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Stock Charts For Dummies
Stock Charts For Dummies

Автор: Lita Epstein

The easy way to get started in stock charts Many trading and technical analysis books focus on how to use charts to make stock trading decisions, but what about how to actually build a chart? Stock Charts For Dummies reveals the important stories charts tell, and how different parameters can impact what you see on the screen. This book will explain some of the most powerful display settings that help traders understand the information in a chart to find outperformance as its beginning. Stock Charts for Dummies will teach you how to build a visually appealing chart and add tools based on the type of trading or investing decision you're trying to make. It will also introduce you to the pros, cons, and best practices of using three key types of charts: Candlesticks, Bar Charts, and Line Charts. Build and use technical chart patterns Increase profits and minimize risk Track and identify specific trends within charts A unique guide for beginning traders and investors, Stock Charts for Dummies will help you make sense of stock charts.

Цена: 2981.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781119434429


Stock Market Para Principiantes
Stock Market Para Principiantes

Автор: Davon Hogdes

?Aprenda a realizar con ?xito su primera operaci?n burs?til hoy mismo! En este libro nos vamos a centrar en los aspectos esenciales del Day Trading. Esto significa que vamos a analizar lo que debe hacer para prepararse en su primera operaci?n. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el Day Trading requiere de un minucioso estudio y entrenamiento previos. Pero una vez que se familiarice con el sistema de trading, le resultar? bastante f?cil manejarse en el mundo de la bolsa. La parte m?s dif?cil del Day Trading es la investigaci?n que se hace para determinar cu?les son las acciones ideales y las mejores opciones para invertir para que usted gane dinero. Pero no todas las acciones son iguales, las “Blue chip” pertenecen a empresas que tienen un gran historial y que gozan de una reputaci?n y un rendimiento probados por a?os; son caras y muy demandadas. Es importante que tenga cuidado con las acciones de bajo coste. Se trata de empresas cuyo precio de las acciones es inferior a cinco d?lares. ?Aprenda a realizar con ?xito su primera operaci?n burs?til hoy mismo! En este libro nos vamos a centrar en los aspectos esenciales del Day Trading (operaciones realizadas en menos 24 horas). Esto significa que vamos a analizar lo que debe hacer para prepararse para su primera operaci?n. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el Day Trading requiere un minucioso estudio y aprendizaje previos. Pero una vez que se familiarice con el sistema de trading, le resultar? bastante f?cil manejarse en el mundo de la bolsa. La parte m?s dif?cil del Day Trading es la investigaci?n que se hace para determinar las acciones correctas a elegir y cu?les son las mejores opciones para que usted gane dinero. Es importante tener en cuenta que no todas las acciones son iguales. Las llamadas acciones “Blue chip” pertenecen a empresas que tienen un gran historial. Son empresas que gozan de una reputaci?n y un rendimiento probados por a?os. Por lo tanto, son caras y muy demandadas. Por lo tanto, es importante que tenga cuidado con las acciones de bajo coste. Se trata de empresas cuyo precio de las acciones es inferior a cinco d?lares. Por lo general, estas acciones pertenecen a empresas que tienen graves problemas financieros o administrativos, pero que a?n no han sido liquidadas. En esencia, se aferran a la vida. En este libro aprender?: ✓ A abrir una cuenta nueva de valores ✓ A realizar sus primeras operaciones ✓ El mejor momento para invertir ✓ Las reglas de oro de la gesti?n del dinero ✓ Las herramientas b?sicas para an?lisis t?cnico de los Day Traders (corredores de bolsa) ✓ A utilizar la media m?vil para entrar y salir de una operaci?n ✓ A entender los fundamentos del Swing Trading ✓ La diferencia entre el Swing Trading y el Day Trading ✓ Los beneficios y los inconvenientes del Swing Trading ✓ El an?lisis t?cnico. Herramientas utilizadas en el Swing Trading ✓ El uso de gr?ficos y diagramas ✓ El uso de la media m?vil (MACD) ✓ El patr?n de cabeza y hombros ✓ Los triples m?ximos y triples m?nimos ✓ El an?lisis por Candlestick (gr?fico de barras japon?s) ✓ El ”timing” de los puntos de entrada y salida ✓ La gesti?n del riesgo en el trading ✓ La protecci?n contra el riesgo ✓ La psicolog?a en el trading ✓ Las estrategias de backtesting ✓ Las caracter?sticas de un Day Trader ✓ El Day Trading como carrera a tiempo completo ✓ Las diferencias entre Day Trading, Swing Trading y Comercio de Posici?n✓ Beneficios del Day Trading ✓ Day Trading de Acciones ✓ Day Trading de Opciones ✓ Day Trading FOREX ✓ Elecci?n de las mejores acciones para su cartera ?Y MUCHO M?S! ?Consiga sus objetivos ya! ?Recoja su copia del libro ahora mismo haciendo clic en el bot?n COMPRAR AHORA en la parte superior de esta p?gina!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425441


Stock Trader s Almanac 2019
Stock Trader's Almanac 2019

Автор: Jeffrey A. Hirsch

The best data in the business, updated for 2019 Stock Trader's Almanac 2019 provides the cleanest historical data in the business to give traders and investors an advantage in the market. The 2019 edition is consistent with decades of the Stock Trader's Almanac showing you the cycles, trends, and patterns you need to know in order to invest with minimum risk and maximum profit. Updated with the latest numbers, this indispensable guide is organized in a calendar format to provide monthly and daily reminders, including upcoming opportunities to grab and dangers to avoid. Proprietary strategies include the Hirsch Organization's Best Six Months Switching Strategy, the January Barometer, and the Four-Year Presidential Election/Stock Market Cycle, arming you with the tools savvy investors use to achieve their market goals. Trusted by Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and other respected market authorities, this indispensable guide has helped generations of investors make smart market moves. This new edition provides the same level of invaluable guidance, with the latest data straight from the vault. Access the most trusted historical market data available Identify patterns and trends you won't find anywhere else Get advance notice about upcoming risks and opportunities Bring accuracy to your forecasting and confidence to your investing Analytical tools are essential to successful investing, but they're only as useful as the data is accurate. Even the most beautifully designed model cannot forecast accurately based on incomplete, misleading, or inaccurate numbers; data quality is the bedrock of your entire investing strategy, and when it comes to data, cleanliness is next to profitability. Get the edge this year with the best data in the business, plus a wealth of valuable strategies in the Stock Trader's Almanac 2019.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119529286


Stock, procesos y direcci?n de operaciones
Stock, procesos y direcci?n de operaciones

Автор: Jos? Agust?n Cruelles Ru?z

Es necesario aclarar los conceptos de proceso de producci?n y de direcci?n de operaciones. El proceso define c?mo fabricar algo y los pasos a seguir, se trata de dise?o. La direcci?n es hacer que en el largo plazo y en el corto plazo la f?brica produzca lo que le demanda el mercada y al menor coste posible. Existe una grave laguna en el sistema educativo espa?ol acerca de la gesti?n de las operaciones. No se estudia en profundidad ni en las facultades de ingenier?a ni en las de empresariales, quedando hu?rfana de formaci?n una de las funciones m?s importantes de la empresa industrial. Con este libro aprender?: -Conceptos b?sicos de la gesti?n de stocks y su importancia en los costes de producci?n y en el dise?o de procesos para la correcta evoluci?n de la producci?n. -A construir y mejorar procesos de producci?n a partir de una serie de criterios b?sicos. -A conocer el ciclo de la direcci?n de operaciones: ·La planificaci?n a largo plazo ·A medio plazo ·Y a corto plazo ·La implicaci?n de la alta direcci?n hasta los mandos intermedios ·Los ciclos de supervisi?n y correcci?n. ·Los principios del Just in Time y el Lean Manufacturing Una de las grandes cualidades de esta obra es que, a diferencia de otras de la misma tem?tica, aporta una gran cantidad de ejemplos pr?cticos y relatos reales que ayudan a la asimilaci?n de los conceptos.

Серия: Productividad industrial

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788426720405


Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire. A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose
Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire. A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose

Автор: Braden Kelley

Essential strategies to transform your organization and boost your profits Want to recapture your organization's original innovative spirit? Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire helps you remove the obstacles that have crippled the innovation superpowers that made your organization successful in the first place. Helps you identify the blockages hindering innovation within your organization Reveals the fundamental changes that will help your business rebuild its hidden or lost innovation capabilities Explores leading innovation theories you can apply right away-without expensive consultants Get the strategies you need to remove innovation barriers, increase profits-and change the way you do business.

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9780470906408


Stolze K?he, krumme R?ebli
Stolze K?he, krumme R?ebli

Автор: Rico Kessler

Magazine wie «Landlust» oder «Landliebe», mit Bildern von ?ppigen G?rten und heimeligen Bauernh?usern, sind beliebt. Aber sieht so der b?uerliche Alltag aus? Rico Kessler und seine Frau Claudia Staubli sind Kleinbauern. Als Historiker und gelernte Landwirtin starteten sie 1998 voller Enthusiasmus ihr Abenteuer: auf dem kleinen Hof Berg im Baselbiet biologische Landwirtschaft betreiben. Was sie dabei in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren erlebt haben, erz?hlt Rico Kessler anschaulich. Er berichtet von Eiern, die es niemals in die Regale der Grossverteiler schaffen w?rden, von ?ppigen Direktzahlungen und ?kologischen Zweifeln. Manches klingt romantisch, doch dieses Buch feiert nicht die l?ndliche Idylle. Der Autor bettet seine pers?nliche Geschichte ein in den gr?sseren Zusammenhang der Schweizer Agrarpolitik und der l?ndlichen Entwicklung. Ein unterhaltsames, engagiertes Buch, in dem selbstkritisch erz?hlt wird, was es im Jahr 2021 bedeutet, ein Schweizer Kleinbauer mit einem grossen Herz f?r die Natur zu sein.

Цена: 3451.58 руб.
ISBN: 9783039199846



Автор: William Gay

"Stoneburner" ist eine hard-boiled Detektivgeschichte, wie sie nur William Gay schreiben konnte. Sie spielt in der Mitte der 1970er Jahre und erz?hlt die Story um den abgestumpften Privatdetektiv Stoneburner; Thibodeaux, einen Redneck Vietnam-Veteranen; Cathy Meecham, der sch?nen jungen Blondine, und den Ex-Sheriff Cap Holder. Stoneburner hat sein B?ro in Memphis aufgegeben, um am Ufer des Tennessee River zu leben. Dort lernt er Cap Holder kennen, der ein kleines Verm?gen gemacht hatte, nachdem Hollywood einen Film produzierte, der auf seinen Heldentaten basierte. Holder hat mit den Drogendealern in seiner l?ndlichen Gegend aufger?umt. Cap Holder beauftragt Stoneburner, seine junge Freundin und einen Koffer mit Drogengeldern wieder zu beschaffen, nachdem Cathy und der Koffer gleichzeitig verschwunden sind. Die Nachforschungen bringen Stoneburner in Kontakt mit Thibodeaux, den er aus seiner Jugendzeit kennt. Nun ist Thibodeaux ein unberechenbarer Trinker. Verfangen in ihrer Vergangenheit, kollidieren die miteinander verschlungenen Wege und Motive von Storneburner, Thibodeaux, Holder und Cathy.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783948392130


Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers. How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done
Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers. How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done

Автор: Linda Swindling Byars

Turn constant complainers into productive contributors Constant complainers take up resources, time, and mental bandwidth in the workplace. When you change a culture of complainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increase productivity, and promote effective communication. In short, you get more done with less drama. In Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers, workplace communication expert Linda Swindling shares her expertise in negotiating tough situations in the workplace. Discover how to influence others to accomplish your purpose. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers uses scenarios, engaging questions, and survey results to provide strategies that can be implemented immediately. Shows how to identify complainers and time drainers Provides forms to help prepare for discussions, suggested language to show up powerfully, and encouragement to apply strategies Offers concrete phrases and tactics to refocus a complainer and end unproductive conversations Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers is research-driven and focused on how to identify as well as manage conversations with «venters,» complainers, whiners, and energy drainers. With these guidelines for communication, you'll see powerful results, improved relationships, and increased confidence.

Цена: 1656.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781118590270


Stop Playing Safe. Rethink Risk, Unlock the Power of Courage, Achieve Outstanding Success
Stop Playing Safe. Rethink Risk, Unlock the Power of Courage, Achieve Outstanding Success

Автор: Margie Warrell

Tap the power of courage and achieve greater clarity, confidence, and satisfaction in your work and life Tap in to the inspirational motivation of best-selling author, life coach and media personality, Margie Warrell. Stop Playing Safe is a call to action for anyone who has ever felt that their work was not revealing their true potential for personal progression and career development. It will give you the conviction and courage to become bolder in your career, to perform better and enjoy your work more. Margie points out that ‘fear’ seems to be our new state of ‘normal’ as we deal with economic uncertainty, job insecurity and constant change management in the workplace. In times like these, all our instincts tell us to play safe and avoid risk. Yet courage and bold action are the keys to reaping the rewards of exceptional success in your career. Supported by case studies, insights and advice from a range of high-profile Australian and international entrepreneurs, Stop Playing Safe shares tactics you can put into practice to achieve personal fulfilment and professional success. It will help you clarify your career purpose and maximise your work value. It offers solutions for dealing with change management and will encourage you to pursue your career goals with renewed vigour and empowerment. Margie Warrell grew up on a dairy farm in rural Australia and has lived in the US She is the best-selling author of Find Your Courage and CEO of Global Courage Her clients include the United Nations Foundation, NASA, Ernst & Young, Bechtel, Best Buy, Accenture, AOL, Covidien, ADT, United Healthcare, and ExxonMobil You will keep coming back to this book as you move forward in your career, using it as a ready reference to progress through each stage and tackle each new challenge. «Adapting to change an taking chances are critical to your success. This book will help you with both. Get it, read it, enjoy the results.» – Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus and The Seed. “Stop Playing Safe will help you harness the courage to take the risks that make sense-­and give you the success you want." – Randy Gage, Author of Risky Is the New Safe “Practical, powerful, and inspiring. In uncertain times, it's a guide­book you can't afford not to read as it spells out exactly how to handle your challenges and find the confidence to speak up, adapt and get ahead in the new economy. Everyone in your company should read it!" – Suzi Pomerantz, author, Master coach, and CEO of Innovative Leadership International. “Stop Playing Safe is one of those rare books that is at once original, inspirational, and above all, useful.” – Bill Treasurer, President of Giant Leap Consulting and author, Courage Goes to Work. «Stop Playing Safe provides a roadmap to navigate uncertainty and find the courage to create meaningful changes in your workplace, career and life.» – Rebecca Heino, Professor of Management, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University “Margie Warrell provides powerful and practical advice for overcoming our innate fear of risk and vulnerability. It bears reading and re-reading for all who strive to become their best selves." – Dr Gordon Livingston, Author of Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart "Margie is a true expert on the science of success. Her new book is both inspiring and practical. It's a powerful manual for creating the life of your dreams.” – Siimon Reynolds, author of Why People Fail

Цена: 3221.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781118505618


Stop Workplace Drama. Train Your Team to have No Complaints, No Excuses, and No Regrets
Stop Workplace Drama. Train Your Team to have No Complaints, No Excuses, and No Regrets

Автор: Marlene Chism

Overcome the interpersonal challenges holding your business back Is your workplace riddled with gossip, power struggles, and confusion? Do you seek clarity in your management and cohesiveness in your team? Do you have a personal obstacle affecting your professional success? If so, there is good news-help is on the way. Stop Workplace Drama offers down-to-earth, practical methods to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and private practice professionals maximize success, increase productivity, and improve teamwork and personal performance. Identify «drama» barriers and help your employees break free to experience higher personal effectiveness and increased productivity Each of the eight points is full of universal and practical principles any business leader, sales director or entrepreneur can put to use immediately Author Marlene Chism has shared her signature process with organizations such as McDonalds and NASA When you're in the thick of business competition, you and your team need to function freely without internal conflicts, confusions, or rivalries. Stop Workplace Drama ensures that your employees will be able to give their best to create a healthy, profitable workplace.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9780470948736


Store Wars. The Worldwide Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace, Online and In-store
Store Wars. The Worldwide Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace, Online and In-store

Автор: John Bradley

The sequel to the highly successful Store Wars: the battle for mindspace and shelfspace published in 1995. The new edition will retain all the strengths of the old book including a comprehensive and complex approach to the consumer & retail market and the interaction between FMCG retailers and manufacturers. The book will be thoroughly revised and updated and will consist of 4 main parts: A section on leading FMCG companies and brands (such as Coke, P&G, Unilever, Nestle, L'Oreal etc.), their marketing and branding strategies in the western markets (USA, Western Europe: UK, France, Germany and others). A section on leading retailers (Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour etc.), their developments and expansion over the last 10 years. A section describing the interaction between retailers and manufacturers, including competition for end-consumers, trade marketing. A section covering the Emerging Markets—the retail landscape in the major developing economies, results of the expansion of major FMCG brands and western retail chains, challenges related to distribution and FMCG marketing in those countries. The book will also discuss the impact of the Global Crisis on the consumer and retail markets as well as predictions and prospects for the future.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118374818


Storie de Sesso 8
Storie de Sesso 8

Автор: Dunja Romanova

Cari lettori, cari lettori
Grazie per aver acquistato il mio libro.
Il mio nome ? Dunja Romanova. Con questo libro vorrei condividere con voi la mia lussuria e sessualit?.
Questo libro ? l' ottavo di una serie di otto libri. Ogni libro contiene una storia erotica. Queste corrispondono alla mia vita, alle mie esperienze reali. Il resto ? un film in flip-flop. Le mie storie sono quindi un misto di desideri, aneliti, avventure reali e fantasie di masturbazione.
E ora per me: Sono nato nel 1982 in Unione Sovietica. Pi? in particolare, in Rybinsk, nel segno Sagittario. Siamo emigrati in Germania nel 1996. Il nostro modo ci ha portato a Berlino in quel momento.
Sono alto 162 cm e di una figura accogliente ma estetica. Ho una tazza completa 95 E-cup. I miei capelli sono naturalmente biondi e i miei occhi sono verdi al bluastro. Ho indossato i miei capelli per molti anni in diversi colori e corti.
Ora sono fortemente tatuato. Avevo anche tatuato il dorso di mio padre della mano per peggiorare le cose per me. Cos?, ora avete un' immagine ottica di me nelle storie. Ma sentitevi liberi di presentarvi qualcosa di diverso.
Spero di potervi dare un po' di gioia con le mie fantasie ed esperienze e/o ispirarvi ad atti erotici;)
Naturalmente sarei molto lieto di ricevere una valutazione e raccomandazioni positive. Per rendere la lettura pi? piacevole, scrivo dal mio punto di vista.

Il tuo Dunja

Серия: Storie de Sesso

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783742725127


Storm Proof Your Money. Weather Any Economy, Rebuild Your Portfolio, Protect Your Future
Storm Proof Your Money. Weather Any Economy, Rebuild Your Portfolio, Protect Your Future

Автор: Brett Arends

Accessible financial guidance for turbulent economic times With the stock market in a tailspin, real estate market continuing to drop, and the economy in recession, it's important to understand how you can get through these difficult times. Whether you're twenty-six or sixty-two, you still need to live and provide for your future. That's why you need Survive the Slump. As the personal finance columnist for the Wall Street Journal Online, author Brett Arends has become an authority for individuals who need to know how to best position themselves and their money. Now, with his new book, Arends has crafted a financial plan that anyone can put to work immediately. From protecting what you have to rebuilding what you've lost, Survive the Slump provides just the guidance needed. Outlines effective strategies for spending smarter, saving more, and making sure that your money grows reasonably Contains straightforward advice that highlights immediate savings opportunities Provides a timely financial action plan from a trusted Wall Street Journal columnist Written with every investor in mind, Survive the Slump will help you make smarter investment decisions and put you in a better position to survive and thrive under any economic condition.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470573174


Storyscaping. Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds
Storyscaping. Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds

Автор: Gaston Legorburu

How to use powerful tools to engage customers with your brand Marketers, technologists, and corporate leaders are looking for ways to more effectively connect consumers with their brand. Storyscapes introduces «storyscaping» as a way to create immersive experiences that solve the challenge of connecting brands and consumers. This book describes a powerful new approach to advertising and marketing for the digital age that involves using stories to design emotional and transactional experiences for customers, both online and offline. Each connection inspires engagement with another, so the brand becomes part of the customer's story. Authors Gaston Legorburu and Darren McColl explain how marketers can identify and define the core target audience segment, define your brand's purpose, understand the emotional desires of your consumers, and more. Shows how to map how the consumer engages with the category and product/service Explains how to develop an organizing idea and creative plan for an immersive storyscape experience Defines the role of marketing channels around the organizing idea Establishes how technology can be applied to the experience Learn how to measure, optimize, and evolve the customer experience through the use of strong narratives that compel consumers to buy into your brand. www.storyscaping.com

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118871348


Storytelling f?r Unternehmen
Storytelling f?r Unternehmen

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Eine Markengeschichte ist nicht nur eine Bereicherung f?r das Marketing. Es ist ein Leitsatz, dem die Marke folgen sollte und der alle organisatorischen Aspekte ma?geblich beeinflusst. Es ist eine perfekte Roadmap und ein perfektes Verkaufsgespr?ch. Eine Person k?nnte die Antwort auf die Frage finden, wer Sie sind, w?hrend eine andere es einfach finden k?nnte. Die Antwort h?ngt davon ab, wie Sie sich der Frage n?hern.
Die richtige Antwort sollte jedoch im Vordergrund stehen, bevor Sie den Verbrauchern ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung vorstellen. In diesem Leitfaden schauen wir uns einige Unternehmen an und Sie erfahren mehr ?ber das Geschichten erz?hlen ihrer Marke, um Ihnen einen Einblick in Dinge zu geben, die Sie m?glicherweise verwenden m?chten, um die Geschichte Ihrer Marke effektiv zu erz?hlen.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783750213739



Автор: Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH

Bepflanzungen an Stra?en haben viele wichtige Funktionen. Sie fungieren als Blend- und Windschutz, schaffen Pufferzonen zwischen Fahrbahn und Umfeld und ?bernehmen wichtige ?kologische Aufgaben, wie die Aufnahme von CO2 und das mindern von L?rm. Nicht alle Pflanzen sind jedoch als Stra?enbegleitgr?n geeignet. Seit M?rz 2020 d?rfen z.B. nur noch gebietsheimische Pflanzen au?er Orts verwendet werden (§ 40 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 BNatSchG). Ebenso m?ssen auch an Stra?enbegleitpflanzungen regelm??ig Kulturarbeiten ausgef?hrt werden um den Erhalt der Pflanzungen zu sichern und der Verkehrssicherungspflicht nachzukommen. Hierbei gilt es nicht nur verkehrssichere, sondern auch ?kologische und wirtschaftliche L?sungen zu finden.
Dieses bietet folgende Vorteile:
– Alle wichtigen Anforderungen an Stra?enbegleitgr?n nach dem Bundesnaturschutzgesetz und den Richtlinien der FGSV auf einen Blick. – Profile verschiedener B?ume und anderer Begleitpflanzen helfen bei der Wahl der geeigneten Bepflanzung f?r jeden Stra?enstandort. – Hinweise aus der Praxis unterst?tzen dabei Pflanzungen an Stra?en nicht nur ?kologisch, sondern auch pflegeleicht anzulegen und diese lange zu erhalten. – F?r die Arbeit am PC oder unterwegs unterst?tzt das E-Book mit komfortablen Suchfunktionen und prakischen Verlinkungen.
Dieses Handbuch ist genau das Richtige f?r:
Stra?enbau, Galabau, Bauhof, Stra?enmeistereien, Autobahnmeistereien (?ffis) Landschaftspfleger, Gr?nfl?chenamt, alle die an der Pflege und dem Erhalt von Stra?enbegleitgr?n Teil haben. Landschaftsarchitekten, Architekten, Ingenieure, Bauamt, die an Planung und Bau von Stra?en(-begleitgr?n) beteiligt sind.
– Funktionen des Stra?enbegleitgr?ns (verkehrstechnische Funktion, bauliche Funktion, …) – Stra?enraum und Gestaltung (moderne Stadtplanung) – Gestaltungs- und Bewirtschaftungskonzepte in der Praxis – rechtliche Grundlagen (Geh?lzschutz, Verkehrssicherungspflicht, Pflanzenschutz…) – Verwendung gebietsheimischer Pflanzen
Planung und Realisierung von Stra?enbegleitgr?n
– Funktionen des Stra?enraums – Standortfaktoren – Wahl der Art von Stra?enbegleitgr?n, Pflanzeneinkauf – Pflanzenprofile f?r verschiedene Stra?enstandorte (Wohnstra?en, Fu?g?ngerstra?en, Kreisverkehre, …) – Klimab?ume
Schutz von B?umen bei Bauarbeiten
– Wurzelbr?cken – atmende Tragschicht
Pflege von Stra?enbegleitgr?n
– Fertigstellungspflege von Geh?lzen – Unterhaltungspflege (W?ssern, R?ckschnitt) – Verkehrssicherungspflicht bei B?umen – Baumkontrolle nach FLL – Pflegearbeiten bei Staudenpflanzungen – Pflege von M?hfl?chen (?kologische M?htechniken, artenvielfaltf?rdernde Mahd, …) – Laubaufnahme und M?llentsorgung
Landschaftsgerechte Sicherungsbauweisen
– Gabionen – Trockenmauern – Blockschichtungen, …
Abnahme und Gew?hrleistung

Цена: 6806.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783963144141


Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil - echt verst?ndlich!
Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil - echt verst?ndlich!

Автор: Frank Fuglein

Цена: 1873.26 руб.
ISBN: 9783415063549


Straight to Yes. Asking with Confidence and Getting What You Want
Straight to Yes. Asking with Confidence and Getting What You Want

Автор: Haider Imam

MAKE YOURSELF A “YES” MAGNET You’ve finally plucked up the courage to ask for something. The afternoon off. A pay rise. Then comes that crucial moment where you wait with baited breath for the response. It’s tense, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to master the art of ‘the ask’. Taking a direct, light-hearted, wholly practical approach, Haider Imam zooms straight in on that moment of truth providing a set of proven tools and techniques for getting to ‘yes,’ every time. He instils readers with the confidence to ask bigger, more often and even ask for the impossible – and to get it. Based on sound psychological principles, Straight To Yes! offers tonnes of winning ways to make requests that get you to ‘yes’ Wholly practical in style and content, the book features accessible, straightforward techniques readers can put into action immediately Designed for quick-reference while on the move, it affords instant access to specific, step-by-step, single-page techniques as needed

Цена: 2025.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780857083760


Strategic Analytics. Integrating Management Science and Strategy
Strategic Analytics. Integrating Management Science and Strategy

Автор: Martin Kunc

Defines common ground at the interface of strategy and management science and unites the topics with an original approach vital for strategy students, researchers and managers Strategic Analytics: Integrating Management Science and Strategy combines strategy content with strategy process through the lenses of management science, masterfully defining the common ground that unites both fields. Each chapter starts with the perspective of a certain strategy problem, such as competition, but continues with an explanation of the strategy process using management science tools such as simulation. Facilitating the process of strategic decision making through the lens of management science, the author integrates topics that are usually in conflict for MBAs: strategy and quantitative methods. Strategic Analytics features multiple international real-life case studies and examples, business issues for further research and theory review questions and exercises at the end of each chapter. Strategic Analytics starts by introducing readers to strategic management. It then goes on to cover: managerial capabilities for a complex world; politics, economy, society, technology, and environment; external environments known as exogenous factors (PESTE) and endogenous factors (industry); industry dynamics; industry evolution; competitive advantage; dynamic resource management; organisational design; performance measurement system; the life cycle of organisations from start-ups; maturity for maintaining profitability and growth; and finally, regeneration. Developed from the author's own Strategy Analytics course at Warwick Business School, personal experience as consultant, and in consultation with other leading scholars Uses management science to facilitate the process of strategic decision making Chapters structured with chapter objectives, summaries, short case studies, tables, student exercises, references and management science models Accompanied by a supporting website Aimed at both academics and practitioners, Strategic Analytics is an ideal text for postgraduates and advanced undergraduate students of business and management.

Цена: 15244.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118943694


Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets
Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets

Автор: Группа авторов

Matlab is used within nearly all investment banks and is a requirement in most quant job ads. There is no other book written for finance practitioners that covers this Enables readers to implement financial and econometric models in Matlab All central concepts and theories are illustrated by Matlab implementations which are accompanied by detailed descriptions of the programming steps needed All concepts and techniques are introduced from a basic level Chapter 1 introduces Matlab and matrix algebra, it serves to make the reader familiar with the use and basic capabilities if Matlab. The chapter concludes with a walkthrough of a linear regression model, showing how Matlab can be used to solve an example problem analytically and by the use of optimization and simulation techniques Chapter 2 introduces expected return and risk as central concepts in finance theory using fixed income instruments as examples, the chapter illustrates how risk measures such as standard deviation, Modified duration, VaR, and expected shortfall can be calculated empirically and in closed form Chapter 3 introduces the concept of diversification and illustrates how the efficient investment frontier can be derived – a Matlab is developed that can be used to calculate a given number of portfolios that lie on an efficient frontier, the chapter also introduces the CAPM Chapter 4 introduces econometric tools: principle component analysis is presented and used as a prelude to yield-curve factor models. The Nelson-Siegel model is used to introduce the Kalman-Filter as a way to add time-series dynamics to the evolution of yield curves over time, time series models such as Vector Autoregression and regime-switching are also presented Supported by a website with online resources – www.kennyholm.com where all Matlab programs referred to in the text can be downloaded. The site also contains lecture slides and answers to end of chapter exercises

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470721070


Strategic Business Transformation. The 7 Deadly Sins to Overcome
Strategic Business Transformation. The 7 Deadly Sins to Overcome

Автор: Mohan Nair

Strategic Business Transformation The seven deadly sins to overcome What can Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela teach us about running businesses that face transformation in their markets. This book courageously offers that businesses that transform markets or respond to transformation know that they must transform themselves before they transform others. Great companies find a cause greater than themselves, organizes this cause into executable momentum and conquers the imagination of the market. Transforming your business requires a recipe powered by a cause not missions. Read and see how and why.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118134436


Strategic Information Technology. Best Practices to Drive Digital Transformation
Strategic Information Technology. Best Practices to Drive Digital Transformation

Автор: Lyle Yorks

Successfully navigate the changing face of the CIO role Strategic Information Technology offers CIOs a handbook for engaging with the senior management conversations surrounding strategy. The CIO role is currently undergoing a massive transition from technology-focused expert to a more strategic mindset, and this book provides proven methods for taking your seat at the table. Lessons from high-performing CIOs and a wealth of leading-edge insight provide invaluable guidance for positioning technology as a strategic driver across the business, while a focus on building the necessary connections—for example, an alliance between IT and HR—provide a multimodal approach to navigating the transition. The evolution of the CIO’s role involves more than simply technical knowledge; the new CIO must be an influencer, an engager, and just as adept at the soft skills that become increasingly crucial as you climb the management ladder. It’s about changing mindsets, translating hard skills into strategic advantages, and demonstrating IT’s value to the strategic decision making process. This book provides best practices, illustrative examples, and up-to-date perspective for CIOs wanting to: Position IT as a critical driver of overall strategy Build on functional expertise with strategic insight Learn from the stories of successful tech-to-strategy transformations Engage C-Suite peers in shaping the strategic conversation Not long ago, the CIO occupied a unique place in the C-Suite. Executive by title, CIOs have nevertheless been seen as predominantly the “chief tech expert” with little input into strategy, as IT has historically been regarded as a tool rather than a source of competitive advantage. The truth is becoming increasingly apparent, with companies around the world turning to technology in order to gain a competitive edge, and CIOs are beginning to claim their place in strategy discussions. Strategic Information Technology offers much needed guidance for a successful transformation.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119484554


Strategic Innovation
Strategic Innovation

Автор: Nancy Snyder Tennant

Strategic Innovation offers a flexible, customizable template that managers, executives, and business leaders can use to introduce an effective innovation strategy throughout their organization. The authors, Nancy Tennant Snyder and Deborah L. Duarte, provide the tools needed to craft a workable strategy for embedding innovation as a core competency across an enterprise. Instead of innovation for innovation's sake, the authors offer a proven business-focused way to change a culture from point-in-time innovations from a few to a continuous pipeline of innovations from everywhere and everyone. Based on the real-life example of Whirlpool a solid company with a significant track record and global reach—Strategic Innovation shows how the world's largest appliance company put innovation in place as a core competency. During this process, Whirlpool transformed itself from a quality producer of appliances to a customer-focused company that strategically embeds innovation throughout the organization. Filled with challenges and struggles, and ultimately successful results, the Whirlpool story can help any organization develop a successful innovation strategy. Written as a practical guide, the book contains in each chapter a variety of hands-on resources including checklists and worksheets. Strategic Innovation offers the tools, ideas, and approaches needed for transforming an organization to a company where anyone and everyone can contribute to the organization's prosperity—through innovation.

Цена: 6406.94 руб.
ISBN: 9780787971946


Strategic IQ. Creating Smarter Corporations
Strategic IQ. Creating Smarter Corporations

Автор: John Wells

In today's world, only the smartest survive. The competitive landscape is littered with graves of well-known firms whose revenues, profits and stock prices rose for decades until they suddenly imploded. In fast-changing business environments, firms must adapt their strategies and innovate to remain at the top. But many successful firms fail to do so. Instead, they succumb to inertia, hesitate, or stick blindly to their old strategies, until it is too late. The ability to adapt to change is a measure of intelligence; so why do firms demonstrate such low Strategic IQ? What causes inertia and why is it so deadly? How can leaders help their firms to act more intelligently? This book identifies the key sources of inertia – strategic, structural and huma – and provides practical advice on how they can be overcome to create smarter corporations. It is both a wake-up call for successful firms and a lifeline for firms struggling to succeed. To successful firms – beware! You may already be dead! To struggling firms – have hope! It is possible to pass powerful competitors by raising your strategic, structural and human IQ. Praise for Strategic IQ «Hard-hitting and stimulating, Wells' thesis carries a robust message that should make business leaders the world over sit up and think.» Archie Norman, Chairman of ITV, UK «Wells makes a compelling case for dramatic change.» Ron Sargent, CEO of Staples, USA

Цена: 4510.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119942788


Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy
Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy

Автор: Michael Gibbert

Due to the dramatic shifts in the knowledge economy, this book provides a significant departure from traditional strategic management concepts and practice. Designed for both advanced students and business managers, it presents a unique combination of new strategic management theory, carefully selected strategic management articles by prominent scholars such as Gary Hamel, Michael Porter, Peter Senge, and real-world case studies. On top of this, the authors link powerful new benchmarks in strategic management thinking, including the concepts of Socio-Cultural Network Dynamics, Systemic Scorecards, and Customer Knowledge Management with practical business challenges and solutions of blue-chip companies with a superior performance (Lafite-Rothschild, Who's Who, Holcim, BRL Hardy, Kuoni BTI, Deutsche Bank, Unisys, Novartis).

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786105


Strategic Management from an Islamic Perspective
Strategic Management from an Islamic Perspective

Автор: Rodrigue Fontaine

Fascinating insights into modern strategic management from an Islamic perspective While strategic management is a cornerstone of any MBA program, it's almost always taught from conventional theories and typically American case studies. This book takes those traditional theories and interprets them from an Islamic perspective using more international case studies. Though primarily intended as a textbook for business students, the book is also extremely useful for any Muslim business leaders who want to transform their businesses while complying with Shariah, with a particular focus on developing corporate cultures and structures in sync with Islamic values. Offers a critical review of conventional strategic management theory, suggesting more effective alternatives based on a combination of conventional and Islamic theories Includes international case studies, each with a particularly Islamic angle Written by a successful author team that has written extensively on the subject of business management from an Islamic perspective

Цена: 6959.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781118553060


Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

Автор: Группа авторов

When it was first published more than sixteen years ago, John Bryson's Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations introduced a new and thoughtful strategic planning model. Since then it has become the standard reference in the field. In this completely revised third edition, Bryson updates his perennial bestseller to help today’s leaders enhance organizational effectiveness. This new edition: Features the Strategy Change Cycle—a proven planning process used by a large number of organizations Offers detailed guidance on implementing the planning process and includes specific tools and techniques to make the process work in any organization Introduces new material on creating public value, stakeholder analysis, strategy mapping, balanced scorecards, collaboration, and more Includes information about the organizational designs that will encourage strategic thought and action throughout the entire organization Contains a wealth of updated examples and cases

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780787976606


Strategic Planning For Success
Strategic Planning For Success

Автор: Ryan Watkins

Strategic Planning for Success offers you a pragmatic guide to the design and development of practical and pragmatic strategic thinking and organizational alignment that will yield high-impact results and measurably add value to you, your organization, your clients, and society. Unlike other books on the topic, this volume goes beyond simply detailing the tools and techniques of design and development by clearly showing how to align what you do with what will be most valuable to all stakeholders. Using this unique approach will yield extraordinary results adding measurable value that flows from individual performance accomplishment to organizational and societal contributions.

Цена: 10378.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780787971311


Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Model
Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Model

Автор: Группа авторов

It has often been said that 'to improve, one must be prepared to measure the improvement' and 'one must inspect what one expects.' The Kerzner Project Management Maturity Model has provided this tangible measure of maturity. The rest is up to a company to set the expectations and to inspect the results.–Bill Marshall, Nortel Global Project Process Standards (from the Foreword) Strategic planning for project management-a proven model for assessment and continuous improvement Harold Kerzner's landmark Project Management has long been the reference of choice for outstanding coverage of the basic principles and concepts of project management. Now, with the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) detailed in this new book, Kerzner has developed a unique, industry-validated tool for helping companies assess their progress in integrating project management throughout their organization. Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Model begins by examining the principles of strategic planning and how they relate to project management. The second part of the book introduces the PMMM, detailing the five different levels of development for achieving maturity, along with benchmarking instruments for measuring an organization's progress along the maturity curve. These assessment tools can easily be customized to suit individual companies-a particularly valuable feature of the model. Offering vital guidance for making project management a strategic tool for competitive advantage, this book helps managers, engineers, project team members, business consultants, and others build a powerful foundation for company improvement and excellence.

Цена: 6622.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780471436645


Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement
Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement

Автор: John Bryson M

How can leaders use strategic planning to strengthen their public and nonprofit organizations? In this fourth edition of his perennial bestseller Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Bryson provides the most updated version of his thoughtful strategic planning model and outlines the reasons public and nonprofit organizations must embrace strategic planning to improve their performance. Introduced in the first edition and refined over the past 18 years, the Strategy Change Cycle–a proven planning process used successfully by a large number of nonprofit and public organizations–is the framework used to guide the reader through the strategic planning process. Bryson offers detailed guidance on implementing the process, and specific tools and techniques to make the process work in any organization. In addition, he clarifies the organizational designs through which strategic thought and action will be encouraged and embraced throughout an entire organization. In addition to updated examples, new cases, and additional information on boundaries, distinctive competencies, Actor-Network theory, Bryson will creat an instructor's manual with sample syllabi, PowerPoint teaching slides, and additional cases.

Цена: 8063.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118049938


Strategic Project Portfolio Management. Enabling a Productive Organization
Strategic Project Portfolio Management. Enabling a Productive Organization

Автор: Simon Moore

Lead change through strategic alignment of project and process performance Practical and filled with expert advice, Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Enabling a Productive Organization presents a clear framework for your organization to complete impactful strategic projects. Providing executive-level guidance to build a powerful and efficient process from initial adoption to portfolio alignment, this essential resource contains case studies from small to global multinational organizations, arming you with the insights to ensure your strategic projects are given the resources they need to deliver business impact. This important guide Shows executives how to align their projects and processes with their business strategy for compelling competitive advantage Provides cases from best in class organizations, showing how they were able to achieve results by using processes outlined in the book Reveals how technology is the key to developing new collaborative platforms and innovative work management environments that have not been possible until now Defines a framework for assessing project portfolio management competence within your organization and driving momentum for compelling improvements Explores how to go beyond project portfolio management to a holistic work management system Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Enabling a Productive Organization offers the practical recommendations, guidance, and real world insights you need to immediately begin driving better project management strategy.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470564103


Strategic Value Management. Stock Value Creation and the Management of the Firm
Strategic Value Management. Stock Value Creation and the Management of the Firm

Автор: Juan Stegmann Pablo

Innovative strategic management solutions for today's market Strategic Value Management addresses common problems among business managers and other professionals involved in thinking about developing and managing organizations. In it, author Juan Pablo Stegmann integrates all strategic management and business strategy into an innovative standard that introduces key metrics to strategic management and stock value creation. He argues that most complex business issues can be reduced to the three dimensions of stock value creation-profits, sales growth, and capital-that are linked to three critical strategic management decisions-competition, innovation, and resources. His new approach indicates that every strategy has a clear dollar metric, which can measure its consequences of the strategies in terms of stock value. Competitive and growth strategies are analyzed along with economic, financial, dynamic, and contingent approaches Includes a companion CD-ROM, which contains Stegmann's proven model for strategic management and stock value creation Ethical consequences of strategic decisions are introduced-showing how ethics are linked to long-term stock value creation Explains the roots of the current financial crisis by examining the link between the financial world and strategic management, and proposes possible solutions For any looking to enhance their understanding of this discipline, Strategic Value Management offers a new conceptual model for thinking about business strategy and its link to stock value creation.

Цена: 9941.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780470538821


Strategie und strategisches Management
Strategie und strategisches Management

Автор: Группа авторов

Die Strategieformulierung sowie das strategische Management in Unternehmen stehen vor anspruchsvollen Herausforderungen: nicht immer vergleichbare und harmonisierte internationale Rechtsordnungen und -kulturen, unterschiedliche und sich ?ndernde Kundeninteressen und -bed?rfnisse, technische Innovationen und neue politische Rahmenbedingungen m?ssen zusammengef?hrt und in eine einheitliche Unternehmensstrategie ?berf?hrt werden. Im Anschluss muss diese Strategie operativ in die Praxis ?bertragen und umgesetzt werden, um das Unternehmen im Tagesgesch?ft erfolgreich steuern und f?hren zu k?nnen.
Das Buch beleuchtet ausgehend von einem ?berblick zu Strategie und strategischem Management diese Herausforderungen aus Praxissicht. Dazu werden verschiedene Business Cases aus der Unternehmenspraxis dargestellt. Abschlie?end werden zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren f?r die Strategieformulierung und das strategisch nachhaltige Management analysiert.
Die Autoren stammen aus der Wissenschaft, der Beratung und der Unternehmenspraxis und verf?gen ?ber langj?hrige Erfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Branchen und L?ndern. Sie geben dem Buch eine hohe analytische Tiefe und praktische Relevanz. Es ist damit f?r alle diejenigen geeignet, die sich mit strategischen Fragestellungen und deren Umsetzung befassen wollen oder m?ssen; ihnen bietet es praxisorientierte Einblicke in und Anregungen f?r die Strategieformulierung und deren Umsetzung.

Цена: 9666.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783956471490


Strategische Kommunikation und Stakeholdermanagement. Struktur, Implementierung, Erfolgsfaktoren
Strategische Kommunikation und Stakeholdermanagement. Struktur, Implementierung, Erfolgsfaktoren

Автор: Klaus Oestreicher

In Zeiten, in denen Marketing und Kommunikation immer weiter verschmelzen und immaterielle Unternehmenswerte permanent an Bedeutung gewinnen, geht es nicht mehr alleine darum, Kunden, Investoren und Mitarbeiter fur sich zu gewinnen, sondern samtliche Stakeholder eines Unternehmens: alle diejenigen, die von Unternehmensentscheidungen betroffen sind oder diese direkt oder indirekt beeinflussen konnen. Dies ist Aufgabe der strategischen Kommunikation, einer noch jungen Disziplin. Sie koordiniert ubergreifend die Organisation von Marketing und Kommunikation, reduziert Reibungsverluste und schafft Synergien, sorgt fur ein positives Umfeld im Markt und erhoht den Unternehmenswert. Ziel der strategischen Kommunikation ist der Stakeholder als «Botschafter eines Unternehmens». Dieses Standardwerk richtet sich an alle Personen, die mit Marketing, Kommunikation und Unternehmensstrategie befasst sind: -Mitarbeitern und Fuhrungskraften von Unternehmen und Organisationen unterschiedlichster Gro?en und Branchen zeigt das Buch, wie sie durch strategische Kommunikation eine deutlich hohere Wertschopfung erzielen konnen. -Marketing- und Kommunikationspraktiker in Unternehmen und Agenturen, Lehrende und Studenten erhalten einen Uberblick uber Struktur, Organisation und Implementierung sowie die Erfolgsfaktoren der strategischen Kommunikation und des Stakeholdermanagements.

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786570


Strategische Vertriebsplanung systematisch durchf?hren
Strategische Vertriebsplanung systematisch durchf?hren

Автор: Prof. Dr. Harry Schr?der

Dieses Vertriebsstrategien eBook vermittelt Ihnen, wie Sie erfolgreich die Forderungen der strategischen Unternehmensf?hrung mit der Vertriebspolitik koordinieren. Definieren Sie aus langfristigen Prognosen heraus Ma?nahmen f?r eine verbesserte kundenorientierte Vertriebskultur und bestimmen zur Optimierung von Wettbewerbspositionen Ihre besonderen strategischen Erfolgspotenziale. Zur Realisierung aussichtsreicher Vertriebspositionen wird mit Ihnen an praktischen Situationen die Festlegung herausfordernder Vertriebsziele und erfolgreicher Vertriebsstrategien ge?bt. Mit diesem Vertriebsmanagment eBook profitieren Sie von den Inhalten erfolgreicher Managementtrainings und Umsetzungsberatungen aus namhaften Unternehmen und erhalten Sie viele wertvolle Impulse f?r Umsatzsteigerungen und vertriebliche Ausrichtungen. Der Autor verwendet hierbei eine allgemein verst?ndliche Ausdrucksweise,um die komplexen Sachverhalte anschaulich darzustellen. Dieses eBook wurde eigens f?r die Displaydarstellung ausgerichtet (optimierte Darstellung von Text und Grafiken).

Серия: MCC Vertriebsmanagement eBooks

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783939255215


Strategisches Kundenmanagement
Strategisches Kundenmanagement

Автор: Volkmar Stangier

Vision Kunde – wie Professionals ihre Gesch?ftspartner zu Siegern machen: Die ver?nderte Dimension des Beziehungsmanagements im Vertrieb wird immer wichtiger. Die Umsetzung von Markterwartungen in Kundel?sungen wird dazu f?hren, unsere Gesch?ftspartner erfolgreicher zu machen und eine konstante Bindung zu erzeugen. Ein ganzheitlicher, marktorientierter Gedanke wird zur Philosophie der Mitarbeiter. Wie wir dies erreichen und welche Wege zum Ziel f?hren zeigt das Buch.

Исполнители: Ирина Патракова

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783739805009


Strategy for Success in Asia. Mastering Business in Asia
Strategy for Success in Asia. Mastering Business in Asia

Автор: Andrew Delios

In order to achieve success, managers need to understand the strategic issues in Asia. Strategy for Success in Asia covers areas from the uniqueness of Asia like its economic and cultural diversity to the roles of governments and the importance of alliances. One of the first books to offer a perspective effective company strategy and how local and multinational companies can achieve strategic success in Asia. This important book is for anyone who has a stake in Asia or has plans to do business in it.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118178744


Strategy-Driven Talent Management. A Leadership Imperative
Strategy-Driven Talent Management. A Leadership Imperative

Автор: Dowell Ben E

A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Praise for Strategy-Driven Talent Management «Silzer and Dowell's Strategy-Driven Talent Management provides a comprehensive overview of the different elements of the best talent management processes used in organizations today. This is a valuable resource for leaders and managers, HR practitioners and anyone involved in developing leadership talent.» —Ed Lawler, Professor, School of Business, University of Southern California «Talent is the key to successful execution of a winning business strategy. Strategy-Driven Talent Management by Silzer & Dowell provides a thorough and very practical guide to building and managing talent based on the strategic needs of the organization. Business leaders will find this an excellent resource with many interesting examples and best practices from leading companies.» —Herbert L. Henkel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ingersoll Rand «Thanks to Strategy-Driven Talent Management, we can move from an attractive idea of talent management to practices that deliver. This book brings the work of practitioners—the people who are inventing, crafting, and shaping the field of talent management—to the forefront. Their collective experiences and insights will certainly enrich your own research and practice.» —Cynthia McCauley, PhD, Senior Fellow, Center for Creative Leadership «It is exciting to see that Rob Silzer and Ben Dowell have given us the state of the art in 2010 of integrating human resource issues into strategic management. This volume is a must read for human resource and line leaders alike. The journey is far from over, but this volume of work will chart the course for further progress.» —Noel Tichy, Professor, Management and Organizations, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business

Цена: 10991.22 руб.
ISBN: 9780470540022


Straying from the Flock. Travels in New Zealand
Straying from the Flock. Travels in New Zealand

Автор: Alexander Elder

An illuminating road trip through the history, life, and attractions of one of the most beautiful countries in the southern hemisphere The beauty and grandeur of New Zealand has captured the imagination of movie-goers over the past couple of years, and the country is a dream destination for many around the world. Straying from the Flock is an intimate and personal account of one passionate traveler's visit to this incredible country, its mountains and beaches, fjords, rainforests, vineyards, and hidden eateries. Each of the fifty chapters describes one day in his travels-fishing, flying, cattle herding, befriending locals at every turn. Filled with colorful stories and memorable personalities, the book not only describes the trip of a lifetime, but captures a life-altering experience for its writer. From mountains and rainforests to cities and beaches, Straying from the Flock is both a moving memoir and personal travel guide to this amazing country.

Цена: 1872.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780471730927


Strengths Based Leadership. Том Рат, Барри Кончи (обзор)
Strengths Based Leadership. Том Рат, Барри Кончи (обзор)

Автор: Том Батлер-Боудон

Книга «Strengths Based Leadership» в формате 10-минутного чтения: обзоры лучших книг, только самое важное и полезное. Рат родился в 1975 году и получил степень по психологии в Университете Мичигана и Университете Пенсильвании. После окончания учебы он начал работать в Институте Гэллапа, где по сей день трудится в качестве консультанта и советника. Кончи консультирует в области корпоративного лидерства, командной работы и планирования преемственности. Прежде чем присоединиться к отделению Института Гэллапа в Лондоне, Кончи работал на государственной службе в Британии. ЦИТАТА: «Разумеется, многие лидеры справляются со своими обязанностями и также имеют способности выше средних сразу в нескольких областях. Тем не менее, как ни парадоксально это прозвучит, те, кто пытается добиться совершенства сразу во всем, в итоге чаще всего оказываются наименее эффективными лидерами».

Серия: 10-минутное чтение

Исполнители: Алексей Артюков

Цена: 59 руб.
Год: 2019


Stressbedingte Gewichtszunahme
Stressbedingte Gewichtszunahme

Автор: Gunter Stein

In Amerika sind jeden Tag 50 % aller Frauen auf Di?t. Nach Angaben des US-Gesundheitsministeriums sind 61,4 % der Frauen und fast 68 % der M?nner ?bergewichtig oder fettleibig. 90 bis 97 % aller Di?ten scheitern. Wer schlank sein will, sollte also besser auf eine Di?t verzichten.
Waren Amerikaner schon immer dick? Nein. Es begann in den 80er Jahren. Laut Statistik stieg die Fettleibigkeit zwischen 1960 und 2004 bei den Frauen um 116,6 % und bei den M?nnern um sage und schreibe 182,2 %. Wenn man die Kurve genauer betrachtet, wird jedoch deutlich, dass der eigentliche dramatische Anstieg erst um das Jahr 1980 zu verzeichnen ist. Demnach fand in den letzten 30 Jahren eine drastische Ver?nderung statt.
Die Anzahl der ?bergewichtigen stieg ebenfalls an, wenn auch weniger drastisch. Bei den Frauen stieg die Zahl der ?bergewichtigen um 12 %, bei den M?nnern um 4,4 %. Die wirklich ersch?tternde Statistik ist jedoch die der Fettleibigkeit.
In Deutschland ist eine ?hnliche Entwicklung festzustellen. Gehen Sie nur mal mit offenen Augen durch eine deutsche Innenstadt. Dramatisch ist, dass nicht nur die Erwachsenen zunehmend fettleibig sind, sondern auch die Kinder bereits dick sind. Laut aktuellen Statistiken sind in Deutschland 75 % der M?nner und 59 % der Frauen zu dick.
Wie wurden wir so dick, und was k?nnen wir dagegen tun? In diesem Bericht erfahren Sie, was Wissenschaftler ?ber die Gr?nde dieser Fettleibigkeitsepidemie sagen, und wie wir sie wieder r?ckg?ngig machen k?nnen – ohne Medikamente oder Di?ten.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783748532279


Stressfrei und erfolgreich f?hren
Stressfrei und erfolgreich f?hren

Автор: Stefanie Kaulich

Цена: 1873.26 руб.
ISBN: 9783899815337


Stressrelevante Und Traumabedingte Empfindungen In Pandemiezeiten
Stressrelevante Und Traumabedingte Empfindungen In Pandemiezeiten

Автор: Paul Valent

Die Leute sagen h?ufig, dass die COVID-19-Pandemie beispiellos ist. Aus der Vogelperspektive hat die jedoch ?hnlichkeiten mit anderen Pandemien, sogar mit anderen Krankheiten und mit anderen Belastungen und Traumata. Tats?chlich beleuchtet jede Situation von Stress und Trauma alle anderen ?hnlichen Situationen. Die Leute sagen h?ufig, dass die COVID-19-Pandemie beispiellos ist. Aus der Vogelperspektive hat es jedoch ?hnlichkeiten mit anderen Pandemien, sogar mit anderen Krankheiten und mit anderen Belastungen und Traumata. Tats?chlich beleuchtet jede Situation von Stress und Trauma alle anderen. Wir stehen vor einer Wissenschaft von Stress und Trauma. In diesem Buch zeigen wir auf, wie die aktuelle Pandemie mit dieser Wissenschaft verwoben ist, die sowohl davon profitiert als auch dazu beitr?gt. Mit anderen Worten, obwohl in dieser Pandemie jeder Mensch und jede Gemeinschaft das Gef?hl hat, dass ihre Leiden einzigartig sind, ?berschneiden sie sich tats?chlich mit anderen Bereichen des Leidens, die unserer kollektiven Weisheit zugute kommen k?nnen. In diesem Buch haben sich zwei Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt zusammengeschlossen, um ihr Wissen ?ber Stress und Trauma zu verschmelzen und es zusammen mit ihren aktuellen Beobachtungen auf das Verst?ndnis der Pandemie anzuwenden. Umgekehrt, da sich alle traumatischen Situationen ?berschneiden, werden Lehren aus der Pandemie anderen Situationen von Stress und Trauma zugute kommen. Somit ist der Inhalt dieses Buches f?r jede traumatische Situation relevant. Das Buch ist im Folgenden angelegt. Kapitel 1 behandelt fr?here traumatische Situationen, w?hrend Kapitel 2 sie mit der Pandemie vergleicht. Kapitel 3 f?hrt Stress- und Traumabegriffe ein und wendet sie auf die Pandemie an. In den Kapiteln 4 bis 6 wird das Spektrum der Stress- und Traumaprozesse und -folgen von der zellul?ren bis zur internationalen Ebene untersucht. Kapitel 7 untersucht die Dialektik zwischen Tod und Belastbarkeit, w?hrend Kapitel 8 die vorherigen Kapitel zusammenfasst. Schlie?lich wendet Kapitel 9 das Verst?ndnis von Stress und Traumata auf die Verbesserung und Behandlung von COVID-19-Folgen an. Translator: Bianca Balzer

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788835429739


Stretch. How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow s Workplace
Stretch. How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace

Автор: Джозеф Гренни

You know you can do more with your career. And the future is going to demand more of you. The problem is you are so busy keeping up with the day-to-day that you can't prepare for tomorrow. Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace gives you the confidence and knowledge you need to achieve your goals in an ever-changing world. Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick—established experts and the collective winners of dozens of awards in the field of personal development and learning—offer evidence-based guidance on obtaining the skills you will need to thrive in tomorrow's workplace. Built on solid, global research and dozens of personal interviews with people who have achieved new and inspiring goals, Stretch offers advice, valuable insights, anecdotes, and recommendations to make achieving your goals practical and within reach. If you are like other professionals, your biggest worry is becoming obsolete at work. Shifting technologies, fierce competition among corporations, and recruitment occurring on a global level would give anyone concern. To remain relevant in spite of change, you need to know how to: Learn in any situation Open your thinking to a world beyond where you are now Connect to the people who can help you make your future happen Seek experiences that will prepare you for tomorrow Stay motivated through the ups and downs of a career so you can bounce forward Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace offers five practices to help you start, enhance, and lengthen your career by anticipating the needs of tomorrow's work environment. Don't become obsolete. Instead, stretch to achieve your potential.

Цена: 2393.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781119087151


Stretching For Dummies
Stretching For Dummies

Автор: LaReine Chabut

Did you long ago learn to fear and dread stretching because of overbearing P.E. teachers who forced you to touch your toes? It doesn't have to be that way anymore. Stretching is a powerful tool that can bring you new ease of movement, an increase in your physical capabilities, and deep composure that requires you to do nothing more than breathe. You can always have access to it—and best of all, it's free! Stretching for Dummies shows you that stretching is actually easy to do—and reveals how you can reap the amazing benefits of stretching anywhere, anytime. It explains in simple terms how you can stand taller, look thinner, keep stress from getting the best of you, keep your muscles from feeling achy, and nip injuries in the bud. You'll discover: The why’s, where’s, when’s, and how’s of letting loose and snapping back How to keep from hurting yourself The benefits of stretching with a partner How to target specific areas: such as head, shoulders, knees, and toes The art of breathing correctly How to use stretching to sooth lower back pain Stretches to start and end your day right Stretches you can do at your desk Stretches for various stages of life—including stretches for kids and seniors This easy-to-use reference also includes a list of ten surprising around-the house stretching accessories, along with ten common aches and pain that stretching can help. Regardless of how old or young you are, Stretching for Dummies will introduce you to a kinder and gentler form of flexibility that will reduce that nagging tension and tenderness in your muscles and truly make you feel good all over.

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470139912


Stromhaltig - Timeline 2013-2
Stromhaltig - Timeline 2013-2

Автор: Thorsten Zoerner

Stromhaltig Timeline ist ein in loser Abfolge erscheinende Zusammenfassung der Beitr?ge von blog.stromhaltig.de. Im Februar 2013 ging es vor allem um den Beginn des Wahlkampfes, der seine Spuren auch im Stromnetz hinterlassen wird. EEG-Bremse wird zur ersten Wortsch?pfung des Jahres. Hatte der Januar geendet mit der Meldung, dass es zuviel Strom im deutschen Netz gibt, so wurde im Januar verst?rkt die Frage betrachtet, woher der Strom eigentlich kommt. Wie er vermarktet wird, welche Rollen die einzelnen Komponenten ?bernehmen.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783847631392


Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation
Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation

Автор: Moorad Choudhry

Updated coverage of structured credit products with in-depth coverage of the latest developments Structured credit products are one of today's fastest growing investment and risk management mechanisms, and a focus of innovation and creativity in the capital markets. The building blocks of these products are credit derivatives, which are among the most widely used products in finance. This book offers a succinct and focused description of the main credit derivative instruments, as well as the more complex products such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations. This new edition features updated case studies from Europe and Asia, the latest developments in synthetic structures, the impact of the subprime meltdown, along with models and teaching aids. Moorad Choudhry returns with this excellent update of the credit derivatives market. The second edition of his classic work is, like the subject matter itself, at the forefront of the financial industry. It deserves a wide readership. —Dr Didier Joannas Regional Director, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong This is the perfect companion for both experienced and entry level professionals working in the structured credit fraternity. It is an erudite, insightful and enjoyable read that successfully demystifies one of the most topical subject areas in banking today, while also providing important practical examples that link the theory to the job itself. —Dr James Berriman Global Pricing Unit, Royal Bank of Scotland Moorad Choudhry has earned a deserved reputation from both academics and practitioners as one of the leading practical yet rigorous authors of finance books. In this Second Edition, his practical knowledge of credit derivatives keeps the audience engaged with straightforward explanations of complicated structures, and an accessible level of mathematical sophistication necessary to understand structured credit products. The author offers complete, rigorous analysis while avoiding overuse of mathematical formulas and carefully balanced practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. I strongly recommend this book for those wishing to gain an intuitive understanding of structured credit products, from practitioners to students of finance! —Mohamoud Barre Dualeh Senior Product Developer, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE This is THE book for credit derivative trading. From first steps to advanced trading strategies, this is invaluable. Well written and insightful, perfect for ad hoc reference or reading cover to cover. —Andrew Benson ETF Market Making, KBC Peel Hunt, London Professor Choudhry has inspired me to really get into credit derivatives. It’s great to be lectured by someone with such energy and practical hands-on experience, as well as the ability to get stuck into the details. —George Whicheloe Equity-Linked Technology, Merrill Lynch, London Moorad Choudhry is Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc in London. He is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at London Metropolitan University.

Цена: 20325.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118177150


Structured Finance
Structured Finance

Автор: Umberto Cherubini

Structured Finance: The Object Orientated Approach is aimed at both the finance and IT professionals involved in the structured finance business with the intention of sharing common concepts and language within the industry. The financial community (structurers, pricers and risk managers) view structured products as collections of objects under the so-called replicating portfolio paradigm. The IT community use object oriented programming (OOP) techniques to improve the software updating and maintenance process. For them structured products are collections of objects as well. Despite use of the same object concept, it looks like communication between these different professional functions has been problematic. Recently, construction of standard data structures known as FpML has begun to lay out a common definition of objects, at least for plain vanilla derivatives, both between IT and financial people and across different market players. Along this line, this book builds upon the concept of object to provide frontier treatment of structured finance issues relevant to both communities engaged in building, pricing and hedging products and people engaged in designing and up-dating the corresponding software. Structured Finance: The Object Orientated Approach will enable you to: decompose a structured product in elementary constituent financial objects and risk factors (replicating portfolio) understand the basics of object oriented programming (OOP) applied to the design of structured cash flows objects build your own objects and to understand FpML data structures available for standard products gauge risk exposures of the objects in structured products to: risk factors, their volatilities and the correlation among them (which factor are you long/short? Are you long/short volatility? Are you long/short correlation?) update your risk management system to accommodate structured products with non linear exposures and to design objects to represent, price and hedge, counterparty risk

Цена: 15465.04 руб.
ISBN: 9780470512722


Structured Finance and Collateralized Debt Obligations. New Developments in Cash and Synthetic Securitization
Structured Finance and Collateralized Debt Obligations. New Developments in Cash and Synthetic Securitization

Автор: Janet Tavakoli M

An up-to-date look at the exploding CDO and structured credit products market In this fully updated Second Edition, financial expert Janet Tavakoli provides readers with a comprehensive look at the CDO and structured credit products market amid recent developments. In addition to a detailed overview of the market, this book presents key issues in valuing structured financial products and important quality control issues. Tavakoli shares her experiences in this field, as she examines important securitization topics, including the huge increase in CDO arbitrage created by synthetics, the tranches most at risk from new technology, dumping securitizations on bank balance sheets, the abuse of offshore vehicles by companies, the role of hedge funds, critical issues with subprime, Alt-A, and prime mortgage securitizations, and securitizations made possible by new securitization techniques and the Euro. While providing an overview of the market and its dynamic growth, Tavakoli takes the time to explore the types of products now offered, new hedging techniques, and valuation and risk/return issues associated with investment in CDOs and synthetic CDOs.

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780470391181


Strudel, Noodles and Dumplings: The New Taste of German Cooking
Strudel, Noodles and Dumplings: The New Taste of German Cooking

Автор: Anja Dunk

‘For me the German kitchen is as much a way of life as it is about preparing a meal. I want to teach as many people as I can about German family food in the hope that it will satisfy, inspire and bring new dishes to the table’Strudel, Noodles and Dumplings is a cook book about Germany’s varied culinary heritage seen through the eyes of Anja Dunk’s family recipes, most of which have been given a new life in her young family kitchen.From recipes such as Vollkorn-Buttermilch Waffeln (Wholewheat buttermilk waffles) to Schweinebraten mit Kummel (Caraway roast pork) and Zucchini und Gruener Paprika Salat in Joghurt Sosse (Courgette and green pepper salad with yogurt dressing) home-cooked German food is gently spiced, smoky, buttery and deeply savoury, yet sweet and sour. Anja’s way of cooking is vibrant, honest and deeply intertwined with the seasons and the weather. Featuring over 200 simple recipes for the everyday family table, as well as a handful for special occasions, Anja’s cook book will be an essential guide for all the basics of German cuisine, at the same time as providing inspiration and encouragement for cooking through the year.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780008244392


Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room. A Complete Guide to Trading
Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room. A Complete Guide to Trading

Автор: Alexander Elder

STUDY GUIDE FOR Come Into My Trading Room A Complete Guide to Trading You can read Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading in a few days, but you cannot expect to master every aspect of that invaluable book until you work through it. Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading will help you learn the profitable methods and techniques of Come Into My Trading Room before risking a dollar in the markets. Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading parallels the actual book, challenging you at every step with questions that make you focus on all the important areas of trading. Some tests are pencil-and-paper, others have you work with charts, but all prepare you to make crucial decisions. This Study Guide will: Quiz you on the essentials of trading–choosing the markets to trade, finding holes in the Efficient Market Theory, and overcoming common obstacles to success Make you aware of psychological blind spots that lead to losing Test your knowledge of charting and computerized indicators Explore trading systems, day-trading, and advanced concepts, such as Impulse trading and SafeZone stops Ask questions about money management, record-keeping, and managing time Challenge you with eight case studies where you choose entry and exit points and get graded for your performance The best trading strategies, techniques, and tools are only as good as your understanding of them. Pick up this Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading and convert Dr. Elder's methods into your own powerful and profitable tools.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780471273837


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