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Behavioural Finance for Private Banking
Behavioural Finance for Private Banking

Автор: Thorsten Hens

A complete framework for applications of behavioral finance in private banking, Behavioural Finance for Private Banking considers client needs specific to private banking like personal circumstances, objectives, and attitude to risk. This book includes the theoretical foundations of investment decision-making, an introduction to behavioral biases, an explanation of cultural differences in global business, a guide to asset allocation over the life cycle of the investment, and several case studies to illustrate how can be applied. A must-read for anyone in private banking, this book demonstrates how to satisfy client needs.

Цена: 10162.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780470742075


Being Right or Making Money
Being Right or Making Money

Автор: Ned Davis

STAY A STEP AHEAD OF THE MARKETS BY REJECTING GUESSES ABOUT THE FUTURE AND TRUSTING TECHNIQUES THAT WORK Today there are as many investment opinions as there are people. But as many a scorned investor can attest, predicting the future isn't easy. In fact, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition explains that reliably predicting the future is often not even possible. The good news is that it isn't necessary either. Once you stop trying so hard to be right about the future, you can start making money. Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition contains a position trading strategy that any serious investor will want to keep nearby. Using the unbiased, objective standard in this book, you can stay on-target for profit in all market conditions. You'll learn how to create asset allocation models in both stocks and bonds, how to make sense out of contrarian opinion, and how to use indicators to keep you focused, no matter what. You won't find any shock-and-awe investing tactics in this book. Instead, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition presents the solid trading model that has made Ned Davis Research Group a go-to source for market wisdom.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118996560


Being the Best. The A-Z of Personal Success
Being the Best. The A-Z of Personal Success

Автор: Nicholas Bate

"An absolute must read! It encapsulates the principles which we have used as a fundamental part of our people strategy here at microsoft in the uk 'creating an environment where great people can do their best work', the foundation of which is there will come a time when people will choose which employer they contract with, not the other way around'. Act now before it is too late" —Steve Harvey, Group Director, People and Culture, Microsoft UK. «Nicholas brings the best personal development training with simple sysytems and strategies for growth. He has helped me and many others here take a grip of their lives and fast forward to the results they desire.» —Michael Wood, Retail Academy, Marks & Spencer

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781841126067


Bekehrung in 6 Schritten
Bekehrung in 6 Schritten

Автор: Andrea Pirringer

Um eine pers?nliche Bekehrung zu vollziehen, bedarf es einiger wichtiger ?berlegungen, die in diesem Buch aufgezeigt werden. Zuerst braucht man einen klaren Blick auf die pers?nliche Situation, danach folgt der Blick auf Gott. Er ist der barmherzige Vater, der auf jeden S?nder wartet. Bekehrung ist ein freudiges Ereignis, das gefeiert werden soll.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783738007756


Benefits Management. How to Increase the Business Value of Your IT Projects
Benefits Management. How to Increase the Business Value of Your IT Projects

Автор: Ward John

The second edition of Benefits Management has been updated with current examples, further insights from experience and recent research. It shows how the enduring challenges achieving business value from information systems and technology projects can be addressed successfully. The approach, which is synthesized from best practices, sound theories and proven techniques from a range of management disciplines, is exemplified from the authors' extensive experience of working with a wide range of organizations. The book includes examples from a wide variety of projects including non-IT projects. The book is written in an accessible style, ideal for practicing managers, and includes check lists and templates for using the processes, tools and techniques and real-life case studies of their application and impacts. The book now also includes: International survey results that reinforce the importance of the topic, the key management issues and evidence of how the more successful organizations' practices are closely aligned with those described in the book. A Benefits Management Maturity diagnostic which enables organizations to understand the reasons for their current investment success levels and then how to increase them. Discussion of the role and contribution Project Management Offices (PMOs): how they can improve the delivery of value IT projects. Further practical advice and guidance on Program and Portfolio Management, including findings from the authors’ recent research in several large organizations.

Цена: 7732.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118381595


Benford s Law. Applications for Forensic Accounting, Auditing, and Fraud Detection
Benford's Law. Applications for Forensic Accounting, Auditing, and Fraud Detection

Автор: Mark Nigrini

A powerful new tool for all forensic accountants, or anyone who analyzes data that may have been altered Benford's Law gives the expected patterns of the digits in the numbers in tabulated data such as town and city populations or Madoff's fictitious portfolio returns. Those digits, in unaltered data, will not occur in equal proportions; there is a large bias towards the lower digits, so much so that nearly one-half of all numbers are expected to start with the digits 1 or 2. These patterns were originally discovered by physicist Frank Benford in the early 1930s, and have since been found to apply to all tabulated data. Mark J. Nigrini has been a pioneer in applying Benford's Law to auditing and forensic accounting, even before his groundbreaking 1999 Journal of Accountancy article introducing this useful tool to the accounting world. In Benford's Law, Nigrini shows the widespread applicability of Benford's Law and its practical uses to detect fraud, errors, and other anomalies. Explores primary, associated, and advanced tests, all described with data sets that include corporate payments data and election data Includes ten fraud detection studies, including vendor fraud, payroll fraud, due diligence when purchasing a business, and tax evasion Covers financial statement fraud, with data from Enron, AIG, and companies that were the target of hedge fund short sales Looks at how to detect Ponzi schemes, including data on Madoff, Waxenberg, and more Examines many other applications, from the Clinton tax returns and the charitable gifts of Lehman Brothers to tax evasion and number invention Benford's Law has 250 figures and uses 50 interesting authentic and fraudulent real-world data sets to explain both theory and practice, and concludes with an agenda and directions for future research. The companion website adds additional information and resources.

Цена: 7364.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781118286869


Bernhard H?ring
Bernhard H?ring

Автор: Martin Leitg?b

Bernhard H?ring (1912-1998) war einer der bedeutendsten Moraltheologen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Statt wie viele seiner Vorg?nger einen Katalog der Tugenden und vor allem der S?nden zu verfassen, sie zu bewerten und in verschiedene Kategorien einzuteilen, ging H?ring vom Gebot der Liebe als Mittelpunkt aus. Er wurde schon fr?h in die Arbeiten f?r das II. Vatikanische Konzil einbezogen. Seine Spuren finden sich in mehreren Konzilstexten, am st?rksten in «Gaudium et spes» (?ber die Kirche in der Welt von heute). Wegen seines starken Engagements und seiner fortschrittlichen Haltung blieben Angriffe nicht aus; bis zuletzt hatte er mit Lehrbeanstandungsverfahren durch die Glaubenskongregation zu k?mpfen. In diesem Buch zeichnet P. Martin Leitg?b den Werdegang seines Ordensbruders nach und beleuchtet unter der Perspektive der Barmherzigkeit verschiedene Impulse und Anregungen aus der Theologie H?rings, die auch heute noch bzw. wieder aktuell sind.

Серия: Spiritualit?t und Seelsorge

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783702235017


Berufe nach dem BWL Studium
Berufe nach dem BWL Studium

Автор: Leo Mintsteven

Ihr fragt euch, was man denn nach einem BWL Studium alles werden kann, um was es in den Berufen ?berhaupt geht und was davon zu euch passen k?nnte? Solltet ihr euch eine oder mehrere dieser Fragen schon einmal gestellt haben, ist dieses eBook genau das Richtige f?r euch. In «Berufe nach dem BWL Studium» (das war ein wahnsinnig kreativer Name, ich wei?) stelle ich viele verschiedene Wirtschaftsberufe vor. Dabei erw?hne ich die t?glichen Aufgaben, die Feinheiten der Jobs, was f?r ein Typ ihr sein solltet und die Geh?lter. Sollte euch eine bestimmte Richtung Gefallen nenne ich auch noch einige Unternehmen, bei denen ihr euch f?r dieses Berufsfeld bewerben k?nnt.
Am Ende des eBooks erwarten euch noch zwei Zusatzkapitel. In einem davon berichte ich dar?ber, was ihr f?r heutige Arbeitgeber alles mitbringen solltet (beziehungsweise wie ihr aus der Masse der BWL Absolventen herausstecht). In dem letzten Kapitel liste ich schlie?lich nach Bundesl?ndern geordnet interessante Arbeitgeber die Wirtschaftsabsolventen suchen um euch Inspiration f?r eure Bewerbungen zu liefern.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783738044416


Berufs- und Arbeitsp?dagogik
Berufs- und Arbeitsp?dagogik

Автор: Bernhard Gress

Die neue Lehrbuchreihe wendet sich vor allem an angehende „Gepr?fte kaufm?nnische Fachwirte nach der Handwerksordnung“. Der Fokus in den Lehrg?ngen liegt darauf, die Lernenden zu bef?higen, kaufm?nnisch-administrative Bereiche in Handwerksbetrieben und auch anderer kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen eigenst?ndig f?hren zu k?nnen. Hierzu z?hlt die Mitarbeiterf?hrung aber auch die eigenst?ndige Planung, Gestaltung und Kontrolle von typischen kaufm?nnischen Arbeitsprozessen in den Betrieben. Perfekte Abstimmung auf die Lehrg?nge: Exakt nach den Vorgaben des neuen, bundeseinheitlichen Rahmenlehrplans. Handlungsorientierte Wissensvermittlung: f?r jeden Handlungsbereich genau ein Lehrbuch. Pr?fungsorientierte Unterrichtsgestaltung: mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen sowie ?bungs- und Wiederholungsfragen.

Цена: 2465.13 руб.
ISBN: 9783778311820



Автор: Barbara Weyerer

Исполнители: Пожилой Ксеноморф

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783739805047


Best Practice-Rezepte f?r die erfolgreiche Praxisf?hrung
Best Practice-Rezepte f?r die erfolgreiche Praxisf?hrung

Автор: Klaus-Dieter Thill

Was sind die Geheimnisse ?berdurchschnittlich erfolgreicher Arztpraxen? Landl?ufig wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Unterschied in einer Vielzahl von Privatpatienten, intensivem – u. U. sogar exzessivem – IGeL-Verkauf, aggressivem Marketing oder der Praxisgr??e zu suchen ist. Doch weit gefehlt! Wertet man Praxisanalysen in Bezug auf die Praxismanagement-Merkmale aus, die besonders erfolgreiche Praxisbetriebe von anderen unterscheiden, so sind die Best Practices vor allem auf den ersten Blick eher unscheinbare Verfahren, Regelungen und Verhaltensweisen, die den Unterschied Praxisgr??e – das entscheidende Plus – machen. Sie werden umfassend ber?cksichtigt, sorgf?ltig kombiniert und vor allem konsequent umgesetzt. Diese Best Practices finden sich in diesem Buch: einfach und praktisch dargestellt, problemlos im Praxisalltag umsetzbar. Die Checklisten, Handlungsempfehlungen, Praxis-Tipps und Explorations-Ergebnisse entstammen dem Blog Benchmark! (ifabsthill.wordpress.com ), dessen Beitr?ge, ?bersichtlich gegliedert nach Praxismanagement-Aktionsbereichen f?r diese Publikation zu einem Praxisf?hrungs-Rezeptbuch zusammengestellt wurden. Es besteht aus kurzen, thematisch fokussierten Informationseinheiten, die an den am h?ufigsten zu beobachtenden Problemsituationen in Arztpraxen aufgeh?ngt sind. Sie zeigen auf, welche Best Practice-L?sungen dazu beitragen, diese zu vermeiden und so zu einem optimierten Praxismanagement zu gelangen: der Basis f?r qualitativ hochwertige Patientenbetreuung und wirtschaftlichen Erfolg.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783847678496


Best Practices - Von den Besten lernen
Best Practices - Von den Besten lernen

Автор: Thomas B. Kelly

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783906010144


Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation. A Practical Guide for Academic Leaders
Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation. A Practical Guide for Academic Leaders

Автор: Jeffrey L. Buller

Praise for Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation «Jeffrey Buller, a leading and respected voice in higher education, has written a truly practical and highly useful book on the increasingly important topic of faculty evaluation. This highly readable book is a 'must have/must read' book for every dean, chair, and faculty member in all institutions of higher education.» —Robert E. Cipriano, author, Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education: Strategies for Success; former chair of Southern Connecticut State University's Recreation and Leisure Studies Department «Buller has done it again. This latest book meets a never-ending need of all colleges and universities. It's the best treatment I've ever found of the critical dynamics of faculty evaluations—the associated history and philosophy, but especially how to get it right when conducting pretenure, tenure, and posttenure reviews. Every P&T committee, every chair, every dean will welcome a copy.» —R. Kent Crookston, author, Working with Problem Faculty: A Six-Step Guide for Department Chairs; director of the Academic Administrative Support Program at the Brigham Young University Faculty Center «Finally, a comprehensive volume replete with practical ideas and seasoned advice about how to effectively handle faculty performance evaluations. This author really understands the lack of preparation and confidence that most academic administrators feel when asked to function as both judge and coach. If you need concrete strategies for dealing with all aspects of the evaluation process, this book won't disappoint you. The content and case studies are right on the money.»—Christine Licata, author, Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal; senior associate provost, Rochester Institute of Technology

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224519


Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. A Deeper Look
Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. A Deeper Look

Автор: Richard Schonberger J

Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement reveals how to refocus lean/six sigma processes on what author Richard Schonberger—world-renowned process improvement pioneer—calls «the Golden Goals»: better quality, quicker response, greater flexibility, and higher value. This manual shows you how it can be done, employing success stories of over 100 companies including Apple, Illinois Tool Works, Dell, Inc., and Wal-Mart, all of which have established themselves as the new, global «Kings of Lean,» surpassing even Toyota in long-term improvement.

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780470223758


Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change
Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change

Автор: Dave Ulrich

In this important book, successful organizations—including well-known companies such as Agilent Technologies, Corning, GE Capital, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, MIT, Motorola, and Praxair—share their most effective approaches, tools, and specific methods for leadership development and organizational change. These exemplary organizations serve as models for leadership development and organizational change because they Commit to organizational objectives and culture Transform behaviors, cultures, and perceptions Implement competency or organization effectiveness models Exhibit strong top management leadership support and passion

Цена: 13034.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780787977337


Besuch in der Videothek
Besuch in der Videothek

Автор: Annett Lesall

Серия: Erotik Short Stories

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783961184170


Better Together. 8 Ways Working with Women Leads to Extraordinary Products and Profits
Better Together. 8 Ways Working with Women Leads to Extraordinary Products and Profits

Автор: Jonathan Sposato

Better Together provides powerful and implementable solutions to fostering gender equality in your business. As a result, your business will be more successful, your customers will be happier with better products/services, and your employees will be much more fulfilled. Women are one half of our species and over half of the earth’s population. There is no product or service women don’t buy. And yet, today only twenty-four women CEOs lead America’s Fortune 500 companies. If you survey the landscape of founders who’ve created the most successful companies of recent years, you will mostly find white males. Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Cheskey, Kalanick, Evan Spiegel—captains of Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb, Snapchat—revolutionary founders who have created massively valuable companies impacting billions. Does this mean that women don’t have great ideas, that women don’t build and lead great companies? The goal of Better Together is to provide managers, employees, CEOs, and board members a guide to build a sustainable robust female workforce at all levels.

Цена: 2301.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781119452133



Автор: Helena Hetaira

Ich bin schon vor dir wach und beobachte dich im Schlaf. Du siehst so friedlich aus. Drau?en zwitschern die V?geln und der Wind spielt mit den Bl?ttern der B?ume. Der Himmel ist strahlend blau. Heute soll es warm werden, was auch die angenehme Morgenluft zu versprechen scheint. Endlich!
Du drehst dich vom R?cken zur Seite, kuschelst dich an mich, bist noch im Halbschlaf. Als ich anfange deinen Nacken zu kraulen, l?chelst du und seufzt. Ich streichele ?ber deinen R?cken, sp?re wie dein Schwanz hart wird und sich gegen meinen Oberschenkel dr?ckt. Ich strecke dir meinen K?rper entgegen. Langsam ?ffnest du die Augen und wirst wach…
Ausz?ge und Erfahrungen aus dem Leben eines Independent Escort

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783752981841


Betting on China. Chinese Stocks, American Stock Markets, and the Wagers on a New Dynamic in Global Capitalism
Betting on China. Chinese Stocks, American Stock Markets, and the Wagers on a New Dynamic in Global Capitalism

Автор: Robert Koepp W

The promise and perils of Chinese stocks in American stock markets Betting on China takes readers on an illuminating journey into the often confusing and poorly understood world of Chinese stock issuances in America. With insightful qualitative and quantitative analysis, it looks at the phenomenon of equity and capital exchanged between the world's two largest economies and the implications for global finance. Written in an accessible narrative style and amply supported by hard data, the book examines the context and underpinnings of the Sino-American equity relationship, revealing its core dynamics through real-world case studies that range from the precedent-setting blockbuster IPO of China Mobile to the near breakdown of the U.S.-China equity exchange mechanism brought about by short seller attacks on Chinese concept stocks. Combining an insider's eye with an outsider's objectivity, American born author and Beijing-based consultant Robert Koepp explores the reasons and the means by which China, America, and the global economy reap enormous gains from the process of Chinese companies issuing equity shares on U.S. stock markets. Betting on China exposes the complexities and nuances of a vital but underappreciated pillar of modern international finance and offers a window into China's role as a dominant but still modernizing economic superpower. Analyzes on a macro- and microscale the forces that move Chinese companies to raise capital on NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange and what this means for the world at large Explores the real stories behind why and how China-based enterprises develop as public companies listed in the United States—and why government regulations need to work in support of and not against this force of market nature Shows that the «betting» on China that occurs through the U.S. equity market exchanges is critical for getting an accurate picture of China's position and prospects in our interactively connected global economy Detailed but accessible, Betting on China is essential reading for global finance professionals, policymakers and regulators, students of finance, people doing business in China, and anyone curious about China's place in—and impact on—the global economy today and in the years to come.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118087169


Beyond 401(k)s for Small Business Owners. A Practical Guide to Incentive, Deferred Compensation, and Retirement Plans
Beyond 401(k)s for Small Business Owners. A Practical Guide to Incentive, Deferred Compensation, and Retirement Plans

Автор: Jean Sifleet D

The ultimate reference on compensation for small business owners Beyond 401(k)s for Small Business Owners presents strategies for reducing taxes, planning for your retirement, and rewarding high-performing employees. Expert advice from attorney and CPA Jean Sifleet will help small business owners maximize their own rewards and create an environment in which employees know that their hard work will mean a better future for themselves. In clear, simple language this book helps you figure out what kind of plan you can afford, what your employees want, and what to do. Important tax and insurance issues are covered in detail and step-by-step guidance lets you design a compensation strategy that works for both you and your employees. Case studies, sample plans, and helpful references make this book your one-stop source for complete coverage of alternatives, from cash bonus programs to employee stock option plans (ESOPs) and everything in between. With Beyond 401(k)s for Small Business Owners you'll have all the tools you need to: * Maximize owner benefits, reduce taxes, and enhance your retirement income * Use creative compensation to motivate your employees * Understand qualified and nonqualified plans * Address the unique issues of family businesses * Get the best deal on insurance and benefits for your company * Avoid expensive pitfalls * Measure your progress and keep your plan on track

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780471480891


Beyond Booked Solid. Your Business, Your Life, Your Way--It s All Inside
Beyond Booked Solid. Your Business, Your Life, Your Way--It's All Inside

Автор: Michael Port

In Beyond Booked Solid, Michael Port returns with new tactics for growing your business even bigger. Port's Book Yourself Solid was a huge hit among professional service providers and small business owners who learned to master the art of attracting clients and keeping them happy. In this book, he helps your business keep growing by taking the next step, beyond booked solid. That means maximizing your business while working less and earning more. This is the ultimate guide for your growing business.

Цена: 3590.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780470282106


Beyond Borders. A History of Mexican Migration to the United States
Beyond Borders. A History of Mexican Migration to the United States

Автор: Timothy Henderson J

Beyond Borders: A History of Mexican Migration to the United States details the origins and evolution of the movement of people from Mexico into the United States from the first significant flow across the border at the turn of the twentieth century up to the present day. Considers the issues from the perspectives of both the United States and Mexico Offers a reasoned assessment of the factors that drive Mexican immigration, explains why so many of the policies enacted in Washington have only worsened the problem, and suggests what policy options might prove more effective Argues that the problem of Mexican immigration can only be solved if Mexico and the United States work together to reduce the disequilibrium that propels Mexican immigrants to the United States

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444394948


Beyond Control
Beyond Control

Автор: Fred Lachotzki

Technology has made it possible to apply a new management philosophy. Leaders can let go and still be in control. They can involve key people without losing momentum. Companies can consistently measure organizational capability over time, and accurately benchmark 'soft' management areas, and a virtual CEO office really does work. Founded on three key insights (the operating arena; managing by pull and push; and the web-based dialogue centre), Beyond Control offers a revolutionary model for shifting the management focus from structured control to guided interaction. Using this approach companies can build a participative operating system that creates space for managers to excel, and avoids the unpleasant surprises that can lead to corporate scandals.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470012628


Beyond Crisis
Beyond Crisis

Автор: Gill G. Ringland

"If you want to know how countries, companies and individuals can master the winds and the waves that will dominate the next decade, this is the book for you." —Rupert Pennant-Rea, former editor of the Economist, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England «'If leading your organisation sometimes feels like changing the front wheel of a bicycle whilst toy are still pedalling it as fast as you can, this is a book you should read.» —Sir David Brown, former Chairman, Motorola UK «Beyond Crisis is full of compelling reasons, clear advice and practical models to help almost any enterprise remain viable beyond the deeply unsettling systemic failures that characterise today's business environment.» —Professor Richard David Hames, Dhurakilpundit University, Founding Director Asian Foresight Institute «We are in uncharted territory. There are few people who any longer think that the world post-crisis will be anything like the world before. Ringland, Sparrow & Lusting provide a clear description of the way that leaders need to think in this new reality. In doing so, they give us hope.» —Estelle Clark, Business Assurance Director, Lloyds Register The next decade will present organisational challenges on an unprecedented scale. Beyond Crisis shows how you can build a 'purposefully self-renewing organisation' which will survive and succeed in the midst of this chaos. The book shows how financial and economic crisis has blighted organisations in every sector, and then provide a range of tools and future scenarios for diagnosing problems and creating solutions. This is a welcome dose of clarity in uncertain times.

Цена: 2817.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780470663660


Beyond Dealmaking. Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships
Beyond Dealmaking. Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships

Автор: Melanie Billings-Yun

Praise for Beyond Dealmaking «Every potential rainmaker and savvy competitor needs Melanie Billings-Yun's GRASP method for negotiation. You'll never have to search for leads again. I highly recommend this book.» —Jeffrey J. Fox, author, How to Be a Rainmaker, Rain, and How to Be a Fierce Competitor «Stepping back from the details of the deal, Beyond Dealmaking focuses on the bigger picture—engaging people to work together in an authentic way to resolve issues. Dr. Billings-Yun's accessible approach offers negotiators more than merely how to 'get to yes' but, more importantly, how to stay there.» —Carol Frohlinger, coauthor, Her Place at the Table: A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success, and co-founder of Negotiating Women, Inc. «The concepts advocated in Beyond Dealmaking are spot on, particularly for global negotiations and joint ventures such as ones I routinely dealt with in mergers and acquisitions. Attention to productive relationships is one element that consistently crosses cultures and geographies. Dr. Billings-Yun captures the essence of a complicated topic concisely, with concrete examples that bring it to life and a conversational tone that makes it a leisurely read.» —Jacqui Winship, director, Corporate Strategy and Business Development, Whirlpool Corporation «Melanie Billings-Yun has produced an innovative, refreshing approach to negotiation based on her years of practical experience around the world. She treats negotiation as an on-going process that forms the core of a successful relationship, not as merely a free-standing transaction. Beyond Dealmaking takes us beyond 'yes' to build the sort of trust that ensures success.» —Stephen Bosworth, dean, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University «Finally, a clear-eyed how-to book that understands that negotiation is not just about terms, but about people. Beyond Dealmaking shows us how to make lasting agreements based on understanding, fairness, and respect. Filled with fascinating stories of negotiations of every type, this is a book that everyone can learn from to improve their work and their lives—and maybe even ease the burden on our overloaded courts.» —Betty Roberts, arbitrator, mediator, and former Oregon Supreme Court Justice «I am delighted to see a considered and sustainable approach to negotiation that understands that actions, words, and fairness have an impact that continues far beyond the signing of a deal.» —Edward C. Prescott, Ph.D., professor, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9780470564271


Beyond Duty. Life on the Frontline in Iraq
Beyond Duty. Life on the Frontline in Iraq

Автор: Roger Thompson

Under the blazing Iraqi sun in the summer of 2007, Shannon Meehan, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, ordered a strike that would take the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians. He thought he was doing the right thing. He thought he was protecting his men. He thought that he would only kill the enemy, but in the ruins of the strike, he discovers his mistake and uncovers a tragedy. For most of his deployment in Iraq, Lt. Meehan felt that he had been made for a life in the military. A tank commander, he worked in the violent Diyala Province, successfully fighting the insurgency by various Sunni and Shia factions. He was celebrated by his senior officers and decorated with medals. But when the U.S. surge to retake Iraq in 2006 and 2007 finally pushed into Baqubah, a town virtually entirely controlled by al Qaida, Meehan would make the decision that would change his life. This is the true story of one soldier's attempt to reconcile what he has done with what he felt he had to do. Stark and devastating, it recounts first-hand the reality of a new type of warfare that remains largely unspoken and forgotten on the frontlines of Iraq.

Цена: 2301.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780745672984


Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement
Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement

Автор: Phil Cousineau

If we harbor thoughts of violence or hatred, or seek revenge or retribution, we are contributing to the wounding of the world; if we transform those thoughts into forgiveness and compassion, and then move beyond them to actually make amends or restitution, we are contributing to the healing of the world. This timely, powerful and compassionate book helps show us the way. —Deepak Chopra «Nothing will help us survive the present age more than breaking the tragic cycles of violence and revenge that threaten our very existence. To do so, we must honor our soul's desire for deeper forms of reconciliation, a process that Phil Cousineau reveals here as being on the other side of forgiveness, in the ancient ritual of atonement. His book is a profoundly important contribution to the healing of the world, and I give it my blessing.» —Robert A. Johnson, author of Transformation, Inner Work and Owning Your Own Shadow As indispensable as forgiveness has been to the healing process throughout history, there is another equally profound action that is needed for ultimate reconciliation, which Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, calls “the other side of the coin.” Turning over the coin of forgiveness, we discover atonement, the half-hidden, much-overlooked other half of the reconciliation process. Beyond Forgiveness shows how acts of atonement—making amends, providing restitution, restoring balance—can relieve us of the pain of the past and give us a hopeful future. This rich and powerful book includes 15 thoughtful contributions by high-profile thinkers and activists including Huston Smith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Azim Khamisa, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jacob Needleman, Michael Nagler, Diane Hennacy Powell, James O’Dea, Arun Gandhi, Kate Dahlstedt, Ed Tick, Richard J. Meyer, Rev. Heng Sure, Douglas George-Kanentiio and Katharine Dever. Atonement is put forward as a process that we must all learn to practice—from individuals to nations—if we are to heal our wounds and move forward.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470940037


Beyond Fundraising. New Strategies for Nonprofit Innovation and Investment
Beyond Fundraising. New Strategies for Nonprofit Innovation and Investment

Автор: Kay Grace Sprinkel

Do you or your volunteers fear rejection or feel like a beggar when fundraising? Do you worry about soliciting donors too often? Are you tired of the relentless cycle of fundraising activities necessary to generate revenues for your programs? Beyond Fundraising: New Strategies for Nonprofit Innovation and Investment, Second Edition dispels these concerns and helps you: Learn how to position your organization in the community as a constructive, vital, and successful social investment Develop an investor relationship with donors and engage their values-based commitment capacity to make a difference in their communities In this revised and updated Second Edition, fundraising expert Kay Sprinkel Grace presents her internationally field-tested core beliefs, principles, and strategies for developing long-term relationships with donor-investors and volunteers. Share in the wisdom and experience that have helped countless nonprofit organizations grow their base of support and go beyond fundraising into true donor and fund development.

Цена: 4639.51 руб.
ISBN: 9780471732020


Beyond Governance
Beyond Governance

Автор: Martin Fahy

Following a series of corporate scandals, legislators have company executives in their sights, and are arming themselves with ever-greater regulatory firepower. All agree that good governance is essential – but must not be allowed to stifle business performance. Beyond Governance develops the concept of Enterprise Governance, an emerging framework which unites Performance, Conformance and Corporate Responsibility and shows how addressing all of these areas in a concerted, coordinated fashion will deliver value to the organisation and its stakeholders. In particular, it focuses on the skills, processes and systems that are required to deliver excellence in each of these areas, giving readers a practical insight into the issues and an understanding of best practice in each area. Many firms are rethinking their finance activities in the light of e-commerce, shared service centres, business intelligence technology and cost pressures. Beyond Governance explores the challenge of building a modern, flexible finance function, describing the emerging role of the new CFO and how finance professionals should respond to this new business environment.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470013045


Beyond Neutrality
Beyond Neutrality

Автор: Группа авторов

In this thought-provoking, passionately written book, Bernard Mayer—an internationally acclaimed leader in the field—dares practitioners to ask the hard questions about alternative dispute resolution. What’s wrong with conflict resolution? Why aren’t more individuals and organizations using conflict resolution when they have a problem? Why doesn’t the public know more about it? What are the limits of conflict resolution? When does conflict resolution work and when does it not? Offering a committed practitioner’s critique of the profession of mediation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution, Beyond Neutrality focuses on the current crisis in the field of conflict resolution and offers a pragmatic response.

Цена: 5302.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780787974060


Beyond Performance. How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage
Beyond Performance. How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Автор: Scott Keller

The secret of achieving and sustaining organizational excellence revealed In an ever-changing world where only a third of excellent organizations stay that way over the long term, and where even fewer are able to implement successful change programs, leaders are in need of big ideas and new tools to thrive. In Beyond Performance, McKinsey & Company's Scott Keller and Colin Price give you everything you need to build an organization that can execute in the short run and has the vitality to prosper over the long term. Drawing on the most exhaustive research effort of its kind on organizational effectiveness and change management, Keller and Price put hard science behind their big idea: that the health of an organization is equally as important as its performance. In the book's foreword, management guru Gary Hamel refers to this notion as «a new manifesto for thinking about organizations.» The authors illustrate why copying management best practices from other companies is more dangerous than helpful Clearly explains how to determine the mutually reinforcing combination of management practices that best fits your organization's context Provides practical tools to achieve superior levels of performance and health through a staged change process: aspire, assess, architect, act, and advance. Among these are new techniques for dealing with those aspects of human behavior that are seemingly irrational (and therefore confound even the smartest leaders), yet entirely predictable Ultimately, building a healthy organization is an intangible asset that competitors copy at their peril and that enables you to skillfully adapt to and shape your environment faster than others—giving you the ultimate competitive advantage.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781118097441


Beyond Smart Beta. Index Investment Strategies for Active Portfolio Management
Beyond Smart Beta. Index Investment Strategies for Active Portfolio Management

Автор: Martin Raab

Delve into ETFs for smarter investing and a weatherproof portfolio Beyond Smart Beta is the investor's complete guide to index investing, with deep analysis, expert clarification and smart strategies for active portfolio management. From the general to the obscure, this book digs into every aspect of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) including ETCs and ETNs to break down the jargon and provide accessible guidance on utilising the indices as part of a more productive investment strategy. Succinct explanations of terms and concepts help you better grasp ETP anatomy, mechanics and practices, while examples, charts and graphs provide quick visual reference for total understanding. The expert author team examines the risks and benefits associated with various indexing approaches, sharing critical review of next-generation methods to help you make well-informed investment decisions. ETFs provide a solid foundation within mature and well-researched markets, allowing investors to focus on areas where active management has the potential to reap higher returns. This book shows you how to take full advantage of the growth of this market to strengthen your portfolio for the long term. Assess the current landscape and the anatomy of ETFs/ETPs Understand ETP handling, costs, trading, and investment Evaluate the pros and cons of next-generation indexing approaches Avoid risk while incorporating indices into an active portfolio management strategy Index concepts have evolved from basic, passive investments through Smart Beta, and are evolving into a third generation of products that will quickly become an important element of investor portfolios. Key benefits have propelled ETFs to surpass hedge funds in global capital, and the growth shows no sign of slowing. Beyond Smart Beta provides a primer for investors seeking to understand – and take advantage of – these lucrative new products.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119315285


Beyond the J Curve
Beyond the J Curve

Автор: Thomas Meyer

In recent times, venture capital and private equity funds have become household names, but so far little has been written for the investors in such funds, the so-called limited partners. There is far more to the management of a portfolio of venture capital and private equity funds than usually perceived. Beyond the J Curve describes an innovative toolset for such limited partners to design and manage portfolios tailored to the dynamics of this market place, going far beyond the typical and often-simplistic recipe to 'go for top quartile funds'. Beyond the J Curve provides the answers to key questions, including: Why 'top-quartile' promises should be taken with a huge pinch of salt and what it takes to select superior fund managers? What do limited partners need to consider when designing and managing portfolios? How one can determine the funds' economic value to help addressing the questions of 'fair value' under IAS 39 and 'risk' under Basel II or Solvency II? Why is monitoring important, and how does a limited partner manage his portfolio? How the portfolio's returns can be improved through proper liquidity management and what to consider when over-committing? And, why uncertainty rather than risk is an issue and how a limited partner can address and benefit from the fast changing private equity environment? Beyond the J Curve takes the practitioner's view and offers private equity and venture capital professionals a comprehensive guide making high return targets more realistic and sustainable. This book is a must have for all parties involved in this market, as well as academic and students.

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470016701


Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring
Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring

Автор: Группа авторов

Many managers believe that effective mentoring is most often the lucky result of personal chemistry between two people. But in this book, author Margo Murray lays that myth to rest. Her guide gives you all the expert advice, tools, and case studies you'll need to harness the power of mentoring. Building on the solid principles outlined in the first book, this revised edition adds examples of mentoring from recent publications and the author's client experience. It also includes international examples. It reveals how mentoring can maximize employee productivity and provides information on how to assess organizational needs and link them to the mentoring process. Includes all the information needed to evaluate the effectiveness of a mentoring program.

Цена: 4418.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780787959913


Bibla E Investimit N? Kriptomonedh?
Bibla E Investimit N? Kriptomonedh?

Автор: Alan T. Norman

Kriptomonedha, Bitcoin, ICO, regjistri elektronik i transaksioneve, verifikimi… Kur i d?gjonin k?to fjal? vet?m disa vite m? par?, njer?zit thoshin: ?sht? nj? mashtrim, fllusk? financiare! Nuk ka kuptim t? investosh, ?mimi ?sht? shum? i ul?t! Asnj? vend nuk do ta njoh? ndonj?her? kriptomonedh?n! ?sht? nj? skem? piramidale e dukshme! ?sht? nj? lloj arg?timi p?r t? fiksuarit pas teknologjis?! Deri koh?t e fundit, kriptomonedha ishte par? si nj? lloj arg?timi p?r nj? pjes? njer?zish t? zgjedhur, t? cil?t blenin dhe shisnin di?ka dhe besonin se nj? monedh? e re do t? zbulohej nj? dit?! Nuk ?sht? serioze, ajo do t? bjer? n? kolaps p?r disa vjet. Kriptomonedha, Bitcoin, ICO, regjistri elektronik i transaksioneve, verifikimi… Kur i d?gjonin k?to fjal? vet?m disa vite m? par?, njer?zit thoshin: ?sht? nj? mashtrim, fllusk? financiare! Nuk ka kuptim t? investosh, ?mimi ?sht? shum? i ul?t! Asnj? vend nuk do ta njoh? ndonj?her? kriptomonedh?n! ?sht? nj? skem? piramidale e dukshme! ?sht? nj? lloj arg?timi p?r t? fiksuarit pas teknologjis?! Deri koh?t e fundit, kriptomonedha ishte par? si nj? lloj arg?timi p?r nj? pjes? njer?zish t? zgjedhur, t? cil?t blenin dhe shisnin di?ka dhe besonin se nj? monedh? e re do t? zbulohej nj? dit?! Nuk ?sht? serioze, ajo do t? bjer? n? kolaps p?r disa vjet. Me siguri q? keni qen? edhe mes atyre njer?zve q? nuk i mor?n seriozisht Bitcoin dhe kriptomonedh?n, por ngjarjet aktuale b?n? q? edhe skeptik?t m? t? m?dhenj t? gabonin. ?mimi aktual i Bitcoin ?sht? 40,644 $* ?mimi i kriptomonedh?s m? t? njohur vazhdimisht thyen t? gjitha rekordet e pamendueshme. Akumulimi i kapitalit ?sht? rreth 742 miliard? dollar?. Njohja bot?rore Ekonomit? m? t? m?dha n? bot? – India dhe Japonia – e njoh?n Bitcoin si monedh?n zyrtare. Autoritetet amerikane e njoh?n kriptomonedh?n si aset. Dhe ky ?sht? vet?m fillimi. Verifikimi n? shkall? industriale Tregu i kriptomonedh?s ndryshon jasht?zakonisht shpejt dhe ?sht? pothuajse e pamundur t? monitoroni situat?n dhe t? merrni vendimet e duhura vet?. Shumica e njer?zve nuk kan? p?rvoj? t? duhur, koh? dhe para p?r k?t?. Libri im jep informacione elementare por mjaft t? gjera p?r ata njer?z q? nuk ndjekin nj? ylber, por duan t? nd?rtojn? nj? biznes fitimprur?s p?r nj? koh? t? gjat? n? nj? nga zonat e kriptomonedh?s: nga verifikim n? investim. Pra, ky lib?r nuk ka t? b?j? me: – M?nyrat e paligjshme t? fitimit t? parave – Lavd?rimi i kriptomonedh?s dhe nxitja p?r t? investuar n? t? deri n? qindark?n e fundit – Teknikat e mashtrimit dhe fitimi i ca parave shpejt e shpejt – Teori e m?rzitshme dhe e pakuptimt? – M?nyrat p?r t? fituar miliona pa investime dhe rreziqe Ky lib?r do t'ju ndihmoj? p?r t? m?suar sa vijon: – Cila m?nyr? ju shkon m? p?r shtat p?r t? fituar para n? tregun e kriptomonedh?s. – Ku duhet t? filloni n?se keni vet?m 500 dollar?. – ?far? informacioni n? lidhje me kriptomonedh?n e mbajn? t? fsheht? ekspert?t (Shikoni vet?m an?n pozitive t? tij!). – Si t? p?rpunoni nj? strategji personale, t? krijoni biznesin tuaj t? kriptomonedh?s dhe t? fitoni 3.000-10.000 dollar? tuaj t? par? q? n? vitin 2021. Gjithashtu mund t? garantoj q? ju: – T? merrni parasysh prirjen kryesore t? monedh?s s? sotme, edhe n?se nuk keni asnj? ide p?r p?r ekonomin?, financ?n dhe teknologjin?. – T? kuptoni n?se v?rtet d?shironi t? investoni n? kriptomonedh? (ndoshta, ky lloj biznesi nuk ju p?rshtatet aspak dhe do t? kurseni koh?n tuaj) – T? m?soni se si t? kontrolloni rreziqet dhe t? mos investoni n? monedh?n e par? n? dispozicion – T? merrni n? konsiderat? p?rvoj?n time, t? mbroheni nga d?shtimet e mundshme dhe derdhja e parave n? lum?, q? do t? ndodh? n? m?nyr? t? pashmangshme n?se ju erren syt?. K?shtu, q?llimi im ?sht? mjaft i thjesht?: – t'ju ndihmoj t? krijoni dhe t? zhvilloni biznes n? nj? nga zonat e kriptomonedh?s. – Gjeni 7 strategji t? investimit n? kriptomonedh? + 2 strategji t? p?rsosura sot!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425304



Автор: Susan Hawthorne

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783957322623


Big Apple
Big Apple

Автор: Carsten Knop

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783899815054


Big Data Analytics. Turning Big Data into Big Money
Big Data Analytics. Turning Big Data into Big Money

Автор: Frank Ohlhorst J

Unique insights to implement big data analytics and reap big returns to your bottom line Focusing on the business and financial value of big data analytics, respected technology journalist Frank J. Ohlhorst shares his insights on the newly emerging field of big data analytics in Big Data Analytics. This breakthrough book demonstrates the importance of analytics, defines the processes, highlights the tangible and intangible values and discusses how you can turn a business liability into actionable material that can be used to redefine markets, improve profits and identify new business opportunities. Reveals big data analytics as the next wave for businesses looking for competitive advantage Takes an in-depth look at the financial value of big data analytics Offers tools and best practices for working with big data Once the domain of large on-line retailers such as eBay and Amazon, big data is now accessible by businesses of all sizes and across industries. From how to mine the data your company collects, to the data that is available on the outside, Big Data Analytics shows how you can leverage big data into a key component in your business's growth strategy.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225820


Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results
Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results

Автор: Бернард Марр

The best-selling author of Big Data is back, this time with a unique and in-depth insight into how specific companies use big data. Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective. From technology, media and retail, to sport teams, government agencies and financial institutions, learn the actual strategies and processes being used to learn about customers, improve manufacturing, spur innovation, improve safety and so much more. Organised for easy dip-in navigation, each chapter follows the same structure to give you the information you need quickly. For each company profiled, learn what data was used, what problem it solved and the processes put it place to make it practical, as well as the technical details, challenges and lessons learned from each unique scenario. Learn how predictive analytics helps Amazon, Target, John Deere and Apple understand their customers Discover how big data is behind the success of Walmart, LinkedIn, Microsoft and more Learn how big data is changing medicine, law enforcement, hospitality, fashion, science and banking Develop your own big data strategy by accessing additional reading materials at the end of each chapter

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119231417


Big Data Marketing. Engage Your Customers More Effectively and Drive Value
Big Data Marketing. Engage Your Customers More Effectively and Drive Value

Автор: Lisa Arthur

Leverage big data insights to improve customer experiences and insure business success Many of today's businesses find themselves caught in a snarl of internal data, paralyzed by internal silos, and executing antiquated marketing approaches. As a result, consumers are losing patience, shareholders are clamoring for growth and differentiation, and marketers are left struggling to untangle the massive mess. Big Data Marketing provides a strategic road map for executives who want to clear the chaos and start driving competitive advantage and top line growth. Using real-world examples, non-technical language, additional downloadable resources, and a healthy dose of humor, Big Data Marketing will help you discover the remedy offered by data-driven marketing. Explains how marketers can use data to learn what they need to know Details strategies to drive marketing relevance and Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI) Provides a five-step approach in the journey to a more data-driven marketing organization Author Lisa Arthur, the Chief Marketing Officer for Teradata Applications, the leader in integrated marketing software, meets with thousands of CMOs and marketing professionals annually through public speaking and events Big Data Marketing reveals patterns in your customers' behavior and proven ways to elevate customer experiences. Leverage these insights to insure your business's success.

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118734056


Big Data, Big Innovation. Enabling Competitive Differentiation through Business Analytics
Big Data, Big Innovation. Enabling Competitive Differentiation through Business Analytics

Автор: Evan Stubbs

A practical guide to leveraging your data to spur innovation and growth Your business generates reams of data, but what do you do with it? Reporting is only the beginning. Your data holds the key to innovation and growth – you just need the proper analytics. In Big Data, Big Innovation: Enabling Competitive Differentiation Through Business Analytics, author Evan Stubbs explores the potential gold hiding in your un-mined data. As Chief Analytics Officer for SAS Australia/New Zealand, Stubbs brings an industry insider's perspective to guide you through pattern recognition, analysis, and implementation. Big Data, Big Innovation: Enabling Competitive Differentiation Through Business Analytics details a groundbreaking approach to ensuring your company's upward trajectory. Use this guide to leverage your customer information, financial reports, performance metrics, and more to build a rock-solid foundation for future growth. Build an effective analytics team, and empower them with the right tools Learn how big data drives both evolutionary and revolutionary innovation, and who should be responsible Identify data collection and analysis opportunities and implement action plans Design the platform that suits your company's current and future needs Quantify performance with statistics, programming, and research for a more complete picture of operations Effective management means combining data, people, and analytics to create a synergistic force for innovation and growth. If you want your company to move forward with confidence, Big Data, Big Innovation: Enabling Competitive Differentiation Through Business Analytics can show you how to use what you already have and acquire what you need to succeed.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118925539


Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners
Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners

Автор: Jared Dean

With big data analytics comes big insights into profitability Big data is big business. But having the data and the computational power to process it isn't nearly enough to produce meaningful results. Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners is a complete resource for technology and marketing executives looking to cut through the hype and produce real results that hit the bottom line. Providing an engaging, thorough overview of the current state of big data analytics and the growing trend toward high performance computing architectures, the book is a detail-driven look into how big data analytics can be leveraged to foster positive change and drive efficiency. With continued exponential growth in data and ever more competitive markets, businesses must adapt quickly to gain every competitive advantage available. Big data analytics can serve as the linchpin for initiatives that drive business, but only if the underlying technology and analysis is fully understood and appreciated by engaged stakeholders. This book provides a view into the topic that executives, managers, and practitioners require, and includes: A complete overview of big data and its notable characteristics Details on high performance computing architectures for analytics, massively parallel processing (MPP), and in-memory databases Comprehensive coverage of data mining, text analytics, and machine learning algorithms A discussion of explanatory and predictive modeling, and how they can be applied to decision-making processes Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning provides technology and marketing executives with the complete resource that has been notably absent from the veritable libraries of published books on the topic. Take control of your organization's big data analytics to produce real results with a resource that is comprehensive in scope and light on hyperbole.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118920695



Автор: Группа авторов

Das Standardwerk f?r jeden Bilanzbuchhalter. F?r Weiterbildung und Praxis!
Mit dem Bilanzbuchhalter-Handbuch sind Sie immer auf der sicheren Seite! In kompakter Form h?lt dieses Standardwerk genau das Wissen parat, das Sie f?r die praktische Arbeit oder f?r die Vorbereitung auf die Pr?fung zum Bilanzbuchhalter ben?tigen.
Der Aufbau des Handbuchs orientiert sich dabei an den Herausforderungen der t?glichen Praxis sowie an den Inhalten der offiziellen Pr?fungsverordnung vom 26. 10. 2015 und konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die folgenden Themen:
Buchf?hrung, Jahresabschluss (Handels- und Steuerbilanz, Sonderbilanzen), Konzernabschluss, Grundlagen internationaler Rechnungslegung und Berichterstattung (Jahresabschlussanalyse sowie volks- und betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen); Steuerrecht und betriebliche Steuerlehre (Einkommensteuer, Lohnsteuerabzugsverfahren, K?rperschaftsteuer, Gewerbesteuer, Umsatzsteuer, Internationales Steuerrecht, Abgabenordnung); laufende Besteuerung und Steuerauswirkungen bei einzelfallbezogenen Problemen wie Rechtsformwahl, Zusammenschl?ssen oder Umwandlungen; Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung als Controllinginstrument, Finanzwirtschaftliches Management zur effizienten Unternehmensf?hrung und -steuerung inkl. kostenorientiertem Controlling und Risikomanagement; wichtige Rahmenbedingungen wie Recht (inkl. Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Sachenrecht, Gewerberecht, B?rgerliches Gesetzbuch und Internetrecht), Sozialversicherung, Berufswesen und -recht sowie Personalf?hrung.
Die 12. Auflage wurde vollst?ndig ?berarbeitet, wobei zahlreiche ?nderungen durch die Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung ber?cksichtigt wurden, z. B. durch die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO).
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Buchf?hrung. Jahresabschluss (Einzelabschluss, Handels- und Steuerbilanz). Konzernabschluss und Grundlagen internationaler Rechnungslegung. Berichterstattung (Jahresabschlussanalyse sowie VWL- und BWL-Grundlagen). Steuerrecht und betriebliche Steuerlehre (ESt, Lohnsteuerabzugverfahren, KSt, GewSt, USt, Internationales Steuerrecht und AO). Rechtsformwahl, Unternehmenszusammenschl?sse, Umwandlungsfragen. Praxis der Unternehmensf?hrung und -steuerung (Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung als Controllinginstrument, Finanzwirtschaftliches Management und Risikomanagement). Recht. System der sozialen Sicherung und Sozialversicherung. Berufswesen und -recht. Personalf?hrung. Glossar zum Rechnungswesen Deutsch-Englisch.

Цена: 11836.38 руб.
ISBN: 9783482756740


Bilanzierung bei Personengesellschaften
Bilanzierung bei Personengesellschaften

Автор: Kai Peter K?nkele

Besonderheiten der Bilanzierung bei Personengesellschaften.
Durch das BilMoG hat die Rechnungslegung von Personengesellschaften deutlich an Komplexit?t gewonnen. Dies betrifft neben den weiterhin relevanten Folgefragen aus der Erstanwendung der neuen Regelungen auch die laufende Abbildung im Rechnungswesen. Die Entkoppelung von Handels- und Steuerbilanz infolge der Abschaffung der umgekehrten Ma?geblichkeit schafft neue steuerbilanzielle Gestaltungsspielr?ume.
Dieser „NWB-Brennpunkt“ verdeutlicht die zahlreichen Besonderheiten der handelsrechtlichen Bilanzierung im Zusammenhang mit Personengesellschaften. Im Fokus stehen Fragen der Bilanzierung auf Ebene der Personengesellschaft und beim Anteilseigner. Auch die aktuellen Stellungnahmen IDW RS HFA 7 und IDW RS HFA 18 werden ausf?hrlich behandelt.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf Fragen der latenten Steuern. Insbesondere Abgrenzungsfragen der Steuerlatenzierung auf Ebene der Gesellschaft sowie auf Ebene der Gesellschafter stellen die Praxis immer wieder vor Herausforderungen.
Die Kombination aus praxisnahen Erl?uterungen und mehr als 200 Beispielen sowie direkt umsetzbaren L?sungsvorschl?gen machen dieses Buch zu einer wertvollen Hilfe f?r die t?gliche Arbeit.
Aus dem Inhalt: Reformiertes HGB: Problembereiche der Rechnungslegung bei Personengesellschaften. Besonderheiten f?r Personengesellschaften durch BilMoG. Auswirkungen des Wegfalls der umgekehrten Ma?geblichkeit. Latente Steuern bei Personengesellschaften. Personengesellschaftsrelevante IDW-Verlautbarungen. Allgemeine Sonderfragen der Bilanzierung bei Personengesellschaften.

Цена: 3846.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783482756610


Bildungsphilosophie f?r den Unterricht
Bildungsphilosophie f?r den Unterricht

Автор: Philipp Thomas

Grundkenntnisse in Bildungstheorie sind Teil fast aller Lehramtsstudieng?nge, egal f?r welche Schulart und f?r welche F?cher. Dieses Buch ist eine fundierte Einf?hrung in das Thema, und hilft zugleich angehenden Lehrkr?ften in der Unterrichtspraxis, etwa beim Umgang mit Fragen wie: Weshalb soll ich selbst denken? Warum soll ich moralisch sein? Kann ich durch Bildung ich selbst werden?

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783846357064


Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets. Why Philanthropy Doesn t Advance Social Progress
Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets. Why Philanthropy Doesn't Advance Social Progress

Автор: Steven Goldberg H

Praise for BILLIONS OF DROPS in MILLIONS OF BUCKETS «Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets provides a bracing and original look at philan-thropy that offers a much-needed corrective to conventional wisdom. Steve Goldberg combines a resolve to understand why so much philanthropy accomplishes so little enduring social change with a timely and serious proposal to reinvigorate nonprofit capital markets through the simplest of insights: getting more of the money to where it can do the most good. This book will change how forward-looking philanthropists, foundations, and policymakers think about the relationship between charitable giving and the transformative capacity of social entrepreneurs.» —Jerr Boschee, founder and Executive Director, The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs; Visiting Professor of the Practice in Social Enterprise, Carnegie Mellon University «Goldberg's arguments are logical next steps in the rapidly evolving discussion of social capital markets. He offers ambitious proposals informed by the reality of current practices and focused on an achievable set of goals. He fully recognizes the potential for restructuring that is inherent in this time of financial hardship. Real change relies on big ideas, and Steve Goldberg offers us several.» —Lucy Bernholz, author of Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets: The Deliberate Evolution «When I first heard about 'evidence-based medicine,' I thought: 'you mean it isn't?' Read this book and that's how you'll feel about 'performance-based philanthropy.' Goldberg takes some of the best current management thinking and applies it to social enterprise, illuminating both the encouraging successes of social entrepreneurs and the barriers they face. Even better, he presents compelling ideas for making the social sector vastly more effective.» —Christopher Meyer, Chief Executive, Monitor Networks «Goldberg calls for more 'performance-driven philanthropy,' where nonprofits are rewarded based on their results, in place of the current dysfunction. It is an important call and a valuable contribution to discussions about how to improve nonprofits in the U.S. and internationally.» —Martin Brookes, Chief Executive, New Philanthropy Capital «Billions of Drops… is a must-read romp through emerging fields of social entrepre-neurship and nonprofit capital markets.» —George Overholser, founder and Managing Director, NFF Capital Partners

Цена: 4050.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470488171


Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials. Applications to Hemp Concretes
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials. Applications to Hemp Concretes

Автор: Arnaud Laurent

Using plant material as raw materials for construction is a relatively recent and original topic of research. This book presents an overview of the current knowledge on the material properties and environmental impact of construction materials made from plant particles, which are renewable, recyclable and easily available. It focuses on particles and as well on fibers issued from hemp plant, as well as discussing hemp concretes. The book begins by setting the environmental, economic and social context of agro-concretes, before discussing the nature of plant-based aggregates and binders. The formulation, implementation and mechanical behavior of such building materials are the subject of the following chapters. The focus is then put upon the hygrothermal behavior and acoustical properties of hempcrete, followed by the use of plant-based concretes in structures. The book concludes with the study of life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the environmental characteristics of a banked hempcrete wall on a wooden skeleton. Contents 1. Environmental, Economic and Social Context of Agro-Concretes, Vincent Nozahic and Sofiane Amziane. 2. Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates. Vincent Picandet. 3. Binders, Gilles Escadeillas, Camille Magniont, Sofiane Amziane and Vincent Nozahic. 4. Formulation and Implementation, Christophe Lanos, Florence Collet, G?rard Lenain and Yves Hustache. 5. Mechanical Behavior, Laurent Arnaud, Sofiane Amziane, Vincent Nozahic and Etienne Gourlay. 6. Hygrothermal Behavior of Hempcrete, Laurent Arnaud, Driss Samri and ?tienne Gourlay. 7. Acoustical Properties of Hemp Concretes, Philippe Gl?, Emmanuel Gourdon and Laurent Arnaud. 8. Plant-Based Concretes in Structures: Structural Aspect – Addition of a Wooden Support to Absorb the Strain, Philippe Munoz and Didier Pipet. 9. Examination of the Environmental Characteristics of a Banked Hempcrete Wall on a Wooden Skeleton, by Lifecycle Analysis: Feedback on the LCA Experiment from 2005, Marie-Pierre Boutin and Cyril Flamin. About the Authors Sofiane Amziane is Professor and head of the Civil Engineering department at POLYTECH Clermont-Ferrand in France. He is also in charge of the research program dealing with bio-based building materials at Blaise Pascal University (Institut Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France). He is the secretary of the RILEM Technical Committee 236-BBM dealing with bio-based building materials and the author or co-author of over one hundred papers in scientific journals such as Cement and Concrete Research, Composite Structures or Construction Building Materials as well as international conferences. Laurent Arnaud is a Bridges, Waters and Forestry Engineer (Ing?nieur des Ponts, Eaux et For?ts) and researcher at Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France. He is also Professor at ENTPE (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat). Trained in the field of mechanical engineering, his research has been directed toward the characterization and development of new materials for civil engineering and construction. He is head of the international committee at RILEM – BBM, as well as the author of more than one hundred publications, and holder of an international invention patent.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118577042


Biological Monitoring. Heutige und Kunftige Moglichkeiten in der Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin
Biological Monitoring. Heutige und Kunftige Moglichkeiten in der Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin

Автор: Jurgen Angerer

Auf Einladung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fand am 9. und 10. Marz 2000 ein Rundgesprach uber heutige und kunftige Moglichkeiten des Biomonitoring in Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin statt. Das Biomonitoring hat nicht zuletzt durch die unmittelbare Umsetzung der Arbeitsergebnisse der Senatskommission zur Prufung gesundheitsschadlicher Arbeitsstoffe in geltendes Recht durch die deutsche Arbeitsschutzgesetzgebung in den letzten drei?ig Jahren in Deutschland ein hohes Niveau erreicht. Das vorliegende Buch fuhrt die Expertise verschiedener Fachdisziplinen von der Toxikologie, Arbeitsmedizin, Immunologie und Humangenetik bis hin zur Analytik und Epidemiologie zusammen. Hierbei wird die diagnostische Aussagekraft von zytogenetischen Parametern sowie von biochemischen und biologischen Effektmarkern fur die Pravention von schadstoffbedingter Erkrankungen ausfuhrlich erortert. Das gefuhrte Rundgesprach hat somit einen ersten Gedankenaustausch ermoglicht, aus dem sich kunftige Forschung entwickeln soll, um die fuhrende Rolle Deutschlands auf diesem wichtigen und sich dynamisch entwickelnden Forschungsgebiet zu halten.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783527621217


Biology For Dummies
Biology For Dummies

Автор: Rene Fester Kratz

The ultimate guide to understanding biology Have you ever wondered how the food you eat becomes the energy your body needs to keep going? The theory of evolution says that humans and chimps descended from a common ancestor, but does it tell us how and why? We humans are insatiably curious creatures who can't help wondering how things work—starting with our own bodies. Wouldn't it be great to have a single source of quick answers to all our questions about how living things work? Now there is. From molecules to animals, cells to ecosystems, Biology For Dummies answers all your questions about how living things work. Written in plain English and packed with dozens of enlightening illustrations, this reference guide covers the most recent developments and discoveries in evolutionary, reproductive, and ecological biology. It's also complemented with lots of practical, up-to-date examples to bring the information to life. Discover how living things work Think like a biologist and use scientific methods Understand lifecycle processes Whether you're enrolled in a biology class or just want to know more about this fascinating and ever-evolving field of study, Biology For Dummies will help you unlock the mysteries of how life works.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119345411


Bioprocessing of Renewable Resources to Commodity Bioproducts
Bioprocessing of Renewable Resources to Commodity Bioproducts

Автор: Группа авторов

This book provides the vision of a successful biorefinery—the lignocelluloic biomass needs to be efficiently converted to its constituent monomers, comprising mainly of sugars such as glucose, xylose, mannose and arabinose. Accordingly, the first part of the book deals with aspects crucial for the pretreatment and hydrolysis of biomass to give sugars in high yield, as well as the general aspects of bioprocessing technologies which will enable the development of biorefineries through inputs of metabolic engineering, fermentation, downstream processing and formulation. The second part of the book gives the current status and future directions of the biological processes for production of ethanol (a biofuel as well as an important commodity raw material), solvents (butanol, isobutanol, butanediols, propanediols), organic acids (lactic acid, 3-hydroxy propionic acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid), and amino acid (glutamic acid). The commercial production of some of these commodity bioproducts in the near future will have a far reaching effect in realizing our goal of sustainable conversion of these renewable resources and realizing the concept of biorefinery. Suitable for researchers, practitioners, graduate students and consultants in biochemical/ bioprocess engineering, industrial microbiology, bioprocess technology, metabolic engineering, environmental science and energy, the book offers: Exemplifies the application of metabolic engineering approaches for development of microbial cell factories Provides a unique perspective to the industry about the scientific problems and their possible solutions in making a bioprocess work for commercial production of commodity bioproducts Discusses the processing of renewable resources, such as plant biomass, for mass production of commodity chemicals and liquid fuels to meet our ever- increasing demands Encourages sustainable green technologies for the utilization of renewable resources Offers timely solutions to help address the energy problem as non-renewable fossil oil will soon be unavailable

Цена: 15258.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781118845455


Bis nichts mehr geht
Bis nichts mehr geht

Автор: Jean Amila

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783956020971


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