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Alice im Wunderland
Alice im Wunderland

Автор: Льюис Кэрролл

Серия: Klassiker bei Null Papier

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783954180028



Автор: Mart? Sales

Explicar hist?ries i menjar: els dos plaers m?s vells del m?n, a m?s de l'altre que compartim amb les b?sties. ?O potser les b?sties tamb? s'expliquen hist?ries? Les vint-i-set que hi ha dins Aliment van plenes de preguntes. I Mart? Sales no viu al Parad?s, per? com Eva queixala la poma per curiositat i per fam. I tampoc no ?s Xahrazad, per? podria passar-se tres anys explicant hist?ries a un califa pel pur plaer d'explicar-les. El seu llibre ?s l'abecedari d'un voluptu?s i neix del buit que anticipa el desig —el que fa que salivem per una truita a la francesa. "Entre l'amor i la cuina, entre la lectura i les amistats detonants aterrava les troballes en entrades de diccionari de tota mena i llargada, i aix? es va anar fent Aliment, amb xup-xup i socarraet mentre casa nostra s'omplia de l'olor ancestral del pa enfornat. Si com deia Boeci el futur ?s un invent dels enamorats, tamb? aquest diccionari."

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9788473292993


All Access. Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography
All Access. Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography

Автор: Alan Hess

Advice, inspiration, and insight for taking remarkable concert photos Concert photography poses a unique set of challenges to photographers, including night or low-light, inconsistent stage lighting, a moving subject matter, limitations on vantage point, complex exposure situations, and no chance for re-takes. Compounded with those hurdles is a lack of resources on this subject?until now. All Access: Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography fills this gap and provides you with all the information you need to know, from choosing the right gear and camera settings to negotiating rights to publish or share photos as well as how to best edit your photos in post-production. Reveals essential techniques and valuable best practices for dealing with the unique challenges of concert photography Features more than 200 stunning concert photographs to inspire you and illustrate the tips and techniques the author describes Written by experienced author and well-known concert photographer Alan Hess All Access: Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography is an ideal resource if you are determined to learn the skills necessary to capture clear, well-composed, and professional-level concert photos.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118227961


All For One. 10 Strategies for Building Trusted Client Partnerships
All For One. 10 Strategies for Building Trusted Client Partnerships

Автор: Andrew Sobel

Corporate clients are demanding more value from their external advisors, and consolidating their business around a smaller number of firms. These trends are forcing a variety of service providers—from consulting firms to large banks—to confront a series of difficult challenges: How do we create an ‘all-for-one, one-for-all’ culture in which the whole is greater than the sum-of-the-parts and we succeed in leveraging our global network to deliver value to clients?" How do we mobilize the right people, resources, and ideas—across a multitude of organizational and geographic boundaries—into each and every client relationship?" How do we evolve from a trusted advisor to a trusted partner and build multi-year, institutional relationships? All for One answers these questions with an innovative and comprehensive model for developing enduring, institutional client relationships—what Andrew Sobel refers to as Level 6 Trusted Client Partnerships. It offers readers ten specific strategies that are thoroughly supported by case studies, best practices from leading firms, and implementation tools. The individual professional is principally responsible for five of these strategies, while the firm—the institution—must support and drive the other five. When you successfully execute against all ten of these building blocks, you develop long-term, professional-client partnerships that provide great value to the client and high levels of personal satisfaction and profitability for the service provider.

Цена: 2388.8 руб.
ISBN: 9780470485330


All You Need is a Good Idea!. How to Create Marketing Messages that Actually Get Results
All You Need is a Good Idea!. How to Create Marketing Messages that Actually Get Results

Автор: Jay Heyman H

In All You Need Is a Good Idea, Jay Heyman shows you how to create powerful marketing and advertising ideas that will dramatically increase sales for your business. Perfect for entrepreneurs and small business owners?or operators of any size business, for that matter?this valuable marketing resource will help any business stand out in the marketplace, build bigger market share, gain publicity, and scare the pants off the competition. This book is the perfect guide to creating truly powerful marketing messages.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470378656


Alle Antwort ist in dir - verstehe, f?hle, lebe es
Alle Antwort ist in dir - verstehe, f?hle, lebe es

Автор: Insa Palagenja Erdmann

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783981578478


Allgemeinbildung Wirtschaft f?r Dummies
Allgemeinbildung Wirtschaft f?r Dummies

Автор: Hanno Beck

Sie interessieren sich daf?r, wie die Wirtschaft tickt? Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte ?ber die wirtschaftliche Seite Ihres Lebens, ?ber Geldausgeben und Sparen, Altersvorsorge und Steuern, Marktwirtschaft, Banken, Geld und Wirtschaftskrisen. Das Thema Wirtschaft spielt in so viele Bereiche Ihres Lebens hinein: Wohnen und Arbeiten, Einkaufen und Gesundheit. Hanno Beck und Aloys Prinz erkl?ren wirtschaftliche Zusammenh?nge verst?ndlich und manchmal auch am?sant, praxisnah und mit ganz konkreten Tipps f?r Ihr Leben als «homo oeconomicus».

Цена: 2012.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783527826537


Alliances. An Executive Guide to Designing Successful Strategic Partnerships
Alliances. An Executive Guide to Designing Successful Strategic Partnerships

Автор: Ard-Pieter Man de

A timely and practical guide that helps senior managers design successful strategic partnerships Strategic alliances are increasingly common among modern corporations and a hot topic in today's business schools. Alliance is a sophisticated guide to crafting successful partnerships, offering a combination of carefully designed checklists, up-to-date examples and scenarios from around the world, and the tools needed to ensure that all elements of an alliance are taken into account and fully assessed. Most managers don't have the experience or knowledge to create a functional alliance governance structure. This book fills that knowledge gap with a clear description of the proper implementation process. Ideal for business leaders engaged in building a corporate alliance and business school students Covers all of the available alliance structure, describes the building blocks of alliance design, and defines an effective process for managers constructing alliances Written by a leading expert on the subject who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals As the popularity and frequency of corporate strategic alliances grows, Alliance gives business leaders the insight and practical advice they need to ensure their partnerships benefit all parties.

Цена: 5062.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118486320


Alpha Trading. Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk
Alpha Trading. Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk

Автор: Perry Kaufman J

From a leading trading systems developer, how to make profitable trades when there are no obvious trends How does a trader find alpha when markets make no sense, when price shocks cause diversification to fail, and when it seems impossible to hedge? What strategies should traders, long conditioned to trend trading, deploy? In Alpha Trading: Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk, author Perry Kaufman presents strategies and systems for profitably trading in directionless markets and in those experiencing constant price shocks. The book Details how to exploit new highs and lows Describes how to hedge primary risk components, find robustness, and craft a diversification program Other titles by Kaufman: New Trading Systems and Methods, 4th Edition and A Short Course in Technical Trading, both by Wiley Given Kaufman's 30 years of experience trading in almost every kind of market, his Alpha Trading will be a welcome addition to the trading literature of professional and serious individual traders for years to come.

Цена: 7364.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781118001202


Alquimia del liderazgo
Alquimia del liderazgo

Автор: Susan Wright

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9786124191497


Alte Geschichte studieren
Alte Geschichte studieren

Автор: Hartmut Blum

Grundlegende Orientierung f?r Studienanf?nger:innen Der Band bietet s?mtliche Basisinformationen zum Studium der Alten Geschichte. Behandelt werden Gegenstand und Fragestellungen des Faches sowie die Quellenkunde einschlie?lich der Hilfs- und Nachbardisziplinen und spezieller Zugangsweisen. Das Buch f?hrt in die grundlegenden Arbeitstechniken und Darstellungsformen (Materialerschlie?ung, Materialbew?ltigung, Darstellung) ein und gibt n?tzliche Hinweise zur Orientierung in der Universit?t, zur sinnvollen Anlage des Fachstudiums bis hin zu m?glichen Berufsfeldern und Perspektiven.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783846352816


Alternative Investments 2.0
Alternative Investments 2.0

Автор: Группа авторов

Alternative Investments sind zu einem bedeutsamen Anlagevehikel f?r institutionelle Investoren geworden – sowohl aus Gr?nden der Rendite als auch aus Gr?nden der Portfolio-Diversifikation. Alternative Investments bieten ferner die M?glichkeit, einerseits f?r Investoren, innovative Anlagekonzepte zu verfolgen, anderseits f?r Emittenten, sich alternative Wege und Formen der Kapitalbeschaffung zu er?ffnen.
In dem Buch werden verschiedene alternative Investments dargestellt und beschrieben, sowohl im Hinblick auf ihren Eigenkapital- als auch auf ihren Fremdkapitalcharakter. Zudem werden hybride Ausgestaltungen behandelt und dem Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit gefolgt. Dabei werden verschiedene alternative Assets vorgestellt sowie die dahinterliegenden strategischen Investmentans?tze analysiert.
Die Autoren des Buches stammen aus nationalen und internationalen Investmenth?usern und verleihen den Beitr?gen einen hohen praxisorientierten sowie praxisrelevanten Einblick in die vorgestellten alternativen Investments. Sie richten sich damit an institutionelle Investoren und vermitteln ihnen Anregungen und Impulse bei der Ausrichtung ihrer alternativen Investmentpolitik und -strategie.

Цена: 7693.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783956471858


Alternative Investments. Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks and Strategies
Alternative Investments. Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks and Strategies

Автор: Greg Filbeck

A comprehensive guide to alternative investments that reveals today's latest research and strategies Historically low interest rates and bear markets in world stock markets have generated intense interest in alternative investments. With returns in traditional investment vehicles relatively low, many professional investors view alternative investments as a means of meeting their return objectives. Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies, can put you in a better position to achieve this difficult goal. Part of the Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, Alternative Investments provides an in-depth discussion of the historic performance, benchmarks, and strategies of every major alternative investment market. With contributions from professionals and academics around the world, it offers valuable insights on the latest trends, research, and thinking in each major area. Empirical evidence about each type of alternative investment is featured, with research presented in a straightforward manner. Examines a variety of major alternative asset classes, from real estate, private equity, and commodities to managed futures, hedge funds, and distressed securities Provides detailed insights on the latest research and strategies, and offers a thorough explanation of historical performance, benchmarks, and other critical information Blends knowledge from the conceptual world of scholars with the pragmatic view of practitioners in this field Alternative investments provide a means of diversification, risk control, and return enhancement and, as such, are attractive to many professional investors. If you're looking for an effective way to hone your skills in this dynamic area of finance, look no further than this book.

Цена: 11506.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118285183


Alternative Investments. CAIA Level II
Alternative Investments. CAIA Level II

Автор: Hossein Kazemi

In-depth Level II exam preparation direct from the CAIA Association CAIA Level II is the official study guide for the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst professional examination, and an authoritative guide to working in the alternative investment sphere. Written by the makers of the exam, this book provides in-depth guidance through the entire exam agenda; the Level II strategies are the same as Level I, but this time you'll review them through the lens of risk management and portfolio optimisation. Topics include asset allocation and portfolio oversight, style analysis, risk management, alternative asset securitisation, secondary market creation, performance and style attribution and indexing and benchmarking, with clear organisation and a logical progression that allows you to customise your preparation focus. This new third edition has been updated to align with the latest exam, and to reflect the current practices in the field. The CAIA designation was developed to provide a standardized knowledge base in the midst of explosive capital inflow into alternative investments. This book provides a single-source repository of that essential information, tailored to those preparing for the Level II exam. Measure, monitor and manage funds from a risk management perspective Delve into advanced portfolio structures and optimisation strategies Master the nuances of private equity, real assets, commodities and hedge funds Gain expert insight into preparing thoroughly for the CAIA Level II exam The CAIA Charter programme is rigorous and comprehensive, and the designation is globally recognised as the highest standard in alternative investment education. Candidates seeking thorough preparation and detailed explanations of all aspects of alternative investment need look no further than CAIA Level II.

Цена: 11506.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119016366


Alternative Risk Transfer
Alternative Risk Transfer

Автор: Группа авторов

A practical approach to ART-an alternative method by which companies take on various types of risk This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn't when using this technique. Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital's weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001.

Цена: 16127.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780470857465


Altersarmut kreativ bek?mpfen
Altersarmut kreativ bek?mpfen

Автор: Antonio Rudolphios

Wer rastet, der rostet" – dieses Sprichwort macht deutlich, was passiert, wenn man sich mit der Rente hinter den Fernseher setzt und auf den Abgang wartet. Wir rosten geistig wie k?rperlich. Dabei ist Aktivit?t gerade im Alter so wichtig. Es gibt kaum einen 70-J?hrigen, der keine Schmerzen hat und eben nicht vergesslich wird. Man wei? das, und gerade deswegen k?nnen Sie rechtzeitig dagegen vorbeugen, aber schon mit 35. Hat man erst einmal alle Wehwehchen des Alters, ist es umso m?hsamer, dagegen etwas zu unternehmen. Im Alter verlangsamt sich der Stoffwechsel und es wird h?rter, Knie- und Schultergelenke wieder geschmeidig zu trainieren. Die Muskeln sind durch lange Unt?tigkeit zur?ckgebildet und nicht mehr so flexibel, weshalb beispielsweise ?ltere Menschen h?ufiger Schulter-Muskel-Verletzungen oder Arthrose in den Kniegelenken haben.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783752907414


Always a Winner. Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy
Always a Winner. Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy

Автор: Peter Navarro

In much the same way that Good to Great uncovered hitherto hidden secrets of highly successful companies, Navarro’s Always a Winner uses extensive research to reveal the overriding importance of learning how to forecast and strategically manage the business cycle for competitive advantage. In doing so, this book provocatively explores a critical aspect of successful management virtually untapped by the existing strategy literature. —Dan DiMicco, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nucor Steel « Always a Winner is an important and timely guide to thriving in challenging economic times. Prof. Navarro deftly bridges the academic and business communities, showing corporate leaders how to read economic tea-leaves to anticipate business cycles. His „Master Cyclist“ credo offers many practical tips and real-world case studies for steering companies through turbulent economic seas.» —Mark Greene, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer, FICO (Fair Isaac Corp.) «Navarro’s Always a Winner shows why forecasting the economy with a ruler can be lethal for corporate executives and money managers. He demonstrates how to skillfully anticipate the ups and downs of the economy and successfully navigate through them. The current economic crisis clearly demonstrates why this book is so important to have on your bookshelf.» —Mark Zandi, Chief Economist and Cofounder of Moody’s Economy.com «Always a Winner is required reading for every entrepreneur, money manager, and independent investor hoping to outperform the market and retire one day.» —Mark T. Brookshire, Founder of StockTrak.com and WallStreetSurvivor.com « Navarro’s wealth of real world examples will show you how to make both economic recessions and recoveries invaluable allies in executing competitive corporate strategies. A must read!» —Lakshman Achuthan, Managing Director, Economic Cycle Research Institute Why recessions are far more dangerous than any 10 competitors Most companies make a lot of money during economic expansions-and lose a lot of money during recessions. That is the way it has always been. That is the way it need not always be. This book will show you how to «always be a winner» over the course of the entire business cycle-not just when economic times are good. To do this job, this book will arm you with all the strategies and tactics and forecasting tools you will need to profitably manage your organization through the business cycle seasons-from the best of boom times to the worst of recessionary times. In this book, you will learn to Forecast movements and key recessionary turning points in the business cycle Implement a set of powerful «battle-tested» strategies over the course of the business cycle Rebuild your organization with a strategic business cycle orientation and thereby make it much more recession-resistant and resilient over the longer term The forecasting tools and management strategies revealed in this book have been developed over the last five years by the author-the world's leading expert on managing the business cycle for competitive advantage. By learning to strategically manage the business cycle, your organization will be able to create a powerful competitive and sustainable advantage over its rivals and thereby find the grail sought by every executive team in the world-superior financial performance. In this way, Always a Winner provides you with the in-depth insight and practical advice you need to help your company survive and thrive in the increasingly risky conditions of the 21st century.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9780470531709


Alzheimer s and Dementia For Dummies
Alzheimer's and Dementia For Dummies

Автор: Consumer Dummies

Your sensitive, authoritative guide to Alzheimer's and dementia If a loved one has recently been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, it's only natural to feel fraught with fear and uncertainty about what lies ahead. Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. This friendly and authoritative guide is here to help you make smart, informed choices throughout the different scenarios you'll encounter as a person caring for someone diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. From making sense of a diagnosis to the best ways to cope with symptoms, Alzheimer's and Dementia For Dummies is the trusted companion you can count on as you navigate your way through this difficult landscape. Affecting one's memory, thinking, and behavior, dementia and Alzheimer's disease can't be prevented, cured, or slowed—but a diagnosis doesn't mean you have to be left helpless! Inside, you'll find out how to make sense of the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, understand the stages of the illnesses, and, most importantly, keep your loved one safe and comfortable—no matter how severe their symptoms are. Find out what to expect from Alzheimer's and dementia Discover what to keep in mind while caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia Uncover symptoms, causes, and risk factors of Alzheimer's and dementia Learn the critical information needed to help manage these illnesses Whether you're new to caring for a person affected by Alzheimer's or dementia or just looking for some answers and relief on your journey, this is the trusted resource you'll turn to again and again.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119187769


Am?liorez Vos Comp?tences Interpersonnelles
Am?liorez Vos Comp?tences Interpersonnelles

Автор: Jayden Navarro

Am?liorez vos comp?tences en relations humaines pour une communication efficace avec vos pairs, vos amis, votre famille, vos relations et vos affaires aujourd'hui! Vous sentez-vous mal ? l'aise dans des situations sociales o? les premi?res impressions sont si vitales? Manquez-vous de confiance et de charisme dans vos communications quotidiennes qui vous font para?tre distant et d?sengag?? Si tel est le cas, vous pourriez manquer de comp?tences humaines cruciales qui sont essentielles ? votre survie et ? votre succ?s dans ce monde. En ce qui concerne les comp?tences sociales, il n'y a rien de mieux que d'avoir un ensemble de strat?gies qui ont fait leurs preuves pour vous pr?parer au succ?s. En fait, de cette fa?on, vous ?tes capable d'apprendre et de d?couvrir beaucoup d'aspects int?ressants sur d'autres personnes que vous n'auriez pas l'occasion de savoir si vous ?tiez trop timide pour les aborder en premier lieu. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez: Raisons courantes pour lesquelles les gens souffrent d'anxi?t? sociale D?terminer votre motivation ? devenir plus sociable Pourquoi avoir des comp?tences sociales est si important Perc?e relationnelle Intelligence ?motionnelle Comment parler ? n'importe qui Conseils ?prouv?s pour attirer, tenir et passer une entrevue Ou des conversations avec facilit? Les 5 cl?s secr?tes d'une bonne communication et relation Pourquoi nous sommes des animaux sociaux et ce que cela signifie d'?tre une des neuf strat?gies pour devenir un meilleur acteur social Tactiques de communication indispensables pour de plus grandes connexions Comment suivre les conversations *** BONUS *** Comment ma?triser l'art de la pr?sentation Le r?le de la technologie et son impact n?gatif sur nos comp?tences en communication Strat?gies pour devenir un communicateur efficace Comment travailler efficacement sur les relations D?couvrez comment vous ?tes la cl? de votre propre succ?s et bien plus encore. .. D?couvrez les 9 strat?gies, devenez un meilleur acteur social, faites-vous plus d'amis et apprenez ? mieux conna?tre les autres ly. ?liminez les conjectures de l'?quation et permettez-vous d'exploiter pleinement votre potentiel d?s maintenant! R?cup?rez votre exemplaire du livre d?s maintenant en cliquant sur le bouton ACHETER MAINTENANT en haut de cette page! ? votre succ?s!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835421191


AMAZON. Как изменить мир по своему сценарию
AMAZON. Как изменить мир по своему сценарию

Автор: Шеннон Бейкер Мур

Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Samsung, Amazon, Google… Эти компании плотно вошли в нашу жизнь. Мы гуглим все и вся, выстраиваемся в бешеные очереди за яблочными новинками, пропадаем в недрах амазона, лайкаем и репостим на фейсбуке. Технологические компании играют все большую роль в нашей жизни, поглощая умы, время, деньги и человеческие ресурсы. В серии «Титаны Успеха» вы узнаете о том, как компании появились, развивались, завоевывали и изменяли мир.

Серия: Титаны успеха. Переосмысляй. Экспериментируй. Меняй

Цена: 269 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-4470-0407-1


American World Literature: An Introduction
American World Literature: An Introduction

Автор: Paul Giles

A scholarly review of American world literature from early times to the postmodernist era American World Literature: An Introduction explores how the subject of American Literature has evolved from a national into a global phenomenon. As the author, Paul Giles – a noted expert on the topic – explains, today American Literature is understood as engaging with the wider world rather than merely with local or national circumstances. The book offers an examination of these changing conceptions of representation in both a critical and an historical context. The author examines how the perception of American culture has changed significantly over time and how this has been an object of widespread social and political debate. From examples of early American literature to postmodernism, the book charts ways in which the academic subject areas of American Literature and World Literature have converged – and diverged – over the past generations. Written for students of American literature at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and in all areas of historical specialization, American World Literature offers an authoritative guide to global phenomena of American World literature and how this subject has undergone crucial changes in perception over the past thirty years.

Цена: 10604.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119431794


Amor en presente
Amor en presente

Автор: Julia Cu?llar

Серия: Narrativa

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9786079573386


Amway Forever. The Amazing Story of a Global Business Phenomenon
Amway Forever. The Amazing Story of a Global Business Phenomenon

Автор: Kathryn Jones A

A fascinating look at five decades of Amway's innovation Amway started in 1959 as a way for people to earn extra money selling soap and cosmetics. Today, it has recaptured the public's attention largely because of an extensive print and broadcast campaign featuring the Quixtar name-with ads saying «you know us as Amway.» Amway Forever chronicles the amazing inside story of this global business phenomenon. Page by page, it explores the history of Amway and its remarkable resurgence around the world. From how the company began and its growing pains in the 70's and 80's to its recent online revival, this book explores how Amway has survived and thrived over the past fifty years. Delves into how innovation has led to Amway's growth into an international powerhouse Reveals Amway's pioneering marketing tactics and sales strategies Offers an historic perspective, as well as a contemporary look, at how the company has evolved Engaging and informative, Amway Forever is a must-read for anyone interested in this company's unique business model and buzzworthy emergence into a global success.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118107751


An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets
An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets

Автор: Группа авторов

An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income and commodities. Using a unique structural approach, it dissects all markets the same way: into spot, forward and contingent dimensions, bringing out the simplicity and the commonalities of all markets. The book shuns stochastic calculus in favor of cash flow details of arbitrage trades. All math is simple, but there is lots of it. The book reflects the relative value mentality of an institutional trader seeking profit from misalignments of various market segments. The book is aimed at entrants into investment banking and dealing businesses, existing personnel in non-trading jobs, and people outside of the financial services industry trying to gain a view into what drives dealers in today’s highly integrated marketplace. A committed reader is guaranteed to leave with a deep understanding of all current issues. «This is an excellent introduction to the financial markets by an author with a strong academic approach and practical insights from trading experience. At a time when the proliferation of financial instruments and the increased use of sophisticated mathematics in their analysis, makes an introduction to financial markets intimidating to most, this book is very useful. It provides an insight into the core concepts across markets and uses mathematics at an accessible level. It equips readers to understand the fundamentals of markets, valuation and trading. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to understand the essentials of successfully trading, structuring or using the entire range of financial instruments available today.» —Varun Gosain, Principal, Constellation Capital Management, New York «Robert Dubil, drawing from his extensive prior trading experience, has made a significant contribution by writing an easy to understand book about the complex world of today’s financial markets, using basic mathematical concepts. The book is filled with insights and real life examples about how traders approach the market and is required reading for anyone with an interest in understanding markets or a career in trading.» —George Handjinicolaou, Partner, Etolian Capital, New York «This book provides an excellent guide to the current state of the financial markets. It combines academic rigour with the author’s practical experience of the financial sector, giving both students and practitioners an insight into the arbitrage pricing mechanism.» —Zenji Nakamura, Managing Director, Europe Fixed Income Division, Nomura International plc, London

Цена: 14912.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780470012253


An Average Joe s Search For The Meaning Of Life
An Average Joe's Search For The Meaning Of Life

Автор: David Shaw

David Shaw sees himself as an Average Joe.He grew up an average kid in an average neighbourhood in Ayrshire. Like many an Average Joe, he does ordinary things: goes to work, supports his local football team, puts the world to rights over a pint. But this Average Joe is anything but average. Styling himself ‘spiritcounsellor’, he shares with us an extraordinary journey through the twilight world. Blessed with the ability to see and hear those who’ve passed on, and, helped by his spirit guides, Black Hawk and Mr Chung, David shares with us his extraordinary story of receiving messages from the other side. Here is an Average Joe – an ordinary man with an extraordinary story that will fascinate and intrigue.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781472055316


An Executive s Guide to Fundraising Operations. Principles, Tools and Trends
An Executive's Guide to Fundraising Operations. Principles, Tools and Trends

Автор: Christopher Cannon M

A straightforward guide to the principles of effective fundraising operations An Executive Guide to Fundraising Operations provides fundraisers with easy-to-understand approaches to evaluate and address fundraising operations needs and opportunities. This guide simplifies and focuses on the analysis of problems and needs, allowing a quick return to fundraising. Provides the essential framework to improve and innovate development operations Includes dozens of practical tools, including sample policies for data, database, reporting, and business processes Offers sample workflow illustrations for gift processing and acknowledgment, report specification, and other processes Features sample reports for campaign management, performance management, and exception management Delivers effective calculators for operational rules of thumb No matter what the department is called, most fundraisers struggle with evaluating operational issues. This guide leads you through principles of effective fundraising operations, simplifies complicated topics, and offers solutions to some of the most vexing operations dilemmas.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118030233


An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Автор: Адам Смит

Цена: Бесплатно


An Introduction to Capital Markets
An Introduction to Capital Markets

Автор: Группа авторов

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the global capital markets, explaining the key instruments used in the markets and their practical applications. Containing numerous illustrations and examples it explains how each product or instrument is structured, how it is used in practice, what the principle risks are and how these are monitored and controlled. An Introduction to Capital Markets is an ideal resource for those wanting to understand how the global capital markets operate.

Цена: 9389.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780470851340


An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity. Think More, Think Better
An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity. Think More, Think Better

Автор: J. Y. F. Lau

A valuable guide on creativity and critical thinking to improve reasoning and decision-making skills Critical thinking skills are essential in virtually any field of study or practice where individuals need to communicate ideas, make decisions, and analyze and solve problems. An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity: Think More, Think Better outlines the necessary tools for readers to become critical as well as creative thinkers. By gaining a practical and solid foundation in the basic principles that underlie critical thinking and creativity, readers will become equipped to think in a more systematic, logical, and imaginative manner. Creativity is needed to generate new ideas to solve problems, and critical thinking evaluates and improves an idea. These concepts are uniquely introduced as a unified whole due to their dependence on each other. Each chapter introduces relevant theories in conjunction with real-life examples and findings from cognitive science and psychology to illustrate how the theories can be applied in numerous fields and careers. An emphasis on how theoretical principles of reasoning can be practical and useful in everyday life is featured, and special sections on presentation techniques, the analysis of meaning, decision-making, and reasoning about personal and moral values are also highlighted. All chapters conclude with a set of exercises, and detailed solutions are provided at the end of the book. A companion website features online tutorials that further explore topics including meaning analysis, argument analysis, logic, statistics, and strategic thinking, along with additional exercises and multimedia resources for continued study. An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity is an excellent book for courses on critical thinking and logic at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a self-contained study guide for readers interested in the topics of critical thinking and creativity as a unified whole.

Цена: 8726.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781118033425


An Introduction to Equity Derivatives. Theory and Practice
An Introduction to Equity Derivatives. Theory and Practice

Автор: Sebastien Bossu

Everything you need to get a grip on the complex world of derivatives Written by the internationally respected academic/finance professional author team of Sebastien Bossu and Philipe Henrotte, An Introduction to Equity Derivatives is the fully updated and expanded second edition of the popular Finance and Derivatives. It covers all of the fundamentals of quantitative finance clearly and concisely without going into unnecessary technical detail. Designed for both new practitioners and students, it requires no prior background in finance and features twelve chapters of gradually increasing difficulty, beginning with basic principles of interest rate and discounting, and ending with advanced concepts in derivatives, volatility trading, and exotic products. Each chapter includes numerous illustrations and exercises accompanied by the relevant financial theory. Topics covered include present value, arbitrage pricing, portfolio theory, derivates pricing, delta-hedging, the Black-Scholes model, and more. An excellent resource for finance professionals and investors looking to acquire an understanding of financial derivatives theory and practice Completely revised and updated with new chapters, including coverage of cutting-edge concepts in volatility trading and exotic products An accompanying website is available which contains additional resources including powerpoint slides and spreadsheets. Visit www.introeqd.com for details.

Цена: 6996.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119969020


An Introduction to Fund Management
An Introduction to Fund Management

Автор: Группа авторов

An Introduction to Fund Management introduces readers to the economic rationale for the existence of funds, the different types available, investment strategies and many other related issues from the perspective of the investment manager. It gives an overview of the whole business and explores the process and techniques of fund management, performance measurement and fund administration. This updated edition reflects new regulatory changes and industry developments.

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470510223


An Introduction to Islamic Finance
An Introduction to Islamic Finance

Автор: Zamir Iqbal

The first book to offer comprehensive coverage of Islamic finance and banking and its applications to the rest of the world, now fully revised and updated The ongoing international financial crisis has reignited debate over the development of a risk-sharing financial system, such as that required in Shariah Law. An Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice, Second Edition highlights the core principles of risk sharing in Islam, arguing that a risk-sharing financial system is exactly what we need to promote greater financial stability. Providing comprehensive coverage of the fundamental theory behind Islamic finance and banking, according to the core concepts of Shariah law, authors Zamir Iqbal and Abbas Mirakhor clearly explain the distinct features of an Islamic financial system and how it compares with traditional financial models. Addressing the myriad important developments that have taken place in recent years, this second edition looks to the future, addressing emerging issues sure to influence future developments in Islamic finance. Explores the unique features of an Islamic financial system, how they compare to more traditional financial systems, and how they could improve them Discusses all the most recent developments and emerging issues in Islamic finance Updated with the latest developments, trends, innovations, and statistics, this new edition features additional chapters on the financial crisis, globalization, non-bank financial institutions, and recent developments in Takaful (Islamic insurance) The first edition of An Introduction to Islamic Finance established the book as the market leader, and this newly revised and updated second edition incorporates the most recent developments in this booming financial sector, including financial stability, globalization, and non-banking financial institutions.

Цена: 8395.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470828106


An Introduction to Repo Markets
An Introduction to Repo Markets

Автор: Группа авторов

The Repo markets have grown dramatically in the past few years because of the need to hedge short positions in the capital and derivatives markets. Virtually all major currency markets in the world now have an established repo market, the facility is also increasingly being used in developing currency markets as well. This book is a practical introduction that focuses on the instruments, applications and risk management techniques essential for this rapidly evolving market. Fully updated to reflect the changes in these markets, the book also includes worked examples and case studies, and new sections on basket and structured finance repo.

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470033784


An Introduction to the Bond Markets
An Introduction to the Bond Markets

Автор: Patrick Brown J

This book gives an introduction to the bond markets for practitioners and new entrants who need to understand what they are, how they work and how they can be used, but do not want to be intimidated by mathematical formulae. By the end of the book readers will be able to decide whether to invest in the bond market. The mathematical formulae will be relegated to the appendices and supplemented by a companion website which allows users to enter their own bond market investments, to simulate anticipated events and see the results. Patrick Brown is well-known as Chairman of the European Bond commission (recently retired) The only bond book that does not rely heavily on mathematical formulae

Цена: 11399.94 руб.
ISBN: 9780470030745


An Introduction to Value-at-Risk
An Introduction to Value-at-Risk

Автор: Alexander Carol

The value-at-risk measurement methodology is a widely-used tool in financial market risk management. The fifth edition of Professor Moorad Choudhry’s benchmark reference text An Introduction to Value-at-Risk offers an accessible and reader-friendly look at the concept of VaR and its different estimation methods, and is aimed specifically at newcomers to the market or those unfamiliar with modern risk management practices. The author capitalises on his experience in the financial markets to present this concise yet in-depth coverage of VaR, set in the context of risk management as a whole. Topics covered include: Defining value-at-risk Variance-covariance methodology Portfolio VaR Credit risk and credit VaR Stressed VaR Critique and VaR during crisis Topics are illustrated with Bloomberg screens, worked examples and exercises. Related issues such as statistics, volatility and correlation are also introduced as necessary background for students and practitioners. This is essential reading for all those who require an introduction to financial market risk management and risk measurement techniques. Foreword by Carol Alexander, Professor of Finance, University of Sussex.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118316702


An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters
An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters

Автор: Rahman M. Azizur

The introductory chapter briefly presents the fundamental topologies and operation of power inverters. The second chapter contains a description of wavelet basis functions and sampling theory with particular reference to the switching model of inverters. Chapter three outlines the connection between the non-uniform sampling theorem and wavelet functions to develop an ideal sampling-reconstruction process to operate an inverter for obtaining its optimal performances. The scale based linearly combined basis functions are developed in chapter four in order to successfully operate single phase wavelet modulated inverters. Chapter four also contains the development of the non-dyadic type multiresolution analysis, that are responsible for sampling and recontruction of three continuous time reference modulating signals for three phase inverters. The performances of single phase wavelet modulated inverters for static, dynamic and non-linear loads are presented in chapter five, while chapter six contains the simulation and experimental performances of three phase wavelet modulated voltage source inverters for different loads at various operating conditions. This book presents the latest technology in the advancing power electronics field.

Цена: 11372.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780470648223


An Other Kingdom. Departing the Consumer Culture
An Other Kingdom. Departing the Consumer Culture

Автор: Peter Block

Our seduction into beliefs in competition, scarcity, and acquisition are producing too many casualties. We need to depart a kingdom that creates isolation, polarized debate, an exhausted planet, and violence that comes with the will to empire. The abbreviation of this empire is called a consumer culture. We think the free market ideology that surrounds us is true and inevitable and represents progress. We are called to better adapt, be more agile, more lean, more schooled, more, more, more. Give it up. There is no such thing as customer satisfaction. We need a new narrative, a shift in our thinking and speaking. An Other Kingdom takes us out of a culture of addictive consumption into a place where life is ours to create together. This satisfying way depends upon a neighborly covenant—an agreement that we together, will better raise our children, be healthy, be connected, be safe, and provide a livelihood. The neighborly covenant has a different language than market-hype. It speaks instead in a sacred tongue. Authors Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann, and John McKnight invite you on a journey of departure from our consumer market culture, with its constellations of empire and control. Discover an alternative set of beliefs that have the capacity to evoke a culture where poverty, violence, and shrinking well-being are not inevitable—a culture in which the social order produces enough for all. They ask you to consider this other kingdom. To participate in this modern exodus towards a modern community. To awaken its beginnings are all around us. An Other Kingdom outlines this journey to construct a future outside the systems world of solutions.

Цена: 1564.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119194736


An Unprogrammed Life. Adventures of an Incurable Entrepreneur
An Unprogrammed Life. Adventures of an Incurable Entrepreneur

Автор: William Saito Hiroyuki

The extraordinary story of a child prodigy and his remarkable entrepreneurial accomplishments If anyone has «been there, done that» in starting and managing businesses, it's William Saito. Saito is a truly unique personality, and his remarkable story, An Unprogrammed Life, is the compelling tale of a young entrepreneur. More than just a high-tech autobiography or how-to guide, the book is the extraordinary story of a self-taught genius who became a savvy, serial business success story. Founder of multiple profitable companies, Saito now devotes himself to helping others to do the same. This book chronicles the journey of Saito from a young computer nerd programming stock market trading algorithms for a major broker at the age of ten, to selling three separate companies to Microsoft and becoming one of the world's foremost experts on data security. Saito's story focuses on his two key passions—entrepreneurship and data security. An authority in encryption, authentication, and biometric technology, he is determined to fight the never-ending battle to secure personal and corporate information from criminals, terrorists, and rogue nations. The book provides a peek into the author's work with anti-terrorism and anti-crime units and the threats to personal and corporate security posed by ordinary cell phones, office copiers, and laptop PCs. The incredible story of a child prodigy who was recognized in 1998 as Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year Addresses Saito's extensive work consulting for clients worldwide, including the U.S. Department of Defense's Counter-terrorism unit, and the U.K., Russian, and Japanese governments Includes a foreword from Carl J. Schramm, President & CEO of the Kauffman Foundation The extraordinary story of a child genius and his remarkable entrepreneurial skills, the book is both a fascinating insight and a true inspiration for readers everywhere.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118077429


An?lisis de productos y servicios de inversi?n. ADGN0108
An?lisis de productos y servicios de inversi?n. ADGN0108

Автор: Francisco Javier Monta?o Hormigo

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788416758579


An?lisis de productos y servicios de financiaci?n. ADGN0108
An?lisis de productos y servicios de financiaci?n. ADGN0108

Автор: Mar?a del Carmen Miranda Leyva

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788416629947


An?lisis y gesti?n de los instrumentos de cobro y pago. ADGN0108
An?lisis y gesti?n de los instrumentos de cobro y pago. ADGN0108

Автор: Francisco Javier Hern?ndez Bermejo

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788491983859


Analisis para un Liderazgo Genuino (abreviado)
Analisis para un Liderazgo Genuino (abreviado)

Автор: Miguel Angel Valdez

Исполнители: Juan Guzman

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781611542035


Analysis of Financial Time Series
Analysis of Financial Time Series

Автор: Группа авторов

Provides statistical tools and techniques needed to understand today's financial markets The Second Edition of this critically acclaimed text provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to financial econometric models and their applications in modeling and predicting financial time series data. This latest edition continues to emphasize empirical financial data and focuses on real-world examples. Following this approach, readers will master key aspects of financial time series, including volatility modeling, neural network applications, market microstructure and high-frequency financial data, continuous-time models and Ito's Lemma, Value at Risk, multiple returns analysis, financial factor models, and econometric modeling via computation-intensive methods. The author begins with the basic characteristics of financial time series data, setting the foundation for the three main topics: Analysis and application of univariate financial time series Return series of multiple assets Bayesian inference in finance methods This new edition is a thoroughly revised and updated text, including the addition of S-Plus® commands and illustrations. Exercises have been thoroughly updated and expanded and include the most current data, providing readers with more opportunities to put the models and methods into practice. Among the new material added to the text, readers will find: Consistent covariance estimation under heteroscedasticity and serial correlation Alternative approaches to volatility modeling Financial factor models State-space models Kalman filtering Estimation of stochastic diffusion models The tools provided in this text aid readers in developing a deeper understanding of financial markets through firsthand experience in working with financial data. This is an ideal textbook for MBA students as well as a reference for researchers and professionals in business and finance.

Цена: 16348.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780471746188


Analytical Characterization Methods for Crude Oil and Related Products
Analytical Characterization Methods for Crude Oil and Related Products

Автор: Группа авторов

Basic theory, applications, and recent trends in analytical techniques used in crude oil and related products analysis This book covers the application of different spectroscopic methods to characterize crude oil and related products. Its topics are presented in a pedagogical manner so that those new to the subject can better understand the content. The book begins by familiarizing the reader with the rheological characterization of crude oil and related products. Subsequent chapters are directed towards the current trends of different spectroscopic methods for the characterization of crude oil. Analytical Characterization Methods for Crude Oil and Related Products features chapters on: optical interrogation of petroleum asphaltenes (myths and reality); ESR characterization of organic free radicals in petroleum products; high-field, pulsed, and double resonance studies of crude oils and their derivatives; NMR spectroscopy in bitumen characterization; applications of Raman spectroscopy in crude oil and bitumen characterization; and more. Uses a bottom-up approach—starting from the basic theory of the technique followed by its applications and recent trends in crude oil analysis Includes informative content so as to take a technician to the level of using a particular analytical method Covers relevany information so as to enable a manager in the industry to make purchasing decisions Analytical Characterization Methods for Crude Oil and Related Products is aimed at researchers in academia as well as technicians and developers of new analytical methods in the oil industry and related areas. It will also be of interest to professionals, scientists, and graduate students in analytical sciences dealing with oil and environmental analysis.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119286363


Analytical Political Economy
Analytical Political Economy

Автор: Roberto Veneziani

Offering a unique picture of recent developments in a range of non-conventional theoretical approaches in economics, this book introduces readers to the study of Analytical Political Economy and the changes within the subject. Includes a wide range of topics and theoretical approaches that are critically and thoroughly reviewed Contributions within the book are written according to the highest standards of rigor and clarity that characterize academic work Provides comprehensive and well-organized surveys of cutting-edge empirical and theoretical work covering an exceptionally wide range of areas and fields Topics include macroeconomic theories of growth and distribution; agent-based and stock-flow consistent models; financialization and Marxian price and value theory Investigates exploitation theory; trade theory; the role of expectations and ‘animal spirits’ on macroeconomic performance as well as empirical research in Marxian economics

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781119483335


Analytics and Dynamic Customer Strategy. Big Profits from Big Data
Analytics and Dynamic Customer Strategy. Big Profits from Big Data

Автор: John Tanner F

Key decisions determine the success of big data strategy Dynamic Customer Strategy: Big Profits from Big Data is a comprehensive guide to exploiting big data for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing. This complete guide provides a process for rigorous decision making in navigating the data-driven industry shift, informing marketing practice, and aiding businesses in early adoption. Using data from a five-year study to illustrate important concepts and scenarios along the way, the author speaks directly to marketing and operations professionals who may not necessarily be big data savvy. With expert insight and clear analysis, the book helps eliminate paralysis-by-analysis and optimize decision making for marketing performance. Nearly seventy-five percent of marketers plan to adopt a big data analytics solution within two years, but many are likely to fail. Despite intensive planning, generous spending, and the best intentions, these initiatives will not succeed without a manager at the helm who is capable of handling the nuances of big data projects. This requires a new way of marketing, and a new approach to data. It means applying new models and metrics to brand new consumer behaviors. Dynamic Customer Strategy clarifies the situation, and highlights the key decisions that have the greatest impact on a company's big data plan. Topics include: Applying the elements of Dynamic Customer Strategy Acquiring, mining, and analyzing data Metrics and models for big data utilization Shifting perspective from model to customer Big data is a tremendous opportunity for marketers and may just be the only factor that will allow marketers to keep pace with the changing consumer and thus keep brands relevant at a time of unprecedented choice. But like any tool, it must be wielded with skill and precision. Dynamic Customer Strategy: Big Profits from Big Data helps marketers shape a strategy that works.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118919781


Analytics in a Big Data World. The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications
Analytics in a Big Data World. The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications

Автор: Bart Baesens

The guide to targeting and leveraging business opportunities using big data & analytics By leveraging big data & analytics, businesses create the potential to better understand, manage, and strategically exploiting the complex dynamics of customer behavior. Analytics in a Big Data World reveals how to tap into the powerful tool of data analytics to create a strategic advantage and identify new business opportunities. Designed to be an accessible resource, this essential book does not include exhaustive coverage of all analytical techniques, instead focusing on analytics techniques that really provide added value in business environments. The book draws on author Bart Baesens' expertise on the topics of big data, analytics and its applications in e.g. credit risk, marketing, and fraud to provide a clear roadmap for organizations that want to use data analytics to their advantage, but need a good starting point. Baesens has conducted extensive research on big data, analytics, customer relationship management, web analytics, fraud detection, and credit risk management, and uses this experience to bring clarity to a complex topic. Includes numerous case studies on risk management, fraud detection, customer relationship management, and web analytics Offers the results of research and the author's personal experience in banking, retail, and government Contains an overview of the visionary ideas and current developments on the strategic use of analytics for business Covers the topic of data analytics in easy-to-understand terms without an undo emphasis on mathematics and the minutiae of statistical analysis For organizations looking to enhance their capabilities via data analytics, this resource is the go-to reference for leveraging data to enhance business capabilities.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118892718


Analytics. The Agile Way
Analytics. The Agile Way

Автор: Phil Simon

For years, organizations have struggled to make sense out of their data. IT projects designed to provide employees with dashboards, KPIs, and business-intelligence tools often take a year or more to reach the finish line…if they get there at all. This has always been a problem. Today, though, it's downright unacceptable. The world changes faster than ever. Speed has never been more important. By adhering to antiquated methods, firms lose the ability to see nascent trends—and act upon them until it's too late. But what if the process of turning raw data into meaningful insights didn't have to be so painful, time-consuming, and frustrating? What if there were a better way to do analytics? Fortunately, you're in luck… Analytics: The Agile Way is the eighth book from award-winning author and Arizona State University professor Phil Simon. Analytics: The Agile Way demonstrates how progressive organizations such as Google, Nextdoor, and others approach analytics in a fundamentally different way. They are applying the same Agile techniques that software developers have employed for years. They have replaced large batches in favor of smaller ones…and their results will astonish you. Through a series of case studies and examples, Analytics: The Agile Way demonstrates the benefits of this new analytics mind-set: superior access to information, quicker insights, and the ability to spot trends far ahead of your competitors.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119424208


Anatom?a de la derecha chilena: Estado, mercado y valores en tiempos de cambio
Anatom?a de la derecha chilena: Estado, mercado y valores en tiempos de cambio

Автор: St?phanie Alenda

Цена: 868.07 руб.
ISBN: 9789562892155


...And the Clients Went Wild!
...And the Clients Went Wild!

Автор: Maribeth Kuzmeski

Combine social media with traditional marketing techniques for breakthrough results! While social media is doing much to change the marketing landscape, it doesn't mean you have to take an either/or approach between it and more traditional methods. And the Clients Went Wild! gives you the tools to take an eclectic approach and pick the best, most wildly successful marketing methods—traditional, online, or both—to win at a given marketing goal. And, whether by means of Facebook, Twitter, streaming video, or by old-fashioned word of mouth, public relations, or personal sales skill, the goal is to win, right? Find real-life examples of success from some of today's best businesses Shows how to integrate and benefit from both traditional and new marketing methods Uses the proven business growth strategy Red Zone Marketing® as a central concept Author has proven the concepts successful in her work for numerous major clients Don't throw out tried and true marketing techniques just for the sake of the new. Do what works! Perfect your marketing mix and win with And the Clients Went Wild!

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470769881


And Then the Roof Caved In. How Wall Street s Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees
And Then the Roof Caved In. How Wall Street's Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees

Автор: David Faber

CNBC's David Faber takes an in-depth look at the causes and consequences of the recent financial collapse And Then the Roof Caved In lays bare the truth of the credit crisis, whose defining emotion at every turn has been greed, and whose defining failure is the complicity of the U.S. government in letting that greed rule the day. Written by CNBC's David Faber, this book painstakingly details the truth of what really happened with compelling characters who offer their first-hand accounts of what they did and why they did it. Page by page, Faber explains the events of the previous seven years that planted the seeds for the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. He begins in 2001, when the Federal Reserve embarked on an unprecedented effort to help the economy recover from the attacks of 9/11 by sending interest rates to all time lows. Faber also gives you an up-close look at where the crisis was incubated and unleashed upon the world-Wall Street-and introduces you to insiders from investment banks and mortgage lenders to ratings agencies, that unwittingly conspired to insure lending standards were abandoned in the head long rush for profits. Based on two years of research, this book provides deep background into the current credit crisis Offers the insights of experienced professionals-from Alan Greenspan to prominent bankers and regulators-who were on the front lines Created by David Faber, the face of morning business news on CNBC, and host of the network's award winning documentaries From regulators who tried to stop this problem before it swung out of control to hedge fund managers who correctly foresaw the coming housing crash and profited from it, And Then the Roof Caved In shows you how the crisis we currently face came to be.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470529195


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