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Vers?hnt sterben
Vers?hnt sterben

Автор: Angelika Daiker

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783843605328


Versicherungen rund um Immobilien – kompakt
Versicherungen rund um Immobilien – kompakt

Автор: Christoph St?rkle

Einer Vielzahl an Risiken setzen sich Bauherren w?hrend des Hausbaus oder Eigent?mer und Mieter / Vermieter beim Thema Immobilien aus. Dieser Ratgeber beschreibt kompakt welcher Versicherungsschutz wann notwendig ist und auf welche Leistungen zu achten ist. Er gliedert sich in zwei Teile:
Versicherungsschutz w?hrend der Bauzeit: • Der gesetzliche Schutz • Bauherrenhaftpflichtversicherung • Bauleistungsversicherung • Feuerrohbauversicherung • Unfallversicherung • Restschuldversicherung • Baufertigstellungsversicherung, Baugew?hrleistungsversicherung und Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung • Rechtschutzversicherung
Versicherungen, wenn die Immobilie bewohnt wird (f?r Eigent?mer, Bewohner und Vermieter) • Wohngeb?udeversicherung • Elementarschadenversicherung • Solaranlagenversicherung / Photovoltaikversicherung • Gew?sserschaden-Haftpflichtversicherung / ?ltankversicherung • Hausratversicherung • Haus- und Grundbesitzerhaftpflichtversicherung • Rechtsschutzversicherung

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742725059



Автор: Cheryl Kaye Tardif

"VERSUNKEN liest sich wie ein herannahender Sturm, voller Dunkelheit, Schrecken und Elektrizit?t. Bereiten Sie sich auf eine G?nsehaut vor." [Andrew Gross, New York Times Bestseller-Autor von 15 Seconds]
"Und wieder einmal hat Tardif ein spannendes Meisterst?ck abgeliefert." [Scott Nicholson, internationaler Bestsellerautor von The Home] "Mit Versunken nimmt Cheryl Kaye Tardif den Leser von der ersten Seite an gefangen: Es ist eine unwiderstehliche Geschichte der Qual und Erl?sung." [Rick Mofina, Bestsellerautor von Into the Dark] "Cheryl Kaye Tardifs neuestes Buch Versunken wird Sie ebenso wenig loslassen wie die Figuren darin." [Joshua Corin, Bestsellerautor von Before Cain Strikes]
Zwei Fremde, zwei Schicksale, eine Angst.
Kummer und Verlust sind Marcus Taylors t?gliche Begleiter geworden. Erst verlor er durch einen tragischen Autounfall seine Frau und seinen Sohn, wenig sp?ter durch Depressionen und Tablettensucht auch noch seine vielversprechende Karriere als Rettungssanit?ter. Nun arbeitet er als Telefonist in der Notfallzentrale – f?r ihn der einzige Weg, etwas von seiner Schuld zur?ckzuzahlen. Bis er einen Anruf bekommt. Von einer Frau, die in ihrem Auto eingeschlossen ist …
Rebecca Kingston sehnt sich nach diesem Wochenendausflug, an dem sie in Ruhe ?ber die drohende Scheidung von ihrem gewaltt?tigen Ehemann nachdenken will. Doch als sie ein mysteri?ser Lastwagen von der Stra?e und in einen Flu? abdr?ngt, findet sie sich eingeklemmt hinter dem Lenkrad ihres Wagens wieder. Weder kann sie sich befreien, noch ihren beiden Kindern auf der R?ckbank helfen. Ihr einziger Rettungsanker ist ihr Handy, dessen Batterie zur Neige geht, und die beruhigende Stimme eines Fremden, der ihr verspricht, dass alles gut werden wird …

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783958351479


Vertical Option Spreads. A Study of the 1.8 Standard Deviation Inflection Point
Vertical Option Spreads. A Study of the 1.8 Standard Deviation Inflection Point

Автор: Scott Hanson

Make trades on vertical options spreads with the precision of a laser beam Vertical Options Spreads is a combination of a bona-fide academic research-based study and a complete method to trade credit and debit spreads, along with other complex option combination trades such as iron condors and butterflies. Here, the author has accumulated five years of daily data on the ETF, SPY and provided historical evidence of actual win rates at specific multiples of entry points, both in time and price level. For example, traders will be able to use the weekly options, pick a level of risk and return desired, learn how to place the trade, and then discover the actual percent return that the trade would have yielded. This must-have resource includes the basics of option trading and contains references to many excellent works by other authors that explore more about the intricacies of option mechanics and trading. It is far more than an analysis of one specific asset, SPY, featuring a study of probability theory and how it has applied to trading over the past five years, including the highly volatile 2007 to 2009 time frame and the more «normal» 2010 to 2012 time period. The book offer a thorough understanding of how price movement, actual volatility, and implied volatility all provide a complex but workable web in which the informed trader can generate excellent returns. However, the trader must have the discipline to act within the confines of probability and the «law» of large numbers refusing to place trades based on gut feelings or hunches. Offers high-probability based trading that uses the new weekly options Contains handy interactive worksheets that allow traders to select their own risk/return with precision Includes a website with daily and weekly information on the estimate of the actual standard deviation points on the price spectrum Vertical Options Spreads offers traders a research-based guide for trading Standard & Poors 500 ETF, SPY using historic and estimated probabilities and returns that will give them an edge in the marketplace.

Цена: 7824.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118746936


Vertrauen im Verkauf
Vertrauen im Verkauf

Автор: Lars Sch?fer

Серия: Whitebooks

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783956232596


Vertriebscontrolling kundenorientiert anlegen
Vertriebscontrolling kundenorientiert anlegen

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Um bestimmte Anstrengungen zum Vertriebserfolg einer Systematik zu unterziehen, werden Ihnen in dem Vertriebscontrolling eBook messbare Schl?sselfaktoren dargestellt, mit dem Sie das Vertriebsgeschehen ?berwachem k?nnen. Sie lernen die Methoden und Techniken zur Steuerung der Vertriebsaktivit?ten und Absicherung der Rentabilit?t in den Absatzgebieten, bei den Produkten und Kunden kennen. Mit diesem Controlling eBook profitieren Sie von den Inhalten erfolgreicher Managementtrainings und Umsetzungsberatungen aus namhaften Unternehmen. Erhalten Sie gezielte Impulse f?r die Optimierung im Vertrieb. Der Autor verwendet hierbei eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise, um die komplexen Sachverhalte anschaulich darzustellen. Dieses eBook wurde eigens f?r die Displaydarstellung ausgerichtet (optimierte Darstellung von Text und Grafiken).

Серия: MCC Controlling Management eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255376


Vertriebsfunktionen marktdurchdringend ausrichten
Vertriebsfunktionen marktdurchdringend ausrichten

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Dieses Vertriebsmanagement eBook vermittelt Ihnen, wie Sie in angespannten Marktsituationen Vertriebsaktivit?ten auf eine bessere Marktdurchdrinung erfolgreich ausrichten k?nnen und dabei die notwendigen Ma?nahmen organisatorisch effizient umsetzen k?nnen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hierbei die modernen Vertriebsfunktionen, die F?hrungselemente und der Instrumenteneinsatz sowie Aktionsfelder der Zusammenarbeit in Teams und die Optimierungsschritte beim Innendienst und Au?endienst. Mit diesem Vertriebsmanagment eBook profitieren Sie von den Inhalten erfolgreicher Managementtrainings und Umsetzungsberatungen aus namhaften Unternehmen f?r Ihren Karriereschub. Der Autor verwendet hierbei eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise, um die komplexen Sachverhalte anschaulich darzustellen. Dieses eBook wurde eigens f?r die Displaydarstellung ausgerichtet (optimierte Darstellung von Text und Grafiken).

Серия: MCC Vertriebsmanagement eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255277


Veza Canetti zwischen Leben und Werk
Veza Canetti zwischen Leben und Werk

Автор: Vreni Amsler

Viele Geschichten, ja Legenden umranken das Leben von Veza Canetti. Im Zentrum steht dabei meist nicht die Dichterin, sondern ihre Rolle im Leben des viel ber?hmteren Ehemannes Elias Canetti, dem Literaturnobelpreistr?ger von 1981. Die erstmalige Erschliessung der Netzwerke von Veza Canetti ergibt eine neue, bislang unbekannte Perspektive auf Leben und Werk der Autorin. Nicht nur hat sie schon vor ihrer Zeit mit Elias Canetti nachweislich in vielen K?nstler-, Dichter- und Politikerkreisen Wiens verkehrt, sondern sie war auch in Wien und London als ?bersetzerin, Lektorin, Englischlehrerin, Literaturagentin und Ghostwriterin t?tig. Der Verlust der Heimat, Flucht und Exil haben Veza Canetti weniger zugesetzt als der Tod von engen Freunden und Verwandten w?hrend oder kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Als kleine Sensation kann gewertet werden, dass sie offenbar schon in den zwanziger Jahren Erfolge als Dichterin feiern konnte.

Цена: 3155.64 руб.
ISBN: 9783706560740


Vidas cruzadas
Vidas cruzadas

Автор: Angel Martinez

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788494575730


View From the Top. An Inside Look at How People in Power See and Shape the World
View From the Top. An Inside Look at How People in Power See and Shape the World

Автор: D. Lindsay Michael

Learn leadership from the best—proven insights from the power elite in business, government, and beyond View from the Top brings readers inside the corridors of power and relates the personal stories and powerful findings from the Platinum Study, a groundbreaking study of 550 elite American CEOs, senior government leaders, and nonprofit executives based on ten years of research. The largest study of its kind, the Platinum Study delves into the domains of the elite with stories that illustrate both the use and misuse of power across the landscape of prominent American institutions such as AT&T, Harvard University, UnderArmour, JP Morgan Chase, Bain & Company, and the White House. The book explores not only how leaders wield power, but it also provides readers with insight into applying the strategies of the successful in their own lives. In the United States, only a few thousand individuals make the decisions that influence the lives of over 300 million people. Whether in the government, business, higher education, or the arts, these individuals direct policy and set the terms of national debates, yet remain virtually unknown. View from the Top explores the real lives of the elite and the social worlds they inhabit, revealing lessons about influence at the top, and the seven principles that shape those in power. The results of the Platinum Study include unexpected truths such as: Being born into wealth is a poor predictor of leadership success One program can set you on the path to leadership It doesn't matter what college you attend A leader's best work never sees the light of day Time-crushed executives are better situated than most to manage their family lives Crisis is the quickest way for a leader to shape an institution Working longer does not mean working better The book examines the different paths to power and describes the essence of leadership and the fundamental traits that distinguish a leader from the pack. For anyone seeking sharpen their leadership skills and impact the world around them, View from the Top: An Inside Look at How People in Power See and Shape the World provides the roadmap to taking charge and inspiring change.

Цена: 2577.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781118901151


Virtual Teams That Work
Virtual Teams That Work

Автор: Susan Cohen G

Virtual Teams That Work offers a much-needed, comprehensive guidebook for business leaders and managers who want to create the organizational conditions that will help virtual teams thrive. Each chapter in this important book focuses on best practices and includes case studies and illustrative examples from a wide variety of companies, including British Petroleum, Lucent Technologies, Ramtech, SoftCo, and Whirlpool Corporation. These real-life examples demonstrate how the principles identified in the book play out within virtual teams. Virtual Teams That Work shows how organizations can put in place the structure to help team members who speak different languages and have different cultural values develop effective ways of communicating when there is little opportunity for the members to meet face-to-face. The authors also reveal how organizations can implement performance management and reward systems that will motivate team members to cooperate across multiple boundaries. And they offer the information to determine which technologies best fit a variety of virtual-team tasks and the level of information technology support needed.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780787965693


Virtual Teams. People Working Across Boundaries with Technology
Virtual Teams. People Working Across Boundaries with Technology

Автор: Jessica Lipnack

Praise for the First Edition of Virtual Teams «If you want to see where organizational communications are going in the future, heed what these pioneers have written today.» —Howard Rheingold, author, The Virtual Community, and founder, Electric Mind «Lipnack and Stamps have written an important book for the twenty-first-century corporation.» —Regis McKenna, The McKenna Group, author, Relationship Marketing «This book provides a long overdue perspective on how to apply the discipline of real teams in the fast-moving, increasingly dispersed information age of the future.» —Jon R. Katzenbach, author, The Wisdom of Teams «For those who want to lead the movement, catch up with it, or simply know where it is going, this book is packed with useful information and interesting stories.» —Dee W. Hock, founder and chairman emeritus, VISA «Virtual Teams provides valuable insights into global teamwork and management through network technologies now available to all companies, large or small.» —Jim Lynch, director, corporate quality, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Цена: 5799.39 руб.
ISBN: 9780470438954


Virtualization Security. Protecting Virtualized Environments
Virtualization Security. Protecting Virtualized Environments

Автор: Dave Shackleford

Securing virtual environments for VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft hypervisors Virtualization changes the playing field when it comes to security. There are new attack vectors, new operational patterns and complexity, and changes in IT architecture and deployment life cycles. What's more, the technologies, best practices, and strategies used for securing physical environments do not provide sufficient protection for virtual environments. This book includes step-by-step configurations for the security controls that come with the three leading hypervisor–VMware vSphere and ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008, and Citrix XenServer. Includes strategy for securely implementing network policies and integrating virtual networks into the existing physical infrastructure Discusses vSphere and Hyper-V native virtual switches as well as the Cisco Nexus 1000v and Open vSwitch switches Offers effective practices for securing virtual machines without creating additional operational overhead for administrators Contains methods for integrating virtualization into existing workflows and creating new policies and processes for change and configuration management so that virtualization can help make these critical operations processes more effective This must-have resource offers tips and tricks for improving disaster recovery and business continuity, security-specific scripts, and examples of how Virtual Desktop Infrastructure benefits security.

Цена: 4601.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333754


Visi?n social del desarrollo sustentable
Visi?n social del desarrollo sustentable

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: P?blicasocial

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9786078348763


Visio 2007 Bible
Visio 2007 Bible

Автор: Bonnie Biafore

Whether you're designing a network, a business plan, or an office building, Visio 2007 can transform your vision into sophisticated diagrams and drawings and this comprehensive reference shows you how. You'll discover how to use Visio for IT, architecture, engineering, and business projects; explore the new features of Visio 2007; learn to publish Visio diagrams to the Web; and much more. If you want to develop your skills in Visio, this is the book you need to succeed.

Цена: 4969.97 руб.
ISBN: 9780470147986


Visual CBT. Using pictures to help you apply Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to change your life
Visual CBT. Using pictures to help you apply Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to change your life

Автор: Avy Joseph

Many people learn best by following a visual approach – retaining information far more successfully if that information is given to them in a visual manner. Visual CBT uses illustrations, graphics and images to help the reader to alter their thought patterns and change behaviours through CBT to become a happier, healthier individual. Uniquely, it highlights the differences between healthy and unhealthy emotional responses – for example Anxiety instead of Concern – to enable the reader to quickly «picture» how they are reacting, and bring it into line with the healthy type of response. Includes an explanation of the premise of CBT and how it can relate to everyday life Uses exercises and practical tips to examine a whole host of healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios – such as depression vs. sadness, anger vs. annoyance, hurt vs. sorrow, shame vs. regret … and much more Visual CBT is an easy to use guide that can be referred back to time and time again showing how to successfully implement the most important CBT techniques.

Цена: 2025.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780857083517


Visual Guide to ETFs
Visual Guide to ETFs

Автор: David Abner J

A visual guide to one of the fastest growing areas in trading and speculation An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)—a security that tracks an index, a commodity, or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange—offers diversification of an index fund, as well as the ability to sell short, buy on margin, and purchase as little as one share. Giving financial advisors, institutional asset managers, traders, and other investment professionals the information they need to get the most out of ETF opportunities, the Bloomberg Visual Guide to ETFs covers the subject in a highly visual manner. Starting with an introduction to ETFs, the book looks at where they fit within the world of investment products, how they are structurally differentiated from other products and among themselves, relevant tax considerations, global listings, growth on a global basis, evolution of the product set, and other topics. Also looking towards the future, the text provides information on finding ETFs—including fund searches, fund news, measuring and valuing ETFs, evaluating their correlation to the underlying sector or commodity being tracked, and more. As a result, the book is a resource not just for understanding ETFs today, but for taking advantage of what's to come. Presents critical information in an easy-to-absorb visual manner Serves as a reference, presenting information in easily digestible pieces for easy access Author David Abner is a well-known ETF developer expert Incorporates quizzes, charts, and other accessible features to bring the material to life ETFs are multivarious, complex instruments that offer unique rewards, and the Bloomberg Visual Guide to ETFs brings together everything that people working with them need to understand to cash in.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118228388


Visual Guide to Options
Visual Guide to Options

Автор: Jared Levy

The practical, visual guide to the complex world of options investing loaded with tactics and tips for market success Options provide a diverse, strategic, advantaged approach to trading that can significantly limit the overall risks of a trade or yield additional returns. For many people, investing in options seem so risky that they fail to capitalize on this potentially lucrative opportunity that can unlock doors you would never imagine. The Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options uses full-color charts and other illustrations to help readers understand the mechanics and actionable details of the marketplace and how to profit from options trading. An accessible reference volume for investment professionals of all levels of experience, the book takes a direct and to the point approach to the topic, enhanced by colorful and visually effective graphs and charts of the options market. Discussing the functions of the exchanges, how they work, and the strategies for taking advantage of the market while steering clear of risk, this is the ultimate visual guide to understanding the world of trading options. Immerses readers in the exciting world of options trading through the use of full-color graphs and charts Provides tips, tricks, and real scenarios for successful trading, whether trading in a bull, bear, or neutral market Presents detailed, unique strategies for understanding and succeeding in the real options market Includes special learning aids, such as Key Point Summaries, Do-It-Yourself Exercises, Step-By-Step Instructions, and much more Putting even the most complex options trading issues at your fingertips in an easy-to-understand, readily accessible format, Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options is a must-have trading reference for professional investors.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118227749


Visual Social Marketing For Dummies
Visual Social Marketing For Dummies

Автор: Krista Neher

How to implement a best-in-class visual marketing plan It's no secret that visual content online really draws in viewers. People love Pinterest, Facebook, and the like for visual sharing and engaging. Smart marketers know their companies need to tap into this, but where and how to start? Visual Social Marketing For Dummies offers a clear roadmap for creating effective, well-defined visual social marketing strategies as part of your overall marketing and social media plans. From defining goals to developing highly visual content across a range of social media platforms, this book is the perfect step-by-step guide to get you there. The book explores Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, YouTube, SlideShare, and Twitter, among many topics and resources, and includes useful examples from leading brands and companies across a variety of industries. Helps you set goals that align with your budget and resources and then lay out a visual social marketing plan Covers image-based platforms, such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Vine, as well as social media platforms including Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter, and SlideShare Explores visual tools, including infographics, presentations, and video Explains how to track and measure the effectiveness of your visual marketing efforts Make your brand stand out from the crowd with the information, tips, techniques, and examples you'll find in Visual Social Marketing For Dummies.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118772256


Visual Teams. Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, and High Performance
Visual Teams. Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, and High Performance

Автор: David Sibbet

Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams—both face-to-face and virtual—reach high performance in today's work environment. As teams become more and more global and distributed, visualization provides an important channel of communication—one that opens up the group's mind to improving work systems and processes by understanding relationships, interconnections, and big picture contexts. Visual Teams shares best practices and uses visualization as a power tool for process improvement by providing teams with a common language for high performance. The book: Explores how any kind of team can draw on the principles and practices of creative design teams in the software, architectural, engineering, and information design professions Introduces the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model and related tools—a system used throughout companies such as Nike, Genentech, Becton Dickinson, Chevron, and others Visual Teams presents a comprehensive framework, best practices, and unique visual tools for becoming an innovative, high-performance team.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118158579


Vive Ama Lidera
Vive Ama Lidera

Автор: Brian Houston

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781588029065


Viviane ?lisabeth Fauville
Viviane ?lisabeth Fauville

Автор: Julia Deck

Usted es Viviane ?lisabeth Fauville, tiene cuarenta y dos a?os y el 23 de agosto dio a luz a su primera hija, que seguramente ser? la ?nica. El 30 de septiembre su marido puso fin a dos a?os de infierno conyugal. Usted se mud? el 15 de octubre, consigui? una ni?era, prolong? la licencia por maternidad por motivos de salud y, el lunes 15 de noviembre, o sea ayer, mat? a su psicoanalista.
"Julia Deck ahora pertenece a la familia m?s exclusiva y prestigiosa de la literatura francesa. En el panorama literario actual, su novela destaca por s? misma". Le Nouvel Observateur
"Un debut magistralmente concebido, una historia implacable, intrincada e irresistiblemente bien contada". La Quinzaine Litt?raire

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9789877122022


VMware Software-Defined Storage. A Design Guide to the Policy-Driven, Software-Defined Storage Era
VMware Software-Defined Storage. A Design Guide to the Policy-Driven, Software-Defined Storage Era

Автор: Martin Hosken

The inside guide to the next generation of data storage technology VMware Software-Defined Storage, A Guide to the Policy Driven, Software-Defined Storage Era presents the most in-depth look at VMware's next-generation storage technology to help solutions architects and operational teams maximize quality storage design. Written by a double VMware Certified Design Expert, this book delves into the design factors and capabilities of Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes to provide a uniquely detailed examination of the software-defined storage model. Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS) is discussed in terms of deployment through VMware technology, with insight into the provisioning of storage resources and operational management, while legacy storage and storage protocol concepts provide context and demonstrate how Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes are meeting traditional challenges. The discussion on architecture emphasizes the economies of storage alongside specific design factors for next-generation VMware based storage solutions, and is followed by an example in which a solution is created based on the preferred option identified from a selection of cross-site design options. Storage hardware lifecycle management is an ongoing challenge for IT organizations and service providers. VMware is addressing these challenges through the software-defined storage model and Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes technologies; this book provides unprecedented detail and expert guidance on the future of storage. Understand the architectural design factors of VMware-based storage Learn best practices for Virtual SAN stretched architecture implementation Deploy STaaS through vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator Meet traditional storage challenges with next-generation storage technology Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes are leading the way in efficiency, automation, and simplification, while maintaining enterprise-class features and performance. As organizations around the world are looking to cut costs without sacrificing performance, availability, or scalability, VMware-based next-generation storage solutions are the ideal platform for tomorrow's virtual infrastructure. VMware Software-Defined Storage provides detailed, practical guidance on the model that is set to transform all aspects of vSphere data center storage.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119292791


VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference. Automating vSphere Administration
VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference. Automating vSphere Administration

Автор: Luc Dekens

Master vSphere automation with this comprehensive reference VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference, Automating vSphere Administration, 2nd Edition is a one-stop solution for vSphere automation. Fully updated to align with the latest vSphere and PowerCLI release, this detailed guide shows you how to get the most out of PowerCLI's handy cmdlets using real-world examples and a practical, task-based approach. You'll learn how to store, access, update, back up, and secure massive amounts of data quickly through the power of virtualization automation, and you'll get acquainted with PowerCLI as you learn how to automate management, monitoring, and life-cycle operations for vSphere. Coverage includes areas like the PowerCLI SDK, SRM, vCOPS, and vCloud Air. Plus guidance toward scheduling and viewing automation, using DevOps methodology and structured testing and source control of your PowerCLI scripts. Clear language and detailed explanations make this reference the manual you've been looking for. This book is your complete reference for managing vSphere in a Windows environment, with expert instruction and real-world application. Automate vCenter Server deployment and configuration Create and configure virtual machines, and utilize vApps Monitor, audit, and report the status of your vSphere environment Secure, back up, and restore your virtual machines Work with other vSphere components from your PowerCLI scripts Take control of your PowerCLI scripts through versioning and structured testing Don't spend another day slogging through routine systems management – automate it, with this invaluable guide.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118925133


Voices of Design Leadership
Voices of Design Leadership

Автор: Ken Sanders

Provides inspiration to architecture and design students and professionals through the insights, stories, and projects of successful design leaders Voices of Design Leadership seeks to educate, inform, and inspire a new generation of diverse design leaders. The work includes sixteen profiles of design leaders in architecture, interior design, planning, and research, many of whom are leaders at firms that have earned the AIA's national Architecture Firm Award. The stories and projects from their own professional journeys illustrate multiple paths to design leadership success. Individually, each person stands on their own as an inspiring and influential design leader. Collectively, they express what design leadership can and should look like. Representing a broad diversity of expertise and demographics—including nine women, seven people of color, and five first-generation immigrants—they bring a variety of life experiences and cultural backgrounds to their award-winning work. Sample topics discussed in the work include: The power of diversity Finding and developing design talent Design philosophy and research investments Coaching, mentoring, team collaboration, and community engagement Advice for emerging design leadersStudents of architecture, engineering, construction, and real estate will find value and inspiration from Voices of Design Leadership and gain insight into the thought processes of established leaders in their fields. The work also appeals to young and mid-career professionals, clients, and educators exploring the next steps of their own career journeys.

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119847335


Volatility and Correlation
Volatility and Correlation

Автор: Группа авторов

In Volatility and Correlation 2nd edition: The Perfect Hedger and the Fox, Rebonato looks at derivatives pricing from the angle of volatility and correlation. With both practical and theoretical applications, this is a thorough update of the highly successful Volatility & Correlation – with over 80% new or fully reworked material and is a must have both for practitioners and for students. The new and updated material includes a critical examination of the ‘perfect-replication’ approach to derivatives pricing, with special attention given to exotic options; a thorough analysis of the role of quadratic variation in derivatives pricing and hedging; a discussion of the informational efficiency of markets in commonly-used calibration and hedging practices. Treatment of new models including Variance Gamma, displaced diffusion, stochastic volatility for interest-rate smiles and equity/FX options. The book is split into four parts. Part I deals with a Black world without smiles, sets out the author’s ‘philosophical’ approach and covers deterministic volatility. Part II looks at smiles in equity and FX worlds. It begins with a review of relevant empirical information about smiles, and provides coverage of local-stochastic-volatility, general-stochastic-volatility, jump-diffusion and Variance-Gamma processes. Part II concludes with an important chapter that discusses if and to what extent one can dispense with an explicit specification of a model, and can directly prescribe the dynamics of the smile surface. Part III focusses on interest rates when the volatility is deterministic. Part IV extends this setting in order to account for smiles in a financially motivated and computationally tractable manner. In this final part the author deals with CEV processes, with diffusive stochastic volatility and with Markov-chain processes. Praise for the First Edition: “In this book, Dr Rebonato brings his penetrating eye to bear on option pricing and hedging.… The book is a must-read for those who already know the basics of options and are looking for an edge in applying the more sophisticated approaches that have recently been developed.” —Professor Ian Cooper, London Business School “Volatility and correlation are at the very core of all option pricing and hedging. In this book, Riccardo Rebonato presents the subject in his characteristically elegant and simple fashion…A rare combination of intellectual insight and practical common sense.” —Anthony Neuberger, London Business School

Цена: 19773.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470091401


Volatility Trading
Volatility Trading

Автор: Euan Sinclair

In Volatility Trading, Sinclair offers you a quantitative model for measuring volatility in order to gain an edge in your everyday option trading endeavors. With an accessible, straightforward approach. He guides traders through the basics of option pricing, volatility measurement, hedging, money management, and trade evaluation. In addition, Sinclair explains the often-overlooked psychological aspects of trading, revealing both how behavioral psychology can create market conditions traders can take advantage of-and how it can lead them astray. Psychological biases, he asserts, are probably the drivers behind most sources of edge available to a volatility trader. Your goal, Sinclair explains, must be clearly defined and easily expressed-if you cannot explain it in one sentence, you probably aren't completely clear about what it is. The same applies to your statistical edge. If you do not know exactly what your edge is, you shouldn't trade. He shows how, in addition to the numerical evaluation of a potential trade, you should be able to identify and evaluate the reason why implied volatility is priced where it is, that is, why an edge exists. This means it is also necessary to be on top of recent news stories, sector trends, and behavioral psychology. Finally, Sinclair underscores why trades need to be sized correctly, which means that each trade is evaluated according to its projected return and risk in the overall context of your goals. As the author concludes, while we also need to pay attention to seemingly mundane things like having good execution software, a comfortable office, and getting enough sleep, it is knowledge that is the ultimate source of edge. So, all else being equal, the trader with the greater knowledge will be the more successful. This book, and its companion CD-ROM, will provide that knowledge. The CD-ROM includes spreadsheets designed to help you forecast volatility and evaluate trades together with simulation engines.

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470294888


Volatility Trading
Volatility Trading

Автор: Euan Sinclair

Popular guide to options pricing and position sizing for quant traders In this second edition of this bestselling book, Sinclair offers a quantitative model for measuring volatility in order to gain an edge in everyday option trading endeavors. With an accessible, straightforward approach, he guides traders through the basics of option pricing, volatility measurement, hedging, money management, and trade evaluation. This new edition includes new chapters on the dynamics of realized and implied volatilities, trading the variance premium and using options to trade special situations in equity markets. Filled with volatility models including brand new option trades for quant traders Options trader Euan Sinclair specializes in the design and implementation of quantitative trading strategies Volatility Trading, Second Edition + Website outlines strategies for defining a true edge in the market using options to trade volatility profitably.

Цена: 6904.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118420447


Volatility-Based Technical Analysis. Strategies for Trading the Invisible
Volatility-Based Technical Analysis. Strategies for Trading the Invisible

Автор: Kirk Northington

A framework for creating volatility-based technical analysis and trading it for profit Volatility-Based Technical Analysis bridges the advantage gap between resource rich institutions and individual traders. It is a no-calculus, plain-English text that reveals original, highly technical, mathematical-based volatility indicators, complete with MetaStock® and TradeStation® code. With this in hand, any trader can «trade the invisible» by seeing a hidden mathematical structure on the price chart. Author Kirk Northington reveals his proprietary volatility indicators that serve as a market early warning system. Northington extensively teaches you how to build your own indicators, test them, and incorporate your original components into your specific trading methods. Walks traders through the mathematical techniques needed to create indicators that fit their own style Illustrates volatility-based entries and exits with over 170 descriptive chart examples Introduces two new concepts in technical analysis: Volatility Shift and PIV Written with the serious trader in mind, Volatility-Based Technical Analysis has what you need to successfully trade today's institutionally dominated markets.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470522295


Volatility. Practical Options Theory
Volatility. Practical Options Theory

Автор: Adam Iqbal S

Gain a deep, intuitive and technical understanding of practical options theory The main challenges in successful options trading are conceptual, not mathematical. Volatility: Practical Options Theory provides financial professionals, academics, students and others with an intuitive as well as technical understanding of both the basic and advanced ideas in options theory to a level that facilitates practical options trading. The approach taken in this book will prove particularly valuable to options traders and other practitioners tasked with making pricing and risk management decisions in an environment where time constraints mean that simplicity and intuition are of greater value than mathematical formalism. The most important areas of options theory, namely implied volatility, delta hedging, time value and the so-called options greeks are explored based on intuitive economic arguments alone before turning to formal models such as the seminal Black-Scholes-Merton model. The reader will understand how the model free approach and mathematical models are related to each other, their underlying theoretical assumptions and their implications to level that facilitates practical implementation. There are several excellent mathematical descriptions of options theory, but few focus on a translational approach to convert the theory into practice. This book emphasizes the translational aspect, while first building an intuitive, technical understanding that allows market makers, portfolio managers, investment managers, risk managers, and other traders to work more effectively within—and beyond—the bounds of everyday practice. Gain a deeper understanding of the assumptions underlying options theory Translate theoretical ideas into practice Develop a more accurate intuition for better time-constrained decision making This book allows its readers to gain more than a superficial understanding of the mechanisms at work in options markets. Volatility gives its readers the edge by providing a true bedrock foundation upon which practical knowledge becomes stronger.

Цена: 7953.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119501671



Автор: Dr. Ekkehard Baron von Knorring

Speziell f?r die neue Weiterbildung „Gepr?fte/r Betriebswirt/in nach der Handwerksordnung“ In einer Welt zusammenwachsender M?rkte beeinflussen nationale und internationale volkswirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen immer st?rker die Entscheidungen jedes einzelnen Unternehmens und dessen Unternehmensstrategie. Ein solides volkswirtschaftliches Basiswissen gewinnt daher auch f?r die Existenzf?higkeit kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen an Bedeutung. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch will dieses volkswirtschaftliche Basiswissen vermitteln. Ausgehend von praxisorientierten Handlungssituationen und daran anschlie?enden situationsbezogenen Fragen und Antworten werden dem Leser bzw. Teilnehmer an einer entsprechenden Weiterbildung z. B. volkswirtschaftliche Grundzusammenh?nge und Begriffe, der Markt- und Preismechanismus und die Idee der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, die Ordnungs- bzw. Wettbewerbspolitik, die Fiskalpolitik und die Geld- und Kreditpolitik, die Strukturpolitik, die internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen einschlie?lich der Europ?ischen Wirtschafts- und W?hrungsunion und der Wechselkurssysteme sowie die gesellschaftlich bedeutsamen Entwicklungen und Trends erl?utert. Eine klare Gliederung, ein detailliertes Sachregister, Fragen zur Kompetenzkontrolle und auch Beispiele von Pr?fungsfragen mit Musterl?sungen erleichtern den Zugang zum Stoffgebiet und erh?hen den Informationswert des Buches.

Цена: 3155.64 руб.
ISBN: 9783778314807


Voll Porno Marketing
Voll Porno Marketing

Автор: Pascal Schildknecht

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783966614443


Vom Markt zum Markt - reloaded
Vom Markt zum Markt - reloaded

Автор: Christoph Dill

Zu langsam, zu wenig am Markt orientiert, zu sehr in die eigene L?sung verliebt: Bei vielen Innovationsprojekten ist das Scheitern vorprogrammiert. Weil das Produkt beim Kunden den Bedarf nicht trifft.
Hier setzt der Autor und Fachexperte Dr. Christoph Dill an. Kompetent und pointiert skizziert er, was Innovationsteams beachten und wie sie vorgehen sollten, damit neue Produkte beim Kunden einen Wow-Effekt ausl?sen.
Der Begriff Produkt greift aus Sicht des Autors ohnehin zu kurz. Denn innovative, attraktive Produkte beinhalten auch Aspekte wie neue Gesch?ftsmodelle und Dienstleistungen. Deshalb spricht er lieber von «Leistungspaketen» statt von Produkten.
Aber wie lassen sich solche Leistungspakete schnell und marktorientiert entwickeln? Schlie?lich ist Zeit in diesem Zusammenhang im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Geld. Antwort des Autors: Durch ein systematisches Vorgehen, bei dem auch agile Methoden wie Scrum, Canvas oder Design Thinking zum Einsatz kommen.

Цена: 996.31 руб.
ISBN: 9783932298844


Von alten und neuen B?rowelten
Von alten und neuen B?rowelten

Автор: Maik Marten

"Egal wie sehr du es versuchst, du kannst solchen Leuten nicht vorschreiben, was sie denken sollen. Wenn du ihnen aber nicht vorschreiben kannst, was sie denken sollen, musst du lernen, das Umfeld zu managen, in dem sie denken. Und daraus einen Ort zu machen, den sie jeden Tag gern aufsuchen." CEO Google, Eric Schmidt
Der technologische Fortschritt nimmt immer weiter an Fahrt auf. Innovationsf?higkeit geh?rt mittlerweile zum wichtigstes Kapital erfolgreicher Unternehmen. Wer an den Produkten und L?sungen von morgen arbeitet, braucht permanent neue Ideen und Innovationen. Und dies setzt die Mitarbeit vieler, kreativer K?pfe voraus. Doch wie ticken die Wissensarbeiter von heute? Und wenn sie sich nicht mehr so einfach managen lassen wie Eric Schmidt behauptet: Wie sehen dann R?ume aus, in denen sie sich frei entfalten k?nnen?
Maik Marten geht in seinem Buch den wechselseitigen Beziehungen von inspirierender Arbeitsumgebung, Motivation und Innovationsst?rke genauer auf den Grund. Dabei blickt er zur?ck zu den Anf?ngen der B?roarbeit und entdeckt auf seiner Reise bis in unsere Gegenwart erfolgreiche, aber auch gescheiterte B?rokonzepte.
Die Evolution der B?roarbeit ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Mobilfunktechnik, Cloud, das Internet der Dinge und Virtual Reality werden unsere Arbeitsweise in den n?chsten Jahren radikal ver?ndern. Fast scheint es so, als ob das B?ro bald gar nicht mehr notwendig ist. Oder gewinnt es sogar noch an Bedeutung, gerade dann, wenn es um die intensive Zusammenarbeit von Menschen geht, die an den Produkten von morgen arbeiten?

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783752926736


Von der Gesch?ftsidee zum Businessplan
Von der Gesch?ftsidee zum Businessplan

Автор: Jan-Pieter van Nes

Dieses E-Book richtet sich an Gr?nder, Unternehmer und Startups. Die Gr?nderszene in Deutschland befindet sich im Auf- und Umbruch. Ein Gr?ndungshype steht herausfordernden gesetzlichen Vorgaben und Beschr?nkungen im Gr?ndungsprozess gegen?ber. Um sich in diesem zurechtzufinden und dar?berhinaus alternative Finanzierungsm?glichkeiten neben der Bank z.B. Crowdinvestment, ben?tigen Existenzgr?nder und Startups professionelle Unterst?tzung und Begleitung. Dieses E-Book ist der Kompass und Leitfaden f?r Gr?nder, welches sie auf dem Weg in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft als Unternehmer professionell begleitet.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783847666356


Von der Ostseeriviera zu gr?nen Wintersportorten: Deutschlandtourismus in Zeiten des Klimawandels
Von der Ostseeriviera zu gr?nen Wintersportorten: Deutschlandtourismus in Zeiten des Klimawandels

Автор: Gabriele M. Knoll

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783739800127


Von Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund lernen (E-Book)
Von Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund lernen (E-Book)

Автор: Angelika Sch?llhorn

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Wie beurteilen Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund die Bildungsentwicklung und die soziale Integration ihrer Kinder? Welche Themen sind ihnen wichtig, wo sehen sie Handlungsbedarf? Ausgehend von Gespr?chen mit Betroffenen werden Denkanst?sse pr?sentiert, die es p?dagogischen Fachpersonen erm?glichen, sich mit ihrer eigenen Praxis auseinanderzusetzen. Sie dienen als Grundlage, um mit den Eltern in einen Dialog zu treten, ein gegenseitiges Verst?ndnis aufzubauen und besser aufeinander zugehen zu k?nnen. Ziel ist der gemeinsame Blick von Eltern und p?dagogischen Fachpersonen auf das Kind.

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783035519013


Von Geckos, Garn und Goldwasser. Die Nanowelt l?sst gr??en
Von Geckos, Garn und Goldwasser. Die Nanowelt l?sst gr??en

Автор: Michael Gross

The lotus effect, which keeps leafs free from dirt, or the gecko, which climbs up glass fronts, are examples of nature being the true expert on nanotechnology. Michael Gro? gives an impression of this fascinating world and its applications in medicine, technology and daily life.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783527651191


Von Hasen, Vasen und anderen Ungerechtigkeiten
Von Hasen, Vasen und anderen Ungerechtigkeiten

Автор: Jens Hoppe

37 Gedichte und zwei kurze Beitr?ge ?ber dieses und jenes, ?ber alles und nichts. Mal schwarz, mal wei?. Mal kurz, mal lang. Mal tiefgr?ndig nachdenklich, mal nachdenklich tiefgr?ndig. Mal ausgezeichnet (mit dem Jokers Sonderpreis Humor 2006, «Hasengedicht»), mal scharf gezeichnet mit schnellen Strichen. Mal lustig, mal frech. Mal humorig, mal geistreich. Mal bedenkens-, mal beklagenswert. Oder auch nicht. – Lesen Sie selbst!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783844273205


Von K?se muss ich st?ndig husten! - Anhang
Von K?se muss ich st?ndig husten! - Anhang

Автор: Lutz Kaiser

?ber 1000 schwedische W?rter sind in diesem Buch als witzige Wortbilder codiert und damit sehr «merkw?rdig»! Egal, ob du in deinem n?chsten Urlaub mit Sprachkenntnissen gl?nzen willst oder eine Sprache nur lernst, um Gehirnjogging zu betreiben – Dieses Buch wird dir dabei helfen.

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9783847645443


Voy contigo
Voy contigo

Автор: Isaac Manuel Hern?ndez ?lvarez

Un libro lleno de conocimiento y de a?os de experiencia, de grandes aportaciones para ser m?s competitivos en la pol?tica y para conectar mejor con las audiencias, para obtener el s? de la ciudadan?a.Una obra desde la visi?n del marketing pol?tico, que incluye recursos y ejemplos aportados por quince grandes profesionales, donde la puesta en valor de la marca pol?tica adquiere otra dimensi?n.Un libro que cambia la forma de hacer pol?tica y que ense?a nuevas t?cnicas de organizaci?n y motivaci?n para los equipos de trabajo, para comunicar de una manera m?s eficaz en un nuevo escenario donde el electorado ha pasado a ser el centro de la estrategia, el jefe.La lectura de  Voy contigo ofrece el camino que seguir para la transformaci?n y la modernizaci?n de los partidos pol?ticos.O ganas o te ganan…

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788417845667



Автор: Mithu M. Sanyal

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783803142443


Wach auf und finde den Arzt in deinem Herzen
Wach auf und finde den Arzt in deinem Herzen

Автор: Sabine Lesse

Wenn wir Tiere sehen, erwarten wir von ihnen nur das Verhalten, welches ihren Eigenschaften entspricht. So erwarten wir von einem Pferd nicht, dass es fliegt und von einem Hund nicht, dass er auf B?ume klettert. Warum k?nnen wir alle anderen Menschen nicht auch einfach so akzeptieren wie sie sind? Denn, wenn ich mit einer Katze verheiratet bin und 16 Jahre darauf warte, dass sie bellt, ist dies bestimmt nicht das Problem der Katze. Unser Leben kann soviel leichter und sch?ner sein, wenn wir aufh?ren zu urteilen und vor allem zu verurteilen. Solange wir andere Menschen oder ?u?ere Umst?nde daf?r verantwortlich machen, wenn es in unserem Leben nicht ideal l?uft, werden wir unseren inneren Frieden nicht erlangen. Erst, wenn wir den Blick nach Innen richten und wieder lernen auf unser Herz zu h?ren, beginnen wir einen Weg zu gehen, der uns zur Liebe, F?lle, Freiheit, Gesundheit und zum Gl?ck f?hrt.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783847684916


Wacky Word Problems. Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun
Wacky Word Problems. Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun

Автор: Lynette Long

Don't Just Learn Word Problems… Master Them! Brimming with fun and educational games and activities, the Magical Math series provides everything you need to know to become a master of mathematics! In each of these books, Lynette Long uses her won unique style to help you truly understand mathematical concepts with common objects such as playing cards, dice, coins, and every mathematician's basic tools: paper and pencil. Inside Wacky Word Problems, you'll discover how to decode many different types of word problems-from counting, logic, and percentage problems to distance, algebra, geometry, and graphing problems-in order to solve real-world dilemmas. While you play exciting games like Measurement Jeopardy and Percentage War, you'll learn how to identify word cues, develop reasoning skill,s and spot key formulas that will help you solve any problem with ease. You'll also boost your math skills as you enter into crazy contests with your friends, create mystery word problems, and play word-problem charades-and have a great time doing it! So why wait? Jump right in and find out how easy it is to become a word-problem master! Also available in this series: Dazzling Division, Delightful Decimals and Perfect Percents, Fabulous Fractions, Groovy Geometry, Marvelous Multiplication, and Measurement Mania, all from Wiley.

Цена: 1767.43 руб.
ISBN: 9780471694687


Wall Street Potholes. Insights from Top Money Managers on Avoiding Dangerous Products
Wall Street Potholes. Insights from Top Money Managers on Avoiding Dangerous Products

Автор: Simon Lack A

Recognize Wall Street tactics for what they are, and make smarter decisions with your money Wall Street Potholes shares insights into the money management industry, revealing the shady practices that benefit the salesman far more than the client. Bestselling author Simon Lack brings together a team of experienced money managers to give you straight-from-the-source intel, and teach you how to recognize bad advice and when it's better to just walk away. Investors are rightly suspicious that many products are sold more because of the fees they generate than their appropriateness to the client's situation, and that's only the beginning. This book lays it all bare so you can walk into your next deal with your eyes wide open. You'll learn just how big the profit margin is on different products, and why Wall Street intentionally makes things as complicated as possible. You'll learn expert tactics for combatting these practices, so you can avoid buying overpriced products and confidently discriminate against advisors who put their own interests first. For all the volumes of investment advice on the market, dissatisfaction with the financial services industry has never been higher. This book describes the reason for that disconnect, and tells you how to see through the smoke and mirrors to make the best decisions for your money. Discover the profit margin built into some popular products Learn the reason behind bundling and why Wall Street fears comparison shopping Consider the importance of benchmarking, and why so many firms avoid it Become better informed so you can easily recognize poor investment advice If asking questions of your financial advisor only nets more confusion, if you want to have more control over your money, you need a firm grasp of how these firms manipulate your trust. Wall Street Potholes tells you what you need to know to become a smarter investor.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119093299


Wall Street s Buried Treasure. The Low-Priced Value Investing Approach to Finding Great Stocks
Wall Street's Buried Treasure. The Low-Priced Value Investing Approach to Finding Great Stocks

Автор: Harvey Houtkin I

Praise for Wall Street's Buried Treasure «Mr. Houtkin has provided the reader with a wonderful education on a great strategy that has the potential to turn a very limited risk investment into an extraordinarily high return. He makes the critical distinction between penny stocks and serious opportunities available to the low-priced value investor using important examples of his own methodology. Along the way, Houtkin provides valuable insight into some of the inner workings of Wall Street.» —BILL KRAFT, trader, speaker, trading coach, and author of Trade Your Way to Wealth «Investing without Wall Street's Buried Treasure is like trying to live without food. Mr. Houtkin provides the facts of survival one needs to make money in any market. He reports the truth that no one else wants to state. This is a playbook for success; a forty-year apprenticeship is explained right between these covers! Take advantage of it.» —JAMES DEPELISI, president of the Stock and Bond Club of South Florida; founder of LDV Capital Management; finance professor at Broward Community College; and host of Investors Business Hour radio program

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470383971


Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity
Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity

Автор: Jaeho Kang

Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), one of the most original and perceptive thinkers of the twentieth century, offered a unique insight into the profound impact of the media on modern society. Jaeho Kang’s book offers a lucid introduction to Benjamin’s theory of the media and its continuing relevance today. The book provides a systematic and close reading of Benjamin’s critical and provocative writings on the intersection between media – from print to electronic – and modern experience, with reference to the information industry, the urban spectacle, and the aesthetic politics. Bringing Benjamin’s thought into a critical constellation with contemporary media theorists such as Marshall McLuhan and Jean Baudrillard, the book helps students understand the implications of Benjamin’s work for media studies today and how they can apply his distinctive ideas to contemporary media culture. Kang’s book leads to a fresh appreciation of Benjamin’s work and new insight into critical theoretical approaches to media. The book will be of particular interest to students and researchers not only in media and communication studies but also in cultural studies, film studies and social theory, who are seeking a readable overview of Benjamin’s rich yet complex writings.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745678771


Walter Benjamin: de la diosa Nik? al ?ngel de la Historia
Walter Benjamin: de la diosa Nik? al ?ngel de la Historia

Автор: Jos? M. Gonz?lez Garc?a

Walter Benjamin adquiri? una obra de Paul Klee que representaba El ?ngel de la Historia. En sus viajes y traslados de residencia, esta obra siempre acompa?? a Benjamin y protagoniz? uno de sus ?ltimos escritos, «Tesis sobre filosof?a de la historia», un texto que ha suscitado numerosos comentarios e interpretaciones. Jos? M? Gonz?lez indaga sobre los or?genes del motivo del ?ngel en la iconograf?a monumental de car?cter pol?tico, militar y comercial que Benjamin conoci? en su adolescencia y juventud, y que form? parte de su educaci?n. Nos encontramos ante un estudio exhaustivo de esta escultura urbana en las dos ciudades benjaminianas por excelencia: Berl?n y Par?s, con un cap?tulo, ep?logo, que, con brevedad, aborda esta iconograf?a en Am?rica Latina.

Серия: La balsa de la Medusa

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491143383


WAN Survival Guide. Strategies for VPNs and Multiservice Networks
WAN Survival Guide. Strategies for VPNs and Multiservice Networks

Автор: Howard Berkowitz

Ensure that your WAN can handle the latest technologies with this must-have strategy guide If a Wide Area Network (WAN) isn't set up properly, it won't be able to meet the needs of the applications being used in the Local Area Network (LAN). And with the emergence of new technologies such as VPNs, multi-service networks, and the mobility of corporate users, the costs involved with running a WAN have changed dramatically. Written by an expert on WAN design, this book provides a comprehensive strategy for choosing the best technologies available for your WAN. It includes analysis of business requirements for WANs, end-user and service provider requirements, and the capabilities and tradeoffs of the available technologies. The book also covers the realities and limitations of QoS, security, multi-service networks, virtual networks, VPNs, multi-homing, roaming, and mobility.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780471437550


Warranty Fraud Management. Reducing Fraud and Other Excess Costs in Warranty and Service Operations
Warranty Fraud Management. Reducing Fraud and Other Excess Costs in Warranty and Service Operations

Автор: Matti Kurvinen

Cut warranty costs by reducing fraud with transparent processes and balanced control Warranty Fraud Management provides a clear, practical framework for reducing fraudulent warranty claims and other excess costs in warranty and service operations. Packed with actionable guidelines and detailed information, this book lays out a system of efficient warranty management that can reduce costs without upsetting the customer relationship. You'll dig into the whole spectrum of warranty fraud, from simple sloppy procedures to systematic organized crime, and get to know the fraudulent parties, the victims, as well as the objectives and methods of the fraudulent activities in different scenarios. You'll learn how to implement controls to detect and reduce fraudulent claims and decrease the overall warranty costs. The impact of fraudulent claims is plainly spelled out alongside detailed descriptions of typical symptoms and process gaps present in diverse companies. A comprehensive, multi-modal framework for robust warranty management is presented as a template for revamping your own company's strategy. Fraudulent warranty claims occupy an estimated 3-15 percent of the average company's warranty costs, which generally average between 1-4 percent of sales. Many companies are unaware of the issue or struggle to take action against the claims for fear of upsetting business partners, or because they lack tangible evidence. This book details a robust warranty control framework that institutes transparency and control over the whole warranty chain—supporting the process far beyond just fraud reduction. Understand the different actors (customers, sales channels, service agents, warranty providers, etc.) and different forms of warranty fraud Uncover issues in your company's warranty processes Learn methods to detect and prevent fraudulent activities Implement a robust system of warranty cost control Warranty fraud is a major cost-control issue for most companies, but the sensitive nature of the topic leaves most reluctant to share their experiences and divulge their strategies. Warranty Fraud Management brings warranty fraud out into the open, and provides a clear, actionable framework for cost-savings through fraud reduction.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119239703


Warren Buffett on Business. Principles from the Sage of Omaha
Warren Buffett on Business. Principles from the Sage of Omaha

Автор: Warren Buffett

The proven business principles of Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is one of the most admired and prolific investors and managers in corporate America. Warren Buffett on Business is a timeless guide to strategies that can help you run a successful business. This book is a one-of-a-kind collection of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades, and in a clear, simple style distills the basic principles of sound business practices. Through Buffett's own remarkable words, this practical management handbook shares valuable insights on communicating with, and treating employees and shareholders fairly; responsible corporate governance; ethical behavior; patience and perseverance; admitting mistakes; and having a passion for work. Contains priceless pearls of business and management wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative Designed in an accessible manner and organized by business and management topics with strong lessons from Buffett Provides direct, hands-on information on major topics concerning managers, entrepreneurs, business students, and anyone interested in business Informative and inspiring, this unique book puts Warren Buffett's business beliefs in perspective.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470570623


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