building a successful photography business This full-color book from acclaimed professional wedding photographer Glen Johnson not only teaches you how to take memorable photos, it also shows you how to start a wedding photography business. Packed with great tips and savvy advice, this new edition helps you set up efficient workflows, choose camera equipment, manipulate images, make impressive presentations, and launch smart, photo-based marketing strategies to build your business. Best of all, it's loaded with new, superb photos that illustrate photography techniques. Shows you how to set up and capture beautiful photos, posed or candid, in all kinds of settings, for weddings and other special events Offers practical marketing strategies for building your own photography business, including how to build a fantastic Web site that attracts clients Covers current camera equipment and accessories, post-shoot digital darkroom techniques, digital editing software, and how to print your images successfully Gives you invaluable insights and tips from the author, who is one of the country's top wedding and special events photographers Capture better pictures of some of life's most memorable events—and build a sucessful photography business—with this indispensable guide!

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118121696


Dinero Bitcoin
Dinero Bitcoin

Автор: Iv?n Uriel

?En verdad sabes cu?l es tu verdadera riqueza? Tal vez la respuesta te parezca ins?lita; pero descubrirlo en este libro, te permitir? entender acerca del dinero y por qu? Bitcoin es la clave para protegerla por d?cadas e incluso generaciones.
Si has despertado el inter?s por tu futuro y mejorar tu vida financiera, debes comprender c?mo esta innovaci?n tecnol?gica te puede ayudar a evitar errores y sufrimientos con tu patrimonio.
Descubre como preservar tus ahorros y tomar el control de tu riqueza en esta nueva era digital. No permitas que el tiempo siga jugando en tu contra, toma acci?n ahora mismo.
?Aceptar?s la nueva tendencia? ?Quieres ser el protagonista de tu dinero o s?lo un mero espectador? Al final, t?; eres libre de decidir.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788468563534


Dios en un Volkswagen amarillo
Dios en un Volkswagen amarillo

Автор: Efra?m Blanco

El Concurso Nacional de Cuento Juan Jos? Arreola est? organizado por el Centro Universitario del Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara, en colaboraci?n con la Direcci?n de Artes Esc?nicas y Literatura de Cultura UDG y la Editorial Universitaria. Este concurso nace como homenaje a la memoria y el trabajo literario de Juan Jos? Arreola, escritor originario de Ciudad Guzm?n, y por la necesidad de convocar desde su ciudad natal un premio en uno de los g?neros literarios m?s interesantes: el cuento. La Universidad de Guadalajara instituy? este concurso, que se ha ido consolidando a lo largo de estos a?os, con la finalidad de estimular el trabajo creativo de cuentistas mexicanos, el cual est? abierto para obras in?ditas de escritores residentes en el pa?s. La obra ganadora de esta xi edici?n es Dios en un Volkswagen amarillo de Efra?m Blanco, originario de Cuernavaca, Morelos. El jurado estuvo integrado por Fernando de Le?n, Cecilia Eudave, y Eduardo Antonio Parra. Esta obra fue declarada ganadora por ser un libro consistente que desarrolla m?ltiples historias interesantes en poco espacio; utiliza el sarcasmo, el humor negro y el ingenio […] bien estructurado en tres partes que conserva unidad, densidad y profundidad, retomando la ficci?n breve arreolina.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9786074505993


Diplom?tica episcopal
Diplom?tica episcopal

Автор: M? Milagros C?rcel Ort?

La publicaci?n de once trabajos de diplom?tica episcopal se presenta como un buen manual en esta materia, m?s all? del ?mbito de la di?cesis valentina en la Edad Media. Se estudia la escriban?a episcopal, su estructura y funcionamiento, los registros episcopales, las notas y tasas de canciller?a. La descripci?n de tipolog?as documentales concretas relativas a las ?rdenes sagradas, a las visitas pastorales y a los procesos de los oficialatos de Valencia y X?tiva se abordan tambi?n, as? como las referencias a libros y documentos que se encuentran en los s?nodos diocesanos. La documentaci?n pontificia como las bulas de erecci?n de sede metropolitana de Valencia en 1492 y su copia en los registros episcopales y, ya para la ?poca Moderna, la diplom?tica de las visitas ad limina cierran este libro.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491343431


Direcci?n y contabilidad financiera
Direcci?n y contabilidad financiera

Автор: Mar?a Jes?s Grandes

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9788431355609


Direcci?n y recursos humanos en restauraci?n. HOTR0309
Direcci?n y recursos humanos en restauraci?n. HOTR0309

Автор: Gemma M? Romero Guti?rrez

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491983095


Direct Selling For Dummies
Direct Selling For Dummies

Автор: Belinda Ellsworth

Become a direct sales success story with this insider guide to making it big Direct Selling For Dummies is the perfect resource for anyone involved or interested in direct sales. Written by a 35-year veteran of this booming industry, this useful guide teaches you everything you need to know to achieve and maintain lasting success. You'll learn the insider tips that only the pros know, and how to structure your business, your time, and your customer relationships to optimize sales and achieve your goals. Compare party plans, multi-level marketing, and hybrid models to see where your talents fit best, and discover the most effective ways to promote your products and get people interested. You'll leverage social media as one of the most powerful tools in modern sales, and gain new ideas for recruiting, booking, and time management. With clear guidance and a fun, friendly style, this book gives you the strategies you need to be a direct sales success. The direct sales industry is going strong, with more participants now than any time in the past, yet with less face-to-face engagement. Businesses are operating online, people are shopping online, and more people are recruiting through platforms like social media. If you hope to be a direct sales success, now is the time to get up to speed on what that means today. This book shows you everything you need to know, and gives you the tools you need to put your ideas into action. Choose the right direct sales model Secure bookings and manage your time Recruit and drive interest in the product and company Harness the power of social media to make sales Direct sales can be your ticket to independence. Stop punching the clock and become your own boss – and watch your income grow. With Direct Selling For Dummies, you'll have the skills and information you need to be a success.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119076209


Disciplined Dreaming. A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity
Disciplined Dreaming. A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity

Автор: Josh Linkner

A 5-part process that will transform your organization – or your career – into a non-stop creativity juggernaut We live in an era when business cycles are measured in months, not years. The only way to sustain long term innovation and growth is through creativity-at all levels of an organization. Disciplined Dreaming shows you how to create profitable new ideas, empower all your employees to be creative, and sustain your competitive advantage over the long term. Linkner distills his years of experience in business and jazz – as well as hundreds of interviews with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and artists – into a 5-step process that will make creativity easy for you and your organization. The methodology is simple, backed by proven results. Empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to meet creative challenges posed by the marketplace Turns the mystery of creativity into a simple-to-use process Shows how creativity can be used for everything from innovative, game-shifting breakthroughs to incremental advances and daily improvements to business processes Offers dozens of practical exercises, thought-starters, workouts to grow «creative muscles,» and case studies Disciplined Dreaming shows even the stuffiest corporate bureaucracies how to cultivate creativity in order to become more competitive in today's shifting marketplace. • #4 New York Times Best Seller (Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous) • #8 New York Times Best Seller (Hardcover Business) • #2 Wall Street Journal Best Seller (Hardcover Business) • #9 Wall Street Journal Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #9 Washington Post Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #1 USA Today Best Seller (Money) • #10 Entertainment Weekly Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #10 Publishers Weekly Bestseller (Hardcover Nonfiction)

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118001691


Discount Business Strategy
Discount Business Strategy

Автор: Flemming Poulfelt

What people are saying about Discount Business Strategy: «Michael Andersen and Flemming Poulfelt provide a provocative discussion of the rapidly growing role of discounters across numerous industries: how they operate; how they create uniqueness; and how they can destroy value for incumbents. Understanding the specific moves and tools that the authors analyze will be valuable for attackers and incumbents alike.» —Adrian J. Slywotzky, Director, Mercer Management Consulting USA «This book is very timely, dealing with today's most critical strategic issue: how to provide more value to the consumer through aggressive discounting. Those players in manufacturing and distribution who master this will be the winners; many established firms will fall by the wayside. A similar set of issues are facing many nations today – Europe vs. Asia!» —Peter Lorange, President, IMD, Switzerland «Andersen and Poulfelt have researched one of the most important themes in today's business world – how fundamentally new business models have wiped out establishments not with new products or technologies, but by creating new rules for conventional industries. Read this book and learn how to recognize the disruption of your industry before it is too late!» —Sigurd Liljenfeldt, Senior Partner, Monitor Group, France «This book asks if a firm can have its cake and eat it too – that is, maintain high quality at low prices. My favourite example and shopping place is big box Costco. Ikea is another. A must read for a broad audience concerned about corporate survival!» —Professor Larry E. Greiner, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, USA The aspiration to adopt the right strategy still prevails over the business world. But is there a single 'best' strategy for a company? Can an organization create sustainable competitive advantage from an 'off-the-peg' strategy? And are most companies likely to craft a strategy that genuinely creates uncontested market space and makes the competition irrelevant? The answer to all these questions is probably 'No'. And the rising tide of companies like Dell, CostCo, Skype and Linux means that asking them at all may soon be futile. While strategists have foundered in old paradigms, a new breed of competitors has emerged. Value destroyers. Old-style thinking understood value destruction when it was confined to an industry and driven by a new product or technology. But what are the implications when the destruction stems from a new way of thinking – from a strategy that simultaneously creates value? The implications are enormous. Every company in every industry is potentially at risk. This risk – or opportunity – is precisely the reason for this book and its focus on exploring why and how some companies have bridged the gap between differentiator and cost leader strategies to emerge as winners in hypercompetitive markets, and what this entails in terms of value destruction and creation. Discounting organizations are here to stay – are you?

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470035900


Discover Your True North
Discover Your True North

Автор: Bill George

The Leadership Classic, Discover Your True North, expanded for today's leaders Discover Your True North is the best-selling leadership classic that enables you to become an authentic leader by discovering your True North. Originally based on first-person interviews with 125 leaders, this book instantly became a must-read business classic when it was introduced in 2007. Now expanded and updated to introduce 48 new leaders and new learning about authentic global leaders, this revisited classic includes more diverse, global, and contemporary leaders of all ages. New case studies include Warren Buffett, Indra Nooyi, Arianna Huffington, Jack Ma, Paul Polman, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others. Alongside these studies, former Medtronic CEO Bill George continues to share his personal stories and his wisdom by describing how you can become the leader you want to be, with helpful exercises included throughout the book. Being a leader is about much more than title and management skills—it's fundamentally a question of who we are as human beings. Discover Your True North offers a concrete and comprehensive program for becoming an authentic leader, and shows how to chart your path to leadership success. Once you discover the purpose of your leadership, you'll find the true leader inside you. This book shows you how to use your natural leadership abilities to inspire and empower others to excellence in today's complex global world. Discover Your True North enables you to become the leader you were born to be, and stay on track of your True North.

Цена: 2945.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781119082972


Discovering the Leader in You Workbook
Discovering the Leader in You Workbook

Автор: King Sara N

Discovering the Leader in You Workbook From the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) comes a highly accessible workbook based on the concepts outlined in the revised and updated edition of Discovering the Leader in You. The workbook contains a variety of questions and exercises designed to help professionals reflect on, examine, explore, and discover concepts and issues related to their role as leaders. Most of the activities can be completed while working through the book, others require more time, and some involve other people. To gain the greatest benefit, it is suggested that all the activities be done as thoughtfully and as honestly as possible. Once you have completed the exercises and tasks outlined in the workbook, you will be able to Clarify your purpose for leading, based on a clear leadership vision and a core set of values Articulate your leadership strengths and areas for development Understand who you are as a leader in the context of both your work and your personal life Determine when and why you feel unclear or stuck in your leadership journey While you may want to tackle this workbook on your own, leaders often find that the leadership journey is more rewarding when they work with other people. You can review the workbook with a coach or mentor, or work with colleagues who are also using the workbook in order to discuss ideas and gain feedback. If you are a leader (or an aspiring leader) who works in a highly complex and competitive environment and wants to tap into the qualities that characterize success, this is the resource for you. The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) is the world's largest institution devoted exclusively to leadership research and education. Since 1970, CCL has studied and trained hundreds of thousands of executives and worked with them to create practical models, tools, and publications for the development of effective leaders and leadership.

Цена: 3590.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118103500


Dise?ar con luz y sentido
Dise?ar con luz y sentido

Автор: Luis Fernando Pati?o Santa

Cuando un ?tomo se observa, este aparece en el espacio como part?cula, y cuando el observador se aleja, desaparece. Es un asunto de f?sica cu?ntica. As? son los buenos proyectos: aparecen cuando varias personas empiezan a pensar en ellos y a dedicarles su energ?a y motivaci?n, y contin?an si hay perseverancia y consagraci?n. En este caso, las luminarias inspiradas en El principito que presenta este libro, mediante un ejercicio de dise?o en la asignatura Proyecto 2, est?n impregnadas de valores, conocimiento, t?cnicas y amor por lo que se hace. Es un ejercicio inesperado, fresco y creativo para las nuevas generaciones que quieren aprender de una manera diferente.
Este libro es la materializaci?n de un encuentro de dos pensamientos: uno, c?mo ense?ar a dise?ar motivando al estudiante a aprender, y el otro, c?mo reflexionar sobre la integridad en el aula, dise?ando con sentido. Es el testimonio de un ejercicio inolvidable, porque qued? grabado en la piel de los que participamos en ?l. Se meti? en nuestra m?dula, atraves? nuestros corazones y siempre ser? recordado como un buen reto para los profesores de Ingenier?a de Dise?o de Producto (IDP), los estudiantes y las personas que colaboraron en ?l. Era indispensable contarlo, para que quedara como un testimonio acad?mico de c?mo innovar en el aula y c?mo unir el dise?o de producto y la integridad en un ciclo b?sico, en una carrera tan desafiante como idp.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9789587205411


Dise?o de procesos de servicio en restauraci?n. HOTR0309
Dise?o de procesos de servicio en restauraci?n. HOTR0309

Автор: Mar?a Galv?n Alc?ntara

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491983156


Dise?o y comercializaci?n de ofertas de restauraci?n. HOTR0309
Dise?o y comercializaci?n de ofertas de restauraci?n. HOTR0309

Автор: Jes?s del R?o Posada

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788491983125


Dise?o y evaluaci?n de proyectos
Dise?o y evaluaci?n de proyectos

Автор: Eduardo Contreras

El sello distintivo de este libro se puede resumir en la palabra Dise?o. No sacamos nada con evaluar bien malos proyectos (mal formulados), primero hay que dise?arlos bien, y luego nos dedicamos a hacer una evaluaci?n rigurosa.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9789563061574


Diversify: A fierce, accessible, empowering guide to why a more open society means a more successful one
Diversify: A fierce, accessible, empowering guide to why a more open society means a more successful one

Автор: June Sarpong

‘A handbook for these troubled times’ Psychologies Magazine’Engaging and informative … highlights our common humanity’ Kofi Annan‘A passionately written polemic’ You MagazineThe truth is, inclusion is better for everyone. In this empowering call to arms, June Sarpong MBE proves why. Putting the spotlight on groups who are often marginalised in our society, including women, ethnic minorities, those living with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community, Diversify uncovers the hidden cost of exclusion and shows how a new approach to how we learn, live and do business can solve some of the most stubborn challenges we face.With unshakeable case studies, brand-new research from Oxford University, and six revolutionary steps to help you overcome unconscious bias, this book will help you become part of a better society.The old way isn’t working. This is a case for change.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008217051


Diversity and Inclusion Matters
Diversity and Inclusion Matters

Автор: Jason R. Thompson

Expert guidance and step-by-step instruction for building a successful diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative from scratch In Diversity and Inclusion Matters: Tactics and Tools to Inspire Equity and Game-Changing Performance, award-winning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) expert Jason R. Thompson delivers a practical and engaging handbook for implementing a DE&I program in your organization. The CAPE technique, developed by the author, gives you a clear blueprint and the tools you'll need to make your diversity program a success. In this book, you'll learn how to achieve early and significant wins to create the necessary and long term organizational change needed for successful DE&I programs. Find out what data you need to collect, how to analyze it, and choose the right goals for your organization. In addition, the CAPE technique will show your progress and ROI. You will learn to: Manage and lead a diversity council and implement diversity initiatives in the correct order Get early buy-in and long-term commitment from a Chief Executive Officer by knowing what to ask for and when Set appropriate and realistic expectations for a DE&I program with the executive leadership team Perfect for diversity and inclusion professionals, human resources leaders, founders, business owners, and executives, Diversity and Inclusion Matters will also earn a place in the libraries of students of human resources, leadership, management, and finance.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119799542


Diversity Management
Diversity Management

Автор: Manfred Seewald

Die zunehmende Globalisierung und die damit verst?rkt in Erscheinung tretenden multiplen Divergenzen und kulturellen Interdependenzen, stellen international t?tige Unternehmen vor immer gr??ere Herausforderungen. Unternehmen erhoffen sich durch die Etablierung einer geeigneten Praktik einerseits den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen gerecht zu werden, und andererseits, die heterogenen Problemlagen im institutionellen Umfeld zu l?sen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit soll daher sein, das Aufgabenumfeld des Diversity Managements und die Gr?nde seines Einsatzes im Lichte des neoinstitutionalistischen Umfelds n?her zu analysieren. Zun?chst soll die neoinstitutionalistische Organisationstheorie kurz vorgestellt werden, um dann in weiterer Folge das Diversity Management aus der Sicht des Neo-Institutionalismus zu betrachten. Dabei sollen die Begriffe der Diffusion, der Legitimit?t, der gesellschaftlichen Erwartung, der Vielfalt, der dominanten Logik, der Symbolik, der Homogenit?t, der Heterogenit?t, des organisationalen Lernens, der Entkopplung, der Rationalit?tsfassade, der Vertrauensbildung und des Isomorphieprozesses n?her analysiert werden. Im Folgendem soll insbesondere auf die Gr?nde, warum ein Unternehmen Diversity Management einf?hren sollte, eingegangen werden. Zuletzt werden dann im Zuge eines Fazits die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst und einer kritischen W?rdigung unterzogen.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783738021059


Diversity Mosaic Participant Workbook
Diversity Mosaic Participant Workbook

Автор: Группа авторов

Designed to help employees in all positions and areas of an organization develop knowledge, awareness, and skills for valuing diversity and creating a truly inclusive environment, this workbook will also help you understand your organization's diversity initiative and your role in supporting it. Upon completing the workshop, you will: Understand and value diversity. Appreciate why cultural competence is important for you as an individual. Discover why your organization is undertaking an effort to create true inclusion and to value diversity. Analyze your own perceptions, strengths, and developmental areas in becoming a champion of diversity. Learn skills to increase your level of cultural competence. Determine how to help eliminate structural inequality to create a truly inclusive organization. Create a personal diversity action plan. This Diversity Mosaic Participant Workbook includes everything each employee needs to know to increase awareness and make the most of the diversity initiative: 360-degree assessment, instructions for assessors content, template letter, perforated observer forms, and scoring sheet.

Цена: 3645.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780787986964


Dividend Stocks For Dummies
Dividend Stocks For Dummies

Автор: Lawrence Carrel

Expert advice on a mature, reliable way to invest money According to Fortune magazine, investing in dividends is one of the top five ways to survive market instability. Dividend Stocks For Dummies gives you the expert information and advice you need to successfully add dividends to your investment portfolio, revealing how to make the most out of dividend stock investing-no matter the type of market. Explains the nuts and bolts of dividends, values, and returns Shows you how to effectively research companies, gauge growth and return, and the best way to manage a dividend portfolio Provides strategies for increasing dividend investments Weather a down market-reach for Dividend Stocks for Dummies!

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470637012


Dividends and Dividend Policy
Dividends and Dividend Policy

Автор: H. Baker Kent

Dividends And Dividend Policy As part of the Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, Dividends and Dividend Policy aims to be the essential guide to dividends and their impact on shareholder value. Issues concerning dividends and dividend policy have always posed challenges to both academics and professionals. While all the pieces to the dividend puzzle may not be in place yet, the information found here can help you gain a firm understanding of this dynamic discipline. Comprising twenty-eight chapters—contributed by both top academics and financial experts in the field—this well-rounded resource discusses everything from corporate dividend decisions to the role behavioral finance plays in dividend policy. Along the way, you'll gain valuable insights into the history, trends, and determinants of dividends and dividend policy, and discover the different approaches firms are taking when it comes to dividends. Whether you're a seasoned financial professional or just beginning your journey in the world of finance, having a firm understanding of the issues surrounding dividends and dividend policy is now more important than ever. With this book as your guide, you'll be prepared to make the most informed dividend-related decisions possible—even in the most challenging economic conditions. The Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance is an unparalleled source of information dedicated to the most important issues in modern finance. Each book focuses on a specific topic in the field of finance and contains contributed chapters from both respected academics and experienced financial professionals.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9780470471203


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