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Lessons in Grid Computing. The System Is a Mirror
Lessons in Grid Computing. The System Is a Mirror

Автор: Stuart Robbins

"You should not overlook the potential genius in this concept." –Geoffrey Moore, consultant and author, Dealing with Darwin «Since he first identified 'information systems as mirrors of the people who build them' for me, I have seen it operate in many ways. It is a fascinating idea, and a completely new way of thinking about technology.» –Sean Moriarty, Chief Operating Officer, Ticketmaster «This book makes for compelling reading–it's easy to become immersed in the stories, and the insights gradually grow in the reader's mind as they take root in the character's minds. This is quite a useful work. The ideas presented here could be quickly put to practical use in any organization.» –Mohamed Muhsin, VP and CIO, The World Bank A breakthrough exploration of information systems as mirrors of the people who build them. Packed with truer-than-life stories, stimulating characters, and unique IT analysis, Lessons in Grid Computing finally declares: * Our systems will not «talk to each other» if our people are not talking to each other * We must transform ourselves to the same degree that we want to transform our systems * To correct problems in our information systems, we must first address the problems between the people that build and support them Discover how to adjust your management style to enable the next generation of technologies with the help of Lessons in Grid Computing.

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780470047507


Lessons in IT Transformation. Technology Expert to Business Leader
Lessons in IT Transformation. Technology Expert to Business Leader

Автор: Larry Bonfante

Important insights into the true purpose of IT?from a CIO's perspective Focusing on the qualities required to transform an organization through the lens of the CIO, this book provides practical advice on how to address key issues, as well as create a context for the type of leadership qualities required to broaden the CIO's impact in every aspect of the corporation. Provides practical advice on key issues for leadership qualities Looks at the differences between leadership and management and the need for effectiveness in both disciplines Explores relationship management, communication skills, change management, developing human capital, sustainability, alignment, and qualities of great leaders A timely look at how the IT function can become totally aligned with the strategies and operational direction of the business enterprise, Lessons in IT Transformation reveals how CIOs can?and should?evolve from managers of utility services to business leaders who can drive revenue, value, and process redesign.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118075395


Let s Link!
Let's Link!

Автор: Flurin Capaul

"Ich wei?, ich habe Ihren Beitrag bereits auf LinkedIn gesehen." Wenn jemand so auf Sie reagiert, haben Sie bereits vor dem ersten, pers?nlichen Kontakt mit potenziellen Kunden Sympathie und Vertrauen aufgebaut. M?chten Sie f?r sich und Ihr Angebot mehr Aufmerksamkeit wecken? M?chten auch Sie den Trampelpfad der generischen Werbebotschaften verlassen und zu Storytelling und Social Selling aufbrechen? Im Firmenkundengesch?ft hei?t das Stichwort LinkedIn. Die Netzwerkplattform bietet einzigartige M?glichkeiten, um Zielkunden direkt zu erreichen und Ihr LinkedIn-Profil von der virtuellen Visitenkarten-Box zum erfolgreichen Verkaufstool weiterzuentwickeln. In diesem Buch schlagen Flurin Capaul und Marc Schwitter den Bogen von der Optimierung des eigenen LinkedIn-Profils ?ber die sympathische und effektive Kontaktaufnahme bis zur Erstellung ansprechender Inhalte – und ?berzeugen dabei mit einer klaren, erfrischenden Sprache und wertvollen Tipps aus der Praxis.

Исполнители: Андрей Троммельман

Цена: 1667.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783039097562


Letzte Tage am Savignyplatz
Letzte Tage am Savignyplatz

Автор: Joachim Burdack

Wer t?tete George Grosz? Am Morgen des 6. Juli 1959 fand man den Maler George Grosz tot in einem Treppenhaus am Savignyplatz. George Grosz war erst wenige Wochen zuvor aus seinem amerikanischen Exil nach Berlin zur?ckgekehrt. Die Polizei ging von einem Unfall aus. Doch was war in dieser Nacht wirklich geschehen? Die Geschichte f?hrt uns in das geteilte Berlin vor dem Bau der Mauer. Mit George Grosz folgen wir der Spur von zwei seiner verschollenen Meisterwerke. Wir begegnen Menschen, f?r die Grenzkontrollen und unterschiedliche W?hrungen mit t?glich schwankenden Wechselkursen zum Alltag geh?ren. Wir treffen den zur?ckgekehrten Exilanten Wieland Herzfelde, der an den Sieg des Sozialismus glaubt und den Sch?nen Eddy, der an gute Gesch?fte glaubt. Wir machen Bekanntschaft mit den Jugendlichen Inge, Albert und Dieter, die Berlin nur als geteilte Stadt mit st?ndigen Krisen kennen und f?r die Bill Haley und der Rock`n Roll wichtiger sind als Walter Ulbricht, Willy Brandt und der Kalte Krieg.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783742724120


Letzte Tage in Beirut
Letzte Tage in Beirut

Автор: Alfred Hackensberger

Letzte Tage in Beirut versetzt uns mitten ins Pulverfass des Nahen Ostens. Am 14. Februar 2005 wird Rafik Hariri, Ex-Premierminister und Milliard?r, durch eine Autobombe imZentrum Beiruts get?tet. Bei dem Attentat sterben 21 Menschen, darunter auch die Frau des deutschen Globus-Korrespondenten im Libanon, Klaus Steinbacher. Steinbacher ist ersch?ttert und zieht sich ins Gebirge zur?ck. Dort will er einen alten Freund und Informanten besuchen – der auch ein ehemaliger Kriegsherr aus dem B?rgerkrieg ist. Steinbacher st??t auf gro?e Mengen an Drogen, das Haus ist eine Festung mit Granatwerfern auf dem Dach und bewaffneten W?chtern. Der Journalist wird im selben Nebenhaus einquartiert wie Ismail Zugari Gonzalez, der das Haus auf der Bekaa-Ebene als Basis f?r seinen Auftrag nutzt, alle am Anschlag auf Hariri Beteiligten verschwinden zu lassen. In diesem kargen Gebirge, in dem nur Familienclans und Waffen z?hlen, treffen der Journalist und der professionelle M?rder aufeinander… Ein Attentat, viele Fragen: Konnte die Bombe trotz der St?rsignale aus dem Autokonvoi ferngez?ndet werden? Wer ist die anonyme Leiche am Tatort? Wer will die T?ter sch?tzen? Angelehnt an die Fakten – und wilde Theorien – zum Attentat auf den ehemaligen Ministerpr?sidenten und Unternehmer in Beirut, spinnt Alfred Hackensberger einen packenden Thriller in Nahost.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783960541561


Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design
Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design

Автор: Scott Rogers

Want to design your own video games? Let expert Scott Rogers show you how! If you want to design and build cutting-edge video games but aren’t sure where to start, then the SECOND EDITION of the acclaimed Level Up! is for you! Written by leading video game expert Scott Rogers, who has designed the hits Pac Man World, Maximo and SpongeBob Squarepants, this updated edition provides clear and well-thought out examples that forgo theoretical gobbledygook with charmingly illustrated concepts and solutions based on years of professional experience. Level Up! 2nd Edition has been NEWLY EXPANDED to teach you how to develop marketable ideas, learn what perils and pitfalls await during a game’s pre-production, production and post-production stages, and provide even more creative ideas to serve as fuel for your own projects including: Developing your game design from the spark of inspiration all the way to production Learning how to design the most exciting levels, the most precise controls, and the fiercest foes that will keep your players challenged Creating games for mobile and console systems – including detailed rules for touch and motion controls Monetizing your game from the design up Writing effective and professional design documents with the help of brand new examples Level Up! 2nd Edition is includes all-new content, an introduction by David “God of War” Jaffe and even a brand-new chili recipe –making it an even more indispensable guide for video game designers both “in the field” and the classroom. Grab your copy of Level Up! 2nd Edition and let’s make a game!

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118877210


Leveraged Buyouts. A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity
Leveraged Buyouts. A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity

Автор: Paul Pignataro

A comprehensive look at the world of leveraged buyouts The private equity industry has grown dramatically over the past twenty years. Such investing requires a strong technical know-how in order to turn private investments into successful enterprises. That is why Paul Pignataro has created Leveraged Buyouts + Website: A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity. Engaging and informative, this book skillfully shows how to identify a private company, takes you through the analysis behind bringing such an investment to profitability—and further create high returns for the private equity funds. It includes an informative leveraged buyout overview, touching on everything from LBO modeling, accounting, and value creation theory to leveraged buyout concepts and mechanics. Provides an in-depth analysis of how to identify a private company, bring such an investment to profitability, and create high returns for the private equity funds Includes an informative LBO model and case study as well as private company valuation Written by Paul Pignataro, founder and CEO of the New York School of Finance If you're looking for the best way to hone your skills in this field, look no further than this book.

Цена: 9205.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118674581


Leveraging Your Financial Intelligence. At the Intersection of Money, Health, and Happiness
Leveraging Your Financial Intelligence. At the Intersection of Money, Health, and Happiness

Автор: Douglas Lennick

Smart financial decisions boost more than your bottom line—they'll make you healthier and happier too! Are you one of the 90% of people who are stressed about money? If so, you know it can take its toll on every part of your life. Financial health, physical health and happiness are profoundly interconnected. It's almost impossible to enjoy any one of these without the help of the other two. The authors describe this phenomenon as the intersection of money, health, and happiness. Leveraging Your Financial Intelligence will teach you a powerful values-based approach to achieving your most important life goals. As you take steps to improve your financial well-being, you'll discover that leveraging your financial intelligence will also fuel your physical and emotional well-being. Backed by the latest research findings in neuroscience, psychology, health, and cultural anthropology, the authors' invaluable advice focuses on the practical actions you can take to improve not just your finances, but your overall life satisfaction. You'll be inspired by meeting people from all walks of life who have leveraged their financial intelligence to build financial security, promote fitness and health, and increase their daily sense of happiness. Proven recommendations from the authors' work with countless clients, along with worksheets, self-assessments, and other tools will help you apply the book's concepts to enhance your own financial, physical and emotional health. Use the strategies presented in this book to leverage your financial intelligence in a way that's tailored to your individual circumstances and allows you to create your own extraordinary intersection of money, health, and happiness.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781119430858


Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit
Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit

Автор: Chester Dawson

A behind-the-scenes look at Lexus’s surprising twenty-year success story—in a revised new edition In the 1980s, German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz dominated the luxury car market and had little reason to fear competition from Japan. But in 1989, Toyota entered the market with the Lexus LS 400, a car that could compete with the Germans in every category but price—it was US$30,000 cheaper. Within two years, Lexus had overtaken Mercedes-Benz in the United States and made a stunning success of Toyota’s brave foray into the global luxury market. Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit reveals why Toyota decided to take on the German automakers and how the new brand won praise and success for its unparalleled quality, unforgettable advertising, and unprecedented customer service. From the first boardroom planning session to Lexus's entry into the mega-luxury supercar market, this is the complete and compelling story of one of the world's most admired brands. Includes a new Foreword by legendary designer Erwin Lui, an Afterword with updates since the first edition, and a new Coda by leading Japanese automotive journalist Hisao Inoue Covers the racetrack triumph—and tragedy—behind the new US$375,000 Lexus LFA supercar Offers important business lessons for brand managers and executives For car enthusiasts, business leaders, and anyone interested in branding and marketing, Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit offers an amazing story of excellence and innovation in the automotive industry.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470828069


Liars and Outliers. Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive
Liars and Outliers. Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive

Автор: Брюс Шнайер

In today's hyper-connected society, understanding the mechanisms of trust is crucial. Issues of trust are critical to solving problems as diverse as corporate responsibility, global warming, and the political system. In this insightful and entertaining book, Schneier weaves together ideas from across the social and biological sciences to explain how society induces trust. He shows the unique role of trust in facilitating and stabilizing human society. He discusses why and how trust has evolved, why it works the way it does, and the ways the information society is changing everything.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225561


Liderazgo en la gesti?n de las organizaciones escolares
Liderazgo en la gesti?n de las organizaciones escolares

Автор: Jorge Oswaldo S?nchez Buitrago

Esta obra, derivada de una investigaci?n doctoral, abarca las concepciones y pr?cticas de liderazgo en la gesti?n de las organizaciones escolares y sus transiciones a paradigmas socio-cr?ticos que apuntan a un liderazgo dial?gico, participativo, democr?tico y coherente con el prop?sito de mejorar la calidad. Obra de consulta para los administradores y directivos escolares comprometidos con el mejoramiento de la gesti?n de sus instituciones.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9789587462265


Liderazgo estrat?gico y gesti?n de la comunicaci?n
Liderazgo estrat?gico y gesti?n de la comunicaci?n

Автор: Paul Willis

La comunicaci?n corporativa opera en un entorno cada vez m?s complejo y exigente. Las presiones desde el entorno de la organizaci?n implican nuevas rendiciones de cuentas, compromiso con los grupos de inter?s, aumento del cinismo p?blico y un nuevo ecosistema comunicativo. Internamente, tambi?n aumenta la presi?n por demostrar el retorno de la inversi?n, junto a requerimientos para entrenar y aconsejar a los directivos expuestos a estas presiones del entorno. Este contexto requiere profesionales capaces de articular y demostrar claramente cu?l es su contribuci?n a la generaci?n de valor. Este libro presenta un marco de trabajo para poder hacerlo, as? como una lista de las capacidades esenciales que deben adquirir y demostrar aquellos profesionales que quieran situarse en las esferas m?s in?uyentes de cualquier organizaci?n. Se trata de un texto breve; perfecto para quienes aspiran a mejorar la pr?ctica profesional, MBAs y otros programas de posgrados, especialmente para aquellos estudiantes y profesionales que desean perseguir una carrera exitosa, capaces de trabajar estrat?gicamente en la alta direcci?n de organizaciones excelentes.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9788433155122


Liderazgo gerencial
Liderazgo gerencial

Автор: Santiago Lazzati

Este libro forma parte de una colecci?n sobre management que se caracteriza por organizar los contenidos tem?ticos en m?dulos. Un m?dulo es una unidad peque?a –en general se extiende de una a tres p?ginas– correspondiente a un concepto fundamental, un modelo, una herramienta de an?lisis, una gu?a de acci?n, o bien una combinaci?n de estos elementos. En cada m?dulo hay un gr?fico representativo del tema, que aporta a su comprensi?n visual. Los m?dulos se relacionan entre s?, lo que permite al lector enlazar los contenidos que sean de su inter?s y no dispersarse en otros. Esta obra agrupa los m?dulos en siete secciones: Gerencia y liderazgo – conceptos fundamentales, Atributos del l?der, Estilos gerenciales / de liderazgo, Liderazgo situacional, Relaci?n del liderazgo con otros aspectos de la organizaci?n, Desarrollo del liderazgo y Problemas en el ejercicio del liderazgo. Su contenido es ?til tanto en el ambiente empresario como en el acad?mico. Los autores ofrecen aqu? sus experiencias y conocimientos desarrollados a lo largo de diversas actividades: en el ejercicio de posiciones gerenciales, en la pr?ctica de consultor?a, en la observaci?n de diferentes l?deres, en la preparaci?n para la ense?anza de la materia, en la lectura y en la investigaci?n.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9789878358048


Liderazgo VICA
Liderazgo VICA

Автор: Jos? Mar?a Bautista

La volatilidad, la incertidumbre, la complejidad y la ambig?edad (VICA) son las caracter?sticas del complejo entorno en el que nos movemos y de la sociedad en la que el alumnado deber? desenvolverse con soltura.El liderazgo es el aut?ntico motor del cambio de cualquier sociedad, empresa o centro educativo. Por eso, este libro trata un tema nuclear, influir positivamente para que las personas se desarrollen con ?xito en entornos VICA. Todos tenemos la capacidad de despertar al l?der que habita dentro de nosotros y cocrear una cultura organizativa capaz de asumir el cambio permanente. Esto es aplicable a cada docente, cada escuela, cada comunidad educativa en transformaci?n.

Серия: Biblioteca Innovaci?n Educativa (Est?mulos Matem?ticos)

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788413920573


Liderazgo y habilidades directivas
Liderazgo y habilidades directivas

Автор: Andr?s Valdez Zepeda

Esta obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los profesores y alumnos un manual que sirva tambi?n como cuaderno de trabajo, en el que se incluyen problemas, casos pr?cticos, ejercicios, din?micas de grupo y ejemplos, que pueden aplicarse a los sectores privado, p?blico y social.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9786077420163


Life Balance
Life Balance

Автор: Группа авторов

A popular aphorism suggests that in the end, no one ever regretted not spending more time in the office. Yet during our lives and careers we often seem to confuse our priorities, shifting our focus so that we end up with clients whom we know extremely well and families who are de facto strangers. In this book, widely renowned consultant Alan Weiss—cited as «a worldwide expert in executive education» in Success Magazine—tells how to blend life, work, and relationships in a way that will help anyone to work smarter and live better. Weiss draws on scores of interviews and vignettes with highly successful consultants to offer nontheoretical, pragmatic advice on living a balanced life, including how to: Work smart and not hard Have time to fulfill your passions Build on success, not on correcting weakness Give yourself short- and long-term personal rewards Take risks and reinvent yourself (again and again) Play to win— but ignore the score and reward the effort Influence others while surrendering the need to control Visualize the future

Цена: 6959.27 руб.
ISBN: 9780787970086


Life Entrepreneurs. Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives
Life Entrepreneurs. Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives

Автор: Christopher Gergen

"An inspirational and practical guide for anyone who wants to incorporate the dynamic skills of entrepreneurs into their own lives and work. A new generation of «life entrepreneurs» is emerging: people who apply their vision, talents, creativity, and energy not only to their work but to their entire lives, changing the world for themselves and those around them. In this book, successful entrepreneurs Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek draw on numerous interviews with fifty-five leading entrepreneurs worldwide as well as the wisdom of multiple thought leaders to provide vivid examples, moving vignettes, concrete frameworks, and practical strategies for revving up our work and play through entrepreneurial leadership. This book starts by providing strategies for integrating life, work, and purpose and ends by capturing the implications of the current entrepreneurial boom for our workplaces, learning institutions, communities, and families. Christopher Gergen (Washington, D.C.) is a founding partner of New Mountain Ventures, co-founder and chairman of SMARTHINKING, Adjunct Professor and Director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative at Duke University, and a life-long entrepreneur, Gregg Vanourek (Thornton, CO) is a founding partner of New Mountain Ventures, former CEO of Vanourek Consulting Solutions, and former Senior Vice President of School Development for K12 Inc."

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470258743


Life in the Financial Markets. How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You
Life in the Financial Markets. How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You

Автор: Daniel Lacalle

An accessible and thorough review of the international financial markets Life in the Financial Markets—How They Really Work And Why They Matter To You offers the financial services professional, and anyone interested in knowing more about the profession, an entertaining and comprehensive analysis of the financial markets and the financial services industry. Written by Daniel Lacalle—a noted portfolio manager with EcoFin and well-known media personality—the book goes beyond a simple summary and offers solid advice on the future of the global financial markets. This great resource also includes a review of effective strategies and forecasts the trends that represent potential opportunities for investors. The book reviews the recent history of the financial crisis and includes information on hot topics such as derivatives and high frequency trading. An in-depth section on investment banking is written from the perspective of a successful practitioner and provides clarity on several complex and overly politicized elements of the banking system. The author gives an expert's perspective on the debt markets, monetary policies, and quantitative easing, and helps explain the various issues surrounding sovereign debt, the Euro crisis, and austerity versus growth policies. Comprehensive in scope, this resource also offers an analysis of investment styles, from hedge funds to «long only» investments, as well as an in-depth look at corporate communication and its impact on markets and investments. Offers an engaging and comprehensive analysis of the financial services industry Includes information on the workings of the global financial system following the economic crisis Contains a review of complex banking systems Analyzes the various investment styles and answers the most common questions pertaining to investing

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118914953


Life Insurance in Asia
Life Insurance in Asia

Автор: Stephan Binder

An incisive look at the war for market share in the Asian life insurance market Although the life insurance industry in Asia has emerged from the financial crisis stronger than ever, it has not escaped unchanged. As the general focus of insurance companies across the continent moves towards profitability beyond growth, tightening regulatory measures, shifts in consumer preferences, and risk tolerance, battle lines have been drawn between local incumbents, attackers, and foreign players. Life Insurance in Asia: Winning in the Next Decade, Second Edition looks at the ways in which small local agencies and multinational companies alike are seizing control of as much of the market as they can by aggressively recruiting new agents, leveraging new channels, and selling new products to cash in on the explosive Asian markets. Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the booming Asian life insurance markets and outlines exactly what it takes to capture the opportunities that are emerging. Drawing on the research and experience of the McKinsey Asia financial services team, it includes everything you need to know about the battle for the life insurance market in Asia. Looks at how China and India are becoming increasingly important players on the international life insurance scene Goes behind the scenes of the Asian life insurance industry and the contentious battle for market share Outlines the steps to successfully entering, and prospering, in the Asian market The life insurance industry in Asia is changing like never before. What the future holds, no one knows, but with Life Insurance in Asia in hand, you'll have a clear idea of the factions in play and the rules of the game.

Цена: 10494.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118360286


Life Markets. Trading Mortality and Longevity Risk with Life Settlements and Linked Securities
Life Markets. Trading Mortality and Longevity Risk with Life Settlements and Linked Securities

Автор: Vishaal Bhuyan B

A complete guide to longevity finance As the Baby Boomer population continues to age and the need for the securitization of life insurance policies increases, more financial institutions are looking towards longevity trading as a solution. Consequently, there is now a need for innovative financial products and strategies that have the ability to hedge longevity exposure for pension funds, reinsurance companies, and governments. These products and strategies are currently being developed with the use of life settlements. Here, author Vishaal Bhuyan provides a complete guide to this burgeoning sector. In Life Markets, Bhuyan and a team of expert contributors from leading firms offer an extensive look at how to trade life settlements. Provides practical guidance to the growing field of longevity finance Outlines the innovative financial products that are populating this field Highlights a safe haven for investors seeking returns in troubled times Covering everything from the history of life settlements to making a transaction-pricing, service providers, exchanges, and more-this book contains extensive coverage of the many issues surrounding longevity finance.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508121


Lights Out. The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You
Lights Out. The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You

Автор: Jason Makansi

A behind-the-scenes exposure why our electricity system is headed for a state of emergency-and what can be done to head it off Most people don't realize that skyrocketing global energy demand and economic growth severely affect the supply of electricity. Between production (power plants) and delivery is an antiquated, «third-world» transmission grid that is in desperate need of hardening against breakdowns, terrorist attacks, inadequate carrying capacity, and operational obsolescence. And while electricity doesn't hold the headlines or dramatic power of oil, the ability to ensure its uninterrupted supply at a reasonable price is even more essential to global survival and prosperity. Lights Out is today's most detailed, in-depth examination of this largely unreported looming energy crisis. Written by one of the world's top electricity industry experts, this powerful book covers numerous hot button economic and political issues-free markets versus regulation; energy independence versus foreign imports; nuclear power, global warming, and other environmental issues; and much more. Beyond just uncovering and illuminating the problems, however, it proposes a comprehensive road map of technical solutions and regulatory reform from both the production and demand sides of the equation-a framework for rethinking, rebuilding, and enhancing the entire electricity production and delivery infrastructure. Prescriptive and provocative, Lights Out will redefine the simmering debate on how the world can-and must-act now to head off a global catastrophe, one that could eventually wreak even more havoc than the ongoing oil crisis. Jason Makansi is the President of Pearl Street, Inc., a consulting firm; Principal of PS Liquidity Advisors, an advisory service for energy technology companies raising capital; and Executive Director of the Energy Storage Council, a public-policy advocacy organization. A prolific author, respected industry thought leader, and seasoned communicator, Mr. Makansi has been analyzing the technological, business, and regulatory issues in electricity production and delivery for over twenty-five years. He earned a BS in chemical engineering from Columbia University. His earlier books include An Investor’s Guide to the Electricity Economy, also published by John Wiley & Sons, and Managing Steam: An Engineering Guide to Commercial, Industrial, and Utility Systems.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470174302


Likeonomics. The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action
Likeonomics. The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action

Автор: Rohit Bhargava

How to become a trusted resource for consumers in a society of constant manipulation People decide who to trust, what advice to heed, and which individuals to forge personal or transactional relationships with based on a simple metric of believability. Success, in turn, comes from understanding one basic principle: how to be more trusted. Likeonomics offers a new vision of a world beyond Facebook where personal relationships, likeability, brutal honesty, extreme simplicity, and basic humanity are behind everything from multi-million dollar mergers to record-breaking product sales. There is a real ROI to likeability, and exactly how big it is will amaze you. Likeonomics provides real-world case studies of brands and individuals that have used these principles to become wildly successful, including: An iconic technology brand that awakened a revolution among their employees by standing for something bigger than their products A Portuguese singer who used YouTube to rack up more than 30 million views and launch her professional career. A regional team of financial advisors that went from being last in the nation among 176 branches to first, and stayed there for 13 of the next 15 years A tiny professional sports talent agent who achieved the impossible by landing the #1 drafted player in the NFL draft as a client through the power of relationships Author Rohit Bhargava is a founding member of the world's largest group of social media strategists at Ogilvy, where he has led marketing strategy for clients including Intel, Pepsi, Lenovo, Seiko, Unilever, and dozens of other large companies With Likeonomics as a guide, readers will get unconventional advice on how to stand out in a good way, avoid the hype and strategic traps of social media, and appeal to customers in a way that secures your company as a trusted and believable resource.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225356


Lila Tilla
Lila Tilla

Автор: Gust Verdonck

Серия: AQUENSIS Thriller

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783954570874


Lillys kleine Backstube
Lillys kleine Backstube

Автор: Carmen Sommer

Lilly hat eine kleine Konditorei mit einem Cafe er?ffnet. Pl?tzlich taucht einer Fremder auf. Er bleibt ein paar Monate bei ihr. Beide verlieben sich. Dann verschwindet der Fremde wieder. Lilly bemerkte nach ein paar Wochen, dass sie schwanger war. Mit Hilfe ihrer Freundinnen und Freunde ?bersteht sie die schwere Zeit und bringt einen gesunden Jungen zur Welt. Max hat sich in Lilly verliebt und bittet sie seine Frau zu werden.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783748565635


Limited Liability Companies For Dummies
Limited Liability Companies For Dummies

Автор: Jennifer Reuting

Become a savvy entrepreneur with your own LLC Limited Liability Companies For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers a clear, concise guide that explains the pros and cons of LLCs, and shares insider tips on everything from choosing your members and your company name to creating and filing your Articles of Organization and managing day-to-day operations. You'll find the most current, real-world advice on customizing an LLC for your specific business needs, creating a great operating agreement,, keeping accurate records, and new information on federal regulations and fees that are applicable to LLCs, as well as a link to online tools, forms, and documents Most of the previous drawbacks to forming an LLC have all but disappeared with the IRS having loosened restrictions and individual states following suit. Because LLCs are now more flexible, they remain an attractive option for those launching a new business or reorganizing an existing business. This book shows how to form and tap into the power of an LLC: Keep up on the latest information on federal taxes, regulations, and fees Discover the advances in technology, including online tools that streamline the processes Get up-to-the minute documents and forms on new filing requirements Learn how to set-up a real estate LLC or an LLC among family members This hands-on guide addresses everything you need to know about LLCs, and will help you organize, launch, and run your business as a limited liability company just like the experts do!

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118856536


Lineamientos generales para la gesti?n del ?rea de Recursos Humanos en organismos p?blicos
Lineamientos generales para la gesti?n del ?rea de Recursos Humanos en organismos p?blicos

Автор: Leonardo Gabriel Viso

En el presente trabajo se abordan diversas cuestiones que hacen al funcionamiento integral de toda el ?rea de recursos humanos con una orientaci?n hacia las organizaciones del sector p?blico. Sin embargo, diversas tem?ticas tratadas en el mismo pueden ser de aplicaci?n para entidades privadas y hasta para organizaciones no gubernamentales puesto que muchas de las problem?ticas del ?rea son comunes a todo tipo de organizaciones. El libro se encuentra dividido en un principio en tres secciones que abarcan las funciones integrales de recursos humanos: administraci?n de personal, desarrollo de carrera y competencias laborales. Posteriormente se destaca la importancia de contar con un Plan Anual de Gesti?n de los Recursos Humanos, determinadas cuestiones que hacen a la cultura organizacional y a la relaci?n del ?rea con los actores que interact?an con la misma, con un tono de propuesta personal que tiene como objetivo fortalecer la calidad profesional de los trabajadores, lo cual puede llegar a redundar en una mejor gesti?n y en una mayor probabilidad de lograr cumplir con los objetivos organizacionales establecidos por las autoridades.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9789878711652


LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies
LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies

Автор: Perry Beek van

Make selling a social affair! The ABCs of sales have changed. It's no longer: A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. The new way of selling is: A-Always, B-Be, C-Contributing to your buyer's journey. Social selling is an effective way to engage with your customer, and the world's most powerful social selling tool for any B2B sales professional is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It allows you to gain access to more leads, more InMail, and data to track your efforts. With the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies, you'll learn how to write effective InMail messages and engage with prospects on the world's most successful professional networking site. Along with utilizing those features, you'll also benefit from access to full profiles outside of your network, guidance on how to best optimize your own profile for sales opportunities, and much more. Use lead recommendations to get in front of the right buyer Analyze your social selling efforts with real-time data Reach more leads with customized InMail messages Save 30 – 60 minutes a day previously spent on acquisitions If you're a B2B sales professional who is new to LinkedIn Sales Navigator, this is the one-stop resource you can't be without.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119427759


Linos Instinkt
Linos Instinkt

Автор: Dorothee Fesel

?ber Wasser f?ngt das Leben erst richtig an – das denken Eintagsfliegenlarve Lino und seine Freunde. So verbringen sie ihre Zeit unter Wasser mit ungeduldigem Warten und den gr??ten Erwartungen an ihre Zukunft als Fliege. Als Lino nach drei Jahren endlich in die faszinierende ?berwasser-Welt kommt, wird ihm jedoch schnell klar, dass er dort nur einen Tag zu leben hat. Es sei denn, er k?mpft gegen seinen Instinkt an und paart sich nicht mit einem der verlockenden Eintagsfliegen-M?dchen. Das klappt gut – bis er sich verliebt.
"Lino`s Instinkt" ist eine spannende Geschichte ?ber das Warten und Tr?umen, das Erwachsenwerden, den Kreislauf des Lebens und die Akzeptanz des Todes. Diese ernsten Themen werden locker und humorvoll aus Sicht der Eintagsfliege Lino als aufregendes Abenteuer erz?hlt.
Zum Vorlesen und Selberlesen f?r Kinder zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783738004823


Linux Bible
Linux Bible

Автор: Christopher Negus

The industry favorite Linux guide, updated for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and the cloud Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. This updated ninth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), Fedora 21, and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and includes new information on cloud computing and development with guidance on Openstack and Cloudforms. With a focus on RHEL 7, this practical guide gets you up to speed quickly on the new enhancements for enterprise-quality file systems, the new boot process and services management, firewalld, and the GNOME 3 desktop. Written by a Red Hat expert, this book provides the clear explanations and step-by-step instructions that demystify Linux and bring the new features seamlessly into your workflow. This useful guide assumes a base of little or no Linux knowledge, and takes you step by step through what you need to know to get the job done. Get Linux up and running quickly Master basic operations and tackle more advanced tasks Get up to date on the recent changes to Linux server system management Bring Linux to the cloud using Openstack and Cloudforms Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the one resource you need, and provides the hands-on training that gets you on track in a flash.

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118999899


Listen First!. Turning Social Media Conversations Into Business Advantage
Listen First!. Turning Social Media Conversations Into Business Advantage

Автор: Stephen Rappaport D

This superb book synthesizes the industry's best thinking on the massive upside of listening. Listen First! is an invaluable resource for marketing executives and will help organizations create real competitive advantage. —Dave Hudson, CEO, NM Incite, a joint venture of McKinsey and Nielsen «Listening is a business imperative . . . especially in a world of empowered consumers. Brands are getting built and nurtured in a very different way. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to succeed in this new world order.» —Stan Sthanunathan, Vice President, Marketing Strategy & Insights, Coca-Cola «One by one, the best marketing companies are putting 'listening to consumers' on their strategic agenda. Following each announcement, we hear . . . silence, as staff groups try to grapple with the new directive. Listen First! is a timely, unhyped, and pragmatic field guide for those exploring the world of listening.» —Ted McConnell, EVP Digital, Advertising Research Foundation; former head of Digital Marketing Innovation, Procter & Gamble «How many of you have an effective listening strategy? To help guide you in the listening maze, identify new business opportunities, and select the right partners for the development and implementation of an effective listening strategy, this book is a must and an enjoyable read!» —Prof. Yoram (Jerry) Wind, The Lauder Professor, The Wharton School «We started J&D's with a single idea – to make everything taste like bacon. All we needed now were customers. So we decided to go where the conversations were, and we've been listening ever since. We use social media to connect with our customers, promote our advancements in bacon-o-vation, and ask for their feedback on new product development. If you're an entrepreneur or run a small business, this book will give you lots of examples and terrific and practical ideas for creatively listening to your customers and growing it.» —Justin Esch, cofounder, J&D's Foods

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118033722


Livable Communities for Aging Populations. Urban Design for Longevity
Livable Communities for Aging Populations. Urban Design for Longevity

Автор: M. Ball Scott

An innovative look at design solutions for building lifelong neighborhoods Livable Communities for Aging Populations provides architects and designers with critical guidance on urban planning and building design that allows people to age in their own homes and communities. The focus is on lifelong neighborhoods, where healthcare and accessibility needs of residents can be met throughout their entire life cycle. Written by M. Scott Ball, a Duany Plater-Zyberk architect with extensive expertise in designing for an aging society, this important work explores the full range of factors involved in designing for an aging population—from social, economic, and public health policies to land use, business models, and built form. Ball examines in detail a number of case studies of communities that have implemented lifelong solutions, discussing how to apply these best practices to communities large and small, new and existing, urban and rural. Other topics include: How healthcare and disability can be integrated into an urban environment as a lifelong function The need for partnership between healthcare providers, community support services, and real-estate developers How to handle project financing and take advantage of lessons learned in the senior housing industry The role of transportation, access, connectivity, and building diversity in the success of lifelong neighborhoods Architects, urban planners, urban designers, and developers will find Livable Communities for Aging Populations both instructive and inspiring. The book also includes a wealth of pertinent information for public health officials working on policy issues for aging populations.

Цена: 9941.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118197264


Live It Up Without Outliving Your Money!. Getting the Most From Your Investments in Retirement
Live It Up Without Outliving Your Money!. Getting the Most From Your Investments in Retirement

Автор: Paul Merriman

Completely expanded and updated, Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money! Second Edition is the financial roadmap that people are looking for. Based on the author's experience in the financial services sector since the mid-1960s, including more than 30 years as an investment advisor and money manager, this plain-talking book gives readers simple strategies to add between $1,000 and $10,000 to their monthly income in retirement, and without taking any of the dumb risks of the past. This reliable resource motivates readers to take the first steps to change their financial situation; presents multiple strategies for withdrawing money during retirement; and exposes the marketing tricks perpetrated by financial institutions. This book also includes added focus on newer issues such as ETFs, REITs, estate planning, IRA withdrawals, and updated allocation strategies. Live it Up Without Outliving Your Money! : • Allows readers to tailor a financial plan for retirement that takes into account the amount of risk they’re willing to tolerate • Provides multiple strategies for withdrawing money once in retirement while also building an estate for children and other survivors • Exposes the marketing tricks and emotional ploys perpetrated by financial institutions and the personal finance media that keep investors from making the best decisions – and provide real-world examples of these deceptions • Motivates readers to take the first steps to change their financial situation, which is the most difficult part of the strategy • Includes a dozen worksheets to help readers grapple with retirement planning

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470377758


Live-Seminar Reicht?mer
Live-Seminar Reicht?mer

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Tausende, wenn nicht Millionen von Internet-Vermarkter machen sich in der Branche nicht nur einen Namen, sondern leben jetzt auch ihre Lebenstr?ume.
Die Reise mag f?r sie nicht einfach gewesen sein, aber sie waren klug genug, die unz?hligen M?glichkeiten des Internet-Marketings zu nutzen.
Internet-Marketing ist als Beruf so lukrativ, wie Sie es sich vorstellen k?nnen. Erstens nutzt es das Internet als Hauptmittel, um riesige Einnahmen zu erzielen und gleichzeitig wichtige Marketingstrategien einzubeziehen.
Das Besondere am Internet-Marketing ist, dass f?r dieses Gesch?ft kein Experte erforderlich ist, nur um es auszuprobieren. Sogar diejenigen ohne Hintergrund konnten in dieser Branche Bekanntheit und Erfolg erlangen.
Dieses eBook pr?sentiert Ihnen die gr??ten Internet-Vermarkter der Welt von heute und ihre Geschichten, so dass diejenigen, die hoffen, in die Gelegenheit einzutauchen, begeistert sein werden.
In diesem eBook erfahren Sie, wer diese Internet-Vermarkter sind und worauf sich ihre Live-Seminare konzentriert haben. Ihre Erfolgsgeschichten sind wirklich inspirierend und es wird Sie dazu bewegen, Ihrem Impuls zu folgen und einfach Ihr Gl?ck in der Branche zu versuchen. Dies bedeutet nat?rlich nicht, dass Sie nicht mit dem richtigen Training und den richtigen Techniken ausgestattet w?ren, die Ihnen helfen k?nnen. Dieses eBook kann das sehr gut f?r Sie tun.
In ein paar Monaten oder einem Jahr, wer wei?, k?nnten Sie auch einer dieser Internet-Vermarkter sein, der seine Erfolgsgeschichte mit der ganzen Welt teilt.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783750214897


Live-Work Planning and Design. Zero-Commute Housing
Live-Work Planning and Design. Zero-Commute Housing

Автор: Thomas Dolan

“Although the live-work concept is now accepted among progressive urban design and planning professionals, the specifics that define the term, and its application, remain sketchy. This encyclopedic work is sure to change that, providing the critical information that is needed by architects, planners and citizens.” -Peter Katz, Author, The New Urbanism, and Planning Director, Arlington County, Virginia Live-Work Planning and Design is the only comprehensive guide to the design and planning of live-work spaces for architects, designers, and urban planners. Readers will learn from built examples of live-work, both new construction and renovation, in a variety of locations. Urban planners, developers, and economic development staff will learn how various municipalities have developed and incorporated live-work within building codes and city plans. The author, whose pioneering website, www.live-work.com, has been guiding practitioners and users of live-work since 1998, is the United States' leading expert on the subject.

Цена: 9941.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118144046


Living for the Weekday. What Every Employee and Boss Needs to Know about Enjoying Work and Life
Living for the Weekday. What Every Employee and Boss Needs to Know about Enjoying Work and Life

Автор: Clint Swindall

Praise for Living for the Weekday «If you want to have a team where leaders and employees are working hand-in-hand to build a culture of employee engagement, then you need to read this book. I'm confident it will help you become a weekday warrior.» —Jon Gordon bestselling author of The Energy Bus and Soup «In Living for the Weekday, Clint Swindall has rounded out a powerful message. Each individual has a personal responsibility, a singular opportunity to be highly engaged as an employee and, more importantly, highly productive and happy in all aspects of life.»—Barry Malcolm, Managing Director, Scotiabank Bahamas Ltd. «If you want to unlock your potential and the potential of those around you, Living for the Weekday is a must read.» —Mike Crownover, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Valero Energy Corporation «Employee engagement is a two-way street with both employers and employees responsible for creating a positive and productive work environment… Living for the Weekday presents employees with a practical and powerful approach to taking control of their own happiness.»—Roger C. Ahlfeld Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Training, Uno Chicago Grill «Clint Swindall lays out a clear plan that anyone can apply to become more engaged in their work and in their lives.» —Dennis Snow, author of Unleashing Excellence

Цена: 2112.63 руб.
ISBN: 9780470640869


Living in a Material World
Living in a Material World

Автор: Группа авторов

At a time when the world is grappling with rising food and energy prices and climate change, Living in a Material World provides an insight into some of the contributing factors behind these challenges. The emergence of new consumers in China, India, Russia and the Middle East has added formidable competition to the natural resources that have been taken for granted in the developed world. Everything we consume involves the use of metals, fossil fuels or agriculture. Our high tech 'lifestyles' depend on the secure supply of these raw materials which we take from planet earth and use to make our lives more comfortable, more productive or more manageable. The effect of this increasing global demand for commodities has pushed up prices of materials from oil and copper to corn and wheat; forcing consumers to pay more for the many 'necessities' of life, from a loaf of bread to electricity bills. Since the commodity boom has unfolded, commodities have gone from the back page of the newspaper to the front; with more and more headlines about record food and oil prices, dire climate change warnings, energy security and China's demand for more raw materials. This era of high oil and food prices is no passing phase: The supply of many key natural resources is stretched to the limit. But what is the real cost? Living in a Material World makes the link between raw materials and the consumer, and shows how they are relevant to everybody, everyday – now more so than at any time since the last oil shock nearly three decades ago. A unique insight into this 'once in a generation' boom, the book shows how the increasing value of commodities is impacting on consumers and investors, in ways we are only just beginning to understand. «It was a great pleasure to read this book which provides an essential background to understanding commodities for anybody interested in understanding them more closely. It is so rare to see all the essential elements brought together in one book.» –Chris Brodie, Krom River Partners LLP «Kevin Morrison set out to write a book about the daily relevance that raw materials have for the ordinary consumer. He has achieved his objective par excellence. The subject matter has been comprehensively researched and well documented – yet the writer has avoided using complicated technical language. The style of the book is more in tune with a novel and the main topics are treated with a special sense of humour. I would readily recommend this work to anyone interested in how global energy issues have a direct affect on us all.» –Mehdi Varzi, President, Varzi Energy, London

Цена: 4197.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780470697450


Living Life with Diabetes
Living Life with Diabetes

Автор: John Keeler

Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of four, John Keeler's life subsequently has been marked by a determination to make it as rich and complete as possible. A wise, personal account of his successful struggles with this life-threatening illness, Living Life with Diabetes details the too often ignored psychological and emotional aspects of the condition. Full of insights for sufferers and their families and friends, Living Life with Diabetes sheds light on relationships with the medical profession and problems often encountered, as well as often overlooked difficulties of living with the disease.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470870037


Living Like You Mean It. Use the Wisdom and Power of Your Emotions to Get the Life You Really Want
Living Like You Mean It. Use the Wisdom and Power of Your Emotions to Get the Life You Really Want

Автор: Ronald Frederick J

In LIVING LIKE YOU MEAN IT, author Ronald J. Frederick, does a brilliant job of describing why people are so afraid of their emotions and how this fear creates a variety of problems in their lives. While the problems are different, the underlying issue is often the same. At the core of their distress is what Dr. Frederick refers to as feelings phobia. Whether it s the experience of love, joy, anger, sadness, or surprise, our inborn ability to be a fully feeling person has been hijacked by fear–and it s fear that s keeping us from a better life. The book begins with a questionnaire-style list that help readers take an honest look at themselves and recognize whether and how they are afraid of their feelings. It then moves on to explore the origins of fear of feeling and introduces a four-part program for overcoming the fear: (1) Become aware of and learn to recognize feelings–anger, sadness, joy, love, fear, guilt/shame, surprise, disgust. (2) Master techniques for taming the fear. (3) Let the feeling work its way all the way through to its resolution. (4) Open up and put those feelings into words and communicate them confidently. With wisdom, humor, and compassion, the book uses stories and examples to help readers see that overcoming feelings phobia is the key to a better life and more fulfilling relationships.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470432648


Lo que s? funciona
Lo que s? funciona

Автор: Iris Bohnet

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9786079805937


Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps
Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps

Автор: Paul Hedges

The key to a successful loan workout is to identify the problems accurately and address them early. It is critical that the company's underlying business and financial problems are resolved and not merely the symptoms. Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps examines how a successful loan workout can be managed. It detail the processes and participants involved, whilst providing frameworks and practical step- by-step approaches that allow for a coherent and cohesive policy to give the best possible chance of success. The book assists in the ultimate aim of providing a firm base for the future health of the company involved and maximizing the lenders' returns. This work is not merely restricted to companies and banks involved in the process, but other important participants in loan workouts. Areas featured in the book are: * What loan workouts are and why they are needed * Non-performing loans related strategies, organization and systems * Participants involved in loan workouts and their motivations * Symptoms of corporate distress and corporate turnaround strategies * Major steps involved in a typical loan workout transaction * Special issues relating to debt for equity swap transactions * A case study illustrating many of the issues covered in the book

Цена: 22755.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780470845448


Lobsters. Biology, Management, Aquaculture & Fisheries
Lobsters. Biology, Management, Aquaculture & Fisheries

Автор: Bruce Phillips

This expanded and fully updated Second Edition of the most comprehensive and successful book on lobsters, comprises contributions from many of the world’s experts, each providing core information for all those working in lobster biology, fisheries research and management and lobster aquaculture. Under the editorship of Bruce Phillips, the Second Edition of Lobsters: Biology, Management, Fisheries and Aquaculture delivers exhaustive coverage of these fascinating creatures, stretching from growth and development to management and conservation. A number of chapters from the First Edition covering Growth, Reproduction, Diseases, Behaviour, Nutrition, Larval and Post-Larval Ecology and Juvenile and Adult Ecology have been replaced by new chapters including Lobsters in Ecosystems, Genetics, Translocation, Climate Change, Ecolabelling of Lobsters, Casitas and Other Artificial Shelters, Systems to maximise Economic Benefits.. These new chapters reflect changes that are occurring in lobster management and new research developments brought on by social, climatic and economic changes. As well as information from new research output, information in each chapter is also included on individual commercial Genera, including aspects of Species and distribution, Predators and diseases, Ecology and behaviour, Aquaculture and enhancement, Harvest of wild populations and their regulations, Management and conservation. The chapter on slipper lobsters has also been expanded to include Thenus and Ibacus species which are now subject to commercial fisheries. The changes that have occurred in some lobster fisheries, the new management arrangements in place, the status of stocks and the current economic and social situation of each fishery have also been covered and discussed in great detail. Fisheries scientists, fisheries managers aquaculture personnel, aquatic and invertebrate biologists, physiologists, ecologists, marine biologists and environmental biologists will all find Lobsters Second Edition to be a vital source of reference. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and life sciences and fisheries and aquaculture are studied and taught will find it an extremely valuable addition to their shelves.

Цена: 32802.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781118517529


Location Based Marketing For Dummies
Location Based Marketing For Dummies

Автор: Mike Schneider

Learn to create a two-way dialog with customers with location-based services and smartphones Location-based services (LBS) have started to gain popularity in the marketplace with more and more businesses starting to incorporate LBS into their marketing mix. This book is a necessary resource for anyone eager to create a two-way dialog with their customers in order to establish customer loyalty programs, drive promotions, or encourage new visitors. You'll learn how to successfully build, launch, and measure a location-based marketing program and figure out which location-based services are right for your business. Packed with resources that share additional information, this helpful guide walks you through the tools and techniques needed to measure all the data that results from a successful location-based marketing program. Serves as an ideal introduction to location-based marketing and gets you started building a location-based marketing program Helps you figure out which location-based service (LBS) is right for your business and then integrate LBS with your social graph Details ways to create compelling offers, using location-based marketing as a customer loyalty program, and set performance goals and benchmarks Explains how to use tools to measure your campaign, analyze results, and determine your business's success Includes examples of companies that are successfully using location-based marketing to demonstrate techniques and concepts featured in the book No matter your location, location-based services can benefit your business and this For Dummies book shows you how!

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118132067


Locavesting. The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It
Locavesting. The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It

Автор: Amy Cortese

How individuals and communities can profit from local investing In the wake of the financial crisis, investors are faced with a stark choice: entrust their hard-earned dollars to the Wall Street casino, or settle for anemic interest rates on savings, bonds, and CDs. Meanwhile, small businesses are being starved for the credit and capital they need to grow. There's got to be a better way. In Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit from It, Amy Cortese takes us inside the local investing movement, where solutions to some of the nation's most pressing problems are taking shape. The idea is that, by investing in local businesses, rather than faceless conglomerates, investors can earn profits while building healthy, self-reliant communities. Introduces you to the ideas and pioneers behind the local investing movement Profiles the people and communities who are putting their money to work in their own backyards and taking control of their destinies Explores innovative investment strategies, from community capital and crowdfunding to local stock exchanges With confidence in Wall Street and the government badly shaken, Americans are looking for alternatives. Local investing offers a way to rebuild our nest eggs, communities, and, just perhaps, our country.

Цена: 2112.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781118085806


Log?stica de la A a la Z
Log?stica de la A a la Z

Автор: Adolfo Carre?o

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9786123170165


Logic as a Tool. A Guide to Formal Logical Reasoning
Logic as a Tool. A Guide to Formal Logical Reasoning

Автор: Valentin Goranko

Written in a clear, precise and user-friendly style, Logic as a Tool: A Guide to Formal Logical Reasoning is intended for undergraduates in both mathematics and computer science, and will guide them to learn, understand and master the use of classical logic as a tool for doing correct reasoning. It offers a systematic and precise exposition of classical logic with many examples and exercises, and only the necessary minimum of theory. The book explains the grammar, semantics and use of classical logical languages and teaches the reader how grasp the meaning and translate them to and from natural language. It illustrates with extensive examples the use of the most popular deductive systems – axiomatic systems, semantic tableaux, natural deduction, and resolution – for formalising and automating logical reasoning both on propositional and on first-order level, and provides the reader with technical skills needed for practical derivations in them. Systematic guidelines are offered on how to perform logically correct and well-structured reasoning using these deductive systems and the reasoning techniques that they employ. •Concise and systematic exposition, with semi-formal but rigorous treatment of the minimum necessary theory, amply illustrated with examples •Emphasis both on conceptual understanding and on developing practical skills •Solid and balanced coverage of syntactic, semantic, and deductive aspects of logic •Includes extensive sets of exercises, many of them provided with solutions or answers •Supplemented by a website including detailed slides, additional exercises and solutions For more information browse the book's website at: https://logicasatool.wordpress.com

Цена: 6392.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781118880050


Los 13 Pasos + 1 Escal?n. La forma pr?ctica para ser un Representante Protagonista
Los 13 Pasos + 1 Escal?n. La forma pr?ctica para ser un Representante Protagonista

Автор: Jos? Luis Morales

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9788468544113


Los 7 Habitos de los Gerentes (abreviado)
Los 7 Habitos de los Gerentes (abreviado)

Автор: Стивен Кови

Исполнители: Alejo Felipe

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781611540703


Los diez mandamientos de la inversi?n inmobiliaria
Los diez mandamientos de la inversi?n inmobiliaria

Автор: Alex Mijares

?Quieres invertir en propiedades residenciales y no sabes por d?nde empezar? En Los diez mandamientos de la inversi?n inmobiliaria, el autor te explica paso a paso todo lo que debes saber para comenzar tu camino como inversor.Desde los conceptos m?s b?sicos como por ejemplo decidir d?nde invertir y qu? tipo de inmueble comprar, hasta lo m?s importante que debes saber cuando est?s manejando tu portafolio de propiedades, en Los diez mandamientos todo est? explicado de una forma amena y f?cil de leer.No es dinero lo m?s importante para tener ?xito con la inversi?n inmobiliaria, como la mayor?a de la gente piensa. Lo m?s importante es motivaci?n. C?mo convertir esa motivaci?n en riqueza tomando las decisiones adecuadas es la clave y a trav?s del libro se describe en detalle este proceso.La preparaci?n es el 90% del ?xito, y estar preparado es saber qu? hacer y c?mo resolver los retos del d?a a d?a. En Los diez mandamientos de la inversi?n inmobiliaria encontrar?s un manual pr?ctico que te guiar? en tus primeros pasos como inversor y un texto de referencia a donde acudir para obtener valios?sima informaci?n en el resto de tu carrera inmobiliaria.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788411140546


Los impasses de la feminidad
Los impasses de la feminidad

Автор: Gabriela Camaly

Estimado lector o lectora, ya te pienses masculino, femenina o incluso neutro, olv?date de lo que hasta ahora cre?as saber sobre las mujeres. Este libro te dir? que cualquier saber que hayas acumulado sobre ellas no vale mucho a la hora de definir la feminidad como sustancia, como La mujer que existir?a si t?, estimado lector o lectora, no fueras un ser hablante, alguien sometido inevitablemente a ese «imposible de decir inherente al goce sexual» que estas p?ginas te recuerdan de entrada. Entonces, ya te pienses hombre o mujer, o neutro, o alguno m?s de los cincuenta y cuatro g?neros enumerados para tu elecci?n en Facebook, lo real de la feminidad seguir? mostr?ndose como la alteridad irreductible a lo que puedas representarte de la sexualidad.Este libro realiza as? un preciso recorrido por el mapa trazado por Lacan, despu?s de Freud, sobre el territorio de la feminidad. El concepto del falo ser? central en la teor?a para mostrar precisamente aquello que escapa a ?l, al falo y al concepto. En el mapa resultante aparecen entonces m?ltiples zonas sin representaci?n posible que dan cuenta del goce femenino imposible de simbolizar. Pero la autora no se conforma con explicarnos el mapa en una clara exposici?n de los conceptos que han servido para dibujar las fronteras y escribir los nombres de los lugares. Estas p?ginas son adem?s una suerte de libro de viaje, como aquellos libros que escrib?an los exploradores sabi?ndose siempre extranjeros en un pa?s del que no conoc?an las fronteras. Es un testimonio directo del tipo «yo estuve all?» y vuelvo ahora para cont?roslo.Este trabajo traspasa las fronteras del discurso universitario para mostrar que el discurso anal?tico empieza a escribirse precisamente all? donde esas fronteras se muestran absolutamente impropias para hacer una topograf?a del ser hablante afectado por el goce femenino. Miquel Bassols

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9789878372235


Los nueve libros de la Historia
Los nueve libros de la Historia

Автор: Herodoto de Halicarnaso

Серия: Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783959281522


Los secretos de un l?der exitoso
Los secretos de un l?der exitoso

Автор: Las 4 Miradas de la gesti?n empresarial

El primer paso para superar una barrera es aceptar que existe. Quienes conducen personas, saben que hay una gran variedad de obst?culos que se presentan diariamente que dificultan llegar a todos los «rincones» de una organizaci?n con directivas o lineamientos para la acci?n. Es decir: para lograr que los colaboradores hagan su tarea diaria de forma efectiva y diferente, acompa?ando los permanentes cambios en las preferencias de los clientes. Las razones, aunque pueden ser m?ltiples, generalmente se centran en la capacidad del l?der para «derribar» esas barreras. Prestigiosas consultoras y afamadas escuelas de negocio internacionales aseguran que cuando la gesti?n del l?der logra desarrollar en sus colaboradores la lealtad y el compromiso con los resultados que cada uno logre, esas barreras se «esfuman», transform?ndose por el contario en s?lidos anclajes con los equipos que integran y con la organizaci?n en su conjunto.A lo largo de estos cinco Cap?tulos se analizan las diferentes t?cnicas y herramientas de que dispone un l?der para alcanzar estos dos objetivos fundamentales para que su gesti?n sea realmente exitosa: generar lealtad y desarrollar el compromiso de los integrantes de su equipo.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789878644561


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