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Network Forensics
Network Forensics

Автор: Ric Messier

Intensively hands-on training for real-world network forensics Network Forensics provides a uniquely practical guide for IT and law enforcement professionals seeking a deeper understanding of cybersecurity. This book is hands-on all the way—by dissecting packets, you gain fundamental knowledge that only comes from experience. Real packet captures and log files demonstrate network traffic investigation, and the learn-by-doing approach relates the essential skills that traditional forensics investigators may not have. From network packet analysis to host artifacts to log analysis and beyond, this book emphasizes the critical techniques that bring evidence to light. Network forensics is a growing field, and is becoming increasingly central to law enforcement as cybercrime becomes more and more sophisticated. This book provides an unprecedented level of hands-on training to give investigators the skills they need. Investigate packet captures to examine network communications Locate host-based artifacts and analyze network logs Understand intrusion detection systems—and let them do the legwork Have the right architecture and systems in place ahead of an incident Network data is always changing, and is never saved in one place; an investigator must understand how to examine data over time, which involves specialized skills that go above and beyond memory, mobile, or data forensics. Whether you're preparing for a security certification or just seeking deeper training for a law enforcement or IT role, you can only learn so much from concept; to thoroughly understand something, you need to do it. Network Forensics provides intensive hands-on practice with direct translation to real-world application.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119329176


Network Security Foundations. Technology Fundamentals for IT Success
Network Security Foundations. Technology Fundamentals for IT Success

Автор: Matthew Strebe

The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable, core concepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year, needs to know this year, and will still need to know next year. The purpose of the Foundations series is to identify these concepts and present them in a way that gives you the strongest possible starting point, no matter what your endeavor. Network Security Foundations provides essential knowledge about the principles and techniques used to protect computers and networks from hackers, viruses, and other threats. What you learn here will benefit you in the short term, as you acquire and practice your skills, and in the long term, as you use them. Topics covered include: Why and how hackers do what they do How encryption and authentication work How firewalls work Understanding Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Risks posed by remote access Setting up protection against viruses, worms, and spyware Securing Windows computers Securing UNIX and Linux computers Securing Web and email servers Detecting attempts by hackers

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780782151367


Networking For Dummies
Networking For Dummies

Автор: Doug Lowe

The #1 bestselling beginner's guide to computer networking—now in a new edition Need networking know-how, but don't know where to turn? Run—don't walk—to the no-nonsense networking guidance offered in this friendly guide! Whether you're a networking administrator or an everyday computer user looking to set up a network in your home or office, Networking For Dummies seamlessly gets you connected with the basics and gives you the knowledge to work out whatever kinks may come your way—in no time. A network can make everything in your home or office run more smoothly and easily, but setting one up can be challenging for even the most computer-savvy people. Well, relax—this bestselling guide has you covered! Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on setting up and maintaining a network, working with broadband and wireless technologies, ensuring you're following best practices with storage and back-up procedures, building a wired or wireless network, and much more. Set up a network for all major operating systems Secure, optimize, and troubleshoot your network Create an intranet and use the Cloud safely Make sense of the latest updates to Windows 10 Don't let a thorny networking issue get the best of you! Heed the simple guidance in this friendly guide and effectively network your way to more effective shared data and resources.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119257790


Netzwerk Marketing Bem?hungen mit E-Mail-Marketing:
Netzwerk Marketing Bem?hungen mit E-Mail-Marketing:

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

"Wie Sie st?rkere Bindungen bauen, mehr Glaubw?rdigkeit erzeugen und Ihre Stimme mit Leichtigkeit erh?hen!"
In diesem E-Buch erfahren Sie alles ?ber eine der besten M?glichkeiten, um Ihr Netzwerk-Marketing-Gesch?ft mit E-Mail-Marketing zu bauen.
– Kapitel 1: Einleitung
– Kapitel 2: Aufbau von Beziehungen
– Kapitel 3: Erzeugen von st?rkerer Glaubw?rdigkeit
– Kapitel 4: Erh?hen Sie ihre Opt-in Raten
– Kapitel 5: H?ufige Fehler die Menschen machen
– Kapitel 6: Zusammenfassung
– Kapitel 7: Weitere Ressourcen

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742773586


Neue Klassische Mikro?konomie
Neue Klassische Mikro?konomie

Автор: Joachim Stiller

Die hier vorgelegte Schrift ist der Versuch, eine «Neue Klassische Theorie» im Bereich der Volkswirtschaftslehre zu entwickeln. Diese Theorie soll eine Art Synthese des Klassischen Liberalismus und der Marxistischen Wirtschaftstheorie darstellen. Zentrales Thema dabei ist das Konstenpreis-Nachfrage-Modell, das hier die Br?ckenfunktion ?bernimmt.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783753184586


Neue Klassische Schule
Neue Klassische Schule

Автор: Joachim Stiller

Die hier vorgelegte Schrift ist der Versuch, eine «Neue Klassische Theorie» im Bereich der Volkswirtschaftslehre zu entwickeln. Diese Theorie soll eine Art Synthese des Klassischen Liberalismus, der Marxistischen Wirtschaftstheorie und der Grenzkostenlehre darstellen. Zentrales Thema dabei ist das Konstenpreis-Nachfrage-Modell, das hier die Br?ckenfunktion ?bernimmt.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783754185018


Neue Kunden f?r den Reisemarkt - die Generation Z
Neue Kunden f?r den Reisemarkt - die Generation Z

Автор: Sara Blum

Neue Anforderungen an die Tourismusbranche!
Die Generation Z reist rund um den Erdball, inszeniert sich gerne selbst und – sie ist stets online. Aus der touristischen Perspektive ist gerade diese Generation hochinteressant, denn sie unterscheidet sich im Hinblick auf touristische Interessen klar von den vorherigen. Sara Blum beleuchtet das Reiseverhalten mithilfe unterschiedlicher Szenarien. In der Folge stellt sie zentrale touristische Handlungsempfehlungen vor – etwa das Einbinden von Augmented und Virtual Reality sowie von k?nstlicher Intelligenz in touristische Dienstleistungen. Das Buch richtet sich an Tourismuswissenschaft und -praxis.

Цена: 1578.32 руб.
ISBN: 9783739801537


Neue Schl?uche f?r jungen Wein
Neue Schl?uche f?r jungen Wein

Автор: Paul M. Zulehner

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783843609852


Neue soziale Dreigliederung
Neue soziale Dreigliederung

Автор: Joachim Stiller

In der vorliegenden Schrift unternimt der Anthroposoph Joachim Stiller den Versuch, eine ganz neue soziale Dreigleiderung zu entwickeln und grundzulegen. Er geht dabei von den grunds?tzlichen ?berlegungen aus, die Steiner am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts get?tigt hat, entwickelt diese aber weiter und passt sie den heutigen Verh?ltnisen an. Zur Sprache kommen dabei u.a. die Souver?nit?tsfrage und die Frage nach dem gerechten Einkommen, die Stiller ganz neu benatwortet.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783748590323



Автор: N?stor Braidot

Imaginaci?n, originalidad, diversidad, capacidad inventiva.
Estos son s?lo algunos de los t?rminos que se acu?an como sin?nimos de creatividad: uno de los atributos m?s deseados, tanto por empresas como por individuos, para definir nuevas propuestas, encontrar soluciones innovadoras a un problema o idear conceptos disruptivos.
Hist?ricamente, se cre?a que se trataba de una cualidad limitada a un selecto grupo de seres humanos, los «creativos».
Si bien es cierto que las personas consideradas «creativas» tienen capacidades m?s desarrolladas, la generaci?n de ideas nace normalmente de una amplia base de conocimientos que empapa los circuitos cerebrales y que puede ser estimulada, entrenada, mejorada. Somos seres creativos por naturaleza. Los avances en el estudio de las neurociencias y la revalorizaci?n de esta disciplina aplicada han abierto el juego y proponen saberes que permiten establecer los espacios propicios para que cada persona encuentre de d?nde abrevar para que su creatividad resulte m?s frondosa, frecuente e innovadora. Estos conceptos comienzan a desarrollarse hacia finales de la d?cada del '90.
Primero, hubo una suerte de deslumbramiento inicial con las neurociencias, que se presentaban como la puerta de ingreso para develar todo lo que el cerebro tiene para articular con nuestro quehacer. La disciplina empez? a atravesar al ser humano en sus m?s diversos ejes.
Qu? m?s tentador, entonces, que recurrir a estos nuevos conocimientos disponibles para convertirnos en seres m?s creativos.

Серия: Colecci?n Cerebro Vivo

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9789874238009


Neuromarketing For Dummies
Neuromarketing For Dummies

Автор: Peter Steidl

Learn how to use neuromarketing and understand the science behind it Neuromarketing is a controversial new field where researchers study consumers' brain responses to advertising and media. Neuromarketing and the brain sciences behind it provide new ways to look at the age-old question: why do consumers buy? Neuromarketing For Dummies goes beyond the hype to explain the latest findings in this growing and often misunderstood field, and shows business owners and marketers how neuromarketing really works and how they can use it to their advantage. You'll get a firm grasp on neuromarketing theory and how it is impacting research in advertising, in-store and online shopping, product and package design, and much more. Topics include: How neuromarketing works Insights from the latest neuromarketing research How to apply neuromarketing strategies to any level of advertising or marketing, on any budget Practical techniques to help your customers develop bonds with your products and services The ethics of neuromarketing Neuromarketing for Dummies demystifies the topic for business owners, students, and marketers and offers practical ways it can be incorporated into your existing marketing plans.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118518991


Never Bet the Farm. How Entrepreneurs Take Risks, Make Decisions -- and How You Can, Too
Never Bet the Farm. How Entrepreneurs Take Risks, Make Decisions -- and How You Can, Too

Автор: Anthony Iaquinto

In Never Bet the Farm two leading entrepreneurs, Anthony Iaquinto and Stephen Spinelli, turn much of the so-called expert advice for entrepreneurs on its head. They show that by preparing for setbacks and using a framework that can help reduce risks and simplify decision making, entrepreneurs can increase their probability for success. They refute the idea that there is an ideal entrepreneurial “type,” and show that luck can be as important as a business plan in many enterprises. Above all, the authors emphasize that entrepreneurship is a career, not a one-time event, and winners are those who can keep themselves in the game. Never Bet the Farm is an easy-to-understand and attractive tool for anyone who has a business idea, but who might be wary of the risks implied in starting their own business.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780787985165


Never by Chance. Aligning People and Strategy Through Intentional Leadership
Never by Chance. Aligning People and Strategy Through Intentional Leadership

Автор: Joe Calloway

Praise for Never By Chance «Joe Calloway, Chuck Feltz, and Kris Young have joined forces to write the book that senior management at companies large and small have been waiting for. Highly readable, loaded with innovative ideas and filled with seminal insights from both a consulting and CEO perspective, Never by Chance lays out a plan for aligning people and strategy to dramatically improve market share and ROI. If you're going to read one business book this year, this is it!» —Kevin J. Clancy, PhD, Chairman, Copernicus Marketing Consulting «Never by Chance is a real-world, pragmatic guide to authentic alignment, vision, and strategy. If you want to create enduring value for your customers that drives shareholder value, then read this book. A great read that lays out a foundational approach to aligning people, resources, and strategy.» —Kevin Cashman, Senior Partner, Korn/Ferry Leadership & Talent Consulting; bestselling author of Leadership from the Inside Out «Calloway, Feltz, and Young offer a fresh perspective on what it takes to drive business strategy to its successful conclusion. This is a compelling contribution to the literature on the application of strategy and the importance of those things that really matter. It's a must-read for all those who labor in the vineyards of corporate America and those who aspire to it.» —Benjamin Ola. Akande, PhD, Dean, School of Business and Technology, Webster University «Everyone ends up somewhere, but few end up somewhere on purpose. Doing things on purpose and for a purpose are critical to business success. Never by Chance makes a compelling case for intentional leadership in bringing all of a company's resources to bear on delivering the stakeholder value your organization exists to provide.» —Steve Tourek, SVP and General Counsel, Marvin Windows and Doors

Цена: 2025.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780470594216


New Capitalism?
New Capitalism?

Автор: Группа авторов

In this stimulating and highly original work, Kevin Doogan looks at contemporary social transformation through the lens of the labour market. Major themes of the day – globalization, technological change and the new economy, the pension and demographic timebombs, flexibility and traditional employment – are all subject to critical scrutiny. We are often told that a new global economy has emerged which has transformed our lives. It is argued that the pace of technological change, the mobility of multinational capital and the privatization of the welfare state have combined to create a more precarious world. Companies are outsourcing, jobs are migrating to China and India, and a job for life is said to be a thing of the past. The so-called ‘new capitalism’ is said to be the result of these profound changes. Kevin Doogan takes issue with these widely-accepted ideas and subjects the transformation of work to detailed examination through a comprehensive analysis of developments in Europe and North America. He argues that precariousness is not a natural consequence of this fast-changing world; rather, current insecurities are manufactured, emanating from neoliberal policy and the greater exposure of the economy to market forces. New Capitalism? The Transformation of Work is sure to stimulate academic debate. Kevin Doogan's account will appeal not just to scholars, but also to upper-level students across the social sciences, including the sociology of work, industrial relations, globalization, economics, social policy and business studies.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745674759


New Consumer Marketing
New Consumer Marketing

Автор: Группа авторов

Because of the Internet and globalization, the fast moving consumer goods market has been turned on its head and made more competitive than ever. This book synthesizes emerging marketing thinking in the consumer domain with practical advice on how to profit from changes. It illustrates the key issues facing the fast moving consumer goods industry and provides an analysis of cutting-edge management research and academic insight.

Цена: 7732.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780470868416


New Frontiers in Technical Analysis. Effective Tools and Strategies for Trading and Investing
New Frontiers in Technical Analysis. Effective Tools and Strategies for Trading and Investing

Автор: Paul Ciana

An essential guide to the most innovative technical trading tools and strategies available In today's investment arena, there is a growing demand to diversify investment strategies through numerous styles of contemporary market analysis, as well as a continuous search for increasing alpha. Paul Ciana, Bloomberg L.P.'s top liason to Technical Analysts worldwide, understands these challenges very well and that is why he has created New Frontiers in Technical Analysis. Paul, along with in-depth contributions from some of the worlds most accomplished market participants developed this reliable guide that contains some of the newest tools and strategies for analyzing today's markets. The methods discussed are based on the existing body of knowledge of technical analysis and have evolved to support, and appeal to technical, fundamental, and quantitative analysts alike. • It answers the question «What are other people using?» by quantifying the popularity of the universally accepted studies, and then explains how to use them • Includes thought provoking material on seasonality, sector rotation, and market distributions that can bolster portfolio performance • Presents ground-breaking tools and data visualizations that paint a vivid picture of the direction of trend by capitalizing on traditional indicators and eliminating many of their faults • And much more Engaging and informative, New Frontiers in Technical Analysis contains innovative insights that will sharpen your investments strategies and the way you view today's market.

Цена: 6904.04 руб.
ISBN: 9780470879085


New Issues in Islamic Finance and Economics
New Issues in Islamic Finance and Economics

Автор: Zamir Iqbal

New Issues in Islamic Finance & Economics: Progress and Challenges provides a review of the main issues and challenges facing Islamic finance. The application of Islamic finance is currently limited to banking. This book starts with an overview of the factors and motives behind the development of Islamic finance. A critical review of issues facing the industry is provided followed by a detailed analysis of areas where further attention is required. The book offers some original thinking on issues pertaining to governance, institutions, public finance and economic development within an Islamic financial system.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118179628


New Market Mavericks
New Market Mavericks

Автор: Группа авторов

Geoff Cutmore offers a fresh approach to the age-old battle of profitable investing in uncertain times. With most experts now predicting volatile stock market conditions in the years ahead, many old, tried-and-true investment strategies no longer work. Cutmore reveals how some well-known investors continue to make money in these difficult economic times. «Through the biggest equity bubble and bear market in a generation Geoff Cutmore has been a pivotal commentator on these unfolding events in his role as main anchorman for CNBC Europe’s award winning business breakfast programme Squawk Box. In this book Geoff provides a fascinating insight into some of the leading characters in the investment industry and how their alternative investment styles have worked during the biggest bear market in a generation. It is essential reading for all those people who have an interest in investment and can help investors understand some of the different investment approaches which have evolved during this tumultuous period.» Nigel Bolton, Head of European Equities, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership «Is the bear market in stocks over or are we in for many more tough years, and what does that mean for our hard-earned pension portfolios? By talking to some of the great original thinkers in investing, Geoff skillfully draws out some fascinating answers. An absolute pleasure to read!» Bob McKee, Chief Economist, Independent Strategy, London-based global investment consult

Цена: 9058.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470870471


New Museum Theory and Practice
New Museum Theory and Practice

Автор: Группа авторов

New Museum Theory and Practice is an original collection of essays with a unique focus: the contested politics and ideologies of museum exhibition. Contains 12 original essays that contribute to the field while creating a collective whole for course use. Discusses theory through vivid examples and historical overviews. Offers guidance on how to put theory into practice. Covers a range of museums around the world: from art to history, anthropology to music, as well as historic houses, cultural centres, virtual sites, and commercial displays that use the conventions of the museum. Authors come from the UK, Canada, the US, and Australia, and from a variety of fields that inform cultural studies.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781405148825


New Technologies and Branding
New Technologies and Branding

Автор: Philippe Sachetti

Between cases of study, theoretical panorama and practical reflections, this book gives brand leaders the means to defend their brand in a changing environment, where new technologies and manipulation techniques have rendered old defense schemes obsolete. Rather than suggesting a reflection from the point of view of the crisis, the authors deal with the question under another, broader theme: conflict.

Цена: 13255.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119510543


Newcits. Investing in UCITS Compliant Hedge Funds
Newcits. Investing in UCITS Compliant Hedge Funds

Автор: Filippo Stefanini

Due to their strong regulatory frameworks, UCITS compliant hedge funds have seen a boom in recent years and are considered by many as the only way out for the hedge fund industry after the crisis. Newcits: Investing in UCITS Compliant Hedge Funds is a one-stop resource for investors who want to get the best out of their UCITS investments. There is a large and increasing range of UCITS compliant funds out there, but despite their tighter regulation and frameworks, investors still need to understand the risks they are undertaking, the structures of the funds and their differences and similarities to mutual funds and hedge funds. The book begins with an assessment of the financial crisis from the perspective of hedge funds and funds of hedge funds. Then it introduces the UCITS framework and shows how these strategies present a valuable and attractive alternative to offshore hedge funds and funds of hedge funds. The regulatory framework is described in depth, as are the different business models used by asset managers. Finally it looks at current hedge fund strategies such as long/short equity or global macro, and at how these can be integrated into the framework. The book also describes in detail the Newcits industry, discussing the performances, the fee structure, the liquidity and the key theme of «replicability», studying the tracking error volatility of the Newcits funds in comparison with their offshore versions. A discussion of the effectiveness of the regulation and its potential developments concludes the book.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470979495


News Flash. Journalism, Infotainment and the Bottom-Line Business of Broadcast News
News Flash. Journalism, Infotainment and the Bottom-Line Business of Broadcast News

Автор: Bonnie Anderson

While talking heads debate the media's alleged conservative or liberal bias, award-winning journalist Bonnie Anderson knows that the problem with television news isn't about the Left versus the Right–it's all about the money. From illegal hiring practices to ethnocentric coverage to political cheerleading, News Flash exposes how American broadcast conglomerates' pursuit of the almighty dollar consistently trumps the need for fair and objective reporting. Along the way to the bottomline, the proud tradition of American television journalism has given way to an entertainment-driven industry that's losing credibility and viewers by the day. As someone who has worked as both a broadcast reporter and a network executive, Anderson details how the networks have been co-opted by bottom-line thinking that places more value on a telegenic face than on substantive reporting. Network executives—the real power in broadcast journalism—are increasingly employing tactics and strategies from the entertainment industry. They «cast» reporters based on their ability to «project credibility,» value youth over training and experience, and often greenlight coverage only if they can be assured that it will appeal to advertiser-friendly demographics.

Цена: 3203.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780787975654


News Media Innovation Reconsidered
News Media Innovation Reconsidered

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4212.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706472


News Media Innovation Reconsidered
News Media Innovation Reconsidered

Автор: Группа авторов

A guide to journalistic ethics for today’s digital technologies With contributions from an international panel of experts on the topic, News Media Innovation Reconsidered offers a guide for the revitalizing of the ethical and civil ideals of journalism. The authors discuss how to energize journalistic practices and products and explore how to harness the power of digital technological innovations such as immersive journalism, the automatization and personalization of news, newsgames, and artificial-intelligence news production. The book presents an innovative framework of “creative reconstruction” and reviews new journalistic concepts, models, initiatives, and practices that clearly demonstrate professional ethics that embrace truth seeking, transparency, fact checking, and accuracy, and other ethical considerations. While the contributors represent numerous countries, many of examples are drawn from the Spanish-speaking media and can serve as models for an international audience. This important book: Explores the impact on the news media from mobile-first, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence-driven platforms Examines the challenges of maintaining journalistic ethics in today’s digital world Demonstrates how to use technology to expose readers to news outside their comfort zones Provides information for discerning truth from fake news Written for researchers, students in journalism and communication programs, New Media Innovation Reconsidered offers a much-needed guide for recreating journalistic ethics in our digital age.

Цена: 4212.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706502


NFT 4.0
NFT 4.0

Автор: Philipp Sigler

NFTs bieten uns eine Menge M?glichkeiten, bequem von zu Hause aus Geld zu verdienen. Mein Name ist Philipp Sigler und in diesem Buch werde ich ?ber das Thema NFT sprechen. Wir werden die folgenden Fragen beantworten:
Was genau sind NFTs? Sind NFTs seri?s? Was sind die versteckten Risiken? Sind NFTs nur ein Trend? Wie sieht die Zukunft von NFT aus? Wie kannst du mit NFT Geld verdienen? und vieles mehr.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783754951866


Nicole und andere Katastrophen – Episode 12
Nicole und andere Katastrophen – Episode 12

Автор: Melanie Werlberger

Серия: Nicole und andere Katastrophen

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783990429358


Niedergetrampelt von Einh?rnern
Niedergetrampelt von Einh?rnern

Автор: Maelle Gavet

Der technologische Fortschritt hat nahezu auf alle Bereiche positive Auswirkungen: auf unsere Art zu leben, zu arbeiten und unsere Freizeit zu verbringen. Und doch haben digitale Technologien auch die B?chse der Pandora ge?ffnet – mit verheerenden Nebenwirkungen: Desinformation, Hass und Mobbing, katastrophale Verletzungen der Privatsph?re, durch die «Gig economy» entfesselte disruptive Zerst?rungen, monopolistische Repressionen und mehr. Tech-Giganten wie Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Uber, YouTube, Twitter, Airbnb und eine Handvoll anderer Einh?rner stehen an einem Scheideweg. ?bernehmen sie weiterhin keine moralische Verantwortung im unerbittlichen Streben nach Gr??e? Oder wagen sie einen Neustart und stellen Ethik und Empathie in den Mittelpunkt ihres Handelns? COVID-19 dient als Brennglas f?r die Offenbarung des Besten und des Schlechtesten, was die Tech-Branche hervorbringt. Einerseits w?re das Leben definitiv viel m?hsamer ohne Amazon, das uns das N?tigste direkt vor die Haust?r legt, ohne Zoom und Skype, um mit unseren Kollegen und Familien zu sprechen, und ohne Netflix f?r das Streamen von Fernsehprogrammen und Filmen. Andererseits konnte sich innerhalb weniger Minuten eine Flut an Fehlinformationen und manchmal auch gef?hrlichen L?gen ?ber das Virus per Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. rund um den Globus ausbreiten. Kein anderer Industriezweig hat jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens so schnell, tiefgreifend und umfassend ver?ndert wie die Tech-Branche. Keine andere Industrie hat uns alle in einem solchen Ausma? zu Opfern und Schurken gemacht. Keine andere Industrie hat neue Instrumente wie die KI entwickelt, die wir immer noch nicht zu kontrollieren wissen und die uns eines Tages vielleicht eher ersetzen als erg?nzen werden. Es wird Zeit, dass wir alle genauer hinschauen, was die Einh?rner (Tech-Konzerne mit einem Wert ?ber 1 Milliarde US-Dollar) so treiben. Wie sie ihre Versprechen brechen, dem Wohle der Gesellschaft zu dienen. Wie Risikokapital dazu beitr?gt, dass sie immer mehr zu marktbeherrschenden Monstern werden, die alles schlucken, was ihnen bedrohlich erscheint. Wenn wir nichts tun, um die Ambitionen der Tech-Riesen zu kontrollieren, k?nnte zur Realit?t werden, was in Orwells ?1984? und Huxleys «Sch?ne Neue Welt» als alptraumhafte Zukunftsvisionen beschrieben ist. Im schlimmsten Fall k?nnte auch eine Kombination der beiden eintreten: «Die Huxley-Dystopie treibt die Orwell-Dystopie an», sagte der Aktivist Aza Raskin in einem mit Gavet gef?hrten Interview. «Die beiden sind konvergierend, wie zwei sich aufeinander zubewegende W?nde.» Dennoch – es liegt in der Macht unserer Gesellschaften, diese Situation zu ?ndern. Wir k?nnen etwas daf?r tun, dass das vergangene Jahrzehnt eines Tages nicht mehr als Norm, sondern als Irrweg angesehen wird. «Niedergetrampelt von Einh?rnern» ist ein erhellendes und aufr?ttelndes Buch, das tiefe Einblicke hinter die Kulissen gew?hrt. Es ist die umfangreiche Enth?llung der Tech-Insiderin Ma?lle Gavet, die sagt: «Wir brauchen nicht weniger Technologie, wir brauchen emphatischere Technologie.» Sie beschreibt, wie die Tech-Branche diesen entscheidenden Wandel selbst vollziehen und Ver?nderungen vorantreiben kann, w?hrend Regierungen bereits aktiv an den Leitplanken daf?r arbeiten.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527835157


Nikon D3400 For Dummies
Nikon D3400 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Discover the essentials to getting better photos with the Nikon DLSLR D3400 The Nikon D3400 hits stores as Nikon's most advanced entry-level DSLR camera. Along with the pixel power to deliver sharp images, it also offers tools to be instantly creative and quickly share photos to a smartphone. This book will get you up to speed on the D3400 in a flash—teaching you all the basic photography skills needed to get great shots from a DSLR camera, while also giving you clear, hands-on guidance through the D3400's specific controls. Nikon D3400 for Dummies helps you learn the ins and outs of the Nikon D3400, including how to get started right away in auto mode, get creative with scene modes, and take full control in manual mode. Filled with practical, easy-to-follow instructions, this book will help you transform from an inexperienced beginner to an advanced shutterbug whose shots could grace the cover of any popular magazine. Get the lowdown on the controls and settings on a Nikon D3400 Learn how pro photographers set their cameras to get better shots Discover the tools that control your camera's exposure settings Put your newfound knowledge together to shoot better portraits, action shots, and low-light images If you're ready to put down your dinky, dim-lit, non-zooming smartphone and pick up a real professional-grade DSLR camera, do so with the help of Nikon D3400 for Dummies.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119336235


Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies
Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

The Nikon D40 and the D40x offer exciting new features that will enable you to take amazing digital photos. These compact cameras pack a big punch at a great price! With Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies, you’ll discover what each bell and whistle on your camera does so that you can confidently know when, where, why and how to put each feature to its best use. This friendly full-color guide translates all of those techie words in your Nikon manual into plain English. You'll learn what terms like SLR, resolution, aperture, white balance, and file format really mean and how they effect picture quality. You'll also find out what happens when you press, jiggle, or twist all those serious-looking controls and how to use them to capture the great shots you imagined taking when you became a Nikon owner. Discover how to: Install batteries and memory card Adjust viewfinder to your eyesight Take great pictures automatically Get creative with exposure and lighting Manipulate focus and color Control picture quality and size Download, organize, and archive your photos Print and share your photos Use fast photo-retouching tricks Packed with more than 200 beautiful color photos throughout, Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies is more than an easy-to-use handbook, it's the paperback version of an in-depth photography workshop tailored specifically to help you make the absolute most of your Nikon picture-taking powerhouse.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470334522


Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide
Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide

Автор: J. Thomas Dennis

Everything you need to know to take amazing photographs using your new DSLR The Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide is filled with everything you need to know to take fantastic photos with your new Nikon. In full color, this portable guide covers all of the essential controls, features, and functions of the Nikon D5300, using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images of each menu screen. Nikon users will love this comprehensive field guide—it's just the right size to fit into a camera bag, so you'll be able to take it wherever your photography adventures take you. The guide goes beyond camera settings, offering you a refresher course in digital photography principles, and covering the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure. This perfectly sized field guide features: Compact size, allowing photographers to carry it wherever they go Professional advice on everything from composing a variety of shots to choosing lenses Colorful example images, along with detailed instructions on how to get the most from each of the camera's features Filled with amazing examples, this handy guide offers a variety of tips and tricks. You'll learn how to capture portraits, take character-filled candid shots, frame sports action, document travel, work with macro photography, and much more!

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118867136


Nikon D5600 For Dummies
Nikon D5600 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

An easy-to-follow Nikon D5600 photography class—in a book! Your Nikon D5600 is a powerful tool equipped to take top-notch photos. But unless you know how to use it to its full potential, your professional-grade camera will produce underwhelming amateur-grade photos. And that's where Nikon D5600 For Dummies comes in! Packed with all the expert tips and tricks you need to get your Nikon to live up to its name, this guide shows you how to use it to get truly striking shots—in a flash. Written by an expert on all things Nikon—and brimming with inspiring full-color photos—the step-by-step instruction offered inside arms shutterbugs of all skill levels with the know-how to turn any scene into a beautiful work of art. Whether you're looking to capture a cozy low-light shot or forever memorialize an awesome action scene, Nikon D5600 For Dummies will take your photography skills to picturesque new heights. Discover all your camera's features and capabilities Get better photos in auto or manual mode Adjust focus on the fly Start speaking photography lingo like a pro Even Leonardo da Vinci had to learn to work with paints and brushes before he could create the Mona Lisa. Before you let your frustration get the best of you, take heed in the friendly guidance in Nikon D5600 For Dummies.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119386360


Nikon D7200 For Dummies
Nikon D7200 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Your plain-English, full-color guide to the Nikon D7200 Your Nikon D7200 comes packed with enough power to satisfy even seasoned photographers. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an easy guide on how to adjust the camera's settings to get the photos you want. That's where Nikon D7200 For Dummies comes in! Brimming with the tips, tricks, and friendly instruction you'd gain in a basic photography course, it shows you how to get the very most out of your new Nikon D7200—without losing your cool. Written by an experienced photographer and photography teacher, this fun, no-nonsense guide quickly gets you up and running on taking your first photos in automatic mode, then moves on to help you grasp more advanced features, like controlling exposure, adjusting color and focus for better results, using scene modes and priority modes, shooting portraits, action shots, outdoor shots, and night images—and so much more. Navigate your camera's buttons, dials, and settings Apply pro tricks to get better color, focus, and sharpness from your images Control exposure settings and jump from auto mode to manual Make sense of tricky material through full-color explanations of core photography concepts If you're the proud new owner of a Nikon D7200, but don't have a ton—or any—experience with cameras, this hands-on guide will have you taking photos like a pro in no time!

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119134176


Nikon D7500 For Dummies
Nikon D7500 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Your guide to capturing that perfect shot The Nikon D7500 has created a buzz in the photography community, gaining recognition for its appealing combination of high-end features and compact size. If you’re upgrading your existing dSLR or even purchasing your very first camera, Nikon D7500 For Dummies will help you feel like a pro in no time. This book highlights the importance of understanding all of the basic features of your new camera, before diving into insights about how to take top-notch photos. You’ll learn about when and how to use flash, understand exposure, and control focus and depth of field. There is also information on taking expert action, close-up, and landscape shots, and how to access and download those photo files. Photography is a great way to capture lifelong memories, and this book makes it easy to get started. Learn photography terminology Shoot, view, and trim movies Master color controls Discover ways to customize your camera Don’t just settle for auto mode; take advantage of all the D7500’s amazing features with the help of Nikon D7500 For Dummies!

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119448082


Nischenseiten f?r Einsteiger
Nischenseiten f?r Einsteiger

Автор: Kevin-Ren? Schilling

Nischenseiten erstellen – Schritt f?r Schritt. Nischenseiten f?r Einsteiger. Wie auch Du eine Nischenseite aufbauen und Geld im Internet verdienen kannst.
Ich erkl?re Dir, warum es einige schwarze Schafe im Bereich der Online-Marketing-Szene gibt und warum Du von teuren Online-Videokursen im drei- bis vierstelligen Bereich Abstand nehmen solltest. Hierbei gehe ich insbesondere auf die zweifelhaften Versprechen von einigen Online-Marketern ein.
Ziel ist es, nicht nur das idealisierte Bild des Online-Marketings zu behandeln, sondern gerade auch auf die Herausforderungen einzugehen, mit denen sich zumeist Einsteiger zu Beginn ihrer T?tigkeit auseinandersetzen m?ssen. Hierbei wird sowohl auf die etwaig vorhandenen Widerst?nde im privaten Umfeld als auch auf die vom Gesetz her einzuhaltenden Rahmenbedingungen, in Form von steuerlichen Regelungen, eingegangen. Ich erkl?re Dir beispielsweise, wie Du eine Gewerbeanmeldung vornimmst und welche Punkte Du dabei ber?cksichtigen solltest.
Das Buch erm?glicht Dir, Dich mit der Idee von Nischenseiten sowie Affiliate-Marketing von Grund auf zu befassen. Hierbei gehe ich auf die Motive ein, die f?r die Generierung eines passiven Einkommens f?r den Gro?teil der Online-Marketer von Bedeutung sind. Ferner zeige ich Dir, welche Denkstrukturen Dich beim Aufbau einer Nischenseite einschr?nken.
In dem Buch setzen wir uns ferner mit den unterschiedlichen Arten von Nischenseiten auseinander. Unter Zuhilfenahme einer Vielzahl von Beispielen, m?chte ich Dir detailliert aufzeigen, wie auch Du eine geeignete Nische findest. Das bedeutet, dass ich Dir bei der Ideenfindung m?gliche Nischen nenne und erkl?re, wie ich zu diesen Nischen gelangt bin. Dabei zeige ich Dir ebenfalls auf, f?r welche Strategien Du Dich in Bezug auf Deine zuk?nftigen Besucher bei der Erstellung einer Nischenseite entscheiden kannst. Ich zeige Dir au?erdem, auf welche Partnerprogramme ich vertraue, in welchem Bereich sich der Preis eines Nischenprodukts im Idealfall bewegen sollte und warum die H?he der Provision f?r ein Produkt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Nischenauswahl einnimmt.
Schritt f?r Schritt werde ich Dir aus meiner Sicht schildern, wie auch Du eine umfangreiche Marktanalyse vornehmen kannst. Ich bringe Dir ausf?hrlich n?her, wie Du mit kostenlosen Tools entsprechende bzw. lukrative Nischenm?rkte findest. Dabei erh?ltst Du von mir nicht nur allgemeine Ratschl?ge, sondern detaillierte Angaben zu der H?he von relevanten Kennzahlen, wie z.B. dem Suchvolumen und der pr?ferierten Anzahl der Suchergebnisse. In diesem Zusammenhang gehe ich insbesondere auf A-Quality- und B-Quality-Keywords sowie Long, Mid und Short Tails ein, die eine nicht gerade geringe Bedeutung haben.
Dabei gehe ich au?erdem auf die wesentlichen Begriffe ein, die Du bei der Keywordrecherche ber?cksichtigen solltest. Gemeint sind hier die On-Page- sowie Off-Page-Faktoren. Die Ermittlung relevanter Keywords z?hlt meiner Meinung nach zu den wichtigsten Faktoren und ist demnach ausschlaggebend f?r den Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer Nischenseite. Diese Komponente wird von vielen Einsteigern, aber auch von Online-Marketern, unzureichend ber?cksichtigt, so dass ein Scheitern in Bezug auf die Erstellung einer Nischenseite h?ufig vorprogrammiert ist. Deshalb m?chte ich meinen Lesern zeigen, welche Quellen ich f?r die Findung von Keywords als empfehlenswert erachte und wie ich dabei im Detail vorgehe.

Серия: Wie der Aufbau von Nischenseiten und die Generierung eines passiven Einkommens in der Praxis funktioniert

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783738094848



Автор: Carolyn Boyes

The NLP secrets that experts and top professionals use.Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of NLP (neuro linguistic programming)Includes how to:• Identify role models and study how they communicate• Build instant rapport in any business situation• Understand the body language of colleagues and competitors• Overcome barriers to success you previously hadn’t known about• Use NLP skills to think and act decisively

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007360437


No Excuses. How You Can Turn Any Workplace into a Great One
No Excuses. How You Can Turn Any Workplace into a Great One

Автор: Michael Burchell

The business leader's guide to creating a great workplace from the Great Place to Work Institute In this follow-up guide to The Great Workplace, experts from Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. reveal the most common excuses managers use for why they can't create a great workplace. Authors Jennifer Robin and Michael Burchell poke holes in every single excuse. Whether the reasons involve the organization's leadership, employees, environment, or any other factor, the authors explain that if managers lead people properly, they can create a great workplace. The authors explore how managers can interrupt their own negative thought patterns and instead create lasting change, and they describe how great workplaces have surmounted very real difficulties with aplomb. Includes case studies, stories, tips, and tools for managers who want to transform their organizations From the experts at the Great Place to Work, a global research, consulting, and training firm that operates in nearly 50 countries Proves that any and every organization can change for the better when managers have the right tools and mindset Creating a place where people want to work and want to succeed is the primary key to success for every manager. No Excuses shows that managers in any organization can transform their workplace—if they'll only get out of their own way first.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118746943


No Fear of Failure. Real Stories of How Leaders Deal with Risk and Change
No Fear of Failure. Real Stories of How Leaders Deal with Risk and Change

Автор: Gary Burnison

Candid conversations with top leaders around the world on how they approached pitvotal moments in their careers No Fear of Failure offers insightful, candid conversations with some of the world's top leaders in business, politics, education, and philanthropy—each giving a first-person account of how they approached crucial, career defining moments. Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn/Ferry International, the world's largest executive recruiting firm, sits down one-on-one with a highly select and elite corps, and together they openly discuss how they handled (often very publicly) war, economic downturn, corporate turnover, and even retirement. Together these world-class leaders show the risks one must be willing to take, as well as the vision, resilience, and compassion necessary to lead. Includes original interviews with Michael Bloomberg, Carlos Slim, Eli Broad, Indra Nooyi, Drew Gilpin Faust, Anne Mulcahy, Vincente Fox, Lt. General Franklin L. «Buster» Hagenbeck, Coach John McKissick, Liu Chuanzhi, Daniel Vasella, and Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo Explores the common traits great leaders exhibit: vision, compassion, resilience, competitiveness, purpose, humility, team-building skills, entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance, self-awareness, empowerment, and being a catalyst Taking readers into executive suites, government offices, battlefields, and football fields, No Fear of Failure shows how great leaders make lasting impact. #7 New York Times Best Seller (Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous) #13 New York Times Best Seller (Hardcover Business) #5 Wall Street Journal Best Seller (Hardcover Business) #3 USA Today Best Seller (Money) #17 Publishers Weekly Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction)

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118023044


No hay seguridad sin libertad
No hay seguridad sin libertad

Автор: Mauro Barberis

Серия: Estructuras y Procesos. Derecho

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9788498798326


No One Would Listen. A True Financial Thriller
No One Would Listen. A True Financial Thriller

Автор: Harry Markopolos

Harry Markopolos and his team of financial sleuths discuss first-hand how they cracked the Madoff Ponzi scheme No One Would Listen is the thrilling story of how the Harry Markopolos, a little-known number cruncher from a Boston equity derivatives firm, and his investigative team uncovered Bernie Madoff's scam years before it made headlines, and how they desperately tried to warn the government, the industry, and the financial press. Page by page, Markopolos details his pursuit of the greatest financial criminal in history, and reveals the massive fraud, governmental incompetence, and criminal collusion that has changed thousands of lives forever-as well as the world's financial system. The only book to tell the story of Madoff's scam and the SEC's failings by those who saw both first hand Describes how Madoff was enabled by investors and fiduciaries alike Discusses how the SEC missed the red flags raised by Markopolos Despite repeated written and verbal warnings to the SEC by Harry Markopolos, Bernie Madoff was allowed to continue his operations. No One Would Listen paints a vivid portrait of Markopolos and his determined team of financial sleuths, and what impact Madoff's scam will have on financial markets and regulation for decades to come.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470625361


No Regrets. A Ten-Step Program for Living in the Present and Leaving the Past Behind
No Regrets. A Ten-Step Program for Living in the Present and Leaving the Past Behind

Автор: Hamilton Beazley

At last, freedom from burdensome regrets Everyone has regrets. But not everyone can overcome them, even when they interfere with the enjoyment of life. With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to let go of past mistakes, lost opportunities, and failed expectations to live richly in a present filled with hope and new possibilities. This wise, compassionate, and practical guide offers profound insights into the nature of regrets and how to overcome them. Grounded in proven psychotherapeutic and spiritual principles, No Regrets brings together the insights of mental health professionals, spiritual teachers, and self-help experts. In No Regrets, you'll find: * A structured ten-step program for letting go of burdensome regrets * Powerful spiritual and psychological tools for overcoming regret, including creative visualization, journaling, affirmations, thought analysis, meditation, and sharing with others * Insights into toxic thought patterns that create and support regrets * Persistent myths about forgiveness that keep us trapped in our regrets * Inspiring stories of people who have freed themselves from regret No Regrets will show you a way out of the pain, guilt, and shame of the past and how to create a rich and rewarding life in the present. «Hamilton Beazley has the distinct ability to understand the most complex inner workings of the human spirit and mind. No Regrets is destined to take its place alongside the other great self-help guides of our time.» -Howard J. Shaffer, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director Division on Addictions, Harvard Medical School

Цена: 2098.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780471481799


No Rumo Certo
No Rumo Certo

Автор: Pedro Medeiros

N?o desistas daquilo que mais queres na tua vida, os tempos dif?ceis v?o chegar, mas n?o v?o ficar aqui para sempre. A grandeza n?o ? s? para aqueles que t?m esta ou aquela habilidade, a grandeza est? ao alcance de todos n?s e ? importante que acredites e que te sintas merecedor que ?s essa pessoa, pois o sucesso est? ? espera que tu o agarres. Este livro vai dar-te uma nova consci?ncia da forma como tu v?s o mundo, da forma como tu o sentes, e da forma que ages perante ele. Vais trabalhar o teu modelo do mundo, como vais interagir com ele com essa tua nova vis?o, e agir em dire??o aos teus objetivos. Tamb?m vais aprender t?cnicas para estares sempre com predisposi??o para continuares a tua jornada ao mais alto n?vel. Vem dar mais um passo em rumo ? vida desejada.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789403646978


No Thanks, I m Just Looking. Sales Techniques for Turning Shoppers into Buyers
No Thanks, I'm Just Looking. Sales Techniques for Turning Shoppers into Buyers

Автор: Harry Friedman J

Secrets of the trade from the master of retail selling and sales training No Thanks, I'm Just Looking gives anyone the inside scoop on how to skyrocket their selling career with a system of easy-to-learn practical money-making steps. By saving countless hours of trial-and-error experience, readers will be able to focus on the things that really work. Considered to be retail guru Harry J. Friedman's personal collection of proven selling techniques, No Thanks, I'm Just Looking includes all the tips and humorous anecdotes that have made him retail's most sought-after consultant. No Thanks, I'm Just Looking delivers the tricks of the trade from an international retail authority. Author is the most heavily attended speaker on retail selling and operational management in the world These groundbreaking high-performance training systems have been used by more than 500,000 retailers, from small independents to the likes of Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Billabong, La-Z-Boy and Godiva, to routinely deliver more sales Friedman created the number one retail sales and management system used by more retailers than any other system of its kind in the world Get proven techniques that will increase sales and elevate your staff to a high-performance sales team.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118209608


Nobody in Charge. Essays on the Future of Leadership
Nobody in Charge. Essays on the Future of Leadership

Автор: Harlan Cleveland

One of the most renowned thinkers and insightful writers on leadership of our time, Harlan Cleveland has seen numerous trends come and go and weathered many drastic changes in leadership and management-from the rise of the «company man» to the advent of the leaderless, self-managed organization. In this collection of essays-the newest addition to the Warren Bennis Signature Series–he draws on his vast experience to apply his thoughts to leadership. In each essay, Cleveland focuses on an intriguing insight about leadership-illustrated by stories from his own experience –offering thoughtful perspective on what 21st century leaders will face in the new knowledge environment.

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780787963897


Noise in Radio-Frequency Electronics and its Measurement
Noise in Radio-Frequency Electronics and its Measurement

Автор: Fran?ois Fouquet

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706694


Non Sono Come Tu Mi Vuoi
Non Sono Come Tu Mi Vuoi

Автор: Victory Storm

Forse non avrei dovuto uscire di casa con solo quel completo intimo super sexy sotto il cappotto, in pieno inverno. Forse non avrei dovuto andare a trovare il mio ragazzo in ufficio, anche se era il giorno di San Valentino. Forse non avrei dovuto spogliarmi di fronte a lui senza essermi assicurata che fossimo soli. Forse avrei potuto evitare di farlo licenziare, facendogli perdere quello che Stefan considerava il lavoro dei suoi sogni. Forse adesso staremmo ancora insieme. Per?, dai, sono passati sette anni da quel giorno. Sono cresciuta. Sono cambiata. Insomma, Stefan mi aveva gi? fatta sentire abbastanza in colpa, dopo avermi mollata sparendo dalla circolazione per colpa di quello che avevo combinato. Adesso non pu? tornare e restituirmi pan per focaccia, giusto? Non sto per essere licenziata, vero? Vero???

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412571


Non-Profit-Organisationen in die Zukunft entwickeln
Non-Profit-Organisationen in die Zukunft entwickeln

Автор: Heike Fischer

Soziale Einrichtungen, die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, Berufsgenossenschaften, Kirchen, Vereine und Verb?nde, aber auch die Feuerwehr, die Polizei und andere kommunale Einrichtungen werden sich ?konomischen, sozialen, demographischen und auch ethischen Zw?ngen anpassen m?ssen um zu ?berleben. Dieses Buch unterst?tzt NPO und die ?ffentliche Verwaltung auf dem Weg dieser Ver?nderungen. Besonders wenden sich die Autoren mit ihren grunds?tzlichen Betrachtungen, Perspektiven und Fallbeispielen an die Verantwortlichen aller Ebenen in diesen Organisationen, aber auch an die Politiker und die Mitglieder der aktiven B?rgergesellschaft. Der Leser findet in diesem Buch Perspektiven, konkrete Methoden und anschauliche Anwendungsbeispiele f?r eine integrative Neuausrichtung der Organisationsentwicklung im Nonprofi t-Sektor.

Серия: EHP-Organisation

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783897975828


Nonlinearity, Complexity and Randomness in Economics. Towards Algorithmic Foundations for Economics
Nonlinearity, Complexity and Randomness in Economics. Towards Algorithmic Foundations for Economics

Автор: George Donald A.R

Nonlinearity, Complexity and Randomness in Economics presents a variety of papers by leading economists, scientists, and philosophers who focus on different aspects of nonlinearity, complexity and randomness, and their implications for economics. A theme of the book is that economics should be based on algorithmic, computable mathematical foundations. Features an interdisciplinary collection of papers by economists, scientists, and philosophers Presents new approaches to macroeconomic modelling, agent-based modelling, financial markets, and emergent complexity Reveals how economics today must be based on algorithmic, computable mathematical foundations

Цена: 3971.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781118300428


Nonprofit Asset Management. Effective Investment Strategies and Oversight
Nonprofit Asset Management. Effective Investment Strategies and Oversight

Автор: Matthew Rice

An authoritative guide for effective investment management and oversight of endowments, foundations and other nonprofit investors Nonprofit Asset Management is a timely guide for managing endowment, foundation, and other nonprofit assets. Taking you through each phase of the process to create an elegant and simple framework for the prudent oversight of assets, this book covers setting investment objectives; investment policy; asset allocation strategies; investment manager selection; alternative asset classes; and how to establish an effective oversight system to ensure the program stays on track. Takes you through each phase of the process to create an elegant and simple framework for the prudent oversight of nonprofit assets A practical guide for fiduciaries of endowment, foundation, and other nonprofit funds Offers step-by-step guidance for the effective investment management of assets Created as a practical guide for fiduciaries of nonprofit funds—board members and internal business managers—Nonprofit Asset Management is a much-needed, step-by-step guide to the effective investment management of nonprofit assets.

Цена: 7502.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118199176


Nonprofit Essentials
Nonprofit Essentials

Автор: Группа авторов

Preparation. Planning. Execution. It's all here! Finally, a clear and compelling guide to the key components shared by all campaigns. Illuminating case studies, practical tools, proven strategies, and helpful hints displayed throughout the book highlight solutions to common stumbling blocks that can trip up even the experienced campaign professional. Emphasis is given to new tools available through the Internet, such as Web sites for prospect research and the use of electronic media to help make your organization’s case stand out among the competition. Order your copy today!

Цена: 7014.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780471715900


Nonprofit Essentials
Nonprofit Essentials

Автор: Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

Praise for Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan «Linda provides a very practical outlook on how to succeed in developing and implementing a fundraising plan for a nonprofit organization. The importance of the various players and their roles—staff, board, and volunteers—is critical for any nonprofit organization, and the information in Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan could effectively be used by any size organization to organize and execute an effective development strategy.» —Diane Hartz Warsoff, Executive Director Utah Nonprofits Association «An excellent road map for creating a development plan and building the necessary staff and volunteer ownership of the plan, Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan is a valuable resource for every nonprofit that wants to raise increased funds more effectively and efficiently. Its tips and real-world scenario sections help to make the case that organizations must take the time to plan adequately if they want to be successful.» —Barbara L. Ciconte, CFRE, Senior Vice President Donor Strategies, Inc. «Linda Lysakowski's Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan provides the resources, tools, guidance, and step-by-step processes for any organization to successfully create and manage a development plan. Her inclusion of tips and techniques, real-world stories, and her focus on organization-wide involvement make this essential reading not only for development officers, but for senior staff and board members.» —Eugene A. Scanlan, PhD, CFRE, President eScanlan Company One of the most significant factors in the success of any fundraising program is the ability and willingness of the organization to take the time to develop an integrated development plan with realistic budgets, timelines, and areas of responsibility. Part of the AFP/ Wiley Fund Development Series, Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan takes the reader through the development planning process and helps both novice development officers and seasoned professionals to create a plan that contributes to an organization's realization of its mission. Exhorting readers to ensure their plan is a living instrument and not just a document sitting on a shelf, nonprofit expert Linda Lysakowski includes examples of typical development plan formats as well as timelines for the planning process to help users identify the level of detail that will be required. Whether large or small, your organization will benefit from Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan. This professional guide's nuts-and-bolts presentation equips your organization to create a dynamic development plan that fosters enthusiasm, cultivates a sense of confidence, and helps track success.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470131206


Nonprofit Essentials
Nonprofit Essentials

Автор: Группа авторов

Praise for Endowment Building «This comprehensive work shows how endowments can provide multiple opportunities for donor involvement when the solicitation program is well designed and integrated with other fund development and program goals. Emphasizing the critical ethical issues inherent in marketing and structuring endowment gifts, it is an excellent reference manual and training guide.» –Joanne Scanlan, PhD, Senior Vice President for Professional Development Council on Foundations, Washington, D.C. «Endowment Building provides both practical, hands-on advice and a philosophical, inspirational framework to guide novice and experienced mission-based organizations. Given the demographic opportunities and challenges facing the nonprofit world, this book is a must-read.» –Nancy Herrold Strapp, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer Buckhorn Children & Family Services, Louisville, Kentucky «A comprehensive guide on how to start, grow, and maintain an endowment. It shows how to put theory into practice with numerous real-life examples and success stories.» –Joe Bull, Director of Planned Giving, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio «After you read this book, you will know what to do and how to do it. It is a wonderful tool for new and emerging community foundations!» –Kay M. Marquet, President and CEO, Community Foundation Sonoma County, California «Endowment Building is an insightful, succinct, easy-to-read resource on building successful endowment programs. It's a well-organized guide containing practical suggestions and reminders of things development professionals know but some-times forget.» –Jeff W. Smith, Vice President and Trust Counsel, Baptist Foundation of Texas, Dallas

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780471727347


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61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130