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MindNapping, Folge 3: Der Trip
MindNapping, Folge 3: Der Trip

Автор: Marcus G?rner

Was f?r f?nf junge Leute eine Mutprobe im alten Oakley-Haus werden sollte, nimmt eine schreckliche Wendung. Geht es dort um? Haust dort etwas im Keller? Der Trip wird zum Albtraum! Wer wird ?berleben?

Исполнители: Reent Reins

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 4260507154996


Minecraft Construction For Dummies
Minecraft Construction For Dummies

Автор: Adam Cordeiro

An accessible guide that makes Minecraft construction easy There isn't anything that can't be built in Minecraft, but it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. That's why there's Minecraft Construction For Dummies, Portable Edition. More than just a game, Minecraft consists of players using an avatar to create or destroy various types of blocks, form fantastic structures, create artwork, and do much more, all in a three-dimensional environment and across various multiplayer servers in multiple game modes. With this fun and friendly beginner's guide, you will quickly discover how to fine-tune your skills in order to construct almost anything you want in this amazing environment. Provides step-by-step instructions to help you build houses, boats, islands, and more Addresses how to mine the right materials for basic building Reveals how to build statues, beacons, and pillars as landmarks Explores how to develop your farm for renewable resources Minecraft Construction For Dummies, Portable Edition goes where you go as you create a world you won't want to leave!

Цена: 1195.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118968420


Mirar?n al que traspasaron
Mirar?n al que traspasaron

Автор: Pedro Beteta L?pez

Серия: Patmos

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788432139055


Mission Impact. Breakthrough Strategies for Nonprofits
Mission Impact. Breakthrough Strategies for Nonprofits

Автор: Robert Sheehan M

Create powerful strategies for your nonprofit organization to achieve breakthrough performance in mission impact Does your nonprofit have a reliable way of knowing the impact its making? Beginning with an eye-opening discussion of what strategy is, Mission Impact: A Breakthrough Strategy for Nonprofits reveals how the process of strategy development should be designed with authoritative coverage of mission impact, vision, five year strategic stretch goals, strategy implementation, and management. Step-by-step guidance and practical tools Integrates the very best current thinking on performance and strategy available, drawing from both the corporate and nonprofit worlds Cutting-edge ideas presented in a user-friendly fashion The deteriorating quality of life in our communities screams out for immediate action – for breakthrough improvement, not just incremental changes. Mission Impact: A Breakthrough Strategy for Nonprofits will lead you and your organization to achieve breakthrough performance for maximum mission impact. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 4004.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470592991


Mission Investing im deutschen Stiftungsektor
Mission Investing im deutschen Stiftungsektor

Автор: Melinda Weber

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9783941368422


Mission-Based Marketing. Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World
Mission-Based Marketing. Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World

Автор: Peter Brinckerhoff C

A direct, practical guide revealing how you can lead your not-for-profit to success through mission-based marketing Now in a Third Edition, Mission-Based Marketing is a direct, practical guide showing how you can lead your not-for-profit to success in a more competitive world. This book provides the knowledge and skills you need to build a market-driven organization that holds onto its core values, does a better job of providing mission, and successfully competes for funding, clients, referral sources, staff, and board members. Includes new material on nonprofit websites, social networking and new methods of communication, advances in technology, customer service in today's world, and the effects of marketing on fundraising Goes beyond the hows and whys to include lots of hands-on advice and real-world examples Other titles by Brinckerhoff: Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century, Faith-Based Management: Leading Organizations That Are Based on More than Just Mission, and Social Entrepreneurship: The Art of Mission-Based Venture Development Filled with new material, this book appraises the trends that have dramatically affected the not-for-profit sector in the past several years, and explains how an organization can shape this shifting landscape to its ultimate benefit.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470889848


Mission: Verantwortung
Mission: Verantwortung

Автор: Uwe Heimowski

Das gab es noch nie: ein Heilsarmee-Offizier in der gro?en Politik. Seit 2009 vertritt Frank Heinrich die B?rgerinnen und B?rger von Chemnitz im Bundestag. Jetzt hei?t es f?r den gelernten Sozialarbeiter und Theologen Aussch?sse statt Asylantenarbeit, Plenarsaal statt Predigtkanzel und Sitzungen statt Suppenk?che. Was hat den engagierten Christen zu diesem Wechsel bewogen? Was kann der Politiker besser als der Streetworker? Und: Wie viel Christsein vertr?gt die Politik? Dar?ber befragt Uwe Heimowski seinen langj?hrigen Freund und Weggef?hrten Frank Heinrich. Und der erz?hlt entwaffnend offen aus der Geschichte seines Lebens. Von pr?genden Erfahrungen in der Kindheit, Freunden und Verr?tern im Ostblock, von F?hrungen und F?gungen. Und nebenbei lernt man eine Menge ?ber die Arbeit, die Freuden und Frustrationen auf dem politischen Parkett.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783862567317


Mistakes in the Background
Mistakes in the Background

Автор: Laura Dockrill

Feast your eyes on a treasury of words and illustrations from one of the most exciting young talents around, recently voted by The Times as one of the top ten literary talents of 2008.Enter the weird and wonderful world of Laura Dockrill …I draw like a left-handed baby, I can hardly spell my own name and watching me use a glue-stick is a bit like watching a large bear trying to ram his own head into a pocket-sized cat-flap …no, really.But once the book is finished, when I can see the pages coming together, getting thicker and thicker, detailed and covered with stories and my imagination recorded on pages …everything at last makes sense (to me at least).I did this because I have got things to say. I've got pictures I want you to see and characters I want you to meet – the crying ice-skating boy, the Rolf Harris obsessive, the rude girl in McDonalds with the chocolate milkshake and the try-hard Mighty Boosh watching mum.I don't keep a diary. I think they’re crap.But this is much more than a diary. This is my map.

Цена: 776.21 руб.
ISBN: 9780007445448


Mit einer App erfolgreich verdienen
Mit einer App erfolgreich verdienen

Автор: Evelyn Schiffer

Dieses Ebook zeigt Ihnen, wie ich mein Geld verdiene! Hier kommen die Auszahlungen sehr p?nktlich! Kommen Sie in mein Team, wir machen Sie erfolgreich! Der Start ist kostenlos! Die Upgrades kann mich sich mit Banners App verdienen Kommen Sie in unsere Telegramm Gruppe! Dort k?nnen wir Ihnen Bilder,Auszahlungsbelege, Anleitungsvideos usw. geben! Ich kann Ihnen meine erfolgreichen Werbetexte geben!

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783742716439


Mit Gold gepflastert - Das Geheimnis der Bahnhofstrassen dieser Welt
Mit Gold gepflastert - Das Geheimnis der Bahnhofstrassen dieser Welt

Автор: Marc-Christian Riebe

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783737571296


Mit Herzblut
Mit Herzblut

Автор: Ernst Wyrsch

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783037635339


Mit Konsequenz zur Exzellenz
Mit Konsequenz zur Exzellenz

Автор: Michael Hahn

Viele Unternehmen haben in der j?ngsten Vergangenheit Produktionssysteme eingef?hrt. Dadurch wurden erhebliche Fortschritte hinsichtlich Produktivit?t und Effizienz der Produktionsbereiche erzielt. Wirklich exzellente Unternehmen m?ssen jedoch bestrebt sein, dass alle Kernprozesse und Bereiche den bestm?glichen Standard erreichen.
Viele Unternehmen haben in der j?ngsten Vergangenheit Produktionssysteme eingef?hrt. Dadurch wurden erhebliche Fortschritte hinsichtlich Produktivit?t und Effizienz der Produktionsbereiche erzielt. Wirklich exzellente Unternehmen m?ssen jedoch bestrebt sein, dass alle Kernprozesse und Bereiche den bestm?glichen Standard erreichen.

Цена: 3944.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783932298530


Mit Vertrauen f?hren
Mit Vertrauen f?hren

Автор: G?tz W. Werner

G?tz W. Werner ist Unternehmer und Gründer der Drogeriemarktkette dm, Vordenker des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens, Autor und Hochschullehrer. In diesem Buch spricht Werner über die Schlüsselmomente seines Denkens, seinen Führungs-Stil und über seine gesellschaftlichen Visionen.
Werner nimmt Sie mit auf einen Denkweg, der immer wieder den Schlüsselerlebnissen seiner eigenen Biografie folgt. Eigene Erkenntnisse, Begegnungen und Erfahrungen, die zu Schlüsselbegriffen für Innovation werden und die als praktische Impulse wirken. Ein Buch über die Schlüsselfragen unserer Gegenwart und eine Gesamtschau G?tz W. Werners Denkens und Wirkens:
" Filialen an die Macht! – Wie Führung Freir?ume schafft, damit sich Menschen entfalten und zu Mit-Unternehmerinnen und Mit-Unternehmern werden " Vertrauen führt! – Wie Menschen zu Selbstst?ndigkeit und Selbstentfaltung motiviert werden " Ist der Mensch Mittel oder Zweck? – Warum das Menschenbild entscheidet, ob Menschen selbstverantwortlich und kreativ handeln " Gestaltung beginnt mit Wahrnehmung! – Wie trainieren wir Wahrnehmung, um unternehmerisch zu denken, kreativ zu handeln und authentisch zu entscheiden? " Evokativ führen! – Warum Manager nicht Antworten geben, sondern die besseren Fragen stellen müssen " Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen! – Warum es bei Arbeit um Sinn geht und sich Einkommen nicht nach Leistung richten darf
In einem Nachwort gibt Christoph Werner, der 2019 die Gesch?ftsführung von dm übernahm, konkrete Einblicke: wie innovative Führung heute bei dm gelebt und für die Zukunft weiterentwickelt wird. Kongenial ordnet Reinhard K. Sprenger, einer der gro?en Managementberater unserer Zeit, die Themen des Buches in seinem Geleitwort ein.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783940112910


Mit Xcode 4.2 und Objective-C f?rs iPhone programmieren
Mit Xcode 4.2 und Objective-C f?rs iPhone programmieren

Автор: Norbert Usadel

Серия: Smartphone Programmierung

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783645220798


Mitarbeiterf?hrung und Selbstmanagement
Mitarbeiterf?hrung und Selbstmanagement

Автор: Roman Alexander Bolli

Diese Zusammenfassung basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Lehrmittel von Compendio und ist einer von 9 Teilen. Die komplette Reihe deckt alle Schulunterlagen der Technischen Kaufleute ab. Sie dient als Erg?nzung zum Lehrmittel und vorrangig zur Zeitersparnis bei der Pr?fungsvorbereitung. Dank dem ebook-Format kann sie ?berall und jederzeit verwendet werden. Die Print-Version im Format A4 ist zur Unterst?tzung an der eidgen?ssischen Pr?fung zugelassen.

Серия: TK.zip

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783752918625


Mitarbeitermotivation erfolgreich aufbauen
Mitarbeitermotivation erfolgreich aufbauen

Автор: Volker E. Richard

Die wichtigste Ressource eines Unternehmens sind seine Mitarbeiter. Nur wenn die Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens motiviert sind, k?nnen diese auch eine gute Arbeitsleistung erbringen und steigern dadurch die Produktivit?t der Gesamtorganisation. Dieser Leitfaden liefert Ihnen praxisbew?hrte Vorgehensweisen, f?r eine erfolgreiche, dauerhafte Mitarbeitermotivation. Erhalten Sie viele Impulse f?r eine erfolgreiche, dauerhafte Mitarbeitermotivation und schaffen Sie damit die Basis f?r Ihren Unternehmenserfolg. Anschaulich und in einer leicht verst?ndlichen Ausdrucksweise erhalten Sie hier anhand von vielen Fallbeispielen aus der Praxis f?r die Praxis, die notwendigen Methoden, damit auch Ihre Mitarbeiter mit der h?chstm?glichen Motivation Ihren Teil zum Unternehmenserfolg zuk?nftig beitragen.

Серия: MCC Soft Skills eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255734



Автор: Thomas B?ttcher

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783955777210


Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Developers, Educators, and Learners
Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Developers, Educators, and Learners

Автор: Jamie McQuiggan

Explore the game-changing technology that allows mobile learning to effectively reach K-12 students Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Developers, Educators and Learners provides research-based foundations for developing, evaluating, and integrating effective mobile learning pedagogy. Twenty-first century students require twenty-first century technology, and mobile devices provide new and effective ways to educate children. But with new technologies come new challenges—therefore, this handbook presents a comprehensive look at mobile learning by synthesizing relevant theories and drawing practical conclusions for developers, educators, and students. Mobile devices—in ways that the laptop, the personal computer, and netbook computers have not—present the opportunity to make learning more engaging, interactive, and available in both traditional classroom settings and informal learning environments. From theory to practice, Mobile Learning explores how mobile devices are different than their technological predecessors, makes the case for developers, teachers, and parents to invest in the technology, and illustrates the many ways in which it is innovative, exciting, and effective in educating K-12 students. Explores how mobile devices can support the needs of students Provides examples, screenshots, graphics, and visualizations to enhance the material presented in the book Provides developers with the background necessary to create the apps their audience requires Presents the case for mobile learning in and out of classrooms as early as preschool Discusses how mobile learning enables better educational opportunities for the visually impaired, students with Autism, and adult learners. If you're a school administrator, teacher, app developer, or parent, this topical book provides a theoretical, well-researched discussion of the pedagogical theory and mobile learning, as well as practical advice in setting up a mobile learning strategy.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118938959


Mobile Marketing For Dummies
Mobile Marketing For Dummies

Автор: John Arnold

Straightforward advice on building and launching a mobile marketing plan Mobile communication is hot, and so is marketing on mobile devices. Mobile Marketing For Dummies provides a clear and easy path for creating, launching, and making the most of a mobile marketing program. Designed for marketing professionals and other business people who may have little experience with the medium, it explains mobile marketing and how to convert a traditional marketing plan to mobile. Topics include assembling resources and budget, creating a plan, following best practices, building mobile sites, and much more. Explains what mobile marketing is, how you can adapt a traditional marketing plan for mobile, and how to create and launch a mobile marketing plan from scratch Covers activating a plan using voice, text, e-mail, and social media campaigns Explores the nuts and bolts of building mobile sites, apps, monetizing mobile, and advertising on other mobile properties Mobile Marketing For Dummies gives you the tools to succeed in this exciting environment.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470929490


Mobile Marketing. An Hour a Day
Mobile Marketing. An Hour a Day

Автор: Rachel Pasqua

A step-by-step guide to successful mobile marketing strategies Go from zero to sixty with this practical book that helps you craft and deploy mobile marketing strategies for everything from brand building to lead generation and sales. As part of the popular do-it-yourself, Hour A Day series, this new book is full of advice, practical tips, and step-by-step tactics you can put to use right away. Start leveraging location-based marketing via Foursquare and Yelp, see how to set up and manage mobile commerce, and try such technologies as QR codes, ambient communication (RFID and Bluetooth), mobile broadcasting, and more. Take action now and mobile-loving customers will soon find you, thanks to these successful ideas and strategies from expert mobile marketers, Rachel Pasqua and Noah Elkin. Shows you step by step how to develop, implement, and measure a successful mobile marketing strategy Pares down a complex process into approachable, bite-sized tasks you can tackle in an hour a day Covers vital mobile marketing weapons like messaging, mobile websites, apps, and mobile advertising to help you achieve your goals Gets you up to speed on location-based marketing via Foursquare and Yelp, using mobile commerce, and leveraging technologies such as as QR codes, ambient communication (RFID and Bluetooth), and mobile broadcasting Mobile Marketing: An Hour A Day is a must-have resource for marketers and advertisers who want a compelling mobile presence.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118588291


Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization. Design, Evaluation and Application
Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization. Design, Evaluation and Application

Автор: Schulzrinne Henning

This book provides a common framework for mobility management that considers the theoretical and practical aspects of systems optimization for mobile networks. In this book, the authors show how an optimized system of mobility management can improve the quality of service in existing forms of mobile communication. Furthermore, they provide a theoretical approach to mobility management, as well as developing the model for systems optimization, including practical case studies using network layer and mobility layer protocols in different deployment scenarios. The authors also address the different ways in which the specific mobility protocol can be developed, taking into account numerous factors including security, configuration, authentication, quality of service, and movement patterns of the mobiles. Key Features: Defines and discusses a common set of optimization methodologies and their application to all mobility protocols for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks Applies these technologies in the context of various layers: MAC layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer covering 802.11, LTE, WiMax, CDMA networks and protocols such as SIP, MIP, HIP, VoIP, and many more Provides a thorough analysis of the required steps during a mobility event such as discovery, network selection, configuration, authentication, security association, encryption, binding update, and media direction Includes models and tables illustrating the analysis of mobility management as well as architecture of sample wireless and mobility test beds built by the authors, involving inter-domain and intra-domain mobility scenarios This book is an excellent resource forprofessionals and systems architects in charge of designing wireless networks for commercial (3G/4G), LTE, IMS, military and Ad Hoc environment. It will be useful deployment guide for the architects wireless service providers. Graduate students, researchers in industry and academia, and systems engineers will also find this book of interest.

Цена: 14249.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119945512


Mobilized Marketing. How to Drive Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile Devices
Mobilized Marketing. How to Drive Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile Devices

Автор: Jeff Hasen

Integrate your mobile marketing program and take your brand to the next level Mobile marketing is finally entering the forefront of the marketing realm as megabrands roll out million-dollar budgets and small businesses have turned to the channel for its affordability, measurability, and repeatable successes in producing sales and driving engagement and loyalty. Through insights from bold industry visionaries and fellow mobile pioneers, Mobilized Marketing takes readers through campaigns worth repeating and others that are not. Learn the many roads that marketers can take and the proven strategies and tactics that move products and build loyalty through the consumer's most personal device. With examples from the more than 130,000 campaigns developed by mobile marketing leader Hipcricket, Mobilized Marketing breaks down how brands of all sizes have performed in their mobile efforts—why some have failed and how others bravely turned to mobile. Demonstrates how to integrate mobile into marketing programs and how to effectively measure it Explains how to make your existing marketing spends work harder Delivers step-by-step instructions on how to optimize campaigns in real-time Shows how to determine which mobile tactics are keepers and which are not It's time to mobilize your marketing programs and drive your profits to new heights.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118287057


Mobilizing Generation 2.0. A Practical Guide to Using Web 2.0: Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth
Mobilizing Generation 2.0. A Practical Guide to Using Web 2.0: Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth

Автор: Ben Rigby

Use new media to attract and mobilize young people! Explore and examine the gamut of new media and the ways in which it can be used to recruit, organize, and mobilize young people–who represent the majority of new media users. Answer the questions: What is it? How is it being used? How does it work? How to get started? You'll get concise descriptions, screenshots, case studies, resources, and best practices in language that is easy for non-technical people to understand. You'll also gain a sense of the technology–without requiring any downloads, software or plug-ins. Includes a Foreword by Rock the Vote and contributions from Beth Kanter, Evan Williams, danah boyd, Fred Stutzman, Steve Grove, Jonah Sachs, Seth Godin, Zack Exley, Marty Kearns, Jason Fried, Mitch Kapor, and Katrin Verclas. Chapters cover Blogging, Social Networking, Video and Photo Sharing, Mobile Phones, Wikis, Maps, Virtual Worlds.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780470290958


Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Loads and Prices
Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Loads and Prices

Автор: Группа авторов

This book offers an in-depth and up-to-date review of different statistical tools that can be used to analyze and forecast the dynamics of two crucial for every energy company processes—electricity prices and loads. It provides coverage of seasonal decomposition, mean reversion, heavy-tailed distributions, exponential smoothing, spike preprocessing, autoregressive time series including models with exogenous variables and heteroskedastic (GARCH) components, regime-switching models, interval forecasts, jump-diffusion models, derivatives pricing and the market price of risk. Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Loads and Prices is packaged with a CD containing both the data and detailed examples of implementation of different techniques in Matlab, with additional examples in SAS. A reader can retrace all the intermediate steps of a practical implementation of a model and test his understanding of the method and correctness of the computer code using the same input data. The book will be of particular interest to the quants employed by the utilities, independent power generators and marketers, energy trading desks of the hedge funds and financial institutions, and the executives attending courses designed to help them to brush up on their technical skills. The text will be also of use to graduate students in electrical engineering, econometrics and finance wanting to get a grip on advanced statistical tools applied in this hot area. In fact, there are sixteen Case Studies in the book making it a self-contained tutorial to electricity load and price modeling and forecasting.

Цена: 18005.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780470059999


Modeling Derivatives in C++
Modeling Derivatives in C++

Автор: Justin London

This book is the definitive and most comprehensive guide to modeling derivatives in C++ today. Providing readers with not only the theory and math behind the models, as well as the fundamental concepts of financial engineering, but also actual robust object-oriented C++ code, this is a practical introduction to the most important derivative models used in practice today, including equity (standard and exotics including barrier, lookback, and Asian) and fixed income (bonds, caps, swaptions, swaps, credit) derivatives. The book provides complete C++ implementations for many of the most important derivatives and interest rate pricing models used on Wall Street including Hull-White, BDT, CIR, HJM, and LIBOR Market Model. London illustrates the practical and efficient implementations of these models in real-world situations and discusses the mathematical underpinnings and derivation of the models in a detailed yet accessible manner illustrated by many examples with numerical data as well as real market data. A companion CD contains quantitative libraries, tools, applications, and resources that will be of value to those doing quantitative programming and analysis in C++. Filled with practical advice and helpful tools, Modeling Derivatives in C++ will help readers succeed in understanding and implementing C++ when modeling all types of derivatives.

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780471681892


Modeling in Membranes and Membrane-Based Processes
Modeling in Membranes and Membrane-Based Processes

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119536253


Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++. New Trading and Money Management Concepts
Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++. New Trading and Money Management Concepts

Автор: Valerii Salov

"Mr. Salov has taken one of my favorite creations – Perfect Profit – and provided an expanded description of his interpretation of it and put it in your hands with the included software. Like I said fifteen years ago, Perfect Profit is an important tool for the trading system developer. See for yourself." —Robert Pardo, President, Pardo Capital Limited «A very in-depth reference for programmers that should serve well into the future. The code herein lends itself well to other syntactically similar programming languages such as Java, PHP, and C#.» —Ralph Vince The goal of trading is to make money, and for many, profits are the best way to measure that success. Author Valerii Salov knows how to calculate potential profit, and in Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++, he outlines an original and thought-provoking approach to trading that will help you do the same. This detailed guide will show you how to effectively calculate the potential profit in a market under conditions of variable transaction costs, and provide you with the tools needed to compute those values from real prices. You'll be introduced to new notions of s-function, s-matrix, s-interval, and polarities of s-intervals, and discover how they can be used to build the r- and l-algorithms as well as the first and second profit and loss reserve algorithms. Optimal money management techniques are also illustrated throughout the book, so you can make the most informed trading decisions possible. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ contains a comprehensive overview of trading, money management, and C++. A companion website is also included to help you test the concepts described throughout the book before you attempt to use them in real-world situations.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470112212


Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives
Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives

Автор: Группа авторов

Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives presents an up-to-date, comprehensive, accessible and practical guide to the pricing and risk-management of credit derivatives. It is both a detailed introduction to credit derivative modelling and a reference for those who are already practitioners. This book is up-to-date as it covers many of the important developments which have occurred in the credit derivatives market in the past 4-5 years. These include the arrival of the CDS portfolio indices and all of the products based on these indices. In terms of models, this book covers the challenge of modelling single-tranche CDOs in the presence of the correlation skew, as well as the pricing and risk of more recent products such as constant maturity CDS, portfolio swaptions, CDO squareds, credit CPPI and credit CPDOs.

Цена: 16790.61 руб.
ISBN: 9780470696767


Modelo de Orientaci?n Educativa en el Sistema de Educaci?n Media Superior
Modelo de Orientaci?n Educativa en el Sistema de Educaci?n Media Superior

Автор: Ana Luz Mart?nez Gonz?lez

Toda la experiencia que los orientadores educativos han tenido en las escuelas, ha quedado plasmada en este libro, que lejos de ser un producto generado en el escritorio, recupera los enfoques, las miradas, las estrategias y los recursos utilizados en la pr?ctica cotidiana, y lo convierte en un recurso de apoyo efectivo alineado a las necesidades de los alumnos y los profesionales en el ?rea.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9786077427346


Moderation & Kommunikation
Moderation & Kommunikation

Автор: Josef W. Seifert

Der Moderations-Experte Gruppengespr?che, Meetings, Workshops, Besprechungen bed?rfen in aller Regel eines Moderators. Dieser ist als Gespr?chsleiter einerseits Spezialist f?r die Moderationstechnik und andererseits f?r den Kommunikationsprozess. Das vorliegende Buch tr?gt dieser «Doppelfunktion» des Moderators Rechnung. Es bietet: – einen kurzen ?berblick ?ber die wesentlichen Elemente der Moderationstechnik – eine strukturierte Darstellung der kommunikativen Techniken zur Steuerung von Gruppen Alle Techniken werden ?bersichtlich und griffig pr?sentiert, so dass sie unmittelbar in die berufliche Praxis ?bernommen werden k?nnen.

Серия: Whitebooks

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783956232817


Modern Romance June 2017 Books 5 - 8
Modern Romance June 2017 Books 5 - 8

Автор: Jane Porter

Four stories filled with sizzling chemistry!Her Sinful Secret by Jane PorterThe secret she never told…Her heart racing, Logan Copeland cannot look away from tycoon Rowan Argyros as he declares that her life is in danger. All she can think is that Rowan took her virginity, heartlessly rejected her after a night of reckless abandon…and is the father of her child. She must reveal the truth before she’s whisked away to Rowan’s castle for safety…Isolated with Rowan, Logan finds herself at the mercy of his unrelenting need to claim her—and their daughter! She has known no touch but his, and yearns to feel it again…but to do so she must agree to meet him at the altar!The Drakon Baby Bargain by Tara PammiA deal sealed with passion!Illegitimate and overlooked, Eleni, Princess of Drakon, yearns for a family. And at a masquerade ball one stolen kiss with a stranger sparks an opportunity! Gabriel Marquez wants her to care for his child—could this be Eleni’s chance to strike a deal of her own?Gabriel, Drakon’s biggest investor, is shocked by Eleni’s bold bargaining…but a convenient marriage would be advantageous to them both! He’ll gain a stand-in mother for his daughter, and Eleni will have the baby she longs for. Except Gabriel hasn’t predicted the fire raging between them…one which will bind them together for ever!Xenakis's Convenient Bride by Dani CollinsThe challenge: two weeks without your billionaire fortune!Greek magnate Stavros Xenakis must go undercover to win a bet – and escape his grandfather’s demands that he take a bride. Until encountering deliciously tempting housekeeper Calli proves that a convenient wife is exactly what he needs!Calli’s baby being taken away robbed her of the ability to trust anyone. But Stavros’s offer to marry her gives her the chance to finally find her son. But Calli doesn’t expect for their honeymoon to be so sinfully sensual – and for life as the temporary Mrs Xenakis to be so exquisitely satisfying…The Greek's Pleasurable Revenge by Andie BrockRevenge…by seduction!The last person Calista expects – or wants – to see at her father’s graveside is arrogant billionaire Lukas Kalanos. Five years earlier, after an affair that stole her innocence, Lukas betrayed her family and disappeared, leaving Callie with much more than a broken heart…Seeking vengeance on the Gianopoulous family for framing him, Lukas finds Callie ripe for his seduction. She will pay for past wrongdoings – between his sheets! But discovering that Callie has had his child is a surprise that changes Lukas pleasurable plans of revenge…into a hunger to make her his own!

Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

Цена: 1378.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781474070508


Modern Security Analysis. Understanding Wall Street Fundamentals
Modern Security Analysis. Understanding Wall Street Fundamentals

Автор: Fernando Diz

A legendary value investor on security analysis for a modern era This book outlines Whitman's approach to business and security analysis that departs from most conventional security analysts. This approach has more in common with corporate finance than it does with the conventional approach. The key factors in appraising a company and its securities: 1) Credit worthiness, 2) Flows—both cash and earnings, 3) Long-term outlook, 4) Salable assets which can be disposed of without compromising the going concern, dynamics, 5) Resource conversions such as changes in control, mergers and acquisitions, going private, and major changes in assets or in liabilities, and 6) Access to capital. Offers the security analysis value approach Martin Whitman has used successfully since 1986 Details Whitman's unconventional approach to security analysis and offers information on the six key factors for appraising a company Contains the three most overemphasized factors used in conventional securities investing Written by Martin J. Whitman and Fernando Diz, Modern Security Analysis meets the challenge of today's marketplace by taking into account changes to regulation, market structures, instruments, and the speed and volume of trading.

Цена: 6904.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118602652


Moderne Klassiker der Gesellschaftstheorie
Moderne Klassiker der Gesellschaftstheorie

Автор: Ingo Pies

Wichtige K?pfe der Gesellschaftstheorie im ?berblick
Ingo Pies versammelt in diesem Buch 20 Texte, die jeweils das Denken eines modernen Gesellschaftstheoretikers vorstellen. Er bietet eine Einf?hrung in das Gesamtwerk des Denkers sowie eine systematische und historische Einordnung.
Das Werk eignet sich f?r Forschung und Lehre: als Inspiration f?r die eigene theoretische Arbeit, als Nachschlagewerk sowie als Seminargrundlage.

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783846345757


Modernidad a la venta
Modernidad a la venta

Автор: Rey Germ?n

Серия: Comunicaci?n y lenguaje

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789587812022


Modernizing Insurance Regulation
Modernizing Insurance Regulation

Автор: Matthew Richardson P

The future of the insurance regulation begins now For those involved with the insurance industry, from investment professionals to policy makers, and regulators to legislators, tremendous change is coming. With insurance premiums constituting an ever-growing portion of annual U.S. GDP and provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act specifically calling for modernization of insurance regulations, the issues at hand are pervasive. In Modernizing Insurance Regulation, these issues are described against a backdrop of the political and industry discussions that surround insurance, regulation, and systemic risk. Experts Viral V. Acharya and Matthew Richardson discuss a variety of issues with top thinkers in the fields of finance, derivatives, credit risk, and banking to bring to light the most germane elements of this ongoing discussion. In Modernizing Insurance Regulation, Acharya and Richardson call on the expertise of all the relevant stakeholders within government, academia, and industry to offer a well-rounded and independent view of insurance regulation and how the evolution of this key industry affects the U.S. economy now and in the future. Provides an overview of the feasibility of maintaining a state-level regulatory structure Offers a view of the issues from top academics, industry leaders, and state regulators Explores the debate surrounding the insurance industry and systemic risk Provides an in-depth look at upcoming changes under the Dodd-Frank Act Modernizing Insurance Regulation provides a look into the crucial changes coming to insurance regulation and an overview of how those changes will affect almost everyone.

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118758755


Mondo Agnelli. Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty
Mondo Agnelli. Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty

Автор: Jennifer Clark

The fascinating story of a century-old automobile dynasty Fiat is one of the world's largest automakers, but when it made headlines by grabbing control of a bankrupt Chrysler in 2009 it was unknown in the U.S. Fiat’s against-all-odds swoop on Chrysler–masterminded by Sergio Marchionne, the Houdini-like manager who saved Fiat from its own near-collapse in 2005 – has made the automaker one of the most unlikely winners of the financial crisis. Mondo Agnelli is a new book that looks at the chain of unpredictable events triggered by the death of Gianni Agnelli in 2003. Gianni, the charismatic, silver-haired power broker and style icon, was the patriarch who had lead the company founded by his grandfather in 1899. But Gianni's own son had committed suicide. Without a mature heir, the dynasty and Fiat were rudderless. Backed by Gianni's closest advisors, his serious, shy, and determined grandson John plucked Marchionne from obscurity. Together, they saved the family company and, inadvertently, positioned Fiat as a global trailblazer when the global storm hit. A classic story of ingenuity and hard work, the book portrays a business dynasty that triumphed over adversity and family tragedy because of its own smarts, sweat, and ability to bend the rules A an engaging tale for those interested in the stories behind the economic crash, the book contains never-before reported material about how Fiat succeeded in making Chrysler profitable where both Daimler AG and Cerberus, its previous owners, had failed. A story for a wide audience, from car buffs, business readers, lovers of Italy, and anyone fascinated by the lifestyle of Europe's most glamorous industrial dynasty, this book tells the tale of how Fiat achieved the seemingly impossible – turning around an American automotive icon everyone else had given up for dead.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118221969


Money 101. Every Canadian s Guide to Personal Finance
Money 101. Every Canadian's Guide to Personal Finance

Автор: Ellen Roseman

Money 101 The One Class You Can't Afford to Cut! You are working hard and trying to save some money, but at the end of the day, there never seems to be enough to go around. Money 101 is a crash course on financial basics from one of Canada's most trusted personal finance columnists. Ellen Roseman offers easy-to-understand advice on a wide range of topics, including tips on spending less and saving more, managing a budget, negotiating mortgages and car leases, getting the insurance you need, investing, saving for children's education and your own retirement, and much more. Money 101 helps you master personal finance without pain, whether you're a novice or experienced. Your own personal tutor, it'll teach you to get better control of your money so you'll have more to save and invest. Portrait Photography by Joseph Marranca. Used by Permission.

Цена: 2977.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470158388


Money for Nothing. How to land the best deals on your insurances, loans, cards, super, tax and more
Money for Nothing. How to land the best deals on your insurances, loans, cards, super, tax and more

Автор: Justine Davies

Do you want to manage your cashflow better and get rid of financial stress? Do you put finance products such as health insurance and mortgages in the too-hard basket? Money for Nothing is a call to action to wise up, get smart and get your finances in order. Complete this 12-week financial fitness program and discover how to make substantial savings running into the thousands! Learn how to: get better deals, cut fees and other unwanted charges from your daily spend, and redirect your money where it' most important to you understand your financial profile and how to get the best value for money when choosing your essential finance products shop around using the latest research from CANSTAR and other comparison sites. By breaking down the jargon and busting the fine print on everything from mortgages, car loans, personal loans and health insurance to car insurance, credit cards, superannuation, tax and much more, Justine Davies helps you make good choices on the key financial products and services in your life. Justine Davies is a financial planner, journalist, author and blogger who loves educating people about money.

Цена: 2945.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780730377634


Money Magnet. How to Attract Investors to Your Business
Money Magnet. How to Attract Investors to Your Business

Автор: J. Loewen B

The number-one issue for every entrepreneur is Money—getting money, raising money, convincing investors to give you money. Whether you are a start up, a small to mid-sized enterprise, or a $100-million company, your biggest problem is always money. There is currently a mad rush towards private equity—the new, hot way to get financing—but it remains a mystery to most entrepreneurs and owners/managers of SMEs. Money Magnet unlocks the puzzle of private equity financing and shows how understanding private equity is the first step to growing wealth in your business. Historically, the most common ways to raise financing for SMEs was through bank loans or through the stock markets. But banks are notoriously risk-averse and conservative in lending to small businesses, and the great bull market is over. For most small and medium sized companies, the small cap public issue market is no longer a viable source of financing. Enter private equity. There are billions of dollars of private equity funds available in Canada and millions of SMEs looking for money, but the two don’t always know how to find one another and, when they do, usually don’t speak the same language. This is the book that explains to business people what private equity financing is, how it works, how and where to find it, how to be successful in attracting it, and all the advantages and disadvantages of raising financing in this way. Money Magnet is for entrepreneurs in emerging growth companies who are seeking financing and want to explore the benefits of the private equity option. In language that entrepreneurs understand, Jacoline Loewen demystifies the world of private equity in this simple yet comprehensive guide. Money Magnet explains what private equity is and how it works; compares it with traditional sources of financing, such as banks and stock markets; explains the different types of private equity investors (e.g., angels, venture capitalists, fund managers and institutional investors); outlines the benefits and pitfalls; describes how to meet venture capitalists and fund managers; shows how to make a convincing pitch to an investor; reveals what makes investors cringe and what makes them open up their cheque book; provides strategies to deal with the four brutal questions all investors ask; explains in detail the deal process and the deal sheet; gives advice on common conflicts between investors and entrepreneurs and how to manage them; includes a detailed checklist of what an investor wants to know about you and your business; and much more.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470157084


Money Makeover. The Secret to Budgeting, Saving and Investing for Financial Success
Money Makeover. The Secret to Budgeting, Saving and Investing for Financial Success

Автор: moneygirl.com.au

You don't have to earn megabucks or have a degree in economics to make the most of your money. With the help of Money Makeover, you'll discover how easy it is to take stock of your finances and create the life of your dreams, without having to give up red wine or wade through finance mumbo-jumbo! Inside this book you'll find practical information (without the boring bits) and inspiring real-life stories that will empower you to create your own financial plan. You'll discover: simple strategies to work your way out of debt fail-proof saving techniques how to invest in shares, managed funds and property, step by step super tips to help you sort your super easy ways to factor in life's little curve balls – relationships, bambinos and career changes. Money Makeover is for women of all ages wanting to take control of their financial destiny and make their money grow.

Цена: 2945.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781742469621


Money Mindset. Formulating a Wealth Strategy in the 21st Century
Money Mindset. Formulating a Wealth Strategy in the 21st Century

Автор: Jacob Gold

Harness the power of your money with a 21st century mindset The speed at which the world is evolving is compounding exponentially each day, leaving individual investors wondering how to appropriately plan for their financial future. The financial norms that helped prior generations retire with grace are quickly evaporating or have already been replaced with new difficult realities. Money Mindset is an expert-led guide to growing your wealth, protecting your wealth, and transferring your wealth to future generations. Written by a third generation financial planner who is also an adjunct finance professor at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, Money Mindset helps readers understand important financial concepts and theories of the 21st century. The science and psychology of money The 'WHY' of personal financial management The rule of 72, asset allocation, dollar cost averaging, and the erosive effects of inflation How to manage a diverse investment portfolio to minimize macroeconomic vulnerability How to create a legacy through proper estate planning Money Mindset explores the idea that money can be looked at as an energy source. In order to truly harness its powers, one must acquire and maintain a certain money mindset. Everyone wants financial independence—having enough money to consistently fuel their everyday life. Money Mindset clears a path through the increasingly convoluted and ever-changing world to show how to finally become financially secure.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119136071


Money: A User’s Guide
Money: A User’s Guide

Автор: Laura Whateley

Take control of your personal finances with this concise, timely and indispensable guide, from acclaimed money expert Laura Whateley.Ten years on from the financial crash, and we are still bad with money.We press ‘cash only’ at ATMs, and accept that we’ll be paying back our student loans with our pension savings.Money: A User’s Guide cuts through all the panic of personal finances. It will teach you how to get a great credit score, how to save hundreds on bills, and offer practical advice on every difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding including:• Housing (for renters and buyers)• Student Loans• Pensions• Paying off debt• Stocks and shares• Ethical investments• Money and Mental health• Money and LoveThis essential book will give you the confidence and clarity to take back control of your bank account, enabling you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Цена: 990.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780008308322



Автор: Paul Roehrig

Learn to tame technology's role in your life and work through 13 easy steps Monster: A Tough Love Letter on Taming the Machines that Rule our Jobs, Lives, and Future is an insightful exploration of how we can responsibly engage with technology We can maintain our freedom and privacy while still realizing the benefits that tech offers; Monster shows us how. The book offers readers an original view of big tech that includes discussions of: The addictive nature of many modern technology platforms and how to combat bad habits The growing backlash against big tech and how people are growing increasingly disenchanted with its impacts How to tame technology's role in your life and firm without becoming a modern Luddite Perfect for managers, leaders, and employees at companies of all sizes and in all industries, Monster will also earn a place in the libraries of technology enthusiasts who are growing increasingly wary of technology's role in their life and the lives of the people around them.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119785934


Montaje de centros de transformaci?n. ELEE0209
Montaje de centros de transformaci?n. ELEE0209

Автор: Francisco Jos? Entrena Gonz?lez

Identificar las partes que configuran los centros de transformaci?n (intemperie, prefabricado y no prefabricado), analizando las caracter?sticas espec?ficas y la normativa de aplicaci?n. Realizar el montaje de centros de transformaci?n a partir de la documentaci?n t?cnica. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Montaje y mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas de alta tensi?n de 2? y 3? categor?a.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788415942283


Montaje de redes de distribuci?n de agua. ENAT0108
Montaje de redes de distribuci?n de agua. ENAT0108

Автор: Jos? Mar?a Rebollo Gallego

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788417086381


Montaje de redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n. ELEE0209
Montaje de redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n. ELEE0209

Автор: A?da Carrasco Valencia

Identificar las partes que configuran las redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n, analizando las caracter?sticas espec?ficas y la normativa de aplicaci?n. Realizar el montaje de redes el?ctricas subterr?neas de alta tensi?n enterradas, entubadas y en galer?as a partir de la documentaci?n t?cnica. Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad Montaje y mantenimiento de redes el?ctricas de alta tensi?n de 2? y 3? categor?a y centros de transformaci?n

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788415942290


Monte-Carlo-Simulation im Risiko-Controlling
Monte-Carlo-Simulation im Risiko-Controlling

Автор: Dietmar Ernst

Цена: 1972.89 руб.
ISBN: 9783739805900


Moral Leadership
Moral Leadership

Автор: Warren Bennis

Moral Leadership brings together in one comprehensive volume essays from leading scholars in law, leadership, psychology, political science, and ethics to provide practical, theoretical policy guidance. The authors explore key questions about moral leadership such as: How do leaders form, sustain, and transmit moral commitments? Under what conditions are those processes most effective? What is the impact of ethics officers, codes, training programs, and similar initiatives? How do standards and practices vary across context and culture? What can we do at the individual, organizational, and societal level to foster moral leadership? Throughout the book, the contributors identify what people know, and only think they know, about the role of ethics in key decision-making positions. The essays focus on issues such as the definition and importance of moral leadership and the factors that influence its exercise, along with practical strategies for promoting ethical behavior. Moral Leadership addresses the dynamics of moral leadership, with particular emphasis on major obstacles that stand in its way: impaired judgment, self-interest, and power. Finally, the book explores moral leadership in a variety of contexts?business and the professions, nonprofit organizations, and the international arena.

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780787985738


Mord in Key West
Mord in Key West

Автор: C.S. Poe

Aubrey Grant lebt im Stadtviertel Old Town des tropi-schen Paradieses Key West, hat ein h?bsches H?uschen, eine schnuckelige Vespa und die gro?artige berufliche Aufgabe, das denkmalgesch?tzte Anwesen eines ehemaligen Kapit?ns zu verwalten. Beim Besuch seines angehenden Freundes, dem erfolgreichen FBI-Agenten Jun Tanaka, der sich bei ihm etwas Erholung g?nnen m?chte, kann selbst Aubreys Narkolepsie die Vorfreude auf ihre Ferienpl?ne nicht tr?ben. Doch dann macht ihnen ein Skelett in einem Schrank einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Obwohl Aubrey und Jun sich vorgenommen hatten, die gemeinsame Zeit zu genie?en, f?hrt sie die Identit?t des Skeletts zu einem ?ber hundert Jahre alten Geheimnis. Sie entdecken die Geschichte eines Piratenk?nigs und seines verloren geglaubten Schatzes sowie einen M?rder der Gegenwart, der vor nichts haltmacht, um die verborgenen Reicht?mer aufzusp?ren.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783960894131


Mord in Serie, Folge 19: Countdown - Gegen die Zeit
Mord in Serie, Folge 19: Countdown - Gegen die Zeit

Автор: Markus Topf

Ein Rendezvous am K?lner Hauptbahnhof wird f?r Jan Simon zum reinsten Albtraum. Pl?tzlich klingelt sein Handy. Die Stimme am anderen Ende ist aber nicht die seiner Chatbekanntschaft Linda, sondern die eines geheimnisvollen Erpressers, der Jan ein m?rderisches Ultimatum stellt. Entweder er macht, was von ihm verlangt wird, oder Linda wird sterben. Ihm bleiben 45 Minuten Zeit, um seine Freundin zu retten. Und um eine Katastrophe schrecklichen Ausma?es zu verhindern. Der Countdown l?uft.

Исполнители: J?rgen Thormann

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4260147776374


More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants
More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants

Автор: Sivasailam Thiagarajan

Praise for Thiagi's first Jolts! «If you facilitate group learning or change management, you won't want to miss this one!» —Elaine Biech, author of Business of Consulting and Training for Dummies «A valuable addition to any trainer's bookshelf.» —Jean Barbazette, president, The Training Clinic, and author of The Art of Great Training Delivery and Managing the Training Function for Bottom-Line Results «As a Charter Member of BFT (Borrow from Thiagi) Club, I've been adapting Thiagi's training activities for decades. . . . Use the jolts from this book as a way to instantly and successfully engage your participants with your topic.» —Steve Sugar, author of Games That Teach In his popular first collection of games, Jolts!, renowned trainer and game experts Sivasailam «Thiagi» Thiagarajan (writing with Tracy Tagliati ) handed trainers well-designed games to engage and energize participants, clarify complex ideas, and solidify concepts in participants' minds. Now Thiagi zaps us again with More Jolts!, a collection of 50 brand-new, ready-to-use jolts that share new ways to capture participants' attention; smooth transitions; keep participants alert even after a break; tap the wisdom of the group; and spice up lectures with relevant activities. The book even identifies the jolts that can be seamlessly incorporated into your next e-learning project or interactive webinar. Brief, engaging, and easily adaptable to your purpose, More Jolts! gives you everything you need to pump up the energy and effectiveness of your training programs.

Цена: 6683.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333228


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