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Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie
Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie

Àâòîð: Uta-Maria Pfeiffer

Ziel nachhaltig wirtschaftender Unternehmen ist es, nicht nur okonomischen, sondern auch sozialen und okologischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Die in diesem Sinne international erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, darunter auch Siemens, sind im Dow Jones Sustainability Index gelistet. Dabei beschrankt sich Nachhaltigkeit heute nicht mehr allein auf «okologisch korrektes» Verhalten, sondern setzt ganzheitliches und vernetztes Denken voraus: Welchen Beitrag mussen Unternehmen fur eine funktionierende Gesellschaft heute und in Zukunft leisten? Welche schlussige Strategie sollten sie haben, um dauerhaft am Markt zu bestehen? Wie implementieren sie diese Strategie in die Unternehmensprozesse? Uta-Maria Pfeiffer beantwortet diese Fragen am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie und nachhaltiger Mobilitat. Damit bietet das Buch allen Verantwortlichen und ihren Mitarbeitern, die sich mit der Implementierung der Anforderungen von Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen beschaftigen, eine praxisorientierte Darstellung, wie sich die standig wachsenden Anforderungen in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Mobilitat in ihre Geschaftsprozesse einbringen lassen. Umwelt-Unternehmensberater erhalten eine grundlegende Darstellung der Dimensionen von Nachhaltigkeit. Das Besondere an dem Buch ist die einfache Darstellung des komplexen Themas Nachhaltigkeit, das leider noch viel zu wenig umgesetzt wird, weil die Transparenz fehlt und oft kurzfristige wirtschaftliche Interessen unternehmerische Entscheidungen beeinflussen.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783895786341


Der wei?e Weihnachtsmann
Der wei?e Weihnachtsmann

Àâòîð: Toralf Sperschneider

Öåíà: 837.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783945408148


Derivas de la piel
Derivas de la piel

Àâòîð: Andrea Juliana Enciso

Derivas de la piel es una invitaci?n permanente a rozar la belleza. Cada poema es una coordenada en esa deriva, trazada con delicadeza por una mujer que se busc? a s? misma y en esa b?squeda recorri? todo un territorio. Naturalezas humanas, vegetales y animales que ahora conoce como el alfarero a la tierra h?meda que tiene entre sus manos. Deriva, exploraci?n y territorio son las claves de este objeto po?tico que tiene el lector en sus manos. Pero no hay territorio que no se convierta en mapa bajo la mano que lo dibuja, que lo escribe o que lo acaricia. Podr?a parecer que lo que este libro nos ofrece son los mapas del deseo, del amor y del desamor, pero son m?s que eso. Son tambi?n los mapas del asombro ante la belleza del animal tendido en el lecho (animal male); son celebraci?n y conciencia de la temprana huida. Antes de que el depredador despierte y ataque de nuevo (…) L?neas que conjugan los verbos del descubrimiento y la conquista, terreno en que la autora, conquistadora y conquistada, combina las palabras con la sabidur?a de alguien que se revela a s? misma y al mundo desde el lenguaje literario. Patricia Iriarte

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789585233874


Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options
Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options

Àâòîð: Andrew M. Chisholm

The book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing on applications and intuitive explanations wherever possible. Case studies and examples of how the products are used to solve real-world problems, as well as an extensive glossary and material on the latest derivative products make this book a must have for anyone working with derivative products.

Öåíà: 10494.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470093849


Derivatives Markets and Analysis
Derivatives Markets and Analysis

Àâòîð: R. Johnson Stafford

A practical, informative guide to derivatives in the real world Derivatives is an exposition on investments, guiding you from the basic concepts, strategies, and fundamentals to a more detailed understanding of the advanced strategies and models. As part of Bloomberg Financial's three part series on securities, Derivatives focuses on derivative securities and the functionality of the Bloomberg system with regards to derivatives. You'll develop a tighter grasp of the more subtle complexities involved in the evaluation, selection, and management of derivatives, and gain the practical skillset necessary to apply your knowledge to real-world investment situations using the tools and techniques that dominate the industry. Instructions for using the widespread Bloomberg system are interwoven throughout, allowing you to directly apply the techniques and processes discussed using your own data. You'll learn the many analytical functions used to evaluate derivatives, and how these functions are applied within the context of each investment topic covered. All Bloomberg information appears in specified boxes embedded throughout the text, making it easy for you to find it quickly when you need or, or easily skip it in favor of the theory-based text. Managing securities in today's dynamic and innovative investment environment requires a strong understanding of how the increasing variety of securities, markets, strategies, and methodologies are used. This book gives you a more thorough understanding, and a practical skillset that investment managers need. Understand derivatives strategies and models from basic to advanced Apply Bloomberg information and analytical functions Learn how investment decisions are made in the real world Grasp the complexities of securities evaluation, selection, and management The financial and academic developments of the past twenty years have highlighted the challenge in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of investments and financial markets. Derivatives provides the detailed explanations you've been seeking, and the hands-on training the real world demands.

Öåíà: 8745.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118228289


Derivatives Models on Models
Derivatives Models on Models

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Derivatives Models on Models takes a theoretical and practical look at some of the latest and most important ideas behind derivatives pricing models. In each chapter the author highlights the latest thinking and trends in the area. A wide range of topics are covered, including valuation methods on stocks paying discrete dividend, Asian options, American barrier options, Complex barrier options, reset options, and electricity derivatives. The book also discusses the latest ideas surrounding finance like the robustness of dynamic delta hedging, option hedging, negative probabilities and space-time finance. The accompanying CD-ROM with additional Excel sheets includes the mathematical models covered in the book. The book also includes interviews with some of the world’s top names in the industry, and an insight into the history behind some of the greatest discoveries in quantitative finance. Interviewees include: Clive Granger, Nobel Prize winner in Economics 2003, on Cointegration Nassim Taleb on Black Swans Stephen Ross on Arbitrage Pricing Theory Emanuel Derman the Wall Street Quant Edward Thorp on Gambling and Trading Peter Carr the Wall Street Wizard of Option Symmetry and Volatility Aaron Brown on Gambling, Poker and Trading David Bates on Crash and Jumps Andrei Khrennikov on Negative Probabilities Elie Ayache on Option Trading and Modeling Peter Jaeckel on Monte Carlo Simulation Alan Lewis on Stochastic Volatility and Jumps Paul Wilmott on Paul Wilmott Knut Aase on Catastrophes and Financial Economics Eduardo Schwartz the Yoga Master of Quantitative Finance Bruno Dupire on Local and Stochastic Volatility Models

Öåíà: 11377.85 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470065471


Derivatives. Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management
Derivatives. Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management

Àâòîð: Robert Whaley E

Robert Whaley has more than twenty-five years of experience in the world of finance, and with this book he shares his hard-won knowledge in the field of derivatives with you. Divided into ten information-packed parts, Derivatives shows you how this financial tool can be used in practice to create risk management, valuation, and investment solutions that are appropriate for a variety of market situations.

Öåíà: 19331.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470086384


Desde otros Caribes
Desde otros Caribes

Àâòîð: Ra?l Rom?n Romero

Los quince cap?tulos de Desde otros Caribes: fronteras, po?ticas e identidades ponen en escena a «otros Caribes» en un performance dial?gico y transdisciplinario que permite su discusi?n como actores en un espacio Caribe diverso e interrelacionado. Plantean nuevos di?logos hacia dentro y fuera del ?rea, en un acto consciente de construcci?n de po?ticas din?micas, transdisciplinarias y transfronterizas. Las discusiones abordadas tienen or?genes en planteamientos arraigados en la historia, la literatura, la geograf?a, el arte y la cartograf?a y transitan hacia espacios transdisciplinarios que exploran los nexos, y los diversos planos de conectividad que permiten profundizar en el ?rea Caribe y su devenir.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587464405


Design and Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers
Design and Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers

Àâòîð: Morin Jean-Francois

This first systematic compilation of synthesis methods for different classes of polymers describes well-tested and reproducible procedures, thus saving time, money and chemicals. Each chapter presents the latest method for a specific class of conjugated polymers with a particular emphasis on the design aspects for organo-electronic applications. In this concise and practically oriented manner, readers are introduced to the strategies of influencing and controlling the polymer properties with respect to their use in the desired device. This style of presentation quickly helps researchers in their daily lab work and prevents them from reinventing the wheel over and over again.

Öåíà: 24523.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527629794


Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing
Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing

Àâòîð: Cheryl Tulkoff

An authoritative guide to optimizing design for manufacturability and reliability from a team of experts Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing  is a   comprehensive, state-of-the-art book that covers design and reliability of electronics. The authors—noted experts on the topic—explain how using the DfX concepts of design for reliability, design for manufacturability, design for environment, design for testability, and more, reduce research and development costs and decrease time to market and allow companies to confidently issue warranty coverage.  By employing the concepts outlined in  Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing,  engineers and managers can increase customer satisfaction, market share, and long-term profits. In addition, the authors describe the best practices regarding product design and show how the practices can be adapted for different manufacturing processes, suppliers, use environments, and reliability expectations. This important book:  Contains a comprehensive review of the design and reliability of electronics Covers a range of topics: establishing a reliability program, design for the use environment, design for manufacturability, and more Includes technical information on electronic packaging, discrete components, and assembly processes Shows how aspects of electronics can fail under different environmental stresses Written for reliability engineers, electronics engineers, design engineers, component engineers, and others,  Design for Excellence in Electronics Manufacturing  is a comprehensive book that reveals how to get product design right the first time.

Öåíà: 14050.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119109396


Design for Software. A Playbook for Developers
Design for Software. A Playbook for Developers

Àâòîð: Erik Klimczak

A unique resource to help software developers create a desirable user experience Today, top-flight software must feature a desirable user experience. This one-of-a-kind book creates a design process specifically for software, making it easy for developers who lack design background to create that compelling user experience. Appealing to both tech-savvy designers and creative-minded technologists, it establishes a hybrid discipline that will produce first-rate software. Illustrated in full color, it shows how to plan and visualize the design to create software that works on every level. Today's software demands attention to the quality of the user experience; this book guides you through a practical design process to achieve that goal Approaches the mechanics of design with a process inspired by art and science Avoids the abstract and moves step by step through techniques you can put to use immediately Covers planning your design, tested methods, how to visualize like a designer, psychology of design, and how to create software that developers will appreciate Explores such elements as choosing the right typeface and managing interactivity Design for Software: A Playbook for Developers brings the art of good design together with the science of software development to create programs with pizazz.

Öåíà: 4601.77 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119943693


Design of Multithreaded Software. The Entity-Life Modeling Approach
Design of Multithreaded Software. The Entity-Life Modeling Approach

Àâòîð: Bo Sand?n I

This book assumes familiarity with threads (in a language such as Ada, C#, or Java) and introduces the entity-life modeling (ELM) design approach for certain kinds of multithreaded software. ELM focuses on «reactive systems,» which continuously interact with the problem environment. These «reactive systems» include embedded systems, as well as such interactive systems as cruise controllers and automated teller machines. Part I covers two fundamentals: program-language thread support and state diagramming. These are necessary for understanding ELM and are provided primarily for reference. Part II covers ELM from different angles. Part III positions ELM relative to other design approaches.

Öåíà: 12145.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470904909


Design Thinking im Unternehmen
Design Thinking im Unternehmen

Àâòîð: Ingrid Gerstbach

Ñåðèÿ: Dein Business

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783956233999


Designing B2B Brands. Lessons from Deloitte and 195,000 Brand Managers
Designing B2B Brands. Lessons from Deloitte and 195,000 Brand Managers

Àâòîð: Brian Resnick

“As an in-depth explanation of one organisation’s brand strategy, this guide is both fascinating and full of useful insights.” – The CA magazine (UK) Get tactical insight from the top business-to-business branding experts—and gain a global presence This comprehensive manual lays out the steps necessary for creating an iconic global identity. It uses the lessons and inside knowledge of Deloitte, the world's largest professional services organization, to help other business-to-business operations deliver a high-impact, value-added brand experience. This book will illustrate all the components of an integrated brand identity system, and how they can be crafted and implemented for optimal effect. Here, the speculative is replaced by the proven: a seamless framework for global brand success, created and followed by an organization renowned for its consulting and advisory services. Features essential up-to-date strategies for keeping your brand fresh and enduring Addresses the role of designers; the marketing and communication function; human resources and talent teams; agencies and vendors; and more Considers the impact of digital and social media, two massive forces requiring new thinking for B2B brands Incorporates best practices for emerging markets With guidance that takes you on a clear, linear path toward achieving your brand objectives, this impressive single-source volume is the one book no business marketing professional should be without.

Öåíà: 4598.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118554432


Designing for the iPad. Building Applications that Sell
Designing for the iPad. Building Applications that Sell

Àâòîð: Chris Stevens

Get in the game of developing successful apps for the iPad Designing for the iPad presents unique challenges for developers and requires an entirely different mindset of elements to consider when creating apps. Written by a highly successful iPad software developer, this book teaches you how to think about the creation process differently when designing iPad apps and escorts you through the process of building applications that have the best chance for success. You'll learn how to take advantage of the iPad's exciting new features and tackle an array of new design challenges so that you can make your app look spectacular, work intuitively, and sell, sell, sell! Bestselling iPad app developer Chris Stevens shares insight and tips for creating a unique and sellable iPad app Walks you through sketching out an app, refining ideas, prototyping designs, organizing a collaborative project, and more Highlights new code frameworks and discusses interface design choices Offers insider advice on using the latest coding options to make your app a surefire success Details iPad design philosophies, the difference between industrial and retail apps, and ways to design for multiple screen orientations Designing for the iPad escorts you through the steps of developing apps for the iPad, from pencil sketch all the way through to the iPad App Store.

Öåíà: 3681.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119991021


Designing Online Learning with Flash
Designing Online Learning with Flash

Àâòîð: David Moore Richard

There is a need for a book that provides a model of learning that is appropriate for online learning as well as teaches the user how to create potent Flash applications to deliver online learning content. This book is an Adobe Flash tutorial set in an instructional design context. It demonstrates how to develop Flash tutorials for teaching facts, concepts, principles, and procedures using Merrill s Component Display Theory. All the book s source files are provided as well as Adobe Captivate tutorials demonstrating the procedures.

Öåíà: 7401.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470392843


Designing Successful Target-Date Strategies for Defined Contribution Plans. Putting Participants on the Optimal Glide Path
Designing Successful Target-Date Strategies for Defined Contribution Plans. Putting Participants on the Optimal Glide Path

Àâòîð: Stacy Schaus L

The ultimate guidebook for navigating the new world of pensions and retirement plans In the wake of the explosive growth of defined contribution (DC) plans invested with target date strategies, and the understanding of how important these strategies can be in effectively meeting retirement income goals, plan sponsors are seeking more optimal target date approaches. This timely book provides you with in-depth answers from the nation's most qualified and experienced experts to pressing questions about DC plan design. Presents the views of individuals from all across the market Includes a broad range of plan sponsors both in the corporate world and in the public/government sectors Offers views from consultants and advisors from the most respected firms, academics who teach at leading universities, and other innovative leaders With a broad range of knowledge and insight, Designing Successful Target Date Strategies in Defined Contribution Plans helps you understand the evolution of DC plans, pulls together all angles of what it takes to develop custom target date strategies, and provides you with a look ahead to the future.

Öåíà: 6904.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470632864


Designing the Customer-Centric Organization
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Designing the Customer-Centric Organization offers today???s business leaders a comprehensive customer-centric organizational model that clearly shows how to put in place an infrastructure that is organized around the demands of the customer. Written by Jay Galbraith (the foremost expert in the field of organizational design), this important book includes a tool that will help determine how customer-centric an organization is- light-level, medium-level, complete-level, or high-level- and it shows how to ascertain the appropriate level for a particular institution. Once the groundwork has been established, the author offers guidance for the process of implementing a customer-centric system throughout an organization. Designing the Customer-Centric Organization includes vital information about structure, management processes, reward and management systems, and people practices.

Öåíà: 6075.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780787979584


Designing the Internet of Things
Designing the Internet of Things

Àâòîð: Adrian McEwen

Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guide Whether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully combine hardware, embedded software, web services, electronics, and cool design to create cutting-edge devices that are fun, interactive, and practical. If you'd like to create the next must-have product, this unique book is the perfect place to start. Both a creative and practical primer, it explores the platforms you can use to develop hardware or software, discusses design concepts that will make your products eye-catching and appealing, and shows you ways to scale up from a single prototype to mass production. Helps software engineers, web designers, product designers, and electronics engineers start designing products using the Internet-of-Things approach Explains how to combine sensors, servos, robotics, Arduino chips, and more with various networks or the Internet, to create interactive, cutting-edge devices Provides an overview of the necessary steps to take your idea from concept through production If you'd like to design for the future, Designing the Internet of Things is a great place to start.

Öåíà: 2760.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118430637


Designing with Models. A Studio Guide to Architectural Process Models
Designing with Models. A Studio Guide to Architectural Process Models

Àâòîð: Criss Mills B

The newly updated guide to design process modeling techniques Designing with Models, Third Edition is the revised, step-by-step guide to basic and advanced design process modeling. This comprehensive text explains the process from start to finish, and has been expanded to include up-to-date information on digital modeling programs and rapid prototyping processes. The impact of this new wave of 3D modeling technology is examined through interviews and numerous examples from renowned architects. Along with many new student projects, this new Third Edition features information on cutting-edge digital imaging equipment and design software, as well as many new process models from celebrated professional projects. Architect Criss Mills acquaints architecture and design professionals with essential modeling terms, design processes, equipment, materials, and construction methods. Fully updated with nearly 200 new photos and twenty-six new projects from students and firms, Designing with Models, Third Edition walks readers through the basics of: Material and tool selection Construction techniques Determining scale Generating ideas Exploring design processes and alternatives Modifying design work directly on the model Developing design work through modeling scale Offering increased emphasis on transitioning from hand craft to digital craft, this thorough Third Edition also provides easy-to-follow guidelines for modeling with advanced tools and materials, demonstrating how to: Master the modeling of curvilinear components with planar material and casting techniques Explore ideas with mixed media, such as wood, found objects, metal rods and screens, clay, and Plexiglas Work backwards from model information to produce 2D plan, section, and elevation drawings Record and communicate 3D design work Begin exploring the safe and effective use of power tools, such as belt sanders, table saws, drills, band saws, and welding equipment

Öåíà: 8284.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470947395


Despertando a la bruja
Despertando a la bruja

Àâòîð: Pam Grossman

Cuando piensas en una bruja, ?qu? imaginas? ?Una anciana con sombrero negro y puntiagudo sobre una escoba? En realidad, las brujas llevan milenios con nosotros. Este libro es una inteligente exploraci?n en la fascinaci?n que el mundo de las brujas ejerce sobre nosotros y su relevancia en el mundo actual. Desde la idea de la femme fatale que se al?a con el diablo hasta los fascinantes arquetipos de la hechicera en la cultura pop en Sabrina o Harry Potter; desde las mujeres de los cuentos de hadas hasta el auge de la brujer?a contempor?nea, las brujas reflejan el poder y el potencial de las mujeres.En Despertando a la bruja la autora traza su propio viaje en el camino de la brujer?a y nos explica c?mo su inmersi?n la ha ayudado a empoderarse y encontrar un prop?sito m?s profundo. Este libro es un canto a las brujas del pasado, el presente y el futuro, y revela el papel fundamental que han desempe?ado –y seguir?n desempe?ando– en el mundo.

Ñåðèÿ: Psicolog?a

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788499888590


Destination Dallas (Ungek?rzt)
Destination Dallas (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Lou Berney

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Oliver Siebeck

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961091546


Detecting Fraud in Organizations. Techniques, Tools, and Resources
Detecting Fraud in Organizations. Techniques, Tools, and Resources

Àâòîð: Joseph Petrucelli R

A savvy examination of where people and value meet, creating the opportunity for fraud An essential reference for all business professionals, Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources explains the process of how people commit fraud, as well as how to prevent and stop fraud from occurring in your organization. Organized by business processes which succinctly describe how fraud manifests itself on a daily basis, the authors explain ways in which everyone can help guard against fraud by familiarizing themselves with its building blocks and methods used to perpetrate and conceal it. Filled with situational examples the book is accompanied by a website featuring fraud simulations, business process maps, and other useful tools for combating fraud. Focuses on the people who perpetrate fraud and those who are tasked with preventing and detecting it Uniquely organized by business processes for more relevance and easier understanding by those people working within organizations Shows how subtle factors play a large role in identifying and ferreting out fraud in addition to the traditional knowledge of fraud schemes giving people and organizations the edge they need to be successful in prevention and deterrence Companion website includes additional fraud simulations, business process maps, and useful tools The price of fraud can be devastating to your business. Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources equips you and others in your organization with essential information and tools necessary to proactively catch fraud, reduce losses, improve efficiencies and develop actionable controls.

Öåíà: 8284.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118223925


Determination of Value. Appraisal Guidance on Developing and Supporting a Credible Opinion
Determination of Value. Appraisal Guidance on Developing and Supporting a Credible Opinion

Àâòîð: Frank Rosillo

How to develop and support a credible opinion of value based on a foundational framework This book provides knowledge and guidance to valuation practitioners on achieving a new level of professionalism and credibility, as well as to those stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes. It introduces a well defined framework of key credibility concepts and procedures at each step of the appraisal process, including reasonableness tests, valuation methodologies, financial analysis, economic and industry analysis, engagement planning, and informed judgment. Provides needed guidance to valuation practitioners to enhance their valuation practice and improve the credibility of the appraiser's work product Offers guidance to stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes Get foundational framework appraisal advice with the proven guidance found in Determination of Value.

Öåíà: 8745.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118333747


Dethroning the King. The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon
Dethroning the King. The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon

Àâòîð: Julie MacIntosh

How the King of Beers collapsed without a fight and what it means for America's place in the post-Recession world How did InBev, a Belgian company controlled by Brazilians, take over one of America's most beloved brands with scarcely a whimper of opposition? Chalk it up to perfect timing—and some unexpected help from powerful members of the Busch dynasty, the very family that had run the company for more than a century. In Dethroning the King, Julie MacIntosh, the award-winning financial journalist who led coverage of the takeover for the Financial Times, details how the drama that unfolded at Anheuser-Busch in 2008 went largely unreported as the world tumbled into a global economic crisis second only to the Great Depression. Today, as the dust settles, questions are being asked about how the «King of Beers» was so easily captured by a foreign corporation, and whether the company's fall mirrors America's dwindling financial and political dominance as a nation. Discusses how the takeover of Anheuser-Busch will be seen as a defining moment in U.S. business history Reveals the critical missteps taken by the Busch family and the Anheuser-Busch board Argues that Anheuser-Busch had a chance to save itself from InBev's clutches, but infighting and dysfunctionality behind the scenes forced it to capitulate From America's heartland to the European continent to Brazil, Dethroning the King is the ultimate corporate caper and a fascinating case study that's both wide reaching and profound.

Öåíà: 1744.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118202838


Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind
Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind

Àâòîð: Theo Theobald

Why is there never enough time in the day to do all the stuff you want to? Why does your in-tray just keep growing? Is it alive? Written for the time-starved and terminally untidy, Detox Your Desk is the perfect antidote to pressure cooker of the modern office. It's flat out but you still fell like you're not getting anything done. And no wonder. It's hard to do anything meaningful when you're swamped by piles of paperwork and endless 'to do' lists. Detox Your Desk helps you fight back by purging your system office toxins, so you can take control of the everyday stuff and calmly field whatever lands in your in-tray. It starts with the physical clearing out of all the rubbish that litters your life and then gives you practical tips to help free up your thinking. Detox Your Desk puts you on a ten-day programme that'll result in a tidy workspace and a clear head. All of the changes are easy. Stick with them over the long term and you'll change the way you work forever, giving you more time and a greater choice in every area of you life. This you big chance to get on top of your workload and start to enjoy work and life again. You'll soon be the most efficient and effective person you know!

Öåíà: 2097.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781841128108


Developing Affordable Housing
Developing Affordable Housing

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Praise for Developing Affordable Housing A Practical Guide for Nonprofit Organizations Third Edition «Ben Hecht's book explains in clear language everything needed to successfully engage in nonprofit housing development. He tells how to find the money, how to generate good design and quality construction, and how to improve management–a complete, well-researched, and well-presented 'A to Z' approach.» –Henry G. Cisneros, former secretary U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development «Ben Hecht's book makes the affordable housing development process accessible for communities and practitioners everywhere. Developing Affordable Housing should be on the bookshelf of every organization that cares about people and wants to make affordable housing possible.» –Rey Ramsey, former chairman, Habitat for Humanity CEO, One Economy Corporation «The development of affordable housing is as much a journey as a destination. Ben Hecht's book provides maps and bridges while not losing sight of the challenging but elusive goal of providing decent, safe, and affordable housing.» –Nicolas P. Retsinas, Director, Joint Center for Housing Studies Harvard University «In our work to increase the supply of safe, decent homes for those who need homes the most, we appreciate the power of partnerships and the value of information. So does Ben Hecht. Developing Affordable Housing is more than a practical guide for nonprofits–it's a library, a trusted advisor, and a road map. Read this book and benefit from its wisdom.» –Stacey D. Stewart, President and CEO, Fannie Mae Foundation

Öåíà: 20988.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471793922


Developing and Measuring Training the Six Sigma Way
Developing and Measuring Training the Six Sigma Way

Àâòîð: Edward Trolley A

This important resource translates the popular Six Sigma methodologies, tools, and techniques in a way that is customized specifically for the design, implementation, and measurement of employee development programs. A proven alternative to the Kirkpatrick Model, this new model offers a more effective method for designing and testing the effectiveness of training. Throughout the book, the author presents tools in a user-friendly and understandable format that is tailored for implementation in the development and measurement of employee learning programs. Step-by-step, Developing and Measuring Training the Six Sigma Way walks the reader through the highly effective and proven DMADDI™ process.

Öåíà: 6843.28 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780787986971


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 1376.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119192633


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 3033.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119192763


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 10
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 10

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 1376.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119193043


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 3033.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119192831


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 8
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 8

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 3033.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119192961


Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 7
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 7

Àâòîð: Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Reading Closely for Textual Details Making Evidence-Based Claims Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique (Grades 9-12) Researching to Deepen Understanding Building Evidence-Based Arguments The program approaches literacy through the development of knowledge, literacy skills, and academic habits. Throughout the activities, students develop their literacy along these three paths in an integrated, engaging, and empowering way. Knowledge: The texts and topics students encounter in the program have been carefully selected to expose them to rich and varied ideas and perspectives of cultural significance. These texts not only equip students with key ideas for participating knowledgeably in the important discussions of our time, but also contain the complexity of expression necessary for developing college- and career-ready literacy skills. Literacy Skills: The program articulates and targets instruction and assessment on twenty CCSS-aligned literacy skills ranging from “making inferences” to “reflecting critically.” Students focus on this set of twenty skills throughout the year and program, continually applying them in new and more sophisticated ways. Academic Habits: The program articulates twelve academic habits for students to develop, apply, and extend as they progress through the sequence of instruction. Instructional notes allow teachers to introduce and discuss academic habits such as “preparing” and “completing tasks” that are essential to students’ success in the classroom. The program materials include a comprehensive set of instructional sequences, teacher notes, handouts, assessments, rubrics, and graphic organizers designed to support students with a diversity of educational experiences and needs. The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels.

Öåíà: 3033.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119192909


Developing Technical Training
Developing Technical Training

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Since it was first published almost twenty years ago, Developing Technical Training has been a reliable resource for both new and seasoned training specialists. The third edition of this classic book outlines a systematic approach called the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process that shows how to teach technical content defined as facts, concepts, processes, procedures, and principles. Whether you teach “hard” or “soft” skills, or design lessons for workbooks or computers, you will find the best training methods in this book. Using these techniques, you can create learning environments that will lead to the most efficient and effective acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Throughout the book, Clark defines each content type and illustrates how to implement the best instructional methods for delivery in either print or e-learning media.

Öåíà: 4418.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470189719


Developing Tomorrow s Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India
Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India

Àâòîð: Wilson Meena Surie

Today's large business organizations in India have a voracious need for effective managers and talented leaders; but demand far exceeds supply. This timely and practical book offers thoroughly-researched pointers on how Indian managers can become high-performing business leaders. The leadership development curriculum proposed in these pages is based on extracting lessons from on-the-job experience. Given that the workplace is the medium through which the essentials of leadership are learned, executives and managers at all levels need to know which experiences matter, what are the foremost lessons learned, and how learning occurs. Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today offers a complete template for effective leadership, including: The seven experiences vital for developing leadership ability The 11 lessons in leadership essential for managerial effectiveness Over 50 stories and 100 wise quotations from today's senior executives that portray how leadership acumen sharpens over time Reflective exercises, self-assessments, and guidelines for self-improvement The underlying research was conducted in cooperation with the Tata Management Training Center in Pune, India, and captures the experiences and leadership lessons learned by over 100 senior Indian business leaders. As such, it offers readers both a compass and a map for traversing the terrain of leadership development. In these pages, early and mid-career managers will find a roadmap for steering their careers towards the higher echelons of executive leadership. Senior executives, at the top of their game, will find a systematic and proactive approach to cultivating the leadership talent that their organizations will require in the future. Global executives operating in India will find out how leadership and management are practiced in India.

Öåíà: 4413.06 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470827130


Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss
Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss

Àâòîð: Hans-J?rgen Borchardt

Klassisches Marketing ist nicht selten gepragt durch eine systembedingte Tragheit, unzureichende Beachtung der Kundenerwartungen, zentralistische Strukturen, wunschbasierte Planzahlen oder unzureichende Koordination mit internen Partnern. All dies fuhrt dazu, dass Unternehmen nicht oder zumindest weniger erfolgreich sind, als sie es sein konnten. Marketing muss sich neu erfinden, wenn die Unternehmen eine Zukunft haben wollen. Eine Komponente ist das dezentrale Marketing, bei dem Entscheidungen und Initiativen denjenigen uberlassen werden, die sich in der Nahe der Kunden befinden. Dazu gehoren kurze Reaktionszeiten, kompetentes Nutzen von Social Networks, Ubernahme von direkter Verantwortung durch diejenigen, die Marketingma?nahmen praktizieren, kurze Entscheidungswege, Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing oder erweiterte Serviceorientierung. Hans-Jurgen Borchardt zeigt Unternehmen, welche Elemente des Marketing in den nachsten Jahren relevant sein werden und worauf Unternehmen achten mussen, wenn sie dauerhaft Erfolg haben wollen. Marketingabteilungen, Unternehmenseinheiten und Filialen, aber auch Klein- und mittelstandische Unternehmer konnen ihre aktuellen Strategien, Strukturen und Prozesse daran spiegeln und Ideen fur neue Konzepte gewinnen.

Öåíà: 2698.92 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783895786921


Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies
Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies

Àâòîð: Ian Blumer

Delicious recipes and expert cooking tips for diabetics Having diabetes doesn't mean having to abandon great food. Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies, Updated Edition offers an abundance of delicious recipes that will help diabetics and prediabetics enjoy meals and manage their diabetes. Based on the most recent edition of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes Management, this new cookbook includes over 100 additional recipes and updated coverage on the latest drugs for diabetes management and new guidelines for target blood glucose levels. Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies offers valuable information for diabetics and anyone who cooks for diabetics. The authors offer meal planning suggestions, shopping tips, and even plot out a month of diverse and unexpected menus, including mouth-watering full-color photos of some of the delicious meals. Learn to cook meals you love that will comply with proper diabetes management Expand your culinary range with new interpretations of traditional dishes Make managing your diabetes more enjoyable with exciting menu options Learn how to make meal planning and preparation part of your daily routine This updated cookbook, a companion to the bestselling Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes that will help readers manage their diabetes.

Öåíà: 2300.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119045663


Dialogue Gap. Why Communication Isn t Enough and What We Can Do About It, Fast
Dialogue Gap. Why Communication Isn't Enough and What We Can Do About It, Fast

Àâòîð: Peter Nixon

The book that bridges the chasm between communication and understanding in negotiations For years Peter Nixon worked with people from all walks of life, teaching them the art of negotiation. But it soon became apparent that the issue was not negotiation itself, but dialogue between parties. We have become experts at sending information—via email, text message, Internet, TV, and other forms of media, communicating, but not engaging, in an active dialogue defined by collaborative thinking. In Dialogue Gap, Nixon explores this growing disconnect and its significance in an increasingly globalized world where the ability to engage with others—in order to address issues like climate change, cultural differences, etc.—has become essential. Helps the reader differentiate communication and dialogue Explores the make-up and causes of the «Dialogue Gap» and what constitutes «good» dialogue (the right people talking about the right issues in the right way at the right time and in the right place) Identifies the most common reasons people don't dialogue effectively and provides helpful tips on how to engage in more effective, productive dialogues Effective dialogue is essential for general success, ensuring that all key stakeholders—in business, politics, or elsewhere—get what they want in the most efficient and productive way possible. Looking at successful and failed dialogues the author has experienced first-hand in Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East in both the public and private sector from across industries, Dialogue Gap provides essential information for making the most of your interactions with others.

Öåíà: 3677.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118157848


Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge
Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge

Àâòîð: Richard Ennals

Everyone in an organization, from cleaner to CEO, has expert knowledge. Yet only a fraction of it can be codified and expressed explicitly as facts and rules. A little more is visible implicitly as accepted procedures, but even this is only the beginning. Submerged beneath the explicit and implicit levels is a vast iceberg of tacit knowledge that cannot be reliably accessed by traditional analytical approaches. And yet, without it, organizational learning means little. Interweaving theory with practical guidance, this book looks at the importance of tacit knowledge and shows how it is now being put in motion through groundbreaking analogical thinking methods. Chief among these is the Dialogue Seminar, developed by the editors, in which learning is seen as arising from encounters with differences. There can be no consensus on the value of corporate knowledge until what is meant by that knowledge is discussed and defined. Based on two decades of research and a host of practical cases, this book offers a way forward. «G?ranzon argues that the question of whether machines can think is not the right question to ask. The more important question, he believes, is the impact of automation on work and human skills, and he is looking for a way of describing skills that allows us to discuss this question.» —Janet Vaux, New Scientist «A Swedish initiave to rethink the relationship between learning and work.» —Rolf Hughes, The Times Higher Education

Öåíà: 12151.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470032855


Diamond Jim Brady. Prince of the Gilded Age
Diamond Jim Brady. Prince of the Gilded Age

Àâòîð: H. Paul Jeffers

Praise for H. Paul Jeffers An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland «A well-written and timely book that reminds us of Grover Cleveland?s courage, commitment, and honesty at a time when these qualities seem so lacking in so much of American politics.» ?James MacGregor Burns, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1879-1898 «A handsome narrative of a crucial period in the career of one of our country?s most colorful politicians.» ?Publishers Weekly Commissioner Roosevelt: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and the New York City Police, 1895-1897 «A lively, entertaining, and well-researched portrait of a zealous reformer during the historic crusade that successfully launched his career in government.» ?Publishers Weekly

Öåíà: 3313.94 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471226024


Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager
Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager

Àâòîð: Rich Blake

A fast-paced ride through the world of hedge funds revealing the unvarnished truth of how Wall Street really operates, and how to use this to your advantage An insider's view of the high stakes world of money management, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager is both a practical guide for investors and the deeply personal story of a man who knows the system inside and out. One of the best young portfolio managers on Wall Street, and helping to run the hedge fund operation of one of the world's most prestigious firms, Keith McCullough finds himself a lone voice of reason as the economic crisis of 2008 looms large. Shown the door, his life takes a fascinating turn into the world of independent research and no-holds-barred criticism. Reveals the unvarnished truth of how Wall Street and hedge funds really operate Deftly details how to analyze the markets expertly and avoid group think using technical and fundamental measures Each topic is thoroughly discussed and followed up with lessons you can take away and put to use Written with the authority of someone who knows how Wall Street and hedge funds work, yet accessible to even a casual follower of finance, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager mixes a constructive critique of the investment industry with fundamental lessons that any investor will find valuable.

Öåíà: 1872.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470590331


Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader. Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading
Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader. Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading

Àâòîð: Peter Brandt L

Trading is generally far more difficult in practice than in theory. The reality is that no trade set up or individual trader or system can identify profitable trades in advance with complete certainty. In A Year of Trading, long-time trader Peter Brandt reveals the anxieties and uncertainties of trading in a diary of his 2009 trades. He explains his thought process as he searches for trading opportunities and executes them. Each trade includes charts, an analysis of the trade, and a play-by-play account of how the trade unfolds.

Öåíà: 3677.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470947241


Diavolo E Dem?ni
Diavolo E Dem?ni

Àâòîð: Guido Pagliarino

Un saggio divulgativo sulla formazione storica della figura di Satana e dei suoi dem?ni dalle religioni assiro-babilonese e mazdea al giudaismo e al cristianesimo, fin al demonismo contemporaneo, e sulla percezione nella societ? odierna del dem?nico tra ecclesiastici e credenti laici. Gli indemoniati. Un saggio divulgativo sulla formazione storica della figura di Satana e dei suoi dem?ni dalle religioni assiro-babilonese e mazdea al giudaismo e al cristianesimo, fin al demonismo contemporaneo, e sulla percezione nella societ? odierna del dem?nico tra ecclesiastici e credenti laici. Gli indemoniati. Principali argomenti trattati: I simboli e i segni nella Bibbia come tramiti fra Dio e l’uomo; Cenno all’influenza del Mazdeismo sul Giudaismo; Nascita nel popolo d’Israele sotto la soggezione persiana dell'idea d’un ispettore e accusatore dei peccatori davanti al tribunale di Dio, cio? di un “satan”; Il Diavolo ? Satana, ma non ? il Demonio; Dem?ni; L’inquietante figura sulfurea dell’angelo sterminatore; Diavoli e Angeli; Il Diavolo, Lucifero e i dem?ni nella Chiesa odierna; Ossessioni, possessioni, infestazioni…

Ñåðèÿ: Un Approccio Storico

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873044376


Dice Have No Memory. Big Bets and Bad Economics from Paris to the Pampas
Dice Have No Memory. Big Bets and Bad Economics from Paris to the Pampas

Àâòîð: Will Bonner

Right now, Congress, the Fed, and the Treasury are all gambling with your future and your money. And it's contagious. Economies around the globe are suffering from the biggest multitrillion-dollar bets ever wagered on big governments and miraculous financial interventions in pretend «free markets.» One man saw it all coming and told his readers well in advance of today's crisis. Bill Bonner reports on the true health and well-being of the world's largest economy to over half a million readers each day in The Daily Reckoning. His newsletter is to the mainstream financial press what the Gnostic Gospels are to the King James Bible. Back in 2000, Bill Bonner sounded like a prophet crying in the wilderness. While everyone scrambled to purchase shares of the latest and hottest dot-com, Bill announced his Trade of the Decade: Sell dollars, buy gold. Back in 2000, you could get an ounce for around $264. Today, you could pay as much as $1,400 for that same ounce. Finally, some of Bonner's best pronouncements, predictions, and profitable analysis are collected in one place. Dice Have No Memory gather's Bonner's richest insights from August 1999 through November 2010 to form a chronological narrative of economics in America. Here's a fraction of what you'll find inside: *Gold says «I Told You So» *Three out of Four Economists Are Wrong *Imperial Overstretch Marks *Why Debt Does Matter *Economic Zombies Shuffle Towards Bankruptcy Bonner's Dice Have No Memory offers elegies for economists, tips for investors, tirades against wasteful warfare past and present, and practical guides to modern finance with graceful prose, well-earned intelligence, and riotous irreverence. Bill Bonner's common sense genius rips the window dressing off modern finance – a world normally populated by misguided do-gooders, corrupt politicians, and big bankers empowered by dubious «mathematical» truths. The investing game is rigged, just like Monte Carlo. Instead of giving you magic formulas, this archcontrarian teaches you how to think clearly. And Dice Have No Memory gives today's investor the next moves he should make…before it's too late.

Öåíà: 2757.01 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118057964


Dichtungen und Briefe
Dichtungen und Briefe

Àâòîð: Georg Trakl

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783701362820


Die Zentrale Stelle in Kreditinstituten
Die "Zentrale Stelle" in Kreditinstituten

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 7693.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783956471117


Die 120 Tage von Tul?m
Die 120 Tage von Tul?m

Àâòîð: Stefan Wimmer

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961644360


Die 40 st?rksten Mikron?hrstoffe gegen Viren
Die 40 st?rksten Mikron?hrstoffe gegen Viren

Àâòîð: Imre Kusztrich

Dieses EBook ist eine sehr notwendige Publikation. Denn viel zu selten wird ?ber die Bedeutung der Versorgung unseres Organismus mit Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Spurenelemente, Enzymen, Fetts?uren und Aminos?uren aufgekl?rt. Falls es doch geschieht, werden in aller Regel nur 18 Substanzen empfohlen es sollten jedoch wenigstens bis zu 32 sein.

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783985224630


Die abnehmende Sichel des Mondes
Die abnehmende Sichel des Mondes

Àâòîð: Willi Kuhlmann

"Gehirntumor! Unheilbar! Sie haben nur noch sechs Monate zu leben!" Diese niederschmetternde Diagnose ist nicht der einzige Grund, der Gerd Holm veranlasst, Hals ?ber Kopf seine Frau Kristina und seine f?nfj?hrige Tochter Julia ?ber Nacht zu verlassen. Als am darauf folgenden Tag im Stadtpark eine grausam verst?mmelte Leiche gefunden wird, beginnen Hauptkommissar Heinz Zink und sein Kollege Lothar Brenner zu ermitteln. Kristina erh?lt nach dem ?berraschenden Weggang ihres Mannes Halt und Zuspruch von ihrer Freundin Manuela Friese und von Florian Sander, der zu beginn dieser Vorf?lle unerwartet in ihr Leben tritt. Kurze Zeit sp?ter ist Manuela spurlos verschwunden und Kristina findet ihren Chef bestialisch ermordet in dessen Wohnung. Sie ahnt nicht, dass sie und ihre Familie das Ziel eines teuflischen Planes ist. Als Zink und Brenner herausfinden, dass Sander nicht der ist f?r den er sich ausgibt, ?berschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Julia wird entf?hrt! Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt …

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738000429


Die Akte Personal
Die Akte Personal

Àâòîð: Detlef Hollmann

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783867935265


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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130