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Fabricato 100 a?os - La tela de los hilos perfectos
Fabricato 100 a?os - La tela de los hilos perfectos

Автор: Jairo Campuzano Hoyos

La historia es un viaje por el tiempo. No solo porque permite recuperar un pasado en com?n para preservar la memoria, tambi?n ayuda a situarnos en el presente y a prepararnos para el futuro. El t?rmino conmemoraci?n, de contenido hist?rico, es una bella palabra que convida a una comunidad, a veces tan grande como una naci?n o la propia humanidad, a recordar, en compa??a, un determinado acontecimiento. Esta historia y esta conmemoraci?n son las que ahora nos convocan para una fiesta: el centenario de Fabricato.
Esta es una celebraci?n que integra a una de las m?s grandes textileras e industrias manufactureras del pa?s a lo largo del siglo XX con la Universidad EAFIT, un pariente un poco m?s joven, de sesenta a?os, que ha vivido junto a Fabricato una existencia cruzada por la transformaci?n. Bastar?a con decir que el alma de una universidad, que es su biblioteca, lleva en el caso de EAFIT el nombre de un fundador y, a la vez, presidente de Fabricato: el ingeniero textil Luis Echavarr?a Villegas. Pero no solo este fundador de EAFIT estuvo vinculado a Fabricato. Otro de sus fundadores, el ingeniero qu?mico Jorge Iv?n Rodr?guez, hizo su primera experiencia profesional en Fabricato, empresa en la que trab? amistad con un fundador m?s, quien, adem?s llegar?a a ser presidente de la textilera, Jorge Posada Greiffenstein. Otro de los fundadores, Luis Fernando Echavarr?a V?lez, llegar?a a subgerente de Fabricato. En total, cuatro de los dieciocho fundadores de EAFIT estuvieron relacionados de manera directa con la compa??a. De ah? que los v?nculos tan estrechos se mantengan todav?a.
Tambi?n, la compa??a norteamericana Burlington Mills, socia de Fabricato en Textiles Panamericanos (Pantex), fue clave en el nacimiento del Instituto Tecnol?gico, que completar?a la raz?n social de EAF con EAFIT. Y son m?s los emprendimientos y proyectos cruzados, como el hecho de que la primera aula especial de nuestro centro educativo lleve el nombre de Fabricato. La lista es m?s larga.
Por este motivo, la fiesta centenaria de esta emblem?tica empresa la sentimos como nuestra. La Universidad EAFIT agradece la confianza depositada en ella, y en especial en su Grupo de Investigaci?n en Historia Empresarial, que con su dedicaci?n durante los dos a?os corridos entre 2018 y 2019 logr? reconstruir y dejar memoria escrita y gr?fica de una historia llena de an?cdotas, de compromiso urbano y municipal, de generaci?n de empleo y riqueza, de innovaci?n permanente y de palanca del desarrollo econ?mico e industrial del pa?s. En s?ntesis, y como lo afirman los autores de esta obra conmemorativa, esta es la historia de una empresa que ha construido naci?n. Aqu? confluyen el legado y los logros que han permitido la supervivencia con excelencia de esta importante compa??a y que la preparan para otro nuevo siglo.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789587206265


Facebook - Anzeigen, Werbung & Promotion
Facebook - Anzeigen, Werbung & Promotion

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

* Ein Grund, warum man ernsthaft in Betracht ziehen sollte, auf Facebook Anzeigen zu schalten, ist, dass Facebook Ads die F?higkeit haben, sich viral zu verbreiten.
* ABER: Sie m?ssen wissen, wen Sie wie ansprechen und was Facebook veranlasst, manche Anzeigen h?ufiger als andere erscheinen zu lassen.
* Und Sie m?ssen den wichtigsten Faktor kennen, der sicherstellt, dass Ihre Anzeigen ?berhaupt gesehen werden – und warum die meisten Leute das einfach nicht wissen.
* Das hat nichts damit zu tun, dass man die Richtlinien gelesen hat (obwohl das nat?rlich auch sehr wichtig ist!).
Aus diesem Grund wurde dieses E-Buch «Facebook – Anzeigen, Werbung & Promotion» geschrieben.
Lesen Sie hier, was Sie in diesem E-Buch erwartet.
KAPITEL 1 – ANZEIGEN – Einf?hrung – So funktionieren Facebook Anzeigen – Anzeigen targetieren – Das Erstellen von Facebook konformen Anzeigen – Beobachten Sie Ihre CTR – Der richtige Zeitpunkt f?r Ihre Anzeigenschaltung – Setzen Sie einen H?chstbetrag fest – Nutzen Sie CPC statt Impressionen
KAPITEL 2 – WERBUNG – Werbung allgemein – Facebook Connect – Tipps zur Verwendung von Facebook-Seiten
KAPITEL 3 – PROMOTION – Was ist Facebook? – Eine kurze Geschichte – Ist Facebook f?r Unternehmen geeignet

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783738094558


Facebook Advertising For Dummies
Facebook Advertising For Dummies

Автор: Joel Elad

Profitable ideas and techniques for advertising on Facebook Tap into the explosive growth of social media and reach your customers with effective Facebook advertising campaigns and savvy insights into how to use this social media phenomenon effectively. It’s all here and more in this detailed, easy-to-follow guide from two award-winning marketers. You'll learn what makes a good Facebook ad, how to apply the latest strategies and tactics for effective pay-per-click and cost-per-impression advertising, how to test your ad results, and much more. Explores Facebook advertising inside and out; there are now more than 400 million active Facebook users and over 1.6 million active Pages on Facebook Works as an all-around, hands-on guide for both experienced and new Facebook advertisers Walks you through planning and creating an advertising campaign Explains writing effective ad copy, how to use landing pages, and how to test and optimize your ads Shows you how to use Facebook Insights to understand your results and how to create reports that analyze data Put your company's best face forward with the sound advertising tips and techniques in Facebook Advertising For Dummies.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470948910


Facebook Fan Page - Tipps und Tricks
Facebook Fan Page - Tipps und Tricks

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

In diesem topaktuellen eBook lernen Sie, Tipps und Tricks rund um die Fan Page pr?sentiert.
Hier ein kurzer ?berblick was Sie in diesem eBook erwartet:
Facebook-Anzeigen verwenden, um die Anzahl Ihrer Facebook-Fans zu vergr??ern
Verwenden Sie Kopieren, Bilder und Videos, um sich zu empfehlen
Bauen Sie Ihre Facebook-Fans auf
Bauen Sie Ihre Facebook-Like mit diesen 5 Tipps auf
Top Secret Tipps, die ihnen helfen, eine erfolgreiche Fan-Seite zu erstellen
Der Schl?ssel zum Aufbau einer Fan Gemeinde auf Facebook-Seiten
Fans und Like
4 Techniken zur Steigerung Ihrer Facebook-Like
Die besten Geheimnisse f?r das Wachstum Ihrer Facebook-Seite
Tipps, die Sie ben?tigen, um Ihre Facebook Unternehmens Seite zu erweitern
10 Tipps zur Steigerung Ihrer Facebook-Like
Die besten Methoden zur Steigerung der Facebook-Like
So vergr??ern Sie Ihre Facebook-Fans auf Ihrer Seite
5 Dinge, die Sie Ihrer Facebook-Fan Page hinzuf?gen sollten
Wie Ihre Facebooks-Likes wachsen
Tricks, um Facebook-Likes zu vergr??ern
Wie Sie Ihre Facebook-Likes auf Ihrer Business-Seite vergr??ern k?nnen
Wie man ein Facebook-Angebot erfolgreich gestaltet
4 M?glichkeiten, wie Sie die Likes Ihrer Facebook-Seite erh?hen k?nnen

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783742708151


Facebook Marketing. An Hour a Day
Facebook Marketing. An Hour a Day

Автор: Chris Treadaway

The bestselling Sybex guide to marketing on Facebook, now fully updated As the second most-visited site on the web, Facebook offers myriad marketing opportunities and a host of new tools. This bestselling guide is now completely updated to cover all of the latest tools including Deals, sponsored stories, the Send button, and more. It explains how to develop a winning strategy, implement a campaign, measure results, and produce usable reports. Case studies, step-by-step directions, and hands-on tutorials in the popular Hour-a-Day format make this the perfect handbook for maximizing marketing efforts on Facebook. This revised guide fills you in on the latest Facebook conventions, tools, and demographics, and outlines the important strategic considerations for planning a campaign Takes you step by step through crafting an initial Facebook presence, developing an overall marketing strategy, setting goals, defining metrics, developing reports, and integrating your strategy with other marketing activities Covers using features such as events, applications, and pay-per-click advertising Includes case studies and directions for updating, monitoring, and maintaining your campaign This popular guide is packed with up-to-date information to help you develop, implement, measure, and maintain a successful Facebook marketing program.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225868


Facilitating the Project Lifecycle
Facilitating the Project Lifecycle

Автор: Tammy Adams

Step by step, Facilitating the Project Lifecycle guides the project manager/facilitator in making smart choices about when and how to pull key talent together to spell success for the project and ultimately the organization. The authors will help you understand the benefits of using facilitated group work sessions to get real work done during a project and get it done better and more efficiently than more traditional individual work approaches. In addition, the book includes: Recommendations for capitalizing on group knowledge to accelerate the building of key project deliverables and ensure their quality as they are built A work session structure for planning, delivering, and following up facilitated work sessions Guides for building key project deliverables Sample agendas Proven techniques for managing the group dynamics

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780787980641


Facilitating with Ease!
Facilitating with Ease!

Автор: Группа авторов

Facilitating with Ease! is an updated version of the best-selling resource that offers easy-to-follow instructions, techniques, and hands-on tools that team leaders, consultants, supervisors, and managers have used to learn the basics of facilitation. Complete with worksheets on CD-ROM that can be customized to fit your personal needs, it's a complete facilitation workshop in a take-home format. Facilitating with Ease! shows you how to run productive meetings with skill and authority and includes the information needed to train others in your organization to become confident facilitators as well. The book is filled with dozens of exercises, surveys, and checklists that can be used to transform anyone into an effective facilitator.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780787978631


Facilities Manager s Desk Reference
Facilities Manager's Desk Reference

Автор: Jane Wiggins M

In the course of their work, the facilities manager will face a range of complex and often challenging tasks, sometimes concerned with a single business premises, often across an entire property portfolio. To help with those tasks, the Facilities Manager's Desk Reference provides the facilities manager with an invaluable source of highly relevant, practical information on the all the principal facilities management services, as well as information on legal compliance issues, the development of strategic policies and tactical best practice information. With a clear practitioner perspective the book covers both hard and soft facilities management issues and is presented in an easy to read, concise format. The Facilities Manager's Desk Reference will be a first point of reference for all busy facilities managers and will save them time by providing access to the information needed to ensure the safe, effective and efficient running of any facilities function. It will also serve as a useful overview for students studying for their professional and academic qualifications in facilities management.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9781444320473


Failed Bridges. Case Studies, Causes and Consequences
Failed Bridges. Case Studies, Causes and Consequences

Автор: Scheer Joachim

When bridges fail, often with loss of human life, those involved may be unwilling to speak openly about the cause. Yet it is possible to learn from mistakes. The lessons gained lead to greater safety and are a source of innovation. This book contains a systematic, unprecedented overview of more than 400 bridge failures assigned to the time of their occurrence in the bridges' life cycle and to the releasing events. Primary causes are identified. Many of the cases investigated are published here for the first time and previous interpretations are shown to be incomplete or incorrect. A catalogue of rules that can help to avoid future mistakes in design analysis, planning and erection is included. A lifetime's work brilliantly compiled and courageously presented – a wealth of knowledge and experience for every structural engineer.

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783433600641


Fair Value Measurement. Practical Guidance and Implementation
Fair Value Measurement. Practical Guidance and Implementation

Автор: Mark Zyla L

FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT Practical Guidance and Implementation «Writing Fair Value Measurement was a monumental task fraught with controversy not only in the U.S., but also abroad. Having coauthored a book with Mark as well as written one myself, I was even more impressed that Mark was able to navigate these fair value minefields and produce a work that will be a tremendous help to accountants and non-accountants alike. If you are looking for a 'one-stop' book on fair value measurement, this is it!» —Neil J. Beaton, CPA/ABV, CFA, ASA, Managing Director, Valuation Services, Alvarez & Marsal «In recent years, the FASB and the IASB have added many requirements for various assets and liabilities to be measured at fair value. In this book, Zyla clearly describes how to implement fair value measurement and how investors and creditors should interpret it. The crisp writing and illuminating analysis will help readers to grasp the essence of fair value accounting and to apply it wisely.» —J. Edward Ketz, Associate Professor of Accounting, Pennsylvania State University «The focus of the book is on fair value measurement based on level 3 inputs. This is a critical area of valuations for financial reporting due to a false comfort given by routine application of evaluating models and assumptions without real possibilities of calibration. Mark Zyla offers an extraordinary help in understanding the reliability of the inputs and the outputs of the different methodologies and the inherent biases in each of them. The book is a precious support for better valuation both in U.S. GAAP and in IFRS fair value reporting.» —Mauro Bini, Full Professor of Corporate Finance, Bocconi University; Chairman, Management Board OIV (Organismo Italiano di Valutazione) Essential guidance on the fair value measurement process Now in a second edition, Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation helps you succeed in understanding the fair value accounting rules that entities must follow. The result is a resource that you can rely on to understand the importance of valuation and the concepts that define it. In basic, nontechnical language, author Mark Zyla presents practical direction for best practices of financial valuation as well as for understanding the many FASB pronouncements involving fair value. An essential guide for auditors and valuation specialists, Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation, Second Edition brings you up to speed on what fair value really means.

Цена: 10125.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118284568


Faith-Based Marketing. The Guide to Reaching 140 Million Christian Customers
Faith-Based Marketing. The Guide to Reaching 140 Million Christian Customers

Автор: Bob Hutchins

Most businesses don’t have a good understanding of the faith community and how to market to this huge audience in effective, culturally sensitive ways. Many attempts to market to Christians have backfired, because the marketers had little understanding of Christians’ values, taboos, and «hot buttons». Yet the size of the opportunity is enormous. Faith-Based Marketing provides everything business leaders need to understand 140 million Christian consumers and effectively reach them. It explains who Christians are, what they want, and provides traditional, new media, and word-of-mouth strategies to communicate with and engage them and their churches. The book also includes a valuable directory of top Christian organizations, churches, and events, to help marketers and business leaders find out whom to contact and how. The book includes a free subscription to a companion website with bonus content.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470483046


Fake News
Fake News

Автор: Armin Himmelrath

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Soziale Netzwerke als grunds?tzlich seri?se Nachrichtenquellen? F?r viele Jugendliche ist das ?berhaupt keine Frage. Sie blicken eher skeptisch auf traditionelle journalistische Medien. Umso wichtiger, dass die Jugendlichen lernen, L?gen und Fake News von Wahrheit zu unterscheiden. Die Schule kann das Informationsverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen pr?gen mit Pr?ventionsmassnahmen und dem F?rdern von Medienkompetenz. Dieses Buch bietet eine Einf?hrung in die Thematik, erg?nzt durch zahlreiche Anregungen und ?bungsvorschl?ge f?r Unterricht und Schulalltag.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783035510867


Fallbeispiele aus dem F?hrungsalltag
Fallbeispiele aus dem F?hrungsalltag

Автор: Michael Steffens

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783958495814


Fallen Giant. The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the History of AIG
Fallen Giant. The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the History of AIG

Автор: Al Ehrbar

A unique insider view into the recent AIG crisis and Hank Greenberg For nearly 40 years, Maurice «Hank» Greenberg was one of the most powerful CEOs in America. He built American International Group (AIG) from a second-rate insurer with a great Chinese franchise into one of the world's most profitable companies. But times have certainly changed, and now, in the Second Edition of Fallen Giant, author Ronald Shelp-who worked alongside Greenberg and within the AIG organization for many years-with the help of Al Ehrbar, sheds light on both AIG, the company, and Hank Greenberg, the man. This fully updated Second Edition digs deep to uncover the latest developments for both Greenberg and AIG, such as the many lawsuits underway, including a criminal trial that will send five men-one who still works for Greenberg-to prison. It also chronicles the incredible story of how AIG was rescued by the Fed, and why the government had no choice in the matter. Includes new insights into the latest developments for both AIG and Hank Greenberg Reveals the real reasons behind the U.S. government's unprecedented bailout of AIG Explores AIG's history, starting in Shanghai in 1919, along with the downfall of its CEO Offers rare insights into how AIG almost collapsed Filled with international intrigue and expert business acumen, the Second Edition of Fallen Giant paints a compelling portrait of both the past successes and current crises of Hank Greenberg and AIG.

Цена: 1872.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470535622


Falling Skye (Bd. 1)
Falling Skye (Bd. 1)

Автор: Lina Frisch

F?nf Jahre nach Trump sind die USA zu den Gl?sernen Nationen geworden: Die B?rger hatten genug von impulsiven Entscheidungen, die Amerika an den Rand einer Katastrophe gebracht haben. Seither werden die Menschen endlich nicht mehr nach Hautfarbe, Geschlecht oder Religion unterschieden, sondern nach rational oder emotional. Die 16-j?hrige Skye ist ?berzeugt, eine Rationale zu sein, der eine gl?nzende Zukunft bevorsteht. Aber dann wird sie zu ihrer «Kristallisierung» einberufen, die entscheiden soll, ob Ske eine R oder eine E ist – eine Entscheidung, die ihr ganzes weiteres Leben bestimmen wird. Die Pr?fungen sind verst?rend, und der mysteri?se Testleiter, der ihr gegen alle Regeln immer wieder aus brenzligen Situationen hilft, bringt sie noch um den Verstand. Als ein t?dlicher Unfall geschieht, kommen Skye Zweifel: Wohin verschwinden die M?dchen, die im t?glichen Ranking abfallen? Warum gibt es unter den Jungen scheinbar keine Emotionalen? Zu ihrem Entsetzen muss Skye erkennen, wer in den Gl?sernen Nationen den Preis f?r die neue Ordnung zahlen soll: sie selbst …

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783649636410


Familia de papel
Familia de papel

Автор: Romina Naranjo

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788494373749



Автор: Stephan Meder

Die Grundlagen des heute geltenden Familienrechts reichen zur?ck bis in die Antike.
Das aus der Lehrpraxis entstandene Studienbuch von Stephan Meder verfolgt die Familienrechtsgeschichte vom altr?mischen Recht ?ber das Mittelalter und die Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart.
Es thematisiert intensiv die ideengeschichtlichen Hintergr?nde, wobei der Akzent auf dem Wandel der Geschlechterrollen und den Reformforderungen der Frauenbewegung im internationalen Kontext liegt. 
Die Geschichte des Familienrechts von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart wird den Studierenden hier detailliert und facettenreich pr?sentiert.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783846339015


Family Capital. Working with Wealthy Families to Manage Their Money Across Generations
Family Capital. Working with Wealthy Families to Manage Their Money Across Generations

Автор: Gregory Curtis

The lifelong guide to effective family wealth management strategy Family Capital provides a unique and practical lesson on wealth management. Instead of lectures and dry discussion, this engaging book follows an archetypal wealthy family through several generations and collateral family units to show you what effective family capital management looks like long-term. You will actually listen in on meetings between the family and its wealth advisor as they grapple with the many challenges family investors face. Expert wealth advisor Gregory Curtis provides advice and insight along the way, explaining why each strategy is effective, and how you can put it to work for you. You'll learn how to find an advisor you can trust, how to evaluate their performance, and how you can take the lead role in managing your wealth with the right advisor by your side. Estate planning and portfolio design are explored thoroughly to help you understand what makes sense for your family, and the companion website provides important forms and additional resources that help you put your plan into action. You've worked hard and done well, but the work isn't over. It's important to protect your wealth and make the right decisions to ensure that your family capital remains strong enough to benefit future generations. This book gives you a lifelong guide to effective wealth management, with expert insight to answer your most pressing questions. Find your ideal wealth advisor Design and build your investment portfolio Monitor your investments and your advisor's performance Utilize trusts and other estate planning vehicles to your fullest benefit The best way to learn something new is to hear lived experiences alongside expert commentary. Family Capital provides real-world perspective balanced by professional context, so you can tailor your next move to best suit your own situation.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119094111


Family Inc.. Using Business Principles to Maximize Your Family s Wealth
Family Inc.. Using Business Principles to Maximize Your Family's Wealth

Автор: Douglas McCormick P

Actionable, intelligent CFO training for the Chief Family Financial Officer Family Inc. is a roadmap to financial security for the family CFO. Too much personal wealth management advice essentially boils down to goal-setting, which isn't helpful or effective in terms of overall financial planning. This book takes a different track, giving you a crash course in corporate finance and the tools to apply the field's proven, time-tested principles in the context of your family's financial situation. You'll learn the key principles of wealth creation and management, and learn how to make your intellectual and real capital work for you. Your family situation is unique, and your principles must sometimes differ from the standard financial advice—and that's okay. Life is not a template, and even the best strategy must be able to adapt to real-life situations. You'll learn to chart your own path to financial security, utilizing the author's own tools that he developed over 15 years as an active board member, chairman of the board, or chief financial officer of multiple companies. Oversimplified wealth management advice does not leave you equipped to manage your real-world finances. This guide is written with intellectual rigor, but in the language of family discussion, to give you a real, practical guide to being an effective family CFO. Create your own financial prosperity and security Align financial acumen with your family's specific situation Adapt to real-world situations and make your financial advisor work for you Utilize powerful financial tools to help you build financial independence Every family needs a CFO to manage wealth, and the principles of corporate finance apply from the boardroom to the living room. Family Inc. delivers actionable advice in the form of CFO training to help you plot a real-world family financial plan.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781119219767


Family Trusts. A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors, and Trust Creators
Family Trusts. A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors, and Trust Creators

Автор: Keith Whitaker

An insightful and practical guide to family trusts Family Trusts is a step-by-step guide for anyone involved in family trusts: trust creators, trustees, beneficiaries, and advisors. It will help families create and administer a culture that recognizes trusts as a gift of love. Marrying the practical and emotional aspects of family wealth, this book provides a hands-on primer that focuses on fostering positive relationships, and structuring the trust appropriately for the situation and the people involved. It tackles difficult topics with frank and honest discussion, from the first beneficiary meeting to working with addictions, and more. Written by a team of experts in family wealth, this information is becoming increasingly crucial to the successful execution of a trust; you'll learn what type of person makes the best trustee, how to be an excellent beneficiary, and the technical aspects that help you build a better trust from the very beginning. There's been a staggering increase in trustee/beneficiary litigation and hostility, but that doesn't mean it's inevitable. Plenty of trusts are running smoothly, with positive experiences on all sides. This book shows you how to set up your trust to succeed from the start, with step-by-step guidance and expert insight. Express clear and thoughtful intent for the trust Create a healthy and supportive culture Select the right trustee, trust protector, and trust advisor Take the time to prepare before initially meeting the beneficiary Conduct a productive first meeting to set a tone for the relationship Historically, there has been little consideration given to the culture of trusts, and this oversight may be a key driver of the behavior that's becoming more prevalent. Family Trusts explores the nature of these relationships, and shows you how to build a trust that retains the nature and spirit with which it was intended.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119118299


Family Wealth. Keeping It in the Family--How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations
Family Wealth. Keeping It in the Family--How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations

Автор: James E. Hughes, Jr

The landmark book that changed the way exceptional families think about their heritage, their wealth, and their legacy to future generations–now revised and expanded. Every family, looking at the next generation, hopes to confer advantages that are more than just material and financial–to inculcate character and leadership, to inspire creativity and enterprise, to help all family members find and follow their individual callings, and to avoid the financial dependency and loss of initiative that can all too often be an unwanted consequence of financial success. Yet many families never succeed in realizing that vision, much less sustaining it for three, four, or five generations and beyond. James Hughes has thought deeply about these challenges, and his insights are at once practical and profound. For more than three decades, he has personally guided multiple generations of families in creating strategies to preserve their human and intellectual capital as well as their financial assets. His teachings synthesize insights from psychology, anthropology, political history, philosophy, economic theory, and the law, with examples ranging from Aristotle to cutting-edge social science theory. His ideas have been taken up by numerous exceptional families, by their advisers, and by scores of authors, practitioners, and academics who have found value in the methods he pioneered. The first edition of this book, privately published, became a word-of-mouth classic. Now, Hughes has updated and substantially expanded it with new chapters that challenge conventional notions of wealth and offer guidelines for conserving family assets in the broadest senses. Filled with tested principles and practices for family governance and joint decision making, it is a rich source of workable wisdom that family members can put into practice today, to the enduring benefit and gratitude of future generations.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470882863


Far From the Tree
Far From the Tree

Автор: Andrew Solomon

From the National Book Award-winning author of the bravedeeply humaneopen-minded, critically informed, and poetic (The New York Times) The Noonday Demon, comes a game-changer of a book about the impact of extreme personal and cultural difference between parents and children.A brilliant and utterly original thinker, Andrew Solomons journey began from his experience of being the gay child of straight parents. He wondered how other families accommodate children who have a variety of differences: families of people who are deaf, who are dwarfs, who have Down syndrome, who have autism, who have schizophrenia, who have multiple severe disabilities, who are prodigies, who commit crimes, who are transgender. Bookended with Solomons experiences as a son, and then later as a father, this book explores the old adage that says the apple doesnt fall far from the tree; instead some apples fall a couple of orchards away, some on the other side of the world.      In twelve sharply observed and moving chapters, Solomon describes individuals who have been heartbreaking victims of intense prejudice, but also stories of parents who have embraced their childrens differences and tried to change the worlds understanding of their conditions. Solomons humanity, eloquence, and compassion give a voice to those people who are never heard. A riveting, powerful take on a major social issue, Far from the Tree offers far-reaching conclusions about new families, academia, and the way our culture addresses issues of illness and identity.

Исполнители: Andrew Solomon

Цена: 4593.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781442356108


Fashioning Globalisation. New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy
Fashioning Globalisation. New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy

Автор: Larner Wendy

Drastic changes in the career aspirations of women in the developed world have resulted in a new, globalised market for off-the-peg designer clothes created by independent artisans. This book reports on a phenomenon that seems to exemplify the twin imperatives of globalisation and female emancipation. A major conceptual contribution to the literatures on globalisation, fashion and gender, analysing the ways in which women’s entry into the labour force over the past thirty years in the developed world has underpinned new forms of aestheticised production and consumption as well as the growth of ‘work-style’ businesses A vital contribution to the burgeoning literature on culture and creative industries which often ignores the significant roles taken by women as entrepreneurs and designers rather than mere consumers Introduces fashion scholars and economic geographers to a paradigmatic example of the new designer fashion industries emerging in a range of countries not traditionally associated with fashion Takes a fresh perspective on an industry in which Third World garment workers have been the subject of exhaustive analysis but first world women have been largely ignored

Цена: 10267.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118295779


Fast Diets For Dummies
Fast Diets For Dummies

Автор: Kellyann Petrucci

Lose weight with the Fast Diets? Easy! Over the last few decades, food fads have come and gone, but the standard medical advice on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle has stayed much the same: eat low-fat foods, exercise more, and never, ever skip meals. Yet, over that same period, levels of obesity worldwide have soared. So is there a different, evidence-based approach? Yes! Fast Diets are the revolutionary part-time weight loss programs with lifelong health and anti-aging results. Fast Diets For Dummies is your hands-on, friendly guide to achieving weight loss, without having to endlessly deprive yourself. Inside, you’ll get the lowdown on easily incorporating one or all of these unique dietary programs into your busy life. You will get the lowdown on tackling the most popular fasting diets such as: The Fast Diet (5-2 Diet), Intermittent Fasting, Micro-Fasting, and One Meal a Day (Warrior Diet). It offers you information and tips on how to incorporate these unique and popular dietary programs into your busy daily life. How and why the benefits of these fasting diets go well beyond weight loss Fast diets dos and don’ts How to get started and everything you need to know to help you along the way Over fifty 500- and 600- calorie meals that are quick and easy to make

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118774953


Fatal Risk. A Cautionary Tale of AIG s Corporate Suicide
Fatal Risk. A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide

Автор: Roddy Boyd

Long-listed for the FT & Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2011 The true story of how risk destroys, as told through the ongoing saga of AIG From the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, the subject of the financial crisis has been well covered. However, the story central to the crisis-that of AIG-has until now remained largely untold. Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide tells the inside story of what really went on inside AIG that caused it to choke on risk and nearly brining down the entire economic system. The book Reveals inside information available nowhere else, including the personal notes and records of key players such as the former Chairman of AIG, Hank Greenberg Takes readers behind the scenes at the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Details how an understanding of risk built AIG, but a disdain for government regulators led to a run-in with New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Fatal Risk is the comprehensive and compelling true story of the company at the center of the financial storm and how it nearly caused the entire economic system to collapse.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118084274



Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Damit Ihr Unternehmen auf dem aktuellen Markt erfolgreich sein kann, ist es unerl?sslich, dass Sie eine starke Online-Pr?senz aufbauen und aufrechterhalten. Wenn Kunden zu jeder Tageszeit Antworten ben?tigen, unabh?ngig davon, was sie gerade tun oder wo sie sich befinden, sollten Sie einen Facebook Messenger Chatbot in Betracht ziehen.
Ein Chatbot ist ein interaktives Nachrichten ?bermittlung System mit k?nstlicher Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence, AI), das im Auftrag Ihres Unternehmens mit Ihren Kunden in Kontakt tritt. Und zum gr??ten Teil ist kein Mensch erforderlich.
Vom Erlernen der Grundlagen zum Erstellen eines solchen mithilfe eines Botbau-Dienstes bis hin zum Wissen, welche Funktionen Ihr System haben sollte und wie es aussehen sollte, werden Sie bald grundlegende Anfragen zu Produkten und Diensten an den Vertrieb haben, manchmal innerhalb von Minuten.
Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen die Kunden nur noch Montag bis Freitag von 8.00 bis 17.00 Uhr den Kundendienst anrufen k?nnen.
Sie m?chten nicht nur sofort Antworten auf ihre Fragen, sondern m?ssen auch nicht mehr ihre Wohnung verlassen, um einen Kauf t?tigen zu k?nnen. Ein interaktiver Chatbot ist das perfekte Tool f?r jedes Online-Gesch?ft.
Technologie ist da, um zu bleiben und die Kunden lieben es, wie viel Zeit sie dadurch sparen. Durch Chatbots sparen Sie Zeit und Geld, da die Kosten f?r traditionelle, von Personen besetzte Arbeitsstellen wegfallen.
Wenn Sie weitere Informationen zum erfolgreichen Erstellen eines solchen Dokuments w?nschen, kaufen Sie jetzt dieses eBook und lesen Sie weiter!

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783750222649


Feedback in Performance Reviews
Feedback in Performance Reviews

Автор: E. Hart Wayne

Performance reviews vary from one organization to the next. This guidebook will help you understand how to use feedback in whatever performance review context you find yourself. It explains three feedback principles and four different types of feedback. It will help you understand when to use the different types of feedback and how to frame a complete feedback message, making it more likely that your feedback will be well received. The rest is practice.

Цена: 1767.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781118352922


Feigling oder F?hrungskraft?
Feigling oder F?hrungskraft?

Автор: Nicole Path?

Mal ehrlich: Ein bisschen Feigling steckt doch in jeder F?hrungskraft. Oder haben Sie noch nie den Mund gehalten, obwohl Ihnen schon l?nger Dinge gegen den Strich gingen? Beim n?chsten Meeting wollten Sie endlich mal Tacheles reden, haben dann aber doch lieber geschwiegen? Das ist zwar verst?ndlich, denn die meisten von uns haben ein ausgepr?gtes Harmoniebed?rfnis. Als F?hrungskraft werden Sie damit allerdings langfristig nicht erfolgreich sein.
Unsere Unternehmenswelt ist in einem tiefgreifenden Wandel begriffen: Digitalisierung und Globalisierung erfordern Change-Prozesse und ein nachhaltiges Umdenken in den Unternehmen. Um die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft meistern zu k?nnen, braucht es dringend F?hrungskr?fte, die mit Klarheit und Courage agieren. Die sich nicht hinter eingefahrenen Leitlinien und Prozessen verstecken, sondern den Mut besitzen, diese auch mal offen zu hinterfragen. Die durch eine gelebte Vertrauenskultur ihre Mitarbeiter bef?higen statt zu dominieren.
Nicole Path? analysiert anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen aus ihrer langj?hrigen Praxis in der F?hrungskr?fteentwicklung, warum es in den Unternehmen von Feiglingen nur so wimmelt. Und sie zeigt, worauf es ankommt, um eine Mutkultur in den Unternehmen zu etablieren. Eine Mutkultur, in der Vertrauen in die Mitarbeiter, konstruktive Kritik und ehrliches Feedback nicht nur propagiert, sondern tats?chlich gelebt werden.

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2070.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783956235139


Female Sexual Pain Disorders
Female Sexual Pain Disorders

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18342 руб.
ISBN: 9781119482611


Fescue Toxicosis and Management
Fescue Toxicosis and Management

Автор: Craig A. Roberts

Fescue toxicosis continues to be one of the most devastating problems in forage–livestock agriculture. Because there is presently no cure, using the most up-to-date management and prevention approaches are crucial. The 2nd edition of this important guide presents an easy-to-understand description of this complex problem, along with recommendations that are practical for real farm use.

Цена: 1621.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780891186373



Автор: Tatjana Erbe

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783844286885



Автор: Gerda Lerner

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783707604238


Fewer, Richer, Greener
Fewer, Richer, Greener

Автор: Laurence B. Siegel

How the world has become much better and why optimism is abundantly justified Why do so many people fear the future? Is their concern justified, or can we look forward to greater wealth and continued improvement in the way we live? Our world seems to be experiencing stagnant economic growth, climatic deterioration, dwindling natural resources, and an unsustainable level of population growth. The world is doomed, they argue, and there are just too many problems to overcome. But is this really the case? In Fewer, Richer, Greener , author Laurence B. Siegel reveals that the world has improved —and will continue to improve—in almost every dimension imaginable. This practical yet lighthearted book makes a convincing case for having gratitude for today’s world and optimism about the bountiful world of tomorrow. Life has actually improved tremendously. We live in the safest, most prosperous time in all human history. Whatever the metric—food, health, longevity, education, conflict—it is demonstrably true that right now is the best time to be alive. The recent, dramatic slowing in global population growth continues to spread prosperity from the developed to the developing world. Technology is helping billions of people rise above levels of mere subsistence. This technology of prosperity is cumulative and rapidly improving: we use it to solve problems in ways that would have be unimaginable only a few decades ago. An optimistic antidote for pessimism and fear, this book: Helps to restore and reinforce our faith in the future Documents and explains how global changes impact our present and influence our future Discusses the costs and unforeseen consequences of some of the changes occurring in the modern world Offers engaging narrative, accurate data and research, and an in-depth look at the best books on the topic by leading thinkers Traces the history of economic progress and explores its consequences for human life around the world Fewer, Richer, Greener: Prospects for Humanity in an Age of Abundance is a must-read for anyone who wishes to regain hope for the present and wants to build a better future.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119526933


Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets
Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets

Автор: Группа авторов

There are many books covering Fibonacci from an artistic and historical point of view and almost as many suggesting that Fibonacci retracements and numbers can be successfully applied to financial market time series. What is missing is a book that addresses the common errors in using screen based Fibonacci (and Gann and other tools). The book is a critical exploration of Fibonacci numbers, retracements, projections, timeframes and fanlines and their current usage within the financial markets by technical analysts. Although they can be extremely effective analytical tools when used appropriately, mistakes in usage can be extremely costly from a financial and credibility viewpoint. George MacLean takes a brief look at the history of Fibonacci and Gann, before providing a full account of their applications in financial markets, including fixed income, equity, foreign exchange, commodities and indexes. In particular, he draws attention to the overuse and misuse of easily applied computer packages available to professional and amateur traders.

Цена: 13145.28 руб.
ISBN: 9780470016053


Fifty Years in Wall Street
Fifty Years in Wall Street

Автор: Victor Niederhoffer

The definitive look at Wall Street in the 19th Century Perhaps the 19th century's best book on Wall Street, Fifty Years in Wall Street provides a fascinating look at the financial markets during a period of rapid economic expansion. Henry Clews was a giant figure in finance at that time, and his firsthand account brings this colorful era to life like never before. He reveals shocking stories of political and economic manipulation and how he helped bring down the mighty Boss Tweed. He writes eloquently about the madness of the markets and how the era's greatest speculators amassed their fortunes. This book provides an expansive view of Wall Street in an era of little regulation, rampant political corruption, and rapid financial change. Henry Clews was born in England in 1836 and emigrated to the United States in 1850. In 1859, he cofounded what became the second largest marketer of federal bonds during the Civil War. Later, he organized the «Committee of 70,» which deposed the corrupt Tweed Ring in New York City, and served as an economic consultant to President Ulysses Grant.

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780471785194


Filosof?a y literatura en G. Deleuze y F. Guattari: Nueva perspectiva de lectura de la novela latinoamericana
Filosof?a y literatura en G. Deleuze y F. Guattari: Nueva perspectiva de lectura de la novela latinoamericana

Автор: Alonso Silva

El libro que aqu? presentamos al p?blico en general y al lector fil?sofo en especial es resultado de dos investigaciones financiadas con recursos internos de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, tituladas «Devenires en pol?tica, econom?a y est?tica: El problema de la filosof?a en Gilles Deleuze» y "An?lisis de la propuesta de lectura filos?fica de la literatura desarrollada por Deleuze y Guattari, a prop?sito de las obras precursoras de la novela de la dictadura en Am?rica Latina: Amalia y Tirano Banderas".Las preguntas fundamentales que sirvieron de hilo conductor de estas investigaciones giraron en torno a cuestiones relacionadas con el concepto de filosof?a en Deleuze y su relaci?n con la literatura. En este sentido, se realiz? una lectura de tres novelas de la literatura latinoamericana, con el objeto de evidenciar y exponer de forma aplicada tres elementos que constituyen la relaci?n micropol?tica de filosof?a-literatura en Deleuze y Guattari, a saber: l?neas de fuga, literatura menor y m?quina de guerra versus Estado.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789588956954


Final Fantasy and Philosophy. The Ultimate Walkthrough
Final Fantasy and Philosophy. The Ultimate Walkthrough

Автор: William Irwin

An unauthorized look behind one of the greatest video game franchises of all time, Final Fantasy The Final Fantasy universe is packed with compelling characters and incredible storylines. In this book, you'll take a fascinating look at the deeper issues that Final Fantasy forces players to think about while trying to battle their way to the next level, such as: Does Cloud really exist (or should we really care)? Is Kefka really insane? Are Moogles part of a socialist conspiracy? Does the end of the game justify the means? As Mages, Moogles, fiends, and Kefka are mashed together with the likes of Machiavelli, Marx, Foucault, and Kafka, you'll delve into crucial topics such as madness, nihilism, environmental ethics, Shintoism, the purpose of life, and much more. Examines the philosophical issues behind one of the world's oldest and most popular video-game series Offers new perspectives on Final Fantasy characters and themes Gives you a psychological advantage–or at least a philosophical one–against your Final Fantasy enemies Allows you to apply the wisdom of centuries of philosophy to any game in the series, including Final Fantasy XIII Guaranteed to add a new dimension to your understanding of the Final Fantasy universe, this book is the ultimate companion to the ultimate video-game series.

Цена: 1744.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470730409



Автор: Группа авторов

The financial markets play a crucial role in contemporary society. They can change the lives of whole communities for better or worse and form an essential part of the overall economy. Yet their intermediaries are frequently criticised for misuse of the power that they wield. In this defence of the markets Michel Fleuriet draws on his many years experience in the field to span history and contemporary culture, addressing the market practitioner's raison d'?tre, his/her wider role, the skills required and the techniques employed. This is a thought-provoking and informative work for all those working in the financial markets, intending to enter them or with an interest in the wider economy. * Draws on the extensive experience of the author – a highly respected name within financial circles. * A synthesis of the author's life time experience within the financial markets. * A seminal work addressing key questions of the philosophical and conceptual background to the financial market. * A controversial and thought-provoking work that every practitioner should read.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470859148


Finance Ethics. Critical Issues in Theory and Practice
Finance Ethics. Critical Issues in Theory and Practice

Автор: John Boatright R

A groundbreaking exploration of the critical ethical issues in financial theory and practice Compiled by volume editor John Boatright, Finance Ethics consists of contributions from scholars from many different finance disciplines. It covers key issues in financial markets, financial services, financial management, and finance theory, and includes chapters on market regulation, due diligence, reputational risk, insider trading, derivative contracts, hedge funds, mutual and pension funds, insurance, socially responsible investing, microfinance, earnings management, risk management, bankruptcy, executive compensation, hostile takeovers, and boards of directors. Special attention is given to fairness in markets and the delivery of financial services, and to the duties of fiduciaries and agents Rigorous analysis of the topics covered provides essential information and practical guidance for practitioners in finance as well as for students and academics with an interest in finance ethics Ethics in Finance skillfully explains the need for ethics in the personal conduct of finance professionals and the operation of financial markets and institutions.

Цена: 9665.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780470768099


Finance for Strategic Decision-Making. What Non-Financial Managers Need to Know
Finance for Strategic Decision-Making. What Non-Financial Managers Need to Know

Автор: Vikram Nanda K

Finance for Strategic Decision Making demystifies and clarifies for non-financial executives the basics of financial analysis. It shows how they can make important financial decisions that can critically enhance their institution’s ability to respond to competitive challenges, undertake new projects, overcome financial setbacks, and most importantly, create shareholder value. Written by M. P. Narayanan and Vikram K. Nanda—two of the country’s leading authorities on financial strategy—this book offers a practical guide for using financial analysis to enhance strategicdecision making. The book includes a coherent framework that outlines practical and intellectually sound guidance for executives who must make strategic decisions. Finance for Strategic Decision Making Explains the role of finance in corporate strategy Offers guidance on resource allocation decisions Explores how to determine the right balance of debt and equity capital to maximize firm value Demonstrates how to use payout policy as a strategic tool Clarifies if a merger, acquisition, or divestiture is in the best interest of an organization Shows how to manage risk Reveals how to measure value created and the effectiveness of upper level management

Цена: 4860.43 руб.
ISBN: 9780787974190


Finance. Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management
Finance. Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management

Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

Created by the experienced author team of Frank Fabozzi and Pamela Peterson Drake, Finance examines the essential elements of this discipline and makes them accessible to a wide array of readers-from seasoned veterans looking for a review to newcomers needing to get their footing in finance. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this reliable resource opens with a detailed discussion of the basic tools of investing and financing decision-making—financial mathematics and financial analysis. After this informative introduction, you'll quickly become familiar with the three primary areas of finance—capital markets (Part II), financial management (Part III), and investment/asset management (Part IV)?-and discover how these different areas are interconnected. Finance is a well-rounded guide to this dynamic field. The straightforward insights found here will put you in a better position to understand what the principles of modern finance are and how they can be used to make the right decisions when managing risk and return in today's complex financial environment.

Цена: 13808.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780470486146


Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Автор: John McCarthy H

This Seventh Edition is filled with authoritative advice on the financial reporting, accounting, and control situations unique to not-for-profit organizations. It contains discussions of the accounting and reporting guidelines for different types of organizations, complete guidance on tax and compliance reporting requirements, illustrated explanations of various types of acceptable financial statements, and much more!

Цена: 24854.53 руб.
ISBN: 9780471738145


Financial Darwinism. Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk
Financial Darwinism. Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk

Автор: Edmund S. Phelps

In Financial Darwinism, author Leo Tilman lays the groundwork for understanding the new financial order by introducing his evolutionary thesis and then outlines an actionable decision-making framework that enables financial institutions and investors to fully leverage the power of business strategy, corporate finance, investment analysis, and risk management. Financial Darwinism is an invaluable road map to today's financial world and an essential guide to surviving and thriving during these challenging times.

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470414767


Financial Derivatives
Financial Derivatives

Автор: Robert Kolb W

Understand derivatives in a nonmathematical way Financial Derivatives, Third Edition gives readers a broad working knowledge of derivatives. For individuals who want to understand derivatives without getting bogged down in the mathematics surrounding their pricing and valuation Financial Derivatives, Third Edition is the perfect read. This comprehensive resource provides a thorough introduction to financial derivatives and their importance to risk management in a corporate setting.

Цена: 9334.26 руб.
ISBN: 9780471467663


Financial Expert Witness Communication. A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony
Financial Expert Witness Communication. A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony

Автор: Bradley Preber J

Learn what to expect—and what's expected—as an expert witness Serving as a financial expert witness or consultant in lawsuits is a stressful, challenging, and tough business. In Financial Expert Witness Communication: A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony, financial forensic expert Bradley J. Preber leverages more than 30 years of experience to create a practical guide for financial expert witnesses as they face litigation reporting and testimony. Financial Expert Witness Communication covers all areas of financial litigation including accounting, financial forensics, forensic technology, and damages—all from the point of view of an expert witness. The book is especially helpful for those who expect to be formally designated as an expert witness; however, it is also appropriate for financial forensic accountants, litigation consultants, and attorneys as they navigate the unique playing field of the financial litigation process. This book gives financial experts strategies to defend the analysis, conclusions, and expert opinions they have at their disposal. It also provides thorough explanations of compliance, data limitations, and due diligence as well as how to handle demanding legal counsel, with a goal of better preparing them for the entire legal process. The book is part of the Wiley Corporate F&A Series and was created as an educational resource for nonattorney financial experts involved with U.S.-based civil litigation or alternative dispute resolution proceedings. It takes a well-rounded approach by including special chapters on such concepts as retention, privilege, responsibilities, ethics, and testimony, all written by a nationally recognized expert. As a bonus, the companion website presents an additional expert witness case study and guidelines for fulfilling an expert witness role.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118753835


Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company s True Value
Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value

Автор: Michelle Leder

Thirty-five million individual investors jumped into the stock market for the first time during the late 1990s without asking questions about the stocks they were buying. When the bubble burst and the large number of accounting scandals began to grow, most investors didn’t know where to turn or whom to trust. Now it has become more important than ever for investors to take matters into their own hands. Financial Fine Print: Uncovering a Company’s True Value lets individual investors in on the secrets that seasoned professional investors use when they evaluate a potential investment. Buried deep in a company’s quarterly (10-Q) and annual (10-K) reports are the real clues to a company’s financial health: the footnotes. At many large companies, these footnotes can run for more than 30 pages and for some corporations have doubled in the past five years, making them simply too important for investors to ignore. Financial Fine Print spells out exactly what investors need to look for within the footnotes of a company’s reports in order to make better, more informed decisions. By using numerous examples of actual footnotes that have appeared in SEC documents, the book teaches investors in easy-to-understand language ways to spot – and avoid – future Enrons and Worldcoms (and Tycos and Adelphias and HealthSouths). For any investor who has spent the past three years watching their investments shrink and has begun to think about getting back into the market, this book provides the critical tools that investors need to know to avoid getting burned once again.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780471649373


Financial Independence (Getting to Point X). A Comprehensive Tax-Smart Wealth Management Guide
Financial Independence (Getting to Point X). A Comprehensive Tax-Smart Wealth Management Guide

Автор: John Vento J

Discover how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will change your journey to financial independence and what you need to do now to take advantage of the new law Financial Independence (Getting to Point X) offers practical, time-tested advice for reaching your financial goals—whatever they may be. Whether you’re recovering from debt, putting kids through college, planning for retirement, starting your own business, or just seeking a healthier financial outlook, this book shows you how to get it done. No platitudes or empty advice here—just a clear roadmap to your goals, based on the effective management of the 10 Key Wealth Management Issues that threaten to derail us all. This new second edition has been updated to reflect President Trump’s massive income tax changes. These historic changes will reduce the tax obligation of most Americans, but not all. This is the most significant tax reform in over 30 years, rendering old advice obsolete while opening new opportunities. This edition also includes a new chapter on becoming financially independent by starting your own business. Author John Vento knows exactly what these new laws entail, and this book puts his wisdom of experience to work for you to help you get on track to financial freedom. Saving, budgeting, managing debt, minimizing taxes, and living within your means—all classic financial advice, but easier said than done, right? In this book, you’ll find real, practical advice for actually doing it—to the extent that makes sense for you. Understand the enormous changes taking place in the federal income tax code Learn which financial strategies have become obsolete, and what new opportunities you should take advantage of Negotiate your way through the 10 Key Wealth Management Issues with expert advice Find out if you have what it takes to reach financial independence by starting your own business Follow a clear roadmap to financial independence, no matter how you define it The goal is not perfection on all fronts, it’s simply tailoring your journey to suit your destination. No unnecessary deprivation, no obsessive adjusting—simply paying attention to key issues may be enough, depending on your goal. Regulatory changes close some doors but open others, and opportunities still exist if you know where to look. Financial Independence (Getting to Point X) provides you with a roadmap to financial freedom, so that you can achieve your life goals and dreams.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119510383


Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing
Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing

Автор: Sean C. Keenan

A PROVEN APPROACH FOR CREATING and IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE for DATA and ANALYTICS Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing offers a key resource for understanding and implementing effective data governance practices and data modeling within financial organizations. Sean Keenan—a noted expert on the topic—outlines the strategic core competencies, includes best practices, and suggests a set of mechanisms for self-evaluation. He shows what it takes for an institution to evaluate its information processing capability and how to take the practical steps toward improving it. Keenan outlines the strategies and tools needed for financial institutions to take charge and make the much-needed decisions to ensure that their firm's information processing assets are effectively designed, deployed, and utilized to meet the strict regulatory guidelines. This important resource is filled with practical observations about how information assets can be actively and effectively managed to create competitive advantage and improved financial results. Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing also includes a survey of case studies that highlight both the positive and less positive results that have stemmed from institutions either recognizing or failing to recognize the strategic importance of information processing capabilities.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119053040


Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++
Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++

Автор: Daniel Duffy J

An integrated guide to C++ and computational finance This complete guide to C++ and computational finance is a follow-up and major extension to Daniel J. Duffy's 2004 edition of Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++. Both C++ and computational finance have evolved and changed dramatically in the last ten years and this book documents these improvements. Duffy focuses on these developments and the advantages for the quant developer by: Delving into a detailed account of the new C++11 standard and its applicability to computational finance. Using de-facto standard libraries, such as Boost and Eigen to improve developer productivity. Developing multiparadigm software using the object-oriented, generic, and functional programming styles. Designing flexible numerical algorithms: modern numerical methods and multiparadigm design patterns. Providing a detailed explanation of the Finite Difference Methods through six chapters, including new developments such as ADE, Method of Lines (MOL), and Uncertain Volatility Models. Developing applications, from financial model to algorithmic design and code, through a coherent approach. Generating interoperability with Excel add-ins, C#, and C++/CLI. Using random number generation in C++11 and Monte Carlo simulation. Full source code is available by registering at www.datasimfinancial.com. Duffy adopted a spiral model approach while writing each chapter of Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++ 2e: analyse a little, design a little, and code a little. Each cycle ends with a working prototype in C++ and shows how a given algorithm or numerical method works. Additionally, each chapter contains non-trivial exercises and projects that discuss improvements and extensions to the material. This book is for designers and application developers in computational finance, and assumes the reader has some fundamental experience of C++ and derivatives pricing.

Цена: 10586.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781119170495


Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Автор: John Zietlow

Essential tools and guidance for effective nonprofit financial management Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations provides students, professionals, and board members with a comprehensive reference for the field. Identifying key objectives and exploring current practices, this book offers practical guidance on all major aspects of nonprofit financial management. As nonprofit organizations fall under ever-increasing scrutiny and accountability, this book provides the essential knowledge and tools professional need to maintain a strong financial management system while serving the organization’s stated mission. Financial management, cash flow, and financial sustainability are perennial issues, and this book highlights the concepts, skills, and tools that help organizations address those issues. Clear guidance on analytics, reporting, investing, risk management, and more comprise a singular reference that nonprofit finance and accounting professionals and board members should keep within arm’s reach. Updated to reflect the post-recession reality and outlook for nonprofits, this new edition includes new examples, expanded tax-exempt financing material, and recession analysis that informs strategy going forward. Articulate the proper primary financial objective, target liquidity, and how it ensures financial health and sustainability Understand nonprofit financial practices, processes, and objectives Manage your organization’s resources in the context of its mission Delve into smart investing and risk management best practices Manage liquidity, reporting, cash and operating budgets, debt and other liabilities, IP, legal risk, internal controls and more Craft appropriate financial policies Although the U.S. economy has recovered, recovery has not addressed the systemic and perpetual funding challenges nonprofits face year after year. Despite positive indicators, many organizations remain hampered by pursuit of the wrong primary financial objective, insufficient funding and a lack of investment in long-term sustainability; in this climate, financial managers must stay up-to-date with the latest tools, practices, and regulations in order to serve their organization’s interests. Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations provides clear, in-depth reference and strategy for navigating the expanding financial management function.

Цена: 13808.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119382614


Financial Markets and Trading. An Introduction to Market Microstructure and Trading Strategies
Financial Markets and Trading. An Introduction to Market Microstructure and Trading Strategies

Автор: Anatoly Schmidt B

An informative guide to market microstructure and trading strategies Over the last decade, the financial landscape has undergone a significant transformation, shaped by the forces of technology, globalization, and market innovations to name a few. In order to operate effectively in today's markets, you need more than just the motivation to succeed, you need a firm understanding of how modern financial markets work and what professional trading is really about. Dr. Anatoly Schmidt, who has worked in the financial industry since 1997, and teaches in the Financial Engineering program of Stevens Institute of Technology, puts these topics in perspective with his new book. Divided into three comprehensive parts, this reliable resource offers a balance between the theoretical aspects of market microstructure and trading strategies that may be more relevant for practitioners. Along the way, it skillfully provides an informative overview of modern financial markets as well as an engaging assessment of the methods used in deriving and back-testing trading strategies. Details the modern financial markets for equities, foreign exchange, and fixed income Addresses the basics of market dynamics, including statistical distributions and volatility of returns Offers a summary of approaches used in technical analysis and statistical arbitrage as well as a more detailed description of trading performance criteria and back-testing strategies Includes two appendices that support the main material in the book If you're unprepared to enter today's markets you will underperform. But with Financial Markets and Trading as your guide, you'll quickly discover what it takes to make it in this competitive field.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118093634


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