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Los secretos de un l?der exitoso
Los secretos de un l?der exitoso

Автор: Las 4 Miradas de la gesti?n empresarial

El primer paso para superar una barrera es aceptar que existe. Quienes conducen personas, saben que hay una gran variedad de obst?culos que se presentan diariamente que dificultan llegar a todos los «rincones» de una organizaci?n con directivas o lineamientos para la acci?n. Es decir: para lograr que los colaboradores hagan su tarea diaria de forma efectiva y diferente, acompa?ando los permanentes cambios en las preferencias de los clientes. Las razones, aunque pueden ser m?ltiples, generalmente se centran en la capacidad del l?der para «derribar» esas barreras. Prestigiosas consultoras y afamadas escuelas de negocio internacionales aseguran que cuando la gesti?n del l?der logra desarrollar en sus colaboradores la lealtad y el compromiso con los resultados que cada uno logre, esas barreras se «esfuman», transform?ndose por el contario en s?lidos anclajes con los equipos que integran y con la organizaci?n en su conjunto.A lo largo de estos cinco Cap?tulos se analizan las diferentes t?cnicas y herramientas de que dispone un l?der para alcanzar estos dos objetivos fundamentales para que su gesti?n sea realmente exitosa: generar lealtad y desarrollar el compromiso de los integrantes de su equipo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789878644561


Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda
Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda

Автор: Мигель де Сервантес Сааведра

Цена: 48.34 руб.
ISBN: 9782291012061


Loss Models
Loss Models

Автор: Stuart A. Klugman

An essential resource for constructing and analyzing advanced actuarial models Loss Models: Further Topics presents extended coverage of modeling through the use of tools related to risk theory, loss distributions, and survival models. The book uses these methods to construct and evaluate actuarial models in the fields of insurance and business. Providing an advanced study of actuarial methods, the book features extended discussions of risk modeling and risk measures, including Tail-Value-at-Risk. Loss Models: Further Topics contains additional material to accompany the Fourth Edition of Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, such as: Extreme value distributions Coxian and related distributions Mixed Erlang distributions Computational and analytical methods for aggregate claim models Counting processes Compound distributions with time-dependent claim amounts Copula models Continuous time ruin models Interpolation and smoothing The book is an essential reference for practicing actuaries and actuarial researchers who want to go beyond the material required for actuarial qualification. Loss Models: Further Topics is also an excellent resource for graduate students in the actuarial field.

Цена: 16797.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781118573686


Lost and Founder
Lost and Founder

Автор: Rand Fishkin

Исполнители: Rand Fishkin

Цена: 957.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780241985502


Loyalit?t gewinnen
Loyalit?t gewinnen

Автор: Лина Риннэ

Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Ihre Kunden tats?chlich zufrieden sind? Also nicht einfach nur nicht unzufrieden, sondern wirklich zufrieden, begeistert. Sind Ihre Kunden loyale Fans Ihres Unternehmens, Ihrer Marke? Um heute wirtschaftlich erfolgreich zu sein, reicht es n?mlich nicht, dass Ihre Kunden aus Bequemlichkeit oder reiner Gewohnheit bei Ihnen kaufen. Sie m?ssen das Herz und die Loyalit?t Ihrer Kunden gewinnen, denn nur dann werden Ihre Kunden zu Ihrem wichtigsten Markenbotschafter, der Ihnen die Treue h?lt und Sie ?berall weiterempfiehlt – on- und offline.
Was aber macht «zuf?llige» Kunden zu leidenschaftlichen Promotern? Was bringt die Leute dazu, Ihrem Unternehmen oder Ihrer Marke auf lange Sicht treu zu bleiben? Die Experten von FranklinCovey l?ften in ihrem neuen Buch die Geheimnisse der Kundenbindung. In einer umfassenden Studie, an der mehr als 1000 Unternehmen und Tausende von Menschen teilnahmen, wurden Beispiele f?r Unternehmen herausgearbeitet, die sich durch ihren Umsatz und ihre Rentabilit?t auszeichneten. Die Autoren der Studie haben festgestellt, dass solche Leuchtturm-Unternehmen vor allem dank ihrer loyalen Kunden und der kundenzentrierten Haltung ihrer Mitarbeiter heller leuchten als die Konkurrenz.
In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch einen hervorragenden Kundenservice starke Kundenloyalit?t aufbauen. Das ist der Schl?ssel, um begeisterte Fans zu gewinnen. Loyalit?t gewinnen zeigt Ihnen praxisnah und umsetzungsorientiert die Prinzipien und Praktiken erfolgreicher, kundenorientierter Mitarbeiter auf, die ihre Kundenbeziehungen pflegen und ihre Ums?tze dadurch steigern. Anhand vieler aufschlussreicher Beispiele und praktischer Tools erfahren Sie, wie Sie Empathie, Verantwortung und Gro?z?gigkeit an allen Touchpoints in die Kundenbeziehung einbringen k?nnen. Selbst kleine Verbesserungen bedeuten bereits einen gro?en Gewinn f?r Ihr Unternehmen.

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783956239243


LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games
LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games

Автор: Группа авторов

Game theory is the theory of social situations, and the majority of research into the topic focuses on how groups of people interact by developing formulas and algorithms to identify optimal strategies and to predict the outcome of interactions. Only fifty years old, it has already revolutionized economics and finance, and is spreading rapidly to a wide variety of fields. LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games is an assessment of the state of the art in its field and the first modern book on linear-quadratic game theory, one of the most commonly used tools for modelling and analysing strategic decision making problems in economics and management. Linear quadratic dynamic models have a long tradition in economics, operations research and control engineering; and the author begins by describing the one-decision maker LQ dynamic optimization problem before introducing LQ differential games. Covers cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios, and treats the standard information structures (open-loop and feedback). Includes real-life economic examples to illustrate theoretical concepts and results. Presents problem formulations and sound mathematical problem analysis. Includes exercises and solutions, enabling use for self-study or as a course text. Supported by a website featuring solutions to exercises, further examples and computer code for numerical examples. LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of this extensively used class of economic models, and will appeal to applied mathematicians and econometricians as well as researchers and senior undergraduate/graduate students in economics, mathematics, engineering and management science.

Цена: 17784.79 руб.
ISBN: 9780470015513


Luces al anochecer
Luces al anochecer

Автор: Enrique Palomo Atance

La Gran Ciudad es el imperio de nuestro tiempo. Desde la autocomplacencia de su grandeza impone sus normas al resto del mundo con arrogancia, pues como reza en su bandera «Nada tiene lugar fuera de mis l?mites». Pero en ella no todo son acontecimientos hist?ricos ni triunfos; tampoco todo es grandeza. En su imperceptible decadencia se suceden cada instante multitud de hechos que no son noticia, que nadie ha conocido hasta ahora y que hacen que La Gran Ciudad ya no sea la misma. Son luces diminutas en medio de un resplandor que crey? ser eterno y ya ha comenzado su ocaso. Un lugar que se dirige irremediablemente hacia otro tiempo.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788413861173


Luces y sombras
Luces y sombras

Автор: Abraham Felipe Gallego Jim?nez

EI libro Luces y sombras en Ios informes contables sobre ambiente y cultura surge de Ia preocupaci?n frente a la forma en que se producen y legitiman Ios reportes territoriales. Esta es una situaci?n recurrente en Ios municipios objeto de estudio lugares temporales o permanentes, los investigadores. Al entender Ia contabilidad como espacio para Ia comunicaci?n entre diferentes agentes sociales y frente a la complejidad tanto y la de la vida cultural como ambiental, se hace necesaria la revisi?n a Ia manera como se comunican los resultados y los aspectos que la realidad vista por la comunidad en los territorios, requieren su incorporaci?n para garantizar la pretensi?n contable de representaci?n fiel.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789585495524



Автор: Florian Sch?fer

Als ihr Freund bei einem Autounfall ums Leben kommt, ahnt Sarah noch nicht, was ihr bevorsteht. Sie ist sich nur sicher, dass sie nicht alleine in ihrer Wohnung ist. Ihre Vermutung best?tigt sich jedoch erst, als sie sich bereits in einem Strudel aus Angst und Verzweiflung wiederfindet…

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783742709417


Lunch and Learn
Lunch and Learn

Автор: Группа авторов

Lunch and Learn is filled with ready-to-use activities designed for full-time trainers, managers, team leaders, supervisors, and anyone else who acts as a trainer within their organization. The activities are on-the-job learning sessions that explore targeted topics relevant to almost any team or group. Each of the 25 sessions is a short 55-minute learning experience that is based on the best principles of discussion and reflection, creative thinking, problem solving, and action planning. All the book’s activities are organized in a step-by-step fashion and include everything a session leader needs to conduct a successful learning event, from discussion starters and activity handouts through suggestions for wrapping up the session.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780787981600


Luxury China
Luxury China

Автор: Michel Chevalier

A guide to reaching and profiting from China's expanding luxury consumer class China's growing consumer base and expanding economy means more disposable income for more Chinese citizens. The Chinese market for luxury goods is expected to expand from $2 billion this year to nearly $12 billion by 2015. Today's biggest global luxury goods retailers expect China to make up a large and ever growing portion of their customers, and those businesses are responding with new stores and investments in China. Luxury China gives readers–particularly professionals in advertising, marketing, and the luxury brands industry–a deep look into the future of the Chinese luxury goods market and shows them how to tap into China's tremendous market potential.

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118181607



Автор: Iv?n Pastor Villalonga

Navy es un chico de 14 a?os muy aficionado a la naturaleza y a la meditaci?n. Un buen d?a, en una excursi?n al campo, vive una experiencia m?gica: su esp?ritu, se ve transportado al mundo espiritual de S?lcux. Una vez all?, Navy se encontrar? con Anaiyu, el dios lobo, que le har? darse cuenta de que no es un chico normal y corriente, sino el continuador de una larga dinast?a de «lycantethrs» cuya misi?n es proteger el mundo espiritual de la presencia maligna de Sylax. Sylax es la aut?ntica personificaci?n del mal, de la oscuridad, de todo lo que hay de negativo en el Universo. La mayor parte del tiempo, este siniestro personaje permanece sometido por el poder de Anaiyu y confinado en su mundo de tinieblas. Sin embargo, cada cierto tiempo cobra fuerza y renace, amenazando el mundo espiritual de S?lcux y a todos sus habitantes. Solo un esp?ritu valiente como el de Navy puede enfrentarse a ?l y devolver al Universo el equilibrio perdido.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788412290561


M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations
M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations

Автор: Gerald Hansen M

Цена: 6904.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119331933


M&A Integration. How To Do It. Planning and delivering M&A integration for business success
M&A Integration. How To Do It. Planning and delivering M&A integration for business success

Автор: Danny Davis A

The flurry of M&A deals announced in 2011, including AT&T's agreement to acquire T-Mobile USA, ConAgra's proposed bid for Ralcorp, and eBay's acquisition of GSI Commerce, indicate that M&A has returned, and is perhaps headed back to the levels seen before the financial crisis. Most firms of a certain size will turn to it in their search for growth, forcing almost all managers to face up to the challenge of integration at some point their career. For many managers it is often their first, and only time and M&A is high on the list of things that many managers hate. According to many studies, 50 to 75% M&A transactions turn out to be a failure. One of the main reasons for failure is late or wrong integration or bad integration management. There is a significant demand for more information on best practice in Post Merger Integration. This book intends to equip those managers for the task… Danny Davis demonstrates how to handle the post-merger integration process and show how to restructure, consolidate, reduce costs, create efficiencies and perform M&A, from smaller transactions to mega-mergers. The focus is on integration planning and delivery. The book combines a general/strategic view with detailed information of how to actually conduct a Post Merger Integration via very practical tools and check lists that will prove essential in delivering change before, during and after transactions as well as to ensure their success.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118361245


M&A Titans. The Pioneers Who Shaped Wall Street s Mergers and Acquisitions Industry
M&A Titans. The Pioneers Who Shaped Wall Street's Mergers and Acquisitions Industry

Автор: Brett Cole

This book focuses on the 11 men, lawyers and bankers, who are responsible for the creation of Wall Street's merger industry. It specifically concentrates on the events and personalities who dominated Wall Street during the takeover battles of the 1970s and 1980s. Lawyers Joe Flom and Marty Lipton, the godfathers of modern M&A, educated bankers on takeover laws and regulations as well as tactics. Flom and Lipton were also superlative businessmen who built their own firms to become Wall Street powerhouses. The two men drew into their orbit a circle of bankers. Felix Rohatyn, Ira Harris, Steve Friedman, Geoff Boisi, Eric Gleacher and Bruce Wasserstein were close to Lipton. Robert Greenhill and Joe Perella were close to Flom. M&A Titans provides insight into the culture of the different investment banks and how each of the bankers influenced the firms they worked in as they became more powerful. Some such as Gleacher, Harris, Wasserstein, Perella and Greenhill clashed with the men running their firms and left. Others such as Friedman and Boisi stayed and profoundly influenced how the firm did business. The career of Michael Milken, perhaps the notorious name on Wall Street in the 1980s, is also examined as well as the actions and tactics of his firm, Drexel Burnham Lambert. Milken and Drexel paved the way for the growth of private equity and helped popularize attacks on management by investors such as Boone Pickens and Carl Icahn.

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470391587


M&A. A Practical Guide to Doing the Deal
M&A. A Practical Guide to Doing the Deal

Автор: Jeffrey Hooke C

The comprehensive M&A guide, updated to reflect the latest changes in the M&A environment M&A, Second Edition provides a practical primer on mergers and acquisitions for a broad base of individuals numbering in the hundreds of thousands: Investment bankers involved with mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Equity analysts at hedge funds, risk arbitrage funds, pension funds, and banks, who invest in firms engaged in M&A. Private equity professionals at buyout funds, venture capital funds, and hedge funds, who routinely buy and sell companies. Corporate executives and business development professionals. Institutional loan officers working with M&A and buyout transactions. Business students at colleges and graduate business schools. Investor relations professionals at corporations and public relations firms. Lawyers who work with corporate clients on M&A-related legal, financial, and tax matters. Independent public accounting firms that review M&A accounting. Government regulators Sophisticated individual investors Its comprehensive approach covers each step in the process, from finding an opportunity, to analyzing the potential, to closing the deal, with new coverage of private equity funds and international transactions. This updated second edition also includes information on emerging markets, natural resource valuation, hostile takeovers, special deals, and more, plus new examples and anecdotes taken from more current events. Additional illustrations and charts help readers quickly grasp the complex information, providing a complete reference easily accessible by anyone involved in M&A. The mergers and acquisitions environment has changed in the thirteen years since M&A was initially published, creating a tremendous need for authoritative M&A guidance from a banker's perspective. This M&A update fills that need by providing the characteristic expert guidance in clear, concise language, complete with the most up-to-date information. Discover where M&A fits into different corporate growth strategies, and the unique merits it confers Delineate clear metrics for determining risk, valuation, and optimal size of potential acquisitions Gain deeper insight into the fundamentals of negotiation, due diligence, and structuring Understand the best time to sell, the best way to sell, and the process of the sale itself In the past decade, the dollar value of M&A deals has jumped ten-fold, and the number of individuals involved has expanded considerably. More and more executives, analysts, and bankers need to get up-to-date on the mechanics of M&A, without wading through volume after volume of dense, legalistic jargon. Finally, M&A is back – providing a complete reference to the current state of the M&A environment.

Цена: 10125.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118817049


M?rderische Hinterlassenschaft
M?rderische Hinterlassenschaft

Автор: P.R. Mosler

Gerd Bach, Projektleiter der Staller Industrie Werke, k?mpft gegen den Ruin der Firma. Die Gruppe CATS hat scheinbar keine Probleme, bei ihren Diebst?hlen die Staller-Alarmanlagen zu ?berlisten. Indessen bergen Andreas Staller und seine Studierenden bei einer Exkursion in der Oberpfalz unter Gefahren einen Teil des verschollenen Nazi-Schatzes. Neonazis entf?hren den Gro?industriellen Peter Staller, um ihn gegen den Schatz auszutauschen. Andreas bittet seinen Freund Gerd Bach um Hilfe. K?nnen die Freunde Andreas' Vater befreien? Wie sollen sie den eingeschleusten Agenten der Regierung unter den Nazis ausfindig machen? Und was hat es mit der geheimnisvollen rothaarigen Frau auf sich? Wieder einmal gilt es, die Gefahren fr?h genug zu erkennen …

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783991071426


M?rdertreffpunkt Pigalle: Krimi Quartett 4 Thriller
M?rdertreffpunkt Pigalle: Krimi Quartett 4 Thriller

Автор: Walter G. Pfaus

Dieser Band beinhaltet folgende Krimis: (499)

Walter G. Pfaus: Bastians kaltbl?tiger Plan
Alfred Bekker: Undercover Mission
Archibald Duggan und der Treffpunkt Pigalle (Glenn Stirling)
Archibald Duggan und zwanzigtausend sollen sterben (Horst Bosetzky)

Wilhelm Bastian ist ein ?beraus ehrgeiziger junger Mann. F?r den Aufstieg auf der Karriereleiter tut er alles. Schlie?lich l?sst er sich sogar dazu ?berreden, die unansehnliche und nicht gerade kluge aber einzige Tochter des Firmeninhabers zu heiraten, um neben seinem Schwiegervater gleichberechtigter Teilhaber zu werden. Von Anfang an ist seine Zuneigung ihr gegen?ber nur gespielt – er kann sie nicht ausstehen. Mit der Zeit f?ngt er sogar an, sie zu hassen. Eine Scheidung kommt f?r ihn jedoch ?berhaupt nicht infrage, weil er damit seine Stellung in der Firma verlieren w?rde. Als er eines Tages von seinem Schwiegervater in aller ?ffentlichkeit verlacht wird, steigert sich sein Hass seiner Frau Luise gegen?ber ins unermessliche. Pl?tzlich steht sein Entschluss fest und es gibt kein Zur?ck mehr: Luise muss sterben …

Ein Ermittler wird in eine Drogengang eingeschleust. Als ultimativen Loyalit?tstest fordert man von ihm etwas Ungeheuerliches: Er muss seinen Partner erschie?en…

Исполнители: Светлана Махохей

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783956179204


Mac OS X Leopard. Основное руководство
Mac OS X Leopard. Основное руководство

Автор: Дэвид Пог

В Mac OS X 10.5 «Leopard» свыше 300 новых функций, и некоторые из них весьма впечатляют. Однако система по-прежнему поставляется без руководства пользователя. На помощь снова приходит Дэвид Пог, книга которого, благодаря юмору и глубокому знанию предмета, уже шестой год возглавляет список бестселлеров среди изданий, посвященных Макам. Книга «Mac OS X Leopard. Основное руководство» расширена и полностью переработана, в ней вы найдете ответы на все свои вопросы. Среди новых тем: автоматическое создание резервных копий с помощью Time Machine, удаленный доступ с помощью инструмента Screen Sharing (Общий экран), мгновенный просмотр документов с помощью Quick Look, виртуальные экраны Spaces. Кроме того, в книге описаны более 50 бесплатных программ, поставляемых вместе с Маком, включая Safari, iChat, Mail, Automator, Preview и TextEdit. В основном текст ориентирован на продвинутых новичков и пользователей среднего уровня. Имеющим опыт работы с Маком предназначены врезки «Курсы опытных пользователей», которые предлагают дополнительные советы и приемы. В них можно найти сведения о безопасности, сетевом взаимодействии, макросах Automator, общем доступе к файлам вместе с Windows и обзор UNIX как основы Mac OS X. Приложения включают решение возникающих проблем, подробный список клавиатурных комбинаций, а также словарь, где можно отыскать аналог любимой функции в Mac OS X 10.5 при переходе с Windows.

Цена: 150 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-93286-110-3


Mach dir Umsatz auf!
Mach dir Umsatz auf!

Автор: Hubertus Kuhnt

Weitgehend unbemerkt von der breiten ?ffentlichkeit erlebte Coca-Cola Deutschland ab Januar 2003 die gr??te Herausforderung seiner Geschichte. Was war geschehen? Die Einf?hrung des sogenannten Dosenpfands am 1. Januar 2003 lie? den Umsatz massiv einbrechen – und erwischte das erfolgsverw?hnte Unternehmen eiskalt.
Das Dosenpfand betrifft Sie nicht? Mag sein. Aber erinnert es nicht an etwas, das jedes Unternehmen derzeit umtreibt und ein viel gravierenderes Umdenken erfordert? Richtig: die Digitalisierung. Jedes Unternehmen steht aktuell vor der Herausforderung, sich dem Wandel zu stellen, und doch machen viele einfach weiter wie bisher, in der Hoffnung, der Kelch m?ge an ihnen vor?berziehen. Warum auch nicht? Es l?uft f?r viele ja immer noch pr?chtig! Coca-Cola Deutschland ging es 2003 auch pr?chtig. Die Herausforderung kam wie aus dem Nichts. Obwohl die Vorzeichen klar erkennbar gewesen waren.
F?r jede Branche, f?r jedes Unternehmen gibt es ein «Dosenpfand»: einen Ausl?ser, der erst offenkundig macht, woran das Unternehmen eigentlich krankt: unflexible Organisationsstrukturen aus dem Industriezeitalter. Was das Topmanagement von Coca-Cola nach schmerzhaften Verlusten verstanden hat ist, dass nur ein radikaler Umbau aller F?hrungs-, Vertriebssteuerungs- und IT-Prozesse den Turnaround bringen konnte. Es folgten ein beispielloser Umbau der Strukturen und ein radikaler Wandel der Unternehmenskultur. Das Unternehmen ist heute ein Leuchtturm der Digitalisierung. Es ist agil aufgestellt, die Mitarbeiter ziehen an einem Strang und setzen neueste digitale und mobile Technologien effektiv ein. Der Vertrieb wurde um 20 Prozent produktiver.
Thorsten Jekel und Hubertus Kuhnt haben den Turnaround bei Coca-Cola entscheidend mitgestaltet. In ihrem Buch zeichnen sie diese Geschichte aus der Insider-Perspektive mit spannenden Storytelling-Elementen nach und halten eine F?lle von Praxistipps f?r F?hrungskr?fte jeder Branche bereit. Sie zeigen, wie Schnelligkeit und Agilit?t die Basis f?r den dauerhaften Erfolg werden k?nnen. Exzellenz im Management und in der Kommunikation, Exzellenz im Vertrieb sowie Exzellenz im Einsatz von digitalen Technologien – darum geht es im Buch. Und daran kommt heute niemand vorbei.

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2070.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783956239229


Mach weiter Du Nutte
Mach weiter Du Nutte

Автор: Jessie Ronaldo

Er schleifte mich an den Haaren zu seinem Schreibtisch und warf mich r?cklings darauf. «So Du geile deutsche Hure, nun zeige ich Dir mal was Deine geile Maulfotze alles aufnehmen kann, aber wehe Du bekommst einen Orgasmus, dann setzt es was.» Er stopfte mir seinen Pr?gel ins Maul und schob ihn so tief rein bis er gegen meinen Rachen stie?, dann sagte er : «So meine Schlampe, nun zeige ich es Dir.» Nun begann er mich in mein Maul zu ficken, er drang tief ein und ich w?rgte, doch er kannte kein Erbarmen und stie? dann noch h?rter und tiefer zu; zur Unterst?tzung seiner Bem?hungen hielt er mir die Nase zu, umso tiefer konnte er dann seinen Pr?gel reinschieben, eine Hand zwirbelte entweder meine Nippel oder stimulierte meinen Kitzler. Nippel und Kitzler waren hart und es war nicht mehr weit davon entfernt und ich w?rde kommen. Doch auch Semir war so weit, als er sein Sperma in meinen Rachen pumpte und es mir die Speiser?hre herunter lief, konnte ich auch meinen Orgasmus nicht zur?ck halten, seine Hand wurde ?berflutet und mein M?senschleim spritzte in Font?nen ?ber den Schreibtisch. «Du Schlampe, was hatte ich gesagt?»
Er zog seinen Schwanz aus meinem spermaverschmierten Mund und ich antwortete leise : «Entschuldige mein Herr und Meister, es war so gut wie sie zu mir waren, ich konnte nicht anders. Bitte verzeihe mein Meister, ich wei? ich habe Strafe verdient, aber Meister bitte nicht zu streng, ich muss doch noch lernen.» Er meinte : «Na ja, Du hast Dich ja entschuldigt und das ist gut so, aber Strafe muss sein.» Er drehte mich auf den Bauch und nahm meinen Kopf zwischen seine Beine und versohlte mir mit seiner fleischigen Hand die Backen dass sie brannten und schlie?lich rot gl?hten. Dann lie? er meinen Kopf aus seiner Klammerung und stellte mich vor sich hin. Ich sah ihn unterw?rfig an und sagte : «Danke mein Herr f?r die Bestrafung, ich hatte sie verdient und ich muss sagen; ich liebe Sie Meister.»

Цена: 2859.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783752925555


Machine Trading. Deploying Computer Algorithms to Conquer the Markets
Machine Trading. Deploying Computer Algorithms to Conquer the Markets

Автор: Ernest Chan P

Dive into algo trading with step-by-step tutorials and expert insight Machine Trading is a practical guide to building your algorithmic trading business. Written by a recognized trader with major institution expertise, this book provides step-by-step instruction on quantitative trading and the latest technologies available even outside the Wall Street sphere. You'll discover the latest platforms that are becoming increasingly easy to use, gain access to new markets, and learn new quantitative strategies that are applicable to stocks, options, futures, currencies, and even bitcoins. The companion website provides downloadable software codes, and you'll learn to design your own proprietary tools using MATLAB. The author's experiences provide deep insight into both the business and human side of systematic trading and money management, and his evolution from proprietary trader to fund manager contains valuable lessons for investors at any level. Algorithmic trading is booming, and the theories, tools, technologies, and the markets themselves are evolving at a rapid pace. This book gets you up to speed, and walks you through the process of developing your own proprietary trading operation using the latest tools. Utilize the newer, easier algorithmic trading platforms Access markets previously unavailable to systematic traders Adopt new strategies for a variety of instruments Gain expert perspective into the human side of trading The strength of algorithmic trading is its versatility. It can be used in any strategy, including market-making, inter-market spreading, arbitrage, or pure speculation; decision-making and implementation can be augmented at any stage, or may operate completely automatically. Traders looking to step up their strategy need look no further than Machine Trading for clear instruction and expert solutions.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119219675


Machining For Dummies
Machining For Dummies

Автор: Kip Hanson

Start a successful career in machining Metalworking is an exciting field that's currently experiencing a shortage of qualified machinists—and there's no time like the present to capitalize on the recent surge in manufacturing and production opportunities. Covering everything from lathe operation to actual CNC programming, Machining For Dummies provides you with everything it takes to make a career for yourself as a skilled machinist. Written by an expert offering real-world advice based on experience in the industry, this hands-on guide begins with basic topics like tools, work holding, and ancillary equipment, then goes into drilling, milling, turning, and other necessary metalworking processes. You'll also learn about robotics and new developments in machining technology that are driving the future of manufacturing and the machining market. Be profitable in today's competitive manufacturing environment Set up and operate a variety of computer-controlled and mechanically controlled machines Produce precision metal parts, instruments, and tools Become a part of an industry that's experiencing steady growth Manufacturing is the backbone of America, and this no-nonsense guide will provide you with valuable information to help you get a foot in the door as a machinist.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119426509



Автор: Dirk Freytag

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783899814422


macOS High Sierra For Dummies
macOS High Sierra For Dummies

Автор: Bob LeVitus

Work, play, connect, and share with the ultimate tour to macOS 'X' macOS 'X' For Dummies is the ultimate tour guide to the Mac operating system, written by Bob «Dr. Mac» LeVitus himself! Whether you're upgrading your trusty old MacBook or venturing into new territory for the very first time, this easy to use guide will get you up and running quickly. It's all here: navigation, preferences, file management, networking, music and movies, and so much more. From the absolute basics to advanced techniques, this book shows you everything you need to know to turn your Mac into an extension of your brain. Concerned about security? Need to troubleshoot an issue? Want to make your Mac perform even better? Let Dr. Mac walk you through it with clear explanations and a little bit of humor. Read this book beginning-to-end for a complete tutorial, or dip in and out as needed when things take an unexpected turn; if you have macOS questions, Dr. Mac has the answers you need. macOS has powered Macs since 2001. Each free annual update improves the system's functionality, and typically offers a few new tools and fixes old issues. If you need to learn your way around this year's update quickly, easily, and thoroughly, this book is for you. Get organized and find your way around the interface Customize your Mac's look, «feel,» and behavior Get connected, get online, and into the cloud Access your movies and music, back up your data, and more! Famous for its reliability and usability, macOS offers the sort of streamlined tools and operations you won't find anywhere else. macOS 'X' For Dummies helps you discover just how much your Mac can do for you.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119417118


Macroeconom?a intermedia para Am?rica Latina
Macroeconom?a intermedia para Am?rica Latina

Автор: Waldo Mendoza

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9786123174194


Macroeconom?a. Ideas fundamentales y talleres de aplicaci?n
Macroeconom?a. Ideas fundamentales y talleres de aplicaci?n

Автор: Blanca Luz Rache de Camargo

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9789588085807


Mad about Physics. Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities
Mad about Physics. Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities

Автор: Franklin Potter

Why is there eight times more ice in Antarctica than in the Arctic? Why can you warm your hands by blowing gently, and cool your hands by blowing hard? Why would a pitcher scuff a baseball?Which weighs more-a pound of feathers or a pound of iron? Let science experts Christopher Jargodzki and Franklin Potter guide you through the curiosities of physics and you'll find the answers to these and hundreds of other quirky conundrums. You'll discover why sounds carry well over water (especially in the summer), how a mouse can be levitated in a magnetic field, why backspin is so important when shooting a basketball, and whether women are indeed as strong as men. With nearly 400 questions and answers on everything from race cars to jumping fleas to vanishing elephants, Mad about Physics presents a comprehensive collection of braintwisters and paradoxes that will challenge and entertain even the brainiest of science lovers. Whether you're a physicist by trade or just want to give your brain a power workout, this collection of intriguing and unusual physics challenges will send you on a highly entertaining ride that reveals the relevance of physics in our everyday lives.

Цена: 1982.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780471436980


Mad About the Mekong: Exploration and Empire in South East Asia
Mad About the Mekong: Exploration and Empire in South East Asia

Автор: John Keay

The story of both a dramatic journey retracing the historic voyage of France’s greatest 19th-century explorer up the mysterious Mekong river, and a portrait of the river and its peoples today.Any notion of sailing up the Mekong in homage to Francis Garnier has been unthinkable until now. From its delta in Vietnam up through Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma and on into China, the Mekong has been a no-go river, its turbulent waters fouled by ideological barriers as formidable as its natural obstacles. But recently the political obstacles have begun to be dismantled – river traffic is reviving.John Keay describes the world of the Mekong as it is today, rehabilitating a traumatised geography while recreating the thrilling and historic voyage of Garnier in 1866. The French expedition was intended to investigate the ‘back door’ into China by outflanking the British and American conduits of commerce at Hong Kong and Shanghai. Two naval gunboats headed upriver into the green unknown, bearing crack troops, naturalists, geologists and artists. The two-year expedition’s failures and successes, and the tragedy and acrimony that marked it, make riveting reading.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007503797


Madame Missou wagt Neues
Madame Missou wagt Neues

Автор: Madame Missou

Aufstehen, duschen, Z?hne putzen, Kaffee trinken und zur Arbeit – mein Morgenritual. Bonjour, Alltagstrott! Manchmal habe ich die Eint?nigkeit des immer Gleichen einfach satt. Geht's dir genauso? Neulich bin ich mit dem Rad statt dem Auto zur Arbeit gefahren. Frische Luft und so viele neue Eindr?cke, fantastisch! Ab da stand fest: Mein routinierter Alltag wird aufgemischt! Alors, auf zu neuen Ufern: Ich habe einiges ausprobiert und verrate dir meine besten Tipps, wie du Gewohnheiten durchbrechen und das Feuer der Begeisterung wieder entfachen kannst!
Mein Programm f?r Wagemutige: Kreativit?t, Spontaneit?t, Flexibilit?t! Geh aus dir heraus und probier auch mal v?llig verr?ckte Dinge. Du wirst staunen, welche unverhofften Freuden au?erhalb der Komfortzone auf dich warten! Ich habe den Sprung ins kalte Wasser gewagt und das Leben neu zu lieben gelernt! Das funktioniert im Kleinen genauso wie im Gro?en. Mach einfach mit beim Ver?nderungsprojekt ? la Missou!

Серия: Madame Missou

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783956237515


Made in Canada Leadership. Wisdom from the Nation s Best and Brightest on the Art and Practice of Leadership
Made in Canada Leadership. Wisdom from the Nation's Best and Brightest on the Art and Practice of Leadership

Автор: Amal Henein

Praise for Made in Canada Leadership «As an energy delivery company that takes great pride in our commitment to sustainable development, Enbridge recognizes that the leading, sustainable corporations of tomorrow must create an internal culture where leadership is fostered and nurtured at all levels. Made in Canada Leadership provides the roadmap for corporations seeking to secure their long-term future as industry leaders through the development and empowerment of any great company's strength—its people.» —Patrick D. Daniel, President & CEO, Enbridge Inc. «Made in Canada Leadership makes a compelling case for a strategic and concerted approach to individual and collective leadership development to build our country’s leadership. If we want the right supply of leaders, we need to develop leadership in all sectors and at all levels. It is a long-term commitment and a collaborative endeavour. I am personally committed to rise to the challenge and engage in the leadership development movement and I hope others will join us in this quest for leadership.» —Denise Amyot, Vice-President, Leadership Network, Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada «Developing elite athletes who can win at the international level demands more than time, effort, resources, money and raw talent. It requires support systems that are effective and strategic and the mentoring of coaches who understand how to maximize not only the athletes’ physical potential but also their mental preparation. A similar case can be made for leader development. Made in Canada Leadership looks at what is needed to transform our leadership development efforts from amateur to major league. A must read!» —Chris Rudge, CEO and Secretary General, Canadian Olympic Committee «In our global world, human assets increasingly constitute the competitive advantage; and to succeed, quality leadership is required. However, leadership development is not a casual undertaking, but a long term investment and a shared responsibility. Nurturing future leaders offers significant ROI for all concerned: high returns for the organization and fulfilled leaders. Made in Canada Leadership provides an essential guide to the secrets of growing leaders from a strategic and Canadian perspective.» —Paul Juniper, Director, Industrial Relations Centre, Queen’s University

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470156704



Автор: Hermann-Josef Zoche

Mainacht ist eine weitgehend unbekannte Oper von Nikolai Andrejewitsch Rimski-Korsakow (1844-1908) In drei Akten nach Gogol. Die bekannteste Arie dieser Oper ist die des Kosaken Levko: «Wie wunderbar ist doch diese Nacht.» In der vorliegenden Kurzgeschichte verweben sich Musik und Wirklichkeit f?r einen Augenblick und verzaubern das Hier und Jetzt. Jede Begegnung zwischen Menschen kann so wunderbar sein, wie eine Mainacht…

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783847689027


Make Difficult People Disappear. How to Deal with Stressful Behavior and Eliminate Conflict
Make Difficult People Disappear. How to Deal with Stressful Behavior and Eliminate Conflict

Автор: Monica Wofford

Save your organization by building the skills to deal with difficult people We all have to work with people we can't stand to be around. Our challenge is to find creative ways to handle these difficult people. In the fable Make Difficult People Disappear, the skills and strategic plan needed to change your mindset are told through a clear, concise story. By first understanding the four main personality types in the workplace, Commander, Organizer, Relater, and Entertainer, readers can then devise effective strategies for diffusing unproductive and damaging behavior. This book serves to change the mindset and behavior of people who deal with difficulty on a regular basis. Wofford describes how through understanding our behavior differences and natural reactions to stress, that utilizing a plan based on these differences the difficulty simply seems to disappear Advises everyone from frustrated executives to entrepreneurs tired of dealing with difficult people who suck the life out of their organizations Complete with a step-by-step action plan, Make Difficult People Disappear serves to replenish your confidence and build skills in leading those who until now you didn't know how to manage and felt there was no choice but to continue to deal with or ignore.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118287323


Make the Deal. Negotiating Mergers and Acquisitions
Make the Deal. Negotiating Mergers and Acquisitions

Автор: Christopher Harrison S

A comprehensive introduction to today's M&A strategies Make the Deal is a direct and accessible guide to striking a powerful M&A deal. Merging business, finance, and law, this insightful examination of M&A strategy is designed to help you understand M&A negotiations and the ways in which the final outcome affects your financial future. A general overview of an acquisition agreement framework segues into a more detailed discussion of different deal structures, including stock sales, mergers, asset sales, and complex structures, giving you the information you need to know when each one applies best in practice. You'll gain insight into real-world negotiations and the delicate balancing act that occurs as each party attempts to maximize value and minimize risk, and learn the potential pitfalls that can occur. Negotiation statistics and samples from actual contracts back the war stories throughout, and reinforce the idea that there's no single perfect solution. As a topic of study, M&A is constantly evolving; in practice, it changes at the speed of light. Staying ahead of the market is the single most critical element of making the best deal, and the strategy that worked for one deal most likely won't work for the next. Instead of simply providing a list of strategies that have worked in the past, this book shows you why they worked, so you can tailor your strategy specifically to your next deal. Learn how M&A contract terms affect economic outcomes Examine the techniques and mechanics of today's acquisition agreements Develop a legal framework that supports your business strategy Follow the ups and downs that arise in real-world cases A successful M&A transaction requires both attention to detail and a big picture view, combined with skill, intellect, and ingenuity. Make the Deal brings it all together to show you how to run the table and come away with a win.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119163657


Make Your First Million
Make Your First Million

Автор: Группа авторов

Thinking of starting your own business? You've come to the right place. Thousands of people take the plunge every year for thousands of different reasons; the lifestyle, the opportunity to start over again, the chance to make serious money. No one ever got rich lining their boss's pockets. So you really want to go it alone? Here's how. Make Your First Million shows you how to set up your business the right way. It covers business plans, raising finance, financial planning, the opening days, working capital, growing your business, premises, staff, branching out, preparing for exit, and much, much more. As presenter of Channel 4’s Risking it All, serial entrepreneur Martin Webb has guided many fledgling businesses through the start-up process. His advice, tips and insider secrets will help you transform your dream into reality. Why spend your life working for the man when you could be out there making your first million?

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781841127705


Make Your Workplace Great. The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization
Make Your Workplace Great. The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization

Автор: Steven Stein J

What Steven J. Stein found out about creating and sustaining great workplaces The proprietary and cutting-edge research carried out by the author led to outcomes that shed new light on management practice and strategy. The 7 Keys presented in this book, when implemented, will produce immediate results and long-term enhanced performance. You will be privy to what the author has learned about the changing workplace and the role leaders play in maximizing their workforce. You can fill an organization with all the intelligent and highly educated people you want, but without the right culture and discipline, your chances of success are in doubt. Use this book to see how your organization measures up to the 7 Keys and implement the necessary changes to make your workplace a happier and more productive one. The 7 keys Hire capable people who love the work they do and show how they contribute to the bigger picture. Compensate people fairly. Don't overwork (or underwork) people. Build strong teams with shared purpose and viable goals. Make sure managers can manage. Treat people with respect and leverage their unique talents. Be proactively responsible by doing the right things to win the hearts and minds of your people.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780470158562


Making a Fortune
Making a Fortune

Автор: Группа авторов

Asian entrepreneurs and businesses have created wealth faster than the rest of the economy. Asian wealth now creates and sustains more jobs than it has ever done. It stimulates growth in industries and places that would struggle without the engine of entrepreneurship. Asian wealth is diversifying and modernising, it crosses the generational divide. If you want new and old economy wealth, it's in these pages. If you want modern and traditional management practices, they are in this book. If you want a new generation of entrepreneurs and wealth creators, then read on. PRAISE FOR MAKING A FORTUNE «Nobody understands better what makes British Asian entrepreneurs tick. Spinder provides a fascinating insight into business leaders and the inspirational stories behind their success.» Amar Singh, Evening Standard «A refreshing and intelligent insight into Asian entrepreneurship in the 21st century» Sathnam Sanghera, The Times «This is an important book that is being published at just the right time. With immigration a hot topic of conversation and ever-present in political and media circles, this book lays out the contribution of first, second and third generation Asians to the UK in terms of wealth creation, employment and host of other issues. It tells some good stories and has a powerful message for everyone who reads it.»Eric Leenders, Executive Director, British Bankers Association (BBA) “Drawing on her own experiences and the stories of others, Spinder Dhaliwal offers both unique and valuable insights into this community of entrepreneurs. This book is a must for practicing and would be entrepreneurs but also for anyone involved in entrepreneurships from advisors through to academics.” Hamant Verma, Editor Eastern Eye “The personal stories behind some of the UK's most successful Asian businessmen make for fascinating reading. I'm so glad that my good friend and hotel business partner, Surinder Arora, takes his rightful place among them.” Sir Cliff Richard

Цена: 3590.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781906465162


Making Critical Decisions
Making Critical Decisions

Автор: Paul Phillips H

Roberta Snow and Paul Phillips present a clear and structured way to manage the challenges of limited resources, competing demands, and the need for accountability while remaining true to a nonprofit’s mission. Making Critical Decisions offers nonprofit leaders a proven model for making hard choices that minimize risks while maintaining progress toward the organization’s goals as well as a practical framework for understanding and implementing the decision-making process. The book includes qualitative and quantitative tools and offers illustrative case examples throughout that clearly show how this method can be applied to different types of nonprofit organizations.

Цена: 4749.97 руб.
ISBN: 9780470185032


Making Good. The Inspiring Story of Serial Entrepreneur, Maverick and Restaurateur
Making Good. The Inspiring Story of Serial Entrepreneur, Maverick and Restaurateur

Автор: Tony Allan

Tony Allan is a rare breed – a masterful chef as well as a great businessman. He is second only to Sir Terence Conran as Britain's wealthiest restaurateur and enjoys celebrity status following his primetime BBC cookery show Tony & Giorgio, with best pal Giorgio Locatelli. Packed with entertaining anecdotes, his inspiring biography and business manual, Making Good, gives a real insight into one of the few remaining characters on the UK's restaurant scene and a template for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to know how it could – but perhaps shouldn't – be done. Making Good is the fly-on-the-kitchen-wall cookumentary of exactly what Tony Allan did and why he did it the way he did. It is essential reading for wannabe millionaires from all walks of life, including anyone who has ever dreamt of running their own business or opening a successful restaurant. Making Good will inspire anyone hungry for a genuine rags-to-riches story. 'I call Tony my English brother. He is the man who introduced me to English culture and we have had some wonderful times together. Launching Bank restaurant was a fantastic experience, one I will always remember, so this book is very special.' Christian Delteil, Managing Director of Bank Restaurants

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781841126326


Making Money in Real Estate. The Canadian Guide to Profitable Investment in Residential Property, Revised Edition
Making Money in Real Estate. The Canadian Guide to Profitable Investment in Residential Property, Revised Edition

Автор: Douglas Gray

The Canadian Guide to Investing in Residential Property Successful real estate investments play an essential role in Canadian investors' portfolios. The growth in wealth in real estate markets has presented investors with tremendous opportunities to capitalize on and expand their range of investments. In Making Money in Real Estate, Douglas Gray demystifies the Canadian real estate market for novice investors and presents new strategies for veteran investors. Learn to: Understand the real estate market cycles Find a property and assess its investment potential Build a trustworthy real estate team Arrange financing on good terms Use negotiating tactics that work Understand tax and legal issues Manage a property Avoid the pitfalls that many investors fall into Examine the pros and cons of non-residential property investment options Making Money in Real Estate is a critical and indispensable tool in investment decision making.

Цена: 3681.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780470157701


Making Money in Real Estate. The Essential Canadian Guide to Investing in Residential Property
Making Money in Real Estate. The Essential Canadian Guide to Investing in Residential Property

Автор: Douglas Gray

Successful real estate investments play an essential role in Canadian investors' portfolios. The growth in wealth in real estate markets has presented investors with tremendous opportunities to capitalize on and expand their range of investments, and has moved real estate investing from a niche product to a pillar of smart portfolio diversification. In Making Money in Real Estate, 2nd Edition, Douglas Gray demystifies the Canadian real estate market for novice investors and presents new strategies for veteran investors. Learn to: Understand the real estate market cycles Find a property and assess its investment potential Build a trustworthy real estate team Arrange financing on good terms Use negotiating tactics that work Understand tax and legal issues Manage a property Avoid the pitfalls that many investors fall into Examine the pros and cons of non-residential property investment options Readers of previous editions will appreciate the vital changes to mortgage rules, taxation and legislation, and the inclusion of information on commercial real estate. Thorough coverage in plain English makes Making Money in Real Estate, 2nd Edition the next logical step for investors who want to begin or expand their real estate portfolios, and is a critical and indispensable tool in investment decision making.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118122037


Making Questions Work
Making Questions Work

Автор: Группа авторов

This book is an invaluable desk reference for facilitators, leaders, coaches and anyone who wants to engage in more effective learning and decision-making conversations. It offers over 1700 rich questions that you can borrow or adapt to improve your inquiry skills, and provides clear frameworks that point to when, where, and why particular questions are most useful.

Цена: 6241.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780787988678


Making Rain. The Secrets of Building Lifelong Client Loyalty
Making Rain. The Secrets of Building Lifelong Client Loyalty

Автор: Andrew Sobel

Professionals who work with clients or large accounts can create lifetime relationships based on these well-researched secrets. Based drawing from extensive interviews with client executives, Making Rain offers a series of provocative insights on how to shed the expert-for-hire label and develop long-term advisory relationships. Exploding the popular myth of the «Rainmaker,» a dated and dysfunctional figure that clients no longer welcome, Andrew Sobel argues that any professional can learn to «make rain» on an ongoing basis with existing clients by developing a special set of skills, attitudes, and strategies. These innovative tips and techniques from a recognized leader in the field of professional services will enable any consultant, salesperson, or service professional to create enduring client loyalty.

Цена: 4234.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780471406167


Making Scorecards Actionable
Making Scorecards Actionable

Автор: Carl-Johan Petri

The concept of the Balanced Scorecard has become increasingly popular in the global business world as a tool for balancing business strategy with financial concerns, customer care, internal business processes, and learning and growth. This book focuses on the hands-on experiences of companies across a broad range of organizations at both operational and board level. Drawn from cases in the UK, Europe, the United States, and Japan, the book shows that though Balanced Scorecard has been adopted widely, it is practiced in different forms and with varying degrees of success. Making Scorecards Actionable helps in creating and communicating a total comprehensive strategy to all organizational members from the top down. * Provides a long-term view of what the company's strategic objectives really are. * Shows how to make use of knowledge gained through experience. * Demonstrates the required flexibility of such a system to cope with the fast-changing business environment. * This book provides a practice-based follow on from the successful Performance Drivers by Olve, Roy and Welter (0471 986232) Readership: Operational managers, consultants, and business students.

Цена: 7842.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470861424


Making Sense of Online Learning
Making Sense of Online Learning

Автор: Patti Shank

If you need quick, targeted baseline knowledge about using technology for teaching and learning, Making Sense of Online Learning is for you. This practical, no-nonsense primer will help you understand how online learning technologies work and how they fit into your organization. You’ll gain a working knowledge of important topics such as design, infrastructure, and evaluation and the confidence to make informed decisions that will help your learners and organization thrive. Since information about online learning changes at Internet speed, the book is supported with a dedicated Web site (www.learningpeaks.com/msoll/) filled with up-to-the-minute suggestions for tools and resources.

Цена: 5081.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780787973919


Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization
Making Sense of the Organization, Volume 2. The Impermanent Organization

Автор: Karl Weick E

Making Sense of the Organization elaborates on the influential idea that organizations are interpretation systems that scan, interpret, and learn. These selected essays represent a new approach to the way managers learn and act in response to their environment and the way organizational change evolves. Readers of this volume will find a wealth of examples and insights which go well beyond thinking and cognition to explain action. The author's ideas are at the forefront of our thinking on leadership, teams, and the management of change. “This book engages the puzzle of impermanence in organizing. Through rich examples, evocative language, artful literature citing, and imaginative connecting, Weick re-introduces core ideas and themes around attending, interpreting, acting and learning to unlock new insights about impermanent organizing. The wisdom in this book is timeless and timely. It prods scholars and managers of organizations to complicate their views of organizing in ways that enrich thought and action.” – Jane E. Dutton, Robert L. Kahn Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470748701


Making Thinking Visible. How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners
Making Thinking Visible. How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners

Автор: Ron Ritchhart

A proven program for enhancing students' thinking and comprehension abilities Visible Thinking is a research-based approach to teaching thinking, begun at Harvard's Project Zero, that develops students' thinking dispositions, while at the same time deepening their understanding of the topics they study. Rather than a set of fixed lessons, Visible Thinking is a varied collection of practices, including thinking routines?small sets of questions or a short sequence of steps?as well as the documentation of student thinking. Using this process thinking becomes visible as the students' different viewpoints are expressed, documented, discussed and reflected upon. Helps direct student thinking and structure classroom discussion Can be applied with students at all grade levels and in all content areas Includes easy-to-implement classroom strategies The book also comes with a DVD of video clips featuring Visible Thinking in practice in different classrooms.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118015018


Making YouTube Videos. Star in Your Own Video!
Making YouTube Videos. Star in Your Own Video!

Автор: Nick Willoughby

The fast and easy way for kids to shoot, edit, and share videos on YouTube Does your child long to create and post videos on YouTube in hopes of becoming the next “YouTube celebrity?” Whether looking to go viral or simply wanting to make videos for their friends, Making YouTube Videos is the place your kid should start. Written by a filmmaking expert who runs camps for wanna-be filmmakers as young as seven, this fun and friendly guide takes your child step by step through the process: from idea creation to production to sharing on YouTube. Written in a language they’ll understand and filled with eye-popping graphics that make the information come to life, Making YouTube Videos takes the intimidation out of working with video technology and offers your child a friendly, trusted source for expressing their creativity. Kids will work through small projects with end-goals that help promote confidence. With content that is accessible and easy to understand, this book is ideal for youngsters who want to go solo or work with you or another adult instructor. Introduces ideas on framing, lighting, and sound Shows kids how to load a video, add transitions, and add effects Provides easy-to-follow instruction on uploading a video to YouTube and setting who can see or not see their video Explains how to grab free software and make simple edits, like cutting out scenes, adding to a timeline, and implementing transitions If you want to encourage your child’s enthusiasm but don’t want to endure a meltdown, Making YouTube Videos makes it easy for your aspiring filmmaker to fulfill his or her dream.

Цена: 916.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119177258


Makro?konomie transparent vermittelt
Makro?konomie transparent vermittelt

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Das MCC Wirtschaft eBook «Makro?konomie transparent vermittelt» behandelt die Rolle der Unternehmen aus der Sicht der Wirtschaftskreisl?ufe. Ihnen werden dabei die Abh?ngigkeiten der Wirtschaftskreisl?ufe leicht verst?ndlich dargestellt.
Bereits 1929 begann John Maynard Keynes die Mechanismen zu verstehen, welche damals zur Weltwirtschaftskrise gef?hrt haben. Das war die Geburtsstunde der Makro?konomie. Schritt f?r Schritt wird Ihnen mit diesem MCC Wirtschaft eBook somit ein grundlegendes Verst?ndnis ?ber die Ausl?ser vergangener Wirtschaftskrisen vermittelt. Lernen Sie anhand dieses Leitfadens makro?konomische Sachverhalte zu verstehen, und daraus dann die richtigen, wirtschaftlichen Ma?nahmen f?r Ihr Unternehmen abzuleiten. Denn alle Staaten und Unternehmen pflegen au?enwirtschaftliche Beziehungen. Das MCC Wirtschaft eBook «Makro?konomie transparent vermittelt» liefert Ihnen die Strukturen und Sachverhalte dieser Beziehungen und deren wirtschaftliche Bedeutungen.
Die analytische Betrachtung der drei zentralen makro?konomischen Markttypen: •G?termarkt •Geldmarkt •Arbeitsmarkt (aus klassischer & keynesianischer Sicht) sorgt beispielsweise daf?r, die volkswirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen richtig einzusch?tzen.
Viele Fallbeispiele, anschauliche Grafiken und eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise in diesem MCC «Makro?konomie eBook» verhelfen Ihnen schnell, die komplexen makro?konomischen Sachverhalte zu erfassen, wirtschaftlich korrekt zu deuten und die passenden Gegenma?nahmen f?r Ihr Unternehmen einzuleiten.

Серия: MCC Wirtschaft eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783958510043


Malicious Cryptography. Exposing Cryptovirology
Malicious Cryptography. Exposing Cryptovirology

Автор: Adam Young

Hackers have uncovered the dark side of cryptography—that device developed to defeat Trojan horses, viruses, password theft, and other cyber-crime. It’s called cryptovirology, the art of turning the very methods designed to protect your data into a means of subverting it. In this fascinating, disturbing volume, the experts who first identified cryptovirology show you exactly what you’re up against and how to fight back. They will take you inside the brilliant and devious mind of a hacker—as much an addict as the vacant-eyed denizen of the crackhouse—so you can feel the rush and recognize your opponent’s power. Then, they will arm you for the counterattack. This book reads like a futuristic fantasy, but be assured, the threat is ominously real. Vigilance is essential, now. Understand the mechanics of computationally secure information stealing Learn how non-zero sum Game Theory is used to develop survivable malware Discover how hackers use public key cryptography to mount extortion attacks Recognize and combat the danger of kleptographic attacks on smart-card devices Build a strong arsenal against a cryptovirology attack

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780764568466


Man stirbt nicht lautlos in Tokyo
Man stirbt nicht lautlos in Tokyo

Автор: Jan Flieger

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783946734444


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