зарубежная деловая литература (страница 33)

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Я все могу! Шаги к успеху. Практика Трансерфинга + Гвоздетерапия
Я все могу! Шаги к успеху. Практика Трансерфинга + Гвоздетерапия

Автор: Татьяна Самарина

Комплект аудиокниг: Я все могу! Шаги к успеху. Практика Трансерфинга + Гвоздетерапия

Исполнители: Татьяна Самарина

Цена: 169 руб.
ISBN: 9795944508101


Я жив ещё пока… (сборник)
Я жив ещё пока… (сборник)

Автор: Владимир Кулаков

Звуковой проект ”Я жив ещё пока…” сделан на основе компиляции произведений из одноимённого поэтического сборника В.Кулакова «Я жив ещё пока…» (2017г.). В этих произведениях раскрываются переживания автора о прожитых годах, грядущей «Осени» в измерениях человеческой жизни, о судьбе, о любви. Автора вдохновила на эту работу бессмертная музыка Великого композитора Микаэла Таривердиева… Читает заслуженный артист России Владимир Кулаков. Музыка Таривердиева М.Л. использована с личного разрешения Веры Таривердиевой. © Кулаков В.А., 2020 © Михаил Щербов, художественное оформление, макет, 2020 © & ℗ Тон-студия «Библио Голос», Москва, 2020 © Композитор – Микаэл Таривердиев © Музыка Таривердиева М.Л. использована с личного разрешения Веры Таривердиевой. © Продюсер: Александр Кулаков

Серия: Жизнь и судьба (Горизонт)

Исполнители: Владимир Кулаков

Цена: 150 руб.
Год: 2020


Я не я и вечеринка не моя
Я не я и вечеринка не моя

Автор: Лора Вайс

Жизнь – штука непредсказуемая. Сегодня ты, счастливая, готовишь любимому праздничный ужин, а завтра уже одинокой Снегурочкой едешь на корпоратив серьезной компании. И Дед Мороз на том корпоративе уж очень сердитый тип под два метра ростом, с которым рядом не то, что работать, стоять страшно. Но еще страшнее проснуться на следующее утро в чужой кровати, в чужом доме и осознать, что попала в чьи-то заснеженные хоромы, где придется провести несколько, возможно, незабываемых дней.

Серия: Я не Я

Исполнители: Елена Уфимцева

Цена: 159 руб.
Год: 2019


Я сделаю это сегодня! Как перестать откладывать и начать действовать
Я сделаю это сегодня! Как перестать откладывать и начать действовать

Автор: Стив Павлина

Часто ли вы откладываете дела на потом? Занимаетесь ли бесконечной ерундой, когда вас ждут действительно важные дела? Бывает ли вам сложно сосредоточиться на основной задаче? И вам это надоело? К счастью, для собственного «апгрейда» ничего особенного не нужно. Стив Павлина – эксперт по развитию личности и один из самых успешных интернет-блоггеров в США – убедился в этом на своем опыте. Стив разработал методы самодисциплины, которые изменили его жизнь: он закончил 5-летнее обучение в университете за три семестра, научился делать недельную работу за один день, а сейчас работает всего по 2–3 часа ежедневно, получая вполне достойную оплату. В этой книге представлены статьи Стива, в которых он делится с читателями своими оригинальными методами. Прочитав книгу, вы научитесь грамотно организовывать день, повысите свою производительность, а также узнаете, как работать меньше, зарабатывая больше. Многие статьи выходят на русском языке впервые.

Цена: 349 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9573-2947-3


Я так и знал!
Я так и знал!

Автор: Элияху Голдратт

На этот раз речь идет о применении Теории Ограничений не на промышленном предприятии, а в розничной компании. Небольшая семейная торговая сеть Hannah’s Shop испытывает значительные сложности в работе. Управляющий одного из магазинов сети Пол Уайт изо всех сил старается добиться его процветания. Решение внезапно возникших проблем его торговой точки приведет к улучшениям во всей компании. Но прежде, чем это произойдет, Уайту придется изрядно потрудиться и разрешить немало конфликтов, связанных с необходимостью перемен.

Исполнители: Владимир Левашев

Цена: 599 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 9785961429060


Я так и знал!
Я так и знал!

Автор: Элияху Голдратт

На этот раз речь идет о применении Теории Ограничений не на промышленном предприятии, а в розничной компании. Небольшая семейная торговая сеть Hannah’s Shop испытывает значительные сложности в работе. Управляющий одного из магазинов сети Пол Уайт изо всех сил старается добиться его процветания. Решение внезапно возникших проблем его торговой точки приведет к улучшениям во всей компании. Но прежде, чем это произойдет, Уайту придется изрядно потрудиться и разрешить немало конфликтов, связанных с необходимостью перемен.

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 9785961451504


A Beautiful Constraint. How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It s Everyone s Business
A Beautiful Constraint. How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's Business

Автор: Adam Morgan

An inspiring yet practical guide for transforming limitations into opportunities A Beautiful Constraint: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages And Why It's Everyone's Business Now is a book about everyday, practical inventiveness, designed for the constrained times in which we live. It describes how to take the kinds of issues that all of us face today—lack of time, money, resources, attention, know-how—and see in them the opportunity for transformation of oneself and one's organization's fortunes. The ideas in the book are based on the authors' extensive work as business consultants, and are brought to life in 35 personal interviews from such varied sources as Nike, IKEA, Unilever, the U.S. Navy, Formula One racecar engineers, public school teachers in California, and barley farmers in South Africa. Underpinned by scientific research into the psychology of breakthrough, the book is a practical handbook full of tools and tips for how to make more from less. Beautifully designed and accessible, A Beautiful Constraint will appeal beyond its core business audience to anyone who needs to find the opportunity in constraint. The book takes the reader on a journey through the mindset, method and motivation required to move from the initial «victim» stage into the transformation stage. It challenges us to: Examine how we've become path dependent—stuck with routines that blind us from seeing opportunity along new paths Ask Propelling Questions to help us break free of those paths and put the most pressing and valuable constraints at the heart of our process Adopt a Can If mentality to answer these questions—focused on «how,» not «if» Access the abundance to be found all around us to help transform constraints Activate the high-octane mix of emotions necessary to fuel the tenacity required for success We live in a world of seemingly ever-increasing constraints, driven as much by an overabundance of choices and connections as by a scarcity of time and resources. How we respond to these constraints is one of the most important issues of our time and will be a large determinant of our progress as people, businesses and planet, in the future. A Beautiful Constraint calls for a more widespread capability for constraint-driven problem solving and provides the framework to achieve that.

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118899434


A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership

Автор: Miriam Carver Mayhew

The Carver Policy Governance® Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's «owners,» whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Ends and the Ownership helps boards distinguish between what an organization is for and what it does (ends versus means)—a basic feature of the innovative Policy Governance model. This important guide also discusses the concept of ownership and includes sample policies that can help board members effectively prioritize and govern. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.

Цена: 2225.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470620175


A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track

Автор: Carver Miriam Mayhew

The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's «owners,» whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track shows boards how they can apply the principles of the Policy Governance model and change the way they govern in practice. The guide cuts across various aspects of the Policy Governance model and challenges board members to move from concepts to practice. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.

Цена: 2319.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780470620144


A Companion to Derrida
A Companion to Derrida

Автор: Lawlor Leonard

A Companion to Derrida is the most comprehensive single volume reference work on the thought of Jacques Derrida. Leading scholars present a summary of his most important accomplishments across a broad range of subjects, and offer new assessments of these achievements. The most comprehensive single volume reference work on the thought of Jacques Derrida, with contributions from highly prominent Derrida scholars Unique focus on three major philosophical themes of metaphysics and epistemology; ethics, religion, and politics; and art and literature Introduces the reader to the positions Derrida took in various areas of philosophy, as well as clarifying how derrideans interpret them in the present Contributions present not only a summary of Derrida’s most important accomplishments in relation to a wide range of disciplines, but also a new assessment of these accomplishments Offers a greater understanding of how Derrida’s work has fared since his death

Цена: 22197.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118607282


A Companion to Impressionism
A Companion to Impressionism

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18063.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119373872


A Companion to Medical Anthropology
A Companion to Medical Anthropology

Автор: Группа авторов

The fully revised new edition of the defining reference work in the field of medical anthropology A Companion to Medical Anthropology , Second Edition provides the most complete account of the key issues and debates in this dynamic, rapidly growing field. Bringing together contributions by leading international authorities in medical anthropology, this comprehensive reference work presents critical assessments and interpretations of a wide range of topical themes, including global and environmental health, political violence and war, poverty, malnutrition, substance abuse, reproductive health, and infectious diseases. Throughout the text, readers explore the global, historical, and political factors that continue to influence how health and illness are experienced and understood. The second edition is fully updated to reflect current controversies and significant new developments in the anthropology of health and related fields. More than twenty new and revised articles address research areas including war and health, illicit drug abuse, climate change and health, colonialism and modern biomedicine, activist-led research, syndemics, ethnomedicines, biocommunicability, COVID-19, and many others. Highlighting the impact medical anthropologists have on global health care policy and practice, A Companion to Medical Anthropology , Second Edition: Features specially commissioned articles by medical anthropologists working in communities worldwide Discusses future trends and emerging research areas in the field Describes biocultural approaches to health and illness and research design and methods in applied medical anthropology Addresses topics including chronic diseases, rising levels of inequality, war and health, migration and health, nutritional health, self-medication, and end of life care Part of the acclaimed Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology series, A Companion to Medical Anthropology , Second Edition, remains an indispensable resource for medical anthropologists, as well as an excellent textbook for courses in medical anthropology, ethnomedicine, global health care, and medical policy.

Цена: 18063.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119718949


A Companion to Museum Studies
A Companion to Museum Studies

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to Museum Studies captures the multidisciplinary approach to the study of the development, roles, and significance of museums in contemporary society. Collects first-rate original essays by leading figures from a range of disciplines and theoretical stances, including anthropology, art history, history, literature, sociology, cultural studies, and museum studies Examines the complexity of the museum from cultural, political, curatorial, historical and representational perspectives Covers traditional subjects, such as space, display, buildings, objects and collecting, and more contemporary challenges such as visiting, commerce, community and experimental exhibition forms

Цена: 25953.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781405157292


A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion
A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion presents a collection of original, ethnographically-informed essays that explore the variety of beliefs, practices, and religious experiences in the contemporary world and asks how to think about religion as a subject of anthropological inquiry. Presents a collection of original, ethnographically-informed essays exploring the wide variety of beliefs, practices, and religious experiences in the contemporary world Explores a broad range of topics including the ‘perspectivism’ debate, the rise of religious nationalism, reflections on religion and new media, religion and politics, and ideas of self and gender in relation to religious belief Includes examples drawn from different religious traditions and from several regions of the world Features newly-commissioned articles reflecting the most up-to-date research and critical thinking in the field, written by an international team of leading scholars Adds immeasurably to our understanding of the complex relationships between religion, culture, society, and the individual in today’s world

Цена: 21780.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118605899


A Companion to the History of Economic Thought
A Companion to the History of Economic Thought

Автор: Warren Samuels J

Assembling contributions from top thinkers in the field, this companion offers a comprehensive and sophisticated exploration of the history of economic thought. The volume has a threefold focus: the history of economic thought, the history of economics as a discipline, and the historiography of economic thought. Provides sophisticated introductions to a vast array of topics. Focuses on a unique range of topics, including the history of economic thought, the history of the discipline of economics, and the historiography of economic thought.

Цена: 27831.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781405128964


A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics
A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics provides a comprehensive reference to the basics of econometrics. This companion focuses on the foundations of the field and at the same time integrates popular topics often encountered by practitioners. The chapters are written by international experts and provide up-to-date research in areas not usually covered by standard econometric texts. Focuses on the foundations of econometrics. Integrates real-world topics encountered by professionals and practitioners. Draws on up-to-date research in areas not covered by standard econometrics texts. Organized to provide clear, accessible information and point to further readings.

Цена: 26511.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780470998304


A Competency-Based Approach for Student Leadership Development. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 156
A Competency-Based Approach for Student Leadership Development. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 156

Автор: Corey Seemiller

Looking to foster student leadership competency development? With this volume, you'll gain the latest research, resources, and tools to do just that. There are many factors to consider when providing educational experiences that foster student leadership competency development. But, the process of designing, facilitating, and assessing these experiences to be both effective and meaningful can be elusive and challenging. In this volume, a variety of scholars offer diverse perspectives and nuanced expertise that address the following questions: What leadership competencies are the most critical for students to develop? How can we ensure students are ready to develop leadership competencies? What instructional strategies and program design elements can we use to effectively enhance leadership competency development? How do we help students and educators track and measure leadership competency learning and growth? The Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Student Leadership explores leadership concepts and pedagogical topics of interest to high school and college leadership educators. Issues are grounded in scholarship and feature practical applications and best practices in youth and adult leadership education.

Цена: 3844.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119484073


A Complete Guide to the Futures Market. Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, Options, Spreads, and Trading Principles
A Complete Guide to the Futures Market. Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, Options, Spreads, and Trading Principles

Автор: Джек Д. Швагер

For Amazon customers: The new version of the book, printed on higher quality paper, is now available to purchase. The essential futures market reference guide A Complete Guide to the Futures Market is the comprehensive resource for futures traders and analysts. Spanning everything from technical analysis, trading systems, and fundamental analysis to options, spreads, and practical trading principles, A Complete Guide is required reading for any trader or investor who wants to successfully navigate the futures market. Clear, concise, and to the point, this fully revised and updated second edition provides a solid foundation in futures market basics, details key analysis and forecasting techniques, explores advanced trading concepts, and illustrates the practical application of these ideas with hundreds of market examples. A Complete Guide to the Futures Market: Details different trading and analytical approaches, including chart analysis, technical indicators and trading systems, regression analysis, and fundamental market models. Separates misleading market myths from reality. Gives step-by-step instruction for developing and testing original trading ideas and systems. Illustrates a wide range of option strategies, and explains the trading implications of each. Details a wealth of practical trading guidelines and market insights from a recognized trading authority. Trading futures without a firm grasp of this market’s realities and nuances is a recipe for losing money. A Complete Guide to the Futures Market offers serious traders and investors the tools to keep themselves on the right side of the ledger.

Цена: 11506.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118859599


A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics. How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators
A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics. How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators

Автор: John Person L

A thorough trading guide from a professional trader The Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics can help the new individual investor understand the mechanics of the markets. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this book details what it takes to trade and shows readers how they can broaden their horizons by investing in the futures and options markets. The Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics outlines a variety of proven methodologies-pivot points, candlesticks, and other top indicators-so readers may use those that work best for them as well as make their own trading decisions without a second thought. Author John Person also shares his insights on a variety of trading technologies that will allow readers to gain a competitive edge in the market. John L. Person (Palm Beach, FL) publishes The Bottom-Line Financial and Futures Newsletter, a weekly commodity publication that incorporates fundamental new developments as well as technical analysis using his trading system.

Цена: 7824.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780471659563


A Concise Companion to Postcolonial Literature
A Concise Companion to Postcolonial Literature

Автор: Chew Shirley

Taking an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to literature from 1947 to the present day, this concise companion is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking an authoritative understanding of the intellectual contexts of postcolonial literature and culture. An indispensable guide for anyone seeking an authoritative understanding of the intellectual contexts of Postcolonialism, bringing together 10 original essays from leading international scholars including C. L. Innes and Susan Bassnett Explains the ideas and practises that emerged from the dismantling of European empires Explores the ways in which these ideas and practices influenced the period's keynote concerns, such as race, culture, and identity; literary and cultural translations; and the politics of resistance Chapters cover the fields of identity studies, orality and literacy, nationalisms, feminism, anthropology and cultural criticism, the politics of rewriting, new geographies, publishing and marketing, translation studies. Features a useful Chronology of the period, thorough general bibliography, and guides to further reading

Цена: 14133.94 руб.
ISBN: 9781444317886


A Course in Monetary Economics
A Course in Monetary Economics

Автор: Группа авторов

A Course in Monetary Economics is an insightful introduction to advanced topics in monetary economics. Accessible to students who have mastered the diagrammatic tools of economics, it discusses real issues with a variety of modeling alternatives, allowing for a direct comparison of the implications of the different models. The exposition is clear and logical, providing a solid foundation in monetary theory and the techniques of economic modeling. The inventive analysis explores an extensive range of topics including the optimum quantity of money, optimal monetary and fiscal policy, and uncertain and sequential trade models. Additionally, the text contains a simple general equilibrium version of Lucas (1972) confusion hypothesis, and presents and synthesizes the results of recent empirical work. The text is rooted in the author's years of teaching and research, and will be highly suitable for monetary economics courses at both the upper-level undergraduate and graduate levels.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780470752005


A Currency Options Primer
A Currency Options Primer

Автор: Группа авторов

A quick and concise guide to currency options An understanding of currency options is essential for those working in investment and foreign exchange. A Currency Options Primer sets out to give readers a clear guide to how the currency option market functions, offering practical advice on mastering the necessary components and concepts for fully understanding the workings of this market.

Цена: 12592.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780470870372


A Day Like Today
A Day Like Today

Автор: John Humphrys

For more than three decades, millions of Britons have woken to the sound of John Humphrys’ voice.As presenter of Radio 4’s Today, the nation’s most popular news programme, he is famed for his tough interviewing, his deep misgivings about authority in its many forms and his passionate commitment to a variety of causes.A Day Like Today charts John’s journey from the poverty of his post-war childhood in Cardiff, leaving school at fifteen, to the summits of broadcasting. Humphrys was the BBC’s youngest foreign correspondent; he was the first reporter at the catastrophe of Aberfan, an experience that marked him for ever; he was in the White House when Richard Nixon became the first American president to resign; in South Africa during the dying years of apartheid; and in war zones around the globe throughout his career. John was also the first journalist to present the Nine O’Clock News on television.Humphrys pulls no punches and now, freed from the restrictions of being a BBC journalist, he reflects on the politicians he has interrogated and the controversies he has reported on and been involved in, including the interview that forced the resignation of his own boss, the director general. In typically candid style, he also weighs in on the role the BBC itself has played in our national life – for good and ill – and the broader health of the political system today.A Day Like Today is both a sharp, shrewd memoir and a backstage account of the great newsworthy moments in recent history – from the voice behind the country’s most authoritative microphone.

Цена: 1727.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780007415601


A Dictionary of British and Irish History
A Dictionary of British and Irish History

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4610.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119698425


A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation. Jump Start VBA
A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation. Jump Start VBA

Автор: William Preinitz

This book is designed to start with simple examples that progressively develop the reader's confidence to take on more complex tasks. There is very little theoretical discussion about computer science, operations research algorithms, mathematics, or finance. The thrust of the book is to teach the reader to break complex tasks down into simple tasks. It then looks to implement those simple tasks into VBA code using a critical subset of the features of the language. The tentative contents is: (1) Why? What? Who? Where? and How? (2) Common Sense (3) Securitizing A Loan Portfolio (4) Understanding the Excel Waterfall (5) Designing the VBA Model (6) Laying the Model Groundwork (7) Recorded Macros: A First Look at the VBA Language (8) Writing Menus: An Introduction to Data, Ranges, Arrays, and Objects (9) Controlling the Flow of the Model (10) Building Messaging Capabilities (11) Designing the Model’s Reports (12) Main Program and Menus (13) Writing the Collateral Selection Code (14) Calculating the Cash Flows (15) Running the Waterfall: Producing Initial Results (16) Debugging the Model (17) Validating the Model (18) Running the Model (19) Building Additional Capabilities (20) Documentation of the Model (21) Managing the Growth of the Model (22) Building Portfolio Monitoring Model (23) Valuation Techniques: How do we Determine Price? (24) Challenging Times For the Deal (25) Parting Admonitions

Цена: 10586.19 руб.
ISBN: 9780470446140


A Foreign Exchange Primer
A Foreign Exchange Primer

Автор: Shani Shamah

This book will provide a thorough introduction to the foreign exchange markets, looking at the main products through to the techniques used, coverage of the main participants, details of the various players, and an understanding of the jargon used in everyday dealings. Written in a concise and accessible manner, it will be an ideal introduction for anyone looking to become involved in the FX markets, from dealing rooms or sales perspectives, to novice investors. The new edition has been updated to reflect the changes that have taken place in the industry over the past few years. Most chapters have been enhanced and this new edition now features new material on the psychology of trading, the psychology of price movement and online trading.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470741368


A Foreign Exchange Primer
A Foreign Exchange Primer

Автор: Shani Shamah

This book will provide a thorough introduction to the foreign exchange markets, looking at the main products through to the techniques used, coverage of the main participants, details of the various players, and an understanding of the jargon used in everyday dealings. Written in a concise and accessible manner, it will be an ideal introduction for anyone looking to become involved in the FX markets, from dealing rooms or sales perspectives, to novice investors. The new edition has been updated to reflect the changes that have taken place in the industry over the past few years. Most chapters have been enhanced and this new edition now features new material on the psychology of trading, the psychology of price movement and online trading.

Цена: 7798.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470741368


A Gift to my Children
A Gift to my Children

Автор: Jim Rogers

When I was a boy, my father often pulled me aside to convey lessons intended to build what we generally refer to as «character». Often his advice was very simple – work hard, think for yourself, do right by others – but I believe those lessons provided the foundation for everything that has followed in my life. Now that I'm a dad myself, I wanted to put them down in one place, with examples of my own experiences, as a guide to life, adventure, and investing, both for my young daughters and for anyone seeking success in his or her chosen field. I hope that parents will be inspired to give this book to their children, and vice versa, as many of the lessons that I have learned apply not just to young people but to all adults—for example, question everything, never follow the crowd, and beware of boys! What a lovely, lovely book! Though I've read all you've written, this one really touched me. It is, of course, a love letter to your daughters, which is not only a wonderful, meaningful thing to do, but it was filled with exactly the kind of advice all fathers should give. Your new book will stay on my shelf for a long, long time, and I'll be giving it to my own kids to read. –Nicholas Sparks, author of The Notebook, Dear John, and The Last Song

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780470684825


A Good Time to be a Girl: Don’t Lean In, Change the System
A Good Time to be a Girl: Don’t Lean In, Change the System

Автор: Helena Morrissey

From the founder of the worldwide 30% Club campaign comes a career book for women in a transforming world who don't just want to lean in, but instead, shatter the paradigm as we know it.‘I absolutely love her, I think she’s such a force for good’ Pandora Sykes, The High LowIn A Good Time to be a Girl, Helena Morrissey sets out how we might achieve the next big breakthrough towards a truly inclusive modern society.Drawing on her experience as a City CEO, mother of nine, and founder of the influential 30% Club which campaigns for gender-balanced UK company boards, her manifesto for new ways of working, living, loving and raising families is for everyone, not just women. Making a powerful case for diversity and difference in any workplace, she shows how, together, we can develop smarter thinking and broader definitions of success. Gender balance, in her view, is an essential driver of economic prosperity and part of the solution to the many problems we face today.Her approach is not aimed merely at training a few more women in working practices that have outlived their usefulness. Instead, this book sets out a way to reinvent the game – not at the expense of men but in ways that are right and relevant for a digital age. It is a powerful guide to success for us all.

Цена: 1483.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008241629


A Guide for Implementing a Patent Strategy. How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and Independent Innovators Can Protect Their Intellectual Property
A Guide for Implementing a Patent Strategy. How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and Independent Innovators Can Protect Their Intellectual Property

Автор: Donald Rimai S

This book is aimed at the innovators who drive the advances from which we all benefit. This includes scientists, engineers, technicians, managers, and entrepreneurs who want to financially benefit from their innovations. The book describes how to build patent portfolios that will properly protect your technology and be of financial benefit. The tools that innovators need to have to generate patents are presented in detail.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119407133


A Guide to Creating A Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy
A Guide to Creating A Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy

Автор: Perry Kaufman J

Turn insight into profit with guru guidance toward successful algorithmic trading A Guide to Creating a Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy provides the latest strategies from an industry guru to show you how to build your own system from the ground up. If you're looking to develop a successful career in algorithmic trading, this book has you covered from idea to execution as you learn to develop a trader's insight and turn it into profitable strategy. You'll discover your trading personality and use it as a jumping-off point to create the ideal algo system that works the way you work, so you can achieve your goals faster. Coverage includes learning to recognize opportunities and identify a sound premise, and detailed discussion on seasonal patterns, interest rate-based trends, volatility, weekly and monthly patterns, the 3-day cycle, and much more—with an emphasis on trading as the best teacher. By actually making trades, you concentrate your attention on the market, absorb the effects on your money, and quickly resolve problems that impact profits. Algorithmic trading began as a «ridiculous» concept in the 1970s, then became an «unfair advantage» as it evolved into the lynchpin of a successful trading strategy. This book gives you the background you need to effectively reap the benefits of this important trading method. Navigate confusing markets Find the right trades and make them Build a successful algo trading system Turn insights into profitable strategies Algorithmic trading strategies are everywhere, but they're not all equally valuable. It's far too easy to fall for something that worked brilliantly in the past, but with little hope of working in the future. A Guide to Creating a Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy shows you how to choose the best, leave the rest, and make more money from your trades.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119224761


A Guide to Financial Regulation for Fintech Entrepreneurs
A Guide to Financial Regulation for Fintech Entrepreneurs

Автор: Группа авторов

The Fintech Entrepreneur’s Guide to Regulation and Regulatory Strategy Fintech has been growing dramatically over the last few years, and it is now an important sector in its own right. This means that Fintech companies, who could so far often rely on a comparatively lenient regulatory regime, will now have to give serious thoughts on compliance with applicable regulatory rules. Operating in a highly regulated environment is tedious, but not all bad—companies that can play the regulatory game well have a strategic advantage, especially with regard to time-to-market and scaling. Nothing spells missed opportunity like a competitor building market share with a copycat product whilst you are still waiting for your license! Written for professionals, this book helps anyone whose job has to do with formulating or executing a Fintech startup strategy or whose job touches financial services regulation, or anyone who simply wants an easy- to-read introduction to financial services and their regulation. Describes the purpose of and principle behind modern financial services regulation Explains how to include regulation into a startup’s strategic planning to optimize time-to-market and scaling Gives an overview of the entire financial services space, and which regulations apply where Gives detailed references to 20 key regulations in the EU regulatory system, including PSD, GDPR, CRD, AMLD, MiFID, UCITSD, AIFMD The first part introduces financial services regulation, its purpose, how it is created (especially in the EU and in the US), and it develops a framework for including regulations into the strategic planning of a company. It also gives a rundown of the current financial services space—players and products—and its key regulations. The second part describes a regulatory system in more detail. The system chosen is the EU because it is more consistent and unified than the US system where a lot of the regulation still is created at the state-level. However, as most financial regulation nowadays is determined at the global level, the principles found in EU regulation will be by and large also be found the US and other systems.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781119436720


A Guide to Graphic Print Production
A Guide to Graphic Print Production

Автор: Kaj Johansson

The fully revised edition of the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on print production A II graphic designers and illustrators must be familiar with the steps involved in preparing their work for publication. Now completely revised to reflect the latest technology and trends, A Guide to Graphic Print Production, Third Edition is the complete guide to the entire process of print production, from the early stages of conception and planning, to the technical stages of manufacturing and off-press processing. Structured around the graphic print production flow, essential material is included for all aspects of the process including coverage of computers, color management, layouts, digital images, image editing, prepress, paper, printing, finishing and binding, legal issues, environmental issues, and more. A practical reference to keep at your fingertips, this new edition: Covers the entire production process, from conception to manufacturing to archiving Covers new topics, such as variable data printing, sustainability, large/wide format printing, inks, and color management Is full color throughout, with updated images and screenshots Includes sidebars offering design tips, troubleshooting hints, and key points to consider for very stage of design Delivering information that reflects all aspects essential for understanding the ins and outs of digital printing, A Guide to Graphic Print Production, Third Edition is an ideal resource for students and professionals of graphic design, print production, production technology, and visual communication.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118184875


A History of the Theory of Investments. My Annotated Bibliography
A History of the Theory of Investments. My Annotated Bibliography

Автор: Mark Rubinstein

"This exceptional book provides valuable insights into the evolution of financial economics from the perspective of a major player." – Robert Litzenberger, Hopkinson Professor Emeritus of Investment Banking, Univ. of Pennsylvania; and retired partner, Goldman Sachs A History of the Theory of Investments is about ideas – where they come from, how they evolve, and why they are instrumental in preparing the future for new ideas. Author Mark Rubinstein writes history by rewriting history. In unearthing long-forgotten books and journals, he corrects past oversights to assign credit where credit is due and assembles a remarkable history that is unquestionable in its accuracy and unprecedented in its power. Exploring key turning points in the development of investment theory, through the critical prism of award-winning investment theory and asset pricing expert Mark Rubinstein, this groundbreaking resource follows the chronological development of investment theory over centuries, exploring the inner workings of great theoretical breakthroughs while pointing out contributions made by often unsung contributors to some of investment's most influential ideas and models.

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780471787754


A Kick in the Attitude. An Energizing Approach to Recharge your Team, Work, and Life
A Kick in the Attitude. An Energizing Approach to Recharge your Team, Work, and Life

Автор: Sam Glenn

What Jumper Cables are to A Car Battery this Book is to YOUR Attitude «Good old fashioned advice on how to have a great attitude, delivered in a pithy andinteresting way.» —Karen Leland, bestselling author of Watercooler Wisdom: How Smart People Prosper in the Face of Conflict, Pressure and Change «Sam Glenn is known for his funny and motivational presentations and for his ability to give people a kick in the attitude. Now he has done it in print.» —Stewart Clifford, Enterprise Media «Sam Glenn energizes our worldwide audience with his profound sense of humor andgentle wisdom, making this giant in the motivation industry powerful and approachable. Experience his energy firsthand and feel it wake you up to the life you've always dreamed of.» —Markandeya, Life Without Limitation, EnergyTalkRadio.com «If there were an Attitude Hall of Fame, Sam Glenn and this book would be inducted into it! A Kick in the Attitude is the best book I've ever read on how to take an enthusiasticattitude and crank up your life to a higher, more powerful and successful level!» —Anne Bruce, professional speaker and author of Discover True North and How to Motivate Every Employee «Sam gets it when it comes to attitude. Read A Kick in the Attitude to jumpstart whateverybody needs for success—a great attitude.» —Dr. Charles Stone, pastor and author «No matter what your current 'drama,' the principles in A Kick in the Attitude will give you the motivation to turn any situation around.» —Marlene Chism, author of Success is a Given «Has the economy of 2009 got you down? Is life throwing lemons at you the size of cannon balls? Then stop and read this book. Sam Glenn is 'The Attitude Guy'! He will get you thinking about you and your attitude, then guide you to the understanding that you, and only you, control your attitude.» —Bob Hamm, Senior Account Manager, Omnipress

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470575819


A la tarapaque?a
A la tarapaque?a

Автор: Bernardo Guerrero Jim?nez

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9789563688986


A Lasting Promise. The Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage
A Lasting Promise. The Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage

Автор: Daniel Trathen

The revised edition of the bestselling Christian guide to a happy marriage For more than fifteen years, Scott Stanley's A Lasting Promise has offered solutions to common problems—facing conflicts, problem solving, improving communication, and dealing with core issues—within a Christian framework. Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition is filled with sacred teachings of scripture, the latest research on marriage, and clear examples from the lives of couples. The book's strategies are designed to help couples improve communication, understand commitment, bring more fun into their relationship, and enhance their sex lives. Lead author Scott Stanley is co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver and coauthor of Fighting for Your Marriage, which has sold more than a million copies. Offers reflections on how to enhance anyone's marriage over the long term and avoid divorce Covers recent cultural shifts, such as dealing with the endless technological distraction and issues with social networking New themes include the chemistry of love, the life-long implications of having bodies, and how to support one another emotionally Uses illustrative examples from couples’ lives and rich integration of insights from scripture This important book offers an invaluable resource for all couples who want to honor and preserve the holy sacrament of their union.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118690581


A Lily Among the Thorns. Imagining a New Christian Sexuality
A Lily Among the Thorns. Imagining a New Christian Sexuality

Автор: Miguel DeLaTorre A

A new way for Christians to think about sexuality Author Miguel De La Torre, a well-respected ethicist and professor known for his innovative readings of Christian doctrine, rejects both the liberal and conservative prejudices about sex. He instead develops an ethic that is liberative yet grounded soundly in the Bible; a sexuality that celebrates God’s gift of great sex by fostering intimacy, vulnerability and openness between loving partners. In A Lily Among the Thorns, De La Torre examines the Bible, current events, history and our culture-at-large to show how and why racism, sexism, and classism have distorted Christianity’s central teachings about sexuality. The author shows how the church’s traditionally negative attitudes toward sex in general—and toward women, people of color, and gays in particular—have made it difficult, if not impossible, to create a biblically based and just sexual ethic. But when the Bible is read from the viewpoint of those who have been marginalized in our society, preconceived notions about Christianity and sex get turned on their heads. Taking on hot-button topics such as pornography, homosexuality, prostitution, and celibacy, the author examines how “reading from the margins” provides a liberating approach to dealing with issues of sexuality.

Цена: 2424.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780787997977


A Master Class in Brand Planning
A Master Class in Brand Planning

Автор: Judie Lannon

In 1988, on Stephen King’s retirement JWT published ‘The King Papers’ a small collection of Stephen King’s published writings spanning 1967-1985. They remain timelessly potentially valuable but are an almost unexploited gold mine. This book is comprised of a selection of 20-25 of Stephen King’s most important articles, each one introduced by a known and respected practitioner who, in turn, describes the relevance of the particular original idea to the communications environment of today. The worth of this material is that, although the context in which the original papers were written is different, the principles themselves are appropriate to marketing communications in today’s more complex media environment. The book will serve as a valuable reference book for today’s practitioners, as well as a unique source of sophisticated, contemporary thinking.

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470725214


A Meggy z?s Gr?fja
A Meggyőz?s Gr?fja

Автор: Amanda Mariel

Az egyetlen gond a terv?vel: A szerelem nem volt az egyenlet r?sze. Lord Brian Kennington, Connlee ?t?dik gr?fja a meggyőz?s mestere. Amikor az ő ?s Lady Minerva ?tja keresztezi egym?st, a f?rfi meg?llap?tja, hogy a h?lgynek egy kis izgalmat kell vinni az ?let?be, ő pedig tudja, hogyan tegye ezt meg. Hű marad a meggyőz?s gr?fja becen?vhez, mik?zben v?gigs?p?r vele a kaland ?s romantika ?tj?n. Az egyetlen gond a terv?vel: A szerelem nem volt az egyenlet r?sze.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425342


A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing
A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing

Автор: Thomas Au P

An updated approach to classic security analysis The principles of value investing outlined by Graham and Dodd in the 1940s continues to be used today by individuals and companies who face challenging investment decisions. A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing examines the classic Graham and Dodd approach to valuation and updates it for the twenty-first century. Thomas Au, a credentialed analyst with a leading insurance company and an ex-Value Line analyst, reworks the basics of value investing from net present value, financial statement analysis, and return on capital to return and leverage, asset allocation, and diversification. Through case studies and real-time analysis, A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing presents readers with examples that will make analysis and portfolio theory more relevant and powerful. Thomas P. Au (Hartford, CT) is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the investment arm of a large insurance and healthcare provider. His specialty is emerging and international markets. He received his BA, cum laude, with a double major in economics and history, from Yale University, and an MBA in finance from New York University.

Цена: 7824.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780471652373


A Passion for Giving. Tools and Inspiration for Creating a Charitable Foundation
A Passion for Giving. Tools and Inspiration for Creating a Charitable Foundation

Автор: Angelica Berrie

Praise for A Passion for Giving «Klein and Berrie have produced a great book that manages to make complex issues simple. It blends with grace and craft the deep with the practical and the concrete with the philosophical. It is a precious tool for both the neophyte and the experienced philanthropist. It is both a useful manual and a profound exploration of the core values of giving. In a word, this book is a true gift.» –Andres Spokoiny, President and CEO, Jewish Funders Network «Through the years, many people have asked us why we set up our family foundation and how we went about accomplishing this goal. The 'why' is easy to answer: we are fortunate enough to be able to give back and help others in need. The 'how' is perfectly explained in this compelling and very informative book by Peter Klein and Angelica Berrie.» –Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein, The Marilyn and Barry Rubenstein Family Foundation «This book should be required reading for new donors and experienced philanthropists. Klein and Berrie have crafted a winning combination of practical guidelines and heartfelt personal accounts to create a moving call to action for anyone who wishes to give back. The stories remind us that when philanthropy, an intensely personal journey, is coupled with deep learning, transformation occurs for both the recipient and the donor.» –Debra Mesch, PhD, Professor and Director, Women's Philanthropy Institute, IUPUI «I wish I could have had this book to guide me and refer to as my wife, Andrea, and I launched our Harbor Glow Foundation a decade ago. We would have been much more efficient in the process and more focused in our direction from the get-go. Peter and Angelica capture the spirit and nitty-gritty of a family foundation.» –Michael Leeds, Co-Chair, Harbor Glow Foundation

Цена: 4506.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118221952


A Practical Guide to Training and Development
A Practical Guide to Training and Development

Автор: Группа авторов

To stay ahead of the competition, today?s organizations must invest in ongoing training that continuously improves their employees? knowledge and skills. A Practical Guide to Training and Development is a comprehensive resource that offers a theoretical, strategic, and practical foundation of the entire training process. The book outlines a step-by-step approach for assessing, designing, delivering and evaluating training.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470370841


A Practical Guide to Job Analysis
A Practical Guide to Job Analysis

Автор: Jeanette Goodstein

Presenting the first book that provides HR professionals with a context for understanding the importance of doing a proper job analysis together with a step-by-step guide to conducting such an analysis. This unique guide contains a series of eight ready-to-use templates that provide the basis for conducting job analyses for eight different levels of job families, from the entry-level to the senior manager/executive.

Цена: 7566.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780470444221


A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking. Deciding What to Do and Believe
A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking. Deciding What to Do and Believe

Автор: David Hunter A

A thoroughly updated introduction to the concepts, methods, and standards of critical thinking, A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking: Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition is a unique presentation of the formal strategies used when thinking through reasons and arguments in many areas of expertise. Pursuing an interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking, the book offers a broad conception of critical thinking and explores the practical relevance to conducting research across fields such as, business, education, and the biological sciences. Applying rigor when necessary, the Second Edition maintains an informal approach to the fundamental core concepts of critical thinking. With practical strategies for defining, analyzing, and evaluating reasons and arguments, the book illustrates how the concept of an argument extends beyond philosophical roots into experimentation, testing, measurement, and policy development and assessment. Featuring plenty of updated exercises for a wide range of subject areas, A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition also includes: Numerous real-world examples from many fields of research, which reflect the applicability of critical thinking in everyday life New topical coverage, including the nature of reasons, assertion and supposing, narrow and broad definitions, circumstantial reasons, and reasoning about causal claims Selected answers to various exercises to provide readers with instantaneous feedback to support and extend the lessons A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition is an excellent textbook for courses on critical thinking and logic at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as an appropriate reference for anyone with a general interest in critical thinking skills.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9781118583128


A Practical Guide to Forecasting Financial Market Volatility
A Practical Guide to Forecasting Financial Market Volatility

Автор: Группа авторов

Financial market volatility forecasting is one of today's most important areas of expertise for professionals and academics in investment, option pricing, and financial market regulation. While many books address financial market modelling, no single book is devoted primarily to the exploration of volatility forecasting and the practical use of forecasting models. A Practical Guide to Forecasting Financial Market Volatility provides practical guidance on this vital topic through an in-depth examination of a range of popular forecasting models. Details are provided on proven techniques for building volatility models, with guide-lines for actually using them in forecasting applications.

Цена: 15023.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780470856154


A Practitioner s Guide to Asset Allocation
A Practitioner's Guide to Asset Allocation

Автор: William Kinlaw

Since the formalization of asset allocation in 1952 with the publication of Portfolio Selection by Harry Markowitz, there have been great strides made to enhance the application of this groundbreaking theory. However, progress has been uneven. It has been punctuated with instances of misleading research, which has contributed to the stubborn persistence of certain fallacies about asset allocation. A Practitioner's Guide to Asset Allocation fills a void in the literature by offering a hands-on resource that describes the many important innovations that address key challenges to asset allocation and dispels common fallacies about asset allocation. The authors cover the fundamentals of asset allocation, including a discussion of the attributes that qualify a group of securities as an asset class and a detailed description of the conventional application of mean-variance analysis to asset allocation.. The authors review a number of common fallacies about asset allocation and dispel these misconceptions with logic or hard evidence. The fallacies debunked include such notions as: asset allocation determines more than 90% of investment performance; time diversifies risk; optimization is hypersensitive to estimation error; factors provide greater diversification than assets and are more effective at reducing noise; and that equally weighted portfolios perform more reliably out of sample than optimized portfolios. A Practitioner's Guide to Asset Allocation also explores the innovations that address key challenges to asset allocation and presents an alternative optimization procedure to address the idea that some investors have complex preferences and returns may not be elliptically distributed. Among the challenges highlighted, the authors explain how to overcome inefficiencies that result from constraints by expanding the optimization objective function to incorporate absolute and relative goals simultaneously. The text also explores the challenge of currency risk, describes how to use shadow assets and liabilities to unify liquidity with expected return and risk, and shows how to evaluate alternative asset mixes by assessing exposure to loss throughout the investment horizon based on regime-dependent risk. This practical text contains an illustrative example of asset allocation which is used to demonstrate the impact of the innovations described throughout the book. In addition, the book includes supplemental material that summarizes the key takeaways and includes information on relevant statistical and theoretical concepts, as well as a comprehensive glossary of terms.

Цена: 3677.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119402428


A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold (Peter L. Bernstein s Finance Classics)
A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold (Peter L. Bernstein's Finance Classics)

Автор: Peter L. Bernstein

One of the foremost financial writers of his generation, Peter Bernstein has the unique ability to synthesize intellectual history and economics with the theory and practice of investment management. Now, with classic titles such as Economist on Wall Street, A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold, and The Price of Prosperity—which have forewords by financial luminaries and new introductions by the author—you can enjoy some of the best of Bernstein in his earlier Wall Street days. With the proliferation of financial instruments, new areas of instability, and innovative capital market strategies, many economists and investors have lost sight of the fundamentals of the financial system—its strengths as well as its weaknesses. A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold takes you back to the beginning and sorts out all the pieces. Peter Bernstein skillfully addresses how and why commercial banks lend and invest, where money comes from, how it moves from hand to hand, and the critical role of interest rates. He explores the Federal Reserve System and the consequences of the Fed's actions on the overall economy. But this book is not just about the past. Bernstein's novel perspective on gold and the dollar is critical for today's decision makers, as he provides extensive views on the future of money, banking, and gold in the world economy. This illuminating story about the heart of our economic system is essential reading at a time when developments in finance are more important than ever.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384220


A Psychological Perspective Of The Health Personnel In Times Of Pandemic
A Psychological Perspective Of The Health Personnel In Times Of Pandemic

Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Afterward the successful on reception of the book “Psychological Aspects in Times of Pandemic” where a number of issues from the perspective of psychological science are addressed, related to the impact of the appearance COVID-19 on the lives of citizens, and afore readers insistent request for a text focused on healthcare personnel, from there came this book The purpose of it is to offer updated information on the psychological aspects of whom have been described as the battlefront against the advance of COVID-19 from a perspective of scientific psychology, for which reference will be made to the latest publications in this regard. A rigorous and up-to-date vision on the contributions of the science of psychology told in a way accessible to everyone, with the aim of helping to understand the emotional impact of this situation on health personnel, as well as the present and future consequences of the same.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412182


A puro pulso 1
A puro pulso 1

Автор: Hollman Morales

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789587573428


A Quantitative Approach to Commercial Damages. Applying Statistics to the Measurement of Lost Profits
A Quantitative Approach to Commercial Damages. Applying Statistics to the Measurement of Lost Profits

Автор: Mark Filler G

How-to guidance for measuring lost profits due to business interruption damages A Quantitative Approach to Commercial Damages explains the complicated process of measuring business interruption damages, whether they are losses are from natural or man-made disasters, or whether the performance of one company adversely affects the performance of another. Using a methodology built around case studies integrated with solution tools, this book is presented step by step from the analysis damages perspective to aid in preparing a damage claim. Over 250 screen shots are included and key cell formulas that show how to construct a formula and lay it out on the spreadsheet. Includes Excel spreadsheet applications and key cell formulas for those who wish to construct their own spreadsheets Offers a step-by-step approach to computing damages using case studies and over 250 screen shots Often in the course of business, a firm will be damaged by the actions of another individual or company, such as a fire that shuts down a restaurant for two months. Often, this results in the filing of a business interruption claim. Discover how to measure business losses with the proven guidance found in A Quantitative Approach to Commercial Damages.

Цена: 11506.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118222447


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