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And Then the Roof Caved In. How Wall Street s Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees
And Then the Roof Caved In. How Wall Street's Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees

Автор: David Faber

CNBC's David Faber takes an in-depth look at the causes and consequences of the recent financial collapse And Then the Roof Caved In lays bare the truth of the credit crisis, whose defining emotion at every turn has been greed, and whose defining failure is the complicity of the U.S. government in letting that greed rule the day. Written by CNBC's David Faber, this book painstakingly details the truth of what really happened with compelling characters who offer their first-hand accounts of what they did and why they did it. Page by page, Faber explains the events of the previous seven years that planted the seeds for the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. He begins in 2001, when the Federal Reserve embarked on an unprecedented effort to help the economy recover from the attacks of 9/11 by sending interest rates to all time lows. Faber also gives you an up-close look at where the crisis was incubated and unleashed upon the world-Wall Street-and introduces you to insiders from investment banks and mortgage lenders to ratings agencies, that unwittingly conspired to insure lending standards were abandoned in the head long rush for profits. Based on two years of research, this book provides deep background into the current credit crisis Offers the insights of experienced professionals-from Alan Greenspan to prominent bankers and regulators-who were on the front lines Created by David Faber, the face of morning business news on CNBC, and host of the network's award winning documentaries From regulators who tried to stop this problem before it swung out of control to hedge fund managers who correctly foresaw the coming housing crash and profited from it, And Then the Roof Caved In shows you how the crisis we currently face came to be.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470529195



Автор: Friedrich K?ppersbusch

W?hrend die klassischen Printmedien von der FAZ bis zum Spiegel an Auflage verlieren, legen die rechten Publikationen seit mehreren Jahren zu. Rechtes Gedankengut sickert immer mehr in die Mitte der Gesellschaft und wird attraktiv f?r B?rger, die sich lange ganz anders verortet haben. Der Nachrichtenjournalist Hans Demmel und der TV-Journalist Friedrich K?ppersbusch analysieren in Anderswelt die Wirkungs¬weise rechter Medien anhand von Tichys Einblick, MMNews, KenFM, Compact und Junge Freiheit, deren Websites und Youtube-Kan?len. In einem »Selbstversuch« hat sich Hans Demmel ein halbes Jahr ausschlie?lich die Lekt?re und die Videos dieser Publikationen verordnet, Tagebuch gef?hrt und den Einfluss auf sein Denken festgehalten. Friedrich K?ppersbusch liefert dazu den Faktencheck und die notwendigen Hintergrundinformationen: Wer sind die Stammleser, wie werden neue Leser, User, Seher angezogen? Wer finanziert diese Publikationen? Und wie kommt es, dass einst als seri?s anerkannte Journalisten wie Roland Tichy, Wolfgang Herles, Peter Hahne, Matthias Matussek oder der Radiomoderator Ken Jebsen die rechte Publizistik pr?gen? Aus einer Mischung von Tagebuch, Dokumentation, Reportage und Interviews entsteht ein Einblick in eine Szene, die in ihrem Gef?hrdungspotential f?r die Demokratie nicht nur unbekannt ist, sondern str?flich untersch?tzt wird.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783956144769


Angebot und Nachfrage sind keine Plage!
Angebot und Nachfrage sind keine Plage!

Автор: Eli Magna Tors

Ihr sitzt in einer VWL-Vorlesung und es geht einfach alles viel zu schnell? Ihr steht vor einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem Studium und m?chtet euch den Einstieg ein wenig einfacher gestalten? Oder ihr seid generell interessiert, wie sich auf M?rkten Preise bilden, wie man diese analysieren kann und welche Auswirkungen Eingriffe in die Preisbildung haben (z.B. Steuern)?
Sollte einer – oder sogar mehrere – dieser Punkte auf euch zutreffen, ist dieses kleine B?chlein genau richtig f?r euch. Es werden folgende Themen behandelt:
– Angebot – Nachfrage – Gleichgewichtspreis – Angebots-, Nachfrage- und Kreuzpreiselastizit?t – Mindestpreis – H?chstpreis – Wohlfahrt und Wohlfahrtsverluste – Angebots?berschuss – Nachfrage?berschuss – Reservationspreis – Marktgleichgewicht – Preis-Mengen-Diagramme
Zus?tzlich wird auch immer an ausf?hrlichen Beispielen erkl?rt, wie man gesuchte Gr??en rechnerisch ermittelt.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783738004083


Angel Financing for Entrepreneurs. Early-Stage Funding for Long-Term Success
Angel Financing for Entrepreneurs. Early-Stage Funding for Long-Term Success

Автор: Susan Preston L

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780787995607


Angels Inc
Angels Inc

Автор: Jos? Mar?a Pumarino

Todos sentimos, deseamos y necesitamos m?s, mucho m?s… de lo que nos atrevemos a confesar.
Angels Inc es una novela sobre pasiones, amores, miedos, fantasias y secretos, basada en muchas historias reales, que nos desmenuza la batalla diaria contra nuestros propios demonios, as? como lo complicado que es vivir de momentos y, al mismo tiempo, sobrevivir sin ellos…

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788412169119


Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina

Автор: Le?n Tolstoi

Le?n Tolst?i (1828-1910) es reconocido como uno de los escritores m?s importantes de la novela rusa y de la literatura mundial. Nacido en una antigua familia de la nobleza, sus obras constituyen un fiel reflejo de la sociedad rusa de la ?poca, convirti?ndolo en uno de los representantes m?s reconocidos del realismo.En «Anna Karenina» (que empez? a publicarse como un follet?n en 1875, y se publicar?a por primera vez entera en 1877), Tolst?i narra la relaci?n ad?ltera entre Anna Karenina, casada con un alto funcionario del gobierno, y el conde Vronsky, v?nculo a trav?s del cual el escritor retrata la doble moral y los antivalores de un entorno que no sanciona con la misma dureza moral al hombre y a la mujer. Adem?s, muestra la profunda desigualdad social entre la ?lite y el campesinado, y la b?squeda de la felicidad del ser humano, que alcanza tras una metamorfosis espiritual. La novela ha sido llevada al cine en m?s de diez adaptaciones, y tambi?n sido adaptada a producciones teatrales y ?pera.

Серия: Colecci?n Oro

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788418211379


Anne LebensLiebe
Anne LebensLiebe

Автор: Malte Kerber

Gl?ck – ein unvollkommen Wort f?r das, was uns geschah! Alles war es, und alles wird es weiter sein …

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783969405369


Annual Plant Reviews, Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance
Annual Plant Reviews, Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance

Автор: Jane Parker

Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 34 Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance Edited by Jane Parker In recent years, our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant resistance to disease has seen major advances. This important new volume in Wiley-Blackwell’s Annual Plant Reviews provides cutting edge reviews on major aspects of plant immunity from many of the world's leading researchers in the area. Coverage includes: • Establishment of disease by microbial pathogens • Genomic approaches to understanding host-pathogen interactions • Local and systemic resistance signalling • Activities of small bioactive molecules • Plant-insect ecology This exciting volume is essential reading for all those studying plant-pathogen interactions including plant and agricultural scientists, molecular biologists, geneticists and microbiologists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and agricultural sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this important volume on their shelves. About the Editor Dr Jane Parker is a Group Leader in the Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions at The Max-Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research, Cologne and Associate Professor at The Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany. Also Available Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 33 Intracellular Signaling in Plants Edited by Zhenbiao Yang Print: 9781405160025 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 32 Cell Cycle Control and Plant Development Edited by Dirk Inz? Print: 9781405150439 Online: 9780470988923 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 31 Plant Mitochondria Edited by David Logan Print: 9781405149396 Online: 9780470986592 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 30 Light and Plant Development Edited by Garry C. Whitelam and Karen J. Halliday Print: 9781405145381 Online: 9780470988893

Цена: 29157.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781444301458


Anonyme Sexgeschichten 8
Anonyme Sexgeschichten 8

Автор: Daniel Kunz

Sexstories zur Luststeigerung. Sie werden Gef?hle hervorrufen, die sie schon gar nicht mehr in Ihnen vermutet haben. Lust und Leidenschaft werden Sie auch wieder auf Ihren Partner ?bertragen und erleben N?chte mit Prickeln, Liebe, Sinnlichkeit, Leidenschaft bis hin zur unendlichen Begierde.

Серия: Anonyme Sexgeschichten

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783742762092


Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family. One Parent s Practical Guide to Recovery
Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family. One Parent's Practical Guide to Recovery

Автор: Grainne Smith

Written by a mother whose daughter suffers from an eating disorder, Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa is a supportive, helpful guide for families of those with eating disorders. Framed by the personal story of Gr?inne Smith and her daughter, the book describes the onset and symptoms of the two disorders, as well as the typical situations family and caregivers can expect on the long road to helping the sufferer to recover. Readers will learn about the effects on family life, in particular the common feelings of isolation and helplessness, and get strategies for coping and finding more information and assistance.

Цена: 4302.59 руб.
ISBN: 9780470861622



Автор: Samuele Bibi

Anti-Blanchard es una cr?tica del famoso manual Macroeconom?a de Olivier Blanchard, economista mundialmente reconocido que lleg? a ser jefe del Fondo Monetario Internacional.Con una ?gil exposici?n did?ctica de la comparaci?n entre el paradigma macroecon?mico predominante y los enfoques alternativos, este libro ofrece secciones y ejercicios dedicados a la ineficiencia de los mercados financieros, a la comparaci?n entre el libre mercado y la planificaci?n p?blica, a los problemas del cambio clim?tico y a la crisis desencadenada por la pandemia.El volumen, adem?s, incluye un imperdible debate entre Emiliano Brancaccio y Olivier Blanchard sobre las crisis y las revoluciones de la teor?a y la pol?tica econ?micas.Un exitoso manual que ha publicado ya su quinta edici?n italiana, su segunda edici?n en ingl?s y que, ahora, est? tambi?n disponible en espa?ol.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9786123183271


Anti-Money Laundering
Anti-Money Laundering

Автор: Wouter Muller H

Anti-Money Laundering is the definitive reference on money laundering and practice. First an outline will be given of the general approach taken by supra-national organisations like the United Nations and the European Council. Next the approach taken by international organisations and initiatives on the basis of the supra-national initiatives will be outlined by senior members of those organisations. A number of countries will then describe their specific prevention legislation. Countries involved will all be member-countries of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering). Finally there will be an overview to enable the reader to make a comparison between the most important topics of money laundering legislation and rules in the different countries.

Цена: 25959.17 руб.
ISBN: 9780470511084


Antriebe von Elektroautos in der Praxis
Antriebe von Elektroautos in der Praxis

Автор: Robert Schoblick

Серия: Elektronik

Цена: 3944.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783645270311


Anyone Can Do It. Building Coffee Republic from Our Kitchen Table - 57 Real-Life Laws on Entrepreneurship
Anyone Can Do It. Building Coffee Republic from Our Kitchen Table - 57 Real-Life Laws on Entrepreneurship

Автор: Sahar Hashemi

Anyone Can Do It chronicles the start and evolution of a successful business dream. Beginning with the Hashemi siblings' first conversations (when the seed of the idea was planted) it follows the progress of Coffee Republic from business plan to the present day. Coffee Republic is now worth around ?50m with 90 outlets around the UK. This is a start-up business book for real people. Sahar and Bobby take the reader step by step through every aspect of starting and growing a business from asking 'why?' and writing the plan to hiring staff and letting go. The book is illustrated throughout with inspirational anecdotes from their own experience. It is a very personal story of dreaming, acting and succeeding offering a myriad of lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and blowing apart the myth that only 'special' people start successful businesses.

Цена: 1656.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781841125930


Aphorismen I
Aphorismen I

Автор: Sahra Christ

Серия: Aphorismen Sahra Christ B?cher

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783966618250


Aplicaci?n de m?todos de control fitosanitarios en plantas, suelo e instalaciones. AGAH0108
Aplicaci?n de m?todos de control fitosanitarios en plantas, suelo e instalaciones. AGAH0108

Автор: Luis Miguel Santos Gonz?lez

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788491987505


Aplicaci?n de sistemas inform?ticos en bar y cafeter?a. HOTR0508
Aplicaci?n de sistemas inform?ticos en bar y cafeter?a. HOTR0508

Автор: Julio V?lchez Beltr?n

– Distinguir y utilizar los equipos y programas inform?ticos de gesti?n del bar-cafeter?a. – Ebook ajustado al certificado de profesionalidad de Servicios de bar y cafeter?a: HOT327_2, UC1050_2, MF1050_2, UF0257

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788491984627


Aplicaciones pr?cticas de las NIIF
Aplicaciones pr?cticas de las NIIF

Автор: Vernor Mes?n Figueroa

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789977662985


App Empire. Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You
App Empire. Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You

Автор: Chad Mureta

A guide to building wealth by designing, creating, and marketing a successful app across any platform Chad Mureta has made millions starting and running his own successful app business, and now he explains how you can do it, too, in this non-technical, easy-to-follow guide. App Empire provides the confidence and the tools necessary for taking the next step towards financial success and freedom. The book caters to many platforms including iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry. This book includes real-world examples to inspire those who are looking to cash in on the App gold rush. Learn how to set up your business so that it works while you don't, and turn a simple idea into a passive revenue stream. Discover marketing strategies that few developers know and/or use Learn the success formula for getting thousands of downloads a day for one App Learn the secret to why some Apps get visibility while others don't Get insights to help you understand the App store market App Empire delivers advice on the most essential things you must do in order to achieve success with an app. Turn your simple app idea into cash flow today!

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118217047


Apple Watch For Dummies
Apple Watch For Dummies

Автор: Marc Saltzman

Your all-encompassing guide to the Apple Watch Are you an Apple Watch enthusiast and want to master all of its features to impress friends and intimidate enemies? Or perhaps you're a less-than-tech-savvy newcomer to the «wearable» craze and want to get the most out of it? In Apple Watch For Dummies, you'll discover how this incredible device does way more than simply tell time. Through hands-on, easy-to-follow instruction, you'll find out how to send and receive text messages and emails, use Siri, find movie times, access your favorite apps and get directions]. Plus, you'll get a handle on the all-new hardware, change the watch face to suit your mood and needs, use the innovative interface—including the exciting Digital Crown feature—to zoom and scroll, and move into fitness tracking with your Apple Watch—and be amazed as it helps you set and maintain reachable fitness goals. Apple Watch is a game changer. Is it a communication device? A timepiece? An exercise companion and tracker? Yes, it's all that and more! Written by veteran tech guru Marc Saltzman, this friendly guide helps you wrap your mind around Apple Watch, even as it wraps around your wrist. In no time, you'll be using it to stay in touch with friends and family, navigate your way around unfamiliar places, stay fit, and so much more! Covers Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport, and Apple Watch Edition Offers step-by-step details on using Apple Watch to send and receive texts and emails Walks you through using the Digital Crown feature, along with touchscreen and voice commands Shows you how to use Apple Watch to track your fitness—and even share your heartbeat with another Apple Watch user If you're a new to the Apple Watch—or an old hand (or wrist, as it were) looking to push it to its limits—Apple Watch For Dummies helps you get the most out of this cool technology.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119051978


Apples, Insights and Mad Inventors
Apples, Insights and Mad Inventors

Автор: Группа авторов

Apples, Insights and Mad Inventors is a collection of timeless, thought-provoking observations on a range of marketing issues from one of the industry’s best-known names – Jeremy Bullmore. Most of the pieces originally appeared in the annual reports of WPP, while others were the basis for conference keynote addresses. With topics ranging from client management and brand management to strategy and product development, and sources of inspiration as diverse as Posh Spice and Benjamin Franklin, this entertaining and enlightening book is essential reading for any communications professional.

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470031520


Application Integration
Application Integration

Автор: Bernard Manouvrier

Application integration assembles methods and tools for organizing exchanges between applications, and intra- and inter-enterprise business processes. A strategic tool for enterprises, it introduces genuine reactivity into information systems facing business changes, and as a result, provides a significant edge in optimizing costs. This book analyzes various aspects of application integration, providing a guide to the alphabet soup behind EAI, A2A, B2B, BAM, BPM, ESB and SOA. It addresses the problems of choosing between the application integration solutions and deploying them successfully. It supplies guidelines for avoiding common errors, exploring the differences between received wisdom and the facts on the ground. The overview of IT urbanization will help introduce English-speaking audiences to a powerful approach to information system flexibility developed in France. A key chapter approaches the analysis and interoperation of service levels in integration projects, while the discussion on deployment methodologies and ROI calculation anchors the theory in the real world. Application Integration: EAI, B2B, BPM and SOA relies on concrete examples and genuine experiences to demonstrate what works – and what doesn’t – in this challenging, topical and important IT domain.

Цена: 13034.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780470610251


Applied Economics
Applied Economics

Автор: Томас Соуэлл

Newly revised and updated, this is the acclaimed companion volume to the hugely successful Basic Economics, by one of America's most revered economists.Applied Economics is an accessible guide to how our economic decisions develop. It explains the application of economics to major world problems, including housing, medical care, discrimination, and the economic development of nations, illustrated with examples from around the world. This new, expanded edition has been updated to address economic questions that are particularly relevant to our times, with chapters on the economics of immigration, the economics of organ transplants, the ';creative' financing of home buying that led to the mortgage crisis, and the political and economic incentives that lead to money earmarked for highways being diverted to mass transit and to a general neglect of infrastructure. The book retains its easy readability, even for people with no prior knowledge of economics.

Исполнители: Bill Wallace

Цена: 2890.94 руб.
ISBN: 9781483051956


Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tools to Analyze and Manage Your Stock Portfolio
Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tools to Analyze and Manage Your Stock Portfolio

Автор: Robert Weigand A

A «hands-on» guide to applied equity analysis and portfolio management From asset allocation to modeling the intrinsic value of a stock, Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management + Online Video Course offers readers a solid foundation in the practice of fundamental analysis using the same tools and techniques as professional investors. Filled with real-world illustrations and hands-on applications, Professor Weigand's learning system takes a rigorous, empirical approach to topics such as analyzing the macro-finance environment, sector rotation, financial analysis and valuation, assessing a company's competitive position, and reporting the performance of a stock portfolio. Unlike typical books on this subject—which feature chapters to read and exercises to complete—this resource allows readers to actively participate in the learning experience by completing writing exercises and manipulating interactive spreadsheets that illustrate the principles being taught. The learning system also features instructional videos that demonstrate how to use the spreadsheet models and excerpts from the author's blog, which are used to depict additional examples of the analysis process. Along the way, it skillfully outlines an effective approach to creating and interpreting outputs typically associated with a top-down money management shop – including a macroeconomic forecasting newsletter, detailed stock research reports, and a portfolio performance attribution analysis. Covers topics including active and passive money management, fundamental analysis and portfolio attribution analysis Companion streaming videos show how to use free online data to create yourown analyses of key economic indicators, individual stocks, and stock portfolios A valuable resource for universities who have applied equity analysis and portfolio management courses Practical and up-to-date, the book is an excellent resource for those with a need for practical investment expertise.

Цена: 12427.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781118819180


Applied Mergers and Acquisitions
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions

Автор: Robert F. Bruner

A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many M&A transactions fail? And what drives the success of those deals that are consummated? Robert Bruner explains that M&A can be understood as a response by managers to forces of turbulence in their environment. Despite the material failure rates of mergers and acquisitions, those pulling the trigger on key strategic decisions can make them work if they spend great care and rigor in the development of their M&A deals. By addressing the key factors of M&A success and failure, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions can help readers do this. Written by one of the foremost thinkers and educators in the field, this invaluable resource teaches readers the art and science of M&A valuation, deal negotiation, and bargaining, and provides a framework for considering tradeoffs in an effort to optimize the value of any M&A deal.

Цена: 10494.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118436394


Applied Microsoft Business Intelligence
Applied Microsoft Business Intelligence

Автор: Patrick LeBlanc

Leverage the integration of SQL Server and Office for more effective BI Applied Microsoft Business Intelligence shows you how to leverage the complete set of Microsoft tools—including Microsoft Office and SQL Server—to better analyze business data. This book provides best practices for building complete BI solutions using the full Microsoft toolset. You will learn how to effectively use SQL Server Analysis and Reporting Services, along with Excel, SharePoint, and other tools to provide effective and cohesive solutions for the enterprise. Coverage includes BI architecture, data queries, semantic models, multidimensional modeling, data analysis and visualization, performance monitoring, data mining, and more, to help you learn to perform practical business analysis and reporting. Written by an author team that includes a key member of the BI product team at Microsoft, this useful reference provides expert instruction for more effective use of the Microsoft BI toolset. Use Microsoft BI suite cohesively for more effective enterprise solutions Search, analyze, and visualize data more efficiently and completely Develop flexible and scalable tabular and multidimensional models Monitor performance, build a BI portal, and deploy and manage the BI Solution

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118961797


Applied Portfolio Management. How University of Kansas Students Generate Alpha to Beat the Street
Applied Portfolio Management. How University of Kansas Students Generate Alpha to Beat the Street

Автор: Catherine Shenoy

When investment professional Kent McCarthy returned to teach at his alma mater, the University of Kansas, he planted the seeds for the Applied Portfolio Management (APM) program—a course that allows students to manage a real money portfolio, which has compiled a remarkable record of investment success. Now, with this book, you’ll discover how to use the concepts covered in this class—from understanding the fundamental drivers of business success to buying at the right price—to enhance your own investment skills.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470280195


Apprezzamento dei dipinti famosi cinesi
Apprezzamento dei dipinti famosi cinesi


La pittura cinese ? una forma di pittura su seta o carta con un pennello immerso in acqua, inchiostro e colore. Forma il proprio sistema nel campo dell'arte mondiale. Gli strumenti ei materiali includono pennello, inchiostro, pigmento di pittura cinese, carta Xuan, seta, ecc. I temi possono essere suddivisi in personaggi, paesaggi, fiori e uccelli. Con fiori e uccelli come tema, questo libro include principalmente dipinti famosi dalla dinastia Qin alla dinastia Song.La pittura cinese ha una forma unica di espressione artistica. In termini di contenuto e creazione artistica, riflette la comprensione dell'artista della natura, della societ? e della relativa politica, filosofia, religione, moralit?, letteratura e arte.La dinastia Song (960-1279) fu divisa in due fasi: la dinastia Song settentrionale e la dinastia Song meridionale. La pittura della dinastia Song entr? nei ranghi dell'industria e del commercio artigianale e stabil? un rapporto pi? stretto con pi? persone. Un gruppo di abili pittori professionisti ha venduto le proprie opere come merce sul mercato. Esistono gi? negozi professionali che vendono libri e immagini. Il mercato della calligrafia e della pittura ? stato prospero e sviluppato. Anche le opere di calligrafia e pittura di questo periodo hanno le caratteristiche dei tempi.Con fiori e uccelli come tema, questo libro contiene principalmente i famosi dipinti di fiori e uccelli della dinastia Song. Ognuno di loro ? un capolavoro e si tramanda di generazione in generazione. Vale la pena guardare e collezionare.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783969530948



Автор: Luis Oliv?n Jim?nez

APPtual?zate es una recopilaci?n de las aplicaciones m?s ?tiles para emprendedores, aut?nomos y empresarios, que tiene como objetivo convertirse en tu gu?a pr?ctica de consulta.Para atender a tus necesidades, est? estructurada siguiendo los pasos que se necesitan para conformar una empresa para que, en todo momento, sepas d?nde buscar las herramientas que, seg?n el momento y la situaci?n, te ayudar?n a resolver tus problemas.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788417845445


Aprende a financiarte
Aprende a financiarte

Автор: Joan Gim?nez

Aprende a financiarte es un manual que te ayudar? a tomar decisiones correctas en materia de financiaci?n de tus recursos. A trav?s de su contenido, te mostrar? en qu? y c?mo puedes invertir tu dinero de manera rentable, y aprender?s a gestionar tus ingresos y a obtener ingresos pasivos que te permitan conseguir tu libertad financiera.
La buena noticia es que no se trata otro libro m?s, no es un ejemplar cargado de tecnicismos y conceptos incomprensibles que solo manejan los especialistas en econom?a y finanzas, sino todo lo contrario: Aprende a financiarte es una propuesta inclusiva, dise?ada para llegar al gran p?blico y redactada con un lenguaje totalmente asequible, por lo que no necesitas una gran base de conocimientos en el tema para entender y aplicar los recursos y soluciones que aqu? vas a descubrir.
Este es tu libro, t? formas parte de ?l. As? que toma nota y completa el ejercicio que hallar?s al final de cada cap?tulo. Te aseguro que, si lo haces, las mismas preguntas que un d?a cambiaron y mejoraron mi vida, hoy pueden cambiar la tuya.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788418575563


Aprender 3ds Max 2012 Avanzado con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos
Aprender 3ds Max 2012 Avanzado con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Автор: MEDIAactive

En este segundo volumen dedicado al programa de modelado tridimensional 3ds Max 2012, se estudian en profundidad las principales herramientas de aplicaci?n de materiales, luces, c?maras y efectos atmosf?ricos y especiales, as? como de creaci?n de animaciones y de renderizaci?n de las escenas. 3ds Max es una de los programas m?s utilizados y respetados en todo el mundo por los profesionales de desarrollo de juegos, televisi?n, cine y composici?n digital. Con estos 100 ejercicios el usuario mejorar? sus conocimientos del programa y aprender? a realizar operaciones que bien pueden considerarse avanzadas con las m?ltiples herramientas de edici?n que se han mejorado en esta nueva versi?n. Con este libro: -Aprender? a aplicar materiales a los objetos y a editarlos desde el Slate Material Editor. -Conocer? la importancia de una correcta iluminaci?n en las escenas para dotarlas de mayor realismo. -Descubrir? el modo de colocar c?maras y obtener diferentes encuadres y puntos de vista de las escenas. -Utilizar? las m?ltiples herramientas del programa para generar y reproducir animaciones sencillas y complejas. -Conocer? las nuevas funciones para crear simulaciones de escenas con MassFX.

Серия: Aprender...con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788426718679


Aprender Final Cut Pro 7 con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos
Aprender Final Cut Pro 7 con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Автор: MEDIAactive

Final Cut Pro es actualmente uno de los programas de edici?n y postproducci?n de v?deo de uso m?s extendido en el ?mbito profesional. Siguiendo los 100 ejercicios pr?cticos que contiene este manual podr? conocer las funciones b?sicas de la versi?n 7 de la aplicaci?n y partir de una base s?lida que le permita sacar el m?ximo provecho a su propia creatividad. Con este libro: Conocer? la gran cantidad de formatos de archivos multimedia que son compatibles con la aplicaci?n y podr? importarlos, organizarlos en capetas y etiquetarlos seg?n tipos de contenidos en el almac?n de materiales de la aplicaci?n. Aprender? a crear una secuencia a?adiendo los contenidos previamente importados a su almac?n de materiales y trabajar? con las m?ltiples formas de edici?n disponibles en la aplicaci?n. Descubrir? lo sencillo que es aplicar todo tipo de transiciones, filtros y efectos especiales, tanto de v?deo como de audio, y los espectaculares resultados que se pueden obtener personalizando estos recursos. Conocer? lo f?cil que resulta compartir su v?deo por todo tipo de canales gracias a la herramienta Share y las distintas formas de exportaci?n a trav?s de QuickTime Player que ofrece la aplicaci?n.

Серия: Aprender...con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788426718549


Aprender Flash CS5 con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos
Aprender Flash CS5 con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Автор: MEDIAactive

Flash CS5 es el programa l?der en el sector del dise?o gr?fico para crear contenidos interactivos y animaciones de un atractivo formidable. Con este manual aprender? a utilizar este impresionante software, mejorado y ampliado, con sus propias creaciones. En esta versi?n de Flash, Adobe ha incluido distintas novedades, tanto en lo que se refiere a su interfaz, que ahora es mucho m?s sencilla, como a sus herramientas y funciones. Con este libro Aprender? a crear movimientos m?s flexibles, el?sticos y reales gracias a la nueva aplicaci?n Muelles, incorporada en la herramienta Huesos. Podr? introducir c?digos de ActionScript con mayor facilidad y rapidez utilizando el Editor de ActionScript mejorado que incluye una finalizaci?n y sugerencia de c?digos de clase personalizada. Adem?s, gracias al nuevo Panel de fragmentos de c?digo, podr? programar interacciones comunes de ActionScript sin necesidad de conocer el lenguaje de programaci?n. Podr? incorporar efectos de animaci?n avanzada a sus pel?culas de forma r?pida, sencilla y eficaz gracias a la herramienta de dibujo Deco que incluye una gran cantidad de elementos predefinidos listos para aplicar. Controlar? los textos insertados en sus pel?culas de Flash mediante tipograf?a de impresi?n gracias al nuevo motor de texto Text Layout Framework, el mismo que se utiliza en los programas m?s avanzados de maquetaci?n.

Серия: Aprender...con 100 ejercicios pr?cticos

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788426717139


Aprovisionamiento en restauraci?n. HOTR0110
Aprovisionamiento en restauraci?n. HOTR0110

Автор: Miguel ?ngel Fern?ndez D?az

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788491987550


Aprovisionamiento y organizaci?n del office en alojamientos. HOTA0108
Aprovisionamiento y organizaci?n del office en alojamientos. HOTA0108

Автор: Rosa Peralta

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n del certificado de profesionalidad «HOTA0108. OPERACIONES B?SICAS DE PISOS DE ALOJAMIENTOS». Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788411031059


Aproximaci?n a los estudios globales: actores y estrategias
Aproximaci?n a los estudios globales: actores y estrategias

Автор: Ang?lica Basulto Castillo

Серия: Estudios Globales de Poblaci?n y Regi?n

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9786078338917


Apuntes de Finanzas Operativas
Apuntes de Finanzas Operativas

Автор: Pa?l Lira Brice?o

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9786123180836


Arbeitsrecht I
Arbeitsrecht I

Автор: Axel Kokemoor

Серия: ABWiR Arbeitsb?cher Wirtschaftsrecht

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783415055643


Arbeitsrecht II
Arbeitsrecht II

Автор: Axel Kokemoor

Серия: ABWiR Arbeitsb?cher Wirtschaftsrecht

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783415055674


Arduino Projects For Dummies
Arduino Projects For Dummies

Автор: Brock Craft

Discover all the amazing things you can do with Arduino Arduino is a programmable circuit board that is being used by everyone from scientists, programmers, and hardware hackers to artists, designers, hobbyists, and engineers in order to add interactivity to objects and projects and experiment with programming and electronics. This easy-to-understand book is an ideal place to start if you are interested in learning more about Arduino's vast capabilities. Featuring an array of cool projects, this Arduino beginner guide walks you through every step of each of the featured projects so that you can acquire a clear understanding of the different aspects of the Arduino board. Introduces Arduino basics to provide you with a solid foundation of understanding before you tackle your first project Features a variety of fun projects that show you how to do everything from automating your garden's watering system to constructing a keypad entry system, installing a tweeting cat flap, building a robot car, and much more Provides an easy, hands-on approach to learning more about electronics, programming, and interaction design for Makers of all ages Arduino Projects For Dummies is your guide to turning everyday electronics and plain old projects into incredible innovations. Get Connected! To find out more about Brock Craft and his recent Arduino creations, visit www.facebook.com/ArduinoProjectsForDummies

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118551509


Area X
Area X

Автор: Jeff VanderMeer

If J. J. Abrams, Margaret Atwood, and Alan Weismancollaborated on a series, it might be this awesome.This collection includes all three novels in the epicSouthern Reach trilogy-Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance. Praised for its evocative prose, chilling psychologicaltwists, and intriguing story arc, this series has amassed high critical andpopular acclaim, with book one landing on the New York Times bestsellers list.Dive into the mysteries of Area X, a remote and lushterrain that has inexplicably sequestered itself from civilization. Twelve expeditionshave gone in, and not a single member of any of them has remained unchanged bythe experience-for better or worse.

Серия: The Southern Reach Trilogy

Исполнители: Carolyn McCormick

Цена: 3444.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781483083896


Arkoriam Eterna
Arkoriam Eterna

Автор: Alejandro Le?n Galindo

Los elfos impuros han encontrado una piedra demonio, o al menos eso es lo que creen. Krina, una sacerdotisa de su estirpe, es la ?nica persona que comprende lo que realmente es y conoce el peligro de los poderes contenidos en esa piedra. Decidida a protegerse y proteger a su especie huye, perseguida por su pueblo que se siente profundamente traicionado. Scar, por su parte, es un mercenario humano reci?n llegado a la villa de Solaria. Una villa olvidada por los Sellos que, pese a todo, tiene reservado un trabajo para ?l. Tendr? que ir en busca de un objeto particular. Su traves?a hacia las mazmorras de Solar?a lo llevar? a encontrarse frente a frente con su pasado. Los elfos luchar?n por recuperar el poder de la piedra; Krina tendr? que confiar en Scar y los mercenarios para librar la gran batalla de Villa de Solaria por su supervivencia

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788468551913


Aroma - Die Kunst des W?rzens
Aroma - Die Kunst des W?rzens

Автор: Thomas Vierich

Jetzt noch besser w?rzen und kombinieren! Das Standardwerk der Kreativk?che erkl?rt auf wissenschaftlicher Basis – f?r jeden verst?ndlich –, wie mehr als 400 Gew?rze, Kr?uter, Pasten, Essige, ?le und ihre Kombinationen funktionieren. Zahlreiche neue Entschl?sselungen aus der Aromaforschung f?r noch mehr aromatische Details flie?en in die aktualisierte Neuauflage ein. Mit dem einzigartigen Farbleitsystem verschaffen Sie sich schnell einen ?berblick und entdecken optimale W?rzvarianten und ungeahnte Geschmackserlebnisse: Chili passt zu Vanille, Lavendel zu Basilikum und Sojasauce zu Erdbeeren. In diesem Buch wird endlich klar, wieso der wunderbar blumige, leicht zitrusartige Geruch der Nori-Algen verschwindet, wenn sie gekocht werden. Kleine Geschmacksbeispiele und Rezepte aus aller Welt, von bodenst?ndig bis avantgardistisch, schulen die Sinne. Raffiniert, souver?n und ?berraschend kreativ zu kochen – ganz ohne Rezept. Erleben Sie die Vielfalt des Geschmacks!

Цена: 4240.74 руб.
ISBN: 9783747104255


Aroma de marca
Aroma de marca

Автор: Marta Royo Espinet

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788490347973


Arrested Development and Philosophy. They ve Made a Huge Mistake
Arrested Development and Philosophy. They've Made a Huge Mistake

Автор: William Irwin

A smart philosophical look at the cult hit television show, Arrested Development Arrested Development earned six Emmy awards, a Golden Globe award, critical acclaim, and a loyal cult following—and then it was canceled. Fortunately, this book steps into the void left by the show's premature demise by exploring the fascinating philosophical issues at the heart of the quirky Bluths and their comic exploits. Whether it's reflecting on Gob's self-deception or digging into Tobias's double entendres, you'll watch your favorite scenes and episodes of the show in a whole new way. Takes an entertaining look at the philosophical ideas and tensions in the show's plots and themes Gives you new insights about the Bluth family and other characters: Is George Michael's crush on his cousin unnatural? Is it immoral for Lindsay to lie about stealing clothes to hide the fact that she has a job? Are the pictures really of bunkers or balls? Lets you sound super-smart as you rattle off the names of great philosophers like Sartre and Aristotle to explain key characters and episodes of the show Packed with thought-provoking insights, Arrested Development and Philosophy is essential reading for anyone who wants to know more about their late, lamented TV show. And it'll keep you entertained until the long-awaited Arrested Development movie finally comes out. (Whenever that is.)

Цена: 1744.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118146095



Автор: Yasmina Reza

Исполнители: Bob Balaban

Цена: 685.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781580815840


Art and Its Publics
Art and Its Publics

Автор: Группа авторов

Bringing together essays by museum professionals and academics from both sides of the Atlantic, Art and its Publics tackles current issues confronting the museum community and seeks to further the debate between theory and practice around the most pressing of contemporary concerns. Brings together essays that focus on the interface between the art object, its site of display, and the viewing public. Tackles issues confronting the museum community and seeks to further the debate between theory and practice. Presents a cross-section of contemporary concerns with contributions from museum professionals as well as academics. Part of the New Interventions in Art History series, published in conjunction with the Association of Art Historians.

Цена: 10046.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470776711


Art Napping
Art Napping

Автор: Imre Kusztrich

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783955771263


Artificial Intelligence for Business
Artificial Intelligence for Business

Автор: Jason L. Anderson

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119651413


Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. Practical Applications
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. Practical Applications

Автор: Jim Sterne

A straightforward, non-technical guide to the next major marketing tool Artificial Intelligence for Marketing presents a tightly-focused introduction to machine learning, written specifically for marketing professionals. This book will not teach you to be a data scientist—but it does explain how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will revolutionize your company's marketing strategy, and teach you how to use it most effectively. Data and analytics have become table stakes in modern marketing, but the field is ever-evolving with data scientists continually developing new algorithms—where does that leave you? How can marketers use the latest data science developments to their advantage? This book walks you through the «need-to-know» aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and the power of Machine Learning to show you how to make the most of this technology in a practical, tactical way. Simple illustrations clarify complex concepts, and case studies show how real-world companies are taking the next leap forward. Straightforward, pragmatic, and with no math required, this book will help you: Speak intelligently about Artificial Intelligence and its advantages in marketing Understand how marketers without a Data Science degree can make use of machine learning technology Collaborate with data scientists as a subject matter expert to help develop focused-use applications Help your company gain a competitive advantage by leveraging leading-edge technology in marketing Marketing and data science are two fast-moving, turbulent spheres that often intersect; that intersection is where marketing professionals pick up the tools and methods to move their company forward. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide a data-driven basis for more robust and intensely-targeted marketing strategies—and companies that effectively utilize these latest tools will reap the benefit in the marketplace. Artificial Intelligence for Marketing provides a nontechnical crash course to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119406372


Arts Marketing Insights. The Dynamics of Building and Retaining Performing Arts Audiences
Arts Marketing Insights. The Dynamics of Building and Retaining Performing Arts Audiences

Автор: Philip Kotler

Audience behavior began to shift dramatically in the mid 1990s. Since then, people have become more spontaneous in purchasing tickets and increasingly prefer selecting specific programs to attend rather than buying a subscription series. Arts attenders also expect more responsive customer service than ever before. Because of these and other factors, many audience development strategies that sustained nonprofit arts organizations in the past are no longer dependable and performing arts marketers face many new challenges in their efforts to build and retain their audiences. Arts organizations must learn how to be relevant to the changing lifestyles, needs, interests, and preferences of their current and potential audiences. Arts Marketing Insights offers managers, board members, professors, and students of arts management the ideas and information they need to market effectively and efficiently to customers today and into the future. In this book, Joanne Scheff Bernstein helps readers to understand performing arts audiences, conduct research, and provide excellent customer service. She demonstrates that arts organizations can benefit by expanding the meaning of «valuable customer» to include single-ticket buyers. She offers guidance on long-range marketing planning and helps readers understand how to leverage the Internet and e-mail as powerful marketing channels. Bernstein presents vivid case studies and examples that illustrate her strategic principles in action from organizations large and small in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and other countries.

Цена: 3639.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780787994204


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